All Things Magazine January 2021

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ALL THINGS magazine

Danielle Ripley-Burgess's


message of FAITH


Jannuary 2021


New from Redemption Press Pre-sale available through February Twenty-one Black Christian women share their powerful life experiences with racism in this vital compilation that brings wisdom and new insight to the conversation on racial inequality and justice. Each story includes prayer and reflection and is a tool for building bridges of love and understanding. In these turbulent times when the ugly stain of racism is at the forefront of our society, bringing rampant division and mistrust, we desperately need ways to come together. To build bridges of understanding between all in the body of Christ, we bring you twenty-three voices of Black Christian women–authors, ministers, educators, leaders, and mothers. Their powerful life experiences and heartfelt wisdom will shake you, open your eyes, and help you understand your sisters in Christ. From the ways women of color are treated in our society, to raising Black daughters and sons, to how a Black woman can have a white supremacist attitude, to how to respond as Christ would have us, their stories will be a link in bridging the gap between us with love.

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Mercy Lokutulu

January featured programs 1/6 Vicki Heath, Director of First Place 4 Life &

Tonya Williamson, author of Worship God & Praise Away the Pounds

1/13 Celeste Bowers, author of When Your Voice

Became Mine, & Elaine Hersman, author of Bloom! Serving God Where He Has Planted You!

1/20 Lori Schumaker, author of Surrendered Hearts

& Karrie Roberts, author of A Guide Dog Named Arby.

1/27 Joy Ware Miller & her sister, Jan Ware Russell. New Redemptions Press Partners.


Sharon Norris Robyn Elliott Gobin

As Christians, when we hear the words of Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose,” we feel empowered and confident knowing that our paths are guided by the plan He has lovingly and wisely laid out for each of us. Redemption Press broadcasts weekly podcasts that illustrate this beautiful Scripture and how its promise has played out in the lives of our fellow people of faith. Log in at every Wednesday to meet Redemption Press authors who will share Romans 8:28 stories that will warm you soul. You’ll leave with tips and tools to help you on your journey.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.


5 Readers Who Write 6 Cover story 8 New books from Lauren Lianne and Wendy Batchelder

By Athena Dean Holtz

Founder & Publisher Redemption Press – She Writes for Him The All Things Magazine

Welcome to our debut edition of the All Things Magazine! As the founder and publisher of Redemption Press and She Writes for Him, I am blessed beyond measure to be part of so many writing and publishing adventures. The women of faith I am honored to colabor with have incredible stories of redemption and restoration, where the truth of Romans 8:28 is declared "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." It is incredibly gratifying to spotlight women who have been through dark days and difficult circumstances where hope was hard to find. These tough stories led each one to a deeper connection with the lover of their souls, and much good was worked by God as a result. In this monthly digital publication, you will sense a recurring theme. Throughout this magazine, the faithfulness of God will shine, as well as the many creative ways He has brought good out of pain and loss. We are honored to represent women from all walks of life whose stories inspire, encourage, and equip. May their stories bless you and be a resource you can pass on to others in need of the hope you will find here. Happy New Year from all of us at Redemption Press and She Writes for Him!

At hena

Š 2021 All Things Magazine is published monthly and is available free of charge. All materials are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.


9 New books from Micah Ruth and Phylis Mantelli 11 A Purpose in Our Pain 12 Writers' Conference ALL THINGS MAGAZINE


Readers who write The tablet of your heart Like many of you, I’m a reader who loves to write. Maybe you write in a journal or keep a prayer list. Or maybe you write letters to the editor, blog posts, articles, poems, or books. Perhaps you take the time to respond to social media posts or post content yourself. Whatever form it takes, you appreciate the written word as a mode of communication, whether to yourself (journaling) or to influence your community (letters to the editor) or thousands worldwide (blogs, articles, books). Influential writing doesn’t have to be lyrical, pretty, perfect prose. It just has to provoke thought, which does mean having to choose the right words. And that’s what binds us writers all together—that we grapple to find just the right words to convey our intent. Because if we’re misunderstood, what have we accomplished? Perhaps the most important tablets we write on are our hearts. What wise words do we pen on our hearts that inspire us to make a difference others can see, that provoke thoughts of our Savior? According to Proverbs 3:3 (NIV), the words we draft on our hearts should contain love and faithfulness: “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.” For “love and faithfulness,” other versions

