Living Faith Out Loud Magazine

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dorothy p wilson T

hese challenging times we’re living in can steal our joy — and our purpose — if we don’t stay focused. The truth is there likely will always be resistance and obstacles when we push forward to expand God’s purpose held inside of us. We must make a conscious choice daily to live our faith louder, to make a real impact in the world. There is so much need — and we have so many gifts and resources to help fill those needs. Set aside distractions and push forward in what God is leading you to do. Be intentional about leaving a legacy of faith and perserverance. Know for sure that you will be inspiring many others around you.

“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” — Mark 9:23





Driven to spread the hope of Jesus


he world admires a person, who, when downed by the circumstances of life, picks himself up, dusts himself off, and keeps moving. But when a person who has found himself in a deep, dark valley allows the very hand of God to lift him up and set him on his God-directed path, the world better brace itself and watch out, because that person is living his faith out loud. Jesse Bradley is that person. A former non-believer until he was in college, Jesse has lived a life that on the surface looked enviable but in reality was deeply lacking. His story is one of physical and spiritual struggle and of overcoming every challenge and setback that stood between him and the path God had

planned for him. Today, he and his wife, Laurie, are spreading the hope of Jesus around the world. We recently spoke with Jesse, asking him to tell us about what he’s doing and to explain the journey that led him to live his faith out loud. WHO IS JESSE BRADLEY?

Jesse Bradley is a pastor, author, speaker, and former professional soccer player. After graduating from Dartmouth College (where he came to know Jesus), Jesse played overseas in Scotland and Zimbabwe. A tragic illness ended his career, and he was fighting for his life for one year. It took ten years for him to fully recover, and God redirected Jesse into ministry. He is the senior pastor at Grace Community Church ( in Seattle, and he leads outreach with a movement of 100 churches and ministries there. Serving as an adoption advocate, a former syndicated radio host and regular media guest are some of the ways Jesse spreads hope. He has twice appeared on Good Morning America, and has appeared on Daystar, Fox Sports and other networks. Jesse has written several books and collaborates with the Seattle Sounders and Tacoma Stars for faith and family nights. Jesse and Laurie have four children, a patient dog, and a noisy hamster. WHY HE IS LIVING HIS FAITH LOUDER

“According to the Census bureau, 48% of Americans feel hopeless during a pandemic,” Bradley says. “The University of Copenhagen reported that there are an unprecedented number of online searches for the word “prayer” in over 75 countries. People are searching and starving for real hope.” He is making an impact through a media ministry reaching many millions of people through radio, television, podcasts, and online content and interviews. HIS SUCCESS

Bradley’s collaboration with global media outreach, World Vision, YouVersion, and many television stations and ministries have been so fruitful. “In Seattle, we are working together by distributing

food and resources, offering drive-through prayer, holding an invitation weekend and a serve-our-city event, and doing many other tangible ways to support our communities,” he says. “We have seen many thousands of people begin a relationship with Jesus through online campaigns and outreach events.” “We are mobilizing people to love and bless their neighbors.” HIS KEY MESSAGE

“The hope of Jesus is a foundation, not a feeling. It is available to everyone. It is powerful and transformative daily and eternally.” “A relationship with Jesus is so much more than just religion, rules, and rituals. It cannot be contained to one hour on Sunday morning or to one building. It includes every day and every place and being on mission together where we live, work, learn, and play.” “God loves, knows, and pursues us before we ever respond to Him. We learn to abide with Jesus and respond in the power of the Holy Spirit.” STRUGGLES FACED AND OVERCOME

“I took a prescribed medication on a weekly basis to prevent malaria. This built up toxic levels in my system. The most serious physical symptoms included a racing heartbeat of 160 beats per minute while I was resting, atrial flutter, murmur, skipped beats, and pain in the left side of my chest day and night. There were emotional side effects as well, including panic attacks and waves of depression. I learned that every day is a gift from God, and we cannot take our health for granted. The greatest experiences in our life can emerge from the worst circumstances. Pain can lead to a new passion and purpose. God transformed my identity, mindset, habits, relationships, and career. There is often a crushing before the anointing as we learn to rely on God in the deepest way.” JESSE’S DEFINING MOMENT

