Welcome to the last edition of TUG for 2022. Is it that time of year already? It is, so as I write this, we are looking forward to the everpopular Xmas quiz hosted by Chris Johnson. You will see that our website diary page is now populated with a full calendar of rides and events for 2023. To be involved you will need to renew your membership so I’m excited to tell you that membership can now be renewed online. You will find links to the online form on the website and on Linktree. If you prefer a printed form the original download is still available on our website.
Follow us on Instagram and if you have photos to share please send them to me at webmaster@eamg.org.uk otherwise I’m afraid you will only get to see my photos! Graham Simpkins, Editor
Use the Linktree QR code below to find all of our social media and the online membership form:
Cover picture based on View of santa claus on the council square by frimufilms on Freepik
CHAIRMAN’S PIECE Dear all. Some news to share regarding 2023 membership fees. The committee, after much deliberating have made the decision to increase membership fees for 2023. The committee are mindful that many are finding things harder than before, with all costs rising. But this is true to EAMG too, the current rates had been set many years ago without change. Too long ago for any of us to remember when! And we have faced cost increases from many areas too. We have kept the increase to a minimum, and it is to be an extra £5 per year no matter which membership category. The new rates are as follows; Full Member £30 per annum. New Associate £60 per annum (includes Highway Code & Roadcraft books) Associate £45 per annum. Please note the EAMG membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December, membership does not start on the day payment is received. It would be very helpful if payments can be made via internet banking, please. Our banking details are to be found on the EAMG membership application form on our website. I know some of you have an auto renew facility enabled, so please do remember to change the amount on it. I do hope you are able to see our reasoning, and we have tried to keep the increase to an absolute minimum, effectively the price of a couple of coffees. I do feel we have something very special at EAMG, and it is all of us together that make it so. We try our very best to deliver top class training, and over 80% of advanced tests taken this year achieved Gold. I think that is amazing, and testament to the quality we have worked hard to achieve. Also, we see the return of more social rides, and hopefully two slow riding days next year, among other things being worked on. So, I finish by saying a very big heartfelt thankyou... to all of the membership, training team and committee. Looking forward to 2023 already. Best Michel Couque EAMG Chairman
LEON’S ACCIDENT. On my way home from the Associate/Member ride in October, on the Hawkswood Road to Ramsden, I was exiting an S bend when I saw someone lying at the side of the road in motorcycle gear – but no bike! I turned round and parked in a gravel entrance to a field and rushed over to what turned out as a young guy of about 19. I asked if he was hurt – he said he back was hurting so I told him to lay still as he was on the edge of the grass,. At that time someone stopped and was warning approaching traffic as it was on a blind bend. Leon was his name and, like most bikers was more concerned about his bike! I peered into the deep ditch and could see it was upside down facing the wrong way. He told me it was an SV650 which he purchased on PCP and only done 600 miles. He asked if it was damaged and, after pushing the branches away could see the forks were damaged badly as fork oil was evident. Couldn’t see much else but it would be pretty badly scratched. He was upset about that. The guy in the other vehicle rang for an ambulance and was told it would be many hours before they could get there! As mentioned, the accident happened on a blind S bend so I was looking forward to traffic directing for a long while! Meanwhile Leon rang his Dad and in 45 minutes he turned up in a van, which he used to tow the bike out of the ditch and we helped load it into the van. You can never tell how much damage until the bike is fully checked out by an engineer, but it may be in ‘write off’ territory - especially the way insurance companies assess them. After about an hour I saw Leon standing up and walking slowly looking very stiff. Turns out the emergency services had called back and asked him to see if he could stand up! Now we was always told on our Biker Down course to not move the patient unless there was danger so surprised at this. They said that he should be driven to hospital for a check up. He rang me a few days later and told me they kept him in as he had a slight fracture at the base if his back. He said the doctor wasn’t happy that he’s been told to stand up and make his own way to hospital. Lets look at how I’ve assessed how the accident happened: I approach the S bend going up a hill and turn into a blind left hander which is near 90 degrees and tightens further into a double-apex which leads onto the blind right hander nearer a 40 degrees exit. If you look at picture 1 leading to the RH exit you can see the a gravel entrance (where I parked my bike on the limit point - highlighted) to a field and the high hedge immediately either side of the entrance. Picture 2 shows the bend exit opening ready to start accelerating. It looks like he’s started to accelerate before the exit has opened so accelerating towards the ‘limit point’ which took him off-line to the edge of road. Or maybe an oncoming vehicle has appeared and being a bit close to it, panicked and target fixated towards the field entrance/bushes. Never got the chance to ask him. Anyway, we can be sure that the old Neanderthal instincts kicked in and he looked at the danger and went straight for it! The pictures are taken from position 1 of my lane (N/S to edge of road) for view. I assume Leon’s view would be more central to the lane (position 3) after exiting the sharp left hander, so adding limited view to the problem. At this point he’s thought ‘Oh Shit’ I’m heading towards the edge of the road!
