1983 Fall Sports Media Guide

Page 16





Date Sept. 3
Opponent East Tennessee Youngstown State* Open Akron* Austin
Open Weste rn
Murray State* Tennessee Tech* Morehead State* Open
Valley Conference Game
Sept. 17 Sept.
Oct. I Oct. 8 Oct.
Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov.
Nov. 19
Peay* (Homecoming) Middle Tennessee*
Overall Record: Won 13, Lost 0, Tied 0 OVC R ecord: Won 7, Lost 0, Tied 0 Opponent Site Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Away South Carolina State Youngstown State Akron ............... . .. .... ...... . .... . Austin Peay ...................... ... ... . Middle Tennessee (HC) Western Ke ntuck y ....................... . Murray State ... .. . ............ .. ....... . T e nn essee Tech ............ ... .......... . Cen tral Florida ......................... . Mor e head State .........................._ *Idaho ... .. ............. .. ......... . ... . *Tennessee State ............... . ........ . **De laware .. ...... ..................... . *NCAA I- AA Playoffs EKU 20 (A) 31 (H) 19 (A) 27 (A) 35 (H) 35 (A) 2 1 (H) 34 (A) 26 (A) 20 (H) 38 (H) 13 (H) 17 (N) **NCAA I-AA Pion eer Bowl - Wichita Falls, T exas Time 1:30 PM EDT 7:30 PM EDT l:30PMEDT 1:30 PM EDT 1:30PM CDT l:30PMEDT l:30PMCDT 1:30 PM EST 1:30 PM EST OPP 19 17 JO 18 10 21 20 17 14 3 30 7 14 ATT 11,008 14 ,6 00 9,286 6 ,000 17 ,700 18, 000 18, 100 4 ,042 4, 822 14 , 400 11 ,657 9,274 11,25 7
r · 83 FALL SPORTS MEDIA GUIDE Contents Eastern Kentucky University .. ... ......... .... ........ 4 Conference Affiliations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Athletics at EKU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Men's Cross Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Women's Cross Country ............................ 63 Women's Field Hockey ... ........ . ... . ..... . ....... 64 Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Women's Volleyball .......................... .. .... 68 Women's Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Golf ... .... ............. . .. . . .. . ... .... ........... 72 EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Member: Ohio Valley Conference National Collegiate Athletic Association Easte rn Kentuck y Univers it y is an equal opportunity educational institution. 83.42.2


The 1983 Fall Sports Media Guide has been prepared especially for the membe r s of t he p ress, radio and television who cover the Col onels. We sincerely hope th a t it wi ll provide many of the answers concerning the Colonels and Eastern Kentuc k y University. If you desire additional in fo rmati on s pecia l features, pictures etc., or h ave q ues tio ns n ot answ e red in this b rochure. feel free to contact the Division of P ublic Informatio n located in the J ones Building (Telephone: 606-622-230 I and 606-622-2302).

Information fo r Visiting Ne wsm e n at

Football Games

WORKING PRE SS T I C KET S - A ll requests for press t icke ts by working newspaper. radio. or television pe rsonnel should be mad e BY NAME. as fa r in advance as possible. Press tickets canno t be mailed le ss than one week in adva nce of the game. I n th e event of a large press turnou t , priority will go to our regular coverage and sta tewide m ed ia.

RAD IO - All correspondence concerning Radio Broadcasti n g Right s s hould be addressed to the Division of Public Info rmation. Eastern Kent u cky Uni ve r sity R equests s h ould be made BY NAME as early as possible. Lin es arc to be ordered by the r equesting s t atio n d ir ect from the South Central Bell Telephone Company with instructio ns to con tact this office prior to installing lines. Spotters can be made avai lab le if requested in advance. The "official sta tion ," as des ignated by the Director of Athletics of the visi t ing inst it ution. will be assigned priority space. Requ es t s b y other statio ns will be considered in relation to ava ilabil it y of space a nd da te of request.

TE L EVIS ION - Live t elevision cove rage is pro h ib ited unless pe r mission is granted by the Vice P resident for Pub lic Affairs well in advance.

SCOUTS - All reques t s b y scouts should be made BY NAME as far in advance as possible. Scouts representing a co llege or university arc limited to two per sc hool, w hile profess io n al sco ut s are restr icted to one per t eam. Profess ional scouts' req uests are to be made from th e t eam's main office. No passes will b e given to professional sco uts for a playoff ga m e.

PHOTOGRAPHER S - Advance requests BY NAME arc required and, as a 2

genera l policy, th ere s hould be no more than one photographer per sc h oo l or med ium. Ph otograp he rs may t ake pictures from the sidelines duri n g the game p rovided th ey r ema in within specified a r eas-away from t he immediate s idelines and in front of the bench and coac hi ng areas (30 t o 30 yd. line). Motion pic t ure crews may use t h e fac i lities provided in the press box o n the east sid e of the field.

SEAT IN G - In r equesting work in g press tickets. p lease advise BY NAME as to t h e number in yo ur party. It is desi r ed that newspaper req uests be lim ited to no more th a n two persons, radio req u ests, th ree persons.

PRESS TAGS - Press tags must be worn for identi ficat ion b y all newsm e n , pho t ograp h ers a nd scouts sea t ed in the press box o r located on the field. P lease note: all press passes a re issued BY NAME to a uthori zed working person nel and are non• transferable.


The working newspaper and rad io personne l, as wel l as scouts and other officials, will be furnish e d a copy of t he p lay-by-p la y r eport and complete team and indiv id ual statistics at ha lfti m e and approximately five minutes a fte r the game. R efres h ments are served before a nd duri n g the game.


KIDD - EKU head coach R oy K idd is available fo r t elephone inte r v iews, Mond ayThursda y from 8 a .m . - noon a nd 1-2 :30 p . m. The on ly exceptio n is Tuesdays and T hursdays when he teaches c lass from 10:3011 :30. K idd's t elep h one n umber is (606) 6222146.


L ocatio n - R ic h mo nd , Madi son County, Kentucky, a growi n g city of abou t 24,000.

En r ollment - 13.041

Fo und ed - 1906

President Dr. .I. C. Powell

V ice Pres id ent for Academic AffairsDr .J ohn Rowlett

Athletic Conference - Ohio Valley. N.C.A.A . - M e n and W omen

Gymna s i um Alumni Colise um (capacity 6,500)

S tadium - H anger F ie ld (capacity 20,000)

Nic knam e - Colo nels Maroo ns

Symbol - Colonel

Co lors - Maroon and White


Athletic Committe e

Members: Dr. Russel l Bogue, Chairman:

Dr. Dixon Barr: Dr. Anne Brooks; Dr. William Berge: Dr Bill Farrar: Dr. Nancy

P eel: Dr. Doug Whitl oc k: M rs. J ean n ette

Crock ett: Dr. Doris Sut ton: Mr. C. E

Baldw i n: Mr. D o n ald Com b s and Dr. Martha

Mullin s, ex-offic io.

Director of Athletics - Donald G.

C ombs

Assista nt Direc t or of A th letics - Dr. Martha Mullins

H ead Football Coac h - R oy Kidd (Eastern Ken tu cky. 1954)

Linc Coaches - T om J ones (Weste rn

Kent ucky. 19 73): J im Tan ara (U TChattanooga 1965)

Backfield Coache s - Jack Is o n (Eastern Kentucky 196 1): J oe Blankensh i p (Eastern Kentucky 1965): Leo n H art ( Mary ville. 1973).

H ead Coaches Other Sports - Baseba ll:

Ji m W ard ; Basketball: Max Good: Golf: Bob

Seaholm: Swi m m in g : Dan Li chty: M en's

Tra ck and Cross Country: Ri ck Erdmann:

M e n 's Te nnis: Tom H iggi n s: R ine : Cap t.

Michael Mc Na mara: W omen's Tennis: Sandy

Martin: Women's Volleyball: Dr. Geri

Pol vino: Women's Bas k etball : Dr. Dianne

Murph y : Wom e n 's Field H ockey: Lynne

Harve l: Women's Track and Cross Country: Ri ck Erdmann.

Assista nt Coac he s Other Sports -

Basketball: J o hn Ferguso n ; Swi mming: Tim Cahill; Women's Ba sketball: Nell

H e n s le y.

T ra in e r - Dr. Bobby Barton .

Assi s tant Traine r s - David Green a nd

D ebbie Ja ckson.

Sports Informatio n Editor - Karl Park.

Athlet ic Business Manage r - David Parke.

Board of Re ge nts

Robert J . Begley, Jr. , Ric hmo nd; Mrs. H all ie S h ouse . Lexingto n: J e rry Ikerd.

Somerset: Dr. Rodn ey Gross: Grayson: .I. W .

P helps Lou isville : Dr. Grady Stumbo.

Frankfort; J ohn Kei th , Cynthia n a: Dr. Bonnie Gray. faculty representative: Annette Ohlmann, studen t representa ti ve.


The NCAA Footba ll Ru les Committee has adopted guidel in es for m ore e fficient and safer side line contro l during collegiate football contes t s.

RU L E I , Sec t ion 2 Article 3 sta tes: Limit lines s h all be marked with 12 - inch lin es and a t 24 - inch interva ls 12 fee t ou tsid e t h e side li nes and the e nd li nes. exce p t in stadiums where t otal f ield surface docs not permit. In t hese stadiums. the li mit lines sha ll not be less t han six fee t from th e s id e lines and e nd lin es Limit lines sha ll be four i nches in width NO P E R SOI\ OUTSIDE THE TEAM AREA S HALL UE WITHIN THE LIMIT LI N ES.

Photograrhcrs mu st observe th e following two ru les:

(I) Each photographer shall wcara visible c redentia l issued by the srorts information


(2) Pho t ograp h ers work i n g on the fi e ld may work on any ran of the side lin e o utside t h e bench area and behind the e nd zone, OUTS ! DE T H E RESTRA I N ING A R EA LIMIT LI N ES. No one is pe rmitted i n the bench area on the rlaying field, or i n t he restrain i ng area next to the side li ne. A N Y T I ME after th e compet iti on begins i ncluding durin g timeou ts unl ess h e has been issued a bench pass Photographers onl y ma y work unr estric te d on the pla y i ng fi e ld and in th e ben c h a re a immediately aft er the end o f the ga me

Should any que s tion s arise or you inc ur any proble ms. please seek assistance fro m any E K U Security P erson nel or Mr. La rry Ba iley . lJ ni vc r s ity Phot og rapher. Fa ilure to comr ly with t he new NC AA rules could res ult in your being asked to leave the fie ld area



Growth - in quantity and quality - has been the theme at Eastern Kentucky University. The quantity speaks for itself. With an enrollment of more than I 3,000 students, the University's student body has more than tripled since 1960. As a result, new dormitories and large , w e ll-equipp ed academic s tructures hav e been built.

Dr. J. C. Powell will be completing his seventh year as president of the University in October. Powell, the school's seventh president , succeeded Dr. Robert R. Martin who served EKU in that position for 16 ¼ years.

At a 1978 Board of Regents meeting, Eastern was reorganized into nine colleges and a graduate school. Five colleges - Applied Arts and Technology , Business , Education , Law Enforcement and Allied H ealth and Nursing - remain e d intact.

Four new colleges were created , including Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences , Arts and Humanities and Health , Phys ical Education , Recreation and Athletics.

The mast e rs d eg r ee is offered in several fields as is the specialist degree. A joint doctoral program in education is sponsored in cooperation with the Univ e r s ity of Kentucky.

The physical plant has undergone building and renovation programs totaling more than $138 million since 1960. During thi s pe r iod every existing major campus facility has been remodeled or completely r eco nstruct ed.

Dr. J. C. Powell, President


I n 194 1, fo r esighted m e n had v isions o f a n Ohio Va lley Con fe rence. Spo rt sw ri ters speculated about the impe n d ing divis io n of t he Kentuc k y I nte rcollegiate Athle t ic Co nference. Virtuall y all agreed it was j u st a matter of time until th e divi sio n took place and a new athletic confe r ence was formed

T h en th e J apa nese b ombe d Pearl H a r bor and America was pl un ged in to W orld War II .

Seven yea rs la t er, aft er th e hostilit ies had ceased, a pre-war dream became a post - war r ea lity. The "B ig Fi ve " of the K . 1. A.C. w ithdrew to form the O hi o Valley Conference

Making the m ove were W este rn Kentucky S tate Co ll ege, Eastern Ke n tuc k y State College, Mur ray S tate College, Morehead S t a te Co llege and t he Un ive r s it y of Louisvi ll e. Th ey were joi ned by E vansville College and , shortly thereafter, by T e n nessee Tech and Mar shall College.

Pu rpose of t he O.V .C., w hi ch was set fort h in its cons t it ution , is " t o regu late , con t rol and promote all the recogni zed branc he s of inte rco ll egiate athleti cs i n i nstit ut io ns represented."

Th roug h a gradua l proce ss, the O h io Valley Co n ference was to become a league o f Kentucky a nd Te nn essee sta te co ll eges Middle T ennessee S ta t e College j oined the rolls in 1952, Eas t Tennessee S t ate Un iversity in 1957 and Austin Peay Stat e Coll ege in the spring of 1962 . Th ey rep la ced Louisv ille, wh ich became an ind ependent in 1949 , and Marsha ll and Evansv ille, whi ch d epa r ted in 1952.

T h e Universit y of Akr o n and Yo u ngst own State University joined theOVC in 197 980 .

Eastern also competes against o t herOVC schools i n a regula r season schedu le in wom e n's basketball and tournaments in ten n is and vo ll eybal l. Championships arc held a lso in cross country and ou tdoor tra ck.

Eastern ranks firs t in th e Conference's alltime football sta ndin gs with a 144-82-7 wonlost record. The Colo nels have won seven regular seaso n title s outright ('54, '67, '68, '7 4 , '76, '81 and '82) and shared one tit le in 1962.

East ern won the NCAA D iv ision I-AA nat ional c h ampions hip in 1979 and 1982 and th e NCAA M ideast Regional C hamp ionship in 1967 Th e Colonels finish e d as nat ional runners up in the NCAA 's I-AA Division in 1980 a n d 198 1.

J im Delany, a 35-year-old forme r NCAA inves t igator, is serving his fifth year as commiss ioner of the Ohio Valley Conference. H e succeeded Bob Vanatta as the OVC's fourth commiss ioner.

The Succasunna, New J e rsey, nati ve became the youngest comm issioner t o serve the conference. T he other OVC commissioners p rior to Vanatta were Art h ur Guepc and Paul Dietzel.

Delany is a 19 70 grad uat e of the U n ivcrsit y of No rth Carolina w here h e played ba s ketball for coach Dean Smith's Tarhcels from 1967- 70 and served as co-cap t ai n of the 196970 sq uad.

Fo ll owing graduat ion, Delany ente r e d the UNC Law School a nd served as an ass ist a nt coach under Sm ith. H e received hi s law degree in 1973 before joining the NCAA staff.

For add it ional information, features or pictu r es con tact:




RI CHMOND, K E\f T UCKY 40475--093 1

TELE PH ONE (606) 622-230 1


The College of Health, Physical Education , Recreation and Athletics sponsors seven intercollegiate s ports for men, s ix intercollegiate sports for women and two coeducational intercollegiate sports. Extensive intramural, free play and club sports programs are sponsored providing varied participation opportuniti es for all.

These programs are an integ ral part of the total program and d eve lopment of Eastern students. They offer experiences which contribute immeasurably to the health , vitality and preparation of young people as citizens and for their leadership contributions to the yo uth in th e nation's schools and elsewhere.

Th e College of Health, Ph ys ical Education, Recreation and Athletics offers a variety of degree programs at the undergraduat e and graduate leve ls. The coaches of athletics are among the fifty-three full-time faculty m e mbers representing more than a score of th e finest colleges and universities in the nation, required to produce academic, intramural and varsity athl etic programs.

The ex t e nsive indoor and outdoor facilities are us e d interchangea bly for instruction and athletics as is the faculty. The College , which is organized under a single admini strative unit, includ es three academic departments under which there are seventeen undergraduate and graduate degree programs and inte rcollegiat e athletics. This t y pe organization contributes significantly to success ful coordination of the program , faculty and facilities for maximum contribution to the overall mission of the University.

The College is headed by Dean Russ e ll Bogue. Its three academic departments are: School and Public Health, chaired by Dr. H e rman Bush ; Recreation and Park Administration , chaired by Dr. James McChesney; Physical Education, chaired by Dr. Peggy Stanaland. The College's program of intercollegiate athletics is administered by Athletic Director, Mr. Donald G. C ombs , and Assistant Athl et ic Director, Dr. Martha Mullins. Its newl y created Department of H.P.E.R. & A. Services is administered by Dr. Fred Darling.

Through its d e partments, the College offers six baccalaureate d eg ree programs and one two-y ear associate of arts option curricula for undergraduate s tud e nts. At the graduate le vel , the College offers th e Master of Science in Physical Educat i o n, R ec r eation and Park Admini strat ion , and Physical Education with the Sports Administration Option. Additional degree programs offered in cooperation with the College of Education include S peci a list in Education , Master of Arts in Health Education, Allied Health , Physical Education, along with Rank I I and Rank I teacher certification programs .

T he College also serves EK U's general education progra m through requ ired ph ys ical education and hea lth cla sses for freshmen a nd so phomores.

Enrolled in th e Co llege's academic programs are some I , I 00 majors , includin g more than 400 graduate s tud e nts. To se rve thi s large enrollment, th e


College boasts a full-tim e faculty of 53, including 22 members with the earned doctorate. Thirt y graduate as sistants perform t eac hing and other se rv ices.

A balanced athletic program , intramural, s ports clubs and intercollegiate, is provid ed by the College. Intramural and s port clubs programs are s ponsored through the H.P. E. R. & A. services department by intramural directors. Competition in numerou s s por ts, including softball, flag football, s occer, racquetball, bowling , volleyball, table tennis, tra c k basketball and field hockey provide phys ical outlets for EK U s tud e nts.

EKU, a membe r of the NCAA and Ohio Va lle y Conference, fields athletic tea m s in baseball , basketball , football , swimming, go lf, tenni s, c ross country, track (indoor and outdoor) and rifle. Basketball , field hocke y, tennis , cross country, track and field (indoor and outdoor) and volley ball make up the intercollegiate program for women.

Outs tanding facilities are r eq uired to s upport an operation w ith th e scope of East e rn ' s C ollege of H.P.E.R. & A. The College's prog rams are house d in five major campus structures - The Robert B. Beg ley Building, where it is headquartered , the Alumni C oliseum , the W eave r Health Building, the Presnell Building and the Greg Adams Building. Numerous tennis courts, r ec reation areas, Gertrude Hood Field, Turke y Hughes Baseba ll Fie ld , and the Tom C. Samuels nine-lane track with tartan infield are amon g the o th er facilities of the College. An 18-hol e golf course and an outdoor educationr ec re ation demon stra tion area are located at Arlington. There are four e quipped training rooms attached to th e intercollegiate locke r rooms in four buildings.

The seven-story Begley Building is designed to serve n ea rly 2,000 s tudents hourly in classes and also provides seating for more than 20, 000 football spec tators. Included in th e s tructure are three gymnas iums , 12 handball courts, 36 classrooms , 60 offices and the dressin g facilities for physical education and football. A training area includes two exe rcise and we ight-lifting rooms , a steam room and a large therapy tank. A se minar room and r ece ption area are located on the second level of the building. Offices on this level have been accoustically treated to absorb sound from th e open-top athletic area

The Thomas E. McDonough Intramural Fi e lds , which boast s 10 football field s, two of which are varsity practice field s and another two which are large enough for soccer play, are in use. In season , eight softball fi e lds ma y be s uperimpo sed on th e football la y outs.

The Gl e nn Presnell Building h o uses football locker and s how e r rooms , a training room, r es t rooms and storage, office and lecture areas. An equipment c he c k-out room and other service facilities are locate d to se rve the students who participate in the intramural progra m s.

The Greg Ad a ms indoor tennis facility becam e available for use in the fall of 1976. It co ns titutes the fifth building on campus de voted to housi ng the ac ti v ities of th e C ollege of H .P.E .R. & A.



ROY KIDD Head Coach

Ro y Kidd' s trophy case and office walls are running out o f room

Kidd a nd his Easte rn football team ha ve garne red so much success and notor iety during the past fo u r ye ar s th at t he nex t person hired might be an interior d ecora tor instead of an other assistant coach .

C onsid er thi s:

- Las t season E astern played in its fourth consecutive nati o nal c ha mp ions h ip game and won its seco nd nationa l c ham pi onsh ip titl e in compi l ing a s pot less 13- 0 r ecor d Kidd was vo t e d OYC Co-Coac h of th e Year th e Lou isville Coach of the Year, Clinic Coac h of th e Yea r the Louisville Quarterback Clu b Coac h of the Year for I 982 and fort he seco nd consecu ti ve se aso n was rec ip ient of Th e L ex ing1on Hera ld's Kentu cky Sportsman of th e Yea r awa rd.

Kid d was hon o r ed in I 981 as he was se lected the National Coa c h of the Year in IAA fo r the s econd s tr aig ht year a nd the OVC Coach of th e Year.

Note worthy coachi ng achievements ha ve become a rule of thumb for K idd during the l ast five yea r s . I n 1978, he was credited with h is 100th co ll egiate coac hing victory and . of cou r se, in 1979 he g uid e d the Co lonels to t he Di v is ion I-AA nationa l cha mpi onsh ip. E K U fini s hed 11 -2 that latter year.

T he n, in 1980, Kidd 's Eas tern team came w it hi n 55 se conds o f pu tting back-to-back nationa l c h a mp io nships toge th e r winning IO games before losi ng to Boise Stat e 3 1-29 on a fo urth- down pass in t he nationa l ti t le contest.

T he I98 I season saw Ki dd who has compiled a 146- 55- 6 record at EKU, tak e his Col onels to an unprecede nt e d t hi r d consecutive national t itle game a nd a 12- 2 overall mark The Colonels. after defeat ing Delaware and Boise S t a t e. fe ll t o Idaho State, 34-2 3. in

the nationa l fi n als. •

Duri ng these past 19 years, Eastern h as cap ture d tw o national champio n s h ips, two national ru nn e r sup troph ies. s ix OVC c ham pionsh ips had an unbeaten s tr ing o f 15 games in the league and wo n th e 1967 NCAA Mi deas t R eg io na l C ha m pi o ns hip (cove rin g more than 100 t ea m s in a JO-state area) by defeating Ball Stat e 27-13 in the Grantland Ri ce Bow l. The Co lone ls also star t the 1983 seaso n w it h a 3 1 game winning streak at t he ir home stadium. H anger Field.

Easte rn has cont i nually been r anke d in th e top tw enty in th e nation by the NCAA D ivisio n I- AA poll ste r s. h o ldin g the No. I spo t fo r ni ne consec uti ve weeks last season

Ki dd's success comes from a co mbinat ion o f demand ing the ulti ma t e in dedication and d ete rmi na tio n. ye t being a coac h who is respected by hi s players.

Hi s ability to commu ni cate wi t h his playe rs s t ems from a rea lis ti c, ma tter-of-fact attitud e. H e's gen uin e ly concerned about each ind ivid u a l as a p laye r a nd as a student.

He has a br ill iant football mi n d and is a man who takes a d vantage of mos t si t ua t ions and is n ot afraid t o gamble H e is a n organize r wh o ha s sur roun d e d himse lf w ith a ve r y capable coachi ng sta ff

All these ingred ie nt s p oi nt to t h e fact tha t Roy Kidd is a winn er. It a ll started for Ki dd as a little leag uer in Corbin, Ky , and he c ontinued on the plus side of the ledg e r as a h igh sc h oo l at hl ete a nd then as a football and baseball sta r at Eastern.

Wh en he was a gradua te ass istan t coach. Eas t ern we nt unbeaten and rece ived a n inv itation t o t he Ta n ge rin e Bow l. T h en he s t a rt ed coac hing in high sc h ool. b u ilding ti ny R ic hmond Ma diso n i nt o a s tate foo t ball powe r house H e ha d a 54-10-1 re co rd. a 27game wi n n in g streak and 14 consecu t ive u n scored - upon games . H e wa s Ke n tu c ky Coach of the Year in 1961 w h e n the Purples w e re ranked No. I in t he s tat e a ll seaso n.

H e went to Morehead as a n ass is t ant coac h in 1962 a nd hel pe d guide t h e Eagles t o the ir seco nd win nin g seaso n in 13 years and a s hare of t h e OVC champ ionsh ip.


The n it was bac k to Easte rn in 1963 w he r e he se r ve d as a n a ssis tant fo r o ne year befo re ta kin g ove r th e hea d jo b.

T h e Colo n e ls we nt 3-5- 1 his firs t year. o n e of on ly two losi ng seasons he h as ha d w hile c oaching They im p roved that to 5- 3-1 t he

followi ng yea r a nd Ki dd was elec t ed Coa c h of t h e Year in th e OVC.

Kid d is ma r r ied to th e fo rmer S u sa n Purce ll of R ic hmo nd. T hey have t h r ee c h ild re n : M arc Kathy. and K eith.

Kidd 's office phone number is: (606) 622-2146.


JACK ISON Defensive Backfield Coach

Defensive secondary coac h J ack I son must re place three of four starte rs in a defensive backfield that helped EK U intercep t 24 passes

Ison will also serve as defe nsive coordinator aga in th is seaso n and is t he dea n of Colonel assistan t coaches, hav in g served as an EK U assistant for this h is 17th yea r

Kid d gave the 1961 Eastern g raduate his first coaching job a t Richmond's Madison H igh School.

After assist i ng Kidd to a 13- 1 record and a C lass AA runnerup trophy in 196 1, Ison was named head coach in 1962 w hen Kid d entered t he college coaching field The Roy al Purples were 6-2- 2 under h is guidance.

T he Russell native is married t o the former P atricia Lykins , whom he m e t as a classmate at Eastern. Th ey have two daughters, Elizabet h (21) a nd M elinda (17).

TOM JONES Offensive Line Coach

Tom J ones , a 1973 graduat e of Wes tern Kentucky Uni vers it y, begins his third season as East e rn' s offens ive line coach.

Jones was an All - State center at Glasgow High Schoo l where he graduated in 1969 a nd t he n went to W KU. While playing offensive center for coac h Jimmy Fe ix at Western , he was a m e mb e r of t wo OVC cham p ionsh ip squads

After grad ua t ing from W es t ern in 1973, J ones assumed coachi ng positions at Bu lli tt Cen tra l High Sc h oo l, Adai r County H igh Sc h oo l , M acon Cou nt y (Te nn.) High Sc hool and Caverna High School during th e next five years.

