All Things Magazine November 2021

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ALL THINGS magazine November 2021



Debbie Alsdorf



Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

November EDITION

4 Sometimes He Calms the Storm By Athena Dean Holtz

Founder & Publisher Redemption Press • She Writes for Him The All Things Magazine

God's Faithfulness Shines Here As the founder and publisher of Redemption Press and She Writes for Him, I am incredibly honored to walk alongside so many on their writing and publishing journeys. This last 18 months have been difficult at best, but I’ve seen God refine and shine as never before. The women of God I am blessed to co-labor with have incredible stories of redemption and restoration. The truth of Romans 8:28 is declared: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” It is gratifying to welcome onto this digital stage women who have been through dark days and difficult circumstances where hope was hard to find. These tough stories led and continue to lead each one to a deeper connection with the lover of their souls, and much good was worked by God as a result. In this quarterly digital publication, you will sense a recurring theme. Throughout this magazine the faithfulness of God will shine, as well as the many creative ways He has brought good out of pain and loss. We are honored to represent women from all walks of life whose stories inspire, encourage, and equip. May their stories bless you and be a resource you can pass on to others in need of the hope you find here. As 2021 wraps up, we anticipate exciting new endeavors, which include our first in-person event, Proclaim! As we partner with the Christian Communicators and the Christian Product Expo to host a world-class training event for writers and speakers, under the banner of She Writes and Speaks, we are in awe of the faithfulness of God and are honored to be entrusted with this task. From all of us at Redemption Press and She Writes for Him, God bless you all as you enter the most joyous time of the year and prepare your hearts for 2022!


© 2021 All Things Magazine is published quarterly and is available free of charge. All materials are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.

By Carol Tetzlaff

5 Unwanted No More By B. J. Garrett

6 Cover Story


8 New Author Features 10 Finding Joy in the Presence of God 12 Writers' Conference ALL THINGS MAGAZINE

Sometimes He Calms the Storm By Carol Tetzlaff

The past few days have brought cloudy skies and rain showers to our desert home. I love a good Arizona storm, the billowing clouds, the pitter-patter of the drops against the windows, and the rolling thunder with flashes of light. Rain brings such refreshment to our dry dwelling. But last night while I slept, that same storm that brought me much pleasure during the day ushered in feelings of dread in the dark. The clouds were undetectable in the midnight sky as the heavy rains pounded the windows, awakening us from our deep sleep. The symphony of rage in the unseen night sky brought a sharp contrast within my response to the sweet melody of the daytime storm. The difference is simplé, it’s the absence of light. Darkness makes everything scary! The account from the Gospels of the disciples on their boat in the middle of the storm brings understanding to my own plight. As their boat is tossed about by the wind and waves, they are fearful for their lives. Panic has stricken them, and they are doing all they can to keep their boat upright in the torrential sea. When all hope seems lost, in the


darkened distance they see a figure walking towards them. They may have thought that death had come to usher them into the sea, but then they heard a familiar voice calling to them. “Don’t be afraid – it’s Me.” Jesus was walking towards them amid the raging storm. This is when Peter jumps overboard and walks on the sea. As he looks to the waves beating against him, he falls below the water’s surface, soon to be rescued by Jesus. But that’s not the part of the story that amazes me. As Jesus and Peter get into the boat with the rest of the disciples, the violent storm still surrounds them. It’s after Jesus calms His disciples that the winds cease and the waters became calm. I can only imagine the glistening moon reappearing in the sky, ushering in a bright light on the little boat frozen in the middle of the placid sea. And on that boat … 12 men staring into the face of the One who brought stillness to their storm even before the waves stopped. The only response recorded are these words: “Surely, this is the Son of God.” The Light of the world. The One who, within the dark storms of our lives, shines a light that reveals His promises. The storm may continue to rage, but Jesus will calm His child in