This was evident as I looked at the gravel entrance into the field and could see his tyre marks across the front edge leading into the hedge (see picture 3 with line of entry highlighted). I couldn’t help suggesting to him that he accelerated too early and target fixated - the Observer in me kicked in- to which he said yes he panicked. He told me that he hadn’t had much experience and was still learning.-You never stop learning! He was so lucky he fell off the bike and didn’t lock onto the bars which would’ve resulted in pretty bad injuries. It may sound like mercenary tactics and I was trying to recruit a young person to the Group, as I offered him free training when he’s back on his bike. I gave him my details, not while he was laying on the floor but when he was leaving with his dad. I haven’t heard from him since his initial contact but maybe he hasn’t been paid out yet, or without a bike, or I scared him off! So I hope to hear from in the future and can get him out and riding in a safer, confident and systematic way. Regards Mick Hewitt
AN INTRODUCTION TO GROUP TRAINING. The AGT (Associate Group Training) is held once a month, following the Tuesday Group night, for New Associates and Members further training (FTFM-Further Training Full Member) - held at: Address: Beryl Platt Centre (formerly Longmeads House), 12-14 Redwood Drive, Writtle, Chelmsford. CM1 3LY. Ride round the back to the left of the old building.
Time: Arrive 09:00 - Start: 09:30 - we have a good social chat before we start. We typically have Q & A or PowerPoint session on Roadcraft (Police training manual) lasting about 30 minutes. Members are then allocated to an Observer for the training - note: if you have time constraints then just advise the Observer. Your Observer will thoroughly brief you before going out. You will probably stop at certain times during the ride for a chat (usually tea break) and feedback. First time out usually is around 50 miles (2-3 hours) and finishes with a final de-brief on your ride and a ride report. There's a charge of £10 for each participant towards payment for the venue etc. NO payment for the Observer for AGT training. When you join EAMG you will be allocated a dedicated Observer for your flexible 1 to 1 training rides. AGT's give you the opportunity to experience a different Observer for the day and meet with others socially in the group. Please register your attendance at AGT for Associates and FTFM (Further Training Full Members): Can all those wishing to attend please email: mickhewitt39@hotmail.com / or text 07762 889408 confirming name and attendance for the next AGT – if circumstances change after booking then just advise. No problem.
This will help to ensure Observers that attend have a trainee to take out. Very frustrating for Observers when no one turns up! They're very keen to help you. Full members are welcome to come along to meet and go for a social ride after Roadcraft talk. Prior to attending an AGT or any other EAMG riding event, please ensure your motorcycle has a full tank of fuel, is fully legal for insurance, tax and MOT (if applicable) - no need to produce documents if you signed the disclaimer. And equally important that your machine has been POWER checked - pre-ride checks will be carried out by the Observer on the day. If any safety issues found then the observed ride could be cancelled. POWERSBEST: PETROL - full tank for journey. OIL - check engine/brake fluid levels. Also look for oil leaks. WATER - check coolant level. ELECTRICS - check all lights operate / horn / warning lights. RUBBER - check TYRE pressures as advised in your manual. Check tread depth - law says 1mm around the whole circumference and across 3/4 of tread pattern. Note: plan to change before this as the braking/grip levels reduce drastically as the tyre reaches the minimum legal requirement. STEERING - check no fouling of cables side to side. BRAKES - Check pads for wear, or ask your observer if your unsure. EQUIPMENT - check box/panniers secure and no straps hanging. SUSPENSION - check the legs for leaks - look for oil film near seals. Visual check on rear. TRANSMISSION - engine oil also lubricates gearbox - in nearly all cases. CHECK YOUR CHAIN - IT MUST BE LUBRICATED AND ADJUSTED CORRECTLY AND ALSO FIT FOR PURPOSE. Any doubts visit your bike shop or ask an observer. Notes: If you've recently joined and not received your Roadcraft and Highway code, please let me know and I'll bring along. If you would like to try us out as a guest, then you're welcome to come along for a try-out (no charge). Please contact me, as below, to introduce yourself and be booked-in. If you have any burning questions to use as a topic in our Q & A, then please advise me. Mick Hewitt 07762 889408 / mickhewitt39@hotmail.com Look forward to seeing you. Regards The Training Team
A LOOKBACK AT NOVEMBER GROUP NIGHT. It was apparently a good autumn for EAMG as our chairman, Michel had a few EAMG Full Member certificates to present to members who recently passed the ROSPA test. Congratulations to the following:
Gary Alderson
Colin Foley
Neil Grimshaw
We also welcomed guest speaker Keith Weller to tell us about the work of the Essex Voluntary Blood Service, better know to most of us as Essex Blood Runners.
Members enjoying our new home at Little Channels
Riding AS114 from Cangas De Onis on the Picos Triangle the sign forewarned of a rockfall. But then it was one of a number of Rockfall warnings along our ride. However this rock was exceptional in that it was approaching a meter in diameter. A closer view showed the river running below, where the road overhang had completely fallen through. I guess they have regular road inspectors continually doing the rounds. It certainly demonstrates the importance of riding using the advanced techniques that we all employ
San Glorio Pass - at an elevation of 1600 meters - A scenic stop off giving views across Picos de Europa National Park in Northern Spain. Keep smiling Roy Becken.
