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VIVA’s news flash: The world goes Christmas crackers VIVA interviews Emeli Sande Exclusive with Caprice Discover the real Marrakech Robert Pattinson: The eBook, sudden success & his lovelife Rescue Joseph Kony’s child soldiers

Fashion Story: Gothica Hot catwalk picks: It’s party time Women’s trends ‘The perks of being a wallflower’ Men’s trends ‘Shaken or stirred? James Bond style!’ Bold, brash and beautiful jewellery shoot Local talent goes international

Tina O’Brien reports on fashion, skincare and the party season Smile Stylist and ONA Spa Pampering and grooming for him and her VIVA’s big Christmas hamper giveaway


Taking gadgets to the extreme! Give your business a Google 360 spin Christmas cribs An old school exclusive with Bob Shannon & Ricky Hatton Verona, the city of love with Monarch A big welcome from the new GM at the Light Boutique ApartHotel


VIVA finds the best Christmas dinners in town Jack Spratt, a firm favourite in the city Total re-style of Cloud 23 Have a Bluu-tastic new cocktail Get your drink on


Lock 91 launches along the locks Manchester’s hottest events with the most stylish socialites We love a good event in Cheshire


The festival and the gigs that you surely just couldn’t have missed On the VIVA music radar: Ruby Tuesday Twisted Wheel are back with a new line up DNA’s Darren R L Gordon

VIVA team

Issue 11 published November 2012 emma LEE ANDERSON Editor rebecca LEGON Sales & marketing director REBECCA ACKERLEY Editorial assistant ROSS FORSYTHE Fashion editor KEITH McDONNELL Copy sub-editor Ed Wilkinson Senior designer WRITERS Contributor ANTHONY LEVIN Contributor CHRIS GREENHALGH Contributor Johanna Dorey Contributor LISA JONES Contributor SAM QUINTON Contributor SARAH MURRAY Fashion ROSS FORSYTHE Film DARREN R L GORDON Gadgets MATT HORWOOD Travel CLIVE LYNTON PHOTOGRAPHERS ANGIE WYNNE BEN QUINTON CRAIG FLEMMING KARIN ALBINSSON SHIRLAINE FORREST GRAPHIC DESIGN SOUMYA KUMAR VIVA TV MUNAH YAHKUP The new and improved lifestyle website for Manchester & Cheshire... @vivamagazines /vivamagazines We’ve taken over lifestyle... 04 | VIVA | w w w. v i va l i f e s t y l e. c o. u k

VIVA Magazine Suite 131 111 Piccadilly Manchester M1 2HX Tel: 0161 833 4401 email: website: A readership of 60,000 in the Manchester and Cheshire areas For annual subscription rates, please ring our enquiry line on 0161 833 4401 or email Viva Manchester magazine is published quarterly (4 times a year) and is distributed in and around Manchester and Cheshire which includes Manchester city centre, Didsbury, Hale, Wilmslow, Altrincham, Chorlton and Salford. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, photographic prints and transparencies are accepted only on the understanding that Viva accepts no liability for loss or damage. No responsibility can be accepted for any breaches of obligation by advertisers. Strictly copyright all content Viva Magazines. Reproduction, in part or whole, is forbidden without the express permission of the publishers. All prices included within this publication were correct at the time of print. All expressions and opinions demonstrated within this publication are those of the editor(s) including contributors.



Your Christmas Wishlist... * * * * * * * * * *

Belle Etoile Bjorg Georg Jensen Lapponia Lucet Mundi Pandora Story by Kranz & Ziegler Swarovski Trollbeads Chlobo

Mark Worthington Jewellers 7 Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AE Tel: 01625 537 257


Check this out... History meets modern day putting the keys to the castle at your fingertips with Peckforton Castle’s new iPhone app. With a wealth of information sent directly to your mobile device, you have the chance to get to the heart of the castle even before you arrive. You can enjoy the app while staying at the castle or just browse it with your friends and family when you leave. The app is compatible with the iPhone, iPad and iPod-touch in a format that is very easy to download.


t’s nearly Christmas time again! At VIVA HQ we feel like we’ve already had Christmas as, over the last couple of months, we’ve been putting together this Christmas issue, finding out what local restaurants and bars have got going on over the festive season and bringing you the latest fashion, beauty products and tips for the festive parties. But we LOVE the festive season so it’s all been a lot of fun and we can’t wait to get Manchester and Cheshire’s Christmas vibe on the go! Looking back over 2012 this has been a fantastic year for VIVA magazine, we’ve achieved so much, experienced some of the most amazing things that even money can’t buy and met more amazing people. And I think we can say the same for Manchester and Cheshire. There are just so many talented people in our big city who have made this a very special and proud year for MCR from The Stone Roses and Happy Mondays getting back together and putting on the gigs of the year to fashion designers like Richard Smith launching in the USA and Nadine Merabi launching her collection in Selfridges to Man City and Manchester United dominating the premiership. Yes that’s right us Northerners are clearly the best! Manchester and Cheshire we love you and thank you for a fantastic year, Happy Christmas and we will see you all in 2013.

Viva X m a e t , e v o l Big



The world goes Christmas crackers....


JLS boy Marvin Humes spent his stag handcuffed to a dwarf

Dwarf-themed stag parties:

A new craze has developed amongst all you grooms-to-be out there. Dwarfs are in great demand as the UK has gone ga-ga for dwarf-themed stag parties in 2012. Bookings are coming in thick and fast and it is believed that there will be a shortage around Christmas time due to the hectic pantomime season. Best get

enquiring now, boys!

08 | VIVA | w w w. v i va l i f e s t y l e. c o. u k

Happy KFC Christmas:

Is that a plastic mouse? Bad jokes

Here in the UK we spend all year long building up to a cracking Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. Over in Japan? Well, you might want to book your table reservations for KFC. That’s right; the famous fast-food chain is popular amongst the Japanese as their traditional Christmas feast. Good news for the Colonel then!

and paper hats are common findings inside our Christmas crackers but a dead mouse? No one fancies pulling their cracker to find that at the dinner table! But one unfortunate woman in New Zealand had just that experience a few years ago. Talk about ruining dinner…

Christmas wish-lists to Santa: A common childhood

memory amongst us all. And now children these days can be ever so cheeky with their requests. Blog has revealed a top 25 selection of the most hilarious letters: including one from a child requesting batteries along with their presents and one young boy wasn’t subtle about asking whether Old St Nick is genuinely fat or diets to stay trim!

The Radar Jeffrey West shoes

Barton Arcade’s hidden gem is a must for any discerning gent who loves a good shoe...and a fancy cane! Innovative designs and Great British craftsmanship make these shoes a must have!

Sarah Brightman

She once lost her heart to a Starship Trooper but now the world’s biggest selling soprano is set to blast off into space and has hinted at a mini concert from the Space Station in 2014 after she has completed her world tour promoting her new album Dream Chaser (launched January 22nd 2013). Can’t wait!


A book called The PH Miracle by Dr Robert Young has changed my life! I was first introduced to it by well being expert, Sonia Greaves ( By reducing the acidity in my diet I have more energy now than I did 20years ago!


I take a lot of male and female clients shopping for skin care, clothes etc... So I love exploring cities and searching out boutiques to complement my clients’ individualities. It’s fantastic spending other people’s money but because I’m fairly thrifty I can save people a lot of cash too!




Wonky paving stones

It’s happened to us all... You’re walking along, step on a flag and whoosh it dips down and a load of water gushes up and soaks your foot and leg! Grrr!

Sound levels in the cinema

Is there really a need to blow you off your chair at the cinema with the decibels!? Last time I went with my brother I asked a member of staff if she could ask the “projectionist to turn it down a bit”. Yep. I really did say “projectionist.”

Bad manners

Call me old fashioned, but I want to see more people open doors for others or even give up a seat for someone more deserving. Can’t stand people dropping litter, not saying please or thank you.... I want society to get back to being a community that cares about each other.

The Jeremy Vile ...i mean, Kyle Show

I really don’t have to explain that one do I.....?

This issue’s radar was brought to you by actor, presenter, makeup artist and image expert Armand Beasley

Armand Beasley

Emeli Sande O O


ith one hour to go before sending the magazine to print Emeli Sandé calls VIVA HQ for a chat. After managing to bag the sky-rocketing Emeli Sande as our cover star at the last minute, we only have fifteen minutes to chat to her as she makes her way to rehearsal. Given Emeli’s past year of chart success, collaborations and the Olympics, we’re not the only ones with a packed schedule. No pressure then! So, it really has been your year - the only artist to perform at both the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics, your album is fast approaching triple platinum, (having been in the top 10 since its release in February) what has been your highlight and could you ever have predicted this kind of success? There are so many amazing things that have happened. Opening up the Olympics was a big highlight for me as I never have and never will perform in front of such a big audience again. Releasing the album was also very big as I’ve dreamed of doing it for so many years and, in February when I got to release the album and it went to number one, that was major. With performing at the Olympics, would you say you are patriotic? Yeah, I think I am. I definitely feel very British and being there and being part of that meant I had that spirit even more, more than I would usually feel it. I was so proud of what Danny

Boyle did and what we all put together - what we showed the world. I think it was so different and a very honest reflection of what Britain is. A special edition of ‘Our Version of Events’ is being released with your cover of John Lennon’s ‘Imagine.’ How did it feel covering such a huge song? Pretty intimidating! I remember when the BBC asked me to do it with the Olympics and at first I was very intimidated because it’s one of the best written songs ever; by such a legend. I loved being able to do my own interpretation and also introducing the song to a younger generation. I feel very honoured to be asked but also it’s quite a scary thing to do. Your songs ‘Heaven’ and ‘Read all about it’ were incredibly popular but the charts are dominated by one hit wonders and passing musical trends. How will you manage to keep your music relevant and durable? The main thing for me I think was when I released ‘Heaven,’ being my first single by myself, I really wanted to introduce myself as that kind of artist. I wasn’t really looking for chart success, I was looking for people to really start recognising me as an artist. I think, because I did it that way, you’re not pretending to be something else to get that one hit. I think you’ve got to be honest to stay relevant, and understand what people are going through and try to relate to people. That’s how I plan to go forward.

You won Best Solo Artist at the Q Awards against people like Florence Welch and Noel Gallagher. The Q Awards are typically known for giving lifetime achievement and Icon awards, how did it feel winning in that environment and against such seasoned artists? Wonderful! I was there last year and was nominated for Best New Artist, so it’s great to come back and win it a year later. I just felt great and I didn’t think I would win it considering who I was up against so to get that acknowledgment was fantastic. You have done a lot of writing for other artists such as Cheryl Cole and Susan Boyle. What differences do you feel there are between writing songs for someone else and those that you will perform? I think when you’re writing specifically for somebody ... I don’t know the difference really. I try and approach writing the same way. When you know you’re working for someone else you’re trying more to understand what they want to say, as opposed to what you’re going through. I’ve been able to sit down with people and get to know them as quickly as possible. You’re kind of more of a facilitator. You’re just trying to put what they’re saying into words. Simon Cowell has said that you are “his favourite songwriter at the minute.” What do you think of the > | VIVA | 11

12 | VIVA | w w w. v i va l i f e s t y l e. c o. u k

VIVA I N T E R V I E W whole X-Factor phenomenon? X -Factor isn’t a programme I would have gone on or something I thought about doing. I don’t think it shows people watching about song writing and developing artistry. But, some great talent has come from those programmes so I don’t think I would completely condemn them. I love James Arthur on this show and it’s given him great exposure for his talent. The industry just didn’t pick up on him before, so I think it’s great for giving people exposure but I don’t think it’s a good thing to win them. Have you been watching this series? Manchester went crazy about our local girl Caroline’s eviction against Rylan, do you have an opinion on this? I’ve been watching bits and pieces. I was on it last week so I got to meet some of the contestants and James Arthur just really blew me away from the beginning. I didn’t see the eviction but I heard all about it. Fame aside, you did four years of Medicine at Glasgow University, specialising in neuroscience. Was it a difficult decision to leave this course and what sparked it? It was a very difficult decision and, compared to music, it’s such a stable and respected career, and I loved it. It’s just that I couldn’t keep denying that I wanted to do something creative and I wanted to be a musician. It was a big step for me to move down to London but I think what sparked it was that it was a specialist degree and once I’d graduated from that I really felt like I’d achieved something in University. When I’d written Diamond Rings for Chipmunk, I got published over the summer before I went back into fourth year so I think that was a big catalyst - I think having a foot in the door with the music industry is kind of when it all came together. Considering your rise to fame, you have managed to stay out of the paparazzi’s way. Do you think stars’ personal lives are something they have to give up at a certain level of fame? How relevant are their personal lives to their brand? I think it just depends how you play it. I’m not out every night and I’m usually in rehearsal or in the studio, so I don’t think if you’re really famous you have to give up privacy. I don’t know how it is for people like Rihanna or Beyoncé but for me it’s about keeping music as your focus. In a fairly controversial move, Glastonbury had Beyoncé headlining last year’s festival with Jay Z performing there before. What do you think of R’n’B acts such as these dominating what are typically rock festivals? I think it’s great, it shows that Glastonbury is current and it’s relevant. So many people are getting into R’n’B and hip hop - it’s a very relevant genre of music at the moment so I think it’s fantastic. I think it’s a very British thing, in America they keep music very separated so I think that it’s great that in Britain we can integrate and introduce people to new types of music. We saw you play at V Festival, you were amazing! What’s been your favourite festival you’ve played at this year and why? God, there are so many. I loved T in the Park because it’s back home in Glasgow. So doing the main stage there was a big deal. I also really loved Bestival because it was the last one, it was such a great time of day, the sun was just going down and the crowd was just phenomenal. I think probably Bestival. Who are your biggest musical influences and how can we recognise them in your work? I think Nina Simone influences most things I do. I’ve listened to her since I was about eight and I think she’s just a genius. I think if you listen to my work, what inspired me about her is the way she wrote and the way she interpreted lyrics - it was very poetic and very effective in a few words. I think you can probably hear her influence in my writing and especially when I perform live, I try and channel Nina. Apart from that I love Anita Baker and Whitney Houston - I love hitting those power notes when I can. Also Joni Mitchell, I think it’s story telling and they all taught me that the writing has to tell stories in my music. Are you working on any new material at the moment and when’s the next album coming out? I haven’t thought about the next album yet or any new material. I’m interested in releasing a new EP in between that, so getting some new music out there without having to promote it too much. You’ve collaborated with a few big names in the music industry, who’s been your favourite to work with? Professor Green - he’s such a lovely person and he’s really believed in me from the very beginning, so I think working with Professor Green was a really nice experience and having my first joint number one with him was really cool. Everyone’s been cool but I really like Pro. You’re playing in Manchester on the 12th of November at the Bridgewater Hall which we’re really excited about. Was the last time you were in our area when you did the intimate gig at the Peckforton Castle in February? God that was a long time ago! Yeah, that was the last time I was there. It was wicked, I love doing more intimate gigs when you turn up with only a few musicians. I love Manchester, I remember when I went there as a kid. It reminds me of Glasgow, and the crowds are really cool usually. What do you like doing when you get up here? The shopping is great but apart from that I’ve only ever been there when we’re working doing shows or radio. I’d love a tour at some point if we ever get the time. ■ interview by Johanna Dorey | VIVA | 13

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Katie wears, Dress by 2nd Day, £479, from Harvey Nichols, Manchester. Clutch by Biba, £179, from House of Fraser. Shoes £70, from Runway Knutsford or Alderley Edge and available online at .

Katie wears; Bodycon Dress, ÂŁ55, from Runway Knutsford or Alderley Edge and available online at

Jared wears; Shirt Alexander Mcqueen £335, from Harvey Nichols, Manchester. Bowtie, Stylist’s own.

Olivia wears; Cape by 2nd Day, £299, from Harvey Nichols, Manchester. Shirt by Biba, £125, from House of Fraser. Leather Leggings by Osi, from Selfridges. Shoes, £75, from Runway Knutsford or Alderley Edge and available online at Katie wears; Dress by Anglomania Vivienne Westwood, £215, from Selfridges. KatVonD Jacket, £325, and Shoes £70, from Runway Knutsford or Alderley Edge and available online at

Olivia wears; Hummingbird print Jersey Dress by McQ, £295, from Selfridges. Da Manta Clutch by Alexander McQueen, £315, by Harvey Nichols, Manchester. Bracelet, £17.50, from Runway Knutsford or Alderley Edge and available online at Jared wears; Velvet Blazer, £160, and Velvet Trousers, £160, both by Paul Smith, from House Of Fraser. Embossed Shirt by Just Cavalli, £235, from Harvey Nichols, Manchester.

Olivia wears; Dress, £80, Necklace £25, Bracelet £12.50 each, Shoes £67.50 all available from Runway Knutsford or Alderley Edge and available online at Clutch by Alexander McQueen, £165, from Harvey Nichols, Manchester.

Katie wears; Dress by AngloMania, Vivienne Westwood, £365, from Selfridges Green & Blue Earrings by Swarovski, £102, Silver Necklace by Swarovski £170, both from Mark Worthington Jewellers, Wilmslow and available online Shoes, Stylist’s own.

Jared wears; Shirt by Givenchy, £185, from Harvey Nichols. Jacket - £250 and Pants £120 by Kenneth Cole and Shoes by Dune, £100, all from House Of Fraser

Katie wears; Dress by Anglomania Vivienne Westwood, £215, from Selfridges. KatVonD Jacket, £325, from Runway Knutsford or Alderley Edge and available online at

Olivia wears; Dress £55, and KatVonD Scarf, £99, both from Runway Knutsford or Alderley Edge and available online at Katie wears; Brocade Jersey Dress by Alexander McQueen, £745, & Clutch by Alexander McQueen, £1295, both from Harvey Nichols, Manchester. Jensen Sphere Necklace, £575, from Mark Worthington Jewellers, Wilmslow and available online

Fashion Story Credits... PHOTOGRAPHER & RE-TOUCHING Craig Fleming STYLIST & ART DIRECTION Ross Forsythe & Assistant Zena Barrett HAIR James Begley MAKEUP Laura Gingell MODELS Katie, Olivia & Jared VIVA TV Munah Yahkup LOCATION Peckforton Castle

footage Check out Munah Yahkup’s film of this shoot at www.vivalifestyle. 24 | VIVA | w w w. v i va l i f e s t y l e. c o. u k

RUNWAY The party season will soon be upon us and I have a great range of dresses I’m about to launch, by designer Nadine Merabi who styles famous household names including Catherine Tyldesley and Roxanne Pallett. We are also delighted to be the only boutique in the North West stocking Kat Von D’s new high-end fashion line; which is very sophisticated and romantic. The designs are very reminiscent of our iconic styles and we’re extremely pleased to have it here for all our customers. This all comes at a very exciting time as we are just about to celebrate the 2nd year anniversary of the opening of our Alderley Edge store. This Autumn/Winter we offer you on-trend wardrobe essentials so you can always be ahead in the style stakes, plus amazing footwear and bold and beautiful accessories. We are focusing a lot on fur at the moment, so you can be fashionable and luxurious this winter. Our store is constantly updated with unique, fresh and exciting pieces, perfect for your Christmas nights out. We are also stocking our very own Runway stock so you’ll look be looking fabulous and pictureperfect ready. With our gorgeous unique mix of style and trend, we are definitely worth a visit!

be sexy f be bold t be unique f be diferent t be ahead of the trend f trust in style t trust in Runway! t

Every day is a fashion show and the world is the RUNWAY. With Love From

Sharon x

33 King Street, Knutsford 01565 220023 41 London Rd, Alderley Edge 01625 584180

VIVA T R E N D S VIVA’S HOT CATWALK PICKS, IT’S PARTY TIME! Ok girls the weather might be getting colder but with the christmas season approaching it’s time to get some seriously hot new party looks! neo gothic, eastern opulence and high end glamour are the key trends to work this winter. So rock out some statement accessories and killer cocktail dresses to make sure everyone is talking about you at the office party. Remember to stock up on the ibuprofen and berocca though!





