Tall Tales Designing a Branded Experience. Tall Tales. Real Food. Id ent i ty
Pac k ag i ng
P r i nt ed M at er i a l s
En v i r o n m ent
S i gn ag e
Background The world of retail, like so many categories, is under siege. On one hand, the ease of “point and click” online shopping sky-rocketed by 40% from 2006 to 2008. On the other hand, the explosion of “retail-tainment” continues to redefine “the store” as we’ve known it for many years. So how does a retailer attract more people and keep them longer? Though a leader in the category of camping, fishing and hunting, Gander Mountain was among many feeling the squeeze. After studying their options, the management team at Gander Mountain realized there was an opportunity to enhance the overall brand experience, to expand their appeal to women, and to lengthen shoppers’ time spent in the store.
Design Development and Solution Gander Mountain approached the award-winning partnership of Minneapolis-based restaurateur Rick Webb and Duffy & Partners who had previously collaborated on three highly successful restaurant experiences. The solution focused on creating a proprietary Gander Mountain restaurant—an extension of the brand experience and an enhancement of what is already considered a “destination brand” (one which benefits from planned visits). A uniquely designed environment where guests could linger to share stories about their outdoor adventures and anticipate the next outing. A venue for Gander Mountain to show video entertainment productions as a proprietary media outlet. A space that could host special shopping events for friends and family members of the outdoor enthusiast and do so with the added value of a little hospitality. Thus was born the concept for “Tall Tales. Real Food.”
Ta l l ta l e s
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