THE DST KEY - January 2014

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THE DST KEY Coleraine Street, Oracabessa, P.O St. Mary Official Newsletter of Key Club Jamaica District Secretary - Treasurer January 2014 Volume XII

Issue 5

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE!!  Greetings from DST Ijah B…….....Page 1

 365 Days To Make A Difference……Page 5

 Meet The International President..Pages 2

 Fun Wall…………………………..….Page 6

 District Leadership & Educational

 Notices…………………...….............Page 7

Conference……………………...…..Page 3  International Convention 2014….....Page 4

 District Board Members’ Contacts….Page 7

GREETINGS FROM DST IJAH B. Hey there Club Secretaries and Treasurers!  So we're in 2014, Happy New Year to you all! I wish for you a prosperous new year filled with excitement, accomplishments and pleasant surprises! So school has resumed, I trust and hope you all had a fun and restful break and is now back in the frame of mind for school work! With DCON being around the corner, exactly 47 days away you should be excited especially because early bird deadline has been extended to the 31st of January! I’m looking forward to seeing those registration forms and to see you all very soon! Well that’s all for now, have fun reading this issue! Yours in love, friendship and service,

I. Brown Ijah Erica Brown District Secretary – Treasurer (DST)


MEET THE KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT <<< Raeford Penny >>> Greetings Jamaican Key Clubbers, I would like to wish a Happy New Year to each and every one of you! As we finished the countdown to 2014 and now begin the one to 2015, we are able to reflect upon our last year of service and the countless individuals who we have positively impacted alongside our growth as global citizens. A full year of

Fun Facts about Raeford: 

His hobbies include: tracks, reading, cooking, singing and dancing.

His worst fear is waking up in a random country.

He loves spaghetti and meat balls

He doesn’t have much free time now, but if anything he enjoys watching movies.

His most favourite things about Key

excitement, hours of planning, and countless community service projects are now things of the past; with New Year’s resolutions fresh on our minds I hope that you will consider ones that involve serving your homes, schools, and communities, as well as developing who you are as an individual to an even greater extent. Yours in Service,

Club are the passion and excitement of service and growth in the members 

If he could visit any country in the world, it would be North Korea because he’s very interested in their way of life.

Raeford Penny, Key Club International President

In order to run for any position on the District or International Board, you must have served at least


DISTRICT LEADERSHIP AND EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE (DCON) 2014 District Leadership and Educational Conference will be held at the Moneague College, St. Ann on Friday March 7, 2014 – Sunday March 9, 2014. The costs and deadlines are as follow:  Early Bird: $7,500 – This deadline has been extended! In order to qualify for the early bird payment, the full sum of $7,500 or a sum of $4,000 MUST be paid on or by Friday January 31, 2014. If one chooses to pay the $4,000, the balance must be paid by Friday February 7, 2014.  Regular - $9,000 – This is due on or by Friday February 7, 2014.  Onsite - $10, 000 – After Friday February 7, 2014, the cost is $10,000. Please note: Persons who register onsite is not guaranteed a room. So it is advised that you aim either for the early bird or regular fee. There will be a workshop RE DCON 2014 Contest and Awards on Saturday January 18, 2013 at the St. Andrew High School for Girls. Please ensure that you attend if you have questions RE Contest and Awards.


Secrets To Service: Blue, White, Gold Edition 3.

KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2014 The 2014 Key Club International Convention will take place July 2-6, 2014 in Anaheim, California, at the Anaheim Marriott. The district will however be leaving on Monday June 30th 2014. The estimated cost is US $1500 and this is subject to change. If one wishes to obtain a US Visa via the district they must notify DA Navara Dennis or Gov. Chevon Lewis as soon as possible because the deadline to set the VISA interview date is Friday January 31, 2014. 5 Reasons why should attend Key Club International Convention 2014 Key Club International Convention is such a great experience. You get the chance to: 1. Meet Key Clubber from other districts. 2. Form friendship that may last a lifetime. 3. Participate in fun and educational workshops. 4. Party in true Key Club Spirit at the dances 5. Vote for the new Key Club International board.


