DSE Fair Aalborg 2017
Einsteins Boulevard
Company presentations
Willy Brandts Vej
De Studerendes Erhvervskontakt
OCTOBER 11 & 12
FAIR PROGRAM The fair is held at Gigantium, Willy Brandts Vej 31, Aalborg
Wednesday, October 11 Welcome speeches by 10:00
Chairman of DSE
Pernille Gylling Jensen
Dean of The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Mogens Rysholt Poulsen
Opening of DSE Fair Aalborg 2017
10:15 – 14:30
Company presentations
The fair closes for the day
Thursday, October 12 10:00
The fair opens
10:15 – 14:30
Company presentations
The fair ends
Contents Welcome
Fair Events
Company Presentations
Company Index
Participating Companies
4 Welcome
Welcome to the DSE Fair Aalborg 2017 Does attending a career fair bring value to both companies and students? That is a question we consider from time to time. However, the question is for us easily answered: It truly does! Attending fairs is a way of interacting with students and professionals in a relaxed environment. The people we meet and the discussions we have help us not only to further understand students and professionals, they also help us challenge ourselves and our ideas. Having a safe space were ideas, questions, and proposals are welcome helps us push our own ideas even further. For Danfoss, career events are not just a way for us to showcase our company, but more importantly, it is an opportunity to interact and have an honest dialog. We are not only looking for people with the right
skills, but also people with the right attitude who would fit our Danfoss family. We do not just hire people based on their grades and performance, but how they would fit into our culture. We therefore encourage you to ask the companies the tough questions during the DSE fairs in order to see if you would fit into the culture and the company in general. The DSE fair is a great opportunity to broaden your perspective of companies and what you potentially could work with one day. Be curious about the companies and explore the different opportunities throughout the fair. We wish you a successful Career Fair!
Welcome 5
6 Welcome
DSE welcomes you to DSE Fair Aalborg 2017 It is with great pleasure, we in DSE welcome you to this year’s DSE Fair Aalborg 2017. We hope this fair will strengthen your network and give a better insight in the companies at the fair, so that you might work with them in the future. DSE Fair Aalborg is your opportunity to meet about 70 companies from a wide spectrum of fields of engineering relevant for most engineering students. Some of the participating companies are well known and global with thousands of employees, others are smaller and might be unfamiliar to you. So use this catalog to read about all the companies at the fair, one of them might have the job you dream of! We hope you will use the fair to get in contact with different companies and get the chance to talk about your opportunities within the companies: School Project, Student Job, Internship, and Full-time Job etc.
Regardless of how far you are from graduating, the fair has something to offer. We recommend that you use this catalog to find the relevant companies to visit at the fair and find as much information on these companies as possible, to prepare questions before the fair. By doing this, you will be well prepared and professional when talking to the companies. You will have a nice icebreaker, get more useful information and leave a great impression. At the fair, some of the companies offer a short presentation of themselves including a Q&A session. This is a great opportunity for you to expand your insider knowledge of the companies in a more informal way. The Fair Committee 2017
Welcome 7
Plan your visit to the fair Find which companies interest you and visit these companies’ stands. Try to be selective limit your search to about ten companies.
Prepare questions That way you will learn more about the companies. Examples: - How are new employees introduced? - What are the company’s staff policies? - Do employees work in task groups?
8 Fair Guide
Imagine your future Get into the right mindset before talking to the companies. What do you want your career to look like five years after graduation, and how can you achieve this?
Read their websites Obtain basic information about the company to provide a solid basis for a meaningful discussion with the company.
GUIDE: DURING THE FAIR Visit our Job Bank Are you close to graduation, recently graduated or looking for a student job, then drop by our Job Bank.
Attend company presentations Company presentations are 30 minutes and provides you with a glimpse into the organizations and their current projects.
Get a new CV photo To complete your CV, drop by and get a professional CV photo taken for free.
Bring CV and job application Show your interest in the company and submit an application. If you get rejected, try to ask for an e-mail address for a specific person to whom you can send your application.
Fair Guide 9
10 Medlem
Medlem af DSE? Har du lyst til at være frivillig i en professionel studenterorganisation, med ca. 90 medlemmer fordelt imellem to afdelinger på AAU og DTU, der står for at skabe kontakt mellem erhvervslivet og ingeniørstuderende? Som medlem får du mulighed for at blive udfordret personligt og udvikle dine kompetencer – samtidig med, at du bliver en del af DSE’s sociale netværk. Du får mulighed for at udfordre dig selv med ansvar for opgaver af alle størrelser inden for blandt andet økonomi, markedsføring, salg, grafisk design og ITudvikling.
Kom forbi infostanden på messen og få mere information eller skriv til os på: medlem@studerende.dk
Medlem 11
PEJLING Not only can you use Pejling to get a job, but if you come by our stand at DSE Fair Aalborg. You have the chance to win a bicycle. Pejling is a handbook for students and graduates of the engineering field, providing advice and guidance to achieve your dream job. Whether you need guidance designing your resumĂŠ, need good advice for the job interview or if you are simply curious about companies in your field of interest Pejling has it all. But Pejling is not just for those who have graduated or are about to, it also provides guidance designing your career path and profile. With everything from study abroad and summer school, to writing a project for a company, helping you to gain the most from your time as a student.
Pejling is printed in English and Danish. Both versions are available online on Pejling.dk.
Free Transport We would like to see you at the DSE fair, even if you do not live near Aalborg. We therefore offer free transportation to and from the fair Thursday, October 12, 2017 from Aarhus, Esbjerg, Frederikshavn, Herning and Horsens. If you want to sign up you have to send an SMS* to 1204 with the message DSE BUSDMA17 and the name of the boarding location as seen on the next page. The return bus will depart from the fair at 16:00.
The registration deadline is October 2. *The SMS price is standard rate ** Only Danish phone numbers work
16 Fair Events
Frederikshavn Maskinmesterskole Hånbækvej 54 Departure at 10:00 SMS: DSE BUSDMA17 MARTEC
VIA Horsens Chr. M. Østergaards Vej 4 Departure at 9:00 SMS: DSE BUSDMA17 HORSENS
Ingeniørhøjskolen AU (Navitas) Inge Lehmanns Gade 10 Departure at 9:15 SMS: DSE BUSDMA17 AU
Aarhus Universitet, Herning Birk Centerpark 15 Departure at 9:10 SMS: DSE BUSDMA17 HERNING
Aalborg Universitet, Esbjerg Niels Bohrs Vej 8 Departure at 7:00 SMS: DSE BUSDMA17 ESBJERG
Fredericia Maskinmesterskole Købmagergade 86 Departure at 8:00 SMS: DSE BUSDMA17 FMS
Fair Events 17
18 Fair Events
Fair Lottery At the fair you have the opportunity to participate in our fair lottery, where you have the chance to win great prizes. All you have to do is: 1. Visit the info stand at the fair and get a flyer. 2. Fill the flyer with stamps. 3. Hand in the filled flyer at the DSE stand and receive your tickets for the tombola, from which you can win one or more great prizes. If you follow us on Instagram (@dse. aalborg) you get an extra ticket
Fair Events 19
20 Fair Events
Free hot dogs! Once again the DSE Fair is soon upon us, and we are handing out free hotdogs on Tuesday, September 19, from 10:00 - 14:00. We will visit PontoppidanstrĂŚde, Fredrik Bajers Vej, Cassiopea, Create and Basis
- Come and join us!
Come and get a free ice cream! Come and get a free ice cream and chill in the hot weather on Tuesday, September 12, from 10:00 - 14:00. We will visit PontoppidanstrĂŚde, Fredrik Bajers Vej, Cassiopea, Create and Basis, and talk about the DSE Fair
- Come and chill
See more information on Facebook
Fair Events 21
22 Fair Events
Come and get free cake! Come and get a free slice of cake at certain cafeterias throughout Monday, October 2 to Friday, October 6, from 11:00 - 13:00. We will visit PontoppidanstrĂŚde, Fredrik Bajers Vej, Cassiopea, Create and Basis
- Come and join us!
Fair Events 23
24 Fair Events
Free hot dogs If you are starting to get hungry during the fair, we’ve got you covered! Go to the info stand and pick up a hotdogticket. You can exchange it for a free hotdog at the hotdog stand! We hope to see you at the DSE Fair Aalborg at Gigantium October 11 & 12!
See more information on Facebook
Fair Events 25
26 Fair Events
MesseKlar Seminar Er du parat til at gå i snak med virksomhederne på Messen? Det vil du blive, hvis du deltager i vores arrangement “MesseKlar Seminar”, og du vil få de nødvendige værktøjer til at skille dig ud fra mængden. Vi har inviteret to foredragsholdere, Jesper Bergstrøm og Dorte Møller Madsen. Jesper er ekspert i kropssprog og hvordan man bedst præsentere sig selv. Dorthe er digital strateg og ekspert i brugen af LinkedIn. Messeklar vil bliver afholdt torsdag d. 05. oktober kl 17:00-20:00, på Fibigerstræde 15, 9220 Aalborg Ø. Her sørger DSE for mad og drikkelse i løbet af eventet. For at deltage i dette event, skal du tilmelde dig senest onsdag d. 03. oktober, på studerende.dk/messeklar
Fair Events 27
28 Fair Events
Startup Corner Starting a business is not difficult - the hard part is turning it into a profitable one AAU Inkubator provides you with the opportunity to test and develop your business ideas as a student or graduate at Aalborg University. AAU Inkubator team of experenced business deveoplers will help you through the entrepreneurial process, provide you with knowlegde, resources and the networks needed for your unique business opportunity. No matter the business challenge, AAU Inkubator will try to help you achieve your business goal, and if they don’t know the answer; they now someone who does.
Fair Events 29
30 Fair Events
Upgrade your CV At the fair you have the opportunity to get your CV checked by professionals from Capax Recruitment. The only thing you have to do is remember to print your CV from home. You can also get a professional CV photo taken by photographer Kjetil Løite.
All this for free at the fair!
Fair Events 31
32 Fair Events
Graduate? This year, Capax Recruitment will again offer you specialized counseling focused on Graduate Programs. Visit the Graduate Stand to learn more, get an overview of the available programs, and get advice on how to write a good application.
Fair Events 33
34 Fair Events
Give feedback — get cake! We are always looking for ways to improve our fair, and in order to do so, we need your help. All you have to do is fill out our survey at the fair after your visit. It only takes 4 minutes.
And as a thank you, you’ll be treated with a delicious slice of cake.
Fair Events 35
PLAN FOR WEDNESDAY 10:15 — 10:45 Kamstrup A/S Technology for a brighter future
12:30 — 13:00 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
11:00 — 11:30 Akademikernes A-Kasse
13:15 — 13:45 Systematic
Kom på forkant med jobbet
11:45 — 12:15 DONG Energy
14:00 — 14:30 Mjølner Informatics
Graduate or offshore wind project
Dagligdagen som it-konsulent
38 Company Presentation
PLAN FOR THURSDAY 10:15 — 10:45 MT Højgaard
12:30 — 13:00 DIS A/S
Teknologi og traditioner
11:00 — 11:30 Midtconsult
13:15 — 13:45 Krüger A/S
10 ting jeg lærte, på 10 år i byggebranchen
Krüger software giver miljøgevinster med STAR Utility SolutionsTM
11:45 — 12:15 Maersk Oil & Gas
14:00 — 14:30 Ramboll
Internship and Projects at Maersk Oil
It’s your world now – are you ready to start shaping it?
Company Presentation 39
Akademikernes A-Kasse
Kamstrup A/S
WEDNESDAY 10:15 — 10:45 Technology for a brighter future At Kamstrup, we develop and produce intelligent meters and smart metering systems, thus measuring and reducing energy and water consumption. We employ around 500 developers in the fields of software, embedded software, hardware, mechanics, and electronics, and we work with many different technologies and methods. You will be presented with a typical day as an engineer at Kamstrup, and the presentation will be held by one or two of our employees. You will also learn what we expect of you as being a part of Kamstrup.
11:00 — 11:30 Kom på forkant med jobbet Bliv den første i job-køen både efter studiet og i forhold til det rigtige studiejob. Kom og få mere at vide om: Hvordan du oversætter dine akademiske kompetencer, så det bliver relevant for en fremtidig arbejdsgiver, hvordan du netværker dig til dit første job, og få tips og trick til den målrettede ansøgning og det effektive cv.
40 Company Presentation
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
DONG Energy
11:45 — 12:15 Graduate or offshore wind project
12:30 — 13:00 Siemens Gamesa Technology Development
Company Presentation 41
Mjølner Informatics
13:15 — 13:45 Systematic The presentation will be about Systematic as a company, our work culture, our current projects and what the future holds for Systematic.
14:00 — 14:30 Dagligdagen som it-konsulent En Mjølner-medarbejder fortæller, hvordan det er at arbejdet i et software-, innovations- og designhus. Præsentationen tager udgangspunkt i en konkret case og særligt rollen som konsulent er i fokus.
42 Company Presentation
MT Højgaard
10:15 — 10:45 Teknologi og traditioner Vi kombinerer den nyeste teknologi med de gamle håndværkstraditioner. Vi er førende i brugen af VDC og kan simulere et helt byggeri digitalt, inden vi går i gang på byggepladsen. Vi har 100 års erfaring og har blandt andet opført Storebæltsbroen, Musikkens Hus og er i fuld gang med Det Nye Universitetshospital i Aalborg. På messen kan du høre mere om, hvad du kan forvente som medarbejder hos os.
11:00 — 11:30 10 ting jeg lærte, på 10 år i byggebranchen Anders Vestergaard Christensen reflekterer i dette oplæg over hans første 10 år i byggebranchen som rådgivende ingeniør. Fra metervinder i fredagsbaren til seniorprojektleder i Midtconsult. Anders kommer ind på de ting som han gerne ville have haft med i rygsækken fra studiet og de oplevelser der i den virkelige verden har været med til at præge ham til den han er nu. Uden disse oplevelser havde arbejdslivet i visse tilfælde været lettere, men nok også mere trist.
Company Presentation 43
Maersk Oil & Gas
THURSDAY 11:45 — 12:15 Internship and Projects at Maersk Oil Are you looking for a way to turn theory into practice? As an intern or student assistant at Maersk Oil you will get the opportunity to kick-start your career in an innovative organisation. From day one you will be given great responsibility with room for flexible working hours. In a dynamic environment you will be solving challenging tasks both independently and in a team.
12:30 — 13:00 Kickstart din karriere i DIS og få 10 års erfaring på den halve tid! Som projektingeniør i DIS får du en stor berøringsflade til industrien, og du vil hurtigt opnå erfaring fra en lang række forskellige brancher og virksomheder. Vi tilbyder en af de mest alsidige arbejdspladser i Danmark, hvor du vil opleve høj faglighed, engagement og et unikt fællesskab blandt dine kolleger. Vi afholder regelmæssigt faglige og sociale arrangementer for at sikre en tryg, tillidsfuld og udviklende kultur, der understøtter din karriereudvikling.
44 Company Presentation
Krüger A/S
13:15 — 13:45 Krüger software giver miljøgevinster med STAR Utility SolutionsTM I 1992 udviklede Krüger programmet STAR til avanceret online styring af renseanlæg. Udviklingen er fortsat lige siden, og i dag er STAR Utility SolutionsTM på vej i skyen med produkter inden for både online styring, varsling og overblik til hele spildevandssystemet. Kom og hør nærmere om IT-opbygning og de miljømæssige gevinster.
14:00 — 14:30 It’s your world now – are you ready to start shaping it? Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company founded in Denmark in 1945. With more than 300 offices in 35 countries, we excel at combining local experience with global knowledge. We constantly strive to achieve inspiring and exating solutions that make a genuine difference to our clients, end-users and society at large. In our presentation you will learn more about Ramboll, our projects, and hear more about student jobs and internship opportunities. We look forward to meet you!
Company Presentation 45
GRAB A FAIR BADGE Show your field of study to the companies. - Grab a fair badge at the entrance!
: DY 6
Fair Badge color
Field of study Export & Operations Product & Design Mechanical Engineering Structural & Civil Engineering Architecture & Planning Geophysics & Survey Enviromental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Engineering Physics & Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering Communication Technology Mathematical Engineering Software
48 Company Index
DY :
Silkeborg Virksomheder SINTEF Sopra Steria A/S Sweco Danmark Systematic Sønderborg Saab Danmark A/S Terma A/S Trekantsområdet Danmark Universal Robots A/S Vattenfall Vejdirektoratet VBM Laboratoriet VELUX Group Weibel Scientific A/S Aalborg CSP Aalborg Portland Aarsleff
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
MOE A/S MT Højgaard Maersk Oil & Gas NCC Danmark Netcompany A/S NIRAS A/S Novo Nordisk Odense Robotics OJ Electronics A/S Oticon A/S R&D Ramboll Randers Kommune RTX A/S
Export & Operations
Product & Design
Mechanical Engineering
Structural & Civil Engineering
Architecture & Planning
Geophysics & Survey
Enviromental Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Medicine & Pharma
Biomedical Engineering
Physics & Nano
Energy Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Com. Technology
Mathematical Engineering
Export & Operations
Product & Design
Mechanical Engineering
Structural & Civil Engineering
Architecture & Planning
Geophysics & Survey
Enviromental Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Medicine & Pharma
Biomedical Engineering
Physics & Nano
Energy Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Communication Technology
Mathematical Engineering
Company Index 49
GateHouse Group GomSpace ApS Grundfos IDA for studerende Immeo Ingeniørens Jobfinder JENSEN-GROUP Jobindex Kalundborg Kommune Kamstrup A/S KMD A/S Krüger A/S LINAK A/S LM Wind Power MAN Diesel & Turbo Marel A/S Midtconsult Mjølner Informatics
Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste
ESA - European Space Agency
Accenture Akademikernes A-Kasse Alfa Laval in Denmark Arla Foods amba Bosch Cobham SATCOM COWI A/S Danfoss Dansk Boligbyg Delegate A/S DIS A/S DONG Energy DS Stålkonstruktion A/S Energinet
Employees 630 300
402,000 200,000
Fields of study Export & Operations
What we do Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. We partner with more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500, driving innovation on a global scale. With expertise across more than 40 industries and all business functions, we deliver transformational outcomes for a demanding new digital world. With more than 394,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Strategy Accenture Strategy shapes our clients’ future, combining deep business insight with the understanding of how technology will impact industry and business models. Our focus on issues related to digital disruption, redefining competitiveness, operating and business models as well as the workforce of the future helps our clients find future value and growth in a digital world. Consulting Accenture Consulting works with our clients to solve their toughest issues, realize their most promising opportunities, and deliver real results. Our Consulting practice
is focused on supporting transformation agendas of the largest companies in the world.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning
Digital Accenture Digital help clients pivot from thinking digital to being digital. Through interactive experiences that captivate customers, analytics that transform big data into even bigger actions and new mobile technologies that harness the power of IOT and Living Services.
Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng.
