The Edge | March 2019

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MARCH 2019



e x p l o r i n g t h e e v o lu t i o n o f c o n s c i o u s n e s s


unconditional LOVE

also inside: a new earth in the making authenticity holistic resources coming events


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MARCH 2019 NO. 316 EXPLORING THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS READ ADDITIONAL CONTENT EACH MONTH AT WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET 4 A New Earth in the Making, by Sam Glory 6    Authenticity is Our Key, by Shoshi Winstanley-Brown 6    Paganicon returns in March to support Pagan Community 6    Energy Healer Sajady’s Seminar to Benefit Lake Harriet 8 Weave Your Light into the World A Pleiadian Message, by Christine Day

featuring this month 16   THE


Unconditional LOVE

16 Relationships Beyond Condition:   Unconditionally Loving Ourselves, as well as Others, by Allie Maurer 16 Unconditional Love exists Beyond Ego by Dr. Steven Hiebert

10 Damanhhur Mystery School: Laboratory for the Future, by Vessela Kouneva 12 March Horoscope: Review Your Community Mercurial Messages Through the Zodiac,  by Heather Roan Robbins 14 Being Human Workshop coming to Lake Harriet 15 Affirm: ‘My Spirit and Flesh are One’  A Monthly Affirmation, by Charlotte “Mama” Rose


19 Oneness Consciousness & Unconditional Love in All Relationships, by Eric J. Christopher

22 Featured Businesses: Psychics, Intuitives & Mediums 24 Business Network 26 Intuitive Network 28 Sacred Gatherings 28 Classifieds 29 Happenings Events calendar

20 Evolution of True Love, by Johanna Kern

31 Edge Talk Radio - Free Podcast Schedule

17 Unconditional Loving Spirit Leaves, by Janet Michele Red Feather 18   Empaths & Unconditional Love by Dr. Rita Louise


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A New Earth in the Making BY SAM GLORY Excerpt from I’ll Meet you at the Lost and Found THE WORLD IS UNDERGOING an allencompassing transformation that is pushing the individual to shift his focus inward and reclaim the right of innate bliss. On a vibrational level, people are irrevocably starting to understand that, contrary to popular belief, happiness is not externally derived, and some friction is bound to be born out of that. Mainstream news reports note chaos and fear, with depression cited as the world’s most widespread illness. People are aching more than ever for a fundamental explanation as to who they actually are and what they are meant to be doing within their anthropocentric and ego-ruled societies geared towards violence and self-destruction. But if this general air of malaise could be regarded as the desperate screech of the Inner Self longing to be heard, it would be possible to recognize the strike of the soul, as it no longer wishes to live a life out of context. Everything that has been suppressed and denied is gearing up to take center stage, nudging not so subtly to reprogram the entire operating structure as human beings around values that no longer root in the old foundation of fear. Gaia is undergoing the motions of a new day and, luckily for her, an increasing amount of people are awakening to discover an essentiality of human development in the conscious relinquishment of the comfort of old paradigms and setting out in an internal search for answers — an act of infinite courage that sees the individual assume a 360-degree angle of self-responsibility for their life creation. This modern warrior is being recruited to join in the most rebellious act mankind has ever seen: to commit to unconditional love and respect themselves fully from today on. It will be a silent and internal revolution to break free from the matrix and recognize their true and limitless potential — because only in the absence of unconditional selflove can man be manipulated into creating his prison. Adamantly armed with an endless thirst THE EDGE MAGAZINE 763.433.9291 P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303 PUBLISHERS TIM MIEJAN & CATHY JACOBSEN EDITOR TIM MIEJAN 651.578.8969

for knowledge and unreserved inner strength to carry through the fens of their illusionary self, they are the warriors who won’t step down from the evolutionary mountain of self-consciousness. Pushed by an invisible force, they are nudged to look past the illusion of the ego self and reach inwardly for an integrated acquisition of conscious awareness. Assume the warrior’s stance and seek the courage to be aware. The ability to keep an open mind about our nature is a prerequisite to conscious expansion, although the whole affair can get rather convoluted if we are expected to hold opinions on every matter we encounter. Whether we are coaxed to be against or for an argument, be believers or nonbelievers, we are habitually summoned by our exterior reality to choose one side of a fence. When there’s so much out there for us to process daily, it becomes easier and less frightening to pull blanket decisions and call it a day. Unfortunately, without individual scrutiny we risk falling into the close-minded wardrobe where torpid thoughts and stuffy air become the invisible plateaus on our journey. Ego loves it in there — with no adversary to challenge his steady inflation, the nurture of his illusionary existence becomes effortless. As we let our hearts speak louder and clearer, we allow the intellectual game to be paused for a moment and intuition to unfold at last. Heart knows more than mind. Your soul is wise and all-knowing. It communicates with you in funny ways when you are not actively listening to it, but trust that it only wants you to find your way back as soon as you can spare it. Standing alone on the sideline of creation is not the funniest pastime you can pick out. Empowering yourself with the notion that, yes, you can choose what to experience is by far more entertaining. The word authentic in itself means “from the source,” the quality of being the real naked you and expressing yourself without encumbrance. It is the You that is comfortable in your own skin, without the mask that many have been accustomed to wear. Being authentic is a courageous act by definition;


only a warrior like you could accomplish such a splendid feat. Being authentic is your birthright, your true essence and your duty, not only for yourself but for everybody around you. When you choose to express yourself and live a life centered in your inner truth, you become the light worker, the inspiration, the beacon in the darkness for others to see. Hope, strength and courage is all you will project along your path, and that in itself is more amazing than any Ph.D. you claim to have earned. Participating in the game of life with your highest state of awareness is the biggest gift you can bestow onto humanity. You don’t need to write a bestseller or go to Africa to become a spiritual missionary; being aware is all you need to do, and it will count so much more than anything you can conjure up in your mind. It’s not about the status or stature of what you do in your life, but the degree to which you are connected to your inner light and organically become that light of energy for others. You can’t check-out and be as effective — participating in the world and knowing that it is all an illusion will allow you to play it from a heightened state of awareness. Imagine how the self-aware taxi driver can drive through Manhattan and take his inner light consciously through the streets for others to vibrationally feel. He would change the whole damn town by just being. He would inspire, ignite and affect more lives than you can possibly imagine. So carry on bringing the stamp of your soul into your awakened consciousness, merge the DNA of your spirit into who you are and go about living your daily life from this heightened state of being. You are changing the world and saving lives as we speak. Cue the gospel and hallelujah. a SAM GLORY offers a fresh new voice in the generation of books about spiritual self-development. A writer, spiritual teacher and author of the spiritual manual “I’ll Meet you at the Lost and Found” (O Books), she is passionate about presenting accessible spirituality and personal freedom through profound insights from the Inner Self, to help the reader of today live a fulfilled life from the context of a higher self-awareness. Sam’s work is based in London, UK. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


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Paganicon returns in March to support Pagan Community Twin Cities Pagan Pride will host the ninth annual Paganicon Midwest Conference, March 22-24, at the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West, 3131 Campus Dr., in Plymouth. Paganicon is a Pagan conference with workshops, panels, discussions, social space, live music, a ball, vendors and more. A host of volunteers provide an educational and social venue for Pagans, Wiccans, Heathens, Druids, and other folk, craft, indigenous or magickal traditions. This year’s event will welcome the following special guests: • Kristoffer Hughes, head of the Anglesey Druid Order, is the award-winning author of several books on Celtic mythology and Druidry. • Beverley Smith, also known as “Doctor Beverley” in the Conjure/Hoodoo community, has been a spiritual teacher and civil rights advocate since the early 1990s. • Damh the Bard is a Pagan musician, singer/songwriter, poet, host of “Druidcast,” the OBOD podcast, and storyteller with a growing international reputation. He is also the current “Pendragon” of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD), one of the largest international Druid Orders operating out of the UK. Other Guests will include Healing Roots, Reverend Jean ‘Drum’ Pagano, Gogo Nyadze Ndara, Cerri Lee and Tuatha Dea. For more information, visit a

Energy Healer Sajady's Seminar to Benefit Lake Harriet Internationally known energy healer and transformational catalyst Mas Sajady is returning to Lake Harriet Spiritual Community in April to present a seminar, “Power vs Force.” All proceeds will benefit the spiritual community. The event will be from 7-9 p.m. Friday, April 26, at LHSC, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. For registration information, visit This event focuses on the Exponential Intelligence transformational process, which is highly effective and very intense. Participants may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. It requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. Sajady was an ordinary computer programmer who survived two near-death experiences and emerged with extraordinary intuitive and healing capabilities stretching far beyond the physical realm. He has helped countless individuals around the world come into alignment with their true selves and achieve miraculous abundance in all areas of life. His free podcast, “Exponential Intelligence,” has over a million followers and has helped thousands around the world transform challenging situations in their personal and professional lives. His monthly 21-Day Medihealing® Program, described as “meditation on steroids” combining the power of meditation and healing, has been called “life shifting.” “When you change your frequency, you change your life,” Sajady said. “When people are connected with their core energy at such a deep level, they can transform their lives dramatically and instantly.” Everyone is capable of achieving this on one’s own, but Sajady empowers people to connect with these higher energies faster and with more efficiency. To learn more about Mas Sajady and how he works, visit a 6  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

Authenticity is Our Key BY SHOSHI WINSTANLEY-BROWN IF SOMEONE WERE TO ask you what life is, how do you think you would respond? For most people, it’s work, motivated by the pressure to earn a living. It’s keeping up with the rent or the mortgage, paying the bills. We are in a time when questions are being asked. We have life coaches. People are talking about spiritual wellness, the Law of Attraction, connecting with one’s inner self. For most people, who are just trying to get by, surrounded by the pressures of day-to-day living and so many demands on their time, these topics might not seem relevant to anything. They sound intangible. What place could they have in a world that cares so much about physical reality, whether you have a good job, and are ticking all the boxes expected for your age and situation? The answer is that society may not care. Society seems to demand a lot from us. It demands conformity, and we seem to be expected to follow a path that has been laid at our feet and everyone else’s. It’s easy to get caught up in life and feel like such abstract questions just don’t relate to us. But with all our running and efforts to keep up, do we ever take the time to ask ourselves whether the life we are living is the one we really want? Where does who we are, as individuals with likes, dislikes, wants, passions and desires, fit into all of this? The truth is that we may or may not relate to these seemingly obscure concepts, but there is one thing that most people have experienced, and often experience on an ongoing basis, doing their best to avoid it, deny it or outrun it: inner conflict. It’s that feeling, that knowing, that what you’re doing or the person you are portraying does not really match with the person you know you are. Being ourselves seems like a luxury when we are faced with the real world. We often are willing to distance ourselves from the part of us that knows who we really are and accept unhappiness and dread at the thought of playing a role for yet another day, just to save face. Why is that? And what is so important about that deeper part of

ourselves? What we are sacrificing is our authenticity. Most of us have dreams, visions of what we would spend our time doing if we felt we had the choice. Others are still unsure, but they can certainly feel it when it isn’t right. It’s that feeling of not quite wanting to be where you are, a lack of excitement at the prospect of starting the day. It’s wearing something and feeling not quite comfortable in your own skin, but knowing it’s considered acceptable and appropriate for the occasion. It is easy to look outside of ourselves for answers. We see how other people are working and living and we assume that it’s the only way. We know that we have choices. We can choose the degree and the industry, but after that we must filter into a system that is waiting for us to join it. What we fail to ask is why. We have a choice in what we strive for, but when it comes down to it, we are all striving for happiness. Security and acceptance from the majority are not always the ticket to its attainment, because there is no one prescription for it. We are all unique, and happiness is unique to every person. The concept of aligning with who we really are might sound vague, but aligning with what we want is not. Most of us know what we want. It’s fear that holds us back from its pursuit. If we can find a way to let go of that fear and feel what it is to allow ourselves to be honest about what we want to make of our lives, we have found the key to our fulfilment. This is authenticity. a SHOSHI WINSTANLEY-BROWN is a style and life coach based in London. She helps people to question their beliefs, align with their values and build the life they want. Her focus is on authenticity and spirituality. Contact her at COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Weave Your Light into the World A Pleiadian Message

BY CHRISTINE DAY BELOVED ONES, WE GREET YOU. Within the collective Universe there is a pure vibrational frequency that has activated. This weaving of light is interacting within the collective tapestry consisting of many multidimensional colors. Within this tapestry you have your own unique signature of colored thread that is unlike any other. You are an individual interwoven aspect of light that makes up the completion energy within the vastness held within of the God consciousness collective. As you align, you bring your own special gift within this completed tapestry of communion forward to humanity. This is your time to shine forth your unique weave of light into the world by bringing the natural element of love, an essential part of your makeup, into your day-to-day life. As you bring your essence forward, you are rejoining this communion through the natural component of the vast love of your Higher Self.

