The June Governor Telegram for the ECD

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International Convention Recap Divisional Leadership Training Conferences Service in the Summer Back to School Resources New Clubs and Reactivation – More on Chartering Youth Opportunities Fund The Eliminate Project – The Final Stretch What happened at House of Delegates? The International Board

Showing the Canadian spirit! The final group picture!

Grabbing all the District awards L. Chen – RFL Distinguished LtG A. Puri – Distinguished Governor J. Sue – Distinguished Bulletin Editor Not Pictured K. Gall – RFL Distinguished LtG J. Zhang – RFL Distinguished LtG

Shrek, advisor and administrators dinner and so much more!

What an incredible week! Make sure you join Key Clubbers in Indianapolis for the 72nd ICON and 100th Anniversary of Kiwanis International

Before the summer break even starts, clubs frequently experience a dead point – members stop attending meetings and there is little interest in participating in service projects and fundraisers. Often clubs are not revived until the start of the new school year, but why wait for so long when there is



Car Wash for Eliminate Garage Sale Volunteer at Food Bank Volunteer at local garden


Ice Cream Sale Summer Concert Walk-a-thon

Hopefully, Lieutenant Governors have been encouraging their clubs to organize service projects in their communities. A great way to gap the bridge between the different branches of the Kiwanis family is to hold joint service projects with members of K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club, Circle K, Aktion Club and Kiwanis.

Or some divisional bonding… -

Water Balloon Battle!

Students fundraising during a summer car wash!

You might be wondering why I’m already talking about the start of school when summer break started less than two weeks ago. Well… getting free resources never goes out of style (that was incredibly cheesy). Make sure you tell your presidents that Key Club resources such as post-cards, brochures and posters are always available in the Key Club store. Additionally there is no cost for shipping! For resources please go to the Key Club online store ( Under the “Meeting Items” tab


*Quick Link* Club/Subcategory/Literature.h tm

Key Club Post Card

Key Club Brochure

Key Club Poster

Tip for LGs: Order resources several times throughout summer, and distribute to clubs when school starts!

Over the Summer it is common to have more interest in starting or reactivating clubs for the new school year! Here’s a little synopsis of the chartering process:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Start by describing Key Club and Kiwanis to the interested student – advise them to look at the and websites for more information. As well advise them to find a group of friends willing to help.

Now it’s time to find a sponsoring Kiwanis Club – help the potential new Key Clubber by explaining the necessity for a Kiwanis advisor. Contact the closest Kiwanis Club to their school and relay their contact information. *Note* If you do not know the closest Kiwanis Club or contact information, make sure to contact Shelley or me!

Yay! You found a Kiwanis Club that wants to sponsor a Key Club! Now it’s time to tell the school’s administration. Help the interested student by developing a persuasive “speech” in regards to how the school will benefit from having a Key Club.

Whew! The administration is on board! Next, a faculty advisor is needed. Make sure to remind the interested Key Clubber to find a staff member or teacher that they like because they will have to work with them for the entire year!

Now they can start inviting students to their meetings! Once they have an elected board of officers and a membership base, it’s time to fill out the Petition for Charter and send it, along with the Chartering Fee (can be paid by Kiwanis Club) to Key Club International. Advise them to also get into contact with their District (LG, Administrator, Governor, etc).

Have you ever heard: “I have an idea, but no funds to execute it!” Well, you never have to again because Key Club is providing the elixir for all fundraising woes! As all of you know, the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an application-process grant given to Key Clubbers to help them financially so that they can execute their service projects, awareness campaigns or fundraising projects. All board members should be encouraging members in their divisions to apply. Please advise them to start thinking about the grant during the summer because they only have a little over a month to apply once school starts. A few tips: - Don’t ask for all the money that would cover your project’s expenses. Key Club International likes to know that you are finding financial aid from external sources - Ask for more than you need. Often they will grant you less than you asked! - Make sure explanation of costs is thorough (e.g. instead of $200 for promotion, record as $100 for posters + brochures, $50 for banner, $50 for placement in newspaper)

Application: DF.sflb.ashx


Register for Chance to Win a Trip to Dominican Republic!

Laugh. Travel. Serve.

This is the final year. This is our last opportunity to save the lives of mothers and infants.

This is the final stretch. We have one final year to really make an impact in the lives of mothers and babies who are victim to maternal and neonatal tetanus. Here are some things we can do to help: Lieutenant Governors You have the most communication with the members. Always include a segment in your newsletters about Eliminate. Organize divisional fundraising and awareness projects. Make sure that club executives are educated about Eliminate. Continuously provide resources (such as SLP Fundraising Ideas Book). Webmaster You control many of the communication platforms our District uses. Constantly update the website and Facebook page on new Eliminate news and ways that members can get involved. As well, look for clubs with amazing achievements and put a spotlight on their ideas and projects. Bulletin Editor Include vibrant segments in the District magazine about the Eliminate Project. Create and distribute promotional resources (posters, Facebook covers, etc.) for events throughout the year. Secretary – Treasurer Along with the Major Emphasis Chair, keep track of funds from schools. Distribute fundraising guides and tips on acquiring sponsorships and executing fundraisers. Remind club treasurers to submit funds. Everyone Promote the Eliminate Project in home, school and community.

