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the Edge February 2017


A Psychic Life a co n v e r s at i o n w i t h p s yc h i c s i n t h e c i t i e s A Preview to the 2017 Psychic & Healing Symposium 16

Our Emotional Body our featured topic 18-22


february horoscope | meditation & yoga resources love | embodying your desires EXPLORING THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS F R E E M O N T H LY




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presented by Edge Life Expos & Events

We welcome you to the largest and friendliest holistic event of 2017. It is time to kick-start your Spring! Get out of the house, rejoin civilization, come to the event, talk to your neighbors — hibernation is over… join like-minded friends, park free, enjoy healthy tasty foods! Visit 97 of the finest HOLISTIC EXHIBITORS & INTUITIVE READERS IN AMERICA! Have fun and fine-tune and recharge your Body, Mind and Soul…and create your personal best in 2017! ~ Gary Beckman

SPEAKERS TO INSPIRE + ENLIGHTEN YOU CHRISTINE DAY presents: Higher Realms Pleiadian Initiations 1:00-2:30 p.m. Saturday Keynote | 9:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday Seminar

Come and be part of a sacred journey with the Pleiadian Ambassador. Saturday’s Keynote will open and activate new energetic centers in the body. During Sunday’s Seminar, through a series of powerful initiations from the Pleiadians, you will re-access your own Higher Realm “Transmitting Channel.” Keynote: $55, $73 VIP online now • Sunday Seminar: $189 online now • Keynote + Seminar: $239 online now

PSYCHICS IN THE CITIES presents: The Truth About Psychics 3:00-4:30 p.m. Keynote

Psychics have been around since the beginning of recorded history, but they often are misunderstood and even feared. Join Connie Braton, Judie Randall and Debra Battenfeld – a company of professional psychic mediums – in learning about the life of a psychic and how the psychic world can enrich your life. $22 online now

JOHN DeSALVO, Ph.D. presents: The Secret Behind Magic, Spiritualism, Voodoo and Psychic Phenomenon | 10:00-11:30 a.m. Keynote

This will not be a typical lecture, but a combination lecture, meditation and workshop. Learn why we search for Cosmic Consciousness, why this is our main goal in life, and experience some practical techniques to come closer to this goal. They say knowledge can be transmitted in words, but Wisdom and Enlightenment only by experience. Dr. DeSalvo has researched the paranormal for more than 30 years. $19 online now

EXHIBITORS TO INFORM + SUPPORT YOU LEARN ABOUT THE WORLD of spirit, psychic phenomena and healing at the 2017 Psychic & Healing Symposium! The day will feature provide a broad spectrum of opportunities to learn about the world of spiritual and psychic phenomena. The spotlight of the event will be the exhibitors. Explore intuitive readers, wellness products, healing resources, aura photos, jewelry, animal communicators, crystals and other unique gift items. Earle Brown Heritage Center is at 6155 Earle Brown Dr., Brooklyn Center, MN. Acres of free, safe parking. “This event is the only ‘true’ psychic symposium in the greater Minneapolis area,” said Edge Life Expos & Events Producer Gary Beckman. “It’s a good place for those unfamiliar with this area to get a reading in a safe place at introductory rates.”


9:30am-6pm Saturday, February 25

+ d e tails www.Edgelife.net Earle Brown Heritage Center

t i c ke ts

online on FEBRuary 1



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Contacting Your Higher Self: 40th Anniversary of Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

Negative emotions like loneliness, envy, and guilt have an important role to play in a happy life; they’re big, flashing signs that something needs to change. gretchen rub in


The Psychic Life

a conversation with  PSYCHICS IN THE CITIES A Preview of the 2017 Psychic & Healing Symposium

EarthTalk® February 2017: Obama’s Environmental Legacy

by E - The Environmental Magazine

6 Love, by Rachel Kosmitis 8 Healthy Life Expo returns to Minneapolis this Month 8  Embody: Move Your Desires from Intention to Manifestation by Theresa Nutt 9 The Spoon, by Kath Cotter Lloyd 10 Show Yourself some Love  with Healthy Snacks Food First, by Nutrition Julie

The Secret Protects Itself: Maximizing Spiritual Potential by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

subscribe Only $2.42 per copy [$29 for 12 months] — or only $2 per copy [$48 for 24 months] — sent to your home or business for convenient delivery by U.S. mail. To subscribe, call 763.433.9291, email cathy@edgemagazine.net or subscribe online at www.edgemagazine.net

featured business The Edge profiles businesses by category, every month (except June and November). Next: Psychics, Mediums & Intuitives Deadline: February 17 You submit: 50 words describing what you offer your community, and your contact info. $50. In print one month, online for one year. Contact: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net 4   w w w. e d g e m a g a z i n e . n e t

featured topic OUR EMOTIONAL BODY 18 How to Liberate Yourself from Repressed Emotions by Leonard Jacobson 19 Spiritual Beings living  in an Emotional Body   by Sue Mitchell Shapiro 20 Our Emotional Body: A Relational  Way of Being, by Dr. Patrice  and Gabriel Curell 21 The Astral Body: Mastering Our  Emotions in the Age of Aquarius  by Warren King

EDGE LISTINGS 23 Featured Business: Yoga & Meditation

10 Where Do We go when We Die? by Suzanne Giesemann

24 Business Network

12  A Frequency of Love for the  Awakening, A Pleiadian Message, by Christine Day

26 Edge Talk Radio   Monthly Free Podcast Schedule

14 Your February Horoscope: Sparks Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac,  by Heather Roan Robbins

26 Intuitive Network

28 Classifieds 28 Sacred Gatherings 29 Happenings Events calendar

Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country. fr ankl in d. roose velt


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We invite you to write 700 words or less on our featured topic next month: “Reigniting Passion in Your Life: How to Restore a Vibrant Sense of Possibility” Or write on any aspect of holistic living, spirituality, or healing. Deadline: February 9 Email: editor@edgemagazine.net Submit at: www.edgemagazine.net

F e b r ua r y 2017

the edge 


Ls ve by Rachel Kosmitis

When I think of Valentine’s Day, I think of love. There are many definitions of love and romance. There is the love between parent and child, of a spouse for a spouse, of a friend for a friend, of a citizen for their country, of an observer of a sunset or a flower. The hearts, doilies, cupids, candy, flowers, etc., are a part of that, but are only outward expressions of that love. Valentine’s Day is celebrated most often as romantic love between two people. But for me, love is more than that between two people who are romantically linked. It is love of my family, my friends, my spiritual family, my pet, for those whose family or society has forgotten, the person who checks my groceries, waits on my table, provides me with a service that often goes unacknowledged. When I was married, I loved Valentine’s Day with my husband. Although we did not share candy, flowers or jewelry, we would go out to dinner and buy each other some small gift we knew the other would enjoy. It could be a DVD, a puzzle, a book — something from the heart. The dollar amount was not a big consideration. It was a gift of the heart, designed for the person it was given to. After my marriage ended, I instituted the Valentine’s Day Tea for two elderly aunts and a good friend. (I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for the elderly, for those who have lived longer, seen and experienced more than I have. As a child, I loved to listen to the stories — by my grandmother, aunts and uncles, and their connections with the past. Through those connections, I felt a part of it all, part of a continuous chain.) We numbered four women: two younger and two older, who gathered together and enjoyed an afternoon of tea in delicate cups and saucers,

THE EDGE MAGAZINE 763.433.9291 P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303 www.edgemagazine.net

advertising sales Cathy Jacobsen 763.433.9291 fax 763.433.9290 cathy@edgemagazine.net

Publishers Tim Miejan & Cathy Jacobsen

WEBSITE Tim Miejan

Editor Tim Miejan 651.578.8969 editor@edgemagazine.net PRODUCTION melissa MAY ART PHOTOSPIN used by permission

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scones, cookies, small party favors, doilies, flowers and music. It was a time for us to celebrate the love between us. It was a big success. My aunts talked about it for weeks. So, the next year, we did it again, and the next and the next until I moved out of state. I had it for several new friends there and they wore hats and gloves, really dolling it up! I now call it “The Traveling Gypsy Valentine’s Day Tea,” as I have relocated several times since the first one. My tea cups are carefully packed in a box that accompanies me in my car when I move. The tea has become a tradition. How many attend is not important. It is about love. I send Valentine’s Day cards to my friends, especially those who live alone or are ill. I pass out candy to strangers I encounter, clerks in stores, cashiers in drive-throughs wherever I go. I say, “Happy Valentine’s Day” to people and enjoy their surprised expressions. It makes my day and theirs. Although I miss romantic love in my life, I have the love of family. I have the love of friends I’ve known for a short time and the love of friends I’ve known for years, decades even. I have the love of my cat, who bestows it on me in his unconditional, totally accepting way. I even have the love of strangers. When I feel particularly sad or depressed, I write love letters to strangers and leave them on park benches or on counters in stores or in shopping carts. It is a way to tell someone I will not see or meet that they matter, that they are loved, that their presence in this world is important. I will never know if the person who finds the letter really needed it that day and it made a difference, although I like to think that is the case. Love. It really is all we need and what the world needs now, so very, very much. Write a note, mail a card, make a call, send a text or an email. Say “I love you” out loud to someone. Say it again. Say it again. And again. a Rachel Kosmitis is a Certified Angel Card reader and Reiki Master/ Teacher who has been “seeking” for over 25 years. She is a writer and her favorite subjects are those of a spiritual nature. Email her at ellagreca@ gmail.com. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

EDGE TALK RADIO coordinator CATHRYN TAYLOR 612.710.7720 ISSN 1085-0996 Copyright © 2017 All Rights Reserved. The Edge is published by The Edge LLC. Reproduction of articles in print or electronically without permission of the author is prohibited. The

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F e b r ua r y 2017

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Healthy Life Expo returns to Minneapolis this month The largest health, wellness and fitness show in the Upper Midwest — the Healthy Life Expo — returns to the Minneapolis Convention Center this month. The event is February 4-5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, at the Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission is $6 at the door or free with a donation to the Golden Valley Family Center Food Shelf. “We expanded this show to be our largest ever!” says Rick Martinek, owner of MediaMax Events and Expos, Inc. “Nutrition, fitness and longevity — it’s all here! Explore more than 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life, as well as three stages of ongoing speaker presentations and demonstrations.” New this year are the stages for Yoga and Healthy Cooking. Attendees will be able to sample products and take part in hourly drawings and free health information. “This is the smart place to get the free tips and information to start living a healthier life,” Martinek says. Those who attend will explore the latest in nutrition, fitness, men’s and women’s health, medical information, weight loss, health services, and much more, and take part in seminars, product demonstrations, entertainment and great shopping all weekend long. In attendance will be Dr. Chuck Els from TV 45, Ned from KYMN Radio, Kirby from the BIGQ Radio and Staci from KS95 Radio. See all the attractions at www.MediaMaxEvents.com or call 952.238.1700. a 8   w w w. e d g e m a g a z i n e . n e t

Embody: Move your desires from intention to manifestation by Theresa Nutt As the new year unfolds, and you focus on creating what you want in life, I want to give you some information that aligns you with the new energy that is present for you right now. The new energy of 2017 will make it easier to embody the vibration of what you are creating. It’s more collaborative, supportive, and focused on receiving. Let’s start by defining embodying. The dictionary’s definition is “to be a constituent part of” or “to be an expression of.” My personal definition is holding the vibration of, and making choices that support the vibration of an intention. How do you move from intending to embodying? Embodying is the key to manifesting what you want to experience. Here is the overview of how you embody:  Pay attention to what you intend for your life.  Match your vibration energetically to the vibration of what you are intending.  Release anything that is keeping you from connecting with what you are manifesting.  Love yourself more no matter what arises.  Notice the glimpses of what is naturally arising in your life and what gives you more energy when you follow it. I am going to give you a big example from my own life that just popped up this month. I have been doing some part-time work as a nurse at a home health agency. And my intention to value and respect myself is being put to the test. I am being worked more than full-time though I agreed to part-time work. And I am being left to figure out a lot of the “how to do this work” on my own, even though I am supposedly in orientation. So, here’s embodying in a real-life example. I had two choices. One was to swallow my frustration and try to keep sucking it up, lose sleep, and care poorly for myself. The other was to speak up and voice my needs. The second is the definition of embodying. I chose the second, by the way. Here are the steps I took. First, I sent an email to my Director of Nursing very respectfully outlining my experience, my concerns, and my needs. Then I had a follow-up phone call with him to discuss this in person. His response was positive, but as the day ended, I found the same patterns repeating. So, now I have another set of choices — because when you set an intention and claim what you want for your life, be prepared! The Universe will do a few things to make sure you are serious. This leads to what I am doing next. Again, I have the choice of toughing it out and letting it slide. This particular choice tells the Universe that I am wishy washy about what I want and the results I will get match that. The choice I am taking is to be boldly consistent

about voicing my feelings, concerns and needs that match the vibration of respecting and vluing myself. Embodying is a daily practice. Here are the key steps to embodying effectively:  Get crystal clear about what you are intending.  Keep what you are intending top of mind all day long.  Identify how the energy vibration of what you are intending feels and focus on consistently creating that feeling in your energy field.  Clear out anything that is keeping you from embodying. Things to consider include patterns of behavior, words you commonly use, what you tolerate from others, physical and emotional clutter of any kind, etc.  Consistently reinforce your intention by taking the action that supports your intention. And don’t stop until it’s second nature. Remember: the Universe will eventually stop testing you — as soon as you have successfully learned how to consistently embody the vibration and take action to support your intention.  Love whatever arises in you as you work through the transformation process. The rest is about you aligning with your heart and soul. So don’t look for a lot of external resources. Tune into yourself and your Divine inner wisdom. You absolutely know what is right for you. a Theresa Nutt is a transformational coach, author, and speaker. She empowers women to become Vibrant. Imaginative. Unforgettable. Her business is Closeted Creatives Coaching. Contact her at theresa@ theresanutt.com, www.theresanutt.com, or 949.728.8640. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