the midst of the storm. In the storms of this world the natural reaction is fear and panic, but I serve a God who ushers in peace and security. When all seems dark, we can trust the One who is the Light. “God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness” (1 John 1:5). Even though the rains will fall again today, we will not sink into the sea of despair, for we know the One who can calm the storm. Yet while it still rages, He will calm His child! As of 2021, Carol spends most of her time serving on the team of the publishing house - Redemption Press where she has the incredible privilege of leading the events and trainings. It’s so much fun and doesn’t even feel like work! In her free time, you’ll find her spending time with gals of all ages simply talking about life and how Jesus changes everything. Her heart beats with a passion for discipleship as she watches them dance through each stage of their journey! Her first Bible study was published in June of this year: “Ezra: Unleashing the Power of Praise.” The theme of this study resonates in her every breath: May the story of her life be found as worship in His eyes! Carol lives in Gilbert, AZ with her husband. She has a passion to serve women and lead them to the heart of the Father. She does this at Redemption Press as well as in her writing and speaking creating content that makes the Word APPROACHABLE as she invites the listener into His story!

"I can still feel the emptiness in my heart" Garrett discovers self-worth in God By B.J. Garrett

As a preteen shattered by a sexually abusive father and an absent mother, B. J. Garrett is left unprotected, unloved, and unwanted by the people who should have loved her most. Instead, BJ finds herself wanted by the wrong people for the worst reasons. Her search for self-worth leads to sexual promiscuity and unplanned pregnancies, which only further warp her view of love, leaving a trail of broken relationships. It's not until losing everything to the blaze of a house fire that the course of BJ's life takes a turn toward a God whose love is pure. With the shadow of shame lifted by her newfound faith, BJ makes a startling discovery—she's been wanted all along, and her new love-filled life

comes with a call to ministry. Written with soul-searching vulnerability, this story shows that regardless of what you've done or what's been done to you, there is hope and redemption in a relationship with Jesus. Unwanted No More reminds you that no matter how ugly your past, you can experience unconditional, beautiful love and a life of purpose. B. J. Garrett is a speaker and award-winning author. She holds an associate of divinity degree from the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary, and she has served in church ministries as a youth director, singles director, missions director, and women's ministry team leader. She previously served as the executive director for the Christ-centered Abortion Recovery & Education ministry and now is on the acquisitions team for Redemption Press. BJ and her husband, Jay, live in Texas and enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren. To book BJ for your next event, visit


cover story

Thanks-Living Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Grateful" is a word that seemed to mock me every time I saw it on the plaque in our bedroom. It wasn’t that I disagreed with living a life of thanks – it’s just that I was grumbling more than being grateful. As we began 2020, it was my husband’s chosen word for the year. He looked for ways to be thankful, refusing to be discouraged even in the most frustrating of times. If 2020 confirmed anything, besides a toilet paper shortage, it made me realize that I am not good at being grateful when things are hard or disappointing. I hate to admit it, but I am very good at spiraling down — perhaps even expert at it. Finding myself miserable and lonely during pandemic life, I knew that something had to change. Since I could not control the circumstances, I knew the change had to start with me. I already knew how to be negative—I was in need of learning something different. And so it began— a crash course of intentional thankfulness regardless of circumstances. Living with a thankful heart is a decision I can make daily. Gratitude is an act of obedience to God’s will for us and a practice that stems from a conviction that I have a heavenly Father who knows everything I need. Gratitude is giving attention to what is present and working rather than what is absent and ineffective. And, just like faith, gratitude can be cultivated and become an attitude we learn to live in. It’s disciplining the mind and learning to live up, framing each circumstance with the truth of God’s love, rather than spiraling down in insecurity, fear, or worry. Worry is a choice just like gratitude is a


choice. Both are based in what we choose to believe and who we choose to trust. I can deceive myself by believing my spinning thoughts are proactive and responsible. But my negative spinning and framing is not proactive or responsible—it is worry, and Jesus said that the unbelievers do this, not those who belong to Him (Matthew 6). When I overthink, I under-trust and live like I’m on my own. Under-trusting can lead us to a place of ungratefulness. When we aren’t thankful, we might recognize some of the following in us: • Predicting the worst: the negative forecast we call worry. • Feeling entitled: gratitude expands joy; entitlement shrinks it. • Filling the days with excessive noise:


