Cymdeithas Archaeoleg a Hanes Ll欧n Canllaw Treftadaeth 2014
Sefydliadau Treftadaeth Cymru: Ymddiriedolaeth Archaeolegol Gwynedd Craig Beuno Ffordd y Garth Bangor Gwynedd LL57 2RT
Rhif ff么n 0044 (0) 1248 352535 Rhif ffacs 0044 (0)1248 370925
Comisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru - RCAHMW The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, Library and Enquiries Service, National Monuments Record of Wales, Plas Crug, Aberystwyth,
SY23 1NJ Tel: +44(0)1970 621200 Fax: +44(0)1970 627701
Cadw Cadw Welsh Government Plas Carew Unit 5/7 Cefn Coed Parc Nantgarw Cardiff CF15 7QQ Tel: 01443 336000 Fax: 01443 336001 E-mail:
Fel cymdeithas mae gennym ddyletswydd i gynorthwyo i warchod a chofnodi ein treftadaeth ddiwylliannol. Rydym yn frwdfrydig o ran cael gwybod am ddarganfyddiadau newydd yn yr ardal. Hoffem glywed gennych os dewch ar draws gwrthrych, safle newydd, neu hyd yn oed darn o waith maes rydych yn meddwl efallai na fyddem yn gwybod amdano, er mwyn cael diweddaru'r HER/NMR.
Beth os ydych yn canfod gwrthrych? Cysylltwch â'ch swyddog Cofnodi Hynafiaethau Cludadway/ Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) lleol . Cynlluniau Cofnodi Hynafiaethau Cludadwy yng Nghymru Darganfyddir miloedd ar filoedd o wrthrychau archaeolegol ym Mhrydain bob blwyddyn, gan bobl yn defnyddio datgelyddion metel rhan amlaf, ond hefyd, gan bobl sydd allan yn cerdded neu’n cloddio eu gerddi neu wrth eu gwaith. Er hynny, dim ond rhan fechan o’r darganfyddiadau hyn sy’n cael eu gweld gan amgueddfeydd neu archaeolegwyr maes, sy’n golygu bod llawer iawn o wybodaeth a allai fod yn bwysig am ein gorffennol yn cael ei cholli. Er mwyn ceisio datrys y broblem honl lawnswyd y Portable Antiquities Scheme i hyrwyddo adrodd am Hynafiaethau Cludadwy...
Am fwy o wybodaeth: Amcanion y cynllun yw:
amcangyfrif faint o wrthrychau a ddarganfyddir ar draws Cymru, a pha adnoddau fyddai eu hangen i’w cofnodi’n llawn cychwyn system ar gyfer cofnodi darganfyddiadau archaeolegol annog a hyrwyddo arfer cofnodi da gan ddarganfyddwyr cryfhau’r cysylltiadau rhwng defnyddwyr datgelyddion metel ac archaeolegwyr gwella ein gwybodaeth am hanes ac archaeoleg Cymru
Er mwyn cyflawni hyn, bwriedir bod y cynllun yn cofnodi’r holl wrthrychau, ta waeth o ba ddeunydd y gwnaed hwy, a ganfyddir rywle yng Nghymru gan unrhyw aelod o’r cyhoedd – nid gwrthrychau metel a ddarganfyddir gan ddefnyddwyr datgelyddion metel yn unig. Beth ddylwn ei wneud petawn yn darganfod rhywbeth? Cysylltwch ei'ch swyddog lleol: Roland Flook: Gwynedd Archaeological Trust - Finds Liaison Officer Address: Gwynedd archaeological Trust (GAT) Craig Beuno, Garth Road Bangor Gwynedd LL57 2RT Phone (work): 01248 352535 Email address: Pa fath o ddarganfyddiad ddylwn i roi gwybod amdanynt? I ddechrau, byddem yn hoffi gwybod am bob peth rydych wedi ei ddarganfod – nid gwrthrychau metel na phethau ‘sy’n edrych fel petaent yn ddiddorol’ yn unig. Mae’n debygol y byddwn, maes o law, yn stopio cofnodi gwrthrychau modern; ond i ddechrau hoffem glywed am bob dim, er mwyn i ni fedru amcangyfrif cyfanswm yr holl wrthrychau a ddarganfyddir yng Nghymru. Byddem yn eich annog i adael i weithwyr y ganolfan adrodd benderfynu a yw gwrthrych yn bwysig, yn enwedig os