A native of G lasgow , Jon es has coached at Morehead State and as a graduate assista nt at t he Universi t y o f Tennessee.

J ones, 32, is married t o the former Mary Bess Ma nby of LaGrange and t h ey h ave two daughters , J e nnifer Eli zabe th (3 ½) and Amanda Lee (2½).

Leon Hart Joe Blankenship


Offensive Backfield Coach

Leo n Hart begins his sixth season as an assistant in c harge of th e EK U offensive backfield . H e w ill also again be the offensive coordinator for t he Colonels th is fall.

Hart must tutor h is fourth d ifferent start in g quart e r back in the last five yea r s for the Colonels this season when two freshmen quarte rb acks battle it out for th e s t ar t i n g slot.

Hart graduated from Mansfield (Ohio) Madison H igh Sc h oo l in 1969, and we nt on to Maryville College w here he received hi s B.A. in ed ucation in 1973

While at Maryville, Hart lettered four yea r s in footba ll and th ree yea rs in baseball, serving as ca pta in of the baseball squa d as a senior. He was a safety fo r the Mar yv i lle gridders, leading the team in int erce ptions his last three seasons

Hart is married to the former Becki Sowers of Mansf ield and they have t wo sons. T imothy R obe r t (6) and Set h (2)

JOE BLANKENSHIP Linebacker Coach

J oe Blan k ensh ip begins his seventh yea r at E K U and will have t o rebuild a linebacking corps that lost two AII-OVC li nebac ker sA lex Domin guez and Pete J ackson - t o grad u ation.

After spend ing his fres hmen year of college at the Un ive r sity of Ke ntuck y, Blankensh ip p layed h is final th ree yea r s a t E astern, receiv ing a bachelor's d egree in 1966 from E KU. Blankenship a lso put in a coac hi ng st int at Louisv ille Seneca Hi gh School before coming to Eas tern.

Blanken s hi p is marri ed to the former Brenda Wooten of L ouisville and they have tw o c h ildre n , K imber ly Lynn (20) and Jo seph Troy (12).

Jack Ison Tom J o nes

JIM TANARA Down Lineman Coach

J im Tanara will h andle the down linemen aga in i n hi s fifth year as an assistant coac h at Eastern.

Tanara came to E K U fro m the staff of Bear Bryan t at Alabama where he served 11 years work ing w ith the T itle's d e fensive front.

W h ile at Alabama, Tanara was a member of t he staff t hat directed t he Tide to t wo nationa l championships and appearances in 1 1 bowl games H e also served as UA's head w restli n g coach for 11 years.

H e later was a t hree-year letterma n for UT - Chattanooga and start ed a t bot h defensive end and tight end. W hile collecting L ittle A ll-American h onors in 1964, he received his bachelor of science deg r ee in 1965 and was drafted by the New Orleans Saints u pon graduation.

H e was an assistant foo t ball coach at Cleve land (Tenn.) H igh School fo r t h ree years befo re going to A la bama in 1968 . H e rece ived his master's deg r ee from Alabama in 1970.


Defensive End Coach

T eddy Taylor, a 1970 graduate of Eastern , wi ll serve as a coac h fo r Ki dd's Colo n els for t he fift h s t ra ig ht season

While serving as dorm directo r, T ay lor w ill work with the defe nsive ends for t he Colonels .

A n All-American noseguar d at Eastern in 1969, Tay lor wa s a significant force in EKU's M ideast Regiona l and Ohio Valley Co n ference championship team in 1967 a n d t he OVC champ ion squad of 1968

Tay lor served as head coac h at P in evi ll e High School after fi ll in g an assis t ant's post there for two yea rs He was voted South E as t Kent ucky Coach of t he Yea r in 1978 while guiding his team to a 9- 3 record.

He is married to th e former Frances Whi t e of L exingto n and th ey h ave two daugh ters, Katrina ( 14) and Che (9).

C onrad Cardano Rick Sang


Co nrad Carda n o will again serve coach R oy Kidd as r eceiver coach in th is h is th i rd seaso n wi th t he Colonels

Cardano, a 34-year o ld native of Wash i ng t on, D .C. , came to Eastern from M arsha ll Uni versity in t he So u t h e rn Confere n ce wh ere he wa s t he receiver coac h for the Thundering H erd for t wo seasons.

A 1967 graduate of Blade nsbu r g (Md.) Hi gh School, Cardano went on to let t er t wo years at quarte r bac k at West e rn Caroli n a, lead ing the Catamounts to record s of 9-1 and 6-3 t hose two seasons.

Aft er graduating from WCU in 197 1, Cardano p layed t hree seasons of semi-pro football i n the Seaboard Profess ional F ootba ll League. H is other assistant coaching assignments incl u de Tusco la (N .C.) High School , Dover (Mass ) She r born High Sc hool and Catholic Un ive rsity w here he served as offensive coordinator as CU went 27-11 within a four- yea r period.

He received hi s master's degree i n educat ion from EKU in 1982, specializing in administration and supe r vision

He is married t o the form er Christina Willis of Huntingto n, W. Va.

RICK SANG Kickers' Coach

Rick Sang, a 19 80 graduate of E K U, will be b ack for t he fourth year to work wit h the EK U Colonels' kickers and defe n s ive scou t team.

Sang, who lettered three years a t EK U as a flank e r, was a m em ber of Kidd 's 1979 national champions hip team. That yea r he started at flan ker and punted in the national championship game against Lehigh.

Th e 25-yea r old native of Ashland is married to the forme r Kelli Ell is of F ind lay , Ohio.

Jim Tanara Teddy Taylor

DONALD G. COMBS Director of Athletics

Donald G. Co mbs begins h is 13th year as Director of Athletics at Eas t ern after servi ng the u nivers ity 13 years as swimming coach .

Combs, who was known throughout the sta t e as t he dean of Kentuck y collegiate swimm in g coaches. ha nd ed over hi s sw immi ng coaching duties to Dan Li ch t y hi s assis tan t. in 1975.

He is currently serving his fifth yea r as an at-large member of the NCAA 's Division I-AA football committee.

Rec ogn ized as a "Maste r Coac h " by the College Swimm ing Coaches Associat ion of America in 1970, Combs coached Eastern's swim team from 1963-75 Dur in g those yea rs th e E K U Ee ls captured 12 consecutive K e ntu c k y I ntercollegia t e Swimming a nd Diving Champions hip s and compiled a 134- 29 record.

A 1949 graduate of Mod el Labora t ory Schoo l, Combs received hi s B.S. in 1953 and M. A. in 1965. Both degrees are from Eastern .

The so n of baseball Hall-of-Farner Earl e B. Combs. Sr.. and Mrs. Combs of Richmond. Combs and his w ife , Pauline. have four children .

DR . MARTHA MULLINS Assistant Athletic Director

D r. Mar t ha Mullins is in her e ighth year as A ssis tant Athlet ic Direct or. She ha s been an admin is trator in women's a t h let ics at Eastern for the past 13 years.

She received P h .D. and M.A. degrees fr om F lo rida Stat e Un iversity. H er u nd ergrad u ate degree is from the University of Alabama Wh ile at Florida State Un iversi t y, Dr. Mull ins assisted with the wome n' s t rack team D uri ng her six-year te n ure in F lo rida's junior colleges she was ac t ive as coach of tennis and vo lleyball and p rov id ed ear ly leaders h ip in estab lis hi ng a thl e t ic pa rt ic ipa tion for women students in th e state's j u ni o r colleges.

DR. BOBBY BARTON Athletic Trainer

Dr. Bobb y Bart on is b eginning his eig h t h season as athle ti c t rainer at E K U. Barton came to Eastern from th e Univ ers it y of Kentuck y where he se r ved as a ssocia t e trainer i n charge of th e basketball Wi ldca t s.

Barton received hi s B.A. d egree from the Universi ty of Kentucky in 1968 and h is M S. at Ma rshall Univers it y i n 1970. H e ea rned his Doctor of Arts d egree in Adapted Physi cal Education at Middle Tennessee State U n iversity in 1975 a n d h as a lso co mpleted the req ui re m en ts for his certifica t e in co r rective th erapy from Texas A&M University.

H e is c urre nt ly serving a t erm as Pres iden t of th e 8,000- m ember N ATA (Na t ional Athletic Trainer's As socia ti on ).

Barton is married to t he forme r Jojean Chest n ut of Lexington a n d th ey have one son. Brian (5 ).

Donald G. Combs Dr. Martha Mullins Dr. Bobby Barton

1~ 1 XA

DAVID PARKE Athletic Business Manager

David Pa rke, a 1978 g raduate of E K U, will begin hi s fourth year as Athletic Bu s iness Manager for the EKU Colonel t eams Parke, who formerly worked as a cashier in the Billings and Collectio n s Divis ion at EKU , has been a membe r of the Easte rn statist ics crew for the football and basketball ga mes of th e Colonels for eight years.

A 19 74 grad uate o f Madison Cen t ra l High Sc h ool, Parke played baseball , football and bas ketball for th e Indi ans He lette red four years in baseba ll and two seaso n s in fo ot ba ll where he was nam ed All-Mid State Conference at ce nt er in 1973 .

DEBBIE JACKSON Assistant Athletic Trainer

D ebbie Jac ks on, a former assistant athletic traine r at Pitt s bu rg S ta te (Kan.) University, will b egi n he r fir s t year as an ass istant trainer at Eas t ern t his fall.

J ackson , 24 , received her bache lo r's degree fr om Lock Hav e n ( Pa .) Stat e College in 1980 and co ll ected her ma s ter 's deg ree in a th le ti c training from the University of Vir gin ia in 1981. S h e h as worked at P ittsb u rg S tate fo r the pas t t wo yea rs.

She has served as head trainer for th e 1982 and 1983 NA IA women's ba s ke tball c h ampio ns hip s and th e 1982 and ' 83 National Sports F esti vals at Co lorado Sprin gs, Co l.

J ac k so n has been not ified that s h e h as a lso been se lect ed t o se rve as a train er at the 198 4 Olympic Ga mes in Lo s An ge les. Ca lif. She ha d prior experience in this area working a t th e 198 1 O lympic Train in g Camp for the Gr eco- Roman Wor ld Cup Wrestling T eam

Karl Park

KARL PARK Sports Information Editor

Karl P a rk , a 1970 graduat e of EKU. is be ginn ing hi s 14t h year as Sports Informat ion Editor for Eastern's ath let ic teams. He served as s port s editor of th e sc ho o l ne wspaper The Eastern Progress, fo r t hree years while a s tude nt of th e Uni ve rs ity The 34-yearold Ri c hmond, Ky native is a member o f th e College Sports In formation Directors of A merica (COS IDA), the U n ited S ta tes Bas ket ball Writers Association and the Na t ional Co ll egiat e Bas e ball Writ ers Asso ciati on.

He rece ived national r ec ogniti o n fo r th e production of EK U's t h ree seaso nal me dia gu id es for 1978-79 an d 1979-80. Th e winter s ports g uid e was voted Best in t he NationDivision A for those two years.

He is m ar ri ed to the former Shelley Steele of Ow in gsv i lle.


Assistant Athletic Trainer

Da vid Green. a 1975 g raduate of Middle Tennessee S t a te Universi ty. is serving his fourth year as an Assistant Athleti c Trainer at Easte rn.

Gree n a 29- ye ar o ld nat iv e of He ndersonville. T e nn , gradu ated fro m Is aa c Litton H ig h Schoo l i n Na s hvi lle. T e nn in 197 1. Aft e r g raduat ing from MTSU , h e en tered gra dua te sc hool at Eas t e rn where he rece ived h is masters in hea lth ed ucat io n in 1977 .

For t h ree years. G ree n was head tra iner for bot h the boys and gi rl s at hl e t ic tea ms a t Pa u l Blazer Hi g h Sc hoo l in A s hl a nd. becoming the s tate' s fi rs t f u ll-time ce rtifi ed tra in e r on th e h ig h schoo l level.

He is marri ed to the form e r Bre nd a Ma gee o f Lancaster. Ohio

David Parke David Green


Eastern Kentuc k y University head football c oach Ro y Kidd returns 27 le tterm en from last season's Ohio Valley Conference and NCAA Divisi o n I- AA national champions hi p team Kidd. who begins his 20th season at Eastern with a 146-55-6 record, has guided the Colonels to the I-AA ti t le game for four consecutive seasons, ha ving a lso wo n a nati onal championship in 1979.

Senior receiver Tron Armstrong (6-1. 198), a firs t team All-OVC and honorable mention All -A merican perfor mer in 1982. leads Colonel returnees. Armstrong, who played tight end in 1982 but who co uld move in 1983 to flanker. was Eastern and the OVC's second-leadi ng recei ve r last yea r with 38 ca t ches for 475 yards and four TD's.

Also return in g for Eastern on offense is sen ior tailbac k Terence Thompson (5-9. 182) T h ompson. an AII-OVC player as a sophomo r e ran for 883 yards and seve n TD's last yea r and is e xpected to ca rry the bulk of the rushing load if he stays healthy in 1983

Three par t -time s tarters will also be back for t h ei r sophomore pass receiving seasons .

Flanker Alvin Blount (6-4, 199) headed this group with nin e catches last season for 124 yards. Flanker Isiah Hiil (5-9 157) a nd ti g ht e nd Simon Codrin gton (6 -3, 19 5) round out the re turn ing receivers.

The quarterback s lot. vacat e d by All- OVC signa l-caller Tuck W oo lum, w ill be h andled by either of two red sh irt freshman q uar t e rbacks, Gre g Parker (5 - 1 1, 163) and Pat Smith ( 5-11 , 162) Tim Portale al s o return s a t thi s pos ition. a lth ough playing sparingly i n 1982.

Pe rhaps the biggest streng t h of the ' 83 Colonels lies o n the offensive lin e w here four starte r s re t urn including senior second-team OVC M edia As so ciation All-OVC cent er Chris Sullivan /62. 24 8). Other starters along the line returning include senior guard Mike Bobek (6- 1 22 2), sen ior guard David Burry (6- 1. 240) and junior tackle Joe Spadafino (6-1. 238) .

The biggest rebuilding job by the Eastern coaching staff must come on defense where nine starters were lost through graduation, includi ng All-OVC li nebacker A lex Dominguez and allconference tackle Randy Ta y lor.

Th e two returning starters include the third-leading tackler on the '82 t eam, j unior roverback Anthony Jones (5-11 , 189) who had 58 tackles , 30 assists and five intercep tions and sen io r noseguard Mike McShange (5- 10, 228) who had 11 tackles for losses.

Other players expected to see plenty of playing tim e thi s fall include senior li nebacker David Hill (5-10. 227), j uni or linebacker William May (5-10, 20 I ). juni or lin e backe r T e rry Simmons (511 , 202), senior cornerback Mike Mims (5-11 , 192) and sophomo r e defensive back Bobby Scannell (5-11, 180).

Red s hirt s on defense who will be in action in '8 3 includ e sophomo re e nd Joe Maunt e l, sop h omore tackle Rick Ca mpbell, freshman li nebacker Fred H arvey and freshman safet y Rob e rt Williams.

Th e kicking game for the Colonels re mains in good hand s with se ni o r Jami e Lov e tt (5 - 9, 164) and senior S t ev e Row e (6 - 5, 230) handling the p la cekicking and punting du t ies, respecti vely . Lovett ha d another outstand in g yea r in '82scori n g 72 poin t s o n 39-43 extra po ints and 1 1-21 f iel d goals. R owe , meanwh ile. a nd his EK U punt coverage teamma t es led th e na t io n in net puntin g (3 9.8) as Rowe averaged 40 9 yards per punt last sea son.

East e rn finis hed the 1983 season w ith a perfect 13- 0 record and exte nd ed its Hanger Field winnin g streak to 31.



Offense : I- Pro Se t.

Defense: 5-2 o r O klah oma .

S trengths: Size and exper ie n ce in o ffe n s ive line; st ro ng kicking game.

We a knesses : La c k o f expe r ience at qu a rt e r back an d fu ll back; you ng defe n s ive li ne; la c k o f ex perie nced dept h at rece ive r.

Lettermen Lost: I 9


Line backers: Da vi d Hi ll, A nth ony J ohnson , Will iam M ay, Terry S im mons .

Noseguard: M ike McS ha ne

Secondary: An t hony J o nes, Mik e M ims, Bo b by Scan ne ll.

Ends: Tron Arm s trong, I saiah Hill , Al vin Blount, C har les Kell e r , Simo n C o d r ingt o n .

Tackles: R o b e rt P a lme r , J oe Spad a fin o, Ke ith Bos ley, Benny Alle n.

Guards: D avid Burry , Mik e Bobe k , Mike Ne al.

C enter: C hri s Su ll iva n.

Tailba ck: T erence T hom pso n T ony J ames

Fullback: Brian Beebe.

Quart erba ck: T im P o rt ale

Kickers: Jamie Lovett, S tev e R o we.

15 i «P 5



Pat S mith ... Fres hman ... 19 ... 5-10 .. . 175 . . . No Le tters ... Carrollton, Ky . ... Pat was r ed-s hirted last seaso n . was the No. I quarterbac k at the end of sp rin g practice h as good arm runs th e opti on well n eeds game e xperience a nd si tu ations ... will battle for the No I s pot in th e fall made great im pro vement in the sp rin g . . gradua te of Carroll Co unt y H ig h Sc h ool.

G reg Parker ... Freshman . . . 19 ... 5-101/2 •. . 173 No. Le tters . Tampa, F la . G reg wa s red-s h ir ted last fall has th e strongest a r m of a ll the quarterbacks .. . made great i mprovements in running the option .. . needs game experience ... wi ll fight for the No. I pos iti o n in th e fall had good spri n g graduate of Chamberlin High School.

Tim Portale Sophomore 20 6-0 192 ... One Letter ... Louisville, Ky . .. . Tim sa w action this spring at linebacke r but was moved back to qu a r te rba ck a team player and leade r hard-n osed player w ill play an ywhere coac hes ask him to pla y . . ru ns offense we ll ... has very little game experience led his hi gh school t eam to state tit le m e mber of s pecialty team s a t EK U high sch ool coach - Roger Gruniesen of Tri nit y.


Terence Th o mpson Senior . .. 21 5- 7 1 / 2 ... 180 ... Two Letter s . .. Owensboro, Ky . ...

Tere n ce is a defini t e AII-OV C and poss ib le All-Am erican ca ndidat e for th e Colonels thi s yea r ... r a n fo r 883 ya r ds and seve n TD's in 1982 AII -O VC as a so phom ore needs to stay injury free this season cou ld be key to Colonels' s uccess has great speed and excellent h ands is a hard work e r with good work habi t s member of Winner's C lu b fo r t he past tw o seasons ... has scored four TD's i n a ga m e tw ice in his career - vs Akron (293 yards) in 1981 and vs Wes t ern Ke ntucky(l4 3) in 1982 . . . Career sta t s show h im with 2, 179 yards rush ing and 21 TD's expect ed t o carry t he ru shing lo ad for Eas t ern thi s fa ll h igh school coac h - Do n Netos k ie of Owensboro.

Angelo Hall ... Freshman .. . 19 ... 5-11 ½ . . . 190 ... N o Letters ... LaG ran ge, Ga . .. . An gelo was red-shirted las t year h as excelle n t s ize made goo d im proveme nt s in t h e spri ng lacks co n centration at tim es sho ul d rel ieve Thompson in t he fa ll graduate of LaGrange H igh Sc h ool.

Barry Cox F reshman 19 5 -9 181 . .. No Letters . .. Monaca, Pa. ... Barry was r ed - s hirted last yea r because of kn ee surgery .. . is s ti ll slowed so m ew ha t wi th t h e after-effects of the injur y ... a tough ins id e runner . .. very coac h ab le needs to r egain speed ... graduat e of Ce nt er Hi gh Schoo l.

Pat Smith Greg Parker Tim Portale Terence Thompson Angelo Hall Barry Cox

Tony James Junior 21 5 -10 175

, On e Lette r ... Owensboro, Ky .... Tony could possibly see action at quarterback. fl anker and tailback. in ad diti on to his kickreturn duti es wi ll see dut y wherever he's needed the m os t s howed no effects of offsea so n inj u ry hol d s school reco rd for longes t pu nt return (88 ya rds vs APSU) very versati le athlete o ne of th e best athl etes on the t eam played on s t a t e c hamp io n ship basketball team has dangerous breakaway skills missed last two games o f regu lar season with broken finger and most of the national cha mp ionship game with a knee inj ury h igh sc h oo l coach- Don Netoskie of Owensboro.


Victor Mims . Sophomore ... 20 .. . 5-11

213 No Letters S t. Petersburg, F la .

Victo r will be beginning h is t hird year h ere but has n't playe d a sna p . plagued by injuries during his stin t at E K U . .. came out of sp rin g practice as No . I fullback ... good blocker. tough in si de runner ne eds to s ta y healt h y t o he lp us co uld be a nswer to fullback problems m ade improvements last s p r ing. . brother of Mike Mims w ho p lays corne rba ck fo r t he Colonels . . . hig h sc hoo l coac h - Bob Stephens of Lak ewood .

Brian Beebe Sophomore 20 6-01 / 2 •••

221 One Letter Hammon to n, N.J ... .

Brian saw lim it ed actio n las t year behind Nic k Ye a s t will batt le Mim s for the sta rt ing s pot s howed great i mprovement i n his bloc king a very coac h able p laye r rushed for 26 ya rds last yea r gra d uate o f H ammonton Hi gh S chool.


Isaiah Hill Sophomore ... 20 ... 5-9 ... 166 One Letter Pineville, Ky . Isaiah was the No. I split-e nd after spri ng is a hard worker has improved hi s block ing stronger from winter we ig ht pro gra m fastest rece ive r o th er than Armstrong(4.65 40yard dash) has good hands ve r y heady p layer has limited expe r ience runs good rout es . . . ca u ght two passes for 13 yards a nd re turned seve n kickoffs fo r a 22. 6 ya rd average . .. grad uat e of Pineville High School.

<:eorge Mill er Sophomore 20 ... 5-11 193 ... No Lett ers .. . Ri c hmond, Ky.... Geo r ge was red-sh i r t e d last fall was moved from quarterback t o receiver las t year .. . has n o game experience at rece iver ... hust le s ... had a better than average spr ing .. . is a good b loc k er ne eds to improve hi s concentration hi g h sc h oo l teammate of offe nsive tackle Keit h Bosl ey high schoo l coach - Mo nt y Jo e Love ll of Richmond Madison.

Tony James Victor Mims Brian Beebe Isaiah Hill
George Miller

Alvin Blount ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-4 . . .

19 I ... One Letter ... Jacksonville, Fla. .. .

Al vi n wa s a p art-t i m e s tarte r last yea r for t he Co lo nels mi sse d all o f s p ri n g p ra c ti ce hel ped last fa ll as a rese rv e needs t o im prove qu ic kn ess mak es very few m ista ke s ... big t arge t fo r the quarterba c ks . n eed s t o wo rk o n hi s bl oc ki ng ... wa s moved fr om free sa fe t y 10 rece iver in fall d r ills las t year grad uate o f F le t cher High S chool.

Kevin Bird Freshman 20 6-0 171 No Letters ... Jamestown, N. C. .. . K ev in is a wa l k-on nee d s to wor k o n beco min g a mo re c o nsis t en t p laye r also nee d s imp rovemen t in bl ocking a fa s t r ece ive r (4 .7 40- yard d ash) nee d s to use hi s s peed more g ra d ua te of R ags dal e Hi gh Sc h oo l.


Tron Armstrong . Senior 22 6-0 .. . 196 Three Letters St. Petersburg, F la . . . . T ro n was sw itche d from ti g ht e nd t o fl an ke r s h ou ld b e abl e t o use hi s s p e ed m ore ... is a good bl oc ker ... seems 10 be m a kin g adj u s tm e nt s fr om t ight end t o wideou t a very t ale nt ed a thl ete 19 8 2 pre- season A llA m erican d efi nite p ro p ros pect e x ce ll e nt blocker has been a m e mber of t he Wi nner's C lub for th e pas t two seaso ns ra n ke d th i rd i n O VC last year in catc h es pe r game (3.5) need t o g et the ball t o him. coa c hes a re cou nt ing on Tron qui t e heavily . nee d s t o im prove h is ru n ni ng a ft e r c a tch in g

th e ba ll ... wi ll serve a s o ne of t he offe n s ive capt ai ns fo r th e '8 3 sea son . . . ca ree r s t a t s show h im w it h 66 ca t ches for 922 ya rd s and four TD's ha s ru n a 4.5 40-ya r d d a s h hi gh sc h ool c o ac h - Bo b S t ep hens of La k ewo od

Jeff Walker Sophomore 20 ... 6-0 . 197 . No Letters ... Lo uisville, Ky .... J e ff is a h a rd w o rk e r hustles good athlete. n eeds t o imp rove o n co n ce nt ra tio n beca me a be tt e r bl o c ke r this past s p ri n g gra duat e of Fairdale High Sc h o o l.

Tony Jam es ... Junior ... 21 ... 5-10 ... 17 5 One Le tter .. Owe nsboro, Ky .. T ony co ul d n't p ra cti ce in the s p r in g because of th e k nee s ur gery la s t wi nt er a very talent ed a t h lete . h a s go o d speed . g o o d hand s a nd goo d q ui c k ness . . co uld be a s tart e r t hi s fa ll at a rece ive r p osit i o n needs t o lea rn t o co nce nt ra t e m ore on ca tc h in g th e ball m os t d a n gerou s ru nner o n th e t eam afte r he ca t ches t h e b a ll al so lis t e d a mo n g t ail ba cks gra du ate of O we n sboro H ig h Sc h oo l.


Ja y H e nders on . .. Junior . .. 20 . .. 6-0 . . . 225 No Letters ... Louisville, Ky. . .. J ay was mo ved from d e fe ns ive e nd to t ig ht en d dur ing s p ri n g prac t ice ... has k nee problems . . is a goo d a thl e te ha s d o n e a good jo b m a king t he sw it c h from defensive e nd t o t ig h t e nd is a good bloc k e r ru ns go od pas s rou t es has good ha nd s sh o u ld co nt r ibu t e h eavily nex t fal l . . . gra du ate o f Iroquo is Hi g h Sc hoo l.