“Growing up, I did not believe that God existed. There are two stories in our lives: the outside story LFOL MAGAZINE 2022

that people see, and the inside story, which people do not fully understand. My life looked like success on the outside -- with strong academics, soccer championships, friends and parties. On the inside, I could not figure out what was missing. I took an introduction to religion class my freshman college year, and I read the Bible for the first time. The professor was not a follower of Jesus and tried to undermine the Bible. God’s Word can soften the hardest heart. I had dozens of questions about Jesus, and a patient friend named Mike humbly answered them. In my sophomore year, I decided to put my trust in Jesus, and it was the greatest decision of my life. I knew that my sins were forgiven; I have peace with God, and I will be with God forever in heaven when I die because I have eternal life. I began to walk around campus with a song of joy in my heart, and it continues today” “We are adopted into God’s family through Jesus. When Laurie and I adopted our son, it was one of the most meaningful days of my life. I’m so grateful for our family.”

WHAT’S NEXT “We will hold a gospel experience night February 24,

gathering people across the Pacific Northwest.

March 27 Is faith and family night with a Tacoma star. We have a strengthening your marriage event and a 30-day video series available at All content is free including a series that delivers a practical roadmap for finding hope. CONNECT WITH JESSE AT JESSEBRADLEY.ORG


• God does His greatest work in the darkest moments. • The power of the second thought: you can intentionally replace your first thought with something that is full of truth and love. • Clarity is kindness, and you cannot have enough clarity and communication with team goals and collaboration. • What you do is not who you are, and performance is an identity trap. • You have to say no to the status quo in order for goals to gain momentum. • Find what sets your soul on fire; identify the mountains that you will die on and what is worth your time talent and treasure. • Decide between comfort or growth, pride or glorifying God, excuses or a plan. The world says to try harder and to white knuckle your way through it, but God declares He is with you and will be powerful in your weakness.




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Mississippi couple launches

City Calling initiative




usiness Empowered International Chamber of Commerce has launched a revolutionary program that has the ability to bring transformation to cities around the globe. City Calling is on a mission to help others answer the call to transform and empower their city. City Calling is a faith-based initiative that is designed to help citizens, community, and governmental leaders to (1) become fully aware that their city’s existence is because they hold the master key as residents to change the trajectory of its growth and development and (2) to answer the call to transform their city by walking out their God-given purpose. (3) to unite individuals from all walks of life to prayer. Business Empowered International Chamber of Commerce and Business Empowered Mississippi Chamber of Commerce’s vision and mission has always been to empower business and ministry leaders with Christ-centered principles so that they can empower those who are in their sphere of influence. With the City Calling initiative we now have the blueprint see transformation happening one city at a time.

Dr. Amos says, “We want every man, woman, boy and girl living their best lives faithfully and with intentionality in their identity, purpose and calling because this is the seedbed for city transformation.” Dr. Kathy Amos and her husband Dr. Joe started a city transformation initiative in their city in 2013 called Blessing Canton Week, a city transformation revival in the Canton courtyard square of Canton, MS. They brought families, churches, community, and governmental leaders together to worship and pray under the big tent. Each year, they moved the tent across the city in various neighborhoods which took some of the pastors out of their comfort zone. City Calling is phase two of what they anticipate on doing in their community and beyond.




Matthew House founder launching new book “Disrupting the Status Quo” set to release in March

Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson


r. Sanja Rickette Stinson, visionary for a new book releasing in March, is the founder and CEO of Matthew House, Inc., which provides daytime services to homeless citizens. In its 30 years of existence under Dr. Stinson’s leadership, the organization has grown from delivering essential services to providing seventy-three units of permanent supportive housing. Dr. Stinson stresses that homelessness is an experience that people go through, not a label that defines who they are. 10

In addition to serving as the founding CEO of Matthew House, Dr. Stinson is an author, cleric, and entrepreneur. She holds roots in a generational legacy of entrepreneurship and ministry, having been raised by her entrepreneurial parents, Gus and Mary Rickette, who founded Uncle Remus Saucy Chicken on Chicago’s west side. mDr. Sanja grew up with a profound respect for business and humanity, and these ethics translated

