The Edge magazine 0416

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April 2016



Me the Terrible

Embracing the Unlovable in the Presence of Love by Roxanne Sadovsky 11

The Harmonic Convergence Revisited Or, Why this Election is going to be One Big F*&#ing Deal by Lynn Woodland 16 ALSO THIS MONTH

Maximize Your Retreat Experience retreats



| poetry | columns | much more


April 2016 the edge  3

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True Communication: Deepen Your Listening Skills by Leslie Shore



Creative Integrative Medicine: A Renaissance Medicine by Dr. Paul Drouin

Me the Terrible Embracing the Unlovable in the Presence of Love, by Roxanne Sadovsky The Harmonic  Convergence Revisited or, Why this Election is going to be One Big F*&#ing Deal, by Lynn Woodland

6 Retreat to Recharge the Soul From the Editor, by Tim Miejan 7 Poetry: Woman Traveling to Tibet, by Atrid Bergie 7 Earth Day Celebration in St. Paul  8 Five Noted Speakers to Keynote 10th Fargo Holistic Expo

How to Use Your Subconscious Mind for Wealth by Joseph Murphy

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10 April Horoscope: Spring Fever and Creative Discontent Loom Mercurial Messages, by Heather Roan Robbins 12 Anchoring Your Sound through Your Heart Space unravels Old Density A Pleiadian Message, by Christine Day

featured topic how to maximize the retreat experience 19 Staycation of the Soul Spirit Leaves, by Janet Michele Red Feather 20 Six Ways to make the Most of Your Retreat or Staycation, by T. Renee Richardson, D.D. 21 Soul Journeys: Turn any Trip into a Spiritual Retreat, by Melissa Divine 22 Creating “Time Well Spent” Retreats full of Meaning & Magic, by Nicole DePalma 22 How to Maximize Your Retreat Experience, by Michael Atma

EDGE LISTINGS 24 Featured Business Listings:  Retreats & Spas 25 The Edge Business Network 28 Sacred Gatherings 28 Classifieds 29 Edge Talk Radio Free Monthly Podcast Schedule 30 Happenings Events calendar

14 7 Powers, 49 Power Seeds and some Magic Minutes, by Aiden Walker 15 A Belly Breath Away, by Laurie Ellis-Young 18 Walking through Cancer & Chemotherapy, by Christine Handy 18 Enjoy some Fresh Pineapple Food First, by Nutrition Julie

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We invite you to write 700 words or less on our featured topic in May: “The Divine Feminine — What does this mean and how can we access it, embody it and nurture it in our everyday lives?” Deadline: April 9 Or write on any aspect of holistic living, spirituality, healing or metaphysics. Include a brief bio, photo, and your mailing address for our records only. Email: Submit at:

Next Month: Therapeutic Massage Deadline: April 17 You submit: 50 words describing what you offer your community, and your contact info. $50. In print one month, online for one year. Contact: 763.433.9291 or 4

April 2016 the edge  5

Retreat to recharge the soul From the editor

by Tim Miejan We all need a break now and then, a time to clear the mind and recharge the soul. That was our family’s goal when our son was young and we headed east to Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois. While we remember this vacation as “The Lincoln Trip” — we visited both the birthplace and final resting place of President Abraham Lincoln — it also was one of the first times we traveled with intention. Our journey was guided by author Frank Joseph’s text, Sacred Sites: Guidebook to Sacred Centers and Mysterious Places in the Unites States, in which we learned about the ancient Serpent Mound in Ohio and made that one of our intended destinations. It did not disappoint. Located about an hour east of Cincinnati, The Great Serpent Mound is a National Historic Landmark, a structure built centuries ago by prehistoric indigenous cultures. There’s a lot most of us aren’t taught about civilizations in prehistoric North America, and there is also a lot that can be discerned energetically when you walk these sacred lands. It’s an experience that does not exist within the mindset of the modern tourist. When you come to such a place, it’s time to empty your mind, connect your energy deep beneath the soles of your feet and walk in the footsteps of the ancients. It was not unlike an experience my wife and I had when we traveled to Glastonbury,

England, and took a day trip to Avebury to experience the largest stone circle in Europe. A place of religious importance to contemporary pagans, Avebury affected me and my wife differently, me feeling at ease and she, at times, feeling sadness. When one visits ancient landmarks, you never know how the energy will affect you personally. It can be an experience of revelation — or even rediscovery if your soul happens upon a place of deep remembrance. Another stop on our visit East was the large hedge labyrinth in Harmony, Indiana. Its creators were members of The Harmony Society, a Christian theocracy that established a labyrinth to symbolize paradise in each of the communities it created — in

THE EDGE MAGAZINE 763.433.9291 P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303

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Publishers Tim Miejan & Cathy Jacobsen

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Editor Tim Miejan 651.578.8969 PRODUCTION melissa July ART PHOTOSPIN used by permission


The labyrinth in New Harmony, Ind., (top) provides respite from the concerns of the world. The Great Serpent Mound in Ohio (left) is said to be aligned to the summer solstice sunset.

