THE DST KEY - April 2014

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THE DST KEY Coleraine Street, Oracabessa, P.O St. Mary Official Newsletter of Key Club Jamaica District Secretary - Treasurer April 2014 Volume XII

Issue 6

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE!!  Greetings from DST Ijah B……........Page 1

 International Convention 2014....Page 7

 Key Club – What It Means To Me.....Pages 2 - 3

 Circle K: The Next Chapter…....Page 8

 Congratulations Outstanding Secretaries and

 Thought Collage………..…….…Page 9

Treasurers……………………...…....Page 4

 Fun Wall……………………...….Page 10

 Meet The New District Board Members……………………………..Page 5  Meet The DST Elect…………….….Page 6

 Notices……………….….............Page 11  District Board Members’  Contacts…………………………..Page 11

GREETINGS FROM DST IJAH B. Hey there Club Secretaries and Treasurers!  So this is my final DST KEY to you guys :’(. I just want to take this time to thank you all for being the wonderful club secretaries and treasurers you all are and for the support and cooperation you have given me throughout this past year! Truly, I can say this year was amazing despite the few hiccups I had along the way. To those who received the title “Outstanding Secretary” and “Outstanding Treasurer”, heartiest congratulations! *Sigh* Who would have thought seven years would fly by so fast, certainly not me! I have not just met some of the most amazing persons in this world, but I have also made some really cool friends. Key Club has certainly taught me a lot and I am truly grateful for this experience. Well, this is not good bye, it is more like farewell. Thanks a lot again for everything. Have fun reading this issue! Yours in love, friendship and service,

I. Brown Ijah Erica Brown Immediate Past District Secretary – Treasurer (IPDST)


KEY CLUB – WHAT IT MEANS TO ME Paradise is what I call it. It’s an environment where student leaders, like me, share a common interest, serving the less fortunate and giving back to our home, school and community. Whenever I am in a Key Club environment I am most content because given the opportunity to help others gives me joy to know that I am actually making a difference in someone else’s life. Participating in Key Club projects, I have experienced so many events at children’s homes and senior citizens’ homes that have opened my eyes to reality and have made me realize how privileged I am. Often times in life, we tend to get caught up with the bigger and better things and fail to give thanks for the little things we have but my experiences in Key Club have showed me otherwise .I have learnt to appreciate and give thanks for the little I possess because there are others out there who wish they had some of the things I have but have no means of getting it. I have also learnt how to share and care for others. Visiting these homes, I have recognized that some of the elders and children yearn for love and care. Perhaps, this is because they have no immediate family around to show them love and to make them feel wanted. Growing up without a mother, I know that feeling, yearning for motherly love, advice and company. Being there at these homes, give me the opportunity to show that I care. I am able to shower the children with my love and to make them feel appreciated. Each time I visit these children’s homes I take some art and craft or reading activity just so they can express themselves and when I visit the senior citizen’s homes I sing for them and listen to their stories because they love music and storytelling. …. Continue reading on the next page.


KEY CLUB – WHAT IT MEANS TO ME CONT’D In Key Club I have learnt how to be a leader. Before I entered this amazing organization I was a shy and reserved young lady but after serving in the many capacities both on the club and district level, I have grown into a determined and confident leader who is not afraid to tackle any challenge that is given to me. I can truly testify that Key Club has shaped and moulded me into the astounding leader I am today. In any Key Club environment I feel a sense of belonging. This is so because I am in the company of other student leaders, like myself, who share common interest, helping the less fortunate and giving back to the home, school and community. I have bonded with most of them and have considered some to be potential lifelong friends. Interacting with these amazing individuals, I have developed and strengthened my team work skills. In Key Club, no one person can lead a club or district nor complete a project by themselves. As such, I have learnt the importance of team work and have strengthened my communication, problem – solving and listening skills. Being in a Key Club environment gives me joy, simply because it has everything I enjoy doing and while having fun, I am being equipped with leadership and lifelong skills that will prepare me for the wider world and at a larger extent, for life. This environment has truly perfected the person I am today, a caring and competent servant leader transforming communities worldwide. ~Ijah Erica Brown Immediate Past District Secretary - Treasurer


