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TERMS OF USE This pdf is provided by Nomob Press for private/public use to reduce stress from tyrant mob. Forwarding or deposition in a public library or website is most welcome and highly appreciated. HeavyEarth 2553: 17-11 (2010) Copyright 2010 – Nomob Press


ISSN 14512-512 (print edition) ISSN 54554-54 (online edition)

An out-dated species of tyrant, Thaksiniproditor quadratifrontis sp. nov. (Varanidae, Squamata), a non-pattern lie-telling blood-thirsty migratory species from Thailand P. Pete *Department of Zoology, University of Hatred, Bangkok, Thailand 10400 E-mail:

Abstract A new species of Varanidae has been described from a single specimen, first recorded in public in Kingdom of Thailand following Gen. Suchinda Kraprayul’s bloody coup in 1992. The specimen was photographed licking blood from the Gen’s booth asking for unfair, monopoly business. The species is characterized by its squared face, mouth that can only tell lie, and fallen hair due to treatment of Prostate cancer. Behavior wise, the new taxa differ from its congenial in Thailand –except those wearing redshirt- in its blood thirsty behavior, lie-telling, monetary worshiping, progressive dementia after its bad behaviors and non-pattern migratory. Keywords: Liar, Blood thirsty, Traitor, Tyrant, Cheater, Corruption, Abuse of Power, Double standard Introduction It is sad and suck that Thaksiniproditor quadratifrontis should ever been born. The single specimen was born in 1949 in Northern Thailand and later migrate to Bangkok. It was first seen in public in 1992, following bloody coup by Gen. Suchinda Kraprayul. It has since been benefiting from monopoly and highly regulated telecommunication business. The specimen was resident in Thailand until its first migration to Europe in September 2006 following white coup, which people come out to give roses to soldiers. It had brief spell back in Thailand in late 2007 where it has shown a fake behavior of worshiping the earth in front of the media. It has since left the country for fear of being capture for its behavior of letting its bitch mate swallowing land in Rachada area. The specimen can now be seen once in a while in many countries all over the world acting

1 . HeavyEarth 2553 17-11 (2010)

P. Pete

TERMS OF USE This pdf is provided by Nomob Press for private/public use to reduce stress from tyrant mob. Forwarding or deposition in a public library or website is most welcome and highly appreciated.

as if it is happy while in fact it must be full of hatred, constant pain, and mentally ill. It can also be seen quite often on red media television barking lie to its follower. In light of its recent behavior and past record, the specimen should not be seen as normal human being and describe here-in as new. Materials and Methods The specimen was captured by hand, shot between its ears and let rotten in the forest where, at least, it would, finally, do some benefit to its country of birth by being eaten by animals, fungi and bacterium.

Thaksiniproditor quadratifrontis sp. nov Holotype. National Museum of Left-to-Rot in the Wood (NMLW) 1457 (Field number NP745) Collected by P. Pete, April 27, 2010 Etymology. The specific epithet ‘quadratifrontis’ is derived from two Latin words; ‘quadratus’ the participle of the verb ‘quadro’ pertaining to ‘to square’; and ‘frontis’ denoting to ‘face ,visage’. The name ‘quadratifrontis’ is the feminine substantive in nominative in apposition to the genus which describing the square face of the type and also signifying ‘crafty character’. We suggested following common name “Square faced tyrant” (English) and “ไอหนาเหลี่ยมขายชาติ”(Thai). Diagnosis. T. quadratifrontis sp. nov. stepped to power in 2001, after it failed to declare that its has left big chunk of its asset in its driver and housemate’s account. The new taxa has been very popular among rural poors in Thailand for its policy in given large amount of easy loan, of which later become huge amount of non-performing loan and bad-debt due to misuse of loan, to these people. It also came up with many policies that make poor people have to rely on governmental support on their livelihood. This is not a sustainable way of development and will take the country nowhere but make it hugely popular among un-educated no moral poors who would rather rely on such support rather than trying to help themselves. (There are a lot of good moral poors who really need help. :Author)

2 . HeavyEarth 2553 17-11 (2010)

P. Pete

TERMS OF USE This pdf is provided by Nomob Press for private/public use to reduce stress from tyrant mob. Forwarding or deposition in a public library or website is most welcome and highly appreciated.