PROFOUND OPPORTUNITIES This phase of change creates profound opportunity, as the Corridor of Light anchors another facet of multidimensional energy on Earth. The veils have lifted further, and this expansive opening is active and fully accessed through your heart space. All that is required from you is the conscious choice action of shifting your focus towards your heart. By choosing differently and beginning to align consciously through your heart, you reposition yourself to align energetically with your Higher Self. You begin to alter your journey onto another path. By moving through the open doorway that exists within your heart, your alignment is naturally forged to the multidimensional aspect of your Higher Self. Up to this juncture in this lifetime, this doorway has not been made as accessible, however the timing is right within your destiny. This is your time to self-realize your divine right and for the discovery of a self-realization of your sacred path. Your main reality has been living through the direct experience of your limited human aspect within the 3rd-dimensional illusion, and you have been within this limited experience of yourself for lifetimes. Now is the time to begin to utilize this other part of your self. Open into the true fulfillment of your own heart by reclaiming your destiny and bringing added enrichment to your life by moving into the wholeness of yourself. 8  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

YOUR SACRED NATURE The aspect of your sacred nature, which is unlimited in potential, has been waiting for you fully intact just beyond the veils. There is nothing that you are required to change within your self, within your humanness, to begin to relink into this sacred Higher Self. The steps are simple for you to initiate this process and reach beyond the veils. The Corridor of Light’s main role at this juncture is to anchor a pathway for you to consciously walk towards the reconnection to your sacred nature. Through the energetic changes from this anchoring of the Corridor of Light, the veils have lifted, giving you an easier access to the sacred elements that are yours by divine right to claim and utilize. This pathway is designed to lead you homeward, to renew many levels of reconnections to your Higher Self. A series of new multidimensional energetic spaces make up Earth, all of these birthed at the time of New Year when the Corridor of Light initially anchored on the planet. Through these dramatic energetic changes, you have been given an easy access beyond the veil. This has been the design: self-empowerment to enable you to consciously realign to the multidimensional setting of your higher aspect of Self. This is your time to take another step towards self-realization within the new energetic framework. The veils are fluid, making the way clear for you to open to the pure essence of your God light, which holds the love of your spirit. We are with you to support you in your transition, to bring to you clarity of this time and to guide you back to your natural state of remembering. CHOOSE CHANGE A strong alchemy exists within your vast love. As you reengage and bring the love outwards into your life, transformation will be created around you. Each moment you choose to align through the vastness of your heart, your cells reflect this changing arena that you are entering. This component is paramount: that you consciously choose change for yourself. With every moment of reconnection, an old cycle is broken. The cells of your body mirror this change. Every time you bring your awareness and breath into your heart, you begin to open the doorway and activate a path to access your multidimensional magic of love. Love heals all wounds and transcends the elements of fear and struggle that arise from the ego mind. You will begin to experience another reality based on truth as you forge and anchor this pathway within your heart. The frequency within your heart is love,

the most holy element of your makeup. This love is a multidimensional expression, which means that you can move effortlessly beyond the limitation imposed by the ego mind, the 3rd-dimensional illusion. And you can align to a higher consciousness state of Self, which can carry you into a more expanded experience of living.

VIBRATION OF LOVE Love transforms the physical cells so they become the vibration of love, which creates a higher nutritional energy to birth within each cell. A process is activated within the cells, allowing for a natural shedding of emotionally held density within each cell as the love flows throughout your physical body. This is the process of you birthing you. Remember, we have said many times that “you are who you have been waiting for!” The plan all along has been for you to be the one to initiate your own birthing process through the vastness of your own heart. This is the action in motion of your self-liberation as you align through your heart. We are holding the platform for each one of you to individually transform within your own heart. We are reflecting the love to you, creating a mirroring of your own vast light back to you. Many of you on the path are ready to move within this direct experience of accessing your frequency of love. The love is filled with fluid light and you can move this love consciously within the light of your self and radiate the love to your human aspect. This brings renewal through the love, and enables unconditional acceptance of your humanness, transforming your life. A process of transmutation takes place as you begin to open to the vibration of the love that you hold within your makeup. This love has been a missing component in your life until now. Utilizing the essence of your love within your heart consciously is the key to healing deep wounds that have been lodged within your human element. CLARITY AND UNDERSTANDING Within the multidimensional makeup of your heart is an unlimited source of clarity and understanding to support you in your life now. Through the clarity you move differently in your world. The drama is not perpetuated, the struggle is not present and the suffering of the human element shifts. This is because the love from the Higher Self carries no judgment, only compassion and patience for the human aspect. This non-judgmental love brings a sense of  see WEAVE YOUR LIGHT on p. 10



Damanhur Mystery School: Laboratory for the Future BY VESSELA KOUNEVA I PLANNED TO VISIT northern Italy in the summer of 2017 and googled “spiritual places in northern Italy.” I learned about a spiritual community called Damanhur (“City of Light” in Egyptian). I had never heard of it, but I was immediately drawn to the website, especially to the pictures of an amazing underground spiritual complex known as the Temples of Humankind (considered by some the 8th Wonder of the World) that was built there. The Damanhur community, described as a “laboratory for the future of humankind,” is compared to the ancient city of Atlantis, and it is functioning as a spiritual research center and a community of 1,000 people. I booked a 3-day visit of Damanhur and the Temples of Humankind. The Temples are spectacular! They are created as a book of knowledge dedicated to universal spirituality. The art within the Temples (murals, stained glass, sculptures and mosaics) aims to awaken the sense of the sacred. The art carries the influence of Egyptian, ancient Greek, and Celtic cultures, among many others, and it represents a gallery of deities from cultures of all times and continents. More than 500 feet of corridors connect the seven Halls on five levels: Hall of Water, Blue Hall, Hall of Earth, Hall of Metals, Hall of Mirrors, Hall of Spheres, and the Labyrinth. The Temples reach 100 feet under the ground. The temples have an amazing story! The founder of the community, Oberto Airaudi, was a young man who from early childhood started displaying healing and psychic abilities, and he had memories of past lives in which he lived among magnificent temples. He had a vision of building a temple in an energetically special place. He found the place not too far from Turin, in the foothills of the Alps, where he discovered four synchronic (ley) lines running and crossing deep inside the mountain. He started digging into the side of the mountain with a group of friends. They continued digging, taking shifts, in secret, due to lack of a permit by the authorities, from 1978 until 1993, when the authorities were tipped about the temples and arrived with helicopters and military troups prepared to blow up the temples. After the prosecutor took a tour of the temples, he came out teary eyed and said:  see DAMANHUR on p. 14



continued from p. 8

peace and rest to the human element. A conscious choice action by you to begin to realign to the path home within your heart for reconnection will shift the old sabotaging cycles, which have been perpetuated through your life. This allows you to be enriched and be able to receive and manifest that which is your heart’s desire in your world. This love nourishes you, all of you, supporting your human aspect, as well. The love opens up new paths of opportunity within your life as it creates a flow that can support the manifestation of your heart’s desire. Know that truth holds simplicity and there is always a solution to any situation within your life as you align through your heart you access truth. The truth offers an understanding of the situation without the drama. Within your heart you will discover solutions for your life presenting itself to you effortlessly. Within truth a problem resolves, with surprising ease, and often with the most unexpected possibilities presenting themselves.

THE NEXT STEP The energies of Mother Mary and Christ are committed to working directly with those of you who are ready to participate in this next step. They will stay steadfast alongside you in order for you to follow a lit pathway back to the complete multidimensional aspects of your nature. Remember, Mother Mary carries the effortless receivership of love and Christ holds the self-resurrection energy for humanity. Together, they collectively will bring their essence to those of you who are willing to commit to this self-transformation. Ask yourself if you are ready to say “Yes!” to all aspects of your Self. Are you ready to investigate the sacred part of your self and move into wholeness once more? And move back into a state of balance within, to a place of knowing and being? Ultimately, you have free will and are able to stay exactly with your human experience. However, we would ask, why would you want to ignore the larger part of yourself? There is a huge gift waiting for you within your heart space and there is opportunity to open up and receive all that you need to thrive on this planet. You will always have your humanity intact, for nothing will ever change that aspect of yourself. Aligning to the sacred aspect of Self will bring to you a new perspective within life that will enhance your experience on Earth and support your human experience. This doorway to your heart will always remain open so you can activate this reconnection to your sacred when you are ready. There is a process that will support

this activation of reconnection through your heart. Be conscious that this activation happens solely within your energetic multidimensional framework. This is you entering your multidimensional heart and accessing your Higher Self. This process is “you birthing you” within the vastness of your own pure light form of love. Claim this truth consciously as you choose to move into this next phase of your enlightenment.

PROCESS FOR RECONNECTION 1. Rest both palms of hands on your chest. Feel the physical connection and bring your awareness into this connection. Bring your conscious breath (in through the mouth, out through the mouth) like a soft wind and place it where the connection is taking place. Keep using the breath until you feel your awareness linking deeper and deeper within the space. 2. As you take these steps, consciously claim your heart. Witness yourself choosing this path, the way of the heart. Claim this step you are taking. 3. Now bring your awareness deeper within the space, open up your awareness like a flower would open to the sun. Breathe and let go within the space of your heart. Now bring the sound, VAHM EEE (pronounced varm eee) within the opening of the heart. Utilize the sound until you see, sense or feel the forming of a pathway. It may just be the beginning of a path, and that’s okay. The important element here in this process is that you stay focused with your awareness when you activate your heart opening, whether it is for one moment or 10 minutes. What is key is your active and conscious participation while you are doing this process. Make this process something you do regularly. Maybe you will do this once a day, or three times a week or even once a week. Know that each time you activate this process within you it creates change, opening the doorway within your heart, and it is accumulative every time you work the process. We witness you as you activate your birthing process. Blessings, The Pleiadians. a CHRISTINE DAY is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author. Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live. Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete self-healing. Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Rein in any codependent habits; don’t be stingy, but put your health and happiness first this month, and you’ll have more energy to serve others. Put health on the front burner; spend time with animals, eat gloriously, and build connection with co-workers and employees. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…Mercury retrograde’s flashbacks may affect your creativity and your love life. Reignite an old dream, reconnect with allies from the past, but don’t let old emotional ghosts run the show. Use this as a chance to heal, rather than reenact, the past. March 14-20, revive old business contacts.