EAMG ACTIVITIES FOR DECEMBER Sunday 11th December - Associate & Further Training for Members We are operating a booking-in system for Associates and FTFM (Further Training Full Members. Can all those wishing to attend please email: mickhewitt39@hotmail.com / or text 07762 889408 confirming name and attendance – if circumstances change after booking then just advise. No problem. AGT's give you the opportunity to experience a different Observer for the day and meet with others in the group. There will be a short Roadcraft talk prior to allocations. Address: Beryl Platt Centre (formerly Longmeads House), 12-14 Redwood Drive, Writtle, Chelmsford. CM1 3LY. Ride round the back to the left of the old building. Time: Arrive 09:00 - Start: 09:30. Contact: Mick Hewitt 07762 889408 Charge: £10 Sunday 18th December - Colin`s Full Member Ride
2023 EAMG EVENT DIARY (AS AT 19.11.2022) V7 Month January
Date (Revisions)
Sunday, 8th Tuesday, 10th
Associate Group Training (AGT) Group Night - Natter Night (deferred by one week)
Sunday, 15th Sunday, 22nd Tuesday, 7th Sunday, 12th Sunday, 19th Sunday, 26th Sunday, 5th Tuesday, 7th
Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Group Night - AGM Associate Group Training (AGT) Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Group Night
Sunday, 12th Sunday, 19th Sunday, 26th Tuesday, 4th Saturday, 8th Sunday, 9th Tuesday, 11th Sunday, 16th Sunday, 23rd Sunday, 30th Sunday, Tuesday, 2nd Tuesday, 2nd Sunday, 7th Sunday, 14th Sunday, 21st Sunday, 21st Sunday, 28th Sunday, 4th Tuesday, 6th Tuesday, 6th
Associate Group Training (AGT) Observer Peer to Peer Ride (2301) Colin's Full Member Ride Group Night Chairman’s Easter Ride Associate Group Training (AGT) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Associate/Full Member Training (AMT/FMT 2301) Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Essex Motorcycle Show, North Weald (to be confirmed) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) Observer Peer to Peer Ride (2302) Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Associate/Full Member Training (AMT/FMT 2302) Slow Riding Day (to be confirmed) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Group Night
Sunday, 11th Sunday, 18th Sunday, 25th Tuesday, 4th Sunday, 9th Tuesday, 11th Sunday, 16th Sunday, 16th Sunday, 23rd Sunday, 30th Tuesday, 1st Sunday, 6th Tuesday, 8th Sunday, 13th Sunday, 20th
Associate Group Training (AGT) Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Observer Peer to Peer Ride (2303) Associate/Full Member Training (AMT/FMT 2303) Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Audrey & John's Cotswolds Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride
2023 EAMG EVENT DIARY (AS AT 19.11.2022) V7 Month September
Date (Revisions)
Sunday, 27th Sunday, 3rd Sunday, Tuesday, 5th Sunday, 10th Sunday, 10th Tuesday, 12th Sunday, 17th Sunday, 24th Sunday, 1st Tuesday, 3rd Sunday, 8th
Colin's Full Member Ride Slow Riding Day (to be confirmed) Copdock Show (to be confirmed) Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Run (to be confirmed) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Observer Peer to Peer Ride (2304) Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT)
Tuesday, 10th Sunday, 15th Sunday, 22nd Sunday, 29th Sunday, 5th Tuesday, 7th Sunday, 12th
Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Associate/Full Member Training (AMT/FMT 2304) Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) – Remembrance Sunday
Sunday, 19th Sunday, 3rd Tuesday, 5th Sunday, 10th Sunday, 17th
Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Group Night - Xmas Quiz Associate Group Training (AGT) Colin's Full Member Ride
A FINAL THOUGHT FOR THE YEAR FROM KEITH DURRANT. For those of us who enjoy little more than getting out and enjoying the freedom and fellowship of being on two wheels, the onset of winter brings for most of us, a period when we simply look at our beloved bikes hibernating in our garages, waiting for spring to return. But winter can be short, and in addition to the usual Christmas and New Year festivities, there’s work to be done for next years motorcycling adventures. Cleaning, maintenance, modifications, NEC Bike Show, London Bike Show, attending EAMG meetings, perusing future bike and kit purchases, training activities, holiday planning, route planning…….before we know it, spring, and next summer will be with us in no time at all! During the cold and gloom of winter, just think, In just 14 short weeks, the days will lengthen and we’ll have the opportunity to use all our skills again, enjoy riding on dry roads in the early spring sunshine, seeing the new leaves forming, daffodils growing in the hedgerows, and beautiful cherry blossom in the trees, just like in these photographs, which I just had to stop and capture, on a trip to Luxembourg earlier this year. Having fun, creating memories, enjoying the fellowship of biking. For me, that’s what it’s all about. So relax, enjoy your Christmas and New Year celebrations, then start counting down the weeks until SPRING IS IN THE AIR, again!