香蕉 香蕉幾乎含有所有的維生素和礦物質,因此從中可以很容易地攝取 各種營養素。香蕉食物纖維含量豐富,而且雖然因甜度甚高而得其 名,但是一根淨重約 100 克的香蕉的熱量大約相當是一餐白飯的一 半或以下而已。由於香蕉對消化、吸收相當良好,因此從小孩、到 老年人,都能安心地食用,並補給均衡的營養,甚至對大腦也有一 些幫助。 The banana contains almost all the vitamins and minerals, which can be easily intake of various nutrients. Banana dietary fiber content and due to the sweetness of the high and derives its name, but a net weight about 100 grams of banana calories is roughly equivalent to half of a meal of rice or below it. Banana digestion, absorption is quite good, from children to seniors can eat in peace, and supplies the balanced nutrition, and even some help on the brain.
蘋果 更年期會導致鈣、鎂的代謝障礙,造成骨質疏鬆,多吃蘋果可以補 充鈣、鎂等礦物質,預防或減少骨質疏鬆。蘋果的纖維、丹寧酸, 能止瀉 ( 蘋果削皮食用 ) 亦能助瀉 ( 連皮食用 ),主要是纖維素與果 膠的調配,嬰幼兒若有腹瀉的問題,可以將蘋果削皮切碎煮粥,有 助於緩解腹瀉 The menopause can cause metabolic disorders of calcium, magnesium, resulting in osteoporosis, eat apples can add calcium, magnesium and other minerals, to prevent or reduce osteoporosis. Apple fiber, tannins, can stop diarrhea (apple peel consumption) can also help diarrhea (edible skin), is the deployment of cellulose and pectin, infant diarrhea, can apple peel chopped porridge help ease diarrhea
西瓜 西瓜可清熱解暑,除煩止渴。西瓜中含有大量的水分,在急性熱病 發燒、口渴汗多、煩躁時,吃上一塊又甜又沙、水分十足的西瓜, 症狀會馬上改善。在治療腎炎和降低血壓方面,西瓜可算是果菜之 中的好醫生。它所含的的糖和鹽能利尿並消除腎臟炎症;蛋白□能 把不溶性蛋白質轉化為可溶的蛋白質,增加腎炎病人的營養;它還 含有能使血壓降低的物質。 Watermelon can be to Qingre Chufan the thirst quencher. Watermelon contains large amounts of water, eat a sweet sand, water full of watermelons, acute fever, fever, thirst, sweat, irritability, symptoms will immediately improve. In the treatment of nephritis and lower blood pressure, watermelon can be regarded as the good doctor into the fruit and vegetable. It contains sugar and salt diuresis and the elimination of kidney inflammation; protein □ able to insoluble protein converted to soluble protein, increase the nutrition of the nephritis patients; it contains the substance can lower blood pressure.
葡萄柚 葡萄柚含有非常豐富的維生素 B1、B2 和C、檸檬酸、鈉、鉀和鈣且 卡路里較低,而檸檬酸有助於肉類的消化。吃葡萄柚時,最好和其 它酸性水果、堅果類或牛奶一起食用,並應於切開後立刻吃完,以 期能吸收葡萄柚裡所含有的營養成分。 Grapefruit contains very rich in vitamin B1, B2 and C, citric acid, sodium, potassium and calcium, and calories low, and citric acid helps the digestion of meat. When you eat a grapefruit, it is best to eat together, and other acidic fruits, nuts or milk, and should be eaten immediately after incision, in order to be able to absorb the nutrients contained in the grapefruit.
鳳梨 有豐富的維他命 B1,和檸檬酸,促進新陳代謝,恢復疲勞和增加食 慾。鳳梨中的維他命 C 不受高溫破壞,飯後吃鳳梨維他命 C 助吸收, 對需鐵的人有益。所含酵素除消化外,,尚可抗炎(呼吸道、視網膜、 關節、蜂窩性組織炎)。 Rich in vitamins B1, and citric acid, promoting metabolism, recovery from fatigue and increased appetite. The vitamin C in pineapple from heat damage, after a meal to eat pineapple vitamin C to help absorb beneficial to the people of the need to iron. Contains enzymes to digest, can still be anti-inflammatory (respiratory tract, retina, joints, cellular, tissue inflammation).