Technology Accenture Technology powers digital transformation through services designed to reinvent our clients application portfolio and a new style of IT. We combine business and industry insights with innovative technology to drive business growth. Operations Accenture Operations combines technology that digitizes and automates business processes, unlocks actionable insights, and delivers everything-as-a-service with deep industry, functional and technical expertise.
Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 53
Akademikernes A-kasse er det naturlige valg for dig der er i gang med en teknisk-naturvidenskabelig uddannelse. Flere end 85.000 med din uddannelsesbaggrund har allerede valgt Akademikernes A-kasse. Det er gratis at være medlem, mens du studerer. Melder du dig ind senest 12 måneder før du er færdig, er du sikret dagpenge fra dag ét. Læs mere om os på aka.dk.
Akademikernes A-kasse Akademikernes A-kasse Akademikernes A-kasse er en præcis, effektiv og billig en af slagsen. Billigste a-kasse for højtuddannede faktisk, når du er færdig – gratis så længe du studerer. Hvorfor skal du vælge Akademikernes A-kasse? • Gratis når du studerer med mulighed for at deltage på spændende, relevante kurser og events, samt mulighed for at få gennemgået dit cv og jobansøgning • Billigst når du er færdig med at studerer • Størst og stærkest med mere end 85.000 medlemmer med din uddannelse. Vi kan sikre dig økonomisk og hjælpe dig videre • Landsdækkende med flere kontorer – bla. i Danmarks fire største byer • Ambitiøse medarbejdere, som brænder for at hjælpe sine medlemmer Meld dig ind senest 14 dage efter du afslutter din uddannelse - også selvom du allerede er studiemedlem af Akademikernes A-kasse Du skal melde dig ind som nyuddannet senest 14 dage efter, at du har afsluttet din
uddannelse. Du skal melde dig ind på aka. dk, når du kender den nøjagtige dato for, hvornår du afslutter din uddannelse. Er du allerede studiemedlem skal du ligeledes senest 14 dage efter du afslutter din uddannelse genindmelde dig ved at logge på aka.dk Lovgivningen er sådan indrettet, at hvis du ikke har meldt dig ind i en a-kasse senest 14 dage efter endt uddannelse, er løbet kørt, og 2 års dagpenge til en værdi af 316.000 kroner eller mere kan være forduftet. Mere end bare en almindelig a-kasse Vi nøjes ikke med at sikre medlemmerne dagpenge til tiden, hvis ledigheden melder sig. Vi går nye veje for at sikre vores ledige medlemmer et meningsfuldt arbejde hurtigst muligt og tilbyder fx job rådgivning skræddersyet til ens fag, adgang til interessante netværk, individuel coaching og ledige stillinger, som vores jobdetektiver selv opdriver.
Companies 55
Employees 1,800 450
Alfa Laval in Denmark
17,300 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Creating better everydayconditions for people At Alfa Laval we work with process technology solutions and components, primarily in the fields of energy, the environment and food. Our mission is to continuously optimize our customers’ processes and we are motivated by a desire to create better everyday conditions for people. Our main products generally contribute to reduced energy consumption as well as a more efficient use of natural resources and are associated with the technological areas of separation, heat transfer and fluid handling. We are the international market leader in all of these technologies. We use our technological and process related expertise to manufacture products that heat, cool, separate and transport various fluids and substances e.g. oil, water, chemicals, drinks, food and pharmaceutical products. National and international career opportunities Alfa Laval is amongst the 100 largest companies in Denmark in terms of turnover and number of employees and one of the largest industrial companies in
the Nordic region. We are an internationally oriented company where employees work together in an intricate global network. Our employees work in the areas of innovation, business development, production and sales. We service customer businesses ranging from biotechnology and food to energy and shipping, and our products are used in almost every industry, so career opportunities arise often in many areas.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Eng.. Energy Eng
Education and development within Alfa Laval Alfa Laval’s future success is closely linked to the ability of recruiting competent and well-educated students and specialists and we welcome young and dedicated people to work with us. With our truly international working environment, our large number of customers in many industries and our various fields of activities we can offer you interesting and varied career development. Visit our website www.alfalaval.dk to read more about our company, career opportunities, internships, post-education thesis work as well as other interesting services that we have to offer.
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 57
You’re not just adding excellence to our team. You’re adding excellence to their table.
Employees 7,000 -
Arla Foods amba
19,000 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
At Arla, we do so much more than make some of the world’s favourite dairy products. We make healthy taste delicious, mornings worth getting up for and family dinners unforgettable. Arla®, Castello® and Lurpak® – brands like these make us a vital, natural part of modern life in over 100 countries around the world. We are 19,000 global employees at the heart of it, owned by 12,700 farmers located in seven different countries around the world. Every single one of us plays an important role and together, we build on our 10bn Euros turnover and establish our position as one of the largest dairy companies in the world. A high performance culture When joining Arla, you become part of a high performance culture with great ambitions. We strive to be a company where growth is at the hearth of every task and dynamics change our daily work. Thus, you are seen as an individual person and apart from milk, people are our most important resource. Together, the milk and the farmers lay the foundations in terms of growing and continuously have a strong dairy company with enough milk for our ambitions to make healthy, natural dairy products for millions of people around the globe. We believe, that freedom and responsibility are key elements in order to create and
maintain a good workplace and therefore, we build our business on openness and employee influence meaning that you can expect your opinion to be heard.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey
Kick-start your career with Arla’s Production Management Graduate Programme Do you want to pursue a career in Production Management with the potential to be a future role model for the employees at our production sites? If yes, then come and kick-start a career that will pave the way for exciting opportunities in one of the world’s largest dairy companies. The Production Management Graduate Programme is a 2-year entry level programme where talented graduates can begin a leadership career within one of the world’s largest dairy companies. To prepare you as a key figure within our Supply Chain, the programme will take you to 2 different European production sites, spending 18 months at your primary location and 6 months abroad. Read more about the Production Management Graduate Programme and your career opportunities at www.Arla. com/pmgp.
Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 59
Welcome to a place where your ideas lead to something big www.start-a-remarkable-career.dk For more than 130 years, we have offered our associates around the world the opportunity to shape the future with a leading global provider of technology and services. Beneficial innovations that improve the quality of people’s lives, and save resources, drive our work. We encourage our associates to be individuals and see diversity as an asset. Our company enables its associates to strike a healthy balance between professional and personal aims, as we see this as a decisive means of promoting creativity and job satisfaction. This balance also shapes the foundation of our associates’ outstanding performance. Lifelong learning and a regular change of perspective are firmly anchored in our leadership culture. Our areas of activity are every bit as diverse as our locations around the world.
Let’s be remarkable.
Employees 591 70
Fields of study Export & Operations
Made by Bosch is the mark of excellence of a global player – not just in products and services – but also in careers.
Accept the challenge! Starting directly to perform – this is your challenge! You finally want to use your knowledge and experience in a real working environment – and you want to use it properly? Then Bosch is the right place for you. Join us and take over di-rect responsibility in your field from the first day. If you really are looking for a challenge: Here it is! In the areas of business, engineering or sales, a world of exciting challenges awaits you – plus a great career outlook. Whether you’re entering as a direct entry or begin your international management career in the Junior Mana-gers Program we help you grow profes-sionally and personally, at the same time offering outstanding opportunities for advancement and international perspectives.
”It is my intention, apart from the alleviation of all kinds of hardship, to promote the moral, physical, and intellectual development of the people.” (Robert Bosch, Founder) Satisfaction generates motivation. In addition to your salary, we offer benefits that money cannot buy A friendly and secure work environment and outstanding opportunities to deve-lop your own professional and personal skills. We see it as a core responsibility to help every associate to grow and to prepare them for future requirements.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng.
”Who stops getting better, stops being good.” (Robert Bosch, Founder) We know precisely what drives us, what we stand for and what we have in common: Innovations, values and visions. Our corporate culture makes us unique and it guides our actions and our interactions with one another. That’s how we are building a successful future together. Every success has its beginning. Here and now – start with us.
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 61
Š Brian Carlin / Team Vestas Wind / Volvo Ocean Race
The most important thing we build is trust
A world leader in advanced communication systems Cobham SATCOM is part of the UK-based Cobham Group whose products and services have been at the heart of sophisticated military and civil systems for more than 80 years. We develop, manufacture and sell equipment and systems for global mobile communication based on advanced satellite and radio technology, and we have a world leading market position. Our products enable people on land, at sea and in the air to communicate. We market our products worldwide under the AVIATOR, EXPLORER, SAILOR and Sea Tel brands.
About Cobham SATCOM We offer an inspiring workplace with ambition, innovation, commitment and a dynamic environment as our key drivers. Cobham SATCOM counts some 1,000 employees in Denmark, the United States, China, Singapore and South Africa. We enjoy attractive employee benefits and a strong social culture, including a number of different sports and special interest clubs. The Cobham Group employs 13,000 people on five continents and has customers and business partners in more than 100 countries.
Employees 560 -
13,000 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Working at Cobham Our clients and partners trust Cobham to deliver the missioncritical technology they need, and we trust our employees to draw on their ingenuity and passion to deliver those solutions. This leads to an empowering culture for our people. Combined with our strong heritage - the company still bears Sir Alan’s family name - it means we can react quickly to opportunities and continue to grow in a difficult economic climate. Our people grow with us; our Leadership team is open, sharing plans for the next five years, driving retention by offering demanding, exciting work, and providing full guidance and mentoring. We’re not unionised, which allows employees to experience a larger range of areas and opportunities. We’re looking to the future all the time. We’re ethical and strive to hold our suppliers, peer group and customers to the same high ethical standards. We’re now a global business and want our Divisions around the world to become more unified, while maintaining the innovative spirit and entrepreneurial culture that has attracted some of the best people in the industry.
Who We Are Cobham’s values of Trust, Talent and Technology have driven it from its launch in 1934 by Sir Alan Cobham, an aviation innovator, to becoming a global leader in state-of-the-art aerospace and defence systems.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology
Sir Alan worked tirelessly to make flying popular. His personal dream was that ‘one day there would be a landing ground in every major town’. More than 75 years later, with airports commonplace, that pioneering spirit thrives. Cobham has 11,000 dedicated professionals across five continents, producing world leading products and solutions, generating revenues of over £2bn. Cobham has a long track record of raising successive generations of innovators, pioneers and entrepreneurs, like Sir Alan, to be proud of. But more than ever, in a world of accelerating change and global competition, it is the talent it attracts and encourages now that will underwrite its future.
Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project
Our People From graduates to directors, our people provide the insights that help our end users to do more, be better and be safer. Here you’ll meet some of these people from across our business.
Companies 63
SHOW US YOUR TALENT AND ENABLE A BETTER FUTURE Developing world-class engineering solutions around the globe, COWI is a leader within its field because our 6600 employees worldwide are leaders within theirs. And we are always looking for new talents who can help us create coherence in tomorrow’s sustainable societies.
Find out where you can make a difference. Explore us at www.cowi.com
POWERING YOUR 360° SOLUTIONS COWI is a leading consulting group that creates value for customers, people and society through our 360° approach. We tackle challenges from many vantage points to create coherent solutions for our customers.
Employees 3,100 1,500
6,600 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Global challenges and opportunities Come work at a global company. From our offices and projects in more than 100 countries, we execute major, complex infrastructure projects such as a new expressway link in the Philippines and a groundbreaking research facility in Sweden. We are also at the frontline when it comes to future transport solutions in Denmark such as new high-speed railway lines, Cityringen in Copenhagen and the electrification of the Danish railways. Multidisciplinary workdays We create the best solutions together with our customers in an inspiring, multi-interdisciplinary environment. This means working together with colleagues that possess expert knowledge different from yours, enabled by a workplace where engineers work side by side with e.g. biologists, economists, surveyors, traffic and town planners. Four career paths Your career begins with your technical competences. You must be skilled within your field and able to apply your knowledge as well as your colleagues’ expert knowledge to the benefit of the client. Our four parallel career paths within line and project
management as well as business and technical specialisation can be combined depending on your skills and interests for personal development - and you can change direction if applicable.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng.
High-quality consultancy COWI is an international consultancy company with 6,600 employees based worldwide. Through our unique 360degree approach we create value for customers, people and society within engineering, environment and economics. Our objective is to provide high-quality consultancy on an international scale. This is achieved through our employees’ competences and knowledge. Consequently, COWI wants to attract the most skilled persons - both experienced and newly educated. Young in COWI Read more on our website about being young in COWI and find answers to your questions. Or even better: Meet us at the DSE fair and talk to someone who is passionate about your field.
Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 65
Employees 5,500 -
25.000 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
We are Engineering Tomorrow If you are an experienced professional ready to bring forward your ideas, then Danfoss gives you the freedom to do so. If you are a graduate or student wanting to start your career, we give you a range of opportunities for growth. We offer various opportunities for students and graduates to learn from some of the world’s top engineers. So start engineering tomorrow – today at Danfoss! As a member of the Danfoss team, you’ll be involved in engineering and producing solutions for the infrastructure, food, energy and climate challenges of tomorrow. The products will be designed for sustainable use in the future. They will be reliable, of high quality and innovative to have a long lifespan.
Danfoss Postgraduate program As a new participant in the Danfoss Post Graduate Programme, you have the opportunity to kick-start your career. You won’t be stashed away, but take an active role in four business-critical project assignments and gain experience abroad. We do business all over the world, so you can receive exciting on-the-job-training in various countries.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano
From Postgraduate to permanent position After you have been hired, you and your mentor will begin the process of defining your learning objectives for the next two years. The learning objectives function as coordinates that decide what projects you will work on and what events you will take part in. During your time as a postgraduate, we will use your learning objectives when assessing your progress
Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 67
“Professional challenges, exciting tasks and a strong sense of community – this is what characterizes my work life at DIS”
”With a Master’s Degree in Business Technology from Aalborg University I started working at DIS as a project engineer. Since the very first day, I had the opportunity to challenge my theoretical knowledge with practical tasks and with this I have gained extensive experience in a short amount of time. This is exactly what characterizes DIS - you have a unique opportunity to work with different engineering disciplines in various industries, which is both challenging and exciting. Today, I work as a project manager, which has been a natural development in my career at DIS. In this role I am involved in all aspects of a project - from start-up and idea generation, to production, test and final project handover. I am proud to be part of a company where we provide unique solutions every time and where the incredibly strong sense of community binds us together. You always feel a part of the team at DIS - whether you work as an external consultant at the customer’s location or at the DIS office.” Dan Gadensgaard, Project Manager at DIS.
Aalborg I Aarhus I Copenhagen I Esbjerg Germany I Poland I Ukraine I USA www.creadis.com | www.creadis.de | www-d-i-s.dk
Employees 350 325
120 100
Fields of study Export & Operations
Join the best engineering workplace in Europe DIS is one of Denmark’s most innovative engineering and consulting companies and we are experiencing tremendous growth. We have recently been awarded as the best engineering workplace in Europe and awarded as the best place to do an internship which we are very proud of and a result of our constant focus on employee development. We employ around 450 dedicated employees across Denmark Germany, Poland, Ukraine and the U.S. A passion for technology At DIS we are specialists within mechanical, electrical, automation, software and hardware engineering as well as management consulting and project management. We are experts in integrating and transferring knowledge to achieve new competitive advantages and we work within many industries. Working at DIS you will therefore get a large contact base across disciplines and industries, and you will achieve a broad work experience within your engineering profession.
A part of a unique community At DIS you will experience professionalism, commitment and a unique community among colleagues who are all passionate about what they do. We offer one of the most versatile workplaces in Denmark and a sense of community and belonging characterizes our company. We work hard to create a workplace which is both challenging and fun to be part of. We regularly have professional and social events to ensure a safe, trusting and evolving work culture supporting your career development as an engineer.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng.
Your profile You are an engineer looking for full time employment or studying to become an engineer with wish to learn through an internship. Ambitious, creative, and motivated by constantly improving your skills is what characterizes you. Furthermore, you thrive in a dynamic and innovative environment and possess the desire to create results. Empower your career – Join DIS Are you eager to be a part of our team? Meet us at the job fair and learn more about DIS on www.d-i-s.dk
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 69
ARE YOU OUR FUTURE GRADUATE? Kick-start your career as a DONG Energy graduate. Learn more on dongenergy.com/graduate
Employees 5,110 -
DONG Energy
6,200 1,000
Fields of study Export Export & Operations & Operations
DONG Energy in short We are one of the leading energy companies in Northern Europe. We have constructed more than a quarter of the world’s total offshore wind capacity, helping to reduce carbon emissions. At the same time, we are taking the lead in converting existing coal- and gas-fired power stations to sustainable biomass, providing a heat and power supply which is both green, independent and flexible.
Your career in DONG Energy Our graduate programme is ideal for you if you have achieved good academic results, and you want to make a difference together with others. The programme offers highly skilled, newly graduated professionals a steep learning curve with the opportunity to develop their competences in an ambitious and international environment. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to build an extensive professional network. As a graduate, you will be applying your theoretical and analytical skills in practice in a programme that is specifically tailored to you, based on your interests, competences and ambitions. All our graduates are assigned a mentor, who is working in the same area as you.
Your mentor will support you both professionally and personally throughout the programme and help you develop a career plan based on your ambitions.
Leave your mark on the future We are building a world-class green energy company with a renewables portfolio based on leading competences in offshore wind, bioenergy, and sustainable energy solutions. For us to continue to lead the green energy transformation, we need ambitious and passionate engineers, who are ready to push the boundaries within their field of expertise; who can turn complex engineering challenges into innovative solutions; and who enjoy working in a dynamic and collaborative environment. As a graduate in DONG Energy, you will have the opportunity to support various operational and strategic projects such as: • • •
expansion of offshore wind farms conversion of existing coal- and gasfired power stations to sustainable biomass storage of energy
Product & Design Product & Design Mechanical MechanicalEng. Eng. Structural Structural&&Civil Civil Arch.&&Planning Planning Arch. Geo.&&Survey Survey Geo. EnvironmentalEng. Eng. Environmental Chemical ChemicalEng. Eng. Biotechnology Biotechnology Medicine Medicine & Pharma & Pharma Biomedical Biomedical Eng. Eng. Physics Physics & Nano & Nano Energy EnergyEng. Eng. Electronic ElectronicEng. Eng. Communication Communication Tech. Tech. Mathematical Mathematical Eng. Eng. Software Software
We offer Internship Internship Student Studentjob job Work Workabroad abroad Master's Master'sthesis thesis Graduate Graduateprog. prog. Schoolproject project School Ph.D. Ph.D.
Connect with us Learn more about DONG Energy as a work place and our vacancies at: www.dongenergy.com/job
Companies 71
Employees 320 40
DS Stålkonstruktion A/S
320 40
Fields of study Export & Operations
Stærk under overfladen DS Stålkonstruktion er en succesfuld og dynamisk entreprenørvirksomhed med aktiviteter i hele norden. I DS Stålkonstruktion laver vi stålkonstruktioner til industri, butik-, landbrug- og stadionbyggeri samt specialkonstruktioner. DS Stålkonstruktion er en del af DS Gruppen og er førende i Danmark inden for stålkonstruktioner. Hovedkontoret og produktionen er placeret i Hobro.