By Dori Harrell

use “loyalty and kindness” (NLT), “mercy and truth” (KJV, my personal favorite), and “kindness and truth” (NASB, ASV), among others. Sometimes the pens we take to our hearts are more like scalpels, ones that cut in anger, resentment, and unforgiveness, which keep us from pointing ourselves and others to Christ. But if we use fountain pens and wisely choose the words we script on our hearts, we enrich not only ourselves but also those around us with love, faithfulness, kindness, loyalty, mercy, and truth. And the fountain we can choose to dip our pens into has the wisest-chosen words of all. You guessed it — God’s Holy Word. Our heavenly Father chose wise words to guide us and reveal Himself to us. If our own heart writing starts with God’s Word, we’ll reveal Him and ourselves to others in a way that makes a difference. Today I’m making a point to write Proverbs 3:3 (KJV) on my heart and encourage you to take that step with me, in your favorite version. May all our best writing be on the tablets of our hearts. Dori Harrell is managing editor of Redemption Press.

Made for Brave: A Journey Through Devastating Loss to Infinite Hope by Alyssa Galios 5.0 out of 5 stars There is purpose in pain Although this is not a book you would want to ever be in a position to buy l am truly grateful it was written. There is no formula for grief and loss but what this book manages to do is to show that there is purpose in pain. I enjoyed not only Alyssa's writing but the vulnerability she shared which made me feel as if l was reading about myself. Although l am new in my journey of loss, l am grateful the Lord allowed Alyssa to share her story it helps me see and know that my future is in the Lords hands. 5.0 out of 5 stars Inspiring and well-written! I just finished this book, less than 2 days after receiving it. It is relatable, captivating, and oh so inspiring. Alyssa has shown me how to triumph through extreme adversity. I highly recommend this book and will be purchasing it for others!

Redemption Press is a Christian-owned-and-operated hybrid publishing company. Our business model promotes excellence in independent publishing services by using the project management style of a traditional publisher. We empower Christian authors to fulfill their publishing dreams without giving up creative control or rights to their work.



cover story

Message of Faith She was seventeen and a least likely candidate The fact that Danielle Ripley-Burgess survived her ordeal with colon cancer – not once, but twice – could be called a miracle, the kind that happens when God has big plans for a person. Danielle’s first experience with the disease came when she would have been considered among the least likely candidates to have cancer. She was only seventeen, a junior in high school, when she finally decided to see a doctor about the bleeding she’d been seeing for months when she went to the bathroom. Fearful and embarrassed, she had tried to ignore it. When finally, after a particularly bad bleeding episode, she opened up to her boyfriend about what was going on, he insisted she seek answers. Her parents, having overheard the conversation, immediately contacted Danielle’s general physician, who scheduled her to see a specialist. The diagnosis of stage 3 colon cancer floored her and puzzled her doctors, who rarely ever see this disease in one so young. It also sent her into a grueling treatment program that involved two major surgeries (one of which would remove most of her ovaries) and six weeks of chemotherapy. Throughout it all, her boyfriend, Mike, the one who urged her to seek treatment, stayed by her side and helped her through it. She completed treatment with her hair intact and attended her junior prom. She was grateful to put the ordeal behind her for good – but that was not in God’s plan. With the promise of a bright future, Danielle was looking forward to college, new friends, and a happy life with Mike, whom she had married. But when she was twenty-five, Danielle had a routine colonoscopy that concerned her doctors. Further testing revealed that Danielle had stage 1 colon cancer – a diagnosis that gave her doctors optimism but threw Danielle off track. Danielle says that while her body healed quickly from the treatment, her heart and soul needed nurturing. She recalls being flooded with fear and anxiety and becoming angry with God.