石柳 石榴是營養均衡的好食材,不僅有醣類、脂肪、蛋白質、多種維生 素與礦物質,因其富含為生素 C、礦物質鉀,並提供有菸草酸與鈉等 礦物質,有美容養顏之功效。它不但是味道酸甜好吃的水果,也可 以清熱解毒、潤肺止咳、澀腸止瀉,更以他富含維生素C的特色, 成為美容養顏的一品美食。中藥材石榴皮性溫有毒,內服時應注意 用量。 The pomegranate is a nutritionally balanced ingredients, not only carbohydrates, fats, proteins, a variety of vitamins and minerals, because of its rich living factors C, potassium, minerals, and tobacco acid with sodium and other minerals, beauty raisethe efficacy of yan. It is not only the taste of sweet and sour delicious fruit, but also can detoxify lungs and cough, Shibuya intestinal diarrhea, more to the characteristics of the rich in vitamin C, as a product of the beauty and food. Chinese herbal medicines granatum temperature toxic, oral administration should pay attention to dosage.
奇異果 奇異果富含維他命 C,可養顏美容、助消化、抗老、增強免疫力、降 低膽固醇;膳食纖維能促進腸道蠕動,改善便秘;鉀可保持體液平 衡和調節血壓,有益高血壓患者;另外奇異果含分解蛋白質酵素, 促進蛋白質的消化,防止胃悶,預防肉食或營養過剩引起的疾病。 Kiwi fruit rich in vitamin C, and beautify the skin, aid digestion, antiaging, enhance immunity, lower cholesterol; dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, improving constipation; potassium to maintain fluid balance and regulate blood pressure, beneficial to patients with hypertension;other kiwi-containing decomposition of protein enzymes to promote the digestion of protein, to prevent stomach nausea, and prevention of diseases caused by meat or excess nutrients.
Wax app
蓮霧 蓮霧每次的食用量,以 1~2 顆為宜。蓮霧含有大量的水分和粗纖維, 可以使胃部產生飽足感,在飯前空腹食用,這樣進餐時吃得少,同 時也有助於減少膽固醇與動物性脂肪的吸收。乾咳無痰或痰不易咳 出的人,可將蓮霧煮冰糖食用。而將蓮霧抹上微量食鹽食用,可治 消化不良,並能生津止渴。
Wax apples each of consumption, suitable for 1 to 2. Wax apples contain large quantities of water and crude fiber, can make the stomach satiety empty stomach before meals, such meals, eat less, but also help to reduce the absorption of cholesterol and animal fat. Dry cough without phlegm or sputum difficult to expectorate people will cook the wax apple rock candy consumption. The wax apple cast trace salt consumption can cure indigestion, and thirst.
木瓜 木瓜對糖尿病人有益,並有消炎殺蟲功效;使血管內凝結小血塊溶 解,菌血症所黏稠的濃液清化、排除或消炎,但木瓜有收縮子宮的 作用,懷孕婦女不宜多吃,而對授乳的母親有催奶作用。對發育期 女性具有乳房發育之助益。飯後兩小時食成熟的木瓜讓留在胃中的 脂肪與蛋白消化清除,,其纖維助排瀉及腸蠕動,亦具美膚及抗老 化功效。 Papaya is beneficial for people with diabetes, and anti-inflammatory insecticidal efficacy; condensation of small blood clots dissolved within the blood vessels, and bacteremia are sticky concentrated liquid Thanh Hoa, the exclusion or anti-inflammatory, but the papaya contraction of the uterus, pregnant women should not eat.lactating mothers have lactation. Benefit of the development of female breast development. Two hours after a meal and eat ripe papaya for fat and protein digestion in the stomach removed, the fiber cleanup diarrhea and bowel movements, but also with the skin and anti-aging effect.
櫻桃 櫻桃中的鐵可改善缺鐵性貧血;蛋白質、糖、磷、類胡蘿蔔素和維 生素 C 可養顏美容、延緩老化、預防感冒;富含膳食纖維能促進腸 胃蠕動;花青素能抗氧化。櫻桃主要成分是糖,也含少量的維生素 及礦物質,酸味少,口感佳為特徵。此外,柄有利尿作用,對支氣 管炎也有消炎的作用。 Cherry iron can improve iron deficiency anemia; protein, sugar, phosphorus, carotenoids and vitamin C skincare, slow down the aging process, prevent colds; rich in dietary fiber can promote gastrointestinal motility; anthocyanin antioxidant. Cherry main ingredient is sugar, but also containing small amounts of vitamins and minerals, sour, taste good characterized. In addition, the handle has a diuretic effect, bronchitis also have anti-inflammatory effect.