5 gode grunde til at arbejde hos os #1 DU FÅR DET ANSVAR, DU VIL TAGE
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning
Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng.
Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng.
Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng.
Vores viden og erfaring er samlet i begrebet ”Stærk under overfladen”. Et begreb, der dækker over de kompetencer, der ikke nødvendigvis er umiddelbart synlige, men som alligevel er helt centrale for produktionen, projektledelsen og montagen af bærende stålkonstruktioner til ethvert formål. Det som er synligt, er DS Stålkonstruktions tyngde. Den understreges bl.a. af en årlig produktion på mere end 25.000 tons stål, et produktionsareal på mere end 30.000 m² og en stor, topmoderne maskinpark, som kan bearbejde alle pladetykkelser og alle typer af valsede profiler.
Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 73
VÆR MED TIL AT BYGGE HØJSPÆNDINGSFORBINDELSER TIL UDLANDET – så danskerne har strøm i stikkontakten både kl. 20.50 og i 2050
Viking Link skal forbinde Danmark og Storbritannien 650 KM SØKABEL
Viking Link er en 740 km lang jævnstrømsforbindelse (HVDC) med ca. 650 km søkabel og to konverterstationer.
Forbindelsen er på 1400 MW og kan transportere elektricitet til 1,4 mio. husstande. Vi forventer, at forbindelsen går i drift i 2022.
Læs mere om vores komplekse projekter og dine karrieremuligheder på www.energijob.dk
Employees 1,000 400
1,004 402
Fields of study Export & Operations
Din vækst er vores vækst Brænder du for tekniske udfordringer, og motiverer det dig at lære nyt og udvikle dig hver dag? Så er Energinet et godt bud på din nye arbejdsplads.
har du gode muligheder for at udvikle dine faglige og personlige kompetencer. Det samme gælder, hvis du arbejder med drift og udvikling af gassystemet eller på et af vores gaslagre.
Energinet skal sikre forsyning af el og gas i Danmark samtidig med, at den grønne omstilling sker økonomisk og effektivt. Det er en udfordring, som vi kun kan løfte med dygtige og ambitiøse ingeniører. Ingeniører, som kan forene deres tekniske baggrund med en god forståelse for det samlede energisystem og evnen til at skabe stærke relationer med kolleger, borgere, leverandører, specialister i branchen og andre samarbejdspartnere i Danmark og udlandet.
Generelt er der ingen ”standardprojekter” hos os. Energiområdet ændrer sig hurtigt, og vi møder hele tiden nye udfordringer, som kræver nye løsninger. Det stiller krav til dig som medarbejder, og det er med til at udvikle dig.
Du er sikker på teknisk kompleksitet Som ingeniør hos Energinet samarbejder du nationalt og internationalt om store, komplekse og banebrydende projekter, der skaber sikker og økonomisk effektiv energi til samfundet.
Vær med til at sikre, at der altid er strøm i stikkontakten og gas i hanen – både klokken 20.50 i aften og i år 2050. Og vær med til at sikre balance i et bæredygtigt energisystem i en hverdag, hvor vi lærer af hinanden. Hvis du vil bruge din høje faglighed i samarbejde med os, så er vi klar til din vækst.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng.
Uanset om du arbejder med analyser af energisystemet, projektledelse af konkrete anlægsprojekter eller drift af elsystemet,
Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng.
Vil du skabe energi til tiden - og til fremtiden? Hos Energinet er du med til at løse en vigtig samfundsmæssig opgave til gavn for alle borgere i Danmark.
Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 75
→ YOUR UNIVERSE TO DISCOVER From the beginnings of the ‘space age’, Europe has been actively involved in spaceflight. Today it launches satellites for Earth observation, navigation, telecommunications and astronomy, sends probes to the far reaches of the Solar System, and cooperates in the human exploration of space. Space is a key asset for Europe, providing essential information needed by decision-makers to respond to global challenges. Space provides indispensable technologies and services, and increases our understanding of our planet and the Universe. Since 1975, the European Space Agency (ESA) has been shaping the development of this space capability. By pooling the resources of 22 Member States, ESA undertakes programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country, developing the launchers, spacecraft and ground facilities
needed to keep Europe at the forefront of global space activities. ESA staff are based at several centres of ESA staff are based at several centres of expertise: ESA Headquarters in Paris; the European Space Research & Technology Centre (ESTEC), Netherlands; ESRIN, the centre for Earth observation, Italy; the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), Darmstadt, Germany; the European Astronaut Centre (EAC), Cologne, Germany; the European Space Astronomy Centre, Spain, and ECSAT, the European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications, UK. Space programmes require people who like challenges. Therefore, apply for one of our Young Graduate Trainee positions next November! Visit your career universe on www.esa.int/careers
Employees -
ESA-European Space Agency
2,300 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
With its more than 2,300  international staff from 22 countries, ESA is Europe’s capstone organization in the field of space research and development.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey
The programmes of the European Space Agency include large projects in space science, telecommunications, navigation, earth observation, launcher development, manned space flight, and microgravity. Engineers, IT specialists, physicists, mathematicians, astronomers, and astrophysicists are employed in a variety of areas:Research and development, project support, project management, spacecraft operations and data retrieval and exploitation.
Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
ESA is an equal opportunity employer with a positive gender policy. We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 77
Brug din tekniske viden
G ER? og bliv le der til s øs
Hvis du har en teknisk videregående uddannelse, kan du uddanne dig til officer i Søværnet. Officersuddannelsen bygger videre på den tekniske faglighed, du allerede har opnået, og giver dig samtidig en helt unik lederuddannelse. Som officer har du en række suveræne muligheder på hånden – uanset om du fortsætter karrieren med eller uden uniform. Officersuddannelsen er med løn og varer mellem 20-32 måneder. Læs mere på fak.dk/leder
Employees 18,000 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Forsvaret – en anderledes uddannelsesinstitution og arbejdsplads, uddanner og beskæftiger ca. 18.000 kvinder og mænd over hele landet. Heraf ca. 350 ingeniører.
Flyvevåbnet: Kontrol og varslingsofficer Operationsstøtteofficer Teknikofficer Pilot
Ledelse, der virker Forsvarsakademiets nye officersuddannelser er akademiske lederuddannelser, der virker i praksis. Ledelse handler om mennesker. Vi uddanner ikke uniformer, men hele personer med integritet og gennemslagskraft. Der er en god grund til, at Forsvaret uddanner gode ledere. Vores viden om ledelse er afprøvet med livet som indsats – og forfinet gennem århundreder.
På fak.dk/leder kan du se mere om de nye officersuddannelser.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng.
Forsvarets nye officersuddannelser En uddannelse som officer er en unik lederuddannelse med mange karrieremuligheder - både med og uden uniform. Forsvarets nye officersuddannelser er for dig, som er bachelor eller professionsbachelor: Hæren: Taktisk officer Søværnet: Taktisk officer Maskinteknisk officer Våben- og elektronikteknisk officer
Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma
Forsvaret som arbejdsplads Som ingeniør i Forsvaret bliver du en del af en sammenhæng, hvor din indsats også er en indsats for andre, og hvor dit arbejde er en forudsætning for, at andre kan gøre deres arbejde. Ingeniører i Forsvaret er beskæftiget med indkøb, test og vedligeholdelse af Forsvarets materiel og udstyr, og med Forsvarets bygge- og anlægsprojekter. Mange muligheder Forsvaret tilbyder et meningsfyldt job med masser af udfordringer, menneskelige arbejdstider og gode karrieremuligheder, så du hele tiden kan styrke dit CV og dine kompetencer både på det menneskelige og faglige plan. Det betyder også, at der er rig mulighed for at sætte nye mål og søge nye udfordringer.
Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Læs mere om Forsvaret som arbejdsplads på forsvaret.dk/job
Companies 79
Target turns on cell phone
Encoded MMS with mission details
Employees -
Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste
Fields of study Export & Operations
SIGINT - en anderledes opgave Har du lyst til at arbejde hands on med kommunikationsteknologi? Skal dine nærmeste kolleger have baggrund i blandt andet trådløs kommunikation, signalbehandling, protokolanalyse, systemudvikling og datalogi? Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE) er en alsidig og spændende arbejdsplads med en bred vifte af specialiserede medarbejdere fordelt på adskillige fag- og arbejdsområder. Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) er ingen undtagelse. Her arbejder mange forskellige ingeniørprofiler og dataloger hver dag fokuseret på blandt andet at holde trit med nye informationsteknologier og stærkt stigende datamængder.
Kreativ problemløsning Hvis du vil indgå i vores udviklingsteams, kræver det ikke alene et solidt teknisk fundament, men også den rette personlighed. Vores medarbejdere bliver nemlig ikke blot udfordret på fagligheden, men også på evnen til at opsøge og finde løsninger på anderledes problemstillinger. Du vil derfor blive en del af et fagligt fællesskab, hvor nytænkning og sparring er en vigtig del af hverdagen.
I FE har vi fokus på medarbejdernes evner og potentiale, og vi ser den store diversitet i vores medarbejderes uddannelses- og erfaringsniveau som en fordel. Vi har plads til anderledes profiler, som har lysten til at lære nyt, er nysgerrige og kreative.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng.
Vi højner sikkerheden Hos FE vil du være en del af en spændende arbejdsplads, hvor du kan bruge dine faglige færdigheder til at løse unikke udfordringer og bidrage til at højne den nationale sikkerhed.
Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech.
En af FE’s fornemmeste opgaver er at indsamle og analysere efterretning med henblik på at modvirke trusler mod Danmark og danske interesser. Disse efterretninger indhentes over et bredt spektrum af informationskilder, heriblandt SIGINT.
Vil du være med? Vi byder på et innovativt arbejdsmiljø, hvor du vil gennemgå en faglig og personlig udvikling. Du vil indgå i et team bestående af dedikerede og dygtige kolleger, hvor der er rig mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med de mange andre fagområder, som FE dækker over.
Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Din arbejdsplads kan være i enten Hjørring eller København.
Companies 81
We are looking for more colleagues - are you ready to join our team?
Connecting the world through intelligent software solutions
Employees 60 30
GateHouse Group
60 30
Fields of study Export & Operations
We connect the world through intelligent software solutions GateHouse Groups logistics systems track over 200,000 units each day in ships, trucks and planes. The group has three wholly-owned subsidiaries: GateHouse Logistics providing tracking solutions to the transportation industry, GateHouse Telecom for satellite communications, consulting and services, and GateHouse Maritime providing tracking solutions to maritime authorities, coastguards, ports and related businesses. We seek new talents www.d-i-s.dk GateHouse experiences growing interest for our capabilities and we seek new talents to support this growth. Our tracking data currently support major global logistic operators creating transparency. We look for new software developers to build new tracking features for the industry. If user experience, cyber security, IoT, Daas, Paas, Saas, tracking etc. trigger your interest, we would like to hear from you. In the satellite business, we develop our test and verification capabilities in close co-operation with leading satellite operators and to support this path we are looking for software developers that master complex
communications scenarios. Some of the keywords are communications protocols, embedded software, software approval processes and network topologies.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey
We look for candidates who are academically strong, but perhaps more importantly, for candidates who has a dynamic approach, ambitions and professional curiosity. In terms of experience, we are looking for both new graduates and experienced developers.
Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng.
If your profile match the abovementioned, please send your application to jobs@ gatehouse.dk. We are hiring continually as the right candidates appear.
Work environment The work environment at GateHouse is very informal and unbureaucratic. It is important for us to be open to each other’s different competences, knowledge and point of views. We always wish to make the most professional decisions, based on as many competences and insights as possible. We believe, that a great work environment is built on open, inclusive and dynamic teamwork. Therefore, we have a strong tradition of working together, from CEO to intern, to reach our goals. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 83
Employees 113 68
GomSpace ApS
125 78
Fields of study Export & Operations
GomSpace is a globally leading designer, integrator and manufacturer of high-end nanosatellites for customers in the academic, government and commercial markets. Our positions of strength include systems integration, nanosatellite subsystems and advanced miniaturised radio technology.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology
Our international team is devoted to understanding our customer’s requirements and deliver flawlessly. We are listed in Stockholm (GOMX), headquartered in Denmark and have a subsidiary, NanoSpace in Sweden. We have currently 125 employees we service customers in more than 50 countries.
Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
Learn more: www.gomspace.com We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 85
PUMPS CAN SAVE 4% OF THE WORLD’S ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION Johannes Widmoser Engineer Energietechnik GmbH Waidring, Austria
At 1,654 metres above sea level, ensuring comfort and reliability is important, but so, too, is energy efficiency. At the Panorama Tenne on Steinplatte Mountain, Austria, Alpha3 helps keep guests warm while reducing costs and CO2 emissions.
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We have made sustainability our top priority. We deliver superior environmental solutions to global challenges like water shortage, mismanagement of energy and natural resources. By pioneering new technologies we make life better for people all over the world. By being responsible, thinking ahead, and innovating, we always strive to do better. Choose Grundfos because you can: • • • •
Contribute to global sustainability – be a part of the solution Work in high-priority and high-tech projects and kick off an adventurous, global career Work with the best – Grundfos is a global leader in advanced pump solutions and a trendsetter in water technology Get a collaborative and informal working environment where colleagues share knowledge and succeed together
Join our global commitment towards a sustainable planet and challenge yourself to make a difference. Go to www.grundfos.com/jobs today
Employees 4,300 700
18,000 4,000
Fields of study Export & Operations
Grundfos develops water solutions for the world. We set the standard in terms of innovation, efficiency, reliability and sustainability. We are a pump company touching millions and millions of people every day. Our solutions help our partners and customers move water to where it is supposed to go. Providing drinking water for the smallest villages and the highest skyscrapers, treating and removing wastewater and bringing heat and comfort to the world – or cool it down if needed. We employ more than 18,000 employees in more than 50 countries around the world.
Working in Grundfos Grundfos needs talented minds committed to making a difference towards solving the global water and energy challenges. By driving a sustainable business and leveraging digitalization services and new business models, we want to ensure that we remain the frontrunner within the industry and that customers chose sustainable solutions. If you want to make a difference and be part of an international workplace with global opportunities, we are your perfect match.
Young in Grundfos As a recent graduate, you can either join us through our Global Graduate Programme that is offered to a limited number of handpicked, high potential graduates or through regular entry level positions.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng.
You can look up all jobs at grundfos.com/ jobs and read more about our Global Graduate Programme at grundfos.com/career/ global-graduate-programme
Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng.
Students in Grundfos We are proud to collaborate with many students. We want to develop you by bringing your theoretical toolbox into play while contributing with new ideas and point of views to our business. You can join us as an intern, student assistant or as part of a project collaboration or Ph.D. The opportunities are endless if you have the right mindset and insight to make a difference. We look forward to talking to you.
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project
Companies 87
læser til kemiingeniør på AU
IDA er et fagligt fællesskab af 30.000 studerende, der læser IT, naturvidenskab og ingeniørfag Meld dig ind i IDA og styrk din viden og dit netværk blandt nogle af Danmarks klogeste og mest engagerede studerende. Bliv inspireret og læs om IDAs faglige fællesskab på idaforstuderende.dk
IDA for studerende IDA er Danmarks største interesseorganisation og fagforening for studerende inden for IT, naturvidenskab og ingeniørfag. Vi arbejder for at give dig og dine medstuderende et stærkt fagligt fællesskab, hvor I kan udvikle jeres kompetencer. Det gælder både, mens du er studerende, og når du skal have dit første job.
Fordele Som studiemedlem i IDA er du klædt bedst muligt på til studietiden gennem mange faglige, sociale og kontante fordele. Du kan bl.a. få feedback på dit CV og din ansøgning, eller en karrieresamtale og hjælp til at afklare dine studie- og jobmuligheder. Derudover får du masser af rabatter på alt fra shopping til vin og rejser.
Fællesskab Som medlem af IDA bliver du en del af et netværk med nogle af Danmarks klogeste og mest engagerede studerende. Til sociale events kan du møde medstuderende på tværs af studieretninger, som alle er en del af Danmarks største fællesskab inden for IT, naturvidenskab og ingeniørfag.
Kom og mød os Kig forbi vores stand på messen til en snak om, hvordan IDA kan være med til at gøre din tid som studerende lidt sjovere. Vi glæder os til at se dig!
Faglighed Hvert år afholder IDA flere end 3.000 events, som bl.a. giver dig mulighed for at engagere dig i IDAs mange faglige netværk og møde dine måske kommende kollegaer. Du kan også deltage i kompetencegivende kurser i LaTeX, R, Illustrator mm., eller besøge spændende virksomheder.
Bliv medlem i dag idaforstuderende.dk
Companies 89
Gode råd om jobsøgning, CV-skrivning og jobsamtalen
Fokus på ingeniør, teknik- og IT-jobs. INTET ANDET. • Upload dit CV • Find relevante studiejobs • Nye relevante jobs via e-mail
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Jobfinder.dk er målrettet ingeniører og tekniske specialister, og hver dag finder du aktuelle jobtilbud fra de vigtigste ingeniørog it-arbejdspladser; både som studerende og færdiguddannet.
På Jobfinder.dk er det nemt og hurtigt at oprette dit CV i vores CV-database. På den måde øger du din synlighed over for de mange virksomheder, der bruger Jobfinder.
Opret en jobagent og få automatisk besked via e-mail, hver gang der er et nyt job, som matcher dine interesser.
Mangler du et fagligt relevant studiejob? Så er Studiejobfinder.dk stedet for dig!
Lav fx tre jobagenter:
På Jobfinder har vi en hel sektion med studiejob, praktikpladser og graduateprogrammer. Her får du let og hurtigt et overblik over de ledige stillinger, der kan kickstarte din karriere.
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Så er du godt i gang med din jobsøgning!
Bliv klogere på tendenser inden for jobsøgning og markedsudvikling i Jobfinders karriereunivers `Arbejdsliv & Karriere`. Her finder du vejledninger og hjælp til effektiv jobsøgning, skarpe ansøgninger og et godt CV.
Mød os på messen og hør mere om, hvad Jobfinder kan gøre for dig.
• En for den branche, du vil arbejde i • En for din favoritvirksomhed
Companies 91
Employees 600 11
1,600 30
Fields of study Export & Operations
JENSEN Denmark A/S The Danish part of the JENSEN-GROUP JENSEN-GROUP assists heavy-duty laundries worldwide to provide quality textile services economically. We have become the preferred supplier in the laundry industry by leveraging our broad laundry expertise to design and supply sustainable single machines, systems and integrated solutions. We are continuously growing by extending our offer and by developing environmental friendly and innovative products and services that address specific customer needs. Our success results from combining global skills with local presence. JENSEN Denmark A/S JENSEN Denmark A/S develops, produces and sells single machines and sys-tems that industrial laundries worldwide use to iron and fold textile products. e.g. bed and table linen and also garments e.g. uniforms. 97 % of our production is exported to countries all over the world. We wish to maintain our leading position on the market and are seeking new employees to strengthen our development activities. If you want to be part of a team that develops, produces and sells the best laundry machines and systems, we are the right company for you.