nad ydych yn sicr beth ydyw. Er enghraifft, fe allai eich lwmp o fetel dinod fod yn ddarn o ingot Oes Efydd ac o gryn bwysigrwydd archaeolegol. Mae darganfyddiadau eraill fel fflintiau triniedig, crochenwaith a gwydr o bwysigrwydd archaeolegol hefyd ac felly dylid eu dangos i staff y ganolfan. Fe ddylech gofio hefyd, ers cyflwyno Deddf Drysor 1997 (gweler isod) eich bod yn torri’r gyfraith os nad ydych yn rhoi gwybod am y rhan fwyaf o wrthrychau o fetel gwerthfawr a ddarganfuoch (gan gynnwys nifer o fathau o ddarnau arian), felly os oes gennych unrhyw amheuaeth………… rhowch wybod amdano! Sut cofnodir fy narganfyddiad? Mae’n bwysig bod y ganolfan adrodd yn cofnodi disgrifiad byr o’r gwrthrychau a ddarganfuoch. Yn ogystal â hyn byddent yn gobeithio cofnodi cymaint o fanylion â phosibl am y lle y cawsant eu darganfod, er mwyn i’r wybodaeth hon ychwanegu at ein gwybodaeth o’u cyd-destun archaeolegol. Mi fydd y gwybodaeth yn cael ei cofnodi i mewn i cronfa data PAS a'r Cofnod Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (CAH) lleol. Y nod yw sicrhau bod cymaint â phosibl o’r wybodaeth yn cael ei lledaenu mor eang â phosibl, tra’n diogelu safleoedd archaeolegol o niwed. Bydd eich gwybodaeth bersonol chi yn cael ei diogelu o dan Ddeddf Gwarchod Data (1984). Y Ddeddf Drysor (1996) Mae’r Cynllun Cofnodi Hynafiaethau Cludadwy, a drafodwyd uchod, yn gynllun hollol wirfoddol sy’n annog pobl i adrodd am eu darganfyddiadau. Er hynny, o dan Deddf Drysor 1996 mae gofyn cyfreithiol ar bawb i adrodd am Drysor, neu am rywbeth y credant ei fod yn Drysor. Daeth y Ddeddf i rym ar y 24ian o Fedi 1997 ac mae’n disodli cyfraith gyffredin Hapdrysor. Mae’r canlynol yn grynodeb anniffiniol o’r Ddeddf Drysor ac nid oes iddo rym cyfreithiol – gellir cael gwybodaeth am Drysor a’r Ddeddf Drysor o Adran Archaeoleg a Niwmismateg, Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau Cenedlaethol Cymru, Parc Cathays, Caerdydd, CF1 3NP neu o Department for Culture, Media and Sports, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1 5DY. Diffinnir ‘Trysor’ o dan y Ddeddf fel:
Dim-arian. Pob gwrthrych sy’n cynnwys o leiaf 10% o aur neu arian a’u bônt yn 300 mlwydd oed o leiaf pan ddarganfuwyd hwy. Darnau Arian. Pob darn o arian o’r un darganfyddiad cyhyd â’u bod yn 300 mlwydd oed o leiaf pan ddarganfuwyd hwy (ond os yw’r darnau yn cynnwys llai na 10% o aur neu arian mae’n rhaid bod o leiaf 10 ohonynt ac unwaith eto rhaid iddynt fod 300 mlwydd oed o leiaf.) Gwrthrychau cysylltiedig. Unrhyw wrthrych, beth bynnag ei ddeunydd, a ddarganfyddir yn yr un lle â, neu a fu yn yr un lle â, gwrthrych arall sy’n drysor. Efallai bod y gwrthrych wedi’i ddarganfod ar yr un adeg, neu’n hwyrach na’r eitem o drysor, ond nid yw gwrthrychau naturiol sydd heb eu trin yn drysor. Gwrthrychau a fyddai’n hapdrysor. Unrhyw wrthrych a fyddai’n ‘hapdrysor’ yn y gorffennol, ond nad yw’n dod o fewn y categorïau penodol a roddir uchod. Mae rhaid i’r gwrthrychau hyn fod wedi eu gwneud yn sylweddol o aur neu arian, mae’n rhaid eu bod wedi eu claddu yn fwriadol i rywun eu darganfod ac na ellir olrhain eu perchennog na’u hetifeddion. Fe ddylai’r gwrthrychau hyn fod yn llai na 300 mlwydd oed.
Mae gwrthrych neu ddarn o arian yn rhan o’r un darganfyddiad â gwrthrych neu ddarn arian arall os caiff ei ganfod yn yr un lle, ei fod wedi ei adael gyda’r gwrthrych arall o’r blaen. Mae’n bosibl bod darganfyddiadau wedi eu gwasgaru ers iddynt gael eu claddu’n wreiddiol yn y ddaear. Fodd bynnag, nid yw darnau arian unigol a ganfyddir ar eu pennau eu hunain yn drysor. Fel rheol, dim ond y grwpiau canlynol o ddarnau arian caiff eu hystyried fel rhai o’r ‘un darganfyddiad’.
celciau a guddiwyd yn fwriadol grwpiau llai o arian, fel cynnwys pyrsiau, a oLlŷngwyd neu a gollwyd o bosibl celciau addunedol neu ddefodol.