Jason Wu AW12 Runway

Roberto Cavalli AW12 Runway


Dolce & Gabbana AW12 Runway




7. 11. 9.

1. Michael Michael Kors Belted wool blend coat, £599, Harvey Nichols 2. Emma Cook Printed stretch silk blend mini Dress, £390, Harvey Nichols 3. Mari Splash fringe earrings, £150, Green & Benz 4. Mary Portas La Catherine suede boot, £120, House Of Fraser 5. Stella McCartney Miracle brocade dress, £980, Selfridges 6. MCQ Alexander McQueen Embellished dress, £585, Selfridges 7. Alexander McQueen De Manta dandelion-print clutch, £315, Selfridges 8. Dower & Hall Winter Bloom pearl necklace, £455, Green & Benz 9. Mary Portas La Cosette suede court shoe, £89.99, House of Fraser 10. House Of Harlow 1960 Marley Leather box clutch, £195, Harvey Nichols 11. Just Cavalli printed silk satin dress, £310, Harvey Nichols

VIVA T R E N D S VIVA’S HOT CATWALK PICKS, IT’S KNITASTIC! Remember those awful jumpers your Nan used to make for you every Christmas? Guess what? They’re back! But this time around it’s OK and ever so cool to wear them. Focus on Fairisle and fun prints to get yourself up-to-date and bang on trend. Just don’t buy matching ones for your other half...that’s just plain creepy.






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4. Dsquared2 AW12


9. 8.


5. 1. MONCLER Snowflake beanie ,£115, Selfridges 2. Vivienne Westwood Skull-charm gloves, £175, Selfridges 3. Acne Mid rise slim leg jeans £180, Harvey Nichols. 4. Armani Jeans double breasted pea coat, £ 325, House of Fraser 5. TMD zip suede boot, £85.00, Topman 6. Vivienne Westwood Star jumper, £300, Selfridges 7. Vivienne Westwood belted wool blend cardigan, £475, Harvey Nichols 8. Polo Ralph Lauren Fairisle knitted jumper,£ 255, House Of Fraser 9. Dsquared2 Shearling trimmed biker jacket, £795, Harvey Nichols 10. Alexander McQueen printed wool scarf, £145.00, Harvey Nichols | VIVA | 27


10. 9.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is the new indie flick of the season based on the best-selling novel by Stephen Chbosky and starring the always stylish Emma Watson. Channel the movie’s eccentric left-field college girl style by injecting some quirky knits, clashing prints and 60’s inspired shapes into your wardrobe. Wearing these garments, say goodbye to your wallflower status and hello to being the centre of attention.


1. 3.

7. 2. 4.

5. 6.

1. Red Check Skater Skirt, £25.00, Topshop 2. Beyond Vintage Printed silk blouse, £280, Harvey Nichols 3. Seam Waist Shift Dress, £50.00, Topshop 4. Nicholas Kirkwood Perspex Heeled Printed Pumps, £765, Harvey Nichols 5. MARC BY MARC JACOBS Georgie cardigan ,£195.00, Selfridges 6. PENFIELD Headington wool scarf , £45.00, Selfridges 7. MARC BY MARC JACOBS Yaani jumper, £235.00, Selfridges 8. Geo Print Satchel, £34.00, Topshop 9. Boutique by Jaeger Chelsea Knitted Varsity Jacket, £140.00, 10. Vince Cashmere and Wool Blend Jumper, £290, Harvey Nichols

28 | VIVA | w w w. v i va l i f e s t y l e. c o. u k



Go undercover this season and steal the seriously suave and sophisticated style of

James Bond to celebrate the latest release of Skyfall. Imitate our favourite secret agent by dressing to the nines in velvet blazers, evening suits and bow ties. All that’s left for you to decide is if you want your Martini shaken or stirred! 3.





1. Black Self Tie bow tie, £14.00, Topman 2. Paul Smith leather gloves, £125, Harvey Nichols 3. Dior Homme ribbed wool scarf, £215, Harvey Nichols 4. Alexander McQueen Feather-print tie, £135, Selfridges 5. Navy herringbone waistcoat,£36.00, Topman 6. Tom Ford James Bond shawl evening suit, £2995, Flannels 7. William Hunt one button peak lapel velvet jacket, £495, Flannels 8. William Hunt blue herringbone shirt, £130, Flannels 9. O’Toole - punched wing gibson shoe, £285, Jefferey West 10. Ami double-breasted coat, £600, Selfridges | VIVA | 29

“Bold, Brash and Beautiful” Dare to be bold, brash and beautiful with these attention-grabbing accessories. Whether it is an oversized pendant, art deco cuff or colourful earrings, these pieces are not for the shy retiring types out there. Be loud, proud and work this jewellery out!





5. 7. 6.




1) Georg Jensen Moonlight blossom sterling silver and orange chalcedony earrings, Mark Worthington 2) Swarovski Sissy earrings £125, Mark Worthington 3) Georg Jensen sterling silver moonlight grapes ring with Amethyst, £480, Mark Worthington 4) Givenchy Pendant, £400, Harvey Nichols, Manchester 5) Paul Spurgeon Embrace Ring, £3175, Green And Benz 6) Fei Liu Whispering Ring, £2475, Green & Benz 7) Intervall Thin Bangle, £107, from Mark Worthington 8) Belle Etoile black enamel butterfly bangle, £330 Mark Worthington 9) Kenneth Jay Lane Gold Cuff, £140,Harvey Nichols, Mcr 10) Kenneth Jay Lane Deco Cuff, £280, Harvey Nichols, Mcr

Photo: Karin Albinsson | Re-touching: Andrew Brooks | Art Direction: Ross Forsythe

Dark Elegance


Embrace your dark side this season by rocking these eerily cool accessories. From crucifixes to spiders, chunky watches to Swarovski cufflinks, indulge in some statement pieces to make you even more dark, handsome and mysterious.


1) Watch by Welder, £495, Harvey Nichols, Manchester 2) Watch by Nixon, £535, Harvey Nichols, Manchester 3) B&N romantic men’s ring, £680, Green & Benz 4) Unique Steel Black Plated Necklace, £80, Green & Benz 5) Dsquared2 Double Cross Necklace, £70.00, Harvey Nichols, Manchester 6) Swarovski Necklace, £99, Mark Worthington 7) Tomasz Donicik Silver Spider Bracelet, £205, Green & Benz 8) Swarovski Cufflinks, £61, Mark Worthington 9) Reason Cuff, £125, Mark Worthington 10) Tomasz Donicik Spider & Fly Bracelet, £205, Green & Benz

4. 3.




8. 9. 10.

Photo: Karin Albinsson | Re-touching: Andrew Brooks | Art Direction: Ross Forsythe


LOCAL TALENT GOES INTERNATIONAL What Richard Smith Got Up To In New York... Career-minded Richard sourced the models with the help of Nolcha and, rather than using conventional default models, used a range of influential American businessmen, including UN entrepreneur Sergio Fernandez de Cordova and ‘Million Dollar Listings’ presenter Ryan Serhant. The show was even filmed by Bravo TV for an episode on the Real Estate show in the near future.

Richard Smith


fter achieving the ‘ultimate dream’ of showcasing his Prêt-à-Porter collection in New York, Richard Smith is determined to continue to embrace the ambition of the Big Apple and maybe even expand his business across the Atlantic. Having been headhunted to close the show at the ‘Best of British’ Nolcha Fashion Week 2012, Richard went across to the States to achieve the first of his many big dreams and it was nothing short of a huge success. He said: “The whole day was a whirlwind. I was very nervous in the morning but soon got into character! The time seemed to fly by and the collection went down very very well.”

The businessmen swaggered down the runway in true British bespoke style, wearing the finest of tailor-made suits from the spring/summer 2013 collection of Prêt-à-Porter, the sublayer to Richard Smith Bespoke. The reception from the New Yorkers was ‘phenomenal,’ with the Americans holding the British, London heritage style in high demand. Richard said: “Checks are a big part of my design and are rarely seen in American so this look went down a storm; I think it’s all part of the English charm too!”

The perfect fit, the fine English fabrics and traditional British designs were a breath of fresh air to the New York residents and the show saw a surge of interest from Ryan Serhant buyers. Richard’s streamline, sharp look has not yet been widely characterised by the New York market so the collection was a revelation. So what is next for the Englishman with big dreams? Well, the next push is to expand to New York and have his work exhibited in highlyregarded department stores such as Bloomingdales and Bergdorf Goodman.

Oren Alexander

Richard said: “My dream is to find a buyer over in the States. I’d like to get to know them personally and invite them to see my collection.” The Nolcha Fashion Week was the first step of the ladder to the American dream with Richard launching his autumn/winter 2013 collection there again in February.

Henry Stimler

A new revamped website will also be coming soon… ■ Richard Smith Bespoke 2a St. Marys St, Manchester, M3 2LB

0161 832 1995 words: Rebecca Ackerley Sergio Fernandez de Cordova



othic-influenced and using the most laborious of techniques, Jeffery West’s edgy yet luxurious products should be a must-have on any gentleman’s wish-list this Christmas.

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Iconic for establishing an array of high-quality shoes for the modern man, Jeffery West also have a lot of somewhat quirkier gifts available which would make perfect presents. Their fabulous black patented Union Jack shoe, produced for the Summer’s Olympics, has been revamped as a funky dinner shoe which would look the bees-knees at a New Year’s Eve party this year, and very on-trend too.

Raphael skull head boot

Eyeball Cufflinks

For a more traditional gift, a pair of stylish cufflinks, ranging from just £55 would make the perfect stocking filler and for a more eccentric twist on presentgiving, the boutique have a wide range of dickie bows for £40 which would look rather dapper during the party season! If you’re looking for a one-off gift for the man in your life then the Raphael boot, adorned with skull heads, is an idiosyncratic twist on the classic Chelsea boot. At £355 a pair, the boots have been flying off the shelf and even funny-man Keith Lemon has some! Whether you’re after a classic present or a headturning gift, Jeffery West’s shop in Barton Arcade is definitely worth a visit. ■

Barbed wire Cufflinks

black patented Union Jack shoe

Jeffery West, 1 Barton Arcade, Deansgate, Manchester, M3 2BB

Call us: 0161 8359284

Modelling...Careers...Feminism... VIVA EXCLUSIVE WITH CAPRICE


aprice strikes an impressive figure given her career - model, actress, TV personality, businesswoman and all in just 40 years. Having in the past been named ‘the world’s sexiest woman’ by The News of the World, she now commands the boys who put her there at the head of her business empire. VIVA prepares to speak with her (feeling a little intimidated), to discuss her latest venture, By Caprice Lingerie.

1. What kind of woman do you picture wearing your lingerie designs? What kind of women? She is quite fashion conscience, quite a fashionista but not a compulsive buyer. She wants really good quality and a lot for her pound, I mean, she wants the whole nine yards! 2. Given that most of us aren’t born with super model physiques, what are your top tips for feeling confident? I’m a lot more confident now in my forties than I was in my twenties and I had a rocking bod in my twenties! We do live in a sort of a vain world, regardless if you’re a model or not. You go out, for guys and girls and the first thing is your physical appearance. I would say don’t let yourself go and not just with exercise - eat well. When you look amazing on the outside you feel amazing on the inside. For me, now I’m forty years old I really have to work hard on my body and I’m much more confident than I ever was in my twenties and I never worked out really. I’ve always had a very healthy diet.

3. Your designs are very pretty and feminine. Given the current popularity of extreme stylings seen on stars such as Lady Gaga, do you think your designs will get any more wild? Crazy conical bras, metal spikes etc? No, I’ll leave that to Lady Gaga. We’re very feminine, we’re a little bit sexy, we’re very fashion and it’s very wearable. With that sort of stuff you make a statement with it and you throw it away. With By Caprice you wear it and you wear it and you wear it. 4. Considering you take on such an all encompassing role - designing, modelling and marketing By Caprice Lingerie, which part of the process do you think you enjoy the most? I love the marketing and I love the designing - those are my favourites. 5. So do you take an entirely hands on approach with all of that? Honey, when it’s your money you take a hands on approach with everything. > | VIVA | 37

9. But do you then think being a feminist is essentially being an extremist, as a feminist could be seen as having your rights as an independent woman and ‘breaking off the shackles’ of the past? Well, I think that most of the feminists who speak out are quite extreme. Yeah, I’m a modern woman - do I believe in marriage? No. Do I believe in having total control of my money and my destiny? Yeah. I’m very modern so if the definition of feminism means that then yeah, I guess I am a feminist. But the way that I look at a lot of feminist movements is that they’re so extreme. I would say I’m more of a modern woman - I’m earning the same money as a lot of the men, I’m as powerful as some of the men, if not more. Do I go round proclaiming women’s rights? Not really. I’m living it rather than going out there and fighting for it or talking about it. 10. As the founder of a successful company, do you think you’re a role model? Yeah, I think so. I started a successful company and you have to look at the journey - I came from nothing, I became quite a big model and then in my thirties I thought Holy Shit, I’m in my thirties - I’ve got to think of something else, so I did it. In that respect I’m definitely a role model. I’ve achieved a lot in just forty years and still it is a man’s world to a certain extent. I fought hard for everything that I’ve achieved. 11. You also bought the rights to Debbie does Dallas the Musical, what do you think a show like this (given it’s origin) does for female empowerment? You know what, the script is fab - I’m all about the script. It’s just funny, it’s clever and witty, it’s completely taking the piss out of the whole American cheerleader culture. It’s empowering. I just fell in love with that script, it’s hilarious but not in a stupid way. Everyone’s like hhmmm, you bought the rights to Debbie does Dallas the musical…you’ve gone a little bit wrong. The woman who wrote the script is in America making millions and millions of pounds, she’s a fantastic scriptwriter.

I’m as powerful as some of the men, if not more. Do I go round proclaiming women’s rights? Not really! 6. Popular media is renowned for breeding a youth obsessed culture and yet in recent years designers have turned to older models and actresses to advertise products such as Linda Evangelista for L’Oreal or Julianne Moore for Bvlgari. Do you think this reveals a shift in attitudes? I do. They always say that the forties are the new thirties and it really is. I mean the forty year olds are looking rocking hot and it’s not just because I’m in my forties that I’m saying that. 7. Something to look forward to then? Exactly, look forward to getting older. Even for me I’m in a much better place now than I ever was when I was younger. I wouldn’t change it. You have to work harder though to look fab but if you do, you’re older and you have that confidence and peace with everything. You have this sex appeal you never had probably from the confidence you exude. 8. In the past you have received rave reviews for your performances in various shows, including The Vagina Monologues. Would you say you are a feminist? No, I don’t think I’m a feminist. I don’t think I’m an extremist in anything. I thought it was a fantastic script and you could just say the words and you were doing fantastic acting. It was just a great, powerful script. Did I do it because I’m a feminist? No, I did it because it’s a fabulous script.

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12. Would you ever return to acting? I think so yeah. I’m usually doing a 12 hour day but I have such great people working at the company, I’m going to definitely get back into entertainment. 13. In the past you have dabbled in Reality Television. What do you think of the current glut of reality shows on television, such as TOWIE etc? Honey, even if I hated it, it’s dominating the European and American culture now - it’s dominating the screens, so whether I like it or not this is what everybody’s watching now. 14. As a trend, how long do you think it will last? Well it’s lasted this long. When I did Celebrity Big Brother all the reality shows were kicking off and that was six years ago. It’s only getting stronger and stronger every year, I don’t think it’s going anywhere for a while. 15. And finally, given your full-on work schedule how do you like to relax on your time off? I don’t really. I think especially in today’s economy you have to live and breathe your business and have an unbelievable passion for what you do otherwise you won’t survive. That’s just the reality of today’s world, not like before 2008. It was so much easier to make money then, everyone was compulsively buying and spending, people aren’t doing that now. Yeah, I’ll do my meditation but as far as taking time off, not really! ■ words: Johanna Dorey

VIVA B E A U T Y WINTER FASHION, SKINCARE MUST-HAVES & GETTING READY FOR PARTY SEASON: TINA O’BRIEN REPORTS... Hydrating skin and retro lip balms I’ve definitely noticed I’ve been using more moisturiser as we go from the hot weather to the cold. I tend to use Neutrogena with SPF 15, not that we need much protection in this cold weather! I also think a good lip balm is essential in winter and I’m currently using two. Carmex is always a good classic and I’ve gone all old-skool and bought a strawberry one from Body Shop, which reminds me of being 14 again! I’m also using a really good wrinkle cream which will stop the party nights taking their toll. It’s one from Bliss called Incredi-peel which uses hydrochloric acid and all the good ingredients of a face peel without looking like you’ve had one! You can buy it from for £39. Keep dry ends at bay I find that during the winter months, I have to get the ends of my hair cut a lot more often due to them drying out. I’ve found this brilliant hair reviver which I’ve been using; it’s natural oil from Macadamia. It’s been great and I only tend to use it sparsely once a week as it’s like a hair mask. It is available to buy from

Autumn/ winter 2012 is set to be a glamorous and bold affair in the world of hair. A/W 2012 is all about big hair, glittering hair clasps and ribbon bows; according to catwalk designers such as Oscar De La Renta, Dolce & Gabbana and Rodarte.

Party-perfect essentials I love wearing a little LBD and what, with winter upon us, I’ll be wearing that with a blazer and sheer tights for an extra bit of warmth! I’ve also recently bought a red jacket which I’ll be rocking for when I have the confidence to wear something bright. I usually tend to shy away from bright colours but I will definitely be giving this a go. And as the party season will soon be underway, I’ll be keeping glamourous with a red lip and black liquid eyeliner. I used to be obsessed with smoky eyes but this look is much quicker now that I have a daughter!


atiana News:

Opting for long extensions over the winter provides you with a lot of options in the way of styling, such as messy buns, fishtail plaits, 40’s waves or a natural looking wave. Tatiana Hair Extensions have been perfecting plaits, remodelling the quiff and creating the ultimate bed head look just in time for the turn of the season. Fashionista’s plan your post summer look and get ahead of the fashion pack with these hot hair styles that are simple to do at home or on the way out from the office and are perfect for the Christmas party. Tatiana Hair Extensions have created the Bow Bun and a selection of festive ‘braid’ looks to make sure you stand out from the crowd this festive season.

It’s not just us mere mortals who have caught onto this festive trend; long flowing tresses are also the choice of household names such as Chloe Sims and Gemma Collins who recently had their hair extended in winter preparation with celebrity favourite; Tatiana Hair Extensions. Gemma and Chloe both opted for lengthy strands of Tatiana’s stunning extensions using a mix of gentle micro rings and ethically sourced virgin Russian hair to ensure a natural, glamorous appearance.