JENSEN Postgraduate Program If you have a degree in Engineering and you:
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning
• •
Want to test your skills in an entrepre-neurial, small - but truly global company. Would like the practical experience very early in your career, as well as responsibility and visual results of your work, creating value for others. Wish to explore the direction of your career - with Sales, Project, Design, Construction, Software, Automation or Service. Seek the adventure of working in Denmark and abroad - in destinations like Germany, USA, Dubai, Singapore, Australia or Japan. Want the support and mentoring of experienced specialists and leaders, working in a network and new genera-tion of postgraduates, forming the future of the company.
Consider joining the JENSEN Post-graduate Program. Please visit our website for more information about the 2 year program, applying and about job opportunities in general in the JENSEN-GROUP.
Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 93
Find your first job on jobindex.dk Are you looking for a student job or close to graduating and eager to use your education in a full time job? Get a head start on your career by using Jobindex to find your first job. With the most comprehensive list of vacant jobs in Denmark, we are your go-to resource on the job market. FREE JOBAGENT Sign up for our Jobagent-service to regularly receive relevant job ads. It is free and it only takes a couple of minutes to get started. LET THE RECRUITERS FIND YOU If you register your CV in our CV database, you might be headhunted by one of the many companies that use the database. Just describe your area of studies, tell us when you expect to graduate, and write your wishes for a student job or full time job. Now you are ready to be handpicked by a future employer. Visit jobindex.dk or get our app to find your student job.
Jobindex A/S Holger Danskes Vej 91 2000 Frederiksberg www.jobindex.dk
Jobindex JOBINDEX IS THE EASIEST WAY TO YOUR FIRST JOB Are you looking for a student job or close to graduating and eager to use your education in a full time job? Get a head start on your career by using Jobindex to find your first job. With the most comprehensive list of vacant jobs in Denmark, we are your go-to resource on the job market.
Sign up for our Jobagent service at the fair and participate in the competition to win cinema tickets, popcorn and soft drinks.
Companies 95
OVER 3000
Kalundborg Kommune Forestil dig et sted Forestil dig et sted, hvor virksomhederne udvider, og nye muligheder opstår. Hvor man arbejder sammen om at opnå fælles mål. Hvor man forsøger at gøre verden bedre og arbejde mere intelligent. Et sted, hvor man har en praktisk tilgang til bæredygtighed. Og hvor ledende virksomheder, offentlige myndigheder og uddannelsesinstitutioner arbejder tæt sammen.
Hvis du tror, du er nødt til at vælge enten en karriere i en dyr og overfyldt storby eller ’det gode liv’ i et smukt område uden spændende jobmuligheder – så kan du godt tro om igen. I Kalundborg behøver det ene ikke at udelukke det andet – her kan du faktisk få begge dele.
Forestil dig Kalundborg
Forestil dig et ambitiøst arbejdsliv i et område, hvor en attraktiv bolig er til at betale, og hvor naturen venter lige uden for døren. Hvor mennesker kommer hinanden ved og dyrker deres interesser i en af de mange foreninger og klubber.
Companies 97
Progress your career
“Working in dynamic scrum teams makes my job challenging – it’s great” Dan Grøndahl Glavind, Development Engineer
Employees 900 450
Kamstrup A/S
1,200 500
Fields of study Export & Operations
About Kamstrup Kamstrup is one of the world’s leading suppliers of intelligent energy and water metering solutions. Through superior technology and innovation, we deliver sustainable solutions to manage and measure the world’s consumption of energy and water.
Development through training Developing our employees through continuous training and development is of high importance to us. Our teams work with constant knowledge sharing and feedback as we know that the best results are created in collaboration with others.
Our 500 engineers design and implement all aspects of our products from measuring comsuption to data transport and analysis. This includes print layout, RF technology, data communication protocols, electronics design, low- and high-level software design, databases and web- and mobile-application development. Our headquarter, R&D and production facilities are located in Stilling near Aarhus. Moreover, we have offices in more than 24 countries around the world and deliver and support solutions in more than 60 countries.
We welcome you at Kamstrup Kamstrup offers full-time jobs, internships, student jobs and project collaborations to bright students with ambitions. As an intern, you will become a part of the organization and get interesting and challenging tasks. Furthermore, you will get responsibility and the power to act. Are you looking for a company to write you thesis with, Kamstrup also offers that possibility. We value the great number of competent students and graduates we already employ, and we are looking forward to cooperate with even more.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology
Inspired by better At Kamstrup, we never settle for second best. We expect our people to always seek better ways to do what they do. We look for curious, inquisitive and restless people. Those driven by an ethic of improvement and an appetite for being the best they can be. Why? Because people like this have been the force of our business for almost 60 years. They are the ones that ask ‘Why not? What if ?’
Find out more at: www.kamstrup.com
Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 99
Employees 3,000 -
300 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
It-rebeller til digital revolution Danmark skal digitaliseres, og det er vores ansvar. Vi kalder det den digitale revolution, for kun radikale løsninger gør Danmark til international frontløber. It er vores værktøj, og verdensklasse er vores mål. Vi er frontløbere på it-sikkerhed, og vi sikrer data, uanset om det gælder ubudne gæster eller almindelig glemsomhed. Mellem vores mange resultater er Danmarks største business-app, SmartCare, der gør livet lettere for hjemmehjælperne. En robot, der genkender din stemme, og hjælper dig med at udfylde formularer. Det er også os, der står bag Danmarks største cloud-løsning, Folkeskolens digitale platform og meget, meget mere. Vi hjælper dig fremad Har du talent for at udfordre grænserne, hjælper vi dig fremad uanset, om du vil være leder eller specialist. Vores fornemste opgave er at sikre fokus og fremdrift i både din og dine projekters udvikling. Er du klar til at melde dig som rebel for en større sag?
Dit stærkeste netværk KMD er Danmarks største, sjoveste og mest seriøse legeplads for it-talenter. Vi er mere end 3.000 medarbejdere, og selvom nogle af vores specialer er smalle, så dækker vi sammen utroligt bredt. Vi arbejder med Java, Microsoft, Mainframe, SAP, arkitektur, test og projektledelse. Derudover har vi selvfølgelig stærke sælgere og støttefunktioner som fx Finance, Strategi, HR og Kommunikation.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng.
Fleksibilitet er nøglen I KMD er vi ligeglade med, hvor og hvornår du får dine gode ideer. Bare du deler dem. Fleksibilitet er nøglen, og hos os betyder det ikke, at du skal arbejde meget mere, end du har lyst til. Du skal arbejde, fordi jobbet, virksomheden, kunderne, og dine kollegaer inspirerer dig. Derfor sørger vi selvfølgelig også for, at rammerne er i orden. Det gælder, uanset om du har behov for at dyrke motion, blive fagligt stimuleret, spise morgenmad, frokost eller aftensmad, få renset dit tøj eller gå til fredagsbar
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 101
Tænker du også på fremtidens vand?
Krüger gør en forskel – skal det være sammen med dig? Vær med til at skabe bæredygtige og innovative løsninger der: • • • • •
omdanner spildevand til rent vand, gødning, elektricitet og varme sikrer rent drikkevand begrænser oversvømmelser og sikrer rent badevand bruger mindre energi og beskytter klimaet genbruger vand og genvinder råstoffer
Resourcing the world
Employees 450 300
Krüger A/S
9,700 3,500
Fields of study Export & Operations
Nyuddannet ingeniør eller snart kandidat? Sats på en international virksomhed med stærke bæredygtige løsninger, og søg dit første job hos Krüger. Vi arbejder som rådgivere, entreprenører og leverandører – og har et stærkt samarbejde med vores internationale kollegaer. Du kommer til en succesrig virksomhed med aktiviteter inden for drikkevand, spildevand, afløb og slam samt oprensning af forurenet jord. Vi arbejder med alt fra klimatilpasning til genvinding af værdifulde ressourcer. Du bliver en del af et hold, der går målrettet efter at skabe innovative og bæredygtige løsninger, der er tilpasset vores kunders behov, og fastholder og udvikler Krügers position.
Innovation bringer os frem Krüger er et datterselskab i den internationale miljøkoncern Veolia, der beskæftiger 175.000 medarbejdere på verdensplan. Innovation er afgørende for vores virksomhed, og Krüger har et løbende samarbejde med forsyninger, industrier og universiteter om 15-20 større udviklingsprojekter. Vi støtter din karriere Vi arbejder målrettet med dine karrieremuligheder. For at sikre dig de nødvendige
kompetencer tilbyder vi en række efteruddannelser. I dagligdagen tilskynder vi dig til at bidrage med nye ideer og vinkler på opgaverne, samtidig med, at du i samarbejde med dine mere erfarne kollegaer får del i deres store viden.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng.
Er du nyuddannet, kan du blive tilknyttet det globale program Pangeo, der giver adgang til praktikophold i Veolias internationale datterselskaber.
Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng.
Vi lægger vægt på, at du trives på din arbejdsplads. Det indebærer blandt andet fleksibel arbejdstid og mulighed for at deltage i en række sociale aktiviteter i tilknytning til Krüger. Vi sidder typisk to til tre på et kontor. Det giver plads til fordybelse og koncentration. Det sætter de fleste pris på, og det er godt for trivslen. Her er højt til loftet, og vi lægger vægt på en åben og uformel omgangstone.
Er du vores nye kollega? Vi har danske kontorer i Søborg, Aarhus og Aalborg, hvor der er plads til flere dygtige kollegaer. Måske skal du være den næste?
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Læs mere om os på www.kruger.dk, hvor du også kan se vores aktuelle stillingsopslag.
Companies 103
Er du pĂĽ udkig efter et job, der giver mening? www.linak.com/jobs
Employees 1,100 190
2,100 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
LINAK - We improve your life LINAK leverer aktuatorløsninger, der forbedrer menneskers livskvalitet og arbejdsmiljø. Vi er førende i verden inden for lineære aktuatorer og elektroniske styringer til hospitals- og plejesektoren, til komfort møbler, arbejds- og kontorborde og til en lang række industrielle applikationer. Produkterne bruges eksempelvis til at højde justere kontor- og arbejdsborde og til at regulere hospitals-, plejesenge og patientløftere. Virksomheden er i stadig vækst og omsætningen rundede i år 3,5 mia.kr. LINAK er en dynamisk virksomhed, hvor dagen i dag ikke ligner dagen i morgen. Vi sigter mod at skabe et godt arbejdsklima for vore medarbejdere gennem åbenhed, tryghed og motivation, og vi bestræber os på at skabe de rette udfordringer for vore medarbejdere. Vi har et værdisæt, som vi bruger aktivt, både i dagligdagen og i rekrutteringsøjemed. Vi motiverer og støtter vore medarbejdere i at dygtiggøre sig ved supplerende uddannelse. Der er rig mulighed for intern jobudvikling.
LINAK A/S søger ingeniørpraktikanter som har gå-på-mod og lyst til at blive en del af en dynamisk produktlinje eller udviklingsteam. Vi har løbende 8-13 praktikanter i huset. Du vil – som en naturlig del af teamet – blive inddraget i problemstillinger, samt indgå i arbejdet med både større og mindre projekter. Det kan bl.a. være at udvikle, specificere, indkøbe og igangsætte fremtidens proces- og produktions udstyr. Derudover kan du være med til at kvalitetssikre, rationalisere og optimere den løbende produktion. I udviklingsafdelingen vil opgaverne bestå i at teste, nyudvikle eller videreudvikle eksisterende produkter. I praktikperioden vil du gennem arbejdet med projekter udvikle en analytisk sans, som gør dig til en stærk og systematisk problemløser på længere sigt, og du vil opnå tætte samarbejdsrelationer i et travlt og uformelt miljø. LINAK tilbyder gode forhold, herunder praktikløn og mulighed for betalt kollegieværelse under opholdet. Ofte vil der også være mulighed for at gennemføre afgangsprojekt i virksomheden
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 105
The wind industry is at a crossroads. Overcoming the challenges of reducing the Cost of Energy from future offshore wind farms takes world class engineering capabilities and state-of-the-art testing experience, alongside process and manufacturing skills built up in a global footprint over decades. Dedication and creativity alone are not enough. Developing the LM 88.4 P blade for an 8 MW offshore wind turbine was a huge undertaking, leveraging all the disciplines of a true global blade supplier. And we delivered: smoothly and seamlessly interacting with the client’s development team; swiftly converting numerous load iterations into tangible and competitive blade design details; and ultimately sticking to a proven development plan ensuring fastest and safest product launch of this pivotal component. The longest, most advanced, wind turbine blade in the world: LM 88.4 P exceeds all its predecessors and sets the direction. Together, we capture the wind to power a cleaner world
Employees 508 183
LM Wind Power
9,053 368
Fields of study Export & Operations
LM Wind Power, a GE Renewable Energy Company (approx. 9,100 employees globally), is the world’s leading supplier of blades and service to the wind industry, and the only supplier that operates on a global basis.
If working in a company which creates state-of-the-art technology and processes attracts you, LM Wind Power has a career for you.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng.
The wind turbine industry is becoming increasingly complex, with radical progress made over the last few decades, providing great opportunities for professional development and a work environment that promotes initiative and creativity.
Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 107
Employees 1900 600
MAN Diesel & Turbo
55.000 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Are you into hardcore engineering and do you dream about combining theory with practice in a versatile working environment?
Innovation on the agenda The Blue Denmark is experiencing growth and green technology is the road ahead for the industry. The ships have to increase their efficiency and diminish the emissions to stay competitive and comply with the strict environmental regulations. This calls for innovative products and services. MAN Diesel & Turbo has answered to the challenges in the maritime sector since 1758. We develop and produce equipment for ships and power plants throughout the world. Our product program consists of two-stroke and four-stroke diesel engines, generators as well as propeller, gear and remote control systems. Under the brand MAN PrimeServ we also offer After Sales services like spare parts, maintenance, overhauls and upgrading of existing equipment to match the demands from the market. MAN Diesel & Turbo is an international company with a global market. The head office is located in Augsburg in Germany, but offices are found all over the world. In Denmark MAN Diesel & Turbo is located in Copenhagen, Holeby and Frederikshavn. They focus on the two-stroke engines for
ships in Copenhagen and in Holeby they focus on four-stroke generators for ships and power plants. In Frederikshavn we focus on four-stroke engines for smaller ships as well as propeller, gear and remote control systems for all ships At MAN Diesel & Turbo in Frederikshavn we have service production, purchasing, storage, sales and service as well as a large development department. The engineering assignments in the development department encompass mechanical, electronic and hydraulic challenges within development, construction and test of the product portfolio.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
To students We offer internships and study collaborations to students on various educations. Besides the engineering aspect we are also able to offer collaboration within HR, strategy, marketing and business development. Do you want to set the agenda for tomorrow? Then a career at MAN Diesel & Turbo might be right for you. Feel free to contact us if you have questions, comments or just want to know if your profile will fit a company like ours. For open job positions and unsolicited applications, please visit dieselturbo.man.euÂ
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 109
MAREL is the leading global provider of advanced processing systems and services to the POULTRY, MEAT and FISH INDUSTRIES. We offer the convenience of a single source to meet every need. In partnership with our customers we are transforming the way food is processed. Our vision is of a world where quality food is produced sustainably and affordably.
We believe that an individual grows when in charge of his/her own career path and professional development, and we will therefore give you the opportunity to work on challenging assignments with a lot of responsibility right from the start.
We want you to challenge us!
People at Marel are continually striving to be the best in the industry, and to accomplish this we need to continuously improve and innovate both as a company and as employees.
We want you to keep learning!
This will involve expanding your level of knowledge by continuously improving your skills through mentoring, coaching and specialized training courses
Visit us at Marel.com
Employees 460 70
Marel A/S
4,700 500
Fields of study Export & Operations
Marel is the leading global provider of advanced processing systems and services to the Poultry, Meat and Fish industries. We offer the convenience of a single source to meet every need. Our state-of-the-art equipment and systems help food processors of all sizes, in all markets, to operate at peak productivity. Our team is comprised of approximately 4,700 employees worldwide, offices and subsidiaries in 30 countries across six continents, and a network of more than 100 agents and distributors.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 111
Employees 250 180
9,500 -
Fields of study Export Export & Operations & Operations
Hvem er vi? Midtconsult løser rådgivningsopgaver over hele landet. Vi er i dag knap 250 medarbejdere fordelt på vores kontorer i Aarhus og Herning. Vi beskæftiger os med rådgivning inden for anlægsarbejde, bærende konstruktioner, bygningskomplettering, el- og vvsinstallationer, ventilation, energianlæg, commissioning, projektledelse, bygningsakustik, brand, lyd og bæredygtighed. Vi er en tværfaglig arbejdsplads med et stærkt fagligt miljø og fødderne solidt plantet i den jyske muld. Her får du albuerum og et stærkt socialt sammenhold med mulighed for både faglig og personlig udvikling. Troværdighed ligger i virksomhedens DNA, og det er den jordnære kontakt og de rigtige løsninger, som er grundstenene til vores troværdighed som rådgivende ingeniører.
En del af ÅF Midtconsult er ejet af ÅF, som er en svensk rådgivende ingeniørvirksomhed inden for energi-, industri- og infrastruktur. ÅF har omkring 9.500 ansatte fordelt på afdelinger i mere end 30 lande og udfører projekter rundt omkring i hele verdenen. At være en del af ÅF giver mulighed for
sparring med et væld af kompetente kollegaer fra afdelinger i andre lande, samt øget mulighed for at arbejde på spændende projekter der rækker på tværs af landegrænser.
Product & Design Product & Design Mechanical Mechanical Eng. Eng. Structural Structural&&Civil Civil Arch.&&Planning Planning Arch. Geo. & Survey Geo. & Survey EnvironmentalEng. Eng. Environmental
Gør karriere hos Midtconsult Hos Midtconsult bliver du en del af et stærkt fagligt miljø med samarbejde på tværs af mange forskellige fagområder. Sammen arbejder vi målrettet på at levere de bedste løsninger og den mest troværdige rådgivning til vores kunder. Vi stræber med andre ord efter maksimal værdiskabelse i ethvert projekt.
Chemical Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Biotechnology Medicine Medicine & Pharma & Pharma Biomedical Biomedical Eng. Eng. Physics Physics & Nano & Nano Energy EnergyEng. Eng. Electronic Electronic Eng. Eng. Communication Communication Tech. Tech. Mathematical Mathematical Eng. Eng. Software Software
“Vi samarbejder i tværfaglige teams med stor varietet i projekter og opgaver” Det er netop den brede faglighed hos Midtconsult, der giver dig muligheden for at skabe en karriere med varierede opgaver, hvor du samtidigt med at du udvikler dine kompetencer, kan lave det du brænder for og være med til at gøre nye spændende projekter til virkelighed.
We offer Internship Internship Student Studentjob job Work abroad Work abroad Master's thesis thesis Master's Graduate Graduate prog. prog. SchoolSchool projectproject
Læs mere på midtconsult.dk, og følg os via LinkedIn & Facebook
Ph.D. Ph.D.