Here are some things to look out for.

Eliminate Project Resources. Your best resource of everything Eliminate is the Kiwanis website <> Please distribute the following resources to your clubs! Fundraising Ideas Book Volume 1 Quick Link: aries/Eliminate__New_resources/Fundraising_Ideas _book_Vo_1.sflb.ashx

Fundraising Ideas Book Volume 2 *Recommended for Kiwanis Clubs* Quick Link: es/Eliminate__New_resources/Fundraising_Ideas_b ook_Vo_2.sflb.ashx

Fundraising Ideas Book for SLPs Quick Link: es/Eliminate__New_resources/Fundraising_Ideas_b ook_for_SLPs.sflb.ashx

More things to look out for.

Eliminate Project Resources.

Eliminate Style Guide (Like Key Club Brand Guide) Quick Link: e.sflb.ashx

Social Media Brochure Quick Link: braries/Eliminate__New_resources/Social_media_ brochure.sflb.ashx

Honouring Mothers Service Toolkit *more inclined towards Kiwanis Clubs* Quick Link: vice_Projects_-_MNT__EN/Honoring_mothers_service_toolkit.sflb. ashx

International President Maria Palazzolo

International Trustees: Jennalee Beazley Gary Cheng Renisha Daley Tashrima Hossain Laken Kelly Nicole Lema Rip Livingston Robbie Mathis Shane Meyers Liz Moore Barry Seng

International Vice President Kevin Zhang

We will know our International Trustee by the end of July!

You may have already heard the results of House of Delegates, but here is a review: Article IX Districts Section 4. In order to form a new district, the proposed area must include no less than 25 active Key Clubs and no less than 375 at least 15 active Key Clubs and at least 450 active Key Club members. In the event a district fails to maintain this club and membership level for three years, the Key Club International board may decertify the district by two-thirds majority vote. In such case, the International director shall provide written notice to the governor and secretary of the sponsoring Kiwanis district and the governor and administrator of the Key Club district at least 120 days prior to any meeting at which the district’s decertification shall be considered. Status: PASSED Article VIII. Club Members Section 6. Any person, not in high school or an educational equivalent, who has performed some distinguished public service may be elected an honorary member of a club for a period of one year. Honorary members shall pay no dues and shall not be entitled to any privilege of a Key Club member. Honorary members shall pay no dues but shall be entitled to all the privileges of full club membership except those of voting and holding office. Status: PASSED Article XXII. Revenue Section 1. Each Key Club shall pay Key Club International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual dues of six dollars and fifty cents (US$6.50), being membership dues and subscription to the Key Club International publication, for every member, but not including honorary members. Fifty cents of the dues of each member shall be deposited into the Youth Opportunities Fund to create an endowment to fund grants to clubs and scholarships. Dues shall be payable during a period of at least 60 days according to a schedule set forth in Key Club International Board Policies and defined for each nation taking into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs. Status: PASSED

Article XXII. Revenue Section 1. Each Key Club shall pay Key Club International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual dues of six dollars and fifty cents (US$6.50) eight dollars and fifty cents (US$8.50), being membership dues and subscription to the Key Club International publication, for every member, but not including honorary members. Fifty cents of the dues of each member shall be deposited into the Youth Opportunities Fund to create an endowment to fund grants to clubs and scholarships. Dues shall be payable during a period of at least 60 days according to a schedule set forth in Key Club International Board Policies and defined for each nation taking into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs. Status: Amended $8.50 to $7.00 (only 50 cent increase) Article VIII. Club Members Section 1. Membership in Key Club International is open to anyone for the extent of their secondary/high school education. The membership of individual Key Clubs shall consist of students from the four upper classes (or the five upper classes in the Canadian Provinces where high school is of a five year duration) of the high school in which they are enrolled (or in ungraded schools whose members shall be of age comparable to the four upper classes of high school), Key Club members must be interested in service and qualified scholastically by school district requirements for extracurricular activities and of good character. No potential member will be denied the chance of membership in Key Club due to previous service experience or lack thereof. Members may only hold elected office at any level of Key Club International for a maximum of four years. Status: Failed Article VIII. Club Members Section 1. The membership of individual Key Clubs shall consist of students from the four upper classes (or the five upper classes in the Canadian Provinces where high school is of a five year duration) of the high school in which they are enrolled. (or in ungraded schools whose members shall be of age comparable to the four upper classes of high school) Membership should cover one's tenure in high school as stipulated by their education system. These members should be interested in service and qualified scholastically by school district requirements for extracurricular activities and of good character. No potential member will be denied the chance of membership in Key Club due to previous service experience or lack thereof. Status: Passed

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