The 198 1 Fall Sports Media Guide has been prepared espec ially for the members of the press, radio and televis io n who cover th e Co lone ls. We s incerely hope that it will provide many of the answers conce rning t he Co lone ls and Eastern Kentucky Uni ve rsity. If you des ire additional in fo rmatio n, s pecial features, pictures, etc., or ha ve ques tions not answered in thi s broc hure , feel free to contac t the Divis ion of Public In format io n located in th e Jones Building (T e le phone: 606-622- 2 30 I and 606-622-2302).
Information for Visiting Newsmen at Football Games
WORKING PRESS TI C K ETS - All requests fo r press t ickets by working newspaper, radio, o r tele v ision personnel s hou ld be made BY NAME, as far i n advance as possible. Press tick e ts cannot be mailed less than one week in advance of the game. In th e event of a large press turnout , priority will go to our regular coverage and statewide medi a.
RADIO - All cor resp onde nc e concerning R ad io Broadcasting Right s should be addressed to the D iv isi on o f P ublic I nformat ion, Eastern K e ntucky University R eq uests should be made BY NA ME a s ea rl y as possible. Lines are t o be orde red by the req ue s ting sta tion direct from the South Cen tral Bell Telephone Company wi th instruc ti ons t o co ntact this office prior t o ins talling lines S potters can be made available if requested in advance. The "official station", as designated b y the Director of Athletics of th e vi s iting institution, will be assigned priority space Reque sts by other s tation s will be co n sid e red in rel a tion to availability of s pace and date of request.
TE L EV IS ION Live telcvison coverage is prohibited unless p e rmis s ion is granted by the Vi ce President fo r Public Affairs well in adva nce.
SCOUTS - A ll reques t s by scouts should be mad e BY NAM E a s far in advance as possible Scouts r epresenting a college or univers it y are lim it e d to two per s chool, while profe ss ional scouts ar e re stricted to one per team Professional scouts' requests arc to be made from the team's main office.
PHOTOG RAPHERS - Advance requests BY NA ME are req uired and , as a general polic y, there s h o uld be no more than one photographer per schoo l or medium. Ph o t o graphers may ta ke pictures from th e sidelines during the game provided th ey remain within specified areas - away from the immediate sidelines and the front of the bench and coaching areas (30 to 30 yd. line). Motion picture crews ma y use the facilities provided in the press box, upper deck.
In requesting working p r ess tick e ts , please advise BY NAME as to the number in your part y. It is desired that newspaper requests be limited to no more th a n two pers ons, radio requests, three persons.
PRESS TAGS - Press tags must be worn for iden tifi cat ion b y all newsmen , photographers and scouts sea ted in the press box or located o n th e field. Please note: all press passes a re issued BY N AME to authori7.ed working personnel and arc non-transferable.
The working newspaper and radio pers onnel, as well as scouts and ot her officials, will be furnished a copy of the play-by-pla y report and com plet e team and individual statistics at hal ft im e and approximately five minutes after th e game . R e freshm en t s are served before and during t he game.
KIDC - EKU head coach Roy Kidd is available for telephone interviews, Monda yThurs day from 8 a.m. - noon and 1-2:30 p.m. The only exception is T ues da ys and T hurs days when he tea c hes class from I 0:30 - 11 :30. Ki d d 's te leph one number is (606) 622-2437.
Location - Richmond , Mad ison County, Kentuc ky, a growing c it y of about 2 4,000.
Enrollment - 14 ,081
F ou nded - 1906
Pres id en t - Dr. J.C. Powe ll
Vice President for Academic Affairs - Dr. J ohn R o wlett
At hleti c Con fer ence - Ohio Valley, N.C.A.A. - M en: KWI C , AIAW - Women
Gymnasium - Alumni Coliseum ( capacity 6,500)
Stadiu m - Hanger Fie ld (capac ity 20,000)
N ic knam e - Colonels, M aroons
Symbo l - Colonel
Co lors Maroon and Whit e
Athletic Committee
Members: Dr. Ru ssell Bogue, Chairma n; Dr. Dixon Barr; Dr. Anne Brooks: Dr. Larue
Cocanoug her: Dr. Clyde L ewis; Dr. Nancy Peel; Dr. Doug Whitlock; M rs . Je anne tte
Crockett: Dr. Doris Sutton: Mr. C. E. Baldwin ; Mr. A.L. Whitt: Mr. Donald Combs and Dr. M artha M ullins, ex-officio.
Director of Athletics - Donald G. Combs
Assistant Directo r of Athletics - Dr. Martha Mulli ns
Head Football Coa ch - Roy Kidd(East ern Kentuck y, 1954)
Linc Coaches - Tom J ones (Western K entuc k y, 1973): J im Tanara (UTC h attanooga, 1965)
Backfield Coac hes - Ja ck Iso n (Eastern Ke ntucky, 1961 ); Joe Blankenship ( Eas t ern K entucky, 1965); Leon Hart (Maryville, 19 73).
H ead Coaches Other Spo rt s - Baseball: Jim Ward: Basketball: Max Good: Golf: fl ob Seaholm: Swimming: Dan Li chty: M e n's Track and Cross Country: Rick Erdmann; Men's Tennis: Tom Hi ggins; Men's Gymnastics: Dr. Gerald Calkin; Rifle : Sgt. Nelson
Beard; Wom e n's T ennis: Dr. Martha Mullins; Women's Volleyball: Dr. Geri P olv ino ; Women's Basketball: Dr. D ianne Murphy: Women's Gymnastics: Dr. Agnes C h rietz.berg; Wo men ' s Field Hockey: Lynne Har vel: Women's Track and Cross Country: Sandra Martin.
Assistant Coaches Other Sports - Bask etball: Bobby Washington; Swimming: Tim Cahill; Women's Basketball: Nell Hensley.
Trainer Dr. Bobby Ba rton.
Assistant Trainers - Donna R ecd and David Green.
Sports Info r mation Edi tor - Kar l Park. Athletic Business Manager - Da vid Parke.
Board of Regents
Chairman, Charles C. Combs, Ric h mon d ; Robert J. Begley, Jr., Richmond; Hallie Shouse, Lexington; Jerry Ikerd, Somerset; Dr. Rodney Gross, Grayson; J. W. Phelps, Louisville; Beverly Yeiser, Winchester: John Keith, Cynt hi ana; Dr. K e ith Algier, faculty representa ti ve; Tim Crawley , student representative.
NEW NCAA GUIDELINES For Effecti"e Sideline Control
T he N CA A Football Rules Com mitt ee has adopted guidelines for more efficient and safer sideline control during colle giate football contes t s.
RULE I, Sectio n 2, Article 3 states:
Li mi t li nes s hall be marked with 12-inch lines and at 24-inch intervals 12 feet outs id e the sidelines and the end lines, except in stadiums where total field surface does not permit. In these stadiums , the limit lines shall not be less than six feet from the sidelines and end l ines. Limit lines s ha ll be four inches in width. N O P E RSON OUTSIDETHETEAM AREA SHA LL fl E WITHIN THE LIMIT LIN ES
Photographers must observe the following tw o rules:
(I) Eac h photographer shall we ar a visible c redential iss ued by the s ports informatio n director.
(2) Photographers working o n the field may work on any part of th e sideli ne outside the bench area and behind the e nd zone, OUTSIDE THE RES TRA ININ G AREA LIMIT LINES. No one is permitted i n the bench a rea on th e play in g field , or in the restra ining area nex t to the sideline, A NY T IME after the competi tion begins, including durin g tim e outs unl ess he has been issued a bench pass. Ph otographer s only may work unrestricted on th e p layi ng fi e ld and in the bench a r ea immedia te ly after th e end of the game.
Should a n y questions a r ise or you incur any problems, pleas e seek assistance from any E KU Security Pe rsonne l or Mr. L arry Bailey, University Photographer. Failure to comply with the new NCAA rules could resu lt in your being asked to leave the field area.
Growth - in quantity and quality - has been the theme at Eastern Kentucky University. The quantity speaks for itself. With an enrollment of more than 14,000 students, the University's student body has more than tripled since 1960. As a result, new dormitories and large, well-equipped academic structures have been built.
Dr. J.C. Powell will be completing his sixth year as president of the University in October. Powell , the school's seventh president, succeeded Dr. Robert R. Martin who served EKU in that position for 16¼ years.
At a 1978 Board of Regents meeting, Eastern was reo rgani zed into nine colleges and a graduate school. Five colleges - Applied Arts and Technology, Business , Education, Law Enforcement and Allied Health and Nursing - remained intact.
Four new colleges were created, including Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Social and Behav ioral Sciences, Arts and Humanities and Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athl etics.
The masters degree is offered in several fields as is the specialist degree. A joint doctoral program in education is s ponsored in cooperation with the University of Kentucky.
The physical plant has undergone building and r e novation programs totaling more than $138 million s ince 1960. During this period every existing major campus facility h as been remodeled or completely reconstructed.
In I94 1, fo resigh t ed men had v isions of an Ohio Valley Confere nce. Sportswriters speculated about the impending division of th e Kentucky I ntercollegiate Athletic Conference. Virtually all agreed it was just a matter of t ime until t he div is ion took p la ce and a new a t hletic co nfere n ce was fo rm e d.
Then the J apanese bo mbed P ea rl Ha rbor and Amer ica was p lunged in t o World War II.
Seven years la ter , after the hostilit ies had ceased, a pre-war dream became a post -war r ea li ty. The "Big Five" of the K l. A.C. wit hdrew to fo rm the Ohio Valley Co n fe rence.
Making the move were West e rn Ke ntucky S t ate College, Eastern K entuc k y S tate College, Murray State College, M o r ehead State College and the University of Louisville They we r e joined by Evansv ille College and, shor tl y the re afte r, b y Ten n essee Tech and M arshall Col lege.
P urpose of the 0. V C., w hic h was set forth in it s constitut ion, is "to reg u late, con trol and , promote all the recognized bran ches of in tercollegiate athletics in ins t itut ions r eprese nt ed "
Through a gradual process, t he Oh io Valley Co n ference was to become a league of Kent ucky and T en nessee state colleges
Mi dd le Tennessee S t ate College joined the rol ls in 1952, East T e nn essee State University in 1957 a nd Austin Peay State College in the spr in g o f 1962. They replaced L ouisville, whi c h became an independen t in 1949, an d M arshall and Evansville, which depar t ed in 19 52.
T he University of Akron and Yo u n gst own State Un iversity jo ined the OVC in I97980.
Eastern's women's teams are members of th e 22-sc h oo l Kentucky Women's Int ercollegia t e Conference. K WIC is the official ath letic confe r e nce for all recogni zed women's collegiate programs in Kentucky
K WIC cond ucts state t o urna ments for college women in baske t ba ll, cross co unt ry, field hoc key , gymnast ics, ten nis , tra ck and fi eld and volleyball a nd is the recognized affiliate of th e n ational organization, the Associat ion of I ntercollegiate Athletics for W omen (A I A W).
Eastern a lso competes aga inst othe r OVC schools in a regular seaso n sc hedule in basketball and t ourn a ments in t e nnis and volleybal l. Championships are held also in
cross count r y and outdoor track .
Eas t ern ranks first in t he Co nference ·s a lltime football stand in gs with a 129 -82-7 wonlost record The Colo ne ls ha ve won five regular season titles outr ight ('54, '67, '68, '74 and '76) and s hared nnc titl e in 1962.
Eastern won th e NCAA Di vis ion I- AA nati onal champions hip in 1979 and t he N CAA Mideas t R egiona l Championship in 1967. Th e Co lonels f in is hed as nati onal runnersup in th e NCAA 's I-AA Div is ion last yea r.
For additi o nal inform at ion, fe atur es o r pictures co nt ac t:
RI C HMO ND, K EN TUCKY 40475 TELEPHON E (606) 622- 2301
James Delany, a 33-year- old former NCAA invest igato r , is serving his third year as commissio ner of the Ohio Vall ey Co n ference H e succeeded Bob Vanatta as th e OVC's fourth commissione r.
Th e Succasun na , New J ersey, nat ive became the youngest commissio ner to serve t he con fere n ce. Th e ot her OVC commissioners prior t o Va natta were Arthur Guepe and Paul D ietze l.
D e lany is a 1970 graduate of the University o f North Carolina wh ere he played basketball for coach Dean Smith's T arhccls from 1967- 70 and served as co-captain on th e 1969- 70 sq uad
Followin g gradua ti on D e lan y en t ered t he U NC Law Sc hool and se r ve d as an assistant coach und er Smith. H e r ece ived hi s law degree in 1973 befo re jo ining the NCAA staff.
The College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics sponsors seven intercollegiate sports for men, six intercollegiate sports for women and two coeducational intercollegiate sports. Extensive intramural, free play and club sports programs are sponsored providing varied participation opportunities for all.
These programs are an integral part of the total program and development of Eastern students. They offer experiences which contribute immeasurably to the health, vitality and preparation of young people as citizens and for their leadership contributions to the youth in the nation's schools and elsewhere.
The College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics offers a variety of degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The coaches of athletics are among the fifty-seven full-time faculty members representing more than a score of the finest colleges and universities in the nation, required to produce academic, intramural and varsity athletic programs.
The extensive indoor and outdoor facilities are used interchangeably for instruction and athletics as is the faculty. The College, which is organized under a single administrative unit, includes three academic departments under which there are seventeen undergraduate and graduate degree programs and intercollegiate athletics. This type organization contributes significantly to successful coordination of the program, faculty and facilities for maximum contribution to the overall mission of the University.
The College is headed by Dean Russell Bogue. Its three academic departments are: School and Public Health, chaired by Dr. Herman Bush; Recreation and Park Administration, chaired by Dr. James McChesney; Physical Education, chaired by Dr. Lee Gentry. The College's program of intercollegiate athletics is administered by Athletic Director, Mr. Donald G. Combs, and Assistant Athletic Director, Dr. Martha Mullins. Its newly created Department of H.P.E.R. & A. Services is administered by Dr. Fred Darling.
Through its departments, the College offers six baccalaureate degree programs and one two-year associate of arts option curricula for undergraduate students. At the graduate level, the College offers the Master of Science in Physical Education, Recreation and Park Administration, and Physical Education with the Sports Administration Option. Additional degree programs offered in cooperation with the College of Education include Specialist in Education, Master of Arts in Health Education, Allied Health, Physical Education, along with Rank II and Rank I teacher certification programs.
The College also serves EK U ' s general education program through required physical education and health classes for fre shmen and sophomores.
Enrolled in the College's academic programs are some I, 100 majors, including more than 400 graduate students. To serve this large enrollment, the College boasts a full-time faculty of 57, including 22 members with the earned 6
doctorate. Thirty graduate assistants perform teaching and other services. A balanced athletic program, intramural, sports clubs and intercollegiate, is provided by the College. Intramural and sport clubs programs are sponsored through the H.P.E.R. & A. services department by intramural directors. Competition in numerous sports, including softball, flag football, soccer, racquetball, bowling, volleyball, table tennis, track, basketball and field hockey provide physical outlets for EK U students.
EK U, a member of the NCAA and Ohio Valley Conference, fields athletic teams in baseball, basketball, cross country, football, swimming, golf, tennis, track (indoor and outdoor), rifle, and gymnastics. Basketball, field hockey, gymnastics, tennis, track and field and volleyball make up the intercollegiate program for women under the AIA W and K WIC.
Outstanding facilities are required to support an operation with the scope of Eastern's College of H.P.E.R. & A. The College's programs are housed in five major campus structures - The Robert B. Begley Building, where it is headquartered, the Alumni Coliseum, the Weaver Health Building, the Presnell Building and the Greg Adams Building. Numerous tennis courts, recreation areas, Gertrude Hood Field, Turkey Hughes Baseball Field, and the Tom C. Samuels nine-lane track with tartan infield are among the other facilities of the College. An 18-hole golf course and an outdoor educationrecreation demonstration area are located at Arlington. There are four equipped training rooms attached to the intercollegiate locker rooms in four Buildings.
The seven-story Begley Building is designed to serve nearly 2,000 students hourly in classes and also provides seating for more than 20 ,000 football spectators. Included in the structure are three gymnasiums , 12 handball courts, 36 classrooms, 60 offices and the dressing facilities for physical education and football. A training area includes two exercise and weight-lifting rooms, a steam room and a large therapy tank. A seminar room and reception area are located on the second level of the building. Offices on this level have been accousticall y treated to absorb sound from the open-top athletic area.