Companies 113
Employees 95 70
Mjølner Informatics
95 70
Fields of study Export & Operations
Hos os bliver udfordringer til forretningsskabende digitale løsninger Mjølner Informatics er et software og design hus i hjertet af Aarhus’ it-miljø. Med mere en 25 år på bagen ved vi, at fremgang ikke skabes af modeller og tabeller, men af mennesker med den rette faglighed og mod på at gøre en forskel. Diversitet i opgaver og teknologier Ved du, hvad du vil lave resten af dit liv? Nej vel… Vi er ikke et produkthus, men et projekthus. Derfor ligner de færreste arbejdsdage hinanden. Vores kunder kommer fra forskellige brancher og har forskellige udfordringer. Derfor bruger vi en række forskellige tilgange og teknologier når vi forandrer deres udfordringer til forretningsskabende it-løsninger. Skarpe hjerner, der (også) udvikler hinanden ”For at udfordre og udvikle sig selv er det vigtigt at omgive sig med dygtige kollegaer – derfor valgte jeg Mjølner”. Sådan siger Chris Piechotta, der startede hos Mjølner efter at have afsluttet sin civilingeniør i teknisk it. Vi prioriterer vores faglighed og vidensdeling. Med faglige fællesskaber og studiegrupper har vi sat vores udvikling af hinanden og organisationen på dagsordenen.
Hele mennesker, ikke profiler Mjølner Informatics er gentagne gange blevet kåret som en af Danmarks bedste it-arbejdspladser. Det er vi stolte af og vi ved, at glade medarbejdere skaber bedre resultater. Med en flad organisationsstruktur er der kortere fra idé til handling og i et erhverv, der drives af ideer skal der være rum til de hjerner, der kommer på dem. Derfor respekterer vi de hele mennesker, der driver Mjølner Informatics.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng.
Besøg www.mjolner.dk/careers og se vores ledige stillinger.
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 115
VI GØR DET VIRKELIGT! 269 på Østre Havn ombygDTUungdomsboliger - CENTER FOR BÆREDYGTIGHED ges i en eksisterende silo. Bebyggelsen vilOG have CAMPUS MED MODERNE FORSKNINGSKONadgang til områdets centrale plads, StjernepladTORFACILITETER sen, Limfjorden og til havnebassinet.
Betonproducenten Unicorn bygger ny superfabrik i Tietgen Byen, hvor de vil kunne producere 160 m3 beton i timen. MOE er bygherrerådgiver på projektet.
Vejle Spildevand og Vejle Kommune ønsker fremadrettet en optimal afledning af regn- og spildevand. MOE planlægger, beregner og varetager undersøgelserne af hvilken renseanlægsstruktur, der er den ideelle for oplandet omkring Give.
Employees 610 443
633 470
Fields of study Export & Operations
Hos MOE er vi med til at sætte nye standarder, hvad enten det gælder udvikling af Danmarks infrastruktur eller en mere bæredygtig udnyttelse af ressourcer. Vi skaber bygninger til mennesker, hvor komfort og indeklima er i højsædet, og vi er med til at realisere de kreative og originale idéer, der sætter dansk arkitektur på verdenskortet. Vores rådgivning spænder over et bredt felt af kompetencer inden for Byggeri, Energi & Industri og Infrastruktur. Vi arbejder tværfagligt og tænker altid i helhedsløsninger.
En virksomhed i vækst MOE har eksisteret i over 85 år og er blandt de førende rådgivende ingeniører i Danmark. I de seneste år har vi haft en betydelig medarbejdertilgang, og vi er nu over 600 medarbejdere fordelt på kontorer i København, Aarhus, Aalborg, Fredericia, Vordingborg og Oslo. Vi er ligeledes medejer af det filipinske selskab Paficitech Solutions i Manila, som er med til at løse flere af vores projekter. Et dynamisk miljø Tværfaglighed som katalysator for kvalitet og innovation er en vigtig del af vores DNA, og vi arbejder målrettet på at sikre videndeling på tværs af vores mange afdelinger og kompetenceområder. Vi har en
åben og flad organisationsstruktur, der giver korte beslutningsveje fra idé til handling, og vores medarbejdere får både ansvar og plads til at udfolde sig.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey
Vi forventer til gengæld, at du tager imod nye udfordringer og har ambitioner om at skabe udvikling.
Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma
En attraktiv arbejdsplads Det skal både være sjovt og udfordrende at arbejde hos os. Vi arbejder i en branche i konstant forandring, og vi har brug for engagerede og fagligt kompetente medarbejdere. Vi har derfor fokus på videreuddannelse, deltagelse i spændende projekter og en lang række personalegoder. Vi har en uformel omgangstone og sørger for gode sociale rammer med sports- og kulturtilbud, årlig ski- og studietur samt hyggelige fredagscaféer og festlige arrangementer. Se mere på: www.moe.dk Facebook: www.facebook.com/moe.as
Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/ company/moe/
Instagram: @moeconsultingengineers
Companies 117
I graduate-programmet har jeg fået mulighed for at prøve mig selv af i forskellige afdelinger. Det har hurtigt givet mig en masse erfaring. Bæredygtighedskonsulent, Graduate
Læs mere på mth.dk/carina
Employees 1,480 -
MT Højgaard
1,565 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Samarbejdet i centrum Selvom vi er mest kendt for store danske byggerier som Den Sorte Diamant og Den Blå Planet, er vi også aktive i udlandet, og vi har bl.a. kontorer i Vietnam, på Grønland og Maldiverne. Uanset hvorfra vi arbejder, er det vores klare strategi at levere de bedste og mest gennemtænkte projekter. Derfor er samarbejdet i centrum for alt, hvad vi gør –samarbejdet mellem vores medarbejdere, med vores kunder og ikke mindst samarbejdspartnere. Vi er den virksomhed i branchen, der sætter dagsordenen inden for Virtual Design & Construction (VDC), og i tæt dialog med alle byggeriets parter kan vi designe, planlægge og optimere vores projekter virtuelt, længe før vi går i gang på byggepladsen. Udviklingsmuligheder og erfaring MT Højgaard er en ambitiøs virksomhed og arbejdsplads. Vi stiller høje krav til dig, men vi tilbyder også store udviklingsmuligheder. Du kan f.eks. søge om at komme med på et af vores praktik- eller graduateforløb. Her vil du få indblik i den måde, vi arbejder på, en bred forståelse for flere forskellige fagdiscipliner og et stort netværk af fagligt kompetente kolleger. Og så er du garanteret en masse erfaringer fra
vores mange projekter, som bl.a. tæller Det Nye Universitetshospital i Aarhus, Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital eller et af vores mange projekter for DTU.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey
Graduate med ansvar Carina Dannemand Sørensen er graduate i MT Højgaard. Første stop i 26-årige Carinas graduate-forløb er i afdelingen for projektudvikling. Det er ikke helt tilfældigt, for med en bachelor i Urban Design & Arkitektur og to kandidatgrader i henholdsvis Urban Planning & Management og Leadership for Sustainability er det et oplagt match. Men med graduate-programmet får hun også mulighed for at prøve kræfter med andre områder af bygge- og anlægsbranchen. Jeg kan selv være med til at forme forløbet, og jeg er faktisk lidt overrasket over, hvor fleksibelt det er. Det er med til at gøre graduate-programmet meget attraktivt, da jeg får afprøvet forskellige muligheder i stedet for at blive ansat til at løse én bestemt opgave fra start, siger hun.
Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog.
Muligheder er der nok af i MT Højgaard. Kom og mød os til en snak om dine muligheder.
School project Ph.D.
Companies 119
Employees 3,511 -
MTH Group
4,207 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Som medarbejder i MTH GROUP har du mulighed for at være med til at sætte et aftryk i den danske bygge- og anlægsbranche. Vi er nemlig blandt de førende aktører i bygge- og anlægsbranchen i Nordeuropa. Koncernen består af virksomhederne MT Højgaard, Ajos, Lindpro, Enemærke & Petersen, Scandi Byg, Seth og Greenland Contractors. Sammen løser vi alt fra mindre bygge og anlægsopgaver til store og komplekse bygningsværker. Hos os har du derfor rig mulighed for at bringe dine kompetencer i spil både inden for rådgivning, projektudvikling, projektering, byggepladsindretning og opførelse såvel som renovering af anlæg, broer, boliger og erhvervsbygninger. Fremtidens byggeri Vi har den praktiske erfaring og teknologien til at skabe rammerne for fremtidens byggeri. Ved brug af værktøjer som VDC og BIM opfører vi byggerier digitalt, inden vi går i gang ude på byggepladsen. Ved at simulere byggeriet i flere dimensioner får vi overblik over alle detaljerne på forhånd, og vi kan styre projekterne sikkert i mål, når først vi er gået i jorden på byggepladsen.
Er du vores nye kollega? Som nyuddannet i MTH GROUP får du masser af ansvar fra starten, men vi har også høje forventninger til, at du bidrager til at skabe udvikling fra dit sted i koncernen. Er du stadig i gang med en uddannelse, kan du også komme i praktik eller skrive dit afgangsprojekt i samarbejde med os. Prøv vores 3D-briller og andre spændende gadgets på vores stand. Kom og vær med - vi glæder os til at møde dig!
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng.
Følg os på Facebook og LinkedIn eller find os på:www.mthgroup.dk
Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 121
Employees 1,150 450
Maersk Oil & Gas
3,250 2,800
Fields of study Export & Operations
Maersk Oil is an international oil and gas company with operated production of over 500,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Our production comes from Denmark, the UK, Qatar, Kazakhstan, the US Gulf of Mexico and Algeria. Maersk Oil was founded in Denmark in 1962 and oil production began in 172. Today, the Oil and gas stems from 15 fields and makes a valuable contribution to Denmark’s economy, energy supply, labour market and to the country’s net export of oil and gas.
At Maersk Oil is a wide range of career opportunities, such as shopping, finance, communications, human resources, and engineering fields such as chemistry, physics, mechanical, electrical, etc. Furthermore Maersk Oil offers positions for Student Assistants and internship.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology
Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng.
For further information, please visit our website; www.maerskoil.com
Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng.
Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 123
fremtidens Er Er dudu fremtidens samfundsbygger? samfundsbygger?
Employees 2,500 400
NCC Danmark
19,500 3,500
Fields of study Export & Operations
Har du modet til at bringe din viden i spil? At være ingeniør i NCC I NCC er du med til at udvikle morgendagens byggebranche. Du bliver en de af en virksomhed, der tør udfordre gængse normer og løsninger. Vi udvikler totalløsninger, hvor vi trækker på vores faglige eksperter inden for en bred vifte af faglige områder. Ingeniører i NCC har et alsidigt, spændende og udfordrende job. Vi beskæftiger os med mange forskellige typer opgaver. Det handler bl.a. om styring, ledelse og projektering. Og om salg, 3D-modellering, tilbudsgivning, projektudvikling og rådgivning. Vi er på forkant NCC satser stort på VDC og søger hele tiden efter nye muligheder og metoder inden for området. Vi er aktive medlemmer af organisationer som buildingSMART i alle de nordiske lande, og vi er brancheledende i at implementere forskning og udviklingsprojekter inden for digitale byggemetoder. Samtidig kommer du til at arbejde på tværs af faggrænser, afdelinger og forretningsområder. Og du kommer til at gøre det på en måde, som tager hensyn til både mennesker og miljø.
Bæredygtig tilgang NCC’s bæredygtighedsarbejde er baseret på vores vision – at forny vores branche og levere ekstraordinære bæredygtige løsninger. Ved at samarbejde med vores kunder og leverandører og gennem et aktivt samfundsengagement bidrager vi til en bæredygtig fremtid.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma
Bliv praktikant hos NCC Som praktikant hos NCC får du chancen for at tage ansvar og prøve kræfter med virkeligheden. I NCC står der ikke praktikant i panden på dig. Vi har tillid til dig, vi respekterer dig og vi lytter. Du styrer tidsplaner og holder øje med økonomien, du sikrer, at kvaliteten er i orden, du kommunikerer frem og tilbage med fagentreprenører og bygherren, og du er involveret i den daglige administration. Mange muligheder i NCC Vi er en af Danmarks største entreprenørog anlægsvirksomheder. Derfor står vi for mange forskellige typer opgaver og projekter. Uanset om du brænder for at være en del af et udviklingsprojekt eller vil tage del i konkrete vej-, bygge- og anlægsopgaver, er der mange muligheder i NCC.
Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 125
Vi søger kolleger der kan præstere det samme, bare digitalt. Da Philippe Petit gik på line mellem World Trade Centers to tårne gjorde han det usandsynlige til virkelighed. Han så muligheder, hvor ingen andre drømte om at kigge. Hos Netcompany tænker vi heller ikke som de andre. Lyder det som dig? Så søger vi lige nu flere digitale pionerer med mod og evner til at gøre Danmark dygtigere. Læs mere på netcompany.com/karriere
Philippe Petit, New York 1974.
Vi tager ansvar
Employees 950 -
Netcompany A/S
1,200 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Om os I Netcompany tager vi ansvar for vores kunder, medarbejdere og samfund. Vi opbygger og vedligeholder digitale løsningeri komplekse forretningsmæssigesammenhænge - med en ambitiøs vækststrategi i både Danmark og Europa. Vi leverer forretningskritiske it-løsningerog rådgivning, der hjælper vores kunder med at opnå markante forretningsfordele i en digitaliseret verden. Samtidig hjælper vi vores kunder med at forvalte og drifte it-løsninger både hjemme og i skyen. Udvikling i nye højder Når du starter hos os indleder du et forløb på Netcompany Academy. Det gælder både for nyuddannede og kandidater med flere års erfaring, men niveauet vil altid være tilpasset den enkelte. Vi tror nemlig på, at løbende uddannelse gennem hele din karriere er central for at sikre optimal udvikling og læring. Og ikke mindst vedvarende motivation og engagement. Det er et ansvar vi tager på os, og et ansvar vi giver videre. Vi ved nemlig, at den bedste måde at få dig til at vokse, er ved at udvise tillid og give dig ansvar fra første dag. Netcompany Academy er langt mere vidtrækkende end et traditionelt uddannelses -eller graduateforløb. Vi tager ansvar for at skabe de bedste rammer for, at du kan sætte dit personlige
aftryk på vores projekter og dermed gøre en forskel formange mennesker - og for vores samfund. Vi mener nemlig, at det er fællesskabets lyst, drive og samarbejde som tilsammen nedbryder begrænsninger og åbner op for nye løsninger.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng.
Vi er stolte af vores kultur I Netcompany har vi et unikt sammenhold. Der findes ikke et sted i IT branchen, som prioriterer det sociale højere end os. Fra legendariske fester, fredagsbarer og team events over gaming- og sportsklubber til wake board og lerdueskydning og meget andet. Det er en kultur og et fællesskab, som vi er stolte af. Sammenholdet sikrer, at vi kan levere de bedste løsninger. Vi tror nemlig på, at vi præsterer bedst, når vi kender hinanden og har det sjovt sammen.
Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 127
NIRAS er blandt Skandinaviens førende rådgivende ingeniørfirmaer
Employees 1,735 1,100
2,100 1,300
Fields of study Export & Operations
Møder nye hjørner af mit felt Som rådgiver arbejder jeg sammen med en række forskellige folk hos vandværker og kommuner. Jeg prioriterer at møde kunderne, så jeg forstår deres udfordringer.
Ansvar motiverer Jeg projekterer installationer og simulerer indeklimaforhold, energiforbrug i bygninger. Jeg rådgiver også om varmepumper og solcelleanlæg.
Selvom opgaven ’Udarbejd en strategi for, hvordan forsyningsselskabet skal indvinde rent vand de næste 20 år’ er en type, jeg har hjulpet med flere gange, betyder de lokale forhold, at arbejdet altid bringer mig ud i nye hjørner af mit felt.
Jeg nyder min rolle som rådgiver og stortrives med at have min gang blandt bygherrer, arkitekter og entreprenører og ikke at sidde fast på pinden. Andres forventninger motiverer mig.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng.
I NIRAS er vi gode til at arbejde tværfagligt. For eksempel deltager jeg på koordineringsmøder med kolleger, der arbejder med jordforurening. Dels for at hjælpe, hvis de har travlt, dels for at bidrage med anden viden på deres opgaver. Tine Sørensen, civilingeniør, arbejder med grundvandsforurening.
Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng.
Som nyuddannet fik jeg hurtigt ansvar. Jeg har projekteret alle installationer til vvs og ventilation til en DLG-silo, der skal forvandles til et boligbyggeri på den nye havnefront i Aalborg. Viser du, at du gerne vil, får du lov til at udvikle dig. Jeg var hurtigt klar til flere udfordringer og fik det. Kasper Dalgaard Jensen, civilingeniør, arbejder med byggeri og installationer.
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 129
”After my studies in Aalborg, my choice fell on the world’s largest insulin manufacturing plant, which offered an exciting job with purpose. Are you also looking forward to applying your knowledge in ‘the real world’? Then I encourage you to join us!” LASSE BO LUMHOLDT RIISAGER, Production supporter in Novo Nordisk Kalundborg
Graduates from 2017 or graduating in 2018 with a master’s degree DURATION 2 years WHERE In Denmark and abroad WHAT Start a life-changing career with a global perspective APPLY novonordisk.com/graduate
Novo Nordisk currently employs more than 42,000 people WHERE Offices in more than 75 countries, and headquarter in Denmark WHAT Start a life-changing career APPLY novonordisk.com/joblist
Enrolled bachelor and master’s students within any field DURATION As long as you are a student WHERE Kalundborg, Hillerød, Måløv, Køge, Søborg, Hjørring, and Copenhagen (all in Danmark) WHAT Take part in everyday projects and tasks APPLY novonordisk.com/students WHO
3. INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME Enrolled bachelor and master’s students within any field DURATION 3-6 months WHERE Kalundborg, Hillerød, Måløv, Køge, Søborg, Hjørring, and Copenhagen (all in Denmark) WHAT Take part in everyday projects and tasks APPLY novonordisk.com/internships WHO
Enrolled master’s students within any field
DURATION 8-hour event each fall WHERE WHAT APPLY
Novo Nordisk’s headquarter, Denmark Solve a real business case novonordisk.com/iia
Make yourself visible to Novo Nordisk Show your interest by signing up for our Global Talent Pipeline: novonordisk.com/gtp
Employees 18,000 -
Novo Nordisk
42,000 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. This heritage has given us experience and capabilities that also enable us to help people defeat other serious chronic conditions: haemophilia, obesity and growth disorders. Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 42,000 people in 77 countries and markets its product in more than 165 countries. Our key contribution is to discover and develop better biological medicines, manufacture them to meet increasing global demand and make them accessible wherever they are needed. From research and development through to manufacturing, marketing and sales, the skills and backgrounds that our employees bring to work are diverse. Use your master´s degree to kick-start your career and join Novo Nordisk Graduate Programme. Check out our programmes within Research & Development, Manufacturing, Finance & Procurement and Marketing, Business & HR and apply from late 2017.