March Horoscope: Review Your Community Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac

BY HEATHER ROAN ROBBINS AFTER A PROACTIVE, FEISTY astrological winter and before spring begins, the stars send us back to strengthen our networks and collect whatever we’ve forgotten. Venus enters communal, collective Aquarius from March 1-26, helps us collaborate and asks us to network, remember our allies, and explore how we can improve our friendships, and build our team. The arbiter of communication and transportation, Mercury, retrogrades in sensitive Pisces March 5-28 and encourages us to reconnect with people we’ve loved, and with our unfinished work and issues. Activate Mercury-retrograde survival skills: confirm appointments, don’t rush, always check for misunderstandings, and track projects through to completion carefully. The sun and Mercury in subtle Pisces make us more aware of the interconnectedness of our lives and our ecosystem, and the scale and complexity of our concerns. This perception can help us accomplish in those sensitive realms, but leave us feeling easily overwhelmed unless we choose to also tune in to the world’s beauty. Uranus enters earthy Taurus on March 6 and changes how we deal with the material world and ecosystem over the next eight years. Spring’s brash hopefulness infuses as the sun enters Aries March 20. Mercury turns direct March 28, Mars enter Gemini March 31, and a new chapter begins.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Review the good work of the last eight years; one chapter closes, another opens as Uranus leaves Aries. Take care of your health until the spring equinox. Tend to your inner world. March 10-14, engage fresh work opportunities. Enthusiasm picks up after 1 2  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

March 21 and barrels into next month. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…While everyone else’s life may be quieting down, yours activates with motivating Mars and change-inducing Uranus in Taurus. You know what you’re against, but do you know what you’re for? Use this metamorphic energy proactively, aim any discontent towards a better landscape. March 21-26 opens a door. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Mercury retrograde can be hard on you, but also particularly productive, if you have patience, introspection and reconnection. Help others notice potential misunderstandings. Instead of being glib, listen, and practice being in the present moment, rather than the past or future. Be alert March 5 and March 24-28. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…This month so much comes up from the past — past worries, concerns, past gifts, lessons, and news from old beloveds. But don’t get lost there. As you return to an old place on life’s spiral, acknowledge that you’re a different person and celebrate every increment of evolution. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…This may be a low-energy month for you, but it can be a beautiful one. Remember a creative project you’ve been working on, open those files up and breathe new life into it. Build connection by being of service to others who are feeling unseen or under-appreciated. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Stay cool under fire; it’s a busy, productive month, but many things could go wrong. Pad your schedule with extra time and make the best of delays. When life gets busy, pour extra affection into relationships to keep them strong. Pay attention for serendipity camouflaged as snafus.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…The energy and patterns of this month are complex and work in circuitous ways, which can drive you nuts. Don’t hook into old negative family patterns; instead, shift the family conversation towards gratitude. Practice quiet observation mid-month. All month, find the humor in the situation. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…Reread old letters and favorite books, find an old manuscript and edit. If misunderstandings pile up around you, go to your creative muse to find an unusual answer rather than hammer it with logic. Check in with siblings, revisit old beloved neighborhood connections. Make progress March 13-15. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Be careful around finances; make sure the check actually gets mailed to pay the bill, and consider not making major purchases until after March 28. A productive reorganization of your material resources furthers; reorganize your home, your income, your art supplies to make them more accessible. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…A few things may go wrong that cause you to dither as March begins, but, if you admit it, you know how to swim in this amorphous, nonlinear time better than most. Don’t get lost in your inner realms; let your heart and spirit guide you, and act with compassion. a Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer for the Edge, will be in Minneapolis/St.Paul March 21-28, speaking at the Eye of Horus Bookstore on March 20, at Paganicon on March 22, and doing readings at the Eye of Horus on March 24-26. HEATHER ROAN ROBBINS is a heart-centered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years’ experience. Her book, “Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles,” brings real astrology into an accessible format. She’s trained in astro-locality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses them at the core of her spiritual counseling. For a daily view, read Starcodes at COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Being Human Workshop coming to Lake Harriet Nina Roberts Salveson and Michele Rae have opened registration for their 4-month transformational workshop, “Being Human: Entelechy Rising: Realizing Potential in the New Era,” which will begin on Saturday, March 16, at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community in Minneapolis. This immersion journey is designed to upgrade your inner navigation system, expand your heart opening, strengthen your core values and sacred guiding principles, and expand your vibrational frequency. The workshop will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 16, April 13, May 18 and June 22 at LHSC, 4401 Upton Ave. S. “We are emerging into a new era with new spiritual tools available that will support us as we are propelling into our next level of serving, loving and living,” the presenters say. “Through our Being Human Immersion Series, we are revisioning Being Human with new quantum energies, structures and paradigms aligned with higher vibrations. It is an amazing time to be on the planet!” In addition to the four live meeting days of teaching, practices and instructions, one-on-one coaching and webinar gatherings, coaching and peer support, materials and recordings will take place in the weeks in between. The cost is $525 For more information and to register, go to Boldsoul. life/product/being-human-four-month-series/ a


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“We need to do something to save the temples!” Four years and 100,000 signatures in support later, the government declared the temples a national heritage site! As part of my visit, I attended a class in Spiritual Physics at the Damanhur Mystery School. The teacher talked about the divinities, the structure of the human soul, the laws of the universe, reincarnation, time travel and much more! It was the first time I heard most of the things he talked about, but somehow I felt all it was true! When I returned from the trip, I found and ordered the book Spiritual Physics, and read it in a few days like a fascinating novel! Most of it made sense immediately, but then I had more questions that I wanted to get answers to! I discovered and started taking classes offered by the Damanhur Mystery School in Colorado. The classes have three levels, and each level goes more in-depth in the subject. Some of the classes offered are in Spiritual Physics, Inner Harmonization, Astral Travel, History of Atlantis and Ancient 1 4  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

Civilizations, and Past Lives. The classes have been amazing, by far more rewarding than if I had just read books by myself! One of the things the Damanhur Mystery School emphasizes is the importance of having a community, or at least a group of people who share common interests and ask each other questions and search together for answers, to grow and develop spiritually. That is why I decided to find like minded people in my community, and bring the Damanhur Mystery School classes to Minnesota. The first Damanhur class will be Astral Travel level 1, on March 30 and 31 in Minneapolis. a Learn more about the Damanhur Mystery School classes in Minnesota by contacting Vessela Kouneva at VESSELA KOUNEVA is originally from Bulgaria. She is a spiritual seeker and a psychotherapist, and her mission is to help people see and love themselves and others as the magnificent beings they are. Vessela’s goal is to create a community of people who have the capacity to intentionally co-create a better future for Humankind. Contact her at COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Affirm: ‘My Spirit and Flesh are One’ A Monthly Affirmation

BY CHARLOTTE “MAMA” ROSE THERE IS NO separation between spirit and flesh, thoughts and flesh, and emotions and flesh. This is an opposing or “alternate” belief to what many of us are taught in childhood and it’s absolutely revolutionary. Place this affirmation into your heart space by bringing your awareness or your hands to your chest and allowing your breath to meet you there as you speak the words aloud or say them in your mind. These words introduce a new model for experiences to filter through, a new pathway for information to flow and a new structure through which meaning is derived. In other words, this affirmation helps you to create a belief that supports your health and wellbeing. When thoughts group together they form beliefs, and it is our beliefs that tell emotion how to behave in our bodies. Bringing awareness to our beliefs restores full health, to not just our bodies but to our minds and to our life circumstances. When you begin to bring attention to your body and listen with an open heart, you’ll notice that physical sensations are attached to thoughts and emotions. We can work with our bodies

through tuning into our cycles, drinking water, eating food, touch, sound and movement. Since we are always using our bodies, we always have the opportunity to ask ourselves, “How does this feel?” We don’t need to have a special diet, lifestyle or talent to do this work, we just need to have a body. If you’ve been looking for something, it’s surely in your body. Our bodies are doors into other realms. Two of those realms are thought and emotion. I like to think of “emotion” as the energy that runs through our bodies, or, the way that our bodies interpret energy. Our bodies hold not just the key to every door but every door. One of those doors is pain. When we sink into our pain and give it the freedom to move in us, it transforms into something new. We can receive the gifts we’ve asked for when we let our pain speak. The body is the map to everything that is seemingly “outside” of what we identify with. Imagine asking a question but being terrified to hear the answer because it might threaten your sense of self, the very “I” that you believe yourself to be. If you believe that the answer to your prayers, the manifestation of your desire or the answer to your  see AFFIRM on p. 21




Unconditional Love exists Beyond Ego BY DR. STEVEN HIEBERT MY DAUGHTER, Alma, is a tween. She’s high-strung and volatile, temperamental and explosive. She’s calm one moment, screaming the next. The slightest thing can set her off. Sometimes I like her. She’s quirky and funny. But other times I don’t like her much at all. If she was anyone else and not my daughter, I might end the relationship. But she is my daughter and I love her. It’s come as a bit of a revelation, but I’ve discovered that loving and liking are two different things. Realizing this has changed everything! Relationships are complex and multidimensional, just like human beings. We can relate through the human ego with its likes and dislikes or we can relate through the true Self, which loves unconditionally. The human ego is judgmental and critical. It looks for differences, faults and weaknesses, seeking to exploit them. As far as I can tell, there is no love to be found in the human ego. Even worse, love makes no sense to the ego. Love isn’t logical. And, when the ego can’t figure something out, it attacks it. Your ego will talk you out of love. It will give you many good reasons why you shouldn’t love someone. If you follow it, you will never find love. When I respond to Alma from my ego, I am critical and judgmental. I want her to stop being the way she is — to instead be the way I want her to be. If she were more like me, we wouldn’t have any problems. I get angry and point the finger. I might even yell at her. It’s ugly! All my ego does is create more distance and less love. On the other hand, when I stay present and engaged as  see LOVE on p. 18


Relationships Beyond Condition: Unconditionally Loving Ourselves, as well as Others BY ALLIE MAURER AS THE DYNAMIC OF our society evolves, it is crucial to step back into the space of unconditional love, both individually and collectively. With the ways in which technology (among other things) is transforming our lifestyles, we are finding that people are feeling lonelier and more isolated. Humans long for deep, meaningful connection, which makes it important to examine our current relationships before we start to step into and build new ones. Relationships help us grow by reflecting to us that which we need to be made conscious of and areas where there may need to be more awareness. What are we receiving, giving and creating with the people around us? The basis of any relationship needs unconditional love, and we need to separate our expectations, beliefs and fear-based energy (anger, jealousy, resentment) and see each person as a piece of ourselves. We also need to afford them the same courtesies that we ourselves long for: patience, appreciation, understanding, love, and support. Each person deserves to be separate from their past, pain, projections, mistakes and judgments. We need to see each other for what we are: As another being engaging in life and experimenting with form, desire and contrast. Everyone is simply expressing themselves and trying to make something from where they are and what they have.

Unconditional love means we can see another being without our own judgments, beliefs and fears projected onto the other. We can hold a space beyond everything else and just love them without conditions being attached. And when we unconditionally love ourselves, it means we can distance ourselves from people we are in relationships with — who are no longer in our, or their, highest good — and continue to love them from afar. We can hope the absolute best for them because they are human, just like us — no better, no worse. We do not have to continue a relationship that doesn’t serve us to continue to be unconditional in our love. To be unconditional in relationships, it is important to first love ourselves without conditions. When we can do this, loving others unconditionally becomes easier. We all deserve unconditional love from those around us; we are worthy of it. But we are first and foremost worthy of this from ourselves. For some people, that is the hardest loving relationship to embrace. Forgiving is another big milestone in letting go of conditions. Forgiveness is moving beyond the situation, and the stories and beliefs about the circumstances. It is not saying you agree with someone’s actions, that they are getting away with something, or that you are sweeping it under the rug. Nor is it saying one party is right and the other wrong. Forgiving someone is letting go of the blame, and your projection

of the expectation onto the other person. It is returning the responsibility of another’s actions and allowing you to let go and move forward. Unconditional love goes beyond words, but in relationships communication can be a key component. To really afford someone the honor of listening and making a safe space for sharing is an incredible gift we can provide. Communication from a space of love and truth can positively shift relationships significantly. Not just speaking but communicating thoughts, needs, desires, and emotions in an authentic way can be transformative. Be unconditionally present and patient in relationships. Be there for others and allow them to be there for you. Remember to be observant and responsive instead of reactive to the circumstances. All relationships are about partnership. It’s a balance of giving and receiving — and when we can let go of the conditions we think we need, and believe we want, we see the limits of the relationship fall away and freedom within the relationship blossom. To shift our relationships back into a space of peace, harmony and cooperation comes from a place of unconditional love for ourselves and then spirals out from us and effects everyone we touch. All relationships then have a foundation of trust, acceptance and collaboration. It takes healing and patience, but this is the way towards being unconditional in our relationships. a ALLIE MAURER is an International Spiritual Teacher who uses her abilities as a Psychic, Medium and Healer to empower others on their own journeys. Through Private Sessions, Spiritual Mentorship, Life Coaching and Events, she teaches clients around the globe how to embrace their path, move beyond fear and blocks, and powerfully create the vibrant life they desire. Discover why thousands of people around the world turn to her for guidance. She also adores working with animals as an Animal Communicator and Animal Healer. Visit Contact Allie at 952.334.6496 or psychicallie@gmail. com. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Unconditionally Loving Spirit Leaves