ABOUT HER NEW BOOK “This book is about everyday women who step out in faith and challenge every aspect of their purpose with a zeal to disrupt the status quo and crush the mediocrity that held them back. The stories within this book are written by ordinary women, including a business owner, nonprofit executive, ministers, coaches, a trainer, teachers, mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers. Their decision to be driven by their entrepreneurial quest and move beyond their comfort zone has propelled them to become authorpreneurs, challenging and disputing the status quo while consistently crushing mediocrity.”

into a strong advocacy for the merger of marketplace and ministry -- values she reveres as priceless. She is the founder of Dr. Sanja’s Coaching & Consulting, which assists both profit and nonprofit businesses, and she specializes in helping entrepreneurial women over the age of forty to build the confidence to propel lasting legacies. She is also the founder of Women on the Frontline International Fellowship, which helps women find and walk in their purpose. She is an ordained minister serving as the apostolic covering for various ministries and churches. Dr. Stinson the founding pastor of Victory & Grace Christian Church Chicago and serves as the apostolic covering for True Love Christian Church-Chicago while overseeing two churches: one in Ghana, West Africa; and other in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After spending six impactful years as the host of the weekly internet television program, “Women on the Frontline,” Dr. Stinson in 2019 founded, as part of the BGK Network, the Ruach Covenant Channel, creating a platform to assist micro-ministries in spreading the Word of God through media, using innovative and state-of-the-art technology. She has authored two books, Hidden Impact, a collaborative project

with the Women on the Frontline, released in 2018; and Vision Unleashed ~ Legacy Ignited, released in March 2020. Dr. Stinson is also a number-one bestselling author of the book, Possibilities Unlimited, an anthology project with the legendary Les Brown and international speaker, Dr. Cheryl Wood. Dr. Stinson earned her bachelor’s degree from DePaul University, a Master of Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary, a Master of Education from Concordia University, and a Doctor of Ministry from Northern Theological Seminary. Influenced by the belief of purpose being birthed in the lives of others, Dr. Stinson shows no signs of stopping. When she is not out exhorting the world to live out their life’s vision, she is an asset to her communal body and a loving member of her family and friendship circles. Website:


Charmaine Rickette

Debra Vines

Gina Lamar Evans Dr. Nathalie Lilavois

Rockkeya Gaston

Christine Bowen

Deborah C. Anthony Kearn Cherry LITERARY COACH


Wynona Redmond


Sherry Capet

Toya L. Garner


Cheryl Boone


Doreetha Wheatley

Dorothy P. Wilson ELITE CO-AUTHOR


Suzan Brown

Sherri Allen-Reeves

Desiree Fleming

Tia Monet Singleton

Cheryl Thibault

Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson VISIONARY AUTHOR

Stories of recovery and triumph be inspired and empowered to break invisible chains so you can discover your identity, healing and

hope in Christ.

Liz Hoop Project Visionary

Dr. Tamara McCarthy Unshakeable faith



veryone will have a varying definition of faith; mine is when you have complete trust in God! Nothing and nobody can come between that; there is no Eve moment! The serpent can’t come in your ear whispering nothing to you, because you’re going to have your Bible ready for him. What do I mean by that? When the enemy swept Jesus away to tempt Him; Jesus gave him Bible!

Crushing shouldn’t always be viewed as the end of something; but the beginning of something that is going to change the outlook and the pinnacle of your life.

He was unwavering in His Faith and we should be the same way.

So many trials and tribulations tried to get me off course; but I kept my faith intact and you know what? God showed up and showed out because His word will never return to him void. I had to build my faith muscles up. I didn’t start here; but I was determined to get here.

Does your mouth match your heart, soul, spirit, mind, and body? You can speak with your mouth that you believe in God and you can have faith in Him; but does your soul, spirit, mind, and body agree with that statement? If you speak those words your actions have to match! Your walk has to match! You can’t speak it and not live it! Have you read the book of Job? When you read through the chapters; you find out that Job was taken through the fire! He lost a lot!

The season that I’ve been in the past few years is one where people that were friends became foes. My money started looking a little funny. Opportunities would come and go. Family issues would try and overtake me. Lies and rumors tried to tarnish my good name. Folks would try to tell me I wasn’t who I know God called me to be. My gifts were being downplayed or being taken for granted.