Areas of responsibility for engineers include the development and optimisation of production lines and machines in the manufacturing business area, but you can also work with chemical processes in the production process. Many opportunities are waiting for you within the area of Chemistry, Manufacturing & Control Development and with the development of devices to improve the existing injection system and innovation of new ones. Projects within LEAN are common across the whole organisation both in Denmark and at our production sites around the world.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng.
We know success depends on dedicated individuals contributing to every step of the way. Are you ready to begin a life-changing career?
We offer
Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 131
LOOKING FOR A JOB IN ROBOTICS? Access available jobs of 100+ robotic and automation companies on Odense Robotics Job Bank Accelerate your career at: www.odenserobotics.com/jobs
Boelbjerg Maskinværksted
Ega Matic ApS
Lapics Ivs
Lead Robotics ApS
MRR Produktion A/S
RobotSort ApS
Scancomp Sensor and Automation
UV-DR Company Ivs
Employees 2,600 -
Odense Robotics
Fields of study Export & Operations
Kickstart Your Career in Robotics As a cluster of 100+ robotic and automation companies, Odense Robotics is the place to develop your career. To help you find your dream company and your dream job, we have gathered all industry related positions on one platform - Odense Robotics Job Bank. Our Job Bank provides you access to currently posted jobs in our cluster - in average 90 jobs each month! We are looking for: Engineers, Software Developers, Technicians, Marketers, Salespeople, as well as Student Assistants and Interns. Find your dream job on: www.odenserobotics.dk/jobs
CV Database for Tech Ninjas Do you have a technical background and want to reach out to 100+ robotic and automation companies at once? Upload your unsolicited application on: www.odenserobotics.dk/cv
About Odense Robotics Odense Robotics is a cluster organization. We represent robot and automation companies, suppliers, education and research facilities, investment capital and public actors on Funen. We help to develop the
robotic cluster, solve a number of common business and recruitment challenges, and market Funens strengths within the robotic industry.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey
Read more about us and our initiatives at: www.odenserobotics.dk
Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology
StartUp Hub Our StartUp Hub is a 2.000 square meter incubator facility located at the Danish Technological Institute. In the Hub you have access to a range of equipment, as well as access to business professionals to help you develop your business plan, access to expert advisors to assist you in developing your prototype and when you are ready, we help you secure necessary funding. We believe in robotic ideas with the potential to become scalable businesses. Our mission is to support businesses at an early phase to ensure that you are prepared to secure funding from one or more private or institutional investors. We do this based on a model that accommodates both startups and spinouts from established companies and research institutes.
Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
For more information: www.odenserobotics.dk/startup-hub
Companies 133
Join us in challenging cutting edge technology
IC Designer Mechanical Engineer Software Developer Development Engineer
Employees 1,300 550
Oticon A/S
3,500 600
Fields of study Export & Operations
Kick-start your career at Oticon! More than 550 Engineers are ready to help you kick-start your career at Oticon! Oticon is one of the largest companies in the hearing healthcare industry worldwide. In Denmark alone more than 1,300 employees develop some of the most innovative and technically advanced hearing aids in the world. We are part of the William Demant Group with more than 12.000 employees and various companies within hearing healthcare. A career with Oticon can easily lead to job opportunities in other companies within the group.
for innovation and skilled, enthusiastic employees who want to make a difference for people all over the world.
Many opportunities for students At Oticon we are always happy to hear from dedicated and bright students. No matter if you are looking for a student job or a place to do your BA- or MA thesis projects. We have app. 70 Students Assistants in our house and encourage you to contact us directly if you want to know more about the possibilities.
Join the Audio Explorers challenge! Every spring Oticon launches a big contest aimed at engineering students from all universities in Denmark. The winners will join Oticon on a cool trip to New York in August 2018.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning
We welcome you in our state-ofthe-art development house Our headquarter in Smoerum is an open environment made for interaction between people and it encourages dialogue, visual communication and mutual inspiration. We offer a wide range of clubs, training facilities and one of the finest canteens in Denmark. We are located close to public transportation and S-Trains.
Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng.
We are open-minded At Oticon, you will meet an organization of enthusiastic and open-minded people. It demands strong technical knowledge and professional competencies to develop, produce and market the best hearing solutions in the world. This is why we make room
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 135
26-year-old Mia Wagner from Ramboll is a Civil Engineer from DTU and is currently working as a consultant on the Nordhavn Metro extension in Copenhagen.
IT’S YOUR WORLD NOW (ARE YOU READY TO START SHAPING IT?) Read about Mia’s career on www.student.ramboll.com
Employees 3,500 -
13,500 -
Fields of study Export Export & Operations & Operations
A Nordic leader Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company founded in Denmark in 1945. The company employs 13,500 experts globally and has a strong presence in the Nordics, North America, UK, Continental Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific. With more than 300 offices in 35 countries, we excel at combining local experience with global knowledge. We constantly strive to achieve inspiring and exating solutions that make a genuine difference to our clients, end-users and society at large. Our services Ramboll is a multidisciplinary engineering, design and consultancy company working across eight markets: • • • • • • • •
Buildings Transport Planning & Urban Design Water Environment & Health Energy Oil & Gas Management Consulting
A people company At Ramboll our solutions depend on the creativity, insight and integrity of the
people within our organisation. Therefore we empower our employees and believe in their inherent abilities while embracing their individual differences and enabling them to work in multi-talented teams to produce inspired solutions. When you work for Ramboll you are given the opportunity to achieve greater insight and increase your own potential. After all, consultancy is about individuals assisting others in reaching the optimal solutions.
Product & Design Product & Design Mechanical MechanicalEng. Eng. Structural Structural&&Civil Civil Arch.&&Planning Planning Arch. Geo. & Survey Geo. & Survey EnvironmentalEng. Eng. Environmental Chemical ChemicalEng. Eng. Biotechnology Biotechnology Medicine Medicine&&Pharma Pharma Biomedical Biomedical Eng. Eng. Physics Physics & Nano & Nano Energy EnergyEng. Eng.
A flexible work-life balance As a Ramboll employee, you can enjoy a flexible work-life balance. Ramboll offers fully flexible working conditions and a focus on involving employees in organising and planning their own tasks. We believe this gives you the best conditions for performing your work while also having an inspiring workday. It’s your world now – are you ready to start shaping it? Sign up to our newsletter and be the first to hear about student jobs, internships, thesis topics, the Ramboll Scholarship, industry insights and events where you can meet us. You can also connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Read more at: http://www.student. ramboll.com/
Electronic ElectronicEng. Eng. Communication Communication Tech. Tech. Mathematical Mathematical Eng. Eng. Software Software
We offer Internship Internship Student Studentjob job Work Workabroad abroad Master's Master'sthesis thesis Graduate Graduate prog. prog. Schoolproject project School Ph.D. Ph.D.
Companies 137
Projektsamarbejder Jobs Iværksætteri Netværk
i Randers
Employees 9,000 -
Randers Kommune
Fields of study Export & Operations
Randers - Mere end regnskov Midt imellem Aalborg og Aarhus, ved Gudenåens udmunding, ligger Randers og byder sig til med noget af landet smukkeste og mest varierede natur klos op ad den eneste fuldt bevarede middelalder-bykerne i Danmark. Randers er i dag en by båret af mangfoldighed: et pulserende handels- og restaurationsliv, sprælske kultur- og fritidstilbud, gode dag- og uddannelsesinstitutioner, stærke velfærdsinstitutioner, innovative produktionsvirksomheder og ikke mindst en masse ambitiøse og visionære ildsjæle, som påtager sig et ansvar for at skabe vækst, udvikling og trivsel i lokalområdet!
Omstilling til fremtidens markeder Adgang til velkvalificeret arbejdskraft er afgørende for, at virksomhederne i Randers har succes i en globaliseret tidsalder. Nye markeder skal udnyttes og nye nicher udfyldes. Derfor går løbende tilpasning og omstilling i eksisterende virksomheder hånd i hånd med gode muligheder for at starte nye virksomheder – også som studerende og højtuddannet.
En attraktiv by for højtuddannede Uddannelse er afgørende for fremtidens vækst og udvikling. Uddannelsesniveauet i Randers er heldigvis i en positiv udvikling. For at sikre, at den gode udvikling fortsætter, er det nødvendigt i højere grad at kunne tiltrække højtudannede med lange videregående uddannelser til jobs med perspektiv.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng.
Randers har brug for dig! Randers har valgt at satse fokuseret på tiltrækning af højtuddannet arbejdskraft, herunder ikke mindst ingeniører. Derfor har Randers Kommune indledt et strategisk samarbejde med Aalborg Universitet. Og sammen med Erhverv Randers står vi klar til at skabe kontakt mellem dig og de mange spændende virksomheder i Randers.
Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer
Så kig forbi på vores stand og lad dig overraske. Randers har mere at byde på, end du tror!
Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 139
Technologies: DECT, ULE, Bluetooth, LoRa, 6LoWPAN, Proprietary, etc.
Employees 140 120
210 160
Fields of study Export & Operations
RTX is a technology company headquartered in Nørresundby and with departments in Hong Kong and USA. RTX’s business is based on profound know-how about design of advanced wireless shortrange radio systems and products. Our know-how is primarily focused on solutions within the technologies DECT, WiFi™, CAT-iq™, Bluetooth® og VoIP. RTX has a unique combination of knowledge within software and hardware. RTX’s engineers and experts have the necessary technological and professional knowledge, and RTX has the facilities required to handle the development from idea to a finished product, and this includes EMC and acoustic laboratories. The design is either developed on request from a customer or as a project financed by RTX, where an OEM/ODM product or a software package is sold to a number of customers around the world.
Among RTX’s customers you will find well-known global brands as for instance Microsoft, Sonova, Philips Healthcare, Alcatel Lucent Enterprise, NEC, Dialog Semiconductor, Sennheiser, etc. Our core competencies are within development of embedded software, RF & antenna design, analog and digital hardware design, DSP and acoustic design and project management.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 141
He’s found a way to turn hindsight into foresight. Per Egedal’s simulator uses your turbine’s historical performance to predict the extra output you can get from a power boost upgrade. By putting some precision into the tricky business of prediction, Per’s data tool is a huge help to customers making challenging investment decisions. His attitude is typical of our approach. All of our people are committed to looking for innovations that bring tangible improvements to the profitability of our customers’ projects. We’ve come a long way in more than 30 years of onshore wind power. With people like Per working with us, we can go a lot further.
Employees 8,000 1,500
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
27,000 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy is a global leader in the wind power industry, with a presence in more than 90 countries, industrial footprint in key wind markets and an installed base of 75 GW. The legal domicile and global headquarters of the company is in Spain. The onshore offices are also in Spain, while the offshore headquarters are located in Hamburg (Germany) and Vejle (Denmark).
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 143
Forfølg de mange karriereveje i Silkeborg
Læs mere på Silkeborgjagtertalenter.dk
Silkeborg Jagter Talenter ER TALENTE GT R A J
Employees -
Silkeborg Virksomheder
Fields of study Export & Operations
Silkeborg Jagter Talenter Virksomhederne i Silkeborg har vokseværk og har indledt jagten på de bedste kandidater til at besætte de mange nye, spændende jobs. Derfor har virksomheder, erhvervsråd og Silkeborg Kommune igangsat den fælles talentjagt.
Mange karriereveje i Silkeborg I Silkeborg finder du en bred vifte af spændende virksomheder i vækst - og her er helt sikkert et job, der matcher din faglige profil og dine karrieredrømme. Der er blandt andet 300 IT-virksomheder, der tilsammen beskæftiger mere end 2.500 medarbejdere. Og virksomhederne spænder bredt - fra konsulentvirksomheder til drift- og udviklingsvirksomheder.
Hvem er vi på jagt efter Er du uddannet inden for energi & miljø, IT, fødevareteknologi- og produktion, maskin- og automation? Så har Silkeborg til gengæld de allerbedste virksomheder! Mød en række af virksomhederne på DSE messen og find den virksomhed, der er på jagt efter lige netop dit talent.
Mere end et job Du kan få meget mere end bare et fedt job og spændende karrieremuligheder i Silkeborg. Du kan få en hverdag i et dynamisk område med plads til det gode liv. Vi har de bedste muligheder for et aktivt fritidsliv både til lands og til vands og en spritny motorvej, der gør, at vi er tæt på Aarhus.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma
Få et forspring til jobbet i Silkeborg Kontakt os gerne for at høre nærmere om netop dine muligheder for at finde praktik eller job i Silkeborg. Vi hjælper dig med kendskab og kontakt til områdets virksomheder
Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
Følg jagten på talenter på www.silkeborgjagtertalenter.dk og læs mere om hvad Silkeborg har at byde på her www.silkeborgkalder.dk
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 145
Employees 6 4
1,900 1,700
Fields of study Export & Operations
SINTEF is a universally beneficial research institute, organised in theform of a foundation with subsidiary companies. SINTEF utilises its outstanding solution-oriented research and knowledge production to generate significant value for its Norwegian and overseas clients, the public sector, and society as a whole. Our vision is “Technology for a better society”. SINTEF performs very well in competition for funding from the EU and the Research Council of Norway. This demonstrates that we are in the forefront of international research, which is essential if we are to realise our vision and promote development and value generation for our clients. SINTEF has its head office in Trondheim and conducts most of its activities in Trondheim and Oslo. SINTEF has operational centres in several locations in Norway under the umbrella of the SINTEF Foundation and its subsidiary companies.
RESEARCH AND INNOVATION FOR CUSTOMERS ALL OVER THE WORLD For more than 60 years, SINTEF has developed solutions and innovation for society and customers all over the world.
SINTEF is a broad, multidisciplinary research organisation with international top-level expertise in the fields of technology, the natural sciences, medicine and the social sciences. We conduct contract R&D as a partner for the private and public sectors, and we are one of the largest contract research institutions in Europe.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma
AN R&D PARTNER FOR PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTOR We contribute to value creation and increased competitiveness within the public and private sectors.
Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng.
In 2016, SINTEF carried out 5,700 research projects for 4,000 customers. Our multidisciplinary approach enables us to create teams with the broad range of expertise our customers and projects often demand. WE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS: Effective project implementation and sound financial management, proactive and effective communication, the highest HSE standards, high levels of technical quality and professional integrity, professional protection of our customers’ intellectual property rights.
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 147
Ønsker du en karriere inden for IT? Vil du være en del af landets bedste fagmiljø inden for forretnings- og IT-rådgivning? Vil du udvikle dine talenter – både faglige og personlige? Vil du arbejde i en kultur, hvor vidensdeling er i højsædet? Så bør du overveje at søge en stilling hos Sopra Steria. Sopra Steria er et internationalt konsulentselskab, som dækker hele værdikæden i forbindelse med forretningsudvikling og IT-projekter. Hos os har du mange karrieremuligheder! Se vores ledige stillinger: soprasteria.dk/karriere
En europæisk leder i digital transformation
Employees 80 50
Sopra Steria A/S
37,000 20,000
Fields of study Export & Operations
I Sopra Steria kan du få frihed til at udvikle alle dine talenter.
Hvem er vi? Sopra Steria er et internationalt konsulentselskab og blandt de toneangivende aktører i Skandinavien. Vi tror det skyldes, at vi har evnen til at forny os – både i takt med den samfundsmæssige og den teknologiske udvikling. Som et resultat af det, har vi tiltrukket såvel kompetente medarbejdere som krævende kunder. Sopra Steria er i dag en betroet partner for mange af Skandinaviens største og mest krævende virksomheder. Vi er et lokalt og globalt team, der er 100 pct. committede til at arbejde sammen – på tværs af afdelinger, kompetenceområder og geografiske grænser – for at skabe de bedste løsninger på vores kunders forretningsmæssige udfordringer. Hvad søger vi? Når vi i Sopra Steria vurderer kandidater, spiller mange faktorer ind. Vi har naturligvis fokus på de faglige resultater, men personlige egenskaber og erfaringer er mindst lige så vigtige. En verden af udvikling, udfordringer og livskvalitet for nyuddannede.
akademiske resultater indikerer, at du er klar til at lære meget i et hurtigt tempo og miljø – og det er en væsentlig egenskab i it- og konsulentbranchen.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey
Vi ser også nærmere på, om du udviser faglig kreativitet og engagement, eventuelt også i foreningsarbejde og velgørenhed. Vores ideelle kandidat er dig, der er målbevidst og klarer de mål, som du sætter for dig – både i dine studier og i din fritid.
Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng.
Graduateprogram Vores graduateprogram giver dig chancen for at opleve livet på en arbejdsplads sammen med andre nyuddannede. I Sopra Steria arbejder vi med et graduate program for alle nyuddannede, som ikke tidligere har været introduceret på arbejdsmarkedet i sin nuværende form. Det er et program, der giver dig mulighed for at opleve livet på en arbejdsplads og samtidig være sammen med andre nyuddannede fra hele Skandinavien. Programmet bidrager til, at du hurtigt får indsigt i, hvordan vi arbejder i Sopra Steria, og hvordan vi praktiserer værdibaseret ledelse i det daglige.
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Hos nyuddannede kigger vi primært efter dig, som har en akademisk tilgang til it og fuldført en relevant uddannelse. Gode
Companies 149
Thinking AbouT The FuTure? hoW AbouT helping uS ShApe iT. The future may seem remote to others, but it is very present at Sweco - we shape it right now. We therefore value and make use of the fresh knowledge that you, as a new graduate can contribute with. At Sweco you will have the opportunity to work in multifaceted projects, a variety of working groups and a wide network. You will be given responsibility for your own assignments and scope to take initiative. And not least, to build your future career.
Find us at: www.sweco.dk/en/career
Employees 1,100 -
Sweco Danmark
14,500 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Sweco plans and designs the communities and cities of the future. The results of our work are sustainable buildings, efficient infrastructure and access to clean water. With 14,500 employees in Northern Europe, comprising 1,100 employees in Denmark, we offer our customers the right expertise for every project. Sweco is Europe’s leading architecture and engineering consultancy, with sales of approximately SEK 16.5 billion (EUR 1.7 billion). We carry out projects in 70 countries annually throughout the world and offer services within the following areas: • • • • •
Building Engineering Infrastructure Energy Water Environment
What we value At Sweco, we want to make a difference. We believe in the positive power of human curiosity and the art of engineering and design – together we shape the future for a more sustainable society. As Europe’s leading architecture and engineering consultancy, we stay updated on what happens in the market and continuously develop our expertise.
We welcome diverse perspectives and unite in our commitment to plan and design the societies and cities of the future.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning
It should be easy to do business, with Sweco and at Sweco. That is why simplicity defines how we work as a company and behave towards our customers and each other. Sweco is a truly committed business partner as we aim to be there for our customers by building long-term relationships, understanding their drivers and demands, and by taking responsibility for how we do business.
Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng.
What can you expect from us? We set the bar high, but we also ensure that you have the opportunity to reach great heights. From your first day at work, you will be encouraged to take responsibility and will have the chance to work on challenging projects as part of a dynamic team. You will have leaders who are committed to give you the guidance and support you need to perform at your best and help you build your future career.
