Dutch Design Week 2017 Post Visual

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“Designers are, by nature, off-centered. They lean forward, like athletes at the start of a race. They are stubborn and optimistic. They run against the wind with their chin held high. (A chin that's strong, because leaning forward requires them to endure.) But they're also viable and flexible. They dodge, duck, fall and get up. They continually find their way - a new way.” – Martijn Paulen (director Dutch Design Foundation)



Ketelhuisplein, Strijp-S. Art director: La Bolleur www.labolleur.com




Foreword Stretch Dutch Design Week (DDW) stretched the world in October 2017, during its sixteenth edition. The successful week saw 335,000 visitors inspired by the work of over 2,600 national and international designers. This year’s theme is STRETCH, a theme we believe is crucial to what designers do. Designers are always stretching boundaries, constantly looking for opportunities in the most unlikely places, pushing things forward, and finding new collaborations, new materials and new techniques... The courageous spirit of these changemakers is the inspiration for DDW 2017.

like in the future. Marcus Fairs, Editor-In-Chief of Dezeen, woke people up with Good Design For A Bad World, a series of talks addressing design’s role in different global crises. Here, we are presented with challenging questions: Are we using design to create change for the good? Or is design helping to cause these problems? Meanwhile, Lonny van Ryswyck and Nadine Sterk (Atelier NL) raised the bar high with To See a World in a Grain of Sand, an exhibition which literally brought the whole world to Eindhoven through sand samples. Their methodologies, profoundness, and detailed way of working is truly setting the standard for design research.

Ambassadors This year, we had three ambassadors who put a lot of enthusiasm and energy into making DDW a success. Winy Maas (MVRDV) carried us along with his infectious energy and brilliant ideas. A perfect embodiment of the theme, MVRDV’s (W)ego Hotel – a futuristic hotel which can be moved into different configurations according to each situations’ needs – stretched the idea of what buildings will look

Internationalization DDW is always about looking forward instead of looking back; this is in our DNA. Our ambition is to become even more international, with a strong focus on the future of design. The latest edition saw more participants, visitors, media and professionals coming from all over the world. Furthermore, we made a big step towards reaching our internationalization goals through the very first World Design Event (WDE).



One of the highlights of WDE was the People’s Pavilion by Bureau SLA & Overtreders W (which is a gem in itself, being one of the pioneers of circular building), a meeting place for discussions about the future of design and societal issues.

Giving designers a boost This link is very important to us, as it is our main role to con­nect designers with the industry, and to open up possibilities for them. We are very proud of What If Lab – a successful initiative in which companies and service providers got the opportunity to work closely together with design professionals. We are also very happy that we were able to place designers in the mainstream Dutch media. The TV programme De toekomstbouwers (VPRO) increased the visibility and reach of these creatives’ works.

Similarly, this book you have in your hands right now will tell you that the future is looking quite good. Many great things are possible if we dare to stretch and go beyond our fears and limitations. I hope you find something in here that will trigger you, energize you, and inspire you to take that extra step. See you at DDW 2018! Martijn Paulen Director, Dutch Design Foundation

Main sponsor:




If we want to lean towards to future, we need to give the stage to the future. This is the credo of Antenna, a high-quality international conference where young talent (under 30 years old) from top design schools around the world presented their work and ideas to professionals, companies and experts.

Stretching towards the future Another reason to celebrate is the 15th anniversary of the Dutch Design Awards (DDA). The exhibition and book entitled Be The Future – showcasing this year’s winners – and Back To The Future – a look back at DDA’s fifteen years – illustrates the limitless possibilities of the creative spirit.




8 Stretch 11



Art directors

15 Campaign 19 Exhibitions Special events

115 Parties 121

DDW Music


Dutch Design Awards


What If Lab


World Design Event


Before & after


Business & media

190 Trends 194

Facts & figures

Martijn Paulen, director Dutch Design Foundation






Stretch Dutch Design Week 2017 The world is manufacturable. The future stretchable. Designers have revolutionary ideas and innovative solutions for the future. We present mind expanders, horizon extenders and boundary pushers. Warm-ups and stretch exercises for people who want to stay agile. Move with the times and stay supple. It all starts at DDW: do the #stretch. During the 16th edition of DDW, 2,600 national and international thinkers and doers presented their work. Designers that made the event bigger and the world just that little bit better, smarter, handier and more beautiful. By the end of October, 335,000 visitors had made their way to Eindhoven to see the latest work and the best of what design has to offer. They took a peek behind the scenes with the designers, and saw the future with their own eyes. About DDW In October of each year, Dutch Design Week (DDW) takes place in Eindhoven. In 2017, the biggest design event in Northern Europe presented work and ideas of more than 2,600 designers to more than 335,000 visitors from home and abroad. At more than 100 locations across the city, DDW organises and facilitates exhibitions, lectures, prize ceremonies, networking events, debates and festivities. DDW is different from other design events, be­ cause it concentrates on designs of the future. Although during the event every imaginable



discipline and aspect of design is on offer, the emphasis is on experiment, innovation and cross-overs. Special attention each year goes to work and development of young talent.

Mission DDW is optimistic and believes in the problem solving capabilities of designers. They have demon­strated that they dispose of the inventiveness and flexibility of mind that can lead to innovations that our rapidly changing world so craves. Our ambition has three pillars: 1. Offering a platform to designers, irrespective of origin or nationality, with a Dutch design men­tality: our organisation reinforces Dutch design through offering a leading international stage. 2. Offering designers opportunities: helping them move forward by introducing media, commerce and other sectors to designers and their work - in the form of publicity, network expan­sion and assignments. 3. Talent development: our future-oriented vision is not limited to tomorrow. Which is why one of our organisation’s spearheads is the stimulation and support of the new generation.



History DDW all began back in 1998. In that year the Vormgeversoverleg (a designers collaborative) organised the first Day of Design. Objective: introducing entrepreneurs to designers. The event, which took place annually in Eindhoven, attracted more interest each year and grew exponentially. The Day of Design became the Week of Design in 2002 and ultimately in 2005 it was renamed Dutch Design Week.




Ambassadors Ambassadors Ambassadors

To reinforce the international accent of the ambassadorship in 2017, DDW selected three, in stead of two, ambassadors who are well-known for their international vision and impact: architect Winy Maas (MVRDV), designers Lonny van Ryswyck and Nadine Sterk (Atelier NL) and journalist Marcus Fairs (Dezeen). 11


VEEM and through the seminar The Abundance and Scarcity of Sand that they organised in the MU.


“During DDW the world meets in Eindhoven and connects with the place for a moment. Design can be felt and seen everywhere, everyone can touch it. Sometimes literally, personally and intimately, in other places on a bigger scale with the help of the latest technology. We believe this is wonderful and important, it gives us the opportunity to reappreciate all sorts of things: nature, the city, each other.� www.ateliernl.com

Atelier NL Lonny van Ryswyck and Nadine Sterk from Atelier NL are unique innovators. In reality, they have been literally and figuratively standing in the middle of their working field for ten years: up to their ankles in mud. But it is their pure, sincere and fine-tuned approach to work that guides them in everything they do. This typical Atelier NL method can now be considered as the measure for research in design. Atelier NL was on show during DDW17, with their exhibition To See a World in a Grain of Sand, a (film) installation of their extensive research project in the

Winy Maas The name Winy Maas is almost synonymous with innovation in design. Architect, professor, urbanist. But above all someone who makes change tangible and who is constantly searching for the boundaries of his own profession and



that of others, often through laying multidisciplinary links. The projects that agency MVRDV is involved in are the best proof of this. During DDW17, Winy Maas presented developments in architecture and future urban plans with the projects (W)ego, The Why Factory and ici Eindhoven.


Marcus Fairs As well as being a journalist and design critic Marcus Fairs is a gifted debater. He is unsurpassed in his ability to draw global attention to developments in and to evaluate Dutch design from an international perspective. The founder and editorin-chief of the online magazine Dezeen gave DDW17 more depth and impact: during the week Marcus Fairs presented the online magazine


“Designers can identify and solve problems. Dutch Design Week is a kind of laboratory for design that might save the world.” www.dezeen.com


“I experienced an incredibly fascinating energy during this edition of DDW. The ambassadorship is something that doesn’t grind to a halt at the end of the week, it is a long-term connection and it carries obligations. As an ambassador I was given homework: following up designers, organisations, government departments and foundations, on all sorts of matters that were discussed during DDW. I loved it.”

Good Design for a Bad World, with a series of interviews and panel discussions about the role of design in relationship to social themes.


Art directors

Art directors Since 2009, DDW has appointed an external party for the design and presentation in the Klokgebouw. This year, for the second time, professionals were also approached as art directors for VEEM and the centrally located Ketelhuisplein. Overtreders W, Raw Color and La Bolleur accepted the challenge. Overtreders W This year, once again, Overtreders W were the art directors for the Klokgebouw. It was their ambition to lay out the entire venue without creating waste. Designers Reinder Bakker and Hester van Dijk used cutting waste from FaberExposize and borrowed material from Greenpanel for a spectacular exhibition. www.overtreders-w.nl

Raw Color Movement and colour are the visual ingredients that gave visibility to VEEM. The visitor walked into an experience of textiles. An intervention between man and spatial elements of the location. www.rawcolor.nl



La Bolleur La Bolleur was this year’s art director for the Ketelhuisplein. The multidisciplinary design studio transformed the centrally located square into a not-to-be-missed corridor between various venues and exhibitions at Strijp-S. A mix of design & pleasure, the Inwisselbar under a yellow parasol, and a new programme every day.

“The evolution and sprawl of DDW can be neatly dovetailed to this year’s theme – ‘Stretch’. This design festival stretches the boundaries of physical interaction, with design increasingly delving into Eindhoven’s environs, it stretches the imagination and it stretches the leg muscles.” – Robert Urquhart (ARTS THREAD)

Campaign ‘Stretch’ is the essence of design. By stretching your mind, you create space to innovate. To change your direction, the way you work, your environment and how you see the world. To transcend boundaries and define a new standard. In cooperation with creative agency Fabrique, a public campaign was developed to support the theme. www.fabrique.nl


Art directors & Campaign


STRE S T R E S T R E STRE Campaign





Campaign made by

‘The Tinkering Labs’

Creative Ukraine. Between


Open Studio Akko Goldenbeld

Tradition and Innovation



TextielMuseum Pop-up

"Southern Treasures" graduates

Opening new atelier

The Anti Efficients

2017 MAFAD

Creative Use of Recycled Materials

HKU Graduates

orange or red

The best thing for you and me


Crédit Fontýs



would be to take a very long


Crowdfunding Dutch Design


Overview exhibition development


~ floating ~

Culinary Cosmetics



The big Improvisation Stop motion

1:1 Jordan Artisan : Joost Seegers


Human Browser

People's Pavilion

Animation Show.