365 DAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE It’s out with the old and in with the new. A new year means a fresh start for everyone and a chance for people everywhere to make 2014 a year that really counts. Here are three challenges to make an impact in the world for the next 365 days. 1. Give 12 compliments. This one might be a stretch if you’re an introvert. But, hey, why not make this a year for personal growth? Have you ever had someone randomly compliment you on something? Your new shoes, your haircut, your smile? All you have to do is pay it forward. Every month--or every week, or every day-- this year, just compliment someone. Sometimes the simplest positive feedback can brighten someone’s day when they need it the most. 2. Practice 52 random acts of kindness. Have you ever had someone pick up the tab for you at a restaurant or hold the door for you when you had your hands full? Go out of your way this year to complete one random act of kindness every week. 3. Give 100 hours of service. Most high school students do a whole lot more than just go to school seven hours a day, five days a week. Between homework, athletics, part-time jobs and other extracurricular activities, it’s hard to find free time to do more than relax and watch Netflix. Before you start the next season of “Breaking Bad,” challenge yourself to do something different. Take the next year to give 100 hours of service. Find a project that you’re passionate about, and you’ll stop thinking about having to do a project and start thinking about wanting to go to a project. Whether your passion is about animals, children or community beautification, there are plenty of projects out there that you’ll enjoy volunteering for. The bottom line: Your 100 hours will be full of memories, smiles, and experiences you’ll never forget. If you know that your schedule simply won't allow for 100 hours, pick a goal that’s realistic for yourself. 4. Measure your success Keep yourself accountable by writing down your experiences in a journal or adding them to your planner. At the end of the year, you can look back at everything you’ve done and know you did your part to make 2014 your best year yet. Source: What’s in it for you? Doing good for others has benefits for you too. It’s simple. When you do good, you feel good. Helping others makes you happy too. It’s a proven fact! According to Action for Happiness, doing good improves your mood and reduces stress. It makes you feel better about yourself. And who



Brain Teaser I was framed‌ I was framed, yet I didn't commit a crime, and the person who framed me committed no crime. How is this possible?

Answer: I am a picture, and I was put in a picture



Optical illusion Can you see the two faces and the goblet?

I run too fast‌ For some I go too fast and for others I am too slow. To most people, I am an obsession. Relaying on me is a well practiced lesson. Who am I? Answer: Time


NOTICES DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL AND LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (DCON 2014) Early bird fee for DCON is due on or by January 31, 2014. The full payment of $7,500 or a payment of $4000 can be made to be qualified for the early bird fee.

DCON CONTEST AND AWARDS WORKSHOP There will be a DCON Contest and Awards Workshop on Saturday January 18, 2014 at St. Andrew High School for Girls starting at 12:00 Noon and scheduled to end by 2:00 PM.

DCON CONTEST AND AWARDS FORMS The deadline for submission of most of the Distinguished Club Officers is due on January 25, 2014. Please check your email RE the other deadlines.

VISAS TO ATTEND KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2014 If one wishes to obtain a US Visa via the district they must notify DA Navara or Gov. Chevon as soon as possible because the deadline to VISA interview date is January 31, 2014.



Monthly reports are due by the 5th of every month. Please remember that when emailing your reports you MUST send a copy to the following persons:  District Secretary – Treasurer  District Administrator  Your Lieutenant Governor  Faculty & Kiwanian Advisor

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THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce

DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS’ CONTACTS Name: Chevon Lewis Position: District Governor Email:

Name: Deveney Whitley Position: Lieutenant Governor- D1 Email:

Name: Shadaé Bingham Position: Lieutenant Governor- D6 Email:

Name: Ijah Brown Position: District Secretary-Treasurer Email:

Name: Romaine Clarke Position: Lieutenant Governor- D2 Email:

Name: Chadene Myers Position: Lieutenant Governor- D7 Email:

Name: Anthony Kerr Position: District Bulletin Editor Email:

Name: Kemar Robinson Position: Lieutenant Governor- D3 Email:

Name: Navara Dennis Position: District Administrator Email:

Name: Jordon Thomas Position: District Webmaster Email:

Name: Nicole Palmer Position: Lieutenant Governor- D4 Email:

Name: Karen Sinclair - Lym Position: Assistant District Administrator Email:

Name: Renisha Daley Position: Immediate Past Governor Email:

Name: Chrishana Fregenette Position: Lieutenant Governor- D5 Email:


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