Y Gorchymyn Trysor 2002 ynghyd â’r diffiniad o gydosodiadau metelau cyffredin cynhanesyddol. Grwpiau yw’r rhain (a ddiffinnir fel un o’r ddau olaf) o wrthrychau metel cyffredin, dim arian, o ddyddiad cynhanesyddol, h.y. hyd at, ac yn cynnwys, yr Oes Haearn, o’r un darganfyddiad. Os oes gennych unrhyw amheuaeth, mwy na thebyg buasai’n ddiogelach i chi roi gwybod am eich darganfyddiad. Mae’n rhai i chi hysbysu crwner yr ardal am unrhyw Drysor a ddarganfuwyd yn ei ardal naill ai o fewn 14 diwrnod ar ôl y diwrnod y daethoch o hyd iddo neu o fewn 14 diwrnod i’r diwrnod y gwnaethoch sylweddoli y gallai fod yn drysor (er enghraifft, o ganlyniad i’w ddynodi). Ni fyddwch yn torri’r gyfraith os na rowch wybod am ddarganfyddiad oherwydd nad oeddech yn sylweddoli i ddechrau ei fod yn drysor, ond mae’n bosibl eich bod yn torri’r gyfraith os na soniwch amdano wedi i chi sylweddoli. Mae’r goblygiadau i roi gwybod am ddarganfyddiadau yn berthnasol i bawb. Gall methu â rhoi gwybod am ddarganfyddiadau o’r fath, heb reswm digonol, olygu hyd at dri mis o garchar neu ddirwy (hyd at £5000 ar hyn o bryd), neu’r ddau. Os penderfynir nad yw’r darganfyddiad yn Drysor, ac os nad oes unrhyw amgueddfa am ei gaffael, fe gaiff ei ddiarddel. Yna bydd y crwner yn hysbysu pawb a wnelo â’r mater, fel perchennog y tir lle canfuwyd y gwrthrych, o’i fwriad i ddychwelyd y gwrthrych i’r darganfyddwr. Os na fydd unrhyw wrthwynebiad i hyn bydd y darganfyddiad yn cael ei ddychwelyd. Mae’n bosibl y bydd amgueddfeydd am gaffael gwrthrychau a ddychwelwyd i’w darganfyddwyr, oherwydd gallant fod o ddiddordeb lleol neu genedlaethol, ac mae’n bosibl y byddant yn cysylltu â’r darganfyddwyr gyda’r bwriad hwn; mae hyn y tu allan i amodau’r Ddeddf. Am ragor o wybodaeth:
Beth am safleoedd treftadaeth? Mae bron y cyfan o henebion a restrwyd yn safleoedd archeolegol, neu yn adfeilion neu’n adeiladau sydd heb fod a llawer o obaith y bydd defnydd economaidd iddynt. Dyma sy’n eu gwahaniaethu oddi wrth adeiladau rhestredig. Ni all adeilad gael ei restru fel heneb os yw’n cael ei ddefnyddio naill ai fel ty i fyw ynddo neu i bwrpasau eglwysig. Pan fo strwythurau yn rhai wedi eu rhestru ac yn rhai rhestredig bydd y broses restru yn cymryd blaenoriaeth dros ddeddfwriaeth adeilad rhestredig. Nod y rhestru yw sicrhau cadwraeth tymor hir y safle. Rhaid i unrhyw gais i wneud gwaith ar heneb a restrwyd fyddai’n golygu dymchwel, dinistrio, difrodi, symud ymaith, trwsio, altro, ychwanegu at, llifogi, neu orchuddio heneb fod yn destun cais am ganiatâd heneb a restrwyd. Yn wir, rhaid i gais am ganiatâd heneb a restrwyd gael ei wneud am waith all fod o fudd i’r heneb, megis cryfhau gwaith cerrig, neu gwneud gwaith cloddio ar gyfer ymchwil. Y mae’n drosedd gwneud gwaith o’r fath ar safle heneb a restrwyd heb yn gyntaf dderbyn caniatâd heneb a restrwyd. Ystyrir ceisiadau am ganiatâd heneb a restrwyd yn y goleuni hwn gyda thybiaeth yn erbyn cynigion fyddai’n achosi difrod i heneb, neu yn ei haltro’n sylweddol neu yn effeithio gosodiad yr heneb. Os byddwch yn dymuno gwneud gwaith ar heneb a restrwyd byddwch angen derbyn caniatâd heneb a restrwyd. Nid yw caniatâd cynllunio ar ei ben ei hun yn ddigon i awdurdodi’r gwaith. Mae caniatâd heneb a restrwyd yn cael ei weinyddu gan Cadw. Mae’n bwysig nodi na ellir rhoddi caniatâd ond ar gyfer cynigion manwl. Yn wahanol i ganiatâd cynllunio, nid oes darpariaeth ar gyfer rhoi caniatâd amlinellol. Os byddwch angen gwybodaeth bellach ar henebion a restrwyd gallwch gysylltu â Cadw.. Field Monument Warden i Gwynedd, Conwy a Ynys Mon: Adele Thackray:
Sut ydw i'n darganfod mwy am safle archaeolegol? Cofnod Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (CAH) Gwynedd/ Gwynedd Historic Environment Record (HER) Nod Cofnod Amgylchedd Hanesyddol Gwynedd (sef y Cofnod Safleoedd a Henebion gynt) yw darparu gwybodaeth gynhwysfawr ynglyn â thirweddau, arteffactau, adeiladau, henebion a safleoedd archaeolegol a hanesyddol hysbys gogledd-orllewin Cymru. Mae'n cwmpasu hen sir Gwynedd (sef Ynys Môn, Gwynedd a gorllewin Conwy bellach, ac yn cynnwys Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri), ac mae'n dal mwy na 17500 o gofnodion a gasglwyd o amrywiaeth o ffynonellau dros y 35 mlynedd diwethaf. Staff CAH Ymddiriedolaeth Archaeolegol Gwynedd sy'n ei gynnal a'i ddiweddaru. Mae'r CAH yn cwmpasu pob agwedd ar weithgarwch dynol yn y dirwedd o ddechrau'r cyfnod cynhanesyddol i'r ugeinfed ganrif, a hynny heb ragfarn. Gellir dod o hyd i fanylion safleoedd tra hysbys a rhai llai hysbys, yn ogystal â chofnodion a gynhyrchir trwy brosiectau archaeolegol sydd wedi mynd rhagddyn nhw yn yr ardal. Delir gwybodaeth ar ffurf cronfa ddata gyfrifiadurol gyda mapiau digidol (a GIS) ategol. Ar ben hyn, ceir casgliadau o fapiau a chofnodion papur (gan gynnwys manylion adeiladau rhestredig a henebion cofrestredig), sleidiau, ffotograffau (ffilm a digidol; o'r ddaear ac o'r awyr), a mapiau hanesyddol. Mae llyfrgell gyfeirio helaeth o destunau a chyfnodolion perthnasol hefyd ar gael i'r CAH. A nawr gallwch gyrchu cofnodion y mae Ymddiriedolaeth Archaeolegol Gwynedd yn eu dal trwy wefan Archwilio: I gyrchu cofnodion yn personol allwch cael apwyntiad i ymweld a'r swyddfa ym Mangor: Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Craig Beuno Garth Road Bangor Gwynedd LL57 2RT Tel: 01248 352535 Fax: 01248 370925 Email: Cofnod Henebion Cenedlaethol Cymru (CHCC) / National Monuments Record (NMR) Coflein yw cronfa ddata ar-lein Cofnod Henebion Cenedlaethol Cymru (CHCC), y casgliad cenedlaethol o wybodaeth am amgylchedd hanesyddol Cymru gan RCAHMW, Aberystywth. Mae Coflein yn fodd i weld manylion miloedd ar filoedd o safleoedd archaeolegol, henebion, adeiladau a safleoedd arforol yng Nghymru, ynghyd â mynegai i´r lluniadau, y llawysgrifau a´r ffotograffau sydd yng nghasgliadau archifol CHCC. Ar gael:
