Living Faith Out Loud Magazine 2022

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Conference AUGUST 5-8, 2022 It's the faith event of the year. It's time to move ON PURPOSE! 3 days of inspiration, coaching and worship. Presented by FaithInspiration Network Founder & Host Dorothy P. Wilson. Sign up to receive updates about speaking, sponsoring, registering!




dorothy p wilson L

et’s stay spiritually alert during these challenging times. God is bringing his people into “promised lands” we hadn’t even imagined yet.

And that means that Satan is fighting us using whatever means he can. Be mindful of distractions, frustration, tiredness, division, financial blockages, unexpected business shifts, etc. Keep your eyes on Him and He will direct your path. Those who do not know Him are giving up and sitting down in a seat of comfort, but you must keep moving forward in faith and by the power of the Holy Spirit leading you. God has promised to bless us exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could ask or imagine. Receive that into your spirit and walk in it! God spoke to me several weeks ago about being at a “tipping point”. I had a vague understanding of what those words meant, but I rose up in strength when I looked it up in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary.

Definition of tipping point : the critical point in a situation, process, or system beyond which a significant and often unstoppable effect or change takes place Change is here. Transition is upon us. It will require faith and warfare to embrace the new levels God has for you. Become unstoppable! I’m believing that I as well as you will be able to not only walk into the greater but also thrive in it. LFOL MAGAZINE 2022


Keeping faith front and center

Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson


o look at Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson’s accomplishments today – she is a successful coach, author, CEO, speaker; serial entrepreneur; apostolic pastor/leader; and is founding CEO of Matthew House, a nonprofit for people experiencing homelessness – one might conclude that her path has always been clear and smooth and that she’s never had to rely too heavily on faith. But the truth is that she faced debilitating struggles that she says she would not have overcome had it not been for her faith. “I dealt with imposter syndrome, not believing I was good enough, and having to develop the ability to speak before others, given my long struggle of living with a speech impediment. Other battles involved looking for the acceptance, understanding, and support one would expect from family and close friends. Additionally, I struggle with huge feelings of rejection and the fear that I will fail again and again,” she explains. “Overcoming these struggles is a daily part of me, relying on my faith and not being afraid to vocalize my trust and faith in God. 1 John 5:4 says: ‘For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory


that has overcome the world, even our faith.’ Raised by entrepreneurial parents, Dr. Stinson grew up with a profound respect for business and humanity. This led to a strong advocacy for merging marketplace and ministry, which is a practice she implements daily. In her role as CEO, she learned to constantly challenge the status quo and often did things differently from the way others expected her to do them. She understood soon after being called into ministry that she would never look for a place in the traditional church pulpit. Instead, she served her community as an advocate who wanted to be among the people who needed her the most. She explains that her ministry was connected to the marketplace. “I knew that my ministry mantle would never fit in with the traditional church, even though Matthew 25:31 demonstrated to all how to treat the least of Jesus’ little ones,” she says. She pushed onward, despite lacking strong support from family and friends, and she eventually built relationships and strong collaborations with like-minded people. She describes herself as a disruptor, unwilling to accept medioc-


“Stepping out in faith and living it out loud will be challenging. Don’t expect everyone to understand, agree, or even support. Like Jesus, who was rejected by His own, be prepared to experience rejection, be misunderstood, and have others ask you what you are doing stepping out in faith.”

rity. Such confidence didn’t happen overnight. “The reality is that overcoming was tough at times. I believe everyone gets discouraged from time to time; things can bombard you so quickly that your faith can’t help but be challenged,” she says. “We are human, and when you see individuals you believed cared about you now attempt to sabotage you, quit without notice, or even try to get you convicted of taking funds, no doubt your faith will be challenged.” In keeping her faith front and center, Dr. Stinson says she holds firm to several biblical texts, including Hebrew 11:1, “‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.’ My faith was a challenge with all the struggles I once faced,” She says. “I allowed fear and hurt to grip my very being. However, despite recent failures and disappointments (being fired is the only corporate position I remember ever having) and a failed marriage, my faith in God gave me the courage to try again, and here is where I believe I recognize the value of living one’s faith out loud.” She has learned that living her faith out loud means being one who dares to make a difference, one who disrupts the mediocre, and one who will boldly step out in faith, even when others are in doubt. She attributes her success to these edicts: holding fast to her faith, continuing to believe in her vision, trusting God even when she can’t trace him, and never giving in to what others think. She encourages others, saying, “Stepping out in faith and living it out loud will be challenging. Don’t expect everyone to understand, agree, or even support. Like Jesus, who was rejected by His own, be prepared to experience rejection, be misunderstood, and have others ask you what you are doing stepping out in faith. To be transparent, in 1992 I 6

remarried, and at this time had three new mouths to feed and no income. When you’re just starting out, you must be prepared to put in more resources with little reward in the beginning. Our household’s only income was that of my husband’s, which was very little at the time. So, from time to time, our meals were prepared from the donations received by the organization.” She has learned many lessons along the way and shares these, which she says “…can help you transform your life and the lives of those around you by supporting your mission, vision, and destiny: (1) Don’t be afraid to be a disruptor; be willing to be different and dream bigger. (2) Never allow others to keep you in fear of starting again and again. Always know that failure is the true road to success. (3) Give yourself permission to soar and crush mediocrity; resist being or staying average (4) Be willing to be a part of the minority, not the majority, and don’t accept the status quo of what others expect you to settle for. Never settle. (5) Never let go of your faith, and don’t be afraid to live it out loud.” Dr. Stinson stresses that one can overcome knowing that God is in control. “When trouble is upon me, and I know that God has placed me in this vision, I pray Psalm 41:1, which says: ‘Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.’ With my faith and willingness to live it out loud despite the ups and downs, I am still standing and have overcome everything that the enemy

meant for evil. To God be the glory!” Today, Dr. Stinson is thankful for where her faith has led her. “I get to mentor, uplift, support, and encourage individuals who are experiencing homelessness and have lost hope. Today, I get to develop, train, and coach other leaders, especially women, with no need to apologize for living faith out loud. And at the close of each day, I can say I’ve done my best for today, then get up the next day and do it all over again.” She advises others to be audacious, to live their own faith out loud by, she says, “being willing to be different, accepting that not everyone will accept or support your vision, being willing to collaborate and seeking help and support, and being intentional. No matter if your vision/business is

to profit, don’t let anyone make you believe that you don’t have enough faith to see it through. Be encouraged today that you have all the faith you need to birth forth your vision, walk in your destiny, and live your faith out loud. The Lord has need of you today! So, let no one discourage you from moving forward by faith! Looking to the future, Dr. Stinson says, “God is shifting me and my willingness to pivot and allow Him to drive. I am uber excited as it pertains to what’s next. Today, I am being very intentional about every step I take by faith, aligning, surrounding, and collaborating with others who have like-minded faith and are willing to soar! As I stated, I am walking in authority, and I wholeheartedly believe that my best is right in front of me!”


