The July Governor Telegram for the ECD

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The ! Governor! Telegram! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

July Edition for ECD Board! !

Hello! I hope that all of you had a fantastic month of July! It’s sad to see that half of the summer break has gone by so quickly, however, this only means that we are closer to starting another great year at school! July was definitely an exciting month for Key Clubbers, especially with the International Convention in Anaheim and the election of the 2014-2015 International Board. Due to the International Convention being covered in the last Board newsletter, this newsletter will discuss the happenings of the Eastern Canada District after International Convention! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at anytime by email ( or by telephone (416-527-1848).


Thank you for your dedication to the District!



Mona Adib

So…what’s in this newsletter? - Recap of the Leadership Conference - Committees, Committees and more Committees - Mascot! - International Trustee Assignments - Youth Opportunities Fund Review - Reminders



Leadership Conference From July 24 to 26, I had the pleasure to attend the Leadership Conference in Indianapolis with the other District Governors and newly elected International Board. Here, we were able to meet with our International Trustee and Sister Districts, as well as to further explore our position in the District and the meaning of a true leader.

Pictures from LeadCon: !


Top Left - Governors of Sister Districts (Capital, Eastern Canada, CaribbeanAtlantic) and International Trustee, Gary Cheng ! Bottom Left - 2014-2015 Key Club International Council ! Bottom Right - With the International

At LeadCon, one of the activities that resonated with me was the idea of the Golden Circle. This idea was suggested by Simon Sinek in his TedTalks “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” (video can be found here: simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action#t-7818 ). He explains that the difference between a strong organization and a weak organization is knowing why you do what you do, rather than simply knowing what you do. A good organization will work its way from the inside circle out, while an organization that is less effective will start from the largest circle and work its way in.


How? What?

Charli Lehman (Leadership Development Specialist) also read us “A Wish for Leaders” by Earl Reum, which I found quite inspiring:


I sincerely wish you will have the experience of thinking up a new idea, planning it, organizing it, and following it to completion and having it be magnificently successful. I also hope you'll go through the same process and have something "bomb out." I wish you could know how it feels "to run" with all your heart and lose - horribly. I wish that you could achieve some great good for mankind, but have nobody know about it except you. I wish you could find something so worthwhile that you deem it worthy of investing your life. I hope you become frustrated and challenged enough to begin to push back the very barriers of your own personal limitations. I hope you make a stupid, unethical mistake and get caught red-handed and are big enough to say those magic words "I was wrong." I hope you give so much of yourself that some days you wonder if it is worth it all.

I wish for you a magnificent obsession that will give you a reason for living and purpose and direction in life. I wish for you the worst kind of criticism for everything you do, because that makes you fight to achieve beyond what you normally would. I wish for you the experience of leadership.

! s e e t t i Comm !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! the committee chairs for the 2014-2015 year. For the Board members, if you haven’t These are ! your list of preferred committees to join - PLEASE DO SO NOW! sent me ! *Note to Lieutenant Governors*: Please make sure you are constantly encouraging members !

to join committees by sharing the applications!

Kiwanis Family Relations

Major Emphasis

Chair: Mona Adib

Chair: Erin Bernardo (Division 4)

Chair: Joyce Cheng (Division 5)

DCON Planning

Communication & P/R

Contests & Awards

Chair: Puru Panchal (Division 3)

Chair: An Than & Christina Moica

Chair: Ainsley Anger & Alex Spinney

Major Emphasis

Key Leader Ambassador (West)

Key Leader Ambassador (Atlantic)

Rohini Gupta (Division 8/9)

? (Still to be decided) (Division 11/12)





Chair: Lars Chen (Division 3)







For Kiwanians and others who are interested in the role of committees in the District, here is a short review of each committee: !

! Kiwanis Relations: to promote interactions ! ! between the different levels of the ! Kiwanis family and keep up to date with ! Key Club International’s service partners. ! ! ! ! ! ! Major Emphasis: to promote service in the DCON Planning: to plan all stages of the ! District. This ! committee will work towards District Convention so that Key Clubbers creating and ! updating a District Service can celebrate a year of service and be Directory !that provides project ideas for educated about Key Club and leadership. ! Key Clubs.! ! ! ! ! Contests and Awards: to recognize clubs ! Communication and P/R: to promote Key ! community and provide up-to- for their hard work and dedication, and to Club in the ! encourage clubs to stay motivated. This ! date information that is accessible for all committee must also revise and update ! in the District. Key Clubbers ! criteria for contests and awards. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Key Leader Ambassador: Since the Key Leader programs in the Atlantic differ ! from the ! ones in the other divisions, Key Club International has allowed us to have !two Key Leader Ambassadors. The purpose of the Ambassador is to ! Key Leader in the District, educate members about Key Leader and promote ! assist!in answering questions. ! ! ! Executive: to ensure that the Board of Trustees is functioning well and meeting the goals that have been set out. They must try to resolve issues that board members are faced with.