The Thomas E. McDonough Intramural Fields, which boasts 10 football fields, two of which are varsity practice fields and another two which are large enough for soccer play, are in use. In season, eight softball fields may be superimposed on the football layouts.
The Glenn Presnell Building houses football locker and shower rooms, a training room, rest rooms and storage, office and lecture areas. An equipment check-out room and other service facilitie s are located to serve the students who participate in the intramural programs.
The Greg Adams indoor tennis facility became available fo r use in the fall of 1976. It constitutes the fifth building on campus devoted to hous ing the activities of the College of H.P.E.R. & A.
Roy Kidd passed another coaching milestone during the 1980 season. In leading the Colonels lo the national championship game (EK U lost in the last minute of play to Boise State) for the second straight year, Kidd 's Eastern learn went 10-3-0 on the season, giving lhe 17-year veteran at E K U the most coaching wins in Ohio Valley C onference history. Having thus compiled a 121-536 mark at EK U, Kidd was chosen as the N C AA's Divis ion I-AA National Coach of the Year for the '80 season.
of d emandin g th e ultimat e in d edicatio n a nd det e rmina tio n yet bein g a coach who is r espected by h is pla ye rs.
H is ability l o com mun ic a te w it h hi s pl aye rs s t erns fro m a rea list ic. 111a11 cr-of-fa c1 attitude. H e 's ge nuinely conce rn ed a bo ut eac h indi vi dua l as a playe r and as a studen t.
ROY KIDD Head Coach
Easte rn head coac h R oy Kidd wi ll begin hi s 18 th year as the Colonels' ment o r t hi s seaso n with two m o re coach ing mi les t o n es ha v in g been co llected d urin g the pas t seaso n K idd , wh o has c om piled a 121 -53-6 r ecord at EKU , became th e Ohio Valley Confere n ce's all-time winnin ges t coac h last season and was also named atio n al Coach of th e Y ear i n th e NCAA ·s Di visio n I- AA fo r leading hi s Colo n e ls t o consecu ti ve n at io n a l championship contes t s.
Noteworthy coac hin g achievements have becom e a rule of th u mb for K idd during th e last three years In 1978, h e was credited wit h h is 100th co ll eg iate coachi ng v ictory and , of course, in 1979 he g uided th e Colo n els t o t he Di v ision I- AA n a ti o nal c h am pi onship and school- record I I - w in se a son
Then, in 1980, K idd 's Eastern team c ame within 55 seco nd s of p utting back- t o-back na t io n al c h ampionsh i ps to gethe r as E K U won 10 games before lo s in g t o Boise S t ate 3 1-29 o n a fourt h-d own pass in th e nat ional titl e con t es t.
Du r i ng t h ese past 17 yea r s, Eas te rn ha s ca ptured a nationa l c h a mp ionship, a nationa l runn erup t rop h y, fou r OVC ch ampions hi ps, had a n u n beate n s trin g of 15 ga me s i n th e league a nd won th e 1967 NCA A Mid e ast Reg ion a l C h ampi ons hip (co veri ng mo r e than I 00 teams in a I0-s tat c a r ea) by defe atin g Ball State 27-13 i n th e Grant land Ric e Bowl. E KU has comp il e d a record of 12 1-53-6 du ri n g th is pe ri o d.
Eas t ern ha s al so been ranke d in the top t we nt y in th e nation by both wire service poll s, h av mg go n e as high a s N o I in 1979
Ki dd's s uccess comes fr o m a com bi nation
li e ha s a b r illia nt foo tball mind and is a man w h o t akes adv anta ge o f most sit uati o n s a nd is not afraid to gamble. H e is a n o rgani ze r who h as su rround ed hi mse lf with a ve r y c ap a ble coac hi ng s taff.
All these ingredients p o int 10 the fac t that R oy Kidd is a win n e r. II all started for Kidd as a li11 le leaguer in Corb in, K y . , and he co nt i nu e d on the plus s id e of the ledge r as a high sc h ool athlete and then as a foo tba ll a nd baseball s tar al East e rn.
W he n h e was a gra duat e a ssistant coach, Eas t ern went unbea t en and r ecei ved an i n v it at ion IO the Tange rin e Bowl. Then h e s ta rte d coach in g in hi g h sc hool. b u ild in g tiny R ichmond Madi so n into a s t ate foo t ba ll power h ou se H e had a 54 - 10-1 record, a 27game w in ni n g strea k and 14 consec utive un scored-up o n ga m es H e was K e ntu c k y Co a c h of th e Year in 1961 wh e n th e Purp les w e r e ranked No. I in th e state all season
H e went to M o re hea d as an a ss istant coac h i n 1962 an d he l ped g uid e th e Ea gles t o th e ir sec o nd winning season in 13 y e a r s and a s h are o f t h e OVC champions hip
r hen it was back 10 Eas t e rn in 1963 wh e re h e se rved as an assis1an1 fo r o n e year before taki ng over t he head j ob .
Th e Colonels we nt 3-5 -1 hi s first year, one of o nl y two los ing seasons h e h a s h ad w hil e coachi ng T h ey impro ve d th at 10 5 - 3- 1 the following yea r an d K idd was elect ed Coach of t he Yca r in th e OVC.
Kidd is ma r ried t o the form er S u sa n Purcell of R ic hmond. Th e y have t h ree c hil dren: Marc . K ath y , and K e it h .
JOE BLANKENSHIP Linebacker Coach
Joe Blankenship begins his fifth y ear at EKU and will have the squad's top two tac klers returning in linebackers Alex Dominguez and David Hill.
After spe nding his freshman year of college at the University of Ken tucky. Blankenship played hi s final thre e yea rs at Eastern. receiving his bac helors degree in I 966 from EKU. Blankenship also put in a coaching stint at Louisville Seneca High School before coming to Eastern .
Blankenship is married to the former Bren da Wooden of Louisv ille and they have two chi ldren, Kimberly Lynn (18) and Jos e ph Troy (10).
JIM TANARA Down Lineman Coach
Ji m T anara will handle the d o wn linemen again in his third yea r as an assistant coach at Eastern.
Tanara came to EK lJ from the st aff o f Bear Bryant at Alabama w he re he served 11 years working with the Tid e's defensive front.
Whil e at Alabama, Tanara was a member of th e staff that directed th e Tid e to two natio n al champions hip s and appearances in 11 bowl games He a lso served as UA's head wrestling coach for 11 yea rs .
· Ta nara was a 1960 grad uat e of Spring- Ford H ig h School in Rover s Ford , P a., where he ea rned all-state honors in football and w r estled for his high schoo l team.
He late r was a three-year le tterman for UTC ha11anooga and started at both defen s iv e e nd and t ig ht end While collec tin g Lillie AllAmerica n honors in 1964, he rec eive d his bachelor of science degree in 1965 and was drafted by the New Orl eans Sa ints upon grad uation.
He was an assistant football coach a t C level and (Tenn.) High Sc hool for three years before going t o Alabama in 1968. He rece iv e d his mas1er'3 de gre e from Alabama in 1970.
Jack Ison Leon Hart
JACK ISON Defensive Backfield Coach
Five le lle rmen, in cluding first-team Kodak All-American George Floyd, return for defens ive secondary coach Jack Ison.
Ison will also serve as defensive coordina tor again thi s season and is th e dean of Colonel as sista nt coaches, having served as an EK U assistant for this his 15t h year.
K idd gave the 1961 Easte rn graduate his firs t coaching job at Richmond's Madiso n High School.
After assist ing Kidd to a I 3- 1 record and a Class AA runncrup trophy in 1961, Ison was named head coac h in 1962 w hen Kidd ente r ed the college coach in g field. The Ro yal Purples were 6-2-2 under h is guidance.
T he Ru ssell native is married to t he fo r mer Patricia Lykins. whom he met as a classmate at Eas tern. They have two daughters, Elizabeth ( I9) and Melinda ( 15).
LEON HART Offensive Backfield Coach
Leon Hart begi ns hi s fourth seaso n as an assistant in c ha rge of the EK U offensive backfield. He will also be the offens ive coordinator for the Colonels this fall.
Making H art's assignment somewhat easier is the fact that outs tandi ng quarterback Chris Isaac and runner s Tony Brax t o n and N icky Yeast return
H art graduated from Mansfield (Oh io) M adison H igh Schoo l in 1969 , and went on to Maryville College where he received his 13.A. in ed ucation in 19 73
Whil e a t Maryville , H art le ttered fo u r years in football and three years i n baseball, serv in g as cap ta in of the baseball sq u ad as a sen ior. H e was a safety for the Maryville gridders, leading the team in interceptions his last thre e seasons.
H art is marr ie d to th e former Becki Sowers of Mansfield and they have one son, T imothy R obert (4).
TOM JONES Offensive Line Coach
Tom Jo nes, a 1973 grad ua te of Western Kentucky Univer sity, will begin h is first season this year as Easte rn's offe nsive lin e coach.
The Glasgow nat ive has se r ved t he last three yea rs as an ass ista nt coac h at Mor e head Sta te Univers it y . In 19 78 . he was M S U 's offensive lin e coac h a nd th e pas t two seasons he served as the Ea gles' d e fen s i ve line coac h.
Jones wa s an All-Sta le cen ter a t Glasgow Hi gh School where he g raduated in 1969 a nd then went to WKU. Whil e pl ayi ng offens ive ce nt er for coac h Ji mmy Fcix a t Wes tern, he was a membe r of two OVC c hampi ons h ip sq uad s.
Aft e r graduating from W este rn in I973, J ones assu m ed coach i ng positions a t Bull itt Cen tral Hi gh School, Adair County Hi g h Sc hoo l, Maco n Co unt y (Te nn. ) Hi g h School a nd C a ve rna Hi g h Sc h oo l d uring th e nex t f ive yea rs .
At Cave rna , J ones' team was 19 77 Di strict runnerup and c o -champio ns of t he S KA C, while he re ce ive d honorable me nt io n no ti ce for Class A Coac h of t he Yea r ho n o rs in Ken tu cky
He has a lso se r ved one and one-ha lf yea r s as a g radu at e assista nt coac h of the U nivers ity of T en nes see.
J o ne s, 30, is m a r r ied to th e former M a ry Bess Manby of LaGra n ge and they have two dau ghte rs , J e nni fe r Eli zabeth (I ½ ) and Amanda Lee ( s ix months).
DONNA REED Assistant Athletic Trainer
Donna R ee d , a gra d u at e of So uth ern Conn ec ti c ut Sta t e Co ll ege i n New H ave n , is begi nni ng her t h ird year as Assistant Athl e ti c T rai ner a t E K U. Following he r graduat io n in 19 76 from SCSC, s he was a stude nt tra i ner at th e Univers it y o f Oregon in 19 77 and 1978 where s he received h e r Maste r s in 1978
Donna R eed
DR. BOBBY BARTON Athletic Trainer
Dr. Bob by Barton of Lexingto n is beginning hi s six th seaso n a s at hl e tic trainer a t EKU. Ba rt o n ca m e to Eastern from th e lJ n iversi t y o f Kent ucky whe re he served as as sociate trainer in c harge of th e bas ke tball Wi ldca t s
Barto n received h is Fl A. d egr ee from the U ni ve r si t y o f Ke nt ucky in 1968 and hi s M S at M arshall Universi t y in 1970 H e ea rn e d h is Doct o r of Arts degree i n Adapted Physica l Education at Mi ddle T e nnessee S t ate U ni vers ity in 19 75 a nd has also co mplete d t h e requi reme nt s for hi s ce rtifi cate in c or rec tive therapy from T exa s A& M Unive rsit y.
Barton is m ar ried t o the former J oj ea n C hes tnu t o f L exingt o n and they ha ve one so n, Bria n (3)
TEDDY TAYLOR Defensive End Coach
Ted d y T aylor, a 1970 gradua t e of East e rn , will se rve a s a coach fo r K idd 's Co lo ne ls fo r th e third st raight se a so n
Whil e serving as dorm d irecto r. Taylor will work w it h th e defens ive e nds fo r th e Colonels .
An All - Am er ica n noseg u ard at Ea stern in 1969, Ta y lor was a s ig nifi ca nt force in E KU 's Mi deas t R egional an d Ohi o Va ll ey Co nfe re nce c ham pionsh ip team o f 1967 a nd th e OV C c ha m p ion squad of 1968
Tay lo r served as head coac h at P inevi ll e Hi gh Schoo l a fter f ill ing an ass ist ant's post there fo r tw o yea rs. H e was vo t ed Sout h East Ke ntu cky Co nference Coac h of th e Yea r in 19 78 w h ile g u idi n g hi s t ea m t o a 9 -3 record
He is m a r ried to the former Frances White o f Lexington a nd th ey have two da ugh t ers. Katri na ( 12 ) and C he (7).
DONALD G. COMBS Director of Athletics
Donald G Combs begins his e leventh yea r as Director of Athletics at Eastern. afte r serving the univers ity 13 ye ar s as sw immin g coac h.
Combs , who was known throughout the sta t e as th e dean of Kentucky collegiate swim ming coaches, handed over his swimming coach ing duti es t o Dan Licht y, hi s assistant, in 1975.
He is c urrent ly se rving his th ird year as a n at - large member of the NCAA 's Di v ision IAA foo t ba ll committee.
Recog ni zed as a "Master Coach" by th e College Swimm in g Coaches Association o f America i n 1970, Combs coached Eastcrn s s wim team from 1963-75 Durin g those years, the EKU Eels cap tured 12 consecu t ive K e nt ucky In tercollegiate Swimming and D iv ing Championships and compiled a 134-29 record.
/\ I949 graduate o f M ode I Laboratory School, Combs received his B.S in I 953 and M.A. in 1965. Both degrees arc from Eastern
The so n of Baseoall H all-of-Famer Earle B. Combs, Sr., and Mr s Combs o f Richmond , Combs and hi s wife, P auline, have four childre n.
DAVID PARKE Athletic Business Manager
David Parke, a 1978 g raduate of E K U, will begin hi s seco nd year as Athletic B usiness Manager for th e EK U Colonel teams. Parke, wh o formerly worked as a cas h ier in t he Billings and Collections Division at E K U, has been a member of th e Eastern sta tistics crew for t h e football and basket ball games of th e Colonels for six years.
A 19 74 graduate of Madison Central Hi gh School, Parke played baseball, foo tb all and basketball for the Ind ians. He lettered four years in base ball and t wo seasons in football whe re he was named AII -M id State Confe r ence at center in 1973.
DR. MARTHA MULLINS Assistant Athletic Director
Dr. Martha Mullins is in her six th year as Assistant At hl etic Director, combining thi s pos iti on with coac h of women's tenni s . Mu llins has been an administrator in women's athletics at Eastern for the past eleven years. S he received P h D and M A. degrees from Florida Sta te University. H er undergraduate degree is from the Uni vers ity o f Alabama . While at Florida Sta t e Un iversity, Dr. M ullins assisted with the women's tra ck team. During her six - year tenure in Florid a's junio r co lleges she was active as coach of tennis and vo ll eyba ll and provided early leadership in estab lishing athletic participation for wom e n stu d e nt s in the sta te's jun ior colleges. D r. Mullins has re ce ntly served a s Preside nt of th e Kentu ck y Women's I ntercollegiate Conference and is Kentucky's representative to A JA W R eg ion II.
DAVID GREEN Assistant Athletic Trainer
David Green, a 1975 graduate of M iddle Tennessee S tat e Universi t y, is se rving his seco nd year as a n Assistant Athleti c Traine r at Eastern.
Green, a 27-yca r old native of H e ndersonville, T e nn. , graduated from Isaac Litton Hi g h School in Na s h vi ll e, T en n ., in 197 1. Aft e r gradua tin g fr o m MTS U, he entered graduate school a t Eastern where he received hi s mas t e r s in heal th educa ti on in 1977.
Fo r three years, Gre e n was head trainer for both th e boys and girls athle tic teams a t Paul Bla ze r High Sc hool in As hl and
He is marr ie d to th e former Brenda Ma gee of Lancas ter, Ohio.
Donald G. Combs Or. Martha MullinsCONRAD CARDANNO Receiver Coach
Co nrad Cardanno will se rve coac h R oy K idd as receiver coach in t hi s his fi rs t season with the Colone ls.
