Vol. 2012., No 2., prosinac 2012.
herpetological bulletin
Hrvatsko herpetološko društvo
Hyla herpetološki bilten herpetological bulletin Vol. 2012., No .
urednik/editor: Dušan Jelić
Hrvatsko herpetološko društvo - HYLA Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA
Zagreb, SURVLQDF 2012.
Impressum HYLA, HERPETOLOGICAL BULLETIN Ključni naslov: Hyla (Zagreb) Skraćeni ključni naslov: Hyla (Zagreb) Naslovna fotografija: Rana arvalis (B. Horvatić) Izdavač/Publisher: Hrvatsko herpetološko društvo - HYLA Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA I. Breznička 5a, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Urednik/Editor: Dušan Jelić, prof. biol. jelic.dusan@gmail.com Urednički odbor/Editorial board: Dušan Jelić, Croatia dr. sc. Ljiljana Tomović, Serbia dr. sc. Tomislav Bogdanović, Croatia Ivona Burić, Croatia ISSN: 1848-2007
Sadržaj: Contents: O HHD HYLA …………………………………………………………............................……………
About HHD HYLA …………………………………………………………............................………
LAUŠ, B., JELIĆ, D., BURIĆ, I., KOLARIĆ, A., KOREN, T. - Distribution and Conservation of Batrachofauna and Herpetofauna of the Zrmanja River catchment area ......…….…........... 3 Distribucija i zaštita faune vodozemaca i gmazova slivnog područja rijeke Zrmanje ..…............................................................……..................................................................... 3 KOREN, T., ČRNE, M., KOPRIVNIKAR, N., TRKOV, D., DRAŠLER, K., JELIĆ, D. - Contribution to the herpetofauna (Amphibia & Reptilia) of lower Neretva River (Croatia & Bosnia and Herzegovina) ……………….........................................................…….....................…….… 19 Prilog poznavanju herpetofaune (Amphibia & Reptilia) donjeg dijela rijeke Neretve (Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina) ………………………..................................................…………...….. 19 ŠUKALO, G., ĐORĐEVIĆ, S., DMITROVIĆ, D., TOMOVIĆ, LJ. – Introduced fish Ameiurus nebulosus (Le Sueur, 1819): hazard to the Grass snake, Natrix natrix (Laurenti, 1768) ……………………. 41 Introducirana vrsta Ameiurus nebulosus (Le Sueur, 1819): opasnost za bjeloušku, Natrix natrix (Laurenti, 1768) ……………………….………………………………...........................…….. 41 LAUŠ, B., BURIĆ, I. - Colour abnormalities in Coronella austriaca (Laurenti, 1768) in Croatia .….
Neuobičajena obojenja kod Coronella austriaca (Laurenti, 1768) u Hrvatskoj ……...…….
LISIČIĆ, D., POČANIĆ, P., LOVRIĆ, V., DEREŽANIN, L., TADIĆ, Z. – A case of cannibalism in European Glass Lizard, Pseudopus apodus .......................................................................................... 45 Slučaj kanibalizma kod blavora, Pseudopus apodus ……...............................................….
SUČIĆ, I., TRAPP, B., ZADRAVEC, M., ŠUKALO, G., JELIĆ, D. - Yellow spotted belly in Fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) (Central Croatia) …………......….……........…. 47 Žute pjege na trbuhu kod pjegavog daždevnjaka, Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) .…………….....………….………....................................................................................…. 47 MIHALIĆ, I. – Analysis of Prevalence and Characteristics of Venomous Snakebites in Croatia ....
Analiza pojavnosti i značajki ugriza zmija otrovnica u Hrvatskoj ….........................…..….
Upute autorima ………………………………………………………………............................……
Author guidelines …………………………………………………………..........................……….
Popisni list za kartiranje herpetofaune Republike Hrvatske …....…………........................………
O HHD – HYLA Hrvatsko herpetološko društvo – Hyla osnovano je 1997. godine pod imenom "Društvo za zaštitu i proučavanje vodozemaca i gmazova Hrvatske-Hyla". Osnovano je od strane biologa i zaljubljenika u vodozemce i gmazove zbog potrebe zaštite ovih životinja koje su često i bezrazložno proganjane i ubijane. Također se pojavila potreba za zaštitom ekosustava i mnogih staništa na kojima obitavaju ove, ali i ostale skupine životinja. Društvo je 2004. preimenovano u današnji naziv te sa razvila unutrašnja infrastruktura u vidu web stranice (www.hyla.hr) i mailing liste koje održavaju povezanost članova i mreže regionalnih i lokalnih udruga i organizacija partnera. Društvo je registrirano kao strukovna organizacija te je većina članova biološke struke. Međutim, otvoreni smo za sve koje zanima zaštita i proučavanje hrvatske herpetofaune (vodozemaca i gmazova) i staništa. HHD-Hyla je punopravna članica IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), najstarije i najveće međunarodne mreže za zaštitu prirode koja pod svojim okriljem okuplja više od 1000 članica - nevladinih i državnih organizacija - u više od 160 zemalja širom svijeta. HHD-Hyla je od 2012. članica udruženja udruga Hrvatski institut za biološku raznolikost HIB zajedno sa svojim partnerima Udrugom za biološka istraživanja – BIOM, Hrvatskim društvom za biološka istraživanja HDBI i Hrvatskim mirmekološkim društvom HMD. Projekti i aktivnosti usmjereni su na istraživanja te zaštitu vrsta i staništa, edukaciju lokalnog stanovništva i šire javnosti (u sklopu projekata ali i zasebna predavanja i radionice), edukaciju studenata te izdavanje publikacija i ostalog edukativnog materijala. Društvo je aktivno na nacionalnoj razini te provodimo projekte u raznim dijelovima Hrvatske uz suradnju s državnim i lokalnim institucijama, udrugama, stručnjacima u zemlji i inozemstvu, školama te lokalnim stanovništvom. VODSTVO DRUŠTVA Djelatnici Dušan Jelić (direktor), Ivona Burić, Ana Štih Upravni odbor
Nadzorni odbor
Boris Lauš – predsjednk
Dragica Šalamon
Ivona Burić – dopredsjednica
dr. sc. Krunoslav Brčić-Kostić
Marija Kuljerić - tajnik
Dean Karaica
Mila Lončar Petra Svoboda KONTAKT Poštanski pretinac: I. breznička 5a, 10 000 Zagreb
e-mail: info@hhdhyla.hr
Telefon: 098 - 608099 (Dušan Jelić)
095 - 1998001 (Ivona Burić)
About HHD - HYLA Croatian Herpetological Society - Hyla was founded in 1997 under the name "Society for the protection and study of amphibians and reptiles in Croatia-Hyla". It was established by the biologists and nature enthusiasts because of the need to protect amphibians and reptiles which are often unduly persecuted and killed. The need for protection of ecosystems and many habitats, on which this and other groups of animals reside, also occured. In 2004 Society was renamed to its present name and we developed an infrastructure, web site (www.hyla.hr) and mailing list, through which we maintain cohesion between members and a network of regional and local NGOs and partner organizations. Society is registered as a professional organization, and the majority of our members are biologists. However, we are open to all people interested in research and conservation of Croatian herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) and habitats. HHD-Hyla is a full member of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), the oldest and largest international network for the protection of nature, with more than 1000 members - government and non-government organizations - in over 160 countries around the world. HHD-Hyla is since 2012 a full member and the founding party of the Croatian Instiute for Biodiversity CIB together with its partners Association for Biological Research – BIOM, Croatian Biodiversity Research Society HDBI and Croatian Mirmecological Society HMD. Projects and activities are focused on research and protection of species and habitats, education of the local inhabitants and public (during the projects, as well as separate lectures and workshops), training of students and publishing of the various scientific, professional and educational materials. Society is active at the national level and implements projects in different parts of the Croatia in cooperation with national and local institutions, NGOs, national and international experts and scientists, schools and local inhabitants.
VOL. 2012., No. 2, Str.3 - 17 ISSN: 1848-2007
Original Scientific Paper
Distribution and Conservation of Batrachofauna and Herpetofauna of the Zrmanja River catchment area Distribucija i zaštita faune vodozemaca i gmazova slivnog područja rijeke Zrmanje BORIS LAUŠ1, DUŠAN JELIĆ1, IVONA BURIĆ1, ANA KOLARIĆ1, TONI KOREN2 1
Croatian Institute for Biodiversity, Croatian Herpetological Society HYLA, Prva Breznička 5a, 10 000 Zagreb Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno–raziskovalno središče Koper, Inštitut za biodiverzitetne študije, Garibaldijeva 1, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenija
Corresponding author: BORIS LAUŠ, Croatian Institute for Biodiversity and Croatian Herpetological Society HYLA, Prva Breznička 5a, 10000 Zagreb, boris.laus.pmf@gmail.com Abstract Over the four year period (2007–2010), the authors conducted a field study aimed at drawing up an inventory of batrachofauna and herpetofauna of the Zrmanja river catchment area. Eight species of amphibians and twenty one species of reptiles were detected; through the available literature overview two more reptilian and one amphibian species were added to the list. Therefore, we proved the presence of thirty two species in total. High diversity of amphibians and reptiles indicates great significance of this area and imposes the need to ensure survival of these species through long-term populations monitoring and conservation measures. Key words: Amphibians, Reptiles, Zrmanja, Conservation
Sažetak Kroz period od četiri godine (2007–2010), autori su proveli terenska istraživanja u cilju inventariziranja batrahofaune i herpetofaune slivnog područja rijeke Zrmanje. Zabilježeno je osam vrsta vodozemaca i dvadeset i jedna vrsta gmazova, dok su pregledom dostupne literature za ovo područje zabilježene još dvije vrste gmazova i jedna vrsta vodozemaca, čime je dokazana prisutnost ukupno trideset i dvije vrste. Velika raznolikost vodozemaca i gmazova upućuje na izniman značaj ovog područja i nameće potrebu za osiguranjem opstanka ovih vrsta kroz dugoročno praćenje stanja njihovih populacija i provođenje neophodnih mjera zaštite. Ključne riječi: vodozemci, gmazovi, Zrmanja, zaštita
Lauš et al.
(Crkvenčić et al. 1974). Detailed list of vegetation types
INTRODUCTION Zrmanja is a 69 kilometres long river in southern
and plant communities in the Zrmanja river catchment
Croatia. Its spring is located at 395 m a.s.l. beneath the
area and their endangerment status is discussed in
Mount Poštak in the southern part of Lika, and flows into
Matoničkin & Pavletić (1964), Lovrić & Rac (1989),
the Novigrad sea, 12 kilometres from the city of Obrovac.
Razlog-Grlica (1993), Lovrić et al. (1989) and Topić
Its most important tributaries are Krnjeza and Krupa
rivers, but also rivers from the Lika region: Ričica and
Major part of the Zrmanja river basin, according to the
Otuča (Crkvenčić et al. 1974). From its spring, Zrmanja
Köppen climate classification, is under the Cfa class, the
flows to the south, passes through the Mokro polje area,
humid subtropical climate. A humid subtropical climate is
then turns westwards, passes through the Ervenik area, and
characterized by hot, humid summers and generally mild
through the Žegar field; after this point Zrmanja forms a
to cool winters (Tab. 2).
canyon, passes through the city of Obrovac and finally flows into the Novigrad sea. The entire area we surveyed during the present research belongs to the region of the southern Hrvatsko Primorje (or North Dalmatia), i.e. Zadar region, except for the mere area of the Zrmanja spring beneath the Mount Poštak, which belongs to the Lika region (Crkvenčić et al. 1974). Along its course towards the Novigrad sea, Zrmanja passes through larger area of Bukovica and Ravni Kotari. Rock composition of the entire area of Ravni Kotari belongs to the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary calcareous rocks, that extend in Dinaric direction (northwest–southeast), while in the opposite direction (southwest–northeast) we have rotation of calcareous convex folds (anticlines) and downward folds (synclines). The area of Bukovice is a higher and more open calcareous plateau which is surmounted by calcareous Velebit mountain range. Prevailing substrates are
calcareous breccias and conglomerates with intercalations of softer and more fertile marlstone and bauxite deposits (Crkvenčić et al. 1974). The result of such relief is a broad spectrum of microclimatic conditions. Climatic differentiation in the Zadar region is the most obvious in diversity of plant communities: true Mediterranean vegetation (evergreen macchia) is present along the Adriatic sea coast and in the islands, Sub-Mediterranean plants (oak and hornbeam) dominate in Ravni Kotari, and in Bukovica these are replaced by more mountainous plant communities
Table 2. Climatic data for the city of Knin (44°2.4′N, 16°11.6′E, 220 m a.s.l.), representing climatic conditions of the North Dalmatian hinterland (according to Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service, 2010) Tablica 2. Klimatski podaci za grad Knin (44°2.4′N, 16°11.6′E, 220 m n.v.), koji predstavljaju klimatske uvjete sjevernodalmatinskog zaleđa (prema Državnom hidrometeorološkom Zavodu, 2010) Average air Insolation Precipitation Month temperature (h) (mm) (°C) 110,9 January 3,2 179,2 79,8 February 5,2 129,4 157,4 March 7,7 73,9 190,7 April 12,9 123,1 196,4 May 16,2 145,7 265,2 June 20,9 88,2 339,5 July 24,4 62,5 332,1 August 22,7 48,9 211,3 September 17,6 117,7 151,2 October 11,9 54,6 89,1 November 10,8 223,8 100,8 December 4,6 169,0 x/∑
Towards the coastline, this type of climate transforms into the Csa class, Mediterranean or dry subtropical climate, and from the Zrmanja spring towards the continent it changes into the Cfb class, marine west coast climate (Šegota & Filipčić, 2003). The present study summarizes current knowledge about batrachofauna and herpetofauna of the wider surroundings of the river Zrmanja. In this
Lauš et al.
paper we present former literature data and recent
reptiles are given on maps, and authors also provide
unpublished findings of the authors and their associates.
guidelines for conservation of these species.
Localities for 9 species of amphibians and 23 species of
Figure 1. Surveyed localities (▲) in the Zrmanja river catchment area Slika 1. Istraživani lokaliteti (▲) na slivnom području rijeke Zrmanje
published data concerning the target groups in the selected
In the majority of older publications (Kolombatović 1908,
Karaman 1921, Poljak 1924, Pavletić 1964) findings from
(Kolombatović 1908, Karaman 1921, Poljak 1924,
the wider surroundings of Zrmanja are often listed without
Cvitanić 1959, Koen 1960, Pavletić 1964 Mršić 1978,
precise locality, i.e. merely as ”Zrmanja” or ”Obrovac”.