the spoon by Kath Cotter Lloyd In 2016, in Big Lake, Minn., I was looking through a box of swimming pool chemicals in my brother’s home. I moved things around and took out what was not for the pool. I reached into the bottom of the box because I saw something gold and shiny, which looked impossible to be there. I almost fainted, almost died on the spot! On the bottom, in spider webs, was a spoon I had not seen in 47 years — and it was not even tarnished or dusty. This is the history of “The Spoon.” When I married in 1969 in Gresham, Ore., my ex-husband Vic wanted to try the Mormon religion. So I became the librarian in the temple after we were baptized. I met a lovely young woman when I was the librarian. She was just married and I thought I had some items she could use in her new home. I began sorting through my things and set some aside for her. Vic had an elderly friend who owned a pawn shop, and his friend had told him, “If I die, you need to come in and take what you want, because my family will take it all,” (he seemed to have issues with his family). So time passed and this older man died. Vic brought home many things, but he beamed as he gave me a large mahogany box. I opened what seemed to be storage for silverware. Inside I found a 12-place setting which shined like gold and had mahogany insets in the handles. I thought that they were very lovely; I was so excited to look at it all. Then I noticed something odd. “Oh Vic, look, a spoon is missing.” He was disappointed because he wanted this to be a perfect gift for me. I told him we could use it for parties. What fun! It came time for me to give

my new friend what I had saved for her. I thought, she does not have much — maybe she could use this fancy silverware. I told Vic what I wanted to do and he said it was fine with him. So off it went to her in its velvet-lined box. I was hesitant to give it to her because I knew that these sorts of things were not of the Mormon religion — they were from Thailand and included symbols representing a different religion. I told her that maybe she could sell them and get some extra dollars. I showed her that there was a spoon missing, but she was not too concerned.   So, 47 years later, 1,683 miles away, I found that lost spoon. For 47 years, that spoon was in the angelic realms. The first thing I thought was that Vic was contacting me from heaven. When I look back at the situation now, it seemed so unusual for fate and the angels to have removed that one spoon from that silverware box, only to have it presented to me in 2016. Tell me there is no plan in the Universe for miracles! You see, little things do matter. Be aware of the stream of consciousness that runs through the Universe and brings these miraculous results. This truly is the I Am energy in action. Every moment builds your future on a chain of connection into the future. Giving away that beautiful set to help that young woman opened the door to abundance in a way I am just now understanding. a Kath Cotter Lloyd is an artist and medium. She has written articles for The Edge and is now working on a short book about fairies and has a metaphysical invention soon be released. She worked with her grandmother, Rev. Lourenda Kincade Cotter, in the spiritualist church and help to create the Minneapolis Ghost Tours. Contact her at jenni625@windstream.net. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

F e b r ua r y 2017

the edge


Show yourself some love with healthy snacks

1. Combine lemon juice and water in a small measuring cup. 2. Whisk tahini and olive oil in another small measuring cup (whisking to a smooth consistency is a very important step!)

Food First

by Nutrition Julie Every year when February rolls around I think about Valentine’s Day and I think about love. I send gratitude for all of the amazing people I get to work with and I think about ways to nurture and love those around me. I also look for ways to nurture myself, with a good night of sleep, a walk outside, doing things with people I enjoy and, of course, with good food! One of the biggest shifts I made in my own health journey is to surround myself with good food choices. I have a bowl of fruit on the table and lots of veggies in the fridge that I cut up each weekend, so that they are easy to grab and munch on. I also love to make hummus as a dip for those veggies and as a spread for wraps. It’s a great way to get protein and fiber, plus it tastes amazing! I got this recipe (based on a Cooks Illustrated recipe) from my friend and client who always has a fabulous recipe or dish to share. SMOKED PAPRIKA HUMMUS 1/4 cup plus one tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup tahini (be sure to mix well!) 2-3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 14 oz. can of chickpeas drained and rinsed 2 garlic cloves - minced or pressed 1/2 - 1 teaspoon salt (or to taste) 1 teaspoon smoked paprika Generous pinch of cayenne Garnishes: sliced scallions, toasted pine nuts, Olive oil

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3. In a food processor bowl, combine chickpeas, garlic, salt, smoked paprika, and cayenne, and process until almost completely ground (scrape bowl as necessary). While the machine is running, add the lemon juice/water mixture in a slow, steady stream, process for at least a minute until well-combined and then scrape down the bowl. With the machine running, add the tahini/olive oil mixture in a slow, steady stream until mixture is well combined and creamy — this will take an additional 20 seconds to one minute (scrape bowl as needed.) Note: I have tried to make this in the Vitamix®, but it doesn’t work nearly as well as a food processor for grinding — also, since the Vitamix generates a lot of heat, it tends to convert the olive oil, and turns it quite bitter. 4. Transfer to a serving bowl, and top with garnishes, cover with plastic wrap and let stand for at least 30 minutes for the flavors to combine, drizzle with olive oil, and serve. If not using immediately, cover hummus with plastic wrap, and refrigerate separately from the garnishes. When ready to serve, stir in a tablespoon or so of water, if the texture is too thick. Makes about 2 cups. a Nutrition Julie is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Raw Food Nutrition Educator who is passionate about nutrition, health and wellness. Julie believes that real, whole, nutritious foods are a powerful tool in living a healthy, conscious, diseasefree life and works to educate, inspire and empower the people she works with through her step-by-step Food First System. Visit www.NutritionJulie.com. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

Where do we go when we die? by Suzanne Giesemann Is Heaven some imaginary, far-off place to which we travel when we pass from this earthly realm? Not at all. In fact — call it what you like, the afterlife, the nonphysical world, the other side —Heaven is much closer than you think. Understanding where we go when we die is easier when thinking in terms of signals instead of souls with bodies. Every soul has an energetic signature — the aura — that is uniquely its own. This signal is high or low depending upon the level of consciousness attained. While in human form, one’s thoughts, memories and actions become recorded within the aura, resulting in an average vibratory frequency. I liken this signal to a personal “ringtone.” (It’s an interesting exercise to imagine what your ringtone would sound like to others: sweet and harmonious or off-key and dissonant.) In our high-tech world, there are countless electromagnetic signals around us, but they are of such a high frequency that the human brain cannot perceive them. Instead, we need specifically tuned instruments like televisions and radios to detect the signals that buzz by us undetected. A cellphone is another instrument that receives and transmits electromagnetic signals. What happens if you are in the middle of a call and you drop your phone, breaking it into pieces? The caller may still be talking, but you can no longer hear their voice. It’s critical to the point of this discussion to ask the question, “Where did the signal go?” Clearly, the signal didn’t go anywhere. It is still in the airwaves around you even though the instrument that was used to receive that signal no longer functions. Let’s apply this logic now to the transition we call death. What happens if a human being is in an accident and their physical body ceases to function? Without the ability to display the soul’s ringtone, where does its signal go? The answer is simple: It doesn’t go anywhere. Spirit is no more confined to the body than a voice is confined to a cell phone. You may not be able to see the soul’s light when the physical body dies, but…it’s still there.

Whether here or in the hereafter, where you place your awareness determines your reality. Heaven is not a place, but a state of consciousness. Without the body keeping you trapped in the illusion of separation, the real you reawakens to your true nature and you find yourself Home at last. How do I know these things? I am an evidence-based medium. I served a full career as a U.S. Navy officer prior to discovering my ability to communicate with those who have passed. Because of my left-brained background, I used to have trouble believing stories about spirits reading, playing and working in Heaven. Only when questioned by one of the world’s top Near Death Experience experts, Dr. Kenneth Ring, did I set my skeptic’s mind aside and ask the spirits, themselves, what Heaven is like. Their answer came as a detailed download through me directed to Dr. Ring. The bottom line? Heaven is real, and our actions in this world determine our experiences in the next. Having interviewed thousands of near-death experiencers, Dr. Ring claimed that he had never read a more astonishing document. Until we transition and are greeted by those who have passed before us, it’s easy to imagine Heaven as a far-off geographical place. In fact,

those in spirit tell us that their world interpenetrates our own, but the two realities are vibrationally out of phase. I know that the souls who abide in that reality are not dead and gone. We may not yet have the technology to detect their higher frequencies, but just like cell phone signals that we can’t perceive with our physical senses, does that mean they aren’t there? I know how much it means to those in Heaven when we acknowledge their presence, so talk to them. They hear you. They are very much alive, and their world is as close as your breath. a The download from Suzanne’s guides detailing what life is like on the other side is available as part of Suzanne’s free e-book, “Awakening,” on her homepage. Suzanne will teach her two-day mediumship class in the Twin Cities on March 18-19. Information is available at www.SuzanneGiesemann.com. Suzanne Giesemann, the author of 11 books, is an evidence-based medium and spiritual teacher. She is a former Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and as aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11. She will be teaching her “Serving Spirit” class in the Twin Cities area on March 18 and 19. Information about Suzanne, including upcoming presentations and classes in the area is available at www. SuzanneGiesemann.com. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

Whether here or the hereafter, where you “ place your awareness determines your reality.

Heaven is not a place, but a state of consciousness.

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763.433.9291 cathy@edgemagazine.net F e b r ua r y 2017

the edge


A Frequency of love for the Awakening A Pleiadian Message

by Christine Day Beloved ones, we greet you. An aspect of the sacred covenant, which is carrying the blueprint of the “New Dawning” energy for Earth, has been activated specifically now for our next phase of awakening on Earth. This is heralding in the prophesied next step for humanity. This powerful action has been set in motion to anchor a pure form of love consciousness to support all of those who are on the path of awakening. This frequency of love has been designed to release a fluidity of pure light consciousness within the Earth plane to support the transformation and alignment to your own divine conscious awareness, as well as shift the energetic setting of your planet by opening up and transforming the multidimensional platform to enable this transition to evolve. Like a beacon Through this happening, a tremendous light is emanating from the central magnetic core of the Earth. It is radiating outwards like a beacon, creating shafts of light streaming, that are free flowing, that are interacting with your own multidimensional energy allowing a rebirthing process within your awareness. These light streams interact and anchor within your heart cells. This radiation of light plays the role as an awakener to Truth. These shafts of light hold an aspect of the God consciousness that you are now ready to receive and utilize. These forms open up the next phase for you, revealing a new design of Self that naturally realigns through your heart. This entire metamorphic process began to activate and birth at the same time: New Year’s Day. It emerged initially as a single pulse, emanating outwards, creating a ripple across the planet. Then, another singular pulse was released like a heartbeat. The unfolding of these series of pulses began an accelerated movement, like waves on an ocean. Each individual pulse began building, with an intensity of light, carrying the frequency of Truth. Each individual pulse is holding a sacred form, a fluidity of love. These pulses are continuing to manifest this transformed element, which is necessary for your evolution. There is an essential need for you to open up into a state of receivership through your heart, as this building of momentum continues throughout this month of February. This awakening energy has created the opening of a series of doorways. Each one 1 2   w w w. e d g e m a g a z i n e . n e t

will enable you to align to another form of your multidimensional aspect. You need to be a seeker right now, on a very different level, in a very different way. We know you have been seeking previous to this time; however, because of the changing energetic dynamic on the planet, you will be moving through a different terrain than ever before. These spaces link you to the holy elements of Self, and you will be realigned back to a form of remembering, of limitless potential. There is to be no struggle on this new path, simply the conscious choice action required from you to move onto your path that is awaiting you. The doorway is opening up right in front of you. This pathway will guide you and align you naturally to your unique light consciousness frequency, allowing you to enter the home space of your heart. You will be able to hold the sacred design of Truth within your heart cells. Your own unique path will unfold because of this frequency of Truth that will be anchored within you. Spiritual alliances will naturally be developed within this energetic sphere created through your Community communion.

Path of the heart Open up your awareness into what is your newly found potential, through this multidimensional path of the heart. Your time is now! You are ready to utilize the enormous energy of creation that awaits you. This is the time to claim your creation energy, which embodies all aspects of Self on all multidimensional realms. Your creation energy carries the variable levels of love, frequencies of love layered in sacred forms that make up your own unique divine content of Self. This pure form of light that is infusing the Earth will further illuminate the way home, bringing a deep nutritional fortification within your physical cells. This will reflect and nurture the human aspect, which exists as an essential element in your ongoing unfolding process of enlightenment. New community We emphasize once more the essential role that the development of new community plays on your planet. Within this newly expansive framework that has already begun to anchor through these changing elements, there is a call for your community development on Earth. The energy of community is designed to fortify the powerful framework that is opening up on Earth.

The community process is designed to enhance and further build this sacred development within your path. You will mature and begin to know and understand the pure form of communion that is possible within the community structures that will form at this juncture. Each one of you holds the design for this living communion potential within, and it is only through community experience that you will begin to glimpse the fullness of this pure aspect of the potential you naturally carry and embody. A signature light will be ignited within your individual community setting as you forge and establish alliances of the heart. There will be binding and sacred bonds established between you that will allow many truths to be revealed within your individual community communion experiences. As each member is held and cherished for all that they bring to the whole, your community light will be able to evolve to another level. These actions of community are predestined for all of you who are on the path.

Sacred revelations It is simply the time for these sacred revelations to be opened up through the communion settings established within your new communities. We witness the changing elements on Earth created from the light pulses. They are strongly impacting and supporting the birth of your group structures and enabling a deepening of your full community identity. Through anchoring your place within community, there is an access for you to gain entry into your own Higher Realm consciousness state. You will be able to navigate into these multidimensional states, activating higher source energies within you and bring “heaven to Earth,” simultaneously establishing your own selfrealization process. Know this design can only be achieved through the active state of community. As you participate in these communion spaces, you enter an individual evolutionary acceleration because of your specifically developed community energy. We are here to guide you on your path, to support and stabilize your own illumination process. Know that you are the only ones to resurrect your powerful creation energy, which is naturally aligned to all creation within the collective universes. You are to play a vital role in this “new dawning” of your planet Earth, enabling your collective community as an individual “life force group” to return to your resident universal community. Remember this

directive: Only you as human beings can restore your planet to balance and realign back to the sacred community within the universe in which you have always belonged.

