Cornerstone of Preventive Health Care
Dear member of the natural health community,
As the scientist who founded our non-profit company with the goal to finance independent research in natural health — life-saving knowledge that had no other advocates then —
I am taking this opportunity to write to you.
During the 20th century, two sectors of human existence were taken hostage by special interests that tried to make energy and health the basis of multi-trillion dollar businesses — the petrochemical and the pharmaceutical investment businesses.
Now, in the 21st century, humankind is ready to use its collective intellect and resolve to take back these vital sectors and to make them available to everyone for the benefit of this generation and all future ones.
Natural health communities around the world are the architects of a new prevention-oriented global health care system.
This world with less disease will not be given to us voluntarily. Together, we need to actively work for it.
Dr. Matthias RathFor more than a century, the pharmaceutical industry has been trying to build a monopoly on global health. While the costs for pharmaceutical drugs have become a major challenge for every private and public household in almost 200 nations, humankind is still beset by diseases that claim millions of victims each year.
To explain this phenomenon, we must understand the nature of the pharmaceutical business model:
1. The pharmaceutical industry primarily serves not the health interests of billions of people but – as an investment industry – the financial interests of its investors.
2. The marketplaces of the pharmaceutical business model are global diseases and there continuation and expansion is a precondition for the future of this Investment business model.
3. Thus, prevention and elimination of diseases constitute a mortal threat to pharmaceutical investment business with disease, and are being fiercely fought by it.
4. The artificial legal tools to protect the continuation of this business are patents for synthetic drugs. The royalties from this patented merchandise constitute the return on investment (ROI) for this industry.
With the help of this trick – promising health while promoting diseases as multi-billion markets for patented drugs — the pharmaceutical investment business has become one of the most profitable industries in history.
Annual revenues of the pharmaceutical investment business surpass all the gross national products of the poorer half of the world taken together.
In 2021, the global sales of pharmaceutical merchandise approximated 1.25 billion euros or about one and a quarter trillion US dollars. The precondition of this multibillion-euro fraudulent investment business is a carefully guarded secret.
A turning point for human health
Many diseases that afflict and kill millions of people in the world are essentially unknown across the animal world. The explanation for this phenomenon: essentially, all species produce high amounts of vitamin C in their bodies, a capability lost by the ancestors of humans. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen and, thereby, provides stability to the body and its blood vessels. Moreover, it stabilizes the barrier cell lines in skin, lung, intestine, etc. that protect our body against the entry of viruses, bacteria and other infective agents.
While vitamin C is the most important vitamin for human health, a multitude of other micronutrients play essential roles for an optimum metabolism of our cells.
Withholding the fact from humankind that we humans cannot produce our own vitamin C is the single most important reason why millions of humans suffer and die from diseases that are essentially unknown among other living beings.
As a result of this suppression of life-saving information, the following diseases have become human-specific pandemics:
• Heart attacks and strokes
• Metastatic cancer
• Many infectious diseases
• Other human-specific diseases
These micronutrients play together like musicians in an orchestra, a principle that is called micronutrient synergy. The medical science of researching the detailed micronutrient combinations for specific health conditions is called Cellular Medicine. The Dr. Rath Research Institute in San Jose, California, is a world leader in the field of Cellular Medicine research.
Over recent decades, research into the health benefits of vitamins and other micronutrients was one of the fastest growing fields of medicine.
The unprecedented explosion of knowledge in this field is well documented on the website of the world’s largest online health library,, organized by the US government’s National Institutes of Health.
Entering the search terms ‘vitamin and cardiovascular’ on this website, shows the graph documenting a dramatic increase in the number of scientific publications related to the health benefits of vitamins in the prevention and treatment of heart attacks, strokes and other forms of cardiovascular disease.
A similar increase of knowledge also occurred related to the health benefits of vitamins in the fight against cancer, infections and other diseases. It is noteworthy that the explosion of research interests in all these fields started about three decades ago, at the beginning of the 1990s.
of the greatest discoveries in Medicine’
Two-time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling (1992)
Between 1990 and 1992, several landmark discoveries about the role of vitamins and other micronutrients in the global battle against cardiovascular disease were published by Dr. Rath, together with two-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling (†1994).