Cardanno, a 32-year old native of Washingto n, D.C., comes to Eastern from M ars h all Univers ity in the So uth ern Confere n ce where he was the rec e iver coach for th e Thund er in g H e r d for two season s
A 1967 gra duate ofBladens burg( Md.) High School , C ardanno w ent on to le tter t wo years at quarterback at W es tern Caro li na , lea din g the Catamount s to r ecords of9-l and 6 -3 th ose two seaso ns.
After graduat in g fro m WCU i n 19 7 1. Ca rd a nn o played t h ree seasons of semi-pro football in t he Seaboard P rofessional Foot b a ll League H is o ther ass is t ant coach in g assignments include T u sco la ( .c.) H igh Sc h oo l. Dover ( M ass.) Sherborn High School and Catho li c U n iversity wh e re he served as offe n sive coo rdinat o r a s CU went 27-1 1 withi n a fo ur-yea r period .
He is marri ed to the fo r me r Chri s tina Willis of H unting t on, W. Va
Karl ParkKARL PARK Sports Information Editor
Kar l P a rk , a 1970 graduate of EKU. is beginn in g his twe lfth yea r as Spo rts Information Edi t or for Eastern·s athle t ic t ea m s. H e s erved as sports editor of the sc ho ol newspapa. The Eas t e rn Progress, for three years whil e a studen t of the U ni versity Th e 32yca r -old Richmond, K y n ative is a member of the College Sports I nformati o n Direc t o r s o f Amer ica (C OSIDA ), the U nited S t ates Bas ketball Writers Associat io n and the Nationa l Col l egia t e Ba seb all Wri t ers Association.
H e rece ived national recognitio n for the production o f EK U's thre e seaso nal m edia gu ides for 1978-79 and 1979-80. Th e win t ers sports g ui de was voted Bes t in th e Na ti o n D iv isi on A fo r th ose two yea rs.
P ark se r ved a s pres id ent of OVCS I DA (Ohio Va ll ey Conference Sports I nforma t io n Directors Assoc iation) las t yea r.
H e is mar ri ed t o the former Shelley Steele of Owi ngsville.
The 1981 edition of the NCAA Division I-A A national runner-up Eastern Kentucky University football team returns 31 lettermen from last year's squad which came within 55 seconds of producing a second consecutive national championship. (The Colonels lost 31-29 to Boise State in the I-AA finals la st year, after winning the national title in that division i n 1979.)
Headi ng the list of returnees for E K U head coach Roy Kidd, who will be beginning his 18th season at the he lm oft he Colonels and who was chosen as Chevrolet's 1980 NCAA Division I-AA national coach of the year, will be sen io r All-Americans George Flo yd and Kevin Greve.
F loyd , a 5- 11 senior defens ive back who was named to th e first-team Kodak and Associated Press I-AA All-American t eams, was also the recipient of the 1980 Ohio Valley Conference's Most Valuable P layer on Defense trophy. He fini s hed as the third leading tackler on the team (7332) and tied with second-team All-OVC defensive back R odney Byrd for the league's interception lead with five .
Greve, a 6-1, 240-pound offensive guard, was a seco nd-team All -A meri ca n pick by AP in 1980 as he and his offensive line cohorts led EK U to its eighth straight 2,000-yard rushing season (2,662 yds and 31 ru sh ing TD's)
Other returni ng line m e n in the offensive line include se nior tackle David Dihr,kop, jun ior guard C hris Taylor, and ju nior center-tackle Steve Coleman.
Second-team AII-OVC quarterback Chris Isaac, a 5-11 senior, finished last season in a flurry and was the only quarterback in the OVC to hit 50 or more percent of his passes Isaac hit 92-177 (.520) passes for 1,318 yards and seven TD's, while running the ball I 31 times for 302 yards and seven TD's.
Isaac's ma in targets for the '8 1 season will be senior flanker Jerry Parr is h ( 19 catches for 254 yards and one TD in I 980);junior split end Steve Bird ( 18-316-3); senior tight end Cris Curtis ( 17213-2); junior tight end T ron Armstrong (4-55-0); and senior flanker Rana rd McPhaul (8-79-0). Parrish also led the nation in kickoff returns with his 25.1 average.
Senior tailback Tony Braxton and junior fullback Nicky Yeast head the list of returning rushers for the Colonels. Braxton led Eastern last year with 800 yards rushing on 15 I carries and a t eam- high IO TD's. Yeast co llec ted 143 yards o n 42 carries and two touchdowns.
Other runners who contributed to the Colonels' offense which led the league in scoring with their 25.5 per game mark and who will return in 1981 arc sophomore tailbacks Terence Thompson and Ed Hairston and sophomore fullback Jon Sutkamp.
The defensive line, where four of the five starters were lost through graduation, will be perhaps the biggest area need i ng rebuilding. Juni or defensive tackle Mark Willoughby is th e lone starter returning, but he should receive ample help from junior Allen Young, and Richard Bell at end, juniors Randy Taylor an d Bobb y Woods at tackle and sop homores Rich Francioni and Mike M cS hane and senior Henry Robinson at noseguard.
The linebacking corps returns intact, including second team AII-OVC junior Alex Dominguez, sophomores David Hill and Mik e Bobek a nd junior Mik e W age rs Dominguez and Hill finished the season as Easte rn's top two tacklers with 90-60 and 71-74 tackle s and assists, re s pectively.
F loyd and Byrd h ead a defensi ve backfield which lost only one pla ye r through graduation. Returnees include junior Cliff McCullough , se ni o r s T om Whit e a nd Frank Hardin, junior Gus Parks and sophomores Mike Mims, Gabriel Lewis and Bryan Robinson.
Defensively last season, Easte rn yielded but 289 yards of total offense an d 13 .3 points pe r game, while tiei ng the school record for interceptions it had set in 1979 of 22.
Easte rn compiled a 10-3 overall and 5-2 OVC mark in 19 80.
Offens e: I- P r o-Set.
Defense: 5-2 or Ok lahoma .
Strengths: Ex perienced quarte r bac k; excellent ru n ningbacks; ou t standi n g r ece ivers: goo d linebacke r s.
Weakn es s es: Lac k of de pt h a nd experience in offensive and defe nsive line; lack o f experience at backu p quarterbac k spots
Lettermen Lo st : 16.
Ends : Steve Bird, Tron Ar mstro n g , Cris C urtis, .J er ry Parris h , R anard McPhaul, R ichar d Bell, Allen Yo un g.
Tackles: Dav id D ihrk op, R a n dy Taylor, Bo b by W oods, Mark Willoughby.
G uards: Kev in Greve, C hr is Taylor.
Center: Steve Cole m an
Tailbac k : Tony Brax t on.
Fullbacks: Nic k y Yeast, .J o n S ut kam p .
Quarterbacks: Chris Isaac, T uck Woo lu m.
S e condary: Gus P ar k s, Geo rge Floyd , R od ney Byrd, Tom Wh ite , C li ff M cCu ll ough.
Kicker: J am ie Lovett .
N osegu a rds: M ike M cSha ne, Ric h ie Fra nc ioni.
Lineback ers : Ale x Dom in guez, David H ill, M ike Bobek, M ike Wagers
C hris Isaa c Senior 22 5-IO 160
Three Letters New Smyrna Beach, Fla Was EK U's Offensive MVP for th e '80 season will serve for the seco nd straight year as cocaptain. EKU's MVP in I- AA championshi p game versus Boise State wh en he hit 16-2 5 for 250 yards and one TD and ran 40 yards and another sco r e ... had excelle nt second ha lf of the '80 season . . had big part in Colonels" s uccess last year ... only QB in OVC to hit 50 or more per cent (.520) of his passes in '80 should be the bes t quarterback in the league this year . .. had excel len t spring, picking up wher e he left off last fall won OVC Offensive Playe r o f the Wee k honors vs. East Carolina in '80 (11 -1 2 passes for l 77yards and two TD's) member of winners club last year. s eco nd team All -OV C last year ... high school coach - Bill M o rema n of New Smyrna Beach.
Tuck Woolum ... Junior ... 20 .. . 5-11 ... 195
One Letter Pineville, Ky . Saw limited p laying time last yea r had best game in '80 vs. Tennessee Tech when he went 6-9 for 74 yards and one TD showed great improvement in the spring ran the ball well in spring sc ri mmages should be backup quarterback in '81 so n of fo rmer Richmond Madison and K entuc ky quarterback, Dr. J erry Woolum .. . hig h school coach - now EK U part -t im e a ssistant Tedd y T ay lo r of Pineville
Tony James ... Sophomore ... 19 ... S- 10 ... 165 ... No Letters ... Owensboro, Ky .... Was
changed from wide receiver to quarterback midway throu g h the season had a n excellent spri n g a very exciting runn er. needs to improve passi ng will challenge for backup quarterback spo t .. . made progress throwing th e football in t he spring high school teammate of EK U tail back Terence Tho mpso n high schoo l coach D o n Ne toskie of Owens boro.
Tony Braxton ... Senior ... 22 ... 5-10 ... 203
Three Letters ... Cincinnati, Ohio ... Was the s tarting ta ilback the last ha lf of the '80 season led th e team in rushing with 800 yards and IO TD"s had best effort vs. More head State in '80 with 164 ya rd s in 24 carries ... slowed by an injur y in the s pring. expected to be the premie r tailback in the conference ran a 4.5 40-yard da sh early in the spring good blocker and good receiver .. OV C Offe nsive Playe r o f th e Weck vs . TTU ( 124 ya rds in 17 carries and three TD's) . member of winn ers c lub graduate o f W it hrow High School.
Eddie Hairston Sophomore ... 19 ... 5-9 .. 181 No Letters ... Mansfield, Ohio ... H as tremendous speed and s trength runs th e 40-ya rd dash in :04 .5 ended t he spring as N o. I tailback fo ll owing injury to Braxton .. should challenge for s tartin g posit ion in the fall s howed g reat promise in the spring a hard work e r hi g h school coach - Dan Gerhardt of Malabar.
Terence Thompson ... Sophomore ... 19 . . . 5-9 178 No Lette rs ... Owensboro, K)'.. . . Ha s definite break-away speed ... quickest player on th e team ... had numerous exciting runs i n spring scrimmages will a lso ba ttle for the starting spo t ... needs to improve work habit s . .. high sc h ool coach - Don Netoskie of Owensboro.
Nicky Yeast . .. Junior ... 20 ... 5- 11 ... 235 ..
Two Lellers . Harrod sb urg, Ky ... . H a s alternated the pas t tw o seasons at fullbac k s t arti ng s pot with th e n o w graduated Dale Patto n has grea t q ui c k ness for playe r wit h h is size ... i mproved s t re ngt h grea t ly dur i ng off-se as o n one of stro ngest pla ye r s o n the team work ha bits we re mu c h bette r this sp r ing t han in th e p ast .. . a good b locker ... t ough ru nner s h ou ld be starter in t h e fall t o p co ll egia t e game wa s in 1979 when he ru shed fo r I 03 yard s in 19 carries vs MTS U best recei ve r amo ng ba cks high sc hool coac h - Alvis J o hnson of H arrod s burg
J o n Su tkamp .. So pho m ore . . 19 5-9
204 One Leite r ... Be ll e vue, Ky Is a hard-nosed runn er good bloc ke r hard w orker in th e off-season program played on a ll spe c ialt y teams for EKU las t ye ar .. res ponsi b le fo r safe t y ve r s us Western o n punt r e t urn ... wil l s plit time at f ullba c k in th e fall had good sp rin g e xcellent stud e n t pre-med major very coachab le ath le t e h igh school c oa c h - Fred Be rni er of Be ll ev ue
Mark Dickerso n So pho m o re . .. 19 . .. 6-0.
212 No Lelt ers Louisville, K y Was injured during th e fa ll 198 0 seas o n ... s h o w ed g r ea t promise t his s p ri ng ... s t ron g ru nner . . w or ked har d in th e off-seaso n . .. ne e d s to improve b loc kin g .. . will give add ed depth at fu ll back in th e fall h ig h sc h ool coa c h Dave P eak at Eas tern.
Ga ry Branc h . . . Junior ... 2 1 ... 5 -11 ...
19S .. No Le llc rs Da y ton, Ohi o Has
t re mend ous spee d m o ved by EK U coac hes from w ide receiver to fullbac k in the spr ing needs t o impro ve blocki ng . .. assu mi ng f ifth posit io n si nce sig nin g with t h e Colone ls .. . has been cloc ke d in :04 .5 in th e 40-yard dash hig h sc hool coach G eo r ge Ke llar of M cadowda le.
J e rr y P a rris h ... Seni o r ... 21 5-11 176. Thr ee Letters Auburndale, Fla l s a d e finit e "'game -break er " . . . esta b lis hed a new E K U career record for ki cko ff retu rn ya rda ge (1,253) led OVC a nd Divi sio n I- AA in ove rall season kickoff re turn a vera ge in 19 80 (25 1) usually d raws double coverage fastest man on th e t eam (:04.35 in th e 40-ya rd da s h ) m e mber of wi n ners cl ub had a goo d spring ha rd worker possesses grea t s pee d po te n tial pro pro s pec t qui et le ad er second team AII -OV C choice in 79. . . h igh sc h oo l coach - Joe Pa rr ish of Auburndale
Ranard McPhaul . . . Senior ... 22 ... 5 -8 ... 158 Two Le ll crs .. Miam i, Fla. H as good s peed and quickness . .. wor ks hard at runn in g good ro u tes . . . can ru n w it h t he ball aft e r he catches it coac hes e xpectin g more ca t c hes from R a nard next fall . . . hard wo r k er .. . mem ber of '80 wi n ners cl u b . . . c a n carrv the ball on nank er re verse (3-42 yard s in '80) .· m ust learn to conce nt r at e m ore high schoo l coach Chris Va got is o f Killia n
S t eve Bird ... Juni o r 20 . .. 5 - 11 . . . 165 ...
Two Letters .. . Corbin , K)' . ... Is a very ha rd worker ha s good h ands and runs exce ll ent routes a good clutch receiver. had good spr in g could be ke y pla yer in offense next year has :04.6 speed good at reading defenses good interme diate rout e man. had his top game of the "80 seaso n vs th e n No I rank ed Murray S t ale (4-69 yards) led E KU in TD rec e ptions with three and was seco nd in yards per reception ( 17.6) member of "80 winners club holder for ext ra po in t and field goa l attempt s high sc h oo l coach Archie Powers of Corbin.
Gle n Broo ks ... Junior ... 20 ... 5 -9 .. . 169 ... No Letters Lo uis v ill e, Ky ... . l s a trans fer from I ndiana U nivcrs ity a very hard worker has good qu ickness good downfie ld blocker nicknamed by teammates as "Chain-Saw" for h is blocking tech n iques needs to work o n co n centration on his pass routes graduate of Valley Hi gh School.
Lee Kauchak ... So phomore ... 20 ... 5-10 .. .
180 No Letters Ne w A lb a n y, Ind
H as goo d hands and is a hard worker ... a walk - on shou ld work on in creasing his s peed and concentration need s to become more aggressive and s tronger .. gradu at e of Pro vidence Hi gh S c hool.
Tron Armstrong ... Junior ... 20 ... 6-1 . . .
195 One Lett e r . S t. Pete rs burg, F la .
Earned a starting pos iti o n las t s prin g be g an to mature as a foo tball pla ye r member of
winners club in 1980 ve r y quick best blocker among the recei vers has good hands ca n play both tight e nd and wide rece iver one o f key players 10 having a good offense will p lay both widcoul and tight end because of his s peed scored eight po ints last year on a reverse play and by catching a two - point conversion h as good natural talent hi gh school coach Bob Stephens of La ke wood.
C ri s C urtis . .. Sen ior . .. 21 ... 6-3 ... 226 ...
T hr ee Lette rs ... Titusv ille , Fla . ... Had the b est receiving day of an y Colonel s in ce 1971 as h e c aught eight pas ses for 88 yards a n d o n e TD vs. Te nn essee T ec h las t year is a great leader has good hands experience is a plu s needs improvement in his blocking. ha s g ood speed for hi s s ize h ad a good spring . . will be counted on quite a bi t . . member of winners club in '80 put in some work punt ing in the s pr ing hi gh school coach - .Jay Donnelly of Astronaut.
