The School of Design & Media Yearbook 2021_22

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YEARBOOK Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


Yearbook 2022 2021 The Knowledge Hub Universities Designed by: Mirna Mikhail Sara Elmeniawy

©TKH 2022


Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


DESIGN & MEDIA Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities



Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University xxThe TheKnowledge KnowledgeHub HubUniversities Universities

TABLE OF CONTENTS Foundation ........................................................................................6 Interior Architecture Design ..................................................38 Digital Media....................................................................................164 Graphic Design...............................................................................238 Exhibition............................................................................................306

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Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


FOUNDATION LEVEL Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


STAFF Mostafa Youssef | Lecturer | Course Director Ingy Elzeini | Lecturer Nada Elmeniawy | Lecturer Yara Yousry | Assistant Lecturer Rewan Jamaly | Assistant Lecturer Noura A Rahman | Assistant Lecturer


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Exploration module ................................................10 Transition module ...................................................18 Student life....................................................................34

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EXPLORATION MODULE This course is designed to introduce to the student the fundamentals of perception and visual interpretation. The world around us is filled with different stimuli, and we are constantly taking in information from the surrounding environment. Our perception is an inference of a something out there based on a sensory input whether it is a scene, a smell, a feeling, a sound, or something else entirely. The processes of perception and interpretation interact with one another and the interaction is even indispensable for them. The course integrates both processes; perception: “seeing” images and interpretation “reading” images. It aims at allowing the students to understand the principles of perception and visual interpretation. Through the course, students will be aware of various techniques of looking, perceiving and interpreting images which will function as tools to develop their design thinking and visual communication skills. They will learn how to interact with the context and extract inspirations and material to produce a creative body of work.

STAFF Mostafa Youssef | Lecturer | Course Director Ingy Elzeini | Lecturer Nada Elmeniawy | Lecturer Yara Yousry | Assistant Lecturer Rewan Jamaly | Assistant Lecturer Noura A Rahman | Assistant Lecturer


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Foundation year

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SEMESTER I PROJECT 1 – AS PERCEIVED As you walk, you are also required to scavenge for three objects, that are lost and overlooked. Take pictures of these objects in context as part of your photo essay, then take them home. Your exploration of the objects starts here! Firstly, imagine the narratives behind the found objects, highlighting their qualities and properties using a stop-motion animation. Secondly, in groups, you will create a collective installation using the different found objects. While the collective installation shall respect the distinct qualities of each object, there should be a dialogue between the different elements of the composition. Individually, you will choose one of your three found objects to continue your exploration. Digging deeper to understand your chosen object, you will draw it following different approaches: gesture, direction, tonal,

Right page: poster by Mariam Bayoumi 12

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

contour and stapling. Following this, you will utilize color to further express your understanding. You may want to paint it with an unusual color, choose to emphasize specific features or to defamiliarize and decontextualize it. The choice is based on your narrative. At this point, you will work on re-contextualizing the transformed object. You will insert it in a different spatial context, a more formal one: the campus. Taking pictures of the new situation, you will be able to create an abstract structure, where you will experiment with the principles of 3 dimensional design including solid, void, negative space, directionality, play of axes, balance, contrast and tension.

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Project by Mireille Hossam


Project 1 – As Perceived


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Project by Lara Hisham

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SEMESTER I PROJECT 1 – AS INTERPRETED Perception includes not only actual places and things, but also imagined ones. Imagine that your abstract inanimate model, with its distinct form and features, is a character, how do you think it will look like? You are required to design a character that is inspired by your abstract model, which is informed by your interpretation of your finds. Creating a character profile, your design shall evoke who the character is, showing his/her expression, gesture, body, color and clothing to communicate personality traits. Now, this character needs a house to live in. Unfolding your imagination, you will design the interior of the house which shall reflect the interior life of its inhabitant. At first, you will develop a mood board that visually represents the


style, mood, colors, textures, and overall feel of the house, resonating with your character’s profile. Accordingly, you will design the house, as you get introduced to the basic concepts of form, scale and design programming. You will also design a piece of furniture that is integral to the everyday life of your character. Your presentation of the house will take the form of a spatial model, -1point and -2point perspective drawings along with a SketchUp-model. Through storytelling, you will utilize the spatial model to create a graphic narrative (sequential art) and a short -2dimensional animation that depicts the life of your character, showing the sequence of the everyday rituals within the different spatial and design qualities of the house. The last part of the course synthesizes

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

your explorations. You will design a promotional poster that incorporates both the character and the house. The poster will reflect the essence of your understanding, where you should design the typography and apply the relevant design principles and theories for the composition of the poster.

Project by Mariam Bayoumi Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


TRANSITION MODULE This course supports you in your journey from the exploration stage towards degree-level learning. You will continue to develop your understanding of the contemporary world of art, design and media and gain awareness of historical developments to inspire and inform your work. This course allows time for the analysis of interests and ambitions by evaluating your skills and investigating directions to pursue. You should continuously extend the ways in which you explore the characteristics and properties of chosen media, and understand that the nature of media has an influence on an audience’s understanding of the form and function of the creative works. Marking the move towards more self directed learning, you should consult with tutors over more specialist assignments and projects which can be used to match your ability and potential to the demands of your chosen pathway.

STAFF Mostafa Youssef | Lecturer | Course Director Ingy Elzeini | Lecturer Nada Elmeniawy | Lecturer Yara Yousry | Assistant Lecturer Rewan Jamaly | Assistant Lecturer Noura A Rahman | Assistant Lecturer


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Foundation year Some projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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Exhibitions are the central function of museums and art galleries to showcase artworks and themes by individuals or groups of artists, particular genres, thematic areas, art movements, or sub-cultures. They can feature paintings, photography, sculpture, installation, video, sound, performance, interactive art, media art, or a combination of these different media. This project focuses on the process of exhibition making and curatorial thinking, within the context of an educational institution. It will give the students a hands-on experience of organizing exhibitions. The project approaches exhibitionmaking as a collaborative practice, where students will understand different strategies of display and interpretation and different ways exhibitions tell stories and construct


Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

arguments. Students TKH Sensorium is an immersive display, where you can experience sounds, smells, tastes, and physical forms through an entire design. The experience encourages a new approach to interpret and utilize design to stimulate the senses, triggering both memory and imagination. The sensorium aims at providing the visitors with the opportunity to test their senses through five exhibitions. Each exhibition will focus on the absence of one sense, to experiment how the design will differ accordingly, to create a holistic experience for the user to be able to appreciate the exhibited art.

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SENSE THE COUNTRY A project by Mariam Bayoumy, Lujain Bosila, Habiba Mahmoud, Narmiq Imran, Basmala Abdou


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Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


SEMESTER II PROJECT 2 – FINAL MAJOR PROJECT DESIGN + CULTURAL IDENTITY [ The Interdisciplinary Project ] Design and culture have always been closely interrelated, but in many instances design becomes the true measure of culture, rather than belonging to part of the cultural context of the society. Design is the embodiment of a larger creative process that has become a means to capture ideation, innovation, and enterprise and made to stand for cultural identity. Traditionally, Culture is referred to as a pattern that signifies human activity manifested by the arts, music, sculpture, theatre, dance, film, fashion, design, food, and architecture. However, on a wider scale, Culture embraces complex ways of living, value systems, traditions, beliefs, and habits; including knowledge, morals, law, and customs, acquired by those within that society.

For this project, the aim is to refer to one of the prominent local or regional cultures. You are firstly required to identify the main features of the chosen culture as well as its distinctive cultural signatures in products and artifacts. Based on your specialism, you will translate your knowledge of the culture through design, depicting the richness of its distinctive values and maintaining an authentic use of its identity.

Right page project by Sama Tarek 24

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Project by Jana Yehya

The final major project is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to plan, organize and produce a creative outcome within the time frame of the project. You must evidence the ability to explore, adapt and apply practical and technical methods and skills and solve problems in the realization of your final major project. Throughout the project, you will be working independently with ongoing academic support. You will be responsible for developing and presenting a statement of intent for your “Final Major Project”. You will use workshops and studio practice time to develop and progress ideas within your sketchbooks to contextually support your project proposal.


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Project by Amira Aref


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Project by Jannah Morsy

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Project by Mariam Bayoumi


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Project by Robana Omar

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Left page : Project by Karam Mardini Right page: poster by Muhammed Tarek Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


MODULE STAFF Names Names Names Names Names


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Foundation Level

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IN TRANSIT Took place on the 31st of March. The event aims to bring together innovative and prominent professionals to speak about their influences, processes, and utilization of theory and knowledge within their current art practice. We were honored to have on board Mohamed Fares, Karim Alhayawan, Ebtissam Farid, Marouan Omara, Deena Mohamed, Maram Al Refaei, and Abdelhameed.