This new scientific concept defined long-term vitamin deficiency as the primary cause of the development of atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of heart attacks and strokes. This new understanding of a common root cause of cardiovascular diseases provided – for the first time – answers to some of the most important open questions of cardiology, including:
• Why are infarctions of the coronary arteries, leading to heart attacks, the most frequent form of cardiovascular disease?
• Why do the dangerous atherosclerotic plaques develop in the arteries but not in veins?
The world’s first patented technology for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease that included vitamin C (ascorbate) and other micronutrients. The patent was awarded to Dr. Rath and Dr. Pauling by the US Patent Office in January 1994.
Two years later, in 1996, this discovery was confirmed in a clinical study in 55 patients with cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C in combination with certain other micronutrients was able to halt the progression of coronary artery disease. In some cases, the calcium deposits in the coronary arteries completely disappeared. This was the first time ever that the natural reversal of coronary artery disease with a defined micronutrient combination was documented.
• And, most importantly, why do animals not have heart attacks, but humans do?
Dr. Pauling described this work as one of the greatest discoveries in medicine.
Why were the years 1990 to 1994 a watershed event for human health?
Cutting global heart attacks almost in half
Based on these discoveries, Dr. Pauling and Dr. Rath issued a ‘Call for an International Scientific Effort to Abolish Heart Disease’. This call would become the last public appeal by the two-time Nobel Laureate. It ends with the farreaching conclusion:
patented pharmaceutical drugs — even tried to actively suppress the global spread of this information.
The discovery that natural vitamin molecules would be the answer to the cardiovascular pandemic was a direct threat to the industry’s most lucrative global drug markets of cholesterol-lowering drugs, calcium antagonists, beta-blockers, etc.
To overcome this health censorship, Dr. Rath summarized the life-saving discoveries of the connection between vitamin deficiency and heart disease in his popular book entitled Why animals don’t get heart attacks – but people do.
Despite all resistance from lobbyists for the pharmaceutical investment interests these discoveries and the international call led to an explosion of natural health research and a significant multiplication of global vitamin production and consumption.
While the global community of scientists responded to these new discoveries with great interest, the media in most countries remained silent. Lobbyist in medicine, media and politics — especially from those countries thriving on the multi-trillion-euro export business of
Over the past three decades, this book has been translated into more than 20 languages and has reached millions of people on all continents.
Read the book online for free.
Link to the ‘Call for an International Scientific Effort to Abolish Heart Disease’ documentation online.
The rapidly increasing knowledge about the beneficial role of vitamin C in the prevention of cardiovascular disease led to a significant increase in the global production of vitamin C, as well as other vitamins (A).
The globally increased vitamin C production/ consumption, in turn, was paralleled by a decrease in the mortality from heart attacks in many regions of the world (B).
In some countries, the number of deaths from heart attacks decreased by 50% and more. In the United Kingdom, for example, the death rate from myocardial infarction decreased significantly (C).
It is hardly a coincidence that these trends all started during the 1990s and have essentially continued until today.
In summary, they are the result of the following facts:
• The exploding increase in published scientific information about the health benefits of vitamins, especially vitamin C,
• the growing acceptance of micronutrients by the general public as the basis for preventive health,
• the increased global production and consumption of vitamins and other micronutrients.
Trends in global cardiac mortality rates
Decrease in deaths from heart attacks in the United Kingdom per 100,000 inhabitants
The next step: making prevention the focus of modern health care
World’s first patented natural health technologies to fight widespread human health conditions
Now the Dr. Rath research organization takes this important process to a new level with the goal to establish natural prevention as the focus of modern health care.
Towards this end, we have subjected our comprehensive research in the field of natural prevention of widespread human health problems to a rigorous review process by the patent offices in the United States and other countries.
Since our entire organization works under a non-profit roof, it is important to point out the differences between the process of patenting for the pharmaceutical investment business and, in contrast, the patenting strategy of a non-profit research organization such as ours.
Consequences of this strategy
The consequences of this strategy are far-reaching. Never again will it be possible to ignore or discredit vitamins and other micronutrients as unproven, unscientific or even unsafe.
US Patent Publ. No. US20220241386A1
Micronutrient combination to reduce high blood pressure
Inventors: Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Matthias Rath, Vadim Ivanov, Waldemar Sumera
Publishing date: August 4, 2022
Patent granted by the US Patent Office (above) and the European Patent Office (below).
