Welcome to TUG, 2023. This is a rather quiet time of year for motorcyclists. Many don’t ride at all through the winter and others, myself included pick the days we choose to ride and today was one of them. I had errands to run including a grocery shop. It would have been more convenient to take the car and I could have carried more wine which is an important consideration but going by bike is just much more fun. It was bright but cold day which is fine as I had enough layers to stay warm but whilst the roads are covered in grit (salt) I prefer to only take my bike out when I will have time to give it a good post ride wash without fear the water will freeze on my steep driveway. The bike then gets tucked up again with the dehumidifier. Ok, so my Blackbird is rather mollycoddled but that’s how you look after a 24-year-old bike. I had wondered if my days with the Blackbird may be numbered as the proposed extension to London’s ULEZ zone will encompass places that I do currently frequent. I had been perusing the classifieds with my shortlist of candidates to replace it but then my wife needed a new car. I guess I shall just have to pay the emission zone charge for a while at least. In reality that will be much cheaper than buying a newer bike but it had seemed like a good excuse for an upgrade. There has been much in the news recently about the AI chatbox, ChatGPT so I asked it to tell me in 200 words, what is great about motorcycling? This was the response: Motorcycling is a unique and exhilarating experience that offers a range of benefits and enjoyment. For starters, riding a motorcycle offers a sense of freedom and independence. The open-air environment, wind in your face, and the ability to travel on your own schedule are all aspects of this experience that riders cherish. Additionally, motorcycling can be a great way to explore and see new places. With a motorcycle, you can take scenic routes and travel to areas that would be more difficult to access by car. Another great aspect of motorcycling is the sense of community it fosters. Motorcyclists are a tight-knit group who enjoy sharing their passion for riding with others. Whether it's through participating in group rides, attending motorcycle events, or simply stopping to chat with fellow riders on the road, motorcycling provides ample opportunities for socializing and making new friends. Furthermore, motorcycling can also be a cost-effective and eco-friendly mode of transportation. Motorcycles are generally more fuel efficient than cars, and they don't produce emissions in the same way that cars do. Additionally, motorcycles require less maintenance and take up less space, making them a great option for those looking to save money and reduce their environmental impact. Overall, motorcycling is a thrilling and fulfilling hobby that provides a sense of freedom, community, and adventure to those who enjoy it. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a newcomer to the sport, there are many reasons to love motorcycling. Graham Simpkins, Editor webmaster@eamg.org.uk Cover picture from our last Slow Riding Day at North Weald. www.eamg.org.uk
CHAIRMAN’S PIECE Hello everyone. I guess not too many of us have been riding so much lately, but don’t worry better riding conditions are not far away. Being a so called advanced rider I do check the weather forecast with OCD in the days before rides, AGT etc. For the last AGT the weather forecast was decent, with maybe a tiny sprinkling of rain around 2pm. At 7am I was thinking maybe I would wear textile trousers as well as textile jacket (always textile jacket now), but I couldn’t find them, they were not where I left them, I searched the whole house except for one room, as let’s say my son had company! So I left them in there and put my leather trouser on. Out observing AGT and around midday in Thaxted the heavens opened, biblical proportions. By the time we got to Ongar I stopped the ride, rain bouncing high off the road, awful riding conditions. The rain continued like that until I was 5 mins from home in London. My jacket and boots remained perfectly waterproof, my trousers waterlogged. I felt like the Michelin man getting off the bike. The moral of the story is be prepared, although I thought I was, I wasn’t. I should have put my textile trousers together with the rest of my kit the day before. Of course it’s my fault that someone I dare mention moved the trousers, but best not start WW3. Talking of AGT, it was a fine morning, and the car park at Beryl Platt Centre was full. A truly great sight to behold, thanks to all the members and many observers needed to cope with the demand, it seems that we train to a very good standard indeed with about 80% of Rospa tests taken by our members last year being Gold, so if any of you would like to chat about joining the observer team please DO. Anyone with Rospa Gold can apply, if I can do it then so can you. EAMG also very much needs more help on the committee, we will be seeking a new secretary as Steve Mariner after 3 years is stepping down. We will miss Steve, he has been a superb secretary, it is not the easiest committee role, needs a keen eye and a sense of humour, which Steve has in abundance. Steve did mention he will now devote more time to riding. Steve would be a great observer?! So EAMG does need a new secretary, I mention this now as AGM is nearly upon us, I am giving you all a chance to have a little think before I start hassling you on the night. Steve will be sending out the order of things for AGM, but I can tell you in advance that all the remaining committee members have agreed to carry on if re-elected. Committee meetings are every 2 months, but a zoom meeting can be squeezed in should the need arise. You even get a free biscuit, what more could you want. In all seriousness, it’s just a few volunteers on both the committee and training team that make this magic happen, so we do need help, it’s for all for your benefit. You may notice we have a new membership Secretary known as Naughty Nigel White, he is very shy and quiet NOT. Nigel will be actively keeping in touch with members, we now acknowledge your membership renewal and then receipt of payment, along with the QR forms it’s been quite a revelation. See you at the AGM, Michel Couque EAMG Chairman www.eamg.org.uk
PRESENTATIONS AT DECEMBER GROUP NIGHT. EAMG chairman, Michel had an important family occasion to attend so we were grateful to fellow committee member, Paula for stepping in to make the presentations at Group Night. Congratulations to the following receiving their EAMG Full Member certificates:
Tony Metcalf
Paul Filtness
Bruce Atkinson
Dave Hawke
Chris Rose www.eamg.org.uk
Paula also had the pleasure of presenting a Life Member certificate to Chris Johnson thanking him for his years of dedication to EAMG. Chris has served on the committee for many years but most EAMG members will know him as the former TUG editor and regular ride back marker.
