VIVA Leeds March 2010

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PIERS MORGAN ‘Interview’

Personal Wedding Planner - 2010

Each to their own Fashion Shoot



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Hi from the Editor

7even Publishing Ltd Viva Magazine Suite 131 111 Picadilly Manchester M1 2HX Tel: 0161 7366339 or 07779 080713 email: website: 12,000 copies distributed monthly in and around Leeds printed with ESL Studio

GROUP PUBLISHER 7even Publishing

Well, Leeds, this has been a great month for us at the Viva headquarters! We have had a HUGE response to Viva Leeds’ first issue - everyone seems to love our publication almost as much as we do!


Leeds is a fantastic city to be publishing a lifestyle magazine in. The night-life is huge, and by day the city is just as lively – with its amazing range of shops, bars, restaurants, and other leisure & pleasure activities, Leeds really does have something for everyone. In fact, the only problem we have with Leeds is the bloody oneway system!!! Maybe it’s just us, but we at Viva find that we have to drive in circles around a place at least twice before we can figure out how to actually park anywhere near it! We can only assume that Leeds does not believe in signposts!

WRITERS Victoria Jackson Lianne Taylor Suzanne Hamilton Jess Cook Ben Statham Shante Stafford Mary Aziz James Davies Anthony Levin Fiona Haran Edward Wilkinson Nadia Ismail Caroline Wilkinson Charlotte Fennings

But apart from the one-way system, we love Leeds and we are so happy that we decided to launch Viva Magazine in this vibrant city. This issue is jam-packed with lots of exciting features. We get up close and personal with Piers Morgan, talk to multiple Brit Award winners JLS, take you on a trip around Australia and keep you up to date on all the best entertainment that Leeds has to offer this March. We have also just launched our exciting new Viva website. You can check it out at Seen yourself in our gallery? Why not go to our website to download your picture for FREE! You can also sign up to our Viva eNewsletter to keep up to date with all things Viva. Have a great month

Rebecca PAGE 2, MARCH 2010 VIVA

The Team

PHOTOGRAPHERS Ian Cole Ben Statham Richard Donnell Lianne Taylor Emily French Mary Aziz SALES AND MARKETING Oliver Sharp Saima Ansari CREATIVE DESIGN Edward Wilkinson Emma Wilkinson

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Viva lifestyle website


1. TAKE A CLASS Make March the month you learn something new – there’s plenty going on around Leeds for you to do and plenty of opportunities for you to learn new skills. Why not grab a few mates and head to Boutique for a cocktail master class? Their expert mixologists will show you how to create all your favourites, plus you can have a go at creating a cocktail of your own. Try out some new moves at Salsa classes every Wednesday at Tiger Tiger and learn how to shake those hips better than Shakira! If you’re more of an arty type, Leeds has a great selection of art and craft classes which are especially helpful if you’re handy with a sewing machine and want to create your own bespoke outfits! Workshops such as how to make an advanced skirt or simple dress at Fabrication in Leeds City Centre are great ways to learn new and useful skills. They also have burlesque bombshell Anna Fur Laxis offering a vintage hair and makeup session. For info of all workshops available visit: 2. GET SOME CULTURE Leeds is brimming with culture, but if you’re anything like me you often have to remind yourself not to let it pass you by. Make March the month you rediscover top cultural spots such as the Leeds Art Gallery on the Headrow. They have a fantastic picture lending scheme where you can borrow pictures like DVDs! You get to keep them for a minimum of 3 months – just the thing for those who like to liven up their homes regularly for minimal expenditure. Leeds City Museum is perfect for a lazy afternoon stroll, you can learn about your city and the history of Leeds & its surrounding areas. Oh and there’s fossils, a stuffed tiger and statues – what more could you want?! 3. DO THE OPPOSITE If music is more your bag then get down to an abundance of Leeds’ hotspots all offering an array of live music and gigs. Do the opposite to what you would normally



Seriously, give some of your old school friends a call to hook up for a drink and a catch up, it’s always feel good fun talking about the good old days! THE WORLD CUP:

I’m not a massive fan of football, but I love the World Cup! Your whole country coming together to cheer on the same team - it’s a great feeling and an awesome atmosphere! ‘COME ON ENGLAND!’ MAC:

It’s such a cool brand and I get dead excited to see what gadget or new computer they will be bringing out next. Why would anyone ‘be a PC’ or buy a blackberry when they could have a MAC computer and an iphone? ‘YOU OVER DID IT DOLL’ THE COURTEENERS: do – if you prefer bigger gigs from the likes of O2 Academy headliners Paloma Faith and Slayer, head to smaller, more intimate venues like Smokestack on a Thursday night for some live blues and jazz. If you prefer your music from smaller venues, go and see Ash at Leeds Met next month, which will undoubtedly be huge! Other great venues for catching live music, whatever your preference are Sela Bar, A Nation of Shopkeepers, The Adelphi and The Wardrobe. Plus Carpe Diem has a fantastic open mike night every Monday which can either rock your world or be utterly tragic, but both outcomes are equally fun! Plus all the usual haunts such as the Cockpit, Faversham, Brudenell Social Club and The Cardigan Arms all have a dedicated calendar of gigs throughout the year with something for absolutely everyone. I4. EAT SOMETHING DARING Why not be a little bit daring throughout March and try out some of the many cuisines Leeds has to offer from an array of fantastic restaurants? Red Chilli, at the Electric Press, has a great selection of traditional Chinese dishes such as eel and pig intestines, as well as the usual classic favourites. Top French bistro Kendells has a fantastic choice of classic French dishes; this beautiful restaurant feels like a little slice of Parisian life, and by choosing snails off the menu you can make the experience feel even more authentic. Morenos is a little gem of a restaurant located in Templenewsam; being the only authentic Moroccan restaurant in Yorkshire, it’s well worth a trip out of the city centre. If you’re up for a bit of indulgence, go all out and order a platter of seafood at Livebate, which includes Canadian lobster, Devonshire crab and king prawns. If meat’s more your thing and you fancy spoiling yourself, go for the daddy of all steaks at Blackhouse Grill – this Wagyu Kobe fillet is claimed to be the tastiest in the world, and the cows the meat is taken from have been reared on a beer diet and regularly massaged from birth. Sounds good to me!

Liam’s voice just gets sexier and sexier with every new record the Courteeners bring out. I absolutely love ‘You Over Did It, Doll’, and can’t wait for the new album release. Liam, marry me!


A List or Z List


Why do some towns do this?! It’s ridiculous and makes it impossible to get anywhere! PEOPLE HACKING INTO YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT:

Always make sure you log out of your facebook account when using a shared computer, otherwise the next person on it could get into your account and stitch you up on your status - yes, it’s happend to me a few times! LIAM GALLAGHER STATEMENT AT THE BRITS:

Like Peter Kay said- ‘What a knob head!’ THE GYM:

Arrrgggh, it’s such a struggle getting my fat ass in the gym at the moment and it’s so boring!!! Someone needs to make a gym that’s fun and exciting so it’s not such a chore to go! This months ‘A list or Z list was brought to you by Emma Wilkinson.

When Viva spoke to



Words by James Davies

1. We know a lot about your illustrious and incredibly successful career. From working in Fleet Street editing the News of the World and the Mirror to Britain’s Got Talent but we don’t know too much about your childhood. What were you like as a child? My mother says I was always quite a happy child. When I wasn’t tormenting and torturing my brothers- which is what older brothers should always do to their younger brothers- I think I was a happy boy. I had a very pleasant upbringing. I was a bit mischievous at school. I wouldn’t say I was exactly an academic scholar because I preferred running card schools and playing cricket to getting my head down but I wouldn’t say I was a bad young man. 2. What do you think those who taught you and knew you at school will think of your success and where you’ve ended up? Some of them will be absolutely flabbergasted. There will be one guy, who one parents evening simply looked my mother in the eye and said “The only thing I want to say about your son is that he’s an absolute buffoon”- so I’d imagine he’s going to be fairly gobsmacked by what’s happened. But as for the others, I think they’ll probably look at me with a wry smile and probably think he was always a bit naughty but they quite liked me. 3. What sort of ambitions did you have growing up? I always wanted to be a journalist, always. My mother remembers me reading the newspapers avidly when I was about six or seven, which I now realise having sons of my own of that age is probably quite an unusual thing to do when you’re a six or seven year old. So I used to read the Daily Mail which probably explains a lot about why I am, the way I am now. But I think I always had this real desire to be a journalist. That’s why I say to people who want to be one now- unless you’ve absolutely got the passion for it, like I had, I wouldn’t go into it. 4. Where did your interest in journalism come from? Do you think it was just inbuilt in you? Yea, I think so. My grandfather dabbled a little bit in journalism- he used to do private undercover reporting for various papers but I think it was just one of those things. I just had an absolutely insatiable lust for news- I just couldn’t get enough of news and I think if you’ve got that in you then you just have to follow your dream a bit. PAGE 6, MARCH 2010 VIVA

5. You trained at Harlow College. How did that affect your life? Were you a normal student? Did you go out drinking or were you always focused on what you wanted to do? Oh god no. I got drunk at least three times a week and I’m talking seriously drunk. We used to drink Grolsch out of those bottles of pot. I used to drink like twelve or thirteen in a night which is the kind of thing that could hospitalise me now, but it was great fun. Harlow’s a fantastic place to go and get drunk. I was also on a course where there were fifty-six pupils in my year, of which fifty-one were women, so for a young red blooded man like me, aged nineteen, who liked a drink and a pretty girl, it was about as good as life got. 6. You’ve interviewed some remarkable people. From Princess Diana to Michael Jackson. What was that like? Yea, I think the one thing that I’ve never been is in awe or star struck around famous people which has probably held me in very good stead. I’ve seen so many people who just crumble and start trembling when they see somebody famous when actually they’re all just human beings. I was always able I think, because of my background of going to a comprehensive and a prep school, I sort of had the posh end of education and the rough end if you like, and I think it taught me to mix with anybody. I’m equally at ease with a coal miner as the Prime Minister. To me they’re all the same, they’re all human beings. 7. How has fame affected you? Did you ever think you would be as famous, and perhaps more famous than those you interview? (Laughs) Not really- I didn’t think I’d go into television in quite this way but I always fancied being famous because I thought it was a lot easier than working for a living and the reality is that it is. If you can deal with what I think are very minimal downsides i.e. the loss of your privacy, the so-called intrusion, people coming up to you all the time- if you can deal with that, which I always think is very easy to deal with, then actually being famous is great. You get treated very well by people. Everyone I meet is always very nice. You get upgraded to lovely suites like the one I’m in now, you get driven around in flash limos that somebody else pays for, you get upgraded on flights, eat at nice tables in restaurants- I mean what’s not to love? 8. You mention the issue of privacy. Do you think that’s destroying journalism at the moment? Journalism is better now than it’s ever been in my experience. It was completely lawless in the 80’s. There was no privacy law then, no PCC, hardly anybody sued the papers and so the balance of power was completely with the newspapers, which was dangerous. The balance of power now I’d say has gone back to the celebrities and is now coming back to a more sensible middle ground where everybody kind of knows the limitations. I mean the papers went too far,

then the celebs went too far and hopefully we’re reaching a point where both sides realise they need each other. 9. You said you quite like the fame side of it all. Did you ever imagine you’d be as successful as you’ve become? No but I did always work very hard and I always think that the harder you work the luckier you seem to get and all the people I know who’ve made it- like Simon Cowell and Cheryl Colethey’ve worked very hard . There are no short cuts in this business. If you want to get on you’ve got to be prepared to get up at four o’clock in the morning and work to midnight and do that for weeks on end, as we all do on these shows. It’s tough- the rewards are great and the fame’s lovely and everything else but staying at the top of this sort of business is hard work and if you’re not prepared to do it then don’t start. 10. Why do you think you’ve done so well? What have you done differently? Well I think you have to get lucky. I mean I was lucky that Kelvin MacKenzie spotted me at The Sun and thought ok we’ll give this guy a run on the Bizarre column. I was lucky that Rupert Murdoch spotted me and thought I know what I’ll do, I’m going to give him the News of The World. None of this is normal and I was in the right place at the right time when people wanted to take a bit of a gamble with a younger guy. I think that once I’d been given those amazing jobs I did work my absolute damndest to make it work for them and for me, and I think they would say that. But the original stroke of luck is just sitting there in the right chair at the right moment when people like that who can change your life do change your life. 11. You’ve mixed with some of the biggest celebs around. Why do you think some people are at the forefront of life while others sit back? Well I’m not sure that everybody wants to be famous for one. A lot of my friends who live in my old village, where I came from, are very happy not being famous and not being rich and everything else. They’re quite happy with their lives. They don’t have all the weird stresses that come from fame and fortune of which there are many- it really corrupts people. I think I’m lucky, like Simon (Cowell), that we became well known in our 40’s so we’d seen so many people cock it up that we realised the only way to enjoy it is to have a laugh and not to take it all too seriously. If you take it seriously you’re going to get buried in this game because it’s so seductive and you start to really believe your own bullshit and start to think you’re wonderful. When that happens it’s the rocky road to ruin. 12.What do your family and friends think of your success and all that you’ve been able to achieve, because you’ve been incredibly successful haven’t you? If you ask my mother she’d say she worries about me all the time and that I work too hard. I mean it’s a very precarious business and she hates all

the critics having a go at me like any mother would. However, if you ask my two brothers, one of whom is about to go to Afghanistan, they’d say I’m a damned lucky little git who has the time of his life, gets ridiculously over paid for something that a monkey could do and they think it’s all ridiculous and the truth is probably somewhere in-between (laughs). 13. Do you think the fact that you’re brother is in the army and goes to war keeps your feet on the ground more than most celebs? It doesn’t bring me down to earth but it makes me realise how comparatively puerile and inconsequential my jobs are. I write for a living, knock about columns, I do fun T.V shows, none of it’s going to change the world. I hope that it entertains people and cheers people up a bit and becomes a talking point but the reality is my brother will be going to war with the Taliban in a few weeks time and he’s got four kids at home. That’s a real job. I don’t even pretend that mine’s in the same conversational bandwidth to be honest with you.