C h ris Su lli van ... Soph omore . .. 19 ... 6-2 .. . 237 .. . No Le tters ... Newport Rich ey, Fla .. . . Mov e d from o ffen s ive guard 10 offensive cent e r last yea r saw li mited action due to neck injury . . . ha d a good spr in g when he was ab le 10 practice speed at this positi on will be hi s b es t asse t should battle for sta rting position thi s fall high sc hool coachKeith New t o n o f H udson
Greg Clark Sophomore 19 6-S
25 1 ... No Letters ... Louisville, Ky .... Has great s i ze needs more work with we igh t s t o increase strength saw l imited actio n in the spring due to knee injury ... has played bo th offensive ce n ter a nd tackle for t he Colonels high schoo l coach - Bob H o lm an of Pleasure R idge Park
Steve Coleman .. ..Junior ... 21 ... 6-1 ... 231. Two Letters .. Stanford, Ky .... Did outstanding job of playing both tackle and cente r for EK lJ last spring .. . needs t o s tay heal thy .. . could batt le for starting spot at either tackle or center very aggress ive and physical player . . . high sc hool coac h - Bill Le ed y of Li ncoln County.
Ke vin Greve ... Senior ... 21 ... 6-1 ... 250 ...
Three Letters .. Cincinnati, Ohio .. Mi ssed sp ring practice because of back problem elected offens i ve c o-captain for the '8 1 season second - team AP All-Amer ican last year two-time AII- OVC player membe r of win ne r s club Co lonels need his presence to g ive balance and leadership to the offensive line has out standing s trengt h and ag g res s i veness hi gh school coach - Gerry Faust of Moeller.
C hris Taylor ... Junior ... 21 ... 6-3½ ... 236. . . Two Letters ... Wa ycross, Ga .. .. Showed great improve m en t thro ughou t the spring. provided good leadership in spring drills .. shou ld sta rt a t rig ht g uard th is fa ll experience is a p lus member of "80 winners club graduate of Wa re County High School.
David Burr y ... Sophomore . . . 19 ... 6-1 243 ... No Letters ... Louisville, Ky .... Ha d good spring s ho uld prov ide good backup depth a t offensive guar d saw action last fall . . . lacks ex perie nce ... has good technique. high schoo l coach - Dennis Lamp ley of T rin ity.
Mike Ne a l . .. Junior ... 20 ... 6-2 ... 220 .. . No Letters Orlando, Fla . Lacks ex perience in playing in the offe nsive line a very agg r essive yo ung man improved each day of spr ing practice before hurting knee s hould provid e neede d de pt h a t offensive guard .. . co uld push for starting position grad uat e of Edgewater H igh School.
.Jeff Tanne r . .. S ophomore ... 19 ... 6-2 ... 220 ... No Letters . .. C incinnati , Ohio ... Is a gre at technician . improved measurab ly du ri ng spr ing pract ice need s to improve overall body strength ... h ad grea t high school background at Mo e ller could be called on to play qui t e a bitt his fa ll hi gh school coac h - G e rr y Faust of Mo e ll er.
Chris Johnson . .. Sophomore . .. 19 ... 6-1 235 ... N o Letters ... Orlando, Fla .... Lacks speed and experience ne eds to improve to warrant playing tim e has a good, hardwork in g attitude ha s great d esire to improve hi gh sc h ool coach - Gary T reissu of Evan s
' 'l!ll' e'' ;_/ '-. ,JEFF TANNER
Bill Eyster ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6 - 1 ... 220 ... No Letters ... Carlisle, Ky .... Is a walk-on lacks s trengt h a nd experience very coachable ... has a great working attitude in pract ice ... grad uat e of Wa s hingt on- Lee Hi g h School.
David Dihrkop . Senior ... 22 ... 6-4 . ..
Three Letters Jamestown, Ohio
Re turns as a third-yea r starter pro vided g r ea t leadership d ur ing the s pring mos t imp roved bloc ke r amo ng offensive li nemen t h is sp r ing .. . has size, talen t and speed to play pro foo tball de fi n it e AI I-O VC candidate m e m ber of w inners cl ub .. . high schoo l coach - .J erry Bonte c f Gr ee n vi e w .
Jamie Lovett Sophomore 19 5-8 157 . . . One Letter ... Riverview, Fla . .. . Shou ld han d le most of the placekic kin g d uti es in '81 ki c ked 53 a n d 55-yard field go al s in the s pri ng scr immage ... h as a stro ng leg . can kick fo r d is tance . . needs to work on acc u racy has po tent ial to be e xce ll e nt kicker wa s OVC Rooki e of the We ek vs MTSU . .. hand led kicking cho res four games i n '80 wh il e Da v id Flores was s itti ng ou t with appendectomy graduate of East Ba y Hi g h Sc h ool.
Jeff J o nes Sophomore 19 6-2
23 I ... No Lette rs ... Louisville, Ky . . . .
Converted from de fens ive tackle t o offensive li ne midway t h roug h spring practice very aggr essive p laye r sho uld improve great ly g ive n time to learn offens ive system could b e called on t o provide d ept h next fall h igh sc ho o l coac h - Ron M adrick of D eSales
Benny Allen ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-1 ... 245 ... No Le tt ers ... Belfry, Ky .. .. Earned a star t ing pos iti on i n t he spr in g acqui r ed some s pot pla yi ng time duri ng t he '80 s eason . has good s tre ngt h and good speed co ul d be an ou t s tanding football pla ye r at t ack le for EK U graduate of Belfry H igh Sc hool.
Lanny Sanders ... Juni or .. . 20 ... 6-0 ... 204 . Two Letters ... Butler, Ala .... l s a tran sfe r from M a ri on Ins t itute in A laba ma will be ca lled o n t o han dl e the puntin g duti es thi s fall had a good s pring kicking the ball and should hel p E K U in t he ki cking ga m e t his season ge ts good he ig ht on h is punts works ha rd.
A lex D o mingu ez ... Juni o r ... 2 1 .6-0 .. . 21S . . . One Letter .. . South Miami, Fla.. . . Did an exce llent job in p layi ng the leaders h ip r ole in regrouping the lin ebacking co rps in 1980 fi ni s h ed th e seaso n as E K U"s top tackler and as one of th e top tacklers in t he OVC s h owed d efi nite q u alities of be in g outsta nd ing lin ebac ker for E K U secondteam A ll- OVC pick in 1980 averaged 13 hit s per ga me during th e "80 season ... membe r of w inn e r s cl u b .. . recently elected co-captain for upcoming season not only outstanding a thl ete but quali t y individual as well ... ha s pure d ed ication an d dete rm ination . . . graduate o f South Miam i Hi gh School.
David Hill ... Sophomore .. . 19 . .. S- IO ... 205 . . . One Letter ... Miami , Fla ... . Dav id s h owed last season th at he has the tale n t and ability to be a fi ne li n e back er .. came to Eastern las t fall o ut of s hape . . nee ds t o co ntinu e wi th conditio n ing prog ram during the s u mmer . .. has excellent football savvy. star ter as a fres hman las t year won OVC Defe n s ive Pla yer of th e Week h onors vs. M ore h ea d State in season finale and OVC Rookie of t h e Week vs. East T e nnessee member o f winner s cl ub one of t op tackle rs in the OVC and No. 2 h it man on the Colo ne ls las t season gradua te of M iami Caro l C it y Hi g h School.
Mike Wagers Junior 20 6-2 218
On e Letter Brooksville, Fla Has s tarte r lineba c king qualiti es plays with great intensity .. . ha s made good progress and was play ing goo d technique at the end of s pri ng prac ti ce sho uld be pr ime candidate for star ting p os ition ... saw quite a bit of action last year hi gh sc hool coac h - C hu ck W oo d of Hernando
Pete Jackson ... Juni o r ... 21 ... S-1 0 ... 195 . .. Two Lette rs ... Blountstown, Fla . ... Is a j unior co llege transfe r from Mari o n (A la.) I nst itute came to E KU in mid-year went throug h the winte r co nditi oni ng pro gram and did a goo d job proved immediatel y in th e s pring he can play for E K U prog resse d well durin g the spr ing E K U coach es looki n g fo rward t o his co ntribution thi s fall.
Mike Bobek ... Soph o mor e ... 19 ... 6-1 ... 220 One L ette r Port Ri c he y, F la Is a doubtful part ici pant in "8 1 seaso n prese ntl y rehab i lit a t ing a back inj ur y s uffered dur in g t h e winter program E KU coac he s hopi ng he will return to active s tatu s in the s pring of "8 2 graduate of G u lf H igh Schoo l.
Tommy Burnette ... Freshman ... 19 ... 6-1 .. 200 ... No Letters . Knoxville , Tenn . Had limited participa t ion in the spring . s tat us is quest ionable for the coming fall season p rese ntl y nursing knee inj ur y with added s tre ngth cou ld play for EKU needs to get more physica l . . received hardship case from C AA because of knee injury graduate of Halls High School.
Mark Willoughb y . . . Junior ... 21 ... 6-0½ ... 240 ... Two Le tt e rs . .. Louisville, Ky .. .. W ill be the only starter returni ng from last year's defe nsive line a good tech niqu e foo tball p layer ... member of wi n ners club in '80. c hosen the OVCs Defensi ve P layer of the W ee k vs Middle T e nn. last season an aggressive player a good athlete good, s te ad y performer . h igh school coac h Corky Mill e r o f Fairdale.
Randy Taylor ... Junior ... 20 ... 6-3 ... 235 ..
. Two Letters ... C incinnati , Ohio ... Is playing his second yea r a t de fensive tac kle . will be a starter t his fa ll had outs tan di ng sp r ing at tackle made a lot of pla ys good a t hlete co uld be a dominating pla yer at his pos ition has a c h a n ce to be one of the best defensive players in th e league ... hi gh school coach - Jack Camp bell of W ood wa rd
o pportunity to be a starter at thi s p osit ion member of winners club in 1980 high school coach - Bill M o reman of New Smyrna Beach .
H e nr y R o binso n ... S eni o r ... 21 ... 5-10 ... 223 .. No Le tters ... Louisville, Ky .... Has been moved around quite a bit d u ring his co ll eg iate career has played offensive lin e, t ack le, linebacker and noseguard in college wa s starting at noscgua rd at the en d of spri ng prac tice a very s t ro ng foo t ball p layer has improved on hi s techn ique graduate of J effe rsontown H igh Sc h oo l.
S te ve Brown So phomore
19 6-3½ 2IO .. No Letters .. Cincinnati, Ohio .. . Need s to be more physical extremely quick . . good pass rusher . . . progressed well during th e spring .. . could move to noseguard in the fall a very good athlete had good s prin g very coac hable high sc h oo l coac hGerry Faust of Moeller.
Bo bby Woods ... ,Junior ... 20 ... 6-2 ... 227. .. T wo Le tters .. . Oak Hill , Fla . ... Was moved from defensive end to defensive tac kle in t h e spri ng s h owed g reat promise coac hes pleased wit h hi s progress a t th e new position has gre at speed . ha s goo d
Richie Francioni So phomore . 19 . 6 -0. .. 225 ... One Letter ... Corbin, Ky .... Played qu ite a bit las t fall has neck inju ry which may end his football career missed all of spri ng practice .. . cou ld be a de fi ni t e asset to the program if he can play high schoo l coach - Archie P owe rs of Corbin.
Mik e McShane Sophomore . 19 . 5-10 . 225 .. . One Letter ... St. Petersburg , F la.... Was hampered las t season with a back injury which slowed his progress a physically stro ng footba ll p layer cou ld be a s tart er if back injury improves .. . p layed quite a bit as a freshman .. . scored for E K U in thcOV Ctrack meet in the discus toss Non heast Hi gh Sc hool. grad ua te of
Allen Young ... Junior ... 21 6 -3 ... 227 One Letter ... Louisville, Ky . .. . Start ed several games at right end for the Colon els last season progressed very we ll through last year has physical attributes to become an excellent defensive end .. . must become more consistent played for EKU assistant J oe Blankenship in high schoo l grad ua te of Seneca High School.
Richard Bell ... Junior ... 21 ... 6-2½ ... 221 . Two Letters Marietta, Ga . Is a very strong football player .. . ha s good speed . . . s hould b eco m e mor e aggressive with confidence and experience graduate of Sprayberry High School.
Charles Keller Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-3 210 ... No Letters ... East Miami, Fla ... . Made progress in spring drills advancement slowed last fall due to serious illness and a debilitating i njur y ... could push for start in g slot . .. has good footb all savvy. is a hard worker which should h e lp him high sc ho ol coach - Mik e Usp ensky of Miami Lak es .
Randy Hardy ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 5-11 .. . 208 ... No Letters ... Coal Grove, Ohio . .. Switched from offensive fullback t o defens ive e nd the las t three days of spri n g pra ct ice made excellent progress in this short period of time has speed and strength is very aggressive and is expec t ed to develop into a good player . .. high school coach - Dave Lucas of Dawson-Bryant.
George Floyd ... Senior . .. 21 ... 5-10 . .. 190 . .. Three Letters ... Brooksville, Fla . ... Was a first team Kodak All-American defensive back in '80 . . . also firs t team All-OVC a nd 1980 OVC Defensive Pla yer o f the Year . . a fourth-year starter . .. tied for OVC lead in interceptions with five, one of which was returned 100 yards vs. Youngstown State for a touchdown a definite pro prosp ect very in te nse p laye r m ember of the winners club will se rve as co-captain in '8 1 ... one of the most consistent playe r s E K U has ever had in the secondary ... second team All-OVC in '79 . high school coach - Chuck Wood of Hernando.
Rodney Byrd ... Senior ... 21 ... 5-10 ... 180.
Two Letters ... Brooksville, Fla... . Wa s a second-tea m All-OVC pick in 1980 ... hi gh school team m ate of Eas tern's George Floyd and Mike Wagers second year as a starter can play more than one position could be outstanding t ied with Floyd for OVC lead in in t erceptions with five member of winners club high school coach - Chuck Wood of Hernando
Tommy White ... Senior ... 21 ... 5-9 ... 185 .
Three Letters ... Georgetown, Ky .... Has bee n a starter for two seasons has been troubled by injuries most of his career is coming off knee surgery performed last fa ll had exce ll e nt spr in g sho uld be one of the strengths in the secondary graduate of Scott County High School.
Gus Parks ... Junior ... 20 . .. 5-l l ½ 180 . . Two Letters ... Harrodsburg, Ky .... Was a s tarter last year for seve ral games needs to mak e a great deal of improvement to g i ve the experience ne eded i n the secondary returned a n i nterception 48 y ard s vs. T ennessee T ech for a t ouc h do wn n eed s to wor k on conce ntrati on a n d intensit y ... hi g h sc ho o l co ac h Alvi s J o hn so n of H arrodsburg.
C liff McCullough ... Junior ... 21 ... 5-10 .. . 195 . One Letter . Port Charlotte, Fla . Pl ayed conside rab ly las t fall forced into action because of injuries in the seco ndary last year began EKU career as a tailback b efo re being moved t o seco n dary in spri n g of -SO. g raduate of Charlotte High School.
Frank Hardin Junior ... 22 ... 6-0½ . . . 197 . . . No Letters ... South Shore, Ky . ... Ha s d e velope d a great d ea l of confidence with his work at the safe t y positi on a very h a rd wo rk e r . .. could g ive EKU cons iderab le h e lp in 1981 ... will pro v id e depth in the backfield . graduate of Greenup County Hi g h Sc h ool.
Gabriel Lewis ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 5-9 ...
171 ... No Letters ... lronton,Ohio . Needs to come a lon g way t o give Eastern the depth it needs in th e secondary excelle nt hitter. mu s t impr ove in ma n y areas in o rd e r t o cont ribute h igh school coa c h - Bo b Lut z o f I ronton
Mike Mims ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 5-l 1
185 No Letters St. Petersburg, Fla
H as the size an d s p eed to be a good d efen s ive back m u s t develop confidence which s h ould come with additional work hi gh sc h ool te a mmate o f Tron Arm s tr ong .. . hi gh sc hoo l coach - Bob Stephens of Lakewood.
Mark Woodrum ... Sophomore ... 19 . . 60'/, 167 l\o Letters Whcclcrsburg, Ohio .. Was a hi g h sc ho ol runnin gbac k but was rec ruit ed as a d efens ive pl a yer must make a g r ea t d ea l o f i mprovement t o be ab le t o pla y at Eas t e rn ha s good int ens it y and conce nt ra ti on .. . must improve s peed and a ggressive ne ss .. . hi g h sc h oo l coac h - Ed Miller o f Wh eele rs bur g
Brad Armacost linebacker 6-2 210 Bethel, Ohio ... Bra d was an Al l- County. All-District and honora ble mention All -Sta t e pick for coach R ick H osler at Bethel-Tate ll igh School. H e played foot ba ll fo ur yea rs. basketball th ree seasons and baseball one year.
