Theories 3 week4 vector active system 1

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Theories of Architecture [ 3 ] FA 400 .4.5 . Fall 2014 Faculty of Fine Arts . Department of Architecture Alexandria University A.Prof Dr .Ebtissam M.Farid Moustapha Associate professor

Structure system Form Active system

Vector Active system


Flat Trusses

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Bulk Active system

Surface Active system

Vertical Structure system

Vector Active system

Curves trusses

Space truss

‫منشآت تقاوم القوى بتحليلها فى اتجاه أعضائها‬ ‫استخدام مجموعة من العناصر تتحمل قوى الشد والضغط معاً على السواء وهذا النظام قد‬ ‫يكون ظاهرا"علي الواجهات أو يكون مستترا"ويمكن االستفادة به كتشكيل داخلي للمبنى‪.‬‬

‫‪Lecture 4. Vector Active system‬‬

Early truss was made out of wood and first used by the ancient Greeks and romans

Trusses have been used for many centuries; During Renaissance ; Andrea Palladio illustrates truss bridges in his Four Books of Architecture as early as 1570.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Reasons of using the system In the 19th century the industrial expansion—in particular the need for long-span exhibition and market halls, railroad terminals, and bridges—together with the development of engineering theory and improvements in the production of cast and wrought iron, and later steel, provide the motive and means for most of the advances in truss design that are exploited within early 20th century architecture

Gustav Lindenthal's arched Hell's Gate Bridge in New York City (1916) Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Main Concourse in McKim, Mead and White's Pennsylvania Station

The influence of the 19th century iron trusswork in Henri Labrouste's Biblioteque Nationale Reading Room in Paris (1875) can be seen in the vaulted ceiling above the Main Concourse in McKim, Mead and White's Pennsylvania Station in New York City (1910)

Henri Labrouste's Biblioteque Nationale

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

while the tradition of long-span three-hinged arched trusses, epitomized in such 19th century masterpieces as Contamin and Dutert's Galerie des Machines in Paris (1889)

Contamin and Dutert's Galerie des Machines in Paris (1889

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Continues in twentieth-century structures like Peter Behrens's AEG Turbine Factory in

Berlin (1909) and Tony Garnier's Municipal Slaughterhouse in Lyons, France (1913).

AEG Turbine Factory

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Municipal Slaughterhouse

seldom found as expressive elements within the canon of mainstream early twentieth-century Modernism. Trusses are

Like Gothic buttresses, trusses are directly constrained by the geometrical logic of their structural form and, unlike prismatically pure columns and slabs, or expressively cast concrete elements, cannot easily be subsumed within Modernism's abstract, formal systems

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Only with Russian Constructivist from the 1920s and 1930s that trusses are first exploited as expressive elements within an explicitly Modernist context.

Alexander and Victor Vesnin's Pravda Building project in Moscow (1923) in which trusses are used as windbracing elements within a composition that includes bold text, angled planes, and glazed elevator towers; Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Van der Vlugt's Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam1930) featuring dynamic horizontal and sloping trussed connecting bridges.

Vladimir Tatlin founded in 1917 in Russia a geometric abstract movement that he hoped would give a new sense of the visual to the new Communist order.

Trusses were used deliberately as expressive elements within later twentieth-century architecture, it is most often by appropriating and reinterpreting the industrial applications

Ray and Charles Eames in the influential house they built for themselves in Pacific Palisades, California (1949), Lecture 4. Vector Active system

• Architects and engineers are always seeking new ways of solving the problem of space enclosure. • With the industrialization and development of the modern world there is a demand for efficient and adaptable long-span structures.

AVIVA-STADIUM Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Because of their light

weight and high strength .They are among the most commonly used to span long length . Trusses provide complete flexibility in exterior cladding

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Mies van der Rohe's project for a Chicago Convention Hall (1953) Visually integrates the diagonal members of its horizontal trusswork within the orthogonal pattern of its exterior curtain wall.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system


Wood Trusses Span 10-17 m

Precast Trusses Span 12-20 m

Steel commonly used 37 m Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Trusses can be 2D Planar or 3D Prismatic ( prismatic or space trusses linked together to become space frames )

What distinguishes the truss from other structural forms is precisely

its Lecture 4. Vector Active system


Flat Trusses

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Flat Trusses All members and nodes lie within a two dimensional plane consists of straight members connected at joints. No member is continuous through a joint.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Flat Trusses

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Each truss carries those loads which act in its plane and may be treated as 2D structure.

