Especially true under current precautions to circumvent the global pandemic by spending more time at home, spaces designed for entertainment are of increasing importance. While grand rooms with ample space allow for large-scale entertaining; game rooms, bar areas and theaters accommodate more intimate gatherings. Whether safely hosting celebra-
&KDWWDQRRJD 7HQQHVVHH $OOLDQFH 6RWKHE\Ĺ?V ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5HDOW\ Sandy Poe | 865.207.0004 RJ Bindner | 865.805.5491 www.AllianceSothebysRealty.com | www.SandyPoe.com
tory occasions or spending quality time with family and close friends, the entertaining estates to follow are ideal for an enjoyable “staycation.â€? 'HVLJQHG VSHFLĆ“FDOO\ ZLWK HQWHUWDLQLQJ LQ PLQG RXU 7RS (QWHUWDLQLQJ Estate in Las Vegas, Nevada is not only ideally positioned in the ‘entertainment capital of the country,’ the residence itself has every entertaining DPHQLW\ D GLVFHUQLQJ EX\HU FRXOG GHVLUH Ĺ?:LWK ZRUOG FODVV VKRSSLQJ Ć“QH dining, Broadway-caliber entertainment, top-ranked sports teams, the EHVW JROI FRXUVHV WHUULĆ“F ZHDWKHU DQG QR VWDWH LQFRPH WD[ DW WKH SHUVRQDO RU FRUSRUDWH OHYHO /DV 9HJDV KDV EHFRPH WKH WRS GHVWLQDWLRQ IRU OX[XU\ OLYLQJ Ĺ? VD\V .DPUDQ =DQG RI /X[XU\ (VWDWHV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO ZKR UHSUHVHQWV the listing. 2XU )HDWXUHG 3URSHUW\ LQ %UHQWZRRG 7HQQHVVHH LV VXUHO\ HTXLSSHG WR KRVW spirited soirees and can undoubtedly keep a family entertained. AppointHG ZLWK D SXE URRP DQG WKHDWHU ZLWK VL[ WHOHYLVLRQV D JROI VLPXODWRU DQG a 14-foot climbing wall, this entertaining estate affords endless hours of recreation. Outdoors, the resort-style backyard offers respite with an H[SDQVLYH SRRO DQG VSD DUHD FRPSOHWH ZLWK D ZDWHU VOLGH VZLP XS EDU Ć“UH pit, summer kitchen and cabana.
Malba, New York Douglas Elliman Real Estate Maria V. Kafetzis NY Mobile: 516.885.2525 | FL Mobile: 305.773.5994 RightRealtor4u@gmail.com ZZZ <RX7XEH FRP 5LJKW5HDOWRU X
Specializing in â&#x20AC;&#x153;upper bracketâ&#x20AC;? real estate in the far west suburbs of Chicago, Jay Rodgers of RE/MAX All Pro represents our Featured Property in St. &KDUOHV ,OOLQRLV DQ HVWDWH RSWLPDO IRU HQWHUWDLQLQJ 7KH UHWUHDW LV SULYDWHO\ situated in a lushly wooded setting with a backyard oasis complete with a saltwater pool, spa, pool house and multiple outdoor seating areas, LQFOXGLQJ D Ć&#x201C;UH IHDWXUH ,QVLGH JDWKHULQJV FDQ UHWUHDW WR WKH VHDW WKHDWHU or one of several spacious bonus rooms. ([SORUH WKH DIRUHPHQWLRQHG HQWHUWDLQLQJ HVWDWHV DV ZHOO DV WKH PXOWLWXGH of options among the properties to follow. Each of these homes are sure to offer unlimited merriment.
6W &KDUOHV ,OOLQRLV 7KH 5RGJHUV *URXS Jay Rodgers | 630.377.1400 | 630.816.7632 jay@rodgersgroup.com www.rodgersgroup.com 22