She began counseling, which led to her starting a blog about her experiences and to her becoming a patient advocate. She got involved with Fight CRC, an advocacy group for colon cancer patients. She served as the group’s communications director and traveled the country telling her story. She then became editor of CRC’s patient magazine, a post she still holds. She and Mike also realized their dream to become parents. They adopted their daughter, Mae, through private adoption, which in itself is a story of faith. “Although we’d planned to adopt all along, we were surprised by all of the adoption options." There was international, domestic, foster-to-adopt, and private. It was all a foreign language to us, but something about international adoption gripped my heart. I envisioned us as a multicultural family raising a beautiful dark-skinned baby.” But her second cancer diagnosis put those hopes in jeopardy, as most adoption agencies required prospective parents to be at least five years cancer-free. She finally found an agency without the cancer clause and in September was ready to prepare their paperwork. By January, they’d submitted the massive amount of paperwork and were on their way to visit friends who were in the hospital with their own newborn. But sitting in the birthing waiting room, Danielle said something just didn’t

feel right. She couldn’t imagine sitting in a waiting room while their child was being born in another room. As faith would have it, as they were leaving the hospital, Danielle noticed she’d received a text message. Good friends were asking them to meet before church the next day there was a baby who needed a home. They met with their friends and learned the story: Their friends’ friend was taking care of his niece. She was three months old and lived in their city. The baby’s uncle had peace from God about finding a family to adopt her. Danielle and Mike immediately came to mind. “From the January night we received the text to the day we brought our daughter home, it was three weeks – the last day in January." As we cuddled our baby and held her tight for many weeks that followed, I shook my head at God’s amazing plan. Our beautiful bundle of joy had been born in September.” Today, Danielle is living the plan God had in place for her. She shares her story so others will get screened, and she lets others facing the same issues she faced know that they are not alone. As she says on her website,, “My message is clear: even when our bodies fail us, our faith can survive.”


new authors "The Wait Will Not Be Wasted" Lauren Lianne

You’ve probably imagined the job, the spouse, the kids— and you knew at what age you wanted it all to happen. However, all too often such plans go up in smoke, and you may feel confused and forgotten when reality doesn’t match your expectations. When life doesn’t go like you planned, can you still trust that God knows how to write the best stories? Instead of taking the pen to your own story, author Lauren Lianne, a native Floridian who now calls Nashville her home, suggests refocusing on your Creator. After spending years frustrated because life wasn’t going according to her plans, Lauren decided to give up control. It was then she learned God’s graciousness wasn’t based on getting what she wanted, and that God’s perfect plan included an unexpected season. She wrote The Wait Will Not Be Wasted to help other single women during times of unfulfilled hopes. Lauren shares how self-reflection, journaling, and practical experience have led her to find deep fulfillment and a God-given purpose while she waits. It is her hope that her journey will help others see God’s goodness even during the most difficult times. These days, Lauren loves traveling, dancing, staying active in her church community, and cheering for her Auburn Tigers. Her life’s goal is to help others see God’s goodness even during the most difficult times. Her book, though directed at single women, contains concepts that apply to any woman waiting for God to move in her life.


"Finding Family" Wendy Batchelder

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in searches for biological families, according to a Washington Post in the article, “Pandemic Sparks More People to Hunt for Their Birth Parents,” by Lisa Selin Davis. Author Wendy Bathchelder knows all about the search for biological parents and for belonging. Her own journey led her to discovering her real identity in the family of God. In her book, Finding Family: How Deeply Rooted Faith Grew Our Family Tree, the author takes readers on a wild search for belonging. Wendy, who is adopted, grew up in a loving home. Though curious about her birth parents, she had little desire to find them until her mother handed her an old, yellowed envelope. That little package propelled Wendy to look for her maternal biological grandmother, but the trek reached dead ends and fizzled in the face of her current life—husband, children, graduate school. And then the real journey began, the one that led to Wendy’s discovery that her true identity is rooted in the One who created her rather than the “accident” of her birth or adoption. Secure in the family of God, she gave little thought to locating her birth parents. But seven years after her initial search, an overheard conversation about DNA testing launched her on a Godled quest to find her biological family. Every turn left her breathless and in awe of God’s orchestration. She hopes readers share in her miracle and delight in affirmations and reflections designed to lead them to embrace the unconditional acceptance of God and their true identity in Christ.