BY JANET MICHELE RED FEATHER “Unconditional love / I’ll be there when you fall The one condition of love / is there are none at all” — Stevie Nicks, “Unconditional Love” from Street Angel (1994) STEVIE NICKS HAS BEEN the poet of my heart since 1975. This haunting song, designed to honor true romantic love, captures the precise moment when the singer finds herself under the rare spell of falling in love at the very same time someone is falling for her. That synchronous situation arises when masks fall away and all reason, laws, restraints and conditions dissolve in translucency; what remains is pure, serendipitous love. This month’s Edge prompt asks us to consider just how we arrive at and remain within the safe harbor of selfless love. The secret is not to pursue unconditional love as some end to be gained or possessed. It is possible to begin thinking of the concept of unconditional love in a non-materialistic, non-ownership way. That is why I titled my article as I have. “Unconditionally loving” means emanating love and light from heart and soul — even when it is not returned, even when there’s “nothing in it” for us, even when we feel as though we need more love than we’re “getting” from another. Unconditionally loving means loving as the Great Spirit loves us, for it is a radiant, positive energy without attachments, without strings. It’s okay to mingle in a little romance; it’s what makes us human — that which gives rise to great poetry, great paintings, and great lyrics like Stevie’s. Just try not to make that the object. Don’t objectify anything or anyone. To do so takes something alive and vital and makes it a dead, imprisoned thing. I am reminded of what Cedric Red Feather taught me about Native American social culture. Traditionally, the people were strong as a nation, because they were held together by love. No signed paper could hold that love; people were together for as long as they wanted to be. A Native American “divorce” went like this: the man would come home and find his possessions in front of the lodge door, and he would know it was time to leave. We often enter relationships with expectations. As Cedric wisely instructs, “With expectation comes disappointment. It is not good to expect things from others.” We seek assurances that the other will remain present, an everabiding lighthouse, a vital port in the midst of choppy, stormy seas. If we change perspective and turn Stevie’s magic line toward the self, “I’ll be there when you fall” takes on a profound philosophic meaning and offers a solution to any anxieties associated with loving. We are free to trust because, regardless of what happens, the

Higher Self is always there to care for us. We are multidimensional beings. Just beyond the veil, the best part of us is lighting a path, waiting for us to match its luminosity. The true test of growth comes in how we treat another who has rebuffed, ignored or failed to return our dearest affections. That, alas, is the measure of our stolidity as questing spiritual beings. There is absolutely no reason on Earth for anger or meanness toward another, just because that person is unwilling or unable to be on the same loving page with us. The truth, simply stated by Cedric, is this: “You cannot take away another’s free will, nor force another person to love you.” The culture in which we grew up painted a false picture. All the literature, all the movies, all the popular media portrayed love as a hunt, a pursuit, a conquest. It attempted to legislate, to regulate, to make rules compelling people to stay together. These ideas are all part of an old energy, falling away in irrelevance in the face of the great shift that is occurring. Love cannot truly be promised or legislated. It arises when we tap into the radiant energy of our Divine selves — the more expansive aspect of our souls. It is in that connection and from that place that we become capable of unconditionally loving one another. All fears fall away at that point; for what we will then have accessed is infinite in its capacity. a JANET MICHELE RED FEATHER, J.D., M.A., is a ceremonial singer who has learned over 60 traditional songs in Mandan and Lakota and sings in nine different languages. Janet was a full-time defense litigator in California for nearly eight years. Her life changed significantly after she traveled to North Dakota in 1993 to fast and pray for a way of life. A regular columnist for The Edge, she has also appeared in Psychic Guidepost, FATE Magazine and Species Link. Her book, “Song of the Wind” (2014, Galde Press), dealt with her experiences as an empath, and her journey through Mandan spiritual culture. She is currently a full-time, tenured English faculty member at Normandale Community College, having taught Composition and Literature for a span of 20 years. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Empaths & Unconditional Love BY DR. RITA LOUISE WHAT IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? As an empath, a healer, a sensitive or spiritual person, the true meaning of unconditional love may elude us. On the surface, we are taught that unconditional love implies loving someone without limits or conditions. This kind of love is easy to see in the relationship between a parent and child. Even if the child is naughty, the parent still loves him or her. But what does that mean? Many have interpreted this to mean that we should love someone unselfishly. It implies that we care about another’s happiness and will do anything to help the other person feel and experience contentment in their lives. These acts are to be done without expecting anything in return. This secondary definition, although popular, can be especially tricky if someone is an empathic healer. By nature, an empath is highly attuned to feeling and sensing the emotional energy around them. They can detect others’ happiness and joy, as well as their anger and frustration. Empaths also have a deep desire to experience harmony in the world around them. They will instinctively respond to internal stress by wanting to heal anyone they perceive to be in pain. This helps to bring about accord in their lives by reducing the unsettling effects of the emotions they are picking up from the other person. This can leave these highly sensitive people in a bit of a conundrum. We have all been taught that putting other


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my true Self, I might not like the way she’s acting, but I can see through the façade. I respond to her with love. I can see that her actions are fueled by her inner pain. It might look like she’s screaming at me, but what she’s really doing is screaming for love and acceptance. As the author Marianne Williamson has said, “Everything is either love or a call for love.” Your true Self inherently knows this. Your ego rejects it. It’s all in how you look. In contrast to the judgment that resides in the human ego, love resides in your true Self. Your true Self is love. You were made by love, as love, and for love. To love unconditionally, you must connect with who you are at the deepest levels: a loving creation of the Divine who seeks nothing but love. Unconditional love is what you will feel when you relate to another with the loving 1 8  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

people’s feelings first is right. To do anything else is selfish. We are not taught to love or care for ourselves. We are not taught to be sensitive to our needs and desires. Instead, we are programmed with the belief that we are supposed to put ourselves and all that we stand for on the back burner, where we all but forget who we are. Part of this programming entails caring about everyone else’s dreams, except our own. We ascertain that the right thing to do, the unselfish thing to do, is to sacrifice who and what we are all in the name of love. What we as empaths, we as healers, we as sensitive individuals must realize is that if we want to help someone, if we want to experience unconditional love with a partner, we have to discover how to fill our own cup with love. This suggests that in order to have this wonderful and blessed dynamic in our relationships, we should love ourselves first. Unconditional love can never be achieved if we put our wishes, our dreams, and our desires on the back burner in order to care for someone else’s. This is not unconditional love. To experience unconditional love, we have to put ourselves at the front of the line and not the back. It is our job to make ourselves happy, not everyone around us. And from this place of inner sovereignty, then and only then can we come into a healthy relationship with another, on our terms and in alignment with our values. Sadly, the lie about unconditional love was put into our conscious mind by our family, our tribe, our community and by society

in general. It is easy to misconstrue the meaning of unconditional love, especially if it is interpreted as suggesting that we should love and accept our partner regardless of how they treat us. This form of unconditional love is unhealthy and toxic to everyone involved. If you are struggling with the concept of unconditional love and these words resonate with you, or make you feel a bit uncomfortable, take a step back and look at your relationships. Unconditional love is based on caring, you for another person and him or her for you in return. Unconditional love is not meant to justify and forgive your partner’s bad behavior in some distorted selfless act. If this dynamic is part of your world, decide to love, honor and cherish yourself before you go filling the cup of another. It is not selfish to love ourselves. It is a choice, just like forgiving is a choice. Choose to take care of yourself and your happiness. The rest will naturally follow. a

presence of your true Self. I don’t have to tolerate all of Alma’s behaviors. I can say no and set limits. I can be clear about what I find acceptable and unacceptable. There can be consequences to her behaviors and she needs to learn this. When she kept slamming her bedroom door in anger, I told her that if she didn’t stop, I would remove the door. There are other, more productive, ways to express her feelings. Unconditional love doesn’t mean accepting anything and everything. It doesn’t mean being used and abused, hurt or manipulated. Unconditional love is a two-way street, not a one-way street. Setting boundaries helps define expectations, likes and dislikes. The strongest, most enduring relationships blend the ego with the unconditional love of the true Self. Love begins with your true Self. It is the source of unconditional love. Find your Self and you find love at the same time. You and

love are one and the same. Try this healing exercise. It’s a simple and effective way to connect with the love you are. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, following the air as it moves in and out of your body. Allow yourself to become relaxed and present. When you’re ready, say: “I am love.” Notice how right it feels to identify your Self as love. Let this awareness guide your relationships. Repeat daily. Live as love — and love unconditionally. a

DR. RITA LOUISE is a Naturopath and Medical Intuitive. She is the author of “Stepping Out Of Eden,” “The ET Chronicles: What Myth and Legend Has To Say About Human Origin,” “Avoiding The Cosmic 2X4,” “Dark Angels: An Insider’s Guide To Ghosts, Spirits & Attached Entities” and “The Power Within,” as well as hundreds of articles that have been published worldwide. Dr. Rita has appeared on radio and television and has spoken at conferences covering topics such as health and healing, ghosts, intuition, ancient mysteries and the paranormal. To learn more, visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

DR. STEVEN HIEBERT, author of the award-winning book “Be Your Self and Be Well: Connecting with Your Soul’s Power to Heal” (Wise Ink), is a gifted healer, doctor of chiropractic, teacher and author who lives and works in St. Paul. Steven’s life’s work and passion is helping people heal. He has been in private practice since 1990, touching countless lives. Steven is available for appointments, speaking engagements, signings and events. He can be reached at, and at 651.777.9156. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Oneness Consciousness & Unconditional Love in All Relationships BY ERIC J. CHRISTOPHER In their 1974 song “Already Gone,” The Eagles sang, “So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key.” I don’t know whether or not The Eagles meant it, but it perfectly fits to interpret the “chains” to be the identification with our ego. The ego is based in separation and individuation. Think of the ego as our body/ mind self, which contains all of our programming from early on in life. Limiting thoughts, feelings, beliefs and fears are based in the ego. Our lives can become imprisoned and unconsciously governed by limiting ego beliefs such as “not good enough” or “fear of failure” or “it’s too scary and painful to open up and fully receive love.” The ego works overtime to protect us from possible emotional pain, yet it is also striving hard to find love, joy, peace and security, mostly outside of ourselves. When we incarnate here, the dance of the ego begins with the trauma of separation. We are dependent on our caregivers for love, security and a sense of well-being. We become conditioned to search for unconditional love outside ourselves, and if we don’t find it, limiting beliefs about our self can form and we can develop a tendency to guard our hearts. Yet, we are multidimensional beings. There’s another part of us — the soul. The soul comes from Source. Like drops of water which form the wave that belongs to the ocean, we are a human, a soul and we also belong to the one creator Source. In other words, we are not separate from Source energy — and we are not separate from the love, security, peace and joy that we are searching for outside of ourselves.

