The EuRApean Spring 2023

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Spring 2023 In this issue: • Dublin - Exploring Further Afield • New MIM+ Training • CEO Report • Ukraine Update • Legal Update
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Contributions on all aspects of mobility are welcomed for publication in the EuRApean. If you are a member of EuRA and would like to contribute news about your company please get in touch. Please contact Dominic Tidey, Managing Editor or Maria Manly, Editorial Consultant


Opinions expressed in the EuRApean are not necessarily those of the publisher unless otherwise stated.

We’re in the midst of Spring Conference Season and it was truly a privilege to represent EuRA at the International Mobility Associates (IMA) and FIDI events in Asia. In the interests of full disclosure, Tad and I are able to attend global events like these and the WERC, IAM and CERC Conferences at extremely low cost as we pay for many EuRA expenses with a card that has an amazing airmails deal! But for this Spring Asia trip, we were using points held over from 2020 for our flights. It was a long trip but it’s very interesting to attend other events like these and see how they differ from the EuRA Conference and what we can take away as improvements.

The IMA Conference is targeted at movers, mainly in Asia but also attracts DSP’s from all over the world. What the organisers have built is a terrific

networking conference based on a speed dating model. The in advance online system allows delegates to contact each other and make appointments and on arrival your appointment schedule is part of your check in pack. It’s a full on few days and we met with some friends old and new and picked up a few members along the way. The organisers also built in a brilliant team building day. What became very clear as we had our meetings was how well known EuRA is and for those independent moving companies also offering DSP services, EuRA is the go-to place for training and certification. We also met with quite a few people who were very keen to join us in Dublin and some who will be there too!

The FIDI conference was held in the amazing city of Bangkok and the organisers do a great job of balancing the business and the pleasure, with tours of many types taking place across the event. From spiritual to food, to history, the opportunities to join organised groups to explore Bangkok were brilliant. The conference also has a

strong content element with sessions ranging from how movers might move into the DSP space to how to implement digitised inventories for seamless customs clearance in international moves. FIDI have extended their FAIM certification to also now cover DSP services and we will keep an open dialogue with them about how we can potentially partner for the benefit of all our members in the future.

From both of these events and from the work Tad and Briony have been doing with the Coalition for Greener Mobility, it is becoming increasingly clear that for the benefit of the future of all of the diverse parts of this brilliant industry, closer collaboration is going to be key over the coming decade, if we are to strengthen mobility to face upcoming challenges. As Tad says in his CEO report we don’t have an audience, we have a community. In EuRA, a family, and families look after each other to benefit the wider community. See you in Dublin for the 2023 Family Reunion!

3 - The EuRApean Spring 2023 Contents
The EuRApean
Published by: EuRA Diss IP22 1NH UK
4 Letter from the CEO 5 Letter from the President 6 Letter from the Incoming President 7 MIM Report 8 Feature; Working Conditions in Wartime 11 EGQS Update 2023
Legal Update Gordon Kerr
Feature; Working with Russians
Feature; Housing Challenges in the Netherlands
Feature; Working in Partnership with your Partner
Spring Conferences Round Up
Dublin; Travels Further Afield
The Coalition for Greener Mobility Update
New Members
Member Advertorial
Dublin Conference by the Numbers EuRA International Relocation Congress 2023 Dublin April 25
Save the Dates!
- 28
EuRA USA Reception 2023 Boston October 19 EuRA International Relocation Congress 2024 ???
30 April - 3 May

Letter from the CEO

The HHG industry is breathing a huge sigh of relief as container costs and shipping delays have come down post Covid. But the bottle necks in the system have changed the way moving professionals are managing expectations and up the supply chain, the RMC’s and clients are facing a new reality of higher costs.

Spring for the relocation industry can be a diverse time of year for business. Some industry leaders I speak with are busier than ever, working through the pent up demand created by the pandemic. Others are still seeing a reluctance of clients to commit to long term moves. Add into this geo-politics and the impact of the ongoing war in Ukraine and it’s an uncertain time for business globally.

Over the past weeks I’ve had the opportunity to talk at length with mobility professionals all across the world and in diverse business sectors. In February EuRA’s Ops Manager Briony and I travelled to New Orleans for the Corporate Housing Providers Association conference in New Orleans. The CH sector has enjoyed a boom following pandemic restrictions being lifted in almost every country. Interestingly, Europe and the US are not alone in a huge uptick in volumes, prompted largely by both pent up demand and also sky high rental costs. The scarcity of property is keeping expats and their families far longer in corporate housing than we have ever seen before.

At the IMA and FIDI conferences that EuRA COO Dom and I attended in Asia, different but no less important factors are at play.

Higher costs in HHG are not unique. EuRA spent the past year as working and part of the “Coalition for Greener Mobility”, a unique coming together of six associations with the aim of creating a roadmap for all stakeholders in our unique industry to ark towards more sustainable practices. At the IMA Conference the theme was all about sustainability and at the FIDI conference I took part in a session looking at the work done so far and the impact that ESG is having on service delivery. All sectors of mobility are under pressure from clients and it’s the job of the coalition to lead the way. One of the questions that was raised from an audience member was “How do we cut out the inevitable extra costs that will come about as a result of a huge new layer of sustainability consulting?” To which our answer is that we hope to get their first with implementable, scaleable and realistic solutions at no cost to our members across the coalition. And so to Dublin! The conference was closed at 600, our maximum capacity for the gala dinner to take place in a single space. But the demand was so huge, we worked with the Radisson Royal and they have very kindly and bravely agreed to extend our maximum capacity to 750 which was the extent of the initial wait list. This does mean the gala

dinner is split into two spaces. We still have another 100 people on a second waitlist but we can’t extend any further and delegates have told us over 25 years not to make the conference any larger! We have a great event lined up with some inspiring keynotes sessions and breakouts as well as our great networking and party events. We have a band (literally) of intrepid EuRA Members who will play a great set for dancing after the Gala Dinner so thanks so much to board member Sophie Rehberg, and our musical genius members Inigo Lopex and Maximilian Cao for setting that up and of course to our AV Guru Michael for making the logistics work!

The team and I are so looking forward to welcoming you to Dublin. It’s time again to reconnect, re-energise and remember what it is that makes the connections we hold with each other so special. Yes of course first and foremost this is about doing business. But the EuRA Conference is also about creating and maintaining friendships, connections and meetings of minds.

There’s a difference between an audience and a community. An audience is who we address on social media or who we deliver a one way message to. During Covid I had so many people tell me that conferences were part of the past, that audiences would now be found on Zoom and YouTube. Evidenced by how much we’re all back to meeting in person, I would say the difference between an audience and a community has never been more clear.

See you in Ireland!

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Letter from our President

recharge. Well, for some anyway � �

Then there is the main event –the EuRA conference sessions & activities. Planned with the idea of broadening our minds, our knowledge base & bringing us joy. Did you know it’s part of EuRA’s Vision?

To deliver collaboration, inspiration, education, and joy!! As I write, there are numerous EuRA members hard at work planning, editing & rehearsing panels, Ignites, & other fun surprises. All for your benefit. Can you believe it?

!!25 years of EuRA!!

Dear Fellow EuRA Members, Happy Springtime!!

If you are one of the lucky 750 that will attend the 25th EuRA Conference on the Emerald Isle, then you might be counting your blessings. I am!! Here are 3 brilliant bits that I am grateful for:

1. Discovering delightful Dublin!!

2. Celebrating 25 years [& counting!!] of EuRA!!

3. Saying “Hello” to the 14th President of EuRA!!

Have you planned your ‘Look and See Delightful Dublin Tour’ itinerary yet?! There is a treasure trove of places to visit. Cafés & bars full of lively music at all hours. I find that there is something sentimental about listening to old Irish tunes while enjoying a pint. The atmosphere fills the senses with joy. Dancing, laughing & signing along with the artists - it’s an emotional

In people years, 25 is YOUNG. In association years, well 25 is what? ‘Middle-aged’? � � To what do we owe EuRA’s phenomenal longevity? I’m unsure if it’s possible to list everything. But if I had to start somewhere, it would be with Tad Zurlinden & Dom Tidey. They have set the tone of our auspicious association. They have led us through thick & thin. They are a strong team that complement each other. They have made EuRA a trusted source. More than that, they have made it a place of belonging & recognition.

Then there is the EuRA Team –Briony, Maree and Maria [who put this publication together!]. They are a major part of the EuRA ‘backbone’. Thank you EuRA team members!!

expertise & time to continue the good work. They represent you –the EuRA member. Our membership is EuRA’s ‘raison d’être’! The reason behind producing convivial conferences, brilliant briefings, and other epic events.