10 new Vij5 products @ Hallenweg

Dating Dutch Design

Hutspot Play

Perky Panels by Crossover

The Creative Food Studio x

24, a dynamic lighting design

de Volkskrant

If It Was My Imagination



5 years Driving Dutch Design &

Delta Light: XY180 by OMA


Philips Designtour - Augmented

The Eindhoven Academy for


Design meets Local Government

Impose Furniture

Reality in the Philips Museum

Industrial Design : The seed of the

7,5 years of Studio Bas van der

Designing for Passenger

In No Particular Order

Piet Hein Eek New Collection and






The Future City is Eindhoven | ICI

A collaboration between IKEA and

Designing social concepts

In VREEMDLAND we make a


Eindhoven: Here we come

Piet Hein Eek

Designing sustainable

second chance

Plano Chair/ Brandes en Meurs

The Future City is Flexible |

A custom collection of carpets



industrial design


A flair of imperfection

Detale x Teym

Interactive Material Archive


The Future City is Wide |

A new series of lighting


Iron forest

Polish Design - Łódź Creates

The Why Factory

ABN AMRO Hotspot: 10 + 1

Digesting Outlines


Pop up Werkwarenhuis Social label

The future is local: micromoulding

ABN AMRO Hotspot: Collect

Discover the magic of glass!



machine & soft biocomposites

ABN AMRO Hotspot: Paper Bricks

Disobedient Bodies / The

Job's Happy Place

Precious Plastic

The Horsekeepers grooming kit

ABN AMRO Hotspot: Petit Pli

autonomous life of things #1

Kapot & Maken in De

Precious Plastic Container

The New Habit

ABN AMRO Hotspot: Recolored,



Presentation of Manu and Flare

The new handwriters

A new way of recycling


KLM The Beauty In Motion

Presenting Pioneers

The New Makerspace

ABN AMRO Hotspot: Replex

DIY headphones

Koning Willem I College presents

Print Pakt Live

The New Normal, by ECO-oh!

ABN AMRO Hotspot: ReRide

Do (not) feed the makers

its furniture designers

Providing objects with duty free

The once liquid plastic

ABN AMRO Hotspot:

Dome China

L.E.A.V. project


The Travel Agency of Things

Scarfs with a story


La Terrasse vol.4 - FANTASY

Pure Noire

the Ultra Light

ABN AMRO Hotspot: Stonecycling



Quilt Garden

The Wooden Bike

ABN AMRO Hotspot: Storyhopper

Drawing the Times goes Dutch

Less is Mooi

QVILT felt rugs

The World is my Playground


Design Week

Let the dataset change your

Radius - Design Event for Tech



Drents Dorp Design - Mooi Lelijk


Driven Start-ups

This is the age of makers


Dutch Bike

Lien Hereijgers presentatie nieuwe

Random acts of violence


Customizable, 3D Printed

Dutch Design Awards Exhibition

collectie 2017


Time Included Cloth continues

Age of Wonderland: 100 Days

ECAL Graphic Design

Life in the shadows

Re-exhibiting Museum Of Moving

To See a World in a Grain of Sand @

of Learning - Exhibition

Embassy of Health | ‘Chronic

Linoleum, a different dimension



Algoritmisch Historisch Museum

Health: Designing a Healthy Future’

Living Stone - Living Lights

Re-view the future

To See a World in a Grain of Sand

All Possible Interactions

Embassy of Health | Support

Looking at Soft Data

Recolored, A new way of recycling


Animation Billboard

access to primary care in low

Lost in Transformation -

Reflected Sequence series

Tokyo Memories


resource settings


REZIGN - furniture label

Trapping Tension

Architecture + Furniture

Embassy of Urban Transformation |

Luwies | Zero Waste Design

Rive Roshan and Form&Seek

Trein van morgen

Arita : New Radicals

Restoration of the Future


Robotanica expo & Label

Trendtours International Lifestyle

As Above, So Below

Embassy of Urban Transformation |

Made to Mend



Austrian Design Compositions

WHO CARES short sessions

Makers Unite

Room on the Roof

Tunnel Vision


Energy and Raw Materials

Malerwanderweg (Part I) - Oeuvre

Safety Suit


Baars & Bloemhoff's 'Transitions III'

Factory (EFGF)

Jan Doms (Part II)

SCAN2400 |

United Matters

Bart Hess - Trance

Enjoying Smart Mobility

Manifestations - Internet of

a portrait of time & space

Vertical Walking

Beauty Comes with Age


Women Things


Vlisco Day and Night


Enversed Realities

Manifestations - Will the Future

Scheublin & Lindeman presents ...


Between a modernist and a

Envisions in collaboration with

Design Us?

Seamless Footwear

Vogel's OP - enriching spaces


finsa - wood in process

Mapping the Future

Sectie C


Beyond Generations


Master of Materials

See YA, Dude!

Way to GO - Design

Big Mushrooms & more

Exversa Design

Mastering the Material


Wdka | Shaping Light

Binnenhof InsideOut: a design



Selected DDW 2017 Participants

We are Human Rights!

contest by FaberExposize

FLYTE Levitating Objects

Material Shift

Sense & Create by Smurfit Kappa

We know how you feel

Bio-Boost! by Material Sense LAB

Foliage Filter

Materialising the Internet


What's your DNA?




Shadows of Light

When Digital Gets Physical;

Blickfänger // Studio Isabel

Frame x DDW store

maybe you'll see something new

SHARE ideas, SHARE stories,

Wishing you a cool and breezy


Frame x DDW Store: Bijenkorf

Media Markt x Koert van

SHARE memories



From Flax to Paint to Innovation



Work In Progress – Network

bottle | brick


Mickey Philips

Simone Smelt | 30X30

Applied Design Research

Brabant Living Lab

Furniture design

MIIST Milano

Smart Design to Market

World Design Event |

Breaking The Cycle - Designing

Generation Köln

Mind the Step 2017

SMILE if you get it

Embassy of Climate Action

Value Retention

Getting Unstuck for future

MINED | Graduation Show 2017

soci.bike cargo bike

World Design Event |

Broeinest | Matter Revealed


MLY - No Waste

Social Bread Program

Embassy of Data

byAr Bicycle Company


Modebelofte: Digital Realists

SolarSquare Challenge

World Design Event |

Challenging craftsmanship

Glowing Roots

Modern Alchemy


Embassy of Food

Circular home decoration

Good Industrial Design

Mogelijkheid collectie


World Design Event |

Clay Stories

Awards 2017

more architecture and furniture


Embassy of Intimacy

Collective Memory

GreenPAC iLab - Plastic & Design

Natural Forces

Strietman espresso machines

World Design Event |



NEW ICONS - Rietveld Now


Embassy of Robot Love

Common Ground ArtEZ Product


New school: Please do touch

Studio Solarix

World Design Event |


Grind the Gap



Embassy of Urban transformation

Community EXPO

HALO series by forever studio

No Waste

Sweater Chair



HANDWERK by Das Leben am


Table-ware by Maarten Baptist

Zilver G`Oud

Connexions by Charles Petillon /


Observatory Exhibition

TAC Trajectories



HARDCORE exhibition


Tactile Monoliths

Zooming in and out

Conscious Creativity

Harm en Elke

Off the Grass

Talent SPOT

Zuiderzeemuseum presents

Contemplation Spaces |

Het Buitenhuis

One a half

Tangible thoughts / Tastbare

Studio ZZM

Room 2402

Hex House



Creating Better Environments

Hidden Beauties

Open Rugs

Teehee Kid's Furniture test



Exhibitions Exhibitions

DDW concentrates on designs for the future. Smart solutions and inventive designs offer many new perspectives and boy, did they look promising this year! This all took place in curated and group exhibitions, and in open studio presentations with, traditionally, extra attention and space for young talent. There was more on offer than ever before, and – since DDW opened its doors to other countries in 2013 – it’s developing an increasingly more international character. 19



“Design Academy Eindhoven is still churning out forwardthinking talents, the Dutch Invertuals project keeps plucking incredible designers seemingly out of thin air and inspiring them to make masterful objects, and Dutch Design Week itself keeps upping the bar on industry/designer collaborations.” – Monica Khemsurov (Sight Unseen) 20



Design Academy Eindhoven: Graduation Show 2017, De Witte Dame



“The Dutch approach to designing for the future and the Design Academy Eindhoven, which produces world-class products and designers, sets them apart from the rest.”


– Leana Schoeman (Sunday Times, South Africa)

DESIGN ACADEMY EINDHOVEN A fresh batch of graduates with designs and solutions for global problems: Graduation Show 2017 (curated by Formafantasma) at De Witte Dame. www.designacademy.nl








Designer Close-Up: Nina van Bart Interview by Corine Spaans for E52

During Dutch Design Week, E52 introduced visitors to the event’s Hidden Gems. Ten special designers who E52 feel are the stand-outs of the 2017 edition. During DDW, Nina van Bart showed a series of wall and floor cloths made with a new 3D tufting technique. She let you experience what this new application does with the acoustics in the room, how they visually give an identity to the space and how they stimulate your sense of touch. The cloths are part of ‘Zooming in and out’, a long-term research into refined structures applied on a monumental scale, made with machines from the industry. "Aspects such as light, reflection, hard or soft materials and acoustics in a room are all related to how people perceive the space", Nina says. “It makes it a pleasant space or just the opposite. In fact, material is a carrier of the appearance of that space”. Her search for a new material or application begins by experimenting with material or drawing new structures, after which she seeks the technique that can make it. “Handmade drawings and a material study work refreshingly in a design world

dominated by 3D printing and digital production. And I think it’s a good exercise so you can also can push the limits of existing techniques.” She graduated at the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2013 and has since been working as a freelance designer for, amongst others, Christiane Muller of the industrial and interior design studio MüllerVanTol in Amsterdam. There she specialized in the structures of wall covering for the interior products company Vescom. This specialization brought her to the company Carpet Sign in Asten, where she experienced a by them designed new technique for tufting carpet, Nina says. “A 3D tufting technique which allows you to play with differences in depth and volume more, which has an acoustic effect on the space and visually does a lot with light and shadow.” She first drew the structures for the carpets, perfected them with the computer and with those digital drawings, the tufting machine was fine-tuned. For every design, she selected the yarns and colours from the library of Carpet Sign. “Because so much is digitalized these days, our senses need to be more stimulated," Nina thinks. The

25 25

Her exhibition was shown in Studio van der Zandt. “My studio is in Den Bosch and I was looking for a room where I can show that series of carpets. It is an industrial space of 100 square meters and the carpets are getting enough space to experience them. In a busier location, you get too many other incentives.” She shared the space with three other designers and with her exhibition, she hoped to get in touch with people from other industries or architects, so that she could look with them for new materials and applications. She’s curious. “I like to look for different ways of doing things,” she says. She already showed that with her graduation film the Alchemist. In that, the bathroom became a laboratory in which you make your own care products. “We have been taking care of ourselves according to the same habits and rituals for decades. There’s a double meaning: the care products we buy in the store contain toxins that aren’t good for our body. With that film, I wanted to criticize the wellness industry, but also inspire people to look for other possibilities.” "Zooming in and out is an ongoing research. I always keep searching for materials and broaden my knowledge. Now I have focused on the materials themselves, but in the future, I could also make a film for the materials industry to visualize a future vision or concept.” ninavanbart.nl www.e52.nl


structures of her carpets make for that extra stimulation: “My work invites people to touch." She develops the materials for public spaces such as a town hall, theatre of a restaurant, so that a larger public can experience the effect of the materials. “On a larger surface, those carpets have a larger impact.”




The centrally located Klokgebouw stood prominently as the centre of attention, with presentations by more than 100 designers from home and abroad, an extensive business programme and popular public events. Under the art directorship of Overtreders W.

Studio Catinca Tilea: 1minuteLamp, Klokgebouw www.catincatilea.com




Southern Sweden Creatives: What’s Your DNA? www.southernswedencreatives.com

“Visiting most of the Dutch Design Week exhibitions is akin to stepping inside a DeLorean headed to 2037.”

