A Trip to Tibet

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Biodiversity Diary a trip to Tibet — text and photos by Sun Yongli



Potala Palace, Lhasa

Incense market

Clouds over the plateau


Ancient heritage—Dazhao Si BIODIVERSITY


By Yarlung Zanbo River


Tibet -a paradise for biodiversity on earth I am Sunny, working as the financial and admin assistant for ECBP Project Management Offcie. I traveled to Tibet during my annual leave in early August for a couple of weeks. I have been dreaming and planning to go there for quite a long time, and finally it has come true on August 8. I will cherish the memory of this journey all through my life, not only because of the beautiful landscape, kind people, delicious minority food, but because of the inspiration and experience to closely feel the nature and environment that slightly affected by human,Which I have never ever had before. To be more specifically and scientifically, the picture of biodiversity and ecological system in Tibet let me know more about the importance of our work.


Biodiversity Diary ECBP Newsletter Supplements August 8-21 2009


Recording Xuedun festival

Tibetan lives

我是孙勇丽,在中国-欧盟生物多样性 项目管理办公室任行政和财务助理,在 8月份年假的时候我去了西藏-我梦中的 天堂-一个我向往了很久的地方,为了 这次的旅行我也计划了很长的时间, 终 于,8 月 8 号 我 开 始 了 我 的 追 梦 之 旅。这次旅行将永远的珍藏在我的记 忆里:美丽的风景、善良的人们、美味 的食物,更主要的是这是我第一次如此 近的亲近还没有受到太多人类影响和破 坏的自然环境,去感受、用心体会这美 丽的永恒。西藏生物的多样性和生态系 统让我更加细致的、科学的、全面的了 解了我们工作的价值和重要性,让我更 加热爱我的工作。



A land of mountains, rivers, grasslands and glaciers One place impressed me most is the Namtso Lake, the second largest saltwater lake in China and the biggest lake throughout Tibet. Meanwhile, it is the highest altitude saltwater lake in the world. The water is crystal-clear blue and the Clear sky joins the surface of the lake in the far distance. Every visitors’ soul who has ever been here seems to be cleansed by the pure lake water. This is also the paradise of biodiversity. Yaks, hares and other animals could be seen along the lake shores. Countless migratory birds flew here to lay eggs, feed their young. Sheep and cows herds spread on the green grassland. Countless migratory birds flew here to lay eggs, feed their young. Sheep and cows herds spread on the green grassland. It’s really peaceful and beautiful, and just implicates how well the ecological systems are protected. Streams roar down steep hills

White gentian flowers



Big country

Fields of wheat

On the journey I also saw many glaciers. Most of them are not famous, but they are also very beautiful. The local people told me the extension of the glaciers areas has shrunk a lot recent years. “Melting glacier will ultimately trigger more droughts, expand desertification and increase sandstorms”, they said with worrying about the future of the glaciers. I think what they said is true, because of global warming and climate change, glacier degradation is now accelerating, which can also affect the typical eco-system there, some endangered species may died out because of this. Let’s pay attention on this important issue, biodiversity and climate change.




Scattering cows Photo Jianbin

Sedum flowers crouching

The melting of glaciers will reduce water supplies for many communities

White Peduncularis On the Mi Dui glacier

The glaciers are melting Glacier fed stream

纳木措-中国第二大咸水湖也是西藏最大的湖泊,同时也是世 界上海拔最高的咸水湖。位于西藏北部当雄县和班戈县之间, 海拔4718米,面积1900平方公里,是藏传佛教的圣地。纳木措 意为圣湖,清澈透明的湖水和蓝天在湖的远处交融在一起,青 山、白云在湖水中交相辉映,站在湖边,感觉心也被湖水洗了 一样,纯净的没有丝毫的杂念。这里也是地球上除了人类而外 其他生物的天堂,牦牛、羊群在湖边悠闲的信步,丰盛、肥美 的牧草让他们膘肥体壮;无数的候鸟选择在这里筑建它们的爱 巢,抚育它们的下一代,好一幅人间的天堂。人类和其他的生 物在这块圣洁的土地上和平的相处,宁静、和谐而安详。