master of education from Concordia University, and a doctorate of ministry from Northern Seminary. Dr. Stinson recently launched her online course focused on assisting startup nonprofits and showing businesses how to maintain sustainability. When she is not out urging the world to live out their life’s vision, she is an asset to her communal body and a loving member of her family and friendship circles.

Dr. Stinson has authored several books, including Hidden Impact, a collaborative project with Women on the Frontline, released in 2018; Vision Unleashed ~ Legacy Ignited, released in March 2020 along with four bestsellers: Trailblazers 2, Possibilities Unlimited with Les Brown and Dr. Cheryl Wood, and her newest release in March 2021, titled Disrupting the Status Quo, a project for which she served as the visionary author. The book earned five Amazon best-seller badges, including #1 Bestseller for Women. She is currently working on several new book projects, including Volume 2 of Disrupting the Status Quo with a focus on resilient women. Dr. Stinson earned her bachelor’s degree from DePaul University, a master of divinity from McCormick Theological Seminary, a

Contact her at:




Liz Hoop

iz Hoop, an Amazon international best-selling author, is the owner and CEO of Hoop Cares LLC, which provides non-emergency transportation services and serves as a resource for caregivers who don’t know where to turn in caring for their loved one. Liz has a passion for helping and encouraging others; she believes it is her calling to do so and allows her to minister to others. She attends Magnolia Springs church where she is a member of the choir and a leader of the women’s ministry team. She serves on the board of directors for the Mental Health Association of South Mississippi, Adopt A Grandparent Day and Adult & Teen Challenge for Women in Mississippi. She’s an ambassador for Mississippi Heroes and for Be Mississippi Chamber. She’s also the chairperson for Jackson County, Miss., Triad. She is a selfless volunteer and cherishes spending time with her family and friends.

tionship with Him. Because of His grace and mercy, I’ve been forgiven, and He’s such a faithful and good Father. I would not ever want to do this life without Him holding my hand.



I provide a transportation service for senior adults in my area who can no longer drive and have nobody to depend on to get them to doctor and non-medical appointments. I also provide day sitting services where we can visit in the client in their home and be a companion to them while they’re alone. DESCRIBE HOW YOUR BUSINESS IS SUCCEEDING

I’ve been very fortunate in a great deal of word-of-mouth referrals. I make sure I do follow-ups and ask God for direction each day. I’m now starting to hire employees after only five months. The calls are coming in daily for assistance. WHAT STRUGGLES HAVE YOU FACED?

Moving past fear

That you’re never too old to start something new if God has birthed it in your spirit. He will open doors you didn’t dream of being opened. Work as if you’re working for the Lord, and your rewards will be great. KEY LESSONS YOU’VE LEARNED

Starting the day with prayer sets the tone for the entire day. If you wake up late, at least take a minute just to say Good Morning to Him. Find a spiritual mentor who will help guide you. Surround yourself with friends who support you and pray with you. WHAT’S NEXT?

My business is growing, causing the need to hire more people. Also, I have an anthology book project, Out of the Ashes We Will Rise, coming this summer. There’s still some time to join, but the window is closing fast.

Fear of the unknown was my struggle. If I do what I’m supposed to do, how will I be able to provide for myself financially? But if God called me to do something, I know HOW MAY READERS CONTACT YOU? that He’s my great provider and that all my needs will be email: supplied. facebook: lizhoop DESCRIBE A DEFINING MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE IG: lthoop In 2004, my world as I knew it crashed around me. It was LinkedIn: lhoop then I returned to God and started establishing a rela8

Is this you? “You said I would never succeed, but God saw it differently.”

Share your story. CO-AUTHORS SOUGHT


LaShaundra McCarty COLUMNIST

Finding your fit

write out a list of the things that you want to uphold and a list outlining what you won’t compromise. DISCOVER WHERE YOUR FUTURE CLIENTS ARE


ne of the greatest benefits of entrepreneurship is freedom. It gives you the freedom to use your passion and to exercise your gifts but it also gives challenges. When first starting as a business owner the process of getting started and becoming successful can be slow. Trying to figure out how to find clients, how to market well, and discover how to create systems that can actually help you scale and grow your business can feel like a lengthy, unglamorous process because many of us don’t wake up automatically knowing these things. The greatest thing that you can do in the world of entrepreneurship is “find your fit.”


Economic frustrations often challenge us to make decisions we would not normally make. If you end up chasing money that could take you down a path you were never meant to travel which won’t be satisfying in the end. But, in order to be led by your core values you need to know them. To discover your business core values, spend some time with yourself and your team, and 10

Where do they gather in the digital world (social media, online magazine and papers) and physical world? To what groups or organizations do they belong? Those will be wonderful places for you to advertise. The key, of course, is knowing who you ideal client is. STAY WITHIN YOUR SCOPE

The temptation of entrepreneurs particularly solopreneurs is to take on more and more work, especially when they are desperate to find customers. Don’t make desperate decisions. They will take you far off course and are often places where people compromise. Stay within your scope of work and if you have a client who needs a service that you don’t provide explore forming a partnership with a business that provides that need. This will allow you to be there for your client as well as stay within your zone of genius where you do your best work. Finding your fit can be really challenging especially if you are afraid but God has not given us a spirit of fear so I encourage you to operate in bravery and in faith as you find your fit.