Lastly, I am thankful to be able to ‘pass the baton’ to our newly elected Executive Board President at the conference opening. Alister Murray of Packimpex is our #14. We look forward to welcoming Alistair to the EuRA stage & hearing about his vision for EuRA 2023-2024.

Serving as the EB’s Nordic Region member since 2015 has been the pinnacle of my relocation career. Working with magnanimous minds from across the globe is & was an energizing education. It sounds cliché, but it truly has been an honor & a privilege. Thank you for allowing me to be EuRA’s [lucky!!] #13

I look forward to connecting with you at our silvery themed festivities. It will be a conference to remember.

Wishing you a very Happy Easter for those that celebrate.

Erin Go Bragh!! [Ireland Forever!!]

Your American/Danish #13 [soon to be past EuRA President],


EuRA is a well-run association that will outlive us!! Thanks must also go to past/present/& future board members who donate their

5 - The EuRApean Spring 2023
Michèle Bramstoft

Letter from our Incoming President

And although the pandemic is behind us now, it still feels like a challenging time for the industry.

benefit of all our customers and internal teams.

It’s a real privilege to be elected as the next President of EuRA by the Executive Group. Not only an honour to follow in the footsteps of so many industry leaders in this role, but also to get the backing of the other board members. A team of people that I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for. For the next twelve months I, alongside Isabel Cudell as Vice President, will do all we can to payback that trust and play a small part in helping EuRA to evolve and adapt.

I’d like to pay particular thanks to the current president Michèle Bramstoft and Vice President Susana Bourne for steering the EuRA ship through some of the most turbulent times in our industry’s history. They always stayed positive and encouraging when they only thing we had to keep us sane was Zoom.

The resilience of our industry and all the wonderful people that work in it has been remarkable. Lots of companies were able to bounce back from the pandemic and experience one of the busiest years ever in 2022. The much talked about “pent up demand” did actually seem to come to fruition and numbers increased rapidly. There were also plenty of EuRA members providing incredible support to all the families looking to move away from the war in Russia.

At the start of the pandemic, most of us would have been relieved to hear that 2022 was going to be so busy but this brought another set of challenges for our industry that need to be addressed. Recruitment (and salary expectations), a different service delivery model and the inflationary pressures on all of our overheads and expenses.

So the challenges are far from over – we all face the pressure of increasing costs, the need to digitalise our service offering and assignee experience, and achieve all of this in a sustainable and diverse environment for the

I genuinely believe EuRA has a huge part to play within our industry to help us all to continue to flourish – and that means all organisations within our industry, regardless of size and sector. It also means working closely with all the other major industry associations to find innovative ways to provide services in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

There’s an enormous amount of work that goes on behind the scenes by Tad, Dom, Briony and Maree all year round to provide valuable content for webinars, MIM training and of course the amazing annual conference.

I feel that the role of the President and Vice President is to play their part in maximising the time the Board spend together, always consider the member’s perspective and provide a collaborative platform to help us all learn from one another, share best practice and continue to thrive in a challenging and everchanging industry.

Really looking forward to seeing everyone in Dublin for, what promises to be, an amazing 25th anniversary celebration.

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Alistair Murray - COO Packimpex

MIM Update!

As you’re no doubt aware, access to the MIM modules has so far been free to all EuRA Members with a charge only being levied if you’d like to get your credits as a result of passing the Module’s quiz.

From February, we have been charging a nominal amount to access the Modules themselves. Access to each module now costs €50. Access to the quiz also costs €50 so each module will cost a total of €100 to qualify.

However we are developing a licence scheme for members to access the Academy which will reduce those costs, so if you have several team members that you would like to put through the programme, please just contact us and we can work out a year long licence at a discounted rate. Full details to follow.

So if yo are planning to put your team through MIM and or MIM+ and CAM Certifications, contact us also we can create a licence for you to enable your teams to participate at lower costs.

The Sustainability in Mobility Module is now live in the Academy and we have had great feedback.

Our Legal Guru Gordon Kerr has also developed a MIM+ half module on Anti Money Laundering. This important topic has wide ranging impacts on our industry and staying compliant with the rules across Europe will be key for all members. Gordon will be following up with two Zoom webinars in April and May.

Martina Scharwey our Consultant for Quality has developed an entirely new “Introduction to the EuRA Global Quality Seal” which is 100% free for all members to certify and gain 50 credits towards MIM and MIM+ certification.

Online Now!

You can also just check the EuRA Academy where you will find all the courses. Don’t forget you need to create your identity and in order to get to the discount access codes you need to go to the EuRA Training page and log in. If you have any problems just contact us.

All the amazing content in the Academy is accessible for just €50 for modules and €50 for Quizzes. Non-members pay €250 to access a Module and a Quiz.

Our current MIM+ Programme consists of:

• Legal Compliance in Mobility

• Achieving Business Growth

• You are Your Brand

• Collaboration in the Next Normal

• Coaching Approaches in Mobility, four modules

• Sustainability in Mobility

• Introduction to the EGQS

• Anti-Money Laundering

• Duty of Care

Duty of Care

Our Primary Trainers Tracy Kautzmann and Lucy Foster have been working on a brand new module dissecting Duty of Care in our industry and how members can best be aware of both the obvious and not so obvious duties owed by companies to their relocatees. This is now live!

The Coaching Approaches in Mobility (CAM) course is made up of four programmes each consisting of three fascinating modules. We developed this programme 10 years ago in conjunction with Oxford Brookes University and our Strategic Consultant for Education has fully renewed it.

Completing all four programmes is worth 200 credits.

“I completed the Sustainability module today and it was excellent. Thank you so much, opened my eyes wide” - Rohit Kumar Ikan India.

Primary Trainer Paul Barnes brings the topic to life and interviews people across the industry to get a sense of where we are going with this important topic. We’d like to say a special thank you to Paul for donating his development fee entirely to charity.

The topic remains at the fore of what we’re doing with the Coalition for Greener Mobility which you can read about later in this issue.

Managing International Assignments

Jacqueline Biersma is working with Susie Goodall to update and refresh the Managing International Assignments module which will go live in June. If you have already taken this module and would like to do an update, there will be no charge, just contact us for an access code.

Don’t forget you can mix and match modules to suit your learning needs and gain your credits to get your qualifications. So you could do one Fixed syllabus module, two CAM modules and one MIM+ module and graduate at the first tier which is MIM Graduate and requires 200 credits. Two further modules will get you to MIM+ which requires 300 credits in total. Below are downloadable guides with everything you need to know;

• Guide to Qualifying with EuRA

• Routes to Qualifying Explained

7 - The EuRApean Spring 2023

“Working Conditions Under Wartime”

Nobody was prepared, but war has fundamentally changed Ukrainians’ lives. Someone had to leave their home, someone stayed to defend the borders, someone stayed to bring benefits to the good of the country.

First two weeks under the shock regarding the Russian full scale invasion in Ukraine all thoughts were concentrated on help and support each other. But the main features of Ukrainians are braveness and high desire of freedom. On the way to victory - rear should remain steadfast. ABEA team has met new reality with dignity. The main priority was to save work places for the employees. Moreover,

emotionally, returning to work process was ABEA’s lifebuoy. Providing qualitative service, helping our partners and clients are things that make us happy.

Today is almost a year since the war came to our country. What changes in our work have we faced? –Our team has always worked from office and now switched to remote

work primarily for safety reasons. Also we would like to tell more details within the departments. Relocation department–we all understand that foreigners took a short pause with moving to Ukraine, so at the moment the main tasks are to close the current lease agreements, moving and belongings storage. The legal department takes care of the extension of work and residence permits and other documents that allow foreigners to stay here. Desire of expats to stay and return to work in Ukraine despite everything is really heartwarming. What about another challenge – power cuts? Due to Russian bombing of critical infrastructure

Feature: ABEA
8 - The EuRApean Spring 2023

Ukrainian business need to follow scheduled power blackouts and emergency power cuts. But Ukrainians are brave people, so we adapt ourselves. Everybody has added new routines to the daily timetable: make it a rule to put phones, laptops and power bank on charge, control charge level. If the light cuts last too long, a person can always go to a coworking space, coffee shop, or cafe with a generator. You will be warmly welcomed and treated with tea or coffee there.

How about offline work meetings? – To work from office or meet with clients, our team needs to plan the route in advance and have an extra time. At any moment there can be announced an air alarm. It means that most of the public transport stop, state authorities close and citizens have to go to the nearest shelter. In such situations, the meeting should be postponed. However, if necessary ABEA team continues working from the subway, which is one of the safest places today. Nothing is impossible for us.