Alvin Blount Kevin Bird Tron Armstrong Jeff Walker
Jay Henderson

S im o n Codrin g ton Sopho m o re . 19 ... 63 203 One Lett e r Miami Fla . Simon was having a good spri n g practice wh en he s uffered a knee injury and missed at least half of sp rin g dr ills sta rted the n a tiona l championshi p game vs. Delaware last year still inexperienced at ti ght end a good blocke r nee ds t o improve concentra ti on and catching t he ball r u ns good pass ro ut es looking for him to co ntribut e t h is fall grad uat e of South H igh School.

Scott Pearson Junio r 20 6-4 213

No Letters ... Waycross, Ga .... Sco tt is a juni o r college transfer from Lees- M c Ra e J unior Co ll ege .. . has pote ntial to be a good pla ye r ... injury has impeded his pe rforma nce .. is a lways h urt ... ma d e sw it ch from wid eou t 10 tigh t e nd in th e spri ng good bl ocker and receiver ha s th e size needs 10 be health y for an evaluation needs 10 learn EK U's system graduate of Ware County Hi gh Sc hool.

Derrick Brice ... Freshman ... 19 ... 6-2 .. . 210 .. . No Le tt ers ... Lo uisvill e, Ky . .. . D e rr ick is a hard work er has good hands was r ed-s h irt e d last season must improve a s a blocke r and his o vera ll run nin g ability gradua t e o f Eastern H ig h School.


C hri s Su llivan Senior 21 6-1 250 Two Letters ... New Port Richey, Fla. C hr is is a n A II - OVC and All-American ca ndid a t e this season ... second-team OVC Media Association AII -OVC team pi c k in 1982 a three-year sta rter . . ga ined great stre ngth duri ng t he winter program . wil l serve as one of th e offe nsive captains for the '83 season s ho ul d be one of the leaders in the offe nsive lin e member of Winner's Clu b for the pa s t two sea sons high sc hool coac hKeit h N e wton of Hu dson.

Paul S mith Freshman 19 6-3½ 249 . .. No Letters . . . Ocala, F la.... Paul was red -shi r te d last year .. . ha s th e abil it y to play a t g uard or ce nt er pos it io n . . has good strength a nd size . . lacks pla ying tim e .. when he plays j us t one posi t ion. he'll be 0 K ... gr adu a te of Va nguard Hi gh School.


David Burr y Se ni o r 21 6-0 ½ 236

Two Letters . Louisv ill e, Ky .... Da vid will be beginning his second year as a s tarter for th e Co lonels d id o ut standing job last ye ar . .. possib le All - OVC candidate in '8 3 .. . one of the s t ronge s t players on the t eam .. . long s nap s for punts. ex tra points and field goals member of 1982 Winn e r's Club. high schoo l coac h - D e nn is Lample y of Trin it y.

Simon Codrington Scott Pearson
' •
Derrick Brice C hri s S ullivan Paul S mith David Burr y

Mike Bo be k ... Senior ... 21 6-0 ½ ... 230

Two Letters ... Port Ri chey, F la .... Mike will be a poss ible starter at guard or tackle ... start ed last season at tackle ve r y aggressive a good lea der did good jo b on punt coverage team member of 1982 Winn e r' s C lub has played ce nter and lin ebac k er also for EK U grad u a t e of Gu lf Hi g h Sc h oo l.

Mike Neal . .. Senior . .. 22 . .. 6 -2 . .. 228 ... Two Letters .. . Orlando, Fla . .. . Mik e will be e nt e r i ng h is fifth year in the Easte rn p rogra m th is fall bidding fo r a starting jo b a t right guard has considera ble ex p erience as a backup guard did good job against T en n essee Stat e in th e playoffs last fa ll had good spring prac ti ce grad u ate of Edgewa t e r H ig h Sc h oo l


Joe Spadafino . .. Juni o r . . . 20 . . . 6· 1 ... 245

Two Le tters ... Dove r, Del .... J oe playe d a majo r backup ro le last sea son un til M o re head State g am e fro m thi s poin t on. he was a starting tackle fine a thl e te cou ld be a poten tial AII - OV C p laye r ... bigge r and s t ro n ge r player than i n th e past mem ber o f 1982 Win ner's Club . .. i nte lli gent and a g ood leader .. . grad u a te of Fo rk Unio n M ilitary A cadem y

Ke ith Bosley Sophomore 19 6-3 295 .. . One Letter .. . Ri ch mond , Ky .... Kei th s h ou ld be battling for sta rtin g pos it i o n at right tackle lettered as a fres hm an p la ye d considerably i n th e nat ional c h am p io n s hip co n test vs. Delaware in th e second half . .. working habit s ar e improvi n g . . . has a ll th e

size a nd stre n g th n eed ed to play th e pos it ion well . fi rs t -t eam All-St at e p layer in high school h ig h sc h oo l coac h - Monty Joe Love ll o f Ric hm ond Madiso n.

Greg Pitts . Sophomore .. . 19 . .. 6-1 226 No Letters ... R ichmo nd , K y .... G r eg is a n imp roved playe r from las t fall ... had good s pring ... la c k s s tr en gth ... i nt elligent .. . play e ith e r rig ht o r left ta c kl e nee d s to ha ve good su mmer with wei g ht s to co nt r i bute high sc h oo l coach - Ed Mi ra cle of Madison Ce n tra l.

Greg C lark Junior . 21 6-5 ... 241 No Letters Louisville, Ky . ... Greg has p layed bot h offensive ce nt er and offe n sive ta c k le for EK U h as show n i mprovem en t at t ackle ... p la y ed co n s id e rabl y vs. Ten n essee T ec h last year . lack s s tre ngth . . is i nte llige n t enough to play t wo posi t ions h igh school c oach - Bob H olman o f Pleas ure Ridge Park

Pat Morrisse y ... Junio r .. . 21 . .. 6-0 ... 235 No Letters ... Neptun e, N.J .. . . Pat was m oved from defen se to offense last sp rin g ne eds t i m e to g ai n exper ience o n t h e offen s iv e li ne ... earned a s cho larship i n the sp r in g . wa l k-on grad u at e of Neptune S enior H ig h Sc h oo l.

Dean S ho w a lt e r Freshman 20 6- 4 254 . . . No Letters ... Louisville, Ky . . . . D e a n wa s red -s hirted as a fres h man possesses g o od s ize needs t o i mprove s treng th i n order t o pla y ... should add n eeded he lp t o o ffen s ive lin e's d epth . .. graduat e of Ba ll ar d Hi g h Schoo l.

Mike Bobek Mike Neal Greg Pitts Greg Clark
Joe Spadafino Pat Morrissey Keith Bosley • Dean Showa lter

William M a y


David Hill . . . S e nior ... 21 ... 5-10 . . . 23 2 Three Le tt ers ... Miami, Fla .... D avid has a s much poten ti a l as any li ne bac ke r in t he OVC wi th perso na l motiva ti o n co uld beas good as any l in e bac k e r in th e confe r e n ce m e mber of 198 1 a n d 1982 W inn er's C lub .. . excelle nt co m munica t or ... needs to re po r t in to p play ing weig ht played exce ll ent fo o tba ll his firs t t wo seas ons a t E K U h as foot ball savvy developed bad hab its beca u se of additiona l weig ht . AII -OVC ca ndidate . . defe nse needs h is s t abi li z ing force h a d 43 tackles a nd 25 ass is t s in ' 83 gra du at e of M ia m i Carol Ci t y Hi g h School.

Fred Harve y . . . Freshm a n .. . 18 . . . 5-10 ½ . .. 208 ... No Le tt e rs .. Titusville , Fla . F r e d was red-s hi rted las t yea r . .. has al l t he att ribu t es of a good l inebac k er - goo d s ize. excelle nt qu ick ness, go od strength unli m ite d po t en ti a l d efi nit e s t ar ti ng ca nd idate yo un gest p laye r of t he lin ebac ke r s re t urning ... only n eeds t o gain ex p e r ie n ce . . graduate of Tit usville H igh Sc h ool.

Terr y S immons ... Juni o r ... 20 .. . 5- 11 .. .

195 Two Letters Hamilton , Ohio

T e r ry is a ha r d worker that is expect ed t o be a con t e nd er fo r a startin g spot ... was hind ere d by a k nee stra in in t he spr in g shoul d be a ble t o p ic k up w he re he le ft off before i nju ry has exce ll e nt q u ic kn ess . .. needs t o be more phys ica l w ill play o n specialty teams with t he loss o f two A II -OVC li nebackers (Alex D oming uez an d P ete Jackso n ), coac hi ng s t a ff is loo k in g for b ig contrib ut ion from Terry hi gh sc h ool coach - D a le R o bertso n o f H am il to n.

William May ... Junior ... 20 .. . 5-10 . . . 202

One Lette r ... S helbyvill e, K y. . . . W i lliam moved from defe n sive end back to lin ebac ke r in the spr ing . .. wit h re petition and expe rience at this pos ition. W illiam should develop . lac k s experience h as good agi li t y possesses great range a n d quick feet s h ould exce l o n spec ia lt y teams . .. should be a good pass de fender . . h igh schoo l coach - Tom Becherer o f S he l by C o u nty

Anthon y Johnson So phomore 19 . .. 510 ... 195 ... One Letter . .. Wa sh ington , D. C.

A nt ho ny is a na t u ra l li ne backe r has good u nde r standi ng of the defensive scheme m a kes a d just m e nt s q ui c k ly st ays on h is fee t w ell an d gets to t he foo t ba ll exce ll e nt hitt e r wo rk ed on o ffense an d d efense las t year rus hed seve n t imes for 20 yar d s a t fu llb ac k in '82 gra d uate of D e M at h a Hi g h Sc h ool.

David Hill Fre d Harvey Terry Simmons
Anthony Johnson


M ike McS ha ne .. S en io r .. 21 5- 10 . .. 2 26 .. . Thr e e Le tt ers ... St. Pe tersbu rg , Fla . Mike w ill se r ve a s o ne o f th e d efensive captains for th e ' 83 seas o n . . has been a m em be r of the Winn e r's Clu b for the past t w o seasons is the only senior return in g o n the defensive down linemen a very phys ic al pla yer ... has ga m e ex per ience ... if he stays healt hy. shou ld hav e an outstanding yea r improved his pass rush second team OVC M e dia As sociation AII- OVC c ho ice in '8 2 .. . ha d 11 tackles behind the line (-56 yards) .. d e finit e AII-OVC candida te . . g raduate of Northeast High School.


No Le tt ers ... Vie nna, Va... .

ve ry little las t year ... n eeds to be a discipl ined p layer needs to make more use of h is quickness ... is a tough player ... is a tran s fer from the University of W yoming .. . graduate of Oakt o n High Scho ol.

M a so n H a rris ... So p ho m ore ... 2 0 .. . 5- 10 220 . No Le tt e rs Frankfort , Ky .. .. Looking forward to a good se a son from Mason ha s pote ntial is a walk-on was hurt in th e fall with an injury work ed ha rd in th e off- seaso n had an average sp r ing needs more time at t h e posit ion graduate of Frankfort High School.


Ri c k Campbe ll So ph o m o re 2 0 ... 6-2 235 N o Lett e rs A lt a m o nte S prings, Fl a . Rick was red-shirted last ye ar has very little game e xperien ce could possibly be a starter . .. an aggressive pla yer .. . needs to be more disci p lined has go o d quickness. expected by coaches to pla y qu ite a bit disloca t ed his knee i n s pring prac t ice with five days t o go high schoo l coach - Dave Tullis of Lak e Brantle y.

B a rry S t e w a rt ... F res hma n ... 19 . .. 6-3½ .. . 238 . .. N o Lett e rs . . . O cal a, F la .. . . Barry was red-shirted in '82 a very pleasant surprise coachableyoungplayer understands the game speed is a handicap impressive with work habits on the field had p inched nerve in the neck in t he spring ... has a chance to play qui te a b it this fall a very hard w o rker gra dua t e o f Vanguard High School.

Mik e Murph y .. . Fres hman .. . 19 . .. 6 -2 . . . 226 ... No Le tte rs ... Freehold , N. J . .. . Mike was r e d-shirted last fall was moved in the spring from offe nse to d efe nse . .. mu st learn to control him se lf nee d s to work on overall bod y strength ... ha s great quic k ness .. is very aggre ss ive .. . needs mor e repetitions at tackle could play this fall h ad a bad foot in spring .. . graduate of Fork U n ion Military A cademy.

Mike M cShan e Mike Evanoff Maso n Hanis R ick C ampbell Barry Stewart Mike Murphy
2 1 5- 91 / 2 • •• 2 2 0
e Ev an o ff Juni o r

Robert Palmer .. . S ophomore ... 20 ... 6-4 ... 242 .. . One Le tt e r ... Cy nthiana , Ky. .. . R o bert has come a long wa y saw lim it ed ac tion as a sophomore at the en d of spring was a s tart er at left tackle needs t o work on quickne ss a nd body strengt h an aggressive player ... if he ca n stay healthy. coa ches a re cou nt ing on him to help at that position ... high school coach - Bob Jenkins of H arrison County.

Be nny Allen ... Senior ... 21 ... 6-0 ... 242 ...

One Le tt e r ... Belfry, Ky . ... Benny sa t out th e '82 seaso n with a back injury was moved in the s prin g from o ffense to defense . has promise t o be a g ood player .. . also having pro b lems with a pin ched n e rve in h is neck. s hould a dd depth an d stre n gth at the position has correct k now ledge of playi ng t ac kle needs to r eport healthy graduate of Belfry High School.


C harles Kell e r ... Sen ior ... 21 . . . 6-3 ... 220

Two Letters East Miami , F la .

Charles missed th e latter pa rt oft he '82 season with a finger inj u ry needs to develop more i nt ens it y coac hes are cou nti ng on him to hav e good seaso n ... w ill hopef ull y become a leade r needs to work on h is aggressiveness and hi s pass rush high sc h ool coachMike Uspens k y of Miami Lak es.

Joe Mauntel ... Juni o r ... 20 ... 6-4 ... 217 .. .

No Lette rs ... Cincinnati , O hio ... J oe miss e d las t seaso n with a knee and shou lder injur y ... needs game experie nce ... runs well ... has th e athletic a b ility t o be a good p layer ha d a decent s pring is very aggressive nee d s t o work har d er w orked hard in the winter program g ra d ua te o f Colerain H igh Schoo l.

P a ul Jones ... Sopho mor e ... 20 ... 6-2 ... 225

... No Letters ... Borden, Ind ... . Paul is a n extremely hard worker sh owed so me impro ve m e nt work ed hard in t he winte r program came on a t the end oft he year last season t o play some needs to wo rk on s tre ngt h and speed graduate of Floyd Ce ntr a l Hi g h Sc hool.

··. ~
Robert Palmer Benny Allen Charles Keller Joe Mauntel
Paul Jones

John Klingel ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-3 ... 226 ... No Letters . . . Waldo, Ohio . J ohn is a walk-on t hat has been moved from linebacker to end need s game experie nce and to become more intense needs to work on speed ... had in co ns ist e nt spr ing .. . has size and speed to play end ... did show some p rogr ess t o ward the end of sp ring drills . graduat e of Cardington - Linco ln High School.


Mike Mims ... Senior ... 21 ... 5-1 I ..• 200 ... Two Letters . St. Petersburg, Fla.... Mike was moved fro m safety to left cornerback in spring drills . .. has the abili t y to make this move wi thout any p roblems had a good s pring could be the key to secondary pla y p layed extremely well at safe t y last yea r a pleasant surprise . . . has fi ve ca ree r int e rce pti ons in cl uding one in the semi-fi nal playoff win over Tenn essee State last year . h igh sc hoo l coach - Bob Stephens of Lak ewood

Bobby Scannell ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 5-10 ... 185 ... One Letter ... Dunedin, Fla. .. . Bo bby played a little last year had a go o d s prin g s till needs improve men t has adeq uat e speed is phy sical e nough needs playing time n eeds to work on consis t e n cy did an excelle nt jo b on ki ckoff coverage las t year gra duate of Dunedin Hi gh Schoo l.

Eric Ingram ... Freshman ... 18 ... 6-1 ... 175 No Letters ... Orlando, Fla.... Eric moved from stro ng safet y to corne rback this spr ing was red-shirted last fall made pretty good improvement in the spri ng hurt h is sho u lder in spring drill s has the range and body con trol to play needs to dev e lop h is ph ys ical game ... made good progress in the spring . graduate of Winte r Park High Schoo l.

Anthony Jones Junior 20 5-11 191 Two Letters ... Ocala, Fla .... W it h a full year of playing rover, Anthony should be a defin ite AII-OVC candidate is no w ready to play this pos iti o n (roverback) pla ys with a high level of intensity his leaders hip is com in g to the front tough player wants to get better ... holds for extra points and field goals . made key interception in the 38-30 playoff win over Id aho last year . .. has five ca reer intercep ti ons . high school coachMike C la yto n of North Marion.

Mike Poage .. . Freshman ... 18 ... 5-11½ .. . 179 .. No Letters .. . Nicholasville, Ky ... . M i ke was mo ved from runningback to s trong safe t y this past spr ing made rea l good progress m issed ha lf of the spring with an injured an kle needs to work on his acce leration and develop exp losiveness gr aduat e o f J essam in e County H ig h School.

John Klingel Mike Mims Bobby Scannell Eric Ingram Anthony Jones Mike Poage

Robert William s . Freshman . 18 . 6-0½.

184 . . . No Letters ... Miami , Fla.... Robert ha s all th e tool s t o be a good one wa s reds hirted las t year went through game preparations lik e othe r s who were pla y ing r egula rly .. . aggressive hi tter ... pla ys the ball w e ll ... wants to be an ou ts tanding player. has e xc elle nt de si re and is a good wor ker wa s an excellent h igh schoo l basketball pla ye r is wreck less go in g for th e ball grad uate of Sout h Hi gh School.

Mark Woodrum . .. Senior . . 21 6-0 .. .

179 No Letters Wheelersburg, Ohio

M ark was moved from cornerback t o sa fe t y in the sp ri ng ... had excellent s pring .. . made comm un c iat ion calls for th e seco ndary th is spring . . . has the desire to pla y . .. needs to work on hitting ... has made impro veme nts in th e las t year of pla y h igh sc hool coac h - Ed M iller of Wheelers bu rg.


Jamie Lovett Se nior 21

5-8½ 170

Three Letters ... Riv e rvie w, Fla . . .. Jami e has unlimi t e d p ote nt ia l . .. h olds four EK U and o ne OV C record . . . d oes super job on ki c koffs ... h ad a good spr in g ... poss ible AIIOVC ki cker in '83 . . . has kicked fie ld goa ls of 5 4 and 53 yards in the sa me scrim mage is closin g i n o n so me EK U records caree r sta ts now sta n d 85-94 ex tra po ints, 28- 50 field goa ls and 169 points kicked 42- yard fiel d goa l in last minute to beat So uth Caro lina State last year .. . gradua t e o f East Bay 1-1 igh Sc h ool.

Steve Rowe ... Senior ... 21 ... 6-4½ ... 231 ..

. One Letter . .. Louisville, Ky .... Steve had a good spring he a nd his punt coverage teammat es led the nati on in net pun ting (39 8 ) last season has good hang t ime (co ns is tent 4.5 seco n ds) is stron ger w ith th e weight p rogram has good working att itude ave rag ed 40.9 yards per p unt las t season had one 61-yarder (vs. Central Florida) and two othe r 58- ya rders defin it e A II- OVC and A ll-A mer ican ca nd idate . . . memb er o f 1982 Winn e r's C lu b .. . g rad uate of Fairdale H ig h Schoo l.

Robert Williams Mark Wood rum J amie L o vett Steve Rowe


Na me Pos. Ht. Wt. C la ss Hom e town H S or J C Ri cky W il liams TE 6-5 225 Fr. H e rndon , VA H e rndon Da v id Mill e r DT 6-4 225 Fr. M c Ke e s p ort , P A M c Ke es po rt Ter r y Warre n DB 5- 10 171 Fr. Mia mi. Fl a. Southridgc By r o n Ingra m DT 6-1 ½ 25 1 Fr. Le xingto n K Y H e nry Cla y Frank Da vi s RB - WR 6 - 1 18 7 Fr. Ci nci nna ti OH Aiken .Jo hn .J ac k son DT 6 -5 ½ 231 Fr . Cinci nna1 i OH W oo dwa rd A n tho n y H arpe r I. B 6-0 19 5 Fr. Cincinna1i. OH Aiken Gar y Grev e OG 6-1 ½ 222 Fr. C in c i nn a ti. OH M oeller Dale D awso n K - P 6 - 2 200 Fr. W. P a lm Bea c h. F la North Sho re D ann y M c Fadde n D B 6 -3 185 Fr. S. Mi a mi F la. S. Mi am i D a r y l .J oh n s o n RB 5 -9 186 Fr. L o ui s v i ll e, KY Manual P aul L c ic h1 c fe ld D T 6 - 1½ 2 26 Fr. Lo ui sv ill e. KY Trinil y H arold Torrens DT 6-0 ½ 230 Fr. L ou isville. KY M a nual Ant o in Ro be rt s FB 5 - 11 ½ 21 8 Fr. Ocala , Fla. Vangu a rd Scolt P e ars o n T E 6-4 220 .I r. Wa yc r o ss GA Le es -M c R ae .J .C. D a vid H ens ley RB 6 - 1 205 Fr . H a rl an KY Cawood Ant h on y San fo r d T E 5 - 11 2 06 Fr Ha rlan K Y Cawo o d Ke ith Turn e r LB 5 - 10 208 Fr. Orlando. F la. Evans Eu g ene Ba n k s N G 6-0 215 Fr Largo. F la . L a rg o K eith Tow n s e n d 01. 6-1 ½ 235 Fr. Ke nn e th C it y F la Di x ie H oll i ns S ieve Le ig h t DE 6-2 207 F r. T a r p on Spring s, Fla Tarpo n S pr ings Sta nle y Tys on NG 6 - 1 205 Fr. Orlando F la. E va ns R o n Da v is DE -L B 6--0 22 3 Soph Cresce n1 Sprin g s. KY M o e ll e r H en r y .J audo n DB 5-9 185 Fr . Fairfax. VA W. T. Wo o dson R ober! Warfield D H 6-1 180 Fr. L e xin g ton KY H e nr y Cla y 26
DEPTH CHART SE 88 I. H ill 18 M iller 8 Bloun t 21 Bird LE 85 Young 92 Maun tel 9 3 P. J ones LC B 15 M. Mims 37 S ca n nell LT 74 Spadafino 76 Showalt er LT 67 Campbell 75 Mu r ph y 77 Ste wart LL B 44 H arvey 48 S immons RO Y 12 A. Jones Poage LG 65 Burry 68 Nea l FL OFFENSE C 53 Sulli van 63 P. Smith 57 Clark QB 80 Armstrong 5 Wa l ke r 2 Pat Smith Parker 14 James 7 Po rtale D EF EN SE NG 54 McShan e 61 Evanoff 51 Harris RL B 31 Hill 36 Johnson 33 Ma y s 24 Williams 29 Wo o drum RG 50 Bobek 68 Nea l FB 34 V . Mim s 35 Beebe RT 72 Palmer 59 A lle n RC B 32 In gram RT 73 Bosley 70 Pitts Morrissey TB 26 Thompso n Hall 3 Cox 14 James R E 82 Kelle r 93 P . Jones 86 Kl inge l TE 8 1 He nderson 89 Codr ingt on 87 Pears on 84 Brice Kick er 6 Lovett Pu nter 38 Rowe



No. Name P o s . Ht. Wt. C lass Hometown I Greg Par ke r Q B 5'11 175 Fr. Tam pa , FL 2 Pat Smith QB 5 '1 0½ 175 Fr. Ca rrollton, KY 3 13ar r y Cox TB 5'9 18 1 Fr. Monaca, PA 4 Dale D awson K 62 19 7 F r. W. P alm Beach, FL 5 Eugene Walke r FL 6'0 197 Soph. Louisvi lle, K Y 6 .Jamie Lo vett K 5'8½ 170 Sr. Riverview , FL 7 T im P ortale QB 6'0 192 Soph. Louisv ille , KY 8 Alvin Blount SE 6'4 191 Soph . Virg inia Be ach, VA 9 George M c Garrah DB 6 ' ½ 190 Fr. St. Petersburg, FL 12 Anthony .I o ne s DB 5' 1 1 19 1 .Jr. Oca la. FL 14 Ton y Ja mes SE 5' 10 175 Jr. Owe nsboro. KY 15 M i ke Mims DB 5' 11 200 Sr. St. Pete rsburg, FL 17 Henry .l a udon DB 5'9 185 F r. Fa ir fax, VA 18 George M iller FL 5'11 193 Sop h Rich mo nd. KY 19 Danny M cFadde n DB 6'3 185 Fr. M iam i, FL 21 Kevin Bird F L 6'0 171 Fr. .J a m estown, NC 24 Robert Will ia m s DB 6'½ 184 Fr. M ia mi. FL 25 Frank Davis TB 6'0 185 Fr. Cinci nn at i. O H 26 Terence Thompson T B 5'8 180 Sr. Owensboro , KY 27 Terry Warren DB 5'1 1 175 F r Mi a mi. FL 29 Mark Woodrum DB 6'() 179 .Jr. P ortsmou t h, OH 30 Antoin Roberts FB 6'0 218 Fr. Oca la, FL 3 1 Dav id Hil l LB 5' 10 220 Sr. M iami. FL 32 E ric Ingram DB 6' 1 175 Fr. W i nte r Pa rk FL 33 Willia m M ay LB 5'10 202 Jr. She lbyvi lle , KY 34 Vict or Mi ms FB 5'1 1 2 13 Soph. S t. P eters b urg, FL 35 Brian Beebe FB 6'½ 221 Sop h. H ammonto n , NJ 36 Anthony Johns on LB 5' 10 195 Soph Oxon Hill, MD 37 Bo b by Scanne ll DB 5' 10 185 So ph. C learwate r , FL 38 Steve Rowe p 6'5 23 1 Sr. Fai rda le, KY 4 1 D a r y l J o h ns on TB 5' 10 180 Fr. Louisv ille, K Y 42 David H ensley FB 6' 1 20 1 F r. P athfor k, K Y 43 Robe r t Warfie ld DB 5'11 208 F r. Lex i ngto n. KY 44 Fred Harvey L B 5'11 208 Fr. T it usv ille, F L 48 T erry Simmons LB 5'11 ½ 200 .J r. Hamilton, O H 50 M ike Bobek OG 6'1 230 Sr. P ort R ichey, FL 51 Mas on Harris MG 5 '10 ½ 220 F r. F ra nk fort , KY 52 Dav id Turner LB 5'11 2 10 Fr. Orlando, F L 53 Chris Sull ivan C 6'1 250 S r. New Port Riche y, F L 5 4 Mike M cShane MG 5' 10 226 S r. St. Petersb u rg, F L 56 Stanley Tyso n MG 6' 1 205 Fr. O rl ando, FL 57 Greg C lark OT-C 6 '5 241 Jr. Pleasure Ridge P ark, KY 5 8 Wi lliam Banks M G 6' 1 225 F r. La r go FL 59 Benny Allen OT 6 '1 24 0 Sr. H atfie ld, KY 60 Eric Horn OG 62 238 Sop h. Owe ns boro , KY 6 1 Byro n Ingra m OT 6'1½ 251 F r . Lexi'!gto n, KY 62 Gary Greve OG 6 2 227 Fr. C in c innat i. O H 63 Paul S m it h C 6'3 1/2 249 Fr. O ca la. FL 64 Paul Le ichtefeld OG 6 ' ½ 226 Fr. Pros pect, KY 65 David Bu rry DG 6 ''/2 236 Sr. Lou isv ille, K Y 67 Ri ck Campbell OT 62 235 Soph A ltam o nt e Springs. F L 28
68 M ike Neal OG 6'2 228 S r. Orland o. FL 69 K e ith T ownsend OG 6'1 ½ 235 Fr. Kenneth City. F L 70 Greg Pitt s OT 6'1 ½ 226 So ph Richm ond . K Y 7 1 Ha ro ld Torrens OT 6'2 241 Fr. Loui sv ille KY 72 R o be rt Palmer OT 6'4½ 242 Soph. Cynt h iana KY 73 Kei th Bosley OT 6'3 ½ 275 So ph R ic h mond. KY 74 J oe Spadafino OT 6' 1 245 Jr. Dover. DE 75 Mike Murp hy OT 6'2½ 230 Fr. Free h o ld. NJ 76 Dean Showa lte r O T 6'4 254 Fr. Louisville. KY 77 Barry S t ewart OT 6'3 1/2 238 Fr. Ocala. FL 79 Da ve Mill er OT 6'4 230 Fr. McK eespo rt. P A 80 Tr on Arm s trong F L 6'½ 196 Sr. S t. Petersburg. FL 8 1 J a y Henderson TE 6-0 225 Jr. Louisvi ll e. K Y 82 Char les K eller DE 6'3 220 Sr. Mia mi Lakes. F L 83 An t hony Sanford F B 5' 11 206 Fr. Harlan. KY 84 R ick Williams TE 6'5 220 Fr. H erndon. VA 86 John Klin gel DE 6'3 226 Fr. Waldo. O H 87 Scott Pearson TE 6'4 2 13 Jr Waycross. G a 88 Isa ia h H ill S E S-9 170 Soph. P ineville. KY 89 Simon Cod rington TE 6'3 203 Soph. Miami. F L 90 J ohn Jac kson OT 6'5½ 240 Fr. Ci n c i nnati. O H 92 J oe M a u ntel DE 6 '4 217 So ph. Cincin na ti OH 93 P aul J o nes D E 6'2½ 225 Soph. Borden. I N 94 R o n Davis DE-LB 6-0 223 So ph. Crescen t Sp rin gs. KY 97 S teve Leight DE 6'3 2 10 Fr. Pa l m H arbor. F L 99 Anthony H ar per LB 6-0 200 Fr. Cincinnat i. O H 29

First Game



Sept. 3 - at Richmond

1:30 P.M. EDT

Location - Johnson City, Tenn.