Natural health advocates can now provide reliable scientific information to their communities. Thus, millions of people can make informed decisions about their own health.
1. Patents form the legal and economic basis for the entire pharmaceutical investment business.
2. The ‘return on investment’ (ROI) of this business model is determined by the royalties obtained from the licensing fees of these patents.
3. Thus, patentability of a drug becomes essentially a precondition for the development of a drug or therapy.
4. In turn, non-patentability essentially precludes a drug from being produced by pharmaceutical companies – even if it is an effective one, such as a natural therapy.
5. Since diseases are the global marketplace for the pharmaceutical investment business – and patents the legal framework to protect these markets – patents are turned into fateful tools that inevitably engineer the expansion of global disease markets.
The meaning of patents for the natural health industry
1. Vitamins and micronutrients are natural compounds and, therefore, not patentable individually.
2. In contrast, defined combinations of micronutrients can be patented if they show a defined health benefit for this combination.
3. Obtaining a patent for a combination of micronutrients or other natural substances requires a process of scientific evaluation by the Patent Office, a government agency, which constitutes scientific recognition for the value of such a natural health approach.
4. When such patents are obtained by non-profit research companies, there is an additional benefit: they may license this valuable, protected health knowledge to local, regional and national governments — free of charge.
Science Patents
Obtaining patents on natural health by non-profit research companies has another advantage:
This valuable and protected health knowledge can be licensed to local, regional, and national governments – free of charge.
The meaning of patents for the pharmaceutical investment ‘business with disease’
Micronutrient combinations patented for helping to prevent cardiovascular health-related conditions
• High blood pressure • Diabetes
The discovery of the connection between vitamin C deficiency and cardiovascular disease, as described on the previous pages, can be summarized by the following illustrations.
A. Optimum vitamin C intake is a precondition for a healthy artery. Note that the connective tissue structure of the blood vessel wall is intact and stable. Moreover, the innermost cell lining (endothelium) does not display any cracks or lesions. This protects the blood vessel wall from harmful depositions of lipids and other blood risk factors.
B. Complete loss of vitamin C, known from the sailors’ disease scurvy, leads to complete cessation of the production of collagen and other molecules that provide principal stability to the blood vessel walls. As a consequence, the artery walls lose their structural integrity, eventually resulting in death from massive blood loss within a few months.
C. Chronic dietary vitamin C deficiency, a condition that affects hundreds of millions of people globally, lies right in between. A suboptimal dietary intake of vitamin C over years and decades leads to a gradually increasing instability of the blood vessel wall. The developing cracks and lesions require the body to react and deposit lipids and other blood factors as ‘biological mortar’ inside the blood vessel wall, in a desperate attempt to repair the lesions. The dangerous atherosclerotic plaques that can eventually cause heart attacks and strokes are nothing other than an overshooting repair mechanism.
The close connection between cardiovascular disease and the sailors’ disease scurvy is so obvious that it will soon be part of the biology classes in the schools of the world.
The development of dangerous atherosclerotic plaques is only the endpoint of cardiovascular disease. Many risk factors, notably high blood pressure and diabetes, can contribute to an accelerated development of these conditions.
The following pages will summarize our research progress towards the natural prevention of these conditions.
The world’s first patented technology to help normalize high blood pressure – naturally
Facts about high blood pressure
More than 100 million people in Europe suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). The epidemic spread of this disease is largely owing to the fact that, until now, the causes of high blood pressure have been insufficiently, or not at all, understood.
lower the blood pressure, i.e., address the symptoms (symptom-oriented approach), but without correcting the primary underlying problem.
Modern Cellular Medicine provides a breakthrough in our understanding of the causes, prevention, and adjunct treatment of high blood pressure. The primary cause of high blood pressure is a chronic deficiency of vitamins and other bioenergy molecules in millions of blood vessel wall cells.
• Increasing relaxing factors
Conventional medicine contends that, in most cases, the causes of high blood pressure are unknown. The medical diagnosis ‘essential hypertension’ was specifically established to describe high blood pressure conditions in which the causes remain unknown.