Taking all the points into account – is the work from office unbearable? – ABEA team is flexible, of course, taking into account safety measures. There are always tasks that can only be fulfilled from the office. And now our favorite days are when ABEA team get together at office and discuss absolutely

everything, as we used to during peaceful times.

Does relocation & immigration business develop in wartime? – We are always looking for new opportunities and opening new services and departments. Development is a part of our business strategy despite the war conditions. Today our priorities have changed, we have learned to appreciate the things we didn't pay attention to before and after experiencing stress, chaos, massive mobility and uncertainty, we have definitely become different and stronger. We all know that Ukraine will also be different after the victory. The only wish – we could win sooner!

ABEA Relocation



9 - The EuRApean Spring 2023

The EuRA E-Book!

We are working hard to get Relocation Recognition and one way of doing this along with our YouTube Briefings and Virtual Summit sessions is by putting together an E-Book with anecdotes that really show the great value of what we do in our industry! If you have a tale to tell that you would to see in print, just let us know!

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Newly Certified and Re-certified Members

Congratulations to our newly certified and re-certified EuRA Global Quality Seal Members

Newly Certified

Wilde Relocation - Dec-22

Newly Recertified

Helma International - Mar-23

Palladium Mobility Group GmbH - Feb-23

Relocation Services Strohmayer - Feb-23

EER - Jan-23

Global Relocation Services InternationalJan-23

EuRA Global Quality Seal Online Training

Icon Relocation - Dec-22

Finland Relocation Services - Dec-22

Prime Relocation - Nov-22

Clapham Relocation Services - Nov-22

There is a full module in the EuRA Academy

Free to all members. This module of five components covers everything you need to know about setting up a process management system. You'll learn how to build your Quality Manual and how to implement all the required policies to ensure you're completely compliant for the future. The Quality Standard has just been updated and all members holding the Seal will have now received their copy of the updated standard. There is a full module in the Academy which will take you step by step through the changes. Even if this isn't the right time for you to go forward to your official audit, it's a great time to learn how to implement a process management system across your organisation. Following these three (free to EuRA Members) modules will simplify the process, led by a true expert in quality management.

To access the full training module, click here.

To access the 2023 update training module, click here

11 - The EuRApean Spring 2023
Introduction to the EGQS Watch

All Things Legal ……….April 2023Gordon Kerr

I also provide an update on the EU’s continuing struggles to introduce its European Travel Information and Authorisation System (Etias) and possible delays with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (which replaces the invalidated Privacy Shield).

Finally, I am drawing your attention to a new legal excuse for being late for work!

If there is a particular legal topic that you would like me to cover in a future edition of The EuRApean, please let me know.

Environmental sustainability – legal obligations

You will probably be aware that EuRA is working with other industry associations in the relocation sector to promote best practices in environmental sustainability. To link with this initiative, I am highlighting how regulators are starting to impose sustainability standards on companies.

A common complaint from DSPs is that unfair contract terms are often imposed upon them by clients, with little opportunity to discuss or negotiate these clauses. In some situations, courts may refuse to enforce an unreasonable clause. I share some examples of this below.

The G20-backed International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) recently approved "global baseline" rules for firms disclosing how climate change affects their business. This follows calls to curb greenwashing and to standardise climate reporting by businesses. The new standards are expected to come into effect next January for use in annual reports for 2024 and

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The proposed new international standards are intended to address concerns among regulators about exaggerated climatefriendly claims. But businesses have a concern that they will have to comply with a patchwork of different international standards, particularly as the EU and the United States are currently creating their own corporate disclosure regulations. For example, around 50,000 firms will have to apply EU disclosure rules known as ESRS, with many of them also having to disclose under ISSB rules at the same time. The ISSB and EU have come under heavy pressure from regulators to make their climate-related disclosures "interoperable" to avoid clashes that bump up compliance costs. For the moment, some flexibility is being allowed for companies faced with different compliance rules under EU and ISSB regulations. So, progress is being made, but we are still a long way from having a single set of global standards for sustainability reporting. In the relocation industry, we are fortunate that we are witnessing international cooperation in action. EuRA is a founding member of the Coalition for Greener Mobility – along with WERC, CERC, FIDI, IAM and the Corporate Housing Providers Association. The aim of the Coalition is to deliver global initiatives which will ensure that our industry is playing its part in environmental sustainability. This is an excellent development and is very much in tune with the evolving legal landscape for global businesses.

Can an “unreasonable” contract term be enforced?

In most European countries, consumer protection laws give individuals legal protection against “unfair contract terms”. Companies doing business with individual consumers are unable to enforce clauses in contracts which are patently unfair on the customer. In a relocation context this means, for example, that relocation businesses have to be particularly careful in how they prepare contracts for home finding services for personal clients. But what happens if an unfair clause is

written into a contract between two businesses, such as an RMC and a DSP?

In many European countries, including the UK, it is possible to have an “unfair” clause declared void. The legal reasoning is that smaller businesses can lack bargaining power against larger businesses, making them more likely to sign up to terms that, viewed objectively, are unreasonable or commercially unfair. For example, smaller businesses may feel they have no choice but to sign up to a contract with an excessive fixed duration at a fixed price. But courts will not interfere with a commercial contract unless there are very strong reasons. Generally, the law respects

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freedom of contract between businesses, whatever their size, so businesses are free to enter into whatever contracts they see fit. Therefore, the best starting point for businesses is always to ensure they are comfortable with the contract terms and their commercial implications before signing.

However, there are a few arguments that a business can pursue to invalidate or tone down the effect of a term that is unfair. The applicability and success of each of these depends on the facts.

Clauses which could be challenged on grounds of unfairness include those which:

• Excuse the dominant party from nonperformance of its own standard terms.

• Allow a party to suspend, postpone or terminate the contract early, at will.

• Place restrictive conditions on enforcement of a liability (e.g. a clause setting a very short time limit for claims or giving exclusive jurisdiction to an inaccessible court).

• Limit remedies (e.g. a clause unreasonably excluding rights of set-off).

• Exclude or restrict rules of evidence or procedure (e.g. a clause requiring the weaker party to bring claims in a foreign language).

• Excuse the client for late payment of invoices.

There are two particular contract clauses which are likely to be declared void by a court:

1. Penalties – if a very high compensation figure is imposed for a breach of contract, the court may void the clause if it rules that the contractual penalty is

out of all proportion to the loss suffered by the innocent party.

2. Restrictive covenants - restraint of trade clauses are void if they go further than reasonably necessary to protect a legitimate business interest. This rule often affects non-compete or nonsolicitation clauses.

A business may be so worried about an unfair term in a contract that it wants to get out of the whole contract. Possible grounds to explore if that is the end goal include:

• Termination. Check the contract terms for a termination right. If these allow no exit, there may still be an unwritten right to terminate. Or, if the contract is silent on both term and termination, it may be possible to end the contract by reasonable notice.

• Change of circumstances If a contract has become burdensome to perform, a force majeure clause may offer an escape, or some other clause designed to deal with a change of law, ownership or other circumstances.

• Misleading practices. Was the business misled into entering into the contract containing the unfair term? Misrepresentation or fraud would each make the contract voidable.

It has to be emphasised again that courts will only intervene in business contracts in exceptional cases. If you have any concerns about an unusual clause in a draft contract it makes sense to speak to your lawyer – or, if you are a EuRA member, you can contact me for confidential advice.

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The European Union has delayed the launch of its new visa-waiver scheme for a second time.

Brussels had been preparing to introduce the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (Etias) in November, with arrivals from outside the bloc required to apply online before travel. However, the Commission now says it is “expected” that the scheme will become operational at some point in 2024, although an exact date has not been given.

Under the terms of Etias, approval will be required to enter any of the EU member states (except UK citizens entering Ireland), with 1.4 billion people from more than 60 visa-exempt countries, required to apply. The scheme will work in a similar way to the American Esta. It will cost €7 and last for three years.

This is the second time the system has been delayed, as the original plan had been to launch the scheme in May this year.

The EU has also been forced to delay the introduction of its new entry-exit system (EES), which was also due to be launched in May. This means that, for the moment,

travellers to the EU will be spared having their fingerprints registered and picture taken, a process that was expected to cause big border queues.

EU-US Data Privacy Framework – expect delays.

For the many relocation companies which transfer personal data from Europe to the US, the proposed Privacy Framework cannot arrive quickly enough. Ever since the previous EU-US agreement, called the Privacy Shield, was declared invalid by the European Court of Justice, relocation companies have been faced with extra documentation. In particular, contracts with clients and suppliers have been amended to incorporate the lengthy wording of the EU’s Standard Contractual Clauses.