The end of the glacier

在 我 的 旅 途 中,我 还 看 见 了 很 多 的 冰 川,虽 然 很 多 并没有像珠穆 朗玛或者是唐 古拉山或者是 南 迦 巴 瓦(被 中国国家地理

Me and my glacier

评为中国最美丽的山峰)那样有名气,但依然非常的美 丽,让人眩晕的冰的世界原来可以这样的雄伟、壮观。 当地人环保者告诉我,在这些年由于气候变暖、温室效 应,越来越多的山和草原被沙漠化,干旱、沙尘暴,越 来越多的极端气候影响着人类的生活,他们的神情的流 露出对未来气候和环境变化的担忧。他们的担心也是全 人类所面临的,冰川消融的加速也会影响到这里的生态 系统,也会加速濒危物种的灭绝,所以,让我们行动起 来,尽我们的一点微薄之力,保护我们共同的家园,保 护人类赖以生存的地球。



The top of the world I suppose when I recall my tour in Tibet this time many years later, I may forget many specific sceneries, but one image will be preserved. That is the mountains and canyon. In Tibet, five mountains exceed the altitudes of 8,000 meters and many of the mountains exceed the altitudes of 7,000 meters. Besides, Yarlong Tsangpo Canyon, the largest canyon in the world, is the home of rare plants and animals. So far, some of them remains unknown and attracts to people’s interests to explore and research. This is real treasure of the nature.

Distant goal

We had encouraging glimpses of the high mountains in the distance as we approached

Fields of rape flit pastlight

the base camp.

The road to Qomolangma is long and hard. We were stopped to mend punctures

Patient yak


The government have invested a lot in improved infrastructure— highways and a new railway

Wonderful guides and drivers make the visit possible. Tibetan bridge on new highway










A long and winding journey

Near base camp

Everest—Highest peak

A dream come true. I stand and look at the world’s tallest peak—Qomolangma. The site

多年以后,当我回忆起这次西藏之旅,有 很多美丽的地方和风景我有可能已经忘 记,但是,珠穆朗玛峰-世界最高峰,海 拔高度8844.43米,在它的周围还有四座 海拔高度在8000米以上的山峰傲然耸立, 为珠峰站岗,为珠峰护航。雅鲁藏布大峡 谷,世界上最大最长的峡谷,是珍稀动植 物的家园、也是探险家的乐园。

of so much history and heroism.


The winding road

Flock of Snowcock


Yaks and horses


Pack Horses

Tibetan people are warm and hospitable. I visited a local family and experienced the daily life of Tibetan people. Holidays and festivals are the most important days in Tibet, such as Horse Racing Assembly in Naqu. Enjoying the local food and dancing are the most excellent ways to celebrate these joyful times. Buying some typical handicrafts in Barkhor Street or from other authentic vendors added extra happiness to my trip. Yak herd

Placid Basong Cuo lake. The southern faces of the Himalayas are much moister than the north

Acknowledge I was warmly welcomed by Nyima, a local people and also my colleague working on ECBP Lhasa filed project and Pasang, Lha Ddo. I sincerely extend my appreciating to them for this kind help and hospitality during my stay there.

Conifer forests in the canyons






Rivers and great gorges

Clouds hang in the forested valleys and leeches wait the daring

Sandbars of great rivers Niyang River



Floral riches


Aster daisies

西藏的人民非常的热情和好客,我 在那曲赛马节停留的2天里,住在 当地藏民的家里,受到了他们的热 情款待。赛马节是藏北一个传统 的、盛大的节日,盛装表演,美丽 的服饰,粗狂的舞姿让人目接不 暇;精彩的马术表演惊险刺激,它 展示的不光是精湛的骑马技术还有 无限的勇气,让人更加的敬佩和惊 叹不已。在拉萨八廊街的购物给我 的旅行增添了另一份的色彩。真希 望有机会再去西藏。

Flared thorns of the wild rose bush

感谢我的同事-拉萨项目办的尼玛 和巴桑,还有我的朋友拉多,谢谢 他们的热情款待。 Dendelion seeds

Ink-cap mushroom






The memory of wild flowers

Yellow daisies

Eidelweiss (Leontopodium) Nepeta flowers


EU-China Biodiversity Programme Add: Rm. 503, FECO Plaza, No.5 Huoyingfang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing. 100035, P.R. China Fax: (+8610) 8220 5421 Email: info@ecbp.cn

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