Aectual: AECTUAL FLOORS www.aectual.com

– Rab Messina (TL mag)

Installation ABN AMRO House, Klokgebouw. Design by Overtreders W, materials sponsored by Greenpanel. www.abnamro.nl, www.overtreders-w.nl, www.greenpanel.nl




“The evolution of Dutch Design Week has been phenomenal. In a few short years, this festival has evolved into an exciting laboratory of ideas where research, academia, business and the creative class are able to work together to develop products, systems and concepts that will undoubtedly shape-and positively disrupt-our rapidly changing world.” – Ian Chodikoff (IIDEX Canada)




Mind the Step The Eindhoven, Delft and Twente Universities of Technology demonstrated the role of research, technology and design in tomorrow’s society in the exhibition and lecture programme Mind the Step. www.mindthestep.nl







The Universities of Technology of Eindhoven, Delft and Twente: Mind The Step 2017, Klokgebouw



ABN AMRO Hotspots


Six green and yellow ‘show boxes’ on and around the Ketelhuisplein (by main sponsor ABN AMRO) formed a stage for young designers, curated by design studio van Eijk & Van der Lubbe.



ABN AMRO: Hotspots, Ketelhuisplein www.abn.nl • www.vevdl.com

“The fact that the event felt so diverse and varied, is testament to the vibrancy and good health of the Dutch design scene. An atmosphere of exploration and experimentation pervaded the show.” – Giovanna Dunmall (Interior Design)



World Design Event: People’s Pavilion, Ketelhuisplein. Partners: Dutch Design Foundation, Urban Mining Collective, Arup, Sint Trudo, BankGiro Loterij FondsBureau SLA, Overtreders W www.worlddesignevent.org

KETELHUISPLEIN A melting pot of innovative design and experimental music in a relaxed festival atmosphere (art director La Bolleur).

Liliane Fonds: Life in the Shadows, Ketelhuisplein www.lilianefonds.nl



“Dutch Design Week has attracted international creators to showcase their best work and most thought-provoking experiments in design. The fruits of their research are a compelling mix of luminous display, recyclable pavilion, and celestial bubble that question everything and look to the future with optimism.” – Alex Servie (FRAME) Exhibitions

HIHAHUT, Ketelhuisplein www.hihahut.nl

Provincie Noord-Brabant: Brabant Living Lab, Ketelhuisplein www.brabant.nl



“From erotic sculptures to awaken your sensual consciousness, to a Garden of Odor and a high-tech funhouse, this year's Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven imagines the future as a hypersensory, creative free fall.” – Alice Bucknell (Elephant)




Ketelhuisplein, Strijp-S. Art director: La Bolleur www.labolleur.com


DDW Infopoints, design by Max Lipsey



Designer Close-Up: Renee Scheepers Interview by Renske Mehra for E52 During Dutch Design Week, E52 introduced visitors to the event’s Hidden Gems. Ten special designers who E52 feel are the stand-outs of the 2017 edition.

in the chances of survival for people with cancer. If you have faith in the information you receive, you often take better decisions.

Renee Scheepers is actually doing too much to capture in this story. She’s a designer who once graduated with honors at the Design Academy Eindhoven. In addition, she’s a researcher, founder of Nul Zes, city ambassador and closely involved in the development of the NRE-area. During DDW, she gave an insight into her versatile work world. Here’s a preview – on the basis of four defining moments. Designing is investigating
 "During my time at the DAE, we were sent to the estate ‘De Grote Beek’, the terrain of the GGzE (Mental Healthcare Eindhoven) for an assignment. The assignment was short: go there and see what you can contribute as a designer. That is interesting, I thought. We normally work with clear projects, with a beginning and an end. With an assignment that reads: make this or that. Now we were only given a context. You had to come up with the question yourself. It was a turning point. I realized I had to act like a researcher. How do visitors get here? What are the underlying interests? What ideas are there? For my graduation, I used that view to look at an irradiation institute for cancer patients. What is coming at you? How do you process that as a patient? Research shows that good provision of information plays a part

The result is the handbook Revealing maps of cancer care. It has changed several things in this institute. The way in which you are welcomed, the information about the journey you’re entering, the way of talking to patients. It is more empathic, without it becoming childish. An own place
 After graduating, I started Nul Zes. I have wanted to have my own place in Eindhoven for a long time. A nice work space with different people under one roof. Where we can just do nice things. Work, party, organize cabaret evenings. In 2013, we started on the NRE-area. Nul Zes is a collective of designers with different backgrounds. We make a lot of use out of each other’s qualities.

My latest project? A project together with the water authorities and Woonbedrijf. The water authorities wondered how they could raise awareness around water. Residents play an important part in that. If you look at, for example, the number of medicines with which we pollute our water, there is still a lot we can improve. Through Woonbedrijf we came into contact to the residents of the district Geestenberg. In such a process, I am aware of my role as a designer. I’m not a scientist, but I design ways to talk to people. Preferably a little playful and funny. From those conversations, I collect the building blocks for the research. For example, we found out that the district residents would want some more social contact. Even though, in the survey of Woonbedrijf, they invariably filled in they didn’t. Apparently, they did want contact, but not through the activities that were currently being offered. In Geestenberg, several things have been put in motion. Awareness, in this case around water, can’t be imposed. You have to discover it together. For example, we have gone on a water safari with a number of residents from the district who are in a mobility scooter." www.reneescheepers.nl www.e52.nl

Strengthen research skills
 I still see myself as a researcher. When the DAE asked me to be a research associate, it was a nice opportunity for me to strenghten my research skills. As an associate, I contribute to

39 39


As a patient, you have to wait a lot. In the waiting room, you’re looking at doors that are all closed. You start to imagine what is happening behind them. I have tried to break the ‘institute’. To make it more transparent. Also the radiation itself. What is that exactly? People often wonder whether it hurts. And whether they can keep their clothes on.

research questions submitted by third parties. What we learn from that, also flows back into education.


DUTCH INVERTUALS Dutch Invertuals invited visitors to venture on an inspiring journey that uncovered the very foundations of the design process.




Dutch Invertuals: Fundamentals, NS Loods / Studio Edhv www.dutchinvertuals.nl

"The congregation of creative people, institutions, non-profit organisations and companies showed its full potential, staking out the Dutch Design Week’s role as bishop in the global chess game of design weeks.” – Salvatore Peluso (Domus)



Enlighten Dutch Invertuals collaborated with Luxaflex® to explore new forms of light control. Six designers shared their visions, that were anything but obvious.

“Materials, innovations and concepts at Dutch Design Week, are what you will see as products and trends in a couple years’ time in design capitals such as Milan.” – Jody Phillips (Director IDS West, Vancouver)



Dutch Invertuals: Dutch Invertuals x Luxaflex® - Enlighten, NS Loods - Fuutlaan www.dutchinvertuals.nl



MU ARTSPACE In MU visitors found a daily energetic mix of contemporary art, design, fashion, music, architecture and new media. www.mu.nl

“The Dutch have a tradition of making art, architecture and design as inclusive as possible. It’s part of our visual DNA.” – Tim Vermeulen (New York Times)



MU: Materialising the Internet, curated by Nadine Roestenburg & Angelique Spaninks






Contemplation Spaces A moment away from your hectic daily life and thoughts was waiting for you in these Contemplation Spaces.

Justine Kontou: Contemplation Spaces | Room 2402, The Student Hotel www.kontou.nl



ROOM ON THE ROOF An exhibition of works of art made in the Room on the Roof, the Bijenkorf’s artist residency.

de Bijenkorf: Room on the Roof, de Bijenkorf www.roomontheroof.com • www.debijenkorf.nl



Designer Close-Up: In4nite Interview by Renske Mehra for E52


During Dutch Design Week, E52 introduced visitors to the event’s Hidden Gems. Ten special designers who E52 feel are the stand-outs of the 2017 edition. In4nite was worth visiting, even if it’s only for the location. On the top floor of the usually closed TQ building on Strijp-T, ten designers from Arnhem organised a special programme in collaboration with Low & Bonar. During DDW, it is all about smart materials, and Colback® in particular. That probably doesn’t ring any bells, and yet you can find the material everywhere. In roofs, car mats and at the back of carpets. “Colback especially shines in the background,” Rick Tegelaar jokes, one of the designers of in4nite. Tegelaar explains what Colback is exactly. A special material developed in The Netherlands, made up of composite yarns with a core of PET (plastic). Strong and very solid. Low

& Bonar, producer of Colback, was curious to find out what else could be done with the material and invited ten young designers from Arnhem to give their vision. It resulted in ten special projects. Tegelaar took on the challenge by not just thinking about applications, but also about ways of producing. His course of industrial design, which he did before the art academy, came in handy. He built a 3D printer with which the Colback yarn could be printed onto something. That way it is possible to apply a reinforcing layer on desired places. Useful for example the interior of cars (which involves a lot of Colback): by only applying an additional solid layer where necessary, you save material thus also weight. Another designer that could be seen is Mieke van den Hout. Large, open spaces where sounds are hollow are more and more often used to build in. That is why Van den

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Hout researched the acoustic features of Colback and designed beautiful panels with the material. Colback also has porous features. It inspired Robbin Baas to design ‘hanging gardens’. He uses the material in a smart way, which allows excess water to easily flow off and to be collected. The hanging gardens are entirely made out of recycled PET, known as Colback Green. In the TQ building, it wasn’t only about the innovative designs with Colback. The collective made a broad, substantive programme about smart materials and the use of technical textile. Designers and guest speakers gave lectures in the specially designed theatre and videos of the designers and their projects were on display. Besides content, there was a pop-up restaurant. And of course, one of the most beautiful views over Eindhoven. www.in4nite.com www.e52.nl





Modebelofte National and international fashion talent in the former V&D warehouse during the Modebelofte 2017 (in cooperation with Harm Rensink). www.modebelofte.com

You Are Here presents: Modebelofte: Digital Realists, former V&D warehouse


Day and Night Vlisco and Modebelofte presented the results of their very first ‘Fellowship’ with the fashion graduate Sander Bos.

Vlisco: Vlisco Day and Night, former V&D warehouse www.vlisco.com



Designer Close-Up: Studio Thier&vanDaalen Interview by Milan Lenters for E52


During Dutch Design Week, E52 introduced visitors to the event’s Hidden Gems. Ten special designers who E52 feel are the stand-outs of the 2017 edition. Not in a studio or in a shed, but simply in the surroundings where the objects belong. A house. No Ikea imitation, but a house where real people live, that is where the exhibition put together by Thier&vanDaalen was on display. “We didn't want to place the objects on a pedestal, but rather show them in an environment where they speak for themselves," so explains Iris van Daalen. For friends, they designed a new kitchen that formed the heart of this exhibition, for which the residents of the house moved to the attic for a week. “They are a bit of a guest in their own house yes, it's a crazy idea. But when we proposed it, they said: 'you have to do it, good idea'. They were so enthusiastic about the work we had chosen, they put up with it.” Because besides the kitchen, Thier&vanDaalen chose a lot of other work to dress up

the house. “We had the ground floor and the first floor. There was something for everyone. It's just what you are interested in, from lamps to textiles, glass and art, we’ve had it all. It was a whole process, but everything was there to strengthen each other. You were looking for a kind of tension, a new way of looking at things. It's a bit crazy to say, but we put so much energy into it, that it almost felt like our own home.” The idea for the kitchen came about after a long series of experiments with Himacs, a durable material that is easy to keep clean. The material can be glued invisibly and is used in all kinds of applications. Thier&vanDaalen already showed some examples last year during DDW. “It is a material you can use in al lot of different ways,” says Van Daalen. “We've experimented a lot, we looked at what happened when you let the glue run freely. Tried different colours, shapes and lines. A nice playground where we learned a lot from.” The kitchen was a next step in this process. Friends of the designer

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duo were so enthusiastic about this material that they wanted a kitchen. “We have been given carte blanche to explore the possibilities of the material,” Van Daalen laughs. “Well, not total freedom of course, we have been given guidelines, where to hang the cupboards, for example.” The kitchen has a typical Thier&vanDaalen style, in which they look for contrast: everything looks very tight, but by a colourful line they try to break through that. “On Instagram we already started to tease. We want to invite as many people as possible to come and see.” During the exhibition, the duo, like several other designers, were present to talk about their work. “We took visitors with us to tell them about our working methods. I found it quite exciting to see how the audience would react. Of course, it doesn’t happen every day that someone opens their house to prying eyes.” www.thiervandaalen.com www.e52.nl


Hardcore HARDCORE shared the current design scene’s trends and revealed which social contexts drive designers.