Your own destinies We oversee; we do not control the unfolding of what is predestined for planet Earth. You are the controllers of your own destinies. Each one of you holds a key to unlocking the doorway to the universal God consciousness connection. Your creation energy holds the form of the key. Community love will develop between those of you who are committed and energetically ready to move onto this path. Perfection is not required. The only necessity is that your human aspect needs to play an essential role in the makeup of your community base. The nurturing of your human part must be taken into account as you progress and build your community. Success is measured by the group’s ability and willingness to embrace their own human vulnerability, with an open acceptance of the idiosyncrasies of others in your community group — simultaneously honoring the unique gifts that each member brings to the community. An ongoing open forum is needed to discuss the human vulnerabilities within each individual community. This will allow change and understanding to take place with each other. You do not want to defend your human expressions of vulnerability; instead, compassion and openness are needed to support each other. Great change This is a time of great change on your planet, and you are the instigator for this change. As you join with others and form these communities, you are held by the Higher Realms in love. We will guide when asked, however, we cannot interfere within the group process. Through the forging of this Higher Realm multidimensional light, you will be enlightened to Truth. Through this new design, revelations will

be imparted for you to successfully form partnerships based on love within your individual community base. You are to move forward within these formations of community, step by step gradually building the love between your hearts — understanding that there can be a leading team within your community, without an established hierarchy. This means there is equality between each one of you within the complete group. There are to be no smaller/ sub groups set up within the community that excludes others. The ego mind will move towards this old way of structure, however there is no room for this action of separation. Love is the key that each one of you holds clearly within your heart structure, and through this love all things will flourish. Love contains strength, truth and fluidity. Love demands respect and an honoring of Truth. Love will not tolerate separation, which sometimes presents itself as trying to be perfect and then moves into judging one’s self and others. You hold within your heart a container that carries the significance of this pure, loving element. Through the collective heart of your community, you will build and resurrect yourselves on planet Earth. You will establish this essence of love for all of humanity, which can be likened as a “blueprint” for others to emulate within their own heart when they are ready.

PROCESS TO CONNECT TO THE PULSES, ENTERING THE PATHWAY Take this moment right now to begin this returning home. The light design within your heart is fluid, open and pulsing. Bring your awareness to your heart. You do this by simply placing the palms of your hands on your chest. This is your pathway to that multidimensional heart flow. These are the steps:  Feel the connection of your hands on your chest by bringing your awareness into that meeting point of your chest and hands. Claim your   see AWAKENING on p. 14 F e b r ua r y 2017

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heart with your breath, placing your breath, like a soft wind, into the space, the opening. Move into the thought, “This is my heart.” Just let go into that Truth. Breathe and let go. Keep letting go, claiming this Truth, moving into the fluidity, into your own experience. Don’t look for anything to happen. Just Be with your heart. Keep letting go.  Bring in this sacred sound, that moves you through the doorway, ASTEN EEE. Keep bringing the sound into your heart, as it connects you to the light pulses, moves you through the doorway onto your path.  Breathe and let go. Remember: letting go allows you to align through the doorway to the new path. This is an essential step for each one of you, because no matter how far along your path you are, this process is necessary for you now. Ask yourself, “How much am I willing to receive what is held within this unfolding light design on my path?” There is no greater action at this time than to engage with this simple process, beginning a revolutionary process within you. Each member of your group (remember, communities are 2 or more people gathered together) needs to be committed to this process in order to fully participate in the community building and deepening your communion potential. Individuals must be aligned to the vastness of their own heart design, which carries this fluid

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light element of Love. Love is the essential ingredient to your community communion process of sacred connection. Love is the base from which your community will flourish. Love holds the imperfection of your humanness. Let us look at the community building process. This will support you in fully utilizing the individual sacred gifts that each member brings to the collective within this new path. We bring a holographic energetic sound to your community enabling the changes to be imprinted through the light of your hearts. This imprint will open doorways within your community, enabling you as a group to flow in an expansive synchronized way. This is the process: Sit in a circle. Hold your hearts. Use the sound, AE STENHAH. Feel the group energy begin to form within the circle. Keep breathing and letting go. Feel the unfolding of your hearts connecting together. We continue to witness and hold you all in love as you unfold. Blessings, The Pleiadians. a Christine Day is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author. Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live. Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete self-healing. Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally. Visit www. ChristineDayOnline.com. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

Your February horoscope: Sparks Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac

by Heather Roan Robbins Groundhog’s Day marks the Celtic fire festival of Imbolc, time to light bonfires and consult animal divination of all types. This year, it will be a fire festival as Venus joins Mars in Aries February 3. They bring an early taste of a power-packed, revolutionary spring and blast us out of last month’s sensitive inertia, and into a new perspective. So, what do we want to instigate? Mercury enters Aquarius on February 7 and encourages us to build community rather than go it alone. New relationships and alliances catch fire quickly. A partial eclipse February 10 in Leo highlights tension between the needs of the individual and those of the collective. It asks us to step away from self-involved Leo to find Leo’s generous and loving heart; let’s shine individually, but for the benefit of all sentient beings. We’ll feel power building to a clash of wills around February 22 as Mars squares Pluto, so let’s choose our fights carefully. Sun enters Pisces Feb 18, Mercury follows February 26 and brings back a subtle sensitivity while increasing our spiritual needs. February

25, a new Moon/solar eclipse in Pisces asks us to begin a new heart-centered cycle. February ends with a fresh competitive and revolutionary wind as Mars conjuncts Uranus. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…You’re on this month; energy and inspiration pour in, but keep an eye on long-term consequences of all you do and say. Create rather than react, and lead without disempowering others. Practice patient determination and listen for the other side of the story. Make extremely careful decisions February 22-27. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Your

psyche may rumble with potential discontent. Rock the boat, but keep it productive and heart-centered. Around February 10 you may come to a new understanding of your feelings and need to take a stand; articulate what you feel, but let it begin negotiation. Be the rock and offer February 25-27. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…

Speak your truth, keep the conversation going, ask great questions, but don’t get hooked into surrounding tensions unnecessarily. Responsibilities abound, but if there’s too much on your plate as the month begins,

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…

prioritize. Mid-month is productive if you stay on task. After February 26, know when to step back.

Opposition and innovation; it’s going to be an interesting month. Let sparks ignite productive conversation at home and workplace. Lead while respecting other’s will; use extra diplomacy, especially when you clearly know what needs to be done. Make structural changes mid-month, and stay goal-focused through February 23-25.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Work can be intense. If you feel pressured to take a risk, find a middle ground between security and innovation. Take care of your boundaries and sidestep the charging bulls, particularly February 22-26. Observe rather than react; next month you’ll be in a more proactive position.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Look for a chance to take independent steps to learn and travel this month, with doorways opening for new experience February 9-14. Watch for accidents around the solar eclipse February 26, but share what you really feel, and practice profound empathy.

not short-term understanding. Communicate clearly around matters of the heart February 11-15.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Do not

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…Be

lapse into passive-aggressive behavior or false politeness, for it will backfire. Be patient but straightforward with needs and opinions. Avoid conflict around other people’s money and resources mid-month. Sudden flashes of insight may be strong, but partial; get the whole picture. Follow up on opportunities February 15-21.

careful what you wish for, because it may happen, yet with a twist. If events unfold quickly stay on track with your own priorities, but help with emergencies. Move with awareness to avoid accidents February 20-27. Give your opposition enough rope, you don’t have to be the trigger.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…

Normally you honor independence, but it can be tricky when it’s your kids, employees or relatives. Don’t take it personally, instead lead by sane example and give them room to wind out, wind down. Make an overture around February 11. Assess your real needs carefully around February 21.

Relationships spark, ignite, and sometimes conflict. Be thoughtful around legal issues and all negotiations around what’s fair financially, romantically, and politically. Speak directly, but be aware of temperamental personalities nearby. Play for the long haul,

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…

Things can turn around and go your way if you both reach out and follow through. Do not get distracted and drop the ball. Communication improves and opportunities open after February 7. Make overtures February 11 -15, and turn inward to handle some personal work after February 25. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…You grow gumption, but watch for grumpy people and arguments over money, resources midmonth. They have the energy, but you know the direction; lead with love. Take the initiative after February 18, pay attention to endings which create room for fresh beginnings around the February 26 eclipse. a Heather Roan Robbins is a heartcentered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years’ experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She’s trained in astro-locality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses it at the core of her spiritual counseling. For a daily view, read Starcodes at www.roanrobbins.com. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

a The Edge is committed to supporting the holistic community. We distribute at more than 500 locations in the Twin Cities & Upper Midwest and share the full magazine content and advertising online.

F e b r ua r y 2017

the edge


Psychic & Healing Symposium Preview

The Psychic Life

An interview with Psychics in the Cities by Tim Miejan This interview was edited for space. Read the complete, uncut conversation at www. Edgemagazine.net. What is it like to be a professional psychic? How would your everyday life be different? The three women who work collectively as Psychics in the Cities — Debra Battenfeld, Judie Randall and Connie Braton — will address those questions and others on Saturday, Feb. 25, during their keynote talk at the 2017 Psychic & Healing Symposium at Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center. From 3-4:30 p.m., they will present, “The Truth About Psychics,” an event for anyone who has ever wondered what the life of a psychic is really like, and how the psychic world can enrich your life. What does being “psychic” really mean? What misconceptions does the public have about psychics? What can you expect from a psychic reading? What tools are used in psychic work, such as pendulums and cards? Psychics in the Cities will present random intuitive readings during the keynote, and one audience member will win a 30-minute reading with them. Advance tickets are $22 online at www. edgelife.net, and $27 at the door. The Minneapolis-based collective, which uses the “Power of 3” to deliver unique and powerful messages from Sources of Light, offers a six-week class on psychic ability in the spring and the fall. Throughout the year, they present unique workshops on topics of interest to the public, and they present monthly psychic galleries where individuals can come and ask one question. They also do individual phone readings, private readings, e-mail readings, and parties. Psychics in the Cities recently spoke with The Edge about their personal psychic experiences and their upcoming talk at Psychic & Healing Symposium. When and how did you first realize you had psychic abilities? Judie Randall: I don’t know if you want to say

it was psychic ability, but it was definitely being aware of past lives. I was probably 14 or 15. I read a lot and I knew I had lived in France during the French Revolution. That was my first kind of inkling into that. I also spent a lot of time with animals. I grew up on a farm and I talked with them a lot. Connie Braton: I first remember having intui-

tive flashes, I guess, as a young child, maybe 9 or 10, but I was always the weird kid. 1 6   w w w. e d g e m a g a z i n e . n e t

Psychics in the Cities are, from left, Connie Braton, Judie Randall and Debra Battenfeld. I was always the kid who brought home the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not comic books instead of Archie or Superman. For me, I just call it a sudden awareness that there was more out there. Debra Battenfeld: I didn’t realize my life was

different or that I was psychic until my 40s, because my life was normal. I knew psychic things, but I didn’t know that was what it was. I didn’t have a title or a definition for myself. What was the moment that you realized it was psychic ability? Debra: When I read Echo Bodine’s book,

Echoes of the Soul. My mother was very open without even knowing it herself. We had a Ouija board, and a Magic 8 Ball, when we were young, and it was just fun. We played with them and so these things were very natural for me. Did the other two of you have open families? Judie: Oh, no. To this day, half the family

goes, “Oh, yeah, okay, that’s just Judy.” And the other half goes, “Stay away from her.” They kind of look at me like, “Ewwww, okay. Whatever floats your boat.” Connie: For me, people started sort of coming

out of the woodwork after I came out of the broom closet. Since then I have had a lot of cousins tell me stories about my mother’s sister, so I am coming to realize that this was a family gift and not just mine, but no one in my family had ever taken it to this particular level by practicing it publicly. What led each of you to choose to become a professional psychic? Judie: It was 25 years ago or so, and I was

with some friends and I said to them, “I’m going to be a shaman.” I didn’t even know what a shaman was at that point. I just said that. I knew that there was something more out there, but I didn’t know where to turn. I started in the healing arena and then I went on to study shamanism. My last stop was Echo Bodine’s beginning psychic class. That’s where I met Deb, and within six months we had developed our company. It happened by being open to the universe to bring it to me. Connie: I am in kind of a unique position

among the three of us, because I was actually Judy and Debra’s student. I started taking classes here and there, and I ended up in their psychic development class and graduated from that. I went on to study advanced psychic development with them and put quite a few years into that, just honing my skills. One day, Debra and Judy asked me to join the group and I have never looked back. Judie: And we’re very glad she did. Debra: Yes, we are. Connie: Thank you. That makes three of us! Debra: My interest in mediumship is what brought me to the psychic world. I finally had a name for why I was seeing spirits. I became interested in reading every book I could find on mediumship, so I could understand what that was all about. So, mediumship actually led me to being a psychic. So the three of you have different intuitive abilities? Judie: I am more in the psychic world, looking

at past lives and soul work and working with animals, shamanism, and healing. I can do mediumship, but it is not my favorite

endeavor. Spirits of the departed come to me sometimes even when I’m not asking, but I am more about the here and now. Connie: I am somewhere in between. I started

out really liking the psychic reading stuff, finding out what’s happening in someone’s family or career, but I’ve gradually come to enjoy the mediumship probably even more. What a gift it is to be able to connect someone with their loved one on the other side. I can’t think of anything more fulfilling I could be doing with my life. Debra: Mediumship is a passion of mine.

