All Things Magazine June 2022

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ALL THINGS magazine June 2022




Pam Farrell


Home is Where Our Heart Is ALL THINGS MAGAZINE


Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

By Athena Dean Holtz

Founder & Publisher Redemption Press • She Writes for Him The All Things Magazine

Welcome to this edition of the All Things Magazine, featuring some amazing authors, men and women whose heartbeat is to spotlight the faithfulness of God. As the founder and publisher of Redemption Press and She Writes for Him, I find it an absolute delight to walk alongside so many first-time and veteran authors in their publishing journeys! So here we are, halfway through 2022. Where does the time go? During record inflation and pandemic-produced challenges that seem to affect almost everyone, we want to focus on messages that help us keep our sights on the One who calms the storm. The name of our magazine is meant to remind us of the truth of Romans 8:28 where God’s word declares “and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” And to provide a tad more context so we understand why, let’s ponder verse 29: “for those He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son”… He loves to use the afflictions and trials in our lives to conform us to His Son … now THAT’s what I call working ALL THINGS together for OUR GOOD! We have authors in this edition of All Things who have survived some pretty horrific experiences in their lives, yet through it all, God has been at work, redeeming and restoring them. Our hope is that you will find encouragement that’s worth sharing with others who are facing tough times. If the pandemic has done anything, it has given us ongoing opportunities to bring hope to those whose lives have been turned upside down emotionally,

mentally, physically … even spiritually. To share the hope that only Jesus can provide in this dark time is an honor and a privilege. In February of this year, God allowed us the joy of hosting our first in-person She Writes & Speaks PROCLAIM conference (shewritesandspeaks. com) with nearly 100 women attending. What God did and how He worked was nothing short of amazing. We can’t wait till next year in Concord, Ga., February 2-4, 2023, which will again precede the Christian Product Expo. This partnership with the Munce Marketing Group offers amazing opportunities where we spotlight and promote our new authors to retailers from Christian bookstores across the country! Before I go, I’d love to invite you to visit us! If you’re planning a trip to the Northwest any time soon, make plans to stop in our adorable historic downtown, Enumclaw, Wash., (about 45 minutes from Sea Tac airport). We’d love to have you visit our new Romans 8:28 Bookstore location ( We are now in a 100-year-old bank building right in the busiest spot of all! There’s always something fun going on here, and we’d love to meet you in person.


Featured interviews from this magazine with Pam Farrell, BJ Garrett and Jeanette Towne CLICK HERE

© 2022 All Things Magazine is published quarterly and is available free of charge. All materials are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. ALL THINGS MAGAZINE


5 Broken and Blessed By Tracy Michaud

6 Cover Story 8 New Author Features

10 Unwanted No More: From Exploited to Embraced by God By B. J. Garrett


12 New Bookstore Releases

Broken and Blessed: How God Set Me Free from Abuse, Dysfunctional Relationships, and Generational Sin Author: Tracy Michaud


hildhood victimization and abuse are widespread problems in American society. Statistics show that every nine minutes, Child Protective Services substantiates a claim or finds evidence of child sexual abuse. Among cases reported to law enforcement, 93 percent are perpetrated by someone the victim knows. Unfortunately, in addition to physical and emotional pain, victims undergo serious mental health issues as adults, including drug abuse, PTSD, and major depressive episodes.* Also, according to the National Center for Victims of Crime, children who are victims of “prolonged sexual abuse usually develop low self-esteem, a feeling of worthlessness and an abnormal or distorted view of sex. The child may become withdrawn and mistrustful of adults and can become suicidal.”** Tracy Michaud is no stranger to these statistics and has come forward to tell her story of childhood abuse, tragedy, abandonment, and neglect—and how God freed her from generational sin and oppression. Her book, Broken and Blessed: How God Set Me Free from Abuse, Dysfunctional Relationships, and Generational Sin, is the remarkable story of a strong, stubborn, and determined girl who, despite all earthly odds stacked against her, does not allow life-altering circumstances to change her smile or her destiny. Young Tracy knows Jesus loves her, and she often sings “Jesus Loves Me,” as taught by her stepfather—who then goes on to abuse her. Later, as

a teenager, Tracy drives the car that kills her stepfather and leaves her an amputee. Her mother refuses to engage in Tracy’s rehabilitation, so Tracy vows to take care of herself. But filled with shame and feeling unworthy, Tracy leads a rebellious life marked by fear, depression, and hopelessness. But she knows that God sees everything, and she never gives up on seeking Him.

