Vol. 2015., No 1., July 2015.
herpetological bulletin
Croatian Herpetological Society HYLA
Hyla herpetološki bilten herpetological bulletin Vol. 2015., No 1.
Urednik/Editor: dr. sc. Dušan Jelić
Hrvatsko herpetološko društvo - HYLA Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA
Zagreb, July 2015.
Impressum HYLA, HERPETOLOGICAL BULLETIN Ključni naslov: Hyla (Zagreb) Skraćeni ključni naslov: Hyla (Zagreb) Naslovna fotografija/Front page photo: Chameleo africanus (Maria DiMaki) Izdavač/Publisher: Hrvatsko herpetološko društvo - HYLA Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA, Lipovac I., br. 7, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Urednik/Editor: dr. sc. Dušan Jelić, jelic.dusan@gmail.com Urednički odbor/Editorial board: dr. sc. Dušan Jelić, Croatia Toni Koren, Croatia dr. sc. Biljana Janev Hutinec, Croatia dr. sc. Ljiljana Tomović, Serbia dr. sc. Tomislav Bogdanović, Croatia dr. sc. Duje Lisičić, Croatia dr. sc. Konrad Mebert, Switzerland David Bird, UK Ivona Burić, Croatia ISSN: 1848-2007 http://hrcak.srce.hr/hyla
Urednik izdanja/Issue editor: dr. sc. Biljana Janev Hutinec bjanev.hutinec@gmail.com
Hrvatsko herpetološko društvo - HYLA Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA
Hyla VOL. 2015., No. 1 ISSN: 1848-2007
Sadržaj: Contents:
O HHD HYLA / About HHD HYLA ………………………………….……………….…… 1
̶ Does the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) breed in
Turkey?................................................................................................................................. 4 KLEEWEIN, A. ̶ Interactions between Emys orbicularis and allochthonous turtles of the family Emydidae at basking places ……………………………………...……………… 11 TZANKOV, N., POPGEORGIEV, G., KORNILEV, Y., NATCHEV, N., STOYANOV, A., NAUMOV, B., IVANCHEV, I. ̶ First survey on the invasive Pond slider (Trachemys scripta) in Bulgaria: historic development and current situation ….................................................................... 18 KLEEWEIN, A. ̶ Investigating temperature tolerance in wild broods of Trachemys scripta elegans (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae) in Austria ........................................................ 28 DIMAKI, M., CHONDROPOULOS, B., LEGAKIS, A., VALAKOS, E., VERGETOPOULOS, M. ̶ New data on the distribution and population density of the African Chameleon, Chamaeleo africanus and the Common Chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon in Greece ................... 36 ĐORĐEVIĆ, S., ANĐELKOVIĆ, M. ̶ Possible reproduction of the red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae), in Serbia, under natural conditions .... 44 SCHWEIGER, M. ̶ First record of breeding of the alien turtle species Trachemys scripta elegans in the wild on the island of Krk, Croatia? ............................................................ 50 JELIĆ, L., JELIĆ, D. ̶ Allochthonous species of Turtles in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina ............................................................................................................................................ 53 STOYANOV, A. ̶ Registered high mortality of allochthon Red-eared Sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) in an artificial pond in Sofia, Bulgaria ………………………………… 65 GRANO, M., CATTANEO, C.
̶ A survey on the presence of the invasive alien American
bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802) (Amphibia Anura Ranidae) in Latium (Central Italy) with reference to a possible infection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on Bufo bufo ……………………………………………………………………………........ 70
O HHD – HYLA Hrvatsko herpetološko društvo – Hyla osnovano je 1997. godine pod imenom "Društvo za zaštitu i proučavanje vodozemaca i gmazova Hrvatske-Hyla". Osnovano je od strane biologa i zaljubljenika u vodozemce i gmazove zbog potrebe zaštite ovih životinja koje su često i bezrazložno proganjane i ubijane. Također se pojavila potreba za zaštitom ekosustava i mnogih staništa na kojima obitavaju ove, ali i ostale skupine životinja. Društvo je 2004. preimenovano u današnji naziv te sa razvila unutrašnja infrastruktura u vidu web stranice (www.hyla.hr) i mailing liste koje održavaju povezanost članova i mreže regionalnih i lokalnih udruga i organizacija partnera. Društvo je registrirano kao strukovna organizacija te je većina članova biološke struke. Međutim, otvoreni smo za sve koje zanima zaštita i proučavanje hrvatske herpetofaune (vodozemaca i gmazova) i staništa. HHD-Hyla je punopravna članica IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), najstarije i najveće međunarodne mreže za zaštitu prirode koja pod svojim okriljem okuplja više od 1000 članica - nevladinih i državnih organizacija - u više od 160 zemalja širom svijeta. HHD-Hyla je od 2012. članica udruženja udruga Hrvatski institut za biološku raznolikost HIB zajedno sa svojim partnerima Udrugom za biološka istraživanja – BIOM, Hrvatskim društvom za biološka istraživanja HDBI i Hrvatskim mirmekološkim društvom HMD. Projekti i aktivnosti usmjereni su na istraživanja te zaštitu vrsta i staništa, edukaciju lokalnog stanovništva i šire javnosti (u sklopu projekata ali i zasebna predavanja i radionice), edukaciju studenata te izdavanje publikacija i ostalog edukativnog materijala. Društvo je aktivno na nacionalnoj razini te provodimo projekte u raznim dijelovima Hrvatske uz suradnju s državnim i lokalnim institucijama, udrugama, stručnjacima u zemlji i inozemstvu, školama te lokalnim stanovništvom.
KONTAKT Poštanski pretinac: Lipovac I., br. 7, HR-10000 Zagreb Telefon: 01/2348279 (ured) e-mail: info@hhdhyla.hr http://www.hhdhyla.hr
About HHD - HYLA Croatian Herpetological Society - Hyla was founded in 1997 under the name "Society for the protection and study of amphibians and reptiles in Croatia-Hyla". It was established by the biologists and nature enthusiasts because of the need to protect amphibians and reptiles which are often unduly persecuted and killed. The need for protection of ecosystems and many habitats, on which this and other groups of animals reside, also occured. In 2004 Society was renamed to its present name and we developed an infrastructure, web site (www.hyla.hr) and mailing list, through which we maintain cohesion between members and a network of regional and local NGOs and partner organizations. Society is registered as a professional organization, and the majority of our members are biologists. However, we are open to all people interested in research and conservation of Croatian herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) and habitats. HHD-Hyla is a full member of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), the oldest and largest international network for the protection of nature, with more than 1000 members - government and non-government organizations - in over 160 countries around the world. HHD-Hyla is since 2012 a full member and the founding party of the Croatian Instiute for Biodiversity CIB together with its partners Association for Biological Research – BIOM, Croatian Biodiversity Research Society HDBI and Croatian Mirmecological Society HMD. Projects and activities are focused on research and protection of species and habitats, education of the local inhabitants and public (during the projects, as well as separate lectures and workshops), training of students and publishing of the various scientific, professional and educational materials. Society is active at the national level and implements projects in different parts of the Croatia in cooperation with national and local institutions, NGOs, national and international experts and scientists, schools and local inhabitants.
CONTACT Address: Lipovac I., no. 7, HR-10000 Zagreb Telephone: 01/2348279 (office) e-mail: info@hhdhyla.hr http://www.hhdhyla.hr
Hyla VOL. 2015., No. 1 ISSN: 1848-2007
Short Note Çiçek & Ayaz 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 4 - 10 ISSN: 1848-2007
Does the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) breed in Turkey? Da li se crvenouha kornjača (Trachemys scripta elegans) razmnožava u Turskoj? KERIM ÇIÇEK1*, Dinçer AYAZ1 1
Section of Zoology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ege University, 35100, Izmir, Turkey. kerim.cicek@hotmail.com or kerim.cicek@ege.edu.tr
Abstract Here, we report for the first time reproduction in a naturalized population of the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) from Southern Anatolia (Anamur, Mersin). We detected a female laying 15 eggs in the morning of July 03. 2012 and a female digging nest on May 16. 2015. Moreover, two hatchlings 26.1mm and 28.4mm in length were observed on September 03. 2013. According to our observations, the Mediterranean coast of Turkey has the potential to provide the requirements of the species. The described impacts of the red-eared sliders on native turtles are competition for food and basking sites.
Key words: alien species, naturalized population, Trachemys scripta elegans, Anatolia
Sažetak Po prvi puta izvještamo o reprudukciji u udomaćenoj populaciji crvenouhe kornjače (Trachemys scripta elegans) iz južne Anatolije (Anamur, Mersin). Opazili smo ženku koja je izlegla 15 jaja ujutro, 3. lipnja 2012., te ženku koja je kopala gnijezno 16. svibnja 2015. Dana 23. Rujna 2013 opazili smo i dva netom izvaljena mladunca, dužine 26.1 mm i 28.4 mm dužine. Sukladno našim opažanjima, Mediteranska obala Turske ima potencijal da ispunjava potrebe ove vrste. Utjecaj crvenouhe kornjače na nativne populacije kornjača je kompeticija za hranu i mjesta za sunčanje. Ključne riječi: strane vrste, udomaćena populacija, Trachemys scripta elegans, Anatolia
The global introduction of non-native
recognized as having three subspecies (T. s. scripta,
amphibians and reptiles has increased exponentially
T. s. troostii, and T. s. elegans, ERNST ET AL.,
through the past 150 years, these mostly originated
1994), The Red-eared Slider T.s.elegans is ranked
from North America, the numbers of turtle
among the world’s 100 most invasive species
introductions are greater than other taxa (Kraus
(LOWE ET AL., 2000). The species is the most
2009). One of the main factors in the expansion of
popular pet turtle worldwide since the 1950s due to
non-native species is commercial trade and about
its reasonably low price and simple husbandry
64 turtles and tortoise species have been widely
(Ficetola et al. 2012). The red-eared sliders
kept as pets by reptile enthusiasts (see Reptiles
(Trachemys scripta elegans) have been generated
Magazine, 2015). Trachemys scripta (Slider) is a
on farms in the USA for pet trade since the 1970s
and were the most widely traded species in Europe 4
Short Note Çiçek & Ayaz 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 4 - 10 ISSN: 1848-2007
(Scalera 2006). However the EU banned its trade
[province of Mersin, Lat: 36.081789, 32.894666,
starting in 1997 (Regulation 338/1997; Regulation
sea level] on the Mediterranean coast of southern
349/2003) due to the high risk of biological
Turkey (Figure 1A, B). Along the front of the castle
invasion (Ficetola et al. 2012). In this context, the
walls is a moat 1.5 – 2m in depth, 3m in width,
trade of the other two subspecies (T. s. scripta, T. s.
500m2 in area, and
troostii and its hybrids) has rapidly increased after
vegetation, the red-eared sliders share the biotope
prohibition (Scalera 2006).
with about 20 European pond turtles (Emys
containing dense aquatic
The red-eared sliders have been released or
orbicularis) and 400 Western Caspian turtles
escaped into natural or semi-natural wetlands in
(Mauremys rivulata). The turtles are in an
many parts of the world (Scalera 2006) and its
overcrowded space with a ratio of 1-2 turtles/m2
naturalized populations are reported in at least in 73
and have limited food, basking and nesting sites.
countries or overseas territories in Europe, Africa,
The nesting site of the turtles is limited to the space
Asia, Central and North America, South America
next to the moat. However, it was observed that
and Oceania (Lever 2003; Scalera 2006; Pupins
some females build their nests in some areas inside
2007; Kraus 2009; Pendlebury, 2009; Kikillus et al.
the castle, 20 - 30 m away from the moat. The
2010, Ficetola et al. 2012; van Dijk et al. 2013).
sliders may move up to 1.6 km to find a suitable
However, populations in some introduced areas are
nesting place and the nests are jug-shaped and up to
unable to reproduce because of low temperatures or
12 cm deep (Ernst et al. 1994; Bringsøe, 2006)
limited precipitation (Bringsøe 2001; Ficetola et al.
Local people stated that the red-eared
2009). Few naturalized populations have been
sliders successfully breed in the moat; however we
reported in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria,
could not observe hatchling individuals from
Slovenia, Japan and southeast Asia, Australia, New
fieldwork up to 2012. In our fieldwork on July 03.
Zealand, in the West Indies and in the introduced
2012, we observed an egg-laying female in the
range in the US (Pleguezuelos 2002; Lever 2003;
morning (Figure 1C, D). The female laid 15 eggs
Cadi et al. 2004; Scalera; 2006, Ramsay et al. 2007;
with an average size of 36.0mm in length (SD=
Kikillus et al. 2010).
1.53, range= 33.58 – 37.66), 23.7mm in width (SD=
In our field trips all around Turkey from
1.01, range= 22.70 – 25.54). We also detected a
2003 to 2015, we observed the red-eared sliders
female digging a nest on May 16, 2015. The eggs of
which had been released by their owners to natural
the red-eared sliders are ovoid in shape, 30.9-43.0
or semi-natural wetlands in many cities in Thrace
mm long, and 19.4-25.6 mm wide (Ernst et al.
(Kırklareli, Istanbul) and western Anatolia (Izmir,
1994). The nest is jug-shaped, 14cm in depth, 8cm
Muğla) and southern Anatolia (Antalya, Mersin and
wide at the mouth and 17cm wide at the base
Adana). In interviews with the local people, we
(Figure 1D). The female had straight carapace
could not obtain satisfactory data about proven
length of 204mm, plastron length of 216mm and
reproduction of the sliders.
weight of 1735g (Figure 1E).
In 2005, we detected a naturalized population consisting of 10 – 15 adult, semi-adult and juvenile individuals in Mamure Castle, Anamur 5
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 4 - 10 ISSN: 1848-2007
Short Note Çiçek & Ayaz 2015
Figure 1. A: general view biotope of the red-eared sliders, B: native species of E. orbicularis and M. rivulata in the habitat, C: nesting female, D: nest, E: egg-laid female, and F: hatchling Slika 1. A: Generalni pogled na stanište crvenouhe kornjače, B. nativne vrste E. orbicularis i M. rivulata u staništu, C: ženka koja polaže jaja u gnijezdo, D: gnijezdo, E: ženka koja polaže jaja u gnijezdo i F: mladunac. 6
Short Note Çiçek & Ayaz 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 4 - 10 ISSN: 1848-2007
Females could lay up to six clutches every
September 2013 (Figure 1F). In the native range,
year, varying 2-30 eggs in a clutch , incubation
the red-eared sliders hatchlings have carapaces of
period is 59 - 112 days and is extended in low
25.4-41.8 mm (Moll 1994; Ernst et al. 1994).
temperatures (Ernst et al. 1994; Bringsøe 2006).
According to our interviews, hatchlings emerged at
We were not able to observe the hatchings;
end of August and mid-September and thus within
however, the employees of the castle photographed
the approximate incubation duration 60 – 75 days.
two hatchlings with 26.1mm and 28.4mm SCL in
Figure 2. Climatogram of province Mersin from southern Turkey. (Turkish State Meteorological Service, 2015) Slika 2. Klimatogram provincije Mersin iz južne Turske. (Turkish State Meteorological Service, 2015)
Anamur has a Mediterranean climate
temperatures of 22 - 27°C become males, whereas
which has long, hot and dry summers with cool,
females develop at warmer temperatures (Ernst et
rainy winters. Average monthly temperature is
al. 1994). Besides, when we look at the native
19.1oC and average precipitation was 48.8kg/m2
distribution of the sliders (Ficetola et al. 2012), it
seems that almost all of Turkey is in same latitude
meteorological service 2015, Figure 2). In the breeding and incubation period (May - September)
of their natural range. A
of the Anamur population, average monthly air
individuals is present in the Izmir Wild Life Park in
temperature ranges between 21.3 – 28.3oC (Turkish
Western Anatolia. According to the interviews we
state meteorological service 2015). The sliders
conducted with the employees of the park and our
usually lay eggs from April to July in their native
own observations, it is presumed that the species
distribution, and development of eggs depends on
does not reproduce there. On the other hand, the
moisture and temperature (Tucker & Packard 1998;
Mediterranean coast of Turkey has the potential to
Ernst et al. 1994). The eggs that are incubated at
provide the requirements of the species. The 7
Short Note Çiçek & Ayaz 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 4 - 10 ISSN: 1848-2007
established breeding population we have identified
seems inevitable that the invasive turtle will
is an indicator of such potential.
generate pressure on many native species, notably
It has been reported that the red-eared
on European pond turtles, in the immediate future.
sliders are competing with European terrapins -
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD
European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) and
2015) recommended a three-stage hierarchical
Spanish terrapins (Mauremys leprosa) for food,
basking and nesting sites (Cadi & Joly 2003, 2004;
Fıcetola et al. 2012). We also observed the
competition of the sliders with the native terrapins
precautions to be taken on non-native species are:
of E. orbicularis and M. rivutala at Mamure castle.
the prohibition on the import of the sliders by
Especially E. orbicularis is repressed for food and
Turkish authorities, raising awareness in pet reptile
basking place by the other two turtle species. The
enthusiasts and, in addition, potential national
sliders are generally omnivores (Ernst et al. 1994)
sustainable management plans for controlling non-
and high density populations could even impact on
native species, designed by decision-makers in the
near future.
detection/surveillance control
rapid Primary
amphibian communities (Teıllac-deschamps & Prevot-julliard
considered a potential vector of Salmonella
We thank to Mamure Castle personnel Sami Vardar
(Nagano et al. 2006) and the epidemiological risk
and Recep Tüfenk for their kindly help and share
has led to a national ban of sales of sliders since
their observation with us. This study is financially
1975 in the US (Ernst et al. 1994; Scalera 2006).
Besides, the red-eared sliders could cause the risk
103T189, 110T927 and 112T913] and EBILTEM
of transmission of pathogens to native terrapins
2007BIL012, [2013BIL013]. We are indebted to
(Hidalgo-vila et al. 2009).
these organizations for financial support.
Rödder et al. (2009) modeled a potential distribution of Trachemys scripta according to some essential physiological and reproductive characteristics, and observed there are vast suitable areas that could provide the requirements of the species in North, Central and South America, Europe, West and Central Africa, the East African coast, eastern Asia, and the eastern and western parts of Australia, and Turkey. Our observation also supported the model (Rödder et al. 2009) and demonstrated that southern Anatolia is quite suitable for the reproduction of the species. In Turkey, red-eared sliders are sold at pet shops for 23 euros and there is no monitoring. Therefore, it
References Bringsøe, H. (2001): Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1792) – Buchstaben-Schmuckschildkröte. pp. 525–583. In Fritz, U. (eds.). Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten (Testudines). AULA. Bringsøe, H. (2006): NOBANIS. Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet Trachemys scripta, <http://www.nobanis.org/files/factsheets/Trachem ys_scripta.pdf>. Accessed: 27 February 2015. Cadi, A., Delmas, V., Prévot-Julliard, A. C., Joly, P., Pieau, C., Girondot, M. (2004): Successful reproduction of the introduced slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) in the south of France. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 14(3): 237–246. Cadi, A., Joly, P. (2003): Competition for basking places between the endangered European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis galloitalica) and the introduced red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta 8
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 4 - 10 ISSN: 1848-2007
elegans). Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 1392– 1398. Cadi, A., Joly, P. (2004): Impact of the introduction of the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) on survival rates of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 2511–2518. CBD (2015): Invasive Alien Species. Programmes and Issues. CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity, <http://www.cbd.int/programmes/crosscutting/alien/>. Accessed: 18 February 2015. Ernst, C. H., Lovich, J. E., Barbour, R. W. (1994): Turtles of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington and London. Ficetola, G. F., Thuiller, W., Padoa-Schioppa, E. (2009): From introduction to the establishment of alien species: Bioclimatic differences between presence and reproduction localities in the slider turtle. Diversity and Distributions 15: 108–116. Ficetola, G.F., Rödder D., Padoa-Schioppa, E. (2012): Trachemys scripta (Slider terrapin). In: Handbook of global freshwater invasive species. pp. 331-339. In: Francis, R. (eds.) Earthscan, Taylor & Francis Group Abingdon, UK. GISD (2015): Trachemys scripta elegans. GISD Global Invasive Species Database. <http://www.issg.org/database/species/ecology.as p?si=71>. Accessed: 25 February 2015. Hidalgo-Vila, J., Díaz-Paniagua, C., Ribas, A., Florencio, M., Pérez-Santigosa, N., Casanova, J. C. (2009): Helminth communities of the exotic introduced turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans in Southwestern Spain: Transmission from native turtles. Research in Veterinary Science 83: 463– 465. Kikillus, K. H., Hare, K. H., Hartley, S. (2010): Minimizing false-negatives when predicting the potential distribution of an invasive species: A bioclimatic envelope for the red-eared slider at global and regional scales. Animal Conservation 13(suppl. 1): 5–15. Kraus, F. (2009): Alien Reptiles and Amphibians: a Scientific Compendium and Analysis (Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology), Springer-Verlag. Lever, C. (2003): Naturalized Amphibians and Reptiles of the World. Oxford University Press, New York. Lowe S., Browne, M., Boudjelas, S., De Poorter, M. (2000): 100 of the World’s Worst Invasive Alien Species A selection from the Global Invasive Species Database. Published by The Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) a specialist group of the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the World Conservation
Short Note Çiçek & Ayaz 2015
Union (IUCN), 12pp. First published as special lift-out in Aliens 12 December 2000. Updated and reprinted version: November 2004. Moll, D. (1994): The ecology of sea beach nesting in slider turtles (Trachemys scripta venusta) from Carribean Costa Rica. Chelonian Conservation Biology 1(2):107-116. Nagano, N., Oana, S., Nagano, Y., Arakawa, Y. (2006): A severe Salmonella enterica serotype paratyphi B infection in a child related to a pet turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases 59(2): 132-134. Pleguezuelos, J. M. (2002): Las especies introducidas de anfibios y reptiles. pp. 501–532. In: Pleguezuelos, J.M., Márquez, R., Lizana, M. (eds.) Atlas y Libro Rojo de los anfibios y reptiles de España. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Asociación Herpetológica Española. Pupins, M. (2007): First report on recording of the invasive species Trachemys scripta elegans, a potential competitor of Emys orbicularis in Latvia. Acta Universitatis Latviensis – Biology 723: 37–46. Ramsay, N. F., Ng, P. K. A., O’Riordan, R. M., Chou, L. M. (2007): The red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) in Asia: a review. pp. 161–174. In: Gherardi, F. (eds.) Biological invaders in inland waters: profiles, distribution, and threats. Springer Publishing. Reptiles Magazine (2015): < http://www.reptilesmagazine.com/>. Accessed: 23 February 2015. Rödder, D., Schmidtlein, S., Veith, M., Lötters, S. (2009): Alien invasive slider turtle in unpredicted habitat: A matter of niche shift or of predictors studied? PLoSONE 4: 7843. Scalera, R. (2006): Trachemys scripta. From: DAISIE (Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe).< www.europealiens.org>. Accessed: 23 February 2015. Teillac-Deschamps, P., Prevot-Julliard, A. C. (2006): Impact of exotic slider turtles on freshwater communities: an experimental approach. pp. 162–163. In: First European congress of conservation biology. Society for Conservation Biology, Heger, Hungary. Tucker, J. K., Packard, G. C. (1998): Overwinter survival by hatchling sliders (Trachemys scripta) in West-Central Illinois’. Journal of Herpetology 32: 431–434. Turkish State Meteorological Service (2015): <http://www.mgm.gov.tr/veridegerlendirme/il-veilceler-istatistik.aspx?m=MERSIN>. Accessed: 23 February 2015. van Dijk, P. P., Harding, J., Hammerson, G. A. (2013): Trachemys scripta. The IUCN Red List of 9
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 4 - 10 ISSN: 1848-2007
Short Note ร iรงek & Ayaz 2015
Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Accessed: 23 February 2015.