The new Privacy Framework is intended to simplify data transfers again – and the original intention was a go-live date in March 2023. But as with so much decision-making in the EU, things appear to have got delayed. The latest word is that an EU body called the European Data Protection Board has expressed concern about certain aspects of the new

EU Visa-Waiver scheme delayed again
15 - The EuRApean Spring 2023

Framework. Even if these concerns are fully addressed, the approval process still has to go through a committee of country representatives before it gets back to the European Commission for final sign-off. At times like these it’s hard not to sympathise with those who complain about the levels of bureaucracy within the EU,

And finally …. a new excuse for being late for work!

A British court has ruled that employers should not hold workers with dyslexia to strict timekeeping, backing a dismissed employee who was routinely 20 minutes late for work.

Dyslexia is commonly accepted as a condition that affects literacy and reading ability. But experts now say that because dyslexia affects how an individual processes information, it can also harm their perception of time. In a recent UK court case, a judge ruled that those with the disorder who struggle with timekeeping should be allowed to enjoy more flexible working hours. The judge found that the employee had been discriminated against after informing his bosses about his dyslexia, which he said resulted in him being “disorganised” to the point where he frequently misread his alarm clock in the morning. The employee insisted he was often likely to be late and asked his managers for “leeway” in turning up 15 or 20 minutes after his official start time. However, after a

succession of late starts he lost his job. His response was to accuse his employer of discrimination and a failure to make reasonable adjustments for his disability. Much to everyone’s surprise, the court in Nottingham, England upheld the employee’s claims, and concluded that his dyslexia made it “difficult” for him to wake up early, plan ahead and read the time. He is now set to receive

compensation. It seems strange that this employee didn’t ever turn up 20 minutes early for workI suspect that this decision may go to appeal!

For further information on either of these new legal services, please contact me at or call +44 (0)7850 080170

The Legal & Tax Report
for The EuRApean
EuRA’s Strategic Consultant - Legal Services. Gordon
be contacted at
16 - The EuRApean Spring 2023
is produced
by Gordon Kerr,

“Working with Russians”

By recent public estimates, one million Russians have emigrated from their home country, and it is believed that the number is closer to two million. According to a 2022 Reuters report, oneway flights from Russia increased by 27% since President Putin declared the first mobilization on September 21, 2022.

A November 2022 study by Russia’s only independent pollster, Levada Center, reported that 57% of Russians favored peace talks and 27% favored continuing the war in Ukraine. In February 2023, researchers at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut in the U.S. found that 1,000 foreign companies have left or suspended their activity in Russia.

Since last year’s invasion in Ukraine, we have witnessed an historic number of Russian clients

fleeing Russia to almost everywhere in the world. Many of the moves are to Kazakhstan, Armenia, Israel, Turkey, Ireland, UAE, and Finland. Prior to recent events, Russians moved out of the country, but they were primarily very wealthy people buying and renting premium properties. Nowadays, the profile of the Russian migrant is different. Many are IT specialists or middle to senior level managers.

We, at Intermark, are used to working with Russians. It has been common practice for a team member to closely work with our providers, and routinely manage our Russian clients’ expectations. We are frequently asked by our corporate clients and valued partners how to communicate with and support Russians who emigrated to new countries and regions.

Understanding the Russian culture and mindset.

Cost of services is measured to Russian clients not only in quality of experiences but empathy as well. Culturally, Russians do not easily trust others. From a Russian’s perspective, you need to deserve their trust. The provider of a service needs to ensure that their employees are empathetic and sensitive to the overwhelming experience of their clients. Russians need reassurance they are getting the greatest value for their money.

It is important to understand the Russian mentality that differs from a Western cultural mindset. It can be hard for a Russian to grasp when a service provider says, “things work differently in this market.”

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Case studies that highlight our work with Russians.

Intermark managed a group move of 123 IT specialist relocating to one of Intermark CIS Locations. The cultural challenges were not blatantly evident, as Russian was the common language in both countries.

Think of a comparable situation to when an American moves to England. People speak the same language, but general lifestyles and cultures are vastly different. It was the same, yet our Russian clients believed that the CIS country was the same as Russia. Initially our priority was developing customized cross-cultural training to outline country specifics and nuances that impacted our rental market practice. On the top of that we had the political and economic situation that made our work even harder. In their new CIS location, we could not

offer what the Russian client was accustomed to – client-oriented market, 24/7 responsiveness, high-tech solutions, aggressive housing negotiations. Yet, we managed!

• Since culture is composed of more factors than language, we emphasized the importance to adapt to the new culture and understand their new marketplace in which the business and their employees would now operate.

• Intermark managers worked with our local team in the CIS location to understand the incoming Russian business and relocated employees. Guidelines for frequent communication were established to build and maintain trust. We coached our team how to gain their trust.

• Communication channels and time zone differences were clarified. For example, Intermark managed

client expectations that apartment visits were possible on weekends, when, if fact, local landlords are out of town.

• Intermark collaborated with local real estate agents. This was not a customary practice with extremely dynamic and high-tech oriented Russian businesses and individuals. We coached those involved to listen and adapt to cultural etiquette and different lifestyles; explained why it would be better to search for the accommodation in the city centre rather than outside of the city.

In another instance, a pharmaceutical company shifted many of their Russian managers from Russia to a Western European country. This was a great adventure for everyone involved with this project. It was a veritable clash of cultures! Again, recognizing and respecting cultural

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differences and nuances was crucial.

Russians have a mentality that differs from the western one. “The Russian culture is referred to as the “coconut culture”, meaning people, who are not very smiley and open at the first contact, don’t trust strangers, don’t like small talk and need more time to build a real relation with others, but once it is done, they become good friends. On the other hand, western countries are more of a “peach culture,” open-minded and very welcoming, polite at first contact, yet protective of their private life, work life balance, and respecting others’ time to relax.” according to Monika Esclangon, Operations Director at Intermark.

Our framework for providing support.

• Learn how all parties communicate, i.e., respecting the private time of real estate agents, and at the same time, close housing deals for our clients.

• Accelerate meetings with clients and local partners.

• Operate outside one’s comfort zone.

• Prove to our Russian clients that someone is advocating for them like no other service provider. Intermark stretches ourselves, clarifies our expertise, manages the process closely and stays ahead of competitors. Working with “Russian pride” which means not allowing others to make decisions for you.

• Doing business with honesty means everything while collaborating with Russian clients. Be open and tell the truth. Be direct.

and the crisis for the past year evokes many emotions. Listen to and embrace these emotions and you will be successful with your Russian clients.

Moreover, Marina Semenova, Managing Partner comments that “Given the volume of migrations from Russia, it motivated us to change our company mission to reflect the new realities. Whoever you are – an individual or a business –we are there to make it easy every step of the way. “

Recognize that small talk is counterproductive with most Russian clients.

“Importantly, be empathetic and show, in your words and actions. that you personally care.”


Yakimenko, Managing Partner. Russians are emotional

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Intermark Relocation

“Today’s housing challenges in the Netherlands”

The Situation

As in most European countries, the Netherlands faces new, post-covid challenges to accommodate newly arriving internationals and for corporations to anticipate a suitable mobility policy. Finding a permanent rental property has become difficult. The internationals need to be fast, make quick decisions and have the right connections and luck to be selected as the new tenant. The current rental housing market in The Netherlands is tight and extremely fastmoving. This is characterized by higher rental prices for longterm/permanent stays.

On top of that, more internationals

welcomed pets in their family during Covid and will bring them along. Not all homeowners are a big fan of tenants with pets. Lastly, the shortage of places available in the schools impacts the limited choice in location of the permanent home and availability.

As a result, internationals tend to need more time to find their permanent home, and therefore, shortterm accommodation has seen an increase in overall demand accompanied by lengthier occupancy rates and higher fees. While this trend is stabilizing in some cities, prices for temporary accommodation in the

larger cities remain very competitive. Within the Randstad region, our housing partners echo the aforementioned challenges.

Have Customers' Needs Changed?

With regard to temporary accommodation, more families (and pets) are arriving than ever before and school search programs are on the rise. Our short-stay housing partners see a shift in the demand as well as in company policies. Larger apartments are more frequently requested; where a single expat would usually have stayed in a studio apartment, 1-bedroom apartments are now preferred—this allows

Expat Management Group
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the international the option of working from home. With the postpandemic changes in work culture, having strong Wi-Fi and a place to work with a desk are critical. Increasingly, companies also chose to book a serviced apartment with a fully equipped kitchen instead of a hotel. All of these features can contribute to a softer landing for the internationals as they settle in.