Founded - 1911

President - Dr. Ronald E. Beller

Enrollment - 9,500

Colors - Blue and Gold

Conference - Southern

Nickname - Buccaneers

Athletic Director - Barry Dowd

Head Coach - Buddy Sasser (615-929-5366)

Coaching Record - 36-26-2

Assistant Coaches - Jack Huss , Walt Bragg, Mike

Ayers, Paul Hamilton, Mike Taylor, Sam Betz

SID - John Cathey (615-929-4220)

Trainer - Jerry Robertson

Stadium - Memorial Center (12,000)

Press Box Number - 615-929-5329

Lettermen Lost - 8

Lettermen Returning - 53


Experience, proven runningbacks and a solid defense are among the most pleasant reasons the ETSU Bucs will greet the dawning of the Sasser seasons on a note of cautious optimism.

Buddy Sasser, a highly successful coach at Wofford College, has taken over the helm of the Buccaneer program , buffeted by injuries, academic problems and a 2-9 campaign. A total of 53 lettermen return, most of whom saw a good deal of playing time.

Four quarterbacks return but only two saw any playing time. Robert Achoe and Walt Bowlin saw considerable action while Mark Tucker and Robbie White were on hand. The runningback situation is good with Jerry Butler, Todd Bloomer, Henry Latham an d Vince Redd returning.

"We hope some of our newcomers will be a ble to step in and help ," said Sasser. "Although for the most part the freshmen will fill in depth wise." Eastern leads the series, 18-9-2.


Sept. 3 at Eastern Kentucky


Sept. 17 Open

Sept. 24 at Wes tern Carolina


Oct. 8 at Marshall


Oct. 22 at VMI

Oct. 29 at East Carolina

Nov. 5 at

Nov. 12 THE C ITADEL Nov

Buddy Sasser Head Coach Scott Rawlings Center
19 UT-CHATTANOOGA 30 1982 RESULTS 0 Tennessee Tech 14 3 VMI 21 0 East Carolina . . . . . . . . . . 30 10 James Madison . . . . . . . . 15 25 Wes t e rn Carolina 27 6 UT-Chattanooga 27 3 The Citadel . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 15 Furman .......... .. ... 20 13 Appalachian State ...... 29 20 Wofford ............ . .. 34 28 Ma rs ha ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

Second Game


Sept. IO - at Youngs town, Ohio

7:30 P.M. EDT

Location - Youngs town, Ohio

Founded - 1908

Pres ident - Dr. John J . Coffelt

Enrollment - 15 ,604

Colors - Scarlet and White

Confe rence - Ohio Valley

Nickname - Pe nguins

Athl e tic Direc tor - Bill Nardu zz i

Head Coach - Bill Narduzzi (216-742-3189)

Coaching Record - 52-31-1

Assis tant Coaches - Bob Bea l, Rick Bevly, Ru s t y DeCapito, Bob Dove , Pete Lymber, Neil Putnam, Gene Ro c hette , Fred Th o mas

SID - Gre g Gulas (216-742-3192)

Traine r - D a n Wathen

Stadium - Stambaugh (16 ,500)

Pre ss Box Number - 216-742-3192

Lette rmen Lost - I 7

Lettermen R eturning - 37


For the first time s ince taking over the head coachi ng reins in I 975, Bill Nardu zz i and his staff will b e faced with more question marks than ever before. YSU 's biggest problem will be to find a re place m e nt for g raduated tailba ck Paris Wicks, w h o for th e pas t tw o years has been "Mr. Eve ry thing" to th e P e nguins' backfield. Wicks earned OVC and All-American honors both years.

The Peng uin s h ave s trength re turning at fullba c k in junior Mik e Hardi e and Vi c Ceglie, whil e it appears that Robert Th o mpso n and T y ron e Ivy ha ve the ins ide track at the tailback position .

R e turnin g in the seco ndary will b e John T o massilli , Mic k O'Hara and Walte r Allen, whil e YSU's fir st eve r junior college tran sfe r Jeff Marton of Sant a Ba rbara Junior co llege is o n campus and ready to go. The line backing corp s looks very s trong with co -capt a in Mark Derthi ck, Patric k Toler, Dwa y ne R ogers and C hris Stec s la t ed to s tart.

Eastern leads the series, 7-4-0.



Sept . 17 at Tennessee Tech


O ct. I at Easte rn Illin o is


Oct. 15

Oct. 22 at Nor th e rn Iowa

Oct. 29 a t Middle Te nn essee

Nov. 5 a t Akron

Bill N arduzzi H ead Coach Dwa yne Rogers Linebacker
19 Akron 20 17 Eastern Ke nt ucky . ..... 31 37 Tennessee T ec h 14 3 Cinc inna ti 57 23 Easte rn Illin o is . . . . . . . . . 27 14 Wes t e rn Ke n tuc ky ...... 28 3 1 Austin Peay .. . . . .. .. .. 9 11 Middle Tenness ee . .... . 10 28 Western Illin o is ........ 20 38 More h ead Stat e 19 25 No rthe rn Iowa . . . . . . . . . 13
Nov. 12

Third Game


Sept. 24 - at Richmond

1:30 P.M. EDT

Loca tion - Akron, Ohio

Founded - 18 70

President - Dr. D . J. Guzzetta

Enrollment - 26,500

Colors - Blue and Gold

Conference - Ohio Valley

Ni c knam e - Zips

Athletic Director - Gordon Larso n

Head Coach - Jim D e nni so n (216-375-7469)

Coaching Re co rd - 60-48-2

Assistant Coaches - Tom Flaherty, Dave Newell , Terry F orbe s, Jeff Durbin , Wade Rollinson

SID - K e n MacDonald (216-375-7468)

Train er - Don Mars hall

Stadium - Rubber Bowl (35 , 482)

Press Box Number - 21 6- 733-2372

Letterm en Los t - 12

Lettermen R eturnin g - 43


Ke e p the veterans hun g ry , gi ve the young players a fair look and im p ro ve consistency in eve ry phase of the game - the se are thr ee areas around w hich UA head coach Jim Denniso n based his pre- seaso n phil oso phy. He hop es to us e last season's seco nd-place finish in th e OVC as a s pring board to a b ett er se as on in 19 83.

" W e fee l ex cite d and good about th e upc om ing seaso n ," sa id Dennison. " W e are a nxious as we prepare for our o pener with K en t S tat e Sep t. 3."

Includ e d among th e 43 lett er winn e r s returnin g a re 33 pla yers who ha ve started at one tim e or another for the Zips - 16 on offense, 15 on defense and two kicking specialists.

First-team All-OV C picks , tailba cks James Black an d center Bria n Clark, both se niors, h ead up the offe ns ive returnees. Black paced t h e OVC in rushing l as t seaso n , averaging I 32 yard s p e r game. All told, Black acc umulat e d I , 188 ya rd s ru s hing.

Eastern leads the s eries, 4-3-0.


Sept. 3 K E NT STA TE

Sept. I O at Eas t e rn Mi ch igan


Sept. 24 at Eastern Kentu cky



Oct. 15 at Mor e head State


O c t. 29 a t Ten n essee Tech


Nov. 12 a t Aust in Peay


Jim Dennison Head Coach James Black Tailback
20 Youngstown State 19 14 Eastern Michiga n 7 3 W este rn K entu cky 10 IO Eastern K ent u c k y 19 19 Middle Te nn essee ...... 16 0 Eas t ern Illin o is . . . . . . . . . 18 28 M o re head State . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Mars ha ll 12 28 Tennessee Tec h ........ 14 14 Mur ray Stat e .. . ....... 16 4 2 Austin P eay 7

Fourth Game


Oct. I - at Richmond (Homecoming)

1:30 p.m. EDT

Location - Clarksville, Tenn.

Founded - 1927

President - Dr. Robert 0. Riggs

Enrollment - 5,400

Colors - Red and White

Conference - Ohio Valley

Nickname - Governors

Athletic Director - Johnny Miller

Head Coach - Emory Hale (615-648-7905)

Coaching Record - 8-12-0

Assistant Coaches - Paul Bre wster, Chick Graning,

John Bowles, Greg Johnson, David Bibee

SID - Sherwin Clift (615-648-7561)

Trainer - Chuck Kimmel

Stadium - Municipal (10 ,000)

Press Box Number - 615-647-5657

Lettermen Lost - 22

Lettermen Returning - 35


APS U will rely on a combined sophomore and senior-dominated roster of returning lettermen and starters when it opens its 1983 season in September under third-year head coach Emory Hale.

The Govs will be returning 15 starters from the 1982 club that went 3-7 and s topped the school mark of five successive seasons with a winning record or .500 mark.

Senior fullback John Brown and sophomore tailback Fred " Motor" Motes, the two leading rushers, will pace the ground attack, while versatile senior Z-back Tommy Michael, who was among the conference's top pass receivers, rounds out the returning offensive statistical starters.

Defensively, the Govs will return senior star Mike Newton at rover. Other seniors include noseman Chris Jenkins, linebacker Bill Ryznic, cornerback Willie Armstrong and free safety William McElroy.

Eastern leads the series, 21-3.


Emory Hale Head Coach
i __, -,
-... ..
'L -..
Tommy Michael Z-Back
Sept. IO at UT-Martin 31 Kentucky State ......... 24 Sept. 17 KENTUCKY STATE 14 UT-Martin ............. 17 Sept. 24 WES TER N KENTUCKY 15 Wes tern Ke ntucky ...... 33 Oct. I at East e rn Kentucky 18 Eastern Kentucky ....... 27 Oct. 8 at More head State 17 More head State ...... .. 16 Oct. 15 at Youngstown State 9 Youngstown State ...... 31 Oct. 22 MIDDLE TENNESSEE 7 Middle Tennessee ....... 24 Oct. 29 CENTRAL FLORIDA 7 Murray State ........... 21 Nov. 5 MURRAY STATE 31 Tennessee Tech ......... 27 Nov. 12 at Tennessee Tech 7 Akron 42 Nov. 19 AKRON 33

Fifth Game


Oct. 8 - at Murfreesboro, Tenn.

1:30 P.M. CDT

Location - Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Founded - 1911

President - Dr. Sam Ingram

Enrollment - 11,250

Colors - Navy Blue and White

Conference - Ohio Valley

Nickname - Blue Raiders

Athletic Director - Jimmy Earle

Head Coach - Boots Donnelly (615-898-2570)

Coaching Record - 31-32-0

Assistant Coaches - L. T. Helton, Ed Bunio, Brice

Askren, Tom Fiveash , Ed Oakes, Alec Robinson

SID - Ed Given (615-898-2450) \ ,


Trainer - George Camp -

Stadium - Johnny (Red) Floyd (I 5,000)

Press Box Number - 615-898-2712

Lettermen Lost - 16

Lettermen Returning - 31


Contrast may be the key word when thinking of prospects for Middle Tennessee's 1983 football team.

The Blue Raiders' offensive unit can field an array of veteran players who helped lead head coach Boots Donnelly's club to an 8-3 overall record last season. The offensive platoon returns nine of 11 starters.

The situation is just reversed with the defensive unit. Nine of 11 starters are gone from la s t year's aggregation that rated as one of the OVC's best in recent years.

The passing game is one of Donnelly's primary concerns. "We want to improve in every phase of our passing game," he said, "throwing, receiving and in being able to do something with the ball after it's caught."

The placekicking should again be ably handled by junior Kelly Potter who was a perfect 26-26 in PAT's in '82, while hitting on 13-27 field goal tries for 65 points.

Eastern leads the series, 17-13-0.



Sept. IO Open

Sept. 17 at UT-Martin

Sept. 24 at Morehead State

Oct. I at Akron



Oct. 22 at Austin Peay



Nov. 12 Open



• , r
Boots Donnelly Head Coach
Danny Colwell Fullback
34 1982
12 Savannah State 3 34 Elizabeth City . . . . . . . . . . 0 27 Liberty Baptist . . . . . . . . . 7 30 Morehead State . . . . . . . . 0 16 Akron ........... .. .. . 19 IO Eastern Kentucky . . . . . . 35 27 Murray State . . . . . . . . . . 9 24 Austin Peay ............ 7 IO Youngstown State . . . . . . 11 31 Western Kentuck y . . . . . . 16 IO Tennessee Tech . . . . . . . . 3

Sixth Game


Oct. 22 - at Richmond

1:30 P.M. EDT

Location - Bowling Green, Ky.

Founded - 1906

President - Dr. Donald W. Zacharias

Enrollment - 12,800

Colors - Red and White

Conference - Independent

Nickname - Hilltoppers

Athletic Director - John Oldham

Head Coach - Jimmy Feix (502-745-2984)

Coaching Record - l04-48-5

Assistant Coaches - Butch Gilbert, Larry Walker, Mike Cassity, Sam Clark , Stumpy Baker, Mark Clark

SID - Paul Just (502-745-4295)

Trainer - Ron Dunn

Stadium - L. T. Smith (19,250)

Press Box Number - 502-745-4296

Lettermen Lost - 15

Lettermen Returning - 30


Jimmy Feix , who begins his 16th season at the Western Kentucky helm this fall , had his team's deficiencies clearly in mind when spring drills began last March. Although there were improvements to be made and big shoes to fill , Western's veteran mentor appears to have come up with the answers.

The 'Toppers were 5-5-0 last year in the school's first campaign as an independent since 1947. Looking to fill the shoes of departed Ralph Antone at quarterback are talented sophomores Scott Travis and Justin Diel. Their main targets will be sophomore Alan Mullins, a re-positioned Pat Houser at flanker and tight end Mickey Lewis.

WK U's defense will be led by a talented trio of senior linebackers: first team All-America Paul Gray, Walter York and Robert Ray. Tony Eatherly , a senior, and Mike Hamilton , a junior, man the defensive ends and sophomore Tommy Pace figures to be the starter at nose tackle . Western leads the series, 32-23-2.


Sept. 3 Open

Sept. IO at Louisville

Sept. 17 at Akron

Sept. 24 at Austin Peay


Oct. 8 at Youngstown State


Oct. 22 at Eastern Kentucky


Nov. 5 at Middle Tennessee



Jimmy Feix Head Coach Paul Gray Linebacker
35 1982 RESULTS IO Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 0 Delaware ............ . . 31 10 Akron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 33 Austin Peay . . . . . . . . . . . 15 28 Youngstown State ...... 14 28 Tennessee Tech 14 21 Eastern Kentucky . . . . . . 35 13 Morehead State . . . . . . . . 17 16 Middle Tennessee 31 27 Murray State 20

Seventh Game


Oct. 29 - at Murray

1:30 P.M. CDT

Location - Murray , Ky.

Founded - 1922

President - Dr. Kayla Stroup

Enrollment - 8, 350

Colors - Blue and Gold

Conference - Ohio Valley

Nickname - Racers

Athletic Director - Johnny Reagan

Head Coach - Frank Beamer (502-762-6181)

Coaching Record - 12-10-0

As s istant Coaches - Mike O'Cain, Mike Mahoney , Keith Jones , Mark Thomas , Mike Clark, Mike Wiles

SID - TBA (502-762-4270)

Trainer - Tom Simmons

Stadium - Roy Stewart (16, 800)

Press Box Number - 502-762-6811

Letterme n Lost - 21

Lettermen Returning - 24


It's a season of uncertainty for the Murray State Racers . Youth and inexperience at key positions has head coach Frank Beamer wondering just what kind of t eam he'll have in 1983.

"We have some really good players in our program, " said Beamer, entering his third season as MS U head coach . "But it's still very much up in the air a s far as determining how good we can be, because we're dealing with so many unknowns ."

Offensively, the Racers have an all-star candidate in wide receiver Stan Trice, who should s upply a large part of Murray State's offense in 1983. Trice was an AII-OVC pick last year (36 catches for 546 yards and three TD's).

The Racers' wide-tackle-six defense has several question marks on the line. Jeff Lancas ter, the school record-holder for career field goals with 22, is back to handle placements, but the punting job is up for grabs between Lee Alford and Albert Starnes .

Eastern leads the series, 21-16-4.


Sept. 3 at Southeast-Missouri

Sept. IO Open

Sept. 17 at East Carolina




Oct. 15 at Middle Tennessee

Oct. 22 at Akron


Nov. 5 a t Au s tin P eay

Nov. 12 at Youngs town State

Nov. 19 at Wes tern Kentucky

Frank Beamer Head Coach Stan Trice Wide Receiver
36 1982 RESULTS 16 Southeast Missouri 6 0 Central Missouri ....... IO 3 Tennessee Tech ........ IO 10 Morehead State ........ 13 7 UT-Martin 10 9 Middle Tennessee . . .... 27 21 Southwest Missouri ..... 17 20 Eastern Ke ntucky ...... 21 21 Austin Peay . . . . .. .. . . . 7 16 Akron ................. 14 20 Wes tern Kentucky ...... 27

Eighth Game


Nov. 5 - at Richmond

1:3 0 P. M. EST

Location - Cookeville , T e nn .

Founded - 1915

Pres ident - Dr. Arliss L. Roaden

Enrollm e nt - 7, 940

Colors - Purple a nd G o ld

Co n fe rence - Ohio Vall ey

Nickname - Golden Eagles

Athletic Director - Da ve Coffey

H ead Coach - Gary Darnell (6 I 5-528-3840)

Coaching R eco rd - Firs t Year

A ss is tant Coach es - Dick Bumpas , Denni s Franchione, Dennis Caryl , Michae l Schultz, Mike Sinkovitz, Bruce Snelling, Wad e Cargil , Gary P a tterso n , Jack William so n

SID - Rob Schabert (615-528-3088)

Trainer - Steve Moor e

Stadium - Tu c ker (1 6,5 00)

Press Box Number - 615-528-3293

Lettermen Lo s t - 15

Lettermen Returning - 37


Thirt y-seven lettermen return for first-year coach Gary D a rnell as TI U tries to r e bound from a 3-8 record in 1982.

Mark P owe r s, who threw for more th a n 1,000 ya rd s las t fall, will be o u t t o regain his starting j o b at quarterback but he' ll face an interest ing challenge by Tony C ostantine , who surrendered th e s tarting rol e with a broken leg in the third ga me of the year. Also back to call s ignals are Bre nt Fis her, the OVC R oo kie of the Wee k one tim e, a nd Greg Ma yso net.

Along with that ba ttl e in th e backfield will be another contest for s pots at runningback. Allen Lawren ce and Marv in McC le nn o n ( over 1, 300 ca ree r yards) head the lis t of r e turn ees but junior college transfers Sy lves ter Gregory a nd Rand y Pippe n could mak e a st rong bid .

On d e fe nse , part-time s tart ers John Edgington and C arey Heard at th e ends, M a rk Ral s ton at tackle and M a nny Miche l at no seg u a rd a re ba c k.

Eastern leads the series, 25-14- I.


Sept. 3 Ope

G ar y Darne ll Head Coach J eff Daughtry Lin e backer
IO at Ea s t Tenn essee
24 at Mur ray State
I UT-MARTIN Oct. 8 WESTERN C AROLINA Oct. 15 at W estern Ke ntu c ky O ct. 22 MOR E HEAD STATE Oct. 29 AKRON N ov . 5 at Eastern Ke ntu c ky Nov. 12 AUSTIN PEAY Nov. 19 at Middle Tennessee 37 1982 RESULTS 14 East Tennessee . . . . . . . . . 0 17 Wes tern Caro lina . . . . . . . IO 14 Youn gs t ow n State . . . . . . 37 IO Murra y State . . . . . . . . . . 3 21 UT-Martin ..... .... . .. 35 14 Wes tern Ke ntu cky ...... 28 14 More head S t ate ...... . . 38 14 Akron .......... . ..... 28 17 Eastern Ke ntu c ky . . . . . . 34 27 Au stin P eay 3 1 3 Middle Tennessee IO


Nov. 12 - a t M o rehe a d

1:3 0 P . M. EST

Locati o n - More h ead , Ky.

Fo unded - 1922

Presid e nt - Dr. M o rri s L. N orfleet

Enrollment - 6, 700

Co lo r s - Blu e a nd G o ld

Co nfe r e nce - Ohio Va lley

Ni c knam e - Eagles

Ath le ti c D irecto r - S o n ny Moran

He ad C oac h - Steve Lo n ey

C oa c hing Re c ord - 6-15-0

A ss is t a nt Coac hes - D a n Hal ey, Mike Kol a ko ws ki , J o hn S ha nn o n , Bo b Harris, Kev in C osg ro ve

S ID - Ke nn y Kl e in (606- 783-2 500)

Tra ine r - Ke ith W e bs t e r

S tadium - J ay n e ( I0,000)

P ress Box Nu mb er - 60 6-78 3-2500

Le tt e rmen L os t - 24

Le tterm e n R eturning - 3 1


S t e ve Lon e y Head Coa c h

D av id T hurkill Tight End

MS U h ead fo o tb a ll c o a ch St eve Lo ney is ho ping th a t hi s 3 1 returnin g le tt er men ca n p r ovide th e nu cleu s fo r s uccess as the Ea g les att e mpt to i mp rove o n las t yea r's 5- 6 record .

"W e fee l ve r y goo d a b o ut o ur d epth a t ou r runnin g ba c k pos iti o ns, " said Lon ey, wh o d ir e cte d the Eag les to o nl y th e ir seco nd fi ve-win season in nin e yea r s. "We a lso fe e l goo d a b o ut (wid e r eceiver) M a rk Ledfo rd and the m a ny t hin gs he d oes fo r o ur ba ll club.

"Our conce rn s r ig ht n ow are d e pth in ou r offe ns ive line a nd at qu a rt erbac k ," add ed Lo n ey. " Our inc omi ng fr es hme n class will hav e t o co nt r ibute in th ose a re as as well as o n d efe nse , where ine xp e ri e nce is o u r bigges t co nce rn ."

MS U r e turn s fi ve s t a rt e rs from las t year's d e fe ns ive unit which rank ed 14th n a t io na ll y in total d efe n se, inclu di ng e nd Ke ith C urry , t ac kl e Charli e F ra nk lin a nd g uard R ay Win e b r enn e r.

Eastern leads the series, 34-15-4.


Sept 3 Ope n

Se pt. IO a t Ke ntu c k y Sta t e Se


29 at W es t e rn Kentu cky


N ov . 5
BAPTIST Nov. 12 EA STE R N K ENT UC KY Nov. 19 at Yo un gsto wn S t a t e 38 1982
24 Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 28 Ke ntuck y Sta t e .. ... .... . 6 0 Middle T ennessee . ... . . 30 13 Murra y Sta te . . ...... .. 10 16 Austin P e a y ...... ..... 17 6 Akron .. .. . . .. .. . . . ... 28 38 T e nn essee T e ch . . . . . . . . 14 17 Wes te rn Ke ntu c ky . . . . . . 13 IO Libe rt y Ba pt ist . . . . . . . . . 13 19 Yo ungs t o wn State 38 3 Eas tern Kentuck y . . . . . . 20
Sept. 24 MIDDL E T EN
O c t. I at Mu rray Stat
Oc t. 8 A US T IN
O c t. 15 AKRO N O ct. 22 a t Te nn essee T ec h O c t.

