ECD August Board Newsletter

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The Governor Telegram !

August Edition for ECD Board

Hello Everyone,


I hope your summer break was good! It’s time for RECRUITMENT SEASON. Our biggest focus for the next month is to give clubs the appropriate knowledge and resources so that they can build strong clubs, and have an overall successful year. I understand that this is a stressful time as we must adapt to school work, extra-curricula and university applications. However, I expect everyone to continue to work hard and help out their divisions and District!


One important thing to note is that from now on I will include Jasmine’s (DST) Newsletter in mine so that you guys only have to read one! Her newsletters will focus more on the financial topics such as dues and grants. Please make sure that you read that segment!


This newsletter is going to be shorter than other board newsletters as I have included a lot of the essential information in the Club Newsletter, which can be found here: ecdgov/docs/club_newletter__1__ . If you haven’t shared that with your divisions, please ensure that you do!

! I hope that y’all had a great first week of school! ! Yours in Service,

Mona Adib

What’s in this newsletter? -

District Secretary-Treasurer’s Update Managing your time You + School + Key Club Even Board Members need revision sometimes… - Kiwanis Family - Preferred Charities - Co-sponsors and Vision Partners




September Issue

Happy September! Hello Everyone! The start of a new school year marks a busy rush for every key clubber, and in all the hustle, it may get difficult to distinguish between some executive roles, understand the process of dues collection, and how to get grants, so I’m going to do my best to make the transition from summer to full blown school time a bit easier for our district board members.

The information in this newsletter can be passed on to the executive members of each key club as to help guide them with making their key club year as successful and smooth as possible If you have any questions please feel free to contact me by email: or by phone: 226-3396309

In this Issue: Greetings and summary of issue


Roles of Club Secretary


Roles of Club Treasurer


How to collect dues


Grants – YOF



Role of Club Secretary The role of club secretary is vital for the organization of the club. The Key Club International website provides a very detailed outline of the role a club secretary must play:, but I will summarize the major points here for convenience: Items that should be kept on file and handy for use: Inventory of all Key Club property Key Club Guidebook District bylaws Minutes of all regular club meetings and board meetings Information of present Key Club officers Club’s past achievement reports and past monthly reports Monthly Reports: Prepare board of directors meeting agenda with president. Attend the board meeting and take the minutes. Submit monthly report to the district. Maintain membership and officer rosters: Maintain a roster of club officers and send any updated contact information to the lieutenant governor or district administrator. After elections, notify the lieutenant governor or district administrator of your new club officers for the next year. Maintain a complete club member roster and produce a club membership roster, electronic or printed version. Use the MUC (Membership Update Center) to keep track of all members through these steps: Round up information from each new member, including email addresses and expected year of graduation. Log in and update membership records (graduate members and add new members) at Submit payment or print an invoice and pay by check under the “Finances” tab. Take club and board meeting minutes: Make sure that attendance is taken at every meeting, including number of members present, names of those absent, guests attending, etc. Additional duties: Work with the president in completing the Annual Achievement report and any other award applications for your Key Club. Assist the secretary-elect in becoming acquainted with his/her duties and receive all materials and knowledge base from the past club secretary.


Role of Club Treasurer Club treasurer also plays an important role in helping the club run smoothly. Like the club secretary information, the Key Club International website provides a detailed outline of a club treasurer’s role, but I will try and summarize these roles as well, for convenience. Treasurer skills and general duties: Control the club’s money, its collection and disbursement. Transact all business through a bank or school account. Reconcile bank statements. Record all expenditures and income for the week. Deposit club funds. Collect all monies from club projects. Understand adults’ roles when dealing with club finances: The treasurer’s records always should be open to inspection by the club’s officers, faculty advisor, principal and Kiwanis advisor. Get advice from your advisor on all financial matters. Understand school or administration and club policies regarding student financial accounts relating to school organizations. Coordinate dues collection and payment: Collect member dues. In coordination with the faculty advisor and club secretary, forward monies, dues invoice and membership form to the Key Club International office. Early Bird is due by November 1 and dues deadline is December 1. Bill members for unpaid dues. Collect dues from new members and forward them to the International Office. Disburse funds: If your school policy permits your club to have its own checking or savings account, it is strongly advised that two (2) signatures be required on each check. Your faculty or Kiwanis advisor should co-sign with the Key Club treasurer or president. Disburse funds and pay bills promptly as approved by the board of directors. Prepare and review the budget: Prepare the budget and present it to the board for approval. The club must commit to raising the necessary income.