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“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?” James 2:14


// F ounder & Host, FaithInspiration Network


ne Sunday morning at church, a visiting bishop from South Africa, short in stature but with a booming voice, exclaimed, “You can do MORE!” I thought, “Boy, he’s passionate. I’d say I’m pretty busy right now serving as a small group leader and helping to lead in the children’s ministry. Whew, I am worn out!” Bishop Edom Hopson obviously didn’t hear my thoughts because he kept on: “You can do MORE!” As my spirit opened up to really hear and receive the bishop’s message, I received his words a little differently. I understood that for whom much is given, much is required, and God has worked overtime to fix the wounded, angry girl I once was. Not only had he delivered me from unforgiveness, fear, rejection, pride (hopefully I’m at the point where I’m beginning to finish up that particular training module!) and insecurity, He also healed me from fibromyalgia. And he continues to tackle me with blessings that flow from his love every day. Yes, I could do MORE. Inspired, I began to reach further outside the walls of the church to impact my community, to empower thousands of women even when I felt I didn’t have the time. And now I understand: The more I pour myself out, the more God pours into me. Hallelujah! He spoke to me one morning while I


was driving to work and showed me that He was waiting to pour more into me and that I was the one who had to make room for it! That set me on a path to do bigger and greater things to further God’s Kingdom and to bless His people. I am blessed to be a blessing! In 2020, I began to get a fuzzy vision of publishing a book about how others could live their faith louder. I wasn’t sure of the details, so I just let that thing sit there. God came back and started adding to the vision. I knew this wouldn’t just be another book I produced. I have received the recognition of being the editor/project manager of a New York Times best-seller and an Amazon best-seller, and people keep asking me about a little pocket-sized book I published back in 2011. I have to go on a hunt to find a copy of “Little Book of Weapons: How to Defeat Your Giants.” And then one morning as I was hurriedly getting dressed for work, I heard God say, “It’s time to begin.” I knew He meant it was time for me to move forward with the FaithInspiration Project, which included a book with the title He gave me: “Live Your Faith Out Loud.” I believe He trusted that I would be willing to go big on this, but inside I was really scared. What if it flops? What if it doesn’t get picked up by churches? What if I can’t

get enough authors to partner with me? I remembered what my friend Kathy Rogers once said to me: Think of that “what if ” in a positive way. So, I shifted my thinking. What if this project was not only a book but also a series of videos and blogposts? And a small group discussion guide. Wow. What if this project really took off and touched people all over the world? And I also chuckled as I recalled something I heard my schoolteacher son say to his students: “Can’t never will.” Enough said. It was go time. Volume 1 of “Live Faith Out Loud” successfully launched in April 2021, and from it FaithInspiration Network was birthed. This community and podcast is now reaching people in 24 countries, inspiring them to live their faith louder. Living Faith Out Loud Conference, another spinoff, featured Dr. Gary Chapman, Lisa Bevere, Dr. Cheryl Wood, Chrystal Evans-Hurst, Cora Jakes-Coleman, Loral Langemeier, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith and many other well-known faith leaders. This movement continues with the soon-to-release Volume 2 of the book. God already has made provision for this project to be successful. I pray that you will be touched by the stories — lives — shared within this book and that you will be compelled to Live Your Faith Out Loud.

Introducing the co-authors of “Live Your Faith Out Loud” Volume 2 PREORDER YOUR COPY



/ / Leader, Mentor, and Pastor

//A ward-Winning Author, Speaker, and Advocate

Aisha Cox is passionate about helping people grow in their relationship with God and develop rhythms to care well for their souls. She has made a commitment to trust where God leads her no matter how uncomfortable, inconvenient, or fearful it may be. She is the founder of the movement Authentically Arise which creates authentic spaces for women to arise into their Godgiven identity, purpose, and build community along the journey.

April Jackson-Hunter received a bachelor of science degree in business administration from Herzing University, and a master of art degree in forensic psychology from Argosy University. However, after experiencing violence, she used life experiences that wouldn’t be forgotten or silenced and harnessed the knowledge and strength she gained from those experiences to establish April M. Jackson-Hunter LLC, transforming her into an award-winning author, speaker, and advocate. She also founded Mercedes’ Closet Inc., whose mission is to empower LGBTQ+ survivors to rebuild and lead fearless lives. Her founding belief: “Everyone needs to feel as though there is someone in their corner during a dark time.”

You can connect with me on Instagram @_aishacox or through the Authentically Arise website



/ / Ps almi st and a s ong w r iter, entrepreneur, and author Cheryl Boone resides in Chicago, Ill., She has been married for more than thirty-five years to her loving husband, Kenneth Boone. Together they have three children and three grandchildren. Cheryl is a psalmist and a songwriter, entrepreneur, and author. Her first book, Poems from the Heart, was inspired from an encounter with God and was featured in Today’s Purposed Woman magazine. Cheryl also is a co-author in the anthology project Disrupting the Status Quo, an Amazon #1 bestseller. She has been writing songs and prophetic poetry for more than a decade. As a veteran of the United States Armed Forces and a retiree from corporate America, Cheryl considers herself a finisher. Everything in her life is intertwined with dedication and longevity. As founder and CEO of I Write A Song Ministries, Cheryl endeavors to create a safe space for artists like her to produce a divine and fresh sound to impact the kingdom. Her clothing line, Poems From the Heart, inspires others to align with God to produce fruit of the spirit. She serves diligently at the Master’s Touch Church, which identifies as a place of faith, courage, and strength and an oasis where leaders find rest. Cheryl is head elder of administration, a teacher of encounter in the Word, board member, and servant. Facebook @Cheryl Boone Instagram cheryl.boone.758 website: email: 14


