Post-Covid anxiety Are we ready to socialise? Words by Robyn Pratt
While we’re all looking forward to coming out of lockdowns and joining society once again, those niggling feelings of apprehension seem to be dulling the experience. Robyn Pratt, founder of SuperYou Coaching, talks about post-Covid social anxiety and how to deal with it. Over the last 10 years, she has helped professionals bridge the gap between what they have, and what they want from life, be it in a professional capacity or a personal one. And who doesn’t want to get back to enjoying the buzzing café lifestyle?
While writing this article, I am hopeful that Covid-19 will become more of a bad memory rather than a current nightmare. I am grateful to live in Malta where the vaccination rollout has been such a success and, fingers crossed, we can move to more restrictions lifting in the coming weeks. For many, the news of reopening and returning to “normal” is treasured, but for some, it brings with it a sense of overwhelming anxiety and dread. Where we once welcomed that hello hug, those European kisses, sitting in crowded restaurants and bars, or dancing the night
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away, many now have reservations of getting too close, for fear of infection. Restrictions have become so ingrained in our daily lives that many of us feel naked without a mask when meeting other people. The global pandemic has affected everyone in different ways. For some, it has been a tragic time through the loss of loved ones. For others, it has been frustrating watching their livelihood crumble into nothing. There are no right or wrong feelings towards the virus, as everyone has had to deal with their own struggles.