THE EVOLUTION - August 2016

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1 Tremaine Road, Kingston 6, Jamaica Official Newsletter of Caribbean Circle K District Membership Development and Education Committee August 2016 Volume I

Issue 4

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What’s Inside This Issue… Greetings from Chairperson Ijah B.

Quick Facts

Handling Main Motions

Thought for the Month

Recruitment Ideas


Greetings From Chairperson Ijah B. Greetings Caribbean District! I hope all is well! So, it is now mid-August which means school starts in a week or two! It is also membership recruitment season! I hope your club committees have been planning tons of fun recruitment activities. In this issue fun recruitment ideas were given, so I hope I was able to help with the planning of your recruitment activities. I do hope you find this information helpful. Enjoy the rest of your day and have fun reading this issue! Yours in love, friendship and service, Ijah Erica Brown Chairperson Membership Development & Education Committee Caribbean District of Circle K International


Handling Main Motions Robert's Rules helps keep things on track by requiring that no discussion be undertaken until somebody proposes an idea for action. It is through motions that meetings are done in a timely manner. Below is the correct procedure to handle motions:

1. The member rises and addresses the chair. Members are able to make motions during a meeting any time as long as no other business is pending. While there is no pending business and the time is appropriate, the chair should entertain the main motion. When you're ready to make your motion, be sure no one else has the floor, and then stand up and say, "Mr./Madam Chairman (or Mr./Madam President)."


Handling Main Motions Cont’d 2. The chair recognizes the member. The chair responds in a level tone and impartial manner by saying something along the lines of "The chair recognizes Paul." If the chair needs to determine why the member seeks recognition before recognizing the member, the chair says something like, "For what purpose does Paul rise?" In this case, the member responds, "I rise to offer a motion to___�. If the motion is in order, the chair proceeds by recognizing the member. 3. The member states the motion. Offer your motion by saying, "Mr. Chairman, I move that___�. For all but the simplest original main motions, write out the motion ahead of time and be prepared to immediately submit the written motion to the chair or the secretary after making the motion. 4. Another member seconds the motion. Main motions MUST be seconded, meaning that a second member expresses a desire to have the motion considered by the group. To do so, a member simply raises his/her hand and wait to be acknowledged by the chair after which they say "I _____ second that motion!" If no second is forthcoming, the chair asks, "Is there a second to the motion?" If a second still doesn't come, the motion is said to fall to the floor and simply does not come before the group. If this happens, the chair states that as the case and moves on to the next item of business.


Handling Main Motions Cont’d 5. Members debate the motion then the Chair puts the question and members vote The chair allows the member who made the motion to explain his motion. Floor is now opened to other members for discussion. When all have spoken who wish to do so, it's decision time:  Putting the question: The presiding officer now asks the members whether they want to adopt the motion. The motion is voted on by answering a yes-or-no question. After the ayes have been heard, the chair takes the negative vote by saying, "All opposed say 'No.'"  The members vote: Motions are commonly decided by voice vote. But the presiding officer may, on his own initiative, call for a rising vote, a counted vote, or even a ballot vote. Additionally, before the voting actually begins, any member may offer an incidental motion to conduct the vote using a different method. 6. The chair announces the result The chair's duty is to make the declaration of fact and to announce the result. He either says, "The ayes have it and the motion carries (or 'is adopted')" or "The noes have it and the motion is lost (or 'fails')." Sources:


Recruitment Ideas It is important to ensure that you leave a lasting impression on students when hosting membership recruitment activities. It is this impression that make persons want to join your club. Below are eleven (11) ideas to recruit club members: 1. Have a booth at the new students’ orientation and at club fusion. Be sure to have an attractive setup. Ensure to have adequate information, a contact book, treats, and knowledgeable team members to engage in a persuasive and informative conversation with new students. 2. Hang posters on notice boards and hand out flyers to populated areas on campus. 3. Plan a flash mob. This is a great way to get students’ attention. This flash mob routine shows that members are fun and vibrant. It will get the Circle K name out there.

4. Invite fun inspirational speakers to your meetings and promote it. Getting persons to speak at meetings about things to uplift and motivate young persons will definitely draw the attention of students. 5. Bring food and treats to meetings.


Recruitment Tips Cont’d 6. Design a club brochure. Be sure to include the club’s history, successes, goals for the year, and vision. 7. Have fun team building exercises each meeting. This aims to help club members get acquainted with each other.

8. Use social media to promote the club’s success and as an invitation to new students

9. Send out monthly newsletters to keep club members informed. 10. Have a club t-shirt that can be worn to club meetings.

11. Host a “Take a guest to meeting” day.



Quick Facts Leadership is one of three tenets of Circle K International. The potential of CKI lies in its ability to positively influence members of society who are facing ultimate personal decisions and those who will one day create the vision of mankind for generations to come. Leadership opportunities afford CKI members the resources and tools needed to become active citizens.

Thought for the Month If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. ~John Quincy Adams

Notices **Missed last month’s issue? Here you go


**Would you like to be a part of the Membership Development & Education Committee? Please send me an email at with your name, club, email address and contact number. **If you have any questions, concerns or comments RE this issue’s content or anything at all, feel free to contact me via any of the media listed below @Ijahbee


Ijah Brown




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