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IAD INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


STAFF Ebtissam Farid | Associate professor | Course Director Dina El Mehelmy | Lecturer Shaza Elba | Lecturer Ahmed Maher | Lecturer Ahmed Nasr | Lecturer Randa Bassem | Assistant Lecturer Mirna Mikhail | Assistant Lecturer Sara Kessba | Assistant Lecturer Rana Taher | Assistant Lecturer Mohamed Grant | Assistant Lecturer Sarah Abdelaziz | Assistant Lecturer


Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

TABLE OF CONTENTS Making for interior Architecture ................................................42 Form and Color ......................................................................................76 Professional development 1 ..........................................................86 Exploration for interior architecture and design ............90 Tech 1 for interior architecture and design..........................98 Branding for interior architecture and design.................106 Tech 2 for interior architecture and design..........................118 Professional development 2..........................................................126 Specialist Skills for IAD.......................................................................134 Student life.................................................................................................142

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MAKING FOR INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE This module places the basics of design in the context of Interior Architecture and Design. The technical content of the course challenges the students to develop making, drawing and presentation skills. The emphasis is placed on designing within specific contexts. This module focuses on the fundamentals of Interior Architecture and Design; technical drawing, design skills and problem solving. There is a series of History of Art and Architecture lectures to deepen your overall skills, curiosity, and knowledge of the discipline. The module contains taught material covering subjects including: History and context of Interior Architecture and Design, Design process, Technical skills development, Sketching, Portfolio development, Digital / physical workshops.

MODULE STAFF Shaza Elba Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Sara Abdelaziz Mohamed Grant


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This module contains some projects that will need to be scanned with artivive app for better experience - this will be highlighted on the page -

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Picasso’s The Bull is a great example of both abstraction and simplification in life drawing – over the course of eleven drawings he reduces the animal’s form from fully rendered flesh and bone to eight intersecting lines. It is with this spirit that architects depict figures with a stroke of their pen.

REDUCTION & ABSTRACTION; UNDERSTANDING THE FORMS Abstraction process gives a way to see nature and how to extract beauty for art and architecture. The process is based on spirit of nature and how to interpret the shapes of flowers, trees, rivers, mountains or any natural thing or human activity for design inspiration. Architecture is an abstraction of nature Left page : Poster by Alia Elmaghawry Yearbook Yearbook2022 20222021 2021--Coventry CoventryUniversity University x The Knowledge Hub Universities 4545

PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP Any movement or object can be related to massing and design, we can be inspired by a dance or an animal movement or maybe your own composition. In this exercise the students were assigned to have some fun together, to go crazy and explore their own movements.

they were required as a group to create a scene with their movements integrated together in one shot. Then abstract the lines and will create them to masses with different heights and thicknesses.

Left page : Compositions by Leila Elawadly, Shahinaz Elmasry, Omar Youssef, Mohamed Eraki, Omar ElArabi 46

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

ABSTRACTION WORKSHOP How much detail can they remove whilst preserving the essence of the figure? What specific characteristics might we want to retain? Is the figure male or female? Young or old? On-the-move or stationary? Posture? Gesture?

Right page : Compositions by Yehia Sheikieb, Ganna Abdelhamid, Naela Elfar, Mariam Elabd, Gloria Rofael, Nourallah Rashed Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


ABSTRACTION WORKSHOP Each student individually had to take a selfie of himself/herslef, start to reduce it then abstract it. It was a small exercice which make it easier for the student to know the difference between the reduction and the abstraction.

Left page : Abstraction by Alia Elmaghawry/Kariman ElKareish 48

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

After reducing their movement composition into lines, they had to abstract it (change some lines length and direction), then to make a composition with the output, extrude it and transform it into walls where we can move between it’s boundries. They had to study the circulation and where to locate the openings.

Right page : Composition by Nour Ahmed Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


BONHOMMES Nothing spoils a design drawing quite like a stick man (or indeed stick person). Stick people will forever be associated with a lack of drawing skill – this is certainly not something you, as a designer, want to communicate to others. This does not mean however, that you cannot rapidly visualize people in your drawings, or that you must tirelessly render figures in great detail... Professional architects and designers


Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

often develop and employ a simple but personal character style to use in their concept drawings. The following images represent a small selection of student outputs.

Left page : work by Habiba Salama, Farah Abdelghaffar, Farah Sallam, Asser Hazem Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities



Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

SUPREMATISM, CONSTRUCTIVISM & ARKHITEKTON Suprematism is an art movement focused on basic geometric forms, such as circles, squares, lines, and rectangles, painted in a limited range of colours. The term suprematism refers to an abstract art based upon “the supremacy of pure artistic feeling” rather than on visual depiction of objects, it is one of the main abstract schools of art.

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Left page: work by Nardine Youssef, Alia Elmaghawry, Rehab Omar, Maya Refkry, Farah Abdelghaffar, Asser Hazem Right Page: Lina Ebeid Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities




In a quick exercice in the Cosmos x Canvas lecture, introdcing the Arkhitektons of Kazmir Malevich, students were asked to quickly build a conceptual arkhitekton using scotch tape on black canson. The output was really inspiring and students express their understanding of the process in a very easy manner.

Left page: model by AliaaAbdelaal / Right page: artworks by Y1 students 56

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ARKHITEKTON The Architectons are mostly white plaster models made up by several rectangular blocks. Usually a central bigger block is the main compositional element and smaller parallelepipeds are progressively added to it. The final composition being the pure result of assembling abstract masses in vertical or horizontal. Students have to decompose the composition achieved from their “suprematism poster” into separate elements, circles, rectangles, squares, lines.. etc. Filter them, resize them so they have a variety of elements that can help them later in developing the Architectons composition. The student drew these shapes on SketchUp and extrude them giving them different heights. Any triangles should be transformed into stairs, if there are no triangles, a rectangle can be split diagonally into 2 and then transformed into stairs. All in all, each student must have a minimum of one stair element in their Architectons.

Left page: work by Heba Ahmed, Malak Ibrahim, Sarah Kotb, Donia othman, Maya Sakr, Aya Badran Right Page: Nadine Shokeir Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities



Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

Dioramas are a (relatively) quick and effective way of presenting user spatial experience ideas (interior and exterior). Dioramas may be entirely figurative/representational or conceptual, even surreal. Using techniques of sectioning, we can create virtual CAD and physical models with depth, perspective, and most importantly unique spatial experiences.

DIORAMA Starting by selecting a keyword from our list of keywords, or suggesting his/her own keyword. Afterwards, The student will translate this keyword into sketches. He/she is creating a space that matches and portrays his/her chosen keyword.

Left page: Diorama by Yehia Shekeib Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


Left page: Dioramas by Leila Elawadly, Kariman Elkreish, Kirolos Habib, Asse Hazem, Marla Philips, Malak Defrawy, Suhaila Mohamed/Farah Sallam/Farah Abdelghaffar


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Right page: Diorama by Alia Elmaghawry

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After each student has created his own 24x24 diorama, a competition was held to vote on the best diorama that can be executed in 1:1 scale. The voting was open to everyone students and staff, and this Diorama was selected to be executed.

Original physical model by Bassant Mansour 64

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After dedication and harwork, collaboration and teamwork spirit, the student and staff succeeded to build the diorama and celebrate their output together

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ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE One-point perspective is the simplest perspective to work in. First, The students must decide where the horizon line is on the drawing (usually at eye level if they are drawing an interior space). Then, they define a vanishing point (VP). The vanishing point can also be moved towards the left or right of the image along the horizon line to give a different viewpoint. They can construct any geometric object or space easily by drawing its facing surface and then tracing construction lines from the vanishing point to (or through) its vertices. One-point perspective is most suitable when they are drawing objects or spaces with surfaces that are directly facing them (like the ‘back wall’ or the darkest face of the cuboid). Given task: they were assigned to draw their Diorama model in one point perspective manually.

Left page: work by Alia Elmaghawry, Farah Sallam, Abrar Mohamed 68

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Right page: work by Abrar Mohamed, Alia Elmaghawry, Bassant Mansour

TWO POINTS PERSPECTIVE Not everything is seen ‘face-on’ and we therefore need a more sophisticated system to enable us to draw objects and spaces that appear to get smaller in two axes. In two-point perspective, the student define two vanishing points at the extremes of the horizon line. The closer these points are together, the more extreme the perspective view. Shapes can be drawn where construction lines intersect. Vertical lines are still parallel. Given task: they were assigned to draw their architekton model in -2point perspective manually.

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Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

Students worked in groups Left page: work by Mohamed Mahgoub,Zeina Ashour Habiba Elbehiry,Habiba Salama,Lina Ebeid,Sondos Hothaifa Maram Isamil,Nada Mahmoud,Rahma Samir Abrar Mohamed,Dima Elrayes,Dina Elgazzar,Maya Refky,Rehab Omar Alia Elmaghawry,Heba Ahmed,Nour Ahmed. Right page: work by Claudia Vedi,Donia Elhawagry,Farida Elzaiady,Leila Kohia,Rawan Elhawagry Engy Badrakhan,Lana Badr,Malak Aboueitta,Malak Ibrahim,Nada Eldahan/

These collages need to be scanned with artivive app for better experience.