Role of Club Treasurer Cont’d

Manage club accounts: Key Club International is a nonprofit organization, meaning that many of the receipts are received from the general public. The law requires that two separate accounts for receipts and expenditures be maintained. Service account: All monies collected from the general public must be returned to the general public. Such money can’t be used for club administrative costs, such as printing, conventions and conferences and travel to events other than service projects. Administrative accounts: The administrative account is the operating account for the club. It is used for those monies to be spent on club administration and/or members. Monies coming from the administrative account are collected from dues, Kiwanis-family members and school subsidies. No funds from the service account may be transferred to the administrative account. Maintain accurate financial records: Keep an account of all transactions as they are made. A simple method to use is the general journal, containing three columns: income, expenses and balance. Log in each transaction when it occurs, specify the date and a simple description, list it properly under income or expense and record the balance. When disbursing money, always obtain a receipt as evidence of payment. Use a check rather than cash whenever possible. This will provide you with an additional receipt. Additional duties: Send district convention registration fees to proper place and send Key Club International convention registration fees to appropriate address. Work with the treasurer-elect and help him/her prepare to take over your job next year and receive all financial records, receipts, files and training from immediate past treasurer.


How to collect dues

The process of collecting dues may seem difficult to approach, but with the Membership Update Center (MUC), this process has become a lot more convenient for Key Club Faculty Advisors, Club Secretaries and Treasurers. Firstly, club officers need to be informed about the $15 dollar dues and that they need to be collected as soon as possible, to try and achieve early bird dues collection. Once members have their dues paid, the MUC can be accessed by the club’s faculty advisor and secretary/treasurer to update details of existing members, delete old members and add information for new members. Since only the Faculty Advisor on record at Kiwanis International for the Key Club can access the MUC, their name or email must be updated by contacting or 1-800-KIWANIS x411 before accessing the MUC. Once the MUC has been accessed, as mentioned above, the secretary or treasurer can follow these steps to submit payments: 1. Round up information from each new member, including email addresses and expected year of graduation. 2. Log in and update membership records (graduate members and add new members) at 3. Submit payment or print an invoice and pay by check under the “Finances” tab.

Important Dates: September 3 2014: Start collecting 2014/2015 dues October 15 2014: Make an invoice using the MUC and email it to the sponsoring Kiwanis Club November 1 2014: Early bird dues deadline December 1 2014: International dues deadline

Remember! You can request that your sponsoring club makes a cheque out to Kiwanis International first before you completely collect all club dues, and then reimburse the club with the money you collect later on. Email if you have any questions regarding dues or MUC

February 1 2015: Suspended status


Grants: Youth Opportunities Fund

While there are a variety of different grants your club can get, the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is a fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. The purpose of the YOF is to provide financial support to clubs and members through service grants, academic scholarships and other projects. Clubs can request funding anywhere from $100-$2000. There are 2 accounts: Endowment (25% of donations are deposited) and Service (where withdrawals are made - 75% of donations deposited). With the application deadline approaching on October 15 11:59 PM EST, please encourage all of your clubs to apply! The application can be submitted by: 1. Email ( 2. Fax (1-317-879-0204) 3. Mail (YOF Application/Nicole Harris 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, USA) Results will be mailed by January 1, 2015. For more information on applying for the YOF grant, follow the link below:


Managing your time… There’s academics, friends, family, sports, university applications, hundreds of organization and Key Club. You want to fulfill all your commitments, but sometimes it just seems impossible. Here are a few tips for those “impossible” situations!

No more notifications: I know it sucks, but you need to throw yourself off the face of the Earth (for a few hours). That means no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, texts, etc. If you're constantly getting distracted, I would suggest downloading a site blocker such as FocalFilter for Windows or SelfControl for Macs.

Pick and Chose: Work on only one thing at a time. Don’t move on to other work until you have accomplished what you needed to do. Jumping around from work to work will only get you more distracted and tired.

Use the agenda: I know most students buy an agenda at the beginning of the year… but frequently we all forget about it for weeks at a time. Use it! Make it a habit to look at your agenda right when you get home and before you go to bed so that you can ensure that you didn't miss anything.

Say no: I am definitely victim to taking on more than I can handle. It’s understandable that you don’t want to upset anyone, but quite often it’s necessary to let someone down. Please, please, please keep yourself sane even if that means that you can’t help out a friend!