“Rather than produce reports explaining why pink will be en vogue next year, the (Core ed.) studio indulges in a kind of self-ful lling prophecy, identifying a trend and then inviting some of its most trusted contemporaries to respond to it in a yearly exhibition.” – James McLachlan (Icon Magazine) 54



Core Studio: HARDCORE exhibition, Q-park www.corestudio.nl



Hubot HUBOT explored the future of work. With the goal of inspiring everyone, from all levels of education, young and old, including people who are currently excluded from the labour market.

“Dutch Design Week is preparing us for a future that looms ever closer until it is becoming the 'Extreme Present'.” – Salvatore Peluso (Domus)




Next Nature Network: HUBOT, Mediamarkt www.nextnature.net






ENVISIONS Working with a large team of talented designers, Envisions are achieving surprising research and creating comprehensive concepts and powerful exhibitions.


Envisions and friends, VDMA www.envisions.nl



“In its short life, Dutch Design Week has built a reputation as a showcase for innovative thinking.” – James McLachlan (Icon Magazine) Transnatural Art & Design: Robotanica, VDMA www.transnatural.org

Envisions and friends, VDMA www.envisions.nl

Transnatural Art & Design: Robotanica, VDMA www.transnatural.org



Dave Hakkens: Precious Plastic, VDMA www.preciousplastic.com


Woes van Haaften & Roosje van Donselaar: Post Modern, VDMA www.post-modern.org

Regardless of profession or interests, as global citizens, Dutch Design Week is engaging and relevant. Furthermore, Dutch Design Week is the event for anyone in the design industry, period. – Jody Phillips (Director IDS West, Vancouver)

SUNBRELLA: Connexions by Charles Petillon \ Sunbrella, VDM www.sunbrella.com



KAZERNE International platform for design in a former, extremely atmospheric constabulary barracks.



Kazerne: NEW ICONS - Rietveld Now - VANTOT www.vantot.com



Kazerne: NEW ICONS – Rietveld Now


Kazerne: NEW ICONS Rietveld Now - Kiki & Joost www.projectjoost.com www.kikiworld.nl



Forbo: Linoleum, a different dimension, Kazerne



OS ∆ OOS: Tunnel Vision, Building TAB/Yard www.osandoos.com

“I've discovered many new favorite designers, and the caliber of work there is world-class.” – Stacy Kendall (GRAY Magazine)




Transitions III Baars & Bloemhoff challenged six visionary design studios to transform their extensive range of materials into design objects.

Baars & Bloemhoff: Transitions III, Glasgebouw www.baars-bloemhoff.nl







Van Abbemuseum & Design Academy Eindhoven: Beyond Generations, Van Abbemuseum www.vanabbemuseum.nl • www.designacademy.nl



VAN ABBEMUSEUM Beyond Generations


The exhibition presented work by several generations of designers who studied at Design Academy Eindhoven.

“Dutch Design Week has always reflected its host city’s avant-garde spirit.” – James McLachlan (Icon Magazine)




In No Particular Order A presentation of the new group of designers, artists and architects who have received a Talent Development stipend over the previous year. Collectively a statement was made about the contemporary design practice in nine installations.

Creative Industries Fund NL: In No Particular Order, Van Abbemuseum www.stimuleringsfonds.nl




Age of Wonderland: 100 Days of Learning, Natlab www.ageofwonderland.nl




Farm of the World Studio Claudy Jongstra, Cor Unum Ceramics, EE Labels and Farm of the World exhibited the results of their collaboration in design and materials. And shared insights regarding their working processes.

Farm of the World, Studio Claudy Jongstra, Cor Unum, EE Labels: Natural Forces, Natlab www.claudyjongstra.com







Sander Wassink: The best thing for you and me would be to take a very long holiday, Sectie-C www.sanderwassink.nl



VANTOT: Current Currents, Sectie-C www.vantot.com

SECTIE-C Unpolished and completely now: more than 100 creatives at Sectie-C opened the doors to their studios and workshops. www.sectie-c.nl

Opening exhibition, Sectie-C



“Design heaven in the Netherlands.” – Raquel Palla Lorden (ELLE Decoration NL)

Dave Hakkens: Precious Plastic, Sectie-C www.davehakkens.nl

Jelle Mastenbroek / MIR: providing objects with duty free happiness www.jellemastenbroek.nl



NRE At the NRE site, Nul Zes, Bart Hess, Alissa + Nienke, Beeldenstorm and many others opened their doors. Bart Hess: Trance, NRE terrain



Beeldenstorm/Daglicht: Disobedient Bodies/ The autonomous life of things, NRE - Gasfabriek www.beeldenstorm.org



Alissa + Nienke: Interactive Material Archive, NRE - NulZes www.alissanienke.nl

“Basically, no one in the design world seems to have emerged entirely Eindhoven-free, putting the small city on the map with design firmly at its centre.” – Karen von Hahn (Toronto Star)



TAC National and international designers showed the most recent work and vision of the future in Trajectories in the seedbed TAC. www.tac.nu



“Eindhoven is a designer’s paradise.” - James McLachlan (Icon Magazine)




Piet Hein Eek: New collection and presentation



PIET HEIN EEK The Piet Hein Eek site presented work by a great many young designers and small studios — and of course his own new collection and the IKEA collaboration. www.pietheineek.nl

IKEA: A collaboration between IKEA and Piet Hein Eek


RENS + Auping: NIGHTY-NIGHT COLOURS www.madebyrens.com

Scheublin & Lindeman presents…. www.scheublinlindeman.com




Wall Street: the new financial centre of Eindhoven, Wall Street www.lucasmaassen.com



The Future City is Eindhoven | ici Eindhoven A platform to allow the public to contribute to the future of Eindhoven. Visitors could create their own future for Eindhoven through re-arranging the pieces in this city model.

MVRDV, Eindhoven365, De Meeuw, Dutch Design Foundation: The Future City is Eindhoven | ici Eindhoven, City Hall Square www.mvrdv.nl

“The nine-day festival held in Eindhoven was a confirmation that it is not only a platform for the Dutch design attitude, but an opportunity for encounter and debate on diverse facets of contemporary life. " – Salvatore Peluso (Domus)





The (W)ego installation The Future City is Flexible explores the potentials of desire-based design processes capable of incorporating the users’ wishes in the construction of housing and the city.

“Like the house in Jacques Tati’s Mon Oncle, (W)ego is a compact labyrinth of nooks and crannies. Bedrooms and bathrooms, doused in saturated hues, are accessible by narrow ladders and stairs. As a result, inhabitants are literally bumping into each other wherever they go.” – Anna Fixsen (Metropolis) 84



MVRDV, The Why Factory, Eindhoven365, BIZ, De Meeuw, DDF: The Future City is Flexible | (W)ego, de Markt www.mvrdv.nl




DESIGN PERRON Design on the Dutch Railways loading bays, only 5 minutes from Central Station. www.designperron.nl




Jeroen Wand: Maybe you’ll see something new, Hallenweg www.jeroenwand.nl

HALLENWEG Open studios and unique exhibitions on and in the characteristic surroundings of the Hallenweg.

Vij5: 10 new Vij5 products, Hallenweg www.vij5.nl




Atelier NL: To See a World in a Grain of Sand, Bergmannstraat www.aworldofsand.com



Atelier NL ‘To See a World in a Grain of Sand’, calls upon the global community to collect and send sand samples to Atelier NL so that they can continue with their dream of mapping the entire world in natural glass. This project re-examines glass production methods and the role of local sand as a material.






Kiki & Joost New work in the studio by the multifaceted design duo Kiki van Eijk and Joost van Bleiswijk.

Kiki van Eijk & Joost van Bleiswijk: The Tinkering Labs, Plan B www.kikiworld.nl, www.projectjoost.nl



De Ontdekfabriek


In the project Kapot&Maken children and their parents learned through play that destroying and recycling can be fun.

De Ontdekfabriek: Kapot & Maken in de Ontdekfabriek www.deontdekfabriek.nl



Designer Close-Up: Lotte de Raadt Interview by Frans van Beveren for E52 create a new collection every year. The clients, in any case, are really enthusiastic, they want to work together, they have nice ideas and are very happy with this work.”

During Dutch Design Week, E52 introduced visitors to the event’s Hidden Gems. Ten special designers who E52 feel are the stand-outs of the 2017 edition.

with that. Here at Kunst and Ko we made a start on the collection. All the artists here have determined the style of the collection.”

Combine design with sheltered workshops and you get The New Handwriters. A collection of products inspired by the unique handwriting of the artists. In four social workshops, twenty clients(artists) of Lunet zorg worked on a new collection for the social design label Luuxx. This collection consists of different products that have to do with water, for example towels, swimming trunks, and shower curtains.

In the atelier it is a nice kind of busy. The clients have a lot of fun, like Ramon: “I think this is a great project. We have made nice drawings and after a lot of attempts we now have a result.” Ramon shows the pattern he designed. “I made a pattern from ice cubes.” De Raadt explains the project: “They drew patterns around the theme of water during the three workshops that I organized. We began with images and afterwards the clients made associations with those.”

The products are made with the handwriting of the artists as inspiration. Lotte de Raadt: “When I came here for the second time, a client had a box full of small drawings. I thought that was really beautiful and in that I saw that everyone had their own handwriting, that everyone is unique and I wanted to do something

In order to bring about change in these kinds of products, which were made in the social workshops, Lunet zorg worked with De Raadt. “In four workshops, this has been worked on for six months. The intention is to involve more and more workplaces. I hope to be able to continue this for a while. It would be cool if we could

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During Dutch Design Week, the first samples of the collection were on display at Kunst and Ko. Visitors could also visit the atelier on Hoogstraat and see the artists in action and enjoy a nice cup of coffee.

www.lottederaadt.nl www.e52.nl


A project in a social workspace is, of course, a different kettle of fish to making a collection in your own studio, but it pleases De Raadt: “It was a new experience for me. The workshops are low pressure, but they have worked hard to get everything finished on time. Products could take time here and that was a new insight for me. I have become very used to the fact that a product must be made as efficiently as possible. Day-to-day activities are about creating and not about time. That again offers new possibilities for the collection.”


VEEM The historic Philips building with 9,000 m2 of presentation space spread over 5 floors and under the art directorship of Raw Color. With lots of space for young talent, but also curated exhibitions, the Dutch Design Awards (page 129), design schools and an exhibition by Crafts Council.

Kiss My Name: Off the Grass, VEEM www.vissermeijwaard.nl

Saga Prefecture: Arita: New Radicals, VEEM www.2016arita.com




HOW&WOW An exhibition demonstrating making processes, qualities, possibilities and the flexibility of craft and design.