James Campbell ... defensive tackle ... 6-2 ... 245 Altamonte Springs, Fla . Jam es comes to Eastern from Lake Brantley H ig h School in Altamonte Springs, F la whe re h e played de fensive tackle for coac h Da ve Tullis.
Timothy Dale ... defen sive end ... 6-2 ... 205. .. Paris , K)'· Tim o th y won th e Par is Hi gh School best back award for thre e consecutive years while pla y in g for coach Ra ndy R eese D ale a lso played f ullb ack a t P a r is a nd participated o n th e b a s ket ba ll team
Ronald Davis . tailba c k . 5-9 . 165 ... Opa-Locka, Fla R ona ld p layed for coach J eff C lo r es at Mi ami Ca r ol Cit y Seni o r Hi g h School. H e g ra duated fr om Caro l City last Decem b e r and entered Eas t ern at m id-year and went through s pring practice. H e is a slas h ing runn e r w h o showed goo d quickness and w ho w i ll give add e d d e pth to t he ta ilback posit ion in the fa ll. E K U coa c he s we r e hopi n g he would improve st rength during th e s umm e r.
[ric Horn defensive tackle ... 6-2 ... 240 .. Owensboro, Ky .... Eric , an All - C it y- Coun t y selec ti o n fo r coac h Gar y K elle r at Da viess Cou n ty. lettered fo u r years in foo tb all for the Panthers. 1-f c was a lso an h o n o rabl e m e ntion choice on th e All- Confe rence sq uad.
An1hon y Jones ... dcfcnsh'e back ... 5-1 I
175 ... Ocala, Fla .... Anth o n y co m es t o E KU from :\ ort h Mari o n High Sc h ool in Ocala wh e r e he played in tl,e defens ive seconda ry fo r coa ch Mik e Clayton.
Paul Jones ... defensive end ... 6-2 . .. 205 ... Borden , Ind . P aul was an hon o rabl e men tion All-State p layer at F lo yd Cen tra l Hi g h School for coach Elmer Murray. Whil e also pa rtici pating in b aske tbal l and track in high school, h e wa s an All-Co nfe rence foo t b a ll select io n
Michael Long ... offensive tackle .. 6-3 245 .. Middlcshuro, Ky . Mi chael played Jor coach Tom S t ap leto n at Middlcsboro Hi g h Schoo l where h e w as a fo ur-ye ar le tt e rman and a first -t ea m All-Southeast Kent uck y Conference c hoice hi s senio r yea r. HL· was a lso a two -year honorab l e m en ti o n All - State pick.
.Joe Mauntcl ... defensive end ... 6-4 195 .. Cincinna1i, Ohio ... Joe pla yed defe nsi ve end fo r coach Tom Kocica at Colerain Hi gh School fo r four years. Whil e b e in g selec ted th e b e st defensive lineman ror Cole r ai n H igh School hi s sen ior year, he was an honorable mention All- C ity and A ll-L eag u e pick durin g t he "80 year.
William May .. . linebacker ... 5-9 ... 190 ... Shelby,,illc, K)', ... William comes to Eastern fr o m Shelby County Hi gh Schoo l where he played lin ebacke r for coach T om Be ch ere r.
George Miller quarterback 6 - 1 I 90 Richmond, Ky .... George r ece i ved th e mos t v a lua b le pl aye r tr op h y for coac h M o nt e .J oe Lovell's R ichmond M adison R oyal Pu rples' fo o t ball team this pas t season. A seco nd-team
A ll - Central Ken t uck y Con fe rence pick at quarterback. h e rece i ve h o norabl e m e nt io n not ice fo r th e league's MV P award. H e lettered four years in football and t h ree seaso ns i n basketba ll.
Brian Monroe fullback 6 -0 ... 225 ...
Le xing1 o n, Ky .... Brian pl a yed for coach R oy Walt o n at Tates C ree k Hi gh S c ho ol where h e was a tw o - year first -team A ll -C ity choice and a t hree- yea r A ll-St ate se lectio n fo r the Commodores. A four -year le tt erman in football at TCHS, he holds sc h oo l records for most yard s gained ru shing as a sop h omo r e (911). mos t t ouchdowns in a caree r (25) a nd m ost y ard s gained rush i ng in a ca reer (2 .50 1 ).
Robert Palmer . defensiv e e nd ... 6-2 ... 190
Cy nthia na , Ky . R obert was a fir s tteam i\ll-M id -S ta te Co n fe r e n ce c hoice for coach Bob .J e nkin s at Harri son Coun t y Hi g h School. While being chose n on t he All - S t ate tea m hi s senio r year. Robert le tt ered four years in footba ll a n d basketball and three s e as ons in track at HCHS.
Tim Po rtal e . q u a rt er bac k 6-0 . . . 190 ... Lo u is,, ill c, Ky . Tim wa s an h onorab le mention All - State pick and the All-District Offe nsive P la ye r o r th e Year fo r T r in it y t hi s past season H e competed in footba ll for coa c h R oge r Grunicsen a t T r in it y an d a lso p la yed rour seaso n s of baseball ther e H e holds the s chool reco rd for most ru n s scored in baseba ll a nd was an All - Distric t and All - Reg ion c ho ice i n that sport
Jame s P o we rs . tight e nd ... 6 - 2 ... 210 .. . Lex ingt o n , Ky . Jam es was an All - State, A l l-Cit y and All-Centra l K en tuck y Confe re n ce pla ye r for coach Jak e Be ll at H e nr y Clay H igh School. He w o n four le tt e rs while p lay i ng footba l l fo r the fl lu e Devils
Lo uis R o m defens i\'e tac kl e . .. 6-4 ... 210 . C in ci n nal i, Ohi o L o uis was an /\11League choice at Oak Hi lls High School for coach Ed Jack so n While pla y in g d efensive tack le, h e wa s recipient o f th e I ron Man Award for O H HS.
Bo b S andh o ff . .. ti ght e nd . .. 6 -4 1/2 • •• 2 IO . .. Brade nt on , Fla . ... fl ob was a th ree-year starte r for coac h Ed W oodward at So ut heast H igh School wh ere he le d the t eam in pass receptions the p as t tw o seasons. To give a n indication of his quickness, he a lso pla y ed on all Southeast 's specia l teams (4 7 speed in t h e 40- yard da s h). H e was a first - team p ic k on the M a n a tee All-Area t eam, the Sarasota AllArca squad and th e All -Coral Coast Conference team. H e also pla yed basketball and ran t rack for Sout h east.
S h a wn S at urda y nosegu a rd ... 6- 0 ... 220 . Cincinnati, O hi o Shawn pla yed for coac h P a t M an cuso a t P r i nceto n H ig h Sc h oo l wh ere h e was n a m ed his team's Mos t Va lu able D efe nsive P lay e r a nd was chosen t o the P r inceton Honor Ro ll. He was a n All-Cit y , All -Confe rence and /\II - State c hoice t hi s past season.
T erry S i m mo n s .. . li ne bac ker ... 6 -0 . .. 19 0 .. Hamilt o n , Ohio . . . While p laying four years of footba ll for coa ch Dale R obe rt son at H amilton Hi g h School, Te rr y was selec t ed a s t h e b es t d e fe nsi ve lineman and wa s c h ose n to t he fi( St- tcam Greate r Miami Confe r e nce squad H e als o participated in bas k e tball three se a s ons and tra ck o ne yea r at Ham i lt o n H igh School.
Da ,, id S impson d e fe ns iv e ba c k 6 -0 175 . Ne wport , Ky .... Da v id. wt10 was chosen th e Northern Ke nt uc k y Pla ye r of the Ycar. h o lds many reco r d s at Ne wp ort H igh School where h e played both o ffe n se and defen se for h ea d coac h Mike Murp h y. H is Newport High reco rds includ e mo s t yards rushin g in a se a son ( 1,627). caree r (2 . 846) and game (22 1), m os t p o int s in a season ( 112) an d a c are er (204): and most tou c hd owns in a season ( 12) and a c aree r (29). Wh ile being named A IIN K SC, h e a lso re cei ved awards i n 1980 for Bes t Back in th e Regio n and Bes t flack in No rthern Ke ntu c k y
R eg inald S mith d e fe ns i ve bac k 6-1
18 0 North Miami Beac h , Fl a Re gi nal d comes to Eastern from North Mia mi fl e ach H ig h School wh e re he played for coach J ohn Ste v e n s at the lin eback e r position He lettered thre e yea rs i n foo t ball and was an h o norab le m en ti on All - City cho ice thi s past season.
Eu gen e W a lk e r d e fensi n back 6-0
175 Lo uis , , ille, Ky Eu ge ne was a fi rstteam All-D is trict, All-R egio n , All - County and a third-team A ll-Sta t e choice fo r coach Tom Cos man at Fairdale H ig h School whi le p lay in g both w ide receiver and defensive back He participated in foo tball. bas k e tball and track for Fairdale
First Game
Sept. 5 - at Richmond
2:00 P.M. EDT
Location - Orangeburg, S.C.
Founded - 1896
President - Dr. M. Maceo Nance, Jr.
Enrollment - 4,000
Colors - Garnet & Blue
Conference - Mid-Eastern Athletic
Nickname - Bulldogs
Athletic Director - Dr. Willis C. Ham
Head Coach - Bill Davis
Coaching Record - 18-4
Assistant Coaches - Robert Johnson, Oliver
Pough, James Ragland, Thomas Saxon
S lD - Bill Hamilton , Phone: (803) 536-706 I
Trainer - Jimmie Rogers
Stadium - Bulldog (14,000)
Lettermen Lost - 13
Lettermen Returning - 43
The Bulldogs, who finished IO-I last season and who lost only to Grambling in the season finale in winning the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference, return 11 starters from that '80 team.
Runningback Henry Odom, who led the conference in rushing (845 yards) and touchdowns ( 15), returns as do runningbacks Mack Reed and Anthony Reed. Also returning on offense are wide receiver Marion Brown and three-time AII-MEAC center Larry Warren.
Defensively, tackle John Courtney, linebacker Davie Harris and end Zack Grate are the top returnees. The Bulldogs lost two all-conference linebackers and the MEAC Defensive Player of the Year from last year's team.
Also for the first time in four years, SCSC will be without the services of the now-departed quarterback Prince Phillips. The Bulldogs will also be without the services of wide receiver Charlie Brown.
First game of the series.
Sept. 5 at Ea stern Kentucky
Sept. 19
Sept. 26 at Howard
Oct. 3 at Alcorn State
Oct. IO at Johnson C. Smith
Oct. 24 at Florida A & M
Nov. 7
Bill Davis Head Coach Henry Odom RunningbackSecond Game
Sept. 12 - at Youngstown, Ohio
7:30 P.M. EDT
Location - Youngstown, Ohio
Founded - 1908
President - Dr. John J. Coffelt
Enrollment - 15,784
Colors - Scarlet & White
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Penguins
Athletic Director - Bill Narduzzi
Head Coach - Bill Narduzzi
Coaching Record - 39-25-1
Assistant Coaches - Bob Dove, Fred Thomas , Pete Lymber, Rick Bevly, Rusty DeCapito
SID - Greg Gulas, Phone: (216) 742-3483
Trainer - Dan Wathen
Stadium - Falcon (10,000)
Lettermen Lost - 12
Letterman Returning - 31
Head coach Bill Narduz z i and his troops will carry a sound reputation for football excellence on the Division II level as members of the MidContinent Conference into their new role as full-fledge participants in the OVC and as a Division I-AA football team.
YS U returns 31 lettermen from a team that suffered through a disappointing 2-8-1 campaign a year ago. Sophomore Mike Sloe will handle the quarterback duties, while completing 25-64 passes for 291 yards. The Penguins do return some experience in both runningback slots with Paris
Wicks and Vic Seglie leading the hunt for the starting positions.
On the defensive sid e of the ball, YSU returns a wealth of experience in many pos ition s, but are hurting in one particular area, the defensive secondary where three s tarters were lost. The strength of the defense can be found at linebacker where co-captain Jeff Gergel and Joe Schartner return. Eastern leads the series, 5-4-0.
Sept. 5 at Cincinnati
Sept. 26 Open
Oct. 3 at Akron
Oct. 17 at Delaware
Oct. 31 at Middle Te nnessee
Nov. 14 at Morehead State
Nov. 21 at Northern Iowa
Bill Narduzzi Head Coach Brett Modic LinebackerThird Game NAVY
Sept. 19 - at Ann a poli s, Md.
2:00 P . M. EDT
Location - Annapoli s, Md .
Founded - 1845
Supe rint e ndent - Vice Admiral William P.
Enrollment - 4 ,500
Co lo rs - Nav y Blue & Gold Conference - Ind ependent
ick nam e - Mids hipmen
Athlet ic Director - J 0. Co ppedge
H ea d Coach - George Wel s h
Coaching Record - 48-42
Ass istant Coaches - Steve Belichick , Bill
Hau s halter , Jo e Kri va k , Ke n Mack, Art
Mark os, Tom O'Brien , Bob Petche l, Frank
Spaziani , Ton y Whittlesey, Major C huck
SID - Tom Bates, Phone: (30 1) 268-6226
Trai n er - Leon "Red" Romo
Stadium - Navy-Marine Corps (28,000)
L e ttermen Lo s t - 24
Lettermen R eturn ing - 22
When Navy concl ud ed s prin g drills. it was readily apparent t o c oach George Welsh that the M idsh ipm e n wer e c apabl e again o f prese nting a so lid d efe nsive u nit he doc s ha ve seven starte rs ret urni ng from last year' s defense that fin is hed six th best in the cou ntr y Conversely, We lsh will h ave t o r eso lve a number of problems re lating to the offense ifhe is to sus tain the success the Mid s hav e enjoyed the past thr ee years (a 24-11 reco rd and tw o bow l appearances) .
The highly rcspecred a nd innovative Wel sh has 22 returning letterme n, includ in g AllAmerica prospec t s in middle guard Tim J o rdan runningbac k Eddie Meyers and pla cekic ke r Steve Fehr. A lso on hand are a so und defensive e nd c orps and a fine gro u p of defensi ve seconda r y performers.
The ques tio n marks on offense lie with the line and wide rece iver, where injuries hampered d evelopment. and depth at runningback. First game of the series.
Sept. 12 T H E C ITADEL
S e pt. 26 at Michigan
Oct. 3 at Yale
Oct. 17 at Boston College
Oct. 31 a t Notre Dame
Nov. 14 at Georgia Tech
Nov. 2 1 Arm y at Philadelphia
George Welsh H ead Coach Eddie Meyers Tailbac kFourth Game UN IVERSITY OF AKRON
Sept. 26 - at Richmond (Parents Day)
2:00 P.M. EDT
Location - Akron, Ohio
Founded - 187 0
President - Dr. D.J. Guzzetta
Enro llment - 23,000
Co lors - Blu e & Gold
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Zips
Athletic Dir ector - Gordon L arson
Head Coach - Jim Dennison
Coaching Re cord - 49-3 8- 1
Assistant Coac hes - Tom Flah er t y, Larry
Kindbom , R o n Curtis, Dave Newe ll , Jeff Durbin
SID - Ken MacDonald , Phone: (2 16) 375-7468
Trainer - Don Mars h all
Stadium - Rubber Bowl (35,482)
L etterm e n Lost - 17
Lettermen R et urning - 32 PRO SPECTUS
To head coac h Jim De nn ison, t he 19 80 season was a new ex pe rie nce.
"Las t year wasn't t oo kind to us, " said De nn iso n who s u ffered hi s first l osin g season s ince taking over the Zip football fort un es in I 973.
"We'll have 32 lette rmen returning, 19 who were starte r s, a st rong se ni or class for lead e rs hip a nd we've h ad two excelle nt recruiting c lasses," D en nison sa id .
According to Den nison, U A's gr idi ro n s trength s are at ins ide and outs id e linebacker, the defe n s ive interi o r , th e offensive line and at fullback and tailback.
The re's n o question, the leader of t he Zip defense is i n side li nebacker Brad Re ese. The fir st team All-Ohio Valley Confere nce a nd two - time Al lAmerican has paced th e Zips in tackl es the last three campa igns. O n offense, its sen ior tai lback Dennis Brumfie ld, the OVC's lea din g rusher in '80, who s hould pace Akron.