Stylish winter warmers I think you can easily keep fashionable while wearing loads of layers for winter. I’ve recently seen some lovely oversized jumpers in Topshop with studding on the shoulders which will keep you stylish but also cosy! A baggy jumper can look great with a scarf and some jeans for the winter months. My Christmas wish-list I definitely would LOVE a good pair of winter boots. I do always struggle trying to find the perfect pair as the bottom part of my legs are quite thin so I find it hard to find a pair which looks good without leaving a huge gap! There are so many styles out at the moment and a good pair of boots are a worthy investment as you can drag them out from one winter to the next. Zumba fun in run up to Xmas I find it hard to want to work-out over the winter period as it’s so cold and I just want to hibernate! But I think this is probably the most important time of year to keep fit ahead of all the stodgy food that’s around at Christmas. The gym I go to holds some great Zumba classes which are so much fun! They play great music and just make me feel so happy so I’ll definitely be going along to a few of those! ■

Perfectly textured to suit all styles, Tatiana Hair extensions are the highest quality extensions on the market. Each customer receives bespoke extensions made specifically to ensure they blend in perfectly with their own natural hair. ■ Address: 56 Port Street, Manchester, M1 2EQ call: 0161 236 4467

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VIVA B E A U T Y Sandeep with Michelle Keegan

Dr Sandeep Kumar is putting a smile on everyone’s faces...


fter six successful practices in the West Midlands, Smile Stylist, a dental practice offering general dental and cosmetic treatments, has opened its doors to the Manchester public.

Sandeep with his team at Smile Stylist

Dr Sandeep Kumar, Owner and Principle Dentist, has seen this successful concept grow and is delighted with the response from this ‘vibrant city.’ He said: “Dentistry is all I’ve ever known and I’m very pleased with the positive response in Manchester.” “I think what sets us aside from any other cosmetic dental practice is that we’re the only one of its kind in a retail environment. People laughed at my idea before but we’ve tripled our success in four years.”

Catherine Tyldesley at the ONA Spa launch

Sandeep offers a wide range of specialist treatments, including teeth whitening, invisalign, porcelain veneers and lumineers – a thin contact lens-like veneer which offers permanent whitening. “The invisalign treatment has definitely been the most popular amongst clients. The brace is virtually invisible and adults are especially interested instead of having the traditional train track braces. Our practice has the biggest demand for it in the North West.” Sandeep also has an impressive celebrity following thanks to his intensive dental experience. His celebrity clientele include Corrie stars Michelle Keegan, Sally Dynevor and Debbie Rush. When asked how he feels when he sees the results of his work, he smiled and said: “That’s why I’m living this life.” Consultations are free of charge and Smile Stylist are more than happy to go through all cosmetic options with clients. Visit for more information or alternatively call 0161 832 2118. Smile Stylist can be found on the first floor of House of Fraser, Deansgate. ■

ONA Spa has teamed up with Lean Bootcamps and with every booking you get two free bootcamps. Classes to look good and get healthy!

The new ONA Spa at The Light Boutique ApartHotel


ake an hour out of the daily stresses of modern life and visit Spa Ona at the Light Boutique ApartHotel. We live in a country where at least 40% of us suffer from tension headaches, so a head, neck and shoulder massage at the spa is highly recommended to relieve some of those tense knots which consequently lead to a tension headache. The warm oil along with the soothing background music completely relaxes and rejuvenates the body creating a total sense of escapism. The REN ‘Skin As It Should Be’ facial is particularly exhilarating and cleansing. Omega 3 Oil begins the ritual, creating enticing smells across the room and if, like me, you commit the biggest beauty crime of not taking your makeup off before bed, then this treatment will be a godsend to your

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neglected skin. Your pores will also definitely appreciate the hot towel and the deep t-zone cleansing using May blossom, allowing your skin to feel flawless and fresh. A Glycolatic Radiance Renewal Mask is left to soak in the skin while the ‘Hands As They Should Be’ treatment begins, should you choose it. The Moroccan Rose Otto Sugar Body Polish both smells and feels divine, as it melts into your skin. A complete unwind!

The whole experience at Spa Ona is incredibly relaxing and energising. The staff are extremely attentive and professional and nothing is too much trouble, ensuring you leave this urban sanctuary feeling radiant! ■ For more information call: 0161 8320909 or email: words: Rebecca Ackerley



VIVA P A M P E R I N G 1. Argon morocco oil - A rich nourishing oil native to Morocco which helps in repairing damaged hair. Available from £11.99 per 50 ml exclusively at all boots nationwide and It tackles the biggest hair problems areas and thickens your hair.


2. The new bare minerals well rested face and eye brightener available at John Lewis from £22. It instantly gives a fresh-faced youthful looking glow. 3. Calvin Klein One Pure Lipstick – The latest fall collection matching to the weather. Available at £13 at any Debanhams store near your or at Pure, luminous, saturated colour glides on luxuriously and stays silky smooth for hours without drying lips. 4. Skin Drink Total Moisture - all about skincare.You can get them at available nationwide at £45. Hydrating and nourishing this is a one shop stop for moisturising kit. 5. Ciate Mini Mani Month advent calendar- behind each date lies a new colour for the day. Gorgeously packaged with 17 of Ciaté’s bestselling mini Paint Pots, four mini Caviar blends, and three extremely special exclusive shades. Available from Selfridges at £38.


Beautify yourself this CHRISTMAS... ...for HER 5. 4.

6. A new fat fighting formula- Fatgirlslim has come up with a new flab fighting formula that targets the problem areas. Available at £25 from 7. Guarantee a white Christmas this year! Give family, friends and loved ones a white as snow smile with a fantastic Smile Stylist gift card entitling the recipent to experience dazzling results from our state of the art enlighten teeth whitening system. Available at £449 from 8. The ultimate gift set from Oskia skincare Spa containing glorious Skin Smoothing Candle (200g) and the multiaward-winning Renaissance Mask (50ml), cult Micro Exfoliating Balm (50ml) and Get Up & Glow (30ml). Available at £135 from

6. 4. 7. 4.

9. Rollers that you can sleep in? Yes you heard that right! Available at £30 from These Velcro rollers are made so that you can sleep with them curled around your head and have beautiful bouncy hair the next day. 10. Vitamin C facial Radiance Capsules - Have problems with dull skin? A capsule containing traditional brazil nut oil and vitamin C helps in enhancing the natural glow and reduces all the problem areas in the face. Available nationwide from £15 at

8. 4. 9. 4. 6. 4.

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10. 4.



3. 2.

1. Crème De Le Mère Men’s moisturising gel starter set: Contained in a sleek case, the kit includes Moisturizing get cream for men who prefer moisturiser which offers instant refreshing and hydration. Available at £175 from


2. Taylor of Old Bond Street- This manicure kit contains all that is necessary for a gentleman to have perfectly cared and clean set of nails. Available at £59.95 at Selfridges 3. A fragrance with a classic masculine scent with a fresh sophisticated twist. The Essence of a true icon, 007 is a Fragrance for the modern man. Marking the 50th anniversary of the James Bond. Available nationwide at £32 for 75ml at 4. Clinique skin kit- A male skin essentials kit from the first prestige male grooming brand. This kit promises to give any man’s skin a kick for a start of the new day. A perfect kit for a perfect skin. Available at £30 from 5. Moroccan Neroli shaving duet- The Moroccan neroli shaving serum maximises slip for an impeccab ly close shave. The post-shave lotion which has sandalwood and bisabolol which pacifies and hydrates the skin. Now available at £39 at Selfridges.

...for HIM

6. 5.4. 4.

6. 4.

6. Molton brown Re-charge pepper body wash- A wash with a strong aroma of black peppercorn oil and bergamot essence and an ultimate way to de-stress at the end of the day. Available at £18 from 7. Clarins Men Fatigue fighter- Suitable for all skin types, It instantly give a fresh look after a late night, or heavy week at work. It makes the skin look brighter, revitalised and less stressful. Available at £30 from Selfridges 8. Lock Stock and Barrel - A Hair thickening wash for men with fine, thinning and limp hair. You can see a much thicker and healthier hair after the first wash itself. Available at £9.95 from 9.Yves Saint Laurent’s Touche éclat instant highlighter for men banishes any trace of fatigue in an instant. Designed in a pen-brush style its simple to use. Available at £25.50 at Selfridges. 10. Guarantee a white Christmas this year! Give family, friends and loved ones a white as snow smile with a fantastic Smile Stylist gift card entitling the recipent to experience dazzling results from our state of the art enlighten teeth whitening system. Available at £449 from

8. 4.

10. 9. 4. 7. 4. | VIVA | 45

















Girls: answer the question below to be in with a chance to win this Christmas hamper Email answer, name, address & telephone number to:

Q. Who is on the front cover of this issue? 1. Paul Frank lip smacker | 2. EcoTOOLS 6 piece brush set | 3. As By Caprice lingerie set | 4. Penhaligon’s miniature fragrance for her | 5. Citron, honey & coriander carry case by Crabtree & Evelyn | 6. Elemis Duchess of Spa exotic bodycare, Royal collection | 7. A collection of Saaf Pure Skin Care | 8. Hydration Sensation christmas kit | 9. AppToyz AppSing | 10. Little Me Organics sweet dreams gift set | 11. A Royal Family 10 disc collector’s edition from | 12. Heaven vanilla pod hand and nail cream | 13. Spa 303 Hilton Manchester gift voucher for one hour of ‘Intuitive Energy Healing’ | 14. A bottle of Mozart chocolate cream gold | 15. 75ml of Nuit Pour Femme by Hugo Boss | 16. Limited edition Bed Head after party smoothing cream

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Boys: answer the question below to be in with a chance to win this Christmas hamper Email answer, name, address & telephone number to:

Q. Which welter-weight boxer did we interview in this issue? 1. James Bond 007 Fragrance 75ml from | 2. AppToyz AppFishing | 3. Rule Britannia 12 disc collector’s edition | 4. Moosehead: no more grubby boy gift pack | 5. Heaven all in one shave, shower and shampoo product which contains coconut to soften hairs before shaving | 6. Penhaligon’s miniature fragrance fro him | 7. Alfa Romeo charity pocket squares support heart research UK from | 8. Spa 303 Hilton Manchester gift voucher for one hour of ‘Intuitive Energy Healing’ | 9. National Gallery iPhone 5 case from |10. The special ‘Ten Green Bottles by Conran’ limited edition of Gordon’s | 11. Bed Head for men | 12. Trussardi: My Land, the new fragrance for men | 13. Elemis king of skin time for men, Royal collection | 14. Mad Men: Season 5 (out on Blu-ray and DVD on 5 November) courtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment | 15. New Blue & Orange fragrances by Superdry | 16. Natio: the basics for men


TAKING GADGETS TO THE EXTREME! Product: GoPro HD Hero 2 “Wear it. Mount it. Love it.” Team VIVA are huge fans and advocates of this camera range, and will be taking the HD Hero 2 along with them for a muchneeded snowboarding and skiing break this winter! And if that hasn’t convinced you to run out and get one, (which it should have done) here are a few more reasons why this is the ideal piece of kit to capture all of your winter holiday action. And, the more extreme, the better. First up is the astounding GoPro HD Hero 2, the world’s most versatile HD camera, ideal for your inner extreme snowboarder or skier. The piece of kit comes with mount kits – allowing you to wear it on your head (or helmet) – and uses a larger sensor for improved performance when using it in low light conditions.

assorted mounting hardware, it will let you capture any shot at any angle – no matter how extreme your surroundings may be. We never thought we’d want to wear, mount and love something all at the same time – but HD Hero has proven us wrong. As expected from a reliable brand like GoPro HERO, all of its other camera mounting accessories are compatible with the Hero 2. Improvements on the newer edition include a clearer screen and a more user-friendly navigation system to allow for quicker, easier control of the camera. The product comes with four adhesive mounts (two for flat surface and two for curved), a three-way pivot arm and waterproof housing.

As well as being the world’s leading wearable camera, the HD Hero 2 packs an extreme punch with its 11 megapixel camera, 170 degree wide angle lens and 1080 / 960 / 720p HD resolutions.

So whether you’re already an experienced camera user or someone who is keen and eager to get involved, the GoPro HD Hero 2’s combination of professional quality and affordable price make it equally perfect for either situation.

The HD Hero 2 allows users to perform ten photo per-second bursts and, with its

Price: £299.99 Available:

Product: Montana 600 Moto “GPS, waterproof, camera included” If you’re anything like Team VIVA and often get easily distracted (or, lost), or perhaps you’re the opposite and would always rather be safe than sorry, the Montana 600 is for you. This nifty piece of equipment is the next generation of GPS devices, with a fully waterproof touchscreen (IPX 7) and rugged exterior – to ensure that you can find your way no matter what conditions you’re surrounded by. For the inclusive price you get the Montana 600 device, its AMPS rugged mount, RAM mounting kit and UK 1:50K OS mapping. The device includes a four inch dual orientation touchscreen – which is the biggest yet from superbrand Garmin – and means it can easily be used with gloves. It also includes a built in 5 MP camera, a 3-axis barometric compass, 3 GB internal memory and micro SD card slot and can be run off of a rechargeable battery pack for up to sixteen hours. The device is compatible with Raster mapping, Citynavigator, Garmin custom maps, Birdseye, satellite and Birdseye Select imagery.

Price: £529.99 Available from:

words: Matt Horwood

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Product: Manifest goggles “Innovative PopTop system and great range of colours” From GIRO, we can’t get enough of these Manifest goggles, which come in numerous styles to suit any snowboarder or skier.

Manifest goggles come with two lenses and have a special double coat to resist damage from fog or scratching.

The product comprises of a full-size, spherical lens goggle and uses a PopTop system that allows the lens to change with absolute ease. The technology behind the product means it will fit naturally to fit you and perform alongside you perfectly – and filters 100% of harmful UV to protect you on the slopes.

All of that, and we get to choose from six colours? We’ll be placing our orders now then…

Helmet-compatible in its design and extremely comfortable, the

Colours: black matt, white-tech, pearl black, pearl white, gold/ urbanity

Price: £199.99 Available from: www.

The Light Boutique ApartHotel

Give your Business a Google 360 spin!


his issue VIVA were lucky enough to catch up with Nicola Williams of 360 Spin, a photography firm that specialises in ‘virtual tours’. Nicola has recently been approved as a Google Trusted Photographer for Greater Manchester enabling her to produce virtual tours using street view technology. Tell us a little bit about you and 360 Spin. 360 Spin came about as the result of my partner’s redundancy back in 2003. We had seen the virtual tour concept and knew this was a niche we could do well, combining our skills in web design and photography - 360 Spin was born. Nearly ten years on, we’ve worked with clients such as Birmingham University, Hilton hotels and the RHS Flower Show.

And how did the involvement with Google come about? When I first became aware of the business photos product I saw Google had really embraced virtual tours and taken it to another level - and it made me think “yeah, I really want to get involved.” It utilises street view which is fantastic technology and one people use everyday to research where to eat, sleep, shop etc. I am now Google trained and certified to produce ‘Google Business Photos’ which basically means just as street view shows you the exterior of a business, these new tours show the interior. They’re a real asset to businesses because they enhance the way they appear on Google maps and their Local listing.

Tone World Boutique Guitar Store

and includes, music venue Band on the Wall, The Light Boutique ApartHotel in the Northern Quarter, Manchester Photographic Gallery and Ferrious Designer furniture store on Whitworth Street. Despite being very different sorts of organisations, these businesses all wanted to open their doors to showcase what they have on offer. And if you could have a virtual tour of any famous house or building - where would you choose? That’s a very tough one! I’ve visited Egypt and the Valley of the Kings and was awestruck by the walls of hieroglyphs in the tombs, so to see inside as a virtual tour would be amazing. You can get in touch with 360 Spin by calling 0161 610 9360 or e-mailing ■

Ferrious Designer furniture Store

words: Matt Horwood

I still do other photography work - but to be a Google Trusted Photographer is absolutely fantastic - and it’s a wonderful thing to be able to put other people’s businesses onto Google with a feature as valuable as this. I’m very excited to be a part of it. The client list is growing rapidly

Nicola Williams in 360 Spin action









8. 1. The grown up’s paper snowflake! for £85.00. 2. A set of five large bowls by Tom Dixon, available at Manchester based Selfridges for £95. 3. Don’t let the long winter nights keep you locked inside with this caravan light from Marks and Spencers- £19.50. 4. Make a wish with these gold sparklers. Find them at Manchester based Harvey Nichols for £4.95. 5. Heeky champagne cork table and stools by Impulse Purchase, available from for £120 each. 6. A etched metal glass light fixture offers a stylish alternative to typical Christmas baubles,, at £260.00. 7. Glassy throne available from Manchester based Ferrious at £1,500. 8. Vintage truffle boxs available from for £46. 50 | VIVA | w w w. v i va l i f e s t y l e. c o. u k

Cribs 10.


11. 12.

13. 14.

16. 15.

9. Patriotic Christmas decorations- at £29 for a set. 10. Contemporary, mouth blown flutes from, £21.50. 11. Prelit Outdoor Christmas Tree- the minimalist’s seasonal option at £80.00 from Manchester based John Lewis. 12. A cosy sheepskin rug. Find it at the for £66. 13. An industrial cart refurbished into a coffee table, find this offbeat piece at at £469.00. 14. Gold gilt bedside cabinet from, £315. 15. A controversial take on the classic wreath, this Brussels sprouts wreath comes from for £29. 16. A limited edition champagne bucket from, for £1,875. | VIVA | 51

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VIVA teamed up with for an exclusive with Bob Shannon and Ricky Hatton at their understated training camp for this particular Wednesday afternoon. We headed to Crossley House Youth Centre in Openshaw, taking a left at the ‘Big Wash’ car wash to Bob Shannon’s Gym. We entered down some stairs to the sound of skipping ropes moving rapidly and deep breathes. Bob Shannon was very friendly and keen to make a good impression of his gym and fighters. We left Ricky Hatton skipping away and went in a small room away from the sound of the old skool club classics blaring from the stereo and round beeper for an exclusive with Ricky’s new trainer…

fit. There’s nothing worse than having a trainer that can’t physically keep up. I’m very physical and keep myself in great shape. What have you been concentrating on mostly before that phone call to train Ricky? I’ve got the Commonwealth champion Denton Vassell who’s unbeaten in 19 fights, a welter-weight (like Ricky) and he’s the next big thing in boxing. I’ve got big hopes for him – I reckon he’ll be a world champion. His nickname is ‘The Achilles’ and he’s here tonight training alongside Ricky. Of course I train Matthew Hatton too (Ricky’s brother) so, I’ve got a good stable of fighters. My focus is on Ricky now, getting him back to the top and getting a world title again. To do a great job with him, the very best I can.

pressure. If he doesn’t look good it reflects on the trainer, it always does. It’s up to me to get the best out of him. If he doesn’t look good I’m looking for a new job. I don’t think that’s going to happen. Ricky’s sensible, he knows what he’s up against and he knows for this fight he’s going to critical of himself. His timing will be out even though HE WILL WIN the fight but he will get better as the fights go on. What did Ricky say to you on the phone and how did it feel? He just phoned me up out of the blue and just said to me “I haven’t seen you for while” (six months since I’d seen him) and he said “will you come and train me? I always said if I ever came back to boxing I’d want you to train me”. It felt great because at the time I was at my sons grave believe it or not. I lost my son 9 years ago in a car crash so I was at his graveside when he called me – it’s incredible isn’t it!? I am really proud to be training Ricky and I’ve got to leave a legacy that I was one of the best trainers in Manchester and maybe the world – it’s the Shannon family innit.

“I’ve got the Commonwealth champion Denton Vassell who’s unbeaten in 19 fights, a welter-weight (like Ricky) and he’s the next big thing in boxing”

What’s your first memory of boxing? It was of my Dad, he was a PTI in the army so he did a lot of boxing and as soon as he left the army he got his gym: Shannon’s Gym down in Salford. So from the age of 14 I was always in a boxing gym, that was my life, going in the gym with my Dad training. It was where I first met Billy Graham (Ricky Hatton’s first trainer) and I’ve been in the gym ever since training fighters. Boxing’s always been a part of my life - I love it. The next minute you get a Ricky Hatton ringing you up asking you to train him – there’s no better compliment. It’s proper Manchester based, old school training and now I can leave a legacy! “I TRAINED RICKY HATTON” Were you a boxer yourself? Yeah I used to box as an amateur and I was a really good little fighter with my Dad, tragically my Dad got killed when he was 44 and I was 21 – I never boxed again after that. I stayed in the gym and kept the legacy going for my Dad and became a trainer.