WEBSITE Tim Miejan business manager Cathy Jacobsen 763.433.9291 Proofreading Rachel miejan

Transcription jean walliS EDGE TALK RADIO coordinator CATHRYN TAYLOR 612.710.7720 ISSN 1085-0996 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

Harmony, Pa., from 1805-1815, Harmony, Ind., from 1815-1825 and Economy, Pa. The society dissolved in 1905. It was the largest labyrinth I’ve ever walked, and it remains a place that promotes peace of mind. For me, personally, that is the hallmark of retreat. Remember, such a journey doesn’t have to be anywhere in particular. Meditation serves as the perfect retreat from the chaotic world, wherever you are. All it takes is closing your eyes, taking a breath and knowing that everything in this moment is as should be. a Tim Miejan is editor and co-publisher of The Edge. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or email Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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Woman traveling to Tibet by Astrid Bergie

With you there’s an ancient familiar silence where words need not exist to join hearts and minds. My soul remembers you now and other lifetimes we’ve shared. I see us sit shoulder to shoulder on a lofty cliff, feet dangling over the top of the world and we are breathless in the pure high rare air. There in a snow-capped mountain monastery we lose ourselves for days and nights and years in solitude and prayer and song. In another life, I still hear the music of our laughter and cries as we exchange many stories in the sometimes muddy fields where we toil each day for hours to complete the harvest.

Now in this one precious life I ask myself is it simply for these sweet but too brief meetings over tea… that are really one long good-bye… we have come together again? Woman traveling to Tibet soon, you are a temple gong resounding in my soul and the heart you so quickly stole…. a Astrid Bergie is a mystic, poet, metaphysician and writer. Contact her at Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Earth Day celebration in St. Paul


The public is invited to a free Earth Day celebration at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 23. EarthMentor David Nelson will be leading the event at Langford Park in the St. Anthony Park neighborhood at 30 Langford Park, St. Paul. Nelson will demonstrate his technique for connecting with the trees and the Earth in a profound way that also is quick and fun. Come dressed in layers so you are comfortable leaning or sitting against trees or on the Earth. If it is warm enough, participants also will practice barefoot walking. All ages are welcome! Participants will meet by the horseshoe pit by 10 a.m. For more information, visit a

The featured Psychics, Mediums & Intuitives featured business listings in the March 2016 edition of The Edge included an error on the website for Alison James. Her website is The date of the Conscious Living Exp at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community was printed incorrectly. The event is from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, April 2.

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2016 Fargo Holistic Expo speakers this year are (from left): Dianne Bischoff James, Amy Wilinski, Jeannie Hamm, Frank DiCristina and Kelli Miller.


Five noted speakers to keynote 10th Fargo Holistic Expo Speakers promoting personal empowerment, intuitive guidance, the healing power of sound, the shaman’s journey and rebooting the life you love will keynote the 10th annual Fargo Holistic Expo when it returns on April 23-24 to the Fargo Civic Center. The event is presented by Edge Life Expos & Events. Fargo Holistic Expo will present five keynote speakers, a daylong post-expo workshop, more than 65 exhibitors and free workshops presented daily. The event is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 23, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 24 at Fargo Civic Center, 207 4th St. N. in Fargo, North Dakota. Admission is $7 or two tickets for $10 in advance at or 763.427.7979. All tickets will be available at the door. Free parking is available to the east of the building and on the street. The keynote presenters coming to Fargo are: Jeannie Hamm teaches personal transformation   through fun, interactive workshops that combine sacred geometry with other practical, spiritual tools to access higher dimensional living. She is presenting “Creating Your Personal Power Field” at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 23. In this interactive experience, Jeannie will guide you through a series of simple exercises that will help you identify your Personal Power Field to assist you in navigating seamlessly through emotional upheavals at work, at home, and in personal relationships Kelli Miller is a down-to-Earth, hilarious, profes   sional psychic/medium, spiritual life coach and transformational speaker from Omaha, Nebr. She will present “A Live Audience Reading” at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, April 23. This is an afternoon of connecting with your soul and communicating with spirit and