Tenth Game


Nov. 19 - at Tallahasse, Fla.

7:00 P.M. EST

Location -Tallahassee, Fla .

Founded - 1887

President - Dr. Walter L. Smith

Enrollment - 5,200

Colors - Orange and Green

Conference - Mid-Eastern Athletic

Nickname- Rattlers

Athletic Director - Roosevelt Wilson

Head Coach - Rudy Hubbard (904-599-3721)

Coaching Record - 69-30-2

Assistant Coaches - Allen Bogan, Amos Hill, Sheldon Hodge, Robert James, Mark Orlando

SID - Alvin Hollins, Jr. (904-599-3206)

Stadium - Bragg Memorial (25,550)

Lettermen Lost-18

Lettermen Returning - 45


Florida A & M lost 11 starters from last year's team, many of them at key positions and coming into the spring, questions about how good the Rattlers might be in 1983 abounded.

F AMU has some exciting news for its fans: That "Rattler Magic" Is Back!

Probably the most welcome news from the Rattlers' camp is that senior tailback Greg "Magic" Fashaw, a 5-11, 170-pound, slasher, sprinter-type, is back to spark the offense after missing a season due to academic problems.

The quarterback spot will rest in the hands of junior Michael Kelly . He played sparingly last season behind the departed Nate Koonce, but during the spring, he displayed a wide range of passing touches and an acquired flair for running the option and keeping the ball to himself.

Catching the passes for F AMU will be a horde of receivers led by All-American candidate Ray Alexander, a 6-5, 185-pound senior. First game of the series.





Oct . 1 at Howard

Oct. 8 at Jackson State (Jacksonville)



Oct. 29 at Alcorn State

Nov. 4 at North Carolina A & T

Nov. 12 at Southern (Tampa)


;··;,'.·· .. .· ! .• _ I
Rudy Hubbard Head Coach Ray Alexander Wide Receiver
1982 RESULTS 27 Morris Brown ............0 39 Delaware State ...... . ... 23 21 Grambling .......... . . .43 62 Howard . ...............3 14 Jackson State . . . . . ... . .. 15 48 Albany State ............0 19 S. Carolina State ......... 21 13 Alcorn State ............ 23 35 North Carolina A & T .. .... 7 21 Southern .............. 24 29 Bethune Cookman .... . ..14

FINAL 1982 NCAA I-AA STATISTICS (Regular Season)



Cl. G Car. Yds. Avg. TD Yds.Pg. I. Garry Pearson, Mass. Sr. 11 312 1631 5.2 13 148.3 2. James Black, Akron Jr. 9 306 1188 3.9 6 132.0 3. Paul Lewis, Boston U. So. IO 278 1266 4.6 17 126.6 4. Paris Wicks, Youngstown Sr. 11 282 1392 4.9 IO 126.5 5. Anthony Reed, S.C. St. Sr. 9 157 1020 6.5 II I 13.3 6. D errick Harmon , Cornell Jr. 8 157 905 5.8 9 113. 1 7.. Scotty Caldwell, Tx.-ArL So. 11 212 1216 5.7 12 110.5 8. Cal Whitfield, Rh. Is l. Sr. 11 283 1200 4.2 7 109.1 9. Tony Corley, Nev.-Reno Jr. II 227 1198 5.3 6 108.9 I 0. Gary Benoit, Nthestn. Fr. 7 171 745 4.4 9 106.4
(Min. 1.2 Returns per Game:(:l. No . Yds . TD Avg. I. Davlin Mullen, West. Ky. Sr. 18 574 2 31.9 2. Oscar S mith, Nicholls So. 14 410 0 29 .3 3. Herman Hunter, Tenn.St. So. 24 696 I 29.0 4. Tony James, EKU So. 18 477 0 26.5 5. Jerry Butler , E. T e nn. So. 21 544 0 25.9 6. Derrick Samuels, Ken t St. So. 22 565 I 25 .7 7. Mike H affey, Miami (0.) Sr. 15 372 0 24 .8 8. Dan Spotts, Nthestn. Fr. 12 297 0 24.7 9. Pete Mandley, N. Ariz. Jr. 22 532 0 24.2 IO. Kelly Brothers, Brown Sr. 20 478 0 23.9
Cl. G Ct. Yds. TD Ct.Pg. I. Don Lewis, Columbia Jr. IO 84 1000 6 8.4 2. Marvin Walke r , N. Tex. Sr. 11 91 934 11 8.3 3. Kevin Guthrie, Princeton Jr. IO 75 1003 6 7.5 4. Bill R eggio, Columbia Jr. 10 70 987 14 7.0 5. Jerry Rice, Miss. Va lle y So. IO 66 11 33 7 6.6 6. Tracy S in g leton, H owa rd Sr. 11 65 1078 8 5.9 7. Mike Williams , Drake Sr. 11 62 978 5 5.6 8. J ac k Daly, Dartmouth Jr. 10 55 1034 8 5.5 9. Pat Dunsmore, Drake Sr. JO 52 622 0 5.2 10. Mark Manley, W. Tex. St. Sr. 11 57 780 5 5. 2 40




G Plays Yds. Avg. TD Yds.Pg. I. S.C. State 10 578 1914 3 3 12 191.4 2. Florida A & M 11 672 2177 3.2 21 197.9 3. Middle Tennessee 11 725 2180 3.0 12 198.2 4. Tennessee-Chattanooga 11 677 2201 3.3 18 200. 1 5. Jackson St. 11 727 2325 3.2 21 211.4 6. Grambling 11 700 2325 3.3 24 211.4 7. Tennessee St. 10 608 2287 3.8 16 228.7 8. Eastern Illinois 11 765 2599 3.4 11 236. 3 9. Western Michigan 11 705 2617 3.7 8 237.9 10. Southern U. 11 666 2712 4.1 21 246.5
No. Yds. Net Pun. Avg. Ret. Ret. Avg . 1. Eastern Kentucky 46 40.1 11 14 39.8 2. Tenn.-Chattanooga 61 42.9 18 243 38.9 3. Montana State 66 40.3 22 99 38.8 4. Marshall 67 41.7 25 192 38.8 5. Kent State 80 42.4 51 317 38.5 6. Tennessee State 47 41.5 23 144 38.4 7. Lamar 77 39.2 24 88 38.1 8. Eastern Illinois 65 39.9 27 123 38.0 9. Youngstown State 64 39.9 35 126 38.0 10. North Texas St. 72 38.0 16 19 37.8
G No. Yds. TD Avg. I. S.C. State 10 22 647 2 29.4 2. Tennes see State 10 27 738 I 27.3 3. Miami (0.) 11 21 546 I 26.0 4. W estern Kentucky 10 33 848 2 25.7 5. Nicholls State 11 31 763 I 24.6 6. East Tennessee 11 27 634 0 23.5 7. Eastern Kentucky 10 33 763 0 23.1 8. Tenn.-Chattanooga 11 23 530 0 23.0 9. N ew Hampshire IO 35 803 0 22.9 41

1982 Kodak Division 1-AA

All-American Team



Name/Pus Ht. Wt. Class Sc hoo l T. Ze ndej a s. PK 5-8 16() Jr Nevada.Reno M Dunigan QB 5- 11 180 Sr Louisiana T ec h G. Pearson RB 5-1 1 185 Sr M assachusetts A Reed RB 6-0 225 Sr. S.C. State T. Johnson. WR 6-J 190 S r Grambling State S. Bird WR 5-11 180 S r. Eastern Kentuck y P. Dunsmore, TE 6-3 230 S r Drake C. Tucker, OL o-5 255 Sr. Aus t in Peay M. Corba1. OL 6-.l 240 Sr. H ar vard R. Pelzer. OL o-6 287 S r. Rhode Island w. Tate. 0 1. o-4 248 Sr. renncssce State M. Meares, OL o-3 225 Sr Western Michigan •
N ame/ Pos. Ht. Wt . C l as.<i Sch oo l J. Rade. DL 6-2 222 Sr Bo ise Slate J. Ettari. DL o-3 260 S r Citade l 8. Pill man. D L 5-1 1 220 J r Miami (Ohi o) T Green DL 6-0 230 Sr. Lafayette A Young. DL o-3 215 S r. Bowling Green G. Reaso ns . LB o-4 230 S r. Nrthwstn St. (La ) D Wo lf. LB o-3 225 Sr. Colgate G. Schmitt. DB 5-11 190 Sr. Del aware L. Smith DB 6-0 202 Sr. McNeese St a t e E Gibson. DB 5- 11 185 Jc. Furman R. Wi ll iams DB 5-11 195 J r East ern Ill i noi s J_ Christopher. P 6--2 195 Sr M orehead State
Steve Bird, EKU's All-American wide receiver and the 1982-83 OVC Male Athlete o f the Year , was drafted in the fifth round and lat er signed by the NFL's St. Lo uis Cardin a ls.



Yds. Yds. G Att.Cmp. Int. Pct. Yds. Att. TD Pg. I. West Texas St. 11 486 253 22 52 . 1 3451 7.1 21 313. 7 2. Columbia IO 457 251 25 54.9 3059 6.7 29 305.9 3. Idaho 11 436 228 11 52.3 3233 7.4 26 293.9 4. Louisiana Tech. 11 449 238 16 53.0 3045 6.8 24 276. 8 5. N.E. Louisiana 11 475 224 18 47.2 3041 6.4 20 276.5 6. Princeton IO 447 227 23 50.8 2758 6.2 17 275. 8 7. Drake 11 389 218 20 56 .0 2877 7.4 7 261.5 8. N. W . Louisiana 11 399 203 21 50. 9 2833 7.1 22 257.5 9. William & Mary 11 427 251 17 58.8 2804 6.6 12 254.9 10. Idaho St. 11 469 238 25 50.7 2791 6.0 13 253.7
1. Eastern Kentucky (10-0) ... .. . ... . . . ........................ 80 2. Louisiana Tech (9-2) 76 3. Delaware (9-1) 70 4. Tennessee State (9-0-1) . ... . .. . .... . ........................ 69 5. Eastern Illinois (11-0-1) ...................... . ....... . . . . . .. 64 6. Furman (9-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 7. S. C. S tate (8-2) ............. . ... . .......... . .... . ......... 58 8. Jackson State (9-2) .......... . ............ . ................ 51 9. Colgate (7-3) 46 IO. Grambling ( 8-2) .......... . ............... .. . . ............. 44 11 . Idaho ( 8-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 12. N. E. Louisiana ( 8-3) . ........ . .... . ....... . ................ 34 13. Hol y Cro ss (8-3) ............. .. .................... . ....... 30 14. Bowling Gree n (7-3) ............... .. .. . .. .. ...... . ......... 26 15. Boise State (8-3) .................. . . . ................. . .... 21 16. Western Michigan (7-2-2) .. . ................. . .... .... .. ... . 20 17. UT - Chattanooga (7-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 18. N. W. Louisiana (6-5) .. ................................ . .... 9 19. Montana (6-5) .. . ...................................... . .... 5 20. Lafayette (7-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 43


(Capacity: 20,000)

EK U's Hanger Field, built in 1969 and dedicated in 1970, has provided quite a home-field advantage for Roy Kidd's Colonels. Entering the 19 83 season, Eastern has won 66, lost 11 and had a Hanger Field winning streak of 31 in a row.

HANGER FIELD WIN STREAK I. Sept. 23, 1978 ..................... EKU 49 , East Tennessee 6 2 Oct. 7, 1978 EKU 42, Middle T ennessee 12 3. Oct. 28, 1978 ...................... EKU 24. Murray State 21 4. Nov 11 , 1978 EKU 35, Akron 14 5. Nov. 18, 1978 EKU 30, Morehead State 0 6. Sept. 15, 1979 EKU 15, Troy State 0 7 Sept. 29, 1979 EKU 35, Austin Peay 10 8. Oct. 13, 1979 ...... . ........... EKU 33, Cal State-Fullerton 7 9. Oct. 20, 1979 EKU 8, Western Kentucky 6 10. Nov. 3, 1979 . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . EKU 35, T ennessee Tech 0 11. Nov. 10, 1979 EKU 27, Jackson St. 2 1 12 Dec. 8, 1979 EKU 33, N evada-Reno 30 13. Sept. 6, 1980 E K U 24, Kentucky State 21 14. Sept. 20, 1980 EK U 45, Youngstown State 0 15. Oct. 11 , 1980 EKU 24, Middle T e nnessee 0 16. Oct. 18 , 1980 EKU 25, East Tennessee 6 17. Nov. I , 1980 EKU 24, Murray State 14 18. Nov 22, 1980 EKU 18, Morehead State 14 19. Sept. 5, 1981 EK U 26, South Caro lina State 0 20. Sept. 26, 198 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EK U 37, Akron 0 21. Oct. 3, 1981 ........................ EKU 41 , Austin Peay 14 22. Oct. 17, 198 1 EKU 14 Dayton 3 23. Oct. 24, 198 1 EKU 19, W es tern Kentucky 11 24. Nov. 7, 1981 .................... EKU 63, Tennessee Tech 10 25. Dec. 5, 1981 .......................... EKU 35 , Delawa re 28 26. Sept. 11, 1982 EKU 31, Youngstown State 17 27. Oct. 9, 1982 EKU 35 , Middle Tennessee 10 28. Oct. 28, 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EK U 21, Murray State 20 29. Nov. 20, 1982 EKU 20, Morehead State 3 30. Dec. 4, 198 2 EKU 38, Idaho 30 31. Dec. 11 , 1982 ................ .. .. EKU 13, Tennessee State 7 44 •

TOP 15


To tal Attendance at H a nger Field: 1,047,541

Per Game Attenda nce at Hanger Field: 13,604

I. 25 ,3 00 (Oc t. 20, I 979) EK U 8, Wes t ern Ke n tucky 6 2. 25,000 (Oc t. 22, 1977) • EK U 35 , Western Kentucky I 0 3 24,500 (Oct. 23, 1971) Western Ke ntucky 15, EKU 7 4 24, 200 (Oct. 25, 1975) EKU 13, Wes t e rn Ke n t uck y 7 5. 22, 500 (Oct. 3 1, 1970) EK U 17, Mu rray Stat e 7 6. 2 1,200 (N ov. I , 1980) EKU 24, Murray S ta te 14 7 20, 800 (Oct. 24, 1981) EKU 19, West e rn K e ntu cky l l 8 . 20, 500 (Oct. 26, 1969) .......... W estern Ke ntu c ky 27, E K U 26 20, 500 (Oct. 28, 1972) Murray State 7, E KU 3 10 19, 700 (Oct. 17, 198 1) EKU 14, Dayton 3 11. 19,500 (Oct. 20, 1973) Weste rn K ent u cky 35, EKU 0 12 19, 300 (Oct. 28, 1978) EKU 24 , Murray State 2 1 l 3. 18,300 (Nov 2, l 974) E K U 30, Murra y State l 6 14. 18, 100 (Oct. 28 , 1982) EK U 2 1, Murray S tate 20 15 18,000 (Oct. 2, 1971) EKU 14, Austin Peay 9 18 , 000 (Nov 2 1, 197 0) M o rehead S t ate 15, EKU 13







Ga m rs No Yds. A\lg TD Bird. S E I 3 63 1056 16 8 10 Armst ron g T E 12 38 4 75 12.5 4 Blount FL 13 9 124 13.8 0 Yea s t. FR 12 73 9. 1 0 TEAM ST A TISTICS Thompson. TB 12 4 9 7 0 0 Hai rst o n T B 12 4 23 5.8 0 Broo ks. F L 11 5 10 1 20.2 0 EK U OPP I H ill FL 8 2 13 6 5 0 FIRST DOWNS 23 2 20 7 Codringto n TE 10 I 9 9. 0 0 By Rush ing 130 90 TO T ALS 13 137 1923 14.0 14 By Pas sing 88 107 By Pc mt11 y 14 10 R US H I NG-TI MES CARR I ED 6 25 470 KICKOFF
Yards Gai ne d 28 04 1936 Yard s Lo st 308 408 Games No. Yds. Avg. TD Net Yard s Gained 2496 15 2 8 J am es QB II 24 63 4 26 4 0 Ave ra ge P e r Gam e 19 2 0 1 17 5 I. Hil l. F L 8 ) 158 22. 6 0 A verage P e r Carr y 4 0 J J Po rrnle QB I I 80 26 .7 0 PA SSES A TTF.MPTED 255 386 B roo k s FL I I 4 1 13 7 0 C o mplet ed 137 18 1 Yeas t FB 12 24 12.0 0 Had I nte rcept ed 14 24 Bi rd. SE 13 -4 -2 0 0 Comp P erc e ntage 537 .469 IO T AL S 13 41 93 3 22 8 0 N et Y ard s 1923 2479 Ave rage P e r Gam e 14 7.9 190 7 S cori ng Pas ses 14 15
TOTAi. OFFENSE-TOTAL 880 856 PLAYS Net Ya rds 441 9 400 7 Games No. Yds. A~ g. TD A vera ge P e r Game 339.2 308.l J ames QB 11 22 19 4 8 8 I P IJNTS-NIJMBER 65 86 Bird. SE 13 13 51 3 9 0 Ya rds Punte d 2 6 16 3 12 1 Y o ung DE 10 24 24 0 0 Average P e r P u nt 40. 2 36. 3 Hard in S 12 18 18.0 I FUMBLES-I.OST 45- 20 3 9-13 Mi ms. S I 3 10 10 0 0 PENAl,TIES-YA R DS 9 4- 802 88- 79 3 S imp son DB 11 6 6 0 0 D. H ill. LB 12 - 3 -3. 0 0 Bell. DE 12 0 0 0 0 SCOR E BY QUARTERS T OT AL S 13 4 1 J OO 7 3 I 4 TP EK U 76 10 1 72 87 336 OPP 36 49 44 71 200
RUSHING Games No. Y d s A"£· TD Be ll. DE 12 I 77 77.0 Kelle r D E 5 I 10 10 0 Gamts T im es Gain Loss Net Avg 1'D TOTAL S 13 2 8 7 4 3.5 Hairs to n T B 12 187 923 31 89 2 4 8 6 T h ompson T B 12 182 939 56 883 4 9 PUNTING Ye ast. F B 12 141 50 5 6 4 99 3 5 10 a;,d_ SE 13 13 97 28 69 S J Wo ol u m. QB 13 6 1 206 146 60 1.0 Games No Yds Avi. ton,: Bebe e. FB 7 8 26 0 26 J.J 0 R o w e P 1.l 6 4 26 16 40 9 6l(CF) Warr e n TS 2 32 12 20 2 5 0 T eam 13 I 0 0 0 0 Jo hnson, FB 7 6 20 20 3 3 0 T O TA LS 13 6 5 26 16 40.2 6l(CF) Jame s. QB 11 6 12 11 1. 8 0 Armst ro ng T E 12 I 6 6 6 0 0 I. H il l. F L 8 0 8 8. 0 0
P o rtalc , QB II 0 II - 11 -5 S 0 R owe, P 13 I 0 17 -1 7- 17.0 0 O the r s 2 9 JO 0 30 3 3 0 G TD R K p f·G Sal TP Lovell K 13 0 0 39-4 3 0 11- 21 0 72 TOTA LS IJ 6 25 2804 3082496 4 0 27 Bird SE 13 11 0 0 0 0 0 66 Yeast F U 12 10 0 0 0 0 0 60 Th ompson. TB 12 7 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 PASSING H a i rsto n T B 12 6 0 0 0 0 0 36 A r mstro ng. T E 12 0 0 0 0 0 24 W ool um QB 13 0 0 0 0 0 18 N o. Bell DE 12 0 0 0 0 0 6 Gamts AU Comp. P c1. I nt Yds TD J a mes QB I I 0 0 0 0 6 Wo ol um Q B 13 254 137 539 13 1923 14 Ha rd in. S 12 0 0 0 0 J am es QB II I 0 .000 I 0 0 Jo n e:s: . R OV 13 0 0- 1 0 0 0 P o n a le Q B I I 0 000 0 0 0 EKU 13 44 0 39- 4 3 0- 1 11 - 2 1 0 336 T O T A LS 13 255 137 537 14 192 3 14 Oppo nents 13 25 2-4 15-1 9 2- 2 9- 12 0 200 46



Tac kl es Assis t s Domingue z. LB 69 64 No. \ ' ds Jackson. LB 66 49 Taylor. DT 14 83 A. J o nes. ROV 58 JO McShane NG II 56 Taylor. DT 44 35 Young. DE 8 45 D Hill. LB 43 25 Doming uez. LB 35 M cCullough. DB 45 17 Lauck. lJT-DE 29 McShane. NG 37 25 Bell. DE 29 Hardin S 40 29 Jones. ROV 18 Woods. OT 36 22 Woods , DT 16 Young. DE 29 12 Hill. LB 6 Simmons. LB 17 23 J ackson. LB II Bell DE 25 14 Simmons. L B 3 Parks. DB JI 8 Hardin S 10 M Mim s. S 2 1 14 Ma y DE 9 M ay. DE 17 9 Parks DB 6 Lauck. DT- DE 10 12 McCu llou gh DB 5 Keller. DE II Willoughb y DT 4 Simpson. 08 II Palmer. DT I 3 Willoughb y. DT II 6 TOTALS 87 368 Scannell, D R 6 j Henderson DE 3 Smith. NG 3 Johnson, LB 3 Evanoff. NG
Pa l mer DT Wage rs. OT 0 Oth e rs 10 4 No. Yd s Avg. TD Parks. DB 6 49 8. 2 0 A. J ones R OV 5 66 13.2 0 Mim s. S 4 7 1 1.8 0 C AUSE OF F U MBLE Young DE 14 7 0 0 F U MBL E RECOVERIES H ardin , S 5 2 5 0 McCullough DB 2 0 0 Dominguez. LB 1.0 0 No No Jackson LB 0. 0 0 Jackson LB 4 Park s. DB 2 Lewis. DB 0 0 .0 0 Dominguez. L B 3 H ill. LB 2 Hill LB 0 0 .0 0 H ardin S Mc Sh a ne. NG 2 T OTA LS 24 184 7.7 0 Hill. L B M cCullough. DB 2 McSh ane. NG Tayl o r. DT Ta y lo r. O T Dominguez. LB Woods. OT Willoughby OT Parks DB Simmons. LB Lewis. D B Simpson. DB I TOTALS 14 TOT A L S 13 47



M ost extra points 9 (Jamie l.ovclt vs Tenn. Tech, 198 1)

Longest run from scrimmage 97 yards ( Don Daly vs. Morehead, 1951)

Most runs from scrimmage - 4., (Alfred T hompson vs. M orehead. 1973)

Most yard s rushing 29J (Terc nct: Thompson vs Akron. 1n11

M ost passes at1emptc d - 45 ( .lim Guice vs Middh: T e nnessee. 1966)

M ost passes comple t ed - 25 (Jim Guice vs. Akron 1968)

M ost yards passing 318 (Chris Isaac vs Murra y State. 1981 I

Most touchdown passes thmwn - 4 (Jim Guice vs. N on hwood. 1967 and Ernie House vs. Austin Peay. 1975)

M ost t ouchdowns sco r ed - 4(Aaron Marsh vs. Northwood 1967 : Jimmy Brooks \'S. East Tennessee, 1971: Stan Mitchell vs. Ashland 1975; Terrence Thompson vs A kro n. 1981. and Western Kentuc ky. 1982)

Most passes recei ved 19 (aa ron Mar sh v,; Northwood, 1967)

M os1 recci,..ing yardage 316 (Aaron Marsh vs No rthwo od, 1967)

Most passes intercep1ed 4 ( Buddy Pfaadt vs Au-.tin P eay , 1966)

Most time s punted

Most yards punted 1971)

I J (Jeff McCarthy vs. Morehead 1971 ) 468 ( J eff M cCarthy vs Moreh ead.

