Teaching Without Excuses, EDCI 4190, Fall 2021

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SCIENCE 507 Movements 507 Movements is a website based on a book written by Henry T. Brown in 1868. It contains images, many of them animated, of various types of mechanical movements which are used in machinery. This website allows students to see and better understand the individual mechanisms which underly the tools and machines which we use every day. From the Geneva drive which allowed lm projectors to hold each frame for an instant before cycling to the next, to di erentials which allows the inside and outside wheel of an automobile to rotate at di erent speeds when turning. These fascinating illustrations o er a great opportunity for students to learn about the mechanical workings of everything from vintage to modern and consider how these movements could be incorporated into new machines to solve modern problems. This webpage assists the learner by showing many of the real-world physical technologies which underly even the electronic or robotic technologies we are discussing in this unit. Keveney, Matt, (2017). 507 Mechanical Movements. [webpage] Retrieved on September 12, 2021 from http://507movements.com/ Technology Standard 3D Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions. Technology Standard 5C Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving. AumSum Time This AumSum Time video is a great overview of how x-rays work. It is concise but o ers the important high points that students should be aware of. It begins with the history and discovery of the x-ray including how it got that name. Punchy and silly animations support the narrator as they continue to explain what x-rays are used for. One of the strongest points for this video is that it is quick. They did not take 10 minutes to drone on about every minute detail. They gave a high-level overview and moved on. This supports my unit by explaining how humans use technology to bene t ourselves per the state standard.







AumSum Time. (2018, June 17). How do X-rays work? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Fm_VxX_pQlU

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