Akron leads the series, 3-2-0.
1981 SC H EDU LE
Sept. 12 at Eastern Michiga n
Sept. 19 at Kent State
Sept. 26 at Eas tern Kentu c k y
Oct. 10 at Tennessee Tech
Oc t . 31 at Austin Pea y
Jim Dennison H ead Coach Don Sc hultz Offensive Gua rdFifth G a me
Oct. 3 - at Richmond
2:00 P.M. EDT
Location - C larksville, T e nn.
Founded - 1927
President - Dr. Robert 0 Riggs
Enro ll ment - 5,500
Colo rs - R ed & White
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Governors
A thl etic Director - Johnny Miller
Head Coach - Emory Hale
Coaching Record - 0-0
Ass istant Coaches - Paul Brewster, Gary
Shepard, Cha rle s Graning, Rick C hri st op h e l, David Bibee
SID - Sherwin Clift, Phone : (615) 648-756 1
Trainer - Jeff Daniel
Stad ium - C larksville Municipal (8 , 900)
Lettermen Lost - 20
Lettermen Returning - 36 PROSPECTUS
Coach Emory Hale, who begins his first year at the he lm of t he Austin Peay Governors , finds him se lf in the need for severa l key offens ive performers, since most of the top back s a nd receivers were lost through graduation.
Gone from the APSU team that won six of its last seven co nt ests a nd fin is h ed with a 7-4 overa ll and 5-2 league r ecord are the 1980 OYC Offensi ve Player of the Year in quarterback Sonny Defillippis and the league's top rece i ver in Steve Puthoff. Tailback Cosmo Coc h ra n a lso grad uated. While Austin Peay was leading the leag ue in offense (353.5 yards per game), the Gov defense was finishing second in league s tats to Murray State . H a le must also work to replace three outstanding stars on this unit - tackles Richard Wozniak and T im Hic key and end Brett Williams.
Junior second -team A ll-OV C offensive tackle Charles Tuc ker (6-5, 228) will head the returnees on APSU's offensive lin e.
Eastern leads the series, 19-3. 1981
Emory Hale H ead Coac h C harl es T ucker Offensive TackleSixth Game
Oct. 10 - at Murfreesboro
7:30 P.M. CDT
Location - Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Founded - 1911
President - Dr. Sam Ingram
Enrollm e nt - I 1,250
Colors - Navy Blue & White
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Blue Raiders
Athletic Director - Jimmy Earle
Head Coach - Boots Donnelly
Coaching Record - 17-24
Assistant Coaches - Ed Bunio, L.T. Helton, Chuck Wood, Joe Sanders, Lewis West, Steve Burkhalter
SID - Ed Arning, Phone: (615) 898-2450
Trainer - George Camp
Stadium - Johnny Red Floyd (15,000)
Lettermen Lost - 5
Lettermen Returning - 38 PROSPECTUS
Entering his third year at the head of the MTSU program, Raider boss Boots Donnelly says his 1981 squad will be improved and tougher. Out of 43 le tt e rmen on the 1980 unit, Donnelly has 38 returning to the fold. The biggest loss was senior kicker Gerald Robinson, who handled the Raiders' field goal and extra point duties all last season.
Offensively, 17 lettermen return, headed by versatile runningback Sammy Bryant and junior quarterback Brown Sanford. Bryant led MTS U in rushing with a 63.5 yard average per game and in pass receiving with a mark of 24.4 yards per contest. Sanford, who suffered arm problems last year, averaged 111.7 yards passing and 8.3 yards rushing per game last year.
Defensively, the Blue Raiders return 21 lettermen. That unit will sport an even-front look in 1981, having switched to this formation late last season.
Eastern leads the series, 15-13-0.
Sept. 5 at Akron
Sept. 12 at UT-Chattanooga
Sept. 19 UT-MARTIN
Sept. 26 at Morehead State
Oct. 3 at Weste rn Carolina
Oct. 24 at Aus tin Peay
Nov 7 Open
Nov. 14
Boots Donnelly Head Coach Sammy Bryant TailbackSevent h Game
Oct. 17 - at Richmond (Homecoming)
2:00 P.M. EDT
Locati on - Da y ton, Ohio
Found ed - 185 0
Pres id e nt - Bro th e r R aymo nd L. Fit z, S. M .
Enrollme nt - 6,5 00
Colors - R ed & Blu e
Conference - Indepe nd e nt
N ickname - Fl ye rs
Athletic Direct o r - Tom Fre ri c ks
Head Coac h - Mike Ke lly
Coaching Record - 0-0
A ssis t a nt Coache s - Rick Chamberlin , K e ith
Jordan, Dave Whilding
SID - Gene Schi ll, Phone: (513) 229-4421
Trai n er - Eddie Kwes t
Stadium - W e lcome ( 11 ,000)
Letterm en Los t - 20
Lette rm e n R e turning - 35
It would be easy to ove rlook the Fl ye r s in '8 1 if it wer e no t for t he qualit y of th e r e turning s t a rt ers a nd experienced re serves w h o will be wea rin g the R ed and Blue. Thank s to an ave ra g e margin of ju st over 3 1 points a game, Dayt o n backups were ab le to ga in 15 t o 30 minut es of pl ay ing tim e in almo s t every game last year.
H ea d i ng th e list of ex pe ri e nced r ese rves is q ua rter back J on Vo rp e. He sco r ed four t o uchdowns in the last two p lay off games, including the game winner in the 28 -24 com e-from-behind win over Widener.
The offen s ive front for U D is s olid with re turnin g s t a rters at four s pots, including tackles Fred D o mi cone a nd La rry Arm s t rong, guard J oe Bec k and tight end Kir k Ambro se.
The d efe nse is he aded by end C hris C h a n ey, a Division II I All-Ame ri ca n c hoi ce in 1980 , a nd two - time ho n o rabl e me nti o n All- American line bac ke r
M ark H uffo rd .
The series is tied 3-3-0.
Sept. 5 a t Ca li fo rni a State ( P a.)
Se pt. 19 at But ler
Sept. 26 DEPAUW
Slippe ry Rock
Mik e Kelly Head C oac h Dave Terkos ki FlankerEighth Game
Oct. 24 - a t R i chmond
2:00 P.M. EDT
Loca ti o n - Bo wling Gr ee n, K y .
F o und e d - 1906
Pr es id e nt - Dr. D o nald W Za charia s
Enro llment - 13 ,339
Colors - Blue & G old
Confe rence - Ohio Valley
N ic kn a me - Hillt o pp e r s
Ath le tic D i rec tor - J o hn Oldha r.1
Hea d Coach - Jimmy F e ix
Coachin g R ec o rd - 9 3- 38 -5
Ass is ta nt Coach es - Butc h Gilbe rt , Bill Hape , C larence Bake r, Sam C lark, Larr y Walker, Bo b R affe rt y
SID - Paul Just , Phone : (502) 745-4295
Traine r - R o n D u nn
Stadium - L.T . S mith (19 , 250)
Lette rm e n Los t - 14
Letter men R e turnin g - 46
Tim F o rd
Defe ns ive E nd
Western will put man y of la s t year's s uccess ful youn gste rs onto th e footba ll fi e ld a s a group of seaso ne d ve te ran s wh e n it o pen s it s 1981 g rid seaso n in S e pte mb e r .
T he Hilltoppe r s will be returning 16 s tart e r s from las t ye a r 's 9-1 o utfit , including a ll but o ne r egular fr o m th e d e fe nse th a t yie lded o nl y 12 po ints a game th ro u g h its firs t nine c o ntes t s
Headin g the li st is se nior All-Ame ri can line man Tim Fo rd wh o led WKU in ta c kl es with 111 . Three ot h e r All- OV C perform e rs on d efense - e nd Donnie E vans , co rn e rba c k Lamo nt Meac ham a nd s afet y Barry Bumm - will be ba ck.
W es te rn w ill re turn three of its top four ru s he r s including A ll-OV C pick
Tro y S nard o n. Al so c oming back will be All-OV C wid e r eceive r J e rr y F lippin wh o cau g ht 18 pa sses for 410 yar ds last year. T he ob v ious and mos t c halleng ing abse nces i n th e WK U lin e up w ill be th e e nt i re s tron g s id e o f the o ffe n si ve line .
Western leads the series, 32-21-2.
Jimmy F eix Head Coa chNinth Game
Oct. 31 - at Murray
2:00 P.M. CST
Location - Murray , Ky.
Founded - 1922
President - Dr. Constantine W. Curris
Enrollment - 8,200
Colors - Blue & Gold
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Racers
'Athl etic Director - Johnny Reagan
Head Coach - Frank Beamer
Coaching R eco rd - 0-0
Assistant Coaches - Ralph Friedgen, Mike
O'Cain, Mike Dickens, Mike C lark, Reed
May, Mike Mahoney, Keith Jones
SID - Doug Vance, Phone: (502) 762-6181
Trainer - Tom Si mmons
Stadium - Stewart (16,800)
Lettermen Lost - 19
Letterm e n Returning - 38
New Murray State football coach Frank Beamer believes his biggest challenge will be "to find r e placements for the 19 lettermen who played a major role in our best back-to- back seasons in history."
The Racer defense , which has led the conference and ranked high nationally in team statistics the past two seasons, is the focus of concern with 12 lettermen, including seven s tarters , missing from last seaso n 's successful unit.
MSU has three all-conference performers back in defensive end Glenn Jon es, line backer Donald White and cornerback Greg Evans. The Racers led Division I-AA in scoring defense last season as the Racers yielded just 9.1 points an outing. The stingy Murray defense, in fact , allowed just three touchdowns in the first seven games.
Quarterback Gino Gibbs, who ranked second in passing and total offense in the OVC last season, heads an impressive cast of backfield regulars returning.
Eastern leads the series, 19-16-4.
Sept 5 at Southeast Missouri
Sept. 12 at Florida A & M
Sept. 19 at Youngstown State
Sept. 26
Oct. IO at UT-Martin
Oct. 17 at Middle Ten nessee
Oct. 24 a t Akron
Nov. 14 Ope n
Nov. 2 1 at Western Kentucky
Frank Beamer Head Coach Greg Evans Co rner backTenth Game
Nov. 7 - at Richmond
1:30 P.M. ES T
(ROTC Day)
Location - Cookeville, Tenn.
Founded - 1915
President - Dr. Arliss L. Roaden
Enro llment - 8 , 400
Colors - Purple & Gold
Co nfere nce - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Golden Eagles
Athletic Director - David Coffey
Head Coach - Don Wade
Coaching Record - 72-65-3
Ass istan t Coac h es - Lauren Kardatzk e, Jack Henderson, Dennis Caryl, Murphy Ownbey, Richard M ay , Jim Hughes
SID - Jamie Kimbrough, Phone: (615) 528-3088
Trainer - Steve Moore
Stadium - Tucker (16, 500)
Lettermen Lost - 17
Letterme n Returning - 28 PROSPECTUS
The 1981 season is a wait-and-see one for Tennessee Tech. If the personnel mesh early in the season, th e Go ld en Eagles could be in the running for an upper division finish in the OVC. However, to mesh properly, the offensive line must impro ve in terms of stre ng th and the defensive line and linebackers mus t come of age. The skill po sitions appear to be in fine shape.
Quarterback Tony Constantine, tailback Marvin McClennon and fu llback Reggie Bazel enjoyed an excellent spring. The rece iving corps, while n ot a flashy one, is adeq u ate, with junior Paul Se lesky heading the list provided he completely recovers from knee s urgery.
The defensive secondar y is the most experienced unit on the defen sive team as corne rb acks Tony Panebianco and Tony C h atman le ad the way. Eastern lead s the se ries, 23-14-1.
Don Wad e Head Coach Tony Panebianco Corner backEleventh Game
Nov. 21 at Morehead
1:30 P.M. EST
Location - Morehead, Ky.
Founded - 1922
President - Dr. Morris L. Norfleet
Enrollment - 7,100
Colors - Royal Blue & Gold
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Eagles
Athletic Director - Sonny Moran
Head Coach - Steve Loney
Coaching Record - 0-0
Assistant Coaches - Jay Adcox, Marshall Burdette, Bob Coleman, Stan Hixon , Mike Manley
SID - Jim Wells, Phone: (606) 783-3325
Train e r - Ken Wright
Stadium - Jayne (10 ,000)
Lettermen Lost - I I
Lettermen Returning - 37
Coach Steve Loney has 37 lettermen returning from last seaso n's 4-7 team that los t four of its games by four points or less last year.
Defensively, the question mark has to be how the Eagles will react to playing a new 4-4 defense. All-OVC linebacker Dan Gooch returns at linebacker after setting a new MS U record for most tackles in one season las t year. Other key defensive personnel include tackle Ron H ar dee and e nd Billy Goldsmith.
On offense, it will be up to Laney's s taff to replace MS U 's now departed "Mr. Everything", Dorron Hunter, an All-OVC tailback. Heading the list of can didates for that job are seniors Marcus Johnson and Dwight Yarn and so phomore Brian Shimer. Junior Don Reeves will be back at qu a rterback, while the offensive line will be anchored by 6-4, 262-pound senior tackle David Phillips, a transfer from Ohio State. More head State has also moved 62, 237-pound David Thurkill from tight end to fullback.
Eastern leads the series, 32-15-4 .
Sept. I 2 at Marshall
Sept. 19 Open
Oct. 3 at Murray State
Oct. 17 at Akron
Oct. 24 at Tennessee Tech
Oct. 3 I at W es tern Kentucky
Steve Loney Head Coach Don Reeves QuarterbackPASSING
S l '/(; I. E (;A\ I E 1,'-U I V ll)llA I. RFCO H DS
Most extra po in ts - 8 ("" M oon" Mullin s. 1951 ; Jerry Pulli ns \:--. ll i l l:-d a lc 196X)
l. tm i:-.1 run l ro m :...:r i mma~t· l)7 yarth (Don Da ly \'S M11n.:: h1..~ a d 195 1)
'vl o:, t r u ns f ro m sc r i mma~ c 4) (t\ ll n.:·d Thom ps on \:,..
:vl tHclwa <l 19 7.11
.\11 0:,t ) .trd:- r u:- hing 252 (Stan M 11chd l \" A -:,hla n cl Co l• lcgc. 197 5)
Mo:.I p .i:-:-c:- a ttcmpt t.:d 45 (.1 1111 Guice \ ':i- M iddk T i.: nnc -. -.,x I W1(l )
'1ost p a ssi.::- c o r11plc1,·J 25 (J im (;uit·c \ :,.. Akron. !968)
Mo:,.t yards passi ng J 17 (Jeff M cC:1rthy vs _ Tennes see Tech. 197.1)
M os t touchdown pass es t h rown 4 (J im Gu ice v:,.. i\"orthw o od , 196 7 and Ernie House vs Aust i n P ~a v, 1975 )
MllSI touchdowns sc o red 4 (Aaron Marsh vs.· Northwood.
1967: Jimmy Brooks vs East Tenness ee. 1971: Stan M itchcll vs Ashland. 1975)
Mos t pa ssc) r cc..:i vt·d 19 (Aar o n M~1rsh vs. North wood
Mo-'it receivi ng ya r dage 3 16 (Aaro n Ma rs h vs. Northwood.
1967 )
Most passes i nt e rcqHcd - 4 (Buddy Pfr1adt vs Austin Peay.