FA R G O HOL IS T IC EXPO loved ones. She also will present a daylong post-expo workshop, “Awaken Your Psychic Abilities Class (or Psychic Abilities Class),” from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, April 25. This interactive, hands-on workshop will explain how psychic abilities work and introduce spiritual awakening issues, law of attraction (The Secret), meditation, clearing negativity, spirit guide introduction, chakras, how to see auras, divination, and all the inside tips and tricks of psychic abilities. Frank DiCristina is a harmonic sound therapist/ instructor,   Reiki/Healing Touch practitioner and laying on-of stones practitioner. He will present “The Healing Power of Sound” at 4 p.m. Saturday, April 23. The Singing Bowl Gong and Antique Singing   see Fargo on p. 10

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  Fargo

from p. 9

Bowls will take you into the places of your heart that you only dreamed about, and Frank will speak on the benefits of harmonic sound therapy used to release trauma, physical pain, emotional release and spiritual enlightenment. Amy Wilinski offers classes   and sessions in shamanism, Mediumship, Reiki and intuition development to help you open up to your divine gifts within. She will present “The Shaman’s Journey” at 11 a.m. Sunday, April 24. Participants will explore the world of shamanism in this experiential workshop, and you’ll take part in a water healing and blessing ceremony and come away with a deeper connection to the spirit in all of creation. Dianne Bischoff James, M.S.,   is Life Reboot Specialist and a dynamic motivational speaker who encourages audiences to create a reality that is prosperous, deliberate and meaningful. She will present “Life Reboot: Live the Life You Love” at 1 p.m. Sunday, April 24. She will help you discover the answers to soulsearching questions and share the 14 Shortcuts for Happy Living so you can find greater peace and fulfillment. Fargo Holistic Expo exhibitors will present some of the finest holistic approaches available in the Upper Midwest, displaying an emporium of gifts, products and information to support holistic life — including health, ecology, community and a balance of mind, body and spirit. Intuitive consultants, sample sessions of alternative or complementary health care and information and guidance on the spiritual journey will be available. Speaker tickets include admission to Expo Hall and free workshops. Save by buying advance tickets online at or call 763.427.7979. Exhibition booths are still available by contacting Dee at 715.259.3047 or Discount accommodations for expo participants are available at The Expressway Suites of Fargo (www., 877.239.4303). For complete information on Fargo Holistic Expo, visit www. a 10

April Horoscope: Spring fever and creative discontent loom Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac

by Heather Roan Robbins Romance and spring revolution grow as urgent as tulips pushing through last year’s leaves. Social and political restlessness wakes up our landscape as thoughtful Mercury and the Sun conjuncts electrical Uranus in feisty, fresh Aries early in April, and intensifies as Venus enters Aries on April 5. April 6-9 we need to channel a restless, revolutionary discontent to make positive changes as the Sun squares Pluto and conjuncts Uranus under the Aries New Moon. The mood becomes more romantic, personal and creative, encouraging all sorts of new beginnings mid-month as Venus trines Mars, and Mercury forms a grand trine in Earth signs with Jupiter and Pluto. But watch for volatility April 17-18 as Mars and Pluto retrograde. It’s time to plant seeds and new ideas as the Sun enters Taurus April 19, and Venus enters Taurus April 29. Deal with delicate communication before Mercury retrogrades April 28-May 22. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Your month begins like a house on fire; define your own paradigm. Lead rather than react and you have a real opportunity to change how you are perceived. Opportunities need to be followed up on quickly, overtures encouraged. Deepen the work mid-month, but exercise healthy caution April 17-19. Relationships respond to nurturing after the Sun enters Taurus. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Pace yourself; as everybody else gets busy, you may need to slow down and go within. Take care of long-term health questions. Bring hidden conflicts gently out into the open; own your inner ambiguity, and improve mutual understanding. Health and serenity improve after April 19; be open to serendipitous moments. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Engage the social-professional whirl; your skills for multitasking are in high demand as the month begins. Support friends while they go through metamorphosis mid-month. Help people step beyond their assumptions; ask wonderful questions (it’s your superpower). Slow down as the Sun enters Taurus, rest and renew. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Feathers are easily ruffled the first few weeks; do not mistake others’ anxiety for criticism. Instead of resisting a change in the work place, find a way to lead in a comfortable, dynamic direction. Be open to inspiration mid-month. Find calm and consider decisions carefully around volatility April 19 -23. Make yourself at home the last week. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Where and how would you like to be more visible? This month could bring unusual opportunities to shine, teach and feel appreciated, if you don’t get caught up in a clash of wills, particularly April 7-9 and 19-22. When you honestly see mutual benefit, so will they.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Negotiate carefully; look for a situation that may be ripe with opportunity around shared resources and mutual support. While things may be chaotic early April, look for the joyful moments. Intuition cooks and the psyche grows active mid-month. Clear work to rest while Mercury retrogrades. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Your diplomacy may be needed; remember some people need to feel heard before they can calm down, particularly April 1-11. You are seen more for yourself, and not for what you do for others mid-month. Take extra care April 17-19. Flirtation and appreciation is in the air after April 20. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…If April starts out uncomfortable, make it a creative discontent. Vent privately if you feel really cranky, but stay focused on solutions when interacting. Conditions are transforming for people you work with and love; stay sensitive to their changing needs. Health, moods and relationships improve towards the end of the month. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Be assertive, not aggressive, as the month begins; hold boundaries and hold your ground under duress, but do it with a smile and a warm heart. Mid-month, romance, creative friendships and camaraderie percolate for you if you change your routine and make yourself open to fresh possibilities. Find creative uses for delays at the end of the month. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…There’s a lot going on behind the scene; make up your own mind, but avoid unnecessary confrontations early this month. Try to understand the motivation of difficult people; it probably has nothing to do with you. Neighbors, siblings can be helpful mid-month. Take time to introspect at the end of the month and appreciate all you have accomplished. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Enjoy the creative ferment; you can roll with change better than most around you. Look for unexpected openings April 9-15. Engage the conversation for social and national politics, and help people believe they can live by their ideals in a practical way. Listen more and say less April 17- 19. Focus on beloveds at the end of the month. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Tend your resources, your time, energy, physical vitality and material resources.