COLLAGES Collaging has been used as a visualisation medium for artists since the advent of paper. In looking at a collage, we understand explicitly how it is made, but here the simplicity ends – the decisions made in the choice of images, cut lines and composition are crucial to its success – a complex design challenge.

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Left page: work by Heba Ahmed/Alia Elmaghawry , right page: work by Ziad Ahmed/Yomna Aly 72

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These collages need to be scanned with artivive app for better experience.

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Students worked both individually and in groups to explore different techniques and mediums for making collages.


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Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


FORM & COLOR The aim of this practical module is to introduce students to study of form and colour within spatial contextutilising a range of drawing, making and presentation techniques. Starting with the fundamentals, thismodule opens up important connections to techniques and resources associated with the practice ofinterior architecture and design. The module contains taught material covering subjects including: Fundamentals of Drawing and physical Model Making, Concept Development, Design Process, Form and Function, Colour Analysis and Experimentation, Technical skills development, Sketching, Portfolio development, Digital workshops.

MODULE STAFF Dina Elmehelmy Ahmed Nasr Randa Bassem Rana Taher Sarah AbdelAziz


MODULE STAFF Rana Taher Randa Bassem Sara Abdelaziz

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Level 4 module

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MATERIAL EXPLORATION WORKSHOP Students were given the opportunity to experience different materials in preparation for their final project HABITAT. They started to investigate which material will help their concept to manifest in a physical model. Below are some student output examples

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HABITATS - THE FINAL PROJECT Initially focusing on form and colour, the ethos of this project will be closely linked to the environment; particularly materials, making techniques and topics relating to sustainability (climate change). The ideas and proposals, derived following a rigorous series of drawing and making techniques, will become a small habitat, taking into consideration all the learning from the module. The student will create innovative 2D/3D outputs and present these to an audience. His/her ideas and concepts will be based on nature, wildlife, and small structures and habitats particularly. The student studies design and nature through the eyes of artists, learn about materials and what they mean to the environment and our future. He/she is always encouraged to take risks, experiment, and create strong design processes. He/she will work individually and in groups and will practice presentation techniques. The ideas and proposals will coincide with parallel modules where technology, making, interior architecture anddesign drawing support this module. You are expected to work to deadlines and explore ideas and regularly practice skills in the self- guided study time.

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alette to call on for inspiration, among them dlessproject palette represents to call on for inspiration, among bitat a space inspired by them This habitat project represents space inspired by pecial structure, pattern, texturea and colors ce.human Its special structure, pattern, texture and colors en habitation and theNour natural world Project by Ahmed yctural between human and the design. The habitation space is defined bynatural diag- world architectural design. The space is defined asted by smooth curvilinear planes. It is lo-by diagNature had anplanes. endless ds by smooth curvilinear It is lo- palette to call achcontrasted as the source’s elements commensurate beach thewhere source’s elements commensurate on for the inspiration, among the red lion ntlam of the redas sea, fish belongs. n, in front of the red sea, where the fish belongs.



fish. The habitat project represents a space inspired by said aquatic source. Its special structure, pattern, texture and Layout 1:50 colors led to a harmony between human habitation and the natural world through organic architectural design. The space is defined by diagonal wooden rods contrasted by smooth curvilinear planes. It is also located in Marsa Allam beach as the source's elements commensurate with the location, in front of the red sea, where the fish belongs.

Plan 1:50



Layout 1:50




Plan 1:50 Plan 1:50

Section AA 1:50 Section AA 1:50

Section BB 1:50 Section BB 1:50



Layout 1:50 Layout 1:50

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Section AA 1:50 >

Section BB 1:50

Views of Physical Model Views of Physical Model

cheme Location: Marsa Allam Divers Beach Location: Marsa Allam Divers Beach Color Scheme

COLOUR FOR INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN | School of Design and Media _ 2021/202 Student Name: Nour Ahmed Mahmoud CU21005152 RM AND COLOUR FOR INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN | School of Design and Media _ 2021/202 Student Name: Nour Ahmed Mahmoud CU21005152

bonate stic


Views of Physical 82 Yearbook 2022 2021Model - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

Section AA 1:50 The Knowledge Hub Universities - Coventry University The Knowledge Hub Universities - Coventry University

SEAMLESS - HABITATS Project by Asser Hazem

The design is inspired by the helmet Urchin. The minimal structure of this habitat is a reduction of the urchin's outer hexagonal form. The project is located in AlAzhar Park. The site is fitting because it has a varied landscape and an exquisite outlook on Salah Eldin Citadel. It is also centered in the heart of Cairo, which allows for easy access from neighbouring areas. The form integrates seamlessly with the site showing off the richeness and beauty of the location.

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Project by Sara Sakr

Project by Zeina Farouk

Project by Marawan Mahmoud 84

Project by Riad Seifelnasr

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HABITATS - THE FINAL PROJECT These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process. These are samples of the 3D physical models output of the Habitat project. They show the diversity of the student thinking process.

Project by Ahmed Afify

Project by Farah Sallam

Project by Rawan Elhawagry

Project by Jana Hafez

Project by Farida Abouzeid

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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1 This module assists students in making the transition from school to becoming a successful undergraduate designer andindependent learner. Study skills andlearning techniques will be introduced andapplied, with a focus on research andreflective practice. Historical andcontemporary approaches to design will be explored andanalysed. Students will be asked to consider what inspires anddrives them, andwhere they see their future within the creative industries.Students will interrogate their discipline andpracticein order todevelop a personal design manifesto andmake ongoing plans for their academic journey andprofessional development. Their investigation, analysis andreflection will be documented over the course of the semester in an illustrated journal. This module will contain taught material covering design ‹drivers›, design manifestos, design history and contemporary approaches to design. These subjects demonstrate the importance of personal development planning, highlighting design skills and industry expectations. It will also include knowledge of different study skillsthrough analysis and reflection, inspirational research,and subject knowledge, as well as sketchbook practice.

MODULE STAFF Ahmed Maher Dina Elmehelmy


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HABITATS - THE FINAL PROJECT First Half of Sketchbook: Design Manifesto the students are to write their own personal design manifestoto, they will illustrate their manifesto with a curated selection of inspirational images and drawings (creative work by other practitioners –designers, architects, etc.). Centre Pages: Aspirations Use the centre pages of their book to describe and illustrate the role that they currently aspire to fulfil after graduating from the course. Second Half of Sketchbook: Your Design Work The second half of your sketchbook is to contain an edited selection of your own design work showing how you have progressed

Work by Alia Elmaghawry & Claudia Verdi 88

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(exploratory, developmental and final work). Inside Back Cover: Plan It should discuss: what will they change, do differently and do more/less of next year in order to work towards their dream? Are there skills they need to improve? Is there a summer placement/internship they would like to secure? they have to be specific –do some research –talk about job roles, designers, companies, brands. Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


EXPLORATION FOR IAD This module deals with interior spaces, user-groups and the activities that are housed within specific spaces. The students are looking at domestic space incorporating live/work and play space. As designers, they need to be working closely with clients, their needs and budgets, yet highlighting and bringing their expertise to the project. They will start to learn about ergonomics, human scale, dimensions, furniture and fittings, walls, floors, materials, regulations, basic design practice, colour, texture, ambience. In cities all over the globe, living- and workspace is becoming more and more difficult (and expensive) to find. They will investigate this and look at alternative ways of living and working, re-using and re-making [converting] buildings and spaces to new uses. As always, your ideas must contain sustainable solutions.They will work with imaginary clients and become initially aware of the design practice, and also the multi-disciplinary design practice and other forms of collaboration.

MODULE STAFF Ebtissam Farid Dina ElMehelmy Ahmed Maher Ahmed Nasr Randa Bassem Sara Kesba Sarah AbdelAziz


MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Mohamed Grant

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Level 4 module

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A project by Abrar Mohamed After getting to know more about the clients, the major quality that is common between the members of the family that they are all introvert, calm people, and they all love simplicity. Therefore, the best styke for their home was minimalist resiendtial design. The choice of colors is warm mix of nudes and whtite to create the calm atmosphere.


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A project by Rawan Elhawagry


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In the process collages and moodbaards by Asser Hazem

In the process material boards by Habiba Arafa

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A project by Nadine Shoukeir Nadine's clients are extrovert people, their home represent Comfort, Coziness, Wormth, Happiness, Privacy for them. Therefore she started to design their home accordingly.


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Physical mocel by Salma Hamasa Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


TECH 1 FOR IAD This module aims to develop a fundamental understanding of the practical nature of Interior Architecture and Design. Through the use of 2D CAD at an introductory level (preparing plans, sections, elevation, and lighting plans etc.), students will gain appropriate knowledge of technical representation. Students will be introduced to basic 3D CAD modelling. Learners will gain the necessary appreciation of interior and exterior materials and structures. This module will contain taught material covering subjects demonstrating the importance of technical communication primarily in 2D CAD focusing on technical drawing skills: plans, sections and elevations and technical vocabulary. It will also include knowledge of materials and processes, introduction to sustainability, and lighting in the context of Interior Architecture and Design.