Đukić & Pasuljević 1979, Strijbosch et al. 1985,
With the data presented herein authors wanted to fill in the
Strijbosch et al. 1986, De Luca 1989, De Luca 1990,
blanks in knowledge of batrachofauna and herpetofauna
Tvrtković & Kletečki 1993, Krizmanić et al. 1997, Bressi
by gathering all available data about the accurate species
1999, Denoel et al. 2001, Sotiropoulos et al. 2001, Lončar
presence and distribution. Field research was carried out in
numerous localities (Fig. 1) on several occasions during 2007 (a total of ten days from May to August, average of 3
persons), 2008 (six days in August, 2 persons), 2009 (four
From 2007 to 2010, extensive research of amphibian and
days in April, 1 person), and 2010 (nine days, end of April
reptilian fauna was carried out in wider surroundings of
the river Zrmanja, and presence of a total of twenty nine
August/September, average of 5 persons). Target research
species was recorded (Tab. 1). This number includes eight
was conducted in order to gather new information about
species of amphibians and twenty one species of reptiles.
rare species, and also to evaluate the level of
The occurrence of several additional species (one
endangerment of the encountered species. As a research
amphibian and two reptiles) was confirmed through the
area we selected wider surroundings of the river Zrmanja,
existing published data, but these species were not
from its spring to the river mouth, also including southern
recorded during our field work.
slopes of the Mount Poštak and the Mount Velebit (Prezid), and part of the Ravni Kotari area. Formerly
Lauš et al.
Table 1. List of amphibian and reptilian species recorded in literature and/or through the current research Tablica 1. Popis vrsta vodozemaca i gmazova zabilježenih u literaturi i/ili provedenim istraživanjem.
Species Ichthyosaura alpestris (Laurenti, 1768) Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) Bombina variegata (Linnaeus, 1758) Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) Pseudepidalea viridis (Laurenti, 1768) Hyla arborea (Linnaeus, 1758) Rana dalmatina Fitzinger in Bonaparte, 1838 Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789 Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758 Pseudopus apodus (Pallas, 1775) Algyroides nigropunctatus (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) Iberolacerta horvathi (Méhely, 1904) Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758 Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga, 1886 Lacerta viridis (Laurenti, 1768) Podarcis melisellensis (Braun, 1877) Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque, 1810) Coronella austriaca Laurenti, 1768 Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758) Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768) Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 1831) Hierophis gemonensis (Laurenti, 1768) Elaphe quatuorlineata (Lacépède, 1789) Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768) Zamenis situla (Linnaeus, 1758) Malpolon insignitus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827) Telescopus fallax (Fleischmann, 1831) Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus, 1758) SUM
Confirmed by authors
Literature data
Lauš et al.
Species overview
states only ”Zrmanja“.. We found this species on two localities, around the Zrmanja spring and at the Begovac
Class Amphibia
pond near Otrić.
Ichthyosaura (Triturus) alpestris (Laurenti, 1768) – Alpine Newt
Bombina variegata (Linnaeus, 1758) – Yellow-bellied
Through the most part of investigated area, Alpine newts
were found in karstic ponds which are still used in
The only published locality for the Yellow-bellied toad is
traditional outdoor livestock farming, or in neglected
the Prezid Pass on the southern slopes of the Mount
ponds that gradually became overgrown, but can still
Velebit (Karaman 1921). During the present research we
hold water for a longer period of the year. Natural
couldn’t confirm the presence of this species, but we do
retentions in karstic environment are rare and mostly
not exclude the possibility of suitable habitats existence
ephemeral, and as such are less suitable habitats, which
in the river Zrmanja catchment area where Yellow-
is confirmed through our research. Along the river
bellied toad could still be present, especially considering
Zrmanja and its tributaries several flooded areas exist,
other findings of this species in Dalmatia (Janev-Hutinec
but I. alpestris was not found in these water retentions.
et al. 2006).
According to published data, Alpine newt is present on Prezid Pass, Veselinovići settlement near Golubić, and
Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) – Common Toad
Urukulovac locality, Velebit (Tvrtković & Kletečki
The two previously published localities from Tvrtković
1993); additional previously known localities are along
& Kletečki (1993) are stated only as “Zrmanja“, without
the road Karin–Obrovac (Kobašlić 2002), and settlement
detailed descriptions. During our recent research this
Ušljebrke near Kaštel Žegarski (Sotiropoulos et al.
species was recorded on several locations along the river
2007). We also found this species at Prezid Pass, on new
Zrmanja and its tributaries Krnjeza and Krupa: the
localities near Golubić (three different ponds), and near
Zrmanja spring, Kaštel Žegarski, Krupa spring, Manastir
Otrić (Begovac pond).
na Krupi, Golubić, Berberi, Muškovci and the vicinity of the city of Obrovac.
Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) – Smooth Newt Literature data for this species provided only one locality
Pseudepidalea (Bufo) viridis (Laurenti, 1768) – Green
(Prezid Pass, Velebit), but it wasn’t confirmed through
our research. We found it on new localities near the
Until our research of the river Zrmanja catchment area,
village Brkići (pond Sekina lokva), and near Otrić
there wasn't a single literature datum mentioning this
(Begovac pond). As for the Alpine newt, the most
species. During our field work we recorded Green toads
suitable habitats for T. vulgaris are karstic ponds that can
on several localities: the vicinity of Karin, Ribnica area,
hold water for longer periods of time.
Berberi, Muškovci, Maričići, Golubić and Kaštel Žegarski.
Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) – Fire Salamander
Hyla arborea (Linnaeus, 1758) – European Tree Frog
Considering preferable habitats for this species, i.e.
In older publications this species was mentioned on two
humid and shady areas with water bodies necessary for
localities: Prezid Pass on the southern slopes of the
reproduction, only few suitable areas exist along the
Mount Velebit, and the village Nadvode near Kaštel
river Zrmanja and its tributaries. A single literature
Žegarski (Tvrtković & Kletečki 1993). Our field work
datum on Fire salamander distribution is unclear and
Lauš et al.
brought out two more localities, Kaštel Žegarski and the
known localities, and revealed several new ones: the
vicinity of Berberi.
vicinity of Berberi, the vicinity of Manastir na Krupi and the area of the Jaruga stream towards the gulf of
Rana dalmatina Fitzinger in: Bonaparte, 1838 – Agile
Frog This is the only species from the group of Brown frogs
Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758 – Slow Worm
(genus Rana) distributed in the river Zrmanja catchment
This species prefers humid and shady habitats with dense
area. Although it was mentioned only twice in the
vegetation, so in Dalmatia it can be found in the limited
literature (Krnjeza river mouth: Kobašlić 2002, and
number of locations compared to the continental Croatia.
Krupa river mouth: Tvrtković & Kletečki 1993), Agile
The findings in Dalmatia are mostly associated with
frog was one of the most common and the most
higher altitudes of mountain ranges of the Dinara,
numerous amphibians of the explored area. It was found
Troglav, Kamešnica and Svilaja (Jelić D., pers. comm.
along the entire watercourse of Zrmanja and also along
2010), while the lack of findings at lower altitudes,
the entire river courses of Krupa and Krnjeza, and along
particularly in river valleys of Krka and Cetina, is quite
the Jaruga stream towards the gulf of Ljubački.
surprizing. There are no previous literature data for the area of the river Zrmanja; however, during recent field
Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) – Marsh Frog
work we recorded this species on several localities. Slow
Green frogs are well adaptable aquatic or semi-aquatic
worm was found in the vicinity of Ervenik settlement,
animals that inhabit various water bodies. Because of
Kaštel Žegarski, meadows along the Krupa River, in the
this fact it is not surprizing that these are indeed the most
vicinity of Berberi, near the Dobarnica river mouth, and
numerous and the most common amphibians in the
in the area of Jaruga stream towards the gulf of Ljubački.
investigated area. This species is confirmed both through literature (Pavletić 1964, Karaman 1921, Strijbosch et al.
Pseudopus apodus (Pallas, 1775) – European Glass
1985), and through our research, along the entire
Zrmanja, Krupa and Krnjeza river courses, and along the
In the review of the Croatian National Zoological
Jaruga stream towards the gulf of Ljubački.
Museum collection of amphibians and reptiles in Zagreb, Pavletić (1964) mentions a sample of European Glass
Class Reptilia
Lizard collected from the area of the Zrmanja river in
Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) – European Pond
1909. However, except that specimen, there is no other
published information for this area. Authors of the
One previous finding puts the European pond turtle on
present paper recorded P. apodus in the vicinity of
the Zrmanja river near the city of Obrovac (Jablonski D.,
Kaštel Žegarski, Manastir na Krupi, canyon of the river
pers. comm. 2010), and it was also recorded during our
Krupa, the vicinity of Obrovac and the area of Jaruga
research on the Krupa river (two ponds at Manastir na
Krupi). Algyroides nigropunctatus (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) – Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789 – Hermann’s Tortoise
Dalmatian Algyroides
Herman’s tortoise is well known in this area for decades,
The first information about this species in the surveyed
and was previously mentioned for Kaštel Žegarski,
area was provided by Đukić & Pasuljević (1979), from
Krupa River, and the city of Obrovac (Strijbosch et al.
the Prezid Pass on the southern slopes of Velebit, and
1985). Our research confirmed all of the previously
later it was also found in the river Krupa canyon
Lauš et al.
(Strijbosch et al. 1985), and the Krupa river mouth
viridis can be found. Because their distributional areas
(Strijbosch et al. 1986). Most of the specimens observed
overlap, it's necessary to be particularly careful with their
during this study were recorded around the Zrmanja
determination. L. viridis is a representative of the
spring, and a smaller number of individuals were noted
continental fauna and mostly inhabits higher and colder
from Prezid Pass to Golubići.
areas of southern slopes of mountains (Tremzina, Poštak, Velebit), while L. trilineata represents Mediterranean
Iberolacerta horvathi (Méhely, 1904) – Horvath's Rock
fauna, and is mostly distributed in lower and warmer
areas (river Zrmanja canyon, Ravni Kotari).
Although there are several published findings of this species in the area of the river Zrmanja (Karaman, 1921;
Lacerta viridis (Laurenti, 1768) – European Green
Pavletić, 1964; De Luca, 1989), the authors of the
present survey could not confirm the presence of this
Besides one specimen from 1909 in the Croatian Natural
species during field work. Previously, this species was
History Museum collection (Pavletić, 1964) from the
considered to be exclusively mountainous (De Luca,
Zrmanja territory, there were no other published data
1989); however, findings from a locality at 200 m a.s.l.
until this research. Authors confirmed the presence of the
were published recently (Žagar, 2008). As potential
European green lizard on Prezid Pass on Velebit, in the
habitats the most probable localities are Tulove grede
vicinity of Begovac pond near Otrić, and along the first
and southern slopes under the Prezid Pass and Crnopac
10 kilometres from the Zrmanja spring downstream.
(Velebit), so future research shall be directed to this area. Podarcis melisellensis (Braun, 1877) – Dalmatian Wall Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758 – Sand Lizard
Because in Dalmatia the Sand lizard is distributed only
Literature states just a few localities for this species,
on higher altitudes of mountain ranges and prefers
which is widespread in whole Dalmatia. There is one
continental climate (Jelić, 2010), it’s not surprising that
sample from 1909 in the Croatian Natural History
authors found this species only at the Prezid Pass on
Museum collection (Pavletić, 1964) from the Zrmanja
Velebit, 929 m. In the previously published literature
territory, a finding from 1978 from the Prezid Pass on
there is no mention of this species in the catchment area
Velebit (Lončar, 2005), one from the locality in the
of the river Zrmanja.
vicinity of Kaštel Žegarski (Strijbosch et al. 1985), and a report from the locality in the Krupa river valley
Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga, 1886 – Balkan Green Lizard
(Strijbosch et al. 1986). During our research the
This is the largest species of lizards in Croatia, which
Dalmatian wall lizard was recorded across the whole
presents its westernmost point of distribution. Older
demarcated area, from the Zrmanja spring, along the
findings confirm this species for the area of Krupa and
entire river course, and along its tributaries.
Zrmanja (Strijbosch et al. 1985, Strijbosch et al. 1986) and Karin sea (Mihoković N., pers. comm. 2010).
Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) – Common Wall
During the current research, the Balkan green lizard was
recorded on several localities, from southern slopes of
There are just a few unspecified information about the
the Poštak Mountain, along the river Zrmanja and its
findings of this lizard for the ”Zrmanja” area (Karaman,
tributaries towards the Novigrad sea, around the Karin
1921; Pavletić, 1964), and one for the Prezid Pass
sea, and the gulf of Ljubački. At the river Zrmanja
(Lončar, 2005). The authors confirmed the presence of
catchment area both Lacerta trilineata and Lacerta
Lauš et al.
the common wall lizard at the Zrmanja spring, near the
Krupa, Krnjeza and Dobarnica. It is interesting to
bridge Kravlja draga, and at the Prezid Pass.
mention that individuals recorded on the Zrmanja river stretch between Janković buk and the city of Obrovac
Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque, 1810) – Italian Wall lizard
live in brackish water (Jelić & Lelo, 2010) and feed,
The first information about the Italian wall lizard
among other, on marine fishes that enter Zrmanja in
mentions findings near Obrovac, Kaštel Žegarski and
large numbers.
area around the river Krupa (Strijbosch et al. 1985, Strijbosch et al. 1986), and there is also one finding near
Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 1831) – Dahl’s Whip
the Karin sea (Katušić L., pers. comm. 2010). New
records of this lizard were provided through our field
This is one elegant and certainly fast snake, with the
work, at localities around the Zrmanja spring, in the
westernmost part of its distribution in Croatia: it can be
vicinity of Berberi, and in the area of Jaruga stream
found along the entire Adriatic coast to the Istria in the
towards the gulf of Ljubački.
northwest (Darewskij & Ščerbak, 1993; Kreiner, 2007). Until our study, there were no records of this species in
Coronella austriaca Laurenti, 1768 – Smooth Snake
the examined area. Therefore, this is the first information
The first published finding of the Smooth snake from the
of Dahl’s whip snake presence in the river Zrmanja
area of the river Zrmanja dates back to 1902, and that
catchment area, in three different localities: the vicinity
specimen is stored in the Croatian Natural History
of Berberi, between Manastir na Krupi and Golubić, and
Museum collection (Pavletić, 1964). There are some
the area near to the Karin sea.
additional records with localities marked just as “Zrmanja” (Karaman, 1921). A few specimens of this
Hierophis gemonensis (Laurenti, 1768) – Balkan Whip
snake were recorded during our research around the
Zrmanja spring, and at the Prezid Pass.