Tend them like a garden. Fertilize them, nurture them and weed out problems. If you feel rushed and pressured the first week of April, pace and nourish yourself. Be gentle with yourself April 15-19, then appreciate a new cuddlier comfortability. a Heather Roan Robbins is a heart-centered and choiceoriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years’ experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She’s trained in astro-locality, mythic, multigenerational and traditional astrology and uses it at the core of her spiritual counseling. For a daily view, read Starcodes at www. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

A personal meeting with Ram Dass.

Me the Terrible

Embracing the Unlovable in the Presence of Love by Roxanne Sadovsky “Love everyone,” Ram Dass said, guiding us in the final meditation of the 8th annual Open Your Heart in Paradise retreat, where I found myself last December literally at the feet of my guru in a thatched hut — among 350 other attendees blessed out in the Maui heat. (It was a rather large thatched hut). By then, I couldn’t stop crying. In fact, as soon as I secured travel plans, the mere thought of eye contact with the legendary Ram Dass sprouted tears. I didn’t think much about it at the time, aside from the obvious: Being in the presence of unconditional love brings out the verklempt in a Jewish girl, especially given said Jewish girl was brought up by a Jewish mother in Los Angeles, where unconditional love, or love of any kind, was more of a sport. Nonetheless, that sport ultimately did lead me to a particular pack of Hind-Jews and Bu-Jews, and then, literally to the feet of king Hind-Jew, so in that regard I am endlessly grateful for my upbringing, for following the clichéd path of my “unlovable” Jewish elders straight into the arms of Ram Dass. The retreat was tropical perfection, what with daily yoga, meditation, dharma talks, vegetarian meals, kirtan, unbearably beautiful tropics, with ample lagoon and cliff to explore; the days were a welcome routine into being, away from the homeland of doing and I luxuriated in the stillness. And everyone was there. I mean everyone: Ram Dass, Krishna Das, Sharon Salzberg, Jai Uttal, Mirabai Bush, along with a handful of other Das’s I didn’t know, who were all basically saying the same thing: do your spiritual practice,

avoid getting caught up in the drama, and love everyone. Or do the best you can. Ram Dass, among those I am eternally grateful for showing me the path of love, spent the majority of the retreat gazing dreamily at the attendees below, telling us in his predictable cadence, “I…Love…You,” reminding us that we are all “souls,” an image I could glimpse and embody for exactly one second: an entire room full of sunflowers, smiley-faced yolks waving in the wind, an endless field of golden warm at his feet. “Love Everyone,” Ram Dass repeated, as he is known to do, just as we devotees are accustomed to hanging on the sweet vine of emptiness that bridges one word to the next. “Love Everyone,” he says again. “Even terrible you.” By then I’d been crying for good reason, but “terrible” me? He’s not supposed to know; while I’m well aware that my own sense of terribleness is an outdated story I needlessly carry, it’s still a private matter, between me and my shame! And when I have a chance to ask about it, standing face-to-face, in passing, I am speechless. I can’t talk to the man, to whom I want to tell everything. All I can do is lean into him, cry and babble an awkward “thank you, Ram Dass,” before running out of the room. A knowing attendee looks at me and nods, offers a hug. Guess what? I cry into her arms. Later when I ask author Parvati Markus about the relentless tears — which she references in her new book, Love Everyone, a compilation of stories told by Westerners transformed by hanging out with the famed Indian Saint, Neem Karoli Baba (Maharajii), in the ’60s and ’70s,   see