“I hope my story will help others see that they don’t have to remain stuck in the pain of their circumstances” “While my story and life have many, many tragic elements to them, today, by the grace of God, I am happy and free from the fear and toxicity of my past. Everyone matters; everyone’s pain is real, and there is healing in talking about it. I hope because of my story, more people will talk about their stories” Tracy says. Mind-boggling and miraculous, this is a story of how God uses Tracy’s grit, courage, and faith to free her and her family from generational sin and oppression. Her book is a true testimony of God’s power, mercy, and grace and how He can use just one person to change the course of eternity for generations. * children-and-teens **

Tracy Michaud is passionate about using her stories of abuse, abandonment, tragedy, and brokenness to help others rise above their circumstances and believe they are stronger than they think they are. Tracy regularly shares God’s love and transformational truth about who He is and how He works through our pain and sufferings to bring about redemption and healing beyond ourselves. Since childhood, Tracy has endured numerous life-altering tragedies, abuse, and chronic pain, but nothing has changed her smile or faith. Today, she lives in West Michigan, free from the bondage of fear and shame, with her husband, Albert, and their two Chihuahuas. She enjoys her family, biking on her custom-handmade cycle, swimming, kayaking, and watching the sunset over Lake Michigan. For more about Tracy, visit For review copies and media interviews, contact: Tracy Michaud Email: Website: Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/TracyJMichaud


cover story

Home is Where Our Heart Is


ecently, the “Shelter at Home” directive had us all spending a lot of time at home. But is home just a dwelling or something more? My friend Nancie Carmichael, in The Unexpected Power of Home, shares: “I have seen that the whole concept of “home” has a higher meaning… home is also a powerful metaphor for our lives. We have choices when it comes to making a home, and we can take the materials we have been given to make something beautiful and good. We have choices about our lives to make them beautiful and good, too.

Home, once we connect with God, is where we discover who we are and why we are here. Moses was born in captivity. Israel had grown close to a population of 3 million. The large population made the new Pharaoh nervous, so Pharaoh ordered the murder of all baby boys (but Jewish midwives refused to obey). It is into this inhumane and unjust state that

Moses was born. So where would Moses call “home”? Here is a snapshot of Moses’ story and one simple skill to discern the will of God: Look for Spiritual Markers: Take a look back so you can go forward We are each uniquely created by God; therefore, we each have a calling and purpose to live out that God uses to accomplish His plans. As you look back on your life and pray, God will reveal spiritual markers that become road signs pointing to your future. While Moses, as an adult, was tending sheep, God spoke to him through a burning bush. This exchange provides a look at why God selected Moses as the leader to free His people: God said, “…And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” And God said, “I will be with you….” (Exodus 3:9-12) Initially, Moses failed to see his spiritual markers pointing to his calling. I want to reach through the pages of scripture and say, “Moses, look back at your life through God’s heavenly vantage point! All the baby boys were being killed, but your wise mother placed you into a floating basket; your older sister followed that basket to ensure your safety; when the basket landed at the feet of the Pharaoh’s daughter, she didn’t kill you; rather, she took you into her royal palace. When she needed a wet-nurse, your sister brought in your own mother for the job to ensure your safety, to influence and train you! She helped you maintain your Jewish identity so when you were grown, you interceded to help a fellow Israeli and


Having discovered peace and focus in her life, Pam is motivated to help women everywhere uncover their potential through a life of confidence and courage. somehow escaped to safety in Goshen, married a Jewish wife, and tended sheep for her father—when one day, the Angel of the Lord appeared to you in a burning bush, calling you to go tell Pharaoh, “Let my people go!” Moses was uniquely prepared to lead His people home to the Promised Land. When you look back on your own life, you will find your home through: • Unique training that God can use for His purposes. • Unique pain that God can turn into a platform for ministry. • Unique gifting, talents, and skills that God can use to further His mission. • Unique experiences God builds on to prepare you to walk through the open doors He creates. When we scan the life of the Messiah and walk in His footsteps, we see some pivotal markers: His birth in Bethlehem to fulfill prophesy; at 12 years of age, His wise-beyond-his-years interactions with the priests at the temple; the dove at His baptism proclaiming, “This is my son in whom I am well pleased;” the first miracle at Canaan of Galilee where He turned water into wine. These were just a few signs that the carpenter’s son from Nazareth was exceptional. “Home” to Christ was pointing people to their Father in heaven. When I look at my calling as a public speaker, I note these markers: My mom’s best friend saw the chaos of our life and invited our family to church.