"You Are Loved and Free" Micah Ruth

The threat of identity theft has 67 percent of Americans concerned, according to a 2019 study by Atlas VPN Research. Author Micah Ruth discovered that she was unprepared prey for an attack on her identity of a different nature—her personal identity, where she placed her value and significance—from a thief in opposition to God. Constantly striving for achievement, Micah found herself questioning her worth during a career demotion and personal crisis. She fell into believing culture’s definition of success and found herself in an identity crisis when her career and parenting achievements didn’t mirror her expectations. Micah began a journey through the book of Ephesians to discover her significance in God and to break through the lies and shame that had been holding her captive. She developed richer faith, experienced deep soul transformation, and uncovered her purpose. “I’d always had a secret desire to write and help others, but I had been so caught up in the world’s measure of success and the Enemy’s lies, I had buried that dream. By freeing me to follow Him, God brought purpose and meaning back to my life and restored my dreams,” Micah says. Her book, You Are Loved & Free, is not only her story but also a practical application guide to help readers uncover any lies they’ve learned from the demanding conditions of today’s performancebased culture and replace them with biblical truths. You are Loved & Free will benefit those who are weary of chasing achievements and who want to discover their purpose and identity in Christ.

"Unmothered" Phylis Mantelli

According to Psychology Today, the effects of living with a narcissistic parent can be devastating, and author Phylis Mantelli was nearly a victim of those effects. In her memoir, Unmothered: Life with a Mom Who Couldn’t Love Me, Phylis Mantelli shows how, by God’s grace, she escaped the trap when she learned to love her alcoholic, narcissistic mother unconditionally. Phylis and her two siblings never know what to expect from their mom: A mom who bakes homemade chocolate chip cookies but who can become a raging, screaming mother who mocks and belittles them. A mom who cooks dinner, says a Hail Mary, and promises she’ll do better but who also brings men home from bars and leads them to her daughters’ room to show them off. Phylis just wants a mom who loves her, who wants the best for her, but that mom rarely makes an appearance. Through it all, God never stops his pursuit of Phylis, and though she’d like nothing more than to turn her back on her mother, every time her mom reaches out, Phylis takes her hand. By God’s grace, Phylis eventually breaks through the pain and replaces it with a heart of a daughter who loves her mom unconditionally. “My journey with my mother has been fractured and broken, with tiny bits of humor and love sprinkled on it, like confetti on a cupcake,” Phylis says. “But as I loved on a mother whose walls were built up high, I slowly chipped away the pain and replaced it with an honest, loving heart of a daughter who cares.” Unmothered is a surprising memoir that offers hope and encouragement to those struggling with dysfunctional family relationships. ALL THINGS MAGAZINE

“Domestic abuse is the most denied, silenced, and misunderstood issue facing the church and society today . . . We choose to believe myths, rather than facts, to make ourselves feel better about the scourge of the epidemic of domestic abuse among us.”

Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Domestic Abusers: The Comprehensive Handbook to Recognize, Remove, and Recover from Abuse Charlene D. Quint, JD, CDVP This comprehensive and groundbreaking handbook contains everything a woman needs to know to break free from abuse and live a victorious life of peace and wholeness and heal. A definitive guide on identifying abuse and abusers’ tactics, it outlines the actions a victim must take to leave safely. It educates, equips, and

“There are a number of great books out there about the dynamics of domestic violence, but I’ve yet to read one that is more complete than this one. What makes this book different? It is more comprehensive than any book I’ve read on domestic violence. Charlene recognizes that people are complex, so in this book, she addresses the whole person (psychologically, physically, and spiritually). This book has the wisdom in it to change how advocates help people of faith. It has the depth to challenge the most seasoned expert in the field of domestic violence. It has the gentleness that beckons the reader into an immersive experience and the boldness to challenge existing structures of abuse advocacy. I’m thankful to know Charlene and to add this book to my list of incredible resources that I’m confident will inform and even reframe my advocacy efforts for the rest of my life.” NEIL SCHORI, senior pastor, The Edge Church, Aurora, IL advocate for domestic abuse victims former pastor to Stacy Peterson (fourth wife of convicted murderer and former Bolingbrook, Illinois police sergeant Drew Peterson)

addresses psychological, physical, and spiritual issues involved in domestic violence, as well as provides detailed tips for legal, financial, and emotional support, and safety plans. For women of fi faith, the handbook brings keys to spiritual healing, and provides biblical best practices for clergy on how to support victims while holding abusers accountable. This multifaceted resource is a “must read” for victims of abuse, as well as for counselors, clergy, and members of the legal and medical professions.