“If you ask me about who would you rather hang out with- Madonna, Beyonce, Jack Nicholson or Ian Botham, I’d say Ian Botham.” 14. What do you like to do away from the spotlight? I go to watch Arsenal whenever I can. I have a season ticket there with my kids- have done for over twenty years and been following them for forty years. I play cricket still- love that. I love playing and watching cricket. Other than that I like going to nice restaurants, drinking good French wine, having a laugh with friends, seeing family and lying on a beach. That’s about it really. 15. Where did your interest in cricket come from because that’s something you’ve always had a passion for isn’t it? I played for the England prep schools team when I was about twelve or thirteen and I was quite good then. I could have played for Sussex school boys. I had a few run outs for them but then I went to the comprehensive where they didn’t play any cricket and it took me about another year to get back into it with the village. By then I’d missed the boat really, but I love cricket- it’s always been a real passion of mine and I count people like Freddie Flintoff and Ian Botham as really good friends of mine, which is great. I just love hanging out with them. If you ask me about who would you rather hang out with- Madonna, Beyonce, Jack Nicholson or Ian Botham, I’d say Ian Botham. 16. Who’s your perfect interview and why? The one I’d love to do is Jack Nicholson because he’s the ultimate star. He doesn’t give a damn how he looks. He’s always pictured on boats in the middle of the summer with six girls under twenty-five, clutching six packs of beer and pizzas, looking about seventy-six stone with this big grin on his face. That’s the way to go isn’t it? PAGE 7, MARCH 2010 VIVA



18. You interviewed Michael Jackson who recently died. What was he like to interview?

toes. But he’s also very, very funny and very entertaining to work with.

He’s an extraordinary character- very strange sort of schizophrenic to interview because one minute he’d have this high pitched voice and the next minute quite a lower pitched voice talking about business, as if he was a really hardnosed business man. He was a strange guy Jackson. I felt sorry for him to a certain degree but he was addicted to fame and addicted to celebrity, and he milked that for all he was worth. It’s very sad what happened to him but I wouldn’t like to have seen Michael Jackson get too old because if he got too old he’d hate himself even more. He’s one of those guys who found the ageing process horrendous.

22. What do you enjoy most about your job?

19. Although you’re well known for other things now, you’re still essentially a journalist. What do you think makes a good reporter?



I think tenacity’s a massive thing. You’ve got to try and be charming. People have got to want to talk to you and they’ll only do that if they feel slightly charmed by you. You’ve got to be very hard working, very dedicated. The kind of person who’s about to go to a dinner party with all your favourite people and when a big story breaks you don’t even hesitate to cancel the dinner. That just shows you it’s in your blood. You’ve got to be a stickler for accuracy. The one thing I hated on the Mirror was getting things wrong because if you get it wrong people laugh at you and what’s the point in that? Although I was sacked over the Iraq photos, which turned out to be apparently wrong, as a general rule I liked accuracy over everything else because if it was true it was deadly information. If it was untrue it was pointless. 20. You mention your sacking. What was it like going from editing a national newspaper to having nothing?

17. If you were to have a dinner party with three or four guests who would you have and why? Freddie Flintoff because he’s absolutely hilarious, drinks like a fish, tells great stories and he’s a lot smarter than people think he is. I’d have Stevie Wonder to sing. I’d have Marilyn Monroe-I’ve just read a book about her which was fascinating. I’d love to know what she was really like beneath all the media caricature, so she’d have to be there. The fourth one would be Warren Buffett- the richest man in the world because he’s a fascinating guy and he’s got a very simple view of how to make money. So I could talk cricket, learn how to make money, chat up Marilyn Monroe and have Stevie Wonder singing in the background. That’s a pretty good diner party. PAGE 8, MARCH 2010 VIVA

The honest truth is that I was getting a bit bored anyway. I’d been doing editing papers for eleven years and it’s incredibly tiring and draining. I also felt I’d done some of the biggest stories that were ever going to come across an Editors desk- I was right. 9/11, Diana’s death, Dunblane- this is stuff I don’t think has been replicated in any sense since, so I think I did get a spectacular decade for news events to edit the paper in, and had a great time, but was getting itchy feet and it all kind of came at the right time for me, so I was actually quite relieved to be out of the day to day mayhem. I miss some of the journalists and I miss some of the fun but I don’t miss newspapers because the importance of newspapers is eroding by the day. 21. Simon Cowell always strikes me as an extraordinarily interesting character. What’s he like to work with? He’s an extraordinarily interesting character. He’s tough, he’s demanding. He’ll reward you well and be loyal if you work hard and if you constantly evolve. He’s always looking to see evolution from everyone that works on the show. If you just tread water and take the money and think you’re wonderful then he’ll soon get rid of you. I think he’s right to do that. That’s what keeps his shows fresh and it all keeps us on our

I think the thing I most enjoy about my job is the unpredictability. You’re never quite sure what’s coming next. Travelling’s great. I’ve spent four months of the year travelling around America and have had a great time doing that. I really love America. I do my other travel show which took me this year to China, Marbella and Vegas and I love doing those- so I think the variety, the travelling, the fact I’m not chained to a desk anywhere. I don’t even have an office, I just work from home whenever I’m in the country. And the fact that I choose what I want to do now and I don’t do anything under duress or for the money. I’m in that fortunate position where I can just choose to do what I like doing.

“He was a strange guy Jackson. I felt sorry for him to a certain degree but he was addicted to fame and addicted to celebrity, and he milked that for all he was worth.” 23. At the moment you present Piers Morgan’s Life Stories. With Jonathan Ross finishing his chat show would you ever like to do that sort of chat? Not at the moment. I think the thing about Life Stories is that it was getting fifty per cent higher ratings than Jonathan’s anyway, which confirmed to me that the British public, as I suspected, actually were getting a bit fed up with three people coming down a stair well plugging their latest album or book and actually wanted a more in depth interview. I think one of Jonathan’s problems was that he was only getting like three million for his interviews and I was getting four and a half. I’ve re-invented the chat show format to make it one guest, their life story, more dramatic, more emotional, more in depth and I think that’s working. It’s the others that are now looking at what we’re doing and thinking well that’s working better than we are. 24. What advice would you give me as a trainee journalist wanting to become, if possible, the next Piers Morgan and follow in your footsteps? Well you have to be annoying. I was writing to endless people all the time. Editors of papers, magazines, I was writing stories, sending in interviews and doing what you’re doing. I mean you’re tenacious, you got hold of me, you wouldn’t take no for an answer and you got the interview and I think that’s what you’ve got to keep doing and you’ll find that eventually people do crack. They’re not all going to but occasionally you’ll get a hit and when you get a hit you’ve got to make sure you try and sell it somewhere and then sell it again. Words by James Davies


A CCENTUATE YOUR STYLE... O n a trip down the high street, you’ve got to admit that personality has long gone from the window displays. You find yourself continually flicking through the likes of GQ to discover those fashion fixes, and you’d rather opt for your grey joggers than the grey shopping streets. Well, thankfully, Viva has come to the rescue with suave menswear store, Accent, located in the Queen’s Arcade. Offering the best in designer dapper and celebrating the 25th Anniversary of transforming Leeds’ men into top trendsetters, Accent has a remarkable reputation for predicting future fashion and providing an unbeatable service. As a family run business between husband and wife, Martin and Louise Schneider, Accent has a long-established list of dedicated

customers, and takes huge pride in sourcing garments and accessories that make customers feel special and individual. Featuring labels like Lyle and Scott, G Star Raw, Replay and Penguin, the store also offers an exclusive range of J. Lindeberg, Belstaff and the recently added Armani Jeans collection. With brilliant style advice, superb aftercare and an atmosphere that makes you feel like part of the family, you won’t find a better place to shop, so why not put down that PS3 controller and get your next fashion fix at Accent. You can find Accent at 11-20 Queens Arcade, Leeds or for more information you can call 0113 234 6767. Or why not surf their online store at, where you can rejuvenate your wardrobe from the comfort of your own home.

GET AHEAD IN THE FASHION FIGHT! Searching for a look that gives you that extra fashion ‘edge’? Well, here at the Viva office, we have discovered some insider information. Hot off the high street, the buzz is that Each to Their Own is THE place to be when it comes to topping the trends this spring. Located on Leeds’ Duncan Street, Each to Their Own offers the fashion kings of our fine city hand -picked and hand crafted menswear. With unique patterns and the best in quality fabrics, Each to Their can guarantee that you’ll turn heads even in the best style circles, with an item from their original collection. Home to the Alex Christopher label, this fashion trove only opened its doors at the end of last year, following a four year success story at the store situated in Sheffield. With only two months under its belt, business has boomed for the branch in Leeds, and the Alex Christopher creations


are already taking pride of place in the wardrobes of our city’s style gurus. Amongst the rails, you’ll find Each to Their Own’s must have harem jeans - a perfect blend of comfort and effortless style for those chilled out days. Also in store, you’ll find an unusual range of bespoke tailoring, so whether you’re at the office, preparing for that romantic meal or better still that sophisticated cocktail party, you can ensure that you will look completely individual. With a superb range of heavy leather accessories, you won’t be stuck for that statement piece, and with expert style advice from the team at Each to their Own, you will walk away with an original look that is tailor-made for you, so what are you waiting for? You can find Each to Their Own at 10 Duncan Street, Leeds or online at Alternatively, you can call the store for the latest style tips on 0113 234 1166.


VIVE LE VINTAGE! Style icons like Agnes Deyn and Sienna Miller are forever bringing back those original 70’s and 80’s outfits. So why not ditch the high street trends and opt for something more authentic from Leeds’ leading vintage store, Blue Rinse. Situated on Call Street, the owners of this retro boutique, Mick and Jeff Barnett, have been offering one of a kind epoch items for over a decade. As passionate couture collectors, Mick, Jeff and their team of buyers hunt high and low as far as America and the farthest stretches of Europe in order to find quaint, quirky and downright unique items for the store. From micro minis to punked-out frocks, as well as floaty florals, sophisticated shift dresses and let’s not forget the fashionista’s faux fur dream, you can guarantee to find something completely exclusive in their eclectic col-

lection. What’s more, Blue Rinse also offers a range of “re-made” clothing, where their team of designers recycle vintage garments and fabric to create their very own designs. These pieces are not only environmentally friendly but they cannot be replicated, and with one of Blue Rinse’s creations you can ensure you’ll always be at the fashion forefront. Besides the clothes, the team who work at Blue Rinse are fun, friendly and are vintage icons to a man, so they are a great source of style knowledge. For more information you can call Blue Rinse on 0113 245 1735. Alternatively you can find them online at or at 9-11 Call Lane, Leeds.