/ / M arketing Professional

Christina Hawkins is a native of Forest and Biloxi, Miss., and has lived in Pace, Fla., for the last seven years. She’s the proud mom of two amazing kids: Justin, 14; and Allison, 10. She is the wife of Verdell Hawkins. With a marketing degree and master’s in business administration, she has been a sales and marketing professional for more than twenty years, the last six at Florida Power and Light/FPL (formerly Gulf Power). She has served on The Pace Center for Girls Escambia/Santa Rosa Board for over six years and has served as board chair. She has served in numerous community and civic organizations including IMPACT 100; Jack and Jill of America Inc. - Pensacola Chapter (she is currently vice president); American Association of Blacks in Energy (Gulf Coast Chapter), where she is an executive board member; The African American Professional Employees’ Group (FPL); Leadership Mississippi and Leadership Lauderdale County. In the churches she has attended, she has faithfully served in various capacities including serving as a youth Sunday School teacher at Zion Hope Primitive Baptist Church. Christina has been honored to receive many accolades, including being named the 2019 Woman of the Year in Service, awarded by The Junior League of Pensacola; being named the 2018 Trailblazer of the Year; and in 2019 being named Family of the Year for Jack and Jill of America Inc., Pensacola. She manages her daughter’s lip gloss business (Gotta Have Gloss LLC). Facebook (Christina Watts Hawkins) Instagram (chrstnalhawk) email:



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/ / B est s elling Author, C hr i stian C oun s elor, CEO

/ / S enior Pastor

Prophetess Christine Bowen, along with her husband, is co-pastor of Immanuel Temple of Praise Ministries, Int. She is a bestselling author, Christian counselor, CEO and founder of Real Talk Just 4 Women and Living on Purpose A.K.A. broadcast, aired on BGKNETWORK.ORG. She has dedicated her life to empower, encourage, and motivate women to live past their past through transparency by sharing their testimonies of recovery, sexual and physical abuse, hope, grief, and divorce. Love Beyond Love is her signature phrase, and she says “To love as Christ loves, we must love beyond our natural perceptions of what love means, love beyond the hurt and the pain while giving love when it seems the hardest thing to do.” Christine is a breast cancer survivor, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and a survivor of mental and emotional abuse. The books that she has written and co-authored are To Touch the Hem of His Garment: My Journey Through Surviving Breast Cancer, Bling the Purpose, Pursuit, & Power of Women with Blind Faith Anthology, Friendly Fire! Casualty of War in the Church, and Disrupting The Status Quo Anthology. Prophetess Christine has worked in higher education for more than twenty years. She is an adjunct professor teaching undergraduate-level classes. She has a master’s degree in human services counseling, marriage and family, and is currently working on her doctoral degree in theology at Midwest College of Theology.

Clement Mbuyi is a senior pastor at the International Tree of Life Church. He is married to Alice Victoria, and together they have four children. He has a bachelor’s degree in business management from Frostburg State University, as well as thirteen years of experience in ministry and biblical studies. He is the author of The Road to Your Restoration & Deliverance: Understanding a Curse and How to Break It. Apostle Clement Mbuyi operates in the gifts of the Holy Spirit by ministering healing and deliverance. He is a revivalist who travels around the world teaching the Good News and helping many Christians discover their gifts and purpose. Mbuyi developed his own one-on-one counseling method and finds it more effective than the traditional group strategies, which he says often do not address root causes. In one-on-one sessions, he pinpoints the root cause of a generational curse by examining the past, including family history, and identifying other family members who faced the same problems. Mbuyi says, “We discuss a client’s personal life and their dreams, from both childhood and adulthood. Once I identify the root cause of the problem, I create an individualized spiritual program of prayer and fasting, then lead each client through the process.” Mbuyi helps many individuals and families in the United States and around the world break generational curses and receive spiritual breakthroughs and restoration. 16,; (240) 422-1204 and (800) 671-3198. His book website is books/?book=the-road-to-your-deliveranceand-restoration



/ / F ounde r or Hy g iene Helpers

//A uthor and Indu str y L eader

Cynthia Walker is the founder or Hygiene helpers, a staffing service, and she serves as a dental practice consultant for practices in the Central Savannah River Area. She and her husband, Patrick, own The Bensky Group. LLC, which focuses on real estate investments, among other entities.

Deborah Anthony is a five time author and has been an industry leader for over 25 years. For the past 25 years, Deborah has helped hundreds of businesses stand out in their industry. Her goal is simple, to ensure your message and methods connect with your customer. She has a customized approach to connecting with you through groups or individualized coaching, researching your needs through a series of indepth interviews and developing a comprehensive report with valuable recommendations for how to improve your outcomes using the latest branding tools and concepts. Beyond the analytical component, Deborah works extensively to uncover the heart and essence of your dream, idea, and what you are most passionate about, because that is what makes your brand unique and special. Whether we are creating a revolutionary brand to redefine an entire category or repositioning an existing brand, Deborah specializes in helping brands focus on who they are and what their values are. Deborah is a proud graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology where she obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Operations. She then matriculated through St. Xavier School of Management, obtaining her MBA. Deborah’s educational and corporate business backgrounds have prepared her for the unique challenge of corporate training. email




/ / In spirational Speaker, Accompli shed Jour nali st and Public Relations Professional , and Spir itual L eade r

//M ental Health Professional, and Inter national B est- S elling Author

Dr. Alonia Parks (formerly known as Alonia Jernigan Jones) is an inspirational speaker, accomplished journalist and public relations professional, and spiritual leader who has been positively impacting lives for more than 30 years. She is CEO of Dream 2 Destiny Enterprises (D2DE, LLC), a full-service corporate communications and professional development company which exists for the purpose of educating, encouraging and empowering organizations and individuals to get from where they are to where they want to be: personally, professionally and/or spiritually. She is also servant leader/pastor of Dream to Destiny Ministries, Inc., a Christ-centered, nondenominational church based in Atlanta, Geogia that helps people live victorious lives through the Word of God. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Alonia is a graduate of William A. Bass High School. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Spelman College as well as credits toward a master’s degree in Biblical Studies and Theology from Luther Rice Seminary. In recognition of 30+ years of humanitarianism and philanthropy, she received a Doctor of Humane Letters degree from the Global of International Alliance in May 2022. Dr. Alonia is a two-time former magazine owner: IMANI (1997 to 2004) and South Fulton Lifestyle (2016-2017) and the mastermind behind the BFLYSM brand of inspiration, the Wise Women ProsperSM movement, and The Dream Institute. In short, Dr. Alonia is a loving and doting mother and grandmother, supportive daughter, effective leader, compassionate friend, committed pastor, successful business owner, and challenging educator/trainer/coach. Most importantly, she is a child of God.