There I saw what love looked like, and I wanted to know God. Jesus began to prepare me to be comfortable in front of a crowd: a lead dancer, a winning speech, head cheerleader. Then in college, a friend invited me to a meeting where I rededicated myself to Christ and gained a ministry mentor. I married my godly husband, Bill, and we began teaching together through Love-Wise ministry. What is home to you? Pray, then trace your life path, noting your past as a road sign to God’s path ahead —your “home.” “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Eph 2:10) Pam Farrel is author of more than 55 books including her newest: Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament: A Creative Bible Study Experience (coauthored with Jean Jones and Karla Dornacher) from Harvest House Publishers. Contact Pam: To download Pam’s gift to you: Discovering Your Home: Discerning Your Calling From God


new authors The Little Lump of Clay Dana S. Helton

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to millions of deaths worldwide, but it may be taking an even greater toll on mental health. Symptoms of anxiety and stress have surged and “could linger long after the pandemic has subsided,” according to A sense of purpose is key to the healthy development of children. “A study of 669 young people . . . found that a purpose in life predicted well-being . . . and was positively associated with self-image and negatively associated with delinquency,” writes Zoryna O’Donnel for And among four key aspects to promoting meaning and purpose in children’s lives, she includes spiritual growth. In The Little Lump of Clay, debut author Dana S. Helton explores this theme for young children, demonstrating that it’s never too soon to consider our life’s spiritual purpose. When her literally unformed main character arrives at the Master Potter’s studio, he dreams big about his destiny—but in a way that focuses on a limited goal rather than an ongoing, purposeful journey. Helton effectively translates the biblical metaphor of God as master potter into concrete terms young children can understand and enjoy as they identify with the little protagonist’s transformation from self-focus to big-picture service. With its whimsical characterizations and illustrations, Helton’s tale conveys a powerful and purposeful truth: that we are all God’s unique creations, made to flourish by serving Him in ways we might never even imagine. Dana S. Helton has worked in customer service and project management and spent many years involved with Sunday School, vacation Bible school, adult Bible studies, and church leadership. A mother of two and grandmother of two, she lives in Wilmington, North Carolina, where she enjoys gardening, crocheting, and spending time at the beach, especially with her grandchildren. Contact email:


The Sonic Warrior: Chronicles of a Top Gun Pioneer Kevin Smith

This aircraft was so incredibly fast, ushering in the era of the Sonic Warrior. Captain Kevin Smith’s The Sonic Warrior: Chronicles of a Top Gun Pioneer offers a riveting look at the legacy of the Navy Fighter Weapons School, founded by Captain Dan Pederson. Famously known as Top Gun, this elite fighter-pilot community was mission critical to delivering close-in-air combat training. Kevin Smith, a Sonic Warrior of distinction, helped lead the way in solving one of aviation’s greatest challenges. More than just a memoir or historical account of supersonic aviation, The Sonic Warrior provides a unique look into the thrills and challenges of flying supersonic-capable aircraft and of executing combat maneuvers at sonic speed. The Sonic Warrior provides insight for solving complex problems and optimizing human performance in any high-stress, intense, time-compressed scenario and is an inspiring study in leadership and critical thinking. Captain Kevin Smith was a Top Gun training pioneer during his distinguished twenty-five-year career in the United States Navy. Smith’s squadron provided advanced close-in-air-combat training for the initial deployment of the F-14 Tomcat aboard the USS Constellation. Captain Smith’s awards and commendations include a Seventh Fleet Citation. After retiring from the Navy, Captain Smith headed up the Advanced Qualification Program initiative to redesign airline pilot training, now utilized by every U.S. airline; consulted with Lockheed on the design of the F-22 Raptor crew station; and worked as a commercial airline pilot. He is also a speaker and author, specializing in critical thinking.