BANISH THOSE BRAND LABELS... I f you like to stand out from the crowd and find yourself hunting out fashion’s cutting edge designs, you’ll find that the high street can often fall short of the mark. Thankfully, Viva has found the solution with quaint boutique, No.15, where you will find a horde of cult labels, intriguing fashion talent, and a personal service that beats all others. Tucked away in Leeds trendy Thornton’s Arcade, No. 15 is a treasure trove of hand picked clothing, bespoke accessories and exquisite jewellery, besides their range of unusual gifts, unique home ware and luxurious skincare products. Established just five years ago, owners, Sharon Berrington and Norma Camponi, left their Harvey Nichols Personal Shopper positions to create the store. Focused on avoiding the brand led and mass production culture, their glamorous boutique offers fellow fashinistas the chance to wear the latest style pieces, without losing the longevity of their


wardrobe. With independent labels on offer like Bruuns Bazarre and Hoss Intropia, the ladies at No.15 will only stock one of every size, so you can leave all those fatal fashion faux pas behind you. No.15 has also got some fab additions with the new season arrivals, so why not dig out your sandals and grab one of their gorgeous floral frocks, to welcome in spring? Find yourself stuck with little or no time at all to update your wardrobe? Then we’ve got some great news for you, as Sharon and Norma celebrate the launch of their fantastic online store. With all those bespoke buys and investment items, just a button click away, it’s time to get out your credit card. For more information you can contact No.15 on 01132 420569 or you can browse their quirky online store at No.15 can be found at 15 Thornton’s Arcade, Leeds LS1 6LQ




very little girl at some point in their life has dreamt of kissing a frog and meeting their prince. A handsome prince that will sweep them off their feet and give them the fairytale wedding they deserve. Whether it was grabbing grandma’s smoke stained net curtain and placing it over your head as a make shift veil or cutting out dream dresses from mum’s fashion magazines and hiding them away in your box of secrets, weddings have always been an important day in a girls life. As a fully fledged grown up, that dream of the perfect wedding can either fade into a small, family gathering where two people come together to cement their commitment or it can turn into one of the biggest parties your world has ever seen, with castles, colour co-ordination and planning that can take up anything up to two years. Whichever path your life travels down, Viva is here to help with planning of one of the most special day of your lives, taking a look at flowers, bridesmaids, food choices and of course the best outfit you’ll ever get to choose, your wedding dress. Traditional or intimate, Viva has all the advice you’ll need. Location, location, location. Picking the perfect location can be one of the hardest factors in organising a wedding. The city of Leeds has the best of both worlds, a cosmopolitan hive of architecture, nightlife and shops to die for, yet only a 15 minutes drive to a mass of hills and countryside that feels like a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Oulton Hall, an incredible Grade II listed 18th century mansion, is tucked away in Rothwell, along the outskirts of Leeds. Set in idyllic gardens this is the crème de la crème of wedding locations. As guests drive up through the acres of grounds, the mansion stands

with its own luxury spa, 152 bedrooms and a stunning 27-hole golf complex. A plus for the groom and his best man we’re sure. Oulton Hall belongs to the De Vere group, a brand that prides itself on its portfolio of iconic buildings and stunning settings. Oulton Hall is certainly no different. The planning of the day can feel overwhelming at the best of times and that is where the staff at Oulton Hall can help. With an invitation only wedding fayre taking place each year, complete with a fashion show and various wedding packages in place, including help with red carpet, entertainment, flowers and luxury accommodation for yourself and your guests, then Oulton Hall is the perfect location for the larger budget. Traditional or decidedly not, then our second location choice of Hollins Hall, Baildon, encompasses everything a bride wants and needs for her special day. Again, 20 minutes drive from the centre of Leeds and minutes away from Leeds Bradford International Airport, this Marriott hotel and country club is the ideal location for a large family wedding. The hotel combines a mixture of health facilities and leisure activities, making it the ideal location for a weekend wedding. Boasting a 122-guest room plan, this country style manor house would be a great selection for an up-scale wedding. Hollins Hall prides itself on the detailed and stress-free wedding planning service it provides to prospective brides. In the words of Marriott, “When you decide on a hotel as your wedding venue, our planners plan on making your wedding a dream come true by making everything perfectly yours. Every flower. Every morsel. Every song. Every moment. Whether you want to have the ceremony or the wedding reception at our hotel.”




For a mid-range budget, Hollins Hall is a luxurious setting, which will leave a lasting impression on guests and the happy couple alike. Smaller, more intimate weddings are a thing of the noughties, a popular choice among the younger, trendier couples choosing to get married. A small affair can be more personal and less stressful than a large traditional wedding. This is where the Quebecs Hotel in Leeds city centre comes into its own. This chic, boutique hotel was voted one of the top 80 hotels in the world by Conde Nasts’ Traveller magazine. Set inside one of Leeds most famous landmarks, the former Leeds and Country Liberal Club, this Victorian building can host a reception of close friends and family in unique surroundings. The lovingly restored Victorian features are apparent as soon you enter the building with five large ornate stained glass windows and a magnificent and grand oak staircase in reception. The hotel’s conservatory can host a private dinner for 12 with floor to ceiling windows for a modern approach to receptions, whilst the historic Oak Room features original hand carved oak panelling and a roaring fireplace which makes a perfect cosy setting for private receptions for up to 20 people. Each room is named after an iconic sweet, such as the caramel room, the humbug room and the mint room, adding a cheeky twist to your stay. The guest rooms are equipped with your very own sweet jar to enjoy, something to add to the memories of your special day.

Hats from:


hen you’ve picked the date and the perfect location for your wedding, the next step is to choose those special people you want to share your day with. In the last year, personalised invitations have become a growing trend, with bride and groom choosing a more modern approach to inviting guests. ‘Save the day’ cards are also a great idea to send to guests prior to sending an invitation to let them know the date you plan to get wed - and are especially useful if you plan to marry around the time of the world cup! That way, guests can pencil in your special day well in advance and you can be sure you’re sending the right amount of invitations out. Contemporary or classic, the invitation sets the theme for the wedding day itself. The internet is ideal for the busy bride-to-be with options to type your names on screen and pick your own design to be delivered within days.

For the more creative bride to be, handmade invitations are an option to consider. This can keep costs down to a minimum if the wedding budget is tight, and can also give a very personal touch. Glue and scissors at the ready girls!



The mother of the bride plays an essential role in the up and coming planning of your wedding day. This day will have been an important factor in any mothers’ life, when her daughter grows up and decides to marry the one she loves. One thing playing on the mother of the brides’ mind is headwear. Hats are an all Choosing food for your wedding can be a important accessory for the occasion. difficult task, taking into consideration High street stores such as a Selfridges, House allergies, religion and your auntie’s famous intolerance to anything that isn’t in the of Fraser and Debenhams have a large array form of liquid on the rocks. It is a wellof headwear including fascinators and more known fact that you can’t please everytraditional wedding attire. Fascinators are a modern take in wedding headwear, with sculp- one, so small canapé choices are a perfect tural pieces ideal for the more contemporary alternative to a sit down meal. wedding. Colour co-ordination with the bridal group is another important factor to consider. Pick out a suitable colour and work your outfit and headwear around this to tie in to the colour theme of the wedding party. Key colours for this season’s wedding trends, according to Vogue, are purple, gold and the surprisingly choice of black. Black can look elegant and sophisticated when styled in the right way, whether with a complimenting colour or full length, glamour-injected bridesmaid dresses.

Small portions of fish and chips, mini burgers with a dash of relish, Yorkshire puddings with a slice of beef - you get the idea. In short, all your favourite foods but made for he Borrowers. The only tip here is to make sure there is more than enough food to go around - weddings are notoriously long days so plenty of food should keep the guests smiling. For the evening reception, maybe serve a hog-roast for nighttime guests with baguettes and a mixture of condiments. This is a modern alternative to the traditional tomato soup and chicken and makes for a more exciting mealtime with more choice and more chance of pleasing all your hungry guests.



YOUR PERSONAL WEDDING For women the most important factor of the wedding, apart from the vows and exchanging of the rings, is choosing the perfect, curve enhancing wedding gown. Whatever budget, Viva has picked four of the hottest, most breath-taking gowns for brides to be. 1. Monsoon Bridal range is the number one choice for the bride on a budget, without compromising on style and attention to detail. Ranging from £135 to £250, the high street store manages to capture some of the most stylish options for the modern bride, including longsleeved tunic style dresses to full-length, floor sweeping gowns such as the ivory Isabelle dress (pictured). With its embroidered neckline and chiffon straps, this dress is elegance embodied. The dress, retailing at £200, has a fully boned bodice to create those killer curves, perfect for those who may not have had time to diet yet, perfectly designed for the more boyish figures. The V-shaped back and under-bust detailing creates a glamorous focal point for guests whilst you stand at the front of the aisle. The top six trends for wedding dress designs in 2010 are; sexy silhouettes with figure hugging dresses, wildly ridiculous ball gown style dresses, 50’s style wedding gowns, tight-fitting mermaid style wedding gowns, tea-length dresses with statement heels and, Viva’s personal favourite, Grecian style wedding gowns. Grecian goddess detailing, such as draped material and chiffon is a major trend in modern wedding dresses for 2010 and is predicted to run through to 2011. 2. If a classic, timeless dress is the preferred choice of the bride then Berketex is the ideal place to start, with a mixture of corseted gowns and loose, fairytale wonders. Hidden away like a gem in the Queens Arcade, Berketex is the number one store for prospective brides in Leeds. For that fairytale moment, the Sandra dress (price on request) from Berketex is a pristine white, ruffled perfection. Ivory can sometimes wash out paler skin tones so snow-white is a fabulous option. The strapless corset will create a figure-hugging silhouette whilst the ruffled, chiffon detailing on the bottom is ideal for those with a love/hate relationship with their derrières.

Jewellery, like on any other day, can give the finishing touches to an outfit.

Whether it be chanderlier earrings or a stament necklace, the right choice of jewellery is essential. Silver or pearl is the usual choice for white and ivory gowns and diamonds are an obvious choice if possible. Vintage jewellery is also a great alternative, with older pieces capturing a story and the history of someone else’s special day. Headpieces are a key trend this season with veils taking a back seat to a loose, down hairstyle and a diamante hairpiece or headband placed casually on top. Again, it’s that bohemian chic coming through in accessories as well as the dress choice. Pearl chandelier earrings

£60 are perfect as they fall in a single line and don’t overpower the neckline available from weddinggo. For wedding flowers, the calla lily and rose in particular, will never go out of style, with long stems of lilies making a comeback in 2010. However, with the vibrant colours predicted, bouquets and centrepieces will incorporate splashes of colour. Don’t be afraid to include some exotic and vivacious flowers to create stunning flower displays. The colours tipped for this season are shying away from the traditional. Black was a popular colour and accent colour in 2009 and this is set to continue into 2010. Vibrant colours such as orange, yellow, pink and green will also be on show in the summer wedding season.

3. A more delicate look is captured in this white floor length Capri gown (price on request), that has the simplicity of a modern day bride but also a touch of glamour encased in the bust gem detailing. A floorlength veil with loose tumbling waves gives a bohemian feel to the dress, something that has become increasingly popular since Sienna Miller and Kate Moss hit the headlines for their laid back, hippy- focused fashion.

4. Vera Wang is the dream choice for any bride, with a seasonal collection of dresses to die for. Colour and style is not just a choice at Vera Wang, this is a lifestyle. Prices begin at £2000 and can rise to anything above £20,000 for haute couture pieces. It is every fashionista’s dream to walk down with aisle in Wang and with Selfridge’s own Vera Wang wedding dress department in London, this is an option for those with an unlimited budget. This floor length dream dress, ironically named Fairy Princess, has a starting price point of $8000 and is a strapless dropwaist ballgown with organza petal embroidery and a biastrimmed flounce skirt that makes every little girl’s wedding dress dream come true. Available in Ivory or White with a grosgrain sash in Lavender, Vanilla, Ivory or White.



s he waits nervously at the altar, the groom anxiously wonders if his bride will turn up. The bride usually takes on board the majority of the wedding planning, while the groom simply follows various instructions and looks forward to the mayhem his impending stag party will bring. The grooms’ outfit can look equally impressive as the brides, with options for hats, tails and colour themes bringing fashion back into the equation. A tuxedo is a glamorous option for a wedding with a night-time reception, with ladies accompanying the men in cocktail attire - a very old-school-Hollywood option. Groom fashion is closely connected with material selection, the combination of collar, colour selection, and a simple design that also makes a strong impression. Things to consider are the collar combination with the ‘Dracula’ style proving to be popular amongst grooms. Three buttons are no longer popular, with one or two button jackets seen as the more stylish option, and colour needs to be considered when deciding on ties and handkerchiefs, where matching is the only option in this case.

