Coronuniou6 no . ( Unofficial)
The fol.loling infornation from of Justice is communicated to
the the
Regj-stry press;
When he, spsta the hearing of Thursday, 1}larch 1952, at IO.JO B.ril.y for the oral prcsentation of their arguments by the pa,rfigs in the case concerr.ing the Tenple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand.) ' (merits), the President of tire Internationa] Court of Justice vrill say a felr ncrds recalling that I) Februar;' 1!62 vras the fortieth anniversary of the inauguration, in the great court-room of the Peace Palace, of the Permanent Court of rnternational Justi-ce, ,at v.'ltich the Queen of the. Netherlands and distinguj"shed Netherlands and foreign public figures r,'ere present. Ee rvilr refer briefly to the origins of the c,stoblisirment of an international" tribunal and 1ts subsoquent develotnent. The Prcsident iij.I1 then open the hearj.ngs devoted to arguments in the above csse. The Parties
the oraL
vi11 be representeC as follorvs
Cambodia: H rr
n . . .cr
l- J- qUII6
Member .of the Haut Conseil
- ang
du Tr6ne
.as t\gent and H.E. Ouk Chhcun
Minj.ster-Counscllor at the Royal Canbodian Enbassy in Francel
essisted bv: -. \s\
Hon. Dean Acreson
Ittember of the Bar of the Supreme C.ourt of the United States of Arnerica,
li. Roger Plnbo
tire Paris
Law FacuJ.ty,
l\[ . P a u l R e u t , : r
the Paris
3s Counscl; Colonel Ngin Karet
Director of the Surwey Department the RoyaI Khrner Arrned Forcee
as .b_cpartl dvi spr; Iil
Chan Youran
General Secretary of the delegation;
Chem Sngur>n
Deputy General Secretary
of the
\rE ruSLL9J-LrIIr
Thailand: H.S.H. Princr> Vongsarnahip Jayankura
Ambassador of Thailand N et h o r l e n d s
to the
gs Agent; [{. R. Seni P::a.uToj
Ir{ernber of
M. Henri Rol.:Ln
I{onorary Professor of the Free University of BrusseIs, Advocate at thc Court of Appeel of Srussels, l,{enber of the Permanent Court of itrbitra tion,
- z The Rt; Hon. Sir tr'rank Soskice, Q.C., I'1.P.
Mr. James Nevins Hyd; .
M, Harcel
Mr. J. G. Le Quesire
of England,
Mcurber of the Ber of the State of Ncw York and Menber of the Bar of the Suprene Court of the United Staiest Advocate at the Court of Appeal of Srussels 2 Lecturer at the Free University of Brussels, Ivlember of
the Eng1j"sh 3ar
as Advocates cnd Cor:nsel; Lieutenant General Busrindre Shakdikul
Director-General.y Royal Thai Survey Department, Ministry of Defencet
Deputy Under-Secretary of the Prime Ministert
Suk Perwravin
to the Office
M r . C h i n d a Na Son6}chla
to the Deputy Secretary-Gencral Civil Service Commissiont
Lieutenant C o l o n e l P h o o n Phon A s a n a c h i n t a
Lecturer, School of Surveyingr Royal of Thai Survey Department, Ministry Defence, as E'xpert .Advj-sery;
Sr e s h t h a p u t r a
Itlr. Dnvid S. Dovrns
Chief of the Legrl. Dlvisionp Treaty and Legal Department, Ministry of f'oreign Af f airs, Solicitor, Supreme Court of Bngland, Jurisdlction, as Juridical
fn addition, t h e P a r t i e s have announced that they intend to thc follor,rin{l persons e.s oxpert '',titnesses during the hearings:
Cambodia; former Governor of Kompong Thon, a t prosent Inspector, Polj-tical and of r1.ffairs, Ministry Administrntive (Cambodia). the Interior
I!1. Suon Bonn
Professor Dr. WiI--en Scherne:lhorn
Mr. Friedrich
E . licKormann
Training Doan of the Intcrnational Center for AeriaI Survey and Director of the Consulting Department, residing at Delft, the Nctherla.nds, Dipl. Ing.,. J.ectuler at the International Traini-ng Center and member of the Training Center Consulting International Depn:rtment. R e s i d e n c e : K a n a a h v e g J , D e l - ft ,
Thc Hague, 28 February I)62. I