During its power, T. quadratifrontis sp. nov. changed and issued many laws and regulation that would benefit its business, including, but not limited to, reduction of fee its telecommunication business have to pay to the government. Its act of double standard was shown when it said in public TWICE that it would use tax money –of people from all over the country, including mine- to develop the province that voted of its party (Thai Rob Thai). It also found to be good friend of non-election Myanmar government, when it ordered Thailand Ex-Im Bank to give extremely cheap loan to Tatmadaw in order to deal business with its own telecommunication company.

FIGURE 1: Dorsal and Facial view of Holotype of T. quadratifrontis sp. nov. (Photo by Chaleejang)

In early 2006, T. quadratifrontis sp. nov. sell its asset to Tamasec which netted its family and friends $1.9bn, angered many urban Thais, who complained that it had avoided paying tax and passed control of an important national asset to Singaporean investors. (BBC, 2008) The new taxa later declared (lied) that the sell was not its idea but came from its stupid exam-cheating offspring and its female siblings. However, further

3 . HeavyEarth 2553 17-11 (2010)

P. Pete

TERMS OF USE This pdf is provided by Nomob Press for private/public use to reduce stress from tyrant mob. Forwarding or deposition in a public library or website is most welcome and highly appreciated.

investigation, revealed that despite its declaration that it held no asset and control in any said companies, T. quadratifrontis sp. nov. still very much own every darn things through its hide out of complex share holding structures, including several companies formed in Cayman Island – money laundry heaven of the world. After fleeted the country in 2007, T. quadratifrontis sp. nov. has been seen regularly in Dubai and sometimes in Cambodia acting as cheating consultant to its tyrant friend Husen. It has also said to buy citizenship from Nicaragua and Fiji, countries run by tyrant non-election government. Recent behavior. The new taxa was found guilty of its asset hiding and abuse of power in 2009 by court of justice. It asset was confiscated which make it become extremely mad. Soon, its followers characterized by its red-shirt wearing, brainlessness, horn honking, barking liar and denial of reality were out roaming in many streets of Bangkok, caused severe traffic jam (of which T. quadratifrontis sp. nov. said it can solved the problem in 6 months when it first came to power but fail miserably and never talk about it again, ever). The act resulted in closure of shopping malls in central shopping district, which make many shopaholics in Bangkok in severe mental pain, including wife and sisters of the author.

FIGURE 2 : Stupid Red-shirt people follower of T. quadratifrontis sp. nov. showing tyrant behavior (Photo by

4 . HeavyEarth 2553 17-11 (2010)

P. Pete

TERMS OF USE This pdf is provided by Nomob Press for private/public use to reduce stress from tyrant mob. Forwarding or deposition in a public library or website is most welcome and highly appreciated.

FIGURE 3 : Showing its non-violent, non-weapon, behavior of Red-shirt people as it claimed. (Photo by On April 23, 2010, the elected government tried to eradicate the parasitic red-shirt group in peace, but they fought back with violent using stone tools, bamboo stick and war-weaponry, caused lost of live to its own kind, good soldiers and innocent people. The red-shirt leaders promptly denied any connection to those using weapons, proclaim as if the solders were killing each other and its people, of which no one believe, except those wearing red shirt for its having no brain to think logically and will believe any sound uttering from mouth or anal of its leaders, anyway. Discussion. The author is in severe mental illness from hatred of T. quadratifrontis sp. nov. for many weeks already. The good name and nature of Thais has been destroyed in the international level. The new taxa and its followers should die soon so that the people of the Kingdom of Thailand can live in peace as we have all used to. The phenomenon also gave rise to several new interesting subspecies of well known fruits which need further investigation such as Citrullis lanatus militaris and Solanum lycopersicum policianum. Acknokledgement I would like to thank P. Pan for helping with Latin name of the new taxa and those websites of which photo are taken from. Legendary work of P. Manae in 2008 on Sundaravej tyrantis inspired author for this paper. 5 . HeavyEarth 2553 17-11 (2010)

P. Pete

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