Longer Stays

Additionally, providers of short-stay housing, confirm an increase in the number of occupancy extensions that are requested as a direct result of the tight permanent housing market. In general, people stay longer in their temporary accommodation as the process of finding a permanent home can take longer. Correspondingly, partners see that corporate international assignment policies are under review to extend their standard maximum number of weeks in shortterm stay housing.

The Fix Long Term Lease for Flexible Use

Given the reduced availability of properties, companies demonstrate an increased need to rent serviced apartments for a set duration e.g. 1 year. This allows international hires to move in and out more freely, after their first few weeks in the Netherlands and offers companies

the certainty of having accommodation for new international hires when needed, as well as flexibility around duration of stay. This concept is only allowed in short-stay housing to avoid permanent housing being withdrawn from the housing market and further exacerbating supply.

What Are We Doing at Expat Management Group?

At Expat Management Group we continue to enhance and advance our services to ensure the information and support we offer is up-to-date and makes a difference. We are working closer than ever with our corporate housing partners to find the best solutions to the challenges posed by the current housing market. Our strong partnerships and close working relationships with our network of housing providers means that we are in the best possible position to assist our clients. Looking to Q3 and Q4 of 2023 and beyond, we see similar challenges arising. However, given the turbulence of the last few years and the after effects we continue to experience, we understand that the only certainty we have is that change happens and as a company we have learned to embrace that.

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“The Power Couple: How Being Business Partners and Partners in Life Can Transform Your Success Story”

Running a business can be a daunting task, but it becomes much more manageable when you have a partner who shares the same goals and ambitions. For Stephane Compain and Sandrine

Compain-Lapointe, cofounders of #LuxRelo, being both business partners and partners in life has proven to be beneficial.

Together, they have built LuxRelo into a successful immigration and relocation firm in Luxembourg. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of working together as a husband and wife team and how it has positively impacted the lives of Stephane and Sandrine.

1. Trust

One of the main advantages of working with a spouse is the level of trust that comes naturally. When you are in business with your partner, you know that they have your best interests at heart, and you can count on them to be honest with you. This level of trust can lead to better communication and decision-making, as both partners are working towards the same goals.

2. Complementary skills

Stephane and Sandrine have different skill sets, which makes them the perfect team. While Stephane is focused on immigration, sales and finance, Sandrine uses

her expertise in human resources and operations. This complementary skill set has allowed them to develop a comprehensive service that caters to the needs of their clients. Working together has allowed them to bring their individual strengths to the table and create a more well-rounded business.

3. Shared vision

When you work with your spouse, you share a vision for your future. This can lead to a stronger sense of commitment to your business and a deeper understanding of what you want to achieve.

Stephane and Sandrine both wanted to create a business that would help

Feature: LuxRelo
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people move to Luxembourg and make the transition as smooth as possible. They have worked hard to create a company that reflects this vision and is dedicated to providing the best service possible.

4. Flexibility

One of the benefits of working with your spouse is the ability to be more flexible with your schedules. Stephane and Sandrine both understand the demands of running a business and the need to be available for their clients. Being partners in life allows them to work around each other's schedules and ensure that they can meet the needs of their clients while still having time for their personal lives.

5. Deeper level of commitment

When you are in business with your spouse, you have a deeper level of commitment to the success of the business. This is because the success of the business directly impacts your personal life. Stephane and Sandrine are not just building a business; they are building a life together. This level of commitment has driven them to work harder and smarter to ensure that LuxRelo is successful.

In conclusion, working with your spouse can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Stephane and Sandrine's success with LuxRelo is a testament to the benefits of being business partners

and partners in life. Trust, complementary skills, shared vision, flexibility, and a deeper level of commitment are just a few of the advantages of working together as a husband and wife team.

If you are considering starting a business with your spouse, remember that it takes hard work and dedication, but the rewards can be significant.

LuxRelo | Immigration & Relocation Services Luxembourg

For more info about our services:

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Spring Conference Round Up

It has been a busy Spring in the Mobility Conference world. The circuit kicked off with the Corporate Housing Providers Association in New Orleans. It was the first time I had attended this event and our Ops Manager Briony came along as she works closely with this part of our membership, one of the fastest growing in terms of new members. A common thread that links six mobility associations together is the Coalition for Greener Mobility of

which CHPA is a member. In all of the conferences including ours in Dublin, sustainability is common hot topic.

Dom and I then took off for Asia for the two moving conferences, FIDI and IMA as I wrote in my CEO report. One thing that is increasingly clear in our post-Covid mobility landscape is the importance of working together with the other associations so we can ensure we are targeting our


resources in the best way to represent our diverse memberships. Part of the ongoing review of EuRA and its activities is to look at how we can work together and collaborate in areas such as training, representation, networking and partnership.

It’s truly an honour to represent EuRA at these events and also fantastic to see how respected the association and its members are around the world!

IMABali FIDIBangkok

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Dublin Further Afield

Our brilliant Gold Sponsors RelocationOnline have put together a terrific Dublin Guide that you can find in your conference app with a host of virtual tours by local guide, Maura Walsh.

But if you have some time to get out of the city, here are a few places within a short train or taxi ride.

Dun Laoghaire

Pronounced “Dun Leary” this extremely pretty seaside town became a fashionable resort in Victorian times and it’s easy to see

attractions in Ireland dating back to the 12th century. The Malahide

Ranelagh and Rathmines

why. Handsome terraced houses along the seafront, a wonderful harbour, the formal gardens of People’s Park make this an easy jaunt from the centre of the city. Take a walk out along the breakwater for a wonderful view of the town. Go back and discover the Gourmet Food Parlour on the sea front near the station for a terrific lunch. Try their famous roast chicken with a Mimosa along side. Take the 20 minute train from Tara Street station, a 15 minute walk along the River Liffey from the hotel.


Also a beautiful coastal village, Malahide is situated on Dublin Bay’s scenic coastline north of the city. Malahide Castle and Gardens is one of the most famous

beach and coastal walk is great way to blow the cobwebs away should the conference have left you needing some space! If you’re in the mood for a very smart lunch try The Greedy Goose for some upmarket Tapas. You can also take the train from Tara Street, just going north instead of south!


Wicklow town is about 50k from Dublin and offers a taste of real Irish life in a working town. The Wicklow Heritage Trail is a set of key stops around the town exposing its history from the how St Patrick first landed in Ireland to the Viking and Norman invasions. Phil Healys Pub on Fitzwilliam Square has been serving the town

Both smart suburbs of Dublin, these two areas are easily accessible on the Luas tramline to Ranelagh and Beechwood Stations. Ranelagh is an affluent residential area very popular with expats and wealthy locals. It’s a great place to get a feel of what it would be like to live in Dublin outside of the main tourist centre. Rathmines is another smart suburb with a great shopping are and some fab restaurants. Roly Bolands Pub and restaurant has been part of the community since 1873.

Grand Canal Quay

Grand Canal Quay is a 30 minute walk from the hotel and is part of

since 1861 and offers hearty fare. If you have car to go further afield, Co. Wicklow has some wonderful places to explore including great hiking in the Wicklow Mountains National Park. The 1 hour train to Wicklow also goes from Tara Street and takes an hour so it’s very possible to visit Wicklow and Dun Laoghaire in the same journey.

the extraordinary re-development of the old docks and now forms one of the most fashionable places to live in the city… and the most expensive! There are loads of great restaurants and bars and the new Bord Gais Energy Theatre, a stunning building by famed architect Daniel Libeskind.

Wherever you go, we hope you have a great time while you’re in Ireland.

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The Coalition for Greener Mobility Update

The Coalition for Greener Mobility was established in June 2022. The founding members are committed to improving the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in all areas of global mobility. We have been working to set out the parameters and a roadmap of the work the coalition hopes to go forward with. Here is a report on where are so far

The Coalition will:

o Promote a common understanding of good practices and actions to improve sustainable outcomes across the mobility industry

o Facilitate learning, collaboration, and improved Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in the management of global mobility

o Provide the mobility community with the tools to help improve transparency on environmental sustainability

o Facilitate meaningful measurements that track and report on environmental sustainability progress

Founding/Charter Members:

o Association of International Movers (IAM)

o Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC)

o Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA)

o EuRA


o Worldwide ERC (WERC)


The Coalition for Greener Mobility will recognize three membership types:

Charter Members - these are associations active in Global Mobility who have contributed equal financing of the coalition. Representatives from the Charter Members form the Board of Directors of the coalition.