Do you keep fit apart from training Ricky? I know he must be hard to keep up with… Oh yeah I always train! I’m always on the pads with the lads, I go running with the lads – as a trainer you’ve got to be very

He’s looking in great shape already, looks like it’s working… Yeah, he’s lost a lot of weight, he’s in great shape! You’ve got to remember he’s been out of the ring for three and a half years, he’s going to be ring rusty this fight’s going to be difficult. He’s fighting a former world champion who’s only been beat once. He’ll get through it and as he carries on fighting he’ll get better and better. In a couple of fights he’ll be back on top and hopefully win a world title again. So there’s going to be at least a few more fights in him? It’s not just one comeback to prove something… Oh yeah! You can only take one fight at a time. This first fight is all we want to think about, it’s going to be a TEST. I’m nervous because he’s been out the ring so long and it’s my responsibility to get him back in at a seamless level. Do you feel a lot of pressure? Oh yes, I think anyone training Ricky Hatton would feel

It probably goes without saying; were you a fan of Ricky Hatton before he hung up his gloves? Of course! He’s always been exciting, he generates a load of publicity and his fan base is unbelievable! He gets results doesn’t he! EVERYTIME you go watch him it’s a great fight, dead exciting and he never ducks anyone. That shows in his comeback fight – he’s fighting a Ukrainian guy called Senchenko, someone a lot of people would avoid. He’s one of ‘the boyz’ as well, that’s what I love about him, you know; he’s done SO well in boxing, amazing talent but he’s still the boy next door, knows where he comes from and respects other people. He’s got a great sense of humour and just a great lad to be around. So, for me to train him is amazing. In your press conference last month you mentioned you were going ‘back to the old school’ in your approach to training, can you elaborate? Billy Graham trained with us at Shannon’s Gym > | VIVA | 53

and he got the methods off my Dad with the body bag for example and generally the way he did things. That always worked for Ricky Hatton with Billy Graham. Unfortunately Billy has retired now, he’s had a lot of injuries in his shoulder and hands. I’m very similar to Billy, naturally. I have the body bag on and move around, pressuring – that’s what Ricky needs

Well thank you very much for your time Bob, I can see you better get in there with Ricky now, he’s got that look in his eye! Thank you. Bob entered the ring to a very bloodthirsty Ricky Hatton bouncing about with energy in front of a sign overlooking the ring with the words ‘fighting fit’ – which we thought boded well with the way he was looking. We closely watched Ricky get worked and prompted round to round by Bob from ringside with our own winces of imaginary pain after every punch with a scary ‘Hitman’ vocal exhale. Bob was double hutched clutching his ribs often, explaining Ricky had broke a few on his right side early in the week. I took my eye away for a second to take a picture of the gym and Ricky spat his water all over my back; “ALWAYS BE PREPARED!” It went well with the background ‘Rocky’ music, we thought

“Ricky looks at me and sees where he can get those years back again, where he felt comfortable. That’s why he picked me and I think I’m the perfect trainer for him” and enjoys. This style suits him – the Mayweather style didn’t, it was too flashy for him. Ricky looks at me and sees where he can get those years back again, where he felt comfortable. That’s why he picked me and I think I’m the perfect trainer for him. For me Ricky Hatton wasn’t the same fighter when he left Billy, and I for one am glad he has a very similar trainer… We’ve known each other since we were 14 years old me and Billy, we’re good friends. We get on well and he’s a lovely guy. I believe he’s pleased Ricky has picked me as his trainer because he knows I’ll be very good for him. I don’t know the exact politics of Ricky and Billy’s relationship but I think if Billy was well again and hadn’t of retired they would be training together, I don’t know. But, at the end of the day he’s picked me and I think I’ll do a great job for him and that’s all I can do isn’t it. Is Ricky on any supplements or are you keeping his diet to an old school of raw eggs in the morning!? (Rocky) He does take supplements, he has protein shakes – but he mainly has a really good diet when he’s in training. I’m his trainer – I’m his conditioner, his strength coach and that’s very unique in a trainer. A lot of professional boxers have a coach for each area but I do all of it. Do you do any running with him? Can you keep up? I do a lot of running with him. I take him up in the Fell’s in Derbyshire on a Sunday. I run with him, I’m pretty hands on and he needs that. It’s been suggested that Ricky was over-trained FOR the fight with Pacquiao, are you taking any precautions? Well, I wasn’t there (Manny Pacquiao fight) so I can’t comment on it but he did say that he was over trained. I think it maybe the altitude over there (Las Vegas) and heat may have affected him. I’m a very experienced trainer, he’s very experienced as a fighter and he’s a trainer himself. I think he knows when he’s pushed too hard but we’ve got a good relationship and I’m a sensible trainer. I work them hard, I rest them hard. You don’t push someone who’s overtired, you give them plenty of rest. At the moment Ricky is loving it but if there comes a time I think he is doing a bit too much, he has a rest.

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after a good giggle. Ricky unraveled his wraps, ‘stripped down’ and we got a good 15 minutes exclusive with the man himself… Thank you for giving us time to talk to you today Ricky, we know you’re busy and focusSed. We’re going to parry off any question regarding your motives for getting back in the ring. We know why and so do our readers. It’s a silly question and we thought it was way too early to retire. So, RICKY you look in awesome shape, how far are you into training for November 24th? Yeah I am and I’ve got 6 and a half weeks to go. My weight is right down, both my sparring and bag work is great and I’m only halfway through my training camp. As you know in years gone by I was famous for my fat arse and my big belly and I’ve been three and a half years out so I’ve had to compensate. Compensate by getting my weight down, diet and generally start looking after myself early. It’s the sparring and ab work I’ve concentrated on to get my body battle hard ened again. I’m well and truly ahead of schedule, which is what was needed.

Are you feeling any more pressure than USUAL in the build up to a fight? I don’t feel any pressure to be honest. I guess I will do come fight night with it being such a big gap. If there’s one thing to ease the pressure and nerves it’s how I’m performing in here. (the gym) When they say you’ve past it, they reckon the first things to go are your footwork and hand-eye coordination – there’s been NO signs of that. I’ve got something to prove. I’ve got that real nastiness back (hunger) because I relaxed in my last few years of my career. I’d achieved all my goals and I relaxed without even realizing it – it’s only in hindsight you do, I think. I need to redeem myself because I feel I let people down. I want to come back with a BANG and make people and Manchester proud of me again. It’s more than just a boxing match to me this, it’s conquering my demons, problems over the latter years – the depression, suicidal. The fact I’m here today is a blessing and success already. Absolutely – it’s so good to see you so confident and having a crack with the lads in here… I’m throwing back the years and I’ve gone back to my old school training like when I was training with Billy Graham. We used to do the body belt, weight training for resistance and strength work – that’s what I’m going back to with Bob Shannon because it’s what made me the fighter I am. BACK TO THE OLD SCHOOL as they say. Looks like Bob has the same response to the body belt/bag as Graham did as well! Ha ha! He does! All respect to Billy, in the latter years of training me he had to have needles in his hands and elbows in order to get through training sessions – which was not his fault it’s just a matter of time. Consequently, he couldn’t throw the shots back at me like he could do years ago. I know I’m strong, I know I’ve got boxing ability but one thing I’ve neglected is my defence. I’m that too fucking eager to hurt people I don’t concentrate on the punches that are coming back! And that’s what Bob’s doing, he’s throwing hundreds of shots at me. You said in your press conference you were working on your defenCe more… I’ve got to, I’m thirty four now. To be

“I’m that too fucking eager to hurt people I don’t concentrate on the punches that are coming back!” honest, for my sins I think that’s why people love me but the two fights I lost was because I was a little bit too aggressive when Mayweather and Pacquiao beat me. I don’t think I should change my style but with (I was gonna say fuckin’ old age then) experience you’ve got to tweak it a bit. And you’ve always had boxing sense and a decent jab which was always underrated (and as Mayweather learned quick)… I’ve always had great >

boxing ability with my jab, movement and footwork but I’ve never really used it to its full potential because again, I’ve always been too aggressive. I think being a trainer is standing me in good stead because from a trainer’s perspective, you get to see a fighter from outside of the ropes – I’m forever telling my lads “MOVE YOUR HEAD AFTER THE PUNCH!” and “USE YOUR JAB FIRST, MAKE SURE YOU FEINT!” you know “USE YOUR HEAD BEFORE YOU GO IN!” you know, for my own sins I used to forget to practice what I’m fucking teaching them! You’ve got to practice what you preach.

today: he’ll need a samurai sword too… Ha! He certainly will! I think he will, everyone’s linking me to Amir Khan, Kel Brook, Paulie Malignaggi and Bradley – I’m thinking wow, I’d be an idiot to go straight after them and call them out, let me get November 24th out the way first, show people what I’ve still got and then ask me the same question. Which I’m sure they will! Oh yeah, they will! Three and a half years is a long time and in

Ha! And we’re glad! Can we can a few off subject questions before you stick your hat on and get off… Sure… Still listen to Oasis while you train? From a young age, since I was Campbell’s age all I did was box, support City (Manchester City) and fucking listen to Oasis. When I think, the City players are mates of mine, we meet up and have a banter from time-to-time, Noel and Liam are my pals, carry my belts in and all that. So, that for a kid from a council estate who all he did was want to fight, support City and listen to Oasis – fucking hell, I’ve ticked all my boxes there! When I had my pint of Bovril at 12 I didn’t think this would happen to me – all my dreams have come true, especially from a Manchester point of view. First and foremost to become a boxing world champion.

Noel and Liam are my pals, carry my belts in and all that. So, that for a kid from a council estate who all he did was want to fight, support City and listen to Oasis – fucking hell, I’ve ticked all my boxes there!

Obviously you’ve got a good crack going with the lads in here and you’rE relaxed – do you think it’s partly down to maybe feeling more secure of the reliability of a trainer and environment than perhaps you missed the luxury of when training with Floyd? Yeah, well back in the day I used to train with Steve Foster Snr, Enzy Bing, Carl Thompson, Peter Judson, Paul Berk and it was great to go to work everyday as a youngster to train with them guys and they became like your family. Depending on what levels you’re at, you’re all striving towards the same goals, so it was nice. Then later on with Billy Graham it used to be the likes of myself, Anthony Gomez, Paul Smith, my brother Matthew, Steven Bell and as hard as it is (training) you’d have a RIGHT LAUGH and hard as the training is that certainly made it easier because you could do it with a smile on your face and that’s what I’ve got back now coming here with the boys. I also train at my gym, Hatton Health & Fitness where I’m very proud of both the gym and facilities I own now but you can’t beat having a banter with the lads. People say “what you fucking doing coming here!?” (Shannon’s Gym) I say, “fucking… shut up!” Yeah this is a proper boxing gym! I know myself from training boxing, you don’t want fucking bells & whistles while you throwing in blood, sweat and tears! I know yeah and I like to think I’m a proper person, there’s no ‘airs and graces’ with me!

We agree. Now, you don’t mind us mentioning Senchenko, November, do you?... What are your thoughts? No, no! I can’t wait to be honest with you. Ricky Hatton will have fans and doubters. But one thing people can’t deny is that I will always fight the best. I won’t duck anyone and for three an half years out, to go straight in at world level, former world champion who’s only lost 1 out of 32, I think even if you’re not a Ricky Hatton fan you’ll respect me for that. I wouldn’t have it any different – I’m not going to fight world champions if I fight fucking Mr Bean am I, so that’s why I’ve picked Senchenko. Is he going to need a Harley and two baseball bats? I’d say, judging from

my last fight I was on my back after two rounds against Pacquiao. You know, so I’d make an idiot of myself if I said I wanna fight him and fight him him and him: of course I want to fight them but I’m stepping back and using my brain rather than ego. We’ve noticed your kids in the ring with you, are they getting excited about it? I know Campbell’s probably around that age of understanding what you’re doing… Millie’s too

Who’s your favourite City player? God there’s so many at the minute – I think Aguero will always be remembered for that goal, erm David Silva and fucking hell you’ve got to have a soft spot for that fucking idiot Balotelli! I’ve met him and he’s an absolute superstar, a great guy! I’ve met all the players and they’re all doing well. So many players coming all at once and for big fees but when you meet them they’re like us, it’s brilliant. Are they going to do it again this season? (win the league) Erm, I’d like to think so but toss a coin I think. It’s United, City or Chelsea – it’ll be that close again. I like to think City but they’re not playing like champions, having said that, neither are United yet. I honestly think it’ll be ‘that’ close again, who turns it on at the right time, who has a good run in and does well over Christmas, that could be there different, couldn’t it.

young to understand and notice at the minute but Campbell’s 11 and he notices things now. He doesn’t know the in’s and out’s of exactly what went wrong with me as far as depression and when I was fucking suicidal but he would of seen his dad, as embarrassing as it is, walking around pissed and 15 stone and stuff like that. Kids pick things up, you know and now he’s got secondary school and everyone’s saying “oh isn’t your dad doing well, he’s making a comeback” and he sees me looking physically healthy and I’m a happier person to be around. The kids are benefitting now because I’m happy, they wasn’t when I was walking round wanting to bleeding kill myself. So, I think even though he’s 11 he’ll have a glint in his eye how his dad’s bobbing along. Jennifer just wants me to fucking retire again straight away, she never liked boxing from the start. She’ll just have to put up with it and wait, it’s TOUGH!

I know you go into Manchester city centre, still there often? For my sins you’ll probably always see me bouncing, fucking waddling around Manchester. I always go in Mulliagans, typically because I like a Guinness and I like the atmosphere. It’s a Man United pub, but I’m not bothered. There was one time I did let myself down in Mulligans: the coach dropped me and my mates off on Mancunian Way after the ‘61’ and we were walking up Deansgate, not being able to get in any of the pubs because of the football. The only pub that was welcoming was Mulligans. “You alright Ricky, are you coming in?” Fucking right I am! (obviously had a bit of drink) but it was the worst place I could of gone after the 6-1. A few of the footy fans had a bit of a pop at me and in hindsight I shouldn’t have gone in that day. I’m proud of Manchester, Reds or Blues. I love Manchester City, I am diehard but I’m not one of these bitter fans. Why would you, you get your frustrations out in the gym! Thanks again for your time Ricky and good luck! Manchester, for one, is already very proud of you. You’re a legend. ■

words: Chris Greenhalgh ( | photos: Emma Wilkinson | VIVA | 55

Verona, the city of love


his summer VIVA took time out from the hustle and bustle of Manchester city centre and had a relaxing break to Verona with Monarch Airlines which have recently started flying new routes from Manchester to Verona, Dubrovnik, Venice and Milan. The new routes build on Monarch’s growth strategy to focus on its scheduled services and expanding to new leisure destinations across Europe.

Being the second largest city municipality in the region and the third of northern Italy, Verona is very popular amongst tourists, owing to its artistic heritage, annual fairs, shows and operas and has been awarded a World Heritage Site status because of its urban structure and architecture. Being in this fabulous ‘city of love’ you are going to want to go all out to make the experience what it deserves to be, starting with one of the most prestige and luxurious hotel in Verona: the Palazzo Victoria Hotel. Hosting rooms from 216 to 693 euros, a splendid buffet and restaurant named Borsari 36, the stylish Victoria Club bar with a full size snooker table and not forgetting the perfect views of Verona. On arrival at Palazzo Victoria Hotel we were greeted with a champagne reception in the sun in the appealing outdoor courtyard and sat down to dig into the buffet brunch at Borsari 36 trying out some of the local dishes. But being so excited to be in Verona all we wanted to do was go out exploring around the city and we had an organised tour guide to show us some of the famous sites including Juliets balcony and Piazza del Signori. If you didn’t know already Verona is famously known for Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet story hence ‘the city of love.’ You can go and visit Juliet’s balcony by entering a narrow alley arched tunnel entrance being greeted by walls covered in graffiti from love ones, climb the narrow stairs and explore the rooms for a low fee at the Casa di Giulietta. In a corner of the courtyard is a golden statue of significant size that memorializes Juliet. Legend has it that if you touch her right breast you will fall in love, this is yet to happen but I will keep you updated! Our tour guide was a lovely local girl who seemed really passionate about her city and culture and was full of facts and information about her home town. Fact: The historic city of Verona was founded in the 1st century B.C. It particularly flourished under the rule of the Scaliger family in the 13th and 14th centuries and as part of the Republic of Venice from the 15th to 18th centuries. Verona has preserved a remarkable number of monuments from antiquity, the medieval and Renaissance periods and represents an outstanding example of a military stronghold.

Piazza Del Signori

Palazzo Victoria Hotel

To be honest though I was most excited to visit Lake Garda so the next day we took a trip a few hours out of the city to go and take in the panoramic views. It is advised to take a whole day out to view Lake Garga as it is HUGE and there are so many lovely little sights to stop at around the lake including Catullo Grotto, Gardone Riviera and Rive Del Garda. There are lots of restaurants on the Lake to choose from as well as cocktail bars, local shops and boat trips. If you are into your water sports the banks of Lake Garda are popular areas for wind surfing and kite surfing. >

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Lake Garda

The Ritz-Carlton poolside


Arena Di Verona

If like us Lake Garda blows you away and you want to stay a few nights down by the lake side there are quite a few 5 star hotels to chose from, one of our favourite areas to stay was Malcesine.

Street entertainment

Juliet’s lucky right boob

Catch of the day at Alla Terrazza

And finally how could we come to Verona and not visit the Arena di Verona. Lucky for us it was the 90th Verona Opera Festival so on our last evening we dressed up in our most glamorous outfits and headed over to the arena for a night of Carmen (di Georges Bizet). The arena is out of this world amazing, I have never been to an Opera before and to be honest I had my doubts but the atmosphere, passion behind the music and the view of the arena around me absolutely took my breath away. Monarch operates flights to Verona from Manchester airport with fares, including taxes, starting from £40.99 one way (£99.99 return). Seats can be pre-allocated on scheduled Monarch flights from £5.99 with extra legroom seats available from £9.99. For further information visit ■

Eating on Lake Garda

Drinks out on the Palazzo Victoria Hotel courtyard | VIVA | 57

Playing Pirates in the Caribbean

@ NonSuch Bay

Antigua A

s I lay back on a sun lounger sipping on a rum punch watching my small children return from a deserted Caribbean island and their very own Swallows and Amazons pirate adventure day I realised that it is possible to a have a family holiday that can both inspire the imagination and relax the soul.

Swallows and Amazons

Nonsuch Bay Resort is a haven of tranquillity, situated out on the south-east corner of Antigua in its own forty acres of tropical landscaped gardens and a backdrop of lush tropical hills beyond. Facing eastward are two square miles of crystal blue waters protected from the Caribbean Sea by a barrier reef, home to a multitude of aquatic wildlife including turtles and dolphins. The Ayers Creek town house we were staying in was equally as stunning, and spacious. Built in a Georgian colonial style with over 2000 sq ft of space on two levels ; an interior furnished in natural wood, cream linen sofas and marble bathrooms and a decked exterior with its own private plunge pool. It’s a real home from home with the added bonus for families of a fully fitted kitchen with an Americanstyle fridge, a dishwasher and a barbeque on the deck, should you fancy a change from the award winning restaurant just a short stroll away through the grounds. As you wake up with the guarantee of sunshine and a gentle trade wind breeze that stops the heat becoming too unbearable, the decision for the day is how much or how little you fancy doing.

