7 October 2020
essary to enable the school to keep offering the high quality of education it has become known for.
The tourism sector has been especially hard hit, and those who have managed to remain open have had to adapt their business models to focus more on domestic tourism.
The result is the collaborative WOES Virtual Concert on 6 November – an event hosted by WOES presenter, Jaco van Dyk that will include several famous South Africans such as actor Neels van Jaarsveld, singer Leah, and sports heroes Duane Vermeulen and Marais Erasmus as speakers. Hermanus Primary principal, Barry Cilliers, will represent the school.
he Covid-19 pandemic has caused havoc for economies across the globe with millions of people losing their jobs due to lay-offs and businesses having to close their doors for good.
But it’s not just businesses and non-profit organisations that are facing many challenges due to the pandemic – it has also affected our schools. Due to social distancing rules and restrictions on the number of people allowed to attend events, schools have been unable to host any of their usual, annual fundraising projects. One such school is Hermanus Primary, which has had to go back to the drawing board to come up with ideas to raise the funds nec-
The event will be live streamed and in between the talks there will be a live auction of five different lots, aimed at shining the spotlight on the many tourist attractions in Hermanus and surrounds. The lots include magnificent experiences, such as a two-night stay in the Gabrielskloof farm cottage for six people, a boat cruise on Southern Right Charters and a meal prepared by Chef Frans Groenewald with Gabrielskloof wines at the
Duane Vermeulen
Marais Erasmus
Neels van Jaarsveld
Hermanus Primary's live event aims to raise funds and assist local tourism
estate’s restaurant. Another confirmed lot offers eight people the opportunity to spend two nights at High Season Farm, as well as a wine tasting by Anthony Hamilton Russell and a lunch prepared by Olive Hamilton Russell at their homestead, Braemar. Other lucky draw prizes are being raffled at R50 a ticket on tixsa.co.za.To buy a raffle ticket, simply click on 'Buy Tickets' and search for 'Woes 6 November 2020'. Follow the link and select 'Get Tickets'. All the lots and prizes have been sponsored by local businesses. The live stream can be accessed for free on WOES's Facebook page and YouTube channel by anyone who wishes to support this initiative. WOES is a broadcasting and media production company which started during lockdown to give performers an opportunity to earn an income while they were unable to perform live, and to help schools and other organisations and institutions to raise funds.
Besides raising much-needed funds for the school, Hermanus Primary aims to use this event to promote local businesses and the experiences they offer. “We hope the event will encourage more people to visit our beautiful area,” says Gr 5 teacher and one of the organisers, Niel Botha. “As a community we need to support each other during these unprecedented times, which is why the hashtag for the event is #sterkersaam (#strongertogether).” The live stream starts at 18:30 on Friday, 6 November on Facebook (@lekkerwoes) and YouTube (Woes). The prizes for the raffles will only be announced on that Friday. For more updates on the auction and the event itself, as well as opportunities to market your business during the livestream, keep an eye on Hermanus Primary School's Facebook page. If you have any queries, contact Niel on 072 426 4829 or Lilly on 083 781 3321. Alternatively you can email lilly@hermanusprimary.org.za. – Taylum Meyer
Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n dinamiese sentrum van uitnemendheid waar die gebied se besonderse potensiaal binne ’n pragtige omgewing ontsluit word. Ons taak is om ewewigtige groei en ontwikkeling binne ons natuurlike omgewing tot voordeel van al ons mense in hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe te bevorder. Die Munisipaliteit sluit die Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford en Gansbaai areas in.
Overstrand Municipality is a dynamic centre of excellence combining great potential with a beautiful setting. Our task is to bring about growth and development to the benefit of all our people in their different communities, whilst maintaining a balance with nature. The Municipality includes the areas of Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai.
Overstrand Munisipaliteit nooi bevoegde en selfgemotiveerde mense asook kandidate uit die aangewese groepe wat uitdagings geniet, om deel van ons topspan te word en vir die volgende pos aansoek te doen:
Overstrand Municipality invites competent and self-motivated people as well as people from the designated groups who enjoy challenges, to join our leading team and to apply for the following vacancy:
• Direktoraat: Gemeenskapsdienste (Verw.: WC0321620)
• Directorate: Community Services (Ref.: WC0321620)
• Salaris: R330 024 per jaar plus ’n selfoontoelaag
• Salary: R330 024 per annum plus a cell phone allowance
Sluitingsdatum: Vrydag, 23 Oktober 2020 om 15:00.
Closing date: Friday, 23 October 2020 at 15:00.
Besoek asseblief ons webtuiste by www.overstrand.gov.za vir die volledige advertensie en inligting oor die aansoekproses. Die pos kan ook op die kennisgewingborde by die onderskeie biblioteke en munisipale kantore besigtig word.
Please visit our website at www.overstrand.gov.za for the detailed advertisement and information about the application process. This position may also be viewed on the notice boards at the respective libraries and municipal offices.