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  Love

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(without whom none of this “loving everyone,” heart opening in Hawaii would be possible) — as having a lot to do with “bringing out the darkness,” I figure there has to be more to it than that. But her answer back is brief: Recalling her experience with Maharajii, she says, “Many of those tears were from an overflowing heart opening wide, while others were from seeing your own shit.” What? I wanted the tears to be about enlightenment. But I know she’s right. I know that sitting so close to love so pure elicits a relief so humongous it is almost too much to bear and the “dark” is how little of that love I am able to take in. Because I came all this way and darn, it’s too much. And even though I get that the whole point is to recognize that transmission of love from a universe that, when in wise mind, is all “souls,” I berate myself for coming all this way to open my heart and I cannot. I know I can try again, to be with unconditional love that is all around; I can try with the trees, with my boyfriend, with my breath, my Durga, my son, my friends, my enemies, and by golly, myself, for I, too, am a “soul,” but by then I’m way too up in my head and I can neither let the love in…nor out. I come home in a funk. I stopped meditating. Who was I kidding going to Hawaii to see Ram Dass? I became careless and shut down. And then the holidays. And the real dark: One morning rushing to take my son downtown to see Santa, I snapped at him and he retreated into his room, hurt. Then I beat myself up about it with guilt, and carried on like that until I happened to randomly catch sight of my little cheap plastic smiling Buddha, laughing on my altar. He was smiling at me. He didn’t care. And then I thought back to Ram Dass and “terrible, terrible, me” and I realized that even when I turned on myself, he didn’t care. He still loved me and always would. I suppose it might have been a Jesus moment if that were my religion of origin, but the point was clear: Buddha (Jesus, Ram Dass, Baba — who have you) loved me no matter what. Eventually I wiped away my tears and went to the den where my son was laughing, watching Sponge Bob. “Still wanna go see Santa, honey?” He nodded enthusiastically, zipped off the set. Tentatively I made my way beside him on the couch. He let me. I outstretched a hand. “Sorry I yelled at you, honey… I —” “Whatever, Mama. Let’s go.” Apparently he didn’t think I was so terrible either. a Roxanne Sadovsky, MA, MFA, is a Twin Cities freelance writer, teacher and healer. She teaches Intuitive Writing and The Healing Memoir at the Loft Literary Center; her private healing practice (Writing with Rox) offers integrative workshops, healing groups, Wild Woman writing retreats/groups, classes in creative expression (memoir/ intuitive writing/therapy; drama therapy, adult play therapy), and more in a safe, supportive, and playful community. For current classes, workshops, groups and healing work, visit, or email or call 612.703.4321. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.


Anchoring your sound through your heart space unravels old density A Pleiadian Message

by Christine Day Beloved ones, we greet you. We honor the path you have chosen for yourself in this lifetime. We witness you in the many direct experiences that have brought you to who you are now in this moment in time. You are the sum total of your collective creation experiences. As you unfold, you open into the deeper insights of your human process and reach forward into these series of sacred moments being revealed to you at this time. This is a holy time to “be” in life on this earth plane. Begin to engage with all of the elements of your Higher Realm self, together with your human-learned experiences. Your entire unfolding process up to this juncture has taken tremendous courage. As you continue to move forward you will need to “let go” in order to successfully live out fully your Grand Design. We wish to emphasize the importance of the need for you to “let go” of the old patterns, of the illusion that your human aspect is holding from past experiences. We can name some of these as feelings of shame, guilt, being responsible, rage and betrayal. These feelings are just some of what many of you are still holding within you from experiences of your past. All of these feelings are creating a separation element within you. Now is the time to liberate your self from these feelings. You hold onto self-condemnation within your story, instead of just honoring your experience and then letting go. Part of the illusion is that you are responsible for everything. It is time to activate another level of your selfliberation process within you through a very basic “letting go” process. Letting Go