Along with the Dice snake, the Balkan whip snake was one of the most numerous snakes observed during this
Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758) – Grass Snake
study. Although it is associated mainly with the warm
Although this species is the most common snake in
climate of the Mediterranean area, during our research
Croatia, there is just one published record, from 1910
several specimens were recorded around the Zrmanja
(Pavletić, 1964). Through our recent field work, the
spring, which geographically belongs to the region of
Grass snake was encountered at the Begovac pond near
Lika (Crkvenčić et al. 1974), and has a somewhat colder
Otrić, along most of the Zrmanja, Krupa and Dobarnica
climate, compared to the usual Mediterranean habitats.
river courses, and in area of Karin sea.
This snake was also found on several locations along the Zrmanja river: from Ervenik, over Kaštel Žegarski, to the
Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768) – Dice Snake
city of Obrovac, and also along its tributary, river Krupa,
Judging by the high number of recorded specimens
from its spring to the river mouth. Besides, it was
during our research, the dice snake is certainly the most
recorded near the pond Sekina lokva in the vicinity of the
common snake in the studied area. The earliest findings
settlement Brkići, and in the area along the Jaruga stream
from this region are mentioned in 1921 by Karaman, and
towards the gulf of Ljubački. Literature also confirms
there are later data from the area of Kaštel Žegarski
this species, for the surroundings of Kaštel Žegarski
(Strijbosch et al. 1985). Authors recorded this snake in
(Strijbosch et al. 1986) and the city of Obrovac
the whole area along the river course of Zrmanja (from
(Strijbosch et al. 1985); there are also some unpublished
the spring downstream to the city of Obrovac), and also
Lauš et al.
findings in the vicinity of the Karin (Katušić L., pers.
(Pavletić, 1964), and the other is from the Krupa river
comm. 2010).
valley (Strijbosch et al. 1986). Authors have recorded just two specimens of this species, one at Manastir na
Elaphe quatuorlineata (Lacépède, 1789) – Four-lined
Krupi, and another one at the pond Sekina lokva near the
village Brkići.
Cvitanić (1959) stated that he had got a sample of the Four-lined snake in the spring of 1958 from the area of
Telescopus fallax (Fleischmann, 1831) – European Cat
the city of Obrovac. The next information is a finding of
this snake in the vicinity of Kaštel Žegarski (Koen,
As this is crepuscular and nocturnal animal, conditions
1960). Beside these two records, our research revealed
for study of this species are somewhat difficult. We
two more locations: the canyon of the river Krnjeza, and
couldn’t find it during our research of the river Zrmanja
location at the village Golubići.
catchment area, but we do not exclude the possibility of this species presence. This is based on several former
Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768) – Aesculapian
findings: area of Jasenice from 1986 (Lončar, 2005), the
surroundings of Obrovac (Strijbosch et al. 1986), and
This snake is quite common in the entire territory of
Golubići (Horvatić B., pers. comm. 2006).
Croatia. Despite that, there is just a single historical finding, for the vicinity of Kaštel Žegarski (Strijbosch et
Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus, 1758) – Nose-horned
al. 1985). During our research, specimens of this snake
were found on a few locations, from the Begovac pond
This is the only adder in the studied range. For the area
near Otrić, the Zrmanja spring, Manastir na Krupi, to the
of Zrmanja there is one finding from 1910 (Pavletić,
surroundings of Obrovac (ruins of the Old city of
1964). It is also confirmed for the surroundings of Kaštel
Žegarski and Obrovac (Strijbosch et al. 1985). Authors recorded the Nose-horned Viper at the Begovac pond
Zamenis situla (Linnaeus, 1758) – Leopard Snake
near Otrić, around the Zrmanja spring, on the slopes of
Although its distribution in Croatia stretches across the
Trebačnik hill near Kaštel Žegarski, and above the river
entire coast, up to the Istria peninsula, with presence on
Krnjeza canyon.
some islands (Janev-Hutinec & Lupret-Obradović, 2005; Lauš, 2010), due to its secretiveness it’s not easy to
confirm the presence of this snake in a certain area.
During the survey of batracho- and herpetofauna of the
There are no historical findings for Leopard snake in the
river Zrmanja catchment area, a total of 29 species was
researched area, so the authors recorded this species for
recorded: 21 reptile species and 8 species of amphibians.
the first time. Localities where this snake was found are:
Examining the literature concerning this area, another 2
Manastir na Krupi, the river Krupa canyon, Golubići, the
species of reptiles and one amphibian were confirmed:
vicinity of Muškovci, and the vicinity of Jasenice.
Iberolacerta horvathi, Telescopus fallax, and Bombina variegata. With this additional data, total number of
Malpolon insignitus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827) –
species confirmed to be present in this area rose to 32,
Eastern Montpellier Snake
which represents 53% of all amphibians and reptiles in
There are two literature data with findings of Eastern
Montpellier snake, one of which is a sample in the Croatian Natural History Museum collection from 1902
Lauš et al.
High number of recorded species is surely the result of
habitats, as well as low anthropogenic influence.
favourable climatic factors and preserved variety of
Figure 2. Recorded distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Zrmanja River area (2x2 km EEA grid) Slika 2. Zabilježena rasprostranjenost vodozemaca I gmazova područja rijeke Zrmanje (2x2 km EEA mreža)
Lauš et al.
Figure 2. Recorded distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Zrmanja River area (2x2 km EEA grid) Slika 2. Zabilježena rasprostranjenost vodozemaca I gmazova područja rijeke Zrmanje (2x2 km EEA mreža)
Lauš et al.
Figure 2. Recorded distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Zrmanja River area (2x2 km EEA grid) Slika 2. Zabilježena rasprostranjenost vodozemaca I gmazova područja rijeke Zrmanje (2x2 km EEA mreža)
Lauš et al.
Because of the influence of several climatic types in this
livestock farming, restore some of the neglected ponds,
area, a mixture of different species is present: species
and provide better management of permanent water
typical for Mediterranean coast of the Balkan Peninsula,
bodies like these.
like the Eastern Montpellier snake (Malpolon insignitus),
Although traffic infrastructure is not strongly developed,
the Leopard snake (Zamenis situla), the Dahl’s whip
and traffic itself is not too frequent, we noticed that some
snake (Platyceps najadum) etc., but also species
species tend to be more vulnerable to road kills. This
commonly present in continental parts, like the European
particularly stands for the Leopard snake (Zamenis
green lizard (Lacerta viridis), the Smooth snake
situla), of which the majority of specimens were found
(Coronella austriaca), Fire salamander (Salamandra
basking on asphalt roads. This species requires further
salamandra), etc. Due to the beneficial influence of the
monitoring in this area, and if potential ”black spots” are
sea, some species normally present in coastal areas
revealed, further action is required towards the
penetrated deeper into the continent. For example, few
eliminating of negative anthropogenic factors.
such species were recorded all the way along the Zrmanja river till the mere spring, located in colder
region of Lika. These are the Balkan whip snake
In the catchment area of the river Zrmanja, only sporadic
(Hierophis gemonensis), Dalmatian wall lizard (Podarcis
studies of certain localities were conducted so far; some
melisellensis), Italian wall lizard (Podarcis siculus) and
information gathered from the literature were older than
Dalmatian algyroides (Algyroides nigropunctatus).
100 years. With this paper authors tried to unite
Among the present species of amphibians and reptiles,
historical information with their recent research, in order
nine are in the protected category, and twenty three
to provide better knowledge and understanding of
species are in the strictly protected category, according
batracho- and herpetofauna of this area. From the data
to the Croatian Nature Protection Act. As well, seven
we provided it is evident that catchment area of the river
species are listed in the Red Book of amphibians and
Zrmanja is of exceptional importance to amphibian and
reptiles of Croatia (Janev-Hutinec et al. 2006).
reptilian fauna. So far we recorded 32 species, which
Lissotriton vulgaris, Bombina variegata, Hyla arborea,
present 53% of the total species number of amphibians
Natrix tessellata and Zamenis situla are listed as data
and reptiles in Croatia. Water presence in a karstic area
deficient species (DD), while Emys orbicularis and
such as the terrain we surveyed results in large
Testudo hermanni are listed as near threatened (NT).
populations of particular species of amphibians, and
The Zrmanja river basin is essential for amphibian
favourable climate factors and preserved habitat diversity
reproduction. Great number of frog populations was
stimulate high number of reptile species. Although this
area is currently under low anthropogenic impact, it is
ridibundus), Agile frogs (Rana dalmatina) and Common
reasonable to expect economic progress and accelerated
toads (Bufo bufo). These and other frog species inhabit
urbanisation. Therefore, it is of great importance to
flood plains along the Zrmanja river course, as well as
understand the significance of the Zrmanja river
flood plains alongside its tributaries. This is one of the
catchment area, and to ensure long-term survival and
most important centres for amphibian diversity in
good management of the recorded populations and high
Dalmatia, and must be taken into consideration in every
numbers of amphibian and reptile diversity.
eventual project for canalizing these rivers. On the other hand, ponds are vital for other amphibians like newts. Therefore, it is necessary to revitalize traditional
Lauš et al.
et Bibron, 1839) Reptilia, Lacertidae. Biosistematika,
The authors wish to thank the members of Croatian
Beograd 5: 61-70.
Janev-Hutinec, B., Lupret-Obradović, S. (2005): Zmije
Association BIUS and management of the Public
Hrvatske – Priručnik za određivanje vrsta. Izdanje HHD-
Institution Nature Park “Velebit” who contributed to the
Hyla, 33 pp.
quality of this research with their support and
Janev Hutinec, B., Kletečki, E., Lazar, B., Podnar Lešić, M.,
commitment. We would especially like to thank our
Skejić, J., Tadić, Z., Tvrtković, N. (2006): Red Book of
colleagues Mila Lončar, Ana Kobašlić, Marija Kuljerić,
Amphibians and Reptiles of Croatia. Ministry of Culture
Berislav Horvatić, Luka Katušić and Dijana Župan for
and State Institute for Nature Protection, Republic of
all the help during the field research and writing of this
paper. Authors wish to also thank two anonymous reviewers for their helpful advices and comments.
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VOL. 2012., No. 2, Str.19-40 ISSN: 1848-2007
Original Scientific Paper
Contribution to the herpetofauna (Amphibia & Reptilia) of lower Neretva River (Croatia & Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Prilog poznavanju herpetofaune (Amphibia & Reptilia) donjeg dijela rijeke Neretve (Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina)
University of Primorska, Science and Research Center Koper.Institute for Biodiversity Studies, Si- 6000 Koper, Slovenia 2 Biodiva - Conservation biologists society, Kettejeva 1, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia 3 Societas herpetologica slovenica - society fot the study of amphibians and reptiles, Večna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija 4 Croatian Herpetological Society – HYLA, Hrvatski institut za biološka istraživanja, Prva breznička 5a, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Abstract In this paper we present newly collected data and historical overview of the herpetofauna of Neretva River Valley. During two consecutive years (2011, 2012) we collected new data about the presence of reptiles and amphibians in the area, on 25 sampling sites, of which 21 in Croatia and 4 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During our survey we recorded the presence of 21 species of which 18 are listed in the IUCN Red list. The literature records added another 13 species, so the total number for amphibians and reptiles in the area is 34 species, 11 amphibian and 23 reptiles. With such a high diversity, the area of Neretva River is one of the hotspots of the amphibian and reptile diversity in Croatia. Lower Neretva Valley is now days under a strong anthropogenic influence, and most of the area is used for plantations and intensive agriculture. It is of a critical importance to conserve and protect the remaining natural habitat in the future.
Key words: amphibians, reptiles, diversity, conservation
Sažetak U ovom radu predstavljamo novo prikupljene podatke, kao i povijesni pregled herpetofaune doline rijeke Neretve. Tijekom 2011. i 2012. godine prikupili smo podatke o prisutnosti vodozemaca i gmazova na 25 lokaliteta, od kojih se 21 nalazio u Hrvatskoj a 4 u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tijekom našeg istraživanja utvrdili smo prisutnost 21 vrste, od kojih je 18 navedeno na IUCN-ovom Crvenom Popisu. Literaturnim nalazima utvrdili smo prisutnost još 13 vrsta, tako da je poznati broj vrsta na području Neretve 34, od čega 11 vrsta vodozemaca i 23 vrste gmazova. Sa ovolikim brojem vrsta, područje rijeke Neretve može se smatrati vrućom točkom bioraznolikosti vodozemaca i gmazova u Hrvatskoj. Donji tok rijeke Neretve je danas pod snažnim antropogenim utjecajem, i veći dio se upotrebljava za plantaže i intenzivnu poljoprivredu. U budućnosti će biti od ključne važnosti očuvati preostala prirodna staništa toga područja.