Conventional, pharmaceutical-oriented medicine is confined to treating the symptoms of this disease. So-called ‘ACE’ (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors, beta-blockers, diuretics and other medications can artificially
Among other functions, these cells are responsible for producing ‘relaxing factors’ (nitric oxide), which decrease vascular wall tension and keep the blood pressure in normal range. Thus, increasing the production of these relaxing factors is an important target for preventing high blood pressure.
• Decreasing constriction factors
Another key regulator of artery wall tension is angiotensin. This hormone contributes to the regulation of our body fluids. Its overproduction leads to a constriction of the artery walls and to elevated blood pressure.
The following graph explains the different factors involved in this hormonal regulation:
Angiotensin II (active) Angiotensin I (inactive)
The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) converts the inactive angiotensin I hormone into the active hormone that constricts the blood vessel wall and increases blood pressure. Lowering the activity of ACE is therefore desirable to normalize high blood pressure.
The Dr. Rath Research Institute developed a composition of vitamins and other micronutrients that effectively affects both these mechanisms.
The adjacent graphs are taken from the patent issued on August 4, 2022. They show:
1. The micronutrient combination is able to increase the production of relaxing factors (NO) in the smooth muscle cells of human arteries in a dose-dependent manner. At higher concentrations, the NO production is more than doubled compared to controls.
2. The micronutrient combination is able to decrease the activity of ACE, thereby functioning as a natural ACE Inhibitor, contributing to the decrease of elevated blood pressure.
1. Micronutrient combination increases the production of ‘relaxing factor’ (NO) in human aortic muscle cells
© Dr. Rath Research Institute
Nitrites, % of control
Nitrites, % of control
Micronutrient composi�on concentra�on, mcg/ml
Micronutrient composition concentration, mcg/ml
2. Micronutrient combination decreases the angiotensin-converting enzyme activity
ACE ac�vity, % of control Control
ACE actifity, % of control
Micronutrient composition concentration, mcg/ml
Among others, the patent allows the following statements (claims) in connection with this micronutrient combination: • ‘A high blood pressure reducing micronutrient composition.’ • This micronutrient composition can be administered ‘to relax a smooth muscle cell for lowering high blood pressure.’
Find further studies on high blood pressure in our independent library.
The world’s first patented health technology to help normalize high blood sugar levels – naturally
Over 60 million people in Europe currently have diabetes, and tens of thousands die each year from complications of the disease. Diabetic disorders have a genetic background and are divided into two types: juvenile diabetes (type 1) and adult-onset diabetes (type 2). Juvenile diabetes is generally caused by a genetic defect that leads to an insufficient production of insulin in the body and requires regular insulin injections to control blood sugar levels.
US Patent No. US11351148B1
Pharmaceutical composition Mix A to treat health conditions associated with elevated glucose levels
Inventors: Madhurima Chatterjee, Matthias Rath, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Anna Goc
Publishing date: June 7, 2022
Conventional medicine is confined to treating the symptoms of adult diabetes by focusing on lowering elevated blood sugar levels. However, cardiovascular disease and other diabetic complications occur even in those patients with controlled blood sugar levels. Thus, lowering blood sugar levels is a necessary but incomplete measure to address diabetic disorders.
Modern Cellular Medicine provides a breakthrough in our understanding of the causes, prevention, and adjunct treatment of adult diabetes. The primary cause of adult-onset diabetes is a long-term deficiency of certain vitamins and other essential nutrients in the millions of cells in the pancreas (the organ that produces insulin), the blood vessel walls, and other organs. Thus, an optimum intake of certain micronutrients can help to prevent the onset of adult diabetes and its complications.
The majority of diabetic patients, however, develop this disease later in life. Adult forms of diabetes also have a genetic background but the decisive cause that triggers the sudden outbreak of the disease has been largely unknown. Thus, it is not surprising that the number of patients affected by diabetes is still growing.
Scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute have now developed a combination of micronutrients that has been proven to affect decisive cellular mechanisms involved in diabetes.
Find further studies on diabetes in our independent library.
Micronutrients increase glucose uptake by cells. One of the important ways to normalize elevated blood glucose levels is to optimize uptake of glucose by body cells. The adjacent graph (A) shows that a combination of three micronutrient compositions (core, mineral, and D3/K2) taken together can enhance cellular glucose uptake more than five-fold compared to a control. Better cellular glucose uptake means less glucose in blood.