When I first knew that it was a strong gift in me, I could think of nothing better than being able to help someone in grief, someone who did not think they could live anymore because a loved one was dying, someone who needed that connection, especially with children who had passed over. Do you have a feeling within that tells you that you’re connected with the energies of a particular client? Do you have a sense within you that, yes, this is where I need to be to do this reading? Debra: Yes. I definitely feel connected to the

person I am reading, even when I do phone readings. It’s not always a direct, face-to-face energy exchange between me and another person at an individual reading, at a gallery or at an expo. The person at the reading is asking for our service, and that gives me the permission — and the compassion — to start to feel inwardly about the person. Some can be difficult. We all know that, right, girls? They can come to us scared or even as a skeptic. You just have to rise above that — and you still feel some connection to that client. So, yes, there is something that you feel, and it opens you up to help them. To love what you’re doing is definitely a key. Connie: For me, I feel there is a difference

between doing a psychic reading and a mediumship reading, in terms of the cues that tell me that I’m connected. Sometimes when you have a spirit who is quite strong, I will physically feel that that spirit is around me in the room, so there are a lot of physical cues. I bring that in from my background as a paranormal investigator, where I learned to trust my instincts about what is around me. Otherwise, that connection is just a feeling of calmness and peace. Often, I will just feel love coming from a soul on the other side and it makes me smile. It makes me happy, so I know that I have connected with them, and then I can begin relaying information for the client. Judie: Sometimes when I’m doing phone

readings, I will pick up on an animal that is with the person that I am reading and share a message for that animal. I have two cats who will come and just sit on my lap until I share something about that animal with the client — and then my cats leave. Today, there

was no animal involved and my cats were nowhere near me during the reading. I have one of them sitting with me right now with this interview. In your experience as a professional psychic, what motivates someone to visit an intuitive like you? Judie: People are just hungry for some help.

They’re looking for hope. They’re looking for direction. Sometimes they know the answers themselves and they just need validation. There’s a lot of hunger out there, because they know there is something that exists beyond the physical. Connie: I remember the very first psychic

reading I had, and it completely changed my world. The woman gave me such validation that I couldn’t any longer wonder, “Is there something else?” I knew that there was something else. That was an exciting moment. It also was unsettling. I had just gone to the psychic for curiosity’s sake — and boy, did I get a life change out of that! You got more than you were looking for! Connie: Definitely more than I was looking

for, and that set me off on a path leading to where I am now. Debra: I agree with Connie and Judy. There is also the element of fun. We get clients who just want a girls’ weekend! Let’s have fun! And they end up walking away amazed with very meaningful information and messages — and I think that ends up opening up their minds to what we are all about. We make it fun most of the time, but being a psychic and medium is a very serious role to play. We do take our jobs very seriously, full of love and compassion for others. The people who come to us walk away feeling that and enjoy that, and then they share their experience with their friends and… boom…we have quite a few other people coming to us for help. Judie: I completely agree. Connie: We talk about this amongst the three

of us sometimes, about how when we do a mediumship reading that we like to give validation that a departed loved one is still around. Obviously, the client deserves that. It helps them trust us, and it helps open them up to other messages from Spirit. Oftentimes we find that the only message the client really needs is that their loved one did not die. Sometimes it’s just as simple as that — and your world changes when you understand that the soul does go on. So, sometimes there are very elaborate and detailed messages. Sometimes the message is simply, “Hey, I’m still here.” And, how cool is that?! What is your overarching goal when working with a client? Debra: The goal is to help them, to settle

their minds, to take away their fears, to

bring hope and light into their life when we are with them. Sometimes we only spend 15 minutes with a person. That is enough time to change a negative into a positive. It’s important to have them walk away less negative, less fearful, and not as sad. We want to change their perspective. We ask for positive information when we are with them. We don’t want to focus on the gloom of their life. We want to bring them something that helps them. Judie: I think Deb said it very well. For me,

it’s to bring them hope. It’s to bring them peace and help them let go of the fear. It’s to open them up to the awareness that they’re not alone. We all have so much help in the spiritual world. Connie: I agree. Hope and peace. We would

never want someone ever to leave our readings feeling scared or troubled in any way. Obviously, we can’t take away all of the sorrow, all of the sadness, that they’re feeling, but we always want to leave them with something to hang onto that lightens their load just a little bit. What piece of advice would you give to someone who is thinking about getting their first psychic reading? Judie: Just remain open to whatever informa-

tion is being given to you. As a psychic, I go and get psychic readings myself. A lot of times I’ll sit there and say, “Really? Really?” So, just be open to it. Sometimes what you’re told doesn’t make sense until two weeks later or two months later. Not everything always makes sense right in the moment. So, just really be open. Debra: Keep in mind that each individual has free will, and each person can change an event, a timing, a happening, by just turning a different direction, by making a last-minute decision. Don’t live what our reading says. If you’re looking for a relationship and I’m seeing blonde hair, don’t pass up somebody with dark hair if they are a wonderful person. Just because I saw blonde hair, don’t just look for that blonde hair. I could be wrong. The person you met could have had blonde hair when they were 3, Just follow your own intuition. We all have it. Know that what we do see might be for your higher good, but you have free will to change your path at any time in your life — and your choices might make that blonde guy not appear. Connie: Understand that even though we’re psychics and we can get information about other people’s lives — even their souls — we aren’t going to see things that they really, really, really want to keep hidden. Their spirit guides will protect them from shame or embarrassment. I also want people to understand that we would never ever judge someone. Even if we did get   see psychic on p. 18 F e b r ua r y 2017

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some information that could be embarrassing or revealing for someone, it is not our role to judge. Don’t be afraid of judgment. You can be as open as you want with us. That’s the whole purpose of it. What will those who attend your keynote at the Psychic and Healing Symposium experience? Judie: Lots of laughter. We take ourselves and what

we do very seriously, but we find that if people can be relaxed and enjoying it, it sinks in more. So, the energy and the mood in there will be light and enjoyable. Connie: It could be that this will be the first time

that some of the people there will be exposed to psychics, so like Judy said, we want them to understand that we are light, happy, hopeful people. Hopefully they will be entertained, but they will be enlightened at the same time. Debra: The title of our talk is “The Truth About Psychics.” I feel like they will come in with questions in their minds about psychics — and they will walk away with the truth, with our truth that we’re sharing with them. Connie: Hopefully they will be motivated to go out

and find their own truth to work on their own skills or whatever path that they’re supposed to take, in terms of the bigger picture. Hopefully they will walk out thinking, “I’m curious now. I want to learn more.” The best reaction we can get from any kind of class or workshop or keynote talk is just to inspire some curiosity in people so they want to learn more about the nature of who they really are, which is Spirit. Judie: That they will be at the beginning of their spiritual journey for their life, what their soul wants. We start listening to it. What final message would you like to leave with our readers about psychics? Judie: We’re human, too. Connie: Don’t be afraid. You’ll like us. Give us a try. Debra: That a psychic should be working to help each individual find happiness, their truth, their light. Connie: I would just like to say thanks for the oppor-

tunity to be keynote speakers. We are excited about it. Edge Life events are always absolutely top notch. We just can’t say enough good things about them, and they always bring so many people out. There is so much to offer, in terms of vendors and readers and workshops. It’s really a privilege for us to be involved at this level. Judie: Ditto! What Connie said. Debra: I agree! a Read the complete complete version of this interview at www.Edgemagazine.net. Learn more about Psychics in the Cities at Psychicsinthecities.com. Tim Miejan is editor and co-publisher of The Edge. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or email editor@edgemagazine.net. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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How to liberate yourself from repressed emotions by Leonard Jacobson Feelings are just energies arising within you. They have a message to deliver. They guide an appropriate response to whatever is occurring in the present moment. They are indicators of what you need or what you want in this very moment. But humanity is deeply committed to repressing painful feelings like anger, hurt, sadness, pain, unfulfilled need and fear. This begins in early childhood and continues throughout our lives, until they are liberated. We finish up with reservoirs of difficult feelings repressed within our body, then when a feeling arises in the moment, which invites an appropriate and immediate response, these feelings from the past come flooding in. We are overwhelmed. The past projects onto the present, preventing a response to what is actually occurring in this moment. Instead, we react based on the past and bring disharmony and conflict into our lives and relationships. If we are to become truly responsive in the moment, we will have to go through a process of liberating these emotions repressed within us. We will have to empty out these reservoirs of repressed feelings by allowing them to surface into conscious and responsible expression. You will need a certain level of Presence to awaken in you if you are to come into right relationship in this way. Very gently, remember to be

present with something that is here with you in this moment, many times each day. If you can see it, feel it, hear it, taste it or touch it, you can be present with it. When you notice you are in your mind, gently bring yourself present with something that is here in the moment, without effort, struggle or trying. Then Presence will reveal repressed feelings stored in the body and you can begin the gradual process of allowing these feelings to surface and express. Feelings will arise with a story from the past. It is important that you do not believe in the story, and yet you must allow the story to emerge. It is as though you are playing two parts. On the one hand, you are needy, sad, hurt or angry and you express it fully and authentically. On the other hand, you are fully present with, and allowing of, the feelings as they arise. You are witnessing the whole event as it emerges from within you, and you know that it does not have anything to do with the present moment. You know that it is simply the past emerging for completion. You are not trying to fix anything or get rid of anything. You are simply correcting the earlier decision that you made as a child to repress difficult feelings. The feelings were just too much then. And now you are restoring those feelings to their right to exist and express. If you feel angry, what is that feeling of anger telling you? Anger has a message — you are either not getting   see liberate on p. 22

Spiritual beings living in an emotional body by Sue Mitchell Shapiro We are spiritual beings manifested in physical images tied to unseen spiritual and etheric energy, along with emotional attachments to thoughts and feelings. As multi-dimensional beings of mind-bodyspirit, our bodies are wrapped within many levels of energy, and the energy that confuses us most — yet has ability to heal our soul — is our emotional body. The emotional body can lead us to pain, addiction and disease. This is the energy realm that leads to turmoil in life if we do not recognize the deeper meaning of why and what we feel. There is a psychological factor attached to our emotional body, and to better understand how this fits into our multi-dimensional world we must accept that our emotional body is all about perception. It has to do with how we feel and how we respond to outside stimuli and different sensations. As we continue through life, we become fragmented due to many different directions we tend to travel. This fragmentation begins to wear us down at a deep emotional level. It is at our weakest moments that we have to make every attempt to return to our true self. But we often continue to move away from awareness of self, which strays us off our path. We begin to feel unwell, unable to function properly in this dense environment. Our emotional body takes a toll and begins to collapse unto itself. This takes place in a metaphoric manner and begins to manifest outwardly in how we physically carry ourselves. We begin to create the pain we believe is ours to carry, and this can lead to addiction of pain medications. If we do not return to our spiritual base we will dive deeper and deeper into emotional turmoil. By returning to our spiritual base we can begin to heal the wounds we feel at the emotional body level. Most important in the healing process is to confront events that have integrated into our individual psyche. Perhaps something in our past deeply hurt us. Maybe our parents divorced and we were stuck in the chaos of being juggled from one house to the other. This event could easily enter our emotional body and we may find ourselves living out similar situations where there is chaos and we may not know where we will be at any given moment. That initial event continues to manifest throughout our life until we finally accept

“  To heal the emotional body,

we absolutely must embrace the shadows along with the light. We must embrace the emotions and accept where we are in the present moment. that we have to disconnect from it and heal our own life. To heal the emotional body, we absolutely must embrace the shadows along with the light. We must embrace the emotions and accept where we are in the present moment. Ignoring emotions causes them to grow deeper and hurt more, which in turn creates the disease and addictions in our life. This state of awareness can be very uncomfortable, but we need to stay with it to be able to shift the emotional state we have been living in. Of the multitude of books I read and researched during my own life healing moments, the one I highly recommend is You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay. Throughout this book she helps break down the old beliefs and barriers we all carry in our emotional body. She offers guidance into discovering what is true, and what is not true, in those beliefs and explains how to heal our inner child. Healing the emotional body can come from forgiving others, and yourself, for past events you cannot change. Standing on the platform of forgiveness is key to healing. One of the ways we can heal the emotional body is through transpersonal hypnotherapy. This is a safe process that can open the subconscious, the place where we hold many memories too difficult to deal with in our waking state. We all want a life free of pain and addiction. By being able to heal negative emotions and move from the past into the present moment, the emotional body can finally align to our true state of being. a Sue Mitchell Shapiro is an Intuitive Wholeness Facilitator. Sue was raised in Minnesota where she still has family ties but is now living in Arizona where she offers “virtual” sessions in Life Coaching, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Toe Readings, and Spiritually-aligned Oracle Card Readings to clients all over the country. She is also an inspirational speaker, writer, and ordained minister while continuing educational pursuits to become a Transpersonal Counselor. Contact her at creativelifepurpose@gmail.com and visit www.facebook.com/ spiritknowslifecoaching and artsoulpath.weebly.com. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

F e b r ua r y 2017

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Our Emotional Body: A relational way of being by Dr. Patrice and Gabriel Curell Herein we delve deep into our cultural norm that emphasizes a scientific, objective, rational, non-relational, unemotional paradigm, where our feelings tend to be much maligned and denigrated. In fact, in U.S. culture we utilize a variety of ways aimed at numbing our emotional nature, such as food, alcohol, technology, etc. not to mention powerful psychiatric psychotropic and neuroleptic drugs designed to control behaviors and feelings that we don’t want or that disturb others because they are not part of the “status quo” or how we are told to be in this culture. If feelings are expressed, such as crying, we can be made to feel that we are not able to manage our life, nonetheless “control ourselves,” and that we are “lesser than.” actually, these expressions/behaviors have an awakening effect on us and those around us, shifting us out of denial. When denial is as strong as it is in this culture, we will find many methods and tools to maintain that denial. In our denial, all the important messages that seek to come forth are lost, true healing is circumvented, and disconnection becomes greater. Disconnection from our own self and our divinity, as well as a disconnection from nature and those around us, ensues. In other words, we feel empty inside. We deny the cry of our soul and the voice that brings forth the heart and essence of what makes for an extraordinary life — the one we are destined to live. When feelings arise, it is cause for celebration! You are preparing to take a leap in consciousness. We often use labels like “mental illness” or behavioral disorder for expressions of feelings and the deep discomfort and angst associated with what is happening in the world around us, our lack of community,