Ključne riječi: vodozemci, gmazovi, raznolikost, zaštita
Koren et al.
amphibians and reptiles historically recorded in this area
INTRODUCTION The surveys of the amphibians and reptiles fauna of Croatia started more than 200 years ago, and a great
is also presented, so this work can serve as a concise guide to the amphibians and reptiles in the area.
number of papers were published since then. With three different
mountainous and the continental region, the territory of
Croatia is characterized by a rich fauna of amphibians
Neretva River, with total length of 213 km, flows
and reptiles, and a total of 19 amphibians (Amphibia)
through Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Springs of
and 39 reptiles (Reptilia) species are present in the
river Neretva are located 5 km south of Jabučica hill,
country (Janev Hutinec et al., 2006). However, the
Zelengora Mountain (Soldo et.al., 2010). Climate of the
area along Neretva River depends on distance from the
sea. Lowland closer to the sea has a Mediterranean
strauchi (Bedriaga, 1884) needs to be confirmed as it is
climate, middle part continental and upper part climate
based on a questionable records of only single
typical for Dinaridic Alps. Average precipitation is 1224
individuals (Janev-Hutinec et al., 2006). For many other
l/m2 (Tab. 1), although during the summer droughts are
species the number of records is small, and the
vermicularis Merrem,
species 1820
like and
knowledge of their distribution still incomplete. The most comprehensive amount of data can be found in the
Neretva River was in the past known for malaria and rich
Red Book of Amphibians and Reptiles of Croatia (Janev-
biodiversity of bird and fish fauna. With extensive
Hutinec et al., 2006), but it contains only general
melioration, which took place 30 years ago, significant
distribution data, and only for species with accessed
portion of area has been transformed from wetland into
status. Also, no comprehensive atlas of amphibians and
agricultural land.
reptiles for regions or for the whole country exists, so it can be stated that the herpetofauna of Croatia is not sufficiently known. This confirms the large number of faunistic papers published during the last decades (e.g. Tóth et al. 2006; Koren et al., 2011; Jelić et al. 2012; Jelić & Karaica, 2012), which greatly contributed to the knowledge of the herpetofauna of some areas. However, many areas still lack basic data about herpetofauna or the data is more than 100 years old and unusable for conservation purposes. No systematic surveys of amphibians and reptiles of Neretva River were ever done. Only several extensive papers exist (e.g. Werner, 1897; Bolkay, 1925; 1928; Bressi, 1999) while most other papers only contain one or few records (e.g. Radovanović, 1941; Werner, 1905). The aim of this study is to give a first overview of the herpetofauna of lower Neretva Valley from the newly
Table 1. Climate data for Ploče, which represents the climate conditions in the area along the Neretva River; Meteorological and Hydrological Service 2002-2011. Tablica 1. Klimatski podatci za Ploče, koja predstavlja klimatske uvijete područja istraživanja uz tok rijeke Neretve; DHMZ 2002-2011. Average air Precipitation Month temperature (°C) (mm) January 5.8 139.5 February 6.7 111.5 March 10.1 148.7 April 14.3 62.3 May 19.1 65.6 June 23.1 67.0 July 25.5 26.2 August 24.8 61.4 September 20.2 88.2 October 15.4 134.3 November 10.8 155.1 December 7.4 164.6 Σ; x x=15.4 Σ =1224.5
collected records, as well to address some conservation issues concerning the area. All literature data of the
Koren et al.
Despite large-scale destruction and degradation of wetland in the area of Neretva River, especially its delta, still represents a biologically valuable area and is still insufficient explored (MuŞnić, 2007). The lower Neretva Valley, which stretches from Hutovo blato in Bosnia and Herzegovina toward the delta, near Opuzen, Croatia. Two main habitat divisions are recognized in the lower Neretva Valley; the mountains and the lowland areas. The mountains provide a range of habitats from bare upper regions with no vegetation through low scrub to the pinewoods. Original and once widespread natural
MATERIALS AND METHODS This field research took place in the southern parts of Neretva River, respectively lower Neretva Valley. Altogether we surveyed 25 samplings sites, of which 21 were located in Croatia and 4 in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Tab. 2, Fig. 1). The sampling was carried in several occasions, in the periods from 11 to 12.5.2007, 14.8.2009, 23.4.2011 to 1.5.2011, 3.7.2012 to 8.7.2012 and from 5.8.2012 to 7.8.2012. We spent altogether 18 days in the field.
woodland was Oak (Quercus pubescens) while woods on
The data about amphibians and reptiles of the area was
lower slopes consist of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis),
collected in three ways: search for the road kills, active
Cypress (Cypressus occidentalis) and Stone Pine (Pinus
searching of species in favourable habitats and vocal
pinea). The lowlands consist of mixture of marshes and
recognition. All caught animals were identified to the
lakes, pastures, riverine scrubs and woodland and
species level, and released on the same location they
estuary. Along Neretva river occurs usual riverine flora
were caught. All the animals were identified using
such as Salix sp. and Populus sp.. With a smaller areas of
standard field guide (Arnold & Ovenden, 2002). The
marsh and swamps, scattered along the area water
systematic follows Fauna Europaea (2011). To fully
meadows and waterlogged grazing and hayfield are
summarize all the known data about amphibians and
associated (Sage, 1964).
reptiles in the area we checked all available literature. Data for each species were shown on empty map of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Koren et al.
Figure 1. Surveyed localities along Neretva River. Number corresponds to the localities given in Materials and methods section. Slika 1. Istra탑ivani lokaliteti u okolici rijeke Neretve. Brojevi lokaliteta odgovaraju onima danima u Materijalima i metodama.
Koren et al.
Table 2. List of surveyed localities, with the coordinates, altitudes and dates of visits. Tablica 2. Popis istraživanih lokaliteta sa koordinatama, nadmorskim visinama i datumima obilaska. Locality Country* N E Altitude Dates of visit 1 Bara CRO 43,071389 17,419167 13 m 27.4.2011 2 Baćine, Baćinska lakes CRO 43,071027 17,434690 7 m 27.4.2011, 28.4.2011 3 Dubrovica, 800 m W CRO 43,028350 17,470133 0 m 7.7.2012 4 Rogotin CRO 43,049949 17,476647 1 m 26.4.2011 5 Sestrun, Rogotin CRO 43,042045 17,482153 1 m 28.4.2011 6 Markote, 800 m S CRO 43,031917 17,490967 0 m 6.7.2012 7 Modro oko CRO 43,057757 17,510141 9 m 11-12.5.2007, 28-29.9.2008, 28.4.2011 8 Vrijaci, Neretva CRO 43,067477 17,519668 14 m 28.4.2011 9 Komin, Neretva CRO 43,041889 17,536362 46 m 25.4.2011 10 Kamp Rio, Blace, Opuzen CRO 43,008852 17,470401 0 m 14.8.2009, 23-28.4.2011, 8.7.2012 11 Opuzen, Blace CRO 43,005334 17,480143 18 m 25.4.2011 12 Blace, Neretva CRO 43,002811 17,485124 68 m 14.8.2009, 23-26.4.2011, 28.4.2011 13 Opuzen, Trn CRO 42,998244 17,487272 35 m 23.4.2011, 25.4.2011 14 Tuštevac CRO 42,985437 17,511593 10 m 23.4.2011 15 Vlaka CRO 43,002513 17,529925 1 m 23.4.2011 16 Opuzen, Lovorje CRO 42,981972 17,536089 13 m 28.4.2011 17 Opuzen, Podgradina CRO 43,009527 17,566001 40 m 26.4.2011 18 Krvavac CRO 43,028243 17,589613 70 m 25.4.2011 19 Dubravica 120 m s CRO 43,030233 17,648700 20 m 7.7.2012 20 Vid, Metković CRO 43,06801 17,639897 13 m 11.5.2007, 12.5.2007 21 Metković, Vidonje CRO 43,045517 17,658150 11 m 30.4.2011, 7.7.2012 22 Metković B&H 43,052556 17,694661 2 m 29.4.2011 23 Sevaš Njive B&H 43,153884 17,751865 113 m 27.4.2011 24 Žitomislići B&H 43,203067 17,793933 49 m 27.4.2011, 7.5.2012 25 Čitluk B&H 43,227882 17,754494 306 m 29.4.2011 *CRO-Croatia, B&H-Bosna & Herzegovina
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the surveyed literature we found the records of 11 amphibian and 23 reptile species for the area of lower Neretva Valley. The list of all new, as well as literature records is presented here. During this survey we managed to find, observe or catch 139 amphibians and
reptiles. Altogether 21 species were recognized, from which 4 amphibians and 17 reptiles (Tab. 3). This represents 36% of the herpetofauna of Croatia (JanevHutinec et al., 2006). All recorded species were recorded in Croatia, but only 5 species were recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina, due to the small number of field days (4 days) that we spend there.
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Table 3. Systematic checklist of recorded species, the list of localities they were recorded and the number of observed road kills. Tablica 3. Sistematski popis zabilježenih vrsta, popis lokaliteta na kojima su pronađene te broj opaženih prevoženih jedinki. Number of observed Species list Locality* road kills 1. Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) 12, 22, 23 2 2. Hyla arborea (Linnaeus, 1758) 7, 10 / 3. Rana dalmatina Fitzinger, 1838 2, 7 / 4. Pelophylaxridibundus Pallas, 1771 5, 7, 10 5 1. Pseudopus apodus (Pallas, 1775) 2, 5, 6-16, 18, 20, 21, 24 >20 2. Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga, 1886 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21 6 3. Podarcis melisellensis (Braun, 1877) 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21, 22 2 4. Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) 13 / 5. Dalmatolacerta oxycephala Linnaeus, 1758 2, 7, 11, 12 / 6. Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758) 10, 12 / 7. Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758) 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 20, 21 2 8. Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768) 2, 7, 10, 12, 13, 20 >20 9. Zamenis longissimus Laurenti, 1768 2, 7, 20 / 10. Zamenis situla (Linnaeus, 1758) 2 / 11. Elaphe quatuorlineata (Lacepede, 1789) 1 / 12. Hierophis gemonensis (Laurenti, 1768) 2, 7, 8, 11, 12, 21 2 13. Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 1831) 14 1 14 Malpolon insignitus Hermann, 1804 10, 15, 22 >20 15. Vipera amodytes (Linnaeus, 1758) 7, 12, 20 / 16. Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789 2, 8, 16, 24 1 17 Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) 12 / *The locality list corresponds to the ones given in Materials and methods section.
SPECIES ACCOUNT Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) This species was previously recorded on many sites around Nerteva river, including Čapljina (Bolkay, 1925), Čapljina field, Neretva river Valley & Mogorjelo by Čapljina
Opuzen 1983),
Metković (Krizmanić, 1997), Hutovo blato Domanovići (Krizmanić,
(Dragobratović, 2007) (Fig. 2). This species was not recorded during our survey, which can probably be the result of the lack of systematic surveys of ponds and
Figure 2. Records of L. vulgaris in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 2. Nalazi vrste L. vulgaris na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze.
channels in the area.
Koren et al.
Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758)
Veen, 2006). In our survey we did not target springs, or
This salamander was previously recorded in general area
underground caves, so this species was not recorded.
of Neretva Valley (Bolkay, 1928; Dragobratović, 2007) (Fig 3). The area of Neretva is probably not an ideal habitat for this species, which needs small, clean streams for their development. No new records of this species were found, but the best habitat for this species should be the area from Baćinska lakes and the surroundings of Modro Oko. These areas are still rich in different habitat types, including forests. Such habitats have almost completely disappeared from the surroundings of river Neretva itself. Figure 4. Records of P. anguineus in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 4. Nalazi vrste P. anguineus na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze. Bombina variegata (Linnaeus, 1758) Only a few records of this species from the area exist (Fig. 5). Bolkay (1928) reports its presence in the area from
Dragobratović (2007) also reports this species for the area, but without any precise locality. This species is in Figure 3. Records of S. salamandra in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 3. Nalazi vrste S. salamandra na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze.
general pretty rare in Dalmatia, so such low number of records is not surprising. We also did not confirm its presence in the area.
Proteus anguineus Laurenti, 1768 The Olm, P. anguineus is common in the area of Neretva River, and it has been recorded in many localities (Fig. 4).
Neretva et
Valley 1996;
Dragobratović, 2008), Gabela, border (Werner, 1899), Neretva, spring (Brusina, 1908; Kletečki et al., 1996), Trebižat (B & H) (Bolkay, 1928, 1929), Momići village, Metković (Gluščević, 1969; Kletečki et al., 1996), Prud, spring of river Norin, Metković (Gluščević, 1969; Kletečki et al., 1996), Vid, Metković (Gluščević, 1969; Kletečki et al., 1996), Lower Neretva Valley (Rađa,
Figure 5. Records of B. variegata in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 5. Nalazi vrste B. variegata na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze.
1980), Bijeli Vir (Kletečki et al., 1996), Doljana,
Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758)
Metković (Kletečki et al.,1996), Glušci (Kletečki et al.,
This species was previously been recorded in only two
1996), Crni vir, polje Jezero, Vrgorac (Tvrtković &
localities around Neretva: from the river delta toward
Koren et al.
village Drežnice (Bolkay, 1928) and Neretva in general
rare amphibians present on the islands (Kryštufek &
Kletečki, 2007).
encountered this species in three localities: Blace, Metković and Sevaš Njive.
Figure 6. Records of B. bufo in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 6. Nalazi vrste B. bufo na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
Figure 7. Records of B. viridis in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 7. Nalazi vrste B. viridis na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze.
Bufo viridis (Laurenti, 1768) This species is the most common species in the Adriatic islands (Jelić et al., 2012) as well in the Adriatic coast. However, it seems that this species is not so common in the area of river Nerteva. Only two literature records exist. Bolkay (1928) reports its presence in the area from the river delta toward village Drežnice. Dragobratović (2007) reports this species for the area (Fig. 7). This species
Mediterranean area, due to the fact that the adults are usually very active in the night and its vocalization can
Figure 8. Records of H. arborea in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 8. Nalazi vrste H. arborea na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
be easily heard and recognized. However, we did not
Pelophylax esculentus (Linnaeus, 1758)
manage to record it, even after an intensive listening to
Two papers mention this species for the area of Neretva
their vocalization.
River. Werner (1904) mentions its presence in around Gabela (Fig. 9), while Dragobatović (2007) lists it as a
Hyla arborea (Linnaeus, 1758)
member of amphibians present in the area. However, in
The reports for this species originates from few localities
the beginning of the 20th century, this kleptospecies was
already mentioned above, from the river delta toward
considered to be a subspecies of P. ridibundus, so it is
village Drežnice (Bolkay, 1928) and Neretva in general
possible that Werner (1904) refers to P. ridibundus rather
(Dragobratović, 2007) (Fig. 8). We recorded it on two
than P. esculentus. In either case, its presence should be
localities, Kamp Rio, Opuzen and around the lake Modro
checked in the future.
oko. Generally, this species is common in the Mediterranean region, and with B. viridis, also one of
Koren et al.
Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) Only Karaman (1921) mentions this species for Prud, Neretva (Fig. 10). Hoverer, this species inhabits only the northern parts of Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, so its presence here is highly doubtful, and the record is probably result of misidentification with P. ridibundus.
