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In Retrospect r

A newspaper article called it the Year of the Trophy. A fitting tribute, indeed, to the most successfu l football season in Eastern hi story . It began rather inau spiciously but ended with the proclamation that Eastern was the f i nest football team in the NCAA's Mideast Region, w hich encompasses ten states and over 100 college division teams. The picture on your left shows Roy Kidd enjoyi n g the happiest moment in a very happy and successfu l football career. H e was hoi sted to the s hould ers of his players after the Colonels had defeated Ball State University, 27 - 13, in the Grantland Rice Bowl, ABC - TV's regional Game of the W eek . E astern was wearing the Oh i o Valley Conference crown at the time and boasted eleven players who enjoyed All-Conference status. One of them, Aaron Mar sh, was a 2nd team All-America se l ect ion by The Associated Press and a third-round draft c h oice of the AFL's Boston Patriots. Ji m Guice, honorable mention All-America the past two years, i s a leading cand i date for the top team this year. Guice completed a record 16 of 19 passes in the Grantland R i ce Bowl to earn the MVP title. In the final AP poll, the Colonels ranked fifth in the entire country. They called it the Year of the Trophy .

General Information

Location - Richmond, Madi so n County, Kentuck y, a grow ing city of about 14,000 population and at an altitude of 937 feet. This i s a rich farming area, the count y considered the l argest beef cattle - raising co unt y east of t h e Mississippi.

Enrollm e nt - 9 , 450 .

Founded - 1906 .

Pre s id e nt - Dr . Rob er t R. Martin .

Vice President for A c ademic Affair s - Dr . Thoma s F . Stovall .

Athletic Conference - Ohio Vall ey, N .C.A.A .

G ymnasium -Alumni Coliseum (capacity 7,500) .

Stadium - Hanger Stadium ( c apacit y 8 ,500).

Nickname - Colonel s, Maroon s.

S y mbol - Colonel.

Color s - Maroon and Whit e .

Board of Regents

Ex-Officio Chairman: Wendell P . Butler, State Sup e rintend e nt of Public In struction.

Members : Earle B . Comb s , Sr ., Richmond ; Robert Begley, Richmond; Durham Ho ward, Pin ev ill e; Wilson Palm e r, C y nthiana ; Sidney W. Cla y, Louis v ille ; William Wallace, Lexington; Ralph Whalin, faculty representative; and Steve Wilborn, st ud ent representative.

Athletic Committee

Memb e rs : John Vick e r s, Chairman ; C. Ambrose; D . Barr; J. D . Coates; J. C. Powell; W. B erge; L . Co ca nough er; J. Stocker; R. Whalin; A . L. Whitt; C . Lewis ; and Glenn E. Presnell, ex-officio member.

Athletic Staff

Director of Athletic s - Glenn E. Presnell (Nebra s ka, 1927).

Head Football Coach- Roy Kidd (Eastern Kentuck y , 1954) .

Line Coach es - Bobby Harville (Eastern Kentu c k y , 1957). Bill Shannon (Ea s tern Kentuck y, 1948 ).

Backfield Coach es - Ja ck I son (Eastern Kentucky , 19 61). Fr ed Franci s (Morehead , 1962) .

Graduate A ss is tants - Bob Tarvin (Eastern Kentu c k y, 1968)

Fr ed Malin s (Ea stern Kentucky , 1966)

Dick Roddy (Wyoming, 1961)

Student A ss i s tant- Dou g Hampton (Ea ste rn Kentuck y, 1970)

Head Coaches Oth e r Sports - Bas e ball: Charl es "Turkey" Hughes; Ba s k e tball: Guy Strong; Track: Conni e Smith; Swimming: Don Comb s ; Golf: Gl e nn E . Pr es nell; Tennis: Jack Adams; Rifle : Capt. Marvin Goff.

Equipment Mana ge r - Skip Daughert y (Ea s t e rn Kentucky, 1969).

Dr. Robert R. Martin.

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