$29.95 Hardcover 978-1-951310-00-4 10

2 Corinthians 1:8-9 NIV

"We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead."

A purpose in our pain

By Athena Dean Holtz

How many times have you heard someone declare, “God won’t give you any more than you can handle?” Every time I hear that phrase, I want to ask them to show me where it is in their Bible! I can’t find it on my tearstained and underlined pages. I don’t know about you, but in the struggles and pain of life, God refines me in ways that mountaintop experiences can never touch. Many of us have been sinned against; others make poor choices leading to shame heaped on our souls, ensuring our bondage. I, too, have been sinned against and have made my own poor choices. I was molested as a child, battered as a wife, allowed wrong people into my life, and have been manipulated with Scriptures out of context as a hungry follower of Christ. But when we embrace the healing Jesus offers by relying on Him, both for our sin and those who have sinned against us, a purpose is revealed for our pain. Paul encouraged the church at Corinth, and we are reminded of God’s faithfulness in 2 Corinthians 4:8–9: “We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. … But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.” As I work with women who have hard stories to tell, the more I see God calling them to expose their struggles and rise up with victory. One such woman is BJ, whom I met at a conference and learned her story of extreme brokenness and childhood abuse. I saw God calling her to courage, refuting the death

sentence hammered down with the gavel of an imaginary judge and jury. The bravery it took to risk being misunderstood and shamed into further silence inspires me to stand alongside her and cheer her on as she declares His sweet redemption and goodness in her life. Like BJ, I spent years perplexed and bewildered when I longed for safety and authenticity. I learned to hide behind my wall of silence, keeping fellow sisters in Christ at arm’s length to protect my already battered heart. No one here would understand my pain. I’m ashamed of the life I’ve lived and the struggles I’m plagued with, so why even try? Since the enemy of our souls loves to shame us into silence, fill us with fear, and intimidate us into isolation, it takes serious grit and guts to tell those painful stories and put the spotlight on the God, who raises the dead. God does, in fact, give us way more than we can handle. He allows us painful trouble, so we have no other means but to trust Him. We will survive, even flourish, in times of great pressure. Jesus promises to take our struggles and work all things together for good as we grow in Him and surrender. Lord, please help me to see Your purpose for my pain. Show me any areas still in need of Your healing power, and teach me to trust You in my difficult places. In Jesus’s name, amen. Athena Dean Holtz is a publisher, speaker, author, podcaster, and pastor’s wife. She survived thirteen years of spiritual abuse and now teaches others how to trust God after experiencing church hurt.

Truth for today


Related resources

Reflect and respond

Romans 8:28 (NKJV): “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

Pick up a copy of this beautiful hard-cover devotional journal, She Writes for Him: Stories of Resilient Faith, where twenty-seven courageous women tell their hard stories of God’s faithfulness and redemption.

Learn more about Athena at www.athenadeanholtz. com and receive a free copy of her memoir, Full Circle: Coming Home to the Faithfulness of God.

Have you ever experienced more than you could handle? Has the Enemy tried to silence you too? How do you see the purpose in your pain?

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DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL? Do you have a book idea in your head & heart but don’t know where to start? ​Have you outlined, written a proposal, or finished a first draft but feel discouraged at your progress? Feel like you are not a good enough writer to tell your story in a way that others will want to read it? ​A re you stuck in your creative process? Or confused about how to tell the story God is nudging you to write?

AT THE END OF THESE TWO DAYS, YOU WILL GAIN CONFIDENCE AND KNOW HOW TO ...  Discover your brave heart for Him and His story in you. ​Find purpose in your pain and discover effective methods to communicate and write about your most difficult experiences. Break through the obstacles that hold you back from writing and finishing your project. ​Jumpstart your writing, expand your influence, and nurture your gifts and calling. ​Connect with other writers and Jesus followers who “get” you … find your tribe! Hosted by Athena Dean Holtz, author of Full Circle, and featuring best-selling authors Sheila Walsh and Karen Kingsbury

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