L.ongc'it field goal - 49 yards(David Flores vs Murray State 1977. and vs. Nevada•Rcno. 1979)

Longest puni - 78 yards (Bob Plotts vs. T ampa. 1966)

Longest p u nt return - 88 yard s c r ony .lames vs. Austin P ea)' 1982)

Most fie ld goals - J ( J er r y Pullin s vs M orehead. 1961:(; Earl Cody vs. M orehead. 197J, and vs Murray. 1974; David Flore,; \' s Wes t ern , 1978: Jamie L ovell vs. Boise State 198 1)

Most points score d by ki cking - D( Earl CocJy vs. Morehead, 197))

Most yards kickoff returns - 202 (J erry Pa r rish "'S M urray State 1978)

L ongest intercep ti on return 100 (George Floyd vs. Youngs• town State, 1980)


Most points scored - 90 (l)ale Patt on , 1978)

M ost touchdowns scored - IS (Dale Patt on. 1978)

Mo st extra points 39 ( David Flores. 1979. and .lamit LoveIt, 1982)

Most field goals - 14 (.lamit: Lovett. 1981)

Most points scored by kick - 80 (Jamie L ovett. 1981)

M ost runs from scrim mage - 271 (A lfred Thompson. 197 J)

Most yards rushing 1,4 78 (Everett Talbe rt. 1974)

M ost passes atte mpted - 254 (Tuck Woolum, 1982)

Most passes completed - 137 (Tuck Woo lum, 1982)

Btsl passing percentage - 62 1 (Larry Marmie 1965)

M ost ya rds passing - 1,923 (Tuck Woolum. 1982)

Most yards total offense - 1.983 (Tuck W oolum ,

Most touchdown passes thrown - 14 ( Jim Guice 1966. and Tuck Woo l um. 1982)

Most touchdown passes received - 11 (Aaron Ma r sh, 1966)

Best rushing average ( min. 50 times) 6.7 yards(Chuck Bell. 195))

Most yardage on pass receiving - 1 095 (Aaron Ma rsh. 1967)

M ost passes received - 7 "\ (Aaron Mar-.h. 1966)

Bes t punting average 42 2 {Fred Malins, 1965)

Most p asses intercept e d - 10 (G eorge Floyd, 1981)

Most punts re tu rned 36 (George Floyd. 1981)

M ost ya rds on punt returns - 3 14 (George Floyd. 198 1 )

M ost k ickoffs ret u rned - 24 (Jerry Pa rrish. 1981, and Tony James, 1982)

Most yards on kickoff returns 716 (J e rry Par r ish. 1981)


Most yards rush i n g J,842 ( Ji mmy Broo k s. 1961:(- 71)

Most yards passing 5,041 (Jim Gu ice 1965-68)

Most p lays t otal offense 921 (.Jimmy Brooks. 1968- 7 1)

M ost rushing a tt empts - 920 (Jimmy B rooks. 1968- 7 1)

Most field goa ls kicked J8 (Dav id Flon:s. 1977-80)

Most field goals a ttempted 60 ( Da vid Flores. 1977-80)

Most txtrn po in t s kicked - 126(David Flores, 1977-80)

M ost extra point kid attempts IJ I t D avi d Flores. 1977-80)

Mos t points scored by kick 240 ( Da vid Flore s , 1977-80)

Mo,;t points sco red 240 ( David Florts. 1977--80)

Most touchdmms scored J6 (.limmv Rronks. 1968•71)

Most kickoffs re t urned - 74 (J erry P;rrish 1978-8 1)

M()st yard s on kickoffs returned - 2.072 ( lcrry Parri s h. 197881 I

Most consecutive extra points kicked 60 ( D a vid Flo res. 1977-78)

M ost punts returned - 78 (George Floyd. 19 78 -1".1 I )

Most yard s on punt returns - 58J (George F loyd, 1978-81 )

Most passes lntcret:·pt ed 22 (George F loyd, 197X•XI)

M ost yards inte rce ption re t urns - J2X (George Fl oyd 1978• 8 1)

Rest kickoff return average - 28 0 ( .lcrry Parrish. JIH8·81 )


M ost po ints sc ored hy opponent - 99 vs Wittcnbtrg in 1931

L argest vic tor y m argin 67-0 vs. Morehead in 1925

LargesL dL·ft!at marg in 99-0 vs Wittenberg in 19 3 1

Most ne t ya rds rushing - 510 vs. East Tennessee in 1977

M osl pass a ttempts - SO vs Akron in 196S

M ost pass completions 29 vs Akron in 196X

Mos1 pass in g yardage - 425 vs. t\'orthwood in 1%7

Most vards to ta l offense - 662 vs. Ea s t Te nnc ss('e in 1977

Most first downs - JJ vs Wisconsin -Oshkosh in 1975

Most firs t downs rushing 2J vs. Ashland College in 1975

Mos1 touchdowns scored 9 vs. Evansvi lle in 1953: \' S Tennessee Tech. 1981

M ost extra poinh - 9 \'S T ennessee Tech. 19Xl

M ost yards penali,ed - 155 vs Morehead, 19 77

Least ncl yards rushing by opponent - (-4)) vs M iddle T ennessee. l9X I

Most touchdown passes - 6 \'s Northwood in 196 7

Fewest first d owns given up 2 vs Mu r ray State i n 1976


Undefeated seasons - 1940 (8-0-0) 1954 (8--0·1) 1982 11 3-0-0)

Mos t win s 13 , 1982 ( 13-0-0)

M os t defe a t s - 8 in 1929 ( 1-8--0)

Mos t tics Jin 19JJ { 1-2<'1

M os t points sc o red 375 (1981)

Mos 1 points by oppos i tion - 264 ( l9JO )

least point s scored 15 (19.10)

M os t consec uti ve games withou l a loss IS ( 19SJ -5 4-55) 2 tics

Most consecutive games won - U ( 19]9-40-4 1) and

Most touchdowns scored 48 ( 1981)

Mos t extra points kided 41 (1 98 1)

• Tangerine Bo wl Game not included

Most p a sses rnmplcttd 170 ( 1967)

M ost passes allcmpted - JOO ( 1967)

Best passing perce nlage - 58 2 ( 1965)

Leas t yards rushing by o pp o nents - 951 ( 195 J)

Leas t yards passing by opponents 48 7 f 1957)

Bes l punting avera ge 42 2 ( 1965)

Most yards pcnal i1ed 80."\ ( 1981)

M os t y,irds rushing J.07X ( 191$1)

M ()s t yards passing - 2,133 ( 1967 )

Best to ta l offense - 5.006 (1981)

Most first downs rushing - 158 t 1979)

M os1 passes intercepted by 26 ( 1981)




Most Yard s Gained Rushing 3 .114 M idd le Tennessee

Most Avg. Yards Per Game 3 11.4

Mi dd le Tennessee

Fewest Yards by Oppo ncnts--485 -

W este rn K y.•...

Most Rushing Atte mpt s-722 - Tenncsscc Te c h

Most Touchdowns Rushi ng--42 - Middlc Tenn

M os1 First Llowns Rus hi ng 134 Eastern K y


Mos, Yard s Gained Passing - 2,433 - Murray

Mo s t Average Yards Per Gamc - 243 3 - Murray

Mos t Atlempl s - 380- Murrav

Mo s t Complctions- 190 ·

M urray East T e nncss cc

Best Complet ion P crcentage - 66.1

M idd le Te nnessee

Fewest Yards By Opponent 365

Western K y

Mos! Touchdowns Passing 25

M urray

Western K y

M ost Firs t D ow ns P ass ing 95

Wes 1ern K y

M os1 Passes Had Intercept e d 35 -

Au s t in Peay

Mo st Passes l n tercep1ed 34 East Tennessee

F ewest Touchdown Passes Al lo wed - I

M iddk T enncssec

T cnnessce Te ch

I NG High est Score - 71 - Murray \ ' S Iowa Wcs leyan(l2 ) 1967 M ost TDs Scorcd - 10- Murra y vs Iowa Wesleyan 1967 Most PATS K icked - 9 Eastern Ky. vs. Tennessee Tech 1981 T ennesee Tech. vs E Tennessee 1977 Most Field Goals - 3 - E Ten nessee vs. More head 1961 (Record Tied on Twelve Other Occasions) Most Two-Point Conversions 3 Middle Tennessee vs. UT Martin 1967 Eastern Kentuck y vs. Nort hwood 1967 M ost Safeties - 2 - Auslin Pea y vs. Middle Tennes see 1968 TOTAL OFFENSE Most Tot al Yards Gained 662Eastern Kentuck y vs East Te nnessee 1977 M 0s1 Pla ys 94 Tennessee Tech vs M orningsidc 1972 Western Kentucky vs. Mu rr a y • .•• 1969 Fewest Total Yards Allow ed 13 yards Weste rn K e ntucky vs. Butle r 1971 R US HI NG Most Yards Rushing - 510 Easte rn Kentucky vs. East Tennessee 1977 Fewest Yard s Ru sh ing- M inus 63 Austin Peay vs. Morehead 1971 Fewest Yards Allowed Opponent Minus77 Western K y vs Day1on 1974 Most Rushing Plays - 83T e nnessee T ec h vs. Mornings ide 1972 Fewest Rushing Play s - 9M o rehead~v s Middle Tennessee 1951 Best Rushing Average - 8.6Eai>tcrn Ky vs. Eas t Tennessee 1977 PASS I NG M ost Yards Passi ng- 425 Eastern Kentucky vs J\orthwood Murra:,- vs Middle Tennesste Most Passes Attemptcd - 59Western K y. vs. Akron Most Passes C ompleted - 37Westcrn Ky. vs Akron M ost Tou chdown Passes 61967 1967 1969 1969 Eastern Kv. vs. Northwood 1967 M ost T wo - P oi~t Conversions-• 3M iddlc Ten nessee vs. UT Martin 1967 Best Comp. Pe rcen tage 80 0Western Ky vs Delta State ( 16 of 20) 1952 Eastern K y vs. Dayton (12 of 15) 1978 M ost Passes H ad lntercepted - 7Morehead vs. Western K y • • • • 1965 East Tt:nnessee vs Austin Peay • • • • 197 1 Most Passes l nlercepted - 7W e stern K y vs. Morehead 1965 East Tennessee vs. Austin Peay 197 1 Most Yards l ntcrccpti ons Re turned - 139Western Ky. vs West Ill i nois 1968 Fewes t Passing Yards Allowed - Minus 3 Western K y vs. Austin Peay 1973
Most P unt - 14 Austin Peay vs Tennesee Tech 1971 Best Puntin g Avcrage - 54 0M iddle Tennessee vs Ball State 1974 Most First Downs 33- Ea!';tern Ky vs Wisco nsin Oshkosh 1975 Most Fi rs t Downs Rush ing- 23Tenn essce Tec h vs. Morningside 1972 East ern Ky vs. Ashland • • • • • 1975 M ost First Down s Pa s sing - 19Murray vs I owa Wesleyan 1967 49 Eastern Ky vs Northwot)d Most Fum bles - 12 - Tennesscc Tech vs. Murray Most Fumbles Lost - 7 - Tennessee Tec h vs. Western Ky Most Fumbles R eco vncd 71967 1972 1967 Western K y vs Tennessee Tec h 1967 Wc,.tcrn K y vs C. W P ost 1974 Mos1 Yards Penalized 191 Morehead vs Eastern 1969 Most Kick o ffs K icked I I •- Murray vs. Io wa Wesleyan Most Kicko ffs Recei ved - 10 T ennessee Tech vs. Eastern Ky. Most Yard s on Punt Returns 153Western Ky \"S Morehead Mos t Y ards Kicko ff Rcturns - 202 Eastern Ky. vs. Mu rray SEASON SCOR I NG 1967 198 1 195) 1978 Most Points Scored 377 Western K y 197:\ Fewest Poin ts Scored - 20 - M o rc hcad 1953 Most Points Yielded - 321 - M urray 1966 F e we!';t Points Yielded -40 - Middle Tennessee 1957 Most Touchdo wns - 54 Wc stc rn Ky 1973 Most PA Ts Kicked 45 - Western K y. 1973 Most Field Goals - II - Middle Tennessee 1971 Murray 1971. Tenn Tech 1972 Most Points Scored Ktckin g- 67 - ( 13 FGs 2ij EPs) Ea stern Ky 1980 Mos t Safeties 4 Middle Tennessee 1965 M ost Poinis Per Game 37 7 Western K y. 1973 TOTAL Ol'l'ENSE Most T otal Yards Ga ined - 4 ,071 - W estern K y. 1973 Fewest Yards By Opponcnts - 1,511Western Ky . 19 71 Most Plays -
- Eas tern Ky. 1976 Mos , A
Game -
ve rage Ya rds Per
este rn Ky.
•• • .• • • ••
1959 196) 1972 1959 1978 19M 1968 1967 1967 197 ) 1965 1960 1968 197) 197 ) 1969 1969 1957 1972






Most Yards Tot.ti Olfcnsc 42~ J<,hnn y Vance.

vs Akron

Most Play s Total Offense 69 J oh nn y Vance. WK vs Akron

Highest Avcra~c Per Pl.ty 20.0 ( 120 yard,s. in() ;ms )

Ha l Emnson EK \ "S Wis cons in- Oshko s h 1975


Most At1 empts 4J 1 \ lfrn.l Thompson. E K vs. M o 197.l

M ost Yards (laincd Rushing 297 C larrncc Ja ckso n.

vs Butler

L ongest Run from Scrimmage - 97 y.H"ds D on Daly EK vs M o

Carl Walk e r. Mu vs AP


M ost A11crnpt s 59 J o hnn y Vance. WK v-. Akron

Most Complet io n s 3 7 - Johnny Vance. WK vs Akr o n

Most Co nsecuti ve C'omplt: tions 11 B illy Walker, MT vs U T Mart in 1967

Best percentage 100'/r, Tedd y Mor r i s (9 -9), MT vs. UT Chattanooga 1965

Mo st Yard s G ained Pass ing 425 - Larry T illman. Mu \ 'S MT 1967

Mo st T ouchd own Passes 6 Charles !'o ne r

Mo \S Ma rshall 1950

M ost Pa sses C aught 20 Hamid R(lbcns

AP vs. Murray ( NCAA Record) 1967

Most Yard!- On Passes Caught 316 !\aron Marsh

EK v s :'\orthwo(,d 1967

M <ist T ouch down Passes Caught 4 Aaro n Marsh. EK vs. i\orthwood 1967

Har ol d Robert s AP vs. Mu rray 1967 Porter \Villiarns WK vs. Murray 197.1

Most lntcrcep1ions 4 Budd y Pfaadt. EK vs AP 1966

Longes t Pass Completion 96 ya rds

LCl) Peckenpaugh t o P o rt er Wi ll iams. WK vs M u. 1970

Most Two - P o i nt Conversions J Uilly Walke r. MT V!'.> UT Mart in 1967

Most Point s By Pas s ing 36 Billy Walker.

MT vs llT Martin


M ost P o 11Hs 28 11..trold R o ben s Al' vs. Mu

Most Touchd O\A.' ll!'.> 4 H e ld b) ~inc Pl a)'ers



Most Points By Kic kin g IJ Earl Cody (.l FG·s 4 EP).

EK vs MO


Most Ex trn Po in ts Kick ed

Jam ie Lo\"e tt \" S I en n f cc h

Mo st F ie ld G o ab J P a t llauscr. ET \ll- i\1o (Tied b y I e n O th er:-.)

Longt""st Fiel<l (Jo:.il 5~ y ards S t an Watt:-,, Mu \"S WK

Mos t Punts !4 Mike Johm;o n, AP \' S TT

Uest Punt A,1 crage 54.0 Mike Shawcn.

MT\ :-,, Ball State

L onges t Punt 81 y ard!'.> C hip Johnso n. AP vs



Longest Punt R eturn 100 yard s Phil 1- os t er, Mu vs. M o 1950

Longest K i c koff Re t urn 100 yards

H eld hy Seven P l ayer:-.

L ongest Pass Intercept io n Return - 100 yards


Ray Oldh;.1m MT vs , U T Ch attanooga 1970

Georgt Floyd. E K vs Ymrng!'.>tOwn 1980

1.ongcs t Run with Rccowrcd Fumhk 99 yard:-.

Ray Nea l. M T vs _ Muskingham 1964

M ost Yards Ki c koff Returns 20 2 Jerr y Parrish

Eastern Kentuck y vs _ Murray State 197&



Most Tota l Ya rds 2.7~2 C harles Porter, Morehead 1950

Most Tota l Plays 464 Larr} Tillm an Murra y 1967


Most Ru s h ing At t empt s 286 Larry Schreiber.

rcnnessec rech

M os t Yard s Rush i ng 1.522 La rry Sc hre i ber.


Ten nessee Tech 1969

H ighest Rushing Avt:ra g c 9 1 R a y P u r vis.

Middle Tennessee ( M in 50 a tt. ) 1959


Mos 1 Pas s Auempt s 31'!0 L arry T illman Murra y 1967

Most Pass Com pleti o ns 190 Lury Tillman.

Mur r ay 1967

Most Yards Ga ined Passing 2.345 Charks Porter

M o r e head 1950

Best Co mpleti o n P e rcentage 66.2(/ ( Char les P orter.

M o r ehead 1950

Mosl To uc hduwn passes Thrown 25 l.arry Tillman, Mur r a y 1968

Mos1 Pa sses Caught XX H aney Tanntr

M urr;.1 v 1967

Mos 1 Yard s on Pa sses Cau g ht 1.069 Aarnn M.:1rs h.

Ea~tern K y 1967

Most Touc hdown Passes C a ug ht 13 Hill y Hess.

M u rra y 1968

M ost P a sses In te rcept ed 12 John Fit,patrick

T e nnessee T ec h


M ost P oints Scored l 14 Dickie M oore

We s t ern K e nwck y

M ost I ouc hd o wns S core d 19 Dicki e Moore

W estern K en 1L1ck y


19 73

Most P oi nts Uy K ick in g 60 Butch (.i c nt ry.

Tenness ee T ec h


M ost Extra Poim s K icked 37 Jerry Pu llin s

L1s1crn Kcnwcky

M o~t Fidd Goah 11 Srnn \Va t h. Mur ray and Kenny N o lan Middk Trnncs sec

Bu1ch Gentr y. Ttnnt.·ssec Tech

Most Punts 10 Richard McCilothlin.

E ast rc n ncss cc

Be:-.t Pum in g Avera ge 43 9 Mik e S hawen.

J\.1idd k Tcn nt.'s~c1._.

M os t Punb Rcwrntd 50 V ir1;il L1\" Crs.

Wc~t ern Kentuck y

M O!'.>t Punls Returned fo r Sco re

M o ll o llingsworth. M o rche ;.1d

Virgil Livers. W est ern Kentu c k y

OTHERS M OSI P un t s 90 Aus t in Peay 1971 M ost First Downs - 242 - East Trnncsscc 197J Fewes t F i rst Downs Allowed 84 Middl e Tennessee 1957 ..
197 1
1981 1967 1971
WK \ S Butkr 197 1 Alan C o ktr. WK V!'.> MT 197 1
t Punt s Returned 9 Alan Co ker.
os1 Yards Punt s R e turned 145 Virg
vcr s WK vs ET 1974 50
il Li
1967 1967 1972 19M 19 71 1972 1969 1974 1974 1971 1974
. : ..... . . . . . . . . . . ... • • • • • •• • r...a.. • ••••






Won I.. os t Tied Pct. Y ears I. Eut<m K<nhKky 144 82 7 .633 1-.12 2 Youngstown State 9 6 0 .600 1981-82 3 Midd le T e nnessee 11 4 96 .54 2 1948-82 4. Tcnncssee T cch 123 105 5)9 1948- 82 5 A kron II 10 .523 1980-82 6. Murray State 106 124 .462 1948-82 7. Aus t in Pe ay 62 91 .406 196)-82 8. Morehead State 66 160 .298 1948-82 TEAM
I. East ern Kentucky 10 268 26.8 198 7 198 . 7 22 1544 154.4 II 3531 353.1 2 Youngstown State II 246 22.4 2044 185.8 19 1440 130 9 6 34 84 316.7 3 Akron II 188 17 1 2178 198.0 14 1280 116 4 344 8 313.4 4 Austin Peay 10 156 15 6 1567 156.7 18 1483 148 3 3050 305.0 5 Middle Tennessee II 231 21.0 2 156 196.0 15 919 83.l 9 3075 279 5 6. Tenn essee Tech II 165 15.0 1392 126 .l 8 154 3 140.2 12 2935 266.8 7. M ur ray S tate II 14 3 13.0 1486 135 1 1286 1 16 9 9 2772 252.0 8. More hea d State II 174 15.8 l002 91.1 II 1583 143 9 10 2585 235.0
G Pt s A vg. TDs Allow Yd R Avg. Y d P Avg Tot. Avg. R r Tot. I. Mid die Tennessee II 110 10. 0 4 8 12 918 83.5 1262 114.7 2 180 198 2 2 Akron II 144 13 .1 6 15 1496 I 36.0 1300 118. 2 2796 254 .2 ) More head S tate II 206 18.7 14 6 ' 25 1208 109.8 1"702 154.7 29 10 264.5 4. Youngstown St at e II 248 22 5 12 17 '33 1213 110.J 1984 180 4 3197 290.6 5 . East e rn Kentuck y 10 149 14.9 8 10 18 1232 123 2 18)5 18).5 3067 306.7 6. Murra y Stal e II 162 14. 7 II '1 9 2067 187.9 15 12 1) 7 5 3579 .125.4 7 T ennessee Tech II 254 23.0 22 10 JJ 1800 16) 6 1859 169.0 3659 332 6 8 Austin Pea y 10 262 26 2 2) 10 35 2551 255.1 131 8 131.8 3869 386.9
pt ion returns MISCELLANEOUS Finl Downs Pass~ lnt cptd F umblN Lost Yds . P e n . Own - Opp. Own - Opp Own - Opp Own - Opp. I. Eas t ern Kentucky 186 - 152 19 - 12 3S-l7 28-9 643 - 584 2 Akron 183 - 139 I I - 12 14-9 25~ 10 444 422 .1. Mid d le T ennessee 156 - 129 21 39-26 38-22 604 - 622 4 You ngs t ow n S tat e 166 - 169 19 - 19 34- 17 27 - 15 544 - 573 5. M o rehead S1 a1c 186 - 152 19 - 12 35- 17 28-9 64 3 - 584 6 Murray Sta te 133 - 199 10 - 15 32- 14 27-1 1 592 - 568 7. Aus tin P eay 154 - 193 15 - 12 48-2 1 36-24 431 568 8 Tcn nessee Tech I ll - 201 18 - 21 27 - 18 29 - 16 669 - 596
*I nclu des T Ds allowe d on kick or int e rce
CONFERENCE G AMES A LI. GAMES w I. T PF PA w L T PF PA I [ast ern Kentucky 7 0 188 95 10 0 268 149 2 Akron 0 17 1 97 0 188 144 1 Mi ddle T e nn ess ee 127 84 0 231 110 ' .l Yo ungsiown St at e 0 167 131 0 246 248 5 More head S1a 1e 0 95 157 6 0 174 206 '5 Murray State 0 9 6 I 19 0 14 3 162 5 Aust i n Peay 0 96 188 0 156 262 8. Tennessee Tcch 0 96 181 0 165 254 •Inclu des designated OVC game vs. Western Kentuck y 52







G Att. Rush P as.< Yds. YPG I. Tuck Wo ol um, EK 10 264 54 1544 1598 1 59.8 2. Mike Katzman. AP 10 3 16 239 1247 1486 148 6 3 Jame s Black . AK 9 306 I 188 0 118 8 13 2. 0 4 Wi nston Ford , MU II 291 318 1 11 1 14 29 129. 9 5. Paris Wicks. YS I I 285 139 2 II 1403 127.5 6 Griffin Ke ys . YS 9 178 160 758 91 8 102 0 7. Ke vin Meade. AK II 183 • 8 1080 1072 9 7.4 8 Mark P o wers . TT II 256 • 3 2 1101 1069 9 7. 1 9. Ed Hairston. EK 149 765 0 765 85.0
P ass G Att. Comp. Int. Yds TD Pct. Elf I. Tuck Woolum. EK 10 208 111 II 1544 II .534 122 6 2. Ke vi n Mead e AK I I 148 76 10 1080 7 5 10 I 15 J 3 Griffin Keys. YS 9 10 4 56 7 758 4 538 114 3 4 Mi ke Ha nlin . MO 10 132 67 10 773 6 .508 99.8 5 Mike Ka t1.m a n. AP 10 229 Ill I I 124 7 2 48 5 87 5 6. Mark Powers. TT I I 2 IO 91 15 1101 9 43 3 8 7.2 7 Brad Ze itn e r. MT I I 124 5 1 61 5 6 .411 86 9 8 Winston Ford . MU I I 215 94 I I 1111 6 4 37 86 I
G R Yds YPR TD YPG I. James Blac k. AK 306 1188 J 9 6 132 0 2 Par is Wicks. YS II 282 1392 4. 9 10 126 5 J Ed Hairston, EK 9 149 765 S. I 5 85.0 4 Regg ie Ba zd . TT II 18 7 889 4 .7 5 80 8 5. Terence Thompson, EK 9 124 630 5. 1 6 70 0 6 Dann y Co lwe ll MT I I 124 6 97 5 6 63. 4 7 Roge r C leveland . MO 7 77 3 25 4 2 46 4 8 Kev in Bake r. MT II 104 505 4 .6 45.9
G CT Yds TD RPG I. S t eve Bird EK 10 4 7 803 8 4.7 2 Mark Le dford . MO I I 4 5 609 4 .1 J Tron Armstrong, EK 10 JS 422 3 5 4 Da v id Thurkil l. MO II 37 398 3.4 5 S tan T rice MU II 36 546 J J 6. Ric k Bai ley. AK I I 33 555 3 0 7 Jack Kelle y T T I I 32 4 90 2 9 8 Je ff Pa tt e rso n. YS I I 28 6 1 I 2 5 8 To m my M ic hae l. A P 8 20 260 2 5
G TD EP FG T P PPG I. P aul Mc Fadd e n YS I I 0 2 1 17 72 6 .5 2 Ke ll y Po tte r. MT I I 0 2 6 13 65 5 9 J J am ir lovetl. EK 10 J I 9 58 5.8 4 Paris Wi c ks. YS I I 10 0 0 60 5.5 5 Steve Bird. EK 10 9 0 54 5.4 6. Nid.y Yust . EK 10 8 0 48 4.8 7. Den nis Hec kma n. A K I I 0 21 I I 4 8 4. 4 8 Lenn Du ff. MO 10 0 18 8 4 2 4 2 9 Eve re tt S malls . AP 7 5 0 0 30 4.3 53






G FG EP•Att TP P PG I Paul McFadden. YS II 17•27 2 1.22 72 6 5 2 Ke lly Potter, MT II 13.27 2~28 65 5 9 3. J amie Lovttt, EK 10 ~17 3 1·34 58 5.8 4. Denn is H eckman, A K II 11 19 21·22 48 4.4 5. Len n Duff. MO 10 8-IO 18·18 4 2 4 2 6 Ray Mullican , T T II 8·13 19·19 4 3 3.9 7 Jeff Lancas1er. MU II 9- 11 12·14 39 3.5 8. Duane Eggert. AP 9 2• 6 7.7 , u 1.4
N o. Y ds Avg. I. Tony Jam r-s. EK '18 4 77 26 5 2 Ronald Hopkins. MU 23 524 22 8 3. Fred Motes. AP 24 539 22 5 4. Ron Bran t AK '1 9 401 2 1.1 •On e TD
N o. A"C · I J ohn Christophe r, MO 93 43.9 2. Nick Xides. YS 63 40 2 3 S teve R o w e , EK 46 40. 1 4. Lee Alford MU 39 3 7 7 5 Steve Williams. A P 71 37 6 6 Mark Pemberton. TT 33 37 2 7 Jimmy Mer ryman. MT 68 36 3 8 J im Lc ichlitcr. AK 63 3 5.3
N o Yds. A vg. I. Don Griffin. MT 20 222 I I.I 2. T on y Jam n, [ K ' 18 172 9.6 3 Rona ld H opkins. M lJ 27 249 9.2 4. Robe rt Thompson. YS • 20 181 9.1 • one TD
No Yds. IPG I. James Griffin. MT 8 106 07 I. Dave Peters YS ' 8 10 2 0.7 J Billy Blaylock. TT 6 95 0 .6 3 G us Parks. EK 6 49 0. 6 •One T O 54