BRIDESMAIDS: For anyone that has not seen the film 27 Dresses, the main character, (played by Katherine Heigl) is always the bridesmaid and never the bride. She is asked on 27 occasions to be bridesmaid, with a wardrobe of hideous dresses which her so-called friends have made her wear throughout their special day, proving what a daunting task it is when asked to be a bridesmaid. Hen party decisions, wiping away tears

from the bride and lifting the hem of the dress up, whilst trying to maintain your dignity as your own dress falls down, are just some of the responsibilities and traumas a bridesmaid has to deal with. Choosing dresses for your bridesmaids can be a difficult mission, with lots of different factors to consider, such as, different skin types, different body types and different thoughts on what looks good (and more importantly what doesn’t!). The acceptable dress length is to the knee, with anything above deemed inappropriate, especially if the wedding is held in a church. Floor length gowns can look fabulous, as can fifties style tea dresses. An practical option is for the bridesmaids to be given the set colour and to find the dress themselves. This gives an individual look to the bridal party, whilst tying the group together with the theme colour.

GIFTS: It is traditional at the wedding reception for the bride and groom to present gifts to the wedding party, including the father of the bride, bridesmaids and groomsmen. Clever gifts are something that are personal to the friend or family member, such as engraved cufflinks or a personalised bracelet to remember the day. Wedding favours are a fantastic way of showing your appreciation for all the hard work your loved ones have put in to make your day as joyous and unforgettable as they can, so leave yourselves time to chose something special for each of them. Weddings can be a stressful time but with a little help from Viva, it is set to be the best day of your life!



Words by Victoria Jackson

VIVA’S TOP 10 CELEBRITY WEDDINGS EVER... 10. 09. 08. 07. 06.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban Ellen DeGeneres and portia’s Eva Longoria and Tony Parker Fergie and Josh Duhamel

05. Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt 04. Colleen and Wayne Rooney 03. Brad Pitt and Jenifer Aniston 02. Sarah Jessica Parker and Big 01. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes














he beginning of a new season


always brings change, whether it’s the weather or your


Photographer - Ian Cole

wardrobe. Whether draped in fabulous silks and chiffons at Burberry or in clean cool crisp lines at Luella, there was certainly no confusion over what colours we will be wearing for the next few months. The debut of the spring/summer 2010 collections had designers from

Stylist - Lisa Elliot

New York to London celebrating the best of spring in pastel shades. The epitome of girly chic, floaty spring dresses in pinks and lilacs, florals and 50s hemlines are what usually come to mind when we say pastels are back in for spring. Yet this season designers have been hard at work bringing together the GILES

Hair - Sahron Peak / Brent Barlow Ethos Hairdressers 97 Oldham Street Manchester M4 1LW 0161 835 1111

sugary sweetness of candy colours and that raw edge we love in great British fashion. Giles’ collection is the perfect example of spring/summer’s take on rock chic, and with its metallic pastels, tons of texture and crisp

Make - up - Debbie Lezemore /Hannah Shaw makeupbydebbie@hotmail.

tailoring, is certainly a far cry from the classic floral summer tea dress. Light pastel shades can be hard to pull off if you’re quite fair, but don’t be put off, there’s a shade to match all tones and styles this season. If you’re quite pale or light haired try sticking to warmer tones, such as coral and pinks.

Clothes provided by - Each to their Own, Designer Alex Christopher 10 Duncan Street Leeds LS1 6DL 0113 234 6811

For those of you with olive toned skin and dark hair, lilac, blues and greens will suit you best. If you’re a little unsure if this trend is for you then try mixing pastels with your current outfits by using accessories (also a great a way BURBERRY PRORSUM

to update your look without having to buy buy a whole new spring wardrobe!) But all in moderation, try sticking to a few key pieces. Investing in a good silk scarf is a great way to take your look from day to night and can be worn any number of ways. Words by Nadia Ismail


And the models suppiled by Boss

All clothing provided by Each to their Own Designer Alex Christopher Each to their Own 10 Duncan Street Leeds LS1 6DL 0113 234 6811 Pg. 19 1 Sided Cowel Dress £85.00 Long Belt 40 Pg. 20 Choker Dress £165 Pouch pocket trousers £95.00 winged Cowel Top £65.00 Waistcoat £85.00 Scalf £15.00 Pg. 21 Boys Stripe Jumper £65.00 Pg. 22 Pouch Pocket Trousers £95.00 Belt £40.00 Crab Top £55.00 Pg. 23 Boys Stripe Jumper £65.00 Jeans £115.00 Boys Roman God T-shirt £65.00 Jeans £107.00 Pg. 24 Girls Elastic Collar Dress £95.00 Belt £45.00 And the stunning location, Formby Hall Golf and Spa Resort Southport Old Road Formby Southport L37 OAB


Spring Trends Women:


pring 2010 is an infusion of pale pastels, soft fabrics, and a new lease of life for military chic (see the new Ralph Lauren collection). Gone are the bold glittering patterns of winter and the oversized eyelashes. This season is about sophistication, classic pairings, and the art of draping items together to create your own signature look. It’s about teaming delicate chiffon with utility tailoring and feminine florals with faded jeans. Men too can try mixing up combinations such as a tailored dinner jacket with ripped jeans. In the make-up and skin care department, men’s products have seen a new lease of life with the 21st century man endeavouring to take care of themselves. Women’s cosmetics stick closely to the ballerina trend of pretty pinks and lilacs, and do-it-yourself home-style facials are all the rage.


n keeping with the sweet and innocent look, bows are still a big thing and this clutch is no exception. Stockists – www., £25


hey say that Paris in spring time is beautiful and this miniature gold Eiffel Tower necklace with fresh water pearls is no exception. Stockists -, £25


romote the sunshine with these chic pink Ray Ban sunglasses. Stockists –, and all good department stores, £88

hannelling the ballerina style, this beautiful vintage satin camisole from Accessorize is a perfect addition to your wardrobe and can be used to add a feminine twist to your ordinary jeans. Stockists –, £15


eaming both a sharp military cut and elegant draping, update your 2010 wardrobe with this ultra-chic jacket, a piece that can be easily worn in the day or at night. Stockist – Religion, 0207 6130 606, £150


hot new trend this season, as demonstrated by Chanel at their spring/ summer ’10 show, is body make-up. Offer your body as a canvas for appliqué jewels, tribal stencils and transfers, and allow your skin to emanate the inner you. Stockists –, Les Trompe L’œil de Chanel, set of 55 individual tattoos, £49


umps still remain a staple within any self-respecting fashionista’s wardrobe and combined with an ethnic twist, these Casa by Moda in Pelle flats are breathtaking. Stockists- Victoria Quarter,, £50


Spring Trends Men:


ilitary isn’t just for G.I. Jane, make like a general and afford yourself this stunning trench coat that offers perfect protection against March and April winds. Stockists – Crombie, www.crombie., £675


hey may remind you of your Grandad but we just love this Kentworth Cable Knit jumper made from 100% lambswool. Who wouldn’t want to snuggle up next to that? Stockists –, £139


f you’re already a keen boater then these are perfect for you. If, like the rest of us, you can only dream of owning a yacht, at least give the illusion of it with these Navy Canvas shoes. Stockists – www.frenchconnection. com, £30


are to bare your legs in these fitted dark indigo jeans with twisted seams. Stockists –, £55


hite is a hugely coveted shade this season and for obvious reasons, it being incredibly versatile and a great canvas to add colour to. Stockists – www.tedbaker. com, £80


othing could be more quintessentially spring/summer than a panama hat. Perfect for leisurely days spent admiring the great outdoors. Stockists -, £105





really good foundation should feel like you’re not wearing any at all, the results should be a ‘just stepped out of the spa’ glow that enhances the skin instead of masking it. If you want flawless skin like Jen’s then this is the perfect foundation for you ,Mymix available at Boots or only £12.99


ew dr. brandt collagen booster. This is fab! We all want younger looking skin and now, with this product, we can achieve this without the pain of botox injections. Viva highly recommends this fantastic serum which boosts, preserves, stimulates and maximises collagen levels for younger looking skin. Available at Space NK, £63.00 30ml


ebruary sees the launch of the new Natio Make-up Minerals Essentials Kit - a fantastic range of Natio Minerals for any age and skin type, exclusively at Debenhams, The set (worth £79) costs just £39 and offers a range of mineral products and brushes for natural, flawless skin.


ntroducing the new Hollywood obsession, the icy new blingtone eyeshadows, with their perfect blend of pearl and pigment which creates a wicked wash of colour and dramatic, wet-looking shine. These eyeshadows are enjoyed by celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, Agyness Dean and Lindsay Lohan. Get your fix from Boots and £9.99


iva reccomends these luscious lashes from Ruby & Millie. The pack comes with 2 sets of lashes - one a more casual look, and the other a more dramatic set for hitting the town on a night out! Also includes a revolutionary lash applicator with grips so that you can apply them easily and precisely. Available from larger Boots Nationwide and £13.00



uby&Millie Complete Lip Kits are the perfect size for your hanbag and contain luscious lotions to scrub, smooth and plump lips with a deliciously fresh minty smell. Available from larger Boots Nationwide and £14.50


ee Stafford is one of Britain’s busiest celebrity hairstylists and has his own product range, with the hottest pink packaging and crazy names such as “ruff as you like”. The Lee Stafford range will give you the trendiest styles around town, from the sleekest hair to the Russell Brand look. Prices start from only £4.49, exclusively at Boots


o Malone’s Lime, Basil and Mandarin fragrance is fresh and zingy to really wake you up for spring. The cologne comes in 30ml to 100ml bottles and is as alluring as a Caribbean holiday. Stockists – Jo Malone,, prices start from £32


atio is the leading Men’s grooming brand and has now launched here in the U.K. Natio products represent simple skincare with no fuss and use the best ingredients from plant extracts and essential oils to create pure and gentle men’s skin, body and hair care. Prices from £6.50 - £17.00 available from


he Red Clover collection is great for men who love to pamper themselves. With its masculine and refreshing scent, Red Clover is known to boost circulation and stimulate the skin. Available from www.wildorganicsbeauty. com, prices from £6.50


his spring it’s all about clean lines and fresh looks, so tame that face-fuzz and become a smooth operator with Body Shop’s Maca Root Shave Cream. Stockists – Bodyshop,, £5.50




mooth faces are in this season boys and with this Executive shaving kit you will have a face as smooth as a baby’s bottom. The set includes a shaving brush (made from the best badger hair with its own stand), and Taylor of Old Bond Street sandalwood shaving soap in a lavish wooden bowl, the perfect gift. £39.99 available from


ullocks for Men skincare has been re-formulated to incorporate the soothing and healing properties of hemp seed oil, which maintains the skin’s optimum moisture level. With a non-greasy effect, it is ideal for men’s skin. Bullocks Soothing Moisturiser, 100ml £15.00 available from



YOGA Yoga is the practice of uniting the body, the mind and the breath to create harmony and health within. It is achieved by learning to master a variety of postures, breathing practices, methods of concentration and relaxation techniques.


The separate breathing practices – known as pranayama - bring more awareness to how the breath flows in and out of the body. There are various techniques, which are practised for different purposes. Firstly, to improve the breathing - essential for many people, as often people do not realise how poorly they breathe. It is very difficult for the body to be healthy if the breathing habits are not good. Secondly, to soothe the nervous system – helping to bring greater health to the many complex systems within the body. Thirdly, to calm and quieten the mind – reducing anxiety and worries. The practice of concentration – known as dharana – is a wonderful antidote to the mass of distractions that surround us all on a day-to-day basis. The mind learns to become less scattered and more focused, gaining an ability to bring control over distracting thoughts to create a feeling of calm stability. At the end of most yoga sessions there will be a deep relaxation practice – known as yoga nidra in Sanskrit. The relaxation allows time for the whole of the body, mind and breath to settle, to relax deeply and to absorb the benefits and changes that have taken place throughout the yoga session. This lasts about 10 minutes and for many people, it feels like the best part of the yoga session. All these yoga practices bring many physical, mental and emotional benefits. They improve stamina, strengthen the immune system, quieten the mind, calm the emotions and bring about a feeling of health, harmony and peace.