1966 )
M ost t i mes punted I J (Jeff McCarthy vs. M o rehea d. 1971)
Most yards punted 46~ (Jeff McCa rthy vs Morc hca<l. 197 1J
Longest field goal - 49 yards ( L>avid Flores vs. Murray State. 1977 , and vs Nevad a - Reno , 19 79)
l.ongcs t punt 78 yard s (Bob Plo11s v s Ta mpa. 1966)
Longes t punt n:turn - 86 yard s (Jimmy C hittum vs Murray 1961)
M o st field goa ls - 3 (Jerry Pullins vs Morehead. 1968; E,irl Cody vs. Morehead. 1973. and vs Murray. 1974: David Flores vs We-'itern 1978)
Mos 1 point s scored by kieking- 13 (Earl Cody vs. Morehead. 197_l)
Most yards kickoff returns - 202 (J e rry Parrish vs. Murra y State. 1978)
Most po ints scored - 90 ( Dale Patt on 1978}
Most touchdowns scored 15 (Dale Patton, 1978)
Mos t ex tra po ints (kick ) 39 (David Flores 19 79)
Mos t points scored by kick 66 (Dav id Flores. 1979 )
M ost runs from s c r immage 2 7 1 (Alfred T hompson 1973)
Most yards rushing 1.47 8 (Everett T a lbert 1974)
Mos t passes attempted 226 (Jim Guice. 1966)
Best passin!l percentage 62 1 ( Larry Marmie. 1965)
Most yards pass i ng 1.547 (Ernie Hou se 1977)
M ost yards total offense 1.740 (Erni,: House 1977)
Most touchdown passes thro wn - 14 (Jim Guice, 1966)
Mo s1 t o uc hd own passes recei ved 11 (Aaron Mars h 1966)
Bes! rushing a verage (min. 50 timcs) - 6 7 ya r ds ( Ch uck Be ll , 1953)
Mo st yardage on pass rcc civ in g - 1.()95 (Aaron Marsh. 1967)
Mo st passes rcccivt:d - 73 (Aaron Marsh. 1966)
Best pun1ing average---42 2 (Fred Ma ti ns, 1965)
M ost pas ses in lerccptcd - 9 (Buddy Pfaadt. 1966)
i\·1os t rush i ng atl e mpts 9 20 (J11nmy Brooks. 1968-7 1)
Mo~, fi eld goclls kicked 38 ( Dav id Flores 1977-80)
Most field goals a tt cmpted - 60 (David Hores. 19 77 -80)
Most e xtra points ki ck L" d 126 (David Ho res. 1977- 80)
Most e x t ra p o in t kick .1t1rn1pts - i.JI (Dav id Flores. 1977 - 80)
Most point s scored hy kick 240 (Da v id Flor\.'s 1977-80) -1 o s t poinb '.'lrnrcd 240 ( Oavid Flore:-., 1977-80)
Mo:. t t ou c hdown s scon.·d :l6 (Jimm\' Brnoks 1968-71)
Mos 1 kickoffs ret urned - 57 (John R~verl'. 1972- 75)
Mo:.t ya rds on k ickoffs returned 1.25.1 ( h: r ry Parrish. 1978Pre sent)
Mo s t conse cutive extra po ims kicked 60 ( Dav id Hores, 1977- 78 )
M ost yard s rushing- 3.842 (Ji mm y Broo ks 1968-71)
Most ya rd s passing 5 ,04 1 (Jim G u ic e 1965 -68)
M ost plays 101al offense 9 2 1 (Jimmy Urooks, 1968 - 7 1)
Most points sco red by opponent - 99 vs Wit1cnbcrg in 1931
l. a rgcst victory margin 67 -0 vs Morehead in 1925
Largest defe a t margin 99-0 vs. Wittenberg i n 19J I
Most net yards rushing 510 vs. [ast Tennessee in 197 7
Most pass attempts - 50 vs. Akron in 1968
M ost pass com ple ti o ns - 2l) vs Akron in 1968
M ost pass ing yardage - 425 vs. '.'Jorthwood ln 1967
M ost yards total offense 662 vs East Ten nessee in 1977
M ost first downs 3J vs W iscons in -Os hk osh in 1975
M o st firs1 downs rushing 23 vs. A s hland Co llege in 1975
Most t ouc hd owns scored 9 vs Evan sv ille in 1953
Most extra points-8 vs. Erskine in 1951; vs Hillsda le. 1968
Mos t ya rds pena li zed 155 vs M orehead 1977
Leas t net yard s ru shing by opponen t 10 vs Austin Peay in 1975
M osl touchdown passes 6 vs. Northwood in 1967
Fewe st firs! d o wns give n up - 2 vs. Murra y State in 1976
Undde ated sc a son - 1940 (8-0-0), 1954·(8-0- I) •
Mo st wins - I I, 1979 (11 -2--0)
Most defeats- 8 in 1929 ( 1-8-0)
Most tics- 3 i n 1933 (1 - 2- 3)
Most points scored - 346 ( 1979)
M ost points by oppos iti o n 264 (19J0)
Lea st points scored - 15 ( 1930)
M o st consecutive games without a lo ss - 15 ( 1953- 54- 55 ), 2 tics
M ost consecutive games won JJ (1939 -40-41)
M ost 1ouchdowns scored 46 ( 1979)
M o st ext ra point s mad c - 39 ( 1979)
• Ta ngeri ne Bowl G ame no t incl uded
( Remaind e r in cludes 1952 th rough 1977, inclusive )
M ost pas ses complctcJ - 170 ( 1967)
M os t passes att e mpted - JOO ( 1967)
!lest passing pcrccntagc - 58 2 (1965)
l.ea s 1 yards rushing by opponen ts - 951 ( 1953)
Least yard s pass ing by opponen ts - 4 8 7 (1957)
Res t punting average 42.2 (1965)
Most yards penal i zed 736 ( 1972 )
M o st yards rushing 2.827 ( 1979)
Most ya rds pa -'ising 2, 133 ( 1967)
Best l (>tal offense 4, 254 ( 1979)
Most firs t downs ru s hing - 158 ( 1979)
Most passes intercepted by 22 (1979. 1980)
SI NG L E GAMf.- I I - Mu rray vs
Iowa We sleyan 1967
M(>St Ki ckoffs Rccelved - 8 - Wcstern vs.
Tennessee Tec h 1965
Mos t Yards On Punt Rcturns - 153
Western K y. vs. Morehead
M ost Yard s Kickoff Return s 202
Eastern K y vs. Murray
Most Points Scored 377 - Westcrn Ky
Fewest Points Scored 20 - Moreh cad
Most Points Yielded 321 - Murray
Fewest Points Yieldcd - 40 Middle Tennessee
Ml)St Touchdowns - 54- Western K y.
Most PATs Kickcd - 45 Wes tern Ky.
M ost Field Goals - I I - Middle Tennessee 1971.
Mu rray 1971. Tenn T ech
Most Po ints Scored Kicking 67 - (13 FGs. 28 E Ps)
Eastern Ky
Most Safetics- 4 - Middlc T ennessee
Most Points Per Game )7.7 - Westcrn Ky.
Most Total Yards (jained 4,071 - Wcst ern Ky
Fewest Yards By Opp o n ents 1.51 1 -
Western Ky
Most Plays - 825- Eastcrn Ky.
Most Average Yards Per Game 425.8 -
Wcstern Ky
M ost Yards Gained Rushing- 3.114
Middle Tennessee
Most Avg Ya rds Pe r Game 31 IA
Mid d le Tennes'.'.CC
Fewest Yards Ry Opponents 4 85Western Ky.
Most Ru sh ing Allcmpt s 722 Tennessee Ttch
Mos t Touchdowns Rushing 42 - Middk Tcnncss
Most First Downs Rushing 1)4 - Eastcrn Ky.
Most Yards Gained P assing 2.433 Murra y
M ost Average Yards Per Game 243.3 - Murray
M os t A11crnpts 380 Murra y
Mos! Completions 190Murray
Eas1 T ennessee
Best Comple t ion Percentage 06 1 Middle Tenne s se e
Fewest Yards By Opponent JoS
Most Touc hdowns P assing 25
Mos l First Downs Passin g 95
tern K e ntuck y
Most Pa s!:>CS Had l ntnc c pt cd 35
M os1 Pa sses ln1crccp1cd J4 East rcnness ce
Fe west T o uchdown Passe s Allowed Midd le Tennessee
Mos t Yards Punt s R eturn ed - 145-Virgi l Livers. W K vs. ET 1974
Most Yards Total Offense - 428 - J ohnny Vance , WK vs Akron
M ost Plays Toial Offense - 69 - Johnny Vanc e W K vs Akron
Highest Average P e r Play - 20.0 ( 120 yards in 6 atts.)H al Emer son EK vs Wisconsin -O shko s h 1975
Most Anempts-43 - Alfred Thompson, EK vs Mo 1973
Most Yards Gain ed Rushing-297-Claren ce Jac kson, WK vs Butler
Longcs1 Run from Scrimmagc- 97 yardsDon Daly, EK vs Mo. Carl Wal ke r, Mu vs AP
Mos t Attempts - 59- Johnny Vance, WK vs. Akron 1969
Mos t Compktions- 37- Johnny Van ce, WK vs. Akron
Most Consecutive Complet ions- 11 - Billy Walker, MT vs UT Mart in 1967
Best percentagc- 1000'/o -Teddy M orris (9-9), MT vs. UT Chattanooga 1965
Mosl Yards Ga ined Pa ss ing - 425-Larry T illman. Mu. vs. MT 1967
Mos t To u chdown Passes - 6 - Charles Port er , Mo. vs Marshall
Most Pas s es Caught - 20- Harold Rober ts AP vs M urray (NCAA Rec ord) .1967
Most Yards On Pas ses Caught-316- Aaron Marsh, E K vs i\onhwood 1967
Mos! Touchdown Pa sse s Caughl - 4Aaron Mar sh, EK vs Nonhwood 1967 Harold Roberts , AP vs Murra y 1967 Port e r Williams, WK vs. Murray 1973
Most I nt e rceplions-4 - Buddy Pfaadt, EK vs AP 1966
Longe st Pass C o mpletion-96 yardsLeo Peckenpaugh to Porter Williams, WK vs Mu I 970
Most Two -P oi nt Conversions - 3- Billy Walker , M T vs. UT Martin 1967
Mo st Po ints By Passing - 36- Billy Walk er. MT vs. UT Martin 1967
Most Point s - 28 - H arold Robert s AP 1.·s. Mu 1969
M ost Touchdo wn s - 4 - Held by Eighl Playe rs
M o st Points By Kicking-13 - Earl Cody (3
Mosl Extra Points Kic ked - 8T om Atwo o d, WK vs TT Jerry Pullins, EK vs H illsdale Steve Wil so n. WK vs MU
Most Field Goa ls - 3- Pat Hauser , ET vs Mo (Tied by Nine Others)
Lo nges l Fidd Goal - 58 yard s - Stan Watt s
Mu. vs WK
Most P u nt s - 14- Mikc J ohnso n, AP v s TT
Bes t Punt Avcrage - 54 0 - Mike Shawe n. MT vs Ball State
Longe s t Punt - 81 yards - C hip J ohnson, AP vs. WK
Mos t Punt s Returncd - 9Alan C oker. WK vs Butler Alan Coker. WK vs. MT
Long esl Punt Return - 100 yards - -Phil Fost e r, Mu vs. Mo. 1950
Lon gest Kicko ff Return - JOO yards- Buford Crager, Mo. vs ET 1959
Longe st Pass Interception Return-JOO yardsRay Oldham, MT vs UT Chat1anooga .1 970
Longest Run with Recovered F umble- 99 y a rd sRay Neal. MT vs. Muskinkham . . . .. . 1964
Mo~t Yards Kic kofl R c wrn, 2 U2 Ji: rr) l'ar r ish 1'17~
Mo sr Total Yards-2,782 - Charles Porter. Morehe ad 1950
Most Total P lays - 464 - Larry Tillman. Murray 1967
Most Rushing Att empts- 286 - Larry Schre iber. Tenn esse Tech 1968
Mos1 Yard s Rushi ng-1 ,522- Larry Schreiber, T e nnessee T ech , 1969
H ighest Rush ing Average-9.1 - Ray Purvis Middle Tennes see (Min. 50 att.) 1959
Mosl Pass Anempt s - 380- Larry Tillman, Murray 1967
Most Pass C o mpleti ons - 190- Larr)· Tillman, Murray 1967
Mos t Yards Gained Passing - 2, 345- Charlcs P ort e r, Mo r ehead 1950
Best Completion P e rce ntage - 66.20Jo - C harles Porter, Morehead 1950
Most Touchdown Pa sses Throw n - 25- L arry Tillma n Murray 1968
Mos t Passes Caught - 88- Harv ey Tanner , Mu rray 1967
Mo st Ya r ds On Passes C aughl - 1,069- Aaron Marsh. East ern Ky 1967
Mos t Touchdown Passe s C aught - 13-Billy He ss, Mu rray 1968
Mo st Pa sses lnterce pt ed - 12 - John Fit zpat r ick , Ten nessee T ech 1972
Mo s! Points Scored - 114- - Oi c kie Mo ore, We stern Kentucky 1967
M o s1 Touchdowns Scored-19 - Oickie Moore , Western Kentuc-ky 1967
Most P oi n ts By Kicki ng - 60- Butch Ge ntr y, Te nnessee T ec h 1972
Mos1 E xira P o int s Kic ked-3 7 Jerry Pullins , East ern Ken tucky
Mo.st Field Goals- l l - S1an Watts. Mu rray and Kenny Nol an Middle Tenne ss ee
Butch Gentry, Tenne ssee Tech
Mo st Punt s-BJ- Ri c hard Mc Gl o thlin, Eas t Tennessee
Bes t Pun1ing Av er a gc-43 9 - Mike Sha wen. Middle Tennessee
Most Punt s Retu rne d - SO- Vi rgil L iver s
We slern Ken1uc k y
Mos t Punt s Re1urn<'d For Sco re - 3-
M o H o llings worth. Mor e head Virgil liv ers West e rn Ken tuck y
Men's Cross Country
Sep t. 12
Se pt. 19
Se pt. 26
Oct. 3
Oc t. 10
Oct. 17
Oc t. 24
Oct. 3 1
Nov 7
M ars hall In vi ta ti o n a l
U niv. of Ky. I nv it ational
Ken tu cky I nte r colleg iate Champio nshi p
T ri-M eet
I ndiana Un ivers it y In v it ationa l
Ope n
OVC Championship
Ope n
NCAA Distri ct Ill C hampi onship
Na me
T e rry Lakes
Andy Crowley
Fred Bise l
Ti m M ack
Tim Langford
Kelvi n Lew is
Br y ce Allmo n
Ernest W eyhrauc h
Class S r. Sr. Sop h J r. Sr. Sr. S r. So p h.
Si te
Hu nt in gton , W. Va.
Bowling Green
H ome
Bloom in gton, Ind.
Gree nv i ll e, S.C.
H o me t ow n
Ri c hmond , I nd.
Danv ille, K y.
M ars ha ll , M ic h
D ay t on, Ohio
Somerset, K y. Detro it , Mi c h
J effe r so n Cit y, M o.
R ich mond , K y.
Lette rs Won Two
Th r ee
Th e Eas t e rn Ken tu cky University Colonels, under th e direction of third-year head coach Rick Erdm ann, return but tw o le ttermen from the 1980 tea m t h at p laced third i n t h e annual Ohi o Valley Conference cham pio nsh ips.
"Although t he tea m has a number of uppe r classme n , it will s till lack cross cou ntry runnin g ex per ience," said Erd m a n n. " Lakes and C r ow ley are th e o nl y return i ng lettermen, so h opefully, th e tea m will gain e xp e ri e n ce as the season progresses."
H igh lighti n g th e 1981 sc hed ule for the Colonels are app ea ran ces in th e Ma r s ha ll, Ind iana a nd Kentucky inv it ational m ee t s, in add it io n to t he OVC championship m ee t at M u rray.
Rick E rdmann H ea d CoachWomen's Cross Country
Oct. 3
Oct. 10
Oct. 17
Oct. 24
Oct. 31
Nov. 7
EKU Invit atio nal
OYC Champi onships
AIA W Re gion II
Barbara Fennell
Phyllis Grubb
Karen Haden
Maria Pazarentzos
Lisa R enner
Jean Strait
Eve Combs
Fran Ethering to n
The 1981 season will be a rebuilding one for the women's cross country team at Eastern Several o f the runners graduated and the incoming freshmen and returning sophomo res will have to carry the load.
Maria Pazarentzos, Barb Fennell and Karen Haden - all sophomores - showed great improvement through their freshmen seaso n. Pazarentzos finished the outdoor season by placing second in the 1,500-meter and 3, 000-meter runs and third in the 800-meter run at the OVC championship meet. Haden worked her time down 30 seconds in the 1,500-meters and had similar improvement in the 3,000-meter run.
Eastern's success in 198 1 could be determined by it s successes in recruiting. Lisa Renner, a sister to fo rmer EKU runne r Vi c ki Renner (1976-80), will be one of coach Sand y Martin's fre sh men runners .