Adnoddau eraill: Nodweddion Tirwedd Hanesyddol: Tirweddau Hanesyddol Llŷn / Historic Landscape Characterisation : Llŷn Historic Landscapes Wrth ddosbarthu tirwedd hanesyddol yn ôl ei nodweddion fe ymchwilir i'r prosesau sydd wedi llunio a mowldio tirwedd y presennol. Golyga hyn astudio'r holl elfennau sy'n llunio tirwedd ac sy’n ganlyniad canrifoedd o weithgarwch dynol, megis ffiniau caeau, siapiau caeau, adeiladau, patrymau anheddu, parciau a gerddi, ffyrdd a rheilffyrdd, safleoedd diwydiannol ac archaeolegol. Mae'r adnodd hyn yn pwysig ei fod yn amlinellu datblygiad ac arwyddocâd y dirwedd leol. Mae adroddiad Llyn a'i phlwyfi a'r gael yn:ŷnhlc/Llŷncharmap/Llŷncharmappic.html
Prosiectau CADW gan Ymddiriedolaeth Archeolegol Gwynedd / CADW grant funded projects Yn gynnwys arolygon o safleoedd eglwysig Cynnar Canoloesol, llociau amddiffynedig cynhanesyddol, Gaer a ffyrdd Rhufeinig a porthladdoedd a harbwrs: Ar gael yn: Casgliad y Werin Cymru Gwefan yn llawn ffotograffau, recordiadau sain, dogfennau, fideos a straeon cyfareddol am hanes a threftadaeth Cymru a'i phobl yw Casgliad y Werin Cymru. Y cyntaf o'i fath yng Nghymru. Mae Casgliad y Werin Cymru yn dod â chasgliadau digidol y prif sefydliadau treftadaeth yng Nghymru at ei gilydd, ynghyd â chynnwys o amgueddfeydd, archifdai a llyfrgelloedd llai, ac mae'n le gallwch rannu'ch stori am Gymru. Mae'n cynnig mynediad cyflym a hawdd at dreftadaeth gyfoethog Cymru ac yn caniatáu i chi gyfrannu'ch cynnwys eich hun i wella'r amrywiaeth ar y safle ac i sicrhau y ceir hanes eich ardal chi. Caiff y prosiect ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac mae'r wefan wedi'i datblygu gan y cwmni o Gymru, Sequence. Mae'n bartneriaeth rhwng Amgueddfa Cymru, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Comisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru, Llafur: Cymdeithas Hanes Pobl Cymru ac mae llawer o bartneriaid eraill ynghlwm fel BBC Cymru, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, CADW, Croeso Cymru, Y Cerddwyr, S4C ac eraill.
Prosiectau: Grŵp Dyddio Hen Dai Cymru Sefydlwyd Grŵp Dyddio Hen Dai Cymru fel elusen treftadaeth gymunedol ym mis Ebrill 2012 ac mae ganddo tua 100 o aelodau. Mae’r grŵp eisoes wedi casglu swm sylweddol o ddata ar bensaerniaeth, archaeoleg, a hanes hen adeiladau yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru. Mae dros 40 o’r tai hyn wedi cael eu dyddio’n bendant trwy ddefnyddio samplau dendrocronoleg gafodd ei gominsynnu gan Prosiect Dendrocronoleg Gogledd-Orllewin Cymru. Y labordy cylch-coeden Rhydychen oedd yn ymgymryd â’r gwaith. Mae sawl hen dŷ yn Llŷn wedi’u dyddio er enghraifft Felin Moelfre (Llanaelhaearn), Pen-yBryn (Edern), a Penhyddgan (Boduan). Mae’r grŵp yn cyhoeddi eu canlyniadau ar-lein. Mae hefyd yn cyhoeddi amrywiaeth o daflenni a chylchlythyr chwarterol. Maent hefyd yn cynnal darlithoedd, digwyddiadau, gweithgareddau dan arweiniad gwahanol ganghennau a chynnal teithiau astudio ledled Ynys Môn, Gwynedd, Sir Ddinbych, a Sir Feirionnydd. http://datingold Prosiect Meillionydd Ers 2010 mae prosiect cloddio wedi cael ei gynnal ar safle ddiddorol Meillionydd, sydd wedi ei leoli ger pentrefan tawel Y Rhiw yn ne-orllewin Llŷn. Mae’r cloddio ym Meillionydd yn cael ei gyfarwyddo gan Dr Kate Waddington a’r Athro Raimund Karl Prifysgol Bangor. Gwnaeth yr ymchwiliadau archaeolegol ar y safle ddod o hyd i olion clostir crwn cynhanesyddol, sy’n fath arbennig o anheddiad pen bryn sy’n unigryw i raddau i Benrhyn Llŷn. Hyd yn hyn, mae’r tîm o Fangor wedi datgelu bod tarddiad Meillionydd yn dyddio o’r Oes Efydd Ddiweddar (c.800 CC) pan oedd pobl yn adeiladu tai crwn pren tu mewn i lloc ffos, ac yn ddiweddarach yn yr Oes Haearn (tua 2000 CC) roedd y safle yn cael ei hamgau gan gloddiau cerrig dwbwl a phobl yn byw mewn tai crwn yr ochor i mewn i’r rhain. Meillionydd-
Sefydliadau Treftadaeth Leol: AONB Llŷn Mae Llŷn, yn briodol iawn, wedi ei ddynodi fel Ardal o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol (AHNE) ac yn un o bump a geir yng Nghymru. Mae ei statws AHNE wedi helpu i hybu ei chefn gwlad amrywiol a thrawiadol ac mae hefyd wedi helpu i ddiogelu ei bywyd gwyllt toreithiog. Gall sawl Safleoedd o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig (SoDdGA) hefyd gael eu gweld yn Llŷn, yn ogystal â nifer o warchodfeydd natur.