Figure 11. Records of P. ridibundus in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 11. Nalazi vrste P. ridibundus na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
Figure 9. Records of P. esculentus in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 9. Nalazi vrste P. esculentus na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze. Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) This is the commonest species of green frogs in whole Croatia. It is common also in the area of Neretva River. Literature records include Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928; Dragobratović, 2007) and from the river delta
Rana dalmatina Fitzinger in Bonaparte, 1838 Only two records of R. dalmatina are known from the Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928; Dragobratović, 2007) (Fig. 12). This species predominately inhabits forests and wet grasslands, which are rare in the area. We recorded R. dalmatina in two new localities, Baćinska lakes and Modro oko. Only one individual per locality was recorded. This species can be regarded as rare member of Neretva river fauna.
toward village Drežnice (Bolkay, 1928). We recorded this species in Blace, Modro oko and Sestrun, Rogotin. However, this species is common in the whole river. Local inhabitants use it as a gastronomic delicacy.
Figure 10. Records of P. lessonae in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 10. Nalazi vrste P. lessonae na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze.
Figure 12. Records of R. dalmatina in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 12. Nalazi vrste R. dalmatina na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze. Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758)
Koren et al.
As with next species, this species is a marine animal,
from the river delta toward village Drežnice (Bolkay,
which only occasionally enters the brackish waters of the
river delta. It was historically recorded in the Neretva
(Schweiger, 2002) (Fig. 15). We recorded this species in
river delta (Bolkay, 1924; De Lucaet al., 1990; Lazar &
several localities: Lovorje, Baćinska lakes, Vrijaci,
Tvrtković, 2000) and in the brackish waters of the river
Žitomislići, Dubravica and Blace.
delta (Lazar & Tvrtković, 2000) (Fig. 13).
Figure 13. Records of C. caretta in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 13. Nalazi vrste C. caretta na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze. Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) The only record of this marine turtle originates from, Šolić & Jukić, 1993, who recorded it in Neretva channel (Fig. 14).
Figure 15. Records of T. hermanni in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 15. Nalazi vrste T. hermanni na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze. Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) Bolkay (1924) was the first who mentions the presence of this species in Metković. After that, it is mentioned in Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928; Fritz, 1992), the area from the river delta toward village Drežnice (Bolkay, 1928) (Fig. 16). This freshwater species is probably present in all water channels in the area of Neretva river valley. Our only record originates from a water channel, near Blace. There we found, among dead and discarded fishes, an almost dead male E. orbicularis. The fishes and this terrapins were probably discarded as a side catch of hunting pot. After few hours this individual regained conscience and was released in the same locality. Hunting pots are commonly used by local inhabitants to
Figure 14. Records of C. mydas in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 14. Nalazi vrste C. mydas na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze.
catch eels and other fishes across Neretva river valley. They usually leave the hunting pots in the water for one or few days, and in that period they commonly catch terrapins as a side catch, which are usually die before the
Testudo hermanni (Batsch, 1788)
hunting pot is checked.
This species is moderately common on all karstic areas in Dalmatia as well as in lower Neretva valley. Literature records include Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928),
Koren et al.
Figure 16. Records of T. hermanni in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 16. Nalazi vrste T. hermanni na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
Figure 17. Records of H. turcicus in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 17. Nalazi vrste H. turcicus na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758) This is aside of Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758) the only gecko species present in Croatia. The presence of this species in Neretva river delta was first mentioned by Bolkay (1924) in his review of the herpetological collection stored in the Bosnia-Herzegovina museum in Sarajevo. Literature records include Gabela (Bolkay, 1928), Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928) and Opuzen (Bressi, 1999). We recorded it on two localities Blace and Kamp Rio (Fig. 17). On both localities it was common. Dalmatolacerta oxycephala Dumeril & Bibron, 1839 This is one of endemic lizard species that can be found Dalmatia. The literature records include Dračevo by
Figure 18. Records of D. oxycephala in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 18. Nalazi vrste D. oxycephala na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
Metković (Werner, 1898; 1899), Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928; Fritz, 1992), the area from the river delta
Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758
toward village Drežnice (Bolkay, 1928), Neretva spring
This species is common in northern Croatia, while in the
(Radovanović, 1957) and Metković (Pavletić, 1964). We
southern part it becomes more scarce and localized. In
recorded this species in several localities: Blace, Opuzen,
the area of Neretva River it was recorded only at
Baćinska lakes and Modro oko (Fig. 18). This is a
Dračevo by Metković (Werner, 1898, 1899, 1904) (Fig.
predominately karstic species, which commonly enters
19). During our survey we did not record this species. It
cities and villages, and can be easily found on stone
would be interesting to see if the population of this
walls. In the Neretva river valley is moderately common
species still exists at Dračevo, because it was last
in karstic habitats.
recorded 100 years ago (Werner, 1904).
Koren et al.
Podarcis melisellensis (Braun, 1877) This is the commonest lizard species in the area, historically recorded on many localities. The first literature record originates from Metković (Werner, 1905). Bolkay (1924) reports it from Karaotok, Hutovo Blato, and later (Bolkay, 1928) from Mogorjelo, near Čapljina, Čapljina, Neretva river valley Čapljina and the area from the river delta toward village Drežnice. Radovanović (1941) also mentions it for Čapljina, and Figure 19. Records of L. agilis in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 19. Nalazi vrste L. agilis na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze.
Bressi (1999) from the area of Neretva. We recorded it at Markote, Dubrovica, Kamp Rio near Opuzen, Blace, Vidonje, Lovorje, Trna, Baćinska lakes and Sestrun (Fig. 21).
Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga, 1886 From the three species of green lizards, L. trilineata is one of the largest lizard species present in the area. There are 6 literature records of this species: Hum by Metković (Bolkay, 1924), Neretva Valley (Bolkay, 1928; Bressi, 1999), area from the river delta toward village Drežnice (Bolkay, 1928) and Opuzen (Bressi, 1999) (Fig. 20). This species is very common in the area and present almost everywhere. We recorded it on following localities: Blace, Vidonje by Metković, Modro oko, Lovorje, Podgradina, Trn, Baćinska lakes and Sestrun by Rogotin.
Figure 21. Records of P. melisellensis in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 21. Nalazi vrste P. melisellensis na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze. Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) The wall lizard is widespread and moderately common in most parts of Croatia. The literature records include Metković (Werner, 1897), Dračevo by Metković (Werner, 1898; 1899), Čapljina (Boulenger, 1905) and Neretva river valley (Werner, 1905) (Fig. 22). We recorded this species at Trn, near Opuzen. As the last
Figure 20. Records of L. trilineata in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 20. Nalazi vrste L. trilineata na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
record is more than 100 years old (Werner, 1905) our record confirms that the species is still present in the area.
Koren et al.
1928), Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928; Bressi, 1999) and Neretva delta (Werner, 1905). We recorded it on many localities, including Blace, Čitluk, Kamp Rio near Opuzen, Komin, Krvavac, Vidonje, Vid, Modro oko, Lovorje, Trn, Baćinska lakes, Sestrun, Vrijaci, Tuštevac and Žitomislići (Fig. 24). What was surprising to us was the large number (>20) of juvenile specimens that we recorded in the area. Usually the adult’s are very common and juveniles and sub adults very rare. It is Figure 22. Records of P. muralis in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 22. Nalazi vrste P. muralis na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
common in the whole area.
Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758 While very common in northern Croatia, this species is rare in Dalmatia. In the area of Neretva it was recorded from Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928; Bressi, 1999), Metković (Džukić, 1972) and Opuzen (Bressi, 1999) (Fig. 23). We spent a lot of time in the field searching for this species, but we did not confirm its presence in the area.
Figure 24. Records of P. apodus in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 24. Nalazi vrste P. apodus na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze. Malpolon insignitus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827) The Montpellier Snake was first time mentioned by Bolkay (1924) for the area of Metković. Later, Bolkay (1928) mentions the records from Neretva river valley, from the delta toward Drežnice. This species is very common in the area, but it is only seldom spotted. The easiest way to record its presence is by surveying the roads for carcasses. We recorded it at Kamp Rio by
Figure 23. Records of A. fragilis in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 23. Nalazi vrste A. fragilis na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze.
Opuzen, Metković and Vlaka (Fig. 25). More than 20 specimens were found run over on the roads. All specimens were adults larger than 90 centimetres. And while this species is usually associated with karstic
Pseudopus apodus (Pallas, 1775)
habitats, on Neretva it can be found everywhere.
The glass lizard is the largest lizard species in Croatia. In the spring time it can be encountered almost everywhere. However, only a small number of literature records exist: from the river delta toward village Drežnice (Bolkay,
Koren et al.
Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768) As well as N. natrix this area is quite suitable for N. tessellata. This species was recorded in Neretva river valley (Kolombatović, 1882; Werner, 1897; Bolkay, 1928), in the area from Drežnice village toward river delta (Bolkay, 1928) and Baćinska lakes (Janev-Hutinec &Mebert, 2011) (Fig. 27). During our survey we observed this species on many localities including Vidonje, Kamp Rio by Opuzen, Blace, Modro oko, Figure 25. Records of M. insignitus in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 25. Nalazi vrste M. insignitus na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
Baćinska lakes, Trn and Vid. This is the commonest snake in the area, and many specimens (>30) were seen dead on road.
Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758) With many water habitats, including rivers, streams and channels, the area of Neretva represents an ideal habitat for water snakes. Literature records include Metković (Bolkay, 1924), Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928), in the area from Drežnice village toward river delta (Bolkay, 1928) and Baćinska lakes (Janev-Hutinec & Mebert, 2011). We recorded this species at Kamp Rio by Opuzen, Vidonje, Vid, Modro oko, Blace, Rogotin and Sestrun (Fig. 26).
Figure 27. Records of N. tessellata in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 27. Nalazi vrste N. tessellata na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze. Coronella austriaca Laurenti, 1768 This species is very secretive and sometimes it is one of last species recorded in the area (Jelić, 2010; Hill, 2008). Few records exist for the area of Neretva: Dračevo by Metković (Werner, 1898; 1899), Neretva valley (Bolkay, 1928) and in the area from Drežnice village toward river delta (Bolkay, 1928) (Fig. 28). We did not confirm the
Figure 26. Records of N. natrix in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 26. Nalazi vrste N. natrix na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
occurrence of this rare species in the area. Elaphe quatuorlineata (Bonnaterre, 1790) This is probably one of the largest, but also timid snakes of Croatia. It inhabits the Mediterranean part of the country, including the Neretva river valley. There are several literature records of this species for the area: Neretva river valley (Werner, 1897; Bolkay, 1928),
Koren et al.
Bračevac by Opuzen (Bolkay, 1924), Vid by Metković
specimens, in localities Blace, Vidonje, Modro oko,
(Bolkay, 1924) and the area from Drežnice village
Blace, Baćinska lakes and Vrijaci (Fig. 30). It is common
toward river delta (Bolkay, 1928) (Fig. 29). We searched
in the area of Neretva.
for this species in many favourable habitats, but were able to record only a single juvenile individual near the village Bara.
Figure 28. Records of C. austriaca in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 28. Nalazi vrste C. austriaca na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze.
Figure 30. Records of H. gemonensis in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 30. Nalazi vrste H. gemonensis na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze. Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 1831) This species is very rarely encountered due to its slender body and great speed. Literature records include Neretva river valley (Werner, 1897; Bolkay, 1928) and the area from Drežnice village toward river delta (Bolkay, 1928). We did not manage to find any live specimens, but did find one run over male at Tuštevac village (Fig. 31). This species is probably present only on the karstic habitats in the area. Telescopus fallax (Fleischmann, 1831)
Figure 29. Records of E. quatuorlineata in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 29. Nalazi vrste E. quatuorlineata na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze. Hierophis gemonensis (Laurenti, 1768) This is probably the commonest snake in whole Dalmatia. Many literature records exist, including Metković (Bolkay, 1924), Vid by Metković (Bolkay, 1924), Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928), the area from
This is the only species of snakes that is predominately active in the evening and during the night. Literature records include Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928) and the area from Drežnice village toward river delta (Bolkay, 1928) (Fig. 32). The simplest way to record this species is to drive around by car in the evenings and during the night. In this way we searched almost whole areas, especially the roads from Ploče toward Rogotin and Opuzen, but did not manage to confirm its presence in the area.
Drežnice village toward river delta (Bolkay, 1928) and Čapljina (Radovanović, 1941). We encountered many
Koren et al.
Figure 31. Records of P. najadum in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 31. Nalazi vrste P. najadum na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
Figure 33.Records of Z. longissimus in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 33. Nalazi vrste Z. longissimus na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768)
Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus, 1758)
This is one of few snake species that can be commonly
From three poisonous snakes that are present in Croatia,
found in the forests. Only three literature records exist
this is the only one present in the area. Literature records
for this species Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928) and
include Metković (Werner, 1897; Bolkay, 1924), the area
the area from Drežnice village toward river delta
from the river delta toward village Drežnice (Bolkay,
(Bolkay, 1928). We recorded it on three new localities:
1928), Neretva valley (Bolkay, 1928) and Baračevac
Modro oko, Vid, and Baćinska lakes (Fig. 33).
Island by Opuzen (Bolkay & Ćurčić, 1933). We recorded this species in three localities Vid, Modro oko and Blace. While the horned viper is present in the area, it is not common as in other parts of Dalmatia.
Figure 32. Records of T. fallax in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records. Slika 32. Nalazi vrste T. fallax na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze. Zamenis situla (Linnaeus, 1758) The leopard snake was recorded on two localities: Neretva river valley (Bolkay, 1928) and the area from Drežnice village toward river delta (Bolkay, 1928) (Fig.
Figure 34. Records of Z. situla in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 34. Nalazi vrste Z. situla na području rijeke Neretve. Bijele točke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne točke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
34). We recorded this species only on single locality, Baćinska lakes.
Koren et al.
DISCUSSION The data collected during our field trips can be divided in two periods: spring time (April-May) and summer period (July-August). This is very important because the activity especially of reptiles vary greatly in the Mediterranean regions in different seasons. While in the spring, the temperatures are not so high, and the animals are more active, in the summer times the temperatures are very high, and most of the species are not active at all Figure 35. Records of V. ammodytes in the area of Neretva River. White dots represent literature records, black dots represent new records. Slika 35. Nalazi vrste V. ammodytes na podruÄ?ju rijeke Neretve. Bijele toÄ?ke predstavljaju literaturne nalaze, crne toÄ?ke predstavljaju nove nalaze.
during the day. This can be clearly seen when a comparison between these two periods is done, bearing in mind that the hunting effort was more or less the same over both periods. In the spring time, we managed to record 20 species, while in the summer period only 11 species were recorded. The number of recorded specimens was also very different in both periods (Fig. 36).