Micronutrients increase insulin secretion by pancreatic cells. Insufficient insulin production by the hormonal cells of the pancreas is a frequent cause of diabetes. The results on the adjacent graph (B) show that specific micronutrient combinations can increase the secretion of insulin by pancreas cells in a natural way. At the highest micronutrient concentration tested in our study, the insulin secretion was more than twice as high as in controls. More insulin means more cellular glucose uptake and, thereby, normalization of elevated blood sugar.
Micronutrients protect nerve cells. One of the long-term complications of diabetes is the deposition of dangerous by-products generated by high glucose. These so-called ‘advanced glycation end products’ (AGEs) include proteins, lipids, and other compounds. By becoming incrusted with sugar molecules, these AGEs can have a toxic effect on all cells, in particular the cells of the nervous system. The results of graph C show that a triple combination of micronutrients can protect up to 80% of nerve (glial) cells from the deadly damages caused by AGEs. The more cells surviving high-glucose damage, the better the nervous system is protected in diabetes.
Claims allowed by Patent Office: • A micronutrient composition ‘used for treating diabetes mellitus ... by increasing glucose uptake and increasing insulin production.’ • A micronutrient composition that ‘protects a glial cell against damage by AGEs.’
Micronutrient combinations acknowledged by Patent Office to help prevent infectious diseases
As we already know, vitamin C plays a critical role in providing stability to the human body and its cell systems. Vitamin deficiency in our diet particularly affects the integrity of the so-called ‘barrier cell linings’. In the illustration below, the effect of vitamin deficiency is exemplified for two barrier systems, the skin and the wall of blood capillaries.
An insufficient dietary intake of vitamins causes gaps between these barrier cells, which facilitate the entry of viruses, bacteria, and other infective microorganisms. As shown on the opposite page, these barrier cells are not limited to the skin and blood vessels, but also affect the cell linings of the lung, mouth, digestive system, urinary tract, and other organs.
Vitamin deficiency also allows microorganisms to penetrate the otherwise tight blood-brain barrier and cause infections of the brain. Thus, optimum vitamin intake helps to protect against a multitude of human infections.
But protecting the stability of the barrier cell linings is only one aspect of the role of vitamins in the protection against infections. As we shall see on the following pages, vitamins and other micronutrients play a multiple and comprehensive role in boosting our immune defence against viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms.
Our research shows that it is critical to understand which combination of micronutrients is most effective in helping to defend us against different infections.
Blood Vessel Skin Microorganism
Viruses Bacteria
Blood-brain barrier Mouth, Nasal Tract
Lung Epithelial Cells
Blood Vessel
Blood Vessel
Blood Vessel Blood Vessel
Viruses Bacteria
Intestinal Epithelial Cells
Lung Colon
Viruses Bacteria
Blood Vessel
Skin Cells
Viruses Bacteria
Urinary Tract
Blood Vessel
Epithelial Cells of Nose, Mouth etc. Epithelial Cells in Kidney, Bladder etc.
Viruses Bacteria
Epithelium (e.g. skin, lung, intestine etc.)
Endothelium (blood vessel, brain)
The world’s first patented health technology to help fight certain viral infections
– naturally
Viruses are tiny infectious organisms that can thrive and multiply only after getting inside the cells of another living being. Humans are particularly susceptible to viral infections because, generally, low vitamin levels compromise our ‘body barriers’ against viral entry and our immune system to help fight and eliminate them.
Thus, it comes as no surprise that the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is essentially a human-specific pandemic. Animals can get infected but do not fall seriously ill or die from the infection.
From the very onset of the pandemic, the research at our research institute did not focus on developing vaccines against the original coronavirus or one of its mutations.
Our research team took a fundamentally different approach based on the following scientific analysis:
US Patent No. US11419847
Inventors: Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Matthias Rath, Vadim Ivanov, Anna Goc
Publishing date: August 23, 2022
1. All coronaviruses use the same molecular ‘doorway’ (ACE2 receptor) to enter the cells of the lung and other organs to infect the human body.
2. Any therapy that significantly down-regulates the production/expression of these ACE2 receptors in our body must lead to a significant protection against COVID-19 infections.