MODULE STAFF Dina Elmehelmy Ahmed Nasrr Ahmed Maher Randa Bassem Sarah Abdelaziz Sara Kessba


MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Mohamed Grant

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Level 4 module

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TECHNICAL WORKSHOPS Manual and AutoCAD tasks prepared to enable students to apply the content acquired.

Left page: A drawing by Alia Moenes | left page: drawings by Abrar Mohamed, Nour Ahmed 100

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DIGITAL NOTEBOOK Students document all their work, their lectures, progress, projects and personal notes in a digital notebook.

Section 01 – Lecture notes, weekly tasks, personal Revit guide, selfguided study

Left page: A notebook by Sondos Hothaifa | left page: Notebbok by Alia Elmoghawry 102

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Section 02 – Project progress

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Section 03 – Research tasks

Left page: A notebook by Abrar Mohamed | left page: Technical pack by Zeina Farouk, Rawan Elhawagry, Farida Abouzeid 104

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BRANDING FOR IAD This module aims to develop an understanding of 3D presentation skills related to Interior Design. Through project outcomes students will be asked to explore 3D spatial attributes, 2D drawings and physical and virtual models. There will be studio-based tuition and lectures covering both 2D & 3D aspects of how brand identity is applied in interior architecture and design. Collaborative work and extensive use of case study profiles is used to ensure students have a broad and comprehensive understanding of the subject.

MODULE STAFF Ebtissam Farid Ahmed Maher Shaza Elba Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Mohamed Ashraf


MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Mohamed Grant

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Level 5 module

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ORLOVSKI A project by Yehia ElManawaty

Twisted brand A luxurious boutique hotel

MISSION: It’s important to Swarovski Gemstones to sell only high quality stones with a high precision cut in a variety of colors. Swarovski’s mission is to create perfection, by cutting and polishing the gemstones meticulously, in order to emphasize the natural light and sparkle in the stones. VISION: Their vision is to provide color-matched gemstones that are ready-to-set to companies and private customers around the world. In this way Swarovski offers an unique gemstone collection affordable for most people and allows each company to bring Swarovski into their own design. SLOGAN: “Gem Visions strives to provide innovative solutions and creative ideas in keeping with the latest global trends.”. Swarovski values quality and sustainability through their stones. It’s also important for them to focus on human rights and to give back to the society locally and globally. BRAND MANIFESTO: “We want to be recognized as a brand built on the basis of equality and inclusiveness. Not only. We want to foster, through education, people›s ability to make informed decisions, then helping them in the realization of their most daring dreams « Shine Brighter Together, Be Bolder Together and Spark Change Together.


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This project started by us visiting CONSOLEYA a building in downtown cairo where the students learned about its heritatge and how they transformed this 95 year old place into a new modern co working space. Students had to study very well the different brands they were proposed to enable them to build an interior space that wil give you the same vibes and design as you enter the space. After doing research, Yehia chose swarovski, choosing this brand gave him the opportunity to know more about every aspect of it, the typography, the colors, the tone of voice and the client experience. Swarovski is a jewerly brand that is know worldwide. Firstly Yehia researched the design brand ethos and its jewerly and store designs, since swarovski is a luxury shinny brand, he had to show this brand in a different way, designing a hotel for swarovski was the way to show it, making a luxurious boutique hotel that features all the brands characteristcs and features. He had to give the customers the feeling of swarovski. In the design, he decided to use as many crystals and shinny objects as he could, he also used the visual identity of the brand. Swarovski is well known for its royal and light blue shades so using the blue color was a main aspect in his designs, he also used their main colors which are the shades of white, beige, and silver. After looking at the brand, he started layouting his plan and sketch what he wanted to include in his boutique hotel. He chose the ground floor plan since its the most convinient space, he chose to include a reception area a fine dining experience, and a kitchen included to serve the customers, a small cozy gym and seating area next to the reception, He used crystal chandiliers across the model and also added some swans to also show that after twisting the brand you can still feel swarovski all over the interior space. For the logo, He did some research and found that a realy rare diamond is called black orloy, he decided to use the world orlov and add it to the last 3 key words of swarovski in order to give the same feeling of the ‘word swarovski. He called the brand orlovski.

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Ground floor plan


Rendered floor plan

Longuitudinal section

Cross section

Cross section

Rendered Longuitudinal section

Rendered Cross section

Rendered Cross section

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Project by Yehia ElManawaty

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C-STUDIOS A project by Shahinaz ElMasry

A project by Shahinaz ElMasry

Twisted brand A cinematheque

A cinematheque is an archive of films and film-related objects with an exhibition venue. Similarly to a book library, a cinematheque is responsible for preserving and making available to the public film heritage. Shahinaz chose Cocacola for her brand; it’s well known for its young spirit, joy and gathering. When she decided to twist the brand, she targeted a function that serves the original brand ethos. She chose to transform it to a cinemateque, where many events and gathering could happen, bring people together and let the joy happiness of heritage envade them again. She also preserves the brand visual identity; and used the wellknown C letter for her new C studios logo.


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SCHWANKAFFE A project by Kariman Elkareish

Located in the centre of Downtown Cairo, CONSOLEYA has a one of a kind union between the ideal location and the aesthetically pleasing design. Since it is surrounded by old French architecture, it is the supreme space to create an extremely modern design that contrasts between now and then. Schwankaffe is a café revolving around the concept of creating luxury out of the simplest things. Reflecting Swarovski’s brand manifesto. It accommodates a very specific target audience and type of customers, mainly ones who admire and appreciate the beauty and art of Swarovski.


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Twisted brand A luxurious restaurant

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TECH 2 FOR IAD Catching the Zeitgeist. The student is requested to design an exhibition stand/pavilion to promote the ‘Now’. The stand/pavilion could be: a stand promoting fashion Now, it could be a stand/pavilion promoting the music of Now, architecture Now, political, environmental, social movements of Now, products etc. or a mix of all of these or even the feeling of Now. The student has to pinpoint his/her own Now. They are tasked with the creation of an exhibition stand / pavilion, adapting up to 4 x shipping containers. The overall size of 1 x shipping container is 6.6m length x 2.6m height x 2.44m width. The exhibition stand pavilion must be 2 storieshigh at some point. It must be an ‘Off Grid’ building, ie power will have to come from the immediate surrounding. Construction of the stand / pavilion must also be suitable for its proposed location –consider climate and use of local /sustainable materials etc. It must also have a display area for whatever you choose to display. This module aims to develop a further understanding of the practical nature of InteriorArchitecture and Design. Through the use of 2D, 3D CAD software and physical models,students will gain an in-depth knowledge of interior and exterior construction and detailing techniques. Students will advance their understanding of materials, their application and usage through a detailed design project.

MODULE STAFF Ahmed Nasr Ahmed Maher Randa Bassem Rana Taher


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Level 5 module

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CATCHING THE ZEITGEIST - GATED COMMUNITIES A project by Shahinaz ElMasry One of the things that defines the Zeitiest in Egypt is the spread- ing of the gated communities. In only Cairo and its surround- ings, There are over 200 com- pounds and gated comminities ranging in size and expense. What exactly is a Gated community? In its modern form, a gated com- munity is a form of residential com- munity or housing estate 120

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containing strictly controlled entrances for pedestrians, bicycles, and automo- biles, and often characterized by a closed perimeter of walls and fences. it is because ofe these gated com- munities that there is now clear and obvious segregation between the egyptian people. The segre- gation is fed by the closed off co- munities that judge eachother and simply don’t accept eachother.

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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2 This module is designed to assist students in producing evidence of their progress towards becoming a design professional. It encourages autonomous activity in making, drawing, presenting, organising and developing images and other outcomes of design activity into a formal portfolio of their design work; it will take the form of a digital and physical record of their subject specific and generic skills and accomplishments in preparation for engagement with the design industries. The main outcome will become a ‘passport to the community of practice’ of professional designers. The requirements of professional design related employment are discussed and developed in open forum events supported by design practitioners. Students will record their initial thoughts on their personal direction and notation of their details in an illustrated format will also be tackled.

MODULE STAFF Ahmed Maher Ebtissam Farid


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Leporello by Ganna Abdelhamid


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Leporello by Shahinaz ElMasry


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Leporello by Yehia Shekieb


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SPECIALIST SKILLS FOR IAD This module is a triple module that contains 3 course works. Each coursework is different from the other. The main project CW1 is a full design project, CW2 is a COIL Project in association with an International Partner and CW3 is a written report whose conclusion may point the way to your future career and final major project. In the following spreads, you will navigate through CW1 student work; The students have a choice of two projects but one building. The building they will be using is the “Hanger” where the “GLC Color Piazza” took place, plans were provided. The students have to design experiential spaces transforming 2D paintings to 3D spaces, or predicting present and past futures.