At those times when it was low, or I was in a battle to keep it, I reminded myself of people in the Bible and how they amplified their faith. Daniel! Job! David! Samuel! Hannah! Moses! Abraham! I couldn’t allow the enemy to steal not one more thing from me! No matter how it looks or feels, my faith will be unshakable because I know who I serve and who I am with Him!

His friends believed he did something wrong and even his wife doubted him! But through it all Job kept his faith in God and his blessings were multiplied! He got double for his trouble. Why would your situation or mine be any different? If God did it for Job, why not for us? Sometimes you have to be crushed in order to rebuild … to refocus … to re-adjust!! If everything is going well in your life.then what do you need God for? What do you needfaith for? Some of us need to be reminded of who and what got us to the heights we have reached! The tables we have sat at! The places we have been! 16

ABOUT MCCARTHY Dr Tamara McCarthy is a pastor, Christian author of 25 books, Christian writer, Christian blogger, Christian podcaster, certified Christian life coach, single mom and kingdom servant.

Dr. Shelia Sapp Emerging stronger


r. Shelia Sapp had high expectations following her retirement as an educator in June 2017. As owner and founder of Sheila E. Cares Educational Consulting and Services, LLC, Shelia had the groundwork laid for success. She envisioned becoming a sought-after presenter and speaker. She expected her inbox to be flooded with offers and invitations and for people to clamor to her workshops, seminars, and trainings. She expected the pandemic to be over and for life to be back to normal. But, says Shelia, “Nothing happened the way I expected, planned, and envisioned. I started becoming very frustrated, discouraged, doubtful, and disappointed. How could I be a consultant, an encourager, and promoter of unfulfilled dreams for others when the light before me was gone?” This season, however difficult it was for her, gave her insight and a deeper understanding of the kinds of struggles she helps others to overcome. She explains: “Your path seems cluttered with uncertainty, fear, anxiety, and seeds of doubt. Procrastination and perfectionism have reared their ugly heads, despite your attempts to block them. You avoid and shy away from conversations with family and friends. You’re afraid they’ll see through the mask of confidence you are wearing. You say everything is fine when that is far from the truth. What do you do when there is no light at the end of your tunnel? How do you continue your walk when your goal has not manifested yet?” Having emerged from this season stronger and wiser, she uses her lessons learned to help others persevere and be fruitful during any season of their lives. She says the first step is to accept and acknowledge whatever season a person is in. “You will learn more about yourself and your character when circumstances and situations are challenging. Spend time reflecting and meditating on God’s words. Be willing to face hard truths about yourself.” This, she 18

says, might require the assistance of a life coach or professional who can offer objectivity and problem-solving skills. “Pray for discernment, knowledge, and understanding. It is extremely important to align your goal (s) and purpose with God’s will for your life. He will provide clarity, direction, and guidance. Once your goal or purpose is in alignment with His will and purpose, you will experience a sense of inner peace and a renewed spirit welling inside — hope.” Sapp points out that hope and faith work hand in hand. “We need both operating together to give us courage and the drive to steadily move forward toward a goal that is a vision. The fact that your goal or goals have not manifested yet does not mean they will never appear,” she says. For Sapp, trusting, obeying, and waiting on God’s timing have increased her patience and endurance. “My purpose is to encourage you to persevere even when your project, program, or ministry is not where you want or expect it to be. Let your focus be on God, hope, and faith. Remember, we are to walk by faith and not by sight.” Today, she lives her faith out loud by posting positive messages on social media, encouraging others to persevere and accomplish unfulfilled dreams and projects. She also airs a podcast to help people become a better version of themselves and to spread God’s gospel. She has written magazine articles and was a co-author of two book anthologies. She has been a speaker at several churches, a Methodist women’s conference, served as an ombudsman, has spoken at a high school graduation and at an event for young, single mothers. Her goal is for her audiences to gain the courage and strength to persevere, regardless of their circumstances.