3. Since all mutations of the coronavirus use this very same ‘doorway,’ such an approach would also signify a major step towards effective prevention of all future mutations of the coronavirus – a precondition to ending the COVID-19 pandemic.
4. Completely blocking these ‘doors,’ e.g., with a vaccine/antibody strategy directed against the ACE2 receptors, could lead to severe health problems since a minimum level of these receptors is essential for health.
5. Understanding how these ‘doorway’ molecules can be down-regulated to a minimum is a key step to developing effective public health strategies that can protect against infections with current as well as future, as yet unknown, mutations.
micronutrient composition and its use to simultaniously inhibit multiple cellular mechanisms of infectivity caused by coronavirus, its variants and mutants
This research represents a novel approach to COVID by correctly identifying the critical metabolic targets involved in this viral infection and controlling them through a coordinated action of select natural compounds.
The illustration in the patent (right) shows that a specific micronutrient combination can inhibit all known mechanisms of coronavirus infection – regardless of the virus variant. As such, it represents a novel, universal and safe approach to controlling COVID-19.
In addition, micronutrients play an important role in the treatment of COVID-19 by curbing the inflammation process associated with this infection and so-called ‘cytokine storm.’
Micronutrient combinations affect all key cellular processes associated with coronavirus infections
Viral RNA Nucleus
Catepsin L
The illustrations and experimental results shown here are all part of the patented technology granted to help fight coronaviruses in a natural way.
Claim allowed by Patent Office: ‘A micronutrient composition to treat a SARS-CoV-2 virus infection by inhibiting attachment to a cognate receptor, cellular entry, replication and cellular egress of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a mammal’, that includes human beings. Find further studies on infectious diseases in our independent library.
© Dr. Rath Research Institute
ACE 2 Expression, % of Control
Controls Pro-inflammatory 1 Pro-inflammatory 2 ACE2 Expression, % of Control
Reduction of cellular infection doors (receptors) by 73 to 86%
Micronutrient Composition Concentration, μg/ml
Exposure of human lung cells (small alveolar epithelial cells) to the micronutrient combination for 6 days resulted in inhibition of ACE2 expression by 73% to 86%. ACE2 are the cellular gateways used by the coronavirus for infection.
The world’s first patented health technology to support normal eye function – naturally
Eye problems can appear at all stages of life, with young children and older people being particularly affected. Worldwide, more than two billion people have vision problems, with more than half of these being preventable. Eye diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and others are associated with the ultimate risk of blindness.
epithelial cells
Composition for eye health
Cross section through the eye. Corneal and retinal cells (red boxes) are particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress and other biological damage. Such damage can lead to edema, molecular waste deposition, and overshooting formation of new blood vessels (blue, yellow, and purple symbols at right).
Conventional medicine is confined to treating the symptoms of eye disease, with many pharmaceutical drugs causing side effects. Among these, beta-blockers used for glaucoma treatment may slow heart rate, decrease blood pressure, and cause asthma attacks and disorientation. Side effects of other pharmaceutical eye drugs include allergic reactions, inflammation, and infections of the organ.
Our modern understanding of the cellular root of eye diseases recognizes the primary cause of vision problems as long-term deficiencies owing to an insufficient intake of vitamins and other micronutrients. Compared with most other organs, the eye is particularly susceptible to oxidative damage, owing to its exposure to light and its high metabolism. Therefore, dietary antioxidants and natural compounds that help to prevent oxidative damage and inflammation are essential in protecting the biological structures and function of our eyes. Specific vitamins and other micronutrients such as vitamins C, A, and E, carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and β-carotene, zinc, and polyphenols are particularly important.
Micronutrient combination patented to help prevent oxidation-related eye damage
Our institute evaluated the efficacy of vitamin C alone and in combination with certain other micronutrients for their efficacy to protect eye cells against oxidative damage.
Figure 1 (from Patent): The first column, ‘negative control,’ shows the survival of cells in the absence of the damaging oxidative agent H2O2. Exposure of corneal and retinal epithelial cells to oxidative stress decreased the viability of these cells by over 60% (‘positive control’). This means that, under this oxidative stress, fewer than 40% of eye cells were able to survive. However, the survival of both corneal and retinal cells exposed to oxidative stress was significantly increased in the presence of vitamin C (column 3). When these eye cells were exposed to a combination of vitamin C with other selected micronutrients (column 4), almost all of the eye cells survived.