When forces tend to pull the member apart, it is in tension. When the forces tend to compress the member, it is in compression.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Members of a truss are slender and not capable of supporting large lateral loads.

Loads must be applied at the joints.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

The main uses are: 1. in buildings, to support roofs and floors, to span large distances and carry relatively light loads.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

The main uses are: 2. in road and rail bridges, for short and intermediate spans and in footbridges

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system


Dr. Engin AktaĹ&#x;


Design possibilities through differentiation of roof planes in continuous trusses

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Warren truss used in Paris Pompidou building. Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers .1977 The entire architectural concept relies on exposed trusswork. Longspan interior floor trusses define column-free exhibition zones, and exterior wind-bracing trusses create the gridded diagonal pattern of the facades.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Warren truss used in Paris Pompidou building. Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers .1977 To Achieve highest efficiency of the space, designer demands perfectly clear space without any column along 166 x 60 sq. m area.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Geberettes The Centre Georges Pompidou was designed and constructed drawing weight to fall at both ends of the beam. The gerberette was a steel member with 8 meters length attached to the both ends of the beam, which in this structure integration between Warren truss and Space truss. The column is threaded through the middle of the gerberette and interlocked with flexible joint.

Trusses and joints are designed on specific angles mostly 60 degrees, those they would equilibrate the vector of force precisely. Lecture 4. Vector Active system


Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Geberettes Trusses and gerberettes collectively perform toward the weight by creating negative moment to counterbalance the weight soothing excessive weight upon the columns, preventing them to buckle.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Schulhaus leutschenbach The building acts as two schools in one cavity. It uses one structural system and divides the program across the width of the school with common circulation and lounge spaces in between. A series of three cage-like trusses are stacked upon one another vertically, with the bottom one standing on six tripods that carry the load deep into the ground and provide an open ground floor plan (seen in the section and detail on the next page).

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

All of the infrastructure of the building is also imbedded into the concrete slab, allowing for a pure feeling when inside the building and emphasizing the trusses and their relationship to the glass walls and the exposed raw concrete. Lecture 4. Vector Active system

The main uses are:

bracing in buildings

3. as and bridges, to provide stability where the bracing members form a truss with other structural members such as the columns in a building.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

John Hancock Tower ( Cross Braced frames ) Vertical wind-bracing trusses, typically hidden within the framework of tall buildings, are given similar architectural expression on the exterior of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill's Hancock Building in Chicago (1970).

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Vierendeel Truss

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Curved-truss System

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Curved-truss System

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Curved-truss System

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Truss systems for singly curved planes

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Space truss system

‫نظام الجمالونات الفراغية‬

Space grid structures are a valuable tool for the architect or engineer in the search for new forms, owing to their wide diversity and flexibility.

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Nodes and members Standard node with 18 threaded holes and machined bearing surfaces at angles of 45째, 60째 and 90째 relative to each other

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Trusses are an assembly of structural members based on a triangular arrangement within member to member pin jointed connections called “NODES�

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Space truss Comprising one or more ( tetrahedonal , cubical, octahedronal ) units Constructed with straight members whose ends are connected at joints with Nodes

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Space truss system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

‫نظام الجمالونات الفراغية‬

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Buckminster fuller

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Geodesic Dome Structure Richard Buckminster Fuller’s 76 m diameter, threequarter sphere, double-layer space grid geodesic dome or the US pavilion at Expo ’67 in Montreal, Canada

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Flat space truss system composed of triangular prisms

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Flat space truss system composed of tetrahedra and semi octahedra units

Flat space truss system composed of tetrahedra and octahedra units

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Flat space truss systems composed of triangular prisms

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Flat space truss systems composed of rectangular prisms

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts Norwich, UK, 1974-1978 . Norman Foster Long-span roof trusses are used as dramatic and expressive elements in innumerable high tech buildings

Lightweight, flexible structures. Structural and service elements are contained within the double-layer walls & roof Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system

Lecture 4. Vector Active system


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Theories of Architecture [ 3 ] FA 400 .4.5 . Fall 2014 Faculty of Fine Arts . Department of Architecture Alexandria University A.Prof Dr .Ebtissam M.Farid Moustapha Associate professor

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