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and the growing malaise related to systemic disempowerment, including the inability to fully dispense our gifts, passion and purpose in the world. In spiritual terms, this angst can be known as “the dark night of the soul,” “shamanic initiation” or a “shakti/spiritual awakening.” However, in our Western culture, the minute our emotional body becomes disrupted and we move outside of “normal,” rational behavior, we are made to feel an outcast and stigmatized. The notion of the “non-emotional observer or objective observer separate from their surroundings” is so deeply embedded in this culture and projected as a world view that we can no longer distinguish it as merely a belief, which was put into place more than 400 years ago during the scientific revolution. It is so embedded we hardly recognize it for what it is. Those who espouse a more unified whole or holistic viewpoint are often met with raised eyebrows. Even with the advent of Albert Einstein’s scientific work and his illumination of a far more relational or unified notion of reality, this 400-year-old “mind is separate or we are separate” world view and way of being has not budged and remains deeply embedded throughout our systemic structures, such as judicial/legal, medical and political. It is seen across the vast majority of corporate thinking, and is further perpetuated by our educational systems at all levels. It even invades our spiritual practices. At this point, some people may stop reading here, for this engrained pattern of thinking is so pervasive that the notion that it may not be true will raise a high level of resistance as this fundamental part of our cultural belief is pushed against. If this is what is happening for you, then before tuning out, dismissing this conversation or

“  …In our Western culture,

the minute our emotional body becomes disrupted and we move outside of ‘normal,’ rational behavior, we are made to feel an outcast and stigmatized. moving past this article and on to others, please…stop. Seeing and acknowledging our resistance is the key to our ability to dance with the change and flow of what is occurring in daily life and to deepening our understanding of the universe and ourselves. Resistance is the edge where we stand still, proclaiming that the world is flat when it is, in “reality,” round. It is on this edge, as we shout into what appears to be the abyss below, where we will hear, if we listen, the echo from that quiet, but powerful voice that whispers about an impending shift in thought — a feeling — an opening to the wisdom of the heart leading to a new way of knowing and being. This is an opening in the mind that begins to see the many doorways, nooks and crannies filled with possibility. Resistance to our own life story, as painful as it may be, creates disconnection. Resistance and denial from what we see going on all around us creates disconnection. We seek to separate from that which we do not like or that pushes up against our beliefs. Chasing the light and ignoring our own painful feelings moves us further from that which we long for most: the ecstatic divine light and love. Acknowledging resistance through   see BEING on p. 22

The Astral Body

Mastering our emotions in the Age of Aquarius by Warren King In this lower dimension of ourselves, we have four different and interpenetrating bodies: physical, emotional (astral), mental and etheric. These are symbolized in the four elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. In this article we will focus on the emotional or water body. Three quarters of our Earth is covered in water. This tells us that mastering our emotions is one of our main assignments on this planet. We know how the moon affects the tides of the oceans and seas. It also has a major effect on our emotional bodies. Police and psyche wards know there is more activity during the full moon (luna-tics). Women also are aware of fluctuations in moods with their monthly cycle, with emotions often harder to manage during menstruation. With a strong mental body, we say that someone is intelligent. In the astral body, what we are looking for is emotional intelligence. Many people put a lot of energy into filling their minds with information, doing spiritual work, exercising their bodies, but they can still be emotionally retarded. When we let go of emotional stress, laugh at adversity, forgive easily, have compassion for others, and don’t try to control everything, then we know that our astral body is becoming healthy. We know that in our physical bodies there can be many kinds of infections, such as parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungus. The astral body can hide many types of entities that consume our negative emotions and are happy when we feed them — anger, anxiety, worry, guilt, shame, etc. Sometimes you will see these in dreams (travel in our astral bodies) as snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc. Also, past traumas can lurk in our feeling

body and erupt when facing situations or people that remind us of these traumas. There are things you can do to heal the emotional water body. Physical exercise is one key, along with more energetic exercises like yoga, qi gong, tai chi or martial arts. When meditating, try to see your emotional body like a body of water. Imagine it becoming less choppy and more like a still calm sea, reflecting the light of the moon or sun in peace. You can visualize light filling the energy field around you, especially the lower chakras, clearing out entities and trauma. See white light for purification, violet for transformation, blue for protection, pink for love and forgiveness. When you have more peace and mastery over your emotional body, others will notice. They will want to be around you to feel that love and compassion and peace. Things that used to bother you will be allowed to flow over and around you without disturbing your harmony. When your astral body becomes an outpost for divine love, you are doing your part to cleanse the entire emotional plane, where the emotions of the whole planet reside. Like the polluted water on the planet, the astral plane is polluted and seems like a hell. But as the Aquarian Age develops, we will cleanse the emotional plane around us. This is the most important work we can do to truly bring peace on Earth. a


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Warren King has been practicing Natural and Oriental Medicine for 24 years and has treated over 9,000 patients. He tries to always work on the root causes of health issues and has recently been focusing on brain and nervous system issues such as depression and anxiety. His new book, Love Your Organs, Love Yourself, is a beautiful way to learn to take care of your organs from an Oriental Medicine perspective. He has a practice in Minnetonka and can be reached at 952.930.3575 or at warrenking.com. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

F e b r ua r y 2017

the edge





continued from p. 18

continued from p. 20

what you want, or you are getting what you don’t want. What is the appropriate response? Ask for what you want or state clearly what you don’t want. When you respond in this way, anger will dissolve immediately. It will only last a few seconds. After a while, you will recognize that there is no need for anger. Just ask for what you want. It is the same with the feelings of hurt or sadness. These feelings have the same message as anger: you are not getting what you want, or you are getting what you don’t want. So respond! Express what you want. State what you don’t want. But as an awakening adult, you do so responsibly. Do not dump the feelings on anyone. These feelings need you to be present with them as they surface and express, and to be allowed to arise and express within an environment of love and acceptance. Do not be afraid of your feelings. If you accept full responsibility for your feelings, they will never lead you to hurt or abuse others. As you liberate repressed feelings from the past, you will be rewarded with feelings that flow freely and guide a conscious life, moment to moment. a

reflection — instead of closing our ears, hearts and minds — can lead to the potential for astonishing transformation to unfold. Begin to take notice of the resistance that arises — small and large — throughout your day. This has been a most profound practice for me. The deep resistance and denial of our feelings, and the effects they have on those around us, as well as their effect on us if they are also engaging in this separation, resistance and denial, leads us into relational/relationship issues (personal, culturally, nationally and internationally) and the grossly evident disasters showing up more and more predominately in the world around us. Some people are “waking up,” but denial, and the lack of feeling what is ours to feel, separates us ever more deeply from what the indigenous peoples term, “all our relations,” and from the Divine within. This only enables and exacerbates the perpetuation of ways of being that are leading to our own deepening malaise and the growing pollution of the waters of life and the extinction of many species on this planet.

Leonard Jacobson has been teaching people for more than 30 years how to become fundamentally present and arise in mastery of the mind and ego, making awakening available to everyone. He is the author of five books and travels throughout the U.S., Europe, Australia and Asia offering inspiration, healing and guidance to those on the path of spiritual awakening. For more information, visit www.leonardjacobson.com.

The advent of our feeling nature and its voice, whether it screams loudly or is quietly nudging in its sometimes uncomfortable way, is really the voice of our soul, our deepest heart, calling us home to the fullness of our divine nature. The time of waiting is over. In darkness and stillness you have prepared. Wrapped in mystery you waited and listened. The call stirring to the depth of your soul. A voice quietly whispers…it is time it is time. Joyfully you now stand, poised for flight. a Dr. Patrice, known also as the Matriarch or Ma Alethia, is a gifted eco-systemic scholar, healer and mystic who brings a profound connection and alignment with the Divine to all she touches. With more than 28+ years of eco-systemic and organizational development experience, intuitive knowing and deep wisdom born of the Divine Holy Spirit flowing through her, she brings a unique perspective to the challenges facing the human heart and psyche, the growing issues of sustainability and the sanctity of Nature, and the evolution of humanity in the modern world. Gabriel, her twin flame partner, is an authentic mystic, master healer, musician, poet, and teacher. Together they stand in service as divine catalysts to deliver the messages of the Holy Spirit’s divine wisdom and love. Visit www.gabrielcurell.com or call 612.594.4714. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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Yoga & meditation resources in the twin cities, Upper MidwesT…and Beyond

The following Yoga & Meditation resources are offered for our community: Awake-In-Life, Rev. Alan L. Pritz, www.Awake-In-Life.com — Author of an award-winning book, Meditation as a Way of Life: Philosophy and Practice, Rev. Pritz is an Interfaith Minister and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda with 40+ years experience teaching meditation. His private practice, Awake In Life, provides meditation training, spiritual counseling and related coaching for individuals, couples, executives and organizations. Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi, Master Hong, 763.208.4246, www.bodynbrain.com/ maplegrove — Our classes in Holistic Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, Detox and rhythmic movement combine East Asian healing and energy philosophies. If you are not healthy, happy and peaceful, even though you tried many different things, this will be the answer. You will become healthier, happier and much more peaceful, finding your path and connection with your true self. Fulfillment Meditation, Jean Wallis, 612.874.1453 — Fulfillment Meditation is mantra-based meditation activated with sacred ceremony by a teacher. Open yourself to love with the Heart Mantra. Liberate your mind. Balance your emotions. Harmonize your body. Influence your environment. Activate your Eternal Consciousness. Group, individual; short- and long-term study. Good Vibrations Yoga (formerly Yogatiques), 11 10th Ave. S. (free parking lot at 9th Ave S.), Hopkins, MN 55343, www.yogatiques.com — Good Vibrations provides daily yoga and meditation classes. We host workshops and continuing education, many teachers on staff having over a decade of experience teaching in yoga, meditation and healing modalities. We welcome beginners through advanced yogis in search of a quiet place in which to destress, learn and practice.


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spotlighting one holistic co m m unit y ever y m onth

Featured Businesses highlight a different holistic category each month except when The Edge Directory is published (June & November). $50 for a 50-word description + contact info. Major credit cards are accepted. Coming next: Psychics, Mediums & Intuitives Deadline: February 17 To be included: 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net or visit www.edgemagazine.net/advertise Jessica Hoch, Moxie Malas, Jessica@moxiemalas. com, www.moxiemalas.com — Moxie, by definition, means: force of character, determination, or nerve. We practice Moxie in our everyday — now we can wear it! Crystal healing and aromatherapy jewelry to deepen your meditation practice. Jewelry with intention to bring your meditation and mindfulness into your everyday. Create purpose, intention and support.

The Meditation Center, 631 University Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN, 612.379.2386, themeditationcenter.org — Creating peaceful communities through Meditation in the Himalayan Yoga Tradition. We offer progressive series classes in Meditation and Hatha Yoga. Series classes start every six weeks. Drop-in guided meditations at 7 p.m. as part of our Thursday Sampler Program. Easy online registration for series classes. No advance registration required for Thursdays. North Metro Yoga/Pilates, 612.850.0071, www. bodymindcircle.com — Group or private. Hiyala has taught 20+ years. Now in North Oaks, Spring Lake Park, and St. Anthony Village. Meditative, Therapeutic style with extra options for those who want more challenge. Hiyala also offers Thai Yoga Therapy, a clothes-on bodywork with assisted stretches. Charlotte M. Steen, Vajracharya ZhiChan, Upper Midwest Hanmi Buddhist Association, 651.278.0697, steenc108@gmail.com, www.mn-hanmi-buddhism.org — Awaken your joy and live your peace with Hanmi Buddhist meditation. Upper Midwest Hanmi Buddhist Association, with ordained teacher Charlotte M. Steen, offers spiritual healing by appointment, Buddhist prayer services and Chinese Esoteric Buddhist meditation classes and workshops for all with destiny. F e b rFebruary ua r y 2017 2017t hthe e e edge d g e    223 3


business net work resources for b o dy, m in d & soul

The Business Network is arranged by Category. $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category, brief description (25 words or less), name, phone, email, website, photo/logo. To be included: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net or www.edgemagazine.net/advertise

ACUPUNCTURE: Providing affordable, effective, personalized acupuncture by an RN and licensed acupuncturist in a group setting for over 10 years. $15-$50, you pay what works for you. Help for pain, headaches, digestive issues, fatigue, stress and more.

Coaching & Editing: Therapeutic Coaching that meets you where you are at. Coaching to address any problem, challenge or project…and bring you where you want to be. Specialties in career and business coaching, with technical assistance for editing/publishing and business operations.

Mongeau Acupuncture LLC , Ann Mongeau L.Ac, RN 763.300.9811, www.nwtwincitiesacupuncture.com

Dr. Nakita Savant, 612.812.4310, nakitasavant@gmail.com, Savant.acuityscheduling.com/

Angelologist Through Archangel Metatron, a personal message from your spiritual guide or angel. Messages are for affirmation, inner growth and guidance. Experience the gift that spirit has for you. Check out our Podcast on 1st Wednesday of each month.

CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), decorator pieces, jewelry. In-home store open. Call for an appointment.

Dagney Kvamme Walters, 763.443.3132, www.thesourceinspirit.com

Angelologist, Mystikologist, Healing, Education, Messages, Readings, Publications & Podcasts: Discover your inner connection to self, establish a personal connection with your guide/angel, align to your purpose, attune to the Source, visit us online for information.

The Source in Spirit, www.thesourceinspirit.com – Tracy Kvamme Krouse 612.501.0858 or Dagney Kvamme Walters 763.443.3132

Ayurvedic Medicine Classical Ayurvedic practices using traditional Indian herbal formulas, body therapies, meditation, yoga, pranayama, diet and life style suggestions. Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, Pancha Karma Specialist, 200hr. RYT,

Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017, kistones@comcast.net, www.kistones.com

DISEASE PREVENTION Disease Prevention – For A Life Of Wellness. “Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline body.” Alkaline-rich cells provide the immune system with the natural ability to prevent disease from taking root at a cellular level. Rick Roach / Enagic Distributor, 612.377.8008, Healthy-H2o.org

EFT Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life NOW. Dr. Kim Eisen is Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT. Dr. Kim Eisen, 612.802.HEAL (4325), kim@DoEFT.com, www.DoEFT.com

Ashley Christianson, 320.444.1429, scienceofgems@gmail.com

BODYWORK & BREATHWORK Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108, leebeaty@visi.com

Environmental Testing, Green Consulting, Certified Green Remodels: House making you sick? Feel better when you’re away? Testing for mold, VOCs, asbestos, EMFs and more. Call now! Discounts for Edge readers! Eco Shaylee LLC, Shaylee Oleson, 612.522.3082, www.ecoshaylee.com

BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING: Heal your Body, Clear your Blocks, Enhance your Soul Connection, Transform your Life. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions, ongoing. Individual Breath Sessions, Pranic Healing® / NPMDT® / Reiki by appointment.

FENG SHUI CONSULTATION Consultations, one-on-one professional mentoring, and workshops.

Chakra Healing & Therapeutic Massage Relax with a meditation, intuitive healing touch and chakra balance, then enjoy a 60-minute therapeutic massage, all for $50 for first-time clients (2 hours).

FLOWER ESSENCES Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. In business 33 years. Located at 3546 Grand Ave. S. Minneapolis. Contact Martin Bulgerin.

CHRIST HEALING Working with the highest available Light on Earth at this time, Susan facilitates healing by working with multiple levels of consciousness. Sessions available for all ages.

Heart/Essence Alignment & Activation, Spiritual Healing & Coaching Gabriel is an authentic Mystic, Master Healer, Teacher and Divine Catalyst. Be in his presence and receive a profound blessing & transmission of direct knowing, initiating you on the path to Self Realization, aligning you with your own Divine Essence/Spirit.

Coaching Are you going through a life transition and feeling lost, confused and stuck? I can help you gain the peace, clarity and confident direction you’re looking for.

HERBS: 600+ medicinal & cooking herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, new and used books, Natural healing practitioners available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking, ND, Duane Givens. In business 33 years at 3546 Grand Ave. S.

Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh., 651.442.4623, theconnectingspirit@gmail.com, www.theconnectingspirit.com

Edgar Massage & Chakra Balance, 5215 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.384.4572, www.edgardennis.com

Susan Broadwell, MA, PsyD., 952.220.5225 susan@mindbodytherapymn.com, www.mindbodytherapymn.com

Terese Guettler, RN, Wellness Coach of Wise Woman Wellness Coaching, 612.501.1806, terese@coachterese.com, coachterese.com

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Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437, www.energeticalignments.com

Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com

Gardeners of the Heart, Gabriel Curell, 612.594.4714, gardenersoftheheart@gmail.com, www.gabrielcurell.com

Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com

Holistic Health Coaching Manifest balance in your life — health, nutrition, spiritual, career, energy. Create your healing journey. Customized programs. Heal Organically, 952.200.4804, healorganically@yahoo.com, www.healorganically.com

KUNDALINI: Individuals living their Kundalini journeys within Kundalini Awakening Systems and the direction of its founder, and seminar leader, Chrism. Encouraged, inspired, supported by monthly meetings with the teacher.

MN Kundalini Community, 651.329.9615, rosemaryg@usinternet.com, www.KundaliniAwakeningSystems1.com

HOMEOPATHY: 2000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, We buy and sell new and used books. At 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis.

MEDIUMSHIP, INTUITIVE CARD READINGS, REIKI HEALING, ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: As the Minnesota Nice Medium, I use my unique talents and gifts to bring oneness and healing to everyone’s life I touch.

HYPNOTHERAPY Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 15 Years Experience. Located in St. Paul, MN.

Palm Reading, Reiki, Drumming & Meditation We carry various products such as Crystals, Rocks, Cards, Jewelry, Dream Catchers & many gift items. Open Fridays 11-5, Saturdays 10-3 & Mondays 4-9. At 26789 Forest Blvd., Wyoming, MN

HYPNOTHERAPY: Release the inner resources you’ve been hiding from yourself. Move more fully into your potential. With ten years of experience, the practitioners at ChangeWorks will help you release weight, stop smoking, put an end to fears and anxiety, sleep better, be more confident, and more.

Psychic Detective Stacey is an experienced psychic detective and psychic medium who gives accurate messages from Spirit, giving law enforcement and clients direction and peace.

Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com

Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 651.649.1952, www.ericjchristopher.com

ChangeWorks Hypnosis Center, 952.356.0010, www.MinnesotaHypnosis.com

The Empathic Connection, 320.226.3127, theempathicconnection@gmail.com, www.theempathicconnection.com

Crescent Moon Metaphysical Shop, Nancy, 612.328.0891

Connect With Spirit, Stacey L. Scott, 612.250.5500, staceylscottpsychic@gmail.com, www.staceylscott.net

HYPNOTHERAPY: Start a new career, add to your skills or learn for selfimprovement at our state-licensed school of Hypnotherapy and NLP. Earn internationally recognized certifications in hypnotherapy and NLP. Teachers have over 10 years experience and Board Certification. Classes form throughout the year.

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / SOUL READINGS Soul Readings for clarity and guidance. Psychic Development classes to heal, reclaim your gifts, and consciously create with your own unique body/soul partnership.

HYPNOTHERAPY 5-PATH® Are you on the right path? Now is the time to strive for better wellness - physically, mentally & emotionally. You owe it to yourself to Change the Path of Your Life.

Psychic Medium, Educator & Animal Intuitive Award winning, ethical and one of the top Psychic Mediums in the world. Psychic Galleries monthly, Psychic Development Groups weekly, Workshops.

Midwest Hypnotherapy Academy, Cindy Locher, 763.218.3231, www.MidwestHypnotherapyAcademy.com

Christa Sack, CH, Restore Your Path Hypnosis & Healing, 612.810.6158, christa@restoreyourpath.com, www.restoreyourpath.com

HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, habits, 5 Pillars of Balance, Spiritual Direction, Conflict Resolution Skills. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis & Coaching, 651.216.0085, www.infinitemindhypnosis.com

HYPNOTHERAPY/PSYCHOTHERAPY: Help with emotional overwhelm, healing trauma, sexual abuse & other issues. Access past-lives & between lives. Build skills for relationships across the veil, interactive prayer, Synergy Meditation. Channel for Mother Mary.

Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., psychotherapist, 763.546.4133, jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, www.jerrybuchmeier.com

HYPNOTHERAPY & TRAINING Past Life, Life-Between Lives Regression. 20 years experience. Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., LBL, 612.709.5578, www.madonnakettler.com

Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com

Alison James, 612.424.1411 returned via text, info@alisonjames.us, www.alisonjames.us

REIKI HEALING Experience the divine energy of Reiki for balance, relaxation, wellness. Treatment sessions. Student-oriented training for all levels. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Reiki Master-Teachers, 763.420.9017, dashf@comcast.net

REIKI HEALING: Feel Empowered on Every Level! Usui Reiki Training and Sessions, schedule a Reiki I or II class, inquire about Reiki Master apprenticeships and Absentee (Distance) Healing. Learn Reiki yourself, or bring your friends! Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan, 651.735.2863, rachel.miejan@gmail.com, ReikibyMiejan.com

SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325, kim@ShortcutToSuccess.com, www.ShortcutToSuccess.com

INNER CHILD WORK & EFT Author of the best-selling Inner Child Workbook & EFT (Tapping) Practitioner.

SUFI Four Layers of the Heart.

Cathryn Taylor, 612.710.7720, www.EFTforYourInnerChild.com

Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259, fauchier@goldengate.net, www.suficentermn.org

INTUITIVE CLASSES & READINGS Intuitive Tarot, Psychic & Palm readers available for in-store private readings or events. Classes in Psychic Development, Tarot & Runes. Schedule online.

FIND THE EDGE BUSINESS NETWORK ONLINE Explore the variety of holistic businesses in the Business Network online — including listings that appear here in print as well as The Edge Directory and monthly Featured Businesses.

Eye of Horus Metaphysical 612.872.1292, www.EyeofHorus.biz


F e b rFebruary ua r y 2017 2017t hthe e e edge d g e    225 5


intuitivE net work

connecting you to intuitive services

The Edge Intuitive Network is $40 monthly (1-3 mos.), $35 monthly (4-7 mos.), $30 monthly (8-12 mos.) Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: headline (10 words or less); description (80 words or less); name; phone; email; website; photo(s) or logo (2 inches wide x .75 inches high). To be included: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net

EXPERIENCE THE DIVINE MYSTERY OF THE HOLY GRACE THAT FLOWS THROUGH GABRIEL! Gabriel is an authentic Mystic, Master Healer, Teacher and Divine Catalyst initiated directly by the Divine at a very early age. If you have experienced grief or trauma, are seeking to move forward on your spiritual journey, clear your path of obstacles or receive the blessings of Holy Divine Grace, Gabriel is here to be of service in the most compassionate and loving way. Healing • Divine Transmission • Soul & Spiritual Purpose Activation • Intuitive Coaching • Satsang/Group Blessing. Gabriel Curell, 612.594.4714, gardenersoftheheart@gmail.com, gabrielcurell.com

PATRICE CONNELLY, DIRECTOR OF QUESTFIELDS: INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT TEACHER, HEALER, STUDENT For 35 years I have taught and continue to teach Intuitive Development classes,

worked with numerous clients in one-on-one sessions in person or by phone bringing Spirituality, creativity and humor together. I offer practical hands on tools for students and clients to explore and to develop their own unique gifts working with their Spirit through soul, mind and body. It is a never-ending source of delight and pleasure to see students and clients become empowered in their ownership. Patrice Connelly, Questfields, www.questfields.com

612.594.4714 gardenersoftheheart@ gmail.com gabrielcurell.com

www. questfields.com


Deborah is unlike any others, she will give you Names and Descriptions of people alive and or deceased from your past, present and future. Are you feeling lost, like you don’t have a clue which way to go? Be assured that Deborah Lynn11, with over 30 years experience, will Guide you to where YOU need to be. Deborah Lynn 11, 651.439.5337, www.DeborahLynn11.com

TAROT BY KATRINA: UNFOLDING YOUR STORY WITH SAGE INSIGHT, GUIDANCE & WISDOM Let us take a step together. Healing begins with a clear and settled mind. When questions are answered,

stress is lifted and a path to follow is found. Then healing energies can enter. Our journeys are constantly beginning, and here we start again. Let me walk you through life’s path ahead and reveal the unknown. Choose from the variety of Tarot decks I work with for a more positively attuned reading. Readings in person, via Skype, phone or email. Katrina@TarotByKatrina.com • 320.260.2138 • www.TarotByKatrina.com


edge talk radio podcastS expa n d ing the holistic convers ation

Free Edge Podcasts in February Wednesday, February 1 at 7 p.m. “The Edge presents Angels – Messengers of Light” with Dagney Kvamme (Walters) First Wednesday of each month — A different topic that Archangel Metatron and Dagney choose to discuss, messages from the Divine, are presented each month. Visit www.thesourceinspirit.com for current topic and archived podcasts, plus call in to this podcast for a free brief reading during the show.

Saturday, February 4 at 6 p.m. “The Edge of Divinity” with Dr. Julie Buckman First Saturday of each month — Learn the language of the Divine. Learn to trust what you hear, to be guided by what you say, as we explore the multitude of differences we each uniquely possess. Host Dr. Julie Buckman is an ordained Minister who works with God and his

2 6   www.edgemagazine.net w w w. e d g e m a g a z i n e . n e t 26

Listen anytime for free at Blogtalkradio.com/edgemagazine or call at show time at 714.364.4750. Show archives: Explore every show at www.edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio Host your own show: call 612.710.7720 or 763.433.9291 for details

Divine guidance while asking for guidance from the other realms, as well. Her focus is to embrace who you are, understand what your purpose is, and know there is more in reality than what meets the eye.

Tuesday, February 7 at 6 p.m. “Edge Learning Well” with Elise Marquam Jahns First Tuesday of each month — Learning Well – Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! This show is sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College.

Wednesday, February 8 at 3 p.m. “Edge Inner View” with Cathryn Taylor Second Wednesday of each month — Join host Cathryn Taylor as she speaks with Suzanne Giesemann, who is coming to the Cities in March to present a class on mediumship, “Serving Spirit: A Hands-On/How-To Course in Evidence-Based Mediumship” Suzanne holds nothing back in this practical, hands-on course for students at all levels. She will teach you a step-by-step process for connecting with those on the other side. You will have amble opportunities to improve your abilities and experience new levels of connection across the veil. In her work as a modern-day mystic, author and speaker, Suzanne receives highly evidential verification that consciousness continues beyond the transition we call death.