Let us remind you of a picture: you holding on to the branch of a tree, your fingers and hands tightly holding on, holding on to the past. Below you is a gentle, flowing river with the sunlight reflecting on the surface of the water. You are being asked to simply let go and fall into this river of light, allowing the current of the river to move you gently where you need to go, allowing

yourself to be held and carried by your river of light. This is an effortless sample of “letting go” into your own sacred flow. There is no need for you to keep holding on, trying and struggling in your life. Everything is in hand. To let go, you just open up your fingers that have been holding onto the branch and you fall into the current of your river of light. As you let go, your river of light will carry you where you need to flow. This is your time…. Yes, this is your time, so get ready. Powerful, transformative forces are coming through the energy of the sun’s rays onto your planet, bringing in levels of this “new dawning” consciousness. These pure rays will give you access to the sacred openings that lead you back towards your home space. You are now ready to open into an expanded, brilliant cycle of the sacred sun’s pulsation rays. This is the time of personal power being restored to humanity. An aspect of that personal power simultaneously activates a rejuvenation of the physical and energetic systems of your body. This brilliant element carried within the sacred sun’s rays heralds in this time a revolutionary cycle of self-transformation. The plan has been set in place for these rays to be activated throughout your planet Earth, going out to all of humanity that are ready for a “next step” in their awakening journey. Illumination rays

These Illumination rays carry a frequency light that activates an unveiling of new elements within your unique path. These sacred elements of yourself will be revealed to you through a different dimensional focus; we liken it to looking through a powerful lens of a camera. This dimensional light will enrich your own ability to see who you are within your own multi-dimensional makeup. The last time these Illumination rays were activated on planet earth was on 12/12/12. At that juncture, all human beings who were ready received the activation of their crystalline structure within their physical bodies. This created a natural awakening, and was a

monumental turning point for mankind. Now these Illumination rays are coming onto the planet in this month of April. These light frequency settings carry a potent force of pure brilliance multidimensionality that is unparalleled to anything that has anchored before. The darkness or shadow aspects that have been in place on your planet can now be infiltrated by the source of these pure rays of light from the Sun. These rays will hold the patterns of creation, activating the illumination of your own frequency of Truth to be birthed within. These patterns of light are designed to transmit your unique signature energies from the Higher Realms through to your consciousness. This Truth that is held and reflected through your energetic field will reveal to you a more authentic and powerful light aspect of Self. Imprint patterns

These imprint patterns that are activated carry the potential to open pathways, to reveal to you a different series of paths and opportunities for your life now. They are designed to bring forth an accelerated experience of your Self in a multidimensional setting. These activations are what we refer to as “destiny point paths” for you to engage. The specific paths enable you to move through to higher frequency levels of consciousness to begin to engage in sacred interactions within these expanded dimensional vistas. This whole happening will allow you to create and open up into a new range of refined sacred elements within Self. We want to bring to your attention your own energetic Framework and the importance of “letting go” in order to release the energetic limitations created by holding on to your past. This limitation is a barrier that keeps you in a separated state and holds you back from fully experiencing Truth that exists beyond this 3rd dimensional illusion. This limited emotional process affects your energetic Framework’s ability to fully expand and play its role in stabilizing you within the higher realms. Now is the time for you to disengage from this illusion and to change your energetic Framework. We are here to support you in your next step of liberation. We are here to give you information so that you can liberate your self from this separating factor within you and give you tools to work with the sacred rays of the sun. There exists a sacred law that you must selfresurrect in this lifetime. Self-resurrection is an essential ingredient to your own evolutionary process. You set this law in place before you came onto this earth plane to live out this incarnation to enable you to do everything differently. Each one of you holds within you an original frequency of sound that is like no other within the Collective energies within the Universe. Through the tool of your voice, your own unique sound will be recognized and monitored by the collective God consciousness within the Sun’s rays. As you work with this sacred sound, your own unique frequency will open up a blending process to the sacred reflections held within the Sun. The

cells of your body will begin to respond and align to the energetic frequency made through your own voice and to the energetic blending created through your sounds. At the moment of this “blending,” the energy of creation will be birthed and opened up through you. Through this sacred synergy, the cells of your body will hold the activation of your unique aspect of the Godhead energy. Your Godhead energy originates within the crystalline structure of your spine. Your sacrum is the multi-dimensional Godhead container within your physical body, and this Godhead energy maintains your original ability to self-heal and self-manifest that which you desire. This process is important for you to understand, because you need to be consciously taking part in your unfolding. Gone is the time for passively receiving, for you to be in a state of not taking responsibility by not understanding your complete process. Self-empowerment is knowledge, and in this process you need to be consciously working to align your self with the sun’s rays, and to consciously be aware of what is happening within the new energetic framework of your own physical body. Anchoring your sound