Yoga has been around for thousands of years. There is archaeological evidence of it existing as far back as 3000 BC and there are ancient texts, which go back to 1500 BC. It started in India and initially spread across to China, Japan and other Eastern countries. Much more recently, within the last 100 years, it spread to the West and people in Britain began to discover the benefits of practicing yoga.



here are many aspects to yoga, but probably the most well known aspect is the postures. In Sanskrit – which is the language of yoga - they are known as asana. The postures are stretching and strengthening movements, which are practiced with specific breathing patterns to help ease the body into each posture. If practised regularly, the postures can increase strength, flexibility and ease of movement and they can decrease tension, excess levels of stress and general aches and pains. They improve the health of the body, but also have great benefits for the mind.

There are many types of yoga and many styles of teaching. You may have heard of Hatha Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Viniyoga – that focus on the physical postures with breathing practices and usually relaxation too. You many not have heard of Bikram Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga – less well-known types that focus on one particular aspect of the practices. There are many others too. Yoga is suitable for anyone, of any age and any ability. It’s not just for women, so guys do give it a go. There are classes to suit all levels and the teacher will be able to adapt the postures and breathing practices to suit the individual student where necessary. If you would like to start practising yoga, do find a good teacher and look for a style that suits you. It really is worth trying a few different classes, so that you can gain experience and make an informed choice. Some styles of yoga use various pieces of equipment to help you get into the yoga postures, but to get started, you actually need very little equipment, just a yoga mat and even that may be provided by the teacher. You will need to wear loose, comfortable, warm clothing. Yoga is much more than it seems at first. It is a great way to spend your time and will bring benefits to many aspects of your life. Try it and see. To find a teacher in your area go to The British Wheel of Yoga website Words by Yoga expert Caroline Wilkinson. Photos by William Wilkinson




umble, welcoming, warm, talented, friendly, inspiring. These are just a few of the many adjectives I could use to describe the pop band JLS. Having watched the boys, like most of the country, progress on last year’s X Factor- the nation’s favourite Saturday night show- I was looking forward to speaking to the four lads who have, without wanting to sound too melodramatic, transformed their lives in just over twelve months. From their first audition, Simon and the gang were rubbing their hands together with glee, as they knew they had, potentially, the finest group to ever come out of the show that has made Mr Cowell a household name, a multimillionaire and, to put it conservatively, a global phenomenon. Although coming anything but first in a talent show like the X-Factor often spells the end for most acts, this really wasn’t the case for Jack the Lad Swing, as they are formally known. On the contrary, since leaving the show, they have gone from strength to strength, collecting fans like a stamp enthusiast collects you know what. Having lived in Cardiff for the past six weeks I have, for some bizarre reason, forgotten how awful Bristol traffic is during the middle of rush hour. Arriving fashionably late, with about five minutes to spare, before I was to question the talented quartet, I was met by a barrage of blood thirsty hyenas– and that’s the politest way I could describe their fans! Word had spread that the boys were in town and a crowd that seemed to contain most of Bristol’s teenage girls had assembled with banners, while the shy ones just swung their knickers around their heads, as they waited in the pouring rain to get a glimpse of the group. As I was ushered passed the tight-knit security, which was made even stricter due to the attack on fellow X-Factor star, Leona Lewis, the day before, I was taken deep inside the venue to one of the many backrooms. The place was crowded with instantly recognisable faces - a paradise for autograph hunters, but also hazardous for anyone not qualified in the Japanese art of Ju-Jitsu. As I battered my way through the rigid and rather intangible mess, I thought to myself, ‘how do these lads live, let alone thrive on such numbers everyday of their lives and come out unscathed?’ After being greeted by a tsunami of smiling

faces, we exchanged pleasantries, shaking hands and sharing, what can only be described as a brief, but rest-assured, very masculine, man hug. “Pull up a seat, James bruv,” Marvin exclaimed rather charmingly. Having explained I was a student at Cardiff University, pint-sized Aston exclaimed, “I love Cardiff- it’s a wicked night out”, to which I nodded and shared a mutual grin. Little did he know, like most students, I don’t really remember too much about my nights out! You might think that you know JLS already as, for most of the British public, Oritsé, JB, Aston, and Marvin are part of the most successful group to enter Simon Cowell’s star-making vehicle. But what lurks behind the scenes is an altogether more interesting story of ambition, drive and determination to succeed in this rather harsh and fickle industry that tends to chew up and spit out almost everyone who tries their hand at it. “I was in a boy-band before we met, but it didn’t feel right,” Ortisé explained. “One day someone said to me ‘why don’t you form your own band?’, so I did.” With his vision firmly in mind, Oritsé tirelessly trawled for people he believed could turn his boy-band super-group dream into a reality. He toyed with a number of different line-ups on his computer, pitting face to face, working out how they would fit together, before alighting on his dream team. “As soon as I saw the four of us, I knew it was perfect,” Oritsé said with a wry smile. The boys soon formed a brotherly bond, giving all their time to rehearsals, polishing their act at studios in West London. Their fervour for the band bordered on the devotional. “It clicked immediately,” Aston mused. Marvin interjected, “There was no time for time-wasters. If one of us was late for rehearsals, they’d have to pay for the time.” The dream was not just to be slick and solid, it was to hit the pop world for six. Various parties within the boys families began mentioning the idea of trying for the X Factor. “We were quite anti the idea of going into it,” Oritsé recalls. “We were of the opinion that we could get there through sheer hard work. For us, it was about creating our own path. We’d already won an award for best-unsigned act, we’d arranged photo shoots of our own and we were

JLS: OUR STORY SO FAR, Published by Harper Collins, priced £14.99


doing paid gigs by the time we entered. We had that level of achievement before any of the X Factor thing started. The Leona effect changed the perception of the whole show. The chance to become a global superstar existed through it now.” From the outset, it was clear that JLS were not the usual X Factor fodder. A year’s worth of disciplined rehearsal had turned them into something special. “From the producers and the judges to the back-stage crew, they all said they couldn’t believe we were a real group.” The X Factor, however, was just the beginning for the talented four. Despite their early reservations to audition for the show, they are all delighted with the experience they gained. Aston explained, “The last year has just been everything we have ever wanted and more. It’s been absolutely amazing. Our first single debuted at number one- which is a dream come true for any new artist.” Adding, “That sort of thing opens up so many doors for you that you didn’t even know existed. Without that platform it would’ve taken us much longer to get to where we are now. We’ve had the best start- it’s been incredible but no way did we anticipate how quickly this would happen. It’s all down to our supporters. Everyone who supported us on the X-Factor, everyone who bought the singles, our tour tickets, our book- it all culminates with where we are now- we’re just so thankful and we’re all just over the moon.” As their stellar debut single, ‘Beat Again’, marched its way out of radio speakers up and down the country, the infectious, addictive, street-savvy pop gem skewed perception of the four piece. “I think people might have expected a black Westlife,” says Oritsé. “But that wasn’t what we wanted to do. We have our own sound and you can hear it all the way through the album. The music we are making is exactly what we wanted to make.” So, what advice would the band give anyone wanting to make it in this business? Aston responded, “The best advice is to practise, practise and practise. As Simon (Cowell) always says, you don’t have to be the best singer to make it in this industry. As long as you have that character and that personality on stage and, you bring something different that no-one else can do.” Adding, rather philosophically, “You also need to believe in yourself. Maybe the first hurdle might not be the one for you, but the one after that could be.”


THE BRIT AWARD WINNERS JLS So is the dream becoming a reality? “Every day I have to pinch myself,” Oritsé said. “It’s worked out exactly as I wanted it to. Getting a number one single was just the validation of that for us. We’ve put every single bit of our energy and devotion into making this record. There can’t be a first time for JLS again so we have to make this right. I never anticipated anything happening this fast for us but somewhere along the line the stars have aligned for us. And most of all it is about sharing the most incredible journey of your life with three other guys that share this ambition and love for what you do. I set out wanting a pop super-group and sometimes I have to say to myself ‘be careful what you wish for’, because it might just come true. Let’s just hope people love our album as much as we do.” Towards the end of the interview, I explained to

the boys that my girlfriend (Bryony Tooley) was a huge fan who, in a couple of months, was going to see them perform in concert. Somewhat cheekily, perhaps, I asked the affable four whether they would record a message wishing her a happy birthday, as it was only a few weeks away. In unison, “sure” came back from each member of the band, at a speed Usain Bolt would be proud of. Without hesitation they broke into song. With three clicks and a brief one, two, three, Marvin began the song, singing the top line, followed by the rest of the group. Having sung Happy Birthday, serenading arguably their biggest fan, the boys continued with another little message“Happy Birthday, Bryony - We love you, this is JLS. Have a good day, hun.”

This gesture really was a testament to how nice these guys are. Although the boys have already been incredibly successful during the last year, they remain humble and realise they have their fans (as well as their talents) to thank for where they are today. Before I left, I thanked each member individually, as it really had been a pleasure talking to them. “Give these to Bryony,” Aston said, as he passed over a handful of sweets and a book signed by them all. As the famous saying goes, actions speak louder than words, and their polite manner says more than I could ever convey. Despite all the success, fame and wealth that has come their way, they have not let it turn their heads, nor have they let it dilute the straightforwardness that seems to have always been the JLS way. Words by James Davies



SHOPPING LIST: pack of goats cheese pastry cases (pre bought) 2 large red onions mixed salad leaves thyme 1 leek 2 large king edward potatoes red cabbage 2 lamb shanks 1 lamb stock cube bottle red wine pack of oats plain flour butter brown sugar 2 brambley apples vanilla ice cream


Goat’s cheese and caramelised onion pastry cases. Slice 2 red onions and put in a pan, add 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and half a carton of orange juice. Over a low heat, slowly reduce the mix, stirring a lot until you have a brown gooey mixture (very hot so be careful!) Place some of this ‘onion jam’ into the 2 small pastry cases, add some crumbled goat’s cheese and place under the grill until the goat’s cheese starts to melt.


RECIPE Serve with some lettuce leaves BY VIVA’s and balsamic glaze.......yummy! CHEF CHARLOTTE FENNINGS TIP: Go to the market like I did for your potatoes, veg and herbs not forgetting the blueberries! So much cheaper and I think always taste so much better!


saw some sunshine the other day ... I can smell spring around the corner. Creamy goats cheese, young lamb and apple crumble (brambley apple week!)


Oven cooked lamb shank, the seasonal stomp (mash with leeks and red cabbage!)

Oil a hot pan and place the lamb shanks in to ‘seal’ them. In a big pan, add some onion, garlic, carrots, 1/2 a bottle of red wine and the stock cube diluted in 500ml of boiling water plus some thyme leaves, and 1 tblsp of brown sugar. Add the lamb and bring to a simmer.

In a pre-heated oven, (200 degrees Celsius) put the lamb and stock mixture into a deep baking tray, cover with foil and leave for 3 hours or until the lamb is coming away from the bone. After 2 hours, keep checking in case the cooking juices are drying out. Remove the lamb and puree the juice mixture to use as gravy. The stomp is mash potato with raw leeks and red cabbage cooked in boiling salted water for 5 mins with butter and seasoning. Mash on plate, lamb shank on top, cover with the gravy and add some blue berries to the dish.


Apple crumble This week it has been brambley apple week so lets celebrate that! Roughly peel 2 brambley apples (leave a bit of skin in to mix up the textures). Place in a pan over a low heat and gradually add water until you have some mush (not too liquid, though, keep a few lumps in!). For the crumble, take a cup full of plain flour, a handful of oats and a big tablespoon of brown sugar. Take about a third of butter and rub the mixture together with your hands. You may want to add some more butter. Put on a tray and leave in the oven. Every couple of minutes, mix with a spoon.... when the mix is golden, it’s ready to eat! Put a huge spoonful of the apple mix in a bowl, sprinkle a generous helping of the crumble mix over the top and add a scoop of ice cream..... heaven!