Figure 2 (from Patent): Another highly damaging process affecting our eyes involves metabolic changes in diabetes. One of the most frequent complications of this health condition is diabetic eye disease (retinopathy) and even blindness. These damaging factors are proteins, lipids, DNA, and other constituents of our body that are modified by an abundance of sugar. These harmful modified molecules are called ‘AGEs’ (advanced glycation end products).
Claim allowed by Patent Office:
1.5 1.75 2
Find further studies on
health in
independent library.
2Viability (OD 490 nm)
2Viability (OD 490 nm) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
1.25 – Alpha lipoic acid – Lycopene – Lutein and others
The world’s first patented health technology to help protect healthy cell growth – naturally
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths globally in 2020. The cancer pandemic is still increasing, with the most frequent organ of origin being the breast, lung, colon, and prostate.
US Patent No. US6939860B2
In healthy tissues, the growth of new cells and death of old cells are precisely regulated, with newly formed cells compensating for other cell loss due to aging or functional errors. Thus, the total number of cells in our body and organs remains essentially unchanged. In cancer, the alteration in the biological software of a cell makes this cell immortal and leads to its incessant multiplication, forming tumors.
Cancer cells then invade neighboring body tissue and — through the blood and lymphatic system — eventually spread to other parts of the body. This process, called metastasis, is the primary cause of death for cancer patients.
Publishing date: September 6, 2005
Conventional medicine is largely confined to treating the symptoms of cancer. These treatments usually include surgical removal of tumors, followed by an attempt to kill migrating cancer cells using radiation (radiotherapy) and/or toxic chemicals (chemotherapy). Both these methods kill not only cancer cells but also healthy cells, in particular the rapidly dividing immune cells. These extremely toxic treatments can cause multiple organ damage, impair immune defense and trigger new cancers. The focus on medical drugs and procedures that avoid addressing the cellular malfunctions underlying cancer is the primary reason why — after more than a century of pharmaceutical approaches — cancer continues in pandemic proportions.
Our modern understanding of the cellular basis of cancer involves natural compounds that can correct and regulate biological processes in cancer cells without damaging healthy cells. One key target is the natural blocking of the very mechanism all cancer cells use to spread in the body. While cancer can be caused by many factors, its growth and spread in the body requires the digestion of connective tissue in its surrounding by biological ‘scissors’ (enzymes) that pave the way for these abnormal cells to move through the body. The more of these enzymes a cancer cell produces, the
Composition and method for treatment of neoplastic diseases associated with elevated matrix metalloproteinase activities using catechin compoundsShiran Netke, Vadim Ivanov, Wahid M. Roomi, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Matthias Rath, Vadim Ivanov
Uncontrolled Cell Growth
Changes in Energy Metabolism
Excessive Formation of New Blood Vessels (Angiogenesis)
Invasive and Metastic Spreading
more aggressive and malignant it is, the faster it spreads and, consequently, the shorter the life expectancy of the patient.
The natural cellular control of the cancer process is supported by a patent.
At the Dr. Rath Research Institute, we tested a multitude of micronutrients and their combinations for their efficacy on helping to block various aspects of cancel cell growth and spread. This comprehensive research resulted in the first patented ‘method for treatment of neoplastic diseases’, i.e., cancer, based entirely on natural compounds.
The efficacy of this natural health technology was confirmed on more than 55 types of cancer cells. Moreover, our research identified key cancer mechanisms that can be simultaneously regulated at the cellular level by these micronutrients and without side effects.
This unique combination of micronutrients was able to inhibit all key biological processes related to the development and spread of cancer cells, including:
Avoiding Immune Destruction
Programming Cellular Immortality
All mechanisms of cancer presented below, and several others, can be simultaneously, effectively, and safely affected by micronutrients, making cancer a manageable disease.
1. Inhibiting the multiplication of cancer cells.
2. Inhibiting tumor cell growth.
3. Inhibiting the invasive and metastatic spread of tumor cells.
4. Inhibiting the excessive growth of new blood vessels that supply blood to the growing tumor.
5. Inhibiting tumor cell-associated inflammation.
6. Inducing the death of cancer cells by a process of apoptosis.
Such complex efficacy could not be achieved by currently available conventional approaches.
