THE DST KEY - November 2013

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THE DST KEY Coleraine Street, Oracabessa, P.O St. Mary Official Newsletter of Key Club Jamaica District Secretary - Treasurer November 2013 Volume XII

Issue 3

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE!!  Greetings from DST Ijah B…...Page 1

 Bridge The Gap…………………….Page 6

 Key Club Week………………...Pages 2 - 5

 Prematurity Awareness Month…….Page 7

 District Mass Meeting….Page 3

 Fun Wall…………………………….Page 8

 District Project………….Page 4

 Notices…………………...…............Page 9

 District Church Service…Page 5

 District Board Members’ Contacts...Page 10

GREETINGS FROM DST IJAH B. Hey there Club Secretaries and Treasurers!  I hope you have been doing great! Last week was Key Club Week and I hope that your club had a successful and fun – filled week! This month as you may know is Kiwanis Family Month and in this month the aim is to bridge the gap between Key Club and our other Kiwanis Family Members (K – Kids, Builders’ Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis). This is the month to regain connection and re-kindle the spark that may have lost with our fellow Kiwanis Family Members. So throughout November, plan lots of joint projects and interclub meetings. Have fun reading this issue! PS: Shout out to our International Trustee Alberto Berrizbeitia, who spent the weekend with us here in Jamaica! It was truly amazing having you here in our paradise island! I hope you had a blast! Yours in love, friendship and service,

I. Brown Ijah Erica Brown District Secretary – Treasurer (DST)





“Key Clubbers, how do you feel?.....We feel good! We feel soooo good! Hype!” The Key Club District of Jamaica Mass Meeting was held in the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium at Jamaica College on Friday November 1, 2013. This 6th staging of the District Mass Meeting, like previous years, was a success. Schools from six of the seven divisions were present. This year, Key Clubbers came out in their numbers as there were over 500 Key Clubbers present at this meeting. At the Mass Meeting, Key Clubbers interacted with each other and participated in the various activities planned; the shout – off, Key Club Trivia, divisional challenges, and many more. They were also informed about the District Project, District Church Service and the various themes for Key Club Week. District Mass Meeting 2013 was indeed a success as it gained the title of having the most Key Clubbers present, beating the attendance record of previous District Mass Meetings.



Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. ~Martin Luther King, Jr. The Key Clubbers within the Jamaica District never fail to render unselfish service to those in need. On Saturday November 2, 2013, members of the Key Club District of Jamaica along with a Circle K member and some Kiwanians journeyed to the Mizpah All Age School in the cool hills of Manchester. There they donated educational materials to the school: reading books, composition books, pencils, erasers, etc.; made educational charts for the different grade levels, planted trees in the school yard, cleaned the classrooms, removed broken furniture from the classrooms and prepared their vegetable plot for farming. Though the acts of service performed seemed small, a lot was done for the school and the Mizpah All Age Family was indeed grateful for the help they received. Though the turnout was not as big as previous years, District Project 2013 was success.



Therefore I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the Gentiles, and sing praises to Your name. ~ 2 Samuel 22:50 On Sunday November 3, 2013, Kiwanians, Faculty Advisors, Circle K and family members joined Key Clubbers, at the Holy Trinity Cathedral for their annual District Church Service. There, Key Clubbers gave thanks to the Lord for yet another year where they can render unselfish service to their homes, schools and communities. Though the Governor General was not present, he sent the proclamation for Key Club Week 2013, which was read by Governor Chevon. After the Church Service, the Key Clubbers marched through the streets of Downtown, Kingston, to the sounds of a live band, cheering and making Key Club known to the surrounding communities. Like District Mass Meeting and District Project, District Church Service was a success as there were over 800 persons in attendance.


PREMATURITY AWARENESS November is Prematurity Awareness Month Did you know 1 in 8 babies are born prematurely? More than half a million babies are born prematurely in the United States each year. Premature birth is the #1 cause of death during the first month of life. Even babies born just a few weeks too soon can face serious health challenges and are at risk for lifelong disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, lung problems, and vision and hearing loss. November is when the March of Dimes focuses everyone’s attention on the impact premature birth has on babies and families. Throughout November, Key Club members can support the March of Dimes mission by educating peers on the importance of healthy lifestyles through the use of our teen2teen interactive program. You can also contact your local office to see what volunteer needs the local Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the hospital might have, such as making scrapbook pages or hosting a dinner for parents. Make it a priority to spread awareness the whole month by dedicating your Facebook statuses to facts about the March of Dimes & the serious problem of preterm birth; and you can tweet about it too! And on Global Prematurity Day, November 17, you can do a range of activities to spread awareness about the global problem of preterm birth! Your club can host an event at your school to educate others and you can dedicate a day to wear purple, the March of Dimes colour. How Key Club Helps‌ Since 1978, Key Clubs have hosted fundraising and awareness programs to support the March of Dimes, raising over $116,000 through fundraisers in 2011 alone! Key Club members, like you, can support the March of Dimes each semester: in the fall, raise awareness by hosting programs throughout November for Prematurity Awareness Month and in the spring, raise funds by participating in March for Babies, the March of Dimes largest annual fundraiser.