Viva’s Restaurant for March - Livebait


ne rainy evening in February I visited the fresh fish and seafood restaurant, Livebait. Tucked away in The Calls area of Leeds city centre, the atmosphere inside this popular eatery was a pleasant contrast to the miserable outdoor conditions. Very homely with dark green decor and dim lighting, the restaurant is incredibly relaxing and informal, with plenty of smiles from the waiting staff and manager. Whilst seated in the lounge area, I kicked off my evening by sampling a platter of rock oysters, served with a garlic dip and Tabasco sauce. Trying both accompaniments together certainly makes your eyes water, but it’s definitely worth the taste. Non-filling and light, the oysters were a perfect delicacy to try before tucking into our main meal. The a la carte menu is bursting with A-List fish courses, from Canadian lobster to Gambas prawns. For our starters we ordered crab cakes with dill mayonnaise, and oak-smoked salmon. Accompanied with a dash of squeezed lemon, the mayonnaise was a great way of taking the edge off the powerful taste of the crab cakes. The salmon was thinly sliced and served cold with rye bread, creating a fusion of strong bold flavour and vibrant colour. Eating at a fish restaurant, it seemed natural to order white wine so we chose Fish Hoek Chenin Blanc, a fruity South African wine with a sharp kick. For our mains we ordered a dish on the special menu - whole steamed sea bass, lime and chilli leaf salad, and roasted sea bream fillets with tomato, black olives and crushed new potatoes. Served in grease proof casing, the sea bass arrived perfectly cooked. Mild with a citrus blend, the fish was full of flavour, although be sure to watch out for the bones as there were quite a few to pick out. The bream dish was delicious. Having never tried it before, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but mixed with the tomatoes, olives, and potatoes, it was very tasty and filling. For dessert, we opted for the tangy lemon tart with passion fruit sorbet, and the dark chocolate fondant with vanilla ice cream. Beautifully presented, the tart was thick and zingy with a buttery pastry, while the fondant oozed a sumptuous chocolate sauce as you broke into it. Those of you who love seafood have to visit Livebait. With its mouth-watering courses, delicious wines and friendly service, it’s a luxury not to be missed.



11-15 Wharf Street Leeds LS2 7EY Tel: 0113 244 4144


VIVAS TOP 3 COCKTAILS THIS MONTH 1. Smokestack Bar Smokestack on Lower Briggate is a little gem of a Leeds venue. Unassuming from the outside, Smokestack has got the cool, cosy, bluesy vibe perfected. The staff are expert mixologists and extremely passionate about their knowledge, which makes you want to try literally everything on their extensive cocktail menu. Smokestack often has free live soul, jazz and blues which adds to the authenticity of their New Orleans vibe. Bar managers fave; Danny’s Margarita is not only aptly named but also incredibly delicious. A real refreshing zingy cocktail, following the classic Mai Tai recipe, it is the perfect remedy after a stressful days work and one could easily turn into five quite easily – you have been warned! 25ml Tapatio Blanco Tequila 25ml Tapatio Reposa Tequila 12.5ml Orgeat syrup 15ml Fresh lime juice 2 Dashes of orange Serve in a frosted glass with an orange twist

2. Jakes Bar

3. One to try at home

Jakes Bar on Call Lane is something of a Leeds classic - renowned for their great selection of drinks and cocktails, Jakes probably has one of the best bar backs in Leeds. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or something similar here, then I would suggest you are being far too fussy! Great friendly service and excellent recommendations means ordering a cocktail doesn’t have to be daunting if you don’t really know what you’re talking about! Not to be missed is the LS1 Zombie, a classic Tiki cocktail that Jake decided to personally tweak - hence the LS1 prefix. If history is to be believed this drink was created in 1934 by Don ‘The Beachcomber’ who, upon knowing its strength, banned anyone in his bar from drinking more than two of them now that sounds like a challenge to me! ½ shot gold rum ½ dark Jamaican rum ½ white rum fresh passion fruit 2 drops of absinthe Lime syrup Passion fruit syrup Fresh lime juice Orange & grapefruit juice mix Grenadine (for colour) Top with a flaming shot of rum in a hollowed out passion fruit half Serve over ice

If you love whiskey then why not try classic whiskey based cocktail the Sazerac. Not one for the faint hearted, this is very strong and, if you’re a lightweight like me, more than a couple could see you ending up very much the worse for wear! This cocktail originated in New Orleans during the days of prohibition so would have originally been served in coffee shops – and probably in an actual coffee cup! Place ½ shot of absinthe & soda water in a glass 1 sugar cube 1.5ml Remy Martin Ice to melt the sugar 50ml Sazerac Rye Whiskey from Kentucky More ice – stir to dilute Pour out the absinthe and strain, lining the glass with lemon. PAGE 38, MARCH 2010 VIVA

advertise with viva and you will see results... Contact Oliver Sharp 07983 116961



The where and why guide OWNUNDER



tart saving ya pennies and stockpiling annual leave because this is the Definitive Viva ‘Where & Why Guide to Oz’.

ust over a century ago, all you had to do to score a trip to the Antipodes was steal a loaf of bread. But these days, Tommies would kill to get just 3 weeks in the paradise of penal colonies, Australia. Some might even endure plane food. What was once considered a bleak and hellish scrubland ruled by marauding beasts (ie Aussie cricketers) is now a holidaying rite of passage, with the fifth highest standard of living in the world, the most beautiful beaches and best of all, a mysterious yellow orb in the sky offering warmth which the natives call…the Sun. Words by: Anthony Levin

WHERE: Melbourne. THEME: Eat. WHY: At least one quintessential Australian experience is mandatory. No, it’s not eating damper cooked in a swag over a dead roo. It’s Lygon Street, Carlton. Cronulla riots aside, Australia is nothing if not pluralism personified. And in the heart of Melbourne is our very own Culinary Row, a line of food worship to pale the pilgrims on the Road to Santiago. Nowhere in the world will you find cuisine so diverse and of such consistently high quality. And it’s all thanks to post-war migration. Which war? Who cares! Dodge the gunfire of welcomes and freebies as you make your way to Tiamo at 303 for top-notch Italian, or duck down to Balzari at 130 for michelin Mediterranean.



Either way you’ll be drunk on good table wine. For an unparalleled hangover cure the next day, murder a meatball wrap at the 251 Brunswick Street Alimentari in Fitzroy, which also features cafes that look like lounges, and lounges that look like Chinese laundries. STAY: Hotel Enterprise, 44 Spencer Street, CBD. BALZARI


Sydney WHERE: Sydney. THEME: After Dark. WHY: Say what you like about Sydney night life – pretentious, carnivorous, sterile - but there’s nothing quite like 12am Saturday watching slappers of all declensions teeter along over to New York Pizza Slice to soak up their 12 Bellinis. And that’s just the boys. Make sure you line your stomach at the ambient L’otel Restaurant first where DJs mix beats while you eats. Or try Bayswater Brasserie – voted 4th best cocktail bar in the world! Then, for good dirty fun in Sydney’s red light district there’s The Empire Hotel – three levels of bars and the former hunting ground of NRL bad boys (move over Tiger). Seeking something more upmarket? Try Hugo’s Lounge


(33 Bayswater Road), an uber-chic bar that plays House and spurns conga lines of sausage. Come home-time, the people-watching is better than front-row seats at Circ du Soleil. Bring a poncho. STAY: The Storrier Hotel (bold but stylish boutique hotel), 15 Springfield Avenue, Kings Cross. WHERE: Tasmania. THEME: Beauty (mate). WHY: Van Diemen’s Land harbours many hidden gems. Mercury Cider for instance, brewed in a convict malt house in 1908. What else would you do if you had a life of penal servitude and all your clothes had stripes? Drink. And Taswegians can throw ‘em back like David Boon. But there’s more to Tas than good cider, devils and Movember all year round. There’s Cascade Premium and James Boag’s Lager too. Ok: think a piece of New Zealand, but not as far. Pristine reserves like Cradle Mountain promise naturists a spiritual experience, while Wineglass Bay, a glittering fantasy accessible by 45-minute hike, is



consistently rated as one of the top ten beaches in the world. Hobart’s not bad if you like quaint harbour-side cities flanked by snow-capped mountains. The air’s so clean you can actually see the stars. Around new year, the city hosts The Taste of Tasmania beside Salamanca Place, a marquee food festival boasting over 60 stalls, the freshest seafood and desserts good enough to skip your flight home. Plus, there are hundreds of wines to sample if you just want to get sloshed and spoon a waffle.

STAY: The Henry Jones Art Hotel, 25 Hunter St, Hobart; or Coles Bay Retreat, email






WHERE: Brisbane. THEME: Tackorama. WHY: You say Brisbane, I say BrisVegas, let’s call the whole thing off. Forget the Moon, BV is a little slice of cheese on Australia’s mid-north coast. It’s not pretty like Sydney nor does it have the gastronomic calibre of Melbourne, but it’s close to Miami-style beaches, has credit-crunching shopping and is just plain hilarious. Queen Street Mall is like a bath bomb to your senses, with malls, boutiques, bargain basements and alfresco dining. And following Dubai’s lead, South Bank has a man-made beach! Some say the best thing about it is leaving. But to be completely fair, it’s ideal for a stopover on your way to the Gold Coast or Barrier Reef. The one-night only draw-


Alice Springs


card of Brisbane is Fortitude Valley (‘the Valley’): a bustling hub of bars and clubs where you can tap into live music (check out The Zoo, 711 Ann St) or drop it like its hot at Australia’s biggest RnB club (Mystique, 210 Brunswick St, Valley). Here are two facts that may be bullshit: i) 24% of the Brisbane population is aged between 25-35; ii) humidity means that people wear minimal clothing in summer. So, that’s young people wearing …not very much. Consider it booked. STAY: Limes Hotel, 142 Constance Street, Fortitude Valley (complimentary gym pass, food and wireless). WHERE: Alice Springs. THEME: Outback. WHY: To climb or not to climb: that is the question. You don’t go to Alice Springs for the food or the nightspots; it’s hot, dry and in the middle of bum f*** nowhere. You go to see a giant chameleon monolith named Uluru (aka Ayers Rock). The sight of this natural behemoth emerging from the barren

dusty landscape is enough to draw half a million people a year. Although former Prime Minister Bob Hawke promised to ban climbing about thirty years ago, tourists continue to conquer the 300 million year old slab, under the auspices of the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. The controversy remains because the local custodians, the Anangu people, have expressly said ‘Please don’t climb Uluru’. It’s even written at the start of the trail. Nevertheless, tour operators like Wayoutback continue to offer a climbing option. Here’s a tip: if you’re British, perhaps err on the right side of ‘My ancestors stole your land and turned it into a jail’. Aside from that, the world’s most sacred oversized rock awaits. STAY: You can’t go to Alice and stay in a lavish resort. Alice Station B&B (http:// has all the mod-cons and is a wildlife haven where you can watch kangaroos while you eat.





Every Thursday in March |10pm-3am | £5 Tickets The legendary Thai beach party hits Mission every Thursday hosted by the stunning Full Moon girls and gorgeous boys. UV paint, glowsticks and retro shades give aways also featuring the famous Thai cocktail buckets. It will be as if you never left Koh Phangan


Every Friday in March | 9pm-4:30am | FREE ENTRY Friday’s at The Rock Bar play the coolest mix of music across the board from old school Hip Hop, House, Funk, Disco and Indie. The night is hosted by Galaxy Radio Star DJ Jacob.


Friday 5th March | 10pm-5am What more can we say? Two top DJ’s under one roof - it’s going to be a mixed-up cracker of a night!


Saturday 6th March | 10pm-9am | £20 Tickets He’s just a man who had dreams and went for it.... All the way from Switzerland, System presents the talented DJ Luciano for one night only in Leeds SOLD OUT!


Tuesday 9th March | 7pm-10pm | £4 Tickets Top dancers and dance teams from across Yorkshire plus solos, duos, teams, quads, break-dance and crew battles along with a specially choreographed routine from one of the region’s leading BBoy’s! This event is to raise money for Heart Reasearch UK.


Friday 12th March | 9pm Till Late 60’s style, housewives makeover, Housework would like to encourage you to dress with the theme along with their staff. The party then moves to Mission from midnight until its time to hang up the apron and marigolds some time around silly o clock!


Saturday 13th March | 10pm Till Late| £10 Tickets

D. Ramirez has achieved five top 20 hits, played on every continent and single handedly coined THAT electrohouse sound. He was awarded Best Remix and Best Producer in DJ Magazine’s 2007 awards and 2006 saw him knighted as a Player Of The Year in iDJ. What a legend!


Saturday 13th March | 10pm-4am | £10 Tickets

Exclusively Hosted by Coronation Street’s Ryan Thomas & Emmerdale’s Adam Thomas, party goers from across the UK will be in attendance, DJ’s on the night include Shipwrecked star Marvyn Williams playing the most innovative house and electro.


Saturday 13th & 27th March | 10pm-5am | £10 Tickets Hosted by the stunning Candy girls, Candy pants is a cool, fun and quirky night that has taken the party scene by storm. The Viva team were there last month, trust us on this one - it’s a top night!