Dr. Josephine Harris is a military spouse, a mental health professional, an international bestselling author, six-time #1 Amazon best-selling author, philanthropist, behavior analyst, serial entrepreneur, global speaker, and CEO/founder of Calming Minds LLC, a multidimensional coaching practice that helps clients connect with the mind, body, and soul by way of inspiration, facilitation, coaching, and other dynamic mechanisms. Bringing a vast portfolio of uncompromising skillsets and certifications to her practice within the realms of addiction counseling, intervention programing, domestic violence, individual and group psychotherapy, and other areas, Dr. Josephine Harris proves herself to be an ideal collaborator and is one of the many reasons she has earned outstanding respect from those she serves. Dr. Josephine Harris has attained a Ph.D. in psychology, a post-master online teaching psychology certificate, a master of philosophy in psychology, master of science in psychology, and a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice administration. She is certified in both teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) and teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). She is an internationally licensed psychotherapist and has been proudly serving at the Seoul Counseling Center in South Korea since 2018. 18

Website: Blog: Connect on Social Media:



/ / F ounding CE O of Matthe w Hou s e Inc

//F ounders of Business Empowered International Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson believes that at the heart of philanthropy lies resolute leadership encompassing vessels fastened to an unyielding mandate to serve others. One of Dr. Stinson’s many accomplishments is becoming the founding CEO of Matthew House Inc, a daytime supportive service center that has for more than thirty years provided services to needy men, women, and families experiencing homelessness and includes seventy-three permanent supportive housing units. Dr. Stinson says, “Homelessness is an experience that people go through, not a label that defines who they are.” Raised on Chicago’s west side by Gus and Mary Rickette, the proud founders of Uncle Remus Saucy Chicken, Dr. Stinson grew up with a profound respect for business and humanity. These ethics translated into a strong advocacy for the merger of marketplace and ministry, values she reveres as priceless, implementing their efficiency in her daily life. Following her parents’ legacy, she is the founder of Dr. Sanja Coaching & Consulting, designed to assist both profit and nonprofit businesses. In addition, she is an ordained minister serving as the apostolic covering for various ministries and churches. Dr. Stinson has been the founding pastor of Victory & Grace Christian Church for seventeen years and now serves as the apostolic covering for True Love Christian Church-Chicago and two churches in Ghana, West Africa.

Drs. Joe and Kathy Amos are the founders of Business Empowered International Chamber of Commerce and the visionaries of the City Calling Global Initiative where they serve in helping others to answer the call of God to transform their city. Dr. Joe has served in ministry for the past forty-four years. He serves as the presiding apostle of Turning Point Fellowship Ministries Intl Church in Canton, Mississippi. Together Drs. Joe and Kathy serve as senior leaders at The Gathering Place at Turning Point, a ministry of empowerment, healing, and deliverance that transforms others’ minds, bodies, and spirits and equips them for their calling and destiny. Dr. Kathy is an entrepreneur at heart, owning several businesses including SOMA Coaching & Consulting, LLC, iBUD Foundation, Miss Junior Teen Mississippi Hospitality Pageant, the Best of Mississippi Awards, and SafeHouse Emporium, an online shop. Drs. Joe & Kathy have been married for the past sixteen years, and they share the parenthood of fifteen children and thirty-eight grandchildren.



/ / Pastor, Author, Speaker, and For me r Professional Athlete and Sy ndicated Radio Host

Hannah Brindley is paving the way for faith-fueled female entrepreneurs as she boldly combines faith and business. In fact, she believes it to be necessary. She is the founder and host of Reclaimed to Reign, a podcast and community dedicated to helping women reign within spiritual warfare and reclaim a Holy Spirit-led life and business. Her devotion to her Creator, her clients, and her craft has made her one of the most sought-after business coaches for Kingdom-minded females who are looking to start, launch, or scale their coaching business. It is no secret that her signature program, FaithFueled Coach Academy, has become in high demand for Christian females who are looking to build their coaching business. Her clients are getting unstuck, pursuing their God-given callings, and quitting their jobs to go full-time online all while developing an even closer relationship with their Creator. Because of this, California Herald named her the number-1 business coach to look out for in 2021. She has become one of the most trusted coaches in the online space, and there’s no doubt she and her clients will continue to thrive.

Jesse Bradley is a pastor, author, speaker, and former professional athlete and syndicated radio host. He didn’t believe God existed until he took a religion class at an Ivy League College, Dartmouth, and read the Bible for the first time. He decided to follow Jesus, and he experienced a deep joy and a peace that truly satisfies. While he was playing soccer as a goalkeeper in Africa, a tragic illness ended his career. He was fighting for his life for one year, and it took ten years to fully recover. God redirected Jesse and transformed the pain into a new passion and purpose. Jesse is the senior pastor at Grace Community Church in Seattle, Wash., and leads an outreach movement of 100 churches and ministries in the greater region. He spreads the hope of Jesus to millions of people around the world and has seen many thousands put their trust in Jesus. He has been a guest on a wide range of television and radio programs including appearances on Good Morning America. Jesse also works with the Seattle Sounders and Tacoma Stars for faith and family nights. Jesse and his wife, Laurie, have four children, a patient dog named Bella and a noisy hamster named Kiwi.



/ / Founde r and Host of Reclaimed to Re ig n all social media platforms @jessejbradley.