Women's Field Hockey •
With the r et urn of nine of 11 starte rs a nd the addition of two outstanding young recru its and t wo seaso ned veteran recru its, the 1980 defending KWI C champio n Ea ste rn Kentucky Co lone ls s h o uld be re ad y for th e ir 1981 schedule This ye ar's ex p e ri enced roster incl ud es five sen iors, seven j uniors, five sophomores and tw o fre s hm e n.
A combining of maturity and ex p e rience , coupled with bu rning inte n s ity , s hould make this squad's off-season motto of "wait till next yea r" a t rue prediction o f a s ucc essful 1981 season. T he 1981 schedule includes the st r ongest com pet ition in A IAW Reg ions II and V.
In 1981, the a ttack will be led by ju ni or Wilma Ho ward from Lou isvi ll e who broke i nt o the 1980 starting li ne up an d t h en proceeded to lead the team in scoring. H o ward will be ably assisted by another Louis ville standou t , L a ura Purd y, who last season sec u red the KWI C championship with h e r gam e winnin g goal in th e second half.
The r igh t sid e of t h e line will be dominat ed by Debbie W right and Rob in Forhecz W r ight's de t er mined s t y le of p lay is cha racteri ze d by a ggressi ve cutting and de cisive sco r in g. Forhecz, th e you ngst e r o f the atta c k lineup, will be ex pec ted to produce an ab u nda n ce of goals with her supe r ior q u ickness and her deadly dr ive The lin e will a lso b e stre ngthe ned b y the addition of experie n ced tra nsfers s uch as Julie Th e il e r an d Kathl een Boughton.
The two mid-fiel d s pots wi ll again be filled with t h e ex perie nced duo of Li sa Lora n and Carole Ann La n kfo r d. These ve terans hav e p layed toget her for two years with L ora n 's qu ic k, spo ntan eous play ba la n ced by L a nk fo rd 's qu iet s tabili ty. Bot h will combine t o co nt ro l p la y in the mid-fie ld and to brea k in t o th e attac k fo r additional sco ring punch.
The de fe n sive unit will be a com binat io n of sea soned mat urit y a nd raw youth. Returnin g defenders include seniors Jean Dickson a nd T heresa L ang who will provide much nee d ed leadership t o the young defense. Sophomo r e Anne D augherty, with one yea r of exp.erie n ce und er he r belt, sh ou ld add spar k lo the d e fe nse with her uncanny ability t o intercept. In 1981, t hese at hl e t es will be j oined by freshmen p la ye rs T heresa Powell and Mary Gav i n.
Goal kee ping honors will fall in t o t h e ca p a ble hands of third-year k ee per Suza nn e H astings. H as tings, who ra nked seven t h i n the nati o n i n percent saves for 1980, wi ll ad d stabili t y and confidence t o the backfield.
T h is p as t sum mer, H ast i ngs , L oran, H o wa rd , Lankford , F or hecz, Daugherty and Gavin atte nd ed try-outs for the Un ited State s Olympic F ield Hocke y team These players' exper ie nces in the US FHA Ol y mpi c Develop m ent program s hould g ive the squad a good s t a rt for it s 198 1 seaso n.
Lynne Harvel Head Coach Lisa Loran Theresa LangRifle
Morehead State, Kentucky
OVC Tournament
Oct. 17
Oct. 3 1
Nov. 13 -1 5 and 20-22 Nov 14-15
Nov. 2 1-22
Jan. 30
Feb. 6
Feb 13- 14
Feb. 20
Mar. 10-13
Hilltoppers Tournament
Buccaneer To urnament
Colonels Tournamen t
Xavier Univers ity Walsh Tournament
UK Tournament
Golden Eagle Tournament
Middle Tennessee
Ke ntucky State Rifle
Champions hi ps
NCAA, NRA Sectionals
NCAA C hampionsh ips
The 1980-81 rifle seaso n, which sa w coach Nelson Beard's EKU team finish fourth in the nation, was Eastern's m ost successful rifle season eve r.
"We're loo king fo rw a rd to repeating our efforts of last season with h igh h opes and a strong possibility of taking the national championship," said Beard. "Our s hoot ers seem more anxiou s th a n eve r of co mpeting and winning."
Se nior Daniel Durben, an NCAA first t eam All- American sma llbore a nd air rifle team member las t yea r , head s the lis t of returnees along with NCAA second team All-American air rifle team members, Karen Lon g and Kim Floer.
OVC Smallbore Champio n s hips - finished third in smallbo re and seco nd in air rifle
Kentu c ky Collegiate Stat e Championship s - placed first NCAA Championships - placed fo urth
Daniel Durben
-s h o t 1, 161 at Ke n tucky S t a t e Championships ( Smallbore)
- finished sixth in t he nation as an indi vidual with 1,164 score
- fired tl)e high ind ividual score on the range du r in g t he national team match event with I , 180 score
Karen Long
Mark Bender
- s h ot 381 at Ke nt ucky Stat e C hampionships (air rifle)
- fi nish ed 15th in t he nation as an individual wit h 1, 153 score
- finished 19th in t he nation as an individual with I , 149 score
Smallbore T eam
Air Rine Team
Air Rifle
- set new record with a s core 4,608 at the NCAA Sectionals at West Virginia University.
- se t new record with a score 1,505 at theK entucky Stat e Championships at Murray State University.
-Dan iel Durben set new mark of 1, 180.
- Daniel Durben set new mark of 382
Sgt. Nelson Beard Head Coach Daniel DurbenWomen's Tennis
Sept. 15
Sept. 17
Sept. 18-19
Sept. 25-26
Sept. 30
Oct. 7
Oct. 13
Oct. 16- 17
Oct. 23
Oct. 24
Oct. 30-31
Morehead State
West Virginia Louisville, Arkansas, Purdue
Murray State, East Tenn essee, Others
Wes tern Kentuck y, Others
Midd le T e nnessee
K WIC Championships
**Note: Additional matches are expected to be added
Paula Castoro
J ill D e nny
Jack ie Powell
Joy Rupert
Kristi Spangenberg
Fran Watson
Susan Wilso n
Elizabeth Phelps, Manager
Two One Two Two One
Having lost the No. 2 and No. 3 players to graduation, the 1981-82 team wi ll depend heavily on returning players to anc h or both ends of the l ineup. New team membe rs Susan Wilson and Kri sti Spangenberg will resolve the matter of what position eac h will play when they arrive on campus.
Wilson, from Gainesville, Fla., is a transfer who also played on the No. 2 ranked University of Florida te nnis team Spangenberg, who has been especially su ccessful in doubles c ompetition, won two stale tit les during her high schoo l career.
"We expect both players to help continue the team's efforts to be proficient competitively with K WIC and OVC rivals," sa id Dr. Mullins.
Women's Volleyball
Date Oppon ent
Sept. 5 Texas, Kentucky
Sept. 8 Louisville
Sept. IO Dayton
Sept. 12 U niv. of Pittsburgh Invitational
Sept. 16 M o re head State
Sept. 21 Xavier
Sept. 25-26 EKU I nvitational
Oct. 1-3 Michigan State I nvitational
Oct. 6 Morehead State
Oct. 10 Ind iana
Oct. 14 Northern Kentucky
Oct. 16 Louisville
Oct. 20 Tennessee
Oct. 23 Kentucky State
Oct. 27 No rthern Kentucky
Oct. 30-31 OV C Invitational
Nov. 4 Tenn ess ee
Nov. 6 Kentuck y State
Nov. 13-14 K WIC Championships
Nov. 20-21 AIAW Reg io n I I Championship
Dec. 9- 12 AJA W National Championship at Utah State Universit y
1981 RO S T ER
Mary Kathleen Rieger - Outstanding Sportswoman, Volleyball, 1980; Laurie BriggsSuburban Trib All-Star, Outstanding Sophomore and Junior in Physical Education at EKU; Sandy Carrel - All-Conference; Lori Courtney - Marion County All-Star; Lori DuncanAIAW Region II All-Star, 1980; Charlotte Anne Gillespie - First Team All-State PINA Championships (1980, 1981), All-Star in several tournaments; Kelly Jo Irwin - Nominated FCA Athlete of the Year; Deanne Madden - K WIC All-State, AJA W Region II All-Star (1980); Ramona McGovern - All-Conference; Joan Messerlmecht- Player of the Year in the Mid-State League; Nancy Stoeckle - KWIC All-State, 1978, 1980.
The 1981 women's volleyball season at EKU will be one of the most challenging in the history of the fifteen year program. Loaded with talent and the momentum of success, Eastern has the potential to challenge the top schools in volleyball. The team will be led by seven upperclassmen whose experience will maintain the team's goal to realize its full potential. Equally sharing in this task will be seven sophomores and freshmen.
The team will face a tough schedule which includes the eighth annualEKU Invitational, the Michigan State International Invitational and the Pitt Invitational, a late addition to the schedule which will include the top teams in volleyball in the East.
The 1981 season promises to be exciting and action-filled. "The outcome of this season will be reflected in the success of the team to achieve a well-trained cohesive and flexible singular unit, while sustaining the importance of the individual effort," said Dr. Geri Polvino, EK U head coach.
Laurie Briggs - has emerged as the team's top setter. She runs th e t eam's 5-1 multiple offense. Her leadership and judgement on the court provides the essential ingredients for team cohesion and success. Laurie was the recipient of the Outstanding Sophomore and Junior in Physical Education award at EKU.
Deanne Madden - is the team's leading middle blocker. An ability to read the setter and hitter makes Deanne an imposing threat in closing out the opponents' multiple attack. She was the recipient of the KWIC All-State and AIAW Region II Awards.
Lori Duncan - is the team's leading competitor. An opponent must beat Lori as she seldom makes mistakes to beat herself. Her aggressive attack and all-around skills earned her the AIA W Southern Region All-Star team award.
Nancy Stoeckle - was the recipient of the KWIC All -State Award for the 1978 and 1980 seasons. She is one of two players in the history of the award to be recognized twice. Nancy isan aggressive outside hitter and her serving is al so tough She has served as the team's captain for two years.
KWIC State Championships - Second Place
AIA W Southern Region Championships - Third Place
Men's Golf
Sept. 18- 19
Oct. 3-4
Oct. 9- 11
Nov. 13-15
Murray State In vitational
EKU Invitational
Buckeye Fall Classic
All-Dixie Intercollegiate
Darryl Donovan
Kelly Finney
Todd Finney
Mike Goldston
Brian Gurzynski
Steve Haluska
Jeff J oyce
Gregg Shawen
Tom S h elton
Dave Sironen
David Smith
Pat Stephens
Scott Swinney
Mark Veith
Columbus, Ohio Colum b us, Ga.
Hialeah, Fla.
Fairfield, Ohio
Waterford, Wisc.
Cen tral City, Ky .
Angola, Ind.
Johnson City, N.Y.
Columbus, Ohio
Kettering, Ohio
Somerset, Ky.
Seminole, Fla
Syracuse, N. Y.
Ri chmond, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Sun Prairie, Wisc.
Headed by All-OYC returnees Kelly Fin ney (tied for third place in the spring OYC tourney with a 216) and Dave Sironen (an eighth place tie with a 220), the Colonels will field a rather you ng ou tfit in 198 1-82 with but two seniors and two juniors on th e Colonels ' u nit.
After winning the golf title in confere n ce pla y in 1980, Eastern dropped to a fourt h p lace spot this past April. However, Finney, who led the team last fall with a 73.89 average, an d Sironen, who carde d a 74.25 mark in the '80 fall, should provide a so lid nucleus from which to build another OYC co nt e n der.
One strong addition to the Col onels' squad will be that of Pat Stephens, a local player who played at Madison Central High School and later for the University of Kentucky, who will become eli gib le this fall after sitting out his transfer year.
Delmas Freeman. guard 1948
Paul Wright. center 1948
Carl Plantholt. gua rd • 1949
Ray Pelfrey back !949
Ed Zoret ic. bac k 1949
Chuck Her11cr. back 1951
Chuck Schmitt. 1ackle 1952
Alex K ilakowsk i e nd 1952
Carl Oakley. guard 1953
Roy Kidd. back 1953
Fred Winschc r. end 1954
Frank '.\!assida. tack le 1954
J erry Johns guard 1954
James Hanlon. back 1954
Don Daly. back 1954
Bob Mull e r , back 1954
Tom Schulte: end 1955
J oh n Scbcst, back 1957
IJ.:1v c B i shop back 1958
Steve Hero.cg. tackle 1959
Eddie Miller. gua rd 1959
Joe Graybeal. center 1959
Don M ac Uonald guard 196 1
J i mmy Chittum. back 1961. 1962
Ken G ood hcw guard 1962
R oscoe Perkins guard 1965
Chuck Scimon
e nd 1964. 1967
Roy Evan s tac k le 1965
Jim Gu ice. hack 1966-1968
Budd y Pfaadt. back 1965, 1966
Mike Smith. back 1966
Aaron Marsh. end
Bill Bre w e r. tackle
Fred Troike. guard
Ron Recd. linebacker
H arry Lenz. back
Jim Moberly. llncbackcr
1966, 1967
1967, 1968
1967, 1968
1967 1967 1968
Larry Kaelin guard 1969
Teddy Taylor, guard 1967- 1969
Jimmy Brooks back 1968- 1971
Harry Irwin. tack le 1970
Butch Evans. fullback
J ames Wilson 1970
tight end 197 1
James Port e r. back 1971
Wallace Chambers , tackle 1970 1972
James Croudcp l inebacker 1970, 1972
Larry K irk sey, end 1972
Alfred Thompson. back 1973
Rich T homas. linebacker 1973
E ve rett Talbert. back 1974, 19 76
Joe A l vino. guard 1974 1975. 1976
John Revere. flanker 1974
Robyn Hatley, tack le 1974 1975
Earl Cody, kick er 1974
Stan Roberts , noseguard 1974
Junior Hardin. tackle 197 4. 1975
E lmo lloyd sp l it-end 1975, 1976
Scott McCallister. back 1975
Ern ie Mouse, back 1976
R ooseve lt Ke lly, center . 1976
Anthony M ill er. back 1976 1977
Stan Mitchell back 1977
Rand y Heabe rlin 1ack lc 1977
Dean Stucky. gua rd 1977, 1978
J im Nelson, fla nke r 1977
Chris Roberts end 1978
Dav id J\;eal, center
Joe Richard , 1978, 1979 n osegu ard 1978 1979
Dale P atton , fullback 1978. 1979
Danny Martin. back 1978. 1979
Kev in Greve. guacd 1979, 1980
David F l ores. kicker 1979
Bob McIntyre. line backer 1979
Darryl Lawson ta ckle 1980
Joe Sch i pske. center 1980
James S h elton. tack le 1980
Geo rge Floyd , bac k 1980
W E KU - FM, R ichm ond, is the o ri gi natin g sta tion fo r the EK U Foo t ball N etwor k. Play-byp lay w ill be p rov id ed by Greg Stot elmye r.
Ric h mo nd Re gist er ( d a ily, p. m.)
Ke ith S teer
p orts Ed itor Madison Co u nt y Newsweek (wee k ly)
Mad iso n Co unty Pos t (wee kl y)
T h e Eas t ern Prog ress (weekly)
Lexi n g t o n H er ald ( da ily, a.m.)
Lexi ngton L ea d er (da il y, p.m.)
Cou rie r- Jo urn a l ( d aily, a . m.)
Louisvi ll e Times (dail y, p. m.)
Kent u ck y S portsworld
Ra d io WE K U-FM
R a di o W E KY (Richm o nd )
Rad io W C BR (Richmo nd)
Radio WVLK (Lexington)
Radio WLAP ( Lexi ngto n)
Rad io WK TC ( Lex ingt o n )
WT VQ- T V (Lexi ngto n )
W KYT -TV ( Lexington )
W L EX-TV (Lexington)
WL K Y-TV (Lo ui sv ille)
Radio WHAS & TV ( Louisville)
Radio WAVE & TV ( Louisvi lle)
Radio W IN N ( L ouisville)
Rad io W KL O ( Louisv ille)
Rad io W A KY (Lou isville)
R ad i o W LOU ( L ouisv ille) ,
Assoc ia ted Press, 146 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky.
Mi k e J oh nso n
r ts Ed ito r
Gene McLean
Rick Ba iley
Bill y Re ed, S t a n S u tton, Earl Cox
Larry Barnes
po r t s D irecto r
Greg Stot elmyer
U n it ed P ress I nt e rnational, Commo n weal t h Buil ding, Louisville, Ken t ucky.