Patented technology to help to prevent viral infections

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The time to build it is now!’

What this patent means This specific health technology is • recognized by a government agency, • novel and has not existed before, • unique and not available anywhere else, • protected and cannot be imitated.

What is the difference from a pharmaceutical drug patent

Target markets

Purpose of patents This information sheet provides health research established in con­ nection with natural disease pre­ vention. For patients, we rec­ ommend to see a therapist or trained consultant to determine your individual health needs.

Consequences for your health Consequences for national economies

#1896/01­EN/231122 Art. Nr.: 30048

The Dr. Rath organization oper­ ates under a non­profit roof and all profits are used to promote further independent research and education in natural health.



Over the ensuing decades, the Institute’s research team, under the leadership of Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, has extended this life­ saving research to comprise natu­ ral prevention of cancer, diabetes, viral and bacterial infections and Senior scientists of the Dr. Rath many other diseases. Research Institute with The approval of this preventive Dr. Niedzwiecki (center) health research by patent offices Dr. Rath Research Institute around the world provides the sci­ in San Jose, California entific basis for effective preven­ tive health strategies globally. Pa­ tients, therapists, governments and, above all, millions of people now have effective, safe, natural health approaches avilable to help to prevent wide­spread diseases.

Patented technology to help to prevent viral infections ENT OF AT

Dr. Matthias Rath

Micronutrients and Viral Infections


The Dr. Rath Research Institute is a world leader in science­based natural health. Three decades ago, Dr. Matthias Rath – together with two­time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling (†1994) – was already pub­ lishing groundbreaking discoveries on the importance of vitamins in fighting cardiovascular diseases.

‘Science‐based natural health is the basis of modern, preventive health care.


Nobel Prize‐winner‐supported research paves the way to preventive health care

Pharmaceutical investment business

Natural health community

Disease management

Disease prevention

Legal tools to secure return on investment (ROI) Cementing continua­ tion of diseases as global markets

Disease prevention and potential elimination

Exploding health care costs

Less diseases = lower health care costs

Scientific acknowledgement

Natural health research – the basis of preventive health

Viral Infections

The world’s first patented health technology to help to fight certain viral infections – naturally Viruses are microscopic infectious organisms that can only thrive and multiply after getting inside the cells of another living being. Hu­ mans are particularly susceptible to viral infections, because gen­ erally low vitamin levels weaken our ‘body barriers’ (skin, lung, in­ testine, etc.) against viral entry and our immune system in fighting and eliminating these intruders. Thus, it comes as no sur­ prise that the coro­ navirus pandemic (COVID­19) is essentially a human­spe­ cific pan­ demic. Ani­ mals can get infected, but they do not fall seriously ill or die from this infection in pan­ demic proportions. From the very onset of the pan­ demic, the research at the Dr. Rath Research Institute did not focus on developing vaccines against one or the other mutation of the coronavirus.

US Patent No. US11419847

Pharmaceutical micronutrient composition and its use to simultaniously inhibit multiple cellular mechanisms of infectivity caused by coronavirus, its variants and mutants Inventors: Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Matthias Rath, Vadim Ivanov, Anna Goc

effective prevention of all future mutations of the coronavirus – a precondition to end the COVID­ 19 pandemic. 4. Completely blocking these ‘doors’, e.g. with a vaccine/anti­ body strategy directed against the ACE2 receptors, could lead to severe health problems, since a minimum level of these re­ ceptors is essential for health. 5. Understanding how these cellular entry ports can be decreased to a desirable minimum by nat­ ural means is a key step towards developing effective public health strategies that can help to pre­ vent infections with current co­ ronaviruses – as well as future, as yet unknown mutations.

Publishing date: August 23, 2022

Instead, the research team took a fundamentally different and much broader approach, based on the following scientific analysis: 1. All coronaviruses use the same molecular ‘doorway’ (ACE2 re­ ceptor) to enter the cells of the lung and other organs to infect the human body. 2. Any therapy that significantly lowers these viral entry ports – by decreasing the production/ expression of these ACE2 recep­ tors in our body – must lead to a significant protection against COVID­19 infections. 3. Since all mutations of the coro­ navirus use this very same cell entry, such an approach would also signify a major step towards

The Dr. Rath Research Institute in­ vestigated a multitude of combi­ nations of vitamins and other micronutrients for their best effi­ cacy to inhibit not just the first steps of infection, the entry of the coronavirus into human cells, but all key mechanisms of coronavirus infections.

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Vitamin C Broccoli extract Quercetin Black tea extract Turmeric extract N­acetyl­cysteine Resveratrol and other micronutrients

The research results formed the basis of the patented technology to help to fight various mutations of coronavirus infections naturally. The infection mechanisms inhib­ ited by patented micronutrient combination tested included. They include (see graph): 1. Inhibition of the binding of the coronavirus to human lung and blood vessel cells. 2. Inhibition of coronavirus entry into human body cells. 3. Inhibition of all key enzymes re­ quired for the coronavirus to multiply inside human cells. 4. Inhibition of multiplied corona­ viruses leaving the cells.

Micronutrient combinations can help to prevent key infection mechanisms for all known coronavirus mutations Micronutrient combinations affect all key cellular processes associated with coronavirus infections

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In addition, the patented micro­ nutrient combination is able to in­ hibit the dangerous ‘cytokine storm’ associated with the infec­ tion, which causes inflammation and organ damage. Based on the research results ob­ tained with this micronutrient com­ position, the Patent Office allowed the following statements to be made in connection with COVID­19 and coronavirus infections:

Patent claims allowed (excerpt): ‘A micronutrient composition to treat a SARS­CoV­2 virus infection by inhibiting attach­ ment to a cognate receptor, cellular entry, replication and cellular egress of the SARS­ CoV­2 virus in a mammal’ — that includes human beings.

Micronutrient combinations inhibit all key mechanisms of coro­ navirus infections simultaneously. The patented micronutrient combination inhibits viral binding to human lung and blood vessel cells (attachment), viral entry, viral multiplication (replication) in­ side human cells, as well as newly formed viruses leaving these cells (egress). This micronutrient combination has been successfully tested to be effective against all known variants/mutations of the coronavirus, in­ cluding the original (Wuhan) variant as well as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Kappa and Omega variants. Since all coronavirus variants use the same mechanism to infect human cells and the same enzymes to multiply inside these cells, this tested micronutrient combination is likely also to help to prevent in­ fections with future, yet unknown, variants of the coronavirus.

Find further information and studies on infectious diseases on this website.

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