Prasart Pra Vihran - Exhibit A

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Summaryofthe Summa

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Judqment of 15 June 1962 Prnnpcrlinos in the case concernirrg tl^,eTennpleof Preah Vihear, betra,eenCambodia and Thailand, ra,ereinstitirted on 6 '

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October1959by an Applicationof the Gor,ernnentof Cambodia;tfre Goiernrnentof Thailandhavingraisedtuo preliminary the Court by its Judgnrentof 26 tr/ay1961,foundtrat it hadjurisdiction, objections, \ In its Judgnenton the nerits tlre ()ouri,by nine votesto three,foundtrat 0'reTempleof PreahVihearwas sit f J wifrdraw any thatThailandt,vasunderan obligationto ( territoryunderthe sorereigntvof Oanrltodiaan9, in consequence, by her at fre Tenple, or in its vicinityon Cambodian or pohceforces,or otirerg u-rrjs or keepers,statroned mrtrtary ) territory. By selen lotes to fire, the Court found that Thailandwas under an obligationto restoreto Canbodia any sculptures,stelae, fragmenb of monunrents,sandstorremodeland ancientpotterywtrich might,since he date of the occupatjonof the Temple by Thailandin 1954,hare been rerrou:d from the Templeor the Templearea by tre Thai auihorities and JudgeSir Vice-PresidentAlfaro a Joint Declaration. appendedto tre Judgnnent JudgeTanakaand Judge Mo;'r:lli Quinbna,WellingtonKoo and Sir Percy Spender GeraidFibmauriceappendedSeparateOpinions;Judgeslrrlcreno appendedDissentngOpinions.

o\er theregionof theTempleof Preah theCourtfoundtf at fre subjectof fie dispub$as so\ereignty ln itsJudgrnent, vdlich Mhear.Thisancientsanciuary,p€rtiallyin ruins,stoodon a prorDntoryof he Dangrekrangeof mountains Thedisputehaditstonsel orlgoin the boundarysetlen€nts andThailand. theboundarybet\,eenCambodia conslittted andSiam.The ^ madein thepenod190+1908bef4€enFrance,thenconductngtheforeignrelalionsof Indo-China, generalcharacierof the particular, That Treaty established invoh.ed. \aas, in Tllery_S!-3l4lggryl-g of tre application A..J6$;?ilnteiEeGEa Mbred cormission by a Franco-sianese was to be deiin*led b-6Gatt;ii-.icn /'I lhe frontjer\,!asto follo!llhqf41El9!9!1, ranqe,In whrchPreahVrhear\^assituated, tn he easternsectofoi lne Danqr{)k

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/ ' I g!!:Yqfq9 wholeof qLe-e!!FIq!3491!llgIange lthadnotbeen s19u1o oiirceroitn6Frenctrsect6n-itxr eommiq;.g4 of h,] frencnJncSianesesectionsdulynnoetirlsjourney,in tirecourseof 'rtricht]ey contijtedij,rattnePresidents -/ tc his hqdreDqr.ted of he French.sectio-n oi PreahVihear.ln Jan{atfqDlu?ry 1907,tq President Vsiedfie Temote A - I hadbCen fl lthereforeseenedcleajhat a fro-1tier established. dratthetronter-lineh.rdoebndefrnt6rv Go\€rnmen: rggionin alv mnLt+ D_angre! no reference to fie decision and no record of any tne13 was d,_a-!lli:r,gfr ,S!!€J_g{e!d_rL mightha\€rnetfor er,at thetirnewhenile Commission after2 Decenber 1906.lvloreo\ Efg"r"Ar,.r "-titeir* boundary of a furlherFranco-SianEse up jts!^o.k aiienton$as directedtowardstheconclusion thepuiposeoi winding reatv.theTfearyof 23 March19C7. The-sjanresq of.r:naps. grernment whiehdid natdispg--s,e.-9f ,asthepreparation owlngPreah !rcrecornrnunlcatel t@lernnnenlur tgdg.nmonqstthemuas a ma inthatCggrbodig on uil map(fitedasAnnexI to its lv'tenrcrial) lad_priLcip-allv.lelied frh-er;ffiiros [e1-gle-rf,?Prl!!-Eingthe Juppq4!t!gl9lA0_Iqsqr"Iglglu-or,er tfreternpte.ttraitinO,on he otrer nanO,hgdqqdeJtd_e! @rfixsaoil,q.r'piluql4g-l[eIac_!er;--ugIl!9aqLti-erindicated9nj!!@9nqt!he'[u9v1@!qqsh{-!ne tr a i l a n do ner,erbeen acceptedby Thailand Thailand,thatthe map had ner,er rrrid tjd placethe Templein Thailand, a1lllql$gl1qg Uelglg&q_lin€w(rt alternaU*ly,iri: it ri airanonao a?9g,rteq-Ll [<-g-9if9.aeqdy-qe--ceg99-ql-e 11!$at<elLejtef-t]e!-lh9-ffo-i{]!5,-d all(l
