preoccupation with urgency. • Focusing on the negative: chewing on the bad like a dog with a bone. • Not paying attention to the positive: forgetting all you do have. • Overindulgence in the media: news, books, sales, internet information. • Disconnected from God: connection breeds thankfulness. We always have a choice. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Paul reminds us that with God’s help we can learn to control our thoughts. Life is not always good. But in everything we are to give thanks, because God is with us in everything. Giving thanks leads me to the joy and peace I have always longed for. It’s taken me a long time to be consistent with this spiritual practice of ThanksLiving, but every day I get to practice aligning with God’s will for me—and it’s more than just a holiday, a word for the year, or a message on a cute little plaque. Giving thanks in all things is a lifestyle, a conviction, and a spiritual practice that changes everything. There are days that I fail miserably. But I pick myself up and realize that growth in any area doesn’t happen overnight but over time. As Thanksgiving approaches, I am reminded of the powerful way thanks and praise have been changing my life — and for that I am grateful. Debbie Alsdorf is an author, speaker, pastoral lay counselor, and life coach. Her mission is to help women live a better story. She is the author of 14 books, several Focus on the Family curriculums, featured in four compilation books, and is one of the Bible teachers on the National Aspire Women’s Events Tour. She has been featured on The Today Show, Focus on the Family, Billy Graham radio, Charles Stanley Insight for Living, and many podcasts. She is also the community manager for the Redemption Press She Writes for Him Tribe, encouraging others to fulfill God’s dream for them. Debbie and her husband, Ray, share an empty nest in Arizona. They have raised a blended family of four children who have blessed them with ten little ones who affectionately call her Grammy. Together they enjoy ministering to couples, traveling, finding new restaurants, and their two crazy but much loved dogs. Connect with Debbie online at

The Faith Dare: 30 Days to Live Your Life to the Fullest by Debbie Alsdorf Great way to build your relationship with Christ A few years ago, I saw Debbie at a retreat in Prescott, AZ. She is a wonderful, inspiring speaker, so I knew her book would be equally inspiring. Well, that is an understatement. This book has kept me going and growing in Christ in this uncertain world of 2020. I recently switched jobs and have found myself overwhelmed and really disliking my new position. This book has helped me find my joy and given me strength to work out my contract. I haven't stuck to the 30 days exactly, but that doesn't matter. I am almost finished, and when I am done, I will read it again. This is a great buy and would make a great gift for someone.

Deeper: Living in the Reality of God's Love by Debbie Alsdorf

We often believe things about ourselves that do not line up with God's truth. We think our worth is based on performance or possessions, that we have to be perfect to be loved, or that we're too ordinary to be used by God. Deeper tears down these lies and teaches women to replace them with four truths from Psalm 139. God knows me, He protects me, He made me, He values me. Using compelling narrative and Scripture, Deeper helps women transform their lives by trusting in the reality of God's love. Instead of striving for perfection and worth, readers can rest in the truth that they are his.

this book

Highly recommend

Debbie Alsdorf writes a deeply personal book about living in the reality of God's love. She shares practical application of how this looks in the lives of broken, hurting women. Her personal illustrations serve to display the work of a God who cares about His children and is intimately involved in their lives. I highly recommend this book to any woman who wants a glimpse into the heart of a loving, caring, personal God.


new authors

Rise and Rejoice Heather Murdock

Becoming Revolutionary Analisa Turnow & Jillian Marie

We tend to remember Eve for her sin. She gave into temptation and doubted God’s plan, yet God did not define Eve by her sin. And neither does He define you by your mistakes. Thankfully, Eve’s life did not end with her decision to eat the forbidden fruit or with her ensuing shame, guilt, and hiding. She experienced God’s unconditional love and mercy, which left her praising God and becoming the mother of the future generation. She became revolutionary. Through the lens of Eve, Becoming Revolutionary will lead you through purposeful self-reflection to help you overcome your own mistakes and discover the revolution of hope and freedom offered by Jesus. Analisa Turnow is founder of Ellis Ministries, a nonprofit organization with the mission to love the broken, equip believers, and ignite passion. Through the ministry, she has spoken to and taught hundreds of women at conferences and retreats to help them find their identity in Christ. She also serves as a high school transition specialist and works alongside her family on their organic farm. Jillian Marie enjoys speaking engagements at women’s conferences through Ellis Ministries. She also writes Bible studies and focuses on living each day with purpose and looking at every opportunity with hope and love. She works as a physician assistant and also enjoys a career in education.