“Dutch Design Week demonstrates the strength of the creative community in Eindhoven. The Dutch continue to lead the world in design, and this was evident in the work and programs that could be found over the entire city.” – Deborah Wang (Toronto Design Offsite) Crafts Council Nederland: HOW&WOW, VEEM www.craftscouncil.nl




Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle: Mastering the Material, VEEM www.burg-halle.de

Bauhaus Universität Weimar: Designing sustainable interventions, VEEM www.uni-weimar.de

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne: Graphic Design Book & Exhibition, VEEM www.ecal.ch



United Matters Collective / Central Saint Martins: United Matters, VEEM www.arts.ac.uk

“A Netherlands design fair is looking further afield than usual and asking what the industry can do about the world’s problems.” – Monocle






In4nite Ten inspiring Arnhem designers have experimented with and responded to the material Colback®. The project presents new functional and aesthetic qualities of the material as well as the designers’ unique vision.

Low & Bonar: In4nite, Building TQ www.lowandbonar.com • www.in4nite.com

“DDW is truly a great benchmark to every festival organizer.” – Kari Korkman (Helsinki Design Week)



YKSI Work by big names and young designers, in and outside YKSI design, exhibition and shop. www.yksi.nl

Studio Lotte Douwes: Shadows of Light, Yksi www.lottedouwes.nl

Zilver-Werk, Yksi

NYVIDD: World of Fishleather



Lien Hereijgers: Nieuwe Collectie 2017, Yksi www.lienhereijgers.be



Manifestations - Will the Future Design Us?

ViolaVirus – MAD emergent art center - Hyperspace Collective: Manifestations – Will the Future Design Us?, Yksi www.2017.manifestations.nl



More than 4,500 m2 were filled with a diverse mix of innovative art and technology. Over a hundred artists presented their work and asked: Will the future design us?

(W)ego Talks

DDW TALKS: Why should I trust design?

Expert meeting "Does Craft Need Design?"

[Design studio] Using human centered design to

DDW TALKS: Why talk about design?

Frame MINDS x de Bijenkorf Part 1

define the future shopping experience

DDW trein experiment

Frame MINDS x de Bijenkorf Part 2

Additive World Masterclass: Design for Additive

DDW trein experiment: Luisterruit



DDW trein experiment: MindfulNS

Getting Unstuck - for future solutionists

Age of Wonderland Talks with Arne Hendriks

DDW trein experiment: Reis je fit in de trein!

Good Design for a Bad World: Climate Change

Age of Wonderland: 100 Days of Learning - Music

DDW trein experiment: SPOORWIJS -

Good Design for a Bad World: Politics

unites by Merlijn Twaalfhoven

spieken mag!

Good Design for a Bad World: Pollution

Age of Wonderland: 100 Days of Learning -

de Volkskrant Designtafel

Good Design for a Bad World: Refugees

Performance by Merlijn Twaalfhoven

Democratizing Design Debate

Good Design for a Bad World: Terrorism

Age of Wonderland: 100 Days of Learning -

Design for a Sustainable Lifestyle

Hackathon UWV - SVB

Silent Journey

Design in business: how design transforms the

HEMA design daten™

Age of Wonderland: 100 Days of Learning -

aviation industry

Hidden Gems Bicycle Tours

Silent Journey

Design Research for Connected Societies

High Touch Culture High Tech Innovation: Old

Biodesign for Social Impact (Workshop)

Design Your Life & Community Living

Buildings New Forms

Booksigning Claudy Jongstra

Designing Democracy

How To Research Design Trends (fully booked)

Change the System, an interview with Atelier NL

Destination EIN / Joachim Declerck

ID Connect 2017

and Christien Meindertsma

Digital Wednesday - Edition #9: Digital in Design

Kick-off and Launch of Volume #51 Augmented

Colour design - now and in the future

Dirk Roosenburgprijs 2017


Contemplation Spaces: Sensory Symposium

Doendenken: Boekpresentatie / Design Thinking

Lecture Natural Forces: Claudy Jongstra, Farm of

Conversational UI - The slow death of digital

bij gemeente Eindhoven

the World, EE Labels & Cor Unum Ceramics

creatives? (#FHDEBAT)

Drinks, Pitches & Demos @Mind The Step

Master class basketry

Copy Paste Book Launch

DRIVE: Design Research & Innovation Festival

Materials XL | Water

Crafstklas: From drawing to mask to boat

Dutch Design Awards Show

Meet the designer

Craftsklas with Opitec

Embassy of Data | Finale - A City as Smart as Its

Meet the Master Museum de Kantfabriek Horst

Create out Loud


No Waste - Fashion Workshop

Create out Loud #1 Ravi Naidoo

Embassy of Data | The Power of your Mouseclick

Prediction of pedestrian flow based on GPS

Create out Loud #2 Lonny van Ryswyck &

Embassy of Data | Woenseltopia

survey data during DDW

Nadine Sterk (Atelier NL)

Embassy of Health | Chronic Health: Take control!

Première VPRO Robo sapiens

Create out Loud #3 Nadine Roestenburg

Embassy of Health | Designing for Dementia

Sculpting the Future -

Create out Loud #4 Tom Loois

Embassy of Health | STARTS Talk; Science,

Masterclass: Character Design

Create out Loud #5 Koert van Mensvoort

Technology and ARTS for future health care

Sculpting the Future -

Create out Loud #6 Joseph Grima

Embassy of Intimacy |

Masterclass: Jewellery Design

Create out Loud #7 Winy Maas

100 days of learning - A Familiar Stranger

Shapeways Factory Tours & Workshops

Dating Dutch Design Pitch & Network event

Embassy of Intimacy |

Smart Cities Manifesto Meetup: From Tech State

DDW Playground URBAN Workout TOURS

Jeroen van Mastrigt - Future of Intimacy

to Happy State

DDW TALKS: Can design help? Design! Help?!

Embassy of Intimacy |

Stakeholder Forum - New Material Award -

DDW TALKS: Can someone please design my

Julian Hetzel - The Economy of Waiting

Business Model Challenge


Embassy of Intimacy | Lauren McCarthy - 24u Host

Superfast #4 Gamechanging Packaging

DDW TALKS: Can we redesign society?

Embassy of Robot Love | Call for Cyborgs with

Talkshow Cinema & Live Design

DDW TALKS: Data: new enemy or new gold?

Charlotte Bik, Anouk Wipprecht, Martijn Paulen

Tanzen auf dem Malerwanderweg (Dancing on

DDW TALKS: Design – a material approach?

Embassy of Robot Love |

the Painters Trail)

DDW TALKS: Design and disaster

Shelter for Abandoned Robots

The Abundance and Scarcity of Sand

DDW TALKS: Did someone design my experience?​​

Embassy of Robot Love |

The Design Adventures of Emma and Dewi

DDW TALKS: From the ideological to the physical

The Army of Love by Ingo Niermann

The relation between a graduation project and a

DDW TALKS: Graphic design, out-dated or not?

Embassy of Robot Love |


DDW TALKS: How can robots help animate our

Up Close and Personal with Robots

The SPAMshow


Embassy of Urban Transformation |

VPRO De toekomstbouwers

DDW TALKS: How to design for a bright future?

Machines of Freedom

VREEMDLAND Social Lab Days

DDW TALKS: Limited edition or commercial

Embassy of Urban Transformation |

We Know How You Feel Tonight


What if London were a National Park City?

Work with the artist: Echoing Symbols

DDW TALKS: What is social design, anyway?

Engage your audience. Crowdfunding in the

Workshop: Compose "The Engineer" of the Future

DDW TALKS: What is the impact of digital design?

creative industry

World Design Event | Embassy of Health

DDW TALKS: What is the social relevance of


Young workers united

design today?

Excellent Cities Workshop:

Zilver G`Oud activiteiten/dagelijkse Workshops

DDW TALKS: Who decides how to design?

designing the city of tomorrow



Special events Special Events

DDW is an annual highlight for the creative sector. The work that designers exhibit, covers almost every facet of our society. And once again, the works sparked plenty debate and reflection this year, to be explored in numerous special events such as lectures, seminars and workshops. 103



Special events

Official opening of Dutch Design Week and World Design Event at Area 51, with the ambassadors Lonny van Ryswyck & Nadine Sterk (Atelier NL), Marcus Fairs and Winy Maas. Music by WILD Organ & Drums and dance by the Ruggeds (presentation: Ravi Naidoo).



Special events Martijn Paulen & Ravi Naidoo during the Grand Opening 2017, Area 51



Ambassador Marcus Fairs

Ambassador Winy Maas


Ambassador Lonny van Ryswyck



DDW Talks with Ruben Pater

DDW Talks with Tom Loois

DDW Talks Introduction to the greatest designers and most innovative practices in two daily talks at the Klokgebouw.



Dutch Design Foundation: DDW Talks, ABN AMRO Entresol (made possible by Stichting VSB Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Ahrend Fonds, Sofa Fonds and Fonds 21

DDW Talks with Borre Akkersdijk



Create Out Loud Fresh series of talk shows in which design and designers are the centre of the daily news. Presented by Isolde Hallensleben, with an audio recording. Presented by Dutch Design Foundation and MU Artspace. www.mu.nl

“Dutch Design Week is a chance for design to be discussed with patience and curiosity among both a professional and general audience”. – Tamar Shafrir (Domus) MU & DDW: Create Out Loud, MU



DRIVE: Design Research & Innovation Festival State-of-the-art research and innovation during the 4th edition of DRIVE by ClickNL. www.click.nl

CLICKNL: Design Research & Innovation Festival, Natlab



A dinner at Sectie-C A delicious multi-course dinner in a designer’s workshop or studio. www.sectie-c.nl




Cooling Down | Official closing party by Biki90 CORE STUDIO D.R.I.N.K.S. DAYDAYGAY Design Dancing @ Calypso DesignBingo tijdens 't eten Designer DJ Battle Designer Karaoke Dutch Invertuals Fundamentals Party

Frikandel Cum Laude HEMA HeyHeydeHaas x Biki90 Inwisselbar Hutspot La Bolleur Ladyboyz.de Modebelofte MOZEM MU OWOW STRP Warming Up | Official opening party by Biki90 114


Parties Parties

All week long, there were parties. Often in unexpected places, stretching into the early hours of the morning. Proof of partying was to be found in the opening and closing party by the noted party collective Biki90, but also the daily drinks hour at the Inwisselbar. 115

Official DDW opening & closing party Biki90 smoked the DDW warming-up and cooling-down. They pulled out all the stops in the Oude Rechtbank at both the opening and closing parties.





Inwisselbar After the success of the ‘Inwisselbar’ in 2016, HeyHeydeHaas and their good fun loving friends Biki90 did it again, with a different host every evening: from La Bolleur and Modebelofte, to Hutspot and HEMA.