Prosiect Partneriaeth Tirlun Llŷn Sefydlwyd Partneriaeth Tirlun Llŷn a lansiwyd yn 2011 gyda’r nod i amddiffyn a chadw’r iaith Gymraeg a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol gyfoethog Llŷn trwy weithredu prosiectau amrywiol. Mae’r brosiect hon yn cael ei hariannu gan gyfraniadau sylweddol gan Gyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru, Yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol a Cyngor Gwynedd.
Byw ar y fiw/Felin Uchaf – Amgueddfa Forwrol Llŷn – Ail-agor 2014 Mae Amgueddfa Forwrol Llŷn a sefydlwyd ym 1977yn Nefyn, yn cynnwys casgliadau hynod ddiddorol o arteffactau yn adrodd hanes morwrol cyfoethog iawn yr ardal. Yn ddi-os, artefact mwyaf anarferol yn yr amgueddfa yw’r logboat o ddechrau’r 20fed. Ganrif, ac yn ôl pob tebyg, yn tarddu o orllwein Affrica (o bosibl y Delta’r Niger). Mae sut mae’r gwch wedi cyrraedd amgueddfa fechan yng ngogledd-orllwein Cymru yn ddirgelwch go iawn. Mae’r amgueddfa wedi’i lleoli yn Eglwys y Santes Fair. Mae sylfeini yr eglwys yn dyddio’n ôl i’r 6ed. ganrif, pan oedd priordy yma, ble roedd y pererinion cynnar yn ei ddefnyddio fel un o’r mannau gorffwys ar hyd llwybyr y pererinion i Ynys Enlli. Er bod yr eglwys yn anffodus wedi cau yn 2000 am resymau iechyd a diogelwch, ond gyda chymorth gwirfoddolwyr lleol a grant hael gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri, mae’r amgueddfa yn alilagor yn Pasg 2014. Cyngor Archaeoleg Prydain – CBA Cymru Mae’r CBA Cymru yn hyrwyddo delfrydau y Cyngor Archaeoleg Prydain, sy’n gorff gwirfoddol. Fe’i sefydlwyd i ddiogelu a chadw amgylchedd hansesyddol cyfoethog Prydain. Mae’r CBA hefyd yn gweithio i godi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd am archaeoleg ac i dynnu sylw at y bygythiadau y mae’n eu hwynebu. Bydd CBA Cymru yn cynnal dau gyfarfod y flwyddyn yn ogystal â chyhoeddi gwybodaeth yn y cofnodolyn Archaeoleg yng Nghymru yn flynyddol. MOROL- Sefydliad Astudiaethau Hanes Morwrol Cymru Sefydlwyd MOROL yn 2005 er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth am bob agwedd ar hanes morwrol Cymru. Amcanion MOROL yw: Hybu diddordeb yn hanes morwrol Cymru. Hybu ymchwil mewn hanes morwrol yng Nghymru. Cefnogi achub a chadw ffynonellau sy’n ymwneud â phob agwedd ar hanes morwrol Cymru a’i phobl.
Cefnogi diogelu mynediad i orffennol morwrol Cymru. Hybu cysylltiadau rhyngwladol wrth ganlyn yr uchod ac i godi ymwybyddiaeth o hanes morwrol Cymru yn fyd eang. http://www.morol,eu/ Mae’r wefan hon yn un ardderchog ac yn cael ei rhedeg gan Tony a Gwenllian Jones, Rhiw. Mae’n cynnyws cyfoeth o wybodaeth diddorol am hanes y pentref bach a’r ardal gyfagos o’r cyfnod cynhanesyddol hyd at y presennol. Un o uchafbwyntiau’r safle yw casgliad gwych Tony Jones o luniau sy’n dal harddwch trawiadol o gefn gwlad hudolus Llŷn.
Archifau Gwynedd Mae’r archif ar-lein gwerthfawr yma yn eich galluogi i gael gafael ar fapiau hanesyddol,, delweddau, a dogfennau o Wynedd sy’n dyddio’n ôl 400 mlynedd.
Prosiect Prydain oddi Fry Mae Prydain oddi Fry yn cyflwyno casgliad unigryw Aerofilms o awyrluniau o 1919-1953 ar-lein. Mae dros 35,000 o luniau cydraniad-uchel a chwyddadwy. Chwiliwch yn ôl enw lle, map neu flwyddyn.