/ / 1 0 - time Inter national B estS elling Author, O w ner and CEO of Hoop C ares L LC

/ / Teacher, E x ecutive S enior D irec tor w ith Mar y Kay C osmetics

Liz Hoop, 10-time international best-selling author, is the owner and CEO of Hoop Cares LLC, a senior concierge business. She loves helping and encouraging others; she finds it her calling and a way to minister to others. She attends Magnolia Springs church where she is a member of the choir and a leader of the women’s ministry team. She serves on the board of directors for the Mental Health Association of South Mississippi, Adopt A Grandparent Day, and Adult & Teen Challenge for Women in Mississippi. She’s an ambassador with Mississippi Heroes as well as an ambassador for Be Mississippi Chamber. She selflessly gives of her time in volunteer efforts that help others. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

In 2019, Nancy Brindley chose to devote practically all of her time to deep Bible study and intercessory prayer. Over the last three years, she has been answering the call to completely understand the Bible as a whole, integrated message rather than in parts or divisions. Through The Holy Spirit’s leading she has begun connecting the dots of the Old Testament, New Testament. and Revelation, taking all the pieces scattered throughout each section, bringing together the unfolding of the complete picture of Jesus Christ’s second coming and the role of the church as His bride. Along with the journey of connecting the dots, she has been a caregiver to her family. She excels at encouraging family and friends to dive deep into the Bible, to be a truth seeker and an intercessory prayer warrior. She has been married over thirty years to Brett, and they have two daughters, Hannah and Isabellla. Nancy has always been in the teaching field. Prior to the past three years, she for twentyfive years served in various capacities including senior director and executive senior director with Mary Kay Cosmetics. Nancy graduated from Mercer University with a BS degree in early childhood education. She taught elementary school for four years prior to embarking on her Mary Kay journey.

email Facebook – lizhoop Instagram – lthoop LinkedIn - lhoop




/ / Reg i ste red Nurs e, Author, Speaker, Traine r and CE O of Natalie L avelock C oaching & C onsulting

//B est- S elling, Award- Winning Author, C er tif ied Creative Stor y C oach , Bu siness C oach, and Vi sionar y Author

Business owners hire Natalie to help them create a million-dollar product system that includes custom, high-ticket coaching programs, certification training programs and online courses that give them the ability to serve more people and create lucrative income so they have the flexibility and freedom to have a business and life they love. Natalie developed her expertise in program and curriculum design as a registered nurse with a master’s degree in nursing education with more than fifteen years of experience specializing in program development, quality improvement, adult education and training in corporate healthcare. She has developed clinical and didactic education programs at the collegiate level, spoken on behalf of the state at its annual Mother-Baby Summit, and even created a new, revenue-generating department for the hospital she worked for. She has received national recognition for her innovative work in healthcare as well as for leading her hospital to be one of only four hospitals in her state to achieve the prestigious global designation as a Baby-Friendly Hospital. Since starting her consulting business, Natalie has had the pleasure of working with speakers, coaches, and medical professionals nationally and internationally, helping them advance from start-up to earning six figures and beyond -- all while doing business God’s way and making a massive impact.

Paulette Harper is a twelve-time best-selling, two-time award-winning author, certified creative story coach, business coach, and visionary author. She has been featured on CBS, ABC, in The Sacramento Observer, and on CBN and NBC. Paulette uses her gifts to equip ambitious Christian women speakers and entrepreneurs to write, publish books, and be the catalyst for transformation in their spheres of influence. She is committed to empowering women and equipping them with tools to unapologetically share their voices and stories, as well as helping them push past barriers and discover their purpose so they may become the best version of themselves. As a creative story coach, she teaches emerging authors how to tap into their creativity and turn words into stories so they can accomplish their dreams of becoming published authors. email

22 Write Now Literary Book Tours Facebook: php?id=100010047302425 IG:



/ / Award - Winning Talk Show Host, Six Time Ama z on B ests elling Author, Global Speake r and Moderator

/ / Podcast Host, Amaz on #1 B est -s elling Author

Sandy Sanders is the award-winning talk show host of Coffee Conversations with Sandy and Friends and Book Talks with Sandy. She is a sixtime Amazon bestselling author, global speaker and moderator. Owning her personal story of overcoming a traumatic childhood, suffering from low self-esteem, alcoholism, and domestic violence has compelled Sandy to be a strong advocate. Through her advocacy, she is a trusted help in her local community. She holds a Love Doesn’t Hurt Annual Domestic Violence Walk with a goal of healing, preventing, and bringing awareness to the painful epidemic of domestic violence. She hosts prayer vigils against gun violence among and in the Black community. Sandy serves as a board member of a non-profit organization serving recently released female inmates. She is a-businessempowered Mississippi Chamber of Commerce Board member. Sandy has served as brand ambassador with Success Women’s Conference 2020 and as chief ambassador of the Best of Mississippi Awards 2020. Her media features include Gulf Coast Women’s Magazine Domestic Violence Special Edition Oct 2021, SwagHer Magazine August 2021. Her awards include being given an honorary doctorate in humanities; Gulf Coast Professional Women of Achievement Award; Best of Mississippi Social Media Influencer Award; Success Women’s Conference Media and Journalism Award Certificate 2021.

Shaquatta Edgar is a mother of one beautiful and smart Queen. Shaquatta believes she was called by God to be a chosen defender for the people and that she is anointed to lead and intercede. This powerful voice of thunder can be heard on her Chosen Defender podcast on Anchor, Spotify, YouTube, and Google Podcast. Shaquatta speaks with boldness, confidence, and her God-given authority. She describes herself as a flame thrower in the Holy Ghost. Shaquatta is bringing to life the vision and tasks God has given her. She was anointed and appointed for such a time as this. With the love of God, she is reaching out and snatching souls from the grips of hell. She started Greater Love Ministries in her home and has led many nightly devotionals and prayer. Her tribulations have prepared her to be the minister she needs to be to reach the world. She is excited about all that God is doing through her and in her life. She keeps fighting no matter what she has been through because she is an overcomer. She believes that her challenges were a setup to help her find her purpose and to use her gifts. This global influencer is soaring higher in God to fulfill the works of the Kingdom. https://www. Email 251-589-1981 LFOL MAGAZINE 2022