MODULE STAFF Shaza Elba Dina Elmehelmy Mirna Mikhail Rana Taher Mohamed Ashraf


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Level 5 module

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IN THE PROCESS Models by Jenna Khalil, Gloria Rofael, Helen John, Alia Abouzeid, Lamees Ghoneim


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Models by Shahd Ayad, Malak Defrawy, Nour Karmalawy, Naela Elfar

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PAST FUTURES AND PRESENT FUTURES Project by Shahinaz Elmasry We as designers are designers of the future. As soon as we start to design and put pen to paper the future starts to reveal itself. Throughout history the future has fascinated people. The future is unknown, but it hasn’t stopped people speculating about it, predicting it or even engineering it to their own ends. You are to research into ‘Past Futures’ and ‘Present Futures’. In other words what people thought the future would look like in the past and what we now feel the future will be like and feel like from our current perspective. You could look into past architectural movements and their Utopian ideals for the future or Dystopian views. Literature, both prose and poetry have used the Future as their subject matter. Also, many films are and where made that predicted the future and throughout this module, we will run some of these films. These areas and others will be the source of your inspiration. Within this project you are to create a minimum of 4 sensory / experiential spaces that express your inspiration.


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MODULE STAFF Names Names Names Names Names


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Level 4 + Level 5

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the first annual Interior Architecture Design Forum at TKH happenend on November 7th. Distinguished Guest Speakers alongside other invited market professionals helped in Linking our students with Market challenges and professional experience.

INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE DESIGN FORUM IADF 2021 will also Provided a good opportunity to our students in meeting Professional Designers from The Design Scene. Trying to bridge the gap between Academia & Professional Career life

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GLC COLOR PIAZZA GLC Paints has collaborated with 5 Architects to create the GLC color Piazza, inspired by the various architectural styles of downtown Cairo. Each architect interpreted these styles in her/his own language. The 5 pavilions merge together creating The GLC Color Piazza. The result is a project not only of architecture but of communication, storytelling, and the epitome of collaboration between 5 masterminds. On Wednesday, April 20th TKH students exclusively got the chance to see the first screening of the videos that documented the journey of every Architect from conception to execution. followed by a panel discussion with the 5 prominent architects.


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Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


GLC SITE VISIT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis


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Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


CAIRO DESIGN AWARD Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis


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DUBAI EXPO 2020 VISIT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis


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STAFF Nora Kahil | Lecturer | Course Director Nadine Abdelazim | Lecturer Remon Azmi | Lecturer Mahmoud Barakat | Lecturer Mohamed Gharbia | Lecturer Habiba Farouk | Assistant Lecturer


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Understanding digital media.......................................................168 Creative digital media, context and practice.....................172 Creative hacklab 1 ................................................................................186 Digital storytelling and media design....................................190 Web design................................................................................................194 Transmedia Practice...........................................................................198 Creative and critical digital practice.......................................204 Creative hacklab 2................................................................................210 Digital marketing and campaigning.....................................216 Professional experience....................................................................220 Student life.................................................................................................226

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167 167

UNDERSTANDING DIGITAL MEDIA This module introduces students to the meaning, importance,and use of a number of fundamental concepts within the broad fields of network media analysis and production. Students will be introduced to the history, development,and use of a series of key concepts that have been employed to understand how meaning within media objects has been produced, consumed and interpreted. These may include: institution, identity, contexts of production, audience, narrative and genre, critical refection. The meaning and significance of these concepts will be explored through a range of methods including case studies, seminar discussions and individual exercises illustrating their development, conventional use and potential limitations. Students isrequired to develop their understanding of, and ability to engage with these key concepts in the production, consumption and interpretation of new media objects.


Producing a 3D Lego character using MAYA based on an original design (Fantasy or Self-reflection). The 3D character demonstratesan understanding of the principles of character narrative, design, and dimension theory. This character showsthat a student can design; but use design as a way of communicating ideas in a clear, readable and a communicable way.

MODULE STAFF Nadine Abdelazim Habiba Farouk

MODULE STAFF Habiba Farouk

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UNDERSTANDING DIGITAL MEDIA Level 4 module All projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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Student’s project name THE GUARDIAN ANGEL: ANTI-BULLYING Student name Malak Abouelenein Character TurntableLink 170

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Student’s project name THE TRICHO JOURNEY Student name Nada Khaled Genena Character TurntableLink Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


CREATIVE DIGITAL MEDIA, CONTEXT AND PRACTICE Brief:This module introduces students to the core skills and knowledge necessary to effectively produce, distribute and analyse a range of digital media. Students will examine how people, ideas and content flow through digital environments and use this knowledgeto develop a range of digital media artefacts. It includes looking at the history of the development of the digital media landscape and how it has challenged traditional notions of production and consumption. As part of this, students will experiment withproducing different forms of multimedia content including digital video, sound, web and other forms. The module requires students to engage in reflection and analysis on a range of developments in the digital media sphere, thinking about the social-cultural contexts and implications of ‘digital’ mediation on areas such as identity, authorship and representation. Students will be required to research, reflect on and respond to these issues and demonstrate how they impinge on their own professional practice throughout the module. They will work both individually and collaboratively to produce projects suitable for cross-platform delivery.

MODULE STAFF Nora Kahil Mohamed Gharbia

MODULE STAFF Habiba Farouk

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CREATIVE DIGITAL MEDIA, CONTEXT AND PRACTICE Level 4 module Some projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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ARTEFACT -1 REMIX Remixing is a technique for processing content and changing meaning. The remix should be thought of as a method of quotation, citation, and commentary; as a form of pastiche, parody, or homage; as a means of picking our way through the media-saturated labyrinth in which we find ourselves; a vital expression of our living culture in a confused and confusing time. For this you should create your very own ‘Remix’ of two or more images in Photoshop. These can be either your own or sourced online via any website which is under the Creative Commons license (WikiCommons, Pixabay, Pexels, Pond5, Vecteezy are a few examples). You will need to think about how you remix these images to add your own visual flair, create new meaningand make a statement about the society we live in. The theme should be about our relationship with digital media and digital society.


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Student’s project name REMIX Student name ADAM EL AWAMRI

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PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Remixing is a technique for processing content and changing meaning. The remix is a vital expression of our living culture in a confused and confusing time.

Student’s project name REMIX Student name Kareem El Nady 176

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Student’s project name REMIX Student name Valentin MAroccia Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


ARTEFACT 2 –AUDIO PORTRAIT Sound can be as effective as imagery in conveying meaning and can be used tocapture the feel of a place, a person, an action or event. An important part of your development as digital media practitioners is about paying attention to detail and learning to craft your approach to both sound and ‘people’. For this artefact you need to create a one-minute ‘Audio Portrait’ that follows the theme of expressing your identity and surveillance. You will need to think about how you add meaning, layers and ‘story’ to your representation. Consider how you might combine voice, music and sound effects in interesting ways to explore these ideas. The theme is: digital footprint, identity and surveillance. Each of you should create your own audio portrait. You can then curate these together in some way.


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Student’s project name IDENTITY Student name Nour Mahmoud

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Student’s project name SURVEILLANCE Student name Mariam Gamaledin


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Student’s project name DIGITAL CONSUMERISM Student name Malak Abouelenein

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Sound can be as effective as imagery in conveying meaning and can be used to capture the feel of a place, a person, an action or event.

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ARTEFACT 3 –AUDIO PORTRAIT Anonymous are an international network of hacktivists aiming to bring justice for all by exposing social issues like environmental changes and cultural challenges. They usually participate in online operations by targeting specific social issues and uncovering the truth. These truths are usually exposed in forms of their online viral videos which contain an anonymous voice, the infamous ‘V’ masked character and news clippings which together tell a story. In groups you should create a 3-2 Minute ‘Anonymous’ video on something you want to raise digital awareness about.


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Student’s project name TRUTH REBELLION Student name Adam ElAwamri, Kareem Elnady, Shadw Abdelaal, Jana Saleh

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Student’s project name OPIOID EPIDEMIC Student name Kareem Ayman, Saja Elembaby, Nour Mahmoud, Valentin Maroccia


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Student’s project name CONSUMED Student name Malak Aboelenien, Marjane Emad, Mirna Arfa, MazenAbdelghany

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CREATIVE HACKLAB 1 This is an intensive real-world simulation module where the students will be handed a live industry brief (either commercial, artistic, social or cultural) with a problem to solve. The goal will be, by the end of the module, to create a ‘rapid prototype’ solution that can be presented to the client or wider public.

MODULE STAFF Remone Medhat Mohamed Gharbia

MODULE STAFF Habiba Farouk

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CREATIVE HACKLAB 1 Level 4 module All projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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2D ANIMATION PROJECT Students are required to script, illustrate, rig, animate and sound-edit a short animation product with a narrative that targets a progressive or sustainable idea that benefits its target audience. Students are evaluated on basis on aesthetics, animation quality, and substantial narrative.