Fforwm Treftadaeth Ieuenctid Cymru Mae’r Fforwm yn agored i bawb rhwng 14- 25 oed, sydd a chysylltiad neu a diddordeb mewn treftadaeth, yn amgueddfeydd, archeoleg neu hanes lleol. Bydd yn anelu i lenwi’r diffyg ymwneud gan bobl ifanc yn y maes treftadaeth, gan fod y lle i bobl ifanc fynd, i gael cysylltu gyda’r sector dreftadaeth Gymreig. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb cysylltwch gyda Jame Davies ar neu 07773346323 a linc i'r fforwm Facebook yw: Bydd y canllaw hwn yn cael ei ddiweddaru gyda gwybodaeth am adnoddau eraill a grëwyd drwy brosiectau yn y gorffennol gan RCAHMW, AHNE Llŷn, Partneriaeth Tirlun Llŷn ac Archifdy Gwynedd.
Y gobaith yw y bydd y ddogfen hon yn rhoi'r sail a'r cyd-destun ar gyfer ymchwil a rheoli trefdaeth ddiwylliannol Ll天n. Jamie Davies Ionawr 2014 Diolch i: Julian Heath a Annwen Hughes Gwybodaeth o:
Ll天n Archaeology and History Society Heritage Guide 2014
Welsh Heritage Bodies: Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Craig Beuno Garth Road Bangor Gwynedd LL57 2RT
Phone 01248 352535 Fax 01248 370925
The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales - RCAHMW The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, Library and Enquiries Service, National Monuments Record of Wales, Plas Crug, Aberystwyth,
SY23 1NJ Tel: +44(0)1970 621200 Fax: +44(0)1970 627701
Cadw Cadw Welsh Government Plas Carew Unit 5/7 Cefn Coed Parc Nantgarw Cardiff CF15 7QQ Tel: 01443 336000 Fax: 01443 336001 E-mail:
As a society we have a duty to assist the above Heritage Bodies in the protection and recording of our cultural heritage. If you come across an object, a new site, or even a piece of fieldwork that you think please let us know, so we can inform the HER/ NMR.
What if you discover an object? Contact your local Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) officer Portable Antiquities Recording Scheme in Wales Every year in Britain many thousands of archaeological objects are discovered, mostly by people using metal detectors but also by people out walking or digging their garden or while going about their work. Yet only a small proportion of these finds are ever seen by museums or field archaeologists, which means that a great deal of potentially important information about our past is being lost. To attempt to solve this problem the Portable Antiquities Scheme was launched, to encourage voluntary reporting and recording of finds.... For more information: The aims of the scheme are
to estimate how many objects are being found across Wales, and what resources would be needed to record them fully to initiate a system for recording archaeological finds to encourage and promote good recording practice by finders to strengthen links between metal detector users and archaeologists to advance our knowledge of the history and archaeology of Wales
To achieve this, the scheme is intending to record all objects, whatever they are made of, found by any member of the public anywhere in Wales - not just metal objects found by metal detector users. What do I do if I find something? Simply contact your local finds liaison officer: Roland Flook: Gwynedd Archaeological Trust - Finds Liaison Officer Address: Gwynedd archaeological Trust (GAT) Craig Beuno, Garth Road Bangor Gwynedd LL57 2RT Phone (work): 01248 352535 Email address: What types of find should I report ? To begin with, we would like to know about everything that you have found - not just metal objects or things that 'look like they might be interesting'. It is likely that in due course we will stop recording modern objects but we would like to know about everything to start with so that we can estimate the total number of objects being discovered in Wales. We would urge you to let the staff at the reporting centre decide if an object is important, especially if you are unsure what it is. For instance, your nondescript lump of metal may turn out to be a fragment of a Bronze Age ingot and of great archaeological significance. Other finds, like worked flints, pottery and glass are also important archaeologically so should be shown to the centre staff.
You should also remember that since the introduction of the Treasure Act in 1997 (see below) you are breaking the law if you do not report the finding of most objects made of precious metal (including many types of coin), so if you are in any doubt ... report it ! How will my find be recorded ? It is important that the reporting centre records a brief description of the objects that you have found. They would also hope to record where they were found in as much detail as possible so that this information can add to our knowledge of their archaeological context. The information will then be recorded in the PAS online database and local HER. The aim is to make as much of the information as widely available as possible, while protecting archaeological sites from damage. Your personal information will be protected by the Data Protection Act (1984). The Treasure Act (1996) The Portable Antiquities Recording Scheme discussed above is an entirely voluntary scheme which encourages people to report their finds. However, under the 1996 Treasure Act everyone is legally required to report Treasure, or that which they believe may be Treasure. The Act came into force on 24th September 1997 and replaced the common law of Treasure Trove. The following is a non-definitive summary of the Treasure Act and has no legal standing - information about Treasure and the Treasure Act can be obtained from the Department of Archaeology & Numismatics, National Museums & Galleries of Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF1 3NP or the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5DH. 'Treasure' is defined under the Act as:
Non-coins. All objects that contains at least 10% of gold or silver and are at least 300 years old when found. Coins. All coins from the same find provided they are at least 300 years old when found (but if the coins contain less than 10% gold or silver there must be at least 10 of them and again they must be at least 300 years old). Associated objects. Any object, whatever it is made of, that is found in the same place as, or that had previously been together with, another object that is treasure. The object may have been found at the same time or, or later than, the item of treasure, but unworked natural objects will not be treasure. Objects that would have been treasure trove. Any object that would previously have been 'treasure trove', but does not fall within the specific categories given above. These objects have to be made substantially of gold or silver; they have to be buried with the intention of recovery and their owner or their heirs cannot be traced. These objects should be less than 300 years old.