! !

To all committee Chairs, the Committee Directives will be available soon! Make sure that you have developed your own set of attainable goals for your committee!

The Eastern Canada District is proud to announce its District Mascot: the Cardinal. By August 20th, our cardinal will have its name, chosen by Key Clubbers from all over Eastern Canada.

District and International Trustee Assignments! ! ! ! ! As we Gary Cheng was chosen as the International Trustee for the Eastern ! know, Canada District. What about the other assignments‌? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Rip Livingston representing Indiana, Kentucky Tennessee and Carolinas.

Barry Seng representing Texas- Oklahoma, Wisconsin Upper Michigan, and New Jersey.

Shane Meyers representing Illinois - Eastern Iowa, New York and Bahamas.

Robbie Mathis representing LaMissTenn, Pennsylvania and Jamaica.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! !

Liz Moore representing Utah-Idaho, Minnesota Dakota and New England & Bermuda


! ! ! ! !

Jenalee Beazley representing CaliNevHa, Rocky Mountain and Ohio.

! ! ! ! ! ! !

And of course, Gary Cheng, representing Capital, Eastern Canada and Caribbean-Atlantic.


Tashrima Hossein representing Pacific Northwest, Georgia and Kiwin’s.

Renisha Daley representing Nebraska-Iowa, Southwest and Montana.

Nicole Lema representing Alabama, Michigan and Kansas.

Laken Kelley representing Missouri-Arkansas, West Virginia and Florida.

Youth Opportunities Fund With the application coming out, it’s time to really get down to business! Please make sure that you are encouraging your clubs and divisions to apply! Here is a quick revision: Format of the application: The budget should be detailed and as exact as possible.

Application can be submitted by: ! 1. Email (! 2. Fax (1-317-879-0204)! 3. Mail (YOF Application/Nicole Harris
 3636 Woodview Trace
 Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, USA) Remember that there are no electronic signatures.

Application is due October 15 at 11:59 PM EST.

YOF in Guidebook Recap: ! Purpose of YOF: To provide financial support to clubs and members through service grants, academic scholarships and other special projects. ! Structure of YOF: There are 2 accounts: Endowment (25% of donations are deposited) and Service (where withdrawals are made - 75% of donations deposited)! Interest: Interest from Endowment account is reinvested - interest from Service account is used to fund YOF grants and scholarships.! Scholarships: 2 academic scholarships of $4000 are given out to students who are not officers of KCI. !


For more information, go to page 36 in the Key Club International Guidebook! ( Guide_KeyClub_Key_Club_Guidebook_2014-15.sflb.ashx). !

Clubs can request funding anywhere between $100 $2000.

Results will be mailed no later than January 1, 2015.

Link: ! service/fund/yof/ yofgrant.aspx





Applications Kiwanis Family Relations Committee ! 1rN1l0h_zdNmxl4Ei2w6qxiwFE1AR5UM5_ GSaGSHr56Q/viewform

Eliminate Project SLP Subcommittee ! viewform? formkey=dHdSRlFxTmIwcWIyUEJEeVE5ej

Contests and Awards Committee ! 1aSYunF5lw5lOaJdj7w910EalYGpf4V_tAp H686TX6YE/viewform

Make sure to share these applications!

Major Emphasis Committee ! 1MgQBu9RfruouK4TcIoARHZRDaAPtqLHF kpavSnDd9_A/viewform!

Divisional Service Projects If you haven’t already organized and held a service project in your division, please do so, especially as Summer break is more than halfway over.

Volunteer at a local community venue (e.g. food bank, nursing home, soup kitchen, tree planting)

What to have even more fun? !


Work together with Kiwanis Clubs in your division! Contact your Kiwanis Chair and organize a project!

Organize a fundraising project (e.g. car wash, garage sale, bake sale)

Thank you for reading!


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