Stingray City Antigua Sailing at Non Such Bay

The children spent many a morning with Natasha at the kids club, swimming and playing in one of the three swimming pools, fishing in the rock pools for crabs and jellyfish and kayaking across the bay. While we either took the strenuous option of learning to sail with our instructor Mickey in a varied selection of sail boats from dinghies to catamarans or just to lie back on a sun bed underneath a palm tree on the beach dozing between snorkelling and contemplating the lunch to come. The resort’s bar and restaurant, The Bay @ Nonsuch, are located on a bluff overlooking the beach and sailing school, with many a long lunchtime consisting of a refreshing cocktail, followed by, and sometimes during, a dip in the infinity pool, while waiting for our fresh lobster and tuna salad to be served at our table situated on one of the terraces built out of the cliff side. With the added bonus of a babysitting service, we even managed to spend the odd evening treating ourselves to the award winning delights of Chef Mitchell Husband’s internationally inspired dinner menu; the highlights being the starter of pan fried soft shell crab and a main course of seared fillet of red snapper, all freshly caught that day and washed down with a crisp bottle of white wine chosen from a list selected by their very own Master of Wine. We spent several afternoons touring the island in our rented jeep, a necessity as many of the roads, especially those accessing the islands 365 beaches, have been eroded over the years into a sea of potholes. Some ten minutes’ drive down the road is Half Moon Bay Beach, voted one of the top ten beaches in the world; at one end there are rolling waves wonderful for surfing and windsurfing; at the other, a coral reef shelters a calm bay for snorkelling and swimming. A further 20 minutes’ drive down the beautiful Fig Tree Drive (the clue is in the name) lies the more tranquil Darkwood Bay and the rustic evening cooking at OJs beach bar, a place recommended by the locals and loved by the children for its selection of hanging giant sea shells. One of the highlights of the holiday was the Stingray City Snorkel Adventure an experience we all agree will stay with us for ever. We were taken out on a high powered speed boat to a sand strip >

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Lunch with Natasha at The Bay at NonSuch

The sailing Club at Non Such Bay Resort

out in the ocean, where you can stand in the company of 35 - 50 Stingrays, with the water up to your waist or chest. Some of the Southern Rays are up to five feet across and they happily swim between your legs brushing against you like cats; a strange and, at first, scary experience. However soon your initial trepidation is overcome, as was the case with the children. We began, with the help of the guides, to feed the rays with whole squid while holding them on the flats of our arms.

One of 3 infinity pools at NonSuch Bay Resort

Fine dining at The Bay @ Nonsuch

After one of the most exhilarating swims of our lives there was a much needed rum punch waiting on the beach for the adults and iguanas, parrots, birds and monkeys for the children to play with, then back into the jeep for a roller coaster ride over and up the hills to Shirley Heights for the island’s Sunday evening barbeque party. Every Sunday, both locals and tourists party, while watching the sun setting beyond one of the most stunning views in the world. With a huge barbecue and local bands playing a mixture of steel band classics the atmosphere is heavy with fun and it soon becomes apparent why the Sunday night party up at Shirley Heights has become a Caribbean institution. Antigua and Nonsuch Bay are blessed with a unique natural environment and while water sports are at the very heart of the resort’s ethos, it is the warmth of the staff and the local people that make the place special in the way that all of us now regularly ask…when are we going back? ■ words: Clive Lynton

The beautiful view from Shirley Heights | VIVA | 59




was delighted to be offered the opportunity to take over as General Manager in January of this year and I am very pleased to see the results of all the hard work that my new management team have put into the Light Boutique ApartHotel. We have made a lot of changes to the Hotel in order to improve our guests’ experience, ensuring that we provide the five star service that reflects the standard of the hotel and that our guests deserve. Myself, Deputy Manager Steve Frodsham and Revenue Manager Ryan Firth have gone to great lengths to make our guests feel more welcome and the home-away-from-home feel is definitely apparent throughout the hotel. Our new executive

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Housekeeper, Judit Sipos, has been a great addition to the team. I have worked with Judit for many years and know her standards are impeccable which guarantees the rooms are kept to the highest standard. Customer service has been our priority with an aim to create a relaxed atmosphere and encourage the American concept of an ApartHotel with great vibes. The Hotel has experienced a complete refurbishment and the two Penthouse suites now have turfed terraces and permanent bars. We can now host private functions catering for up to 100 people and guests can enjoy the private roof terraces of the Penthouse suites with panoramic views across the city. We have been particularly successful in targeting the corporate market by offering that ‘something different’ plus we have introduced complimentary weekday grab’n’go breakfasts and newspapers to help us achieve this. >

New team, new look and still the best view across Manchester...

In addition to offering fantastic Customer Service to our guests, we have a restaurant on-site which has been nominated for a number of awards and our new, renovated Ona Spa is available for use by all guests further enhancing the friendly and professional service we have aimed for. Our private functions are now open for Christmas bookings where each suite can play host to between 20 and 100 people, perfect for the upcoming party season! We all look forward to seeing you here at the light very soon.

Krohn Kim Eivind Kind regards, Kim Eivind Krohn

The Light Boutique Hotel 20 Church St, Manchester, M4 1PN 0161 839 4848 | VIVA | 61

Livebait At Christmas...


ituated close to the Town Hall is Manchester’s most famous seafood bar and restaurant, Livebait. Offering an exquisite range of sustainably-sourced British fish and shellfish, the restaurant’s passion is to provide efficient and relaxed service to its diners.

Whether you’d like a taste of the Highlands with the head chef ’s Scottish Cullen Skink for starter or a Cheshire Sirloin Steak for main, where beef is sourced from Orchards Farm; you know your food will taste fresh and delicious.

The restaurant will offer its annual Christmas menu to customers incorporating traditional dishes such as turkey with all the trimmings, while also producing what the restaurant is famous for; for example, whole Mediterranean Sea bass or Cornish Cod.

A huge selling point for the restaurant is the fantastic location, close to the Christmas markets around Albert Square, so diners can enjoy their food and drinks then move on for more festive fun! The eatery is also taking bookings for New Year’s Eve where food will be from the à la carte menu; the shellfish, a great celebration dish, is said to sell-out fast, so get reserving now! ■

Manager Ellen O’Donnell said: “The restaurant is an ideal rendezvous for friends who would like an intimate and relaxed gathering over the Christmas period. A three-course festival meal is available for just £25 with the same ethos as what is provided with our famous à la carte menu.”

Livebait Restaurant And Grill 22 Lloyd Street, Manchester, M2 5WA 0161 8174110

Smoak At Christmas...


hen we arrive just before peak time, the place is still and glowing in the ambient lighting- the calm before the storm. We are told they keep expecting a down period for the restaurant but every night droves of people keep coming. This is especially true of Christmas, for a ‘devilishly tempting’ menu which we are about to taste. We start with cocktails- one tangy passion fruit martini, alongside the newly conceived ‘snowflake martini.’ The glass is dusted with icing sugar and the taste evokes a cosy Christmas eve with macadamia nut, butterscotch and a kick of brandy. Our starters consist of chicken liver parfait and salmon, both so beautifully presented it seems a shame to dig in. The same is true of the main, a classic Christmas choice of turkey (but of course with a twist, to suit Smoak) and a sea bass option. Both are delicious. When our pud-

dings arrive it doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to fit anything else in but mandarin trifle and a flaming Christmas pudding say otherwise. I try and wheedle out any news for the festive season but Smoak is very careful to keep a lid on their exciting events, except that New Year’s Eve will have live music and a specialised array of delicacies like oysters and a suckling pig. When asking Kevin Whiteford, the chef stood next to his trusty josper grill, how he keeps their menu so elegantly simple he says simply they just give ‘what people want.’ They certainly did that tonight. ■ Smoak Bar & Grill, Malmaison Hotel 1 Gore Street, Manchester, M1 3AQ 0161 2781000

ENJOY CHRISTMAS WITH LIVEBAIT Manchester’s No 1 Seafood Restaurant

Festive Menu 3 Courses £25 Starters Cullen Skink, Smoked Haddock & Potato Soup Chicken Liver Parfait, Soldiers & Quince Jam Severn & Wye Smoked Salmon, Horseradish Potatoes & Watercress Baked Goat’s Cheese, Honey & Walnuts Main Courses Turkey Ballotine, Sage Stuffing & Trimmings Fillet of Cornish Cod, Brown Shrimps & Capers, Boulangère potatoes Cheshire Sirloin Steak, Red Wine Jus & Roast Vegetables Whole Mediterranean Sea bass, Fennel, Lemon & Parsley potatoes Wild Mushroom Tagliatelle, Chestnuts & herbs Desserts Christmas Pudding, Brandy sauce Vanilla Cheesecake, Blood Orange Sorbet Chocolate Tart, Praline Ice Cream Filled Brie, Beetroot Chutney

To book call 0161 8174110 or visit 22 Lloyd Street, Manchester, M2 5WA


words: Sarah Murray


estled in the leafy streets of Sale you’ll discover hidden gem Hanni’s Restaurant. A local institution since 1986, Hanni’s is a family run business, serving an eclectic mix of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food. We arrive at the cosy restaurant on a chilly autumn night and are warmly greeted by manager Greg and waiter John. We were lucky enough to have head chef and owner, Hovnan Hoonanian cooking our food and, wanting to try a selection of what Hanni’s has to offer, we chose the Chef’s Select Banquet. (£22.50pp) It’s the food that has people travelling far and wide to Hanni’s. “We’ve got people travelling from Liverpool just to have a meal,” says Greg. Excited, our mouths are watering when we’re presented with our starters which include falafel and yershig and chicken sticks. (our personal favourite) Main course follows with a mix of popular kebabs. Feeling full we quickly make room for dessert when we’re presented with a selection of treats including baklava and rumbaba as well as banoffee slice, made by waitress Emily in celebration of her recent birthday. Hanni’s is all about friends and family. “We have a tradition of asking staff to make a dish for their special events, which we then include on the menu,” explains Greg. The passion, belief and excitement for food in this family-run business really shows and comes across in the relaxed fun atmosphere of the restaurant and if you’re lucky you may even get a special belly-dance from one of the chefs on a Saturday night! If you’re searching for something special for your office Christmas party, Hanni’s caters for groups outside serving hours. They’re also offering three Christmas deals, priced from £17.50 for a set menu and are open on New Year’s Eve. Contact 0161 973 6606 to make a reservation. 4 Brooklands Road, Sale, M33 3SQ |

THE SAWYERS ARMS T 138 Deansgate Mannchester, M3 2RP | 0161 834 2133

he Sawyers Arms has been a city staple for years now. So with brand new Landlady Rocky Quinn at the helm, it’s going in for a makeover. She says, “We’ve worked hard to maintain the traditional pub values but bring a new lease of life,” something that is evident in the refurbished interior. None of its classic charm has been lost, rather accented with key colours and quirky lights so you can now sit and watch the sports in style. Adapting traditional pub grub by fitting a new pizza kitchen, guests will be treated to 100% fresh dough with high quality ingredients – serrano ham and chorizo pizza anyone? And Tuesdays and Thursdays feature our 2 for 1 offers on pizza and cocktails respectively. Alongside this, for the sophisticated ladies among you, there will be 10am early openings every day for coffee and cake mornings. And of course the coffee is Illy - the very best italian brand.

Even with these new highlights, Rocky has not forgotten the pub’s roots. The Sawyers Arms has an important history as a cask house and of course good quality beer is an essential for the locals. So they will still be serving on-tap real ale alongside the cocktails. There will be a range of great food and drink deals, for, as Rocky says, “We understand that everyone loves a great deal when going out for food and drink, so we’ve pulled together a few great value menu bundles to make dining out both fun and guilt-free.” Of course the Sawyers Arms is still the local, just with words: Johanna Dorey higher standards! ■


ant to save your conventional and traditional Christmas dinner for the 25th? Well there’s a little taverna close-by which will definitely cater to your needs… Nestled on the edge of Deansgate and selling second-tonone traditional Greek food is iconic Manchester restaurant Dimitri’s. With 20 years of service under its belt selling magnificent Greek tapas – ranging from calamari with yoghurt dip to lamb kebabs – Dimitri’s is a must-stop eatery for diners who want the ambience of eating abroad on their doorstep. Dimitri’s annual Christmas menu adapts from all the tasty gems it is famous for offering year round whilst keeping the festive theme apparent. Dimitri’s two restaurants – Deansgate and Didsbury – run their menu to customers, offering two very different choices from day to night. Manager Nuno said: “There will be a lunchtime menu and an evening one – which will be a lot more dynamic. At lunch we will offer traditional turkey and Kleftiko, a Greek lamb, or a mixed seafood dish

and in the evenings there will be a lot of heavier dishes such as beef casserole and meatballs.” The restaurant’s success has grown dramatically over the decades after they decided to break the barriers of their comfort zone and offer banquetesque mix ‘n’ match food. The dishes come out in stages, creating a good opportunity for people to try everything whilst not being overpowered. The halloumi cheese – grilled for enhanced flavour – is a sure-fire hit and the rich honey-flavoured baklava dessert – based on filo pastry like all the desserts - is particularly mouth-watering when mixed with traditional Greek yoghurt. The restaurant’s quality versus output is extremely good and the natures of the dishes allow you to take your time and appreciate the delicious flavours without compromising on the quality. Dimitri himself is very well-travelled and likes to replicate his experiences when adding to the menu, with the whole package being very much based on

his vision. Quirky paintings by his good friend Charlie Shiels adorn the walls and live music on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings enhance the already vibrant atmosphere. “Our Didsbury venue is very different to the city one. People here are more spontaneous; they come here to relax and have a laugh. Any night can explode into a great time.” Nuno expressed. The menu ideas are not ‘rocket science’ he went on to say, they offer exactly what people expect of Greek cuisine. And with a lifelong group of chefs, multi-national staff and a wide spectrum of meltin-the-mouth food, the long process of turning Dimitri’s into a blooming success has been that of a worthwhile one. On Christmas day this year Dimitri’s Didsbury will be open for lunch, book your table today.



A firm favourite in the city...


orn & bred by two career-minded brothers Som and Marcus Emadi, is a one-of-a-kind restaurant known as Jack Spratt. Situated on John Dalton Street, the eatery has its own identity and represents every single bit of the now iconic entrepreneur brothers. Their personalities adorn the place, from the interior design to the delicious food on offer. Som said: “Marcus generated a lot of ideas for the design process and I have the majority of input into the menu. We joined together and did all the stages step-by-step. We both wanted the same thing.” The pair have been driven by business particularly in the catering industry - all their lives. Their father had worked in the business for years and Marcus helped run his cocktail bar for two years with Som working in various restaurants. The Motown-dominated playlists, the apparent strive for constant success and good ambience between the staff sets Jack Spratt aside from other restaurants in the city. Not to mention the mouthwatering food on offer! Famous for their fabulous burgers, the diner offers hearty yet wholesome meals. One particular favourite amongst customers is ‘Dave’s after dark burger’ with Danish bacon, cheddar and Monterrey Jack cheese and the ever-anticipated Jack Spratt sauce. The restaurant originally set out as a sandwich shop but the need for money and the realisation that most places were getting 66 | VIVA | w w w. v i va l i f e s t y l e. c o. u k

busy when Jack Spratt was closing completely changed the brother’s mentalities. Som said: “There was a demand to cater for more people so we decided to go for it. We were never going to play easy when we had nothing to lose.” The boys’ friends have been with them every step of the way, helping to play an integral part from the set-up of the restaurant to the smooth day-to-day running. Described aptly by Marcus as ‘unorganised fun,’ the restaurant is not a polished item, but instead a fantastic product of two brothers who decided partake in one big experiment and allow the people of Manchester to join in with their fun and wine and dine with them. The business has positively evolved and the name of ‘Jack Spratt’ is now a firm favourite on everyone’s lips in the city. So what does 2013 hold for the like-minded pair? Well, Som is expecting his first child in January, so a new generation of Emadi’s taking over the food & drink industry maybe?

“We’ll look at expanding to a new restaurant”, Marcus said. “We have good vibes for the new year so watch this space.” ■ Jack Spratt 11 St James’s Square, John Dalton St, Manchester, M2 6WH 0161 833 1016


Santa’s Little Helper cocktail

Total Re-style Of Cloud 23 Trailblazing bar Cloud 23, located in Manchester’s skyscraper Hilton hotel, set the Manchester cocktail scene alight when it opened its door in 2006...


ow undergoing a revamp of its original minimalist style, the bar is set to become more of a luxurious rendezvous for drinks both day and night. With new champagne and trufflecoloured décor, the new bar looks lighter and fresher, still with the same stunning panoramic views of the city.

Cherry Christmas cocktail

feature a dash of port and a black cherry puree mix, washed down with a drop of Prosecco. The deep purple colour and spicy zing is very apt for the festive season, especially when garnished with a makeshift edible piece of holly!

Bar manager David said: “The whole inspiration behind Cloud 23 has changed, especially the direction of our drinks. Our cocktails used to be a tribute to the Manchester pop culture scene but now we are focusing on the industrial side, with 12 new signature cocktails being introduced.”

The gent’s cocktail is presented in a tumbler and based on the traditional oldfashioned cocktail. A Christmas pudding –esque syrup, featuring sultanas, brandy, sherry and nutmeg, is mixed with rum - or a whisky of your choice - to create a warming delicious drink, also known as ‘Santa’s Little Helper.’ The cocktail even comes with a free recipe of the special syrup!

The name of each cocktail will have a story behind it reflecting the city’s heritage, including one dedicated to chemist Thomas Henry.

The number ‘23’ will be very much central to the operation of the new bar with a new specials menu of drinks being released on the 23rd of each month.

The Christmas period will see the introduction of some fabulous new Christmas cocktails, including special his ‘n’ her drinks. The ladies’ Christmas cocktail, cheekily named, ‘Cherry Christmas’ will be presented in an elegant flute glass and

David said: “We have decided that 23 will be the new 21, therefore we’re really going to push the boat out for 23rd birthdays.”