Anne specializes in connecting you with your Guides, Angels, Power Animals and other Spiritual beings to provide Divine guidance in working with each individual’s life journey. This, combined with her knowledge and training as a life coach and hypnotherapist, gives a truly unique perspective and direction to those who are desiring both wisdom and knowledge in discovering their Spirit’s truth and walking it onto the planet. ONE Holistic Wellness, Anne Brady, 2013 14th St. S.,

320.250.9402 anne@ oneholisticwellness.com www.oneholisticwellness.com

St. Cloud, MN 56301, 320.250.9402, anne@oneholisticwellness.com, www.oneholisticwellness.com


Know your PERSONAL YEAR NUMBER and the RIGHT ACTIONS TO TAKE FOR 2017. Know your LIFE CHALLENGES THAT ARE ACTIVE NOW—super-important info—find the weak links that can be strengthened and corrected NOW. KNOW WHICH of the NINE TIMING CYCLES of your LIFE are active NOW. What is your “HEART’S DESIRE”? The vowels in your name at birth hold the STRONG DESIRE of your SOUL’S MOTIVATION. Phone consultations. 35+ years experience. Call for your reading today! Barbara K. Michael Grover, 406.223.8980, bgobione@gmail.com


I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. I also offer beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. My passion is teaching others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com

WAND MAKING, CRYSTAL GRIDS, TAROT & SHAMANIC REIKI CLASSES IN A SPIRITUALLY ACTIVE LOCATION Enhance your spiritual toolkit by making your own Wand, Crystal Grid,

Spirit Feather, and Pendulum, Chakra, Space Clearing, and Reiki classes available to help improve overall wellness. Develop your Intuition through a protected channel in a series of enhanced study to help connect you with your spirit guides. My Spirit Experience is located in St Louis Park, MN. Private sessions available in person or by phone with Master Instructor and Shamanic High Priestess, Heidi Steffens. Heidi Steffens, www.myspiritexperience.com

612.669.1861 cindy@cindylehman.com www.cindylehman.com


LYNMARIE8 — MOVES & HEALS YOU INTO 5D AND BEYOND – BEYOND QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS® / THETA HEALING® This resolves all mental, physical, spiritual conditions in all aspects

of one’s self, of the past, present, future simultaneously & permanently. Creating a permanent shift on all levels of Mind, body, Soul & your cellular structures. Receiving 100% truth and accurate info from your records on and off planet, while creating a permanent shift in all areas of your life. LynMarie8 is an Intuitive, Medical Intuitive. LynMarie8, lynmarie.8@aol.com, www.lynmarie8.com

TOP PSYCHIC MEDIUM IN MINNESOTA – AS SEEN IN THE BOOK TOP 50 PSYCHICS & MEDIUMS IN THE U.S. Leigh is one of the most popular and well-respected readers and life coaches


in the United States. Leigh is naturally gifted psychic, medium and clairvoyant. She also holds a Certification for Life Coaching. Leigh has over 20 years of experience. Leigh has also been chosen to represent Minnesota in Jennifur Diamond’s new book, Top 50 Psychics in the U.S.

leighcohenwyatt @yahoo.com leighcohenwyatt.com

Leigh Cohen Wyatt, 763.233.1354, leighcohenwyatt@yahoo.com, www.leighcohenwyatt.com

Thursday, February 9 at 4 p.m. “Spiritual Diagnostics on the Edge” with Carol & Rabecca Second Thursday of each month — Join Carol Dorian & Rabecca Raffi in discussing a wide range of spiritual readings that assist you answering questions about your personal journey, including love, finances, and all matters of the heart and spirit. Learn about your chakras and chakra balancing, your spiritual DNA, positive energy vs. unwanted energy, and much more.

Sunday, February 12 from 6-8 p.m. “On the Edge” with Doug Crandall Second Sunday of each month — Each month, join host Doug Crandall as he views life from On the edge, using his unique perspective to delve into such topics as life, death, this, that and the other! The host will be joined by notable guests who will share their knowledge with the listening audience.

Tuesday, February 14 at 6 p.m. “Edge Insights” with Deborah Lynn11 Second Tuesday of each month — Join host well-known

Twin Cities psychic medium and author Deborah Lynn11. Discover why and what it is you are working on in your current incarnation. Learn how to manifest your life on earth as it is in your heaven, revealing your true purpose for being on the planet at this time. Call in for your “onetime-only” psychic answer to that one question that begs you for insight and direction.

Wednesday, February 15 at 3 p.m. “Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen Third Wednesday of each month — Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Want to promote your coming event? List your event in The Edge Happenings, Coming Events. Call Cathy at 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net.

Thursday, February 16 at 8 p.m. “The Edge’s Mystikologist” with Tracy Kvamme (Krouse) Third Thursday of each month — Various topics ranging from understanding and connecting with Spirit, paranormal, healing, gifted children, Mystikologist, and divinely guided messages for today’s current events are

presented each month. Visit www.thesourceinspirit.com for current topic and archived podcasts.

Monday, February 20 16 at 3:00 p.m. “Edge EFT Happy Half Hour – Rap & Tap” with Cathryn Taylor Third Monday of each month — “EFT for Body, Mind, Heart & Soul” – Take the edge off your day! Treat yourself to a half hour of relaxation and relief with the new, innovative stress-reducing technique of Energy Tapping, presented by host Cathryn Taylor.

Thursday, February 23 at 6 p.m. “Edge Wise Woman Wellness” with Terese Guettler, R.N. Fourth Thursday of each month — Join host Terese Guettler, R.N. each month for Edge Wise Woman Wellness — Empowering Women through Life Transitions. Whether you are experiencing a divorce, empty nest syndrome, a health challenge, job loss or searching for your life purpose Terese Guettler offers you assistance and support in that transition. Terese worked in various nursing roles for 25 years, and she now enjoys a private coaching practice empowering women in reclaiming their voice through life transitions. February 2017 February 2017 the theedge edge  27



see k ing , selling , pro m oting

Classifieds are $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category & text To be included: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net




THE EDGE IN ST. CLOUD: The Edge magazine is seeking volunteers in St. Cloud, MN, to identify new locations where The Edge can be shared with the public. If possible, we’d love for you to take The Edge around to these locations each month. For information, contact Cathy at: 763.533.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net.

EXHIBIT AT APRIL EVENT: Intuitives, readers, healers and vendors wanted for Enchanted Expo at the Best Western Plus, White Bear Country Inn in White Bear Lake, MN Sunday, April 30, 2017 from 10am - 6pm. For more information see: www.enchantedexpo.net or contact Bonnie at 651.600.3769.

sacred gatherings m eetings of the soul

Sacred Gatherings are $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Name, address, phone, email, website, gathering times & brief description. To be included: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net or www.edgemagazine.net/advertise ECKANKAR / TEMPLE OF ECK: Religion of the Light and Sound of God, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK.org — Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Worship Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am Youth programs. Community HU Song: third Sunday of each month, 10-10:30am. Free workshops: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. Temple hours: Noon-9pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and from Noon to 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday. Tours available.

SCIENCE OF SPIRITUALITY MEDITATION CENTER: 4054 Van Buren St. NE, Columbia Heights, MN, 612.216.4444, MinneapolisCenter@sos.org, www.sosmn.org — The Meditation Center strives to help seekers achieve stronger sense of purpose and leading a spiritual life based on meditation and universal spiritual values. We are a global, nonprofit, spiritual organization having over 2,500 centers around the world. Under the guidance of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, these centers organize regular Meditation sessions, workshops/classes, talks & retreats, all Free. Visit www.sos.org for information.

LAKE HARRIET SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY: A Center for Conscious Living, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.922.4272, www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org — Raise your consciousness by attending our classes, workshops and Sunday Services led by amazing speakers! Raise your vibration in our beautiful, historic building (now on the National Historic Register). Give us a try as part of your spiritual journey and feel the love of our heartbased community. Visit our community for: great meditations, yoga classes, speakers and programs that include mindfulness, developing your intuition, releasing negative beliefs, allowing greater abundance, and breaking the barriers to deep self-healing.

SPIRIT UNITED CHURCH: Services only at 701 N. Lexington Parkway, St. Paul, 612.378.3602, contact@spiritunited.com, www.spiritunited.com — We are an adventurous, creative and supportive Spiritual Community connecting with Universal Essence through Presence, Practice and Play. We serve those aware individuals who seek a personal spirituality in addition to that offered by traditional religions. We welcome your life experience, your imagination, and your participation. Explore with us! Service on Sundays: 10:30am. UNITY IN THE HEART: St. Paul Location, 1898 Iglehart Ave., at the Triune Masonic Temple, www.unityintheheart.org — Unity in the Heart of the Twin Cities — Grow your Life! Unity emphasizes the practical, everyday application of spiritual principles to help you live a more abundant,

meaningful life. In our vibrant community, we warmly embrace all people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, cultural origin or religious affiliation. It’s our purpose to support you on your path to discovering your own understanding and experience of God and the divinity that you are. Expect inspiring ideas and terrific music by talented professionals at our 10:30am Sunday services. UNITY MINNEAPOLIS: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, 763.521.4793, www.unityminneapolis.org — Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Sunday 9:15, 9:45 & 11:30am, nursery & Sunday school 3 yrs-5th grade, 9:45 & 11:30am, 6th-12th grade at 11:30am. Monthly healing service 7pm on the 1st Tuesday. Adult education classes throughout the year. UNITY NORTH SPIRITUAL CENTER: 11499 Martin St. NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433, 763.754.6489, unity@unitynorthmn.org, www.unitynorthmn.org — Unity North Spiritual Center is committed to offering a space to support community members and youth in fulfilling their potential. Services and events include healing, prayer, men’s and women’s groups, meditation, sacred text and shamanic studies. UNSC serves the wider community through programs such as Family Promise and Family Table. UNITY OF THE VALLEY SPIRITUAL CENTER: 4011 W. Hwy 13, Savage, MN 55378, 952.895.0745, www.unityofthevalleymn.org — Discover Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center, a positive path for spiritual living. Practical teachings to help you live a healthy, meaningful life. As we grow in consciousness, we create a loving, peaceful world. Sunday Service 10am.

Have you explored advertising options at The Edge? We invite you to explore the wide variety of advertising opportunities available in The Edge magazine each and every month and online at www.Edgemagazine.net. From Display ads ranging from business-card size to full page, to six types of listings to promote you and your

holistic services, The Edge can help you promote you! In addition, we offer banner and tile ads online, as well as email blasts to promote you to our community. All display ads appear online, and flipbooks displaying the ads are read online by people around the world.

Call today at 763.433.9291 to get THE NEW ADVERTISER discount 28  2 8   www.edgemagazine.net w w w. e d g e m a g a z i n e . n e t


february 3


february 10

Happenings events your c a len d a r of w h at ’s going on

Happenings Events are $29 for up to 35 words, $45 for 36-70 words. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Date, title and text. Listing must include specific event dates and time, or it will be placed under Ongoing and not be included online. To be included: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net or www.edgemagazine.net/advertise February 1-22 – The Art of Mindfulness: Mindfulness is simply being with yourself as you are at that moment. It is being honest and grateful for your life the way it is. Being mindful makes it easier to savor the pleasures in life as they occur, helps you become fully engaged in activities, and creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse events. In this course, you will begin to open and develop your own mindfulness practice for a healthier life. 6-7:30pm for four Wednesdays, $65, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www. normandale.edu/ce/classes February 4 – 90-Minute Seminar – The Art of Giving and Receiving Love: 10-11:30am at 2433 Grand St. NE, Mpls. People tend to give love to others in the way that they would like to receive it. The problem with this strategy is that it only works a fraction of the time. Most people give in the way that works best for them and not the other which can result in conflict, fights and a sense of separation. Reserve your spot here: http://bit.ly/2hSfUKZ. More info: 612.930.2662, info@ IntraAwareness.com, www.IntraAwareness.com February 4-5 – Healthy Life Expo™: We expanded this show to be our largest ever! Nutrition, Fitness, and Longevity - It’s all here! Explore up to 200+ exhibitors and 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and demonstrations. 10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday at Minneapolis Convention Center, Hall D, 1301 2nd St., Mpls. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Golden Valley Family Center Food Shelf. See all the attractions at www.MediaMaxEvents.com or call 952.238.1700. February 5 – Imagine Soul Travel! Join people from all walks of life for the monthly worship service at the Temple of ECK. Dynamic speakers, original creative arts, and singing HU, a sacred name for God, celebrate a life lived in harmony with Divine Spirit. Sunday, February 5, and every first Sunday of the month, 10 a.m., Temple of ECK/Eckankar, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK.org February 5 – Sensitive & Strong: Claim Your Power! “You’re too sensitive!” Maybe you’ve heard a

version of that in your life? Dr. Kyra Mesich teaches a revolutionary new method of embracing sensitivity! Dr. Kyra is author of The Strength of Sensitivity. She wants you to claim the strength, insight, and important qualities we embody as sensitive souls. Join Dr Kyra for this empowering talk with experiential exercises, a Q&A, and book signing to follow workshop. 1-2:30pm, $30, Enchanted Boutique, www.enchantedboutiquemn. com, 651.600.3769.

February 7 – Spice up Your Life with the Ancient Science of Ayurveda: Spices are the heart and soul of your kitchen, not only because they can turn an ordinary dish into a feast for the taste buds, but also because they possess immense medicinal healing properties. This workshop will explore 10 commonly used spices, their healing effects, and how to use in them in various recipes. 6-8:30pm, $59, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes February 7 – Chakra Awakening 8-Week Boot Camp: 6:30-7:30pm at 2433 Grand St. NE, Mpls. Week 5 we focus on the Heart Chakra. The fourth chakra is the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy is located in the center of the chest at the heart level. Some topics that will be covered include the unique Mantra and Mudra of the Chakra and powerful meditation to clear, balance and charge the Chakra. Reserve your spot here: http://tinyurl.com/z5uvyxz. More info: 612.930.2662, info@IntraAwareness.com, www.IntraAwareness.com February 8, 15, 22 – Eckankar—Ancient Wisdom for Today: Reach your highest spiritual potential with the timeless keys and ancient wisdom of Eckankar. This three-week class will help you unlock the limitless guidance in your dreams, resolve karmic patterns for more freedom, and reach a higher perspective through Soul Travel. A richer, happier life awaits you! All you need to do is prove it for yourself. Free! Wednesdays, February 8, 15, 22, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar, www.TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, www.facebook.com/Eckankar. Pre-register; gift book, Eckankar—Ancient Wisdom for Today.