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The call to the marketplace


he clearest calls that many Christians can easily recognize are the ones into pastoral or missionary ministries particularly because of the nature of the work and their seemingly more explicit interactions with people along their faith journeys. However, the development of disciples, care for people and creation, as well as, the dedication of gifts to the service of God are not characteristics solely reserved for the pulpit or mission field. People of faith are called to be light regardless of the halls in which we stand or the titles that we hold. Jesus and the disciples were not excluded from the community. They met people in the synagogue and in the street. Jesus showed up in the marketplace as a carpenter. Peter was a fisherman. We encounter the world daily through the marketplace whether those interactions are on social media, via Zoom or inperson. There is always a need for Christians in the marketplace walking alongside people in different contexts and phases of life. Through our living those who may never walk into a sanctuary will encounter the love of Christ including in stores and shops owned by believers. CHRISTIAN MINISTRY VS SOCIAL ENTERPRISE VS CHRISTIAN OWNED-BUSINESS

With that being established, what are you called to do? There are multiple avenues through which God can use the faithpreneur. Here are a few: A Christian ministry has as its main activities the teaching of Christian tenets and/or service to others. If legally formed and recognized by theIRS, they are typically classified as nonprofit organizations and can accept donations. 22

A social enterprise is a for profit business that uses a portion of its profits to address social needs. For example Bombas, an apparel company, donates socks, underwear and t-shirts to homeless shelters. Every purchase equals a donation. It is a for profit that supports a social cause. A Christian-owned business is a for-profit business that is owned by a Christian. The entrepreneur’s guidance comes from God and their faith shapes how the business operates. The principles of ethics, honesty and integrity should be interwoven into the fabric of the business. TRUST GOD

If you endeavor into entrepreneurship, be clear on what you are creating. This will determine the structure and what is legally allowed through the organization. Just as important, it will help you write a clear vision. That clarity will translate into a concise explanation of the business mission, purpose and potential customers. Write the vision and make it plain. The easier it is to understand, the easier it will be for others to understand how they can help the business flourish. Understanding does not mean that you will know every step but be true to what God is leading you to create. It might not make sense but remember that what you are developing is a partnership with the greatest Creator. God sees what we haven’t had the privilege of seeing. Trust God’s leading and enjoy the process.


Walk past hell with visionary author



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My Walk Past Hell: vol 1 My Walk Past Hell: vol 2 THE MEN


personally stand behind the belief that businesses that have a spiritual foundation go farther faster. And I further state that faith and finance can (and should) peacefully coexist. I am clear that my Incredible Factor includes my personal relationship with God. One of the questions I get all of the time is this: “Hi Darnyelle. One of the things I like about you is that you’ve taken a clear stance for the importance of a spiritual foundation in business. Would you share your favorite bible verses and how you leverage them to experience growth in your life and business? At the end of the day, the spiritual beliefs and practices that we hold and share are what have the power to give us strength to run this race called entrepreneurship, especially when we desire to become million dollar CEOs. The fact is that only when we submit to our creator do we position ourselves to yield the results that will allow us to be more, have more and do more in every facet of our lives.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

22 SCRIPTURES FOR MILLIONS-MINDED ENTREPRENEURS FOR 2022 1. GENESIS 1:26 – Let us make man in our own image and likeness. That’s right you are created in the image and likeness of God. That means you are a god of the earth and you have the power to take dwominion and authority and subdue anything that threatens to derail your purpose. 2. JEREMIAH 1:5 – Before you were formed in your mother’s womb God approved you and called you prophet. This is actually the founding scripture of my company. I leverage this to help others step into their divine gift and talents and show them how to build wealth through entrepreneurship by leveraging them. 3. PROVERBS 10:22 - The Lord makes man rich and adds no sorrow with it. This means that you don’t have to hustle and grind to make more money in your business. You can add more grace and still see increase! 4. EPHESIANS 3:20 – He will do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask, think or imagine according to the power at work within us. Did that just make your spirit leap?! You have the power – you were given it before you were formed in your mother’s womb. That means you were created to do more (and you don’t have to hustle for it!) 5. COLOSSIANS 3:23-24 – Whatever you do, you it as unto the Lord and not unto man. For it is from the Lord your God you receive your inheritance. When you serve your clients like you are serving your father in heaven, the things you desire come effortlessly into your life experience.