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The venue will remain very much an ‘occasion’ bar for people to come and celebrate

special milestones such as birthdays and anniversaries, whilst sipping the new signature cocktails with amazing skyline views. The four distinct rooms in Cloud 23 all have their own individual identities and are named after the Gods of Ancient Greece: Apollo 23, Zeus 23, Eros 23 and Iris 23. Lloyd Chapman, senior designer at Hirsh Bedner Associates worked on the idea of cotton clouds which has been used as a key concept feature. Additionally the city’s vibrant music scene was a big source of inspiration with the words from the Stone Roses’ Elephant Stone including the phrases ‘kissing the clouds’ and ‘burst into heaven’ also playing a part which lend themselves perfectly to events and, with a capacity which is soon to stretch to 300 people, you can come here to indulge in fabulous new drinks in pure luxury. ■ Cloud 23, Hilton Manchester Deansgate, 303 Deansgate, Mamchester, M3 4LQ 0161 870 1670

words: Rebecca Ackerley



luu has comfortably established itself as a firm favourite in Manchester’s Northern Quarter and its ability to cater for a varied customer base has ensured its continued success over the past ten years. With the extensive food and drink menus covering breakfast, lunch and later, there’s something to suit everyone. The newly refurbished area at the back of the bar is a combination of quirky décor and vintage style pieces of furniture and art. There are also three uniquely styled ‘pods’ which can each be reserved for private groups. (24 hours’ notice required) If you need more room then there is always the option of hiring the whole basement space too. Bluu is introducing a new cocktail menu in November which aims to give a unique twist to the popular signature style the bar already has. The emphasis will be on exciting and innovative glassware, fresh fruit and inventive and unusual garnishes – “classics with a twist.” In the name of research, we sampled some of the favourites; the classic Mojito, an Amaretto Slush Puppy, the infamous Cherry Bang and finally, the aptly named Finish In The Pink. Although the Mojito served in a jam jar with a lavish mint garnish and the Amaretto Slush Puppy garnished with Party Rings were impressive, our favourite was definitely the Cherry Bang. This drink has proved so popular it has been on the menu for seven years and if you go to Bluu between 5pm and 8pm Sunday to Friday, you could have two because cocktails are two for the price of one! If there are a few of you, then the ‘pitchers’ of cocktails are an absolute must. There is a choice of three ‘Mad Hatters,’ all served in an amazing silver coloured top hat. We tried the ‘Appy Days Mad Hatter complete with a flaming Absinth lime boat. Imagine the piece from the Monopoly game supersized and filled with a delicious, refreshing cocktail – they can’t fail to impress. It’s definitely a conversation starter and there is plenty to share! With a late bar on Saturdays and good music, Bluu is a versatile venue with friendly staff, great service and is well worth a visit. For further information and food and drink menus, please telephone or alternatevely you can find out all vital information on our website. ■

BLUU BAR Smithfield Market Buildings Thomas Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester M4 1BD Tel: 0161 839 7195 or Web: 70 | VIVA | w w w. v i va l i f e s t y l e. c o. u k

words: Sam Quinton | photos: Ben Quinton


hen choosing a night out in Manchester, it’s always “Party Time” at The Birdcage. A place like no other, filled with music from the 80’s, 90’s, 00’s and now. This nightclub also has that little something extra by the way of cabaret like you have never seen before. The Birdcage definitely puts their own twist on fabulous entertainment.

which offer you a mouth watering four course meal accompanied by cabaret with a festive feel, a non stop disco and a lot of glitz and glamour. Then, it’s the countdown to the biggest night of the year, New Years Eve, which is going to be opulent and mysterious with their Masquerade Ball where everyone dresses to impress and dance the night away to welcome 2013.

For you ladies, The Dreamboys are back in town this festive season and they have proven to be so popular over the last few years that The Birdcage has invited them back for 2013, so that’s another year of these beautiful men for all who want to see them.

The Birdcage shows include all the Divas you would want to see Pink, Rihanna, Liza to name but a few. And for those who need their girl band fix, The Spice Girls and Girls Aloud! One cannot help but wonder what the original stars would think if they saw these shows, they are bound to be impressed! ■

And with that festive season being right around the corner, The Birdcage is doing their spectacular and classy Christmas Dinner Shows,

For more details, please visit or call one of our team: 0845 603. 6950.


. . . n O k n i r D r u Get Yo

VIVA’S recommended dining tipple for the upcoming holiday season!

1. Burlesque Red Zinfandel (£7.99) A voluptuous red from California, this will no doubt add a little sizzle to a meal. It is bursting with damson flavour and, much like it’s namesake, a twist of spice to get you hot under the collar. The perfect ‘stocking’ filler…

4. Roxanich Rose

(£22) This Croatian rosé is perfect for winter with its deep colour and notes of wild strawberries and orange peel, so experiment with pairing it with winter fare such as turkey and venison. Aged for 24 months in old French oak vats, you can treat this almost as a red and let the flavours blossom at room temperature.

2. False Bay

5. Passion Has Red Lips (£11.89) With this funky label (taken from the original Pulp Fiction novel ‘Sin on Wheels) your choice of wine will get people talking before they have even tasted it. Luckily, with a rounded, warm flavour and packed with red berries it tastes as good as it looks, and is the ideal partner to red meat.

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3. Champagne Lallier Grand Cru Reserve Brut (£25- 28) For those of you who value the real thing, this is ‘class in a glass’. With a effervescent, fresh taste it is two thirds Pinot Noir and one third Chardonnay- a bold, flavoursome champagne that is bound to make an impression.

(Wild Yeast) Chenin Blanc (£6.99) A creamy South African number that boasts zippy, fruity flavours alongside wisps of herbs- a winner for the festive table or just on its lonesome.

6. Misal Mil-

lenium (£35) With dry honeyed, flavours to match its golden colour, this sparkling wine was created by 25-year old Ana Peršurić at her grandfather’s vineyards in western Istria. Enjoy with canapés and fish, or just as it is to toast the festive season!

. . . f f u t S r e d r a The H

VIVA’S recommended mixer for the upcoming holiday season!

1. BLOOM London Dry Gin (£28.99) As Winter will be sticking around for a while, BLOOM London Dry Gin offers you a taste of Spring. Enriched with the floral notes of an English country garden with natural botanicals, honeysuckle, chamomile and pomelo, you can have the best of both seasons. Even the bottle is beautiful, resembling the wrought iron gates of an English garden.

4. Santa Teresa Rum (£17.25) A multi award winner due to its blend of first class rums and aged up to 10 years, this is the perfect party companion. Its strong, vanillawood aroma is delicious in cocktails, or just with water depending on the mood of the night!

2. Buffalo Trace

3. Thortons’ Chocolate Liqueur (£14.99) A serious Christmas indulgenceThortons’ Master Chocolatier, Keith Hurdman, has created this decadent liqueur. Made with West African sourced cocoa, vodka and cream, it is a Thortons’ ‘everyday indulgence’ that you can have everyday for the twelve of Christmas.

Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey (£24.95) A classic, rough and ready taste of America, The Buffalo Trace distillery was 1 of only 4 distilleries in America to survive the Prohibition. And thank God it did, as with the flavours of vanilla, mint and molasses, this will be the perfect drink to keep you warm this season.

5. Belvedere Vodka (£29.25) The luxury brand is giving something back this season, with 50% of sales going towards the Global Fund (the world’s leading financier of programmes to fight HIV in Africa). With a bit of charity under your belt, all the more reason to be in good spirits. Also the red, wintery bottle is as pretty as any decoration.

6. Glengoyne Highland Single Malt Whisky (£32.99) As part of an exclusive new range from Scotland’s premier, family owned distiller, this whisky has been a while in the making. With a complex yet subtle blend of flavours and the tag line ‘Worth the wait’, we’re just happy it came in time for Christmas.






VENUE: MEN ARENA DATE: 6TH NOVEMBER TICKETS: FROM £27.50 US rock band will perform in Manchester this November as part of a four-date UK tour. They will be joined by special guests The Used and Lost Alone. Lead singer Amy Lee and co will perform tracks from their alternative rock collection, spanning a whole decade.



VENUE: 02 APOLLO Geordie five-piece Maximo Park DATE: 10TH NOVEMBER have firmly established themTICKETS: £17.00 selves in the UK gig scene and Metal hair-raising rockers Steel will be bringing their punky Panther will tour again this winter lyrics and guitars to Manchesafter a previous spring UK tour. ter this winter. The band have The band will tour in support become festival favourites across of their third studio album, the UK and Europe since form‘Balls Out’, which they released ing in 2000. Their fourth album late 2011. Hailing from LA, the was released in June of this year four-piece are renowned for their and went gold in the UK. humourous lyrics and exaggerated on-stage personas. The band have an impressive list of tours that they’ve supported under their belts – including Def Leppard, Motley Crue and Guns ‘n’ Roses.

venue: OPERA HOUSE date: 5TH-10TH NOVEMBER tickets: TBC The iconic TV show can be relived for five nights in the city thanks to a unique live theatre production. The event promises a cast of singers, dancers and presenters. The show will be a nostalgic nod to music of the 70s, 80s and 90s, featuring big names such as Blondie, U2 and Oasis.


venue: HMV RITZ date: 14TH NOVEMBER tickets: FROM £95.00


VENUE: MEN ARENA DATE: 9TH NOVEMBER TICKETS: £25.00 The Grammy award-winning American indie folk band will make their Manchester arena debut this autumn. The fourpiece will perform songs from their collection of hits from their formation in 2007 to now. The European tour will coincide with the release of a special seven-track iTunes session EP.


VENUE: BRIDGEWATER HALL DATE: 12TH NOVEMBER TICKETS: FROM £64.99 Scottish soul singer-songwriter Emeli Sande will play her biggest shows to date this November. After the sell-out success of her second UK headline tour earlier this year, the award-winning superstar will grace four cities across the UK including Manchester. The 25-year-old will perform hits from her hugely acclaimed debut album, ‘Our Version Of Events’, including the massive tune, ‘Next To Me.’

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VENUE: PALACE THEATRE DATE: 12TH-24TH NOVEMBER TICKETS: FROM £33.40 Grammy award-winning rockers Greenday come from Broadway to Manchester with this smash-hit musical, telling the story of three lifelong friends. It will feature huge hits, ‘Boulevard of Broken Dreams’, ‘Holiday’ and title track, ‘American Idiot.’ The New York Times declared the musical as, “thrilling, emotionally charged, and as moving as any Broadway musical I’ve seen this year!”

Cockney duo Dan Smith and Shingai Shoniwa have had a sizzling career spanning over seven years. Their energetic, poppy exotic music brings them smash-hit classics such as, ‘Never Forget You’ and ‘Don’t Upset The Rhythm’. With accolades such as being described as ‘the best live band in Britain’ by The Guardian, the band are reminiscent of legendary artists of the past.




Venue: PALACE THEATRE Date: 1ST DECEMBER - 31ST MARCH Tickets: From £20-£75

Australian star Gotye will play host to just two huge UK tour dates this winter – Manchester and London – as part of his world tour, which will finish in his home country in December. Gotye released his hugely accepted album earlier in 2012 and his massive hit ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ peaked at no.1 in an impressive 18 countries.


Disney’s Lion King production is a worldwide theatrical phenomenon, seen by over 65 million people in its 13th year. This spectacle will be an explosion of stunning effects and bright colours, accompanied by the bold beats of Africa. The Lion King is recommended for a general audience, specifically ages 6 and up.



VENUE: MEN ARENA DATE: 1ST DECEMBER TICKETS: FROM £46.50 Acoustic indie local boys Elbow have been together an impressive 16 years, coming into prominence in the late nineties. In the summer, they released single, ‘First Steps’ as the BBC theme song for the 2012 Olympics. This UK tour will be the band’s sixth since their formation, after their last one went down a storm with fans across Europe.

American musician Rob Zombie and the controversial singer Marilyn Manson will join forces for a joint UK arena tour, ‘Twins of Evil’. Manson is touring in support of his eighth studio album, ‘Born Villain’, released in May of this year. Zombie is currently working on his fifth solo studio album, with the aim of release in 2013. The stage set of the tour will include animatronic robots and pyrotechnics.

VENUE: HMV RITZ DATE: 1ST DECEMBER TICKETS: £8.00 Manchester four-piece Janice Graham band were formed back in 2009 and have supported bands such as Madness. At their latest gig, fans will be able to witness the funky retro grooves created by this growing ska and reggae group. The band has received positive comparisons such as The Coral and Happy Mondays from critics.

VENUE: VICTORIA WAREHOUSE DATE: 22nd DECEMBER: TICKETS: £25.00 The iconic Manchester band will return to home turf just before Christmas to end their European winter 2012 tour. With the orginal line up back together again they have been in the studio working on a new album so we may be treated to some new tunes, we are not TOO excited!

‘M’ The Smash Hit thriller




VENUE SOUND CONTROL DATE: 14TH DECEMBER TICKETS: FROM £8 We were absolutly gutted to hear the news that Kid British were spliting up, they had come so far over the last few years with releasing an album and surporting The Stone Roses at Hyde Park but when it’s time to split, it’s time to split and in a statement from the boys they said “we are all still friends.” So let’s have a party one last time.

Venue: Three Minute Theatre Date: 23rd - 26th JANUARY 2013 Tickets: FROM £8 In 2009 ‘M’ received it’s world première during the Not Part of Festival and opened to a sold out extended run and great reviews. Now the thriller that’s on Stage called ‘Marvellous and well worth seeing****’ is BACK and more vicious, sexy, manipulative and dangerous than ever. We all love those guilty pleasure movies, well this is the ultimate guilty pleasure play. This really is one not miss. Written and directed by Craig Hepworth and Adele Stanhope. Produced by Vertigo.


his season a welcome addition to the Deansgate Locks area has arrived, in the form of new bar Lock 91. Situated at the end of the locks, the bar takes on a vintage, kitsch style more reminiscent of the Northern Quarter – and indeed of a lock keeper’s cottage. With multiple rooms, including pool room and outdoor smoking terrace, Andy and Gary – the boys behind independent company ADG Leisure Limited – have most definitely hit the nail on the head with their aim to bring something a little different to the area. “For a lot of people, Deansgate Locks had become tarnished with a reputation for being a bit of an alcopop playground. This area is a fantastic one, surrounded by restaurants, shops and a lot of accommodation – and so we wanted to inject some excitement back into it. We want people to know that you don’t have to come to the Northern Quarter for something different – that there’s a new spot in Deansgate Locks that’s quirky, comfortable, serves quality drinks and hires fantastic staff. We’ve spent a lot of time in Shoreditch, Berlin, Amsterdam – we liked the style of a lot of those bars and our travels inspired us to sit down with our interior designers to get a real idea of what we wanted. I think that when you have an idea and you’re passionate with what you’re doing, your imagination goes wild and it all races ahead.” The boys’ imagination is certainly visible throughout – as each individual part of Lock 91 has its own bespoke individuality and stamp – without ever appearing overdone or too self-aware.

“It was a conscious decision to keep it simple; boutique and new fangled bits and pieces wouldn’t work in a bar like this, which we found whilst doing our research. It had to feel like a real cottage. Even with the name Lock 91, we wanted to keep it simple. Being number 91 on the actual locks, we’re not going for any gimmicks whatsoever.” One thing noticeable about the bar is the friendliness of its staff – which was more than apparent on the night itself. We learned that not only were bar staff hired on personality and “trained in accordance”, but they are also able to wear whatever they choose in the bar. “It reflects the individuality and persona of each member of staff. There is an element of regimentation to uniforms – and we’re not about that kind of thing. We want to bring the ‘Cheers’ factor back to the industry, where everyone knows your name. You can’t train great personalities and the customer’s experience is paramount – so we want the best people behind our bars feeling as comfortable as possible..” We asked the boys to choose three words to describe the bar and they opted for: ‘welcoming’, ‘warm’ and ‘quirky’. We couldn’t agree more and we couldn’t think of many other drinking spots where we’d rather spend an evening. ■ 9 Century St, Manchester, M3 4QL 0161 8195444 /Lock NinetyOne @Lock91Mcr

Aiming to create the contemporary ambience of the uber-cool Northern Quarter, Manchester’s hotspot, The Whiskey Jar, on the corner of Tariff Street will most certainly appeal to young professionals of the city centre. Set to open its doors in December, the venue will sell a wide range of tasty award-winning pies and premium whiskies from around the world, and also a great selection of cocktails. After a successful revamp, the bar’s exposed brickwork décor and bespoke clusters of decanters above each booth, will make this trendy venue a fantastic rendezvous spot with friends. Complete with a sheltered outdoor seated smoking area and an events space, the bar will also play host to live music and acoustic nights, with imagery from local artists adorning the walls – which customers can view and buy. The new venue will be the perfect place as your new hang-out over the Christmas period!


Coast’s Flagship VIP p arty T

hursday 27th September 2012 saw the opening of the Coast Flagship store at the Trafford Centre in Manchester. VIVA was invited among many VIP guests and we were all treated to a fabulous runway show, showcasing all the new Coast fashion, endless champagne, sumptuous canapés and exclusive goody bags.

Celebrities who attended included this exclusive evening; Jennifer Metcalfe, Gemma Merna, Roxanne Pallett, Natasha Hamilton, Jessica Fox, Lizzie Armistead, Katarina Johnson Thompson, Rachel Fox, Samantha Siddall, Nicky Sanderson & Sinead Moynihan. ■

Merabi Collections launches at Selfridges in true style


ashionistas were out in force for the launch of Nadine Merabi’s debut diffusion line at Selfridges. The event, organised by Vital Management, saw guests including Michelle Collins sip champagne and nibble cupcakes while models showcased Merabi’s glamorous evening dresses. Already beloved by celebrities such as Brooke Vincent and Tina O’Brien, Nadine’s designs are sure to become favourites for parties and nights out. Featuring elegant draping and backless designs Nadine, who only started sewing two years ago, says she created the gowns with women’s shapes and bodies in mind. Flattering and fun the dresses are perfect for the upcoming Christmas season. ■ words: Sarah Murray


e were with what passes for the Manchester Media glitterati, gathered to sample a three-course menu from new head chef Ken Calder, who has been at the eatery for just over three months and is launching a new a la carte menu. The first thing that strikes you, is just how unique this venue is. Roaring log fires in the downstairs, cosy pub bit where you can get bar meals, with a smart, rustic upstairs dining area with around 20 odd covers and an upstairs bit with a big table for 14. Owners Carol and Kev have had this joint for three years and have imbued it with a unique, eclectic charm. They are obviously serious about the food, having rented this out to Rob Owen Brown some time back and now getting Ken on board. He has worked for Gordon Ramsey among others and has a good pedigree. We had a lovely evening at The Angel and will be returning again soon for a few drinks infront of the fire. (To read Emma Chadwicks full Angel Pub review go to ■

n u F f O t h g i N s The Angel

l a y o R f o d i a n i , g Celebritiy Grillinens Hospital MCR Childr


unday evenings spent with celebrities cooking sumptuous meals for you is something that rarely happens, but just like Christmas it happens once a year and for a very good cause. Celebrity Grilling at Restaurant Bar and Grill is a charity fundraising event for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital that gets celebrities such as Michelle Mone, Chelsea Healey, Christopher Biggins and John Thompson battling it out to create the best dishes for the guests attending. Split into Boys (Fork Team) vs. Girls (Knife team), The fork team stormed to their victory by creating culinary delights such as Hand dived Orkney Isle Scallops and Tandoor Rack of Dorset Lamb. Dinner was followed by an auction that raised £35,000 for the charity and overall the evening raised a whopping £65,000! Money well spent for an excellent cause. ■

2 1 W A s l o h c i N Harvey w o h S k l a w t a C


utumn/Winter are by far my favourite fashion seasons. Nothing beats wrapping up in several layers and donning a chunky knit scarf, so when Viva got invited to see the new autumn/winter collections at the Harvey Nichols fashion show, I could barely contain my excitement.