As expected, Chris gave a response to his award. www.eamg.org.uk
EAMG Training Activities in 2023 1 to 1 Observer Rides – for Associate Members who’ve yet to pass an Advanced Test: New Associate Members are matched to an Observer to oversee your training, tailoring it to your needs to develop your skills to become a ‘Safe’ and ‘Consistent’ rider using the Roadcraft ‘System’ of Motorcycle Control IPSGA – Information, Position, Speed, Gear and Acceleration. Training is based around you and your Observer’s available time – you arrange convenient times to meet for each ride. There’s not a requirement for you to take an Advanced Test but nearly all do take the test – choices are; IAM or RoSPA. EAMG prefer RoSPA because you are expected to take a three yearly test to check your standard. For those coming up to a retest we offer refresher courses with Further Training for Full Member(FTFM) and Full Member Training(FMT) – see below for details. £10 is the payment for each Observed ride to the Observer to cover fuel costs. Flexible Observed Rides: Flexible Observed rides are for Associates who want to progress quickly to achieve test ready standard. This may be due to your Observer having family/work commitments. Speak to your Observer and contact the Observer Coordinator to arrange additional training with another Observer. Associate Group Training(AGT) / Full Member Further Training(FTFM): Each month of the year we have our Group Training for Associates and Full Members at the Beryl Platt centre in Writtle on Sunday mornings. Group Training always follows the Tuesday Group Social Night. Group Training is your day and we try to present it in the most inclusive way we can with open discussions on subjects that you want to discuss. The format that seems to work best is two or three Observers up front in a Q&A session which results in an enjoyable open discussion lasting about 30-40 minutes. We may also use Powerpoint at times for certain pre-planned subjects. You will be allocated to an Observer who will brief you and ask about you and your riding history before you go out. Come along as we’re sure you’ll enjoy the friendly atmosphere, also meeting other members and all the Observers. We operate a booking system to ensure enough Observers are in attendance. Please go to the forum: EAMG Activities - AGT (Associate Group Training) for details. £10 for each participant to cover costs for hall – note: no Observer fees for AGT’s.
Further Training for Full Members(FTFM): Full members who’ve already passed any advanced test can take additional training 1 to 1 with an Observer – similar to Associate training. Again, you make suitable arrangements to meet for each session. This is very popular for those with an upcoming test to check no bad habits have crept in. As RoSPA is graded ‘Gold’, ‘Silver’ or ‘Bronze’, it may be you want to aim for a top pass, if not already achieved. You should always be aiming to improve your skills. £10 is the payment for each Observed ride to the Observer to cover fuel costs. Associate(AMT) / Full Member Training(FMT): John Tipper has been organising this popular event for years. John added the AMT a few years ago for Associates nearing test ready standard to increase their mileage with a full day’s training to a lunch stop before returning. Format is to meet at 9am then allocate 2 to 1 to an Observer rotating during the ride at
each debrief. Great feedback from all who attend as this pushes your skills through a longer day – very enjoyable. Typically you’ll do 120 to 150 miles on lovely roads. Cost is £35 for the day – a bargain. FMT is for Full Members who want to test their skills and ensure their standards are high. As with FTFM(above) you can develop your skills to a higher standard to ensure you achieve your highest test level on retest. Format is riding about 180 miles on lovely roads pushing your observation skills through a long day – I recall by 2011 I became lazy and not motivated to ride. I realised this so booked with John and had a great day re-igniting my love for riding. I was out with John Tullett who suggested I train to become an Observer. This I did and passed the tough Observer test in 2012. I recommend all to consider Observing for EAMG. FMT’s are held four times a year: April/May/July & October. Email john@reveillerrides.co.uk to book. Cost for the day is £45 – a bargain. Slow Riding Day / Machine Skills Day - 4th June and 3rd September: SRD’s are run for the benefit of all members from 9am to 1pm. Many older members have never experienced the latest tests of slalom braking/figure of eight and slow control etc. Slow control is an area where many riders become rigid when faced with a ‘U’ turn so end up paddling round – not a pretty sight! Come along and learn the techniques and practise, practise, practise to maintain the skills. Note: The riders that appear confident and skilled are those that practise ‘Slow Control’.