BRIDGE THE GAP When you think of family, you probably think about mom and dad, grandma and grandpa and your favourite aunt and uncle. But your family is really much bigger than that. You’re a member of Key Club, and that means you’re part of the Kiwanis family. The Kiwanis family is made up of different clubs and programs for youth and adults around the world. Your Kiwanis Family is more than 580,000 strong. The friendships you make within your club--and within the Kiwanis family--could be some of the strongest you’ll ever know. Just like your immediate family, your Kiwanis family looks out for you and helps you grow in both service and leadership. There’s so much you can offer and learn from other members of the Kiwanis family. You just need to reach out and bridge the gap! November is Kiwanis Family Month--an entire month dedicated to spending time with your Kiwanis family. Do you know about all the Kiwanis family clubs and programs? There’s KKids, BUG and Terrific Kids for elementary school students, Builders Club for middle school students, Key Club and Key Leader for high school students, Circle K International for university students, Aktion Club for adults with disabilities, and Kiwanis for adults over 18. How can you bridge the gap and spend some quality Kiwanis family time? Here are a few ideas to get you started: 1. Discover your family. Do some research and find out more about the Kiwanis-family clubs and programs in your area. Just knowing about the clubs in your community is a great first step. 2. Reach out. Invite someone from another club to attend one of your club meetings this month. 3. Crash the party. (Well, not exactly. Let someone know you’re coming.) But do plan to stop in to another Kiwanis-family club’s meeting or service project so you can see what goes on--and maybe even get ideas for your own club. 4. Work together. Plan a fellowship event or service project with other clubs in your area. Even reaching out to other local Key Clubs can lead to fun, fellowship and inspiration.




Brain Teaser A clerk at a butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

Answer: Meat


Optical illusion Can you see both the old woman, and the young lady?

Alone I am 24th, with a friend I am 20. With another friend and I am unclean. What am I?

Answer: The letter 'x'. It is the 24th letter of the alphabet, XX in Roman numerals is 20, and XXX is a label for movies that are very inappropriate (unclean).




Date: Friday November 1, 2013 Where: Jamaica College Time: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM Dress Code: School Uniform

Date: Sunday November 3, 2013 Where: Holy Trinity Cathedral Time: 10:00 AM Dress Code: School Uniform



Date: Saturday November 2, 2013 Where: Mizpah All Age Time: 6:00 AM Cost for Transportation: $1000

Date: Saturday November 16, 2013 Where: Munro College Time: 9:00 AM



Monthly reports are due by the 5th of every month. Please remember that when emailing your reports you MUST send a copy to the following persons:  District Secretary – Treasurer  District Administrator  Your Lieutenant Governor  Faculty & Kiwanian Advisor

Click on the photos below to check out our facebook page (‘Like’ it) and twitter page (‘Follow’ us):

The hard copies of the monthly report forms from April – December 2013 is due on or by Friday December 6, 2013. Reason for this is so that I can use my Christmas holiday to mark the monthly reports. So please observe the deadline.

THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Never get tired of doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts. ~Unknown

DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS’ CONTACTS Name: Chevon Lewis Position: District Governor Email:

Name: Deveney Whitley Position: Lieutenant Governor- D1 Email:

Name: Chadene Myers Position: Lieutenant Governor- D7 Email:

Name: Ijah Brown Position: District Secretary-Treasurer Email: dst.ijahb@gmail

Name: Romaine Clarke Position: Lieutenant Governor- D2 Email:

Name: Navara Dennis Position: District Administrator Email:

Name: Anthony Kerr Position: District Bulletin Editor Email:

Name: Kemar Robinson Position: Lieutenant Governor- D3 Email:

Name: Karen Sinclair - Lym Position: Assistant District Administrator Email:

Name: Jordon Thomas Position: District Webmaster Email:

Name: Nicole Palmer Position: Lieutenant Governor- D4 Email:

Name: Renisha Daley Position: Immediate Past Governor Email:

Name: Shadaé Bingham Position: Lieutenant Governor- D6 Email:


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