Music: Listening to music can increase efficiency. I don’t know if I’m the only one who feels this way, but listening to familiar music actually reduces my productivity. You may think that I’m slightly crazy, but I suggest listening to artists or compositions that you’ve never heard before. Try apps such as Songza or 8tracks that suggest playlists based on keywords you input.

Working Space: Try to program your brain to recognizes one place as the “homework-doing space”. This way, the moment you sit down, your brain knows that it’s time to get down to business. This varies from person to person, so don’t feel obligated to set one space for work. Sometimes people like to change their work areas.

Commitments: With all that said, always follow through with your commitments. It’s okay to ignore them or put them aside for a few hours, but if you make a promise (especially a pinkypromise), don’t break it. You’ll be cursed for eternity :P

You + School + Key Club Even though we are Board Members of the Eastern Canada District of Key Club International, we are still members of our own clubs! Which means that:

1. We must attend regular meetings and take part in service and/or fundraising projects. In order to even serve on the District Board, we have to be ACTIVE members of our schools or community Key Clubs.


2. Being respectable and appropriate during Key Club events in or outside of school is vital. As board members, we represent the District, so we have to ensure that we are always representing the Eastern Canada District well!


3. We must be knowledgeable! Again, we represent the District. Sometimes people will assume that Lieutenant Governors or the District Webmaster or Bulletin Editor must know the answer to every Key Club related question. Please try your best to answer questions and make sure to read over the revision section of this newsletter.


4. Promote Key Club! It isn’t just up to the Club executives to encourage membership growth. Assist them during Clubs Fairs or with announcements! Having a voice from a District level could make things more exciting - share your experiences and Key Club journey (you could make it into an epic motivational speech :D ).


5. Take a step back. Some of us were previously club executives, so it’s natural to want to be involved in the decision making process. However, don’t get too involved! Let the current executives experience their own Key Club journey.


6. Have fun with your clubs! Always remember that fuzzy feeling you get in your stomach when you serve your community and school!

! Have a “Key Clubby” Year! ! (*Note* I’m using Key Clubby as an adjective from now on).

Kiwanis Family I know that all of you are quite aware of the different service leadership program, but just in case!

Student-led organization that strives to educate elementary students about the value of serving others. Students are engaged in events in their schools and communities where they can participate to make a difference.

Service leadership program for middle school students. Students are encouraged to take on more leadership through service-learning principals. Currently, there are approximately 40 000 middle school students making a difference in Builder’s Club.


After Key Club, students in universities and colleges can continue their participation in the Kiwanis Family. With over 550 campuses worldwide, they focus on encouraging leadership and fellowship.

Aktion Club provides opportunities for adults living with disabilities to develop initiative and leadership skills through service.

Kiwanis focuses on providing opportunities for youth and adults through their Service Leadership Programs. They work to build competent, capable and compassionate leaders all around the world.

Preferred Charities Key Clubs are not restricted to the charities that they support, but there are 3 that are suggested:

62 children enter a Children’s Miracle Hospital every minute. They must battle traumatic injuries and diseases every day. CMNH strives to aid these children by providing equipment and care through donations.

March of Dimes works to reduce premature births through a variety of campaigns. They also assist with providing comfort and support for families with preterm births. Currently, they have 128 hospitals to support premature infants.

Currently, Kiwanis and UNICEF are teaming up for the second time to put a stop to Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus, through the Eliminate Project. The project is due to be completed by October 2015, in which UNICEF and Kiwanis will have raised a total of $110 million dollars to provide vaccines for mothers. A sum of 3 vaccines is needed to prevent the disease, costing a total of $1.80.

Co-Sponsors ! ! !

! ! than 100 years, the Hershey For more ! has been a leader in making a Company ! positive difference in the communities where ! ! live, work and do business. its employees ! event for youth is the Hershey Their largest ! Track and!Field Games, which allow students to practice ! leadership and be physically fit. ! ! ! ! ! Rustic Pathways has 30 years of experience ! ! leading exceptional international education ! and service programs for students. With over

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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130 programs in 20 countries, it is the global leader in its field. Key Club members can take part in exciting and educational serviceorientated expeditions throughout the year.

Vision Partner !

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Nickelodeon inspires kids to take action and make a difference in the world. Through the Big Help and Worldwide Day of Play initiatives, kids and adults work together to plan events and activities in the following areas: health & wellness, education, service and the environment.

Thank you for reading!

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