Members at large - these are organizations (associations, companies) who support the coalition and its work, possibly including a financial contribution to support the continued work. They support the mission and vision of the coalition. Members at large can make application to become Charter Members, subject to approval of the Board of Directors.

Contributors - these are individuals who are named by Charter Members or Members at large for their achievements or operational contributions to the coalition. These members typically would contribute to the various task forces or workflows. Contributors require approval from the Board of Directors.


The Coalition for Greener Mobility is in the hands of the Board of Directors, composed of one Director per Charter Member. We intend to form a not-for-profit company to manage the activities of the Coalition.

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Progress to date:

1. A report by Deloitte on the Path to Sustainability was present to the Coalition in December 2022.

2. The results of the report were delivered to the members of all the associations in February 2023.

3. The activates of the Coalition were discussed at the CHPA conference in New Orleans in February 2023, at the FIDI conference in Bangkok in March 2023.

What next:

To develop Working Groups - volunteers (individual members of participating associations, external experts, etc.) who work on a specific task related to a defined subject.

Subject Areas:

1. Education & Awareness

o Identify what already information already exists

o Identify existing training

o Decide what else is needed

2. Defining ‘Greener Mobility’ – to be subdivided into sectors:

o Moving


o Corporate Housing

These groups will look at ways to be greener, define necessary investment and create guidelines for global mobility.

o RFPs/RFIs – to define how to include sustainability and educate corporate procurement teams on greener practices.

3. CO2 measurement – look at various platforms or possibly develop a bespoke platform and publish guidelines and best practices.

4. Certification & Standards – there will be two approaches.

o Sustainability certifications & standards - Identify existing certifications and Standards (e.g., CDP, Ecovadis, etc.) and relevance for GM and develop guidelines & best practices for GM stakeholders.

o “Targets & industry standards -Identify industry-specific sustainability targets and define (if relevant) industry-specific sustainability standards.

5. Coalition governance:

o Identify governance structure of the Coalition.

o Define resources & budget needs.

o Identify other participating associations & stakeholders.

6. Social equity in Global Mobility

o Define diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in the Global Mobility framework.

o Identify how the definitions impact business practices such as recruiting, hiring, and managing employees.

o Develop guidelines on how organisations can adapt culturally to be more inclusive.

Don’t miss our summary of the work of the coalition and of the Sustainability Symposium which will take place in Dublin on Friday April 28th at 10:00. For anyone not able to be with us in Dublin, the session will be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel.

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EuRA’s YouTube Channel #eurabriefing #eurapresents

We’re running EuRA Briefings each month and they’re really popular! They’re available for members to join and only to members On Demand for the first month before being made public on our YouTube channel.

EuRA Briefings & Interviews - All on our YouTube Channel

• MIM Duty of Care Interviews

• MIM Managing International Assignments Interviews

• The Coalition for Greener Mobility Update

• EGQS Update 2023

• Well Being and Mobility Briefing

• Being Intentional with your DEI Policy

• Corporate Housing Catch Up Briefing

And coming up:

• Follow up on Dublin Sessions

• RMC DSP Forum

You can watch them all on our YouTube Channel Please subscribe to the channel and helps us grow awareness of our industry online!

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#eurabriefings #euraintercultural #euramimtraining #euradublin

We have been working hard to increase online recognition of our industry through our social media presence.

On LinkedIn we have a feed page, the “Official EuRA Members Group” our “Legal Peer to Peer Sharing” Group and an “EGQS” Group. We post links to all our briefings and interviews on LinkedIn, the EuRA Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram.

If you have anything you would like to share please go right ahead! The more we can share, acknowledge and highlight the amazing work of our industry all over the world, the better we can create recognition!

Please follow EuRA’s presence on all the links are below!

Social Media 2023
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New Member Focus: “Paramount Transportation System”

The entire Paramount team are thrilled to be new members of EuRA.

Paramount Transportation Systems was established in the United States in 1996 as a move management provider serving the mobility industry. Today, Paramount is recognised as an industry leader in move management services globally. As a customercentric business, we were looking for opportunities to expand our service offering to further support the needs of our customers. As such, in 2020, Paramount reached an agreement to integrate an existing U.S. destination services provider,

JER Mobility, into the company. The addition of destination services enables us to create greater value to our customers and to reduce their supplier management burdens.

Upon integration of the businesses, we launched industry-leading technology in an effort to provide our clients and transferees with an exceptional relocation experience. The PTS-Moves portal enables our customers to access real time information regarding the services we are providing at anytime, anywhere and on any device. The PTS-Moves portal has comprehensive information regarding public and private schools, city/neighbourhood

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guides, driver’s license information, Social Security and much more. Our focus is on helping to educate the relocating employee upon initiation so they are able to make informed decisions that are right for them and their family. In 2021, we were very pleased to be recognised for our service quality by being awarded the EMMA for Destination Service Provider of the year in the United States.

Our team is comprised of industry veterans who are very hands on when it comes to serving and supporting our clients. We have proudly tripled the size of our team over the last two years.

Paramount’s services include:

• Decision-Making Trip

• Area Orientation

• Home Search

• School Search

• Social Security Registration

• Driver’s License

• Temporary Housing

• Departure Services

• Move Management

While we provide excellent service, utilising exceptional technology we believe the one thing that makes us unique is our team and their passion for helping customers.

We look forward to meeting our EuRA member colleagues at the upcoming conference in Dublin, Ireland in April 2023.

Caption “Please feel free to reach out to Paramount for any assistance required in the United States.

Patrick White, Managing Director, email:”

Photo of Patrick White
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“Money Jar Open An Account In Just 5 Minutes With The First Irish-Owned Digital Current Account Platform”

Money Jar is a dynamic and revolutionary new approach to banking that allows customers to open an account when it suits and in just 5 minutes.

Opening a traditional bank account in Ireland can be cumbersome, requiring a lengthy approval process and often a long wait time to get an appointment for a meeting in the branch. Money Jar is a digital current account with convenient sign up and, unlike other major fintech platforms, Money Jar customers get an Irish IBAN, can pay bills, and receive wages. Money Jar offers unlimited money jars that can be shared with friends, to help customers stay on top of personal spending and improve long term financial wellbeing through better money management.

Money Jar is an Irish-owned fintech business headquartered in Dublin. All funds are held by a Tier 1 state owned Irish bank, which is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Money Jar can set up digital current accounts quickly using its industry leading facial recognition technology. Money Jar has the best of what traditional banks have to offer, but with the convenience that all things digital can deliver, plus customers can talk to Money Jar’s Irish based customer care team if they need a helping hand.

Money Jar’s technology platform allows quick and safe identity verification to make the entire process straightforward and painless. Partnering with Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Veriff and EML, Money Jar offers a safe and secure platform. When customers open an account with

New Member Focus:
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Money Jar, they are given a free virtual Prepaid Mastercard with contactless payments, at no additional cost. For those that prefer a physical card, they can order a Prepaid Mastercard from the app for €5, which will be delivered to their door. Money Jar fees are transparent and competitive. There is a monthly service fee of €2.99, free for the first three months, and pay as you go transaction fees. Money Jar promotes responsible, money management.

Money Jar enables consumers on the Money Jar platform to transfer money peer to peer instantly at no cost, as well as enabling users to pay bills, set up standing orders, and direct debits, and transfer money in and out using SEPA, as well as using it for contactless payments. Money Jar also offers a fully integrated Foreign Exchange service enabling Money Jar customers will be to send money to businesses, friends and family overseas with just a few simple clicks in the app.

Accounts can only be accessed by using pass codes, biometrics, and a two-step verification, making a Money Jar digital current account a safe choice - no sensitive data is stored in the app or cached on the mobile device. Today, many people use two separate accounts, a primary account for bills and wages, and a secondary account for mobile transactions. Money Jar provides a one stop solution for all of these tasks that is fast, efficient and reliable.

Money Jar

Telephone: 01 211 8569


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New Member Focus: “Living Abroad”

Established in 1987, Living Abroad LLC is a US-based company that provides detailed destination information for global employees, their families, and global business travellers. Covering over 235 worldwide destinations, these reports are thorough, relevant and easy to read. All reports are curated, created, and updated by a team of content managers, and presented from a business perspective, which is often hard to find.

The core service, the International Relocation Center (IRC), features thousands of thoroughly researched, well-organized articles on local topics to prepare the businessperson for a successful professional and personal experience in a foreign location. We are a trusted source of world-class international relocation information that is easily accessible on any device.