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you.” Not only does love lie within us, but we are unconditional love. As Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, once said, “We come from love, we go back to love, and we are love.” Going back to The Eagles’ song, telling us that we live our life in chains, never even knowing we have the key, “the key” is a mere perception shift. Adyashanti, another spiritual teacher, equates human life to “the greatest slight-of-hand card trick.” He says, “Enlightenment is really just a radical shift in identity.” He means that spiritual awakening is about identifying primarily with the pure light, energy and consciousness that animates all of life, the part of us that can never be harmed or die.” Another name for this level of consciousness is Christ consciousness or Oneness consciousness. When you operate from Oneness consciousness, you see yourself in others. You see through other people’s ego state of consciousness, which is unconsciously striving for love and connection or else protecting itself from love and connection, and instead view all beings with love and compassion. It is automatic. “Oneness” needs nothing from another, and instead is motivated and fueled by giving and being love. Experiencing this level of love is a subtraction process. As we quiet our thinking minds and go within through meditation or an inner journey, or by simply becoming fully present, we can experience peace and love within ourselves. When we let go of the mind’s filters and programs and are truly present, we can feel a reservoir of deep peace beneath our fears. Another way of experiencing ourselves as love is to practice what Neale Donald Walsch,  see ONENESS on p. 21 MARCH 2019 THE EDGE


Evolution of True Love BY JOHANNA KERN THERE ARE AS MANY views and theories of what love is about as there are people who have given a thought to that intriguing and exciting subject. Is love a feeling, an emotion, or a state of mind? Is it the best thing that can ever happen to us, or a disaster which can ruin our life? Or is love a “predicament,” a “situation” or a “mental or emotional disruption” that happens to us? Questions like these have been perpetuated by numerous writers, poets, performers, other artists, psychologists, philosophers and those who have ever been, or have hoped to be, in love. Falling in love is not only a sexual passion we feel at the sight or thought of someone we desire. It is the admiration we have for somebody’s specialness. Of course, we often feel the sexual attraction as well, since our bodies go through all sorts of chemical reactions all the time. Yet, the difference between infatuation and falling in love is very clear. Infatuation is usually described as physical attraction, although it may be also that we are smitten by someone because of some of their traits in a way that is not strictly physical. Falling in love means that we adore the person for whom they truly are on a much deeper level than just their appearance or interesting personality. Can infatuation lead to falling in love? Maybe. Or maybe not. Infatuation wears off over time, and if there isn’t a deeper connection between two people, there isn’t enough substance in their relationship to make it really fulfilling — not even after they get married or have children. When a couple doesn’t truly appreciate each other, there is no ground for building a relationship based on true love. To love someone truly and unconditionally is to see that person on a deep level — you see their pure heart, their true being. Love is one of the energies affecting the world, and it is one of the internal processes that we all go through, sooner or later — at one point or another. Love is an actual energy, with a particular quality and vibration, and it is a part of the wheel of creation that affects us at all times, giving us a chance to evolve. Opening ourselves to love is one of the biggest and most important steps in our evolution. When we tune into the energy of love, we are able to recognize, appreciate and respect the light we see

seek peace daily 2 0  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

in every form of life, including our partner. When we admire who they are beyond their physical appearance or personality traits, we have a quiet pleasant feeling, deep inside. It is a very different feeling than being swept off our feet by somebody’s beauty or personality traits. It is a deep and sincere feeling, which surprisingly translates to joy. There are no “bells” associated with it and we don’t lose our mind, or breath. When our heart recognizes and admires another heart, we feel quiet Joy. The evolution of true love in a relationship always includes the gradual exploration and experiencing of the seven aspects of love: joy, acceptance, lowliness (as in being humble), equality, surrender, equilibrium and reconciliation. Although these are the aspects of the Universal love, they do affect us in our own romantic relationships and we learn about them, sooner and later. When we tune into the energy of Universal love, its seven aspects pamper our romantic love on a daily basis. Our unconditional love will look past our traits, and past our looks. It will know whether our behavior, emotions or any of our patterns are a true expression of who we are, or just our subconscious programming. If we have some emotional wounds or imprinted negative subconscious patterns and need time to heal, we will support each other in that. Mind you, to support someone we love does not mean to sacrifice our own happiness for them. Ruining one’s own happiness in any way is associated with infatuation and obsession, not with true unconditional love. When we say that true love includes, not excludes, it also means that true unconditional Love supports the well-being of both people involved. a JOHANNA KERN is a transformational teacher and multiple award-winning author of “Secrets of Love for Everyone,” “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope” and “365 (+1) Affirmations to Create A Great Life.” She practices and shares The Master Teachings of Hope. Many years ago, she suddenly began to experience regular spontaneous trances in which she was receiving the teachings from an ancient Master. Her story received international attention. She helps people to find their own power and progress in all areas of their lives: life and career paths, health and emotional problems, family issues, relationships and spirituality. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


continued from p. 19

author of the Conversation With God series, suggests: “If you want more joy in your life, be the source of joy for another. If you want more love in your life, cause another to feel loved.” Experiment with it. Relationships go much smoother, he says, when we view them not as a cookie tray to grab something from, but rather as a container to pour something into. Here’s another experiment: Adyashanti writes, “When the divine part of you silently acknowledges the divine part of another, their divine self knows that it’s being acknowledged and it will feel good being in your presence. They may not even know why.” To be the unconditional love that we


continued from p. 15

question is going to hurt you, you will not hear the answer. Your body will block the door because your belief says that your identity needs to be protected. Here we see pain, tension, confusion and disease in the flesh. We can receive the gifts we’ve asked for when we listen to our bodies with the willingness to allow our emotions to move however they need. We don’t have to understand this process before we do it, because emotion is intelligent and informs us as we go. What if each of us could feel the power in our flesh? What if each of us knew that no judgment, no assault or abuse, no thought or word could ever take away the freedom that rests in each cell of our bodies? What if each of us could read our own DNA, decoding in the moment the information most relevant to our situation? This is the reality we create when we trust the purity,

already are requires a perception shift out of our ego consciousness. Practice identifying as the love that you are, and then begin to view others as that same love behind their human form and their ego consciousness. It’s like a muscle that you exercise. Over time, it becomes your natural state, mainly because it is your natural state! a ERIC J. CHRISTOPHER has a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is a certified hypnotherapist. His life passion has been to spiritually awaken and help clients do the same by guiding them connect to their inner wisdom and higher self that can uncover and heal the roots of limiting fears and beliefs. He specializes in past-life regression therapy, life-between-lives therapy, and also present-life deep emotional healing of the body and subconscious mind. He has a private practice in St. Paul. To learn more, visit COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

wisdom and authority of our flesh. This body is not just a vehicle for our consciousness to experience life on Earth, it is our consciousness manifest as Earth. Trust your body, let it speak to you. It is you and it holds all of your answers. Let it tell you its stories. Let it profess its love and remind you of the miracle and wisdom of your spirit. Let it show you what freedom is and where you can find it. Use the affirmation, “My spirit and flesh are one,” to reunite your mind, body and emotions. Remember, it’s safe to listen to your body and you’ll never lose your stories. They might just move. a CHARLOTTE “MAMA” ROSE is an artist, psychic and mother of two based in St. Paul, MN. With a constantly evolving worldview, she is passionate about both listening to and expressing herself to others through music, writing, poetry, visual art and healing arts. Charlotte offers one-to-one creative work, psychic development and healing sessions. Find more on www. and on Instagram @dearmamarose. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

explore decades of wisdom | visit the edge archives at MARCH 2019 THE EDGE





Featured Businesses • Business Network Intuitive Network • Sacred Gatherings • Classifieds Happenings Events • Edge Talk Radio Podcasts

T O B E I N C L U D E D : C A L L 7 6 3 . 4 3 3 . 9 2 9 1 O R E M A I L C AT H Y @ E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T

Psychics, Intuitives & Mediums The following Psychics, Intuitives and Mediums are available in the Upper Midwest…and beyond: David Behr, 612.807.4294 — Intuitive Readings, Light Energy and Spiritual Healing. Breakthrough your blocks and fears. Gain confidence in your Strengths. Forgive yourself and Others. Be Empowered, Activate your Passion and Dreams. Create your Law of Attraction. Know your Talents and Skill Sets. Live your life successfully. Remember who you are. Reinvent yourself and know your purpose. Get beyond limiting beliefs. Trust yourself and Others. Love Yourself Again. Live Joyfully. Call to schedule appointment. Anne Brady-Cronin, 2013 14th St. S., St. Cloud, MN, 320.250.9402, — Anne specializes in connecting with your guides, Angels, power animals and other Spiritual beings to provide Divine guidance in working with your life journey. This, combined with her knowledge and training as a life coach and hypnotherapist, gives a truly unique perspective and direction to those who desire wisdom and knowledge in discovering their truth. Janice Carlson, 952.934.1196, dearashlan@, — Twenty years of psychic and medium experience. A documented 85 percent accuracy rate. Afterlife communications with deceased loved ones and pets. Phone and in-person sessions by appointment. Free sample reading. “Janice is one of the best mediums I’ve ever encountered.” - Trish MacGregor, author of Sydney Omarr Presents Deborah Lynn11, 651.439.5337, — Born with the psychic, spiritual gifts of clairaudience and clairvoyance, numerology, channeling spirit and reading akashic records, Deborah reads the energy taking shape in a person’s life. Her psychic readings include names of people in the past, present and future. She offers insight on love and relationships, career, finance and more.




Next Month: Retreat Centers & Spas Deadline: March 15 Place your Listing Today! Earth & Water Wellness, Marie Savage, 612.508.9606, — I will connect with your guides and guardian angels. I will share any insights they wish to offer, and answer questions regarding your life — health, relationships, finances, and your purpose for being here at this time. Everything is connected and has purpose. Schedule a reading and discover yours! Marie Forrest,, — Spiritual Mentor/ Healing Facilitator since 1987. Marie can help you clear physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues from your cellular memory areas and your energy field that are no longer serving you and teach you how to attract health, wellness, love and abundance, and successfully manifest it in your life.

Do you plan to sponsor a Retreats, run a Retreat Center or a Spa? Reserve your listing in the April Featured Business. Contact Cathy today at 763.433.9291 or 2 2  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

To be included: 763.433.9291 or email Visit: and click on Listings. Featured Businesses highlight a different holistic category each month. $50 for a 50-word description + contact info. Major credit cards are accepted. Tom Guyette, 763.438.1613, — Tom is an Psychic, Intuitive Healer, Medium, and does Space Clearing. Problems that we deal with daily improve by releasing negative survival patterns held in our systems. Tom works with your soul to make life supporting changes and improvements. He is a Hawaiian Healing Master, Lightsmith Practitioner and Engineer with Medical Background. Tom is based in Plymouth, MN and can come to your home. Healing Energy Arts Center, Claudia N. Johnson, 308 W. 22nd St., Suite 102, Minneapolis, MN 55404, 612.597.5682,, — Claudia offers Psychic Mediumship Readings, channeling loved ones, spirit guides, angels and pets, giving concrete evidence that is often deeply moving, supportive, loving, with powerful guidance, empowering you

in your spiritual and physical life now. She also provides: Custom Hypnosis, Guided Meditation Downloads, Energy Healing, Reiki Training, Spiritual Life Coaching, and Workshops. Certified healer, over 20 years experience. Kathleen Kalil, — Psychic, Medium, Space Clearer, Life Coach. Kathleen works with you and your space, accessing intuitively channeled energy and also multidimensional energies encountered on her worldwide travels. Readings/ Coaching helps you reach within and bring forth your knowledge and wisdom. Space Clearing/Ghostbusting bring healing to you, your space, trapped souls, and the Earth. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861,, — Soul Readings / Psychic Development classes. Cindy offers private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. Her passion is teaching others how to more fully access their own intuitive, psychic, soul gifts, and how to live and create from the heart. Jaci Loos, 651.269.7545,, — Akashic Records Consultant, Sacred Travel Tours, Sound Healer and Teacher. Jaci is dedicated to change, growth and personal integration. Her passion is to empower others to experience their lives with greater joy and ease. LynMarie8,, — LynMarie, founder and teacher of Beyond Quantum Consciousness® & Love Consciousness®, is your full comprehensive multidimensional Intuitive, Medical Intuitive, Medium. She is able to receive information, and healing

all your aspects at a multidimensional way, mental, physical, spiritual levels, resolves in all issues in any area of your life: from the past, present, future simultaneously and permanently. LynMarie is a teacher on and off Planet to humanity. Psychics in the Cities — Judie Randall, Connie Braton — 612.860.9196, — Judie and Connie work as a duo to give well-rounded, comprehensive readings. Using their individual gifts and unique perspectives, they deliver powerful messages from the Divine to enlighten your journey. Private/ phone readings, galleries, psychic development classes, private events. Quest-Fields Patrice Connelly, 651.222.8282, patrice@questfields. com, — Intuitive Readings are offered to help with creative blocks, reach goals, discover Intuitive gifts. Spring 2019 we offer 4 diverse classes: Introduction to Intuitive Development, A Spiritual writing class, Transcending Loss, Staying Centered in Times of Upheaval, & Exploring the 3rd Age. LaJeanne Runnels, 763.227 9577, (put psy? in subject line), — Freewill Psychic Reader (35 years); Silva Advocate 36+ yrs; Silva UltraMind ESP Instructor (classes for everybody). Naturally psychic, professionally trained; featured on TV, in newspapers and books. Who you choose as a psychic (or ESP instructor) and how comfortable you are with your choice are important, so call. We’ll chat a bit before you book. I look forward to talking with you!