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project
For more information about Sweco, please visit: www.sweco.dk/en/career
Companies 151
... WE DO �To make a difference for the customer is a great motivation for me and also one of the reasons why I have been here for so long. Unlimited career opportunities and the mobility within Systematic contribute to our development and our ability to keep on making a difference.� Camilla, Test Manager, 9 years at Systematic. Learn more at systematic.com/join-us
Employees 550 400
750 515
Fields of study Export & Operations
Be a part of the mission Like us, were you born to make complicated things simple? Then join our mission and simplify critical decision-making for more than 500,000 users around the world.
The users of our solutions, e.g. soldiers, doctors and nurses, work in complex environments and make difficult decisions every day. They depend on our IT solutions to provide them with a reliable overview of the information available.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng.
You need to be able to understand each individual customer’s business as well as being able to communicate with them in a language they understand. You see, that’s one of the basics for working in Systematic, because we believe the best ideas are developed in collaboration with our customers. We provide software systems that make a big difference for customers throughout the world by giving them the overview and decision-making aids necessary for making critical decisions. We specialise in solutions for customers within defence, healthcare, finance, intelligence, national security, government agencies and large corporations. What you do matters
A world of opportunities
Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma
We expect that you have career goals and that you care about your professional development. In return, we offer you opportunities to develop your career within our company – whether it’s new responsibilities or new competencies. We believe it’s better to train people and risk that they leave, than do nothing and they stay. That’s why we do our best to give you the opportunity to develop your skills and widen your horizons.
Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project
As an employee in Systematic, you know the importance of our solutions being simple and reliable. What you do will make a difference – sometimes even between life and death for those who depend on the end result.
Companies 153
SAAB DANMARK A/S Saab Danmark A/S operates from its headquarters in Sønderborg and has 85 employees. Our business concept is to develop and deliver integrated world-leading communications solutions, products and services for military defence and civil security markets home and abroad. Key points in our core business are: • “All systems – one interface” - i.e., no phone, no keyboard, no radio. All handled via one user terminal • Integrating both voice and data communication enabling features like Data Link, Chat, Messaging, Etc. • Telephony integration • Full system support in all phases, remote or local • Our main product is TactCall that connects staff across communication media, radios, phones, TETRA and SATCOM, internally as well as externally Further information about our solutions can be found on www.saab.com; search for “TactiCall Oil & Gas” or “TactiCall ICS”.
Employees 83 58
Saab Danmark A/S
15,000 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Saab Danmark A/S We are part of the business area, Security and Defence Solutions and part of the Saab Group. Saab Danmark A/S operates from its headquarters in Sønderborg and has 80 employees. Our business concept is to develop and deliver integrated world-leading critical communication solutions, products and services for military defence and civil security markets at home and abroad. Key points in our core business are: • “All systems – one interface” • Interconnects all communication technologies regardless of radioband, frequency and hardware. • Intuitive HMI interconnection old and new systems across platforms and technological borders. To learn more about Saab in Denmark and our products, please watch our YouTube videos. Search for “TactiCall ICS” and “TactiCall Oil & Gas”.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 155
allies in innovation
Employees 1,100 360
Terma A/S
1,350 410
Fields of study Export & Operations
Allies in Innovation What do we do? Terma develops mission-critical solutions for aerospace, defense, and security applications. We work closely with national defense forces, public authorities, and international organizations around the world. Terma covers four business segments: Aero: Development and production of advanced structures for defense and non-defense aircraft and helicopters. Space: Mission-critical electronics, software, and services for space applications. Defense: Network and tactical systems, airborne and naval self-protection systems, and electronics manufacturing services for mission-critical defense and security applications. Security & Surveillance: Advanced security systems and surveillance radar solutions for ports, airports, coast guards, first responders, emergency organizations, and defense forces.
How do we do it? By having the most important asset of them all – the right employees – we are able to act globally and thereby maintain and expand our prominent market position.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng.
Our employees are truly committed, involved, and strive for excellence. We work together with integrity in respect of one another, and we dare to be honest and share our opinions; our products demand it.
Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng.
We offer our employees good opportunities for professional development. By constantly learning and improving, we retain focus on the continued development of our organization and products. Our line of business requires “best in class”, reliable products, and failure is not an option. We respond to these strict requirements simply by having passion for what we do.
Please visit our website www.terma.com for more information on jobs, products, and history.
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 157
Har du et bedre hoved end en robot? Virksomhederne i Trekantområdet har vokseværk. Vores mange moderne produktionsvirksomheder er højteknologiske, men robotterne kan ikke tænke selv. Vi har derfor brug for kloge hoveder, der har lyst til at være med til at udvikle fremtidens industri. I Trekantområdet venter mere end 200.000 jobmuligheder på dig. Læs mere på
Trekantområdet Teknikere- og ingeniører til Trekantområdet Vi er Danmarks produktionscentrum. 415.000 indbyggere, 35.000 industrijobs, 550 industrivirksomheder og 7 Kommuner. Velkommen til Trekantområdet Industrien i Trekantområdet udvikler sig med hastig fart og ny teknologi kalder på skarpe hjerner – så vi har brug for dig! Du får adgang til 600.000 arbejdspladser indenfor én time Trekantområdet er Danmarks trafikale knudepunkt. Den centrale beliggende gør, at der inden for kort afstand er adgang til mange gode job- og karrieremuligheder. Alene i første kvartal 2017 var der på jobindex mere end 500 teknikere- og ingeniørjob i Trekantområdet.
Vidste du i øvrigt, at: • • • •
Trekantområdet har adgang til flest industriarbejdspladser inden for pendlingsafstand i Danmark. Industrien i Trekantområdet klarer sig bedre en landsgennemsnittet Trekantområdet har flere industriarbejdspladser en København, Aarhus og Odense tilsammen Trekantområdet er den storbyregion der har det bedste erhvervsklima.
Kom forbi vores stand og mød virksomheder fra området, få konkrete stillingsopslag med hjem eller se alle ledige job i Trekantområdet på www.trekantomraadet. dk/arbejde Deltag også i vores konkurrence, hvor du kan vinde spændende præmier.
Companies 159
Build the future with us
MIT Technology Review has named us the 25th smartest company in the world
“The coolest thing about Universal Robots is working on the cutting edge of robotics� Jesper, Development Engineer
Employees 250 100
Universal Robots A/S
375 20
Fields of study Export & Operations
YOUR PASSION - YOUR PERFORMANCE We hire you for your talent and reward youfor your results.
We emphasize an informal and open work environment where you will haveplenty of opportunities to influence and make a difference.
OUR BELIEFS - OUR PROMISE With us your challenges grow, your responsibilities increase, and your opportunities are unlimited Universal Robots is the global market leader in collaborative robots. Our ambition is to double our sales every year the next four years. Our robots revolutionize the way people work. We create better jobs and make companiesmore productive. We prove our impact daily – to our customers, distributors and employees: Our customers recover their robotics investment in just six months.
Do you share our ambition of changing how the world uses collaborative robots? Are you passionate about robots and our business? Are you persistent and committedto excellence? Join us in the most exiting journey as we create the future.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey
To continue our success, we need individuals who are able and ready to meetthe challenges of creating cutting edge robots and bring these to the market.We are building our global organization and a strong market presence. Our target candidates are ambitious, passionate, and performance-driven people who want to make a difference. We offer exciting jobs where you experience professional challenges and influence your own progression.
Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng.
Apply today on www.universal-robots.com.
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech.
UR building the future!
Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 161
Match your energy with ours
Employees 240 175
20,000 1,500
Fields of study Export & Operations
The world is in urgent need to find alternative, cleaner ways of powering and heating homes, industries and cities. At Vattenfall we are working to speed up and enable a climate-smart life. Our goal is to be climate-neutral by 2050 – and by 2030 in the Nordic countries. Through a strong commitment to efficient operations and engaged employees, we will focus on developing customer-centric energy solutions. To fulfil our purpose – to “Power Climate Smarter Living”. Our clear strategy involves a shift from conventional power to low-emission or carbon-free power sources. For us, wind energy is driving change in the energy landscape. We are reducing our carbon footprint by cutting our emissions of greenhouse gases through the expansion of wind power. Next to wind power Solar Photovoltaic is also a growing market. Due to decreasing costs, high public support and low CO2 emissions, volumes of solar PV will continue to grow in our core markets. Denmark has always been at the forefront of wind energy, having pioneered commercial wind power nearly forty years ago. In Denmark, our main business is developing new wind projects at land and at sea, maintaining and operating our existing wind farms. For the upcoming years we will also be investing in solar energy in Denmark.
For the last two years, Vattenfall has won 4 tenders for offshore wind farms - Horns Rev 3, Vesterhav Syd, Vesterhav Nord and Kriegers Flak. In all cases we offered the best price, made possible by our dedicated professionals, whom have brought us in the lead in developing new methods and technologies to bring down costs of wind power.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng.
At Vattenfall we have a strong ambition. We are committed to keep investing and strengthen our positions to build new wind power. For the upcoming year most of Vattenfall’s investments in new capacity will be used for new wind farms in the Northern European market where we plan to grow from 1.8 GW to 4.0 GW by 2020. Today Vattenfall is Denmark’s largest owner and operator in wind energy on land and when Horns Rev 3 is finished by 2020, we will be Denmark’s largest wind turbines operator. We are very passionate about powering our climate and excited to share our story with you. You can be part of this amazing journey in the world of sustainable energy. Visit us at the career fair and learn more about your opportunities.
Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 163
Employees 751 264
Fields of study Export & Operations
Vil du præge fremtidens infrastruktur? Som myndighed under Transportministeriet planlægger, bygger og driver Vejdirektoratet de danske statsveje. De dækker ca. 4.000 km. vej, hvor 45 % af trafikken i Danmark bliver afviklet hver eneste dag, året rundt.
Som en af Vejdirektoratets ca. 751 medarbejdere vil du være med til at finde nye løsninger, der sikrer en effektiv og sikker trafikafvikling. Du vil kunne arbejde med alt fra ny teknologi inden for trafikledelse til alternative måder at højne trafiksikkerheden på og metoder til at skabe mere bæredygtige vejløsninger.
Vi arbejder for trafikanterne I Vejdirektoratet arbejder vi for, at trafikanterne kan komme nemt og sikkert frem. Det kræver fremsynet planlægning af Danmarks infrastruktur, bygning af veje så de hænger sammen med omgivelserne og andre transportformer - og ikke mindst en ordentlig drift af vejene.
Alt dette sker i tæt dialog med hele vejsektoren, så vi får skabt den bedste sammenhæng i infrastrukturen.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma
Mange udfordringer med infrastruktur I Vejdirektoratet vil du bl.a. kunne arbejde med: • Projektledelse • Projektering og anlæg af veje, broer og andre bygværker • Fremkommelighed og trafiksikkerhed • Vedligeholdelse • Belægninger til veje og broer • Forskning og udvikling i vejteknik
Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng.
Du vil være med til at løse konkrete og relevante opgaver, der foregår i virkeligheden – og være med til at bygge og vedligeholde nogle af Danmarks vigtigste veje, broer og tunneller. Vil du være med til at sætte dit præg på fremtidens infrastruktur i Danmark? Så søg job i Vejdirektoratet. Læs mere om Vejdirektoratet som arbejdsplads på vejdirektoratet.dk eller mød os på DSE Messen i Aalborg.
Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 165
I’m proud of working for a company that was sustainable even before the term was invented Bringing light to life... That’s what the VELUX Group is all about. In more than one sense. Our products create healthy indoor environments. And our workplace gives people the chance to grow. velux.com/careers
Employees 2,500 -
9,500 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
The VELUX Group - A World of Opportunities The VELUX Group was founded by people who dared to ask, ‘What if…’. People who used their skills and curiosity to push boundaries and bring forth solutions that set new standards. Forhigh-quality products. For a healthy and comfortable indoor climate. And for sustainable solutions for the future. This mind set still defines us. We give ideas and people the chance to grow. Letting ideas develop into great products, allowing people to developtheir talent.
You’ll be part of an international team ofpassionate people – around 9,500 worldwide– who work together across more than 40 countries to create better indoor living environments for today and tomorrow. Using daylight and fresh air through the roof. We offer a world of opportunities – if you have the ability and the drive to take them. Discover more at velux.com/career or velux.dk/career
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech.
At the VELUX Group, you get the chance to shape your own career. To refine your skills within your own area of specialisation or move into new professional fields. To explore local opportunities or cross borders in international projects. Whatever you choose, we offer great opportunities – if you have the ability and drive to seize them.
Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 167
if(YOU ==
Employees 102 30
Weibel Scientific A/S
3 -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Are you the best? We need the best minds to build the best radars in the world. Are you one of them?
expertise drive the innovative mindset that allows us to develop and deliver the world’s best radars.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning
At Weibel Scientific, everything is built from scratch at our state-of-the-art production facilities. Join us and help ensure the safety of NASA space launches, test US defense equipment, watch over Indonesia’s more than 17,000 islands and protect lives and assets on ground, at sea, in air and in space. You will get to experiment with the newest and most modern radar technology at our facilities in Allerød, where we have insourced the development and production of every little detail in our radars. Always with a deep-seated entrepreneurial spirit mixed with an unmatched will to succeed.
Join us Weibel is the world’s leading developer, producer and exporter of high-tech Doppler radars. The advanced radars are used in aerospace, defense, and missile defense industries in more than 40 countries.
Most of our developers and engineers work in Allerød, Denmark, and we also have branches in the United States and Germany and many projects that span the globe.
Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma
We constantly promote the sharing of ideas in our push to be pioneers in radar technology. While being result-driven, we will always put technological development before business growth. That is why we need the most talented developers and the most innovative engineers. “Nothing is impossible until it has been proven otherwise – and even then, we will try again.”
Contact Visit our booth at the DSE Fair and get to know Weibel, our story and your opportunities at Weibel.
Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
We bring together talented engineers, many of whom are newly graduates with Masters of Science in physics, electronics, or computer science. Your skills, energy, and
Companies 169
Harvesting energy
sales & service locations
projects delivered and put into operation
16.6MWth CSP combined with biomass-ORC, Denmark
10MWe + 20MWe solar tower receivers, Spain
Aalborg CSP A/S Hjulmagervej 55 9000 - Aalborg DENMARK
MWth solar installations globally
6.8MWth CSP combined with flat solar panels, Denmark
50MWe steam generation system, India
Phone: +45 88 16 88 36 Email: sales@aalborgcsp.com Web: www.aalborgcsp.com
36.6MWth Integrated Energy System, Australia
Employees 44 36
Aalborg CSP
49 40
Fields of study Export Export & Operations & Operations
MAIN ACTIVITIES Aalborg CSP is a leading developer and supplier of innovative renewable technologies aiming to change the way energy is produced today. Relying on extensive experience from some of the most efficient concentrated solar power (CSP) projects around the world, we design and deliver green technologies and integrated energy systems to lower cost of energy for industries and power plants worldwide. HARVESTING ENERGY FROM THE SUN The vision of Aalborg CSP is: Changing Energy. This means that we create renewable energy technologies that are not only beneficial to the environment but also lower the cost of energy for our customers. As experts in thermal engineering we design and deliver systems that are centred on the Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology, a globally known renewable energy technology characterized by high efficiency, innovation and exciting technical challenges. The CSP technology combines solar and thermal energies to create high temperatures for electricity, steam, hot water, cooling, mechanical power as well as clean water production. In order to make more competitive green energy solutions,
Aalborg CSP is dedicated to harvest the sun in the most efficient way.
Product & Design Product & Design Mechanical MechanicalEng. Eng. Structural Structural & Civil & Civil
THE VALUE WE CREATE At Aalborg CSP we place added value at the center of everything we do. We trust in collaboration and believe that great results come from an honest and trustful dialogue with our customers, partners and employees. We put great emphasis on creating a supportive environment and we strive to be the best as a team in order to deliver the highest quality.
Arch. & Planning Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Geo. & Survey EnvironmentalEng. Eng. Environmental Chemical Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Biotechnology Medicine Medicine & Pharma & Pharma Biomedical Biomedical Eng. Eng. Physics Physics & Nano & Nano Energy EnergyEng. Eng. Electronic Electronic Eng. Eng. Communication Communication Tech. Tech.
BE PART OF A GREEN SUCCESS Regardless of your position, your future career at Aalborg CSP means that you will be dealing with some of the most exciting renewable energy projects around the world or the tasks supporting these projects. Within our student programme we offer traineeship and project-based opportunities to a selected number of ambitious students who are interested to make a green difference and to support a worldwide known renewable technology.
Mathematical Mathematical Eng. Eng. Software Software
We offer Internship Internship Student Student job job Work abroad Work abroad Master's Master'sthesis thesis Graduate Graduate prog. prog. Schoolproject project School Ph.D. Ph.D.
Learn more at www.aalborgcsp. com or follow us on Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Companies 171
Employees 700 100
Aalborg Portland
4,000 300
Fields of study Export & Operations
Get a solid job with large scale coolness At Aalborg Portland Nordic & Baltic, you work in a process industry with complex, powerful processes and machinery involving chemical, physical, electrical and mechanical tasks on a very large scale. Annually, 1,000 colleagues manufacture around 2 mio. tonnes of cement, 2,2 mio. m3 of ready-mixed concrete and 3,8 mio. tonnes of aggregates across more than 100 locations. Resting on solid ground with more than 125 years of experience, we are on a journey to establish a culture of growth and innovation, continuous improvement and customer orientation. Become part of a world-leading business The Nordic & Baltic Region is part of a world-leading cement and concrete business across the Nordic and European countries and USA. We are part of Cementir, an international supplier of cement and concrete and the worldwide leader in white cement with the cement plant in Aalborg at the forefront of energy-efficient production of high-quality cement.
Master the art of our solid components for customers and societies You will learn to master the art of the most widely used building materials in the world. You will be amazed by the complexity of cement and concrete and the fields of application explored and exploited every day by architects, engineers and producers. And societies will benefit from your work as we set our mark on projects from skater parks, highway bridges, coastal protection, private homes to massive infrastructure and architectural landmarks.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech.
Join forces with a solid team who values safety With more than 1,300 employees in the Nordic & Baltic Region and more than 4,000 employees worldwide, we offer a wide range of opportunities for engineers and students with an interest in planning and management, global business, architecture and design, mechanical, manufacturing, environmental, energy and structural engineering.
Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog.
Graduate Programme We have a Graduate Programme for candidates with an interest in specializing in the production and product properties of cement and concrete. The candidates will be offered a 2-year rotation across three locations and technical areas. Visit us and discover more about us at aalborgportland.dk
School project Ph.D.
Companies 173
Er du fremtidens projektleder?
Vores medarbejdere er Aarsleffs absolut vigtigste aktiv, og vi ønsker altid at tiltrække de største talenter inden for vores forskellige fagområder. Vores værdier bygger på engagement, fokus, stræben og ansvar, og vi tilbyder attraktive karrieremuligheder med faglig udvikling, indflydelse og selvstændighed. Vi udfordrer talenter i en internationalt positioneret entreprenørkoncern og udvikler dem til fremtidens projektledere.