HeyHeydeHaas & Biki90: Inwisselbar, Ketelhuisplein www.heyheydehaas.com www.biki90.nl


(Sandy) Alex G Alex Lahey Alex Vargas ARES Arp Frique ASIWYFA Azure Hiptronics Bart van de Sande Baywaves Braz blackwave. Chagall Chelou Cid Rim Code Walk CUT_ DDW Music Keynote DDW Music Lab Diet Cig Downtown Boys Elias Mazian Equal Idiots Esa Feng Suave Figgie Fungo Bat Girl Ray Harlea Het Zesde Metaal Hytes Intergalactic Lovers Jalen N'Gonda Joep Beving Lapalux Lee Anderson

LeFtO Linde Schรถne Luke Howard Mairo Nawaz Matteo Myderwyk Nambyar Nana Adjoa Newmoon Nordmann OWOW Paul Sinha Phoebe Bridgers Pietju Bell Pip Blom Polynation Priests Quiet Hollers Ray Fuego Sef Sofie Letitre The Fresh & Onlys The Hazzah The Homesick The Howlin' The Sherlocks The Weather Station Torus Vagabon Will Samson Will Stratton YAK Yonaka Yung Nnelg Zalรกn Szakรกcs ZES 120


DDW Music DDW Music

DDW17 sounded good for music lovers too. To reinforce the festival feeling, DDW, the Effenaar and booking agency Friendly Fire presented a progressive music programme. Throughout the city, visitors listened to seventy live performances. The lab for sound design and musical experiments by composer duo Strijbos & Van Rijswijk returned to the Ketelhuisplein, following a successful premiere in 2016. 121


DDW Music

Chagall + Lapalux + Torus, Wednesday 25 October, Effenaar

Braz, Thursday 26 October, Stroomhuis


DDW Music Keynote with Chagall, Sofie Letitre and OWOW, Friday 27 October, Effenaar

Chagall + Lapalux + Torus, Wednesday 25 October, Effenaar

OWOW + special guests, hosted by Dezeen, Friday 27 October, Effenaar



Phoebe Bridgers, Wednesday 25 October, de Oude Rechtbank

blackwave., Thursday 26 October, FIFTH | NRE 124

Sef, Friday 27 October, FIFTH | NRE

Pietju Bell, Monday 23 October, Stroomhuis

Yung Nnelg, Monday 23 October, Stroomhuis


DDW Music


DDW Music Special: Joep Beving, Sunday 22 October, Effenaar

Lee Anderson, Monday 23 October, Effenaar

Linde Schรถne, Tuesday 24 October, Effenaar



DDW Music Lab, Ketelhuisplein


Atelier NL Babette Porcelijn Bugaboo international bv ChloĂŠ Rutzerveld Civic Architects Das Leben am Haverkamp Envisions Ermi van Oers Fatboy the original Frank Kolkman Jeremy Jansen Koninklijke Mosa Koninklijke Opera & Ballet LUST Me You and The Robot Mevis & van Deursen Michiel Schuurman

Miniot bv MVRDV Quooker Richard Niessen Richard Vijgen Royal FloraHolland Sander Breure & Witte van Hulzen Sheltersuit Sies Marjan & Sander Lak Stadslab Buiksloterham circular Studio Puckey & Moniker Super Local United Nude We Are Here & Stichting Noodzaak XML XVW architectuur & NL Architects 128


Dutch Design Awards



Dutch Design Awards

Dutch Design Awards (DDA) celebrated the future in its anniversary year. With the dual theme Back to the Future / Be the Future there was lots of attention for both a fresh batch of designers, and the publication of the archives that tell the story of 15 years of the best of Dutch design in the Dutch Design Gallery. With the competition, the Awards Show, a retrospective exhibition and the publication of Dutch Design Today, DDA forms a unique platform for Dutch design.


DUTCH DESIGN AWARDS All the winners of the annual DDA's, announced during a full evening award show in the Effenaar.

Dutch Design Awards




Dutch Design Awards

Dutch Design Awards Show 2017, Effenaar



Awards produced and sponsored by AddFab

Dutch Design Awards Show 2017



“The 34 nominated projects for the 15th Dutch Design Awards proved they dared to take initiative and responsibility, to engage into long term thinking, and to opt for social relevance.” – DAMN° Magazine



DUTCH DESIGN AWARDS EXHIBITION Retrospective exhibition at VEEM with works by the 34 DDA nominees. Art director: Glamcult Studio



Dutch Design Today This year’s Dutch Design Today has been divided into two parts. The front of the book presents 34 selected Dutch Design Awards nominees. The back of the book celebrates the 15th anniversary of DDA. Design by Glamcult Studio.


Design meets Local Government - VNG / Initiate Marathon Eindhoven SolarSquare Designchallenge Solliance Trein van morgen Nederlandse Spoorwegen 136


What If Lab


What if Lab

Rapid developments create challenges for which we do not always have readymade solutions. Designers possess the inventiveness and creativity that form the basis for innovations, changes in modern society and future demands. What if Lab, developed by Dutch Design Foundation, challenges industry and the design world to offer tangible answers to current issues. Companies and service providers get the opportunity to work closely with professionals in design. Designers possess the inventiveness and creativity that form the basis for innovations, changes in modern society and future demands.


Trein van morgen

The challenge that NS had set was to design a social intervention for the (social) time spent travelling in the train. NS sought ideas/designs to facilitate passengers getting more out of their travelling time in relation to the other passengers. The designers Jan Pieter Kaptein and Waarmakers were given the opportunity to create their own NS train compartment during DDW to improve the experience of traveling by train. This mockup on the Ketelhuisplein provided a glimpse into the future, but also served to test the various innovations.

Hier komt de titel van hetWhat hoofdstuk If Lab




What If Lab Nederlandse Spoorwegen: Trein van morgen, Ketelhuisplein


What If Lab

Marathon Eindhoven

To make running in the Eindhoven Marathon a unique and unforgettable experience, the organisation turned to designers with the following design assignment: Design an experience so that the runner crossing the Eindhoven Marathon finish will remember it forever. Jelle Mastenbroek won the challenge with the concept ‘Goed dat je er bent’, which was implemented during Eindhoven Marathon 2017. www.marathoneindhoven.nl



Design meets Local Government

If you link designers with the social issues that many municipalities are wrestling with, you may well end up with unorthodox solutions and exceptional cooperative ventures. In the What if Lab ‘local government meets design’ three designers/studios worked on various social themes: CabCommunity (Hannah van Luttervelt), Stack je Money (Studio Tast), GO! Serious game combating obesity (OOOH studio). Innovation programme by VNG / Initiate. www.initiate.nl


In order to develop new applications for thin-film solar cells for the SolarSquare Challenge, design studios were asked to reflect on innovative applications for solar film. Studio Tour, Studio Bas Sala and VANTOT were selected to create a design concept for the use of solar power in the new Eindhoven park. The studio’s proposals were on show in the Town Hall. www.solliance.eu


100 Days of Learning Antenna Embassy of Data Embassy of Food Embassy of Health Embassy of Intimacy Embassy of Robot Love Embassy of Urban Transformation Lab square Strijp-X Lab square Switch People's Pavilion WDE Talk: Making cities for People WDE Talk: Urban Transformation & Data WDE Talks: Good Design for a Bad World (Hosted by Marcus Fairs) 142


World Design Event



World Design Event

DDW 2017 hosted the first edition of World Design Event (WDE). WDE is focussed on the future of our world and how we can shape this together. It kicked off DDW17 with Antenna - a collaboration with Design Indaba - bringing the world’s most inspiring design graduates to a single stage. WDE’s People’s Pavilion inspired visitors with its unusual approach: a 100% circular building from borrowed materials, to act as the event's main stage for discussion and talks. WDE featured a total of seven embassies for our future and two labsquares, zooming in on food, health, urban transformation, light, energy, data, climate action, intimacy and robots.


World Design Event: People’s Pavilion, Ketelhuisplein Partners: Dutch Design Foundation, New Horizon Urban Mining, Arup, Sint Trudo, BankGiro Loterij Fonds, Bureau SLA, Overtreders W



World Design Event

People’s Pavilion

The People's Pavilion was WDE’s central meeting place for creative thinkers and do-ers from around the world. The building was designed by bureau SLA & Overtreders W. The designers gave a radical boost to the notion of a circular economy: the pavilion was made with 100% borrowed materials. Materials from suppliers and producers, but also from Eindhoven residents. The People’s Pavilion served as a venue for gatherings, lectures, openings and performances.



World Design Event

Good Design for a Bad World

Dezeen teamed up with Dutch Design Week to explore the ways that designers are trying to make a difference in politics, terrorism, for refugees, climate change and pollution. All the talks were hosted by DDW17 ambassador Marcus Fairs. www.dezeen.com/gooddesignforabadworld



Marcus Fairs (Dezeen) & DDW: Good Design for a Bad World, People’s Pavilion – Ketelhuisplein



Embassy of Climate Action

What Design Can Do launched a global design competition that calls on the creative community to submit innovative ideas for helping people adapt to climate change. The Embassy of Climate Action presented an exhibition of submissions by the challenge nominees. The exhibition was extended with several enlightening examples of design projects that in one way or another respond to climate change.

World Design Event: Embassy of Climate Action, Klokgebouw Partners: Antalis, Arjo Wiggins, Autodesk Foundation, IKEA Foundation



Embassy of Data

The Embassy of Data aimed to raise awareness for the possibilities and opportunities presented by data but also the threats and inadequacies. Partners: Datastudio, Het Nieuwe Instituut World Design Event

Embassy of Robot Love

Can we learn about love from robots? In the Living Lab visitors and robots shared love, care and attention.

World Design Event: Embassy of Robot Love, former V&D. Partners: Datastudio, Het Nieuwe Instituut



Embassy of Food

How do we want to cultivate, process, transport and eat our food in the future? How do we deal with scarcity of resources, animal welfare, food waste, and the influence of technology? In the Embassy of Food, these questions were paired with exciting new views form designers, to form a starting point for debate, workshops, and think-tanks.

World Design Event: Embassy of Food, Ketelhuisplein. Partners: FoodHeroes, FoodUp Brabant, Ministry of Economic Affairs, ZLTO, Agri Meets Design, Interreg



Embassy of Health As part of the World Design Event the Innovation Powerhouse is transformed into the Embassy of Health. In the exhibition ‘Chronic Health: Designing a Healthy Future’ the embassy deals with the interests of design and health, and shows a wide range of examples; from ‘open’ design and Do It Together care applications to high-end medical technology and creative prototypes.


World Design Event


World Design Event: Embassy of Intimacy, Strijp-S. Partner: MU & Tom Loois

Embassy of Intimacy

The Embassy of Intimacy brought together three spheres of influence: the Intimacy of Bodies, the Intimacy of Things, and the Intimacy of Spaces and the areas in which they overlap. The Embassy questioned new intimate connections and searched for an idiom to help design this shapeless but essential state of being.



“This excitement around design was heartening to witness, since so often in our North American cities, design stays in its own lane.” – Stacy Kendall (GRAY Magazine)


World Design Event



The interactive platform ‘Antenna’ connects and aligns international design talents and thinkers with professionals and experts. It’s the network where the people who make things happen gather for talks, lectures and debates to show the power of design and to transform future challenges of society in opportunities.



World Design Event: Antenna, ABN AMRO House


Designer Drinks Dutch Design Daily Live: Dutch Design Awards Preview 2017 Future Series #8: Constructed Images of the Future Future Series #9: Start-ups in Design Mondriaan to Dutch Design 156


Before & after Before & after

DDW works throughout the year. During the week in October we demonstrate that the world of tomorrow is being made today. The rest of the year we actively draw attention to this, through presentations and lectures under the banner of the Dutch Design Foundation (DDF). Last year DDF organised the in-depth theme programme Future Series and we participated in the Mondrian to Dutch Design theme year. 157


Future series

Before & after

Theme-based series of debates Future Series is a Dutch Design Foundation programme. The Future series lectures at Pakhuis de Zwijger are organised in collaboration with Volkskrant and Pakhuis de Zwijger.



Before & after



Future Series #8: Constructed Images of the Future

Before & after

The constructed images of the future by RAAAF took centre stage during the 8th edition on 30 June 2017 in Pakhuis de Zwijger.

Future Series #9: Start-ups in design

In the ninth edition of Future Series on 1 December, the main theme was Start-ups in Design, with key note speaker Floris Schoonderbeek.



Before & after

Designer Drinks @ the Designhuis

The first ever Designer Drinks, but certainly not the last. The boys from Biki90 laid on the summer sounds, our friends from Beerze beer were there to quench thirsts and Calypso’s very own Louis cooked a great meal. As an extra we announced the theme and ambassadors for 2017.