Original Scientific Paper Kleewein 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 11- 17 ISSN: 1848-2007
Interactions between Emys orbicularis and allochthonous turtles of the family Emydidae at basking places Interakcije između Emys orbicularis i alohtonih kornjača porodice Emydidae na mjestima za sunčanje ANDREAS KLEEWEIN
University of Vienna, Department of Integrative Zoology, Althanstraße 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria e-mail: andreas.kleewein@gmx.net
Abstract There are frequent remarks in literature of the supposed negative effects of Trachemys scripta elegans on Emys orbicularis. These competition effects pertain, in particular, to the securing of ideal basking places. A study under near-natural conditions now paints a different picture. Seven Emys orbicularis individuals were placed in an enclosure with 67 allochthonous turtles of 12 different species belonging to the family Emydidae. All interactions regarding basking places were recorded. Of a total of 149 interactions, 105 (70.5%) were neutral and therefore without consequence. Of the 44 negative interactions (29.5%), 19 had a negative result for E. orbicularis while 25 were negative for the allochthonous species. The study therefore indicates that there are no negative consequences of allochthonous species on E. orbicularis regarding behavior at basking places. A comparison of basking place selection revealed that allochthonous species are opportunistic compared to E. orbicularis. In a total of 124 observed cases, E. orbicularis selected half-shaded wood most frequently, followed by fully sun exposed wood and fully sun exposed rocks. During 42 recordings, basking duration of E. orbicularis at a given place ranged from 2 to 200 minutes, averaging 37 minutes.
Key words: Emydidae, interactions, basking place, basking place preference
Sažetak Postoje brojni literaturni navodi o navodnom štetnom djelovanju Trachemys scripta elegans na Emys orbicularis. Kompeticija između ove dvije vrste, barem djelomično, zavisi o osiguravanju idealnog mjesta za sunčanje. Ova studija, provedena u poluprirodnim uvijetima, prikazuje dosta drugačije rezultate. Sedam jedinki vrste Emys orbicularis stavljene su zatvoreni prostor sa 67 jedinki alohtonih kornjača svrstanih u 12 različitih vrsta iz porodice Emydidae. Tijekom eksperimenta bilježene su sve interakcije vezane uz odabir mjesta za sunčanje. Od ukupno 149 interakcija, 105 (70,5 %) ih je bilo neutralno i time bez posljedica. Od 44 negativne interakcije (29,5 %), 19 ih je imalo negativne posljedice za E. orbicularis dok ih je 25 imalo negativne posljedice za jedinku alohtone vrste. Studija pokazuje da alohtone vrste nemaju značajan negativan utjecaj na E. orbicularis u aspektu ponašanja pri odabiru mjesta za sunčanje. Usporedba odabira mjesta za sunčanje otkriva da su alohtone vrste oportunisti u usporedbi sa E. orbicularis. U totalno 124 zabilježena promatranja, jedinke vrste E. 11
Original Scientific Paper Kleewein 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 11- 17 ISSN: 1848-2007
orbicularis su odabrale polu zasjenjenu drvenu podlogu za sunčanje, dok ih je značajno manje odabralo potpuno osunčano drvo ili potpuno osunčani kamen. U 42 opažanja, jedinke vrste E. orbicularis zadržale su se na odabranom sunčalištu od dvije do 200 min, uz prosijek od 37 min. Ključne riječi: Emydidae, interakcije, mjesta za sunčanje, preference mjesta za sunčanje
In Europe, proven or potential negative
Trachemys scripta elegans, Trachemys scripta
consequences of allochthonous turtle species of the
scripta, Trachemys scripta troostii, Pseudemys
family Emydidae,
particularly of
Trachemys, provide regular material for discussion.
concinna concinna, Pseudemys concinna floridana,
Cadi & Joly (2003, 2004) pointed out negative
effects for Emys orbicularis, regarding basking
places, if Trachemys scripta elegans also occurred
in the same pond. The opposite, however, was
Graptemys pseudogeographica khonii, as well as
found by Macchi et al. (2008). Basking is very
hybrids between Trachemys scripta elegans and
important for turtles and constitutes a considerable
Trachemys scripta scripta. All of these species are
portion of their daily routine. Basking increases
combined in the term “allochthonous species” for
body temperature, quickens the metabolism and
data evaluation. Seven E. orbicularis were placed
thereby also stimulates feeding (Jackson 1971;
in the same enclosure with the allochthonous
Kepenis & McManus 1974; Parmenter 1980). To
species, resulting in a proportion of E. orbicularis
date, there has been no study under near-natural
to allochthonous species of 1:9.
allochthonous species of the family Emydidae. The
aim of this study, therefore, was to replicate an
registered. “Interaction” was defined as any
carapace or extremity contact during positioning at
allochthonous turtles than E. orbicularis, and to
the basking places. Neutral interactions were
conduct the observations under near-natural habitat
without consequence for either individual. Negative
individual by another, pushing other individuals off MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was conducted from the end of
their basking places into the water, bite attacks and lying on another individual’s carapace.
June until the beginning of October 2011, in
Furthermore, the preferred basking places
roughly weekly intervals (a total of 21 field days of
of E. orbicularis regarding material and sun
about five hours per day, in the open-air turtle
exposure were evaluated. The study enclosure
enclosure of the Reptile Zoo Happ (WGS84
provided rocks, tree-trunks, branches and reeds as
14°15‘56‘‘/46°37‘10‘‘; 441 m a.s.l.). The enclosure
basking places. Intensity of sun exposure was
offers near-natural conditions with an abundance of
classed as shaded, half-shaded and full sun
structures that can be used as basking places. The
exposure. Basking duration of E. orbicularis at a
enclosure contains 67 turtles of the following
given basking place was also measured. 12
Original Scientific Paper Kleewein 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 11- 17 ISSN: 1848-2007
A bite attack was observed in a single case only,
RESULTS Over the entire observation period, a total
allochthonous species.
of 149 interactions were noted. The majority of
Three cases of intraspecific competition
these (n=105) were brief carapace or extremity
were observed in E. orbicularis, including a bite
contacts, which occurred on the way to a basking
attack, displacement from the basking place and
place and were without consequence for either
being pushed into the water.
individual (see Fig. 1). This was usually observed
During the course of the study, it became
when a turtle emerged from the water or was
apparent that allochthonous species differ from E.
searching for a suitable basking place on land. Once
orbicularis in that they do not seem to differentiate
the moving individual had found its optimal
between wood and rock basking places. For this
basking place, there was no further interaction.
reason, the allochthonous species’ preferences
These neutral interactions made up 70.5% of the
regarding basking place were not quantified. A total
total observed interactions.
of 124 observations of basking place preference
Negative interactions were observed much
were made for E. orbicularis during the course of
less frequently. A total of 44 (29.5%) negative
the study. Wood structures were selected most often
interactions were observed, including covering
(n=90). Rocks (n=27) and reeds (n=7) were rarely
another individual’s carapace, pushing another
used as basking places. Half-shaded (n=56) and full
individual from its basking place into the water,
sun exposure (n=55) basking places were selected
displacing another individual and bite attacks. Of
roughly equally, while shaded basking places
these 44 negative interactions, 43.2% (n=19)
(n=13) – as expected – were very rarely used.
affected E. orbicularis, while 56.8% (n=25)
affected allochthonous species. This indicates a
preference of E. orbicularis for half-shaded wood
basking places (n=46) over fully sun exposed wood
allochthonous species. Only twice was a basking E. orbicularis
(n=31), fully sun exposed rock (n=19) and shaded wood
pushed aside a few centimetres by an allochthonous
combinations were only observed very rarely (see
species. The opposite was observed three times.
Fig. 2). E. orbicularis also switched from one
Allochthonous species could be observed lying on the carapace of E. orbicularis six times,
basking place to another more frequently than could be observed for the allochthonous species.
however the opposite was the case 15 times. On the
Basking duration at a given place was
other hand, E. orbicularis individuals were pushed
measured 42 times for E. orbicularis, ranging from
from their basking places into the water 11 times,
2 to 200 min. The overall average basking duration
while this happened to allochthonous species only
at a given place was 37 min. In 12% of the cases
six times.
(n=5 time measurements), basking lasted between
Even once the water level had risen after
130 and 200 min at one place, always in the half-
extended rainfall and basking places became scarce,
no marked increase in aggressive behaviour or
measurements), basking duration at one place lasted
negative competition for basking places could be
between 2 and 63 min, at an average of 20 min.
observed. 13
Original Scientific Paper Kleewein 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 11- 17 ISSN: 1848-2007
n interactions
100 80 60 40 20
type of interaction Figure 1. Interactions between E. orbicularis (Eo) and allochthonous species (A) at basking places. White = neutral/without consequence; grey = negative for allochthonous species; black = negative for E. orbicularis. Slika 1. Interakcije između E. orbicularis (=Eo) I alohtonih vrsta (A) na mjestima za sunčanje. Bijela boja =
n observations at basking places
neutralna/bez posljedica; siva = negativna za alohtone vrste; crna = negativna za E. orbicularis.
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
material/sun exposure Figure 2. Comparison of basking place preference of E. orbicularis regarding material and sun exposure. Slika 2. Usporedba sklonosti ka mjestima za sunčanje kod vrste E. orbicularis u odnosu na material i ekspoziciju. 14
Original Scientific Paper Kleewein 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 11- 17 ISSN: 1848-2007
on top of the carapace of T. s. elegans because it
DISCUSSION The study revealed that there are no negative
was influenced negatively by T. s. elegans, thereby suffering a thermoregulatory disadvantage.
competition regarding basking places under near-
Bite attacks are certainly an exceptional
natural conditions. Under strictly experimental
form of interaction, but they were observed during
conditions, however, such negative consequences
this study and have also been observed in the
were confirmed by Cadi & Joly (2003, 2004), for
Donau-Auen National Park. In all cases, the attacks
emanated from E. orbicularis males and targeted T.
During basking, the lightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s angle of
s. elegans females. Thus, they could be a form of
incidence and intensity, as well as air temperature
aggressive courtship behaviour.
and movement are crucial factors (Boyer 1965).
Turtles position themselves so that a maximum of
competition with the same negative interactions
their body surface faces the sun. Displacement from
was observed in E. orbicularis.
a chosen basking place affects thermoregulation
Similar preferences of T. s. elegans and E.
through a change to the lightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s angle of incidence.
orbicularis regarding basking place, such as
In basking piles, meanwhile, the top animal casts a
described by Cadi & Joly (2003), could not be
shadow on the lower animals which are, thus, at a
determined in this study. The allochthonous species
were much more opportunistic in their choice of
dimensions of the allochthonous species such as
basking place, while E. orbicularis showed a clear
Trachemys scripta (SCL max 30 cm) and
preference for half-shaded wood and fully sun
Graptemys pseudogeographica (SCL max 27 cm)
exposed wood.
(Ernst & Lovich 2009) compared to E. orbicularis
It was conspicuous that E. orbicularis
(SCL max 23 cm) (Fritz 2003), one would expect
mostly only stayed at a given basking place for very
E. orbicularis to be at a disadvantage in basking
short intervals. This is related to its smaller body
place competition (figure 3). This indeed appeared
size and due to faster warming and overheating.
to be true in the 11 cases where an E. orbicularis
Overall, it appears that E. orbicularis is indeed able
individual was pushed into the water by an
to assert itself against larger allochthonous species.
allochthonous species (versus only six opposite
Even after three years in the same pond, no
cases). The opposite, however, was observed in the
mortality of E. orbicularis occurred in the open-air
15 cases (versus only six opposite cases) where E.
enclosure of the Reptile Zoo Happ, although it had
orbicularis, due to its smaller size, was more able
been observed by Cadi & Joly (2004) in their
to climb on top of the carapaces of adult
experimental set-up. Nevertheless, the trade in
allochthonous species, thus gaining an advantage
animals ought to be more strictly regulated, and
(figure 4). In other turtle species, on the other hand,
allochthonous turtles ought to be removed from the
the mere presence of another species can have a
wild in the interest of animal, species and
negative effect. Polo-Cavia et al. (2010) showed
environmental protection.
that Mauremys leprosa, for example, would not pile
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 11- 17 ISSN: 1848-2007
Original Scientific Paper Kleewein 2015
Figure 3. Adult E. orbicularis have smaller body sizes than allochthonous species (photo: A. Kleewein) Slika 3. Odrasli E. orbicularis imaju manju veličinu rijela nego alohtone vrste (fotografija: A. Kleewein)
Figure 4. E. orbicularis was found on the carapace of allochthonous species more frequently than vice versa. (photo: A. Kleewein) Slika 4. E. orbicularis pronađen na karapaksu alohtionih vrsta češće nego obrnuto (fotografija: A. Kleewein)
Original Scientific Paper Kleewein 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 11- 17 ISSN: 1848-2007
Boyer, D.R. (1965): Ecology of the basking habit in turtles. Ecology 46: 99-118. Cadi, A. & Joly, P. (2003): Competition for basking places between the endangered European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis galloitalica) and the introduced red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans). Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 13921398. Cadi, A. & Joly, P. (2004): Impact of the introduction of the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) on survival rates of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 2511-2518. Ernst, C.H. & Lovich, J.E. (2009): Turtles of the United States and Canada. Second Edition. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Fritz, U. (2003): Die Europäische Sumpfschildkröte (Emys orbicularis). Supplement der Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 1, Laurenti-Verlag Bielefeld, 224 S. Jackson, D.C. (1971): The effect of temperature on ventilation in the turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans. Respir. Physiol. 12: 131–140. Kepenis, V. & McManus, J.J. (1974): Bioenergetics of young painted turtles Chrysemys picta. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, 48: 309-317. Macchi, S., Balzarini, L. L. M., Scali, S., Martinoli, A. & Tosi, G. (2008): Spatial competition for basking sites between the exotic slider Trachemys scripta and the European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis. In: CORTI C. (Ed.): Herpetologia Sardiniae. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina: 338-340. Parmenter, R.R. (1980): Effects of food availability and water temperature on the feeding ecology of pond sliders (Chrysemys scripta scripta). Copeia, 1998: 235–238. Polo-Cavia, N., Lopez, P. & Martin, J. (2010): Competitive interactions during basking between native and invasive freshwater turtle species. Biological Invasions 12 (7): 2141-2152.
Sincere thanks are due to the Reptile Zoo Happ in Klagenfurt, particularly to the directress Helga Happ,
investigations for this study to take place. Thanks are also due to the Department for Integrative Zoology, especially to Walter Hödl, for material and professional support.
Original Scientific Paper Tzankov et al. 2015
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 18- 27 ISSN: 1848-2007
First survey on the invasive Pond slider (Trachemys scripta) in Bulgaria: historic development and current situation Prvo istraživanje invazivne crvenouhe kornjače (Trachemys scripta) u Bugarskoj: povijesni razvoj i trenutno stanje NIKOLAY TZANKOV1, GEORGI POPGEORGIEV2, YURII KORNILEV1, NIKOLAY NATCHEV4,5, ANDREY STOYANOV1, BORISLAV NAUMOV3, IVO IVANCHEV6 1
National Museum of Natural History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, ntzankov@gmail.com 2 Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, PO Box 50, 1111 Sofia, Bulgaria 3 Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria 4 Department of Integrative Zoology, Vienna University, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria 5 Faculty of Natural Science, Shumen University, Universitetska 115, 9700 Shumen, Bulgaria 6 Gea Chelonia Foundation, 10, Shipka str. 8239 Banya, Nessebar municipal, Bourgas district, Bulgaria Abstract Pond sliders (Trachemys scripta) have become a popular pet in Bulgaria since 1990. Through the years a number of released specimens were observed in the wild. Although the negative effects on native turtles have been studied extensively elsewhere, no specific studies (besides brief reports) have addressed the invasion of T. scripta in Bulgaria. The present study is based on over 25 years of field monitoring and represents the first source of detailed information on the distribution of the Pond slider in Bulgaria. A total of 293 UTM (10×10 km) squares with habitats suitable for freshwater turtles were surveyed. We collected 64 records for 173 individuals, from 19 UTM squares. From all observed individuals, only two were from the nominate subspecies – the rest belong to T. s. elegans. In our study only one subadult was observed. To date no successful hatching has been recorded, although successful overwinterings have been registered. We discuss various mitigation measures that must be rapidly initiated to limit future release of Pond sliders and to remove the non-native specimens from the Bulgarian ecosystems. Actions are demanded especially to avoid the potential epizootic events caused by parasites with highly lethal effect on native species. Such outbreaks might potentially have greater impact on the native pond turtle species than various forms of competition with T. scripta.
Key words: Bulgaria, Red-eared slider, pet trade, freshwater turtle communities, invasion, monitoring
Sažetak Crvenouha kornjača (Trachemys scripta) postala je popularni ljubimac u Bugarskoj od 1990. Kroz godine sve veći broj jedinki zabilježen je i u divljini. Iako su negativni učinci na izvornim kornjače su opsežno studirao negdje 18
Original Scientific Paper Tzankov et al. 2015
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 18- 27 ISSN: 1848-2007
drugdje, nema posebne studije (osim kratkih izvješća) obratili invaziju T. scripta u Bugarskoj. Ova studija se temelji na više od 25 godina praćenja na terenu i predstavlja prvi izvor detaljne informacije o raspodjeli Pond klizača u Bugarskoj. Ukupno 293 UTM (10 × 10 km) kvadrata sa staništa pogodna za slatkovodne kornjače ispitano. Prikupili smo 64 zapisa za 173 osoba, od 19 UTM kvadrata. Od svih promatranih osoba, samo dvije su od nominirati podvrste - ostatak pripada T. Š. elegans. U našem istraživanju je uočeno samo jednoga djeteta. Do danas nije uspješno leženja zabilježena, iako su registrirani uspješni overwinterings. Mi smo razgovarali o raznim mjere ublažavanja koje se moraju brzo pokrenut ograničiti buduće izdanje Ribnjak klizača i za uklanjanje ne-izvornih uzoraka s bugarskim ekosustava. Akcije su zahtijevali posebno da se izbjegne potencijalne epidemiološko događaja uzrokovanih parazitima s vrlo smrtonosnim učinkom na autohtonim vrstama. Takve pojave potencijalno mogu imati veći utjecaj na autohtone vrste kornjača jezerce od raznih oblika natjecanja s T. scripta. Ključne riječi: Bugarska, crvenouha kornjača, trgovina kućnim ljubimcima, slatkovodne kornjače, invazija, monitoring
Introduction In Europe, the local turtle communities
(e.g. Avery and Servan 1998, Bringsøe 2001, Cadi and Joly 1999, 2004).
consist of one or maximum two of the total four
The species has been reported to reproduce
freshwater species. On the Balkans these are the
successfully in various European countries, mostly in
European pond turtle Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus,
the southwestern part of the continent – Italy (Ferri
1758) and the Balkan pond turtle Mauremys rivulata
and Soccini 2003, Ficetola et al. 2003, Sperone et al.