Satail, Spirit of Love and Light Healing Arts, 612.703.9154 — Spiritual Counsel through Psychic/ Intuitive Reading. Satail has been a reader/counselor for many years. Trained as a medium, she sometimes brings forward past lives. Seeks to aid client in healing current issues. Works in Love and Light. Based at Bellaluna Boutique in the Soulful Journey Wellness Center in Minnetonka/Hopkins. Jurema Silva, 320.260.7305,,, brazilianhealer — Brazilian Healer and Psychic. Jurema is a true soul healer who is transforming the lives of countless people. Third years ago she brought to the U.S. a rich and diverse approach to psychic readings and healing. Jurema is one of the most celebrated psychics in the Upper Midwest. Her sessions are breathtaking and transformative. Silva UltraMind ESP Seminars and Individual Learning Opportunities, Instructor, LaJeanne Runnels, 763.227.9577, LaJeanneR@gmail. com, — Train your mind to change thoughts; change thoughts to better your life. Learn to use intuition, dependably, at

will, whenever you wish, for any positive purpose! Learn to function actively, productively, at deep creative levels of mind for more successful outcomes! Easy to learn techniques; quick to use; see proven results! 100% money-back guarantee! Don Snyder, 763.300.7521,, — Akashic Record Readings. Open a conversation with your Soul and learn your Soul’s intent in this lifetime. The Akashic Records are an energetic recording of your Soul’s journey over every lifetime. This information can help you make decisions in your current lifetime, whether they are personal or business focused decisions. Terri Wiebold, RN, HN-BC, CMI, Medical Intuitive, 319.631.0824, — Based in Coralville, Iowa, Terri accesses from your body information about the root cause of illness, blocks or diseases by tracking the energy of the body. All information comes from your body. There are no screens, filters or chakra maps of the information. Terri is a Board Certified Medical Intuitive/ Holistic Nurse.

Promote You in The Edge magazine. Advertising for every budget. Call Cathy at 763.433.9291 today.





The Business Network is arranged by Category. $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category, brief description (25 words or less), name, phone, email, website, photo/logo. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or ASTROLOGY Birth chart, forecasting and karma readings offered. Come in with a friend for a joint reading! Located at 555 7th St. W., 2nd Floor, St. Paul. Meredith McCowan, Earthling Astrology, , call or text 651.325.7361,,

EMOTION CODE/ ENERGY HEALING: An energy healing technique that releases trapped emotions, which are harmful energies from negative past events. Clearing trapped emotions helps the body to heal. All sessions are done remotely, meaning you don’t have to leave home or work. Tree of Life Healing, Colleen Picha, ECCP, CMT, 507.649.0580,,

AWAKENING / ORACLE SESSIONS / CO-CREATION: Strengthen intuition, empowerment, understanding of and ability to co-create, thus expanding relationships. Discover your frequencies and clarify your life’s purpose; have your true being seen and acknowledged. Oracle sessions for individuals/couples/small groups. Also available for gatherings/classes. Asanara Aranasa, 612. 655.0393,,

FENG SHUI SERVICES Residential/Business consultations, mentoring, energy clearing, workshops Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437,

BODYWORK & BREATHWORK Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108,

FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. In business 37 years. Contact Martin Bulgerin. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,, at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Mpls

BREATHWORK: Guided Breathing Sessions & Reiki combined to release trauma, decrease pain and transform your life. Private sessions, live workshops and certifications available. Deanna Reiter & Troy Stende, 651.238.7248,

HEALING TOUCH & THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE: Relax with a meditation, intuitive healing touch and chakra balance, then enjoy a 60-minute therapeutic massage, all for $75 for first-time clients (2 hours). Edgar Massage & Chakra Balance, 5215 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.384.4572,

BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING: Heal your Body, Clear your Blocks, Enhance your Soul Connection, Transform your Life. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions ongoing. Individual Breath Sessions / Pranic Healing® / NPMDT® / Bemer® by appointment. Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh., 651.442.4623,,

HERBS: 600+ medicinal & cooking herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, new and used books, Natural healing practitioners available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking, ND, Duane Givens. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,, at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Mpls

COACHING - SMALL BUSINESS & PERSONAL lllona provides small business administrative organizationoverview; Wholistic image consulting with unique color model & tools; Tutor student organizational study skills; Organize anything. Call for details/appointment. Illona Iris, Omega Rainbow Enterprise, 612.387.4610

HOMEOPATHY: 2,000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, We buy and sell new and used books. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,, at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Mpls

CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), decorator pieces, jewelry. In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017,,

HYPNOSIS: Karie’s mission is to help people find peace within themselves. Offering Healthy, Happy Healing Options for All. Karie is working on her Master’s Degree in Mental Health Clinical Counseling and has multiple certifications. Inner Healing Hypnosis, 1001 Kingwood Street, #127, Brainerd, MN, 208.55.RELAX,,



Receive The Edge in the mail by the 1st of each month! $29 for 12 months • $48 for 24 months Order yours today: 763.433.9291 or

HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? Over 15 Years Experience. Located in St. Paul. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 651.649.1952,

METAPHYSICAL SHOP: Palm Reading, Astrology and Psychic Readings Drumming & Meditation, Biomat Sessions available. We carry various products such as Crystals, Rocks, Cards, Jewelry, Dream Catchers & many gift items. Open Thursdays 3-8 Fridays 11-5, Saturdays 10-3 . At 26789 Forest Blvd., Wyoming, MN. Crescent Moon Metaphysical Shop, Nancy, 612.328.0891

HYPNOTHERAPY Client-centered hypnotherapy. Why not start today? The rest of your life is waiting for you! Located at 311 4th St SW, Suite 211, Willmar MN. Jessica L Hanson, CHt, LLC, Willmar Hypnosis, 320.979.6875,,

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / SOUL READINGS Soul Readings for clarity and guidance. Psychic Development classes to heal, reclaim your gifts, and consciously create with your own unique body/soul partnership. Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861,,

HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, habits, 5 Pillars of Balance, Spiritual Direction, Conflict Resolution Skills. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis & Coaching, 651.216.0085,

PSYCHIC MEDIUM INTUITIVE ENERGY WORK & GUIDANCE: Kimberly is a local Psychic, Spiritual Medium and Energy Intuitive who offers Energy Work and Guidance. HopeHealing By Kimberly,, HopeHealing.Me

HYPNOTHERAPY/PSYCHOTHERAPY: Help with healing overwhelm, trauma, sexual abuse. Build two-way communication with God, angels, guides, dead relatives. Heal across time/ lives. Exorcisms. Channel for Mother Mary. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, 763.546.4133,,

REIKI HEALING Experience the divine energy of Reiki for balance, relaxation, wellness. Treatment sessions. Studentoriented training for all levels. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Reiki Master-Teachers, 763.420.9017,

HYPNOTHERAPY TRAINING - CERTIFIED ALL LEVELS: Past Life, Between-Lives Regression. Private & Group Sessions, Healing, Spiritual Mentoring. 20+ years experience.

SUFI Four Layers of the Heart. Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259,,

JOURNEY COACHING: Clear Mental Clutter thru radical self awareness generating energy for empowered living to authentically Step into YOUR Happy Mind, Body & Soul. Complimentary Hour Clarity Conversation. Smiling Wellness, 612.554.9163,,

EXPLORE THE EDGE DIRECTORY ONLINE Discover Holistic Resources at the new subscription-based online Directory. Maps, photos, descriptions, and more. Join the Online Edge Directory for 3, 6 or 12 months. 763.433.9291,

Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., LBLt, CHt, 612.709.5578, madonna@madonnakettler,

Write on our April Topic

Being in Nature is essential Word Count: 700 or less Deadline: March 10 Submit your article at: or email






The Edge Intuitive Network is $45 monthly (1-3 mos.), $35 monthly (4-7 mos.), $30 monthly (8-12 mos.) Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: headline (10 words or less); description (80 words or less); name; phone; email; website; photo(s) or logo (2 inches wide x .75 inches high). To be included: 763.433.9291 or

PATRICE CONNELLY, DIRECTOR OF QUESTFIELDS: INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT TEACHER, HEALER, STUDENT For 35 years I have taught and continue to teach Intuitive Development classes,

worked with numerous clients in one-on-one sessions in person or by phone bringing Spirituality, creativity and humor together. I offer practical hands on tools for students and clients to explore and to develop their own unique gifts working with their Spirit through soul, mind and body. It is a never-ending source of delight and pleasure to see students and clients become empowered in their ownership. Patrice Connelly, Questfields,


Akashic Records are the energetic recording of your soul’s journeys, in this lifetime and past lifetimes. You are connected to this energy whether you are in soul form or human form. Akashic Readings allow you to learn your soul’s purpose and desired intents in this lifetime. This includes information regarding career choices, relationships, lifestyle choices and best possibilities for your future. An Akashic Reading can assist you in understanding your purpose and current life circumstances. Don Snyder, 763.300.7521,,


Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. And one of the finest professionals and most referred name by those in the know. Five-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career and stays on point with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Alison has a strong affinity with animals of all kinds and is a successful Healer. She is the genuine real deal! Alison James, 612.424.1411,,





Allie Maurer is an International Psychic Medium, Healer, Animal Communicator, Spiritual Teacher, and Intuitive Life Coach. She is passionate about her life’s purpose: utilizing her natural gifts to provide guidance, clarity, and healing to those looking for support. Her clients love her accuracy, honesty, authenticity, compassion, and that she always treats them as an equal. Whether it is connecting to a pet, deceased loved one, seek deeper knowledge to the events unfolding in your life or healing: she is here to help. Allie Maurer, 952.334.6496,,


Jurema is much more than a psychic or a medium. She is a true soul healer, who is been transforming the lives of countless people in the U.S. and worldwide. Thirty years ago, she brought to the U.S. a rich and diverse spiritual knowledge, resulting in an original approach to healing and counseling. Jurema is one of the most celebrated and popular professional psychics in the Upper Midwest. Her sessions by phone-video-in person are breathtaking and transformative. Appointments:,, 320.260.7305. Visit


Get a handle on behavior problems. Discover what makes your pet happy and what irritates them. Animals are sentient beings and can have surprisingly complex thoughts. Our pets are on a divine mission to bring love and companionship into our lives. They are aware of our burdens and difficulties, and can be greatly affected by them. A little guidance and insight can help both you and your pet on your journey together. Marie Savage, 612.508.9606,

952.334.6496 jurema@ 320.260.7305

612.508.9606 www. earthwaterwellness. com


I have been an intuitive tarot reader for 11 years. I am very honest and up front not only with what I am seeing in the cards, but what I am feeling as well. I do though express this information with complete tact and tender loving care. I have done my readings in a boutique and at expos with great success and my clients have left very happy. I also do private readings by appointments and by phone. 651.492.9917,,


651. 492.9917

W E I N V I T E YO U TO L I S T E N TO E D G E TA L K R A D I O Free monthly audio programs that expand the holistic conversation! Interviews and discussions.