You begin to direct and utilize the tool of your voice through your heart space, anchoring your sound through the cells of your heart, and then witness an energetic quickening moving through every cell in your body. As you activate your sacred sound through your voice, you will begin to awaken to your own power. It is essential to align directly through the sacred sound with purpose and focused intent, for this is how you become that sound. It may feel as though you do not recognize yourself. You may be asking yourself, “Where is that sound coming from?” This process of working with your unique sound births you into another reality beyond the illusion of the 3rd dimension. As you allow your experience, let go of everything and just become your experience of being the sound. As you move deeper into this process, there is an unraveling of old density and belief systems — holding in your body for lifetimes — that will automatically begin to move out of your body. You move into your own rebirthing experience! This is your Grand Plan. We are giving to you this sacred sound to enable you to begin this powerful journey of sacred transformation through your voice and utilize the sun’s rays to allow this amazing transformational next step. Once you have fully aligned to the frequency of the sound in your own cells, then it will be time to bring your sacred sound into the energy of the Sun’s rays. Within this process, it is essential for you to allow your full birthing process just with the sound of your own unique frequency before working with the synergy of the sun with the unique sound of your voice.

seek peace d a i ly


The Sacred Sound is AHHH KHAH NEHHH   see Pleiadian on p. 14 April 2016 the edge  13

  Pleiadian

from p. 13

(pronounced AHHH-KAR-NEEE) The first step is to begin to just align to   the sacred sound. Adjust to the energy of your unique frequency of your voice as you bring through the sacred sound. Note: You need to work with this sound for 5 minutes; this is one round. You need to work with it for a minimum of 3 rounds collectively for a total of 15 minutes. Then you begin to direct the sacred sound   into the Heart cells. You do this by first aligning to your Heart space. You do this by connecting to your heart with the palms of your hands fully on your chest area. Take the time to be fully connected to your physical Heart space. Remember, your heart space is the full area of your chest. Feel the physical pressure of your palms on your chest and the warmth of your hands on your chest. Bring all of your awareness to that area. Then use the Conscious Breath, which is breathing in the mouth and then breathe out of the mouth, letting go. Now you are going to begin to bring the   sacred sound into your heart space and then the cells of your heart will begin to receive this sacred energy through your sound. As you do this, you will find the sounds will begin to activate a quickening process within your heart cells. PROCESS WITH THE SUN:

Note: You do not need to look directly into the sun for this process. Make sure you are physically aligned to the sunlight. Have sunlight on any area of your physical body. Or your awareness can be directed towards the energy/ consciousness of the sun. Align to your Heart space. You do this by   connecting to your heart with the palms of your hands fully on your chest area. Take the time to be fully connected to your physical Heart space. Remember your heart space is the full area of your chest. Bring all of your awareness to that area. Then use the Conscious Breath. Now you are going to begin to bring the   sound into your heart cells. As you do this you will find the sounds will begin to activate a quickening process within your heart. Once you feel your body beginning to   respond to your sounds in some way then begin to connect to the sun’s energy, bringing your awareness towards the sun or into the sunlight rays. Use your sacred sound. The frequency from the sun will begin to transmit into your cells. Just let go and allow your full experience. This is your next step! Blessings, The Pleiadians. a Christine Day is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author. Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live. Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete selfhealing. Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally. Visit Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.


7 Powers, 49 Power Seeds, and some Magic Minutes by Aiden Walker Meditation, mindfulness, personal growth, anyone? If you’re interested, it’s because you think it will help. You definitely need something, and you know a new pair of shoes, a phone, a TV, a holiday — whatever — will lift you, but not for long. So you look inside yourself for inner balance and peace of mind. And you find an activity that suits you — might be yoga, might be t’ai chi, Alexander, Pilates, or any one of a multitude of meditation techniques — because you think it will improve your life. You want to be a more effective, happier and stronger person. You want to become grounded or centered. You want better focus, freedom from stress, negativity and anxiety, the ability to remain calm, a clearer sense of who you are and where you’re going, mental and spiritual strength, flexibility and fitness. We seek all these benefits because, subconsciously, we know they are our natural attributes. It’s just a question of returning to them, re-awakening them, re-discovering them. What most people don’t immediately see is that these qualities are all rooted in that mental and spiritual strength — call it power — of which we speak. Truth is, our natural innate powers have been depleted, and this inner focus is the way to re-awaken them. That leads us to the Seven Powers of the Ecology of the Soul. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The natural world is an ecosystem of ecosystems, from infinitesimally small to globally gargantuan — many of them in crisis or under severe pressure. Why wouldn’t there be a direct parallel in the inner world of consciousness? Here are your seven powers, the basic ingredients of your inner ecosystem:   The Power of Nature   The Power of Creativity   The Power of Endurance   The Power of Love   The Power of Communication   The Power of Focus   The Power of Connection Each Power carries with it seven longform meditations, which lead to Power Seeds — simple phrases or insights you use to generate new thought patterns and mental habits. Plant one a day in

