Points of Light Foundation & HandsOn Network

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P O I N T S O F L I G H T F O U N D AT I O N & HANDS ON NETWORK Designs to change the world. In 1989, President George Bush invoked a “thousand points of light� crusade, inviting the nation to take action in service to their fellow citizens. The following year, the Points of Light Foundation was created as an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, inspired to put people at the center of change for good. HandsOn Network spawned from this effort as an umbrella organization to make it easier for people to volunteer across the nation. As the network grew, there was confusion about its relationship with the foundation. A new identity system was designed to create a common visual language for the two organizations and has become an iconic trademark for the largest volunteer and civic engagement organization in the nation.

Primar y Logo Identity

Stationer y Suite Collateral

Website Digital Media

Brand Book Collateral

Launch A nimation Motion Graphics

Volunteer Apparel Promotional Items

Presidential For um on Ser vice (2009) Promotional Items

R E S U LT S 4.3 million volunteers 32 million service hours 20 countries

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