Pre-Covid we used Ford’s Technical Track but have now booked at North Weald Airfield. We had our first session their last September - a stress full day for me as I’d ridden their with my top box full of schematics/measurements of where each event was going to be and my cones all locked in my top box – no key as left at home! Staff at NW gave us cones and the Observers just did everything by experience and it turned out great. We have the use of the E/W disused runway for our exercises at NorthWeald which offers a large area to support many events. We also have a fun ‘snail’ race at the end for the slowest rider over a set distance. When we finish there’s an excellent airfield cafe to finish up for lunch – a really good day. Cost is £10 for the morning. Social rideouts – do try to attend the Associate/Full Member rides monthly to practise your new skills and enjoy the company for a great social meet. Check the forum - ‘Runs and Rides’ for details.
The Training team. Mick Hewitt Observer Coordinator mickhewitt39@hotmail.com 07762 889408
Rospa Test Pass Congratulations to Ian Mott on achieving a 'Gold' RoSPA test pass. Thanks to Observer, Paul Carden and Examiner, Mick Jones.
A LOOKBACK AT DECEMBER GROUP NIGHT We were delighted to uphold an EAMG Christmas tradition and enjoy a quiz night hosted once again by Chris Johnson, ably assisted by members of his family. It was especially nice that those family members including Chris’s wife Mary were at Little Channels to see Chris receive his Life Member certificate.
EAMG ACTIVITIES FOR FEBRUARY Sunday 12th February - Associate & Further Training for Members We are operating a booking-in system for Associates and FTFM (Further Training Full Members. Can all those wishing to attend please email: mickhewitt39@hotmail.com / or text 07762 889408 confirming name and attendance – if circumstances change after booking then just advise. No problem.
AGT's give you the opportunity to experience a different Observer for the day and meet with others in the group. There will be a short Roadcraft talk prior to allocations. Address: Beryl Platt Centre (formerly Longmeads House), 12-14 Redwood Drive, Writtle, Chelmsford. CM1 3LY. Ride round the back to the left of the old building. Time: Arrive 09:00 - Start: 09:30. Contact: Mick Hewitt 07762 889408 Charge: £10 Sunday 18th December - Mick and Alan's Associate/Member Ride Sunday 18th December - Colin`s Full Member Ride www.eamg.org.uk
2023 EAMG EVENT DIARY (AS AT 11.01.2023) V8 Month January
Date (Revisions)
Sunday, 8 Tuesday, 10th
Associate Group Training (AGT) Group Night - Natter Night (deferred by one week)
Sunday, 15th Sunday, 22nd Tuesday, 7th Sunday, 12th Sunday, 19th Sunday, 26th Sunday, 5th Tuesday, 7th
Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Group Night - AGM Associate Group Training (AGT) Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Group Night
Sunday, 12th Sunday, 19th Sunday, 26th Tuesday, 4th Saturday, 8th Sunday, 9th Tuesday, 11th Sunday, 16th Sunday, 23rd Sunday, 30th Sunday, Tuesday, 2nd Tuesday, 2nd Sunday, 7th Sunday, 14th Sunday, 21st Sunday, 21st Sunday, 28th Sunday, 4th Tuesday, 6th Tuesday, 6th
Associate Group Training (AGT) Observer Peer to Peer Ride (2301) Colin's Full Member Ride Group Night Chairman’s Easter Ride Associate Group Training (AGT) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Associate/Full Member Training (AMT/FMT 2301) Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Essex Motorcycle Show, North Weald (to be confirmed) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) Observer Peer to Peer Ride (2302) Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Associate/Full Member Training (AMT/FMT 2302) Slow Riding Day, North Weald Airfield Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Group Night
Sunday, 11th Sunday, 18th Sunday, 25th Tuesday, 4th Sunday, 9th Tuesday, 11th Sunday, 16th Sunday, 16th Sunday, 23rd Sunday, 30th Tuesday, 1st Sunday, 6th Tuesday, 8th Sunday, 13th Sunday, 20th
Associate Group Training (AGT) Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Observer Peer to Peer Ride (2303) Associate/Full Member Training (AMT/FMT 2303) Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Audrey & John's Cotswolds Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride
2023 EAMG EVENT DIARY (AS AT 11.01.2023) V8 Month
Date (Revisions)
Sunday, 27 Sunday, 3rd Sunday, 3rd Tuesday, 5th Sunday, 10th Sunday, 10th Tuesday, 12th Sunday, 17th Sunday, 24th Sunday, 1st Tuesday, 3rd Sunday, 8th
Colin's Full Member Ride Slow Riding Day, North Weald Airfield Copdock Bike Show Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Run Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Colin's Full Member Ride Observer Peer to Peer Ride (2304) Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT)
Tuesday, 10th Sunday, 15th Sunday, 22nd Sunday, 29th Sunday, 5th Tuesday, 7th Sunday, 12th
Neil’s Mid-Week Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Associate/Full Member Training (AMT/FMT 2304) Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Group Night Associate Group Training (AGT) – Remembrance Sunday
Sunday, 19th Sunday, 3rd Tuesday, 5th Sunday, 10th Sunday, 17th
Colin's Full Member Ride Mick & Alan’s Associate/Member Ride Group Night - Xmas Quiz Associate Group Training (AGT) Colin's Full Member Ride