With quirky themed collections such as “Dark Romance” “Hell For Leather” and “ Urban Cowgirl”, Harvey Nichols succinctly summed up the must haves for this season by utilising all of their high end, fashion forward brands such as Phillip Armstrong, BLK DNM, Balmain and Rick Owens. The show was informative, inspiring and left me mentally racking up a shopping list that far exceeded my monthly wage. ■


oo-Funky Hair salon launches in true funky fashion! The salon has gone through several incarnations to get to the epitome of style and service it imbues today. Originally HCUK and then Hair1UK, the salon incorporates thirteen years of experience, numerous hair industry awards and the vision to “provide a place where you can get an on trend haircut without the designer price tag- a brand where we are fully committed to delivering the best guest service we possibly can and ensure every guest leaves the salon looking and feeling fantastic!” Guests were treated to live funky house DJ’s and complimentary cocktails and canapes throughout the eveing. It was chilled atmosphere yet buzzing with energy and fun vibes, with a few people busting some moves to the funky house beats! ■

. . . y k n u F o o T ts e g R C M

VIVA L A Ss Cc Hh Ee Ss Hh Ii Rr Ee

Runway AW12 Catwalk Show at Suburbia


ere at VIVA HQ we love many things such as events, fashion, bubbly and good causes. When all of these are combined in one night, we know we will have an awesome time. So with this said we were honoured to attend the Runway Fashion Show at Suburbia Bar and Club in Hale. We were greeted with some bubbly whilst the DJ pumped out tunes that wouldn’t be out of place in an achingly hip New York City bar. The main fashion show displayed designs from Nadine Merabi, Kat Von D and garments from Runway Boutique in Alderly Edge and Kutsford. A slew of gorgeous models strutted their stuff in these sensational garments that garnered approval from the style savvy crowd. The night was successful in raising funds for Key103’s Cash For Kids, an incredible charity that provides a helping hand for disabled and disadvantaged kids in the Greater Manchester area. ■

The Bubble Room turns pink in aid of Breast Cancer O n the 4th October 2012, The Bubble Room in Alderley Edge held a charity night in aid of Breast Cancer. Local residents together with a stream of local business owners and celebrities all turned out to support the night. The whole venue was beautifully decorated in a mass of pink, from the carpets to the lighting, all of which was created in support of the night, by Cheshire Cat Events. Alderley Flowers were responsible for the beautiful flower displays and Rainbow balloons finished the effect off with a mass of balloons decorating the entire room. The finishing touches came gratefully through Pinky Vodka who sponsored the event and allowed enough Pinky Vodka to be made into cocktails, and £2 from the sale of each one went to the charity.


oopers celebrated their 30th Anniversary holding parties across all their stores.

Excited customers queued eagerly around the block for the doors of the Wilmslow store to open. Once inside, amazed guests were treated to The Unexpected!

Visitors sipped on champagne and nibbled on canapés as they browsed the departments to discover fairground attractions and impromptu performances. Dramatic makeovers were in full swing in the beauty halls whilst revealing art installations, contortionists, caged dancers and stilt walkers appeared across the store with a headlining burlesque dancer which stunned guests. 2012 is a year of celebration for luxury department store group, Hoopers, with special events planned to mark their 30th anniversary across all stores. Hoopers first opened their doors in 1982 and now have department stores in four quintessential English towns as well as a new website ■

120 tickets were sold on the night, and with a combination of raffles, auctions and donations, a staggering £1926 was raised! Over double what had been anticipated! There were an array of canapés available, champagne, cupcakes and raffle tickets were on sale throughout the evening. As well as local businesses donating goods for the event, including Runway, Stella & Dot Jewellery, and Boodle and Dunthorne, there was also a pair of football boots, which were donated by Manchester United’s Chris Smalley. The night was an amazing success and both Emma and Helen would like to thank all who attended and showed their support to this wonderful cause. ■ words: Lisa Jones

h t 0 3 r i e h t e t a r b e l e Hoopers c in Wilmslow Anniversary

VIVA l i v e m u s i c


Suggs ‘Madness’

Ian Brown ‘Stone Roses’


t rained, it shined, it rained again and then it shined but this didn’t stop the VIVA girls from dancing none stop all weekend at the festival of the year! This year’s line up at V Festival was the ultimate for Manchester born and bred bands. The line up included The Happy Mondays headlining the main dance tent on the Saturday, Inspiral Carpets getting everyone started early doors Sunday and Noel Gallagher and The almighty Stone Roses headlining on the main stage for the final evening on Sunday. There was a lot of Mancunian love going around over the two days. We headed down late Friday afternoon which I strongly suggest as there was hardly any camping spaces left when we woke up Saturday morning. Lucky for us our neighbours were a load of guys in the army and struggling to put our tents up, they kindly helped. So there is another tip: camp next to a load of strong fit guys! The music doesn’t kick off until midday on Saturday so we got our bearings and headed over to the VIP backstage area for a big breakfast and a couple of cans of beer sat in the sun looking over the lake preparing ourselves for the festival antics ahead. The most annoying thing about festivals is not getting to see all your favourite bands as some clash with others or, by the time you make your way to the next stage, they have finished, but V had planned out the best bands playing quite well and we got to see mostly everyone we wanted to on the Sat-

urday, including some we had to sit through to see our favourite ones that we thought we would never like, I won’t mention who as it’s a little embarrassing but you know Debbie Manley! Highlight of Saturday had to be The Happy Mondays. I had never seen them live before and as I have now declared them as my new favourite band it was a MUST I get right down the front to see them live for the first time and that’s exactly what we did. It was Happy Mondays Madness, literally! As not only were we treated to the Bez dance but Suggs the lead singer from Madness came on stage to dance too! Day two and you’ve always gone too hard on the first day and not feeling too fresh, nothing a can of Strongbow won’t sort you out for breakfast. All we cared about on the Sunday was seeing Noel Gallagher and The Stone Roses and yet again, being the determined girls that we are, we filled our coats with alcohol, pushed and shoved our way down to the front of the main stage and managed to get there just in time for both.

Happy Mondays

Noel Gallerger

The buzz you get seeing thousands and thousands of music lovers behind you singing along word for word to some of your favourite music is just one of the best feelings in the world and no matter who’s standing next to you, you link arms maybe even do an air mic and give it some together! Gutted the Festival season is over but we ended on the best festival of the year V, bring on 2013 ferstival session! ■ words: Emma Wilkinson

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photo: Shirlaine Forrest (




Julie E Gordon



his was the third year for the Salford Music Festival, organized by Ed Blaney and Paul Ashton with the help of volunteers. With over 200 bands playing over 4 days, the event was bigger than ever.

photo: Angie

WE LOVE A BIT OF GEORGE... After having to cancel his tour last year due to a serious illness George Michael was back on top form at the Manchester Arena for the first time since 2006 with three sold-out live dates. The pop legend showcased tracks from his near 30-year career alongside covers of his favourite songs from other artists. The music was re-worked and re-arranged for the orchestra which was accompany George in a new classical stage setting. He’s back on form and we love him!

The bands/poets/artists were performing in pubs clubs and venues across Salford. Artists from all over UK were taking part as well as local talents and established bands. I was based in The Lowry to photograph the show during the four day festival. There were many acts captivating the audience: The Fall had fans arriving from all over the world to see their gig at the Lowry and at the Lower Kersal Social Club. The atmosphere was buzzing with the audience crowd surfing and joining in singing to the famous tunes. Mark E Smith could not hide a smile as he enjoyed the atmosphere. Other acts that stood out were Julie E Gordon, Girl Peculiar, Karima Francis and Sean Taylor. The cream on the cake was a surprise gig featuring Peter Hook (New Order) who played a set with, among others, the organizers Ed on vocals and Paul on keyboard. This was a great event that gave musicians and artists an opportunity to perform across the legend that it is Salford! ■

photo & words: Karin Allbinsson


Peter Hook

photo: Karin

Mark E Smith


WORK IT CHERYL... Cheryl Cole was looking as per usual stunning the other week when she hit the MEN with her ‘A Million Lights tour.’ She entered the stage in a gold patterned jumpsuit with a large gold belt, matching gold boots and completed the fierce Cleopatra-esque look with a large collar necklace and an arm cuff. Cheryl’s on tour with her new flame background dancer Tre Holloway who she revealed on Alan Carr: Chatty Man that it was she who did all the chasing! You go girl! | VIVA | 83

VIVA l i v e m u s i c Capital Breakfast with Rob Ellis Weekdays 6-10 am


he next three months are usually pretty busy for us at Capital and this year is no exception. Leading up to Christmas we begin to gear up for our second big event of the year – The Jingle Bell Ball. After the success of our 2012 Summer time Ball, that took over Wembley stadium we have to do another! At Wembley, we brought acts like Katy Perry, Coldplay, Usher & Justin Bieber all to the same place and this years Jingle Bell Ball will no doubt be just as big. We can’t actually tell you who will be taking to the stage just yet but we can say that you need to keep December 8th & 9th free in your diary. We’ll be moving into London’s O2 arena for a 2 night event and we’ll be hosting 2 special Saturday morning shows to announce who we’ll be putting on that stage. We’ll be on-air November 3rd and 10th to reveal all, as well as officially put those tickets on sale. We’ll no doubt also be generously handing them out on-air if you miss out. If those big American artists aren’t doing it for you, then why not get out and about in Manchester or at least see our very own Rob Ellis. He’ll be turning on Bolton Christmas lights on November 24th - flicking the big switch and also opening the ice rink that will be up throughout Christmas. Then there’s the Christmas Markets returning to Manchester that are always a good way to kill an evening after work or warm yourself up on a mulled wine at a weekend. They’ll be counting down to Christmas from November 17th. Not long before the Christmas Markets take over Albert Square, the Manchester Food And Drink Festival celebrated its 15th year across the city with loads of events to eat and drink everything Manchester has to offer.

Rob, Rachel and Wingman even got involved with their own Hell’s Kitchen event at 24 Bar and Grill on Princess Street. They slogged it out in the kitchen for 60 guests to help raise money for Help A Capital Child. You can see how they got in at Capitalfm. com. And if you want to burn off some of that Christmas indulgence and see how you could be helping us raise even more money for Help A Capital Child, then why not start thinking about the Greater Manchester Marathon 2013. Our charity raises money for the Teenage Cancer Trust, helping young people living with cancer here in Manchester, and next year’s Marathon will have Rob Ellis and Rachel on the start line, taking in 26 miles of Manchester’s most iconic land marks. It’s also one of the flattest marathon courses in the world, so we’re not totally stupid in where we choose our sporting events! Keep checking us out on 102FM in Manchester and at and now you can even see what we’re like on Capital TV – just head for Sky 388 or on the Capital App. ■ Capital Breakfast with Rob Ellis

On the VIVA music radar: Ruby Tuesday


wo-piece band, Ruby Tuesday are an alternative rock duo from the North-West who, after years of playing with big bands on the Manchester music scene, decided to go it alone. Together for 18 months and originally with more members, Manchester boys Joel (vocals and drums) and Jimmy (guitarist) are content with their unusual set-up, and content they should be as their “what you see is what you get” attitude to their music has gone down a storm with listeners so far. Now writing their own songs with rhythmical melodies and the aim for a ‘raw’ and ‘live’ finish, the lads leave their songs open to interpretation by their fans. “A song can mean whatever the listener wants it to mean. We are happier playing our own songs and putting on our own nights rather than playing with artists who are nothing like us.” On the other hand, the pair reeled off a glowing list of big names who they’d be delighted to collaborate with – including Led Zeppelin, Jack White and The Doors. Their simple set-up demands the boys to be versatile, with Joel responsible for vocals as well as his role as drummer. However,

jokingly adding that it’s worlds apart from Phil Collins being dressed as a gorilla on the drums in the Cadbury adverts. He said: “This is our selling point. People know what to expect when they see us, we do our own thing. Our only ritual is that we always wear black!” The lads took just one day to record a collection – rather than an album – of six of their earlier songs and unsurprisingly, given their passion for loud music, said that their ‘jamming sessions’ are just as intense as when they’re on stage. Not happy enough with just appealing to their hometown, Ruby Tuesday have also gigged in the south, and say their biggest gig to date was in Scunthorpe. “Even though we were playing to a room full of people who’d never heard of us before, everyone went berserk!” So what are the long-term aims for the pair? Well in their own words, simply annoy every single record company out there, of course. The lads plan on sending a demo out whilst gigging all over the country so that they will soon be on everyone’s radar. ■ If you’d like to check out the band in advance, visit www. or tweet them: @RubyTuesdayBand


PLAYING ON THE VIVA IPOD... Annie Mac AMP 2012 Released 8th Oct It’s that time of year again when Irish DJ Annie Mac compiles her favourite songs of the year. The two-disc CD reflects all the tunes Annie has been banging out at clubs, parties and festivals over the year. Featuring big names on the house scene such as Azealia Banks and Rudimental. Last year’s instalment of Annie Mac Presents reached the top of the iTunes album chart, we are sure it will do so again this year.

Lana Del Rey Born To Die-The Paradise Edition Released 12th Nov Award winning singer songwriter Lana Del Rey is releasing the “Paradise” edition of her double platinum album “ Born To Die”. This is being released in a number of exciting formats and is preceded by her brand new single “Ride” - out on November 11th.

Mumford & Songs Huey Morgan Huey & the New Babel Released 24th Sept Yorkers Say It To My Face Babel is the second studio Released 29th Oct album from the British

No Doubt Push & Shove Released 24th Sept

Fun Lovin’ Criminals favourite Huey Morgan releases his debut album, incorporating Morgan’s effortlessly cool vocals with authentic old skool rock ‘n’ roll tunes. The much-loved DJ has gone down a storm across Britain since his Fun Lovin’ Criminal days and his solo album is jam-packed with a mix of funkadelic yet boisterous tunes.

indie folk band and has become the fastest selling single of 2012 in the UK. The album consists of melodic yet heavy rhythms and frontman Marcus Mumford’s raspy vocals are apparent throughout. The band definitely don’t adhere to the sounds of any other current indie bands around, breathing a new life into folk music.

This album is deemed as a comeback album for the American rockband after their last album being released 10 years previously. The lead single from the album, ‘Settle Down’ was released in July and is a combination of many styles such as reggae and ska, whilst keeping the band’s famous American pop/rock vibe strong.

Keane Disconnected Released 8th Oct

Jessie Ware Night Light Released 22nd Oct

Robbie Williams Candy Released 29th Oct

Keane’s latest single has With ‘Mercury Prize’ and ‘Album of 2012’ been described as having nominations under her a chorus which, ‘once belt, Jessie Ware is fast heard, is never forgotten’, becoming one of the UK’s reiterating what Keane brightest stars. Jessie’s have always done best. powerful vocals shine The lyrics are emotive and through with this single alongside a flourishing the harmonies tug at the old heartstrings – another of guitars and pianos for good mix. ‘Night Light’ classic from one of the will be the fourth release biggest bands of the last of her hugely anticipated century. album, ‘Devotion.’

The Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie & The Infinitive Sadness (Reissued) Released 3rd Sept The band’s career-defining album of 1995 receives the fully remastered treatment for the first time. After the album earned ‘Diamond certificate’ for sales of 10,000,000 discs, the band hope to rekindle their legacy with its re-release. All but two songs on the album are written by frontman Billy Corgan.

Twisted Wheel Do It Again Out Now

Even with a change Written by Take That of members, Twisted colleague Gary Barlow, Wheel have consistently ‘Candy’ is a classically delivered fab music. addictive song from the Following on from their pop icon. It will be the first successful debut album, single taken from Robbie’s perfect drumbeats and upcoming ninth studio catchy lyrics are present album, ‘Take The Crown’. throughout. The band have The lyrics are uber-catchy created more hardcore and demand great energy punk melodies this time which the former boyband round with old skool gritty member never fails to bring rock ‘n’ roll thrown in for good measure. to a tune. | VIVA | 85

VIVA l i v e m u s i c



IVA gets back on the wheel after our last interview with them 5 years ago. We met the boys at sound check before their homecoming gig at Sound Control in MCR, heres what Jonny and his new band members had to say:

So new line up this time round. Introduce yourselves and tell US the best thing about being in Twisted Wheel is? Ste: I play bass and the best thing about Twisted Wheel is the fans because they go crazy for the old songs and it’s great to see them sing along to the songs. Owen: I play drums and the best thing about being in Twisted Wheel is getting peanuts – any kind, chilli dry roasted or cashew! The new second album is out now ‘Do it again’ absolutely love Ride, Honey Girl & Bored, which track on the album is your favourite and why? We never really speak about it and for me, (Jonny) I have so many different moods that I go through so I have different favourite songs. Sometimes I want to hear the anarchy rock ‘n’ roll ones and sometimes I just want to listen to Honey Girl. So I appreciate all of them for different reasons and I think that’s how our fans see it as well. The album had only been out two days and the crowds on tour were already singing along to all the songs. We were really chuffed. It’s all down to graft. We’ll get radio play eventually, now it’s teaching us a lesson and we’re getting better, tighter and stronger and we know what we want to do more. We’re working for it and you can’t get any better than that really.

Just started the new tour where’s been the biggest and loudest crowd so far? We went and played the legendary 100 club. The Clash and The Jam have played there and The Pistols and even before that, a lot of rock ‘n’ roll bands played and in the ‘60s, Jimi Hendrix went there. There’s all the history and it’s just off Oxford Road so that was really good. We went there and it was full which was great. We wore suits on stage and we really made an effort. We felt good. But they’ve all been great; Sheffield was really rocking, particularly on tour, the southern gigs really picked up. Brighton was just complete havoc. We played on a big iron boat in Bristol at a place called The Feckler and the crowd was just mental all the way through. They’ve all been good; Leeds last night was really good, a lot of people were really listening to it. People now, because we’ve been out for a bit, are thinking we’re actually pretty good. home coming gig tonight and it has been known in the pasT that Twisted Wheel has caused a bit of a riot down the streets of Manchester and got banned for 24 hours. Have you got something up your sleeves

like this for tonight’s gig? Ha ha! I remember going out on the street and playing an acoustic gig, I got picked up and crowd surfed on my back which was great fun and then they started carrying me into the restaurant, I just got my guitar and ran back into the venue. The police came in and chased us round the venue, me and the drummer were hiding behind the sofa! We couldn’t go to our own after show party! Nothing like this tonight though, our new manager is making it so we can’t party too much. We have to set off to Darlington at half nine in the morning and I’ve got a radio interview at 12ish. We’ve all been a bit more professional about it these days and I know some fans will come a bit disappointed that we’re not as rock ‘n’ roll but to me, rock ‘n’ roll is playing good gigs and writing good songs. For now, I’ll concentrate on getting my voice better and just being a better band. ■ Twisted Wheels new album ‘Do It Again’ is out now you can order it at: To read VIVA’s full Twisted Wheel interview go to:

Jonny have you been doing all the writing again or have these guys had a bit of input with the lyrics this time around? I write all the lyrics really, I think these two might write a verse of a song now and again but usually I just do it. It seems a bit easier just sort of keeping it that way but I think on the third album we’ll introduce a few more of Steve’s songs. I think our next album will be a bit more musical and have a few more instruments on there, pianos etc. We’re thinking David Bowie this time round! We’re hoping to have the album ready by the first quarter of next year. No messing about now! photo: Karin Allbinsson

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VIVA T H E A R T S DNA’s Darren R L Gordon...

o take a line from Fame, ‘Acting is the hardest proT fession’. Darren considers this, stating the training put towards acting is the same as becoming a doctor or

barrister- his, like any profession, is tough. After spending nearly two years sculpting our DNA group, it is time to turn the focus to him but not before asking how our group has improved. To this he makes the point that acting isn’t about pretending but feeling. A connection to your emotions and getting to this point is a massive realisation. I had to agree with this, reflecting on my own progression. So what does he hope to achieve with his students? He has accomplished a great deal in the past having them go onto shows like Emmerdale and Holby City. As proud as he is of such alumni, he doesn’t consider fame to be the Holy Grail. ‘It depends on how you measure success,’ he says. For his students he just hopes to ‘help them progress, improve and pursue their personal career objectives.’ He fondly recalls a past student who came to him with only two GSCE’s. Under Darren’s wing he graduated from University and now works alongside him. And if Darren were a student again, what would he hope to get out of DNA? ‘A challenge, progress, a clear sense of what I wanted to achieve.’ His own desires seem to reflect exactly those he has for his students, so as difficult as the acting business is, each new student brings an exciting new enterprise. ■


hat better way to get acting experience than to learn from fresh young current TV talent. Former Emmerdale and Hollyoaks actor James Sutton officially launched his own pop-up acting company in the form of ‘Broken Leg Workshops.’ Each 2 day workshop aims to provide students with a thorough insight into the world of television acting and is suitable for anyone, regardless of prior acting experience. Day one you get given a few different short scrips to learn then throughout the day get filmed, then the group watches back your performance and discusses the pros and cons. VIVA girl Emma says: "It was great to see the improvement from the morning session of filming to the afternoon filming. Everyone in the group had really taken on board what James and his team which included Lyndon Ogbourne had to say and used it. I felt really comforable in front of them, it’s a really fun and exciting workshop”. Over the two days special industry guests from TV and film - actors to top casting directors - make visits. The casting director will actually put you in an audition scenario and give you feed back of how he thought you did, which is extrmely important advice because after all these are the people you need to impress to get your acting job. For more details please visit: ■

The All New Broken Leg Workshop... T

his extremely funny production of ‘Doormen’ did a one night special at Mulligans in Manchester ahead of the week’s showcase down at London’s Broadway Theatre. Written by Andrew McHugh the cast included some of Manchester’s finest actors: Kirsty-Leigh Porter, Ciaran Griffiths, Danny Tennant, Gary Damer, with cameo parts for the Manchester show from Abdul Rashid and VIVA girl Emma. Andrew McHugh explains how he came up with the idea for Doormen The Play: “After 25yrs of having problems with doormen, either for not wearing the correct attire or being told I’m not allowed to have fun once in a place and even been asked to leave because of it. For these reasons and others, I decided to write the play.”

