Chessington School Newsletter | 26.04.24

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Dear Parents, carers and all in the Chessington community,


The Year 10 students finished their mock exams today and they have behaved in an exemplary manner throughout the last 2 weeks Many students have been working hard on their revision following the tutor time sessions delivered by the tutor team. The library has been busier than normal with Year 10’s at break and lunchtime too! I hope that they see the outcome of their hard work when they get their results in May.


Year 8 had a hugely exciting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) session last week delivered by Gatwick Airport. This is a new partnership that Mr Davey has set up and so far we have been very impressed with what they offered. The facilitators made the following comments about our wonderful students:

‘It was a pleasure to work with your students

Their behaviour was excellent, starting off with the high standards at the assembly For the main activity, all the students were engaged throughout and worked well in small groups discussing ideas and working as a team ’

Watch this space for future workshops with Gatwick Airport.



Year10alsohadatheatretrip toseeJekyll andHyde,oneof theirGCSELiteraturetexts, atWimbledontheatre.A greatopportunity for them toseealiveperformancewhichwill h f ll h i d di f h



Year11’sarefastapproaching theirfirst writtenGCSEexams They havealready had theirDramapractical exam andtheirFrench andSpanishspeaking exams.Feedback from thesehavebeenvery promising soif this continuesthey will smashtherestof them.Art andPEpractical examstakeplacenextweek andthenewYr11timetablewill beginthe following week - moredetailstofollowfrom Mr Smith&MissRutledge.

We are recruiting for extra exam invigilators to supervise our students taking public exams, if ole please contact ins


m earlier this year Who to contact’ upport parents when ll find the page here. he correct member r query.


Finally, just in case you haven’t read it yet please do see my letter and our Ofsted Report here

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

ParkPlay is two hours of free active community games every Saturday for people of all ages, everyone's invited! This volunteer-driven project will bring more joy, engagement, and fun to Churchfields, whilst helping to build connections throughout the local community. For more information click HERE.

Looking for a fun day out for the May half-term?

Look no further! Celebrate Chessington is taking place on Thursday 30th May - from fairground rides to food, Celebrate Chessington has it all. For further information, please click HERE.


Monday 6th May

May Bank Holiday

School is closed for all students

Thursday 9th May

Year 11 Public Exams

Year 11 public exams begin

Tuesday 14th May

Year 10 Mock Results

Year 10 mock results to be sent to parents

Tuesday 21st May

Year 6 Transition Meeting

This event will take place between 3:30pm - 5:30pm in school

Wednesday 22nd May

Year 6 Transition Meeting

This event will take place between 3:30pm - 5:30pm in school

Thursday 23rd May

Year 10 Parents Evening

This event will take place between 4:00pm - 6:30pm online

Friday 24th May

Year 11 Leavers Assembly

From 12:15 pm, for Year 11 students only

Friday 24th May

Year 11 Leavers BBQ

From 4:30 pm, for Year 11 Leavers and their family

Instagram: @chessington_school Facebook Chessington School X @chessington_sch

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