Claim allowed by Patent Office:
A micronutrient combination ‘for use in treating a neoplastic disease in a human that produces a synergistic effect in inhibiting the activity of a matrix-metalloproteinase.’
tea extract
A. Inhibition of breast cancer cell growth by micronutrients
The results from the above patent show that specific micronutrients, namely vitamin C, the amino acids lysine and proline, and an active component of green tea called EGCG, can significantly decrease and almost completely inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. EGCG applied alone could inhibit this cancer growth by more than 20%. However, in the presence of all four ingredients, the growth of breast cancer cells was brought to a halt (top figure).
B. Inhibition of colon cancer cell growth by micronutrients
The results show that a combination of vitamin C, with amino acids lysine and proline, and a green tea compound (EGCG), can inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells by 90%. Combinations of other compounds can also inhibit the growth of these cancer cells, but less effectively than the synergy of these four natural ingredients.
This experiment illustrates the importance of selecting and combining specific nutrients in the right proportions to achieve the highest desired cellular efficacy (bottom figure).
This information provides health research established in connection with natural disease prevention. For patients, we recommend to see a therapist or trained consultant to determine your individual health needs.
Dr. Niedzwiecki has been instrumental in the development and growth of Cellular Medicine research. Dr. Niedzwiecki is a leading biomedical researcher in the development of nutritional therapies for the treatment of diseases. She has a doctorate degree in biochemistry from the University of Warsaw, Poland. Dr. Niedzwiecki has held research faculty positions at Rockefeller University in New York, the University of Toronto, and the University of Warsaw.
Dr. Niedzwiecki is the former director of cardiovascular research at the prestigious Linus Pauling Institute, formerly located in California. She has conducted ground-breaking research in the molecular biology of aging, cellular metabolism, and cardiovascular disease. She has directly worked with the Nobel Laureates Linus Pauling and G.M. Edelman. Dr. Niedzwiecki has been an invited speaker at numerous conferences and scientific meetings, and she has published over 150 scientific publications in respected professional journals, written chapters in books, and authored several popular research articles. For the past 25 years, Dr. Niedzwiecki has been a close associate of Dr. Rath’s in conducting Cellular Medicine research.
Dr. Goc obtained her Ph.D. from the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. She conducted her postdoctoral training at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH and the University of Georgia, Athens, GA. She also worked as a Research Biologist WOC at the VA Medical Center, Augusta, GA. Dr. Goc has published over 30 papers including 2 book chapters, and she presented her research at various national and international meetings. She is the recipient of numerous national and international awards.
Dr. Goc has wide-ranging knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology in the fields of microbiology, immunology, cancer, and vascular biology. Currently, she is the leading investigator on infectious diseases research projects.
Dr. Rath Research Institute in San Jose, California
Dr. Ivanov holds a medical degree from Tomsk Medical Academy in Tomsk, Russia, and doctorate degree in Biochemistry from the National Cardiology Center in Moscow, Russia. He worked as a Senior Researcher at the National Cardiology Center, and subsequently worked at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in Palo Alto, California. He joined the Dr. Rath Research Institute as a Senior Researcher in 2000.
Dr. Ivanov has authored more than 80 scientific papers, and he has presented at over 100 national and international professional meetings. His major scientific field of interest is the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Dr. Ivanov’s current research interests include nutritional approaches in the prevention and treatment of chronic human diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cancer.
Maddy Chatterjee, Ph.D.Dr. Chatterjee completed her Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, Massachusetts. In her doctoral work she investigated tissue damage and intestinal responses to bacterial pathogens and chemical oxidants. She has worked on several research projects in the field of microbiology and genetics. Her research interests include nutrition, cell biology and gene regulation. Her current research projects focus include diabetes, bioenergetics, macular degeneration, and other human diseases.
Did you know that more than a dozen Nobel Prizes have been awarded for the health benefits of vitamins?
Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki (center) is the director of the Dr. Rath Research Institute in San Jose, California, surrounded by the team of researchers.
‘Science-based natural health is the basis of modern, preventive health care. The time to build it is now!’Dr. Matthias Rath