Figure 36. Differences in the spring and summer amphibians and reptiles fauna of Neretva River Slika 36. Razlike u proljetnoj i ljetnoj fauni vodozemaca i gmazova rijeke Neretve.
From 21 recorded species during this survey, 18 are
records add another 13 species to the list. With a total of
listed in the IUCN Red list, 4 as Near Threatened and 14
34 recorded species, which is 58% of herpetofauna of
as Least Concern. In the Croatian Red List (Janev-
Hutinec et al., 2006) only 6 species are listed of which 4 as Near Threatened and two as Data Deficient. Literature
The lowland area of the Neretva river is characterized by a large amount of water, which includes rivers, streams,
Koren et al.
canals, ponds and lakes. This represents ideal habitats for
habitats (small hills surrounding the river). Such habitats,
amphibian species. Most literature data about this region
due to their extremely rocky structure, were in the past
is older than 50 years, so it is not suitable for
used for pasture. The stone walls, which are still visible
conservation purposes. According to Dragobratović
on the surrounding hills, were in the past used as cattle
(2007) the amphibian fauna of Neretva river consists of
pens, but nowadays they are mostly abandoned, and left
10 species, but he did not take into consideration the
for succession (e.g. the area around Blace, and Rogotin).
record of P. lessonae (Karaman, 1921). Unfortunately,
Nowadays such habitats are also used for agriculture,
the author only states that the list was compiled from
after they have been transformed, especially using heavy
literature data and personal observations, but without any
machinery to grind rocks. We did not observe such
cited literature. During our survey we recorded only 4
habitat degradation in the area of Neretva, but in other
species, which is more than insufficient, but this can be
parts of Dalmatia it is becoming to be more common
explained by the nonsystematic surveys of water bodies.
every day.
Our survey was generally done in karstic habitats, due to the high anthropogenic impact of the rivers surroundings.
Until now no checklist of the reptiles of the area existed,
Neretva River represents a unique area, with two habitat
and a total of 34 species shows the high diversity of the
types merging into an area of great biodiversity. From 21
species recorded during this survey, 18 are listed in the IUCN Red list, 4 as Near Threatened and 14 as Least Concern. In the Croatian Red List (Janev-Hutinec et al.,
CONSERVATION NOTES While in the past lower Neretva Valley was a place full of biodiversity, nowadays it is under a strong anthropogenic influence. The delta itself, with the surface area of 120 km2, is a wetland area protected by the Ramsar Convention. The melioration of this area began long in the past, but the most intensive process which modelled the today’s delta was done in the period between the years 1950-1980. Nowadays, most of the area is covered in different kinds of plantations,
2006) only 6 species are listed of which 4 as Near Threatened and two as Data Deficient. With additional 13 species recorded, a total of 34 species are recorded in the area, which represents 58% of herpetofauna of Croatia. With such high number this area is one of the hotspots of the amphibian and reptile diversity in Croatia. In the future it will be of a critical importance to conserve still remaining wetland habitats, such as Baćinska lakes and Modro oko, as well as surrounding karstic habitats.
including apples, peaches and different kinds of citruses. All the landscape is crisscrossed with water channels which local people use to access their plantations. With
such an intensive agriculture, a great amount of
We are very grateful to all members of the student
pesticides is used in the area, which for sure has a great
organizations Biodiva and Društvo študentov biologije
negative impact on the biodiversity, especially on the
who helped with the field work and data collecting.
amphibians. This may also be the reason for such low number of observed species and specimens. Also, a high observed number of road kills, especially snakes (M. insignitus, N. tessellata) are due to have a signification impact to their populations. Such conditions are far from favourable for both amphibians and reptiles. The situation is much better in the surrounding karstic
Koren et al.
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Appendix I. Systematic list of amphibians and reptiles in the area of Neretva River, along with their IUCN and Croatian Red List statuses, and the literature citations for each species. Prilog I. Sistematski popis vodozemaca i gmazova područja rijeke Neretve, zajedno sa njihovim kategorijama prema IUCN-u i Crvenoj knjizi gmazova i vodozemaca Hrvatske te popisom literaturnih navoda za područje Neretve. Species list Amphibia 1. Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) 2. Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) 3. Proteus anguineus Laurenti, 1768 4. Bombina variegate (Linnaeus, 1758) 5. Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) 6. Bufo viridis(Laurenti, 1768) 7. Hyla arborea(Linnaeus, 1758) 8. Pelophylax esculentus(Linnaeus, 1758) 9. Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) 10. Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) 11. Rana dalmatinaFitzinger& Bonaparte, 1838 REPTILIA 1. Caretta caretta(Linnaeus, 1758) 2. Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) 3. Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789 4. Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) 5. Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758) 6. Dalmatolacerta oxycephalaDumeril & Bibron, 1839 7. Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758 8. Lacerta trilineataBedriaga, 1886 9. Podarcis melisellensis (Braun, 1877) 10. Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) 11. Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758 12. Pseudopus apodus (Pallas, 1775) 13. Malpolon insignitus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827) 14. Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758) 15. Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768) 16. Coronella austriacaLaurenti, 1768 17. Elaphe quatuorlineata(Bonnaterre, 1790) 18. Hierophis gemonensis(Laurenti, 1768) 19. Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 1831) 20. Telescopus fallax (Fleischmann, 1831) 21. Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768) 22. Zamenis situla (Linnaeus, 1758) 23. Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus, 1758)
EN / VU DD / / NT / I / /
BOLKAY, 1925, 1928; SCHMIDTLER, 1983; KRIZMANIĆ, 1997; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007 BOLKAY, 1928; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007 KOLOMBRATOVIĆ, 1882; KLETEČKI ET AL., 1996; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007; WERNER, 1899; BRUSINA, 1908; BOLKAY, 1928 BOLKAY, 1928; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007 BOLKAY, 1928; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007; this survey BOLKAY, 1928; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007 BOLKAY, 1928; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007; this survey WERNER, 1904; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007 KARAMAN, 1921 BOLKAY, 1928; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007; this survey BOLKAY, 1928; DRAGOBRATOVIĆ, 2007; this survey
EN CR NT NT / / / / NT / / / / / DD / / / / / / DD /
BOLKAY, 1924; DE LUCA ET AL., 1990; LAZAR & TVRTKOVIĆ, 2000 ŠOLIĆ&JUKIĆ, 1993 BOLKAY, 1928;RADOVANOVIĆ, 1941; SCHWEIGER, 2002; this survey BOLKAY, 1924, 1928; FRITZ, 1992; this survey BOLKAY, 1924,1928; BRESSI, 1999; this survey WERNER, 1898; 1899; BOLKAY, 1928; FRITZ, 1992;RADOVANOVIĆ, 1957; PAVLETIĆ, 1964; this survey WERNER, 1898, 1899, 1904 BOLKAY, 1924, 1928; BRESSI, 1999; this survey WERNER, 1905;BOLKAY, 1924, 1928; RADOVANOVIĆ, 1941; BRESSI, 1999; this survey WERNER, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1905; BOULENGER, 1905; this survey BOLKAY, 1928; BRESSI, 1999; DŽUKIĆ, 1972; BOLKAY, 1928; BRESSI, 1999; WERNER, 1905; this survey BOLKAY,1924, 1928; this survey BOLKAY, 1924, 1928; JANEV-HUTINEC &MEBERT, 2011; this survey KOLOMBATOVIĆ, 1882; WERNER, 1897; BOLKAY, 1928; JANEV-HUTINEC &MEBERT, 2011; this survey WERNER, 1898; 1899; BOLKAY, 1928 WERNER, 1897; BOLKAY, 1924, 1928; this survey BOLKAY, 1924, 1928; RADOVANOVIĆ, 1941; this survey WERNER, 1897; BOLKAY, 1928; this survey BOLKAY, 1928 BOLKAY, 1928; this survey BOLKAY, 1928; this survey WERNER, 1897; BOLKAY, 1920, 1924, 1928; BOLKAYI & ĆURČIĆ, 1933; this survey
VOL. 2012., No. 2, Str.41 - 42 ISSN: 1848-2007
Photo note
Introduced fish Ameiurus nebulosus (LE SUEUR, 1819): hazard to the Grass snake, Natrix natrix (LAURENTI, 1768) Introducirana vrsta Ameiurus nebulosus (LE SUEUR, 1819): opasnost za bjeloušku, Natrix natrix (LAURENTI, 1768) GORAN ŠUKALO1, SONJA ĐORĐEVIĆ2,3, DEJAN DMITROVIĆ1, LJILJANA TOMOVIĆ2,3 1
Faculty of Science, University of Banja Luka, Mladena Stojanovića 2, 78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, sukalogoran@yahoo.com 2
Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, University of Belgrade, Bulevar despota Stefana 142,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia On April 2nd 2012, in the marsh ecosystem known as
2005) and the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Bardača (45˚04' N, 17˚24' E, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia
and Herzegovina), in a channel used for water discharge
Natrix natrix; the closely related N. tessellata often
from the Rakitovac lake, unusually large numbers of fish
occupies the same habitats, therefore we expect to reveal
were observed. The fish presumably got caught in the
feeding on bullheads and other alien species in the dice
channel due to rapid lowering of the water level. The
snake as well.
2009). The data we present consider
prevalent species was the brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) belonging to the Ictaluridae family, which is non-indigenous (allochthonous) in the Balkans. Along
the channel several grass snakes (Natrix natrix) were
found, some of which had a body wall pierced at various
MADRIGAL, J., & LIZANA, M. (2009): Peces exóticos
positions (Fig. 1). The damage was inflicted by the stiff
de la familia Centrarchidae, un peligro para Natrix
spiny rays of the dorsal and pectoral fins of the bullhead,
maura. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica
fed on by grass snakes. One of the snakes succumbed to
Española 20: 95-97.
these injuries (Fig 1. b, c). Injuries resembling the ones
MILLS, M.S. (2002): Ecology and life history of the
described here were documented for the North American
brown water snake (Nerodia taxispilota). PhD
snake Nerodia taxispilota, caused also by native catfish
dissertation. University of Georgia.
from the Ictaluridae family (MILLS, 2002). Lethal
outcome was also recorded in viperine water snake,
ntroducción de peces en ríos de la Cuenca
Natrix maura in Spain, resulting from the ingestion of
mediterránea: una amenaza para sus depredadores.
two allochthonous fishes – pumpkinseed sunfish
Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 16:
(Lepomis gibbosus) (SANTOS & GARCÍA-CARDENETE,
Šukalo et al.
Figure 1. Grass snake injuries in various parts of the body as a consequence of ingesting the brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus: a) live specimen with bullhead in its belly, b) & c) specimen found dead with bullhead in mouth Slika 1. Ozljede različitih dijelova tijela kod bjelouške, kao posljedica gutanja američkog somića, Ameiurus nebulosus: a) živi primjerak sa somićem u trbuhu, b) & c) primjerak pronađen mrtav sa somićem u ustima
VOL. 2012., No. 2, Str.43 - 44 ISSN: 1848-2007
Photo Note
Colour abnormalities in Coronella austriaca (Laurenti, 1768) in Croatia Neuobičajena obojenja kod Coronella austriaca (Laurenti, 1768) u Hrvatskoj BORIS LAUŠ1, IVONA BURIĆ1 1
Croatian Herpetological Society HYLA, Prva Breznička 5a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, boris.laus.pmf@gmail.com; ivona.burich@gmail.com
Production of colour in reptiles depends on cells called chromatophores. There are four kinds of chromatophores in the skin: melanophores for black, erythrophores for red, xanthophores for yellow and iridophores, which do not contain true pigment, and are in fact reflectve cells that produce white when it reflects incident light. They also account for other colours such as blue and khaki (Bechtel, 1978). Abnormalities may occur during chromatogenesis, resulting in the absence of some pigments. Such abnormalities are well known in European Viperinae (Krecsak, 2008), but are also reported for some species of European Colubridae. The Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) is one of those species, with just a few observed cases of colour abnormalities: a case of melanism (Pernetta & Reading, 2009), partial albinism (Lenders, 1989), lutinism or leucism (Niebergall, 2008) and albinism (Happ, 1994). Here we present two recorded cases of genetic discolouration in Smooth snakes from Croatia: presumably anerythristic (Fig. 1a) and presumably hypomelanistic (Fig. 1b). Hypomelanism stands for the reduction of dark pigment - melanin, and anerythrism signifies absence of red pigment. The hypomelanistic Smooth snake was observed in July 2012, at Tijarica Donja, Dalmatia (X: 5652863, Y: 4830212), and the anerythristic Smooth snake in April 2009, at Stubičke Toplice, Hrvatsko zagorje. For comparison, we present two specimens of common colouration (Fig. 1c, from April 2009, Grmošćica (Zagreb), and 1d, from August 2010, Mt Poštak).
REFERENCES Bechtel, H. B. (1978): Color and pattern in snakes (Reptilia, Serpentes). Journal of Herpetology 12, 521532. Happ, F. (1994): Fund einer Albino-Schlingnatter (Coronella austriaca austriaca Laurenti, 1768) auf dem Magdalensberg in Kärnten. Carinthia II, 184(104): 123-129. Krecsak, L. (2008): Albinism and leucism among European Viperinae: a review. Russian Journal of Herpetology 15 (2): 97-102. Lenders, A.J.W. (1989): Partieel Albinisme bij een Gladde Slang (Coronella austriaca Laur.). Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 78/6: 102-103. Niebergall,P. (2008): Fund einer lutinistischen Schlingnatter (Coronella austriaca, Lauf). Elaphe 16 (3): 62-63 Pernetta, A.P., Reading , C.J. (2009): Observations of two melanistic smooth snakes (Coronella austriaca) from Dorset, United Kingdom. Acta Herpetologica: 109-112.
Lauš et al.