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Andrew is now working on other projects with Ciaràn Griffiths again and doing live comedy sketches with other faces from TV and stage, known as ‘THE MONDAY CLUB’ and that starts on Monday 15th October at Mulligans Irish Bar. He has also written and will be directing an adult Panto this Christmas called ‘PRINCE SMARMING’ which will be showing at The Dancehouse Theatre from 14th Dec - 4th Jan ( ■



enowned for portraying heartthrob vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight saga, we now get to witness Robert Pattinson opening his heart in a new ebook, “In Their Own Words” featuring Pattinson’s co-stars Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart. American lifestyle journalist Talia Soghomonian, who got to know the trio personally, analyses the vampire phenomenon sweeping the nation and the frenzy that is Twilight, whilst also featuring personal interviews with the stars, dating back to as far as 2008.

era in his face. In his most honest interview yet, Robert reveals that being a ‘genuinely insecure’ person allows him to keep grounded despite his growing fame. It sees the actor admitting to having a sensitive side – and he chats fondly about the women in his life and how they’ve shaped him into the person he is today. But unfortunately ladies, Mr Pattinson also uses this opportunity to laugh off speculation he is in the running to land the lead role of Christian Grey in the screen adaptation of novel ‘Fifty Shades of Grey.’

The record-breaking publication will grace the sites of Amazon and iTunes just weeks before the last addition of the Twilight sequel comes to the movies. Die-hard fans are treated to more than 100 images combined with audio quotes from over 30 one-off interviews with the cast. Fans of R-Pattz are also able to indulge in the experiences that catapulted Robert and co to international fame by charting the progression from the unknown to being a Hollywood A-Lister. All in all, the lengthy audiobook will cover over 300 pages on a Kindle.

It’s intimate, it’s raw and it’s real. 26-year-old Robert talks about his feelings, dealing with the sudden explosion of success and his long-term relationship with on-and-off-screen girlfriend, Kristen Stewart. The book has allowed the star to talk about personal parts of his life nostalgically and confidently without the fear of a cam-

Author Soghomonian’s questions cover some familiar ground in the interviews but there’s also some new material as well. Rob dishes the dirt on once unspoken issues such as what makes him look so broody on camera and whether he’s worried if he’ll ever shake off the Edward Cullen label.

And after a turbulent few months involving his love life, the chiselled cheek-boned chappie is back with a fighting attitude. VIVA caught up with the man himself to chat about the drive to success, fan sites, and who’d win a fight between himself and Taylor Lautner… >

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VIVA I N T E R V I E W Are you afraid that everything else you do will be compared to Edward Cullen? I’m not sure. I’ve always been of the opinion that if something explodes really quickly, it takes the same amount of time for people to think of something else. I mean, I don’t know. I hope not. Maybe it’ll be a good thing...I have no idea. What’s the one part of your costume that always transforms you into character? Probably the contact lenses because it makes me miserable as soon as I put them in. That’s what creates sort of the pouting and brooding character. You’re just like, ‘Ugh.’ What drives you to succeed? I guess probably fear of failure and an inadequacy complex, and I just drive rental cars. I drive different things. I don’t have a car. There are so many fan sites not just for you, but for Edward. Do you check any of those fansites out? It’s kind of incredible the information they get so quickly. Sometimes I’ll check them to see what my schedule is on stuff, like on weekends when I can’t get through to my agency. They know way better, or even to see my emails sometimes! Talk about the past year or so of your life. The sudden celebrity. The paparazzi. How are you dealing with things, and do you find yourself more comfortable with it all now? I guess it’s inevitable that you become more comfortable. You still fight against some things. There’s nothing really scary about the franchise itself. I like all the people I work with. I generally have very few disagreements about the script or anything while we’re doing it, especially on New Moon. It just seemed so relaxed and easy. What about in a fight between you and Taylor Lautner? I don’t know. I did hear, the other day, that Taylor had agreed to an interview where the interviewer was going to fight him. And, after looking at Taylor’s martial arts videos from when he was like nine, I wouldn’t really want to do anything. Maybe if I had some kind of weapon. Love plays such a major part of these films, and so many fans want what happens on the screen to happen in your real life. How do you separate falling in love in real life with the women that you’re cast opposite? You’ve always got to remember that you’re being paid. There’s a lot of connotations that come with that. That’s one of the major separations. ■

Photos: Rex Features | VIVA | 9 1



Twitter : Dar renRLG ordon / DNA_PR

3 Twilight Saga – Breaking Dawn Part Two

15th November 2012

T 1

Les Miserables- 11 January 2013


erhaps it was in the mind of the producers when they decided to create a film version of the longest running musical in West End history, to cast two men from regions of the southern hemisphere often known to indulge in a massive rivalry. But instead of the Cricket or rugby field, the confrontation on Australian Hugh Jackman and New Zealander Russell Crowe is set in 19th century France.Jackman plays ‘jean Valjean’, a man released from prison who breaks his parole to create a new existence for himself, only to be blighted constantly by the persistent pursuit of the relentless Inspector Javert (Crowe). Directed by Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech), this is a film on an epic scale full of the drama and intensity one associates with Les Miserables. The cast is a strong one, including Helena Bonham Carter (The King’s Speech, Planet of the Apes) and Sacha Baron Cohen, the villain and another interesting choice. For Hooper, directing this huge budget project is just reward for the success of his last film, and testament to the ability he has as a director. Anne Hathaway had to lose most of her hair for this role, and Baron Cohen lost his voice during filming.

he latest installment in this mammoth franchise pairs once again, Britain’s own, Robert Pattinson with now ex-lover Kristen Stewart (or at least that’s what I’ve heard). These movies have a massive cult following that will probably turn up to drool over the aesthetically pleasing cast, but just so you know, the premise of this adventure is that Bella and the Cullen’s gather together as many allies as they can to protect a new member of the family from allegations that cause the Volturi to fear it and pursue its destruction in an attempt to maintain itself.


Life of Pi 20th December 2012


ou may have seen trailers for this movie if you have been to the cinema recently, and if so you can’t help but have been curious about a film that depicts a young man – Pi Patel – stranded on a 26 foot Lifeboat, with a Hyena, a Zebra, an Orangutan and most intimidatingly, a Bengal Tiger, as company. The son of a zookeeper, the family decide to move to Canada and are involved in a shipwreck which lands the spoilt boy in this difficult predicament. The movie follows a battle between the inhabitants of the vessel, for survival.



The Hobbit -An Unexcepted Journey - 14th December 2012


artin Freeman (The Office, Shaun of the Dead) stars as Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jackson’s much delayed and hassled production. The return to ‘Middle Earth’ after the epic success of the ‘Lord of the rings’ trilogy was delayed and almost destroyed by union issues in New Zealand where these films are made. Once that all settled down, there were still lingering doubts over key actors from the original trilogy and their willingness to commit to another three productions based on J R R Tolkien’s work. However, fans need not have worried as all is well and we can look forward to the second and third helpings of this series in the form of The Desolation of Smaug (2013) and There and Back Again (2014). Benedict Cumberbatch plays Smaug and adds even more weight to a cast littered with talent and pedigree on a return ticket from the ‘Rings’. Weaving, Blanchett, Lee, Serkis, McKellen, Bloom and Wood return to action in what promises to be another enchanting and colourful exploration of Tolkien’s universe. Whilst watching Martin Freeman, just consider the fact that Daniel Radcliffe, Tobey Maguire, James McAvoy, David Tenant and even Shia Lebeouf were considered for the role of Bilbo.

92 | VIVA | w w w. v i va l i f e s t y l e. c o. u k


Gangster Squad 11th January 2013

he new year brings an exciting new Ryan Gosling lead movie. Since ‘Drive’, Gosling has rocketed in my estimations, and his performance in George Clooney directed picture ‘The ides of March’, was excellent too. Gangster Squad is set in 1940’s to 50’s LA, where the local Police force battles to keep the Mob from filtering into their territory having well established themselves on the East Coast.Gosling plays Sergeant Jerry Wooters and is join in the cast by Josh Brolin and Sean Penn. Shades of 80’s film ‘The Untouchables’ perhaps.

VIVA D V D R E L E A S E S 3 Men In Black vol.1-3 Box Set 5th November 2012


nother huge franchise in the movie world and in the latest offering, Will Smith is sent back in time to save his partner. Cue Josh Brolin as a young Agent K ( Tommy Lee Jones). The usual slick action, mishaps and cheeky one-liners that are the staple of the ‘MIB’ movies. Perhaps that’s is why Will turned down the role of ‘Neo’ in ‘ The Matrix’ and left it to Keanu Reeves! Did you know that Sean Connery was offered the role of Morpheus – later accepted by Laurence Fishburne – too?


The Watch 13th November 2012


en Stiller’s latest offering is set in a sleepy district of America, where four dull suburbanites try to escape their uninspired surrounds by forming a neighborhood watch group. They accidentally stumble upon a discovery that aliens are posing as ordinary people, and these four men are now charged with the responsibility of saving their community and their planet. A film that is easy to watch and has some funny moments, but ultimately is a bit of a let down.

Red Tails- 29th October 2012



amously this movie struggled to get funding from any of the major Hollywood picture houses because it focused on an all African American crew of pilots that fought in World War II. The struggle this film had to go through to eventually get the funding is testament to the continuing prejudice that exists within the industry but ultimately the film was made. Its limited theatrical release further showed how little faith the industry had in the project and so now, the movie comes to us on DVD and it is well worth watching. Cuba Gooding Junior, an actor of much credibility and versatility who rose to fame for his performance in ‘Boyz n da Hood’, leads alongside Terence Howard. (Winnie, Law & Order: Los Angeles) The film charts how this marginalized and discriminated against group of airmen overcome that prejudice and a number of ludicrously dangerous assignments to gain recognition for their efforts. This film is based on a true story and gives us a deeper insight into the lives of some of these men and the varying journeys they go on. Ultimately it follows the time honoured tradition of celebrating the success of the American War effort.


Total Recall 18th December 2012


en Wiseman’s 2012 remake of the 1980’s Arnold Schwarzenegger classic is available to buy for your small screen. Another remake that adds to the argument ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. Colin Farrell plays Douglas Quaid/Hauser, a factory worker who begins to believe he may be a spy. Some adjustments to the original plot which centred around a number of mutated people living on Mars, now our own planet has suffered a horrendous fate and Hauser must battle to find out the secrets of his mind.

The Dark Knight Trilogy- 3rd December 2012


Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale have created some of the biggest opening day audiences on record for this series of films. Each is a classic on its own merit and has given us a whole new feeling for ‘Batman’, which many have argued is much closer to the depiction the original comic book character had. A vengeful, brooding and somewhat sinister man, Bruce Wayne uses his phenomenal wealth and life of relative solitude as a means of maintaining a double life, bringing him into conflict with an array of vicious and brutal characters played by some of the planet’s finest actors, including Liam Neeson, Heath Ledger and most recently Tom Hardy. Regulars in this series included Morgan freeman and Gary Oldman, and we might even have had Matt Damon playing ‘Two Face’ had he not been so busy with the Bourne franchise when offered the role. This collection will make for a great day’s viewing as the whole journey of this character form incarnation to culmination is expertly delivered in classy, dark and action packed style. | VIVA | 93


Rescue Joseph Kony’s child soldiers

EXPIRES 31ST DECEMBER 2012 Internet memes come and go. But even as we dance-off the infectious craze that was Gangnam Style, it’s hard to forget Kony 2012 - the interweb sensation that clocked 100 million views faster than any viral video in history.


o be precise, Kony 2012 was the twelfth installment in an advocacy campaign that began in 2004 and focused on alleged war criminal Joseph Kony, leader of a fanatical religious group in Uganda called the Lord’s Resistance Army. Over 25 years, the LRA has forcibly recruited approximately 60,000 child soldiers. The warrant for Kony’s arrest, issued by the International Criminal Court, lists 33 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity including murder, sexual enslavement, rape and abduction. Brandishing this fecund charge sheet, Director and narrator of the film, Jason Russell, identified Kony as the world’s “most wanted criminal.” Kony 2012 stated its primary purpose was to make Kony famous, thereby making it easier to precipitate his arrest. According to this rationale, the more people who know about Kony, the more people might voice their concern to government, encouraging them to commit resources to find him. In real terms, ‘resources’ means lending military support to the Ugandan army and other nations in the African Great Lakes region. The suspenseful hook? The film expires on 31 December 2012, by which time organisers hope to have Kony in handcuffs. What makes the campaign unique, is that it generated almost as much backlash as it did hype. In the cultural ejaculepsy of media criticism, you will find all the problems with Kony 2012 carefully dissected. (For the granddaddy of critiques, see Ethan Zuckerman’s ‘Unpacking Kony 2012’.) For that reason, I won’t rehash them here. But here’s the thing almost none of the pundits would dare to admit. Undeniably, if you watched the video featuring Ugandan former child soldier Jacob and his innocent white counterpart, Gavin (the Director’s five year-old son), you might agree that for all its flaws, Kony 2012 pressed emotional buttons in powerful and innovative ways. If you’re even remotely empathetic, watching the video the first time probably left you teary. And maybe unsettled. It was impossible not to sense that all the sleekly packaged, quasi-commercial images were designed to mobilise our empathy and make us do something. Certainly, my body was sending me all the signals that doing something was right and good, even though I knew that I had gained nothing resembling a sophisticated insight into the political and social conditions in northern Uganda, like, that only 15 percent of boys and 9 percent of girls go from primary to secondary school. In fact, I had never heard of Joseph Kony prior to the campaign, and here I was ready to buy a rubber wristband and join the army of webniks in t-shirts that said ‘Do More Than Just Watch’. I knew it was pressing my buttons but I had all these feelings and I wanted to do more. So few things make me feel anything. Hell, I usually have to watch The Lion King to feel something but there I was having it in my bedroom, mul-

tiple times, like an emo-orgasm, knowing that it wasn’t displaced compassion for a fictional storyline but for someone in “RL” whom I could ostensibly help. At the centre of my tortured feelings also lay a cynicism born of being advertised to relentlessly for 30 years. Perhaps the most insulting ingredient in the Kony recipe was the film’s deceptive openness: “We’re making Kony world news by redefining the propaganda that we see all day every day that dictates who and what we pay attention to.” Cue: snapshots of Pepsi, Audi and Kim Kardashian eating potato salad (the other consumerist good life). Thus, I was able to restrain myself from purchasing My Little Kony just long enough to watch another meme-nomenon: Jason Russell himself, naked, ranting, pounding the pavement and gesticulating masturbatorially on the streets of Pacific Beach. The event was captured on film before Russell was arrested, hospitalised and later diagnosed with ‘brief reactive psychosis’ – a psychotic condition usually associated with an extremely stressful event. (Here’s a disturbing fact: Jason’s breakdown received more views on Youtube than Kony 2012 Part II.) While Russell’s meltdown did untold damage to the campaign’s credibility, it has also delivered insights about why the original film succeeded where no others have. As well as sparking a spate of spoofs (no pun intended), the public implosion revealed the depths of hubris behind the campaign and exposed the culture of narcissism on which it achieved viral status. The video’s unabashed target audience was users of Web 2.0 technology like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. In other words, younger viewers whose brains are suspended in perpetual teen-Weltschmerz. With that in mind, the producers of K12 created a novel, hybrid form of advocacy in which documentary film, Web 2.0, commercialism, protest and humanitarianism converged. It was both multiplatform and cross-generic. Not only was the story of Gavin, Jacob, Jason and Kony embedded in, and viewed via, social media, but the technology was equally embedded in the narrative itself. Recall that to introduce Jacob, and to move in between time, place and character, the camera zooms in and out of the Facebook Timeline, while an unseen user clicks on dates and maps. This creates the illusion of a seamless movement between types of media, from Facebook to film reel and back to Facebook. At times, it feels as if one is actually using Facebook, rather than watching a film. The distinction is further blurred upon realising that you are, in all probability, watching the video on Facebook. My point is that Kony 2012 collapsed the gap between seeing Facebook and using Facebook, making it appear (erroneously so) that the two activities were mutually reinforcing, or perhaps even the same thing. Social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter form the programmatic narrative spine of the film, shifting

our position from ‘viewer’ to ‘user’. The unseen user in the film is Future-You. This may explain why the viral pass-on rate has, to date, been the fastest ever: for 30 minutes Kony 2012 primed us to disseminate the story to our online friends, achieving one of the campaign’s primary goals: ‘Make Kony Famous’. What makes this especially controversial is that the seeing-using problem also collapses the ethical gap between the passive experience of watching and the active process of witnessing distant suffering. Because the film’s core aim has been to celebritise Kony, ‘sharing’ suddenly constitutes moral action in and of itself. Images of Kony 2012 posters and billboards, and a phalanx of empowered youth charging the streets, are represented as the realworld corollaries of digital activism. ‘Justice’ for the child soldiers of Uganda is narrativised as the visible work of social networking, and its users are further positioned as authors of justice. Via the logic watch-share-watch, a logic that in theory has no end and becomes a kind of closed loop, suddenly your average couch potato can change the world, one click at a time. This is what critics mean when they talk about clicktivism. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that clicking and ‘making famous’ is not the same as concerted humanitarian action. That would involve engaging local actors to reveal systemic postconflict issues; determining which rehabilitative measures require resources, like access to education; ensuring the rule of law exists to prosecute and prevent attacks on villages by rebel forces. In the aftermath of Kony 2012, one could be forgiven for thinking we now exist in a post-compassion universe. The most successful viral in internet history has been thoroughly debunked: its flagship event, ‘Cover the Night’, was an abject failure and as December 31 approaches, Kony remains ‘at large’. Nevertheless, there are some positives. We now know a helluvalot more about northern Uganda and LRA crimes. We know that despite its dwindling numbers and relative inactivity in Uganda, the wan army of 200 continues to terrorise villages in other countries including Sudan, Chad, the Central African Republic and the DRC. Five months ago, we could barely point them out on a map, let alone identify the International Criminal Court’s most wanted man. In addition, K12 has reignited the debate about rehabilitating child soldiers in other parts of the world like Liberia, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone. If nothing else, Kony 2012 has emerged as both symptom and diagnosis. Because the only thing worse than a viral video that promises to change the world and doesn’t, is one that makes us think about why we needed it to fail. ■ words: Anthony Levin | VIVA | 95


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