FRIDAY | 30 MARCH 2018 ROOM Time: 15:45 - 17:00 Please select one of the following workshops, all of which are in the same time slot schedule as “Session 7”. Creating an Engaging and Intentional Learning Environment in Play Based Learning (Early Childhood) SHONA BASS
Myanmar Room II
More is Not Always Better: Helping Secondary Students Use Brain Science Strategies to Learn (Study Skills) BETH BIGGS-RAPPE Target Audience: Grades 9-12
Brunei Room I
Doing Poorly on Purpose: Underachievement and the Quest for Dignity (Special Needs) Brunei Room II JAMES DELISLE Building a Flexible Support System In the International School Setting (System Management) The Study BILL HANAGAN Target Audience: All grade levels. Teachers, Admin and Support Tech Tools to Drive Inquiry (Technology) Philippines Room WILLIAM HENLEY Target Audience: All teachers wishing to integrate tech for inquiry learning ELPA21 - English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ESL) The Valley Room I & II SANDRA JANUSCH Windows and Mirrors - Exploring and Celebrating Best Practices in Language (Modern Languages) LORI LANGER DE RAMIREZ
Indonesia Room
Learning Vocabulary through Drama Games (Action Research) Salathip C HAMORN LAU Meeting the Needs of “Local” Students in an International School (Counselors) Myanmar Room I DAN LONG AND JILL FAGEN Using Social Media in the Educational Setting (Librarian) Vietnam Room DIANNE MCKENZIE Empowering Students Through Inclusive Practices and Self-Advocacy (Student Empowerment) TAMMY MUSIOWSKY AND CHRISTINE ARNOLD Target Audience: All
Chairman’s Room
What Is That Behavior Telling You? (Special Needs) The Garden Gallery KRISTEN PELLETIER Reimagining Literacy Through Global Collaboration Teaching (Literacy / Reading) Corundum PERNILLE RIPP Why Are You Acting Like This?: Understanding Student Behaviors Using A Trauma-Informed Lens (Counselors) Myanmar Room III CAROLINE SCOTT AND MELISSA ROSAAEN Target Audience: Workshop is for counselors and teachers PK- 10 Including Students with Autism and Other Disabilities in the Music Curriculum (Special Needs) STEPHEN SHORE
Singapore Room
Overcoming the Blank Stare: Supporting Students with Writing Anxiety (Part 2) (Special Needs) BONNIE SINGER / ANN HELMUS
Ballroom III
Darius Goes West: How One Special Education Student Changed the World (Technology) Chao Phraya Room LOGAN SMALLEY So You Want to Write a Kid’s Book? - The Nuts and Bolts of Writing For Children (Author) STEVE SWINBURNE
Malaysia Room
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for sponsoring the conference pens! “50 Years of Voices United in Purpose.”