Employees 4,600 600
5,900 750
Fields of study Export & Operations
Vil du udfordres? Aarsleff er en internationalt positioneret entreprenørkoncern. Vores årsomsætning er på 10,4 milliarder kroner – heraf 27 % i udlandet. Vi har gjort det til vores speciale at udtænke, planlægge og gennemføre store projekter inden for infrastruktur, klimatilpasning, miljø, energi og byggeri. Vi har udviklet særlige kompetencer inden for havne- og vandbygning, banearbejder og etablering af havmølleparker, og vi udnytter vores specialentreprenørkompetencer, når vi opfører råhuse og leverer komplette løsninger inden for erhvervs- og institutionsbyggerier. Vi er markedsførende inden for pælefundering og opgravningsfri rørfornyelse. Ingeniører med lederpotentiale Som ingeniør hos Aarsleff får du lov til at arbejde selvstændigt. Vi sætter pris på dynamik, fleksibilitet og kreativitet. Vi motiveres af vide rammer med frihed under ansvar. Som nyudannet bliver du ansvarlig for din egne arbejdsområder og får de bedste muligheder for at lære af erfarne og fagligt kompetente kolleger. Hos Aarsleff lægger vi stor vægt på gode samarbejdsrelationer
og er en aktiv sparringspartner i forbindelse med rammeaftaler og partnering, hvor vores kernekompetencer kommer i spil. Projekterne gennemføres med udgangspunkt i en fleksibel projektorganisation, og vi tilbyder en spændende hverdag med rig mulighed for både personlig og faglig udvikling.
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma
Vi har brug for både praktikeren på byggepladsen med stor gennemslagskraft og for den, der ønsker at specialisere sig inden for fx geoteknik og konstruktion.
Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech.
Er det dig, vi søger? Har du evnerne, lysten og gåpåmodet, så giver vi dig muligheden for at udvikle dig til en dygtig og respekteret projektleder. Læs mere på www.aarsleff.com
Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 175
Employees 70 30 -
Fields of study Export & Operations Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil
Dansk Boligbyg
Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng.
Dansk Boligbyg a/s udfører bolig- og institutionsbyggerier samt renoverings-opgaver i hoved- og totalentrepriser.
Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog.
Vi tilbyder hvert år ingeniør- og konstruktør studerende en praktikplads. Vore praktikanter får stor tillid, og arbejder normalt meget selvstændigt. Vi har stor glæde af denne ordning, og føler, at både praktikanter og Dansk Boligbyg drager nytte heraf. Dansk Boligbyg a/s blev i 1998, og har siden starten gennemgået en kraftig udvikling. Dansk Boligbyg a/s er landsdækkende efter etableringen af afdelingskontorer i Roskilde og Hobro i 2003, og i Odense i 2010. Ejerkredsen blev udvidet den 7. juli 2008, da Dansk Boligbyg Medarbejderselskab ApS, stiftet af en kreds af medarbejdere, overtog 49 % af aktiekapitalen.
School project Ph.D.
176 Companies
Virksomheden ledes således i dag af et særdeles erfarent team, og fra alle led i virksomheden er der korte beslutningsveje.
Det er Dansk Boligbyg a/s mål at være markedets troværdige entreprenør, og at skabe attraktive arbejdspladser, hvor fokus på den enkelte medarbejders udvikling, trivsel og velbefindende giver arbejdsglæden. Bygge- og renoverings-opgaverne ledes af firmaets store team af engagerede projektledere, som alle er teknisk uddannede, og for hvem samarbejde og troværdighed er nøgleord. Dansk Boligbyg a/s deltager gerne allerede på skitsestadiet, hvor erfaring fra opførelsen af mange hundrede boliger kan udnyttes til sikring af det optimale tekniske og økonomiske fundament for gennemførelsen af enhver byggesag. Bygge- og renoverings-opgaverne gennemføres med hjælp fra hovedsagelig lokale, dygtige og stabile fagentreprenører, og ved totalentrepriser tilknyttes yderligere lokale arkitekt- og ingeniørfirmaer.
Employees 65 45 -
Fields of study
Delegate A/S
Export & Operations Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning
Delegate er et it-rådgivningshus med foreløbig 65 medarbejdere. Delegate er rodfæstet i meget stærke værdier, og vores mantra har altid været, at vi ikke behøver at være de største, så længe vi er de bedste. Dette stiller meget store krav til vores medarbejdere, og vi har derfor rigtig meget fokus på at ansætte de rigtige. De skal nemlig matche de dygtige medarbejdere, vi allerede har. Vi har kontor i Virum, Aarhus og snart Aalborg. Vores kernekompetence er at bygge forretningskritiske it-løsninger baseret på Microsoft teknologi. Vi bygger fx intranet, extranets, systemer til procesoptimering fx af kunde- eller sagsbehandling og meget andet. Vi er i vækst og vi rekrutterer både studerende, nyuddannede til alle vores kontorer.
Delegates fortsatte vækst skyldes først og fremmest, at vi gør meget ud af at ansætte de rigtige medarbejdere og give dem frihed og ansvar til at gøre det, de gør bedst. Vi ved, at dygtige folk trives bedst, hvis de får plads til udvikling. Samtidig har det været en integreret del af vores strategi at give medarbejderne plads til at udfordre, hvor vi skal hen teknisk. Det er sådan, vi har holdt os på forkant teknisk gennem de første 10 år af vores historie, og sådan vi vil holde os på forkant fremadrettet. Det er sådan, vi sikrer, at Delegate er en god arbejdsplads med både faglige udfordringer og socialt samvær. Det er samtidig sådan, vi sikrer, at de store danske virksomheder som Maersk, Lundbeck og Vestas gang på gang vælger os som leverandør.
Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis
Hos os kan du forvente stor frihed men også stort ansvar. Arbejdstiderne er fleksible, og vi går op i WorkLifeBalance, men vi brænder samtidig for det, vi laver. Du vil opleve, at det ikke er uden grund, at vi er kåret til Danmarks Bedst it-arbejdsplads af Great Place to Work fire år i træk.
Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 177
Employees 40 37 -
Fields of study Export & Operations Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil
Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech.
Start din karriere som konsulent i et ungt og dynamisk konsulenthus Immeo er et succesfuldt forretningsorienteret IT konsulenthus med et strategisk fokus på e-handel og digitale forretningsprocesser. Med udgangspunkt i København, arbejder vi med Danmarks mest ambitiøse virksomheder inden for banebrydende e-business, mobility, samt kunde- og serviceportaler.
Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
178 Companies
Vi hjælper vores kunder med udvikling af deres forretningsstrategier gennem rådgivning, design, udvikling og teknisk implementering af digitale løsninger.
Hos Immeo får du muligheden for at gøre en forskel fra første dag Fra din første arbejdsdag vil du få en vigtig rolle på vores projekter. Du vil indgå i et projektorienteret team, hvor du er med til at designe og udvikle teknisk komplekse løsninger indenfor .Net baseret web-teknologier. Det betyder at du deltager i analyse, design og programmering af selve løsningen. Du er med til at sætte rammerne for vores projekter i tæt samarbejde med dine kollegaer og kunden.
Vi er overbeviste om, at du vil udfordres og udvikle dig mere hos os end noget andet sted i branchen Hos Immeo vil du opleve et kontinuerligt, lærerigt og personaliseret karriereforløb. Vi søger for at skabe de optimale betingelser, og sikre dig adgang til de nyeste udviklingsværktøjer, metoder og dygtigste kollegaer. Fra din første dag får du tilknytter en personlig karriererådgiver fra vores ledelsesgruppe, som vil støtte dig i at indfri dine ambitioner. Hos os vægter det sociale højt, og derfor gør vi meget ud af at skabe rammerne for et stærkt socialt sammenhold.
Employees 150 25 157 1
Fields of study
OJ Electronics A/S
Export & Operations Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning
Since the 1960’es OJ Electronics has been designing and developing electronic controls for underfloor heating and HVAC controls and power. During that time, we have amassed application-specific experience and know-how that allows us to create innovative standard and customised solutions that support and build our customers’ business.
We are headquartered in Sønderborg, Denmark where our products are available through distributors worldwide. We hold a strong international position with subsidiaries and sales offices placed in global markets, including UK, US, Russia, and Poland.
Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 179
Employees 160 150 -
Fields of study Export & Operations Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil
Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis
Passion for Engineering R&D is one of Denmark’s leading engineering companies with specific expertise within mechanics, software, hydraulic systems, automation and electric. We provide services to a wide range of influential customers from many different industries, both in Denmark and internationally. 150 skilled employees R&D’s most important resource is our staff, which consists of 150 engineers. The employees work very competently both independently and as a strong team. Our employees are some of the best in this business, and they have experience from various business and industries.
Do you aim for the very demanding technical challenges? If you are an engineer within the fields of mechanics, software, electronics or structural you should come by and talk to us. We are always looking for talented engineers, who have the urge and courage to solve exciting tasks in a high professional and attractive social environment. We can offer a varying workday with a wide diversity of tasks. At R&D you can be an important part of these demanding and technical challenging course of development, where you work closely with both the customer and your colleagues at R&D. Join our team We look forward to meeting you at our booth and talking to you about your future career at R&D.
Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
180 Companies
Employees -
Fields of study Export & Operations
Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil Arch. & Planning
Your career opportunities are endless in the Sønderborg area. The combination of world leading companies, city life, international mindset, cozy atmosphere, and stunning nature is unique to our area. Our location near the border to Europe creates ideal conditions for trade and growth. More than 3000 companies are located within our municipality with manufacturing, health, trade, and education as our largest industries. Here you will find global industrial businesses and market leaders, which are typically in need of engineers, academics, and economists. We are accustomed to international cooperation and constant development; therefore, the most international campus for students is located in Sønderborg. Sønderborg Municipality consists of everything a city needs – countryside serenity and city life pulse. Here you will find grand nature with stunning forests and a 250 km long coastline, which invites you to try a variety of water activities.
If you are interested in moving and working in the Sønderborg area, we offer guidance and help through our Newcomer Service. We host a newcomer café, invite you to join a network for newcomers and even assist your accompanying partner with finding employment in the area.
Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng.
We look forward to meeting you.
Electronic Eng. Communication Tech.
Contact us today: Newcomer Service Sønderborg Rådhustorvet 7 DK – 6400 Sønderborg Tel. no. +45 88 72 74 68 newcomerservice@sonderborg.dk www.sonderborg.dk/en/newcomer
Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project Ph.D.
Companies 181
Employees 80 20 -
Fields of study Export & Operations Product & Design Mechanical Eng. Structural & Civil
VBM Laboratoriet A/S
Arch. & Planning Geo. & Survey Environmental Eng. Chemical Eng. Biotechnology Medicine & Pharma Biomedical Eng. Physics & Nano Energy Eng. Electronic Eng. Communication Tech. Mathematical Eng. Software
We offer Internship Student job Work abroad Master's thesis Graduate prog. School project
VBM laboratoriet A/S er en del af Eurofins Gruppen, den største laboratoriegruppe i verden, der med over 375 laboratorier i 41 lande beskæftiger mere end 30.000 medarbejdere. VBM er beliggende i hhv. Aabybro, der udfører analyser indenfor miljøområdet og Rødovre, der udfører geologiske analyser indenfor anlægsområdet. VBM er en virksomhed i vækst, og beskæftiger en række forskellige uddannelsesprofiler, bl.a. diplom- og civilingeniører, kemikere, biologer, laboranter, geologer mfl. Projektsamarbejde Skal du skrive projekt og er interesseret i at gøre det sammen med en virksomhed? Vi har gennem flere år arbejdet med studerende, der har skrevet projekter om konkrete problemstillinger i virksomheden. Det er et samarbejde, der er med til at udvikle både dig og os som virksomhed. Vi udformer projektet ud fra dine interesser og vores behov.
Studiejob, der styrker dine jobmuligheder Hos VBM tilbyder vi studiejobs, der er yderst fagligt relevante ift. din uddannelse. Som studentermedhjælper ved VBM indgår man i forskellige dele af laboratoriet samt analyse- og laboratorierelateret administrationen. Vi udarbejder en uddannelsesplan for vores studentermedhjælpere og sørger for en grundig oplæring. Du kan selv være med til at påvirke, hvilke arbejdsopgaver du tillægges og du får mulighed for at avancere dig inden for netop det område, der interesserer dig. Studentermedhjælpere er en vigtig del af VBM og vi rekrutterer ofte blandt vores studentermedhjælpere når de dimiterer.
182 Companies
AIESEC AAU AIESEC is aiming to provide practical experiences for the young people in sales, marketing, customer relationship and finance for creating internship and volunteering opportunities locally and abroad. Members get to develop intercultural competences by interacting with students and local companies to establish project for the cultural exchange.
AIESEC members provide services t young people to go abroad for internship or volunteering projects as well as engage local companies for creating projects locally to bring young talents from abroad. www.aiesec.dk
AMCA AMCA is bridging the gap between students and companies. We do this by providing events with attractive and well known partners within the consulting industry and the industry. Our events are either held at Aalborg University or at the partners office. Our events are often filled with great insights into the company that is having the event but also filled with new knowledge and ways of
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testing your abilities with a small case. It’s a great way to show possible employers what you can do and just as important, who you are! If you have an interest in the consulting industry and don’t really know how to get the insights in the industry, AMCA is a great ressource to be able to navigate and learn about the consulting industry. www.amca.dk
BEST Aalborg BEST stands for Board of European Students of Technology and is a non-profit student organisation for all students under TekNat, TECH and SUND at AAU. BEST provides a network between students from over 90 universities in 32 countries and offers complementary education, career support and exchange possibilities. BEST Aalborg, a local BEST group, is a part of this network and we organize both local and external events and we make it possible for AAU students to attend BEST events all over Europe. These events could be BEST courses, which are offered four times a year, or European BEST Engineering Competition (EBEC) which is held every year with both local, regional and a final round. Through our events BEST strives to help students to
develop themselves - both personally and professionally - and become more internationally minded by reaching a better understanding of European cultures and creating a large international and interdisciplinary network. BEST also has a long list of internal events and by being a member of BEST Aalborg you will have almost endless opportunities to travel. Furthermore, you will gain important skills in event management and team building and most importantly be a part of a community of students from various backgrounds and many different studies. Read more about our work at our webpage: www.best.aau.dk or find us on Facebook @bestaal or Instagram @bestaau
EDU - Internships and Studies Abroad Explore the world by studying or doing an internship abroad. It’s the perfect opportunity to broaden your horizons and learning about cultures. And at the same time earning your ECTS points and boosting your CV of course.
USA and several places in Asia. We also help you organizing an internship in one of six cities across the globe.
EDU help you throughout the application process. Our services are free of charge.
Stop by the EDU booth and we’ll make it easier for you to go abroad.
We represent highly ranked universities in Australia, Canada, England, Holland, New Zealand,
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IMCC IMCC er en sundhedsorganisation, der har en masse aktiviteter under sig, der laver forskellige former for sundhedsfremmende arbejde.
I Aalborg findes der 9 forskellige aktiviteter, hvor 6 af disse omhandler undervisning i folkeskoler og gymnasier.
De fire overordnede grupper er undervisning & oplysning, samfund & debat, udviklingsarbejde samt udvekslings- & klinikophold. Vores fælles vision er at skabe en sundere verden.
Engineers without Borders Engineers without Borders – DK is a technical humanitarian organization that, through the vision “Building a Better Tomorrow” seeks to provide basic social infrastructure measures to improve poor and marginalized communities and families. Through basic technical measures we seek to improve their livelihoods and provide a platform for change and development. Our work covers a wide field; with technical sustainable solutions our volunteers use their engineering and technological expertise to up small rural communities, and empower the locals to provide for themselves and their families.
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As a student member you will get the opportunity to be involved in a unique network consisting of senior and highly experienced project managers and also newly graduated technical professionals, who exchange knowledge across area of expertise and experience. Furthermore, EWB-DK facilitate internships where the intern along with an experienced mentor work in the field and additionally support the general work of EWB-DK (read more about our internship program) We are looking forward to introducing you to EWBDK at the DSE Fair.
Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening UNF er en forening, hvis formål er at fremme interessen for naturvidenskab, teknologi og medicin, fortrinsvis blandt unge. Dette sker via en række naturvidenskabelige aktiviteter for unge afholdt af unge. Arrangørerne er frivillige og består hovedsageligt af gymnasie- og universitetsstuderende. I lokalforeningerne arrangeres der bl.a. foredrag, workshops og studieture.
UNF er desuden nordens største udbyder af sommerskoler, og disse såkaldte ScienceCamps tilbyder en uge med spændende undervisning og sociale aktiviteter. Disse camps afholdes typisk på et af de danske universiteter, som stiller lokaler og undervisere til rådighed. UNF har også arrangeret udenlandske studieture til steder som CERN, ESA og NASA. www.unf.dk
Universitetsroning Aalborg Aalborg Roklub har genskabt universitetsroning i Danmark. Igennem krævende fysisk og mental holdtræning er formålet at kunne sammensætte forskellige bådtyper og mandskab, der kan konkurrer på nationale og internationale regattaer. Der er stor fokus på samarbejde, styrke og vilje! De sidste to år har vi deltaget i alle nationale regattaer, samt større internationale regattaer, som European University Championship / Games. Indtil videre har vi konkurreret i Tyskland, Kroatien, Serbien og Kina.
Det er vores formål at etabler stærke roere, der kan føre den traditionsrige sport videre i Danmark. Da Aalborg Roklub er en Herre Klub, og dermed kun for mænd, er fokusset på herreroning. Der arbejdes med at finde en løsning, for at kunne inddrage kvinder. www. aalborgroklub.dk/wp/universitetsroning
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AASI United sports organization for the students living and studying in Aalborg. Provides teams in both football, handball, volleyball, swimming, badminton and fitness. www.aasisport.dk
AAU Case Competition AAU Case Competition is a opportunity for you as a student to promote your abilities and build on the theoretical knowledge you may have acquired through your study. By achieving work-related skills that are not offered through your study, you become more attractive to employments.
The two previous case competititions has been won by students from Aalborg university. The case companies have been COWI with the theme: The City of Tomorrow and The Port of Aalborg together with Accenture, COWI, KonXion, Quorum Consulting and Publicity with the theme: The Port of the Future.
By participating you are competing to win this years case competition, which will put you in brighter future. You will get the chance to test your own knowledge with and against other students to develop a solution for the problem that is set by case company!
A good reason to attend is that it’s free for you. We provide food and everything you can think of during the case. We are here for you and your opportunities. Besides, you also get the opportunity to win great prizes. Come and meet us at the DSE 2017!
192 Organisations
De Studerendes
Mette Obel Jeppesen
Erhvervskontakt FibigerstrĂŚde 15
Editorial team
9220 Aalborg Ă˜st
Amalie Lorenzen
+45 9815 6077
Anette Lund Schmidt
Lars Erik Barly Pedersen
Mira Sakya
Impressions 3,800