An object or coin is part of the same find as another object or coin if it is found in the same place as, or had previously been left together with, the other object. Finds may have become scattered since they were originally deposited in the ground. However, single coins found on their own are not treasure. Only the following groups of coins will normally regarded as coming from the 'same find':
hoards that have been deliberately hidden smaller groups of coins, such as the contents of purses, that may have been dropped or lost
votive or ritual deposits
The Treasure (designation) Order 2002 added to the definition of treasure prehistoric base-metal assemblages. These are groups (defined as one of the last two) of base-metal objects, other than coins, of prehistoric date, i.e. up to, and including, the Iron Age, from the same find. If you are in any doubt, it will probably be safest to report your find. You must report all finds of Treasure to the coroner for the district in which they are found either within 14 days after the day on which you found it or within 14 days of the day on which you realised that it might be treasure (for example, as a result of having it identified). You will not be breaking the law if you do not report a find because you do not initially recognise that it may be treasure, but you may be if you do not report it once you realise it is. The obligation to report finds applies to everyone. Failure to report such finds, without good reason, may lead to imprisonment for up to three months or a fine (currently up to ÂŁ5000), or both. If the find is declared not to be Treasure, or if no museum wishes to acquire it, then it will be disclaimed. The coroner will then notify all interested parties, such as the owner of the land where the object was found, of his intention to return the find to the finder. If no objections are raised to this then the find will be returned. Museums may still wish to acquire objects returned to finders, as they may be of local or national interest, and may approach them with this intention; this falls outside the terms of the Act. Further information is available at:
Scheduled Monuments and Listed Buildings Nearly all scheduled ancient monuments are archaeological sites, ruins or buildings for which there is little prospect of economic use. This is what distinguishes them from Listed Buildings. A structure cannot be scheduled as an ancient monument if it is in use either as a dwelling house or for ecclesiastical purposes. When structures are both scheduled and listed the scheduling process takes precedent over Listed Building legislation. The aim of scheduling is to ensure the long-term preservation of a site. Any proposal to carry out works at a scheduled ancient monument which would have the effect of demolishing, destroying, damaging, removing, repairing, altering, adding to, flooding, or covering up a monument must be the subject of an application for scheduled monument consent. Indeed, an application for scheduled monument consent also has to be made for works which may be beneficial to the monument, such consolidating masonry, or for conducting a research excavation. It is an offence to carry out such works at the site of a scheduled ancient monument without first obtaining scheduled ancient monument consent. Applications for scheduled monument consent are considered in this light with a presumption against proposals which would cause damage to, significantly alter or affect the setting of a monument. If you wish to carry out work to a scheduled monument you will need to obtain scheduled monument consent. Planning permission alone is not sufficient to authorise the works. Scheduled monument consent is administered by Cadw. It is important to note that consent can be granted only for detailed proposals. Unlike planning permission, there is no provision for granting outline consent. If you wish to access further information on Scheduled Ancient Monuments you can contact Cadw. Is a scheduled site at risk or does work need to be done on an SAM? Contact CADW'S Field Monument Warden for Gwynedd, Conwy and Ynys Mon: Adele Thackray-
How do I discover more about an archaeological site? Gwynedd Historic Environment Record The Gwynedd Historic Environment Record (formerly known as the Sites and Monuments Record) aims to provide comprehensive information regarding the known archaeological and historical sites, monuments, buildings, artefacts and landscapes of north west Wales. Covering the former county of Gwynedd (now Ynys M么n, Gwynedd and western Conwy, and including the Snowdonia National Park), it holds over 17500 records collected from a variety of sources over the last 35 years. It is maintained and updated by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust HER staff. The HER covers all aspects of human activity in the landscape from early prehistory to the twentieth century without prejudice. Details of well- and lesser-known sites can be found, in addition to records generated by archaeological projects undertaken in the area. Information is held in the form of a computerised database supported by digital mapping (a GIS). This is supplemented by collections of maps and paper records (including details of listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments), slides, photographs (film and digital; both aerial and ground), and historic maps. The HER also has access to an extensive reference library of relevant texts and journals. Now you can access the records held by the Gwynedd Archaeological Trust through the Archwilio website: To access the information physically to appointment must be made visit the HER office in Bangor: Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Craig Beuno Garth Road Bangor Gwynedd LL57 2RT Tel: 01248 352535 Fax: 01248 370925 Email: National Monuments Record (NMR) Coflein is the online database for the National Monuments Record of Wales (NMRW), the national collection of information about the historic environment of Wales run by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, Aberystwyth. Coflein allows access to details of many thousands of archaeological sites, monuments, buildings and maritime sites in Wales, together with an index to the drawings, manuscripts and photographs held in the NMRW archive collections.
Available at:
Other online resources include: Historic Landscape Characterisation : Llŷn Historic Landscapes Historic landscape characterisation is the examination of the processes that have shaped and moulded the present-day landscape. This means studying all the components that make up a landscape and are the result of centuries of human activity, such as field boundaries, field shapes, buildings, settlement patterns, parks and gardens, roads and railways, industrial and archaeological sites. This is part of a wider national project. It provides a unique resource outlining the development and significance of a local landscape. The HLC for Llŷn and individual parishes is available at:ŷnhlc/Llŷncharmap/Llŷncharmappic.html
Cadw grant funded projects by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust including surveys of Early Medieval ecclesiastical sites, Prehistoric Defended enclosures, Prehistoric ritual and funerary sites, roman fort environs and roman roads and ports and harbours: Available at: People's Collection Wales People's Collection Wales is a website full of fascinating photographs, sound recordings, documents, videos and stories about the history and heritage of Wales and its people, it is the first of its kind in Wales. People’s Collection Wales draws together the digital collections of the main heritage institutions in Wales, alongside content from smaller museums, archives and libraries, and is a place where you can share your story of Wales. It provides quick and easy access to the rich heritage of Wales and allows you to contribute your own content to enhance the variety on the site and make sure that the history of your area is told. The project is funded by the Welsh Government and the website has been developed by Welsh company Sequence. It is a partnership between Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales, The National Library of Wales, the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales,
Llafur: The Welsh People’s History Society and involves many other partners such as BBC Cymru Wales, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, CADW, Visit Wales, Ramblers Cymru, S4C and others. The Britain from Above project An online resource of the Aerofilms collection of aerial photographs from 1919-1953. It contains over 35,000 high resolution zoomable images to explore. Search by place name, map or year to discover images. Historypin Historypin is a website that allows historic photographs to be uploaded within a geographical context, Historypin has been developed by the not-for-profit company We Are What We Do, in partnership with Google.