T Assl. Tot. I Dann y Goo ch. M O 89 80 169 2. J e ff Daughtry TT 9 3 58 151 3. J e ff Lak e AK 81 63 144 4. G le nn J o nes M lJ 7 0 65 135 5 Ed Gr i msl ey. AK 64 6 5 129
No Y ds. I. To m Cullen YS 19 1 13 2 D e nnis Mix. M T 17 8 6 3 Bill y Golds m i1h. MO 17 6 1 4 M e lvi n Rom ine YS 15 9 7 5 D anny Gooch MO 14 59 55




•Denotes 1981 All•OVC selection

Na m e P o s. Sch o ol HI. Wt Class Hometown • Paris Wi c ks RB Youngstown State 5-8 166 Sr. Akron OH J ames Black RB Univ. of Akron 5- 11 180 J r Dove r O H T u ck W o olum QB Ea stern Ke nt u ck y 5- 11 195 Sr. P i n evi ll e , KY T r o n A rmst ron g TE East ern Ken tuc k y 6-2 202 J , S t. P e t ersbu r g, FL Rick M cDona ld OT Youngstown State 6-2U 4 280 J,. Canton. OH Charles T ucker OT Austin Pe ay 6-5 245 S r. At lanta GA • C hris T ay l or OG Easl ern K enluc ky 6- 3 235 S r Wayc ross, G A • P hil Poirier OG M urray S t at e 6-3 250 Sr Sarasota FL Brian C la rk C Univ of Ak ron 6-3 230 J r Ceda rv ille , OH S t ev e Bird WR East ern K e nt u c ky 5- 11 17 1 S r. Corbi n , KY M a rk Ledford WR Moreh e ad S ta te 6-1 166 Jr . Mt. Ster li n g. KY S t an Trice WR Murray S tat e 5- 11 175 Jr. E va nsv ille I N Dennis Heckman K Univ of Akron 5- 10 170 Jr Co ple y. OH
Name Pos. Sch o ol H t. w,. Cl a ss H ometown •E manuel Toles DL Middl e Ten n essee 6-3 205 Sr Forsyth GA • Randy Tay lor D L East ern Ke nlu ck y 6-4 230 S r C i ncinnati , O H Joe Myers DL Univ. of Akron 6-4 245 Sr. Stow, OH • Dennis Mix DE Mid dle T enn es see 5- 11 190 Sr. M cMinnville TN To n y Philpott DE U niv of A k r on 6-0 195 Sr Clevela n d. O H • A l ex Domi n g uez L B Easl e rn Ke n tu c ky 6-0 2 15 s,. S Mi a mi , FL Ed Grimsley LB Univ of Akron 6-1 200 So C ant on. OH • James Griffin DB M iddle Tennessee 6-2 190 Sr. P e lham GA Billy Blaylock DB Tennessee Tech 5-11 180 Sr. Mariett a GA Ron ald H opk ins DB Murray State 5-1 I 175 Sr. f i p1onv i lle T N Dave Peters DB Youngstown Sta te 6-0 184 J r Barberton. O H • J oh n Christopher p M orehead State 6-2 194 Sr Norw alk, OH
OVC Offens ive Player of the Year S i en Bird , Wid e R ecei ver , Eastern K ent u c k y OVC Defens ive Player of the Year - De n ni.s Mix End. M iddle Tennessee OVC Co•Coaches of th e Year - Roy Kidd, E as tern K e n tucky, an d J im Denn ison Akron 56


' Note: T here were no teams for t he 1917 and 1918 sea so ns due t o World Wa

EKU 1910 OPP 5 Ru:hmond (City Te am) 15 16 R1('hmond (City Team) 5 0 Lexingt o n H S 22 0 Pleasureville 5 0 Stanfo rd H S 16 Reco r d 1-4-0 EK U 1911 OPP 0 Caldwell H .S 0 21 P ans H S. 5 0 R ich mond S1a,~ J 5 Caldwe l l H .S 10 0 Par is H .S Record 1-3-1 [ KU 1912 OPP 0 Richm()nd ( City Team) 0 12 M illcn,bu r g M. 1. 13 0 Lc:ongton H. S 3.S 26 Thrd k(' ld Select 6 14 Cynthiana H S O C Mi llcr -.burg M I J 0 Georgetown 44 7 Cyn th iana H S 0 St an ford H. S (NA) R e('ord : 3-4-2 E K U 191J O PP J S tanford H S 7 14 K e ntuck y Wesleyan 12 Transylvania EK U lost; no score'." li s t ed Lexingt o n H S (NA) Record : 1-2-0 [ KU 19 14 OPP S1anford H S 7 IJ Lan caster H. S. 0 7 K en tucky W e!:>kya n I J 0 Cy nth iana H S 6 34 We stern 6 0 Somerset H S 46 0 West ern 18 0 Cy nthiana H S. 81 0 St an ford H .S 6 Record: 2- 7-0 EKU 1915 OPP 6 Miller sburg M .I 0 0 K entuc k y Wes leyan ) 3 0 W estern 0 0 M iller s burg M I 0 6 W estern 0 Record : 2- 1- 2 EKU 19 16 OPP 19 Ke ntu cky W es leyan 0 14 Lincoln County 26 13 W est ern 12 0 C en t re 26 6 L exingt on H .S 18 16 W est ern 0 Record: 4-3--0
r I. [ K lJ 191 9 OPP 0 Paint Lick 0 Pam H S 4 0 R el.'.urd 0- 2- 0 [KU 1920 OPP 7 Pa int Lick l I Paml Lid R1 c:hmontl Amer I.cg H U los t : nt.J SCO rt'. h sted Gcoq et own (NA) Rec o rd : 2- 1-0 EK U 19 21 O P P 7 Paint L ick 0 0 K entudi)' Wesleyan 0 0 U K Soph orrwres 20 0 Cumberl and 33 W e stern 21 R ecor d : 1- J-I F.kU 1922 OPP 0 W e sley a n 7 0 Transy Fr osh _ 0 0 Tran s y F ro,h I l 6 C umbe rland 0 6 Wes tern 47 0 Georgetown 1-"rmh 0 40 Union. Reco rd : 2 -J-2 F.k U 19 23 OPP 0 St at e Frosh 0 C.eorgernw n Fro!«h 6 C u mberland 26 0 Ke nlud y Wesleyan 9 6 U nion College 6 Tran s y Rl."ser \l C 0 12 Cc n t r (' Frosh 2 1 19 U n ion Col lege 0 Record : 3-5- 1 f. KU 1924 OP P 0 We sleyan _ 27 19 Cumberland 6 I 3 George1own F ro\h 0 49 S1 M ary·s 0 7 L.M U. 13 0 Trans y l 6 14 M o rehead 0 JJ Union _ 0 Reco , d:5 - 3-0 EK U 1925 OP P 0 U k Frosh 14 Georgetown I 3 0 L. M .U 0 13 SL M ary•~ 6 Transy 7 67 More h ea d 0 49 U ni on 0 R ecord: 3- 3- 1 57 E klJ 19 26 U Ma nh all Co lkgt' 13 I.MU 0 G e o rg clOwn 0 T ran~y 48 Union 7 Indiana f ca..:ht"r\ 41 E Tenn Norma l 19 St M a ry·, Cullegt' 0 M orr 1, Hane~ Collc:tc Roe.·<-·ord· 4 - -0 Ekl l 1927 0 C('ntr e 39 Union 6 W nle; dn 3 I E T Tea1.·hcf\ I 3 Tu,c ul un1 12 \.1or<'hca tl I 3 U of L Jl St. Mar y·, 0 W e\ lern Rt:,: Orel 5-4-0
19 28 0 l o u1sv11le M o r ns Har\ey 0 M orehe a d 0 T 1a11s~lvania 0 K ent uck y Wesleyan 7 U nmn Rt'TOrd : 0- tH)
KlJ 19 29 l Um o n 14 Su e Bennett 0 Mu rray 6 More h ead 0 Transy 0 G e or gclOwn 6 lJ o f L 0 Wesleyan 0 We ,;1e rn Re..:ord: 1-8 -0
1930 0 S u e Bennelt 0 Mu rr a y 0 U of L 0 W e\ky a n 13 Mor ehe ad 2 T ran\y 0 Un io n 0 \\.'estern Recor d : J.J Q E k U 193 1 3 I S u e 1:knnell 0 Ohio N o 11hern 0 W ittenberg 12 U of L 0 Geo rge1 o wn 8 L. M U 7 W c s1ern R.:ro r d: 1-6 -0 OPP 14 0 l1 ll 6 IO 6 0 3 OPP 7 0 8 0 0 6 21 6 12 OP P 72 18 18 64 40 3 4 OPP 19 8 46 13 36 38 19 26 36 OPP 6 l2 52 )3 0 26 4l 50 OPP 0 16 .99 19 25 13 42
F.KU 19Jl OPP t:KlJ IY38 OPP EKU 1945 OPP 6 Georgetown 7 19 G .:01ge to w n 0 19 Indianapolis S1a1e ..... 12 38 U o f I 0 7 Tran ~y 0 14 Tenn Tech 12 0 Union 0 19 F.ast Ten n Teac.: her s 0 Centra l M ich 14 0 T ram y 0 47 Cent ral N o r n1al 0 M urr a y 19 M orehead 0 0 Mort"head 0 6 Val p arai so 7 R eror d. 2-1 - 2 7 We 'i ern )2 0 Catawba 1l 36 Indian a St T 1."achers 7 32 Tenn. Tech 0 18 Li m on 0 54 Kirk sv ille ( M issouri) 0 Re l ord: 6 - I -0 Record: 4-3 - 1 F.KU 1933 OPP 6 Union 6 0 Georgl.'town 0 0 Ea ~, Tenn 0 0 T ransy 6 6 Mor ehe ad 0 F:l(ll 1939 OPP F.Kl! 1946 OPP l l o u , ~vllk I J 21 Ca ro;.on N e wman 13 Tenn. Tech 0 Reco r d I l l w Tram,y 7 Ca taw ba 9 20 C umberland 0 7 Cent r al Mi c:h ig an 20 14 Cen tral M ichigan 18 2 6 Murra y 11 l 1 Georget o w n 0 7 Tenn Tech 20 l:K t! 1934 OPP 6 M or ehead 7 12 Val para iso 7 0 Miami (Oh10J 19 J2 U n i on l 6 M orehead 12 T ran'i.y 18 0 we 10:rn, 26 28 l! or L 7 7 Union 14 28 Indiana Teacher ~ We st e rn 0 Georgetown 18 Record: 6-J -0 Record: 5-4-0 7 M o r ehead 0 9 W e 'i t ern 47 6 Lou1w1lle I ] Rernrd 1-6-0 OPP EKU 1947 OPP f:Kl! 1940 14 Eastern Ill i nois I l EKU 20 lllino 1~ Nor mal 0 6 Mar sh all 7 1935 OPP )5 Nonhero Ill. 0 7 M1am 1 (Oh io ]] l l Mu rr a y 21 66 A lfred Holbroo k 27 M ore h ead I J 3 4 Emo r y a nd H enry 0 39 Arkansa s A&M 0 52 Hiwa'iSCt 0 0 18 Val para i so 0 6 Georgeto wn 48 Bowling Gr e e n (Oh io ) ]4 M o rthead K 25 Centra l M ichigan 0 9 u or L 0 1l U o f L 14 0 Cenirt 4 8 Cumbe rland 27 We stern 7 19 53 M orehe ad 0 J I King Coll e g e 6 SE Loui si a na JO 6 Tr ao ~y Reco r d: 8 -0 -0 R ecord: 5 -4 -0 7 Un io n 7 6 T ramy 12 6 \\ 1 e\tCI T\ 4() R e ("or d : 4 -6 · I t:K l! 1948 OPP E K l! 1941 OPP 0 Xavier U niverrny JI 18 N w M i,;so ur i 7 25 E astern lllinoi ~ 14 F.KlJ 1936 OPP 14 C ar s o n N ewman 0 20 Mar s ha ll 7 ) 9 M arshal l () 6 Mu rray 0 6 M u r ray 0 7 Frank li n ( In d ) 0 i , K mg Coll ege 0 ]5 E mory and H enry 6 ] 4 Alfred H o l brook 0 20 We,;1ern 2 7 20 M ich i gan N o rmal 0 7 Morehead 19 41 Cieorge1ow n 0 7 M o r eh ea d 0 6 Cic::or gec o wn 2 5 4 111. N ormal 0 0 E v anwille 9 u or 1 l2 Morehead I J 13 W estern 14 I ] Tran<,y Rn:o r d : 7 - 1 -0 32 Nori hem lllin o i ,; 7 0 Wes ter n 7 26 SE L ouisiana 12 Unio n 6 Record : 8-3-0 R eco rd : 7 -2 -0 EKl! 1942 OPP I ) Tenn Tech 0 7 W M issouri Stat e E K U 1949 OPP EKl! 19)7 O PP 0 Morri~ H arvey 7 7 H e idel b erg 19 7 Tenn T ec h 0 6 U of Akron 0 7 MaVihall 24 28 Fran k lin Colle ge 18 W estern 0 20 M urray 0 12 Tr an sy 20 We st Liberty 6 20 W offord 27 14 Cen1 ral Normal 0 M o rehead 20 20 M ic h igan Norma l 6 0 M ore hea d 26 6 Murra )· 26 M or e head 27 0 We ,;;tcrn 23 R ecord: 4-2 - 2 7 E v a nsville 14 Umon 0 20 W e ,;;t e rn 7 6 l! o f 1 2 1 Bo wl i ng G r een (Ohio) I J Record: 52 1 1943-44 no sports dur to war Rcco rd : 4 -4 - 1 58
EKU 1950 OPP EKU 1955 OPP EKU 1960 OPP 6 H eidelberg. JS 6 Toledo 7 Ft Campbell. 6 34 Marshall 0 14 M idd le Tennessee 21 7 U of L 28 0 Murray. 19 21 Murray 6 19 Murray. 21 47 Tenn, Tech 7 7 T en n. Tech 6 12 Mid dle Tennessee 14 56 Erskine 0 13 Omaha .20 0 East Tenn e ssee 0 14 Mor ehead 7 JS Morehead 14 27 Au s ti n Peay I J 26 Evansville 20 20 Morris Harvey 6 17 We ,;tern 7 13 Western 14 7 We st e rn 0 0 T e nn. Tech 20 34 Bowhng Green (Ohio) 7 13 U of L .45 0 Morehe ad 21 I J Wofford 14 J Wofford 0 0 Ma r<. hall I J Record : 6-4-0 Reco rd: 5-4 - 1 Rec o rd : 3-6 - 1 EKU 1951 OPP EKU 1956 OPP JI H illsdale 12 12 Tol edo 6 EKU 1961 OPP I J Mar.,,hall 6 7 Murray 14 6 U of L 33 0 Murray 9 19 Midd le Tennes.see 26 14 Murray 13 15 Tenn Tec h 14 12 East Tennessee I J 15 Middle T enne .,.~ ec 22 58 Er s kine . 0 6 Western 14 22 Eas t T e nn co;sce 13 6 Morrhead 0 13 Morris Harve y 7 21 Austin Peay 7 6 Evanwille 7 25 Tenn. T ech I J IS Wes1ern 16 31 Western ; 19 Mo rehead 0 8 Tenn. Tech 14 27 Ohio Universily I) 6 U of L 14 I ) Morehead 0 14 S 1etson Univer si cy 26 Recor-d: 4-S-O 0 Mar sh a ll 20 Reco rd: 7 -3-0 Re cord : 4 - 5-0 OPP EKU 1957 OPP EllU 1962 OPP F:KU 1952 0 Toledo ; 7 Toledo 6 U of L 40 22 Tampa U ni..,ersi ty 6 19 14 14 Murray. 17 26 Mar shall 26 M urray 19 0 Murray 20 14 Middle Tennes\ee 35 28 Middle T e nnessee 8 14 Ten n. Tech 28 · 13 Ea\t T enneoe.se e 27 20 East Tennessee 14 35 Evansville 0 13 0 14 Austin P eay 7 20 Morehead 20 Youngstown 6 W este rn s l8 W esiern 0 6 Wes1ern 48 Tenn essee Tec h )4 21 Tenn Tech 0 14 20 U of L 34 40 Morehead ) 12 Morehead 20 Record: J 4 J 12 East Carolina 2 9 Record: 4 -5 -0 Record: 6-3..0 EKU 1953 OPP EKU 1953 OPP 20 J ohn Carroll 19 2 Toled o 19 EKU 1963 OPP IS Middk Tennessee 6 U o f L 20 14 Ausl in Peay 0 19 Murray 14 14 Mu rray 6 7 Find lay 28 0 Tenn Tec h 7 0 Middle Tenoes\ee 14 0 M urr a y 20 19 Youngstown 20 13 Eas1 Tenneoe.see 6 28 M i ddle Ten n essee )3 25 M orehead 9 Yo ungs 1o w n 14 12 Eas1 Tennessee JS 59 Evans ville 14 Wc sle rn 21 3 Tampa Univcrsi1y 7 I) Wes1ern 7 19 Tenne\see Teet, 20 6 Western 29 20 U of L I J 24 Morehead 19 Tenn Tech 21 30 Sletson Univer\ily 26 0 M o rehead 6 Record : 3 -6 -0 34 Youngs t o w n 14 Record : 8 -2-0 Record : 2 -8--0 EKU 1954 OPP 19 John Carroll 0 EkU 1959 OPP EKU 1964 OPP 26 Middle Tennc~see 0 Toledo 20 0 Austin Peay 26 25 Mu rray 6 U of L 14 7 Youngstown .2 1 14 T enn T ech Murra y. 0 6 Mur r ay 6 25 Yo ungs town 7 Middle Tenne\see 14 I J Middle Tennessee 20 12 M orehead 8 7 East Tennessee 13 JS East Tennessee I ) 13 T o ledo I J 21 Austin P e ay 17 Find lay 14 21 W e.,, te rn 0 7 We ste rn 14 0 Western 24 20 U of L 10 Tenn Tech · 14 ; Tenn Tech 2 7 6 Omaha (Tange rine Bowl) 12 M orehead ; 10 Mo rehead 7 Record: 8 -0 - 1 Reco rd: 3 -6-0 Record : 3- 5 - 1 59
.. EKU 1965 OP P EKU 197 0 O P P EK U 197 5 OPP 35 AustinPeay • JO IJ Ball Sta te 12 4 2 Wisconsin -Oshkosh 7 12 Mar sha ll . 28 10 Easl Te n nessee 6 JO Dayton 24 17 Mu rray 17 38 Austin Pea y IO UT.Chattanooga 10 10 M id dlt: Tennessee 14 24 M iddle T c n ncssec 10 21 East Ten nes see 14 23 East T ennessee 0 21 Eastern Michigan 10 4 9 Aus tin Peay 0 J F indlay. ) 4 7 Wcs l crn Kentucky 19 J4 M iddle T e nnessee 24 28 W este rn 12 17 M urray S1 a 1c IJ Western Kentucky 7 28 Tenn Tech 14 20 Tenn Tech I J 7 Murray State .26 38 Morehead 20 9 Ind iana S tat e 0 J Tenn Tec h 14 Record: 4-4-1 IJ M orehead Slate 16 50 Ashla nd College J6 •fo r feite d Reco rd : 8-2-0 17 More h ead Sta te Record: 8-2 - 1 EKU 1966 O P P OP P JJ A us1in Peay 15 EKU 1976 26 M arshall 6 EK U 1971 OPP 21 Dayton 2 7 Murray . 6 20 SE Louis iana 12 21 Delaware J 7 20 M id d le Te n nessee 22 2 1 Northern Iow a 7 28 Witten b erg 0 2 1 E ast Tenne sse e 7 28 East T cnncssec 14 21~E a st Tennes see IO J5 F indlay 6 14 Au s tin Peay 9 27 •Aus 1i n Peay IJ 2 4 Wes te rn .12 18 M idd le Tennessee J l 4() • Middle Te nn e ssee 14 J T en n. Tec h 7 0 Eastern M ich igan 0 6 • w e s1 e rn Ken1ucky 10 19 M or ehead 2 1 W es1 e rn Kentu c ky 16 12 • Murra y Stale 10 14 T a mp a U ni,..er-;i1y 6 M urray State 17 28 • Tennessee Tech 14 14 Tenn. T ech JI • More h ead State 12 Record : 7-3·0 28 Applachian St a le 14 7 Nonh Dakota Stalt' (N C AA 7 Morehe ad State 10 Division I I Pl a yoffs) IO EKU 1967 OPP R ecord: 6 -4 - 1 Record : 8·3-0 0 D a yton 16 • Oh io Valle y Conferenc e game )5 East T ennessce 7 J7 Aus t in Peay 0 E K t · 1977 OPP 14 M iddle Ten n esse e 7 EKU 1972 OPP 24 lkla""a rl· j j North w ood 0 IO SE Louisiana 0 14 W 1t1t·nhe rg 17 14 West ern 14 )4 Indi a na Univ (Pa.) 7 ) X • ta~t I t_.n nc:,,~cc ) 4 28 Murray ' 12 East T enn essee 28 I 7 • AU )lo lln Pt"ay lo 24 Tenn. Tec h 0 21 Austin Peay 6 10 •M1d d k lcnne)lo :c-Ce 19 )7 Youngstown 12 IJ M idd le T e nn essee 0 .15 • wt":!>lt" l rl Kcnl lJ( ~) 10 7 Mor ehea d ' 14 Cenual M ichigan 21 20 •M u rra) S \J ti: 24 27 • Ball State I J 0 W estern Ke ntuc k y 10 lX • I e n nc:-. ~cc I n : h I Rec ord: 8- 1-2 J Murray St a te 7 I ) D a)IOn 20 •N CAA G r ant land R ice Bo w l 0 T enn Tech 14 4 2 • M u rencad S t a te I) 7 App a lachian State l5 RtC \lrd \. \ -0 28 Morehead State 6 0 ()h 1n Va l k ) <.'onll- rt rhx g<t m t· Record: 5- 6-0 EKU 1978 OPP EKU 1961 OPP 10 Troy S tate 16 6J H illsdale, M ich 0 EKU 1973 OP P 49 East Tenn essee 6 23 East Tennessee 20 10 UT-C hatl a nooga 6 14 Austin Pe a y 0 21 Austin P eay 20 26 In d iana (Pa ) I) 4 2 Middle Ten ne sse e 12 4 9 M iddle T en nessee .21 14 East T e nnessee 38 17 Dayt on 16 2 0 A k ron 31 24 A uslin Peay 7 16 Western K en tu c k y 17 16 W estern Kentucky 7 29 M iddle Tennessee 28 24 M u rray S late 21 21 M urray St a t e 20 16 U T - Man in. 14 20 Tennessee T ech 16 38 T enn. T ech 14 0 Wes tern Ke nt ucky Jj J5 Ak ron 14 12 Youngstown 26 20 Murray Slate 21 JO M ore head Stale 0 JS More h ead JO Tenn Tech 14 Re cor d: 8-2·0 Record: 8- 2-0 1 C ent ra l M ich igan 21 J7 M or ehead Slate 25 £K t.: 1979 O P P Re cord: 7-4-0 17 Kem S tate 14 15 1 ro y S talt 0 20 Ea~t r c nn cs'.!>tt 2 7 EKU 19 74 O P P .l5 Au st i n P eay• 10 EK U 1969 OPP 17 Day ton ll 52 M idd le T c nn t:!>~CC- 10 IJ Ball S tare 0 21 East Tenn essee 20 JJ Ca l St:nc -t· ul kn o n 7 7 Eas1 T e nn essee 19 22 Au s tin Peay 9 8 Wc~t c rn K cnlu t ky • 6 29 Aust i n Peay IO 2 1 Middle Tennessc I 7 7 M u rra) Sta i,.-• 24 14 Midd le Tennessee 0 24 UT- Ma nin 9 .15 I t:n ncssc e rcch • 0 9 Akron . 28 24 Wes tc-rn Kent uc k y J 4 27 Jack~,,n State 2 1 2 6 W e s lern Keniucky 27 JO Murray S tat e 16 14 M o rehead State• 7 ) 4 Murray S1a1e IJ 29 Ten n T ech 14 JJ :\n a da - Hc n o •• Jo 17 Tenn Tec h 7 J4 A shla n d College 2J 30 lxhigh 7 14 Indi a n a State 12 2 1 Morehead Sl ate 14 • Ohio Val k ) Confrr en cc (i aml· II Morehead S tate . 23 Record : 8 - 2-0 • • \'C i\A 1 .-\t\ P la y<lffs Record : 6-4 -0 Ra()rd : 11 - 2-0 60
EKU 1980 OPP EKU 198 1 OPP 24 Ke ntu cky St at e 21 26 Sou th Carolina State 0 10 Akron• 21 26 You nsto w n State 6 45 Youngstown 0 0 Navy 24 23 Austin Peay• IO 37 Akron 0 24 M idd le Tenn.• 0 41 Austin Peay 14 25 East T e nnessee 0 23 Middle Tennessee 7 10 We s te rn Kent ucky• IJ 14 Dayton 3 24 M urray St. ( H C) * 14 19 Western K en1ucky II 48 Tennessee Tech• 7 24 Murra y S ta te 20 28 Eas1 Carolina 16 63 Te nnessee T ech 10 18 Mo rehead State• 14 2 1 Morehead State 17 23 Lehigh . .. .. . 20 J5 Delaware• 28 29 Boise S1ate .. . .. J I 2J Bo ise Sta te • 17 •Ohio Valley Co n ference Game 23 Ida ho S tat e • .... . J4 •• N CAA I- AA T itle Game. ' NC AA I-AA Pla yoffs (S acramento. Calif.) (N) Pioneer Bo wl - W i chita Fa ll s. T exas 6 1

Men's Cross Country


D a te Opponent

Sept. 24 Western Ke n t ucky Invitatio nal

Sep t. 30

Cincin nati, M ars hal l

Oct. 8 Appalachia n State In v it a t iona l

Oc t. 15 Wes t Virg in ia I nvitatio n al

Oc t. 22

Oct. 29

O pe n

OVC Championship

S ite of NCAA Cha m pio ns hi ps to be an no u nced later.


Na m e

Ron Ki ng

George Kirk

M att Rogers

J im S impson

Dave W alters


C lass Sr.

J r.

J r. Sr. S r.

S it e Awa y H om e Away Away Away Akron

H o m e t o wn

F lint Mich

Cinc innati , O h io Waddy, Ky

Crestwood . Ky.

London, K y.

Fo ll owing a one-yea r absence from sponsori ng t he sport of m en's cross country. Eastern will attempt to reb uil d that progra m begin ni ng t his fall.