Project name HEALING HEART


Student name Mazen Abdelghany, Malak Abouelenein, Mariam Abdelfattah

Student name Saja Embaby, Youssef ElMairy, Shadw Abdelaal


Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

ARDUINO/PROCESSING PROJECT Arduino/Processing: Students are required to conceptualize, plan, procure, and connect an Arduino interface that inputs sensory information which manipulate audiovisual digital output structured and simulated using Processing interface’s creative coding. This project aims to break boundaries between the tangible and intangible, to deliver a hybrid experience that inspires further integration of the real and the digital.


Project name WARM TECH

Student name Nour Tarek Ali, Nour Abdelsamie, Rawan Abdelrazek

Student name Jowairia Mohamed, Jana Abdelkarim, Jana Saleh

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


DIGITAL STORYTELLING & MEDIA DESIGN This module investigates the effects of immersive forms of digital media on storytelling by exploring interactive Storytelling. Covering the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, the semantic web, the mobile web to the Internet of Things, this module enables students to think about the way that networked culture has enabled new forms of storytelling and media design. Students are engaging in practical experiments that play with the complex interactions between digital technologies, interface design and participation in digital storytelling. They are asked to engage in debates through key readings as well as combining theoretical knowledge with the practical development of interfaces and artefacts that utilize a range of open-source software tools, programming platforms and devices.

MODULE STAFF Nora Kahil Mohamed Gharbia

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DIGITAL STORYTELLING & MEDIA DESIGN Level 4 module All projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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Animated 2D Infograph based on historical Egyptian figures: Duration: 45 to 60sec

UM KALTHOUM: A Fashion Icon Evolution by Malak Abouelenein

ZBEIDA THARWAT Biography by Reem Youssef


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ANWAR ELSADAT by Mazen Abdelghany

RAYA & SEKINA by Nour Mahmoud

MARK INTERACTIVE WEB EXPERIENCE AND 2D ANIMATED SPEAKING AVATAR/CHARACTER: This is not simply a video of facts, but a way of telling a story through data in an interactive web experience based on a historical site in Cairo. Narrated and guided by animated speaking characters. Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


WEB DESIGN The module aims to provide students with critical and technical skills and understanding in the design, development and testing of websites using front-end and back-end technologies. The module will expose students to the latest design principles, technologies, development techniques and best practices used in contemporary web authoring projects.

MODULE STAFF Remone Medhat Habiba Farouk

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DESIGN Level 4 module All projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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Student’s project name KOBRY Student name Jowairia Mohamed, Canzy Ashraf, Nada Genana

Developing an online shopping platform for local brand


Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

Student’s project name MARJANE Student name Malak Abouelenein, Marjane El Dafrawy, Mirna Arafa

Eveloping an online shopping platform for local Fashion brand

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


TRANSMEDIA PROJECT (WEB-SERIES) This module explores how the convergence of media forms has created a number ofways to tell and circulate stories across the digital landscape. Students analyse a range of approaches to contemporary transmedia and inter-media storytelling as well as looking at how ‘official’ narratives are remediated, reconstituted and circulated by fans. It also explores how convergence within the traditional cultural industries has led to new approaches to storytelling, content development and distribution strategies. It focuses on narrative and discursive theory in relation to a number of forms of storytelling: drawing on processes and examples from film, interactive media, gaming, immersive and participatory media. Students create their own ‘story world’ that utilises a variety of approaches, theories and practices. This includesexperimenting with and exploring location-based narratives, the extended screen, augmented reality, social media, interactive documentary and alternate reality

MODULE STAFF Nadine Abdelazim Mohamed Gharbia

MODULE STAFF Habiba Farouk

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TRANSMEDIA PRACTICE Level 5 module All projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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IT'S BEEN A WHILE ‘It's Been a While’ is a multi-series story which revolves around Carla (Protagonist), who is trapped indefinitely in a room due to unknown reasons. As a diversion from her situation, she resorts to creating a diary, which she uses daily to log in major details about herself, as well as documenting her entire experience and life before and during her bizarre situation. As time progresses, Carla sketches out 3 different worlds (based on her favorite interests), which she constantly daydreams escaping to. Due to her long isolation, she falls into a state of delusion, resulting her to hallucinate using her diary to escape. Carla then uses her

diary to visit the three core worlds (Her favorite song, movie and game). As she finishes exploring througheach world, she uncovers more and more details on why she was entrapped in the room in the first place. There are also hints that can be seen within each world surrounding a major person in Carla’s life; However, due to Carla’s prolonged confinement, she cannot fabricate who that person is and they are not made clear to her (shadows/silhouettes only). During her last journey into the 3rd world, she shares an interaction with the unknown person and has the choice to decide her fate whether to follow them into the abyss of the

world or continue her journey alone. This leaves Carla with two open endings/ choices to either trust the stranger and continue. Each world is separated into short films (passive) and playable game levels (active) in which the audience will get to interact with and progress with the story in their own way.

Student name Malak Aboelenien, Marjane Emad, Mirna Arfa, MazenAbdelghany

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


RODENT ROAD Rodent Road is the pilot to a new independent children’s educational puppet show. It teaches children basics like alphabets, numbers, and art. From a surface level view, the show appears to be a normal educational puppet show, with a human host (Wanda) and a puppet (Spike) going through all the motions of an educational program. Tensions begin flaring as Wanda appears more apprehensive and fearful and Spike becomes more passive aggressive. Coded messages flash on-screen sometimes to clue the audience in on the reality of the show. Spike is holding several ‘Wandas’ hostage and the audience have until the 7th and final episode to decode the messages and save them. Web-series link: Social Media link: sergo.riad/ Website link: com/view/top10egybest/pilot The transmediality of the project lies in the fact it’s basically an ARG, as the audience is expected to: figure out that something’s wrong with this pilot, notice the obvious codes thrown on-screen and investigate the mystery as if it were happening in real life. Save for the fact that QRs and YouTube aspect it is very hands-on and analog.

Student name Omar Abdelhamid, Mohamed Montasser, Verginia Sherif, Hedi Shakalmy, Malak Ashraf, Habiba Mohamed

202 Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

I WON’T LIVE IN MY DADDY’S CLIQUE This transmedia experience explores the life of a modern day -19year-old boy, Sergo, that dreams of pursuing music full time and dropping out of university yet his stereotypical Arab father has other plans and that is where conflict arises. The genre is inspired by the 80s film industry in Egypt, from colour schemes, to plot, to props and even the dramatic effects. As part of the modernization of the genre we decided to include a website that mimics the old Top 10 websites. The pilot sets the tone of the whole series allowing people to look for and find the plot twist that will be tackled in the rest of the web series. Website was created as a complimentary piece of media allowing the audience to find out the truth about Sergo’s father using google sites and the help of some exterior codes. Web-series link: Social Media link: sergo.riad/ Website link: com/view/top10egybest/pilot

Student name Basmalla Fahmy, Philopater Daoud, Ismael Shehab, Wafaa Darwish, Yomna Elshenawy, Yussuf Salah

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


CREATIVE AND CRITICAL DIGITAL PRACTICE This module aims to develop the student’s critical and creative practice in the field of digital arts through the integration of theory and practice. Students will be challenged to grapple with the concept of “art” within a digital context and to explore innovative forms of expression through a variety of digital media. Students will engage with the emerging critical issues within the context of an increasingly digitized society, while applying that theory to their own practice.

MODULE STAFF Remone Medhat Habiba Farouk

MODULE STAFF Habiba Farouk

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CREATIVE AND CRITICAL DIGITAL PRACTICE Level 5 module All projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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Project name THE MUSEUM

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An interactive Hologram installation for Egyptian Artifacts

Student name Philopateer Daood, Yosof Moselhy, Youssef Eryan, Nadine Abotaleb

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Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


Project name THE FITNESS HUB Student name Ana Magdy, Mariam Elnagdi, Mohamed Montasser, Amr Qarmawwwlawy

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An interactive installation where users interact with an interactive training demo

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PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Interactive arcade machine where people play a game utilizing keyboard

Student name Arwa Kheer, Roquaia hazem, Omar Abdelraouf, Yomna ElShennawy

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


CREATIVE HACKLAB 2 This is an intensive 3D character interaction module where the students are working, on a variety of 3D modelling and interactive interface. It builds on the Level 1026‘ 1 Creative Hack Lab’ module by enabling further development of the students’ creative, communication and design skills and applying them to a live project. Students applies their accumulated experiences from their second year of studies to the planning and production of various artifacts within a specified timescale and in response to specified brief. They will use this experience to further develop the skills – theoretical, contextual, practical, research and creative - that they have developed over the year in order to prepare for enquiry-led work that they will be undertaking in their final year.

MODULE STAFF Nadine Abdelazim Habiba Farouk

MODULE STAFF Habiba Farouk

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CREATIVE HACKLAB 2 Level 5 module All projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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3D CHARACTER PROJECT In this project, Students created a Funko pop inspired 3D character on Maya (Modelled, UVed, Rigged, Animated, and Rendered turn table) based on Egyptian artists and musicians.