(Valenciennes, 1833). The upper Pliocene period was
2010), Spain (Martinez-Silvestre 1997, De Roa and
relatively rich in large freshwater turtle communities
Roig 1997, Bertolero and Canicio 2000, Capalleras
that existed in Europe (cf. Młynarski 1976).
and Carretero 2000, Pleguezuelos 2004), and France
Thereafter, because of processes that were related to
(Cadi et al. 2004, Girondot et al. 2012). Sporadic
climate oscillations in the Pleistocene period, the
observations are published for other Europe countries:
species richness dropped significantly to the present
Austria (Gemel et al. 2005, Gutleb and Happ 2002,
However, since the 1980s, due to their high
Slovenia (Vamberger et al. 2012). The reproductive
popularity in the pet trade, Pond sliders have been
performance of T. scripta in Southwestern Europe
exported all over the world, and are currently
was stated to show similar or even higher values than
distributed in the wild and in urban areas in nearly all
in native areas (Perez-Santigosa et al. 2008).
European countries (review in Bringsøe 2006).
In Bulgaria, Pond sliders were sold in high
Negative effects of released Pond sliders Trachemys
numbers (though specific quantities are unknown)
scripta (Thunberg in Schoepff, 1792) on European
since the 1990s and subsequently many specimens
freshwater ecosystems and especially on native
have been released in the wild by their owners.
freshwater turtles have previously been documented
However, published data on the species distribution 19
Original Scientific Paper Tzankov et al. 2015
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 18- 27 ISSN: 1848-2007
and its ecological impact in Bulgaria are generally
missing. A brief review (with limited specific
freshwater turtles.
localities) was published in Stojanov et al. (2011),
When possible, exact geographic coordinates
where faunistic data were summarized and the authors
of each identified Pond slider were marked in situ
made the assessment that the Pond slider has
using handheld GPS units (accuracy ±5 m; Garmin,
established itself in the wild. Locally, the species was
Olathe, Kansas, USA). In few cases, locations were
mentioned for Vitosha Mountain (Tzankov et al.
identified via publicly available, high-resolution
2014). Thus, the present study is the first attempt to
geographically referenced satellite imagery from
summarize and present the current distribution and
2001–2014 (Google Earth 7; Google, Mountain View,
status of this invasive freshwater turtle.
California, USA). The dataset of slider presence/absence (but otherwise
Material and methods The dataset of Pond slider occurrence was
presence of native species) were summarized and plotted on the national 10×10 km UTM grid.
compiled from all available authors’ observations after 1990, with additional localities provided by
colleagues. The data was collected during specific
Pond sliders were regularly encountered in
surveys for native freshwater turtles (E. orbicularis
Bulgaria from 1996. A total of 293 10×10 km UTM
and M. rivulata) and other freshwater herpetofauna,
squares with habitats suitable for freshwater turtles
as well as during incidental observations. Surveys
were surveyed. We collected a total of 64 records for
were performed throughout the country on various
173 individuals, from 19 UTM squares (6.4% of
natural, semi-natural, and urbanized bodies of water,
sampled UTMs; Fig. 1).
Original Scientific Paper Tzankov et al. 2015
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 18- 27 ISSN: 1848-2007
Figure 1. Distribution and relative abundance of observations of Trachemys scripta in Bulgaria (1990–2015) on a 10×10 km UTM grid. Slika 1. Distribucija I relativna abundance opažanja Trachemys scripta u Bugarskoj (1990-2015) na 10x10 km UTM mreži.
Nearly all observed specimens were adults
With distribution from the sea level up to
(or at least full-grown) except one sub-adult observed
1200 m a.s.l. (Dendrarium locality, Vitosha Mt.,
in an artificial pond in South Park in Sofia city. No
FN82; typographically misrepresented as 1300 m
male specimens were encountered in the field. In
a.s.l. in Stojanov et al. 2011), the identified area of T.
most of the localities, the sliders were presented by a
scripta completely overlaps that of the native pond
single specimen (63% of the localities).
In all of the presented locations, the
Localities were mostly concentrated in urban
subspecies T. scripta elegans (Wied, 1838) was
or peri-urban zones of the big cites, i.e. Sofia (FN82,
observed, except in one case where two individuals of
FN92), Plovdiv (LG16), Burgas (NH30), Yambol
T. scripta scripta were observed once in the
(MH50), Ruse (MJ15), Pleven (LJ00) and Vidin
Stomopolou lagoon near the town of Primorsko
(FP46), where turtles were encountered in artificial
(UTM NG68).
ponds, canals, and slow flowing rivers (Table 1). Sliders have also been found in natural habitats 21
Original Scientific Paper Tzankov et al. 2015
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 18- 27 ISSN: 1848-2007
at Managed
Ropotamo (NG68) and Veleka (NG85). In certain
“Veliyov Vir” (NG58) and in natural habitats,
“hot-spots”, Pond sliders were observed multiple
commonly visited by people such as the mouths and
times over the years.
lower sections of the rivers Kamchiya (NH76),
Table 1. Localities and habitats of the observed adult Trachemys scripta elegans in Bulgaria (1996-2014). Tablica 1. Lokacije i staništa opaženih odraslih jedinki Trachemys scripta elegans u Bugarskoj (1996-2014). UTM
Dendrariuma Vitosha Mtn
artificial pond
South Park 1, Sofia
artificial pond
South Park 2, Sofia
artificial pond
Boris' Garden, Sofia
artificial pond
district Druzhba, Sofia
artificial pond
Sofia, eastern suburbs
artificial pond
artificial pond
Dolni Bogrov
artificial pond
late 1990s
Plovdiv, Maritsa River
Plovdiv, Maritsa River
near Shumen
artificial pond
Mandra Dam
terrestrial habitat
Man. Reserve “Velyov Vir”
natural lake
Ropotamo River
Ropotamo River
Ropotamo River
Lake Stomopolou
natural lake
Veleka River
Burgas Lake
natural lake
Atanasovsko Lake
channel (freshwater )
2013 22
Original Scientific Paper Tzankov et al. 2015
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 18- 27 ISSN: 1848-2007
Kamchiya River
Varna Lake
natural pond
^ – denotes one subadult individual; * – only observation of two individuals of T. s. scripta
Veleka River and Rupite are amongst the non-urban
localities with frequent observations of the Pond
concentration of individuals increased to several
hundred and even began to have an impact on the
The downstream of the Veleka River (UTM
waterfowl. In 2010/2011, the pond froze permanently
square NG85) was the subject of regular monitoring
for a prolonged period forming a thick layer of ice
of the population of the native freshwater turtles (E.
that likely led to depletion of oxygen in the water or
complete freezing of the water column. After the
autochthonous taxa inhabit syntopically this section.
thaw, seemingly the whole population in the pond
Sliders were observed only in the lowermost part
was observed dead. Stoyanov (2015) reports a similar
close to the river mouth. This section is with the
die-off in an artificial pond in 2005.
highest human presence and most probably the sliders
Notably, no breeding was detected in
are released there. The lower section of the river is
Bulgaria to date. It must be pointed out that in semi-
characterised by rapid water level fluctuations of ±2
natural conditions (such as in Sofia Zoo) sliders have
meters and changes in salinity (from freshwater to
been repeatedly observed to lay eggs, but no
brackish) due to buildup/breakage of a sandbar at the
mouth. In these extreme conditions, the released
documented, although the reasons for the failure are
sliders seem to be in a disadvantage compared to the
native pond turtles and even though they are highly adaptive, in this case local conditions likely regulate
and contain the invasion.
In Europe, Bulgaria being no exception,
At the Rupite locality (UTM square FL89)
mostly one (rarely two) freshwater turtle species
sliders were encountered regularly and in large
inhabit particular water bodies, thus lowering the
numbers since 1996. The hot mineral water sources
evolutionary drivers for increased competitiveness
there provide suitable conditions. This place is a
over other freshwater turtles. In opposite to the
highly popular tourist destination not only at the local
European water turtles, in the core area of the Pond
level and visitors flow is permanent throughout the
slider’s native distribution it commonly co-occurs
year. The locality is obviously regarded as a very
with various other freshwater turtles, and commonly
suitable place for Pond slider and individuals are
dominates by numbers in local communities. The
likely released constantly.
Pond slider is highly competitive in interspecific
Historically, a large number of sliders were
encounters, both in its native range, as well as in the
released by citizens in an artificial pond within the
Sofia Zoo. In this basin, the species has overwintered
requirement such as Chrysemys picta (Schneider,
Original Scientific Paper Tzankov et al. 2015
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 18- 27 ISSN: 1848-2007
1783) seem to avoid slider presence and are rare when
semi-aquatic communities and environments. Highly
living in syntopy (Gibbons 1990). Pond sliders have
alarming results were recently obtained in Spain,
been demonstrated to possess a set of advantages that
where an epizootic event caused by blood fluke
allow them to displace the native species (vs. M.
leprosa: better thermoregulatory abilities, Polo-Cavia
documented, with lethal effect over a native meta-
et al. 2012; competitive behavior for food resources,
population of E. orbicularis (Iglesias et al. 2015).
Legislative history and impacts
competition for basking sites and impact on survival
On 22 December 1997 the European Council
rates, Cadi and Joly 1999, 2004). Pond sliders
implemented an import ban of T. s. elegans into the
potentially have a long-term impact on local
European Union (Regulation (EC) No. 338/97).
communities, living up to 30 years (estimated by
Subsequently, this led to mass importation of the
Gibbons and Semlitsch 1982). They reach sexual
nominate subspecies T. s. scripta. Quite recently both
maturity at 5–7 years of age and at 110–160 mm
subspecies of sliders (scripta and elegans) were
plastron length (Gibbons and Greene 1990), thus
banned for import in EU (Regulation No 578/2013,
allowing for a relatively quick population growth.
Their relatively low age of maturity and higher
regulations do not exist for controlling sliders already
fecundity [within the native range see Cagle (1946);
within the EU, including their sale/re-sale, release to
in Europe see Perez-Santigosa et al. (2008)]
and removal from the wild.
obviously can be recognised as an advantage over the
Although, Bulgaria entered the EU in 2007,
local native species. The sliders are highly mobile and
at present (2015) hatchling T. scripta spp. are still
are capable of moving to other suitable habitats in a
imported (mainly from the Czech Republic, with
vast range – up to 9 km in natural conditions
unknown origin) and are sold in numerous pet shops.
(Gibbons et al. 1990). Thus, these turtles can populate
For example, an illegal import of 600 hatchlings of T.
a large network of waterbodies quickly. The Pond
sliders are opportunistic animals; their diet is rather
confiscated at Sofia airport customs in 2014. The
flexible and includes mostly abundant aquatic
shipment was from Singapore, where a breeding
vegetation and invertebrates in their native range
centre likely exists.
elegans (declared
as aquarium fish)
(Parmenter and Avery 1990). Studies in Europe
Quite recently, individual registration of pet
detected overlap of the food spectrums of T. scripta
herpetofauna became mandatory at the Regional
and the native species, but sliders showed the widest
diet of all investigated species (Pérez-Santigosa et al.
responsible executive bodies. However, there is no
working mechanism to enforce registration and then
follow it up, e.g. monitoring of what happens with the Sliders host a large set of helminth parasites (Esch et al. 1990) and transmissive pathogens (Bringsøe 2006, Hidalgo-Vila et al. 2008, 2009). Therefore these
sold turtles. According to our observations and unpublished data, in most cases, the turtles are kept until maturity.
animals could be a risk factor for local aquatic and 24
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Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 18- 27 ISSN: 1848-2007
It seems that the visitors treat the sliders with
Implemented measures and experience from
sympathy and are convinced that they naturally occur
countries facing comparable high risks must be
in Bulgarian wetlands. This attitude promotes a sort
urgently applied to Bulgaria – as Alarcos et al. (2010)
of intentional, but misunderstood and incorrect
attitude for “release back into the wild” of unwanted
effectiveness and future eradication becomes either
pet turtles. Some owners release the adult animal in a
nearly impossible or very costly.
nearby water basin – so turtles may appear in urban fountains, ponds, flooded foundations of buildings and puddles; unfortunately, multiple turtles end up in
Acknowledgements We thank Kostadin Andonov, Dimitar
peri-urban and natural habitats. Other owners submit
turtles to zoos, where they are collected in large
Vladimir Milushev, Vladimir Mladenov, Dimitar
numbers (see above). It is unclear what happens to
Plachiyski for sharing their personal observations.
turtles when the capacity of the zoo is filled. Recently, owners have been able to return adult turtles back to the pet shops, which are then sold at the same price as hatchlings.
Possible measures to limit the number and distribution range of Pond sliders in Bulgaria Competent authorities (such as the Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water and the National Agency for Fisheries and Aqua-culture) should increase their efforts to limit the trade with T. scripta and ban the releases of sliders in the wild (e.g. by organizing campaigns for collecting unwanted pets). Working protocols to follow up on the registered individuals must be implemented. Another urgent measures package is related to the trapping, collecting and removing the Pond sliders from the wild. Proper devices for capture could be funnel traps of various designs, commonly used to sample freshwater turtle populations with very good results (see Plummer 1979, Kennett 1992, Gibbons 1990, Thomas et al. 2008). Additionally, basking traps were efficient for exotic turtle trapping in Spain (PérezSantigosa et al. 2006).
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Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 14: 237–246. Cagle F.R. (1946): The growth of the slider turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans. Am. Midl. Nat. 36: 685–739. Capalleras, X. & Carretero M.A. (2000): Evidencia de reproduccion con exito en libertad de Trachemys scripta en la Peninsula Iberica. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 11: 34–35. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 578/2013 of 17 June 2013 suspending the introduction into the Union of specimens of certain species of wild fauna and flora Official Journal of the European Union, L 169/1. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 888/2014 of 14 August 2014 prohibiting the introduction into the Union of specimens of certain species of wild fauna and flora Official Journal of the European Union, L 243/21. De Roa, E. & Roig J.M. (1997): Puesta en habitat natural de la tortuga de Florida (Trachemys scripta elegans) en Espana. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 8: 48–50. Esch, G.W., Marcogliese D.J., Goater T.M. & Jacobson K.C. (1990): Chapter 23. Aspects of the Evolution and Ecology of Helminth Parasites in Turtles: A Review. pp. 299-307. In: J. Whitfield Gibbons (ed.) Life History and Ecology of the Slider Turtle. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. Ferri, V. & Soccini C. (2003): Riproduzione di Trachemys scripta elegans in condizioni seminaturali in lombardia (Italia settentrionale). Natura Bresciana 33: 89–92. Ficetola, G.F., Monti A. & Padoa-Schioppa E. (2003): First record of reproduction of Trachemys scripta in the Po Delta. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Ferrara 5: 125–128. Gemel, R., Marolt, M. & Ochsenhofer, G. (2005): Ungewöhnliche „Naturbrut“ einer Rotwangen Schmuckschildkröte (Trachemys scripta elegans) in der Südsteiermark. ÖGH-Aktuell, Wien 15: 9–11. Gibbons, J.W. (1990): Chapter 2. Turtle Studies at SREL: A Research Perspective. pp. 19-44. In: J. Whitfield Gibbons (ed.) Life History and Ecology of the Slider Turtle. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. Gibbons, J.W. & Semlitsch R.D. (1982): Survivorship and longevity of a long-lived vertebrate species: How long do turtle live? Journal of Animal Ecology 51: 523–527. Gibbons, J.W. & Greene J. L. (1990): Chapter 9. Reproduction in the Slider and Other Species of Turtles. pp. 124-134. In: J. Whitfield Gibbons (ed.)
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Life History and Ecology of the Slider Turtle. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. Gibbons, J.W., Greene J.L. & Congdon J. D. (1990): Chapter 16. Temporal and Spatial Movement Patterns of Sliders and Other Turtles. pp. 201-215. In: J. Whitfield Gibbons (ed.) Life History and Ecology of the Slider Turtle. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. Girondot, M., Delmas V. & Prévot-Julliard A-C. (2012): Nouveles données sur la ponte de la tortue de floride (Trachemys scripta elegans) en Île-deFrance. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France, Paris 142-143: 71–78. Gutleb, B. & Happ. H. (2002) Schildkröten in Kärnten. Carinthia II 192(112): 155–160. Hidalgo-Vila J., Díaz-Paniagua C., Pérez-Santigosa N., de Frutos-Escobar C. & Herrero–Herrero A. (2008): Salmonella in free-living exotic and native trutles and in pet exotic turtles from SW Spain. Research in Veterinary Science 85(3): 449–452. Hidalgo-Vila J., Díaz-Paniagua C., Ribas A., Florencio M., Pérez-Santigosa N. & Casanova J. C. (2009): Helminth communities of the exotic introduced turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans in southwestern Spain: Transmission from native turtles. Research in Veterinary Science 86(3): 463– 465. Iglesias, R., García-Estévez J. M., Ayres C., Acuña A. & Cordero-Rivera A. (2015): First reported outbreak of severe spirorchiidiasis in Emys orbicularis, probably resulting from a parasite spillover event. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 113: 75-80. Kennett, R. (1992): A new trap design for catching freshwater turtles. Wildlife Research 19: 443–445. Kleewein, A. (2014): Natural reproduction of Trachemys scripta troostii (Holbrook, 1836) x Trachemys scripta scripta (Schoepff, 1792) in Austria. Herpetozoa 26(3/4): 183-185. Martinez-Silvestre, A. (1997): Nota sobre la reproduccion en condiciones naturals de la tortuga de Florida (Trachemys scripta elegans) en Masquefa (Cataluna, España). Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 8: 40–42. Młynarski, M. (1976): Testudines. In: O. Kuhn (ed.), Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, Part. Parmenter, R. & Avery H. W. (1990): Chapter 20. The Feeding Ecology of the Slider Turtle. pp. 257266. In: J. Whitfield Gibbons (ed.) Life History and Ecology of the Slider Turtle. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. Pérez-Santigosa, N., Díaz-Paniagua C., Hidalgo-Vila J., Robles F., Pérez de Ayala J.M., Remedios M., 26
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Original Scientific Paper
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 28 - 35
Kleewein 2015
ISSN: 1848-2007
Investigating temperature tolerance in wild broods of Trachemys scripta elegans (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae) in Austria Istraživanje temperaturne tolerance u divljim populacijama Trachemys scripta elegans (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae) u Austriji ANDREAS KLEEWEIN
University of Vienna, Department of Integrative Zoology, Althanstraße 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, andreas.kleewein@gmx.net
Abstract Reproduction of the freshwater chelonian, the red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans (WiedNeuwied, 1836), has been documented numerous times in the wild in Europe. The aim of this work was to show the temperature tolerance in wild broods of T. s. elegans in Austria. In the Austrian province of Carinthia, this allochthonous subspecies displays a huge tolerance regarding clutch temperature. Clutch temperature was measured in half-hour intervals during the entire incubation period of 118 days. The greatest variation in temperature in a single day ranged from 19.3°C to 37.1°C: a shift of 17.8°C. The maximum temperature reached during the entire incubation period was 38.7°C, the minimum temperature was 11.5°C. Average temperature was 22.5°C. Shell dimensions and weight of hatchlings were low. This indicates a negative influence of the extreme temperatures in clutches that are incubated under natural conditions in Austria. Nevertheless, broods in the wild are to be expected much more frequently in Europe than hitherto assumed.
Key words: Reproduction, clutch temperature, temperature variation, incubation period Sažetak Razmnožavanje slatkovodne crvenouhe kornjače, Trachemys scripta elegans (Wied-Nuwied, 1836) u divljini u Europi je već zabilježeno nebrojeno puta. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati temperaturnu tolerancu divljih populacija T. s. elegans u Austriji. Ta alohtona podvrsta pokazuje veliku tolerancu po pitanju temperature legal u pokrajini Koruškoj u Austriji. Temperatura legla je mjerena u 30-minutnim intervalima kroz cijeli period inkubacije od 118 dana. Najveća razlika temperature u pojedinom danu je bila od 19,3°C do 32,1°C: razlika od 17,8°C. Najviša zabilježena temperature je bila 38,7°C, a najniža 11,5°C. Prosječna temperature je bila 22,5°C. Dimenzije oklopa i masa mladunaca su bile male. To ukazuje na nepovoljan utjecaj temperaturnih ekstrema u leglima u austrijskoj prirodi. Unatoč tome, očekuje se povećanje učestalosti legala u Europi nego što je do sada bilo pretpostavljano. Ključne riječi: Razmnožavanje, temperatura legla, temperaturna varijacija, trajanje inkubacije
Original Scientific Paper
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 28 - 35
Kleewein 2015
ISSN: 1848-2007
Temperature measurements were taken
The red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta
using two Tinytag Talk 2 Temperature Loggers
elegans (Wied-Neuwied, 1836), is among the most
(Type TK-4014). One logger was buried at a depth
frequently occurring allochthonous turtle species in
of 12 cm directly by the clutch, in order to measure
the world. The Global Invasive Species Database
the soil temperature. The second logger was
regards it as one of the “100 of the world’s worst
positioned 2 m above the ground, measuring
invasive alien species“ (van Dijk et al. 2013).
outside temperatures. Data recording started on 4
This led to an import ban on the trade of this
June 2012 after oviposition of a female T. s.
species within the European Union in 1997. Reports
elegans, and lasted until 29 September 2012, when
of successful reproduction in the wild in various
the eggs hatched. Daily average temperature and
European countries have confirmed that the species
daily temperature range were calculated between
is able to reproduce outside of its natural range
00:00 and 24:00 h. The measurement interval was
(Girondot et al. 2012, Vamberger et al. 2012,
30 minutes.
Kleewein 2014). The majority of sites with released
Rainfall data was provided by the ZAMG
turtles in Austria have been recorded in the
(Austrian central institution for meteorology and
province of Carinthia. A comprehensive survey
geodynamics). The meteorological station from
revealed 47 bodies of water in which allochthonous
which this data originates is 5 km from the clutch
turtles occur (Kleewein 2007). Reproduction in the
site, also in the Klagenfurt basin (E: 14°19’04”, N:
wild in Carinthia is also already known (Gutleb &
46°38’54”, WGS84 coordinate system; 452 m
Happ 2002, Kleewein 2014).
a.s.l.), and therefore it provides authentic data for
For many years, the Happ reptile zoo in
the study site. Substrate moisture could not be
Klagenfurt has been receiving allochthonous turtles
measured and was estimated subjectively.
that have largely been found in the wild. The zoo
Clutch temperatures of a wild brood of Trachemys
has a dedicated pond for accommodating these
scripta (Kleewein 2014) at Tallach, 17 km to the
animals, providing the turtles with near-natural
south-west (E: 14°04’13”, N: 46°32’20”, WGS84
coordinate system; 516 m a.s.l.), are compared and discussed.
MATERIAL AND METHODS The outdoor turtle pond of the Happ reptile
zoo in Klagenfurt was chosen for data acquisition,
On 29 September 2012, a hole measuring
because male and female animals are kept here
2.5 cm in diameter was discovered at the protected
together. Oviposition occurs regularly at an
clutch site, indicating hatching. The wire mesh and
oviposition site made up of an earth-sand mix. The
uppermost layers of earth were removed, revealing
study site is situated in the Klagenfurt basin (E:
a carapace. A live hatchling (hatchling 2) crawled
14°15’56”, N: 46°37’10”, WGS84 coordinate
out of the egg chamber and made its way towards
system; 441 m a.s.l.), which resembles inner-alpine
the pond. Its yolk sac was already completely
areas thermally, but with a continental influence. A
absorbed, and a small part of the plastron was not
wire mesh at the surface with 2.5 x 2.5 cm openings
yet closed. The egg tooth was clearly visible.
provides protection from clutch predators.
Regarding the carapace scutes, the second vertebral one was divided, meaning a total of six vertebral 29
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Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 28 - 35
Kleewein 2015
ISSN: 1848-2007
scutes were present. There were 12 marginal and
afternoons between 15:00 and 18:30 h. The
five costal scutes on each side of the carapace. The
minimum temperature measured in the clutch was
plastron, on the other hand, did not show any
11.5°C (7:30 h; 21 September 2012), the lowest
meristic abnormalities (Tab. 1). On 1 October 2012,
temperatures usually being reached in the mornings
between 6:00 and 8:00 h.
maintenance work in the outdoor enclosure – the
The maximum daily temperature range in the clutch
first-hatched young (hatchling 1). Its yolk sac was
was 17.8°C (28 June 2012). In this case, the
not yet fully absorbed, and the animal was
temperature rose from 19.3°C (7:00 h) to 37.1°C
altogether smaller, but did not show any meristic
(17:00 h). The smallest daily temperature range was
abnormalities (Tab. 1). Sex-specific characteristics
2.1°C on a relatively cool day with temperatures
of both hatchlings, such as the cloaca positioned
between 16.3°C (7:30 h) and 18.4°C (16:00 h). The
closer to the end of the tail, indicated that the
average daily temperature range during the entire
hatchlings were males. Measurements of both
incubation period was 10.4°C.
individuals one year after hatching showed that
Out of the 118 days of development, 79% of days
both animals had grown well and had increased in
had a daily average temperature below 25°C (Fig.
weight. Hatchling 1 nevertheless remained well
1). The first third of the development period was
behind hatchling 2 in both size and weight (Tab. 1).
the warmest, with a mean daily temperature of
Three dead individuals in development stages 23,
24.7°C, the second third had a mean daily
25 and 26, according to Greenbaum (2002), were
temperature of 23°C, and the third 19.9°C. The
also found in relative proximity to the surface. The
mean daily temperature during the entire incubation
embryos of all other eggs in deeper parts of the
chamber had died in much earlier development
temperatures, was 22.5°C.
stages, and were therefore already completely
Rainfall from June to September was 593
decomposed and could not be classified by
mm, the most of which (292.5 mm) fell in July, in
development stage.
the second third of the development period. The
The chamber contained a total of 22 eggs. Due to
months of June (84 mm), August (69.9 mm) and
the proximity of the pond and the high soil water
September (146.6 mm), on the other hand, were
level, 17 of the 22 eggs in this Klagenfurt clutch
very dry (Fig. 1).
were affected by permanent stagnant moisture. Only the uppermost eggs were surrounded by dry incubation substrate. Therefore, only two eggs were able to develop fully and hatch live young. Temperature measurement was conducted over 118 days, and the average incubation period can also be assumed to be around that duration, since the first hatchling had already hatched shortly before this time. The maximum temperature measured in the clutch was 38.7°C (16:30 h; 30 June 2012), the highest daily temperatures always being reached in the 30
Original Scientific Paper
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 28 - 35
Kleewein 2015
ISSN: 1848-2007
gramima (g). HN – broj mladunca, CL – duljina karapaksa, CB – širina karapaksa, PL – duljina plastrona, PB – širina plastrona, SH – visina oklopa. HN CL CB PL PB SH Weight 2012
Temperature °C
50 30
20 10
precipitation Max. clutch
Max. air Min. clutch
Precipitation in mm
Table 1. Morphometric data of the two Trachemys scripta elegans hatched in Klagenfurt (Carinthia, Austria) in 2012, and one year after hatching. Shell measurements in centimetres (cm), body mass in gram (g). HN - Hatchling Number, CL Carapace length, CB - Carapace breadth, PL Plastron length, PB - Plastron breadth, SH - Shell Height Tablica 1. Morfometrijski podatci dvije jedinke Trachemys scripta elegans koje su se izlegle u Klagenfurtu (Karintija, Austrija) 2012. godine, i jednu godinu nakon izlijeganja. Mjere na oklopu izražene su u centimetrima (cm) a tjelesna masa u
Min. air
Figure 1. Outside temperature and rainfall data from the clutch site in Klagenfurt. Daily maximum and minimum outdoor temperature were measured 2 m above ground, maximum and minimum ground temperature were measured at a depth of 12 cm. Rainfall data refers to the period from the beginning of June to the end of September. Slika 1. Podatci o vanjskim temperaturama i padalinama zbilježenim za leglo u Klagenfurtu. Dnevni maksimum i minimum su mjereni na 2 m iznad zemlje a dnevni maksimum i minimum temperature tla su mjereni na dubini od 12 cm. Podatci o padalinama se odnose na period od početka lipnja do kraja rujna.
Original Scientific Paper
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 28 - 35
Kleewein 2015
ISSN: 1848-2007
Temperature °C
50 40 30 20 10 0 4.6.2012
4.7.2012 Max. clutch K
4.8.2012 Min. clutch K
4.9.2012 Max. clutch T
4.10.2012 Min. clutch T
Figure 2. Comparison of maximum and minimum ground temperatures between the clutches in Klagenfurt (K) and Tallach (T). Temperatures in Klagenfurt were measured at a depth of 12 cm, in Tallach at 10 cm. Minimum temperatures of both clutches are almost identical, the maximum temperatures in Klagenfurt are much higher. Slika 2. Usporedba maksimuma i minimuma temperature tla između legal u Klagenfurtu (K) i Tallachu (T). Temperature u Klagenfurtu su mjerene na dubini od 12 cm, a u Tallachu na dubini od 10 cm. Minimalne temperature oba legla su skoro identične, dok su maksimalne temperature u Klagenfurtu značajno veće.
during incubation, this can kill the embryos (Tucker
Survival rate and development of embryos
et al. 1997). This was also the case at the deeper
in eggs with flexible, porous shells – as is the case
part of the clutch at the Klagenfurt site. The
in T. s. elegans – are strongly influenced by the
combination of the high groundwater level and
moisture of the incubation substrate, due to the
waterlogged soil caused the embryos in deeper parts
increased exchange between the egg and its
of the chamber to die.
surroundings (Congdon & Gibbons 1990). In dryer
Average incubation period is dependent on
substrates, hatchlings are generally smaller and
temperature and lasts 112.5 days under laboratory
lighter (Congdon & Gibbons 1990). This was also
conditions at an average temperature below 25°C,
evident in the two uppermost eggs from the
according to
Klagenfurt clutch which hatched live. These two
development period of 118 days and the low
hatchlings, which had a body mass of 5 and 6 g
incubation temperature measured in Klagenfurt
respectively, thereby lying at the lower end of the
match these laboratory results. Under natural
range of the body mass of wild hatchlings in North
conditions in their native habitat, the young hatch
America (4.4-10.3 g; mean 8.2 g; n=151) (Tucker
after 60-80 days (Ewert 1979). The Tallach clutch
2000). The Tallach hatchlings had only between 5
also had a long incubation period of 119 days
and 6 g and the incubation substrate was dry
(Kleewein 2014) (Fig. 2). This shows that
(Kleewein 2014).
incubation periods under natural conditions in
On the one hand, moist substrate promotes an
Austria are longer by one half to one third than
increase in embryonic mass; on the other hand,
incubation periods in the species’ native North
eggs in moist substrate require a longer incubation
American habitat. Furthermore, the possibility of
period than eggs in drier substrate (Tucker &
successful reproduction despite low incubation
Paukstis 1999). If moisture levels are too high
temperatures and huge temperature variation could
Lovich (2009).
Original Scientific Paper
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 28 - 35
Kleewein 2015
ISSN: 1848-2007
be proven. Ewert & Nelson (1991) describe the
Generally, there would be enough habitats available
development of males at 22.5, 25 or 27°C, and the
around the eastern Alps that could allow the
development of females at 30°C. The transitional
development of hatchlings.
range of temperatures under stable laboratory
T. scripta can reproduce for the first time around
conditions lies between 29.0 and 29.5°C (Bull et al.
the age of eight years on average (Gibbons et al.
1982, Paukstis & Janzen 1990). Cadi et al. (2004)
1981), and at this age their body mass is still
state a transitional range of temperatures between
smaller than that of adults. Compared to adult
28.30°C and 30.61°C, at which both sexes can
animals, however, the young are subject to much
develop equally. The most decisive phase for the
greater predation pressure, especially from raptors
maturing T. scripta embryo is the middle third of
and corvids, as well as from carnivorous mammals
the incubation period. It is only after this time that
such as foxes. What is more, even in South
the sexual organs begin to differentiate, lasting until
Carolina, only 10% of a population reach the age of
the onset of sex-specific gonadal morphogenesis
ten years, and only 1% of turtles reach 20 years
(Wibbels et al. 1991). In the Klagenfurt case, clutch
(Gibbons 1987). For these reasons, only a small
temperature dropped constantly from oviposition to
number of hatchlings could be expected to reach
hatching, the mean daily temperature already being
maturity in Austria.
below 25°C in the first third of development. In
Long, harsh frosts reduce the hatching rate,
Tallach, at an overall average temperature of
body temperatures below 0°C down to -4°C are
21.4°C, it was also only males that hatched. Due to
tolerated only for a few hours (Churchill & Storey
the low recorded average incubation temperatures,
1992). Slider hatchlings of the northern North
it is currently not possible for females to develop in
American populations generally overwinter in the
Austrian clutches in the wild.
nest, and react sensitively to temperatures around
The maximum daily range of temperature
-0.6°C-4.0°C (Packard et al. 1997, Tucker &
in a Trachemys scripta troostii (Holbrook, 1836)
Packard 1998, Costanzo et al. 2008). An analysis of
clutch in Tennessee was 8°C (Cagle 1937). For
soil temperatures during the course of one year,
comparison’s sake, the average daily range of
measured at the hatching site in Klagenfurt from the
temperature in a 10.7 cm deep clutch of Chrysemys
winter of 2011 to the winter of 2012, showed
picta (Schneider, 1783) was 7°C (Refsnider et al.
minimum temperatures reaching -3.5°C, which
2013). With 10.4°C at a depth of 12 cm, the
would have had a detrimental effect on survival rate
measurements in Klagenfurt revealed only a
in any overwintering clutch.
slightly higher average daily range of temperature;
One year, or a few years, with low reproductive
but they indicated a much greater tolerance
success will not lead to the extinction of
regarding the maximum daily range of temperature,
populations. What is more decisive for the
with 17.8°C. Since substrate moisture and clutch
geographic range and persistence of a population is
temperature are decisive for development of the
the long-term average temperature (Rödder et al.
embryos, and as these values were considerably
2009). Due to the low clutch temperatures
lower in Carinthia than in the species’ native
measured in Carinthia, only males are able to
habitat, this shows that the species possesses
develop at the moment. This can, however, provide
considerable tolerance regarding temperature in
the basis for future reproductions in certain bodies
central European climates. 33
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 28 - 35 ISSN: 1848-2007
of water that already contain released, sexually mature females.
REFERENCES Bull, J.J., Vogt, R.C. & McCoy, C.J. (1982): Sex determining temperatures in turtles: a geographic comparison. Evolution 36: 326-332. Cadi, A., Delmas, V., Prévot-Julliard, A.-C., Joly, P., Pieau, C. & Girondot, M. (2004): Successful reproduction of the introduced slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) in the South of France. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 14: 237-246. Cagle, F.R. (1937): Egg laying habits of the slider turtle (Pseudemys troostii), the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta), and the musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus). Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 12: 87-95. Churchill, T.A. & Storey, K.B. (1992): Responses of freezing exposure of hatchling turtles Trachemys scripta elegans: factors influencing the development of freeze tolerance by reptiles. Journal of Experimental Biology 167: 221-233. Congdon, J.D. & Gibbons, J.W. (1990): Turtle Eggs: Their Ecology and Evolution. pp. 109-123. In Gibbons, J.W. (ed.) Life History and Ecology of the Slider Turtle. Smithsonian Institution Press. Costanzo, J.P., Lee Jr., R.E. & Ultsch, G.R. (2008): Physiological ecology of overwintering in hatchling turtles. Journal of Experimental Zoology 309A: 297-379. van Dijk, P.P., Harding, J. & Hammerson, G.A. (2013): Trachemys scripta. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 22 May 2015. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/22028/0. Ernst, C.H. & Lovich, J.E. (2009): Turtles of the United States and Canada. Second Edition. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Ewert, M.A. (1979): The embryo and its egg: Development and natural history. pp. 333-413. In Harless, M., Morlock, H. (eds.) Turtles: Perspectives and research. John Wiley and Sons. Ewert, M.A. & Nelson, C.E. (1991): Sex determination in turtles: Diverse patterns and some possible adaptive values. Copeia 1991: 5069. Gibbons, J.W. (1987): Why do turtles live so long? Bioscience 37: 262-269. Gibbons, J.W., Semlitsch, R.D., Greene, J.L. & Schubauer, J.P. (1981): Variation in age and size at maturity of the Slider turtle (Pseudemys scripta). The American Naturalist 117: 841-845. Girondot, M., Delmas, V. & Prévot-Julliard, A.-C. (2012): Nouveles données sur la ponte de la tortue de Floride (Trachemys scripta elegans) en Île-deFrance. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France 142-143: 71-78.
Original Scientific Paper Kleewein 2015
Greenbaum, E. (2002): A standardized series of embryonic stages for the emydid turtle Trachemys scripta. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 13501370. Gutleb, B. & Happ, H. (2002): Schildkröten in Kärnten. Carinthia II 192/112: 155-160. Kleewein, A. (2007): Verbreitung der RotwangenSchmuckschildkröte (Trachemys scripta elegans) in Kärnten. Carinthia II 197/117: 53-58. Kleewein, A. (2014): First record of reproduction in open land of Trachemys scripta troostii (Holbrook, 1836) with the nominate species Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1792) in Austria. Herpetozoa 26: 183-185. Packard, G.C., Tucker, J.K., Nicholson, D. & Packard, M.J. (1997): Cold tolerance in hatchling Slider turtles (Trachemys scripta). Copeia 1997: 339-345. Paukstis, G.L. & Janzen, F.J. (1990): Sex determination in reptiles: summary of effects of constant temperatures of incubation on sex ratios of offspring. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 83: 1-28. Refsnider, J.M., Bodensteiner, B.L., Reneker, J.L. & Janzen, F.J. (2013): Nest depth may not compensate for sex ratio skews caused by climate change in turtles. Animal Conservation 16: 481490. Rödder, D., Kwet, A. & Lötters, S. (2009): Translating natural history into geographic space: a macroecological perspective on the North American Slider, Trachemys scripta (Reptilia, Cryptodira, Emydidae). Journal of Natural History 43: 2525-2536. Tucker, J.K. (2000): Annual variation in hatchling size in the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans). Herpetologica 56: 8-13. Tucker, J.K., Janzen, F.J. & Paukstis, G.L. (1997): Response of embryos of the red-eared turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) to experimental exposure to water-saturated substances. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2: 345-351. Tucker, J.K. & Packard, G.C. (1998): Overwinter survival by hatchling sliders (Trachemys scripta) in West-Central Illinois. Journal of Herpetology 32: 431-434. Tucker, J.K. & Paukstis, G.L. (1999): Post-hatching substrate moisture and overwintering hatchling turtles. Journal of Herpetology 33: 608-615. Vamberger, M., Lipovšek & G., Gregorič, M. (2012): First reproduction record of Trachemys scripta (Schoepf, 1792), in Slovenia. Herpetozoa 25: 76-79. Wibbels, T., Bull, J.J. & Crews, D. (1991): Chronology and morphology of temperaturedependent sex determination. Journal of Experimental Zoology 260: 371-381.
Hyla VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 28 - 35
Original Scientific Paper Kleewein 2015
ISSN: 1848-2007
for Integrative Zoology, especially to Walter Hรถdl,
I would like to thank Helga Happ, of the Happ
for material and professional support.
reptile zoo, for the possibility to conduct this study in her zoo. Thanks are also due to the Department
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 36- 43 ISSN: 1848-2007
Original Scientific Paper Dimaki et al. 2015
New data on the distribution and population density of the African Chameleon, Chamaeleo africanus and the Common Chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon in Greece Novi podatci o distribuciji i populacijskoj gustoći afričkog kamelenona, Chamaeleo africanus i običnog kameleona, Chamaeleo chamaeleo u Grčkoj MARIA DIMAKI1*, BASIL CHONDROPOULOS2, ANASTASIOS LEGAKIS3, EFSTRATIOS VALAKOS4, MARIOS VERGETOPOULOS1 1
Goulandris Natural History Museum, 100 Othonos St., 145 62 Kifissia, Greece, mdim@gnhm.gr 2 Section of Animal Biology, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Patra, Greece. 3 Zoological Museum, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Athens, Greece. 4 Section of Animal & Human Physiology, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Athens, Greece.
Abstract New data on the distribution and the population density of the Common Chameleon Chamaeleo chamaeleon (Linnaeus, 1758) and the African Chameleon Chamaeleo africanus Laurenti, 1768 are reported from Greece. The data for the Common Chameleon was collected from Samos Island (Aegean Sea) and for the African Chameleon from the SW Peloponnese. The period of the data collection is from 1998 till 2014. The African Chameleon is an allochthonous species for Greece and its presence in the area of Gialova Pylos is likely due to its introduction in historical times, because chameleons were often used in the past as pets by people and kings (Bodson, 1984). Some months ago a new population of the Common Chameleon was discovered in Attica. The distribution of the African Chameleon has expanded in the western Peloponnese with at least two new populations. This expansion is due to the local translocation of the species by humans. The population density of the African Chameleon ranged from 0.44 (in 2014) to 401.30 (in 1999) individuals/ha, while for the Common Chameleon ranged from 0.83 (in 2001) to 53,33 ind/ha (in 1998). The mean population density of the African Chameleon in Pylos was 9.69 ind/ha (estimated without the extreme value of 401.30), while that of the Common Chameleon in Samos was 5.26 ind/ha. No statistically significant difference was found in the sex ratio for either chameleon species. Only in the African Chameleon we did find a statistically significant difference between juvenile and adult numbers, as juveniles were more numerous (60.7% of the population). Key words: Chamaeleo africanus, Chamaeleo chameleon, Greece; distribution, population density.
Sažetak Novi podaci o rasprostranjenosti i gustoći populacije običnog kameleona Chamaeleo chamaeleon (Linnaeus, 1758) i afričkog kameleona Chamaeleo africanus Laurenti, 1768 su iznešeni. Podaci za C. chamaeleon su sakupljani na otoku Samos (Egejsko more), a za C. africanus na JZ Peloponezu. Sakupljanje podataka je trajalo od 1998. do 2014. Afrički kameleon je unešena vrsta u Grčkoj, prisutna na području Gialova Pylos i vrlo vjerojatno je unešena davno, jer su kameleoni često uzimani za ljubimce, pogotovo od monarha (Bodson, 1984). Nova vrsta običnog kameleona je otkrivena u Atici pred nekoliko mjeseci. Afrički kameleon se proširio na zapadni Peloponez, gdje tvori bar dvije nove populacije. To je vjerojatno zbog lokalne translokacije od strane ljudi. Gustoća populacije afričkog kameleona se kretala od 0,44 (2014.) do 401,30 (1999.) jedinki/ha, a za
Original Scientific Paper
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 36- 43 ISSN: 1848-2007
Dimaki et al. 2015
običnog od 0,83 (2001.) do 53,33 (1998.) jed./ha. Srednja gustoća populacije u Pylosu je bila 9,69 jed./ha (procijenjeno bez ekstremne vrijednosti od 401,30 jed./ha) za afričkog, odnosno na Samosu 5,26 jed./ha za običnog kameleona. Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika u omjeru spolova za obje vrste. Statistički značajna razlika između brojnosti juvenilnih i odraslih jedinki je uočena samo kod afričkih, s time da su juvenilne jedinke bile brojnije (60,7 % populacije). Ključne riječi: Chamaeleo africanus, Chamaeleo chameleon, Grčka; distribucija, gustoča populacije
in the west Peloponnese. The total area in which the
INTRODUCTION The distribution of the Common Chameleon in
chameleons were found in the Peloponnese is about
Greece includes the Aegean islands of Samos, Chios
30 ha (Dimaki 2008). Twelve ha of this area consist
and Crete (Ondrias 1968, Chondropoulos 1986,
of flooded land, meadows that have no vegetation
Dimaki 2008), while the African Chameleon had
during the summer, and roads, so the size of the
been observed only at Gialova near Pylos, in the
suitable habitat for the African Chameleon is 18 ha
southwestern Peloponnese (Böhme et al. 1998,
(Dimaki 2008). In 2013 and 2014 we looked for
Dimaki 2008). Both species are rare in Greece. The
African Chameleons further north of the known
Common Chameleon is listed in the Annex II of the
distribution of the species in the Peloponnese in case
Bern convention, in the Annex IV of the EU Habitats
we could find any new population of the species.
Directive and is also protected by the Greek Law
Samos is 47700 ha, 21.4% of the island consists of
(Presidential Decree 67/1981). The Greek Red Data
pine woods, 40.5% is pastures and 3.6% is villages
Book of Threatened Vertebrates refers to it as an
and roads (Dimitropoulos et al. 1998), so 65.5% of
“Endangered” taxon and to the African Chameleon as
Samos is unsuitable habitat for chameleons. Only
“Critically Endangered”. The genus is listed in the
16450 ha are optimum habitat for the Common
Chameleon. After a big fire in July 2000 the optimum
information (such as population size and density) is
habitat was diminished considerably. For August
2000 and September 2001 we estimate the total
management of these threatened species.
habitat of the species about 12720 ha (Dimaki 2008).
In this paper we report basic information
The population size was estimated using the capture-
about the population of both species in Greece.
marking-recapture and the line transect method
Information includes density of the population, and
new data on the distribution of the African
estimation) and Petersen indices were used for
Chameleon. Available information for both species
population estimation. The animals were marked
exists in the PhD thesis of the first author. For the
using waterproof ink, as done by Cuadrado & Loman
Common Chameleon there is more information on the
(1997) and Cuadrado (2001) with the Common
populations in southern Spain (Cuadrado & Santos
Chameleon in Spain and by Dimaki (2008) in Greece.
1997, Cuadrado 1998, 2001).
The animals were handled with care and no animal
was hurt during the study. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Using the line transect method we recorded
Field work on the Common Chameleon took
individuals identified in the transect, the boundaries
place on Samos island and on the African Chameleon
of which are located on either side of the route that is
Original Scientific Paper
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 36- 43 ISSN: 1848-2007
Dimaki et al. 2015
chosen by the researcher. The distances traveled were
necessary to catch the animal and it was difficult to
measured by pedometer.
observe the sex – such as when the animal was very
Our estimation of the total population of the species
high on a tree - we did not sex them).
was based on the methodology of Nilson et al. (1999).
From that total 352 were recaptures. No statistically
Data was collected from Samos in June 1998, July
significant difference was found in the sex ratio of the
1999, May, July, August-September 2000, September
species (Mann-Whitney U test, U= 51.0 P=0.53).
2001, August 2010, and August 2014. The exact dates of sampling are given in Table 2. Data from Pylos was collected in April and May 1998, June 1999, May 2000, April 2001, June and August 2003, August-September 2011, August 2013, May and August 2014. The exact dates of sampling are given in Table 1.
Age ratio varied significantly in this species with more juveniles (immature specimens) than adults (Mann-Whitney U test, U= 17.00 P<0.05). We used data of 902 African Chameleons to check the age ratio. Of these individuals, only 164 were adults (39.3 %) (18.8%) and 738 were juveniles (60.7 %) (81.2 %) (SVL < 114 mm).
Sex identification was based on the presence of the hemipenes at the base of the tail of the males. For the African Chameleons we also used the presence of spurs at the hind legs of the males. Age identification was based on the length of the
We captured a total of 125 individuals of the Common Chameleon (30 males, 31 females and 64 of unknown sex). Of these, only 17 were recaptures. Because of the small number of animals that were
body; individuals of the African Chameleon of SVL ≥
found on Samos at each sampling, we could not use
114 mm and of the Common Chameleon of SVL ≥ 84
the capture-marking-recapture method. Instead we
mm are considered adults (Dimaki 2008).
used mainly the transect method.
Using Mann-Whitney U test we compared the ratio of the two sexes as well as that of adult to juveniles. Juveniles were considered African Chameleons of SVL < 114 mm and Common Chameleons of SVL < 84 mm. Newborns were excluded, we also used the measurements of each chameleon only once in case of a recapture.
(55.4%) and 30 juveniles (44.6%). No statistically significant difference was found in the sex ratio (Mann-Whitney U test, U= 15.00 P=0.63), nor in the age ratios of the Common Chameleon (MannWhitney U test, U= 15.50 P=0.68). The population density of the African Chameleon in Pylos and of the Common Chameleon in Samos at
RESULTS We counted a total of 1150 African Chameleons during field work (395 males, 492
each sampling area and period are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Our estimation of the total population of the species is presented in Table 3.
females and 263 of unknown sex). (When it was not
Original Scientific Paper
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 36- 43 ISSN: 1848-2007
Dimaki et al. 2015
Table 1. Population density of the African Chameleon in Pylos. Tablica 1. Gustoća populacije afričkog kameleona u Pylosu. Date
Sampling area
27.14- 53.57
density/ha 95% confidence limits
Petersen Transect
26.01 without
Table 2. Population density of the Common Chameleon in Samos (*: data from Tsapras, 2012). Tablica 2. Gustoća populacije običnog kameleona na Samosu (*: podatci iz Tsapras, 2012). Date Sampling area Population density/ha 95% Method (ha) estimation confidence limits 1-3/6/1998
Original Scientific Paper
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 36- 43 ISSN: 1848-2007
Dimaki et al. 2015
Table 3. Estimated total number of the African Chameleon in Pylos (30 ha) and of the Common Chameleon in Samos (47 700ha). Tablica 3. Procjenjeni broj afriÄ?kih kameleona u Pylosu (30 ha) i obiÄ?nog kameleona na Samosu (47 700ha). Date April 1998
Total population of Ch. africanus 196
May 1998
June 1999
July 1999 May 2000
Total population of Ch. chamaeleon
40000 203
July 2000
August 2000
April 2001
September 2001
June 2003
August 2003
August 2010
Original Scientific Paper
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 36- 43 ISSN: 1848-2007
Dimaki et al. 2015
October 2010
August - September 2011
August 2013
May 2014
August 2014
During 2013 and 2014 we searched for new
species has expanded its distribution from the village
locations in the Peloponnese for African Chameleons.
of Gialova to the coastline of Romanos village. This
We found two new populations in the western
happened after the introduction of individuals to
Peloponnese (exact localities are not given due to the
high incidence of illegal collection of the species in
Greece). The first population is in the NATURA2000
Recently a
site GR2330005 and the second in the NATURA2000
Chameleon was discovered in Attica. This is also an
site GR2320001. The first population was monitored
introduced population that needs to be studied.
new population of the
during 2013 and 2014. Both adults and newborns were found there. The second population was found
We estimated the population density of the
in the summer of 2014 and we do not know the exact
African Chameleon only by the 2013 known
situation of this population because only three
distribution of the species, without including the new
newborns were found there.
regions, in order to compare the data with those since
Also we found that the species has expanded its
1998. The population density of the African
distribution north-west of its known distribution in
Chameleon was much larger than that of the Common
Gialova. The new distribution of the species in the
Chameleon. A possible explanation is that habitats
Pylos area is from the village of Gialova to the
were very different between sites: wetlands in Pylos
coastline of Romanos village.
vs. rocky and sandy areas in Samos (Rhizos 1998).
In December 2014 a new population of the Common
This difference could determine for instance, a) great
Chameleon was discovered, by the first author, in
differences in food availability between sites, b)
Attica. Because this is a new discovery we know
neither the exact distribution nor the population
different soil humidity and hence, a different
density of this introduced population.
reproductive success (Martin 1992), and c) high
differences in nesting sites. DISCUSSION
The range of the population density of the African Chameleon was 0.44-401.30 ind. per ha. The
The area of Gialova is the only place that
remarkably high density recorded was in one
was known for the distribution of the African
particular area (and only one year), especially
Chameleon in Greece. The distribution of the African
favourable for the animals. Differences like these are
Chameleon has expanded to the western Peloponnese
not unexpected and have been noted in other
with at least two new populations. This expansion is
chameleon species (Burrage 1973). For Chamaeleo
due to the introduction of the species by people who
namaquensis the population density was 0.5-23.4
like chameleons without any permit or any other legal
(mean 12.8), and for Bradypodion pumilum 8-90 ind
permission (personal communication). Also the
/ha in southwest Africa (Burrage 1973).
Original Scientific Paper
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 36- 43 ISSN: 1848-2007
Dimaki et al. 2015
For Common Chameleons,
the range of the
error or a difference in behaviour between the sexes
population density was much smaller in Samos than
(Turner 1977)
in Cádiz (south Spain) where the estimation was 20-
In Gialova, juveniles were more numerous than
25 ind/ha (with a maximum of 30 ind/ha (Cuadrado &
adults, with the exception of August 1997, 1998, and
Rodriguez 1997, Cuadrado 1998). These differences
2003. In all other surveys, the juveniles ranged from
could be explained by differences in food availability,
56.0% (in June 1998) to (97.8% in April 200) of the
or the competition between species (Turner 1977,
population. In Samos such a difference was not
Avery 1980).
observed. This might mean that the African
The total population of the African Chameleon for the
Chameleon had larger reproductive success.
period 1998-2014 ranged from 59 to 365 individuals, while the total population of the Common Chameleon in Samos for the period 1999-2014 ranged from 23914 to 166000 individuals. The prospective range in the population can be large over the total sampling period, as according to Turner (1977), lizard populations are not stable during each year, but their density changes. In early spring a high number of the chameleons
observations), so it is possible that this is the reason that the population seems smaller in spring than in July and August. After the big fire in Samos, the population of the Common Chameleon seemed larger. This might happen because the chameleons are concentrating in optimum habitat, after the reduction of their former habitat. August and September are favourable months for observing chameleons because they mate and thus they move a lot and do not hide themselves in dense vegetation during the night. Furthermore, in these months eggs are hatching, so generally more chameleons are observed. No difference was found in the sex ratio of either species. This is predictable for most lizard species (Burrage 1973). However, in Furcifer pardalis (Bourgat 1968) and in the Common Chameleon from Spain (Blasco 1978) males were more numerous than females. These differences could be due to sampling
REFERENCES Avery, R.A. (1980): Ecophysiology and behaviour of lacertid lizards - towards a synoptic model. Proceedings of the European Herpetological Symposium CWLP, Oxford. 71-73. Blasco, M. (1978): Situacion actual del camaleón común, Chamaeleo chamaeleon L., en la Procincia de Cadiz, España. Boletin de la estacion central de Ecologia. 7(13): 87-90. Böhme, W. & Bonetti, A. & Chiras, G. (1998): The chameleons of the Greek mainland: taxonomic allocation and conservation needs of a second European species (Squamata: Sauria: Chamaeleonidae). Herpetozoa 11 (1/2): 87-91. Bodson, L. (1984). Living reptiles in captivity: a historical survey from the origins to the end of the XVIIIth century. ACTA Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia. 78 (1): 15-32. Bourgat, R. (1968): Etude des variations annuelles de la densite de population de Chamaeleo pardalis Cuv., 1892, dans son biotope de l' ile de la Reunion. Vie Milieu. (C) 19: 227-231. Burrage, B.R. (1973): Comparative ecology and behavior of Chamaeleo pumilus pumilus (Gmelin) and C. namaquensis A. Smith (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae). Annals of the South African Museum 61: 1-158. Chondropoulos, B.P. (1986): A checklist of the Greek reptiles. I. The lizards. Amphibia & Reptilia 7: 217235. Cuadrado, M. (1998): The use of yellow spot colors as a sexual receptivity signal in females of Chamaeleo chamaeleon. Herpetologica. 54 (3): 395-402. Cuadrado, M. (2001): Mate guarding and social mating system in male common chameleons (Chamaeleo chamaeleon). Journal of Zoology. 255: 425-435. Cuadrado, M. & Loman, J. (1997): Mating behaviour in a Chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) population in southern Spain - effects of male and female size. Herpetologia Bonnensis. Böhme, W., Bischoff, W & Ziegler (Eds). 1997: 81-88
Original Scientific Paper
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 36- 43 ISSN: 1848-2007
Cuadrado, M. & Santos, M.R. (1997): Distribucion actual del camaleón en la peninsula Iberica. Quercus. 133: 31-36. Dimaki, M. (2008): Ecology and physiology of chameleons (Chamaeleo spp.) in Greece (PhD thesis) University of Athens, (in Greek) 202 pages. Dimitropoulos, A. & Dimaki, M. & Ioannidis Y. (1998): The fauna of Samos. (Ed.) “N. Dimitriou” foundation. 13:180 pages. Martin, J. (1992): Chameleons: Nature’s Masters of Disguise. Blandford (Ed). UK. Pages: 176. Nilson, G. & Andrén C. & Ioannidis, Y. & Dimaki, M. (1999): Ecology and conservation of the Milos viper, Macrovipera schweizeri (Werner, 1935). Amphibia & Reptilia. 20: 355-375. Ondrias, J.C. (1968): Liste des amphibiens et des reptiles de la Grece. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica I (2):111-135. Pianka, E.R. (1970): Comparative autecology of the lizard Cnemidophorus tigris in different parts of its geographic range. Ecology. 51: 703-720. Rhizos, S. (1998): Geology of Samos island. In: The fauna of Samos. (Ed.) “N. Dimitriou” Foundation. 13: 29-32. Tsapras, P. (2012). Population estimation and ecological characteristics of the Common Chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) in two areas of Samos island, Greece. In Greek with English summary. pp 69. Turner, F.B. (1977): The dynamics of populatons of Squamates, Crocodilians and Rhynchocephalians. In: Biology of the Reptilia. C. Gans, D.W. Tinkle (Eds.) Academic Press, New York. 7: 157-264.
Dimaki et al. 2015
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank the people who helped in the fieldwork: Y. Ioannidis, Ph. Kokkini, Ch. Reppa, S. Roussos, and G. Maneas. Many thanks to "TEMES SA” for sponsoring the project in Peloponnese in 2013, NGO PELARGOS for the year 2014, and to E. Zimalis of the Museum of Natural History of Samos for the financial support during my field work on Samos island in 2000. Field work conducted under the following permits issued by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change: No. 88794/4319 for 1997-1999, No. 201269/2731 for 2010-2011, No. 220834/2573 for 2011-2013, and No. 111541/1647 for 2014. Special thanks to Roger Butts for checking the language.
Short Note
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 44 - 49 ISSN: 1848-2007
Đorđević & Anđelković 2015
Possible reproduction of the red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae), in Serbia, under natural conditions Moguća reprodukcija crvenouhe kornjače, Trachemys scripta elegans (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae), u Srbiji, u prirodnim uvjetima SONJA ĐORĐEVIĆ1,3, MARKO ANĐELKOVIĆ2 1
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Zoology, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, sonjadj@bio.bg.ac.rs 2 University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, Despota Stefana Blvd. 142, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 3 Serbian Herpetological Society “Milutin Radovanović”, Despota Stefana Blvd. 142, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Abstract The North American chelonian, Trachemys scripta elegans, is still among the most popular pets worldwide. However, if released into natural water bodies outside of its natural distribution range it becomes a great nuisance and threat to native freshwater turtles and other aquatic wildlife. We report, for the first time, on the case of possible reproduction of the red-eared sliders under natural conditions in north-central Serbia. In July 2014 we found two red-eared slider hatchlings near the canal in the settlement of Borča near the Serbian capital. Judging by their body sizes and appearance (muddy shells, curved carapace), they had recently hatched near the place where they were found. Key words: Serbia, red-eared slider, reproduction
Sažetak Sjeverno-američka vrsta kornjače, Trachemys scripta elegans, danas je jedna od najpopularnijih kućnih ljubimaca širom Svijeta. Ipak, ako joj se omogući bijeg u prirodna staništa, postaje vrlo velik problem i prijetnja domaćoj barskoj kornjači i generalno vodenim životinjama. U ovom radu, po prvi put, izvještavamo o slučaju potencijalne reprodukcije crvenouhe kornjače u prirodnim uvijetima na području sjeverne i centralne Srbije. U srpnju 2014. Pronašli smo dva tek izlegla mladunca crvenouhe kornjače u blizini odvodnog kanala u selu Borča (okolica Beograda). Sudeći prema njihovoj duljini tijela i generalnim karakteristikama (blatni oklop, zabljeni karapaks), može se ustvrditi da su se tek izlegli vrlo blizo mjesta pronalaska. Ključne riječi: Srbija, crvenouha kornjača, reprodukcija Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1792) is an
2013). Trachemys species are popular pets, but they
aquatic turtle native to the New World (van Dijk et
are also used for human consumption or for
al. 2013); one of its three subspecies (Bringsøe
religious purposes (e.g. Ramsay et al. 2007, Mali et
2006), Trachemys scripta elegans (Wied-Neuwied,
al. 2014). For decades (between 1950’s and
1839), is listed among the 100 worst invasive alien
1970’s), app. 10 million individuals had been
species in the world (Scalera 2006; van Dijk et al.
imported annually into the Old World countries;
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VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 44 - 49 ISSN: 1848-2007
Đorđević & Anđelković 2015
during the 1980’s this rate lowered, but still, e.g. in
Import of T. s. elegans into the EU has been
1996, over 2 million individuals were imported into
banned since 1997 (Bringsøe 2006); however, other
Europe (Bringsøe 2006; Scalera 2006; Ramsay et
subspecies are being imported instead (van Dijk et
al. 2007). Between 1989 and 1997 a total of 52
al. 2013). Individual EU members also forbid the
million individuals were exported from the USA
trade in this species, but in some it can still be
farms (Cadi et al. 2004; Scalera 2006). Despite
easily bought, along with other allochthonous
legal restrictions, export rates of wild-caught and
chelonians (e.g. Kitowski & Pachol 2009, Semenov
commercially bred freshwater turtles from the USA
2010). In Serbia, T. scripta is listed as invasive
are still high (Mali et al. 2014). When these turtles
(Lazarević et al. 2012), and the import of all its
outgrow their aquaterraria, many owners decide to
subspecies is forbidden (Official Gazette of the
“release” their red-eared pets into natural or
Republic of Serbia No. 99/2009-26, 6/2014-9).
artificial water bodies; being highly resistant and
Nevertheless, it is still available for sale (Urošević
adaptable, they manage to survive and often to
et al. in press). On July 7th 2014, in the Belgrade
reproduce as well (Rödder et al 2009). Introduced populations of T. scripta
suburban settlement of Borča, along the Sebeš
already exist in numerous countries, on all
canal (44°52′14.60″N, 20°28′44.04″E, 69 m a.s.l),
continents except Antarctica (Cadi et al. 2004,
one of the authors (M. A.) found two hatchlings of
Ramsay et al. 2007, Pérez-Santigosa et al. 2008).
Trachemys scripta elegans. Borča lies on the left
The red-eared slider is often widely distributed in
bank of the Danube River. It belongs to the
its new territory (Cadi & Joly 2004; van Dijk et al.
biogeographic region of Banat, which is a part of
2013). In Europe, breeding populations of T.
the flat and moist lowlands of the Pannonian plain
scripta have also been documented, mostly in
(Marković 1970, Stevanović 1992). In this area
regions with a Mediterranean climate, where both
there is a natural wetland, and a huge pond further
sexes can be produced under natural incubation
from the river, but small artificial water bodies also
conditions (Cadi et al. 2004, Perez-Santigosa et al.
exist; several canals run through the settlement. In
2008, van Dijk et al. 2013). However, reproduction
these canals, M. A. observed Emys orbicularis (L.,
of T. scripta has already been recorded in several
1758) on several occasions.
localities with a more continental climate, e.g. in
One of the collected red-eared slider
Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and, potentially, the
hatchlings was dead (probably run over by a
Czech Republic (Brejcha et al. 2009, Vamberger et
vehicle), but another was alive and healthy (Figure
al. 2012, van Dijk et al. 2013, Kleewein 2014).
1). The latter had straight carapace length of 28.3
The usual way of introducing these
mm, and its body weight was 4.6 g. This individual
animals outside of their natural range is a deliberate
release by their owners/breeders; therefore, they are
herpetological collection of the Faculty of Biology,
most abundant in urban and semi-urban habitats
University of Belgrade.
(Arvy & Servan 1996, 1998, Cadi et al. 2004, Bringsøe 2006, Semenov 2010, Dimancea 2013).
Tucker (2000) reported T. s. elegans hatchlings’ average carapace lengths of 31.6 mm
(the range he recorded was 27.0 mm – 35.4 mm);
“European populations are either tolerated or their
their average body mass was 6.92 g (3.94 g – 8.77
elimination is desired” (van Dijk et al. 2013).
g). Considering the size of the sliders we found, we
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VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 44 - 49 ISSN: 1848-2007
Đorđević & Anđelković 2015
presume that they could not have been released by
is strongly curved carapace of the live hatchling:
a negligent pet-owner, but probably hatched
Perez-Santigosa et al. (2008) noted that shells of
naturally, in the vicinity of one of the canals in
newly hatched sliders are highly domed.
Borča. Additional feature to support this possibility
Figure 1. Trachemys scripta elegans hatchlings found from Borča: A) the one found dead on the road; B) alive individual Slika 1. Netom izvaljeni mladunci vrste Trachemys scripta elegans iz Borča: A) jedinka pronađena mrtva na cesti; B) živa jedinka
sufficient to enable T. scripta survival and
reproduction under natural conditions. Biology of
numerous places in Serbia (Džukić et al. 2008,
T. scripta elegans, its high potential for invasions
Lazarević et al. 2012, Urošević et al. in press). To
and interactions with native species have already
our knowledge, its reproduction in Serbia has not
been addressed by numerous researchers (Packard
previously been confirmed and publicised. It is
et al. 1997, Gist & Congdon 1998, Cadi & Joly
possible that the red-eared sliders breed in the
2003, 2004, Cadi et al. 2004, Bringsøe 2006,
public park in Novi Sad: a population of
Scalera 2006, Ultsch 2006, Perez-Santigosa et al.
approximately 150 individuals inhabits the park
2008, Polo-Cavia et al. 2008, 2011, 2012, Semenov
pond (Urošević et al. in press), and people reported
2010, van Dijk et al. 2013) and are out of the scope
seeing small turtles there. More importantly, we
of the present paper, hence we will not discuss
obtained reliable information from the veterinarian
them here.
adult were
T. reported
in the Belgrade Zoo: T. elegans hatchlings were
On May 23rd 2015, at 12:45, photographs
found in the Zoo in 2013 and 2014 (the Zoo had
were made (Figure 2) of a large T. s. elegans
been accepting adult sliders, but no juveniles). In
female (carapace length about 25 cm) laying eggs
Serbia, moderate continental climate predominates.
in Novi Sad, on the sandy shore of a branch of
Тhe 2013/2014 winter was mild, and entire 2013
Danube between Kameničko ostrvo and the city
was extremely warm – seventh warmest in the past
60 years (Republic Hydrometeorological Service of
Serbia). Such climatic conditions apparently were 46
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VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 44 - 49 ISSN: 1848-2007
Đorđević & Anđelković 2015
Figure 2. A large red-eared slider laying eggs in Novi Sad (photo: Dejan Kolar) Slika 2. Velika crvenouha kornjača polaže jaja u Novom Sadu (fotografija: Dejan Kolar) The
med. vet. Özvegy József for reporting Trachemys
populations of a species with potentially significant
reproduction in the Belgrade Zoo. Dr Aleksandar
negative impacts on autochthonous fauna implies
Urošević hepled us improve the manuscript. Dejan
an emergent need to intensify the research
Kolar kindly allowed us to use and publicise his
concerning the ecology of native and invasive
finding and photograph of the nesting T. s. elegans
aquatic chelonians, and to strictly implement the
from Novi Sad. Two anonymous reviewers
existing legislation.
prevention of
provided helpful comments and recommendations.
introduction and spreading of invasive species is
Our work was partially financed by the grant
imperative. All subsequent investigation efforts,
173043 provided by the Ministry of Education,
control and eradication measures are time- and
Science and Technological Development of the
Republic of Serbia.
A sound
(Scalera 2007, Valdeón et al. 2010), and their results and outcomes are uncertain.
Acknowledgements Some data on the presence of T. scripta elegans in Serbia were provided by people who contacted the Serbian Herpetological Society. We thank mr sci.
References Arvy, C. & Servan, J. (1996): Distribution of Trachemys scripta elegans in France: a potential competitor for Emys orbicularis. In Fritz, U., Joger, U., Podloucky, R., Servan, J. & Buskirk, J.R. (eds.) Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium, Dresden, Germany. Arvy, C. & Servan, J. (1998): Imminent competition between Trachemys scripta and 47
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opštim merama kontrole i suzbijanja kao potpora budućim zakonskim aktima [Preliminary list of invasive species in the Republic of Serbia with general measures of control and management, as a background to future legal acts]. Protection of Nature 62: 5–32. Mali, I., Vandewege, M. W., Davis, S. K. & Forstner, M. R. J. (2014): Magnitude of the freshwater turtle exports from the US: long term trends and early effects of newly implemented harvest management regimes. PLoS ONE 9: e86478. Marković, J. Đ. (1970): Geografske oblasti Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije [Geographical regions of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia]. Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva Srbije, Beograd. Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia 99/200926, 6/2014-9, Regulation on cross-border transport and trade of protected species: www.pravno-informacionisistem.rs/SlGlasnikPortal/pages/Package.xhtml#. Appendix VI, species referred to by the import prohibition of the paragraph 21 of the Regulation: www.pravno-informacionisistem.rs/SlGlasnikPortal/prilozi/prilog6.htm. Accessed on July 15, 2014. Packard, G. C., Tucker, J. K., Nicholson, D. & Packard, M. (1997): Cold tolerance in hatchling slider turtles (Trachemys scripta). Copeia 1997: 339–345. Pérez-Santigosa, N., Díaz-Paniagua, C. & HidalgoVila, J. (2008): The reproductive ecology of exotic Trachemys scripta elegans in an invaded area of southern Europe. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18: 1302– 1310. Polo-Cavia N, López, P., & Martín, J. (2008): Interspecific differences in responses to predation risk may confer competitive advantages to invasive freshwater turtle species. Ethology 114: 115–123. Polo-Cavia, N., López, P. & Martín, J. (2011): Aggressive interactions during feeding between native and invasive freshwater turtles. Biological Invasions 13: 1387–1396. Polo-Cavia, N., López, P. & Martín, J. (2012): Feeding status and basking requirements of freshwater turtles in an invasion context. Physiology and Behavior 105: 1208–1213. Ramsay, N. F., Ng, P. K. A., O’Riordan, R. M. & Chou, L. M. (2007): The red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) in Asia: a review. pp. 161–174. In Gherardi, F. (eds.) Biological invaders in inland waters: profiles, distribution, and threats. Springer Publishing, The Netherlands. Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, Annual Bulletin for Serbia 2013. Available at
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Đorđević & Anđelković 2015
Tucker, J. K. (2000): Annual variation in hatchling size in the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans). Herpetologica 56: 8–13. Ultsch, G. R. (2006): The ecology of overwintering among turtles: where turtles overwinter and its consequences. Biological Reviews 81: 339–367. Urošević, A., Tomović, L., Ajtić, R., Simović, A., Džukić, G. (in press): Alterations in the reptilian fauna of Serbia: introduction of exotic and anthropogenic range expansion of native species. Herpetozoa 28, scheduled for publishing in December 2015. Valdeón, A., Crespo-Diaz, A., Egaña-Callejo, A. & Gosá, A. (2010): Update of the pond slider Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1972) records in Navarre (northern Spain), and presentation of the Aranzadi turtle trap for its population control. Aquatic Invasions 5: 297–302. Vamberger, M., Lipovšek, G. & Gregorič, M. (2012): First reproduction record of Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1792), in Slovenia. Herpetozoa 25: 76–79. van Dijk, P. P., Harding, J. & Hammerson, G. A. (2013): Trachemys scripta. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. www.iucnredlist.org, www.iucnredlist.org/details/22028/0. Accessed on July 7, 2014.
Photo note
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 50 - 52 ISSN: 1848-2007
Schweiger 2015
First record of breeding of the alien turtle species Trachemys scripta elegans in the wild on the island of Krk, Croatia? Prvi nalaz razmnožavanja strane invazivne vrste Trachemys scripta elegans u divljini na otoku Krku, Hrvatska? MARIO SCHWEIGER Vipersgarden, Katzelsberg 4, 5162 Obertrum, Ӧsterreich. E-mail: office@vipersgarden.at American turtles of different species have
No red-eared sliders have been sold, or hatchlings
been, or are still sold in pet shops. Most of these
imported into the EC since 1998, following the EC
directives EC 338/97 and EC 865/06.
dimensions, e.g. the red-eared slider to approx. 30
Vamberger, Lipovšek & Gregorić (2012) confirmed
cm carapace length. Therefore they are much too
the breeding of the species in south-western
large for keeping in most aquariums, for this reason
many specimens are released into the wild across
The author therefore has the strong
Europe. On the Croatian island of Krk one may
assumption that this is the first record on breeding
encounter these turtles in many ponds. One of these
of this species for the island of Krk, maybe for the
is the Kimpi pond, northwest of the town of Krk.
whole of Croatia.
The author, together with different companions,
Jelić et al. (2014) had no data for reproduction of
visited this pond during most excursions to the
the species for anywhere in Croatia.
island between 2004 and 2015. Up to 2014, only
Effects on the local and native turtle Emys
red-eared sliders have been observed in the Kimpi
orbicularis are still fiercely debated. Competition
pond. During the 3 weeks of May, 2009 and 2014,
might be for basking sites, food, but also for nesting
courtship bevaviour (displaying males in front of
places. Jelić et al. (2014) suppose a negative effect
females) was observed, but no mating has been
on native Emys orbicularis by long term survey on
the red-eared terrapin, but give no detailed During the last fieldherping trip from May
14 to May 17 2015 Trachemys scripta scripta,
competition on basking sites between Trachemys
Trachemys s. elegans and Graptemys sp. (probably
scripta elegans and Emys orbicularis in three ponds
pseudogeographica) were seen.
on the island Krk, although there would have been
While most of the turtles have been adults, one
enough places to bask for all turtles. Cadi, A. &
hatchling from last year of Trachemys scripta
Joly, P. (1999) studied the competition between the
elegans has been spotted. Although no egg-laying
two species in experimental ponds, at basking sites,
or hatching could have been observed, the author
Trachemys scripta was the dominant species. On
strongly supports the hypothesis that the turtle
the other hand, the author (Schweiger, 2008b)
hatched from a nest, deposited by one of the female
observed and filmed Emys orbicularis together with
sliders, because it seems very unlikely, that a baby
Trachemys scripta elegans, basking together on a
slider had been released there.
floating tree trunk in a pond on the island without any visible competition regarding basking sites. 50
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 50 - 52 ISSN: 1848-2007
Photo note Schweiger 2015
Figure 1. Kimpi pond (Photo: Mario Schweiger) Slika 1. Lokva Kimpi (Fotografija: Mario Schweiger)
Figure 2. Hatchling of Trachemys scripta elegans observed at Kimpi pond on Thursday, May 17th , 2015 (Photo: Gerhard Egretzberger) Slika 2. Tek izlegli mladunac Trachemys scripta elegans pronađen u lokvi Kimpi u četvrtak, 17.05.2015 (Fotografija: Gerhard Egretzberger) 51
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 50 - 52 ISSN: 1848-2007
References Cadi, A. & Joly, P. (1999): The introduction of the slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) in Europe: Competition for basking sites with the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). Chelonii 2: 95 - 97 Jelić, L., Janev Hutinec, B., Preradović, M., Jelić, D. (2014): Distribution and ecology of Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1792) in Croatia.- 1st Croatian symposium of invasive species. Book of Abstracts. Pp. 16 Schweiger, M. (2008): Faunenverfälschung an Hand mehrerer Beispiele von der kroatischen Insel Krk. ÖGH-Aktuell, 20: 14 – 16.
Photo note Schweiger 2015
Schweiger, M. (2008b): Emys orbicularis and Trachemys scripta elegans basking in pond on Krk island. YouTube movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lpKImzQZx c Vamberger, M., Lipovšek, G. & Gregorić, M. (2012): First reproduction record of Trachemys scripta (SCHOEPFF, 1792), in Slovenia. Herpetozoa 25(1/2): 76 - 79
Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
Allochthonous species of Turtles in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Strane vrste kornjača u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini LANA JELIĆ1, DUŠAN JELIĆ2 1 2
Public institution Maksimir, Maksimirski perivoj 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, lanamalovic@yahoo.com
Croatian Institute for Biodiversity, Croatian Herpetological Society HYLA, Lipovac I. br 7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Abstract The release of reptiles imported for pet trade, by their owners, over decades has caused allochthonous species to become widespread in natural habitats all over the World. The turtles are among the most popular reptiles in the pet trade. There are reports of the presence of one allochthonous species of turtle (Trachemys scripta) on the Balkan Peninsula for the past 20-30 years. The presence of Pelodiscus sinensis, in Croatia was officially published in 2014 and the presence of Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii has been known since 2006 but not scientifically published. We gathered data on distribution and presence of Trachemys scripta elegans, Trachemys scripta scripta, G. p. kohnii, G. p pseudogeographica. and P. sinensis and produced the distribution map which shows heterogeneity in terms of rural/urban territories. The single largest allochtonous population (mostly comprised of T. scripta) in Croatia is found in Maksimir park (city of Zagreb) numbering over 300 individuals. Key words: allochthonous, turtles, distribution, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sažetak Alohtone vrste gmazova postale su tijekom posljednjih godina normalna pojava u prirodnim staništima diljem Svijeta kao posljedice puštanja jedinki uzgojenih i uvezenih za trgovinu kućnim ljubimcima. Upravo kornjače su jedna od najpopularnijih grupa gmazova u trgovini kućnim ljubimcima. Prve pouzdane bilješke o uvozu i prisutnosti alohtonih vrsta kornjača (Trachemys scripta), na području Balkanskog poluotoka, potječu od prije 20 - 30 godina. Prvi nalazi o prisutnosti Pelodiscus sinensis, u Hrvatskoj, potječu iz 2014. godine a podatci o prisutnosti Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii neslužbeno su poznati još od 2006. godine ali nisu bili objavljeni. Ovim radom okupili smo sve dostupne i nove podatke o rasprostranjenosti Trachemys scripta elegans, Trachemys scripta scripta, G. p. kohnii, G. p pseudogeographica. i P. sinensis, te izradili nove precizne karte distribucije. Podatci ukazuju na heterogenost nalaza u odnosu na ruralna/urbana područja. Največa pojedinačna populacija alohtonih kornjača (uglavnom sačinjena od T. scripta) u Hrvatskoj nalazi se u gradskom parku u Maksimiru (grad Zagreb) koja broji preko 300 jedinki. Ključne riječi: alohtone, kornjače, rasprostranjenost, Hrvatska, Bosna i Hercegovina INTRODUCTION Biological invasions have taken place since prehistoric times but today with a much
higher rate it has became a global issue and through mass
homogenization (Ricciardi 2007, Kraus 2009). For 53
Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
years biologists have been pointing out that
Graptemys pseudogeographica (Gray, 1831) is also
a species native to North American but with smaller
biodiversity, ecosystem services, the economy and
native range than Trachemys species (Ernst &
human health (Mooney & Hobbs 2000, Sandlund et
Lovich 2009). In its native range it is present with
al. 2001, Pejchar & Mooney 2009, Kopecký et al.
two subspecies: G. p. kohnii (Baur, 1890) and G. p.
2013). Not only that, invasive species can influence
pseudogeographica (Gray, 1831). As a pet animal it
is now among the most traded turtle species, with
intraspecific interactions, there are also examples of
annual export numbers very close to Trachemys
invasive species altering the evolutionary traits of
sspp. (European Commission 2013, Kopecký et al.
native species (Mooney & Hobbs 2000). The first
2013). For this reason it is now also present in some
step of biological invasion is the introduction of a
countries of the Europe (Spain, Austria, Italy)
species to a new environment (Shea & Chesson
(Egaña-Callejo 2007, Kleewein & Wöss 2009,
2002, Kraus 2009) so it is very important to have
Izquierdo et al. 2010, Kleewein & Wöss 2011,
data on allochthonous species in the natural habitat.
Kleewein 2014b, Ottonello et al. 2014).
The allochthonous reptiles through decades of pet
Pelodiscus sinensis (Wiegmann, 1834) in contrast
trade have become widespread in almost all parts of
to the previous mentioned species is native to Asia.
the World and in many types of habitats (Ficetola
It is very attractive for its beautiful and soft shell so
it has also been included in the pet trade and
The turtles are among the most popular pet
become present in the wild in some countries of
reptiles in trade and Trachemys scripta (Schoepff,
Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina – B&H, Croatia,
1792) is almost certainly the most popular species
Latvia, Slovenia) (Brejcha et al. 2013, Pupins &
among the turtles (Kraus 2009, Kopecky et al.
Pupina 2011).
Three species of aquatic turtles are
subspecies, T. s. scripta (Schoepff, 1792), T. s.
registered in Croatia by the Checklist of Croatian
elegans (Wied-Neuwied, 1839) and T. s. troostii
amphibians and
(Holbrook, 1836), are native to south-eastern
orbicularis (Linnaeus 1758), Mauremys rivulata
United States but are captive bred around the World.
(Valenciennes, 1833) and the allochthonous T.
Through decades of a massive pet trade and
scripta. Trachemys is first recorded entering the
uncontrolled release in nature T. scripta has become
Balkan peninsula some 40 years ago (Džukić &
the most commonly introduced and therefore the
Kalezić 2004) and recently it was identified as a
most widespread turtle species in the World
threat for the native pond turtle, Emys orbicularis
(Ficetola et al. 2008, Ernst & Lovich 2009, Kraus
(Linnaeus, 1758), Janev Hutinec et al. 2006,
2009, Kopecký et al. 2013). As an alien species it is
Brejcha et al. 2013) Lončar (2006). Šalomon et al.
already present in 29 European countries (Ficetola
(2013) and Janev Hutinec & Kolačko (2013) also
et al. 2012). In some of them reproduction has also
mention T. scripta in Maksimir park (Zagreb,
been recorded but with variable success: Austria,
Croatia) in terms of E. orbicularis conservation
Italy, Spain, France and Slovenia (Luiselli et al.
activities. In Croatia the presence of Graptemys
1997, Martinez-Silvestre et al. 2001, Cadi et al.
species is known only since 2006 when one
2004, Pérez-Santigosa et al. 2008, Vamberger et al.
individual of G. p.kohnii was noted during
2012, Kleewein 2014a).
Trachemys monitoring (Lončar 2006 - photographic
reptiles (Jelić
2014): Emys
Original Scientific Paper JeliÄ&#x2021; & JeliÄ&#x2021; 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
evidence). This individual has been removed and
different reports, our own field surveys, and
since then this subspecies has not been recorded
colleagues with reliable knowledge. All data was
again. From the literature only one locality per
plotted as a UTM (10 Ă&#x2014; 10 km) grid in WGS 1984
country is known for the presence of P. sinensis, in
coordinate system as decimal degrees. Based on
Croatia (Maksimir; five records for the same
collected data the first distribution map of T. scripta,
location) and B&H (Mostarsko blato; one record)
G. pseudogeographica, P. sinensis and their
(Brejcha et al. 2013).
putative subspecies is given (Figure 1.). All unique
Our goal was to determine presence of all
Trachemys sp. locations (n=46) were attributed
allochthonous turtle species in Croatia and B&H
with data on the average distance to the nearest city
and to assemble the data on their distribution. In
with more than 10000 people. Measurements were
this study we present all available data on
made in ESRI ArcGis 9.3 based on Croatian
distribution of T. s. elegans, T. s. scripta, G. p.
administrative data (census from 2011). Distance
kohnii and P. sinensis and first records of
was measured from the record location to the city
centroid in kilometres (km). For our analysis we
pseudogeographica in Croatia.
consider localities closer than 15 kilometres away from city centroid as urban areas and all localities further away as rural. This separation is purely
MATERIAL AND METHODS In this paper we summarize all current distribution
holistic and is only made for easier interpretation of the data. Statistical analysis was carried out in
publications, media resources on herpetofauna,
software PAST 2.06.
each locality. The most sightings of all alien turtles
In total, 100 records from 46 localities
(all mentioned species and subspecies) and the
were analysed, 94 records (40 localities) from
biggest population of T. scripta (>200 individuals)
Croatia and six (in six localities) from B&H. In
is reported from Zagreb city, Maksimir park, where
Croatia these localities covered 13 out of 20
five semi-artificial ponds (total area of 8,2 ha) were
counties and in B&H three out of 10 counties. In
built from 1839-1911.
both countries localities are distributed in all three
For T. scripta only in 16 % of the records
biogeographic regions (Continental, Alpine and
were more than 10 individuals observed, with a
Mediterranean). Only 18 % of the data originates
maximum of 242 individuals in the 3rd pond in
from literature records and 82 % correspond to new
Maksimir park (Zagreb). In 28 % between two and
observations. The most records were reported for T.
10 individuals were observed and in 56 % only one
scripta (86 records in 43 localities) (Table 1).
individual was observed. From 46 localities where
Graptemys species are represented only with five
T. scripta was recorded, 13 of them (28 %) were
records for five localities and Pelodiscus sinensis
located in rural areas and 33 (72 %) in urban areas
with nine records in six localities. Only Trachemys
(< 15 km from nearest city with >10000 people).
species were recorded with more than one
Exactly 50 % of these locations were located within
individual per locality. The maximum number of
5 km from the nearest city. A log linear model, of
individuals observed together is listed in Table 2 for
the distance to the nearest city and number of 55
Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
observed individuals per location, showed just
weak negative correlation (r= -0,2718; p= 0,0589).
Table 1. Number of recorded Trachemys scripta elegans and Trachemys scripta scripta in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in period 1999-2014. TRe (Total Records). UTM (number of UTM 10×10 km square with confirmed presence). NMax (Maximum number of individuals observed together). Mean (Mean number observed in a same locality). Total (Total turtles observed). Counties: Zagreb City (1), Zagreb County (2), Krapina-Zagorje County (3), Varaždin County (4), Brod-Posavina County (5), Bjelovar-Bilogora County (6), Osijek-Baranja County (7), Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (8), Lika-Senj county (9), Zadar County (10), Šibenik-Knin County (11), Split-Dalmatia County (12), Dubrovnik-Neretva County (13), Sarajevo CountyCanton (14), Hercegovina-Neretva County-Canton (15). Tablica 1. Ukupni broj zabilježenih jedinki Trachemys scripta elegans i Trachemys scripta scripta u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini u periodu 1999-2014. TRe (Ukupno nalaza). UTM (broj UTM 10×10 km polja sa potvrđenim prisustvom). NMax (maksimalan broj jedinki zabilježen na lokaciji). Mean (prosječan broj jedinki zabilježen na lokaciji). Total (broj ukupno viđenih jedinki). Županije: Zagrebačka (1), Zagreb (2), Krapinskozagorska (3), Varaždinska (4), Brodsko-posavska (5), Bjelovarsko-bilogorska (6), Osiječko-baranjska (7), Primorsko-goranska (8), Ličko-senjska (9), Zadarska (10), Šibensko-kninska (11), Splitsko-dalmatinska (12), Dubrovačko-neretvanska (13), Kanton Sarajevo (14), Hercegovačko-neretvanski kanton (15). Croatia
TRe UTM NMax Mean Total
(1) 44 4 242 20,5 900
(2) 3 2 1 1 3
(3) 2 2 21 11 22
(4) 1 1 2 2 2
(5) 1 1 2 2 2
(6) 2 2 2 1,5 3
(7) 1 1 1 1 1
(8) 20 7 2 1,2 23
(9) 1 1 1 1 1
(10) 1 1 2 2 2
(11) 3 2 38 16,3 49
(12) 2 2 6 3,5 7
(13) 1 1 1 1 1
Bosna and Herzegovina (14) (15) 3 1 3 1 30 1 13,7 1 41 1
Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
Table 2. Records of non-native turtle species in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina during 1999-2014 (T.s. Trachemys scripta (unknown subspecies), T.s.s. - Trachemys scripta scripta, T.s.e - Trachemys scripta elegans, G.p. - Graptemys pseudogeographica (unknown subspecies), G.p.k. - Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii, G.p.p. - Graptemys pseudogeographica pseudogeographica, G. sp. - Graptemys (unknown species), P.s. – Pelodiscus sinensis). Unpublished sources: ADNAN ZIMIĆ - (1), ANA ŠTIH - (2), BERISLAV HORVATIĆ - (3), BILJANA JANEV-HUTINEC - (4), DINA HLAVATI - (5), EDUARD KLETEČKI - (6), EMINA ŠUNJE - (7), IGOR VILAJ (8), IVAN BUDINSKI - (9), IVAN ŠPELIĆ - (10), IVO PERANIĆ - (11), KARMEN KARLUŠIĆ - (12), KREŠIMIR MIKULIĆ - (13), MARIO SCHWEIGER - (14), MARKO DOBOŠ - (15), MILA LONČAR - (16), MLADEN ZADRAVEC (17), PATRIK KRSTINIĆ - (18), PETAR VLCEK - (19), SENKA BAŠKIERA - (20), SLAVKO STRUNA - (21) and STJEPAN MEKINIĆ - (22). Tablica 2. Nalazi stranih vrsta kornjača u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini u razdoblju 1999-2014 (T.s. Trachemys scripta (nepoznata podvrsta), T.s.s. - Trachemys scripta scripta, T.s.e - Trachemys scripta elegans, G.p. - Graptemys pseudogeographica (nepoznata podvrsta), G.p.k. - Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii, G.p.p. - Graptemys pseudogeographica pseudogeographica, G. sp. - Graptemys (nepoznata podvrsta), P.s. – Pelodiscus sinensis). Neobjavljeni izvori: ADNAN ZIMIĆ - (1), ANA ŠTIH - (2), BERISLAV HORVATIĆ - (3), BILJANA JANEV-HUTINEC - (4), DINA HLAVATI - (5), EDUARD KLETEČKI - (6), EMINA ŠUNJE - (7), IGOR VILAJ (8), IVAN BUDINSKI - (9), IVAN ŠPELIĆ - (10), IVO PERANIĆ - (11), KARMEN KARLUŠIĆ - (12), KREŠIMIR MIKULIĆ - (13), MARIO SCHWEIGER - (14), MARKO DOBOŠ - (15), MILA LONČAR - (16), MLADEN ZADRAVEC (17), PATRIK KRSTINIĆ - (18), PETAR VLCEK - (19), SENKA BAŠKIERA - (20), SLAVKO STRUNA - (21) i STJEPAN MEKINIĆ - (22). Geographic coordinates Locality
Lake in Bundek park (Zagreb) Lake in Botanical garden (Zagreb)
Jarun lake (Zagreb) Vrapčak stream (Špansko- Oranice, Zagreb) Vrapčak stream (Vukasova street) Kustošak stream (Trešnjevka, Zagreb)
First lake (Maksimir, Zagreb)
Latitude, N 45,785267°
16,098474° 15,931000°
45,891636° 45,794300°
45,824037° 45,825266°
Notes and Pers.Com. (source)
28 specimens
14 specimens 7 specimens 13 specimens 6 specimens 1 specimen
WL77 WL77
1specimen (2)
4 specimens (17)
1specimen (12)
T.s.s. G.p.p.
2013 2013
16.2884999 °
Second lake (Maksimir, Zagreb)
Third lake (Maksimir, Zagreb)
Longitude, E
T.s.e. T.s.s. T.s.e. T.s.s. G.p.p.
1 specimen (Brejcha et al. 2013) 43 specimens (4) 3 specimens (15) 23 specimens (4) 6 specimens 1 specimen 1 specimen (Brejcha et al.
Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
T.s.e. T.s.s. G.p.p.
Fourth lake (Maksimir, Zagreb) T.s.e. 45,830487°
Fifth lake (Maksimir, Zagreb)
2013) 1 specimen (Brejcha et al. 2013) 242 specimens 10 specimens 2 specimens 1 specimen (Brejcha et al. 2013) 10 specimens (4) 1 specimen (15) 20 specimens (4) 1 specimen (15) 1 specimen (Lončar 2006)
30 specimens
1 specimen (13)
1 specimen (11)
WL77 WL77 WL77
Sava River (Šćitarjevo)
Kupčina River (Kostanjevec)
1 specimen (21)
Finzula Lake (Rakitje)
15,828618 °
1 specimen (10)
1 specimen (10)
20 specimens (6)
1 specimen (2)
Trakošćan Lakes
2 specimens (8)
Sovsko lake (Dilj mountain)
Pond Bara (Grubišno polje)
45,599897° 45,494686°
17,226832° 18,095112°
2 specimens (16) 2 specimens 1 specimen 1 specimen (20)
1 specimen (5)
Pond in city park on Sušak (Rijeka)
Pond on Pehlin (Rijeka) Podugrinac, well near house (Vinodol)
Savica lakes (Zagreb) Kraljevac stream (Zagreb)
Nadolez Lake (Rakitje) Bedekovčanska Lakes (Hrvatsko Zagorje) On the road near Krapinjčica stream (Krapina)
Daruvar Našice, pond in city park
Kimpi pond on Krk Island Mišušalnica pond on Krk Island
T.s.e. P.s. T.s.s.
XL65 YL05
2 specimens (Š. D. 2009) 1specimen (18)
1specimen (16)
2 specimens (3)
2 specimens (3)
Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
Sv. Vid pond on Krk Island (Prniba)
2 specimens (14)
Three ponds near Čižići on Krk Island
Unknown (14)
Unknown (14)
Unknown (14)
1 specimen (Žagar et al. 2013)
2 specimens (6)
10 specimens
1 specimen (9)
1specimen (22)
6 specimens (22) 1specimen (19) 30 specimens (7)
Ponikve lake on Krk Island Jezero lake on Krk Island Pag Island, Kolanjsko blato
Vir Island, pond on Dočina
Šibenik, fountain in city park
Zbujača pond (Trogir)
Trsteno (Dalmacija)
Pionirska valey (Sarajevo, B&H)
Vrelo Bosne (near Igman mountain, B&H)
5 specimens (1)
Hutovo blato (Mostar, B&H)
1 specimen (HINA, 2013)
Garden pond in national museum in Sarajevo (B&H)
6 specimens
Rivina jaruga (Skradin) Staro selo (Podgora)
Mostarsko blato (B&H)
Bardača (B&H)
2 specimens (Brejcha et al. 2013) 1 specimen (Šikanjić 2010)
YH43 BP96
YJ10 BR82
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
Original Scientific Paper JeliÄ&#x2021; & JeliÄ&#x2021; 2015
Figure 1. Distribution map with records of T. s. elegans, T. s. scripta, G. p. pseudogeographica, G. p. kohnii and P. sinensis in Croatia and B&H. Slika 1. Karta rasprostranjenosti sa nalazima T. s. elegans, T. s. scripta, G. p. pseudogeographica, G. p. kohnii i P. sinensis Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini.
Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
especially in the city of Zagreb and its wider area. This is the direct result of the most intensive introduction of individuals, from pet trade, in this
27 24
specific area (inhabited by around ¼ of Croatia’s
total population). In B&H still only individual
records are available, but this could be the result of
15 12
insufficient research. Although the occurrence of
reproduction of Trachemys is known from some
surrounding countries (Italy and Slovenia) (Luiselli
et al. 1997, Vamberger et al. 2012), we still suspect
0 0
that Croatian and B&H populations are mostly the
Kilometers from city (>10000 people)
Figure 2. Average distance of the Trachemys sp. location of sighting (n=46) to the nearest city center (only cities with more than 10000 people
consequence of individual pet owner’s releases. We assume that natural reproduction, if present, is probably very rare and egg and juvenile mortality is very high. Some juveniles manage to hatch and
were taken into account). Slika 2. Prosječna udaljenost nalazišta Trachemys sp. (n=46) do najbližeg gradskog centra (samo gradovi sa više od 10000 stanovnika su uzeti u
possibly survive to adulthood, but their numbers cannot be enough to maintain the population. The same was also indicated by Luiselli et al. 1997 for the Central Italian populations of T. scripta. We
DISCUSSION From three registered introduced species only T. scripta could be considered invasive. Records of G. pseudogeographica and P. sinensis are still just minimal. It is obvious that most of the Trachemys data corresponds to single individual observations and even though all individuals were not observed, these localities can be considered as localities without an established population. Some of the observed populations with more than 10 individuals are showing indications of stability over years and mostly even an increase in individual numbers. Reports of Trachemys introduction and naturalisation
surrounding Croatia and B&H (Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro) (Puky et al. 2004, Ficetola et al. 2012, Lazarević et al. 2012, Žagar et al. 2013). From our data it is now justified to claim that Trachemys has become naturalised in Croatia,
our and
anthropogenic input of new individuals from the pet trade. T. scripta occurs continuously over the whole region with most sightings in and close to urban areas (Figure 2.). This suggest a negative correlation between turtle density and distance from cities (as sources of introduction), but positive correlation between turtle density and concentration of human settlements. This is similar to data from other countries in their non native range (Arvy & Servan 1996). Few localities (Bundek lake, Jarun lakes, Savica lakes and Maksimir park) all in the urban area City of Zagreb, deserve our special attention in term of management actions because of the number of individuals and closeness or connection to a main river system (Sava River). All these localities are positioned upstream of nature protected areas Žutica, Turopolje and Lonjsko polje Nature Park, 61
Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
where large populations of E. orbicularis are present (Jelić et al. 2012). It is without question that these urban ponds act as invasion source and that animals can drift down into the natural habitats. Their fate there is unknown. These natural areas are usually very large and inaccessible for research therefore enabling the turtles to remain undetected. Bringsøe (2001) in term of successful invasion mentions that only small areas of southern Europe would have a suitable climate for slider turtles and Luiselli
reproductive capability and a very low survival of juveniles, some authors however are predicting a possible increase in invasiveness due to recent climate change (Ficetola et al. 2008, Kikillus et al. 2010). Therefore this topic in our territory requires additional research based on up to date distribution data and predictive ecological models.
References Arvy, C. & Servan, J. (1996): Distribution of Trachemys scripta elegans in France: a potential competitor for Emys orbicularis. - In: Fritz, U., Joger, U., Podloucky, R., Servan, J. and Buskirk, J. R. (eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium. Dresden, Germany.
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Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
conservation of pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Central Italy: Is the introduced Red-Eared Turtle (Trachemys scripta) a serious threat? Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2: 417-419. Martinez-Silvestre, A., Soler-Massana, J., Sole, R. & Medina, D. (2001): Reproduccion de quelonios aloctonos en Cataluna en condiciones naturales. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 12(1): 41-43. Mooney, H. A. & Hobbs, R. J. (eds.) (2000): Invasive Species in a Changing World. Island Press, Washington DC. Ottonello, D., Salvidio, S., Oneto, F., Jesu, R., Gili, C., Gnone, G., Lamagni, L., Ortale, S. & Genta, P. (2014): Conservation of Emys orbicularis in Liguria (NW Italy). Herpetological Facts Journal 1(1): 67-75. Pejchar, L. & Mooney, H. A. (2009): Invasive species, ecosystem services and human wellbeing. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24(9):497-504. Pérez-Santigosa, N., Díaz-Paniagua, C. & HidalgoVila, J. (2008): The reproductive ecology of exotic Trachemys scripta elegans in an invaded area of southern Europe. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18:1302-1310. Puky, M., Gémesi, D. & Schád, P. (2004): Distribution of Emys orbicularis in Hungary with notes on related conservational and environmental education activities. Biologia, Bratislava 59(14): 55-60. Pupins, M. & Pupina, A. (2011): First records of 5 allochthonous species and subspecies of Turtles (Trachemys scripta troostii, Mauremys caspica, Mauremys rivulata, Pelodiscus sinensis, Testudo horsfieldii) and new records of subspecies Trachemys scripta elegans in Latvia. Management of Biological Invasions 2:95-106. Ricciardi, A. (2007): Are modern biological invasions an unprecedented form of global change? Conservation Biology 21: 329-336. Sandlund, O. T., Schei, P. J. & Viken, A. (eds.) (2001): Invasive Species and Biodiversity Management. Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht. Shea, K. & Chesson, P. (2002): Community ecology theory as a framework for biological invasions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 17(4):170-176. Š. D. (2009): Kornjače u kanti za smeće, Rijeka danas, http://www.rijekadanas.com/kornjace-ukanti-za-smece/. Accessed on 20th October 2014. Šalamon, D., Janev Hutinec, B. & Lončar, M. (2013): Conservation activities for European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Croatia. Herpetology Notes 6: 149-152. Šikanjić, T. (2010): Egzotične životinje ostavljaju u prirodi. Nezavisne novine, <http://www.nezavisne.com/novosti/drustvo/Egzo 63
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 53 - 64 ISSN: 1848-2007
Original Scientific Paper Jelić & Jelić 2015
ticne-zivotinje-ostavljaju-u-prirodi-68969.html>. Accessed on 20th October 2014. Vamberger, M., Lipovek, G. & Gregori, M. (2012): First reproduction record of Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1792), in Slovenia. Herpetozoa 25 (1/2): 76-79. Žagar, A., Cafuta, V., Drašler, V., Jagar, T., Krofel, M., Lužnik, M., Ostanek, E., Petkovska, V., Planinc, G., Sopotnik, M. & Vamberger, M. (2013): A review of eleven short-term reptile surveys in the Western Balkans. Hyla 1: 3-21.