H ead coach R ick Erdmann, who had led th e me n 's t eam t o consecu t ive t hi rd p lace fin is hes i n the annua l O h io Valley Conference meet. secs a tough task ahead of hi m

"We'll have to sta r t f rom scra t ch and, in effec t, it will be j us t like star ti ng over." Erdman n said.

Before ge tt in g he lp from t h e s t udent body at Eas t ern t h is fall w it h some wa l k-ons, Erdma n n will draw on the experience a nd ta le n ts of track d is ta nce run ne rs lik e seni o rs Ron Kin g, J im Simpson and Dave Walters a nd j u niors George Kir k and Ma t t Rogers.


Women's Cross Country




Sept. 24 Western Ken tu cky I nvitat ional

Sept. 30 Cincinnati, Marshall

Oct. 8 Appa la chia n State I nv ita tional

Oct. 15 West V i rginia Invitational

Oct. 22 Open

Oct. 29 OVC Championship

Site of NCAA C h ampionsh i ps to be an nounce d lat e r.



Maria Pa zare nt zos

Ba rb Fennell

L ind a Davis

Mari an n e Ostbye

Barb Wild e rmuth

Paula Ga rrett

T er ri J ones

Pam Raglin

Jill Dec k er

Maril yn J oh n son



Springfie ld, Ohio

Cambridge. Ontario, Can

Columbus, Ohio

Oslo, Norwa y

Sidney. O h io

Waco , K y.

Mi ddl etown, Ohi o

Paris, K y

Crystal Lake, F la.

Louisville K y

Rick Erdmann, in h is fir st seaso n as h ead coach o f the women's cross country team, directed the Eastern squad to the Ohio Valley Co nference cha m pi onship, nipping Murray State for the crown .

W ith th e return of Barb Fennell who m issed la s t yea r 's cross country season a nd top ru nners

M a ria P aza rent zos and Barb Wi ldermuth, Eastern s hould again be a threat to w in t h e OVC c r ow n

"Barring a n y inj uri es, we s hould ha ve a good s hot at defend ing our tit le ." Erdmann said.

O the r runn e rs who competed in las t year's conference champ ionship for th e Colonels who are returnin g are Linda Da vis and Pau la Garrett. both sophomores.

lass S r Sr. Soph. Soph. Soph. Soph So ph. Fr. F r. Fr
Site Aw a y H ome Away Away Akron
Rick Erdmann Head Coach
Maria Pazarentzos Barb Fennell

Women's Field Hockey ..



Sept. J

Sept. 10

Sept. 17

Sept. 24

Sept. 28

Oct. I

Oct. 8

Oc t. 9

Oct. 14 -15

Oct. 21

Oct. 22

Oct. 25

Oct. 29



Kathy Boug ht on R o bin Forhccz

M elissa Shore

Ju lie Th e ile r

Vicki Woodard

Mary Gavin

A nn e Daugherty

Peggy Pfeiffer

Ter es a Powell

Lynda Ransdell

Linda Wilk e

Siobhan Devlin

M ars h a Hamlin

M onica Storz

Traci Thompso n

Robin Blair


Bluegra ss Association

Miam i (Ohio)

S t. Louis


Vanderbi lt


Ohio, W ooster

Southern Illinois

Davis & E lkins

James Madison Invitational

Dayton Ball State, T oledo


Louisvi lle Ky.

At tacker Susanville, Calif.

D efende r Day t on, Ohio

Defende r Annandale, Ya .

Defender Englewood , Oh io

Midfielder Chev y Chase, M d.

M idfielde r P rincess Anne. Md

Attacker Louisville, Ky

Defender Louisville, K y

Goalkeeper Stirling, N .J.

Defende r .J efferson t own, K y.

Attacker A lexandr ia, Va .

Attacker Loui s ville, K y

D efende r Ke tte r ing, Ohio

M id fielde r Lo u isv ille. Ky

M id fi e ld e r Lexi ngton, K y

De fe nde r Wa t chu ng, N ..I

Mid fie lder No r th Pl a infi eld, N .J .

Mi dfiel d e r Lanc as ter , Oh io

sville C las s S r. S r. Sr. S r. S r. .Ir. .I r. .I r. .Ir. J r. .Jr. Soph . Sop h Soph Soph. Fr. Tami Conti
Davenport Maria Yertone
Yan W in kl e R o bin Yo u ng Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Site H ome H ome Home Home H ome Away Athens, Oh io H ome Time 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 9:00 a m. 4:00 p.m 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. TBA 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p m. Home Away Away Muncie , Ind . Home TBA 3:30 p.m. TBA 3 : 30 p.m. 7 :00 p .m. Away Position Hometown Defender Batav
ia, N.Y.
Sadd le R iver. N. J.
0 , , __
Lynne Harvel Head Coach Robin Forhe cz
Julie Theiler


The 1983 women's fie ld hockey team is eagerly anticipat in g its 1983 season. Altho u gh only six regular starters will be returning, last year's reser ves are highly improved and a strong recruiting effort has brough t a great deal of new talent into th e program. Competition for starting posit ions will be fierce this year and throughout the season every pla ye r will be continually challenged for their position .

"Plenty of hard work and concentrati on during the season will be needed to gel this you n g, talented team," said EK U coach Lynn e Harve l.

Mary Gavin with her cool head and sure stick will again be co unted on for leadershi p in the defense. Th e return of se nior K at h y Boughton, side li ned with an injury in 1982, will add stability to the defense, as will the return of junior An ne Daugherty's solid defensive play . Melissa Shore, who added de pth to the squad last year, will be vy in g fora regu la r starting berth in '83. A lthough the defense will be comprised of seasoned personnel who have not yet played t ogether, th ese pla yers' individual maturity will allow them to quickly learn to f u nc ti on as a un it.

Robin Forhecz, hig h scorer in 1982, will again lead the attack with the able assistance of Julie Theiler, a superb passer who acts as the quarterback and virtua ll y runs the attack With the much-improved play of Lynda Ransdell and Monica Storz, the attack will be except ionall y aggressive, fast and stro ng. Goal production is the u ltimate objective and this strong forward line s hould be able to produce.

Midfie ld will be dominated by Teresa Powell who will probably be moved to center link A t this position, Powell will be called upon to be a scor in g threat on the attack and to be the core of the defense. Junior college tran s fer P eggy P feiffer is expected to Oa nk Powell on the right, while left link is up for grabs by the you ng r ecruits

Goaltending honors will fa ll on t he young s houlders of Siobhan Devlin. I n her debut as a starter, Dev lin will see ple nt y of action in the goalcage . H aving had excellent off-season experience, she should be ready to m eet t he c ha llenge.

R eturnees Woodard , Thompson, Haml i n and Wilke wi ll eac h be competing for t heir f irst starting assignments. T h ese players cou ld provide EK U with some surprises when they ret urn to practice in the fall. Freshmen recruits are all expec ted to cha llenge for start in g positions "'These are exceptiona ll y talented young players who inten d to start a s freshmen," said Harvel. "The ir in tensity may be th e key to their success at earn i ng a starting slot."

"This year's team is a co mbination of experience and raw talent. T he team is capable but must work with inte nsit y if it is to get off to a good s t art. A s t hey gain experience individually and as a team, they will become a ba lanced, smoot h ly functioning team that can dominate play on the field. In o r der to win, they must be capa ble of disciplin ing the ir bo undl ess enthusiasm into dedication and earnes tnes s," Harv el added.


1983 -84 SCHEDULE



C los i n g out the 1982-83 season with three All-Amer icans in bot h s m all bore a nd a ir ri fle and a sixth place overall finish in the NCAA meet, the EKU r ifle s quad returns fo u r of those eig h t membe rs fo r th e upcom ing 1983 -84 seaso n .

"We're expecting a good year and I feel t h a t t h is com ing season will b e b e tter for East e rn 's rifle t eam than this past year, " said Cpt. Mi c ha e l McNamara, who be gins his second year a t the helm of the Colo n els.

"G iven the prese n ce o f everyone, we s hould be mu c h better than last year, " he added.

Da te O pponen t Si te T ime Oct. 9 We s tern Kentuck y Away 8:00 a. m. Oct. 15 East Tennessee H ome 8 : 30 a. m Nov 4-6 E K U I nvitational H ome T BA and 11 - 13 Nov 4 -6 Ke ntuck y Away TBA Nov. 18 Xavi er Away Noon Nov. 19 ETSU Buccaneer I n vi tationa l Away 2:00 p.m. .Jan 28 Tennessee Te ch Away 2:00 p m F e b 12 EK U Sectional Home TBA Feb . 12 OVC C hampi o n ship M u rra y Ma r . 8 Kentu c k y State Championship Murra y Th e NCAA
Championship M eet w ill be schedu led at a s ite t o be determ in ed later.
Name Class Ht . Wt. H ometown M i ke Bend e r Sr. 5-9 180 Arlington H eig hts. Il l. Terry Sievert Sr. 6-0 165 App leton Wisc. Ana Hogrefe .Jr. 5-6 120 Sandusky, Ohio Pam Floer Soph. 5-4 100 Cincinnati, O h io Jo hn G r iffith Fr. 5-10 175 Ga rden Grove, Calif. Susanne Keefe Fr. 5-6 120 Huron, Ohio Tracy Dunham F r. Williams. Minn
Pam F loer
Cpt. M ic hae l McNamara Head Coach Mi ke Bender


T ea m

CAA C hampi o n s hips - placed six th overall in smallbo re and ai r rifle

OVC C hampions hips - finis hed fi rs t to win the league title

Indi vidual

Mark Bender - r eci pient of the Ohio Valley Conference's Sc holar Athlete of the Year Award.

- nam e d second-team All - American sma ll borc squad by NRA.

Mike Be nd er - wo n second p lace in s mallboreat the Kentucky Collegia t e Stat e Championship meet.

nam e d second-team All - American srna ll bore squad by NRA .

- se lected to captain the 1983-84 Colone ls ' tea m

Kim Floer - named second team All -American air rifle team by NRA.


Women's Volleyball



Date O pponent Site Ti me Sept. 2-4 UK In vitatio nal Away TBA Sept. 8 Morehead S t ate Home 7:00 p .m. Sept. 12 Louisville Home 7:00 p.m. Sept. 23 Pacific H o m e 7:00 p.m. Sept. 24 Eastern Illinois, Mt. St. Joseph Home 11: 00 a.m. Sept. 30- Oct. 2 Sou th west Missouri Classic Away 5 :00 p.m . Oct. 4 Kentucky Home 7 :00 p.m . Oct. 5 More head State Away 7:30 p . m . Oct. 7-8 Louisv ille C lassic Away 5:00 p.m. Oct. 14-15 OVC M id-Season T ou rn ey Morehead 5 :00 p. m . Oct. 18 Miam i (Oh io) Ho me 7:00 p . m . Oct. 21 P e nn State Ho me 7:00 p . m. Oct. 23 Rhode Is land Hom e 1:00 p .m. Oct. 28- 29 Colo nel I nvitat iona l H ome 3:00 p.m. Nov 2 Ci n ci nn ati Home 7 :00 p.m . Nov 4 Pitts b urgh Away 7:00 p m No v. 5- 6 Pittsburgh C lassic Away 9:00 a . m. N ov 9 Tennessee Home 7:00 p m. N ov. I 1- 12 Open TBA Nov. 18-1 9 OVC Champ io nships You n gs t own, Ohio 1:00 p.m Nov. 30 Ten nessee Awa y 7: 30 p. m Dec. 3 NCAA First Round TBA TBA D ec. 9-IO NCAA Regi onal TBA TBA Dec. 16-1 7 NCAA Fi n al Four Lex ington TB A
Name P os . C lass Ht. Wt. Hometown S and y Carre l L Sr. 5- 10 162 Mt. Car mel , Ill. Lori Du nc an L Sr. 5- 8½ 139 North Huntingdon , Pa Ke ll y Irwin s S r. 5-5 145 In dianapolis , Ind. Pa tsy Schacknuk MB Sr. 5- 11 160 Severna Park , Md. Charlotte G illespie s Jr. 5- 11 144 Irw in , Pa. Cat hy Brett s So ph . 5-8 140 Ti tus v ill e, Fla. Debbi Dingman L Soph. 5- 10 122 Stratford, Ontario, Ca nada Irene O c hm an S / DS Soph. 5-5 135 St ratford , Ontario , Canada T e ri Oman R/ MB Soph. 6-0 147 William sfie ld , Ohi o Lis a Tecca MB So ph. 6-0 140 Akron , O hi o Angela Boyk i ns L/ MB Fr. 5- 11 130 So uth Be nd , I nd. S arah Ewy R Fr. 5- 10 160 Ev e rgreen , Co l. Tami Ti pt on s Fr. 5-9 13 5 Park Hills , Ky. C ,ulJ y J'h omson L Fr 5-11 150 Kin gs port , T e nn .
ind a Dawson, Gradu ate Assistant
e bra Ja ck so n ,
Alice M cCauley, M anager / S ta t is t ician D
Traine r fo r Volleyball


The 1983 women's vo ll eyball team will face its toughest challenge as it attempts to impro ve upon the 1982 season which included : ( I) placing a se nior member(Deanne Madden) of the team as first alternate on the USA Women's National Olympic Team (2) recognit ion in t he national Tachikara Top Tw enty Poll (3) second consecutive Ohio Valley Conference c ham pions hi p (4) Florida State University In vitationa l cham pionsh ip (5) a 34-15 seaso n 's record with numerous players se lected all tournamen t , MVP and All-Regional.

Th e Colonels will face a s chedule loaded with s u c h nationally-ranked teams as San Diego State, Unive rsity of the Pacific, New Me xico, Southwest Missouri, Penn State and th e Unive rsi ty of Texas-Arlington. EK U will a lso meet the determined and much improved Oh io Valley Conference opponents.

"Every e ffort will be ma d e to stop Eas tern from repeating as confe ren ce champions for the third consecu t ive year," said EK U coach Dr. Geri Polvino.

Five upperclassmen , along with five sophomores and four fres hm e n will makeup the 1983 team. Junior setter Cha rl o tt e Gillespie, senior all-around player Lori Dunca n and s ophomore mid dle blocker-attacker Li sa Tecca will be p ri mar y concern to oppone nts.

Student athletes from nine sta t es as well as Canad a will blend individual e xp e ri e nc e necessary to a successfu l team effort. Th is team will lead Eas tern in its 17 t h season of actionpacked volleyba ll.


Lori Duncan - add s a c ri t ical aspect to the team's te m po with her offe nsive and defe nsi ve quickness. H er maturity and leadership skills ar e demonstrated on the court by her intelligent play, intensi ty and c o ncentration.

Patsy Schacknuk - maturit y in the m idd le block posit ion will co nti n ue the traditional strengt h of Eastern's middle defense and attack. Her c aringatiitud e will add to the st rength of the tea m' s unity.

Char Gillespie - add s stability to the t eam. r es ulting in good play during cr iti cal mo ment s Her st rength is found in her competitiveness and d e t e rmination.

Lisa Tecca - her dominance o f t he o pp o nents' middle game will fuel Eastern's defense. Li sa' s stubborn and determin ed effort will co ntrol mid-court.

Irene Ochman - will ignite t he Colonel offense and d e f e nse

Dr. Geri Polvino Head Coach Patsy Schacknuk Charlotte Gillespie


Lori Duncan - Selected EKU best defensive player in 19 82, best all -aroun d in 1982, OVC All-Tournament i n 1982, Morehead State All Tournament in 1982 . AIAW All-Region II cho ice in 1980 and the USVBA Cincinnati Al l-Tourney team in 1980.

Patsy Schacknuk - Athlete of the Yea r , Catonsville Community College. 1981; NJ CAA All-Amer ican 1981; All Tournament seco nd t eam N J CAA Nationa ls in 1980; All T ou rnament first team NJ CAA R egionals in 1981 .

Charlotte Gillespie - OVC All-Tournament in 1982. USV BA All-Tournam e nt in 1982

Cathy Brett - Colorado All-Conference firs t team, All-State T ou rna ment Team in 1980; All-Conference first t eam. All-State Tournament T ea m. All-State first team , MVP State T o urnam ent, vo t ed MVP by female high school coaches in 19 8 1; established na ti onal r ecord in 1981.

Teri Oman - EKU spir it award in 1982.

Angela Boykins - Indiana h igh school All-Con ference first team in I 982 and seco nd team in 1981.

Sarah Ewy - Colorado high school All-Conference in 1982.

Tami Tipton - Notre Dame lea d ersh ip award in volleyball in 1980

Cindy Thomson - 1982 Player of the Yea r ; 1980, 1981 All-D is trict.


Women's Tennis


Sept. 17 M u rra y State

Sept. 24 Kentucky

Sept. 27 Midway (scrimmage )

Sept. 30 Marshall

Oct. I Morehead State

Oct. 15 M iddle Tennessee

Oct. 19 Transylvania (scr immage)

Oct. 21-22 Kent ucky I nterco!legiate

Oct. 25 Campbellsville (scrimmage)

Oct. 29 Minnesota


N a me

Sherilyn Fiveash

Chris Halbauer

Kristi Spangenberg

J ea nie Wa ldron

Susan Wils on

Peggy Wolf

La ure n Broeman

C laudia Porras

Elizabeth Phelps, Mgr.


U ndcr incoming coach, Sandra Martin, the Colonels are an t icipating what co u ld be EK U's best effort in the past t h ree years. A n Eastern alumna, Coach Martin earlier gu id ed t h e Colone l track team fo r seven successful seasons before heading back for more gra duate work in 1982-83. During her u nde rgradua t e years at EKU , Martin was a member of the Colonels ' tennis team. Being added to the 1983-84 roster will be Claudia P o rra s , veteran netter from Miam i- Dade Commu nit y College who played No I in her las t year t he r e. A native of Columbia, South America, she is a former natio nal j uni or champio n in that country.


Overall Team Reco rd To Date ( 1969-1983): 132-80 ( .623 winning percentage) .

C las s Sr. Sop h Jr Soph. Sr. Soph. Soph Jr. Sr. S it e H ome H ome H o m e H ome Away H ome H ome Lou isv ille H ome Home Ho m etow n Time 9:00 a.m 3:00 p.m 3:30 p.m 3:00 p.111. 1:00 p.m. 10:00 a m. 3:00 p .m . TBA 3:00 p.m. I 1:00 a .m West H ill , Ontario, Ca na da Cincinnat i, Ohio Dayton,
Lou isville, K
Oh io
, Ohio
n, K y.
F la.
San d ra Martin
H ea d Coach
Kristi Spangen be rg Chris H a lb a u er


1983 S C HED U LE


Sep t. 22-25

Sept. 30 - Oct. 2

Oct. 6-8

Oct. 12-15


Nam e

T im D u ignan

Ke ll y Fin ney

T o m S h el t on

Dave Sm it h

Ba rry Weh r man

Ph il W e h rma n

Scott Simpson

RUS S Barger

M ike Crowe

Scot t Mc Kay

Don Ri cha rd

Da n ny Par rett



Buc keye F all C lassic

E K U Fall I nv it ational

Kent ucky I ntercollegiate

D uke F a ll In vita t ional C la ss


Co lum bus , Oh io

H ome

Bowling Gree n



Kn oxv ille Ten n.

Cincin nati. Ohio

Somerset , K y .

Syrac use, N Y

Florence, K y.

Florence, Ky.

Benton, Ill.

Oak R idge, T e nn.

El i za bethtown , Ky.

L ouisv ille, K y .

F t. Way ne, I nd .

Cec il ia, K y.

Begi nn ing h is third seaso n as Eas t ern's head golf coac h, Bobby Seaho lm, the 1982 and 1983 O hi o Valley Conference Coach of the Year, is expecting ano th e r banner seas on for the Easte rn go lf team . Led by three AII-OVC selec t io n s - T im Du igna n in 1982, K e ll y F i nn ey in 1981 and R uss Barger in 1983 - Eastern s hou ld aga in be a top co nt en d e r for ta king next spr ing's OVC fl a g fo r the third s t ra ig h t yea r.

"We wi ll have a ve r y experienced team , except for R uss who w ill j u st be a sophomore, "sa id S e aho lm " I be lieve we will be a better team th is season, eve n th ough we lost a grea t you ng golfer in P at Stephens . If we p lay t o ou r capab il ity, we s h ou ld have a good sea s o n ."

Barger. the 1983 OVC Go lfe r of the Yea r , wo n las t season 's OVC t ourney b y two strokes over teamma t e Step hens . Fi n ney a nd Eastern 's Ba rry We h r m an fi n is hed just one stroke awa y from ma k ing t he all-co n fe r ence team las t s pr in g by tiei n g for si xt h p lace in EK U 's 23 -s troke v ictory in t he league's t ournament.

Sr. Sr. S
Sr. Sr. Sr. Sop
So p h. So ph. Fr.
Tim Dui g nan Ke ll y F inney
Russ Barg er


L>e lmas Freeman. guard 194 8

Pau l W rig ht, center 194 8

Carl Plantholl. guard 1949

Ray Pelfrey. back 1949

Ed Zoretic. back 1949

Chuck Hcrt7.er. back 1951

Chuck Schmitt tack le 1952

Alex Ki la kow ski. end 1952

Carl Oak ley. guard 1953

Roy Kidd. back 1953

Fred Winscher, end 1954

Frank N assi d!. tackle 1954

Jerry Johns. guard 1954

James Hanl o n, back 195 4

Don Daly. back 1954

Bob Muller , back 1954

Tom Schulte. e nd 19 55

John Scbcst. back 1957

Dave Bishop , back 1958

Steve H c r czeg. tac kle 1959

Ed d ie Miller, g uard 1959

Joe Graybea l, c enter 1959

Don Ma cDo nald. guard 1961

J im my Chittum back 1961, 1962

Ken Good hcw. guard 1962

Roscoe Perkins. guard 1965

C huck Seimon, end 1964, 1967

R oy Eva ns. t ackle 1965

J im Gu ice. back 1966-1968

Buddy Pfaadt. back 1965, I 966

Mike Sm it h. back 1966

Aarun Marsh. end 1966, 1967

Bill Bre wer, tackle 196 7. 1968

Fred Troi ke, guard 1967. 1968

Ron Reed. linebacker

Harry Lem. back

Jim Moberly. l inebacker

1967 1967 1968

Larry Ka e l in gua rd 1969

Tedd y Taylor. gua r d

J imrny Brooks. 1967- 1969 back I 968-1971

Harry Irw in ta ckl e 1970

Butc h Evans , fullback 1970

J ames Wilson, tight e nd 1971

James Porter bac k 1971

Wallace Cha mbe rs. 1acklc 1970. 1972

Jame s Croudep. linebacke r 1970 1972

L arry Kirk sey, e nd 1972

Alfred T homps o n. bac k 1973


Ri ch Th omas, l i nebacke r 1973

E verett T albert. back 1974. 1976

Jo e A lv ino guard 1974. 1975. 1976

J ohn R evere, Oan kcr 1974

Robyn Hatley , tackl e 1974 1975

Ea rl Cody, kicker 1974

Stan R o berts noseguard 1974

J u nior Hardin tackle 1974. 1975

Elmo Bo yd. s plit-end 1975. 1976

Scott M cCalfoaer back 1975

Ernie Hou s e, back 1976

Roo seve lt Kelley, center 1976

Anth o ny Mille r, back 19 76. 1977

Stan Mitchell , back 1977

Rand y Heaberlin. tac kl e 1977

Dean Stucky, g uard 1977. 1978

Jim Nelso n nankcr 1977

Chr is Roberts end J9 78

David Nea l, ce nt e r 1978, 1979

J oe Richard noseguard 1978. 1979

Dale Paiton. f ull back 1978. 1979

Dan ny Martin. back 1978 , 1979

Ke v in Greve, g ua rd 1979- 19 8 1

Da v id F lo r e') , kicker 1979

Bob McInt y r e lin ebacker 1979

Dar ry l Law so n tack le 1980

Joe Sch ipske. cemcr 1980

J ames Shehon. tackle 1980

George Floyd. back 1980. 198 1

T erencc Thompson back 1981

David D ihrk op tackle 1981

Chris T a ylo r. gua r d 1981 1982

Jerry Parrish. Oanker 1981

R and y Ta ylor. tac k le 1981 , 1982

Alex Dom ing u ez lineback e r 1981 1982

T uck Wool u m , 4uarterback 1982

T ron Armstro n g. light end 1982

Steve Bird, flanker 1982

WEKU-FM, Ri chmond, is th e or igi natin g s tation for the E KU F ootball Ne tw o rk. Pla y- b yp lay will be prov id ed by Greg Stotelmyer.


Ric hmond Register (daily, p.m. )

Ma dison County Post (weekly)

T he Eas t ern Progress (w ee kl y) ........................


or Ma dison Co unt y Journal (wee kl y) .. ...... .. .. .....

Lexi ngton Herald - Leader (daily, a m.) Mike Johnson , Gene M cLea n

C o ur ier-Journal (dail y, a.m.) Billy Reed, Stan S utt on, Earl Cox

Lou isv ille T imes (daily, p.m.) Lou Younkin


Rad io WEKU-FM

Radio WEKY (R ic hm ond)

D irec tor

•............... Greg Stotel myer

Radio WCBR (Richmond) •

Radio WVLK (Lexington)

Radi o WLAP (Lexi ngton)

Ra di o WKT C (Le xington)

WTVQ -TV (Lexington)

WK YT -TV (Lexington)

WLEX -TV (Lexington)

WLK Y-TV ( Louisville) ........

Mark Sok


Rad io WHAS & TV (Louisv i lle) Dave Conrad

Rad io WAVE & TV ( L ou isvi lle)

Editor Rad io WINN (Louisville)

R adi o WKLO (Louisville)


Ra di o W AK Y (Louisville) Spo r ts Director

Radio WLOU (Louisvi ll e ) Sports Director Assoc iated Press, 100 Midland Aven

• • Ke
ith S t eer
s Edit
• Sports Di rec t o r
• Sports D
irec tor
s Di
Ri c h ard G reen
Rob Bromley, Ti m Smile, Dave Baker
Alan Cutler,
.... .. ..... .. . ...... ....................
Mik e
. ......... ... . . . ...... .. ..... ...... ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports D irector
• • S
p o rt s D ire
Ky. 40507 U nit ed Press Int ernationa l, Commo nwea lth Building , Loui svi ll e, Ky . 40202
ton ,



t,. p.68

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