Student’s project name BAKKAR

Student’s project name HAZLAOUM

Student name Roqaia Heikal

Student name Omar Abdelhamid


Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

Student’s project name UM KALTHOUM Student name Nour Ahmed Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


INTERACTIVE GAME SCREEN PROTOTYPE This project is a collaboration of 3-2 students creating an interactive game start and menu screen prototype on Adobe XD using their 3D character.

Student’s project name HE FUN DUO Student name ARWA KHEIR, BASMALLA HAYTHAM



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Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


DIGITAL MARKETING & CAMPAIGNING This module enables students to learn and utilize range of concepts and practices from the area of digital marketing and campaigning. Students will learn the underpinning principles of market research and its relationship to the marketing mix, techniques for audience and consumer research and how toimplement a digital marketing campaign. Students will explore and analyze the art and techniques of the persuasion industries, drawing on a range of academic disciplines including marketing science, psychology, and behavioral economics

MODULE STAFF Mahmoud Barakat Habiba Farouk

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DIGITAL MARKETING & CAMPAIGNING Level 5 module All projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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MARKETING CAMPAIGN In this module, students work in groups and create startup companies then work throughout the semester to create Digital Marketing Campaign for their startups. One of the submission tasks is creating Marketing Campaign Pack for the startup company built by each

group. This Campaign pack includes several aspects like Posters and Video Showreel showcasing some of the work of their Digital marketing Campaign.

Student’s project name FILMMAKER VOID Student name Amr El Qarmalawi, Rana Hammad and Eman Osman

Filmmaker Void is a startup built by the students (Amr El Qarmalawi, Rana Hammad and Eman Osman). It is a mobile app/ platform that offers various services to filmmakers, like access to film festivals, workshops and more. This Video showreel and poster will give you an idea about the startup and also it showcases their work throughout the semester in Digital Marketing & Campaigning Module.


Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

Student’s project name PURRITO

Student name Omar Abdelraouf, Nour Ahmed, Basmala Fahmy, Jana Elsayed and Lama Shahin

Purrito is a startup built by the students (Omar Abdelraouf, Nour Ahmed, Basmala Fahmy, Jana Elsayed and Lama Shahin). It is a moving van that sells a variety of Mexican food. This showreel Video and billboard design will give you an idea about the startup and also it showcases their work throughout the semester in Digital Marketing& Campaigning Module. Student’s project name PLUR

Student name Mariam El Nagdi, Ismaeel Shehab, Nadine Aboutaleb, Haidy Shalkami PLUR is a startup built by the students Mariam Elnagdi, Ismaeel Shehab, Nadine Aboutaleb and Haidy Shalkami. Plur offers modest sportswear for women who want to work out in style while wearing simple and stylish activewear. Plur encourages women to work hard in order to achieve their goals. They aim to build a community that values PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect). Plur has actually launched their startup in real life and they are already in the selling phase. Student’s project name TAFWEELA

Student name Roqaia Heikal, Arwa Kheir, Philopateer Dawood and Mohamed Montasser

Tafweela is a startup built by the students (Roqaia Heikal, Arwa Kheir, Philopateer Dawood and Mohamed Montasser). It is a subscription card that provides you deals with Gas Stations and enables customers to save vehicle gas expenses. They offer individual, family and corporate plans.

Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Professional Experience aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop skills and to foster flexible and adaptable approaches towards employment and professional opportunities. Students are encouraged to consider their professional careers and identify possible future pathways, which may combine different employment modes (self-employed, contract, freelance and employed). Where appropriate, they are encouraged to start their digital media practice as the first step towards their professional career after graduation. They are offered support in this process and will learn about managing themselves as a business in a future that will require most of them to adopt portfolio careers.

MODULE STAFF Mahmoud Barakat Mohamed Gharbia

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PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Level 5 module All projects in this module have QR codes that need to be scanned for better experience.

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Student name Nour Ahmed

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Student name Mariam El Nagdi

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Student name Omar Abdelraouf

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Student name Roqaia Heikal

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MODULE STAFF Names Names Names Names Names

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Level 4 + Level 5

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an event organized by Digital Media. The event hosts different professional speakers to discuss with students the diverse topics related to Digital Media Design in form of sessions. The event aims to help you know more

•Masterclass: Magic of Interactive Media & Cinema-tech Future by Omar Shaltout •From a Film master dream to an entrepreneur journey by Kamel Marzouk •Storytelling reimagined by Mostafa Khorshid

about the Digital Media career path, which direction to aim for, which field is suitable for and help you start looking for an internship. Through these series of Digital Media meets the Market, bringing students

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SEMESTER 2 • Photography: The Serious Image Industry by Marwa Abu Leila Co-founder and Managing Partner of Photopia • Online Video Content Production: From Zero to Hero by Heba El Kest Head of Video Production at Rahet Bally and Head of Content and Managing Partner at The Factory

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Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


FMD X TKH In collaboration with IAD FMDxTKH bridging the worlds of design and film, the Film My Design festival brought together creative professionals and enthusiasts from Egypt and beyond. Through a diverse series of inspiring film screenings and conversations around furniture, installation, food and

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landscape design as well as architecture, crafts and urban life, the FMD conveyed creativity›s ability in bringing about promise, purpose and change. Israa Mostafa FMD co-founder showcased the design process through Film. Discussing with students the creative community of Egyptian designers and filmmakers, who collaborate to produce design film documentaries.

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Date: Tuesday 8th of March & Thursday 10th of March, 2022 A hiking trip was organized jointly with Qahrawya, a cultural collective that organizes and proves trips to famous art and cultural sites in Cairo for different groups with different goals, from cultural immersion to artistic participation.

Locations visited: 1. Meeting Point: Tahrir Cultural Center (TCC) 2. Nation›s House Museum 3. Saad Zaghloul Mausoleum 4. Institut Français d›Égypte au Caire (Pending) 5. Institut Français d›Archéologie Orientale (IFAO) 6. Medrar Contemporary Gallery & speaker 7. Scroll in Garden city’s main architectural sites The purpose of this trip was to accumulate inspiration and content to create an interactive web experience about a historical/cultural aspect of Egyptian.

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IMMERSIVE VR EXPERIENCE As the part of the Creative and Critical Module for Design and Media. Visiting Immersive VR is important for DM students As Immersive VR is considered the one of the biggest centers for Immersive virtual reality installations in Egypt. The experience helped the students learn of different concepts of immersive experience in aspects of design and technical skills/ capabilities. These ideas will be their foundation in building concepts for their personal research for their module.

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STAFF Kirsti Itameri | Assistant professor | Course Director Amr Elsharkawy | Lecturer Malak Hassan| Lecturer Nashwa Mahmoud | Lecturer Hanya Seleem | Assistant Lecturer

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Narrative and time 1 ..........................................................................242 Systems and Informations 1 ........................................................248 Personal development 1..................................................................256 Strategy and direction 1 .................................................................260 Narrative and time 2 .........................................................................264 Systems and informations 2.........................................................270 Strategy and direction 2 .................................................................278 Personal development 2.................................................................284 Student life...............................................................................................290

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NARRATIVE AND TIME 1 The aim of this module strand is to explore storytelling principles through a variety of applications and contexts. All three iterations of this module are built on the belief that designers can and should exercise their authorship and explore and express self-interests and stories of personal interest as a way of developing capabilities for design communication in the service of others. All modules within the ‘Narrative & Time’ branch look at the development of visual narrative and expressive design skills.

MODULE STAFF Amr El Sharkawy Hanya Seleem

MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Sara Abdelaziz Mohamed Grant

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NARRATIVE AND TIME 1 Level 4 module

This module contains some projects that will need to be scanned with artivive app for better experience - this will be highlighted on the page -

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This photo needs to scanned by Artivive app


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A project by: Sara Elmeniawy

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A project by: Nourhan Fawzy

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This photo needs to scanned by Artivive app

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SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION 1 The aim of this module strand is to enable students in developing problem-solving skills and in collating, interpreting and creatively and effectively communicating levels of complex data within various utilitarian contexts. All modules within the ‘Systems & Information’ branch look at the development of functional design skills and competencies

MODULE STAFF Kirsti Itameri Hanya Seleem

MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Sara Abdelaziz Mohamed Grant

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AND INFORMATION 1 Level 4 module

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Food is often more than just the fuel we need to survive. From the adaptations of cuisines as people migrate across borders and cultures to the foods we crave when we’re seeking comfort to the childhood memories evoked as a particular smell wafts past, food is intimately bound with identity, memory and the self. Considering these deeper meanings, the student will choose an iconic or traditional Egyptian food to focus on for the semester. After researching the history, ingredients, preparation methods, etc. of his/her chosen food, you’ll produce the following: 1. An infographic poster visualizing the food, its history, production methods, etc. 2. A sustainable packaging system for a singleserving home cooking kit using only type 3. An instruction/recipe card to be included inside the packaging

KATAYEF A project by: Nourhan Fawzy

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LOKUM There is much theory and controversy regarding the origin of Turkish delight and who first invented the sweet. However, a popular story is that a man named Bekir Efendi opened a shop in Constantinople and was the first to sell the the 19th century a Briton came back from a trip to Istanbul calling it Turkish delight. It spread to high-class society.