Projects: Dating Old Welsh Houses Group The Dating Old Welsh Houses Group was established as a community heritage charity in April 2012 and has around 100 members. The group has already gathered an impressive amount of data on the architecture, archaeology, and histories of old buildings in north-west Wales. Over 40 of these houses have been firmly dated through a programme of dendrochronology) sampling commissioned by the North-West Wales Dendrochronolgy Project and undertaken by the Oxford tree-ring laboratory. Several old houses have been dated in Ll天n such as Felin Molefre (Llanaelhaearn), Pen-yBryn (Edern), and Penhyddgan (Boduan). The group widely publicizes their results online and also publishes various leaflets and a quarterly newsletter. They also hold lectures, events, branch-led activities, and undertake study tours throughout Anglesey, Gwynedd, Denbighshire, and Merionethshire. The Meillionydd Project Since 2010, an excavation project has been carried out at the fascinating site of Meillionydd, which is located near the quiet hamlet of Rhiw at the beautiful south-western end of Ll天n. The excavations at Meillionydd are directed by Dr Kate Waddington and Professor Karl Raimund of Bangor University. Their archaeological investigations at the site have uncovered the remains of a prehistoric ringwork enclosure, which is a distinctive type of enclosed hilltop settlement that is largely confined to the Ll天n Peninsula. So far, the team from Bangor have revealed that the origins of Meillionydd lie in the Late Bronze Age (c.800 BC) when people built wooden roundhouses inside a ditched enclosure, and that later in the Iron Age (c.2000 BC) the site was enclosed by double stone banks inside which people lived in stone roundhouses.
Local Heritage Organisations: Llŷn has rightly been designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and is one of five found in Wales. Its AONB status has helped to promote its varied and stunning countryside and has also helped to protect its abundant wildlife. Several Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) can also be found in Llŷn as well as number of nature reserves. AONB Llŷn- Llŷn Landscape Partnership Project The Llŷn Landscape Partnership was launched in 2011 with the aim of protecting and preserving the Welsh language and the rich cultural heritage of Llŷn by implementing various projects, which are funded by substantial contributions from the Countryside Council for Wales, the National Trust, and Gwynedd Council. Byw ar y fiw/Felin Uchaf - Llyn Maritime Museum - Re-opening 2014 Established in 1977, the Llŷn Maritime Museum in Nefyn contains a fascinating collection of artifacts telling the story of the area’s very rich maritime history. Undoubtedly, the most unusual artefact in the museum is the early 20th century logboat that probably originates from West Africa (possibly the Niger Delta). How the boat ended up in a small museum in north-west Wales is a real mystery. The museum is housed in Eglwys Santes Fair (St Mary’s Church) , the foundations of which date back to the 6th century, when there was a priory here that early pilgrims used as one of the resting places along the pilgrim trail to Ynys Enlli (Bardsey Island). Although the church was unfortunately closed in 2000 for health and safety reasons, with the help of local volunteers and a generous grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the museum is now scheduled to reopen Easter 2014. Council of British Archaeology- CBA Wales CBA Wales promotes the ideals of the Council of British Archaeology, which is a voluntary organisation that was set up to safeguard and preserve Britain’s rich historic environment. The CBA also works to raise public awareness about archaeology and to highlight the threats that it is facing. CBA Wales holds two meetings a year and also annually publishes the informative Archaeology in Wales journal. MOROL- Institute of Welsh Maritime Historical Studies MOROL was established in 2005 in order to raise awareness of all aspects of Welsh maritime history. MOROL's aims are:
To promote interest in the maritime history of Wales. To promote research in maritime history in Wales. To support the rescue and preservation of sources connected to all aspects of the maritime history of Wales and its people. To support the safeguarding of accessibility to Wales’ maritime past. To promote international links in pursuance of the above and to raise awareness of Welsh maritime history across the globe.
MOROL This excellent and highly recommended website is run by Tony and Gwenllian Jones of Rhiw, and features a wealth of fascinating information on the story of the hamlet and the surrounding area from prehistoric times to the present. A real highlight of the site is Tony Jones’ superb collection of photographs that capture the stunning beauty of Llyn’s captivating countryside.
Gwynedd Archives This vlauble online archive allows you to access historical maps, images, and documents from Gwynedd that date back to 400 years ago.
Welsh Heritage Youth Forum Open to all those connected to or interested in heritage, from museums to archaeology or local history, aged from 14-25 the Welsh Youth Heritage Forum is designed to combat the growing age gap in involvement in heritage and become the go-to organisation for young people interested in becoming involved in Welsh Heritage Sector. To access the Facebook forum: Anyone interested in becoming a committee member should email project founder Jamie Davies at ( or 07773346323) .
This guide will be updated with information about other resources created through past projects by RCAHMW, AONB Ll天n, Ll天n Landscape Partnership and Gwynedd Archives. Hopefully this document will provide the basis and context for research and local management of Ll天n' cultural heritage.
Jamie Davies January 2014 With thanks to: Julian Heath and Annwen Hughes
Information obtained from: