Against the Current
•The Quadrlga of Jazz Guitar
American pop-rock band. Mandela Hall, Mon 6pm, £18 0844 277 4455; Academy, Dublin, Tue 6pm, ClB
With Martin Taylor, Paulo Morello, Ulf Wakenius and Andreas Oomb ert JJ Smyth's, today 9pm, C25 01475 2565
0818 719 300 Ill Corey Harris
American blues artist Arthur's, Thu 8.30pm, 819 80
Detroit rapper Limelight 2, Fri 7pm, £16 0844 277 4455; Green Room at the Academy, Dublin, Sat 7pm, C20 0818 719 300
01402 0914 • Dave O'Rourlce
With Paul Dunlea, Dave Redmond and John Daly JJ Smyth's, Thu 9pm, Cl2 01475 2565
Ii Level42
English dance-rock veterans Waterfront, Sat 8pm, £30-£33 0844 2774455
Polish rock band Academy, today 6pm, C33.50-C4405
Armagh-Tyrone band. Whelan's, upstairs, Wed 8pm, 810-Cl2
0818 719 300
1890 200 078
�Native Oak
Folk-rock musician. Whelan's, today 8pm, ClO 1890 200 078 ----•n..••----·H•1••..,.. ---··H00H--·-·
� Gig for Robbie
Robbie Brennan commemorative gig with PcJul Brady, Mary Coughlan and others. Olympia, Mon 8pm, C20-C30
0818 719 330 -----· ··.. ·------···-,--JamleT
London alt-rock singer-songwriter. Olympia, Tue 7pm, C31.50 0818 719 300; Limelight, Belfast. • Wed 8pm, £27 0844 2774455
- -···"---..-·... a; Rats on Rafts Rotterdam band. Whelan's, upstairs, Tue 8pm, ClO 1890 200 078
Among My Souvenirs: The Connie Francis Story
With Kathy Nugent NCH, Tue 8pm, Cl8-C35
01417 0000 Hare Squead
Dublin trio. Button Factory, Wed 7.30pm, Cl3 0818 719 300
·�-----·----·--·1:1 Akala
English rapper. Sugar Club, Thu 8pm, Cl4.85 0818 719 300 Dowsing
With Ratboys and Shrug Life Whelan's, upstairs, Thu 8pm, ClO 1890 200 078
Rusangano Family
It's one thing to listen to Rusangano Family's two albums and be moved by them, but it's quite a different experience to witness them live. Last Sunday night, as part of the Dublin Fringe Festival programme, the Limerick/Clare trio demonstrated why they're being hailed as one of Ireland's most vital contemporary hip-hop acts. Emerging from the shadows amid a flurry of high kicks and audience-goading, rappers God Knows and MuRli - both African-born, Irish-raised MCs - provided the rapid-fire vocals to a dynamic soundtrack that was tweaked, spun and scratched by DJ and turntablist John LIiiis, aka mynameisjOhn. As they
II King Kong Company Waterford dance band. Academy, Fri 7pm, Cl5 0818 719 300 ····•,•••n-•••··-•••....___..,,_
The Mission
London post-punk outfit. Academy, Sat 7pm, C28
sparked off each other with energy and enthusiasm, neither rapper was afraid to get either political or personal; at one point, God Knows donned a schoolbag for a touching a cappella track about being bullied as a youngster. They shunned all notions of the chest-beating machismo usually found in hip-hop by inviting guest Denise Chaila up for the powerful feminist monologue Isn't Dinner Nice. The audience giddily mashed, danrnd, and even twirled items of clothing over their heads. This felt more like a communal celebration than most gigs. Lauren Murphy
September 18, Spiegeltent (al Merrion Square, Dublin
II PictureThis Athy pop-rock duo. INEC, Killarney, today 6 30pm, 814.35; Oolan's, Limerick, Fri 8pm, 814.35 0818 719 300
0818 719 300 Eoln Glackin
Dublin singer-songwriter. Workman's Club, Sat 8pm, ClO
0818 719 300 ___ ....,,---········--··........,,,--·-··· ,,
IllThese Charming Hen The Smiths tribute outfit. Abbey Tavern, Sat 9.30pm, Cl7.50 0818 719 300
Ii Chris Wise and the Hidden Revolution
Manchester band. Raisin Dubh, Thu 9pm 091 586 540
•Nicole Maguire
With Bairbre Anne Munnis Seamus Ennis Centre, Naul, Sat 8-30pm, 88-812 01 802 0898
l !Ill Mozart's Don Giovanni
Opera Theatre Company production, with translation by Roddy Doyle, Gaiety, Thu & Sat 7.30pm, C26 65-855.25
---·--..-·_............. 0818 719 388
II Shine With Alan Fitzpatrick, B Traits and others. Queen's Students Union, Sat 9 30pm, £'22.50 0844 2774455
m Silent Disco
Weekly dance night. Raisin Dubh, Tue 11pm, 85 091 586 540
II Patrick Cassidy: Children of Lir
II Ulster Orchestra
50th birthday concert with Barry Douglas. Ulster Hall, Fri 7.45pm, £20-£37.50 028 90334455
II ESB Feis Ceoll Young Platform Series
Conducted by David Brophy NCH, Thu 8pm, 835 01417 0000
····-·--··...·..--·-···· ···---····..····----· • La Dolce Roma - Italian Music from the 1950s
With Derby Browne and the Cappucino Ensemble NCH, John Field Room, Fri 1 05pm, 816-818
01'417 0000 ...... ............
• Celebrating Dance with the RTENSO
II Cork Folk Festival
Including the Unthanks, Atlantic Arc Orchestra and the Henry Girls Cork city, various venues, Wed-Sat 021431 7271
a Composing the Island
Winners' showcase. NCH, John Field Room, Mon 8pm, CS-812
Pieces by Delibes, Prokofiev, Borodin and others. NCH, Fri 8pm, 813 50-835
Celebration of classical music by Irish composers 1916-2016. NCH, today 3pm, 6 30pm & 8pm
01417 0000
01417 0000
01417 0000
In a project organised by the International Consorti um of Investigative Journal ists, of which The Irish Times is a media partner, a searcha ble version of the registry is now available online. The Bahamas are a well-known tax haven and there is nothing illegal about being connected with a com pa�X from that jurisdiction.
International response neededLo tackle 'offshore· Oelnion, page 14
Calm Keena, page 2
Telecoms tycoon and the plan to turn Caribbean island into exclusive resort:
Businessman Denis O'Brien is linked to property on the Caribbean island resort of Canouan, where his former business partner Dermot Desmond has been involved in developing an ultra-exclu sive hotel, villa, marina and golf complex, filings in the corporate registry in the Bahamas indicate. Two Dublin businesswom en, who act as directors of a number of Mr O'Brien's Irish companies, are listed as directors of companies in the Bahamas that, in turn, have links with the Canouan island resort. The Bahamas registry is open to the public but difficult to access online and not searchable for particular names.
Legal Affairs Correspondent
O'Brien linked to Caribbean property
constructs the 2005 legislation that gives it its powers, conclud ing it is not strong enough or providing satisfaction to the public. As well as seeking the ability to compel the Garda to surren der evidence needed for its in vestigations, the watchdog also says it believes the Garda has used the legislative weaknesses been in operation for almost a to delay investigations into its CONORLALLY members. It says that when Security and Crime Editor decade. In a submission critical of the Gsoc investigates alleged The Garda Siochana Ombuds Garda and the legislation giv man Commission (Gsoc) is ing the commission its powers,
Watchdog seeking ability to force Garda to surrender evidence in malpractice cases Commission claims force still too slow in responding to requests for information
"This happens not infrequent ly," the Gsoc submission states, saying the situation under mined the whole ethos of police accountability and justice for mem!>ers of th_e public.
'Public accountability'
the Garda reviewed Gsoc's find ings against individual gardai and could reject or overrule the findings or decide not to im pose the sanction recommend ed. This can be done without ex plaining its rationale to the Gsoc or the complainant.
and evidence requested as part of investigations. She wanted the same powers for Gsoc in the Republic, adding while the lev el of co-operation offered by the Garda had become a little fast er in the wake of the recent con troversies, it was still far too slow. Judge Ring also said the way Gsoc was set up under the Garda Siochana Act was fo cused too much "on retribution and not enough on resolution". In some cases members of the public made complaints to
.. Gsoc claims powers too focused on retribution: page7
Gsoc alleging that when they had fallen victim to crimes such as assault, the gardai handling the cases never investigated and never returned phone calls. But Gsoc said the Act was so poorly constructed that such complaints could be upheld yet the assault the complainant had suffered would still not be revisited and investigated.
Gsoc wants more powers over Garda 1
• Syrian men remove a baby from the rubble of a destroyed building after an air strike in the northern city of Aleppo yesterday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said dozens of raids hit the city as regime troops advanced on rebels. Kerry demands Russia and Syria ground warplanes to salvage ceasefire: page 9. PHOTOGRAPH: AMEER ALHALBI/AFP/GETIY IMAGES
War baby Infant rescued after air attack as Syrian ceasefire close to collapse
Shows with punch, laughs and Spittle Dublin Fringe Festival reviews
Newton Emerson, Opinion,page 14
''Bangor is more than 8004. Protestant, so targeting it with hostile British S}mbols was about bursting a middle-class unionist bubble
Testing the new iPhone7 Ciara O'Brien runs the rule over Apple's smaller sibling
Thursday,September22,2016 €2.00 (incl. VAT) £1.30 Northern Ireland.
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105 Print Articles 340 Online Articles
150 Radio Pieces 10 TV Appearances