CONGRATULATIONS OUTSTANDING SECRETARIES & TREASURERS So at the beginning of the year, I had pledge to work alongside my club secretaries and treasurers so as to help them to be the best possible club secretaries and treasurers. The journey was a great one as I have seen where individuals have taken what they have learned at the various workshops and put it into practice. Therefore, it is with great honour that I congratulate you all for the wonderful job you have done. You have certainly fulfilled your pledge, and have done your home clubs proud. Congratulations once again!  Outstanding Secretaries:

Outstanding Treasurers:

Chevaughn Miller (Kingston College)

Shaquille Douglas (Kingston College)

Oneka Taylor (Alpha Academy)

Ashley Chang (Campion College)

Aldene MacCurvin (St. Georges College)

Malaika Sterling (Excelsior High School )

Shenelle Smith (St. Hugh’s High School)

Jerome Mayne (Wolmer’s Boys’ School)

Amani Campbell (Campion College)

Lashaire Fletcher (Mt. Alvernia High School)

Deidre – Ann Jemmison (Excelsior High School) 

Kevan Russell (Jamaica College)

Kino – Paul Hurylington (Wolmer’s Boys’ School)

Joana Muir (Montego Bay High School for Girls)

Kimberly Blair (St. Andrew High School for Girls)

Shakira Mills (Immaculate Conception High)

Denesha Gibson (Merl Grove High School)

Shelece Hudson (St. Andrew High School for Girls)



CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS To the incoming district board, congratulations the ball is now in your court. You have been elected to lead and serve this amazing district, the Mighty Key Club Jamaica. With great positions, come great responsibilities; so embrace yourselves because you now have a great legacy to carry on. Heartiest congratulations once again! District Governor Name: Kimberly Blair School: St. Andrew High School for Girls

Lieutenant Governor (Division 3) Name: Kemar Robinson School: St. Catherine High

District Secretary – Treasurer Name: Joneal Crawford School: Merl Grove High

Lieutenant Governor (Division 4) Name: Jenelle Johnson School: St. Mary High

District Bulletin Editor Name: Kino – Paul Hurylington School: Wolmer’s Boys’ School

Lieutenant Governor (Division 5) Name: Giselle Campbell School: Mount Alvernia High

District Webmaster Name: Naomi Redway School: Ardenne High

Lieutenant Governor (Division 6) Name: Kadeisha Brown School: St. Andrew High School for Girls

Lieutenant Governor (Division 1) Name: Mark Lewis School: Kingston College

Lieutenant Governor (Division 7) Name: Rasharah Morrell School: Hampton School

Lieutenant Governor (Division 2) Name: Simran Motiani School: Campion College



MEET THE DST ELECT <<< Joneal Crawford >>> Joneal Crawford is a seventeen year old young lady who hails from the Merl Grove High School. She is currently in the lower six and has been a member of the Merl Grove High School Key Club for four (4) years. Joneal has served as Chairperson and Club President and has recently been elected to serve as the District Secretary – Treasurer for the Mighty Key Club Jamaica District. She describes herself as being faithful as she always expect good from people and hopes for the best to come out of situations no matter the circumstances. She believes that if she tries to be a better person or better friend and put good out into the universe, that is what she will in turn receive. Joneal does not have a lot of spear time but when she does, she enjoys listening to music, dancing, training (karate), watching movies with her family and sleeping. In the future she would like to attain a Bachelors Degree in Integrated Marketing Communication at CARIMAC after which she wishes to become a Public Relations Manager and or an Advertising/Marketing Consultant or Manager.



KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2014 The 2014 Key Club International Convention will take place July 2-6, 2014 in Anaheim, California, at the Anaheim Marriott. The district will however be leaving on Monday June 30th 2014. The estimated cost is US $1500 and this is subject to change. This US$1500 covers airfare, hotel accommodation and registration fee. Please note that you would have to take money for food. The payment schedule is as follows: 

1st Payment: US$400 by Tuesday April 15, 2014

2nd Payment: US$600 by Wednesday April 30, 2014

3rd Payment: US$500 by Thursday May 15, 2014

If one wishes to attend ICON 2014, you should have had notified DA Navara Dennis on the 8th of April but if you did not get a chance to and you would still like to attend, please notify him as soon as possible. 5 Reasons why should attend Key Club International Convention 2014 Key Club International Convention is such a great experience. You get the chance to: 1. Meet Key Clubber from other districts. 2. Form friendship that may last a lifetime. 3. Participate in fun and educational workshops. 4. Party in true Key Club Spirit at the dances 5. Vote for the new Key Club International board.


CIRCLE K: THE NEXT CHAPTER Is this your final year in high school? Is your next destination a university or college? If yes to both questions above, Well…I have got just the right club for you, Circle K International!!  Circle K International is a student led organization based in colleges and universities. It is sponsored by Kiwanis International and helps Kiwanis in carrying out its mission, serving the children of the world. Circle K members, like Key Clubbers, execute thousands of hours of voluntary service to the home, school and community. You should join Circle K because: 1. If you absolutely love to serve, Circle K is the club for you. 2. Circle K is basically the same as Key Club, with the exception that the members are college/ university students. 3. You get the opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life through serving. Mission Of Circle K International Developing college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service. Vision Of Circle K International To be the leading global community-service organization on college and university campuses that enriches the world one member, one child and one community at a time. Motto Of Circle K International Live to Serve, Love to Serve!





Brain Teaser A Duck There are two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck in the middle. How many ducks are there in total?

Answer: Three. They’re all in a row, so ducks 1 and 2 are in front of duck 3, ducks 2 and 3 are behind duck 1 and duck 2 is in the middle.


Optical illusion How many animals can you identify?

At Birth It Can’t Start Nor By Death Is It Ended More precious than gold, but cannot be bought, Can never be sold, only earned if it’s sought, If it is broken it can be mended, At birth it can’t start nor by death is it ended. What am I? Answer: Friendship


NOTICES KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (ICON 2014) The 2014 Key Club International Convention will take place July 2-6, 2014 in Anaheim, California, at the Anaheim Marriott. The district will however be leaving on Monday June 30th 2014. The estimated cost is US $1500 and this is subject to change. If you wish to attend and have not yet notified DA Navara Dennis please do so asap. The payment schedule is as follows: 

1st Payment: US$400 by Tuesday April 15, 2014

2nd Payment: US$600 by Wednesday April 30, 2014

3rd Payment: US$500 by Thursday May 15, 2014




Monthly reports are due by the 5th of every month. Please remember that when emailing your reports you MUST send a copy to the following persons:  District Secretary – Treasurer  District Administrator  Your Lieutenant Governor  Faculty & Kiwanian Advisor

Click on the photos below to check out our facebook page (‘Like’ it) and twitter page (‘Follow’ us):

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. ~Bruce Lee

Name: Chevon Lewis Position: District Governor Email:

Name: Deveney Whitley Position: Lieutenant Governor- D1 Email:

Read more at /quotes/topics/topic_success. Name: Shadaé Bingham html#eTqsOuxkhlyXYIBx.99 Position: Lieutenant Governor- D6 Email:

Name: Ijah Brown Position: District Secretary-Treasurer Email:

Name: Romaine Clarke Position: Lieutenant Governor- D2 Email:

Name: Chadene Myers Position: Lieutenant Governor- D7 Email:

Name: Anthony Kerr Position: District Bulletin Editor Email:

Name: Kemar Robinson Position: Lieutenant Governor- D3 Email:

Name: Navara Dennis Position: District Administrator Email:

Name: Jordon Thomas Position: District Webmaster Email:

Name: Nicole Palmer Position: Lieutenant Governor- D4 Email:

Name: Karen Sinclair - Lym Position: Assistant District Administrator Email:

Name: Renisha Daley Position: Immediate Past Governor Email:

Name: Chrishana Fregenette Position: Lieutenant Governor- D5 Email:



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