Reports include:

• Orientation

• Getting ready to go

• Finances

• Finding a home

• Choosing a school

• Health and Safety

• Getting around

• Family matters

• Everyday living

• Getting connected

• Social environment

• Social customs

• Business practices

• Country resources


1. International Relocation Center - A robust service providing countryspecific information on moving, living, and doing business for over 235 global destinations.

2. Global Business Travel Center – A comprehensive resource for businesspeople traveling abroad, working overseas short-term, or doing business across distances.

3. Culture Coach Online - A powerful learning platform that helps users develop cultural agility, DE&I awareness, and increase their success in global environments.

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Living Abroad provides value to the relocation industry by adhering to rigorous standards to produce world-class information and ensure users get the most current and correct information available. Living Abroad information can be translated into over 100 languages via integrated Google translate. New topics covered include mental health resources, environmental sustainability, and LGBTQ support.

With content accessible anywhere, on any device, we save you hours of research, relieve the worry and stress, and free up your time for more important tasks. Living Abroad works with corporate clients, relocation companies, platform services, and destination service providers. Reports are available through a subscription.

Please contact us at for inquiries or to request a demo.

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New Member Focus: RELOCONSULT

Just another destination service provider in a saturated market?

Based in the Netherlands, RELOCONSULT is a small yet significant player in the Dutch relocation industry. We provide destination services for companies and individuals in The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Eindhoven. RELOCONSULT is also the Dutch representative of the worldwide network of Frenchspeaking relocation companies: Bienvenue!

The backstory

RELOCONSULT began back in 2003 when its founder, Fabienne MEIER, returned to Europe with her family and settled in The Hague after being expats in the USA for several years. Living abroad was a time of personal growth for Fabienne and when she arrived in the Netherlands, she knew she wanted a change of career. She realized that her ability to speak 4 languages fluently, combined with everything she had learned through her expatriation experience, meant that she had a lot to offer expats coming to the Netherlands. The idea for RELOCONSULT was born.


Relocation & Real estate solutions

Then and now

At first, there was no real business plan or clear objectives, but Fabienne was fully dedicated to helping her clients, and the word quickly started to spread. When her first direct corporate client called one morning , she was trying to get all 3 of her young children ready for school. Needless to say, the children arrived late to school, but it was at that moment that RELOCONSULT became more than just a part-time occupation and took off on its own wings. Thanks to many good “gut” decisions, combined with our adaptability and reactivity to our clients’ requests, RELOCONSULT has been very successful and has grown steadily over the years. We now employ 2 consultants and several other freelancers. RELOCONSULT is proud to have assisted over 700 clients from 50 different countries around the world with their moves to The Netherlands.

A boutique experience

We refer to RELOCONSULT as a “boutique” relocation company because our small structure allows us to focus on the human factor of the expatriation experience. We take the

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time to really get to know our clients and tailor our services to their specific needs. These are the real keys to RELOCONSULT’s success and they have allowed us to carve out a place in today’s saturated relocation market.

Having been expats ourselves gives us an advantage because we can relate personally to our clients. We’ve been through the relocation process and understand its challenges. This sets us apart from other companies and our clients can feel it. We are not here just to transfer emails and fill in forms, we take personal responsibility for the entire relocation process.

What’s ahead

We will always keep what has made us strong: human contact, personalized service and dedication to our work for both international corporations and individual clients. Today, we are a proud member of Bienvenue!, a French-speaking global relocation network that shares the same values as RELOCONSULT. Our collaboration with Bienvenue! is allowing us to scale up our international presence. In the future we will be reaching out to more and more multinational corporations accross the globe, while still

maintaining the same quality of service and our company ethics.

Gratitude and giving back RELOCONSULT’s success story would not have been possible without the support and contributions of many: our families, clients, consultants, colleagues and even our competitors, who have all made us grow as a company. RELOCONSULT aims to give back to both the relocation industry and the community. Every year we take on interns to show them how exciting the world of relocation can be. Furthermore, since 2022, RELOCONSULT has been committed to helping Ukrainian refugees by offering housing solutions and participating in fundraising events in The Hague.

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Members’ News Advertorial

Expat Management Group is expanding to Germany

Tracker Software Technologies (TST)

The Amsterdam-born mobility service provider Expat Management Group today proudly announces the opening of their third official office. With established offices in Amsterdam and Brussels, the company is now expanding to Bonn, Germany. With Germany’s immigration boom in the past years, the country was a natural choice for further international expansion.

“Until today, a German practice was just a pipe dream for us. It is a fantastic growth market with a lot of potential and opportunities, but it requires specific knowledge and skills to be successful in business. We are therefore delighted that, with our new partner and practice leader, we can immediately make a solid footprint in the German mobility industry.”- Dominique Coenen (Co-Founder and Partner, Expat Management Group)

Translating their unique formula to Germany

With notable expertise in global mobility services as a leading provider in the Benelux market, Expat Management Group takes pride in delivering quality services tailored to each client’s needs, ranging from corporations to employees, and other individuals looking to relocate. They now aim to integrate the same know-how and personalized service to Germany, with local specialists who fully understand the market and all the complexities that come with moving abroad. Through personal client guidance and close collaboration between the internal relocation and immigration teams, Expat Management Group aims to ensure a seamless transition for internationals looking to relocate to and from Germany.

To read more click here

Tracker Software Technologies (TST) ( ) are commencing an RFP to select a service provider in every European location to support their business traveller clients. As compliance requirements increase for business travellers there is a greater focus on travellers having the correct documents on their trips. TST provides services to global multinationals to help them complete this administration. They are looking to nominate a DSP in every EU location to provide assistance with local form completion and filing.

This would be a new business area for most DSPs and would cover areas such as Posted Worker and Social Security filing.

If you would like to hear more please indicate your interest by sending an email to or contact or liam.brennan@tst-

38 - The EuRApean Spring 2023

Members’ News Advertorial

Arpin International Group Acquires Stephens Moving

The acquisition of Stephens Moving Services expands Arpin's North American cross-border growth strategy.

Arpin International Group Wins FIDI’s Commitment To Excellence Gold Award

Arpin recognized by FIDI for its commitment to staff learning and development.

Arpin International Group is honored to receive FIDI’s Commitment to Excellence Gold Award. Arpin earned recognition from FIDI — the most significant global alliance of professional international moving and relocation companies — six times in ten years.

Arpin International Group, an award-winning global moving and storage company, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Stephens Moving Services of Cape Coral, Florida, USA, a long-standing company specializing in servicing United States/Canada cross-border moves for private residential customers. This acquisition will facilitate the continued growth of Arpin’s transportation management solutions in North America.

The Arpin family has its earliest roots in Canadian history, having started their moving business in Drummondville, Quebec, back in 1900 before immigrating to the United States. So, it was just a matter of time before the Arpin family returned to their origins. In 1992 the company began to offer its customers one of the best, most thorough United States/Canada cross-border services, as well as within the Canadian provinces.

“Arpin is excited about its continued expansion into Canada. The United States and Canada are each other’s largest trading partners, representing $125M in crossborder moves annually. The acquisition of Stephens Moving Services enables Arpin to provide its world class moving services and bonded warehouses to major Canadian markets — especially in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec,” said Peter Arpin, president of Arpin International Group.

To read more click here

To ensure consistency in the delivery of high-quality customer service worldwide, Arpin mandates all personnel involved in pricing, customer service, and operations to successfully complete industry training offered through the FIDI Academy, obtaining their Foundations of International Moving (FIM) diploma. With programs developed specifically for industry professionals, the FIDI Academy provides training tools for all levels of employees, from newcomers to leaders. Certified Gold Graduates represent the highest level of achievement offered through the organization.

“We are honored. And will use it to fuel our continued focus on delivering the very best value in moving. The pinnacle of great customer service with fair pricing,” said Peter Arpin, president of Arpin International Group.

In addition to industry-specific training presented by the FIDI Academy, Arpin also invests in ongoing cloud-based digital learning and development for its employees and supplier partners performing services on our behalf. Through the GO1 platform, our learners participate in digital educational sessions in the following categories: Business Skills, Personal Development, Safety and Compliance, Environmental, Social, and Governance, DE&I, and Technology Skills.

To read more click here

39 - The EuRApean Spring 2023

New Member Focus: “6thMove Relocations ”

As the middle-eastern economy continues to expand at a rapid scale with larger than life projects being executed at record speeds particularly in the UAE and KSA, 6thMove witnessed a vacuum to offer high quality relocation services for the large number of corporates moving their teams to the region from different parts of the world.

Our story has been one of separation and expansion.

