Human Capital

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Human Capital Management

Human Capital Management Russell Connor

The Foundation for Strategic Decision Support

About the Author: Russell Connor is the Managing Director of Dynamic Link ( Dynamic Link uses a Work Levels framework to help assess human capital.

Acknowledgements: Dynamic Link recognises the important contribution of John Boudreau and Peter Ramstad to the development of these ideas. We highly recommend the book by them entitled Beyond HR. The New science of Human Capital. Harvard Business School Press ISNB-13: 978-1-4221-0415-6.

Overview: Despite significant effort, the human resource of a business has defied easy evaluation in the way that financial capital and markets have been assessed. Whilst finances can be talked about in clear and consistent ways, there is no common language that enables Human Capital to be addressed. Russell identifies the lessons that HR can learn from other decision sciences and details the integrated framework upon which assessment of Human Capital can be established. Aims and Objectives Human Capital Management is a new approach to people management that treats it as a high level strategic issue and seeks to systematically analyse, measure and evaluate how people, policies and practices create value. The aim of Human Capital Management is to increase the success of an organisation by improving decisions that depend on or impact people. Human Capital Management promises a great deal. However, the diversity of human beings and the fact that an organisation’s financial health is always context dependent makes a simple translation between people and profit an impossible quest.


Green Paper series

Despite this, there are ways in which companies can assess their human capital. Other Decision Sciences There are three key domains which organisations must address to be successful, namely; money, markets and people. The good news is that accounting and management professions recognise that traditional corporate measurement systems must be enhanced to take into account the value-add of the people domain - especially in the knowledge based economy. As yet few organisations have with the ability to assess or fully utilise this knowledge based asset, despite many hours of searching for ways of measuring it and managing it.

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