2.Progress, issues and expectations of CBD implementation within the EU- Jorg Roos EN

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Progress, issues and expectations of CBD implementation within the EU Jรถrg Roos, European Commission DG Environment Third EU-China Biodiversity Strategy Dialogue, 06/09/2010 1


Biodiversity: why does it matter?  A moral duty: to conserve the sheer variety of life on earth  An environmental asset: healthy ecosystems play a vital role in regulating the environment – eg a major tool for climate change adaptation  An economic imperative: ecosystem goods and services provide a whole range of direct and indirect economic benefits

Our life support system 2


Ecosystem goods & services  Provision of goods – food, fibre, fuel, medicines  Regulation of the air we breathe and quality of our waters  Soil fertility, pollination and other essential support services  Cultural benefits – from aesthetic enjoyment to spiritual solace TEEB Report 2008: « The annual welfare loss generated by loss of ecosystems services will amount to 6% of the global GDP by 2050 » 3


Loss of biodiversity in the EU  Europe has suffered more human-induced fragmentation than any other continent (MEA, 2001)  50% of wetlands and high-nature-value farmland gone  40% of all European bird species have unfavourable conservation status

EU Health Check 2009 « 50% of species and up to 80% of habitats of European conservation interest have unfavourable conservation status »



EU policy development






EU biodiversity strategy

European Council agrees to halt the loss of Biodiversity by 2010

Biodiversity included in SDS and 6th EAP as priority

Stakeholder consultatio ns: Malahide Conference

EC Communication and Action Plan

EU contracting party to Convention on Biological Diversity (since 1993) 5


EU Biodiversity Action Plan ď ś Covers relevant sectors and horizontal policy areas in a unified way ď ś Provides a joint approach by identifying what needs to be done at Community level and at MS level 4 Policy areas 10 Key Objectives 46 Targets 150 Priority actions 6


Assessment of Progress Key findings of EC’s final assessment  Despite important progress in delivery of the BAP, the overall goal of halting biodiversity loss in the EU by the end 2010 has not been achieved  Expansion of the Natura 2000 protected areas network (18% of EU)  Improved knowledge base  Lack of integration of biodiversity considerations into other policies  Funding gap  Policy gaps 7


EU post-2010 vision and target - adopted March 2010  By 2050, European Union biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides – its natural capital – are protected, valued and appropriately restored for biodiversity’s intrinsic value and for their essential contribution to human wellbeing and economic prosperity, and so that catastrophic changes caused by the loss of biodiversity are avoided.  By 2020, Halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU and restore them insofar as feasible, and step up the EU's contribution to averting global biodiversity loss. 8


EU post-2010 Biodiversity Strategy ď ś European Commission develops a new biodiversity strategy to be adopted after the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity in October 2010 in Nagoya

ST2 ST1 ST2 ST3 ST1 Sustainable use ST4 Sustainable land Sustainable use Protecting habitats Sustainable land of natural Working with nature management of natural and species management resources (Green Green Infrastructure) Infrastructure (agriculture, forestry) resources (nature conservation) (fisheries)

ST5 Preventing the introduction and spread of invasive species

ST6 EU’s contribution to global biodiversity



Key actions Biodiversity in the EU  Inform and engage the public with a communication campaign on biodiversity to take place in 2009 and 2010  Knowledge base for biodiversity  Completion of Natura 2000 network  An effective strategy for invasive species  Engage business community including launching new Business and Biodiversity (B@B) initiative  Development of and investment in ‘Green Infrastructure’ 10


Key actions Global biodiversity  Ensure robust environmental assessments (SEA/EIA) systematically for sensitive aid operations  Further strengthen the integration and mainstreaming of biodiversity into EU external assistance  Enhance our understanding of the impact of EU consumption of food and non-food commodities (e.g. meat, soy beans, palm oil, metal ores) on biodiversity



EU Biodiversity Campaign



EU Biodiversity Baseline ď ś State and trends of the different biodiversity and ecosystem components in 2010 to measure and monitor progress in the EU



Biodiversity Information System for Europe



Spatial assessment of Europe's ecosystem services and biodiversity Water quality r egulation

T imber incr ement

Stor m (%nitrogen retention)

(dry matter production in forest Dg km-2)

(%coastal wetland)



Natura 2000 Network The largest co-ordinated network of conservation areas in the world

Total : > 26,000 sites = ~ 18% of EU 27 territory



Invasive Alien Species  Strategy to be published in 2011 – Establish a comprehensive EU framework for alien species  An internationally agreed "three-stage hierarchical approach"  prevention, including trade-related aspects, and information exchange,  early detection, warning and rapid response, including prevention of spread and eradication,  monitoring, control and long-term containment: 17


Business and Biodiversity Platform – B@B  Tools and methodologies for companies to protect biodiversity and mitigate risk related to biodiversity loss  To share experiences and best practices, learn from the peers, and develop a dialogue on biodiversity protection  Target Group: SMEs to larger companies and other interested parties such as business associations etc.



Green Infrastructure  ‘Green infrastructure’ is an interconnected network of natural areas, including agricultural land, greenways, wetlands, parks, forest reserves, native plant communities and marine areas that naturally regulate storm flows, temperatures, flood risk and water, air and ecosystem quality.



EU priorities for global biodiversity policy  Success at the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 10)  Ambitious 2020 biodiversity target and strategic plan  To successfully conclude negotiations on the Access and Benefit Sharing Protocol at CBD COP 10 in Nagoya, Japan  Mobilization of resources  Enhance synergies between biodiversity conservation climate change policies  Recognition of the economic value of biodiversity http://biodiversity.europa.eu


EU priorities for global biodiversity policy  Improve and strengthen the science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services  EU welcomes the outcome of the third meeting on an Intergovernmental Science Policy Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)  Agree at the United Nations General Assembly by the end of 2010 on the establishment of an IPBES  First meeting of the IPBES in 2011



For more information go to: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature



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