Thursday 18th March | 10:30pm-3am | £4 / FREE before 11:30 Funkywormhole is the new monthly club night at the Hifi club. Playing everything from Dubstep to Soul and Funk, with a bit of Old Skool Hip Hop along the way.



Thursday 4th March | £12 Tickets Born in Edinburgh, Quaye is the son of Jazz musician, Cab Kaye, the brother of noted guitarist, Caleb Quaye, and brother of jazz musician, Terri Quaye. What great genes he must have!


Thursday 4th March | £17.50 Tickets What a talent this boy is! He is known for his guitar playing style, which involves him rhythmically tapping and hitting the guitar’s body, and finger-picking. This is one gig you do not want to miss out on, keep an eye out for the alien!


Sunday 7th March | £17.50 Tickets The American alternative hip hop / alternative rock group from New York City hit Leeds this month. Their songs often deal with life in a city, often explicitly New York City, but just as often urban life in general. They cover such issues as organized crime, recreational drug use, violence, poverty and politics.


Wednesday 10th March | £6 Tickets presents live: TERMANOLOGY - 2010 UK Tour Plus: SKITZ & RODNEY P (Original Fever / Riddim Killa / Sticksman) SIMIAR (KingUnderground Resident / Cloudy Minds) CONWAY NUFFNAMES (Funk You)


Thursday 11th March | £23.50 Tickets Scoring some 23 UK top 40 singles and 17 UK top 40 albums to date in a career spanning five decades, the Stranglers are the longest-surviving and most “continuously successful” band to have originated in the UK punk scene of the mid to late 1970s. They will be taking us back to the old school!


Saturday 13th March | £14 Tickets An Indie rock band based in Sheffield, England. ‘Reverend And The Makers’ is fronted by Jon McClure, nicknamed “The Reverend”. The band has gained success through top ten hit “Heavyweight Champion of the World” from their first album The State of Things, and also through supporting Oasis on their last ever tour.



Saturday 20th March | £9 Tickets Originally known as White Rabbit, up until February 2005 when they renamed themselves The Automatic because they believe that music is the antidote to “the automatic life”.


Saturday 20th March | £13.50 Tickets Chumbawamba are an English band, whose music spans from pop influenced dance music to folk. They are also strongly influenced by politics and their first recording was made in 1984 for a minor’s strike benefit concert.


Saturday 20th March | £12.77 Tickets Her new single ‘Upside Down’ (released March 15th) was record of the week on the Scott Mills show on Radio 1. Paloma is going from strength to strength.

THE COURTEENERS at O2 ACADEMY Friday 26th March | £16.35 Tickets What can we say... they’re shit hot!



CANDYPANTS @ ORACLE Candypants. My initial thought upon hearing the name of the night at Oracle, Brewery Wharf, was ‘pure cheese’. I mean, don’t tell him I told you this, but sometimes my boyfriend calls me Candypants when he’s trying to be cute and funny...So, cheese and the salubrious Oracle don’t really sit together in the same camp - I was a bit confused. I usually frequent Oracle for a couple of cheeky post work beverages and would never really opt to go there for a full-on night out, due to my perception of their image being rather pretentious and far to cool for me to fit in with the ‘shades inside’ set. However, following the night I had there this month I would definitely return! Candypants turned out to be a tongue-in-cheek, highly fun effort, which seemed to be Oracles bid to let their hair down from their usual serious, higher end, VIP offering. The perfect chance for all those beautiful people and their designer handbags to party a little harder and not worry about keeping up appearances for the entire evening. Upon arrival we were greeted by quite possibly the friendliest doormen ever, which was a refreshing change from the usual surly type you get outside most venues in Leeds. We were escorted upstairs where all of the waitress service tables had been reserved, so we grabbed a drink and kind of loitered about and waited for it to get busier. Despite some of the bar staff having a slight attitude problem, the majority of the staff and the Candypants girls were absolutely lovely and not to mention fairly easy on the eye. The entire night was for charity with all the proceeds taken on the door being donated to the most popular charity as chosen by the customers on the night. The Candygirls were armed with clipboards, asking us all to write down our favourite charity, which I thought was a pretty nice touch. In attendance was R’n’B heavyweight, Chipmunk, who has recently had great chart success with singles ‘Oopsy Daisy’ and ‘Look For Me’ - he also seemed to be having a good time with the ladies! And so, Chipmunk and the beautiful people continued to pout and party to the R’n’B soundtrack, and the Candypants girls continued to look fabulous in their miniature red pants and over the knee socks. The arrival of the fancy dress box in the middle of the dance floor was absolutely hilarious - I have never before seen so many gorgeous people fight each other in a bid to grab a red wig, blow up saxophone, feather boa, cowboy hat or oversized shades! It just goes to show that no matter how cool you are, dressing up is never an opportunity you can afford to miss! If you enjoy highly fun-fuelled, entertaining nights with sexy girls and boys, Candypants is definitely for you - just make sure you grab that cowboy hat before anyone else!!!





When: 6th Feb 2010, 10pm – 9am Where: Mint Club Who: Loco Dice, Guti, Tini, Cormac Price: Early Bird, £15, Standard, £18 The legendary Loco Dice, king of minimal tech-house and original resident of DC 10 in Ibiza, headlined the huge sell-out success in March last year of System’s first birthday. Over the past year, System has been a monthly celebration of minimal house tracks from all over the globe, spun by the likes of not only Dice himself, but a collection of house heavyweights including Sven Vath and Luciano. This year, to toast System’s second anniversary, Dice, along with his label counterparts, seized the decks once again, playing some mindblowing progressive, deep and intelligent sets to his army of passionate followers. The night was once again sold out, and the club so rammed that catching a glimpse of German- born Loco Dice, was near impossible, unless you were prepared to slowly squeeze and push your way through this


SYS A D TERM ESO P LAT RESEN TS: LEE DS crowd of perspiring beautiful people. However, the issue of limited personal space was only a small price to pay to be part of this amazing celebration of sounds!

Dices past experiences clearly influence his music. His hip-hop roots are evident in the layout and baselines of his tracks and His DC-10 roots mean that he knows what rhythms to use to please an array of multi national sun worshipping clubbers. Through his loops of ambient beats, with the occasional introduction of a new percussion, Dice never fails to transport you from an over packed nightclub to a sunset beach party in Ibiza. You couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear when the smoke machine went off, to the sound of excited cheers. Looking around at the enthusiastic faces of the upbeat crowd, looking trendy and tanned, (and minimally clothed) it was hard not to embrace that carefree, relaxed holiday vibe. Dice did more than play music tonight. Throughout his set, he provoked the imagination, leading the crowd on a well scripted journey of emotions. Amazing!




UBER COOL MIIKE SNOW January 2010 kick-started the first ever UK headline tour of this electro pop trio. Swedish producers Christian and Pontus, and American lead singer Andrew Wyatt only formed the band in 2007, however, their impressive history in producing ground-breaking hits for top name artists including Britney and Madonna, proves that in no way are they newbie’s to the music scene. Judging by the ‘sold out’ signs plastered around Leeds Student Union, and the queue of ticketless students begging to be let in to the heaving venue, it’s clear to see that Miike Snow have quite a following.

hat to say about Twisted Wheel? For a relatively discrete bunch (regardless of some seriously impressive support slots), you know that when a band has its own chant, things are going to be, well…impassioned. Needless to say when a large contingent of die-hard fans arrive in previously purchased merchandise, shouts of “Whee-lll! Whee-lll!” are soon reverberating round the pint glasses now littering the floor of the Brudenell Social Club. Emerging from behind a stack of beer crates, Jonny Brown, Rick Lees and Adam Clarke arrive to what can only be described as the calmest moment of the evening. It’s all downhill from here. Launching into what for many will have been their first taste of ‘The Wheel’, “Lucy The Castle” has the crowd going absolutely wild. Pints are thrown

modestly says to the crowd, “I hope you’re having a good time!” He doesn’t say much else throughout the whole gig, but who cares – the music intentionally speaks volumes for itself. As they play, sing and dance their way through nine tracks, the sound quality is addictively flawless, and the atmosphere increasingly energetic. The combination of piano chords and xylophone notes together with filter effects from a DJ Mixer and a driving live drum bass line in the background is pure genius. You cannot pigeon- hole their unique sound.

Out of the smoke and blue laser lights, the band appear on stage, all wearing trademark mysterious white masks, as seen in their ‘Animal’ video. The crowd of students cheer as that recognisable danceinspired bass line starts, and the first tune of the night is the uplifting ‘Cult Logic.’

‘Animal’ has a bouncy reggae vibe, the recognisable ‘Sylvia’ is the biggest crowd- pleaser, and sing-along ‘Sans Soleil’ is the most lighters-in-the-air style moving. In between each song are impressive lively instrumentals, which see the crowd go wild and the front few rows form their own mini ‘mosh pit.’

It isn’t until the third song in that the boys remove their masks, to the delight of the crowd, who happily cheer and scream. One girl proudly waves a Swedish flag in the air. Finally Andrew the lead singer

The gig ends unexpectedly, after the last track, ‘In Search of.’ The beat carries on, but suddenly the trio are gone - no warning or goodbye –uber cool to the very end...


enthusiastically and within just a few songs the trend for the evening is set; joining the band on stage. With Brown snarling along to “What’s Your Name” and “Bouncing Bomb” to raucous approval , it is apparent that there is a deep set affection for the three blokes on stage, who by this point are soaking. So in all this madness, what better way to show your feelings for a band you care for by strolling on stage and kissing the lead singer? Indeed by this point it is no longer worth adding things to the list of frenzied goings on. Whilst signing off with “Oh What Have You Done?” it is apparent that there is something going on here; something with the power to turn people into instinctive (albeit loyal) animals and a Saturday night into a riot.

UNSIGNED BAND OF THE MONTH GOES TO......TO KILL A KING Viva’s Emily French caught up with Ralph from To Kill a King in Carpe Diem to talk about name changes, new singles and the north south divide…. Viva: People might remember you guys as being called Kid iD, why the name change? Ralph: Well, we had a slight change in our line up and we’d been wanting to change the name for a while as we were sick of being labelled ‘Ska-folk’ because our sound has moved away from that a lot. We’ve lost a lot of the brass lines and have introduced more strings and synths so we thought now was a good time to draw a line under our achievements as Kid iD and move on with To Kill a King! Viva: Your sound has definitely expanded since the earlier days of ‘Kid iD ‘ Do you feel that the more mainstream success of eclectic folk bands such as Mumford and Sons and Noah and the Whale has opened doors for bands such as yourselves? Ralph: It’s always great when bands like that do well. I’m a big fan of both those groups. We have had comparisons drawn between us and Mumford and Sons, which is great, but we are definitely doing our own thing. We now regularly play with strings and a brass section, which along with the band means we sometimes have up to 9 people on stage with us at any one time! Viva: So your new single is coming out soon, can you tell us a bit about it? Ralph: It’s called ‘Cold Skin’ it’s our first single and it will be coming out at the end of March. In a couple of weeks we are releasing a song called ‘The Experiment (Bones)’ as a free download from our website to showcase our new tracks.

Viva: What are the main differences you find between the Leeds Music Scene and the London scene? Ralph: Well, London is bigger! Although, to be fair, they aren’t that different, in both it seems from the outside that they are very-close knit and cliquey scenes but once you’re involved you realise it’s really friendly! The crowds can be quite different, though. In Leeds people are always up for a dance and respond more to your set whereas in London they can be a bit more reserved and take everything a bit more seriously. Viva: What local Leeds bands are you into at the moment? Ralph: I think Milk White White Teeth are fantastic, really experimental with bits of Arcade Fire and Bombay Bicycle Club thrown in. Japanese Fighting Fish are also brilliant they’re great musicians but they’re having fun with it, they’re crazy. Also Jon Gomm, he’s a pillar of the Leeds music scene…an annoying pillar who can play guitar better than me and can hold up an entire temple by himself! Viva: What do To Kill a King have planned for the rest of 2010? Ralph: Well, we’ll have our single release in March and over the summer we’ll be doing our first long term recording sessions as a band, which we’re really excited about. There will hopefully be some festivals too. We are also re-launching our night ‘Ping Kong’ starting with a one off event ‘Ping Kong goes to a Masquerade Ball’ at the Brudenell Social Club on the 6th March and then continuing at the Notting Hill Arts Club in London. To Kill A King will be appearing in Leeds at the Brudenell Social Club on 6th March. Listen to their music on

‘YOU OVER DID IT DOLL’ THE COURTEENERS This track taken from the band’s second album ‘Falcon’. The album was recorded in Belgium’s ICP Studios with producer Ed Buller and mixed at Electric Lady Studios in New York with Legendary Michael Brauer. As always front man Liam Fray’s ‘everyman’ lyrics and poignant passionate song-writing shines through. In this track Fray gently admonishes a friend’s over-excesses. ‘RESISTANCE’ MUSE Muse, recently named ‘Best Act In The World Today’, announce a new single, ‘Resistance’ from their self-produced, multi-platinum selling, global No.1 album, ‘The Resistance’. Since its release in September 2009 the album hit the top of the charts in 20 countries around the world. It also afforded the band their highest placing on the American Billboard chart to date at No.3.