Ever since The Chronicles of Narnia movie came out, Turkish delight sales have increased because of a scene where a character sold his family for a box of Turkish delight.

CONTACT US Address 123 Main Road 6th of October Phone Number 010004445678 Website

252 Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

A project by: Sara Elmeniawy Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


A project by: Laila Azzam 254 Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

Projects by: Layla El Askalany, Lara Heiba, Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 1 In this module, the students will maintain a publicfacing blog through regular and relevant posts that capture your personal development as a graphic designer. You will also consolidate what you’ve learned and discovered through researching and writing the posts into a written academic poster.

MODULE STAFF Kirsti Itameri Nashwa Mahmoud

MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Sara Abdelaziz Mohamed Grant

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Projects by: Sara Elmeniawy, Nourhan Fawzy, Layla Elaskalany, Rovan Saad

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STRATEGY & DIRECTION 1 The aim of this module strand is twofold: a) to act as a platform for combining and applying skills and concepts acquired in the first semester, and b) to enable students to engage graphic design in professional and real-life contexts with emphasis on the enactment of the relationship, and in some instances the actual relationships, between designer, client and audience. All modules within the ‘Strategy & Direction’ branch look at the development of strategic design skills, competencies and knowledge in various contexts: promotional, persuasive or advertence.

MODULE STAFF Malak Hassan Hanya Seleem

MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Sara Abdelaziz Mohamed Grant

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STRATEGY & DIRECTION 1 Level 4 module

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A Project by: Sara Elmeniawy

A Project by: Nourhan Fawzy

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A Project by: Lara Heiba

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NARRATIVE AND TIME 2 The aim of this module strand is to explore storytelling principles through a variety of applications and contexts. All three iterations of this module are built on the belief that designers can and should exercise their authorship and explore and express self-interests and stories of personal interest as a way of developing capabilities for design communication in the service of others. All modules within the ‘Narrative & Time’ branch look at the development of visual narrative and expressive design skills.

MODULE STAFF Nashwa Mahmoud Hanya Seleem

MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Sara Abdelaziz Mohamed Grant

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NARRATIVE AND TIME 2 Level 5 module

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A Project by: Razan Fawzi Yearbook Yearbook 2022 2022 2021 2021 - Coventry - Coventry University University x The x The Knowledge Knowledge HubHub Universities Universities 267 267

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A Project by: Mariam Gamaleldin

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SYSTEMS & INFORMATION 2 The aim of this module strand is to enable students in developing problem-solving skills and in collating, interpreting and creatively and effectively communicating levels of complex data within various utilitarian contexts. All modules within the ‘Systems & Information’ branch look at the development of functional design skills.

MODULE STAFF Malah Hassan Hanya Seleem

MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Sara Abdelaziz Mohamed Grant

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& INFORMATION 2 Level 5 module

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Available in 4 different weights and styles

mamzoog Display font based on a sans serif





This typeface was based on the Haramlek, a fixture in old islamic architecture that acted as a one-way opaque loft for the residents of a household, allowing view of the courtyard for those within while onlookers could see naught but an opaque piece of intricately woven patterns addorning a wall. The intersection between Islamic architecture and the culture it resided in and served in aspects such as modesty is worthy of note , there is beauty to be found in this coincidence and this beauty is expressed through this typeface for those familiar or otherwise to appreciate regardless of era. Designed around the central idea of obscuring counterforms while entirely maintaining the integrity of weights and letterform, it is at its core a monolinear sans-serif display typeface, albeit hidden in parts with structure left implied. This typeface is available in 3 additional styles, italic, light-italic and outlined. Download available.


EFFACE a modern take on islamic modesty

my girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 .,:;!?*#@_÷×-+=()/<>’ “ ‘ ’ “ ” Projects by: Ganna Rizk and Omar Ahmed 272 Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities






Projects by: Malak Elshahawy and Seif Abdelgawad Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities



Available in different weights

a serif based font





Projects by: Salma Ibrahim and Marwan Nabet 274 Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities







Projects by: Razan Fawzi and Alii Elamir Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


Projects by: Mayar Afify and Mohamed Elsayed 276 Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities

mamluk twirlz

abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz

A serif based display font. Available in 3 weights.

mightyu momo mamluk twirlz tall windows arched doors joggled ablaq surrounds carvings found strong bases pil ars of stone elegant faces and extraordinary domes

Projects by: Mariam Gamaleldin and Nour Abdelhakim Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


STRATEGY & DIRECTION 2 The aim of this module strand is twofold: a) to act as a platform for combining and applying skills and concepts acquired in the first semester, and b) to enable students to engage graphic design in professional and real-life contexts with emphasis on the enactment of the relationship, and in some instances the actual relationships, between designer, client and audience. All modules within the ‘Strategy & Direction’ branch look at the development of strategic design skills, competencies and knowledge in various contexts: promotional, persuasive or advertence

MODULE STAFF Amr ElSharkawy Hanya Seleem

MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Sara Abdelaziz Mohamed Grant

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STRATEGY & DIRECTION 2 Level 5 module

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A Project by: Alii El Amir, Ganna Rizk, Omar Mahmoud, Nour Abdelhakim, Razan Fawzi

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A Project by: Seif Abdelgawad, Mayar Afify, Mariam Ahmed, Malak El Shahawy, Mohamed Alaa

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PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 2 The aim of this module strand is to enable students to develop self-awareness, reflexivity and criticality in relation to their own practice and how this is situated within wider professional contexts. All modules within the ‹Personal Development Planning› branch look at the development of the student as an emerging graphic design practitioner with a comprehensive understanding of their industry.

MODULE STAFF Kirsti Itameri

MODULE STAFF Mirna Mikhail Sara Kessba Sara Abdelaziz Mohamed Grant

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Left page projects by: Razan Fawzi, Mohamed Alaa | Right page projects by Malak Elshahawy Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


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Left page projects by: Mariam Gamaleldin | Right page projects by Alii Elamir Yearbook 2022 2021 - Coventry University x The Knowledge Hub Universities


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Level 4 + level 5

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WHO: L4 & L5 graphic design students WHAT: Tour of the restored Baron Empain Palace and walking tour of Islamic Cairo led by a member of the interior architecture team WHERE: Baron Palace and Islamic Cairo WHEN: 30 September 2021

BARON PALACE & ISLAMIC CAIRO TRIP Narrative & Time 1: This trip will serve as inspiration and a starting point for visual research for students who are producing zines about what Cairo means to them/their interpretation of Cairo. Narrative & Time 2: This trip will serve as the visual research portion of an exercise meant to replicate in miniature what the students will be working on as their main project of the semester. Systems & Information 2: This trip will serve as inspiration and a starting point for visual research for students who are producing a Latin display font based on historic Arabic calligraphy/buildings/monuments.

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WHO: L4 & L5 graphic design students WHAT: Students viewed an exhibit of prints by Hani Mahfouz and were invited to return in the evening for a live silkscreening demo by the artist WHERE: Cairopolitan WHEN: 10 October 2021

CAIROPOLITAN FIELD TRIP Narrative & Time 1&2 : This trip exposed students to the work of Hani Mahfouz. “B. 1965 in Alexandria, and graduated from The Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University in 1988, Hani Mahfouz is one of a handful of artists seriously and repeatedly engaging with the daily life in Egypt and creating designs that use his unique visual elements to deepen our engagement with time and place.” Students were able to view other prints, books and products in the Cairopolitan collection.

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WHO: Systems & Information 2 students WHAT: Together we will cover the process of designing typefaces, get familiar with different software and tools for digitizing and finalizing a working font file, as well as a few tips and tricks on how to speed up your design process. WHERE: on campus WHEN: enhancement week

TYPE BOOTCAMP During this two-day bootcamp we will cover the following: - Understand the process of type design on a deeper level. - Learn how to use font editors and softwares. We will cover “glyphr studio” and the industry standard “glyphs.” - Create your own “handwriting” font AND finalize your semester display font together. + so many more tips, tricks and hacks to speed up your process.

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WHO: Assistant Lecturer Hanya Seleem WHAT: Exhibited her Hobos Magazine at CairoComix WHERE: Mahmoud Mokhtar museum WHEN: 7-5 November 2021

CAIROCOMIX Cairocomix Festival is a yearly festival that celebrates the comics industry in Egypt. Every year the festival picks limited self-published comic books to participate, and Hobos magazine was among the 30 selected participants.

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At the end of the semester, the school of design and media gathered to create a final year exhibition to showcase their year's work.

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Students from different majors visited to see their collegues' work and support them. The exhibition was also attended by president Dr Mahmoud Allam.

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