/ / E te r nal O ptimi st, CEO of Gulf C oa st Training & Education S e r v ices , L LC Sheila Farr is an eternal optimist. She’s the CEO of Gulf Coast Training & Education Services, LLC, in Biloxi, Mississippi, where she helps individuals and small businesses overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams by developing personalized business strategies that work. Sheila is a multiple time international best-selling author and a cheerleader for others. She motivates people through her blog, “Thankful and Blessed 365,” and is the founder of “Biloxi Reads!,” a literacy initiative along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Sheila also enjoys serving her community and the state of Mississippi as the workforce readiness director for both the regional and state chapters of the Society for Human Resource Management. or IG: Blog site:



/ / Author, Speaker, and Faith Ac tivator

Tamekia Green-Judge is an author, a speaker, and faith activator who is on divine assignment to inspire people to hold on to hope — even when they have nothing else. A survivor of a rare illness that affects one in a million people, she knows firsthand what it takes to believe God for what seems impossible. Through that lifechanging experience, Tamekia became a woman of unshakable faith who now teaches others to have the same. A wife, mom, successful CEO, and advocate for people living with rare diseases, she speaks to audiences everywhere on the power of faith in all circumstances. email: website:



/ / I n surance Account Manag er

/ / RN , Teacher, Inter national Motivational Speaker, Life C oach, C onsultant, and Author

Tammy Garfield shares her stories to show others how to trust God in a fallen world. Born in Waukegan, Ill., in 1966, Tammy was the daughter of teenaged parents who that thought they had made a mistake. But, she says, “God had other plans; I was not a mistake.” As a child Tammy was close to her grandmother, who introduced Tammy to God and the love He had for her. When she was fourteen, Tammy met a family who took her to church and showed her kindness, love, and guidance toward God. “I refer to this as watering a seed that had been planted in me years ago,” she says. At age 19, Tammy married her husband. They have been married 37 years and have two daughters. When Tammy was 24, her mother, age 42, passed away from cancer. “Although I did not understand it, God was preparing me for the journey He had created me for,” she says. “There was much pain in my childhood years. Divorce, abandonment, alcoholism, and death are just a few of my struggles. As you read my story you will see how God prepared me for His purposes and how He was with me every step of the way.” Tammy says her prayer is that those who read her story will be blessed and gain strength in God through their journey.

Terri Brinston struggled with a learning disability and was a special education student throughout grade school. However, after graduating from high school, she embraced the idea that everything she needed was already inside her. Through God’s grace and hard work, Terri became an RN, teacher, international motivational speaker, life coach, consultant, and author who thrives on helping people achieve their goals in life. Terri holds a master of arts in education administration and community leadership and a bachelor of science in nursing. She is a registered nurse, holds a legal nurse consultant certification, and is certified as an American Heart instructor. In addition to working as a pediatric nurse, Terri has almost two decades of experience teaching and consulting with schools, parents, and students.Terri is passionate about the future of children. She believes that schools are teaching many valuable skills, but the current system does not address all the aspects necessary for children to succeed and thrive in life. Her mission is to facilitate student success by addressing safety, health, and wellness needs that often prevent and delay learning and success. Her unique experience and education have seamlessly bound together to make her a leader in the health care and education fields. She is able to support schools, youth, and young adults through her business, “My School Nurse, LLC” and her non-profit, the “Nurturing Wellness Group Foundation.” The foundation works with youth and young adults to help them overcome barriers that prevent them from being successful.

Facebook: Tammy Farmer Garfield Email: 228-222-1046

E-mail Phone (734) 992-7211 Website: LFOL MAGAZINE 2022


Dr. Jonathan Haynes


hen faith is louder than life itself, it can lift a seemingly hopeless person out of despair, even out of the clutches of death. Such is the case with Dr. Jonathan Haynes, whose powerful testimony reveals a faith that is strong enough to have saved him from not one, not two, but three suicide attempts. This man has no doubt that God has kept him here on Earth to serve others, and in WHAT STRUGGLES HAVE YOU OVERCOME TO so doing, to shout his faith from the rooftops. FOLLOW GOD’S PATH FOR YOU?

I overcame three suicide attempts at age 14,18, and 20, and I know there is a reason why I am still here, and that’s why I go so hard and love on people because through it all God kept me here, and it’s my mission to tell the world how God has saved my life. Describe a Defining Moment that Transformed You into the Person You Are Today When God kept me here through multiple suicide attempts, I knew that was a defining moment in my life because if He wanted me to not be here, He could’ve [let me go], but He kept me here, and it’s my mission to keep going, no matter what comes my way and to know that there is a reason I’m still here. What Key Lessons Can You Share? Be who God has called you to be. HOW DO YOU LIVE YOUR FAITH OUT LOUD? Do it afraid. Since 2018 I started the stand in the gap movement, where I give to the homeless or people in need with ne- Stay away from toxic people. cessities whether to pay bills, give them food, find jobs, etc. -- whatever they are in need of, I’m there to lend a WHAT EXCITING NEWS CAN YOU SHARE? Much more to come from Dr. Jonathan -- new music, helping hand. new business opportunities, and much more. Just stay tuned. WHAT MESSAGE WOULD YOU LIKE TO WHO IS DR. JONATHAN HAYNES?

Dr. Jonathan Haynes is an award-winning recording artist from Gulfport, Miss., who has a passion to drive music as far as his mission reaches. He has shared the stage with some of the biggest names in the gospel industry. He is a two-time international best-selling author, talk show host, serial entrepreneur, and motivational speaker who exudes his anointing through his sound and passion to sing with a deep revelation of how God has been his source. In 2022 he received an honorary doctorate in Christian leadership and received a letter from the governor recognizing Dr. Haynes’ work in the gospel industry.


No matter what you go through, never let that situation detour you from the path God has chosen for you. Keep fighting and keep pressing, because better days are ahead. 26


Connect with me by simply going to my website, and everything anyone needs is there.