february 18

february 26

march 5

February 11 – Energy Medicine: Energy Anatomy – Fields: Come and explore the myriad of energy fields, how they work, and how to shift energy so as to prosper our world and us. Covered are topics including empathic stress, electro-pollution, auric fields, and morphology, as well as techniques showing you how to use hands-on healing to assess and clear the field, read the tenth auric field, use the healing streams of grace for release, and apply shapes and numbers for healing. 9am-4pm, $145, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale.edu/ce/classes February 11 – Free Winter Warm-Up Sampler Event: Escape the mid-winter blahs with Normandale’s Warm-Up for Body, Mind & Spirit Sampler. Bring your friends and make new ones! Attend 45-minute workshops and sample our holistic course offerings such as Spring Forest Qigong, yoga, kinesiology, healing touch, pilates, hypnosis and more! 10am-Noon, Free, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www. normandale.edu/ce/classes February 11 – Aura Photo and Reading with Bobby Sullivan: Bobby will be bringing his special aura camera in for photos. See what your aura looks like and what it means for you. 1-5pm, Enchanted Boutique, www.enchantedboutiquemn.com, 651.600.3769. February 11, March 25, April 22, May 27 – Psychic Galleries: 1:30-3:30pm with Alison James, Psychic Medium. Profoundly moving intimate interactive healing group events that are open to the adult public monthly. Psychic Q & A forum followed by connections with those in the afterlife, including pets! At 400 Cedar Lake Rd. S., Mpls. Details and tickets: www.alisonjames. us, info@alisonjames.us, text 612.424.1411. February 12 – Psychic Sunday: Our rooms will be filled with providers and you get to meet with all of them for 15 minutes each for one special price. A great way to get a sampling of our providers’ services. This month is Tarot Reading, Psychic Reading, Reiki & Rune Reading all for one price. Four providers $75, 1-6pm, Enchanted Boutique, www.enchantedboutiquemn. com, 651.600.3769. February 13-16 – EFT “Tapping” Free 15-minute “Life Breakthrough” chat: Do you feel stuck? Need to get over something or move forward? Schedule your private 15-minute phone “Life Breakthrough” chat to see if Kim can help you. Register at www.SuccessAndEFT. com. Kim Eisen, Experienced & Intuitive Master of EFT “Tapping,” Life Breakthrough Coach and Energy Healer, www.DoEFT.com, 612.802.HEAL (4325).   see HAPPENINGS on p. 30 F e b rFebruary ua r y 2017 2017t h the e eedge d g e    2 29 9


continued from p. 29

February 14 – Chakra Awakening 8-Week Boot Camp: 6:30-7:30pm at 2433 Grand St. NE, Mpls. Week 6 we focus on the Throat Chakra. The fifth chakra is the first of the higher or spiritual chakras on the “chakra ladder.” The gift of this chakra is accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice and speaking your truth. A person with an open Throat Chakra is a good listener and enables another person to have the experience of being heard. Reserve your spot here: http://tinyurl.com/z22oxn2. More info: 612.930.2662, info@IntraAwareness.com, www.IntraAwareness.com February 15 – Mind Shift: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life: Discover brain “states” that underlie our mental states of happiness, love and wisdom. This course will help you use your mind to change your brain for the better and improve your whole being. Small positive actions every day can add up to large changes over time as you gradually become more present in your life. Through the use of images, music, group interaction, and the newest information on the brain, we will all ride the wave of transformation together. 6-8pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale.edu/ce/classes February 16 – Group Coaching – How to Feel Loved: Discover Your Love Strategy: 6-7:30pm at 2433 Grand St. NE, Mpls. Discovering your love strategy is about more than what kind of gifts you like to receive, but isn’t it interesting how something that ignites one person may completely repel another? Join our Group Coaching and work 1-on-1 with NLP Practitioner Graduates and receive your personalized love strategy. Reserve your spot here: http://bit.ly/2hjYC8P. More info: 612.930.2662, info@IntraAwareness.com, www. IntraAwareness.com February 18 – The Roots of Nordic Folk Tradition Workshop with Kari Tauring: In this three-hour workshop, we will explore the roots of Nordic folk tradition, especially the 24-letter Elder Futhark rune alphabet, the oldest know scriptural evidence of ancient Nordic mythology, cosmology and metaphysics. 1-4pm, $50, Enchanted Boutique, www.enchantedboutiquemn. com, 651.600.3769. February 19 – Find Inner Peace: Chant HU! In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Experience the divine love and inner peace of chanting HU, a sacred name for God. All are welcome to this half-hour HU Song at the Temple of ECK. Free! Sunday, February 19, 10-10:30 a.m., Eckankar, www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. February 19 – The Source Class: 9am-2pm. Become connected to spirit/angels, and the power within that is the essence of life, the universal source. Class $125 or Scholarship or Donation 1st class only. More info online. Contact Tracy Kvamme Krouse & Dagney Kvamme Walters, 612.501.0858, www.thesourceinspirit.com February 21 – Posture and Pilates: Change your posture, change your life! Postural alignment makes everyday activities a joy, and allows us to do things we did not think possible. In this 2-hour workshop, 3 0   w w w. e d g e m a g a z i n e . n e t

everyone will have an individual postural analysis of the spine and joints. Find out which muscular imbalances we might have and learn corrective exercises using Pilates principles. Learn how to move correctly from the powerhouse for greater health. 6-8pm, $59, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www. normandale.edu/ce/classes February 21 – Chakra Awakening 8-Week Boot Camp: 6:30-7:30pm at 2433 Grand St. NE, Mpls. Week 7 we focus on the Third Eye Chakra. The sixth chakra transcends time and is the seer of both inner and outer worlds. The energy of this chakra allows us to access our inner guidance that comes from the depths of our being. Reserve your spot here: http:// tinyurl.com/j8b5mrb. More info: 612.930.2662, info@ IntraAwareness.com, www.IntraAwareness.com

February 22 – Psychic Development Beginning/ Foundation Class: Learn to consciously access your soul’s guidance, clarity and wisdom. Discover your abilities/purpose working with your body and soul partnership in this lifetime. Wednesday evenings, February through October. For more information and to register: Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman. com, www.cindylehman.com February 23 – Aromatherapy Basics: Are you loving essential oils but are overwhelmed by mixed messages about how to use them appropriately? This introductory course is the perfect place to bring your questions and explore essential oils with a common “scents” approach. Learn where to get professional resources and balanced information to help you use what you already have and find what you need. 6-8pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www. normandale.edu/ce/classes February 25 – Reiki Energy Therapy — Level 1: Reiki Energy Therapy is a simple, natural, and safe method of therapy that uses life force energy transmitted through a practitioner’s hands. It offers physical pain reduction and profound relaxation. Using the traditional Usui Reiki form, this course provides an introduction to the therapeutic art. Topics addressed include theory and principles, historic origins, ethics, and will build skills and abilities used in administering Reiki Energy Therapy. 8am-4pm, $150, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes February 25 – Minneapolis Psychic & Healing Symposium: Featuring Keynote Speakers Christine Day (Saturday Keynote + Daylong Sunday Seminar), John DeSalvo, Ph.D., and Psychics in the Cities. Also 90 exhibitors presenting a diverse array of products, information, intuition and enlightenment. 9:30am6pm, Saturday, Feb. 25, Earle Brown Heritage Center, Brooklyn Center, MN. Free parking. Info: www.Edgelife. net or 763.427.7979. February 25 – Belize Retreat: 5 Nights at Cotton Tree Lodge (Jungle) in Punta Gorda, Belize – $3549 plus International Air. 3 Meals Provided Daily with Filtered Water & Juices. Daily Guided Tours as indicated in the Travel Itinerary. 3 Nights at Blue Tang Inn (Island), Ambergris Caye, Belize. WiFi, Continental Breakfast and Farewell BBQ Dinner Provided. Trip Details and Registration: tinyurl.com/jcgkzwm. For more informa-

tion, contact Amanda Rangel at Info@IntraAwareness. com, 612.930.2662, www.IntraAwareness.com

February 25-26 – Holy Fire Reiki Class: Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. Holy Fire energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. Holy Reiki Master Donni Carlson will be teaching this two-day class at Enchanted Boutique, www. enchantedboutiquemn.com, 651.600.3769. February 25-26 – Silva UltraMind ESP Systems 2-day Seminar For Everybody! Learn quick, simple, powerful, highly adaptable techniques. Find your purpose; create your best life! Bring service to others! Make life matter; make a difference! 100% money-back guarantee! Silva: Changing lives since 1966! It works! Call or text Silva Instructor LaJeanne Runnels for more info at 763.227.9577. February 26 – One Day Higher Realm Pleiadian Seminar: Presented by Christine Day as post-event seminar for Minneapolis Psychic & Healing Symposium. 9am-5pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Minneapolis North, 2200 Freeway Blvd., Brooklyn Center. Through a series of powerful initiations from the Pleiadians, you will re-access your own Higher Realm “Transmitting Channel.” $199 online now (save $10 off door price), or $239 online for Seminar and Saturday Keynote at Symposium. Advance tickets complete details available at www.Edgelife.net February 28 – Chakra Awakening 8-Week Boot Camp: 6:30-7:30pm at 2433 Grand St. NE, Mpls. Week 8 we focus on the Crown Chakra. The energy of this chakra allows us to experience mystical oneness. When this chakra is balanced we realize that everything is interconnected and that we are part of the larger scheme of life, we begin to live with gratitude, faith and trust, rather than filled with fear and anxiety. Reserve your spot here: http://tinyurl.com/h4wbbbh. More info: 612.930.2662, info@IntraAwareness.com, www. IntraAwareness.com March 4 – Celtic Reiki Class: Come for a full day of Reiki healing! Celtic Reiki is unlike any other healing system, new or old. Trees have seen lifetimes of humans gone by, and they make it especially helpful in releasing deep emotional trauma from this life or others. Celtic Reiki is wonderful at clearing pathways for manifesting ideal situations in our everyday lives. Level 1 through Master level will be taught in a single day-long workshop. Dress for comfort and mobility. Pre-requisite: Level 2 Reiki. Those experienced in other symbol work will also be considered. 11am-5pm, Enchanted Boutique, www. enchantedboutiquemn.com, 651.600.3769. March 7-23 – Psychic Development Course with Alison James: Comprehensive successive 12-week foundation course focused on the 6-senses. Small mentored Tuesday night classes for those who wish to develop and hone their Clair skills. Facilitated exercise with practice for the novice to intermediate adult sense8. At 400 Cedar Lake Rd. S., Mpls. Details and preregistration required with deposit: www.alisonjames. us, info@alisonjames.us, text 612.424.1411.

March 8, 15, 22, 29 – Discover Spiritual Dreaming! Learn how dreams can help you grow in confidence, heal yourself spiritually, glimpse the future, make decisions about your career and finances, and even meet with departed loved ones. This fourweek class will give keys to remember and understand your dream experiences. Free! Come any or all Wednesdays; March 8, 15, 22, 29; 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar, www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, www.facebook.com/Eckankar. Pre-register; free booklet, Spiritual Wisdom on Dreams.

March 23 – Group Coaching – Mind Changing Tongue Twister: 6-7:30pm at 2433 Grand St. NE, Mpls. Join in on this Group Coaching event and receive 1-on-1 attention in a group setting and have your own transformational experience! You will feel how powerful the thoughts in your mind are in creating your emotional reality, and how scrambling your mental problems through words can permanently change your emotional state. Tickets: http:// tinyurl.com/jotooal. More info: 612.930.2662, info@ IntraAwareness.com, www.IntraAwareness.com

March 10 – 90-Minute Seminar – Change Your Mind: With a Twist of Your Tongue: 6-7:30pm at 2433 Grand St. NE, Mpls. This silly and profound seminar will show you just how powerful the thoughts in your mind are in creating your emotional reality. Witness what happens when our live demonstration participate (could be you) takes a personalized statement of a negative belief and turns it upside down and inside out, with a twist of the tongue, creating a new positive emotional state. Tickets: http:// tinyurl.com/jyfemoo. More info: 612.930.2662, info@ IntraAwareness.com, www.IntraAwareness.com

March 24-26, April 21-23, May 19-21 – 81-Hour Hypnotherapy Certification Training: 9:30am-6:30pm. Hypnosis is the doorway to your Unconscious Mind. Are you ready to open your mind and release the inner potential of yourself and clients? Become a Certified Hypnotherapist Practitioner and gain deeper resources to connect your conscious mind with your inner wisdom. During this 3-month course, you will unlock the inner workings of your unconscious mind and discover how to help others make permanent changes in their lives. Reserve your spot here: http://bit.ly/2ePxbGI. More info: 612.930.2662, info@IntraAwareness.com, www.IntraAwareness.com

March 17-19 – NLP 101 Certificate Course: 9:30am-6:30pm. Learn the basic fundamentals of NLP techniques and how to begin applying them immediately to your life. Over the course of this insightful 3-day weekend, we will dive into how to improve and develop communication skills with our personal relationships, loved ones, co-workers, clients and peers. NLP will empower you to recognize and enhance your personal power and professional value. Reserve your spot here: http://bit.ly/2gsk13A. More info: 612.930.2662, info@IntraAwareness.com, www. IntraAwareness.com March 17-19 – Women’s Wellness Spring Equinox Chakra Retreat: A weekend of transformation and transcendence in a beautiful, peaceful country setting in West Bend, Wisc. Intensive women’s healing weekend includes chakra healing, sound journey, meditation, intuitive readings, massage, crystal healing, yoga, tai chi, fire ceremony, much more! For more information: Christina Wilke-Burbac, 608.393.7353, mindsoulandself @yahoo.com, Mindsoulandself.com/womens-wellness-retreats/ March 22 – Beginning Psychic Spiritual Development Classes: Do you feel/have you been told you’re Gifted? Now what? This course will help you discover your magic and erase your fears. Let Psychics in the Cities guide you on your continuing journey. Six Wednesday evening classes. Info: www. psychicsinthecities.com or 612.860.9196.


April 8 – Longevity Health Expo™: The Longevity Expo offers attendees options to look their best, feel their best and be their best at all ages. 150 Exhibitors and visit the Main Stage filled with ongoing speaker presentations, demonstrations and entertainment all day long. This show is all about products, services and information that will help you stay healthy and well at any age! See the latest in anti-aging, nutrition, fitness, men’s & women’s health, medical information, weight loss, health services, living-in-place, and much more! 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Road, Maple Grove, MN. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Golden Valley Family Center Food Shelf. See all the attractions at www.MediaMaxEvents.com or call 952.238.1700. November 4-5 – Healthy Life Expo™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity — It’s all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for maintaining health and success in all areas of life! Featuring 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations, demonstrations and live entertainment. Free product sampling, hourly drawings and health information, tips, and ideas. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Minneapolis Convention Center – Hall D, 1301 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Golden Valley Family Center Food Shelf. See all the attractions at www.MediaMaxEvents.com or call 952.238.1700.

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