Go to: or and click on Podcasts


I am a Psychic, Medium, Ghostbuster, Life Coach. I have happily traveled the world doing energy work, readings and ghostbusting. Readings/coaching gives you an opportunity to look within and access your wisdom, receiving knowledge that can assist when dealing with today’s challenges. Energy work and ghostbusting bring healing to you, your space, trapped souls, and the Earth. Kathleen Kalil,



Deborah is unlike any others, she will give you Names and Descriptions of people alive and or deceased from your past, present and future. Are you feeling lost, like you don’t have a clue which way to go? Be assured that Deborah Lynn11, with over 30 years experience, will Guide you to where YOU need to be. Deborah Lynn 11, 651.439.5337,

HOPE HEALING BY KIMBERLY Kimberly is a Spiritual Medium and Energy Healer who is dedicated to share her Wisdom and Divine Gifts to help with Hope & Healing. She has the Ability to Connect to your loved ones who have crossed over with Compassion & Care. During your reading you will feel feel your loved ones surround you and hear direct evidence, which can also release Trauma, Shame, Guilt, Fear to which you will find the Ability to move forward in life with Joy and comfort knowing your loved ones are safe and at peace. I look forward to meeting young your family. HopeHealing by Kimberly,, SOUL READINGS / BEGINNING & ADVANCED PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT CLASSES

I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. I also offer beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. My passion is teaching others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861,,


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are moving our location, so please watch for updates on the website and newsletter or call 612-378-3602.


Sacred Gatherings are $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Name, address, phone, email, website, gathering times & brief description. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis: Anahata Collobrative, 2836 Lyndale Ave. S., Lower Level, Minneapolis, 612.759.0870, — Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis is a spiritual community that honors all paths to God. Using the principles of Science of Mind and the philosophies of our founder Ernest Holmes, the Center provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and make the world a better place. If you are ready to be home and in the flow of Good, come see us every Sunday for Meditation at 10:25 a.m. and our Sacred Service at 11 a.m. Visit our website for upcoming life changing classes, motivating workshops and for details about our inspiring Spiritual Book Club and Discussion Group that meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Eckankar / Temple of ECK: The Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, — Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. ECK Light and Sound Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am. Experience the Sound of Soul: third Sunday of each


month, 10-11am. Free Spiritual Exploration Classes: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. Temple hours: Noon-9pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and from noon to 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday. Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.922.4272, — Raise your consciousness by attending our classes, workshops and Sunday Services led by amazing speakers! Raise your vibration in our beautiful, historic building (now on the National Historic Register). Give us a try as part of your spiritual journey and feel the love of our heartbased community. Visit our community for: great meditations, yoga classes, speakers and programs that include mindfulness, developing your intuition, releasing negative beliefs, allowing greater abundance, and breaking the barriers to deep self-healing. Spirit United Church: 612.378.3602, contact@, — Spirit United is a spiritually diverse community that is undergoing transformation. We


S E E K I N G , S E L L I N G , P R O M OT I N G

Classifieds are $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category & text To be included: 763.433.9291 or

Unity Minneapolis: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Minneapolis. 763.521.4793, — We are an allinclusive community that offers a positive, practical, everyday spiritual message. No matter which of our Sunday services you attend (8:30am Meditation only, 9:30 & 11:30am), you will experience a dynamic message and music program. We have an engaging youth program, as well as adult education classes, throughout the year. Our monthly healing service is at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Unity South Twin Cities: 7950 1st Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.884.6656, — Whatever your religious background — or if participation in a spiritual community is new for you — you are welcome here. We invite you to join us for Sunday Services (9am and 10:3am), classes of self-discovery, social events and charitable team projects we do in our Minneapolis metro. Our youth program builds self-esteem through discovery classes and fun activities. For a 30-minute refresh we invite you to our inspiring and peaceful Prayer Services (M-Th, 11am). At Unity South, we honor the God-created beauty and worth in each person. Our spiritual community is part of Unity Worldwide Ministries and is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as practiced in daily living. Let’s celebrate one another!



BUY SELL OR TRADE: Reach The Edge readership with your item to sell, space to rent, item to trade. The Edge is seen by tens of thousands of people throughout the Upper Midwest. Place your Classified listing today! Contact Cathy at 763.533.9291 or

PROMOTE THE EDGE: The Edge is seeking a volunteer in Rochester to identify new locations where The Edge can be shared with the public. We’d love for you to take The Edge around to these locations each month. Contact Cathy at 763.533.9291 or



Explore the wide variety of advertising opportunities available in The Edge magazine each and every month. Your display ad will be visible in print – and online it will be featured on our “Advertisers This Month” page and in our monthly flipbook. Your online Edge Directory page is visible to the world at all times. Your Featured Business listing

also is visible in print for one month and online for one year. Call Today to learn how The Edge can help promote you and your holistic business or service!

CALL TODAY 763.433.9291 Cathy Jacobsen







Happenings Events are $29 for up to 35 words, $45 for 36-70 words. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Date, title and text. Listing must include specific event dates and time, or it will be placed under Ongoing and not be included online. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or February 27 – March 20 – It’s a New World: Releasing Old Paradigms | Online: The Collective teaches that releasing beliefs that don’t serve us and embracing ones that will is our divine right as aspects of Source. How are your paradigms serving you? Are you exercising a choice as a divine being or living under beliefs you’ve not examined since you first embraced them? Join us for this fascinating examination of metaphysical foundations. Does your current understanding need to be expanded? Online, Wednesdays, 7-8:15pm. Register at March 2 – Meditation With Oneness Blessings | Reflections of the Inner World: In life, your closest relationships act as mirrors designed to show you aspects of yourself that are not fully illuminated. In this guided meditation with Oneness Blessings, you will receive greater awareness on what your external relationships are communicating about your internal world. Open to all ages! 11am-Noon, Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot: Reflectionsoftheinnerworld.eventbrite. com. Info: 612.930.2662, March 2 – The Elder Tree | Shamanic Journeying Monthly Series: The Elder Tree is an ancient keeper of knowledge and wisdom that, when called upon, can help you explore the great mysteries of the Universe. In this guided journey, the sacred drum and rattle will lead you to the place within where your ancient Elder Tree is rooted, allowing you to access the limitless knowledge available there. 12:30-1:30pm, Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662, March 3 – Spiritual Lessons from Animals: Join people from all walks of life for ECK Light and Sound Service at the Temple of ECK. Dynamic speakers, original creative arts, and singing HU, a sacred name for God, celebrate a life lived in harmony with Divine Spirit. 10am, Sunday, March

3, and the first Sunday of every month, Temple of ECK/Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www. March 5 – Introduction to Ayurveda: Discover the world’s Oldest Healing System with a new approach. Ayurveda is the ancient holistic medical system from India which has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. This foundational course will introduce you to the history, science and purpose of Ayurveda, the five elements and their attributes and the concept of Dosha (dosh´ah), one of the three vital bioenergies (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Tuesday 6-8:30pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, March 7 - March 21 – Understanding Empaths: Designed for healers, teachers, parents and caregivers. This series will help you understand characteristics, abilities, gifts and challenges that Empaths experience. Topics such as healing, energetic boundaries, intuition, and specific techniques and mantras to weave into everyday life will be discussed. Thursdays 6-8pm, $149, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www. March 8 – Crystal Grid Experience: During this Crystal Healing Class you will experience a customized crystal healing with a crystal grid set up in the room, as well as on and around each individual participant. Your instructors will be guided to which crystals want to work with you at each event, so each monthly experience will be unique and customized. 6:30-7:30pm, Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot: crystalgrid3-8.eventbrite. com. Info: 612.930.2662, www.IntraAwareness. com March 9 – Psychic Gallery with Alison James — More than a Message: An intensive soul healing event where everyone shares in the transforma-




tive effect of spirit communication as a whole. There’s Q & A and connections with those in the spirit worlds. Experience life-after-death soul survival in real time at this intimate event! Adults. 1-2:30pm, NE Wellness, 1224 2nd St. NE, Mpls ( Not handicapped accessible, upstairs. $50 final non-refundable sale, non-transferable. For more info: March 9, April 6 – Usui/Holly Fire II Reiki Classes in Duluth: Reiki Level I is the practitioner’s initiation into Reiki. The class focuses on opening the energy channels for self-healing, the history of Reiki and the Japanese techniques, $125. Reiki Level II is the additional expansion of the energy channels with the use of the Reiki symbols. This class focuses on healing others, distance healing and deep discussions on the chakras, $150, prerequisite is Reiki I. Advanced Reiki is deepening the practitioner experiences on all levels, psychical, metal emotional and spiritual with the introduction of the Master symbol, $225, prerequisite is Reiki II. Classes are in Duluth, MN. Registration and more information can be found at March 9 & 10 – Natural Healing Expo: This is the Premier Expo & Conference in the Mankato, MN, area providing you with back-to-back seminars, workshops and gallery events, along with over 40 exhibitors offering crystals, stones, geodes, natural beauty and nutritional products, organic skin care, jewelry, essential oils, crystals, music and books, as well as intuitive, psychic mediums, aura photos, energy and sound healing, and more, all designed to bring Holistic Wellness into your life. $5, $8 for weekend, 10am-6pm Saturday, 10am-4pm Sunday, at Courtyard by Marriott, 901 Raintree Rd., Mankato, MN. Complete details at March 14 – Beginning Psychic Spiritual Development Classes: Do you feel/have you been told you’re Gifted? Now what? This course will help you discover your magic and erase your fears. Let Psychics in the Cities guide you on your continuing journey. Six Thursday evening classes starting March 14. To register and more information, visit or call 612.860.9196. March 14, April 18, May 16, June 13 – Healing Share for Healers with Carol Lowell: Discussion, Meditation, Healing Exchange one Thursday night a month, $10. 7-8:30pm at 10285 Yellow Circle Dr., Hopkins, MN. Visit  see HAPPENINGS on p. 30 MARCH 2019 THE EDGE



continued from p. 29

March 15-17 – Art, Music, TranscenDANCE: Women’s Wellness Retreat: This experiential weekend of self-discovery will explore music, art, dance, meditation and bodywork as doorways deep into the psyche to facilitate your own healing and personal growth. This extraordinary weekend will change your life! West Bend location in Southeast Wisconsin. Info: Contact Dr. Christina Wilke-Burbach at 608.393.7353, mindsoulandself@, or visit womens-wellness-retreats/ March 16 – Reiki Energy Therapy Level 1 Certificate: This course is a simple, natural and safe method of therapy that uses life force energy transmitted through a practitioner’s hands that offers physical pain reduction and profound relaxation. Reiki Energy Therapy sessions are a hands-on, fully clothed touch therapy. These courses are taught using traditional Usui Reiki form. This course prepares you to become a Certified Reiki Energy Therapy practitioner. Saturday 8am-4pm, $150, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www. March 16 – “Being Human: Entelechy Rising: Realizing Potential in the New Era” Workshop: Nina Roberts Salveson & Michele Rae will present a 4-month transformational workshop, “Being Human: Entelechy Rising: Realizing Potential in the New Era,” beginning from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 16. at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. This immersion journey is designed to upgrade your inner navigation system, expand your heart opening, strengthen your core values and sacred guiding principles, and expand your vibrational frequency. $525. For more information and to register: March 17 – Intuitive Hands on Healing Workshop with Carol Lowell: 10am-4pm Sunday, March 17 at Center for Intuitive Living, 5356 Chicago Ave. S., Minneapolis. $165. Prior registration required March 17 – Experience the Sound of Soul: Discover your inner guidance, healing for body, mind, and spirit, and a higher form of creativity by chanting the sacred sound of HU. Spiritual discussion and light refreshments. Free. 10am, Sunday, March 17, Temple of ECK/Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK. org March 18 – Dream Interpretation Workshop with Carol Lowell: Discover the hidden messages and meanings within your dreams. 6-9pm at Center for Intuitive Living, 5356 Chicago Ave. S., Minneapolis. $45. Prior registration required: visit www.