Mondriaan to Dutch Design

In 2017, we celebrated the 100th birthday of Dutch Design movement De Stijl. To mark this occasion, 2017 was titled the year of 'Mondriaan to Dutch Design'. As a programme partner, DDW created the official press presentation and hosted several (inter)national press tours throughout the year.



Publications about Mondriaan to Dutch Design


5 years Driving Dutch Design ABN AMRO Bikes ABN AMRO Hotspots Bloggers Tour Bright Day Bussiness tours Crowdfunding Dutch Design Dating Dutch Design Dating Dutch Design Pitch & Network event Driving Dutch Design ELLE Decoration Pop-up Shoot Enjoying Smart Mobility

Frame Minds Frame x DDW Store HEMA design daten Hop-on hop-off bus Insta Meet-up Press center Press tours Publications Radius Sense & Create Volkskrant Designtafel Volvo Design Rides VPRO Toekomstbouwers We Know How You Feel 164


Business & media Business & media

DDW introduces commerce and other business sectors to the strength and capacity of Dutch design. The Dutch Design Week sponsors offer financial support, but also have an intrinsic role to play, just like other (media) partners. In close collaboration, DDW offers an extensive customised business and press programme for various audiences. Together we help designers, aiding them in terms of publicity, network expansion and assignments. 165

Business & media

Three day international press tour

Tour for the National television producers

Vescom in collaboration with DDW, Architecture Media tour



DDW Press center

Journalists, bloggers, photographers and camera crews collected a press pass and information pack from DDW’s Press Center. Design by Ontwerplabel Vij5.





Selection of print publications, from the New York Times, to Axis, to Volkskrant Magazine



VPRO De Toekomstbouwers

A national television programme with young thinkers and makers by the VPRO and DDW. In the first four episodes, two young designers participating in DDW were introduced. In the final episode which aired on Saturday 28 October, one of the finalists, Dave Hakkens, won the VPRO Future Builders Grant of 10,000 euros. The eight candidates were: ChloĂŠ Rutzerveld, Alissa Rees, Dave Hakkens, Manon van Hoeckel, Ermi van Oers, Arvid Jense, Bas Timmer and Frank Kolkman.



Business & media

“God must have intended it so, excuse me, intelligent design must have drawn the plans when it created the public broadcaster: intelligent, captivating, sharp and inspiring.” – Arjen Fortuin (NRC)



ELLE Decoration pop-up shoot during DDW



“The installation offers more than a visually pleasing show, but directly links inner feelings to an outward display, heightening consciousness through the embodiment of immersive installation.”

AURA at the ‘We Know How You Feel’ exhibition This project explores the materialisation of emotions into light using wearable biosensors. Created by Nick Verstand, VPRO Medialab, Salvador Breed, NAIVI, TNO and EagleScience.

– Alex Servie (FRAME)

VPRO Medialab – Studio Nick Verstand: Aura, Design perron www.nickverstand.com www.vpro.nl/medialab



Bloggers tour and Insta meet-up during DDW




Bright Day

The annual Bright Day was bigger, better and brighter this year. The presentation of ‘the best of’ DDW lasted for two days.

Bright Day, Best of DDW, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, November 18 & 19, 2017

Smurfit Kappa Corrugated Benelux: Sense & Create, Klokgebouw

Enexis Group: Enjoying Smart Mobility, Klokgebouw



Business & media

Volkskrant Design Table & A chance to win design competition

On Saturday and Sunday during DDW, interviews, columns, discussions and presentations review what was the best, weirdest, most wonderful and sometimes most irritating of what was on show in Eindhoven. The winners of the ‘A chance to win design’ competition were also announced.

Volkskrant & DDW: Volkskrant Design Table, People's Pavilion



"The Dutch Design Week, in parallel with the Design Academy Eindhoven graduate show, has always been strong on the conceptual and the innovative. In 2017, I was really delighted to see designers getting more politicised: really engaging with society and the 'system'. We don't need more objects, we need a better world and designers must rise to the challenge.� – Sophie Lovell, design critic and author

FRAME Minds, de Bijenkorf



FRAME & DDW: FRAME x DDW Store, Klokgebouw

For the third time, Frame opened a pop-up store during DDW. Products by emerging designers were on sale here. The Frame x DDW store interior at the Klokgebouw was designed and built by students of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK).

FRAME & DDW: FRAME x DDW Store, de Bijenkorf


Business & media



Crowdfunding Dutch Design

A crowdfunding platform exclusively for Dutch design, with an exhibition of the twelve design projects in the Klokgebouw.

“It is inherently Dutch to see a problem as a challenge.” – Karen von Hahn (Toronto Star)

Dutch Design Foundation, Kickstarter, voordekunst en Douw&Koren: Crowdfunding Dutch Design, Klokgebouw www.kickstarter.com


Business & media

HEMA design daten™

HEMA invited young designers to think about sustainable and social design. Ideas and products that make life easier and more fun, from a sustainable and social perspective.

HEMA: HEMA design daten™, Ketelhuisplein


Driving Dutch Design

Talent development programme (workshops, seminars and pitches) that helps fledgling designers on their way in the world of commerce. www.drivingdutchdesign.nl

Driving Dutch Design (by ABN AMRO, BNO & Dutch Design Foundation): Dating Dutch Design Pitch & Network event, ABN AMRO House

Driving Dutch Design (by ABN AMRO, BNO & Dutch Design Foundation): Dating Dutch Design Exhibition, ABN AMRO House


ABN AMRO has been supporting young, talented designers for 5 years by transferring knowledge and offering a platform. For its fifth anniversary year they commissioned a major retro-spective. More than 90 designers showed their works and the growth they had experienced in the interim years.

ABN AMRO, BNO & Dutch Design Foundation: 5 years Driving Dutch Design, VEEM


Through showcasing cross-over start-ups with disruptive potential, Radius high-lights the magical symbiosis of technology and design.

Business & media

5 years Driving Dutch Design


VOLVO Design Rides

Regular feature during DDW: forty Design Rides by Volvo transported more than 50,000 visitors for free to and from every DDW location.



“Exploring Dutch Design Week was an incredible way to get to know the design philosophies that seem prevalent in the Netherlands, which I saw as innovation, collaboration, and challenging the status quo. – Stacy Kendall (Gray Magazine)

Business & media


ABN AMRO and Hopper helped all visitors wearing a DDW wristband on their way with the loan of a bicycle for free (until supply outstripped demand).

Hop-on hop-off bus

Comfortable transport for all visitors, with the free Kupers & ABN AMRO Hop-on hop-off bus.







Sponsors & partners Sponsors & partners

Educational partners

Event partners

Media partners


Preferred suppliers




What impact does digitalisation have on our society? What if we were to transform the virtual or immaterial into physical products? What if we made the intangible real? The innovations in the field of virtual reality and smart home applications are increasing rapidly. What better way to follow this technological progress than in a live experience? This year, we noticed that multiple participants aimed to make the digital more tangible.

MAD Emergent Art Center, Hyperspace Collective & ViolaVirus took you to a virtual fairy-tale desert in the exhibition ‘Manifestations – Will the future design us?’ in the VEEM building. Exhibitors taking part in this exhibition included: Zanne and Dick Janssen from www.ideeenlab.nl who lend Virtual Reality (VR) new meaning with the project Run Away? VR/AR. Their experience took you on a journey similar to that of a refugee, in which all your senses (you experience smells, vibrations and touch) were activated. Another impressive VR experience was Second Livestock; a project aimed to improve the life of chickens by stimulating an outdoor experience through tiny headsets with a VR application. Second Livestock was part of the exhibition Robotanica by Transnatural in the VDMA. Young talent from the Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE) also dived into the possibilities of the digital world. Unfortunately, Simon Dogger is experiencing for himself what loss of vision does to the perception of emotions.

'Materialising the Internet’ by MU Artspace is a great example of this development. In this exhibition you come to the realisation that the virtual is already completely integrated in our environment. Algorithms can link you to a new love, we can store gifs in our DNA, implant RFID chips in our hands to open the doors to our homes. But, how far do we want things to go? Participant Lauren McCarthy arouses our awareness for a new reality, in which we casually allow all sorts of intelligent devices into our lives that register everything; for example Amazon’s Echo. What if it was a person that stood in the middle of the living room and experienced everything? Would we still be as comfortable sharing everything then?

With his Emotion Whisperer application, an app and a visor with built-in camera, he can transform emotions into specific vibrations that the telephone transmits for people with impaired vision. This enables those with impaired vision to understand and receive the additional messages coming from non-verbal communication.


Carl Rethmann scans physical objects and, with the help of artificial intelligence, he links the scans to digital information that is to be found on the internet, like symbols, history and other facts.



Trend: The Immaterial Materialized

With ‘Roam the Web: The Collective’ Ymkje Kamphuis is raising awareness among internet users on the way online activity influences our imaging and consequently also our behaviour. By means of special algorithms, artificial conclusions can be made based on our online behaviour and the website we visit. For example, the advertorials you see on Facebook are based on this information.

During DDW17, visitors were able to experience the virtual world in real life at different locations. Besides that, various new technologies and innovations were being put to the test at the MU, in the VEEM and in the Design Academy Eindhoven.


Trend: New Crafts

New colour pigments from ground water rich in iron oxide, new applications for the legacy of the Zuiderzeemuseum, glass samples made from sand from every corner of the world and non-woven construction materials being utilized for interior products; the DDW programme of 2017 included a wealth of innovations in the field of craft. The exhibition HOW&WOW by the Crafts Council Nederland provided an in-depth insight into the craftsman’s approach to work. They noticed a revival of crafts this year; more appreciation and more innovation. We noticed two different approaches: designers who focused on unlocking and maintaining old crafts and designers who added a layer of cross-pollination combining new technologies, biomaterials and crafts. Dutch Design Awards finalist Das Leben Am Haverkamp is an example of the first group. They showed a new interpretation of Zeeland costumes and domestic objects that preserved traditional crafts while reclaiming attention.

Jetske Visser, Kirstie van Noort and Lotte de Raadt showed that manual filtering of ground water produces a deep red (sedimentary) substance called ‘Oer’. This substance gets a new application in the work of these three designers. For example, they used the substance as pigment for their porcelain objects. Another project that pays attention to natural materials is ‘To See a World in a Grain of Sand’ by Atelier NL. For this project, Atelier NL appealed to the citizens of the world to collect sand and send it to them, as it is their dream to map out the sands of the world by means of glass samples. By doing so, they aim to emphasize the different qualities of the sand locally available for each area as opposed to the commonly used white sand that is getting scarcer by the day. There was more about glass in the exhibition ‘Discover the magic of glass’ curated by Het Nationaal Glasmuseum including work by Christien Meindertsma. This exhibition aimed to visualize the process of glassblowing and explained how glassblowers and designers work together.


She used her knowledge of ceramics by creating a new approach and combining it with mycelium, a living organism. There are various similarities between the two materials; like clay, mycelium shrinks, is mouldable by hand and eventually baked in an oven to become a sturdy object.

Trends Interview

The Arnhem collective, including Atelier Rick Tegelaar, Klaas Kuiken, Studio Joris de Groot and Mieke van den Hout, got to work with the material Colback that is currently used exclusively in industry, as for example a reinforcement material. With the exhibition In4nite they demonstrated the possibilities of the material for interior design. Rosalie Bak is living proof that there are more cross-disciplinary connections within craft. Within the project Myco paste she examines the integration of bioorganisms in ceramics.