Jesus’s supernatural grace runs deeper than our human scars. And perhaps you only allow Him into the shallow, safe spaces. But you want and expect more from Him. If you are longing for deeper connection that will truly satisfy the soul, then this six-week Bible study is for you. Rise and Rejoice meets you right where you are and gently guides you toward healing and empowerment to feast on the grace of Jesus. This Bible study invites you to connect with Jesus, recognize your greatest need, discover your greatest opportunity, identify the enemy’s lies, and uncover your purpose. Be supernaturally infused with strength through your union with the Lord Jesus. Will you come to the table so you can rise and rejoice in all that Jesus has done for you? A woman of influence, Heather Murdock infuses passion, leadership, and culture shaping in everything she does—with a focus on helping women experience freedom. Check out her upcoming podcast Living Free with Heather Murdock. For several years as a Celebrate Recovery ministry leader, she nurtured hurting hearts toward freedom in Christ. Although she travels the country and world as vice president for a global manufacturing tech company, developing leaders and culture, her greatest joy is speaking and writing, and her passion is kingdom discipleship. She and her family live in Placerville, CA, and they serve in their local church. Her Rise and Rejoice Ministries focuses on discipleship, leadership, and worship songwriting.

Because He First Fed Us The Messy Narrow Road Vicky J. Wedel

Are you a weary traveler on life’s messy road? Do you find the Christian life exhausting, lacking joy, or purpose? It could be that you think the road is paved with rigid expectations. Find the true freedom, grace, and mercy in a life of dependence on the One who loves you most and is calling you to Himself. The forty devotions and paired original poems inside this book will draw you closer to the One who walks with us through life’s difficulties. Learn to: • Draw strength from the attributes of God in any difficulty • Meet the challenge of change • Wait well • Stay in your own lane. Practical and inspirational encouragement for hard times and good, this volume is filled with Scripture, and centered in the character of God. Vicky is a follower of Christ, wife, mother, and a 35-year veteran of the messy narrow road. She is dedicated to continue learning God's Word, character, and heart. The Lord has used Bible Study Fellowship, Celebrate Recovery, and trials as training ground for growth. She loves to encourage others and offer struggling travelers a helping hand by sharing what God has taught her in the mess.

Anita Hinkeldey McVey

Before God created mankind, He created a garden. God was preparing a meal for us before we arrived. He gave us our senses to fully appreciate and enjoy this world. He gave us our family and friends and opportunities to share with each other and with strangers. And He gave us His Word. Food is a love language. It nourishes, heals, comforts, and delights the body and the soul. There is a way to make delicious food even better: share it. When food is transformed into a meal, it becomes love in action. All the senses are engaged: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Memories are revived. Stories are told. Gratitude is expressed. Conversation’s flow and wisdom is gleaned. Even the dirty dishes have a story to tell. This book contains thirty lighthearted devotions highlighting ordinary meals found in the Bible that reveal extraordinary messages. Each one is paired with a personal anecdote to show that God speaks to us in bite-sized pieces of wisdom, easily digestible truths, sometimes hardto-chew incriminations, and heaping helpings of grace. These messages are served with the greatest hospitality ever known and a side of humor. Let’s eat! Anita Hinkeldey McVey grew up in northwest Iowa on a steady diet of faith, family, and food. Her passion for cooking and gardening inspired her to create a blog, Picnic Life Foodie, where she shares her favorite recipes and the fond memories they bring to mind. Anita and her husband, Marty, live on an acreage in central Iowa with a large garden, a fishing pond, and an energetic hunting dog named Stark.