Figure 1. Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) (a) anerythristic (author: Tihana Kralj), (b) hypomelanistic, (c) common colouration, (d) common colouration (author: Boris Lauš) Slika 1. Smukulja (Coronella austriaca) (a) aneritristična (autor: Tihana Kralj), (b) hipomelanistična, (c) uobičajena obojenost, (d) uobičajena obojenost (autor: Boris Lauš)
VOL. 2012., No. 2, Str.45 - 46 ISSN: 1848-2007
Photo Note
A case of cannibalism in European Glass Lizard, Pseudopus apodus Slučaj kanibalizma kod blavora, Pseudopus apodus
Department of Animal Physiology, Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, corresponding author: dujelisicic@gmail.com
Preying on conspecific may be more than obtaining one more meal. There are different explanations for this
behaviour, and, additionally, cannibalism may have
Arnold, E. N., Ovenden, D. (2002): A field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Britain and Europe. Harper Collins, London. Çiçek, K., TayhaN, Y., Hayretdağ, Ayaz, D., Tok, C.V. (2011): A case of cannibalism behaviour in Slow worm, Anguis fragilis (Reptilia: Anguidae) in Turkey. Biharean Biologist 5 (1): 76-77. Lisičić, D., Počanić, P., Lovrić, V., Derežanin, L., Tadić, Z. (2011): A case of cannibalism in Hierophis gemonensis: preying on conspecific adult. Hyla, 2: 35-36. Engeman, R. M., Rodda, G. H., Rodriguez, D. V., Linnell, M. A. (1996): Brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) cannibalism. The Snake 27: 149-152. Pough, F. H., Andrews, R. M., Cadle, J. E., Crump, M. L., Savitzky, A. H., Wells, K. D. (2001): Herpetology, 2nd edn. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey.
negative effects (Pough et al., 2001). Cannibalism is documented for other reptile species (Engeman et al., 1996, Çiçek et al., 2011 Lisičić et al. 2011), but it is not reported for Pseudopus apodus. Normal diet of this lizard consists of different invertebrates and occasionally vertebrates (Arnold & Ovenden, 2002). In this short report we present cannibalistic behaviour observed in P. apodus. During field work in vicinity of Split, Croatia, on May 22th, 2011 we found adult female of P. apodus laying in the meadow, partially hidden between 30 cm tall grass, 2 m from nearest bush, with conspecific juvenile protruding from its mouth (43°32’N; 16°31’ E). It was 18:45 PM, clouded, with no wind. We measured animals and habitat characteristics before realising female to nearby bush (Table 1).
Table 1. Some body dimensions, body and air temperature of reported finding of cannibalistic behaviour in P. apodus. Tablica 1. Tjelesne mjere, tjelesne temperature i temperature zraka zabilježene tijekom opažanja kanibalizma kod P. apodus. Individual BL SVL Weight Mouth width Max. body width Body temp. Air temp (cm) (cm) (g) (mm) (mm) °C °C Adult female 87.4 33.9 275 17.67 20.74 25 22.4 (Predator) Juvenile 51.2 17.5 27.6 / 13.7 / / (Pray)
Lisicic et al.
Figure 1. Pseudopus apodus feeding on conspecific juvenile (photo by Duje Lisičić) Slika 1. Pseudopus apodus se hrani mladom jedinkom iste vrste (slikao Duje Lisičić)
VOL. 2012., No. 2, Str.47- 48 ISSN: 1848-2007
Photo note
Yellow spotted belly in Fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) Žute pjege na trbuhu kod pjegavog daždevnjaka, Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian Herpetological Society HYLA, Croatian Institute for Biodiversity, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, corresponding
author: ivana.sucic06@gmail.com 2
Kieler Strasse 29a, 42107 Wuppertal, Germany
Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Banja Luka, Mladena
Stojanovića 2, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Fire salamander is widely distributed resident
November 2009; 45.890963°N, 15.947855°E; Fig. 1b),
species (Janev-Hutinec et al. 2006). It is most commonly
Vugrovec (3 March 2009; 45.894280°N, 16.096632°E)
found in cool and humid deciduous forests, rarely in
coniferous woods, often close to streams, but also in
16.188687°E; Fig. 1.c). All localities are near Zagreb.
more open landscapes like meadows or even in towns
Individual found in Turopolje had a whole variety of dot
(Arnold, 2004; Kwet, 2009). The species shows
color from white-yellow to reddish (Fig. 1.c). During a
considerable variation in color and skin pattern. Size,
long term research preformed in Bosnia and Herzegovina
shape and number of bright markings vary considerably
by one of the authors (G.S.), frequency of mutation
even within populations. Salamanders from the Balkans
occurrence in two populations near Banja Luka, was
and eastern Europe to the Alps usually have a pattern of
irregular orange or yellow spots. These spots are usually
44.718234°N, 17.229919°E) population 28 out of 100
irregularly distributed over the dorsal and lateral sides,
(28%) individuals had spots on belly and in Banj Brdo
but rarely on the ventral side (Hutchins & Duellman
(2011-2012; 44.761040°N, 17.284116°E) population 27
2003). Arnold (2004) and Kwet (2009) refer that belly
out of 70 (39%). Only white and yellow spots were
can be entirely black to grey or weakly spotted yellow
but they do not indicate for which subspecies or geographic
Grossenbacher (2003) indicate that S. s. salamandra has north to southeast decreasing yellow body mottling at sides and bottom side. No percentage of occurrences of this variation is given in any of the literature. Specimens of Fire salamander with yellow spotted belly were found individually in Croatia: Medvednica (13 April 2008; 45.906575°N, 15.990340°E; Fig. 1a; and 7
REFRENCES Janev Hutinec, B., Kletečki, E., Lazar, B., Podnar Lešić, M., Skejić, J., Tadić, Z. & Tvrtković, N. (2006): Red book of Amphibians and Reptiles of Croatia. Ministry of Culture, State Institute for Nature Protection, Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, 95 pp. Thiesmeier, B. & Grossenbacher, K. (2003): Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) – Fauersalamander, pp. 1059-1132. In: Thiesmeier, B. & Grossenbacher, K. (Eds.): Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien
Lauš et al.
Europas. B Band 4/IIB; Schwanzlurche S e (Urodela) IIIB. AULA-Verrlag, Kwet, K A. (20009): New Hoolland Europeean Reptile aand Amphibiann Guide. New Holland Publishers, UK, ppp. 20-23.
Arnold, A N. (20 004): A fieldd guide to th he reptiles annd amphibians of Britain aand Europe. Harper Collinns Publishers, London, pp. 330-32. Hutchins, M. & Duellman,, W. E. (200 03): Grzimekk’s Animal Liffe Encyclopeddia: Amphibians. Edition 2, Volume 6, Gale, G pp. 507..
Figure F 1. Speccimens of yelllow spotted bellied b Fire saalamander (Sa alamandra sallamandra) froom Medvedniica (a & b) annd Turopolje ((Croatia) (c), and a specimen with normallly black coloreed belly for co omparison (d)) Slika S 1. Nalazii jedinki pjegaavog daždevnjjaka (Salamanndra salamandra) sa žuto obojenim o pjeggama na trbuhu u s Medvednicce (a i b) i Turropolja (Croattia) (c) te jedin nka s crno oboojenim trbuho om za uspored dbu (d)
4 48
VOL. 2012., No. 2, Str.49 - 50 ISSN: 1848-2007
Student Thesis Summary
Analysis of Prevalence and Characteristics of Venomous Snakebites in Croatia
Student: IVA MIHALIĆ, Milovana Kovačevića 17, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, iva.mihalic1@gmail.com Supervisor: Doc. dr. sc. ZORAN TADIĆ, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Date and place: February 23rd 2011, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
This retrospective analysis was made in order to
Analysis determined that of 61 reported bites 48
determine level of threat venomous snakes pose to
were by venomous snakes - 15 by Vipera
people within chosen counties and to see whether
ammodytes, 18 by Vipera berus (ssp. bosniensis), 5
current trends in prevention and treatment of
by Vipera berus and for 10 cases we weren’t able
snakebites are appropriate. We obtained 61 medical
to determine whether it was V. ammodytes or V.
release papers from hospitals “Dr. Fran Mihaljević”
berus (ssp. bosniensis). Majority of patients were
(Zagreb – City of Zagreb and Zagreb county) and
men under forty who were probably carrying out
“Dr. Josip Benčević” (Slavonski Brod – Brodsko-
some form of rural activity at the time of the attack.
posavska county) taken in period from 1998 to
That thesis was confirmed with the fact that hands
2008. Data was sorted based on several criteria –
and arms were places where most bites occurred.
sex and age of the patient, location of bite, locality,
Greatest number of snakebites took place during
time needed to get to the hospital, existence of self-
warm periods of year (June-August) when activities
administered first-aid or aid administered by a
of people and snakes often overlap. Lack of unified
doctor prior to getting to the hospital, time spent in
medical procedure is visible in the fact that there
hospital, what might have caused the bite, types of
were not two cases in which patients got the same
local reaction (pain, swelling, redness), physical
treatment even if symptoms were similar and all
cases (no matter how severe) were transferred to
sweating, feebleness, paleness, tingling, elevated
hospitals instead of remaining in the jurisdiction of
a local clinic. Cases of poisoning were mostly mild
shock) and therapy administered in the hospital. In
with no deaths, symptoms were mostly external and
the initial batch of data, we’ve taken into account
there were no long-term consequences for the
all cases of bites but in final analysis we used only
patients. Study showed that although snakes pose a
those that were determined to be caused by snakes.
certain threat it is by no means as big as it is
To evaluate severity of snakebites we used
sometimes proposed. There is a continual need for
modified Poisoning Severity Score taken from
further education of people and medical personnel
vertigo, symptoms
(2010) where we excluded
categories for which we couldn’t provide data.
and revision of current treatment practices and/or devising new protocols.
Analiza pojavnosti i značajki ugriza zmija otrovnica u Hrvatskoj
Student: IVA MIHALIĆ, Milovana Kovačevića 17, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska, iva.mihalic1@gmail.com Voditelj: Doc. dr. sc. ZORAN TADIĆ, Biološki odsjek, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska Datum i mjesto: 23.02.2011., Biološki odsjek, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Ciljevi ove retrospektivne analize su bili određivanje
kategorije za koje nismo imali podatke. Analizom je
razine prijetnje koju predstavljaju otrovnice u odabranim
utvrđeno 61 slučaj ugriza od kojih je za 15 odgovorna
županijama i provjeriti koliko su primjereni trenutni
vrsta Vipera ammodytes, za 18 Vipera berus (ssp.
trendovi u prevenciji i obradi zmijskih ugriza. Korišteno
bosniensis), 5 Vipera berus a u 10 slučajeva nismo mogli
je 61 otpusno pismo dobiveno iz KIB “Dr. Fran
odrediti o kojoj se otrovnici radi. Dob većine pacijenata
Mihaljević” u iz Zagreba i opće bolnice “Dr. Josip
je ispod 40 godina koji su se vjerojatno bavili nekim
Benčević” iz Slavonskog Broda u razdoblju od 1998. do
oblikom ruralne aktivnosti prije zadobivanja ozljede. Tu
2008. Podaci su potom razvrstani po nekoliko kriterija –
tezu potvrđuje činjenica da su ruke i šake najčešća mjesta
spolu i dobi pacijenta, mjestu ugriza i lokalitetu,
ugriza. Većina ugriza je zadobivena tokom ljetnog doba
godine (lipanj do kolovoza) kada se aktivnosti ljudi i
samopomoći ili liječničke pomoći prije dolaska u
bolnicu,vremenu provedenom u bolnici, uzročniku
procedure je vidljiv se vidi u drugačijem pristupu
ugriza, postojanju lokalne reakcije (bol, oteklina,
tretiranja ugriza neovisno o sličnosti slučaja. Također su
svi slučajevi bili prebačeni u bolnice iako to možda nije
vrtoglavica, mučnina, znojenje, tjelesna slabost, bljedilo,
bilo potrebno. Slučajevi se mogu karakterizirati srednje
trnci, povišena temperatura), psiholoških simptoma
teški sa većinom vanjskim simptomima, bez ijednog
(strah, šok) i oblik liječničke pomoći. U prvom koraku
smrtnog slučaja i bez dalekosežnih posljedica po
analize su uzeti u obzir svi ugrizi dok su u rezultatima
pacijenta. Time je pokazano da iako zmije predstavljaju
uzeti samo oni za koje se utvrdilo da su dobiveni od
opasnost, ona nije toliko velika kao što se ponekad
predstavlja. No i dalje je potrebna dodatna edukacija
modificirani stupanj težine otrovanja (Poisoning Severity
ljudi i medicinskog osoblja te prilagođavanje i/ili izrada
(2010.)) gdje smo isključili
novih protokola za slučajeve ugriza.
VOL. 2012., No. 2 ISSN: 1848-2007
Upute autorima (ver. 2013.) Rukopisi moraju biti dostavljeni isključivo u elektronskom obliku (na e-mail: jelic.dusan@gmail.com), kao i originalne slike i tablice. Tekst rukopisa treba biti u formatu
MS-Word, font Times New Roman veličine slova 12, bez fusnota, s 1,5 proredom na A4 (210 x 297 mm) papiru s marginama od najmanje 25 mm na svakoj strani. Sve stranice trebaju biti numerirane u donjem desnom kutu. Za sve vrste radova, naslov stranice mora sadržavati samo sljedeće: naslov rada (podebljan); ime(na) autora (u SMALL CAPS); adresu ustanove u kojoj je rad napravljen te adresu e-pošte autora za korespondenciju (veličine slova 10). Naslov treba biti sažeta i informativna sinteza istraživanja. Gdje je prikladno treba spomenuti porodicu ili višu svojtu - Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758 (Squamata, Lacertidae). - Izvorni znanstveni rad - treba sadržavati sažetak, uvod, materijale i metode, rezultate, raspravu i literaturu (vidi primjer rukopisa dolje). - Kratko priopćenje - općenito manje od četiri-pet stranica rukopisa koje su napisane kao kontinuirani tekst sa sažetakom na početku s najviše 150 riječi. - Slikovno priopćenje - izvješće o zanimljivim nalazima uhvaćenim na fotografiji i objašnjeno s najviše 150 riječi teksta. Moguće je objaviti jednu ili više fotografija. - Sažetak o vrsti - sažetak o trenutno poznatim podacima o određenoj vrsti (treba uključiti distribuciju, ekologiju, ponašanje i pregled literature) Literatura koja se citira treba biti napisana kako slijedi u tekstu, na sljedeći način: (Pianka 1989, Huey & Pianka 1981, Haydon et al. 1997). Literatura koja se u tekstu navodi zajedno treba biti napisana kronološki. Svi radovi navedeni u tekstu trebaju biti navedeni u popisu literature. Literaturu "u tisku" treba navesti samo onda kada je prihvaćena za tisak. Imena osoba koje su ustupile neobjavljene informacije trebaju biti citirana kao u primjeru: “(Andersson, Stockholm, pers. comm. 2005)”. U popisu literature pod naslovom Literatura autore navodimo po abecednom redu te po datumu objave publikacije kod jednog autora. Imena časopisa i serija moraju biti napisani u potpunosti. Literaturu citirajte na sljedeći način:
VOL. 2012., No. 2 ISSN: 1848-2007
Haydon, D.T., Crother, B.I. & Pianka. E.R. (1994): New directions in biogeography? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9: 403-406. Sokal, R.R. & Rohlf, F.J. (1995): Biometry. The principles and practice of statistics in biological research. 3rd Edition. W. H. Freeman & co, New York. Huey, R.B. & Pianka, E.R. (1983): Temporal separation of activity and interspecific dietary overlap (with an Appendix by S. L. Pimm). pp. 281-296. In Huey, R.B.,. Pianka, E.R., Schoener T.W. (eds.) Lizard Ecology: Studies of a Model Organism. Harvard University Press. IUCN (2010): Global Mammal Asessement. IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature, <http://www.iucn.com> . Pristupljeno 21. siječnja 2010.