Trend: Robotics vs. Mankind


This year, various exhibitions and designers provided a glimpse into the future of robots in our society. To what extent can technology be integrated in our lives? Will technology take over from people? What is the dividing line between a human and a robot? There are countless speculations about how robotics could change society. The expectation is that within 30 years the majority of our jobs will have been taken by robots. The secondment agency for humans and robots Hubot anticipates this development. The exhibition opened its doors under the guise of a secondment agency in the Eindhoven branch of MediaMarkt. Hubot was an initiative by Next Nature Network and it showed sixteen futuristic professions in which robots have not replaced humans, but emphasized that we can strengthen each other through cooperation. The exhibition Robotanica by Transnatural included the project Tumbleweed by Shlomi Mir; an autonomous robot that collects data in

the most desolate places on earth. This object provides scientists with insights into desert forming and into how factors like climate change, and quickreturns agriculture contribute to this. The Kickstarter projects Somnox world’s first sleep robot and Hugsy Home are two examples of technology that can improve our lives. Somnox is a cuddly toy to help you fall asleep and stay asleep that radiates sound, breathing rhythms and affection. Hugsy Home helps to extend the presence of parents in the case of new-born children where the parent cannot be present. Through recording the temperature, heartbeat and breathing rhythm of the parent and playing it back again later, the newborn can be soothed. The Mind The Step programme, in which projects from three Dutch Universities of Technology are brought together, also incorporated various Robotic projects. Matthijs Otten, a TU Delft graduate, designed an autonomous swarming robot



‘Zebro’, that can comb through areas in search of survivors in the case of (natural) disasters. More techno-logical and robotic innovations could be found in the Klokgebouw at the start-up valley ‘Radius’. Tumble was one of the projects that was showcased there. Tumbleweed strengthens the human-product interaction in a smart home environment. Tumble pulse is a good example of this; an object that facilitates smart lighting and other technology through responding to touch.


Trend: No Waste

Global and local recycling One of the methods for combatting plastic refuse is to empower consumers to recycle it themselves. Dave Hakkens, a Design Academy graduate, presented the latest version of his Precious Plastic

machine during DDW. This recycling machine offers a solution that can be employed globally. An open source manual is available online, that takes into account universal materials. Another project that drew a lot of attention was the People’s Pavilion; a 100% borrowed and circular pavilion made possible by loans from manufacturers, suppliers and residents of Eindhoven. The building was designed by Overtreders W and Bureau SLA. After DDW, all the construction materials were returned to the original owners. (Re)cycling biomaterial To reduce the use of plastic, an increasing number of designers are studying the possibilities of replacing plastic with biomaterials. Guest lecturer Tjeerd Veenhoven guided various students at the Bauhaus Universität Weimar in developing alternative types of materials. Luzie Deubel experimented with biodegradable materials for waterproofing paper. This has resulted in a paper raincoat. Isaac Monté and Doreen Westphal utilised waste from the food industry. Isaac Monté developed organic paper, made from waste leaves from leeks that serves as packaging for vegetables. Doreen


Westphal gave oyster mushroom stubs a new life through producing a vegetarian sausage called Planti15.

Trends Interview

The plastic soup is regularly in the news. A recent report by the World Economic Forum announced that they believe there will likely be more plastic than fish swimming in the sea by 2050. Now plastic bags are out of vogue and plastic is collected separately in the Netherlands. As well as consumers, designers need to make a difference. Various Dutch Design Week 2017 participants presented solutions that extend further than just recycling plastic. Waste and reuse in general were important themes.

New perspectives on recycling A number of designers displayed surprising perspectives on recycling. Simone Post, as part of the EcoOh project, developed new plastic samples from refuse. It was her aim to show the beauty of recycling plastic. She feels a step forward would be if plastic was sorted by colour in the future, so that it does not just all end up a grey mass. Jessica Hartog has a similar idea. In an inspiring book she incorporated various shapes of colour-sorted recycled plastic. During DDW she presented various panels with her book, which accentuated the aesthetics and rich pallet of colours. The winner of the HEMA design date competition, Mirjam de Bruijn, offered an alternative for the use of household products, like shampoo and cleaning agents. These products are on average 80% water. Her project Twenty is a proposal to sell the basic ingredients that are later diluted by the consumer. This reduces the CO2-emission through more effective transport and less packaging waste.

Facts & figures Visitors

Age group

2010 2013 2016 2017

0-17 4% 18-25 21.3% 26-35 14.8% 36-45 10%

150,000 250,000 295,000 335,000

Participants 2010 2013 2016 2017

1,800 2,200 2,500 2,600

365 396 438 610

Locations 2010 2013 2016 2017

46-55 56-65 66-75 +75

18% 18.3% 11.8% 1.8%


Events 2010 2013 2016 2017

Social media

65 78 110 110

Press accreditations 2010 225 2013 450 2016 750 2017 900* * 3-day press tour Visitor profiles Origin Netherlands 81% International 19%

Volvo Design Rides: Taxis 40 People 54,000 Journeys 18,000 Rental ABN AMRO Design Bikes: Bicycles 2,806 Website Unique visitors 2017 444,114 Unique visitors October 2017 297,307 Page views 2017 3,768,773

Instagram followers: 2015 8,531 2016 28,000 2017 51,600 Facebook likes: 2012 2014 2016 2017

6,698 22,788 42,568 52,677

Twitter followers: 2012 2014 2016 2017

7,000 15,600 23,200 25,000

Media Partners

Average time on the website: 3:50 minutes Visitor origin: Netherlands 80,6% Belgium 3,6% Germany 2,7% UK 1,9% United States 1,6% France 1% Italy 1% Poland, Russia, Spain, China, Brazil, Taiwan, Switzerland, Ireland, South Korea, Canada, Turkey, Sweden, Denmark, Japan, Ukraine.

Dezeen Frame De Volkskrant VPRO TLMag ELLE Decoration Dezeen Jobs Bright Vice The Creators Project DUDE/BNO Archello Dutch Design Daily


Media value national (gross)

Posters MUPI 470 Posters A0 750 Posters A2 1,750 Maps (individual) 130,000 Short Events Timetable 30,000 Design Routes 30,000 Bags 1,800

2006 € 453,246,2012 € 6,300,000,2014 € 7,408,546,2016 € 16,867,953,31* 2017 € 20,395,049,70* * incl. international online value


DDW 2017 Media categories (print, national)

Online media (selection)

News and opinion 76% Marketing, management and professional publications 7% Lifestyle and urban 4% Interior and home 7% Art and design 5% Other 1%

3voor12.nl, AD.nl, Adformatie.nl, Archello.com, Dearchitect.nl, Architectenweb.nl, Artsthread.com, BNdestem.nl, Bright.nl, Core77.com, Creators.vice.com (Vice), Damnmagazine.net, Designboom.com, Designindaba.com, Designwanted.today, Dezeen.com, Domusweb.it, Dutchdesigndaily.nl, Eindhovensdagblad.nl, Elle.nl, Elledecor.it, FD.nl, Fontanel.nl, Frameweb.com, Groene.nl, Hpdetijd.nl, Huffingtonpost.co.uk, Iconeye.com, Inhabitat.com, Marketingtribune.nl, Metropolis.com, Nu.nl, Nytimes.com, Omroepbrabant.nl, Radio1.nl, Rtlnieuws.nl, Rtlz.nl, Studio040.nl, Telegraaf.nl, Trendtablet.com, Devolkskrant.nl, VPRO.nl, Vtwonen.nl

Radio and television (selection) De Wereld Draait Door, RTL Boulevard, BrightTV, Kunstuur, Omroep Brabant, Koffietijd, RadioNPO1, Studio040, Cultura, VPRO de Toekomstbouwers, VPRO Nooit Meer Slapen, BNRNieuwsradio, Radio1 De Ochtend, Radio1 Nieuws en Co, LXRY TV, NOS Newspapers (selection) Algemeen Dagblad, De Telegraaf, De Volkskrant, Financieel Dagblad, Het Parool, Metro, Nederlands Dagblad, New York Times, NRC Handelsblad, NRC Next, Trouw Regional newspapers (selection) AD Haagse Courant, BN de Stem, Brabants Dagblad, Eindhovens Dagblad, Leeuwarder Courant Magazines (selection) Adformatie, De Architect, ArchitectuurNL, Casa Vogue Brasil, Dude Magazine, Eigen Huis & Interieur, ELLE, ELLE Decoration, ELLE Deco, Elsevier, Flair, Frame, Glamcult, Grazia, Happinez, Harper’s Bazaar, HP De Tijd, Libelle, l'Officiel, Marketing Tribune, Mest Magazine, NCRV Gids, OOR, Residence, Textilia, VARA Gids, Vanity Fair, Volkskrant Magazine, VPRO Gids, Vrij Nederland, vtwonen, Viva, VOGUE, Wallpaper, WOTH, Quest

Teamwork Volunteers 466 Hours 9,243 Taxi drivers 72 Work locations 32 Packed lunches 848 T-shirts 500 DDW Music Days 7 Locations 11 Acts 70 Total visitors 16,000 Most popular live: Joep Beving – 22 October Effenaar And So I Watch You From Afar – 23 October TAC Alex G & Feng Suave – 27 October Café Wilhelmina Ares & Sef – 27 October Fifth | NRE Most popular dance: Esa – 28-10 Fifth | NRE, OWOW – 27 October Effenaar




© Dutch Design Foundation, 2017 All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be multiplied, stored in a computerised databank and/or publicised in any form or any way, whether electronically, mechanically, by photocopy, recording or any other manner without prior written permission from the publisher.

We would like to thank everyone who worked on the DDW 2017 edition: ambassadors, participants, art directors, volunteers, suppliers, (media) partners, sponsors — and (last but not least) all the visitors.



Compilation: Jip Bierkens, Katja Lucas, Marloes Philipse, Danique Roestenburg, Julie Trienekens, Raffaela Vandermühlen, Dries van Wagenberg Design: Spielerei, www.spielerei.nl & Yorit Kluitman, www.yoritkluitman.nl Text & editing: Hofman & Donker, www.hofmandonker.com, Danielle Linders, www.meisjesvaneindhoven.nl, Angel Trinidad, www.angeltrinidad.me, Susan van Daal, E52 (Frans van Beveren, Milan Lenters, Renske Mehra, Corine Spaans), www.e52.nl Photography: Ruud Balk, Malou van Breevoort, Mirjam de Bruijn, Boudewijn Bollmann, Nick Bookelaar, Feico Dieudonné, Dana Dijkgraaf, John Dijkgraaf, Martin Dijkstra, Simon Dogger, Ossip van Duivenbode, Filip Dujardin, Mees van den Ekart, Almicheal Fraay, Cleo Goosssens, Floris Heuer, Max Kneefel, Tommy Köhlbrugge, La Bolleur, Liset van der Laan, Tim Meijer, Raymond van Mill, Ontwerplabel Vij5, Roos Pierson, RAW Color, Dick Rennings, Iris Rijskamp, Britt Roelse, Ralph Roelse, G. J. Van Rooij, Ronald Smits, Patrick Spruytenburg, Elke Teurlinckx, Simon Trel, Joanette van der Veer, Hanneke Wetzer, Jeroen van der Wielen and Willem Wouterse. Translation: Double Dutch, www.double-dutch.nl Campaign: Fabrique, www.fabrique.nl Print: Wilco Art Books, www.wilco-artbooks.nl Cover photo: Hanneke Wetzer Back cover photo: Filip Dujardin






Ketelhuisplein, Strijp-S. Art director: La Bolleur www.labolleur.com



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