Harmon is the award-winning CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, a multi-million-dollar coaching and consulting brand. Best known for transforming the lives of her business coaching clients and live event attendees, she has one mission – to normalize millions for today’s service-based entrepreneur. She is a 7-time best-selling author, the creator of 5 powerful business systems and the host of the newly rebranded to the Move To Millions Podcast with Dr Darnyelle J. Harmon. To learn more about

Darnyelle, visit

6. 2 KINGS 4: 1-7 – This is the story of the widow with the oil where she had nothing to pay her debtors and Elisha asked her what did she have. What you have is ready to be “sold” to meet your needs. This is the mandate to entrepreneurship and sales. 7. ROMANS 8:28 – All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. Entrepreneurship is an interesting place and it is often synonymous with failure and setback. But when you know that there is a purpose for your work and you are clear that you are on assignment you will remember that all things – even the bad things - are working for your good. 8. PSALM 37:4 - Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. My interpretation of this scripture is that when you delight yourself in the Lord, the desires in your heart were put there by Him. Yes, this means that He wants you to have a business and that He wants your business to be a success. Your job is to find time on a daily basis to experience His goodness and grace and express gratitude that your desires mirror His. 9. MATTHEW 7:7 - Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. This universal spiritual principle gets a lot of people in trouble. Truthfully it’s not enough to ask, you must believe and don’t doubt what you ask. For as soon as you do, you invite discord and misalignment to come into your life and business. 10. JAMES 2:26 - As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead. This rings so true for me, I personally believe that we need to give God something to bless which can only come through action. It’s not enough to believe we can build a thriving business, we have to take actions that are consistent and synonymous with results that breed success. 11. HABUKKAH 2:2 - And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Now, I love this scripture because if the vision [plan for your business] is written down you can take action [run] as you read it. Brilliant. Is anyone else excited that God thought of all of this for us entrepreneurs and business owners? 12. PROVERBS 29:18 - Where there is no vision, the people perish. If you are truly going to be a business owner, you have to have vision enough to make your business work. If you are not a forward thinking business owner, your business won’t live very long. 13. JEREMIAH 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. This scripture gives me such comfort and knowing that He’s already figured it all out gives me ammunition enough to keep taking action toward my goals. 14. PROVERBS 16:3 -Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. When you create a business idea and plan and share it with God, He can make sure thatyou accomplish it. There’s nothing like inviting

God to be a part of your business. 15. PHILIPPIANS 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. We have really only just begun when we take steps toward operating in our divine gifts and talents. If He started it (and He did) He will finish it. 16. MATTHEW 6:33 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Enough said, really. 17. PHILIPPIANS 4:6 Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Some feel that anxiety is a form of fear. I tend to agree. When you stop being afraid and instead pray and express gratitude, you position yourself to breakthrough your fears and unleash your Incredible Factor. 18. PROVERBS 23:7 - For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. If you believe that you will build a thriving business in your heart, you will. 19. 2 TIMOTHY 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. The bible tells us to “fear not” more than 100 times yet we still fear and let fear stop us from building big businesses and changing more lives. When you leverage power, love and a sound mind, you’ll truly usher transformation into the lives of others. 20. JOHN 10:10 -I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. This is what it’s all about – an abundant life experience. 21. DEUTERONOMY 8:18 -But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. You were born with the power to create wealth. Your company is your source of wealth. 22. 1 CORINTHIANS 15:58 – Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain. What I take from this verse is that even when my work isn’t producing the new client, I will keep pressing. As I never work in vain. There are so many powerful scriptures that speak to your business and give you guidance to accept your abundant birthright. It is my hope that these add value and bless your soul as you move your business forward.





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Introducing a few of the members of the FaithInspired Entrepreneurs online community, where faithled business owners grow and collaborate



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A Safe Place Clinical Counseling, PLLC is a private practice providing mental health treatment for adolescents, adults and couples dealing with symptoms of anxiety, depression and life adjustment issues. Treatment may be provided in an individual or group setting. Appointments are offered either in person or in a virtual setting.

With a non-judgmental and drama free approach, Her SHE Circle, Inc. is a support organization that offers empowerment workshops, support circles, and resources tailored to the challenges to women exclusively. or 313-365-0456

We endeavor to connect our hearts and hands with women far and near so isolation becomes and afterthought when difficulty happens. It is our mission to empower, encourage, uplift and edify to awaken the greater from within while journeying alongside HER so SHE never feels that SHE has to walk alone regardless of HER socio-economic, financial or religious background, believe “HER Mission IS Possible With SHE!” (701) 595-5433

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