NOW REACHING 24 COUNTRIES! The Faith Inspiration Project began as a small seed and has grown into multiple platforms. NEED ENCOURAGEMENT AND INSPIRATION? THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE! On the Faith Inspiration Network, we share words of encouragement and videos and stories about people who are living their faith out loud! To learn more:


Dorothy P. Wilson Founder & Host


Saundra Dalton Smith


Create your personal rest strategy


est is how God pours back into your life to bring restoration, renewal, refreshing, recovery, replenishing, rejuvenation, and revival. Jeremiah 17:7-8 - Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. 7 AREAS OF REST AVAILABLE TO YOU: 1. Spiritual Rest 2. Physical Rest 3. Mental Rest 4. Emotional Rest 5. Sensory Rest 6. Creative Rest 7. Social Rest YOUR PERSONAL SPIRITUAL REST STRATEGY CAN INCLUDE: • Dedicated prayer/mediation time (5 minutes is a great start) • Traveling praise and worship (no news or talk radio, only worship when driving) • Edifying phrases/scriptures/quotes in frequently visited places (office, break room, halls) • Focused time in God’s presence (relationship building mindset) YOUR PERSONAL PHYSICAL REST STRATEGY CAN INCLUDE: • Leisure walks/prayer walks • Sleep at least 6-8 hours daily • Drink daily water requirement first before any other liquids allowed • Practice body fluidity by avoid staying in the same position for 28

prolonged periods Active stretching exercises to release tense muscles.

YOUR PERSONAL MENTAL REST STRATEGY CAN INCLUDE: • Guard your ear gates and your eye gates • Meditating on an attribute or characteristic of God • Journaling your thoughts so you can release them and not dwell on them • Redirecting your mind to a word or scripture of the day YOUR PERSONAL EMOTIONAL REST STRATEGY CAN INCLUDE: • Find time to do work that brings you satisfaction • Spend time doing activities you love just because you love them • Have life goals that are bigger than yourself; see yourself as part of God’s big picture. • Acknowledge and deal with anger and negativity • Maintain a high self-esteem (without gossiping, envying, or comparing yourself to others) YOUR PERSONAL SENSORY REST STRATEGY CAN INCLUDE: • Purpose to spend some time each day off your electronics • Adjust the brightness of your cell phone and computer screens • Change the sound of your alerts and notifications to something that is pleasant • Start enjoying more fruits and vegetables in their natural state • Spending time in silence • Make sure the room you sleep in is dark and cool

YOUR PERSONAL SOCIAL REST STRATEGY CAN INCLUDE: • Support cultural education opportunities (spend time with those who are different from you) • Stay connected with extended family and friends, but also have a few in your inner circle (Out of all the people Jesus ministered to, he focused his attention on just 12 disciples, and only 3 (Peter, James, John) were in his inner circle) • Value opportunities to celebrate life and love (Birthday, Anniversary, Marriages) • Develop strong healthy social relationships (real ones, not the social media kind) • Build community wherever you are (treat people the way you want to be treated God’s desire for each of us is summed up beautifully in 3 John 1:2 - Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a BoardCertified internal medicine physician, work-life integration researcher, TEDx speaker, and best-selling author. She is an international wellness expert featured in numerous media outlets. She is the author of numerous books including her new book “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity”. Over 100,000 people have discovered their personal rest deficits using her free assessment at

ENTREPRENUR SPOTLIGHT My business, Write Impact Ghostwriting Services, offers several ghostwriting packages. I am here to help those who don’t have the time to write their own book or would just rather have someone else write their book for them. I joined the FaithInspired Entrepreneurs Community so I could connect with other like minded individuals. This community is serving me by making opportunities available to network with other entrepreneurs and be inspired by what others are doing to serve. 251-589-1981


Shaquatta Edgar VIDEOGRAPHER

Anthony Williams We make story driven videos for thriving business. I joined the FaithInspired Entrepreneurs Community because I love belonging to organizations that share my values and to be inspired by the stories that this community offers. 228-547-6500


Terri L. Bea


erri L. Bea is an award-winning writer of stage plays, movies, music videos, and books and has more than twenty-two years of ministry experience. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Christian ministry and is pursuing her master’s degree in divinity. Terri is the president, producer and the content creator of ChrysoReign 24-Hour Gospel Network Television and BGB TV (Bring The Glory Back). She is the host of Life Envue talk show, and produces two magazines: Victory Envue and Life Envue. She is the Founder of Hear my Heart Empowered by Faith/Her Move conference and the Heart Hall of Fame Awards, which has been honoring women for seven years running. She is the pastor of Streets of Gold Global Ministries in Cincinnati, Ohio. Apostle Terri is married to Joseph W. Sopher, Sr. and is the mother of four children. Terri’s honors and awards include the following: 2021 Power Up Awards Finalist Woman of Influence 2020 2020 Kingdom Image Awards Nomination 2020 Nominee for Best Documentary International Christian Film Festival 2017 Best Music Video Crowning of a Maestro Georgia Music Awards 2016 Best Contemporary Song of the Year International Christian Film Festival 2013 Best Feature in Ohio 2012 Stellar Award Nominee 2012 Black Essence Award Winner 2012 Redemptive Storyteller Award Winner 2011 SFGMA Song of the Year STILL MY CHILD 2010 Award of Merit California Film Festival Grandma’s Hands – The Movie 2008 Atlanta Playfest, BEST PRODUCTION


Apostle Terri commits to a weekly prayer line that marries devotion with prayer. She is an avid teacher and believes in proving the Word of God by applying its “hands-on” approach to all those she seeks to empower. The gift of works is a large part of her outreach. She has developed creative methods through the arts to give God glory globally! A teacher, philanthropist, and counselor, she touts herself to be a profes30

sional “best friend” or “kick in the pants” encourager; she seeks to be all things to all people by using her gift of comedy and profound knowledge of the scriptures. WHAT MESSAGE WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE?

Don’t run from what was created to chase you! Don’t run from what you called to! Be still and know! WHAT HAVE YOU STRUGGLED WITH TO BE AND DO WHAT GOD CALLED YOU TO DO?

Depression, suicide, domestic violence


The day I realized my life is not my own and that I can’t handle it all on my own! WHAT KEY LESSONS HAVE YOU LEARNED?

Forgive self, believe God, trust the process, why not you? WHAT EXCITING NEWS CAN YOU SHARE?

Jesus is coming back!



Erupt 2022

SEPTEMBER 8-10, 2022


Workshops Exhibition



Push Past Every Obstacle. Break through the limits. Break through. Break forth.



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