40 Days of Surrender: Learning to Give It All to God Jeanette Towne

My stubborn need for control tripped me up constantly. Maybe you can identify with author Jeanette Towne. She’d been a believer for years but knew there were areas of her life, especially her need for control, that held her back from true intimacy with God. Tired of good-enough faith, she devoted forty days to completely surrender through prayer, fasting, and allowing God to reveal areas of sin. The results changed her life. 40 Days of Surrender invites you to a deep dive, using the same steps that Jeanette took while learning to submit and give everything to God. Filled with personal stories and testimonies from other women who’ve completed forty days of surrender, this study encourages you to examine your faith, relationships, ministries, and areas of secret sin as you surrender to God. The format draws a parallel to Jesus’s time in the wilderness and focuses on these key elements: • prayer and meditation • fasting • identifying areas that trip you up spiritually • making purposeful changes that bring you closer to the Lord Get ready to discover the beautiful things that happen when you surrender. Jeanette M. Towne is the former president and CEO of a U.S.based technology corporation. Her one-man start-up company evolved into a thriving multimillion-dollar enterprise that was acquired by a global data corporation in 2020. Recently, Jeanette cofounded Stone Impact Media, an inspirational streaming film and production corporation. Jeanette previously published her memoir, Lifted From Darkness, and has completed a screenplay based on her miraculous journey. As a survivor of domestic violence who almost became a murder victim, Jeanette is passionate about educating and inspiring women to seek domestic freedom. She and her husband, Sam, have been married for over thirty years, sharing life with their four adult children, three amazing in-loves, and three absolutely perfect grandsons.

Living Uprooted: Encouragement for the Missionary Wife Mari Eygabroad

Mari Eygabroad was ready to be a single missionary in Ukraine, providing physical therapy for disabled children and education for their caregivers. But her meticulously laid plans were about to get a God-sized edit. When her senior pastor suggested she pray about marrying Bryan, a missionary pilot in Africa, she thought God was crazy. After much thought and prayer and scrolling through Bryan’s online social page, Mari chose to join him. And she was completely unprepared for the path God had laid before her. Mari and her husband were, in a sense, “paired up in a cramped cockpit, trying to figure out how to work, live, and be together all day, every day, without the luxury of a handbook.” This isn’t your average missionary story—this is a missionary manual for spouses who want to best support their husbands on the mission field. Written in a poignant and humorous tone, Living Uprooted: Encouragement for the Missionary Wife is the book the author wished she’d had and is intended to prepare the next missionary wife for her unique role in overseas missions. A former massage therapist, personal trainer, and physical therapist assistant, Mari Eygabroad planned to use these skills in Africa with her pilot/mechanic husband—however, God had a different calling. She was unequipped for the many hardships her family faced in those first years. But now, having served over eight years with Mission Aviation Fellowship, Mari and her husband will use her book, Living Uprooted, as a training manual for new missionaries, especially women preparing to go into missions alongside their husbands. She and her family live in Lesotho, Southern Africa.


Expanding to audio listeners


hen my memoir, Unwanted No More: From Exploited to Embraced by God, was released three breaths into our world’s shutting down from a global pandemic, all I could do was exhale a sigh of relief that I, BJ Garrett, was a published author. Before it was even released, people asked if my book would be available on audio. As an avid audiobook listener, I knew that providing it on audio would be essential to maximize its reach. Again and again came the same question, “Is this available on audio?” With each inquiry, I saw my next task become abundantly obvious. Unwanted No More needed to be recorded for audio listeners. I now understand the three primary types of readers. • The “I want the book in my hand” reader. • The E-book reader. • The audiobook listener.


The first reader likes the feel and smell of the book and the rustle of the pages as they turn. Their preference is to hold the bound copy in their hands as they immerse themselves into the story. E-book readers prefer the convenience of instant downloads, carrying a fully stocked library in the palm of their hands, and the ability to sync content between devices. Each of these readers will often dive into all three formats depending on what is readily available. In comparison, Audiobook listeners rarely read any book unless it is available in audio, which meant I was losing the potential of millions, and soon, over the next few years, billions of book lovers who would miss out on my memoir if it was not available on audio. This all changes on June 1 as Unwanted No More is released on audiobook.



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