Finding Joy in the Presence of God By Carole Leathem he had to retire early, and our lives changed completely. We sold the house we loved, downsized, and moved into a small apartment attached to my daughter's house. I lost my identity as a wife, a pastor's wife, and my relationships with friends and my "How do you find joy when your life children changed. is such a mess?" It took two years, but in 2018, at 4:00 "I take time every day to brew my a.m., standing at my kitchen counter, coffee" is my go-to answer when putting a pod into my coffeepot, I'm asked that question. I admit that I finally said the words out loud: there are days when knowing a good "My husband struggles with mental cup of coffee is waiting for me in the illness." When the words left my lips, kitchen is the only thing that gets me I heard God say to me, I know, my out of bed. sweet girl, come out into the garden I add, "I’m on a journey to find joy and sit with me. Yes, God talks to me. when life doesn't go as planned, and I'm never sure if it's an audible voice it starts every day with brewing my anyone else can hear, but I hear it all coffee." the time. I grabbed my cup and my In our "I want it now" society, we Bible that morning and walked out have created all kinds of methods for into my garden. getting to that first cup of coffee in the As I sat sipping my coffee and morning fast. A selling point for most listening as the world began waking coffee makers is how quickly they will up, I asked God, "What happened to get your cup filled. I have become a my life?" His answer: "You stopped pour-over girl. The process of brewing asking for My help and started taking my coffee every morning is a reset for control!" God's words surprised me me and goes like this: because I felt like it was my job to find • Boil the water to the optimal answers for everything related to temperature my husband's survival. I had to keep • Grind the beans to the perfect him safe, figure out his medications, consistency and most of all, protect him. I began • Place them in the pour-over listing out loud all the things I was funnel now responsible for, asking God, "How • Slowly add the water, swirling can You say that I stopped asking for around the edges Your help?" I went on to tell God that • Wait morning all the things I now did for It takes time and patience for me to Him. I read my Bible every morning, get to that first delicious sip. You're I taught Bible studies and life groups probably asking yourself this question every week, and I told everyone how right about now: "How does brewing He kept showing up in miraculous your morning coffee lead to finding ways to take care of us. joy in the presence of God?" I'm glad God's answer was, "You're so busy you asked! doing, trying to fix everything. My In 2016 my life fell apart. My sweet girl, you have started telling husband, a pastor for over 30 years, Me all that you're doing or going to do had a breakdown. He began to for Me and stopped, asking Me what I struggle with anxiety and depression. want you to do. What I want is for you When suicidal thoughts joined in, to have coffee and sit with Me, focus on 10

Me and listen." I told God, "I'm going to need another cup of coffee to process this new information." God's response, "Start with the coffee! I want you to dig your electric kettle, pour-over funnel, and coffee beans out of the cabinet. Slow down and take the time to brew your coffee." As I stood waiting for the water to boil, my conversation with God continued. He gently reminded me that if I am too busy to brew my coffee, then I'm probably just going through the motions in every other way, including my daily time with Him. As I picked up the steaming cup and walked back outside, I felt relaxed, as I anticipated spending the next few moments with God. I have come to cherish my morning ritual of brewing the coffee and talking to God. As my schedule has gotten busier, I now have a travel setup complete with a foldable electric kettle and pour-over funnel that goes with me everywhere. Why? As I brew my coffee each morning, no matter where in the world I happen to be, I am preparing my heart for my daily coffee date with God. Carole Leathem was a Hollywood commercial actress and pastor’s wife. When her husband developed anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, Carole began sharing the chaos and messiness that comes when caring for someone with a mental illness. Through her ministry, Carole’s Journey, she encourages and uplifts hundreds of women all over the country with her flair for storytelling and raw transparency. Carole and her husband, Bill, live in Bakersfield, CA., and are the parents to two grown miracle children and grandparents to seven grandchildren. Carole is passionate about sharing her story with those God puts in her life. She loves spending time at the beach, especially Maui, and never tires of visiting Disneyland. Carole is the new director of marketing services and public relations for Redemption Press.



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