‘EVER SO SHY’ GENERAL FIASCO General Fiasco started the new decade with this brand new single, their debut album and playing their biggest headline dates so far. ‘Ever So Shy’ is released on 8th March and the album ‘Buildings’ follows on 22nd March. The record was produced by Neal Calderwood and mixed by Barny Barnicott, it melds rock pop with their inimitable energy, and kick-ass choruses. ‘ONE SHOT’ JLS Brit Award winners, the unstoppable JLS released their new single ‘One Shot’ on February 22nd through Epic Records. The single, written and produced by hitmakers Soulshock and Karlin, coincides with the boys’ first headline tour which started in February this year. Will ‘One Shot’ follow in the footsteps of No.1 hit singles ‘Beat Again’ and ‘Everybody In Love’? Good luck boys! ‘UPSIDE DOWN’ PALOMA FAITH Paloma Faith releases her new single ‘Upside Down’ on March 15th. The track, a crowd favourite at her live shows, will be available as a download and accompanied by the brand new song ‘Technicolour’. This new track is taken from Paloma’s debut album ‘Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful?’, which attracted critical acclaim throughout 2009 and has now gone gold. ‘THIS AIN’T A LOVE SONG’ SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Released on the 29th March 2010 ‘This Ain’t A Love Song’ precedes the release of Scouting For Girls second album, ‘Everybody Wants To Be On TV’, out 12th April 2010. This track is a telling introduction to the new record. It is a hugely powerful, soaring song and a strong example of Scouting For Girls ambitious new sound, sculpted by Roy’s unflagging confidence and song-writing prowess.




5 Legion - March 5


1 Alice in Wonderland - March 5


alt Disney Pictures and visionary director Tim Burton’s epic 3D fantasy adventure ‘Alice in Wonderland’, will finally be on our cinema screens. The frequent Burton collaborator Johnny Depp will be starring as the Mad Hatter, Anne Hathaway as the White Queen and Mia Wasikowaska as 19-year-old Alice, in what promises to be a magical and imaginative twist on one of the most beloved stories of all time. Tim Burton almost seemed destined to direct this film, with his trademark sweet and sour, gothic fantasy style a seemingly perfect choice to portray this dark, thoughtful children’s tale. In some Hollywood circles the advances of 3D technology is being lauded as important as the advent of sound in cinema, so it is no surprise that Disney have offered this medium to Burton. Lewis Carroll’s book has seen many cinema incarnations and lots of direct translations so this version of Wonderland will have to be out-of-this-world to bowl us over, but Disney’s new 3D technology might just manage that.

ngels with machine guns; that’s the way co-writer/ director Scott Stewart has described the film. Legion takes place in a middle-of-nowhere diner where the fate of mankind will be played out as God has lost faith in humanity and has sent the Archangel Michael (Paul Bettany) to kill the baby that would otherwise save mankind. Michael disobeys and decides to protect the baby declaring he is giving God what he needs rather than what he’s asked for, which causes God to send his entire angel army to do what Michael won’t.

6 Valhalla Rising - March 19


his film is easily identifiable as a Nicolas Winding Refn feature, with its roaring metal score and barbaric male violence embedded into dazzling yet fixed framed static shots. Mads Mikkelsen stars as One Eye, a mute brute of a man enslaved and kept in a cage, brought out only to fight in brutal to-thedeath unarmed combat for the entertainment and amusement of his masters, clan chieftans in the Scottish highlands. Aided by a boy, he kills his captor and together they escape, beginning a journey into the heart of darkness.

7 Takers - March 26


Clash of the Titans - March 26


fter years of careful planning and production, the long awaited arrival of 1981 remake Clash of the Titans is set to grace our screens in 3D early next month. Avatar’s top man Sam Worthington takes on yet another action packed role as Perseus, born a god however raised among mortals. Set in fantasy worlds of Greek mythology Perseus assumes the task of defender of the mortal realm against merciless God of the underworld Hades (Liam Neeson). A perilous mission set against the constant onslaught of the God’s wrath and the legendary creatures that inhabit this fantastical land, the film portrays a journey of discovery. We follow Perseus’ pursuit of his destiny, unleashing his potential and crossing the boundaries of his current world s as he attempts to seize command from Zeus (Ralph Fiennes). A s classsic legend of man versus the gods cast against a visually engrossing modern dimension.



irected by John Luessenhop, the film revolves around a notorious group of criminals (Idris Elba, Paul Walker, T.I., Chris Brown, Hayden Christensen and Michael Ealy) who continue to baffle police by pulling off perfectly executed bank robberies. They are in and out like clockwork, leaving no evidence behind and laying low in between heists. But when they attempt to pull off one last job with more money at stake than ever before, the crew may find their plans interrupted by a hardened detective (Matt Dillon) who is hell-bent on solving the case.

Words by: Ed Wilkinson Nadia Ismail

Green Zone - March 12


att Damon and director Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum) re-team for their latest electrifying thriller in Green Zone, a film set in the chaotic early days of the Iraqi War when no one could be trusted and every decision could detonate unforeseen consequences. Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller (Matt Damon) is a rogue U.S. Army officer who must hunt through covert and faulty intelligence hidden on foreign soil before war escalates in an unstable region.


Chloe - March 5



MARCH 2010

T 9 Remember Me - April 2


roubled and rebellious young man Tyler (Robert Pattinson) is struggling to come to terms with the recent tragedy that has shocked his family to the core and left him feeling angry, confused and cut off from his overbearing father (Pierce Brosnan) He appears to be spiralling uncontrollably when fate deals him a new hand; Ally (Emilie de Ravin) teaches him to change his perspective. As their love develops the two characters reawaken feelings they had for so long been denied and learn to treasure everything life has to offer them. A troubling story of pain and conflict lightened with a passionate and heart-felt romance.

his sexually charged thriller sees Catherine (Julianne Moore) take on the services of alluring young woman Chloe (Amanda Seyfried) to prove her suspicions that her husband (Liam Neeson) is having an affair. However this sinister film adaptation of the original French film ‘Nathalie’ takes the so-called perfect Stewart family and turns their apparent idyllic life on its head, showing the damning consequences of betrayal and suspicion. As Chloe takes her role too far, explicitly relating the details of her solicitation to ‘employer’ Catherine, all elements of trust disappear into a labyrinth of lies and scandal. The two female protagonists lose themselves in a triangle of affairs, as they become intimately involved. This adds a further aspect to the infidelity that spurred this whole situation in the first instance. As this dark plot thickens, Catherine becomes a victim of her own game, placing Chloe in the middle of this failing marriage. What started as mere suspicion escalates into a tragic undoing of our leading characters.

10 Old Dogs - March 19


an (Robin Williams) and Charlie (John Travolta) are colleagues, both single, in their fifties and clueless when it comes to family life. So when Dan’s ex turns up with his seven year old twins he never knew he had these two self-named bachelors face their biggest challenge yet. Jam-packed full of Hollywood’s finest comedic actors, Old Dogs is a classic slapstick comedy, with plenty of dirty humour (and we mean poo dirty) and several hard blows to the head, and um… crotch.

Ondine - March 12



arrell’s latest role portrays a sombre divorcee whose sole affection in life is his young daughter Annie, he succumbs to wandering through a bleak and passionless life without any goals or desires. A modern fairytale mixing fantasy and romance in the magical tale of Ondine, a young woman hauled from the sea in the fishing nets of Irish trawlerman Syracuse (Colin Farrell), Ondine awakes the imagination of young Annie who comes to believe Ondine is in fact a Selkie, a mythical creature found in Irish folklore known for their ability to bring good fortune. As the tale progresses, and we delve deeper into the truth of Ondine’s existence and the virtue of her presence the story develops into one of love, passion and danger. Enchanted by this mysterious woman that appears to be casting luck over her saviour, Syracuse falls further in love with her. Embroiling her unknown past with her newfound life, shrouded in obscurity, the film blurs the lines of fantasy and reality. A child like tale of myths and the unknown against a harsh backdrop of reality beyond the realms of a child’s imagination leaves the audience questioning the bounds of possibility.



IAN BROWN ON HIS LATEST ALBUM ‘MY WAY’ Holly Wild caught up with Ian Brown to chat about his latest studio album ‘My Way’. So you’ve released your 6th studio album My Way, which everyone involved is really excited about…how do you feel about it? I feel it’s my best work, yeah, I certainly put the hours in. I started writing it about this time last year, not constantly, but on and off. We worked right through the winter, started recording it in early spring and finished it on July 7th, so we’ve gone through all seasons. It’s quite a personal album-how was it writing about those sorts of themes? The first song we wrote was Vanity Kills and Dave McCracken who co-wrote it, who I co-wrote Dolphins Were Monkeys with as well, he was signed by Roc Nation and was asked to write a song for Kanye West. Amanda Ghost wrote the melody, Dave wrote the music and they wanted me to write some lyrics and it had to be a sort of autobiographical song for Kanye. So we had a few pow wows and Amanda told me about him cos she knew him and Amanda text him while I was there and said “Kanye, I’ve got Ian Brown to do the lyrics” and I was made up cos he text straight back and said “Ian Brown-Stone Roses, hell yes” and I was like, fantastic. So we wrote him a song but we were a little bit late with sending it in and Amanda had said it’s gotta be like a “My Way” for Kanye, so I took that and thought, right, I’m gonna keep that for myself, I really like it. So that gave me the brief to make the album like “My Way”. Me and Dave were also asked to write a song for Rihanna and after finishing it [Stellify], even though she could probably sing it better, I thought “I’m gonna keep this”, so I kept it. That set us off then, we thought, right it’s gonna be a “My Way” album-I’m gonna write about my life in music. I’m gonna write about coming off the dole, going into music, what happened along the waythat was my brief. Do you get many requests from people to work with them? You mentioned Kanye and Rihanna… If I like the music, then I’ll do it. At the moment I’m working with a band called Sohodolls. I met them on the M6 about 2 months ago. I told them I was a bit busy with my own album but give it a couple of months and we’ll get it on. I’ve just written some songs for a Muslim singer called Sami Yusuf, who’s an Islamic singer who sings in Arabic and he’s really big in the Middle East. He wants to write an album in English, so he’s written the music and the melodies and I’ve just got to do the lyrics. I’m always happy to collaborate. I’m supposed to have done something with Scratch Perverts for the last five years, but they’ve not got it together yet. Coldcut are supposed to be sending me a song, Unkle have asked me to come and do something on their next album. So if someone’s got talent and some sort of work and they’re a little bit different, I’m there. How did you decide on the album title? Well it autobiographical and the brief was a kind of “My Way” so we just though you know what, let’s call it My Way. You said you were aiming to make an album of singles, so with so many tracks to choose from how did you pick Stellify as the lead single? Stellify was like the benchmark for the album cos it was the first tune we wrote. As we played it I thought “Wow this is the first tune I’ve got since FEAR that’s up there with it. I end every show with FEAR but now I’ve got a track that I can come on with after FEAR. Stellify was always the benchmark, but it was also the trickiest to mix and we had to do it about seven times to get it right. I’d been laughing at stories about Kanye West mixing his last tune thirty times, but I’m starting to understand how you can, so you can get it exactly how you want it. That was the benchmark so it was always really going to be the first single. To finish on a slightly different note, the big news of last year is Noel leaving Oasis-do you think this is really the end for them? Yeah I think it probably is, which is a bit of a shame really. I think it’s been coming for quite a while hasn’t it? Their very first NME feature they were scrapping and their last one they were scrapping, so they came in scrapping and they’ve gone out scrapping. Bit of a shame but no surprise really. I’d heard a few rumours myself this year and I think it’s run its course. Words by Holly Wild (


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