Short Note Stoyanov 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 65- 69 ISSN: 1848-2007
Registered high mortality of allochthon Red-eared Sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) in an artificial pond in Sofia, Bulgaria
Registrirana visoka smrtnost alohtone crvenouhe kornjače (Trachemys scripta elegans) u umjetnom jezeru u Sofiji, Bugarska ANDREY STOYANOV National Museum of Natural History–Sofia, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, astojanov12@gmail.com Abstract I report of finding six adult Red-eared sliders dead in an artificial pond in a park in Sofia, Bulgaria and stipulate on potential causes. I compare this case to similar occurrences in Bulgaria and elsewhere. Briefly, I discuss the potential issues from the presence of this non-native turtle, especially in small, isolated ponds. My aim is to draw attention of researchers to this unexplained mortality, encourage them to report similar observations and work towards finding the exact cause. Key words: Bulgaria, read-eared slider, high mortality
Sažetak U ovom radu prikazujem nalaz šest uginulih odraslih jedinki crvenouhe kornjače u umjetnom jezeru u gradskom parku u Sofiji, Bugarska, te diskutiram o potencijalnim uzrocima. Ovo opažanje uspoređeno je i sa drugim sličnim zabilježenim smrtnostima u Bugarskoj i drugdje. Ukratko diskutiram i druge potencijalne probleme uzrokovane širenjem ove strane invazivne vrste, posebice u malim izoliranim jezerima i lokvama. Cilj ovog rada je da se privuče pozornost drugih istraživača prema ovakvim neobjašnjenim povečanim smrtnostima , da ih se ohrabri da takve slučajeve objavljuju, te da multidisciplinarnim istraživanjima pokuša objasniti o čemu se točno radi. Ključne riječi: Bugarska, crvenouha kornjača, visoka stopa smrtnosti Information
the problem or scientific publications were lacking.
allochthon species Red-eared slider Trachemys
Later, in two monographs the first published
scripta elegans in urban parks and park-like areas
scientific reports on the species appeared, describing
closely situated to cities have been previously
it as widely distributed in different water bodies
reported (e.g. by Philippen (1982), Kordges (1990),
throughout the whole country, with only a general
and Thiesmeier & Kordges (1990, 1991) for
map of the distribution was presented (besides a
Germany). By 2005, unpublished information on the
single location, the “Arboretum”) (Stojanov et al.
presence of this non-native species were obtained
2011; Tzankov et al. 2014). The most up to date
from most parts of Bulgaria, but an official study on
review for the country is presented by Tzankov et al. 65
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 65- 69 ISSN: 1848-2007
Short Note Stoyanov 2015
(2015). In the beginning of May 2005, I visited one of
marsh was frozen, which probably led to shortage of
the major public parks in Sofia, Bulgaria, the South
oxygen in the water. The lack of a deeper layer of
Park. Within the park, a number of artificial
mud for the sliders to bury in and to avoid freezing
waterbodies (ponds) are situated, inhabited by native
also likely exacerbated the unfavorable conditions.
amphibians and reptiles: Marsh frog Pelophylax
My stipulation is supported by the fact that for the
ridibundus; Common toad Bufo bufo; Green toad
period November–March the mean air temperature
Bufotes viridis; Agile frog Rana dalmatina; Common
between 2000–2007 varied from 1.3–4.8°C, with
tree frog Hyla arborea; Southern (Balkan) crested
2005 experiencing one of the lowest, e.g. 1.6°C.
newt Triturus ivanbureschi; Smooth newt Lissotriton
Thus, I suppose that the individuals I found dead
vulgaris; Grass snake Natrix natrix; Dice snake N.
were released shortly prior to the beginning of the
tessellata and European pond turtle Emys orbicularis.
unfavorable weather condition and had no time to
Prior to 2005, within some of the water bodies a large
adapt and find suitable locations for overwintering.
number of individuals of the non-native Red-eared slider Trachemys scripta elegans were registered (author’s personal observations). During a survey of the first large pond in the central part of the South Park (N42.668160°; E23.307211°; Fig. 1) on May 1st 2005, on the shore and in the water I found dead six large, adult Redeared sliders (Fig. 2). The individuals had no visible external injuries, which speaks against the assumption of violent killing. I did not register dead E. orbicularis, a native species commonly observed there. I am not certain what killed them exactly
Figure 1. South park, Sofia – large, central pond, location of the dead Red-eared sliders (Photo: Axel Dehne).
because no additional tests were performed on the carcasses. The most probable explanation is the unusually cold weather during the previous winter
Slika 1. Južni park, Sofija – veliko, centralno jezero, mjesto pronalaska mrtvih crvenouhih kornjača (Slika: Axel Dehne).
months, when the majority of the water column of the
Short Note Stoyanov 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 65- 69 ISSN: 1848-2007
Figure 2. a) Dead adult Red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans (Photo: Axel Dehne), b) Same dead individual – the solid bottom with limited amount of mud in the coastal, dry part of the pond (Photo: Axel Dehne). Slika 2. a) Uginula odrasla jedinka crvenouhe kornjače, Trachemys scripta elegans, (Slika: Axel Dehne), b) Ista uginula jedinka – kompaktno dno sa ograničenom količinom mulja u priobalnom, suhom djelu jezera (Slika: Axel Dehne). in a location are high enough. A confirmation, that Red-eared slider can endure very low temperatures during hibernation can be found by its continuous presence at an altitude of over 1,200 meters above sea level in the "Arboretum" at the nearby Vitosha Mountain (N42.627835°; E22.229138°), where its successful
(Stojanov et al. 2011; Tzankov et al. 2014). Similar information about high mortality during especially severe winters was provided by Bringsøe (2001): in 1964 in a shallow, forest pond in Jonstrup Vang, Figure 3. Live turtles, photographed on the same date at the same pond, that have presumably overwintered successfully (Photo: Axel Dehne). Slika 3. Žive kornjače, fotografirane na isti datum u istom jezeru, koje su uspješno preživjele hibernaciju (Slika: Axel Dehne).
Ballerup (near Copenhagen) 16 Red-eared slider were released; dead individuals were then found on the surface
individuals were observed in subsequent years, it is believed some survived. Bringsøe (2001) also states that sliders usually survive with minimal loses in waterbodies more than 2 m deep; similarly to my
Despite the presence of the dead individuals, I also recorded live specimens (Fig. 3), which
observations, he stipulates that the lack of oxygen is what likely causes such die-offs.
strongly suggests that the species is able to survive
No specific data exist on the actual number of
such extreme situations, especially when the numbers
released Red-eared sliders in the area of South Park, 67
Short Note Stoyanov 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 65- 69 ISSN: 1848-2007
but visual observations and expert evaluation suggest tens to hundreds of animals. This assumption is indirectly supported by the fact that the park facility and the discussed pond are located within the capital city of Sofia and human attendance for recreation there is very high. The proximity, the size of the water areas and the easy access suggest that this location will be preferred as an opportunity for the release of unwanted turtles compared to other alternatives outside the city (likely associated with elevated transport costs and invested time). Another understandable mistake of "nature lovers" is their association of habitats within a city park with wild nature, which is the natural environment of the home
Figure 4. Pike (Esox lucius), suffocated at the shore of Choklyovo swamp, 2012. (Photo: Andrey Stoyanov).
grown, exotic species. I observed a similar die-off in the spring of 2012 in a much larger body of water – the Choklyovo
Slika 4. Štuka (Esox lucius), uginula od gušenja u močvari Choklyovo 2012. godine (Slika: Andrey Stoyanov)
swamp (N42.398094°, E22.825982°), with a mass extinction of fish after extremely cold winters and deep freezing of the water column in the basin (Fig. 4). Such incidents with fish have been previously reported, including in relation to Red-eared sliders (Bringsøe 2001).
Usually the main negative impact of the invasive T. s. elegans that is discussed is mostly related to its role as a direct competitor for resources to the indigenous species of aquatic turtles (habitat, feeding grounds, etc.). However, observations in
The waterbody is inhabited by E. orbicularis
Germany demonstrate that the Red-eared slider feeds
as well; I found no dead turtles. The better conditions
on species such as the Marsh frog (P. ridibundus) and
for overwintering for turtles (e.g. larger area and
various species of newt (Klewen 1988, Klewen &
depth of the lake, as well as deeper layers of silt) are
Müller 1988). A justified assumption is that possible
probable conditions that had allowed the European
victims can be the juveniles of the two native species
pond turtles observed there to overcome (supposedly
of water snakes, based on findings of predation of
without losses) the adverse climatic conditions of the
juvenile animal of the genus Nerodia in North
particular year.
America (Goodman & Stewart 1998). These concerns should significantly expand the potentially harmful influence of this non-native predator on the local herpetofauna and biodiversity. This should be considered especially for small, isolated waterbodies, as is the
present case.
In addition,
serious 68
Short Note Stoyanov 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 65- 69 ISSN: 1848-2007
possible cases of successful breeding in more northern latitudes than Bulgaria (Gemel et al. 2005; Pieh & Laufer 2006), which suggest that future issues with this species will exacerbate. Due to difficulties with the artificial removal from the wild of the Redeared slider, natural limiting factors such as extremely cold weather might be an important, auxiliary means for limiting their distribution in non-native habitats.
Acknowledgements: I thank Axel Dehne for providing the photographs. Yurii Kornilev and an anonymous reviewer improved the manuscript.
References: Bringsøe, H. (2001): Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1792) – Buchstaben-Schmuckschildkröte:. In: Fritz, U. (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, Band 3/IIIA: Schildkröten (Testudines) I: 525–583. Wiebelsheim (Aula). Gemel, R., M. Marolt & G. Ochsenhofer (2005): Ungewöhnliche »Naturbrut« einer RotwangenSchmuckschildkröte (Trachemys scripta elegans) in der Südsteiermark. ÖGH-Aktuell 15: 9–11. Goodman, R. H. & G. R. Stewart (1998): Natural history notes: Testudines, Clemmys marmorata pallida (Southwestern pond turtle): coprophagy. Herpetological Review 29: 98. Klewen, R. (1988): Verbreitung und Ökologie der Wasserfrösche in Nordrhein-Westfalen und ihre Bestandssituation im Ballungsraum Duisburg/Oberhausen. Jahrbuch für Feldherpetologie, Beiheft 1: 73–96. Klewen, R. & A. Müller (1988): Aspekte des Artenund Naturschutzes. Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde Münster 50: 102–115. Kordges, T. (1990): Faunenverfälschung im Ballungsraum, dargestellt am Beispiel nordamerikanischer RotwangenSchmuckschildkröten (Chrysemys scripta elegans). NZ NRW Seminarberichte Recklinghausen 9: 36– 41. Philippen, H.-D. (1982): Freilebende Population von Chrysemys scripta elegans. Die Schildkröte 4/1–2: 24–34. Pieh, A. & H. Laufer (2006): Die RotwangenSchmuckschildkröte (Trachemys scripta elegans) in
Baden-Württemberg – mit Hinweis auf eine Reproduktion im Freiland. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 13: 225–234. Stojanov, A. N. Tzankov, B. Naumov (2011): Die Amphibien und Reptilien Bulgariens. Edition Chimaira – Frankfurt am Main, s. 592. Thiesmeier, B. & T. Kordges (1990): Versuch einer ökologischen Klassifizierung der Amphibien- und Reptilienfauna des mittleren und östlichen Ruhrgebietes. Decheniana 143: 222–231. Thiesmeier, B. & T. Kordges (1991): Leitlinien zur ökologischen Verbesserung städtischer Teiche in Parkund Grünanlagen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Amphibienfauna. In: Schuhmacher, H. & B. Thiesmeier (Hrsg.): Urbane Gewässer: 103–113. Essen (Westarp). Tzankov, N. D., G. S. Popgeorgiev, B. Y. Naumov, A. Y. Stoyanov, Y. V. Kornilev, B. P. Petrov, A. V. Dyugmedzhiev, V. S. Vergilov, R. D. Draganova, S. P. Lukanov, A. E. Westerström. (2014). Identification guide of the amphibians and reptiles in Vitosha Nature Park. Directorate of Vitosha Nature Park, Sofia, p. 248. Tzankov, N., G. Popgeorgiev, Y. Kornilev, N. Natchev, A. Stoyanov, B. Naumov, I. Ivanchev (2015). First survey on the invasive Pond slider (Trachemys scripta) in Bulgaria: historic development and current situation. HYLA 2015(1): 18–27.
Short Note Grano & Cattaneo 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 70- 75 ISSN: 1848-2007
A survey on the presence of the invasive alien American bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802) (Amphibia Anura Ranidae) in Latium (Central Italy) with reference to a possible infection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on Bufo bufo Istraživanje prisustva invazivne Američke zelene žabe, Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802) (Amphibia Anura Ranidae) u Latiumu (Centralna Italija) sa osvrtom na potencijalnu zarazu jedinke Bufo bufo sa gljivicom Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis MAURO GRANO¹ & CRISTINA CATTANEO²
Via Valcenischia 24, 00141Roma, Italy; e-mail: elaphe58@yahoo.it ² Via Eleonora d’Arborea 12, 00162 Roma, Italy; e-mail: cristina.cattaneo76@libero.it
Abstract The aim of this paper is to analyze the presence of the American bullfrog in Latium and its expansion in recent years. In this regard are given two unpublished reports. We want to pay specific attention on the discovery of a specimen of Bufo bufo probably affected by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Key words: American bullfrog, Invasive alien species, Lithobates catesbeianus, Latium, Italy
Sažetak Cilj ovog istraživanja jest analiza prisustva Američke zelene žabe na području Latiuma, te njezino širenje tijekom posljednjih par godina. U skladu s tim ovdije prezentiramo dva nova nalaza ove vrste. Želja nam je posvetiti posebnu pozornost na zabilješku jedinke Bufo bufo vrlo vjerojatno zaraženu Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Ključne riječi: Invazivne strane vrste, Lithobates catesbeianus, Latium, Italija
Lithobates catesbeianus Shaw, 1802 is an
Witmer 2010). Furthermore, the American bullfrog is
amphibian of family Ranidae, native to North America.
known to act as a vector for Batrachochytrium
It is a big frog since it is able to exceed 30 cm in length
dendrobatidis dispersion (Hanselmann et al. 2004,
and 1600 g of weight (Lanza 1983). The females are
Garner et al. 2006, Federici et al. 2008, Dejean et al.
larger than the males. A very large and obvious
2010, Ficetola & Scali 2010). This fungus is largely
tympanic membrane is present in the temporal area.
implicated in global amphibian’s declines (Berger et al.
Bullfrog changes in color, above from dark olive to
1998, Blaustein & Kiesecker 2002, Mazzoni et al.
pale green, beneath from white to cream. This anuran is
2003, Kats & Ferrer 2003).
not only an efficacious competitor to native species but
The American bullfrog is listed on the list of
it is, also, an omnivore that feeds on all animals smaller
“100 of the world’s worst invasive alien species”.
than itself, including fishes, reptiles, amphibians and
These species were selected using two criteria: their
water birds (Lambertz & Schmied 2010, Snow &
serious impact on biological diversity and/or human 70
Short Note Grano & Cattaneo 2015
VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 70- 75 ISSN: 1848-2007
activities, and their illustration of important issues of
For drafting of this paper has been consulted
biological invasion (Lowe et al. 2000). In Italy this
the bibliography regarding the American bullfrog in
species is under CITES regulation (All. B, Directive
Europe and in Italy. The authors have conducted field
works and they availed themselves of unpublished data
introduction represents a threat to indigenous species (Di Cerbo & Biancardi 2013).
of some colleagues. The oldest report of Lithobates catesbeianus
In Europe its presence is confirmed, as well as
in Latium refers to 1969 at Pomezia in the province of
for Italy, also for Belgium (Wallonia, Flanders), France
Rome (Bruno 1969).
(Bordeaux), Germany (Bonn, Baden-Wurttemberg),
In the Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Latium of
2000, the American bullfrog is reported only in three
Netherlands, (Breda) and Spain (Canary Islands,
localities: Maccarese - Torre in Pietra (Zona 40),
Cáceres, Cataluña). It’s possible that the population of
Pomezia (Rio Torto) and Tor San Lorenzo (Colle
United Kingdom has currently been eradicated. It was
Romito). The specimens imported in Maccarese in
probably introduced to Switzerland, although this
1974, came from Castel d’Ario (MN), the origin place
requires further confirmation (Santos-Barrera et al.
of the owner of the three sport fishing lakes in this
2009). In Italy the introduction of Lithobates
locality. In the same Atlas is mentioned that already in
catesbeianus, through specimens from Louisiana
1996 the Maccarese populations was missing, possibly
(U.S.A.), is dated to the thirties of last century and
due to the restructuring of the lakes where the
seems to be related to food purposes (Albertini &
American bullfrog was present (Bagnoli 2000). In the
Lanza 1988, Capula et al. 2005). The first successfully
following Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of
acclimatization occurred between 1932 and 1937 in the
Province of Rome of 2007, the earlier reports were
Corte Brusca district (Bigarello, Mantova) through
confirmed, bringing however into question their current
frogs released by Mr. G. Cavallero (Albertini 1970),
presence (Bologna et al. 2000), although some reports
and it would spread in short time in other territories by
confirm its presence in Maccarese. These reports are
some farmers who would use it for edible purposes
related to vocalizations heard in July 2005 in the area
(Albertini & Lanza 1988). In few years the Bullfrog
of “Vasche di Maccarese” and to sightings of
expanded itself to the point that, at the end of the
specimens in adjacent canals to Via delle Pagliete, Via
eighties the species was known in more than 160 sites
dei Collettori, Via dei Tre Denari and in the small pond
(Scali 2010). Currently the presence of Bullfrog in Italy
of plant nursery of the Maccarese Spa (Bologna, Rome,
is less considerable, but there are reports for Lombardy
pers. comm. 2014). A recent paper has confirmed the
(Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona and Pavia), Veneto
presence of L. catesbeianus in the canals of Viale
(Verona and Rovigo), Piedmont (Asti and Torino),
Maria at Maccarese (Pizzuti Piccoli & Cattaneo 2008).
Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, Modena, Ferrara, Piacenza
Through the years the transformation of the crops and
and Reggio Emilia), Tuscany (Firenze, Pisa and
irrigation techniques has been modified and it has had a
Pistoia) and Latium (Latina and in province of Rome:
decisive influence on the decline of populations of the
Maccarese, Torre in Pietra, Pomezia, Tor San Lorenzo,
whole Maccarese area. In November 2014, a spill of
Monterotondo Scalo, Fiano Romano and Civitella San
kerosene used as a fuel in the near International Airport
Paolo, Trigoria). Specimens were introduced in the
of Fiumicino, created a huge environmental catastrophe
provinces of Vercelli, Novara and Udine but without
in the whole area between Maccarese and Palidoro.
acclimatization (Lanza et. al. 2007).
Over 30 tons of kerosene has contaminated Rio Tre
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VOL. 2015., No.1, Str. 70- 75 ISSN: 1848-2007
Cannelle and tens of surrounding hectares, killing
Strada Statale 156 of Monti Lepini at Latina. In these
thousands of fishes, frogs, turtles, shrimps and water
lakes there are many tadpoles and adults of American
birds. This serious episode allowed to verify that
bullfrog (Carlino, Rome, pers. comm. 2015).
among the thousands of dead animals was not present
Unfortunately a specimen of common toad Bufo bufo
any American bullfrog (Di Giuseppe, Maccarese, pers.
with severe skin lesions (Fig. 3), perhaps referable to
comm. 2014; Polinori, Ostia, pers. comm. 2014).
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, has been retrieved
Therefore, we can state that in the area of Maccarese,
from “Centro Recupero Fauna Selvatica, Lipu” of
Lithobates catesbeianus can be considered absent.
Rome (Manzia, Rome, pers. comm. 2014). Fragments
In 2014 a very large population of American bullfrog
tissue were promptly collected and sent to a specialized
(Fig.1) has been reported in a group of four small lakes
laboratory in order to confirm the diagnosis; we are
in locality Semblera, Monterotondo Scalo, along Via
currently waiting for a response. If the result of these
Salaria about twenty kilometers from Rome. This area
analyzes will be positive, it would be a serious problem
is adjacent to the left bank of Tevere River. Originally
for indigenous amphibians populations.
these small lakes were clay quarries used by a brick factory. At the end of the eighties these quarries were abandoned,
subsequently with water. Initially, one of these ponds was used for sport fishing. Later they were no longer used and this allowed the rooting of luxuriant vegetation (Grano & Cattaneo 2014). In the same paper, the authors indicate another report of American bullfrog in province of Rome. This report refers to some quarries currently filled with water, located between Fiano Romano and Civitella San Paolo. Furthermore these quarries are placed nearby the Tevere River and are about twenty kilometers from the other quarries of Monterotondo Scalo (Grano &
Figure 1. Specimens of American Bullfrog found in a lake of Monterotondo Scalo (Rome). Slika 1. Jedinka Američke zelene žabe pronađene u jezeru Monterotondo Scalo (Rim).
Cattaneo 2014). For the first time we report the presence of Lithobates catesbeianus in the area of Trigoria, a fraction of Rome of the twelfth kilometer of Via Laurentina.
ornamental pond of a residential center. The big tadpole (Fig. 2) were photographed and sent to “Centro Recupero di Fauna Selvatica, Lipu” at Rome for the determination (Manzia, Rome, pers. comm. 2014). The most recent report, never reported before, regards the only locality of Latium that it’s not in the province of Rome. It’s a group of lakes utilized for sport fishing and for the rearing of ornamental fish, located on the
Figure 2. Big tadpole of American Bullfrog photographed in a pond of Trigoria (Rome). Slika 2. Punoglavac Američke zelene žabe fotografiran u jezeru u Trigoriji (Rim). 72
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Acknowledgments We are grateful to Augusto Cattaneo for his invaluable help. We are also thankful to Marco A. Bologna Riccardo
(Università di
Studi (WWF
“Roma –
Macchiagrande), Alessandro Polinori (Lipu – Oasi CHM di Ostia), Francesca Manzia (Lipu – Centro Recupero Fauna Selvatica, Roma) and Davide Carlino.
REFERENCES Figure 3. Bufo bufo affected by several skin lesions. Albertini, G. (1970): Sulla diffusione della rana-toro (Rana catesbeiana Shaw) importata nel Mantovano. Atti Memorie Accad. Agric. Sci. Lett. Verona (6) 20: 67-106.
Slika 3. Bufo bufo sa izraženim lezijama na koži
In Latium, the American bullfrog is regularly present from over forty years and during the last year has been reported four new localities. Recent studies (Ficetola et al. 2008) have shown that the Italian populations of L. catesbeianus have originated from a considerably small strain (less than six females), thus highlighting the great expansion capacity and rooting of this invasive frog (Scali 2010). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out regular
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