The Village NEWS 07 Oct - 14 Oct 2020

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Change your look, feel the difference All that dedicated attention – and careful thought – will take only a few hours of your day and Erna charges an hourly rate. This is a small change for a re-energised, rejuvenated you – and, if needs be, she’ll help you shop for your new wardrobe.

homemakers. She believes the consumer studies course is worth doing by anyone – male or female. “It teaches valuable life skills like cooking, nutrition, fashion design and interior design, as well as small business enterprise development.”

A domestic science – now called consumer studies – teacher by profession, Erna’s creative flair and sharp eye for detail will put new life into your wardrobe. And you’ll be among celebrities such as the late Margaret Roberts, South African herbalist and author of many books; Sandy McCormack, Miss South Africa 1986; and Keith Kirsten, South Africa’s bestknown gardener, who have all benefited from Erna’s understated insight. Corporate clothing for the Protea Hotels group is also on her resumé.

Remember, gents, Erna has vast experience in changing men’s wardrobes, too. In fact, that’s where her talent first revealed itself. A straight-talking person, Erna told a friend that the way he dressed needed attention – that, in fact, it left much to be desired. He told her to do something about it.

Erna’s response to being asked for a few hints on style was: “Don’t follow fashion, follow your personality, in colour and style. Don’t colour your hair and, remember, with a good haircut you can get away with anything. And you (looking intently at me)… you need eyebrows!

“I did, and I was astonished by his transformation,” she said. “People commented favourably on his new look, he grew in poise and in confidence – and I knew that this was my calling.”

“Oops,” she apologized, “I get excited and then I come across a little heavy-handed – but you’ll think about it?” (I did…)

Asked how she goes about her consultations, she explained:

Born and raised in Gauteng, Erna studied at the Potchefstroom College of Education and, as a single mother of three children, she used her skills to keep the home fires burning.

Writer Olivia Schaffer


t a time when money is in short supply and you need a change, Erna Vroom of Hermanus is a valuable person to know.

“I like to sit and chat with the client, preferably over a cup of coffee, to get a good feel for her or him. Prior to our meeting, I request that all the seldom-used clothes be taken out of the cupboard, so that I can look at the colours and styles and assess whether or not they enhance the client’s shape and personality. Together, we mix, match, alter, add to, take from – and voilá we have a new, exciting wardrobe of clothes that promises to reawaken vitality and uplift morale.”

“With teaching, alterations, dressmaking and colour-coding, I managed to provide for my daughter, who is now in Thailand, as well as my twin boys, one in London and the other here in Hermanus,” she explained. “My days were long and tiring, but that’s all in the past now.” Naturally, Erna’s children are also competent

Erna has made an impact on many people’s lives. She has taught at numerous schools (is currently a tutor for Grade 12 learners), runs dressmaking classes and does alterations as well as dressmaking for private clients. You’ll find her at or 072 380 0440.

Erna Vroom explains how a soft feminine top can transform blue jeans into smart-casual wear. PHOTO: Olivia Schaffer

7 October 2020

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