Svaki rad pregledati će 1-2 nezavisna recenzenta.
VOL. 2012., No. 2 ISSN: 1848-2007
Naslov koji sažeto opisuje sadržaj rada
Ime institucije, Radučka 15, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, vaš.mail@mail.hr 2
Ime institucije, Heinzlova 55, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Sažetak: Sažetak treba biti jasan, pregledan i ne duži od 300 riječi, treba objediniti ključne rezultate i zaključke. Također treba uključiti četiri do pet ključnih riječi. Ključne riječi: četiri, pet, ključna riječ, uključen
UVOD U uvodu treba staviti jezgrovit opis pozadine (problema), s logičkom podlogom, svrhom i konkretnim ciljevima rada. Očekuje se dobra literaturna podloga, ako postoji.
Materijali i metode trebaju pružiti dostatne informacije da bi se dozvolilo ponavljanje eksperimenta i/ili terenskog rada. Tehnički opis metoda istraživanja je poželjan samo ako se radi o novim ili važnim metodama za razumijevanje rezultata.
REZULTATI Ovaj dio mora sadržavati precizno predstavljanje rezultata istraživanja. Izbjegavajte predstavljanje istih informacija kao teksta i/ili prikaza i/ili tablice. Ovdje ubacite tekst, tablice i ilustracije. Za svaku ilustraciju potrebno je napisati referencu u tekstu. Također, spremite, priložite i pošaljite vaše ilustracije zasebno, koristeći naziv datoteke TablicaBr.ekstenzija (npr. Tab-1 korelacija SVL i mase kod ženki Lacerta vivipara.tiff).
VOL. 2012., No. 2 ISSN: 1848-2007
Objašnjenje tablica, grafikona i slika treba staviti u legendu, koristeći Times New Roman font, veličina 10. Objašnjenja za tablice pišu se iznad, lijevo poravnata, a objašnjenja slika i grafikona pišu se ispod, centrirano poravnata. Tablica 1. Kratak naslov razumljiv sam po sebi (Times New Roman 10) no dostatno razumljiv
NS 1
NS 3
kratak (cm)
kratak (kg)
kratak (kg/min) 2.55 2.74 2.45 2.83 1 2 a,b NS – Naslov stupca; Standardna pogreška srednje vrijednosti; = P<0.01.
RASPRAVA Ovaj dio bi trebalo odvojiti od dijela s rezultatima kod izvornih znanstvenih radova, i trebao bi se baviti značenjem rezultata i njihovom vezom s ciljevima istraživanja. Također bi trebalo uključiti kako će rezultati istraživanja promijeniti odnosno utjecati na naše znanje o predstavljenom organizmu ili staništu.
LITERATURA Slijedite upute na stranici 1.
ZAHVALE Zahvale i bilo koje dodatne informacije koje se tiču financiranja istraživanja.
VOL. 2012., No. 2 ISSN: 1848-2007
Author Guidelines (ver. 2013) Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic version only (on jelic.dusan@gmail.com), as well as the original figures and tables. The manuscript text should be MS-Word processed, typed throughout in letter quality with font size 10, Times New Roman, without footnotes, 1,5 spaced, on A4 (210 x 297 mm) paper, with margins of at least 25 mm on each side. All pages should be numbered consecutively in the bottom, right-hand corner. For all types of papers, the title page must contain and only contain the following: title of paper (bold); name(s) of the author(s) (in SMALL CAPS); address of the Institution where the work was done, and the email of the corresponding author (font size 10). Provide a title that is concise but also an informative synthesis of the study. - Original scientific paper – should include summary, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and references (see example manuscript below). - Short note - generally less than four-five manuscript pages; should be produced as continuous text, preceded by an abstract of no more than 150 words. - Photo note – reports of interesting findings captured on photographs, explained with maximum 150 words of text. It is possible to publish one or more photographs. - Species summary – summary of currently known data about certain species (should include distribution, ecology, behavior and literature overview) Cited sources should be written in plain text and referred to as follows: (Pianka 1989, Huey & Pianka 1981, Haydon et al. 1997). References cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references. References "in press" shall only be cited when they have been accepted for publication. Names of persons who provided unpublished information should be cited as follows: “(Andersson, Stockholm, pers. comm. 2005)”. List references alphabetically by author under References and date of publication at the same author. Journal and series names have to be spelled out fully.
VOL. 2012., No. 2 ISSN: 1848-2007
Use the following format for references section: Haydon, D.T., Crother, B.I. & Pianka. E.R. (1994): New directions in biogeography? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9: 403-406. Sokal, R.R. & Rohlf, F.J. (1995): Biometry. The principles and practice of statistics in biological research. 3rd Edition. W. H. Freeman & co, New York. Huey, R.B. & Pianka, E.R. (1983): Temporal separation of activity and interspecific dietary overlap (with an Appendix by S. L. Pimm). pp. 281-296. In Huey, R. B.,. Pianka, E.R., Schoener T.W. (eds.) Lizard Ecology: Studies of a Model Organism. Harvard University Press. IUCN (2010): Global Mammal Asessement. IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature, <http://www.iucn.com> . Pristupljeno 21. sijecnja 2010.
Each paper will be reviewed by 1-2 independent reviewers.
VOL. 2012., No. 2 ISSN: 1848-2007
Title that succinctly describes the contents of the paper
AffiliationName, Radučka 15, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, your.mail@mail.hr 2
AffiliationName Heinzlova 55, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
SUMMARY: The abstract should be clear, descriptive and not longer than 300 words, should summarize the essential results and conclusions. Four or five keywords should also be included. Key words: Four, Five, Keywords, Included
INTRODUCTION Has to be a concise description of the background, rationale, aims and specific objectives of the paper. Good literature background, if existing, is expected.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Materials and methods have to provide sufficient information to permit repetition of the experiment and/or fieldwork. The technical description of study methods should be given only if such methods are new or important for the understanding the results.
RESULTS Results section must be a concise presentation of the finding of the study. Avoid the presentation of same information as text and/or figure and/or table. Insert text, tables and illustrations here. References should be made in the text to each illustration. Also, save, attach and send your illustrations separately using the file name TableNo.Explination.extension (ex. Tab-1Female mass to SVL correlation in Lacerta vivipara.tiff).
VOL. 2012., No. 2 ISSN: 1848-2007
Explanations of tables, graphs and pictures should be written in English and Croatian (note if one is missing and it will be added by editor), given in the typewritten legend, use Times New Roman font, size 10. Explanations of tables are written above, aligned left, and explanations of pictures and graphs are written underneath, centre aligned. Table 1. Brief and self-explanatory title (Times New Roman 10)
DISCUSSION Discussion section should be separate from the results section at full-length papers and should deal with the significance of the results and their relationship to the aims of the paper. Also include how the findings of the paper will change, influence the state of our knowledge about model organism or habitat.
REFERENCES Follow the guidelines on page 1.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgements and any additional information concerning research grants.
Popisne listove ispunjavati po povratku s terena - prepisati podatke iz terenske bilježnice.
Popisne listove treba ispunjavati tako da jedan list predstavlja samo jedan lokalitet i samo jedan dan opažanja tog lokaliteta. Također, ako se obilazi jedan veći lokalitet s više različitih staništa poželjno je upotrijebiti više popisnih listova.
OBAVEZNO priložiti fotografiju vrste izbliza kako bi mogli potvrditi točnost determinacije. Fotografije pošaljite kao dodatni attachment u e-mail poruci.
Popisni listovi se ispunjavaju na slijedeći način: ŽUPANIJA: Upisati županiju u kojoj se određeni lokalitet nalazi. NAJBLIŽE NASELJE: Upisati najbliže naseljeno mjesto. OPIS LOKALITETA: Upisati najbliži toponim (npr. planinski vrh, prijevoj, naselje…) te udaljenost i smjer od toponima. Upisuju se hrvatske kratice za strane svijeta. Također što detaljnije opisati lokalitet i kako doći do njega. KOORDINATE I NADMORSKA VISINA: Očitati ili pomoću GPS uređaja ili s karte te naznačiti na koji način su dobiveni podaci. Ako su koordinate očitane s karte naznačiti mjerilo karte. OPIS STANIŠTA: Pobliže opisati tip staništa na kojem su nađene jedinke (morfologija staništa, vegetacija, tip podloge, mikrostanište...). VRIJEME I TEMPERATURA: Zaokružiti vremenske prilike; ako imate termometar sa sobom izmjeriti temp. zraka (mjerena u hladu na oko 1 m od tla), odnosno vode (mjerena u hladu, oko 10 cm ispod površine) ovisno o staništu pojedine vrste. FOTO: Priložiti fotografiju nalaza. Upisati naziv priloženog dokumenta. VRSTA: Upisati ime vrste te broj jedinki u odgovarajući stupac, upisati i spol ako je poznat (JUV – do 1 godine starosti; SAD – subadultne jedinke, više od 1 godine starosti; AD – odrasle, spolno zrele jedinke; ako je poznat spol upisati M - mužjak i/ili F - ženka). Ako ste pronašli uginule jedinke normalno ih upišite i pod rubriku NAPOMENE navedite da su uginule. Na kraju lista nalazi se prostor za upisivanje podataka osobe koja je ispunila popisni list.
Ispunjene popisne listove slati na: - e-mail: hyla@hyla.hr ili - poštom: Hrvatsko herpetološko društvo - Hyla Radučka 15 10000 Zagreb
sunčano poluoblačno oblačno
suho vlažno kiša
mirno lagani vjetar vjetrovito Tzrak:
FOTO - naziv datoteke:
mrijest ili jaja
OPIS LOKALITETA: 360 m I od vrha brda Čelinke, neposredno uz cestu Pakoštane-Drage (sa strane prema Vranskom jezeru)
X 5543150
Y 4861115
Niska makija hrasta crnike, uz cestu. Mikrostanište: nakupine kamenja ispod grmlja,
sunčano poluoblačno oblačno
suho vlažno kiša
mirno lagani vjetar vjetrovito Tzrak: 25°C
DATUM: 26.05.2011.
Tvoda: --
SAT: 16:15 - 16:30
FOTO - naziv datoteke: DSC00265.jpg, DSC00267.jpg
mrijest ili jaja
P. siculus
H. gemonensis
IME I PREZIME: Mate Matić TELEFON I ADRESA: 095-1234567; Vesela ulica bb, 23000 Zadar E - MAIL: mate.matic@gmail.com
pregažen na cesti
Ichthyosaura alpestris - planinski vodenjak Lissotriton vulgaris - mali vodenjak Triturus carnifex - veliki vodenjak Triturus dobrogicus - dunavski vodenjak Salamandra atra - crni daždevnjak Salamandra salamandra - pjegavi daždevnjak Proteus anguinus - čovječja ribica Bombina bombina - crveni mukač Bombina variegata - žuti mukač Bufo bufo - smeđa krastača Pseudapidalea viridis - zelena krastača Pelobates fuscus - češnjača Hyla arborea - gatalinka Pelophylax kl. esculentus - jestiva zelena žaba Pelophylax lessonae - mala zelena žaba Pelophylax ridibundus - velika zelena žaba Rana arvalis - močvarna smeđa žaba Rana dalmatina - šumska smeđa žaba Rana latastei - talijanska smeđa žaba Rana temporaria - livadna smeđa žaba
Testudo hermanni - kopnena kornjača, čančara Emys orbicularis - barska kornjača Mauremys rivulata - riječna kornjača Dermochelys coriacea - sedmopruga usminjača Caretta caretta - glavata želva Chelonia mydas - golema želva Algyroides nigropunctatus - mrki ljuskavi gušter Iberolacerta horvathi - velebitska gušterica Dalmatolacerta oxycephala - oštroglava gušterica Dinarolacerta mosorensis - mosorska gušterica Lacerta agilis - livadna gušterica Lacerta bilineata - zapadno mediteranski zelembać Lacerta viridis - obični zelembać Lacerta trilineata - veliki zelembać Podarcis melisellensis - krška gušterica Podarcis muralis - zidna gušterica Podarcis siculus - primorska gušterica Zootoca vivipara - živorodna gušterica Hemidactylus turcicus - kućni macaklin Tarentola mauretanica - zidni macaklin Anguis fragilis - sljepić Ophisaurus apodus - blavor Ablepharus kitaibelii - ivanjski rovaš Coronella austriaca - smukulja Dolichophis caspius - smičalina Elaphe quatuorlineata - četveroprugi kravosas Hierophis gemonensis - šara poljarica Hierophis viridiflavus - crna poljarica Malpolon insignitus - zmajur Natrix natrix - bjelouška Natrix tessellata - ribarica Platyceps najadum - šilac, plavetna poljarica Telescopus fallax - ljuta crnokrpica Zamenis longissimus - bjelica, Eskulapova zmija Zamenis situla - pjegava crvenkrpica Vipera ammodytes - poskok Vipera berus - riđovka Vipera ursinii - planinski žutokrug * Trachemys scripta - crvenouha kornjača