line witr tre vuatersheci corresoonded t9 fqnctignsornemonthst I map waqnever forrnattvapproredbv tire MixedConnnission,which bad-qe-ag9E A :7 l*qAlngl | ) . I [ b e i o ' ''fiZ--]ilffi7tf,o aG-ffiffi|edoubtfratitwasbasedonfreraorkofthesurreyingofficersin was clearfrom bindinq character. f \ r:..,,rrrnev:rtheless nev,:rthplessconcluded concluclecl that in its inception, had no binding hat, sector,tfie Court ti1--Dangrek 'tfratthe nlalp:;\ilere communicatedto t"reSianreseGorernmentas purportingto representthe outconre 1t'.rerecoiO,hovr,er,er, since tirerewas no reactionon the part of the Sianese authorities,eitherthenor for many i of thevnrk of dellmitaiion, to he Sianese nembers of the be heiCto ha,re:cquiesced.The mapsu,erernoreo\€rcommunicated ,'l 1 ya.rr, they r-,rust who thankedthe French Damrong, Prince lnterior, the of Mlnister 1o the Siamese rrg noth vr/ro said irrlioO Comrnissicn. I X ) 7 of PreahVihear.lf the n' i Uinirt r in Barrgkokfor them,ano to the Siameseprovincialgo\ernors,sone of whom knew ' they couh not now pleadany error vitjatingthe reality \ Sianreseauthoritiesaccepieothe {irirex I map withoutinrestigation,

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Srrnmaryof theSunmaryof thejudgmentof l5 Jun: 1962



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of theirconsent \ TheSianreseGovernnentand latertlre Thai Gorernnenthad raisedno query aboutthe AnnexI rnapprtortr tls vith Cambodiain Bangkokin 1958.But in 1934-1935a suney had establisheda dirergencebel*een the rnap r negotiations ( and oher mapshad beenproducedshowng the Templeas beingin Thailand: lineandthe fue ilne of he watershecj, conbnuedaso to use and indeedto publishnnps shoiling PreahMhear as lyingrn Cambodia 7 Thaitandhad nerertheless Treatles,ra,frich confirrredthe existing ( forthe 1925and'1937Franc+-Siarnese in the courseof the negotiabons frrloreorer, Comrnsson, rt uoui,Chare been naturalfor ) frontjers,and in 1947rn Washingtonbeforethe Franco-sianeseConciliatjon Thailand to raisethe nrrater:she did rot do so. The naturalinferencewas trat she had acceptedthe frontierat Preah '/ 'respecijre Tailano nao srareou'rat Vrhearas-itwas drawn on rle rrep, | @fi'elqatersn6-1ina havingbeen, at ali-maGnelEmes,in ;lossessionoFPreahVihear-hehad had no need to raise ffre nater; she had indeed instanced the acb of her adminisf'atiwaut'roritieson tfregroundas evidencetrat she had nerer acceptedthe Annex| [ne the consistentattjtudecf fie central at PreahVihear.But the Court founCit difficuftto regardsuch localacts as negatirring lr4oreover, v,henin '1930)rince Damrong,on a Msittothe Temple,was officiallyreceir.edthereby tne French aug1orittes. crovince,Siamfaileotc react Cambocjrart for the aCjoinrng Resident

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Fromhese facis,the couriconciuceddratThaiiandhadacceptedtheAnnexI nnp. Evenif therewere any doubtin this nao reiieo from assertrng thatshe nad notacceptedit sinceFranceand Can-bodia l}ailand was not preclucteC connecbon, uponher acceptanceand she nac fci'fifiy years enjoyedsuch benefitsas tireTreatyof 1904has conferredon her Furhermore,the acceptanceof rne r\nnexI map causedit to entertre tealy sehier,eni,the Parbesnad at thattjme of the Treatyand, as cf lrat set|i:r:entwhrchcausedthe nup lineto preratlor.erthe proMSICns adoptedan interpreta',ton nere was no reasonto thrnk6rat1nePartes had attachedany specialimportancetc the line of fle watershedas such as i}]e Coud consiceredfiat he conpared!\.fththe o\errlding impo.tenceof a flnal regulatjonof heir o\\ri fronters, C :C lfterpretaironto be gi\€n nolvwcub Dethe sarE. \ ,4t1' " or. u.eAr._ex rlaf r. :i e oisJiiedareaar o n fa,oLrofmefro.ler oorcatec IteCc.-.'.re.z:c'E,e:a:-aCl):i:--:!rce ) -re ' '1 ine ratersned iacl r :-e co'resio_a n o"a""r" J.iecessal_ lo ::rsrcc' '.'etre'i^e [le as nraooedd:d ,/ o\er Preah Vlh€-ar. trese reascns.ihe CcL.'1..lphedhe submissionsoi Canbooia ccncerningso',€r€Lgnry


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