6thMove Relocations was a part of a large aviation group serving the aviation industry for more than three decades and is known for its impeccable services. The idea of 6thMove Relocations was born out of the high demand for mobility services in the Middle East. The Co-founder, noticed the need for a reliable and professional service provider and decided to enter this ever-expanding market.

Since its inception, 6thMove has been catering to direct clients through the parent aviation company. However, post covid, the CEO and Co-founder, Krishna Prasadd Nair realised that it was time for 6thMove Relocations to spread its wings and fly on its own and make it an independent entity. With

this bold move, the company established its own brand identity and corporate structure, opening its headquarters in Dubai and a regional office in Saudi Arabia, offering its clients a wider range of services and better accessibility.

This also prompted our full-time membership with EuRA and other affiliated partners across the globe, positioning itself as a name to be reckoned with in the relocations industry.

How do we do it?

The company's team of relocation experts has extensive history of working with expats and a deep understanding of the complexities involved in relocating to a new country, particularly the middle east. As such, they’ve developed a comprehensive range of solutions that

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cater to their specific needs including corporate relocation, immigration, and visa services.

6thMove offers bespoke solutions such as home search, school search, pet relocation and company formation in addition to value-added services such as orientation tours, language training, and cultural training helping it to stand out in a crowded marketplace. The company's commitment to excellence and its ability to adapt to the everchanging needs of the market coupled with high standards of customer support delivery have made it a preferred relocation partner in the region.

The company has been facilitating relocations across the Middle East and Europe through its partnerships with regional service providers. These partnerships have enabled the company to provide unparalleled services to corporate and noncorporate clients.

Looking ahead…

To be the foremost relocation services company in the Middle East and beyond, and the preferred choice for anyone seeking reliable, efficient, and cost-effective relocation solutions that create wealth and opportunities for all our partners. Our goal is to be the standard-bearer for the industry,

setting the benchmark for quality, professionalism, and sustainability.

How do we plan to get there?

The company plans to invest heavily in technology to streamline its operations, improve communication by creating a unified platform for companies and clientele to interface with, and provide real-time updates to clients.

While technology ensures that 6thMove not only stays relevant but also strengthens its position in the industry, the company will continue to establish strong relationships with new allies and open doors into yet unexplored markets to grow collectively.

41 - The EuRApean Spring 2023

TIRA is on the Move!

TIRA recently congratulated its new Board Chair, Christine Martin and thanked former Board Chair, Jérémy Berthoux for his dedication and leadership.

As he steps aside, Jérémy reflected on his leadership role, “I trust and have confidence in the future of TIRA. Our industry is maturing while navigating tremendous consolidation, digitization and changes driven by the transformation of the global workforce. These uncertain times underscore the importance of associations like TIRA to remain relevant and cohesive, and importantly, be agile, ahead of the curve and best in class. My successor, industry stalwart Christine Martin, will take over the leadership of TIRA and undoubtedly bring our great association to its next stages and milestones”.

Jérémy goes on to wish, “the best to Christine, her Board, and its members worldwide to remain focused on TIRA’s mission of transforming in each country around the world as best-in-class solutionsproviders for a world increasingly in need of quality mobility solutions”!

Delighted to assume her new role, Christine shares “I thank the previous TIRA Board for their continuous actions and efforts to remain a

knowledgeable resource in the industry.”

Christine is CEO and Managing Director at EO Mobility Consultancy. For over 30 years, the firm has been providing relocation and immigration services throughout Spain. Her vision for the future of TIRA is clear, “I believe that 2023 will be a complex year. We live in a world of uncertainty and cannot anticipate the consequences of today’s disruption, but we should expect long term challenges. We must be flexible and listen to our customers. Our clients’ needs are shifting, and we need to redefine and adapt relocation services to emerging trends. The increasing diversity in the workforce is creating new expectations and we need to offer different customized services.”

Jérémy is Managing Director and President of Home Conseil Relocation in France. He recently reflected on relinquishing the role as TIRA’s Board Chair, “First, it’s been an honor to lead such a reputable organization in our industry that is almost as old as I am. I still recall entering the mobility industry in 2015. During my first TIRA meeting in Porto, I was in awe at the sheer amount of member experience around that table and thought it would be a long road for me before I could call myself a peer of these renowned

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Christine Martin Jeremy Berthoux

professionals. It’s been an enjoyable journey and makes it feel like the blink of an eye being on the TIRA Board, in various positions, before becoming Vice-Chair during the Covid crisis. During that time, the Board decided to respectfully waive our dues to support our members. As Chair, we emerged resilient and strong as an intact network”.

TIRA has been actively curating their members’ knowledge and has enthusiastically showcased them. Earlier this year, the network launched a TIRA YouTube Channel featuring #TiraTalks hosted by Board member Stuart McAllister. Stuart chats one-on-one with members and learns what’s going on in their business and market. Soon, TIRA will launch a second video stream #GlobalMobilityMatters featuring in-depth insights with corporate HR/ Mobility leaders and members.

With the collective focus on making the world better, TIRA hosted a members’ roundtable organized by Board member Brenda Levis, “Working Together Towards a Sustainable Future” with special guest Cristina Venegas from EcoVadis. Members discussed transforming their companies as sustainable operations and learned from EcoVadis, a trusted global sustainability ratings partner.

TIRA will host a knowledge webinar, “What’s next in the evolution of global mobility?” geared toward potential new members and corporate HR/Mobility leaders. The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, April 4 at 9:00 AM, ET. Panelists include TIRA members Lena Rekdal at Nimmersion; Marie at O’Neill, EER and Alan Bell at Equus Software. The webinar is coorganized by Board member, Brenda Levis and moderated by Susan Ginsberg at SRG ADVISORY, a consultant to TIRA. More details to follow!

Jérémy noted that, “it is with great pride to have led a group of the highest quality professionals in our great mobility industry

with the help of a Board that can only be described as “la crème de la crème”. My pride is only matched by the feeling of accomplishment over the past year since taking the reins from our beloved past-Chair Sharon Michnay. We’ve met our three fundamental goals: bringing greater value to TIRA members through in-person and online discussions about global mobility trends, heightening TIRA’s social media visibility, and expanding the TIRA family with new members joining the association.”

Founded over 40 years ago, TIRA’s guiding principles include delivering consistent quality standards, having expertise beyond knowing things and being practiced in what they do, and working in collaboration with clients and trusted partners to ensure successful outcomes. The member community includes some of the world’s leading global mobility companies with over 50 offices in 500 locations worldwide. Christine reminded the network members that, “We will continue supporting the growth of our members by collaborating, sharing their local expertise with a global mindset, and exploring different ways to offer new value propositions. By aligning our efforts and building further resilience we will be able to create sustainable long-term solutions that supports talent mobility”.

Get to know us, visit TIRA. We would love to hear from you!

43 - The EuRApean Spring 2023

New Member Focus: “KeyPro”

KeyPro, the very first furniture rental company in The Netherlands. With over 12 years of experience, they can arrange complete furnishings within just a matter of days.

As a furniture rental company, we’re experts in turning your empty living spaces into beautifully furnished homes. Whether it’s for yourself or for expats that require relocating, we’ll prepare a home that’s move-in ready. From made up beds right down the kitchen utensils.

Located in the Netherlands, with locations in Groningen and Amsterdam, we have been serving customers all across Western Europe for years. No project is too big for us. Need 20 apartments furnished in Denmark within a couple of weeks? Challenge accepted.

In recent years we have noticed a growing trend from our multinational clients to outsource all of their furnishing needs. It adds a level of certainty and flexibility to a

relocation. No more dealing with shipping delays or moving hassles. Additionally, being able to rent out unfurnished apartments opens up a much wider range of available units to choose from. And expats love the fact that they can choose their own furniture.

The world is transitioning into a more circular economy and KeyPro has embraced this wholeheartedly. With a predominantly local supply chain, and using recyclable materials wherever possible, KeyPro is helping to move the world into a more sustainable environment. The real benefit you or your expats will experience:

• Receiving complete home furnishings within days or weeks

• Choice of high-quality furniture in our webshop

• Arranging furniture for multiple houses all at once

• Taking care of assembling and styling

• Reliable dates of furniture to arrive

• Delivery within Western-Europe

• Monthly terminable contracts

Please feel free to reach out to KeyPro for any furniture requirements. Contact us via or visit our website on!

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Dublin Conference by the numbers

751 Number of Delegates

28 Breakout & Plenary Sessions

70 Speakers

2150 Est number of coffees served

88 Bars and restaurants within a 5 minute walk of the hotel

810 Est number of bottles of red, white and fizz served at the Gala Dinner

€10,000 Target for fundraising for our charity Alice Leahy Trust supporting the Homeless of Dublin

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