March 18 - March 25 – Holistic Nutrition Certificate (Class 1): Traditional Diets and the Modern-American Diet This 2-part class will focus on the hunter-forager diets of indigenous peoples compared to the modern-American diet and federal dietary recommendations. The 7 major nutrient deficiencies of the modern-American diet will also be reviewed. Mondays 6:30pm-9pm, $49/class, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www. March 20 – Light Being Tribe Gathering | Online: You are invited to join our monthly Light Being Tribe Gatherings online occurring every Third Wednesday! These events are Live and Interactive. Come with your questions & curiosity, and continue your journey of expansion in a like-hearted worldwide community. All answers are channeled and custom for the group that has gathered online. Receive expert advice on topics that are most important to you while becoming a member of like-hearted community. 6-7pm. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662, March 20 – Herbalism — The Development, Forms, and Energetics of Herbal Therapy, Part 1: This course will cover how herbal therapy developed, the major herbal systems of the world, and how they compare and differ. You will learn how herbalists from these various systems choose particular herbs for certain situations. Additional topics include the energetic aspects of herbs (for example, herbs which are warming, cooling, drying, & moistening), how they impact different types of people and conditions and some common assessment techniques used by herbalists. Wednesday 6:30-9pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, March 22-24 – Paganicon Midwest Conference: Celebrating our ninth year, we offer workshops, panels, discussions, social space, music and costume ball. Our art show and vendor room is open to the public. Day and weekend rates available. Location is Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West at 3131 Campus Dr. in Plymouth, MN. For more information, visit March 23 – OMNI Hypnosis Fundamentals Certificate: This one-day workshop, taught by the only Minnesota OMNI Hypnosis authorized trainer, will provide you with skills you can put to immediate use—enabling you to add hypnosis techniques seamlessly to any healing modality. Saturday 8:30am-4pm, $190, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes March 23 – Past Life Regression Workshop | Live: An opportunity to grow, evolve and awaken! Learn about the evidence of reincarnation, the healing power of Past Life Regression, and our soul’s journey and experience between lives through fascinating case studies. Also, receive peace, wisdom and clarity from your Higher Self in a group-guided past life regression. Plenty of opportunities for questions! $100, 9am-1pm, Carondelet Center, St. Catherine University,

St. Paul. Register: email or call 651.649.1952. Visit www.ericjchristopher. com March 23 – The Story of Us: A Love Relationship | Live: The Collective teaches that we are more than the human race — we are divine. What does this mean and what is our connection to Source and universal consciousness? The answers to these questions are far more vast and significant than most of us realize. Receiving this teaching will forever change how you view yourself and the One who created you. Join us and rejoice in The Story of Us. Saturday 9am-Noon at DoubleTree by Hilton, Minneapolis – Park Place. Register at March 23 – Energy Medicine — Energy Healing with Cyndi Dale: This energy work and play day is dedicated to consciously accessing information, vibration, and the combination of the two for diagnosis, healing, divination, and problem-solving. We’ll cover topics and techniques including energy assessment, clearing, balancing, and opening to help heal self and others, as well as the two main types of healing concerns: autoimmune and trauma. How does a practitioner (working on self or other) engage and then disengage safely? Saturday 9am-4pm, $145, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www. March 24 – An Evening of Friendship Love with Michael Monroe and Special Guest Amitie: Minnesota’s very own Emmy Award Winner Michael Monroe. Live Music and Silent Auction Supporting Lakota Chief Valerio Cohaila’s Vision to have Sundance in his home country of Peru. 7pm, Sunday, March 24 at Jefe: Urban Hacienda, 219 SE Main St., Minneapolis. Tickets $45 at the door and online at michaelmonroe March 26 – Business Bootcamp for Holistic Practitioners: This workshop will cover a stepby-step process on starting a business: business types, laws, taxes, insurance, marketing, financing and business strategies. Taking the right steps now will let you concentrate on the fun part—helping improve your clients’ health and wellness. 6-9pm Tuesday, $89, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, March 30 & 31 – Astral Travel 1 Class: Reawaken your ability to travel to the Astral Plane, and expland your understanding of reality at this Damanhur Mystery School Workshop. 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday. For more information, contact Vessela At Damanhurminnesota@gmail. com April 6 – 3rd Annual Spring Intuitive & Holistic Fair: Join us for our 3rd Annual Spring Holistic & Intuitive Fair at The Historic Concord Exchange Building in South St. Paul! We will have over 50 vendors sharing a variety of Holistic Products and Services. Also: Psychic & Intuitive Readers and Healers, Metaphysical Merchandise, Essential



Free Podcasts in March March 5 – Free Podcast “Edge Learning Well” with Elise Marquam Jahns: Learning Well — Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! This show is sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. 6pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at Oils, Natural Health and Nutrition options, Chair Massages, Angel & Tarot Card Readers, Chemical Free Cleaning Products, Local Artists, Jewelry and much, much more! Food and beverage options will be available during the event. 10am-5pm Saturday, April 6, $5 admission, under 12 freeSearch Lulu Lapis Blue on Facebook. Contact Erika Wilm-Knapp at 651.747.5625 or emwknapp@ April 8-20 – Stage 1 Frequencies of Brilliance Program: Frequencies of Brilliance Stage I is a Certification Course that initiates you into a cutting-edge healing modality. This initiation process is deep and intense…involving all aspects of Self. This is an initiation into a new way of living and of being and may be the most significant journey of your life. The 13-Day Training Course completes with you fully qualified as a Practitioner to bring this healing technique to others. See or contact Joanne at April 12 – Crystal Grid Experience: During this Crystal Healing Class you will experience a customized crystal healing with a crystal grid set up in the room, as well as on and around each individual participant. Your instructors will be guided to which crystals want to work with you at each event, so each monthly experience will be unique and customized. 6:30-7:30pm, Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot at the site

ripples “I hear babies cry, I watch them grow, They’ll learn much more, Than I’ll ever know. And I think to myself, What a wonderful World.” LOUIS ARMSTRONG, “WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD”

Listen anytime for free at   edgemagazine or call at show time at 714.364.4750. Show archives: Explore every show at Host your own show: call 612.710.7720   or 763.433.9291 for details March 13 – Free Podcast “Edge Inner View” with Cathryn Taylor: Join host Cathryn Taylor as she speaks with Nina Salverson with Bold Soul Life, Info: 612.930.2662, April 26 – Crystal Grid Experience St. Paul™: During this Crystal Healing Class you will experience a customized crystal healing with a crystal grid set up in the room, as well as on and around each individual participant. Your instructors will be guided to which crystals want to work with you at each event, so each monthly experience will be unique and customized. 6-7pm, Healing Elements, 2290 Como Ave., St. Paul. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662, April 26 – “Power vs Force” with Mas Sajady: Internationally known energy healer and transformational catalyst Mas Sajady presents a powerfully transformative workshop, “Power vs Force” 7-10pm Friday, April 6, at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. All proceeds will benefit LHSC. Visit events/minneapolis May 4 – 2nd Annual May Day Celebration in Willmar: Looking for that perfect magickal gift? Join us at the May Day Celebration featuring: Psychic Medium Tiffany Johnson presenting two psychic galleries, speaker Justin Steinberg on “Project Origin: Untold Stories,” the band Leprechaun Pirates, and Raindrops Technique presented by Renee Plemmons. Vendors, Readings and more. 10am-4pm at Willmar Community Center, 624 Hwy 71 N. Info: Facebook Wallmar

“Like a bird on the wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my way to be free.” LEONARD COHEN, “BIRD ON THE WIRE”

“And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.” THE BEATLES, “THE END”

on its 4-month Being Human Workshop, and much more. 3pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at edgemagazine. March 18 – Free Podcast “Ride the Leading Edge with EFT and TRE®” with Cathryn Taylor: Host Cathryn Taylor inspires and empowers you to ride the leading edge of evolution with the integration of two of the most effective energy therapies, EFT and TRE®. Tune in on the third Monday of each month. Learn how to expand into your personal vibration of success. Hear how you can ride the leading edge of your own transformation and create the life you desire and deserve. 3pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at

Pagan Events, email or call 320.765.2510. May 25 – New Earth’s Spiritual Expo: A wide variety of spiritual, holistic and metaphysical practitioners and shops will be in attendance, and speakers will be lecturing throughout the day on various topics. A Paranormal forum, hosted by Unveiled Paranormal Society of Grand Forks, will take place from 6:30-8:30pm. Something for everyone will be available throughout the day. Free admission, Noon-9pm, Alerus Center, Door 5, 1200 S. 42nd St., Grand Forks, ND. For more details, or email for vendor opportunities: 218.683.5382,, June 21-23 – Empathology 101™: Among 130 beautiful acres of nature including a lake with peaceful walking paths, this 3-Day Empathic Workshop is designed to accelerate the fire of your Life’s Purpose, discover hidden dormant spiritual gifts, and receive esoteric spiritual and psychological technologies that will help you to know yourself better. Our mission during this workshop is to provide empaths with the foundational training so they can get to know themselves better and share their much-needed gifts, love, and light with the world. Many unique processes will be offered to participants including a Sacred Homa Fire, and a nature walk through the eyes of a Shaman. 9:30am-6:30pm daily at Oak Ridge Hotel & Conference Center, Chaska, MN. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662,

“We are the world we are the children we are the ones who make a brighter day so let’s start giving.”

“Every little thing gonna be alright!” BOB MARLEY “THREE LITTLE BIRDS”

“We skipped the light fandango, Turned carwheels cross the floor.”

“Long you live and high you’ll fly, and smiles you’ll give, tears you’ll cry and all you touch and all you see is your life will ever be.”








Our printed Edge Directory appears on newsstands every spring and fall, in the June and November editions of The Edge, and it offers you the opportunity to share with your community details about who you are and the service you offer.

Our newly updated Online Edge Directory, found at, is a separate holistic directory from The Edge’s printed directory. Advertisers subscribe for 3, 6 or 12 months and then submit text and photos so we can place your directory page online.

Purchase a display ad in this directory (full page, 1/2 page, 1/4 page, 1/8 page) and you get a free 100-word listing that includes your contact information and description of your services. Also available: a 50-word listing without the purchase of a display ad.

Your Online Edge Directory listing includes your business name (or your name), your contact details — phone, email, website, social media links, and your address with a map. It includes up to six photos or images that you want to use to accompany your listing. It also includes text that describes who you are and what you offer your community.

Your listing is arranged in the directory by category (choose one: Animal Care, Eat Drink & Nutrition, Experience, Guidance, Healing, Intuition, Learning, Services, Shop and Spirituality.) Every directory advertiser chooses a sub-category in six words or fewer that more closely describes what you offer. Your display ad will appear on the page of your listing or as close as possible. DEADLINE: MAY 7 DISPLAY ADS — PRICING AND SIZES: • 1/8 Page: $120 – 3.66" wide x 2.34” high • 1/4 Page: $190 – Vertical: 3.66” wide x 4.74” high; Horizontal: 7.5” wide x 2.34” high • 1/2 Page: $325 – Vertical: 3.66” wide x 9.67” high Horizontal: 7.5” wide x 4.74” high • Full Page: $675 – 7.5” wide x 9.67” high SINGLE LISTING PRICE: $60 for one listing • $40 for an additional listing with purchase of a display ad. Your Directory Listing will be published in The Edge magazine, and it will be in the online Directory flipbook for six months. Promote Yourself this Spring!

Unlike the printed Edge Directory listing, which is limited to 50 or 100 words, your Online Edge Directory listing can be the length that you desire. You can choose one, and up to six, categories that reflect your service, and those are searchable by those who visit our site. We will match your categories to what we already have online, or create new ones. ONLINE DIRECTORY PRICING: • 3 Months: $24.95 • 6 Months: $39.95 • 12 Months: $49.95 All Online Edge Directory listings can be updated or changed whenever you choose by either sending in the new information through our online form, or by contacting our office at 651.578.8969 or More than 30,000 unique visitors explore our website from around the world each month.

Place Your Listing Today 763.4 33.9291 CATHY@EDGEMAGAZINE.NET


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