your mental garden, and bed it down, feed and water it, in a Magic Minute — just 60 powerful seconds of daily, active meditation. That then expands and repeats on you throughout the day. It gives a glimpse of the power and peace inside you, and as it comes up again and again, it creates a new level of awareness. That, in turn, gives you the power to control your thoughts, and change your behavior. It’s a beneficial closed loop. Remember: 60 seconds is all you need. You’ve planted it. Now watch it grow. Here are a few Power Seeds to get you going:   Your breath is the starting point for your inner journey. Go quiet, watch your breath. Listen to your own energy; who is listening?   Energy is power. You are energy, but energy is not you. Are you breathing? Then you are making and using energy. Are you thinking? Feeling? Dreaming? It’s energy. Our personal energy crisis is that we are disconnected from our internal power. To connect, go inside.   Create a beautiful mind.   Design yourself. Redesign your Self.   It’s your non-physical nature. You are silence. You are light. You are peace.   Center on your Self. To be Selfcentered is not such a bad thing. If you’re centered, you’re rock solid. Balanced. Your Self is at your Center, but your Center is not your Self.   You don’t actually have to have thoughts. Your mind isn’t going to suffer irreparable damage if it’s turned off for a while.   Silence: Solitude. Your Magic Minute is a minute of solitude, of your journey alone into your own inner space. Not the solitude of loneliness, but the solitude of aloneness, of solo awareness. Often people are afraid of silence and of solitude because there are no supports, no distractions. It’s true. You are alone with Your Self, and this can be scary. Mostly because Your Self is someone you haven’t met before. a Aidan Walker’s lifetime study and practise of Hatha Yoga and Raj Yoga has led to the synthesis of spiritual insights that he calls Ecology of the Soul: A Manual of Peace, Power and Personal Growth for Real People in the Real World (O Books) — a practical way to achieve the balance of inner peace and power. Visit www. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

very shallow in the upper chest and the body’s chemistry changes, producing tension throughout. Fortunately, since the respiratory system is both involuntary and voluntary, by consciously engaging the diaphragm to allow the belly to expand on the inhalation, the parasympathetic nervous system begins triggering a relaxation response. It is physiologically impossible to be in a state of panic if one is breathing deeply in the belly. Simply and powerfully, stress-free living can be a belly breath away. BELLY BREATHING

Copyright © 2008 Nancy Chakrin

A Belly Breath Away by Laurie Ellis-Young Consider Scenario I: Jessica was late again. Willing the traffic to speed up had no result except to make her feel more tense and helpless. She sat in the motionless car, her mind going a hundred miles an hour, ruminating about everything she had to do: shopping, cleaning, laundry, pick up the kids, visit the nursing home, call the dentist, deadlines at work, etc. Her breath came out in shallow, rapid gasps — and an urge to scream, cry or beat the dashboard rose up out of her chest. Stress! A magazine article popped into her mind detailing how 90 percent of all illnesses are stress related. “It’s hopeless. I might as well book my hospital room now,” Jessica bemoaned. Consider Scenario II: Jessica was late again. Accepting the reality of the traffic jam caused her to take a deep breath and let out a long sigh. She sat in the motionless car with her mind focused on slowing her breathing, and pacifying her racing mind’s

obsession with its “to do” list by repeating the mantra “peace.” As her deepening breath moved low into her belly, the anxiety continued to dissolve. Equanimity! The knowledge that she had the ability to counteract the negative effects of stress was ever present in her mind. “No matter what the circumstances may be, I have it in my power to stay calm and peaceful, maintaining and even enhancing my well-being,” Jessica rejoiced. Is it really possible…that experiences similar to Scenario I could metamorphose so easily into Scenario II? Can we so quickly turn an out of hand, stressful situation into one of calm and control? The answer is unequivocally: Yes! The simple but powerful act of changing the way we breathe regulates our physical bodies and our emotional and mental states. The key is in knowing how to change our breath before anxiety arises in order to avoid the stress reaction commonly known as the “flight or fight” response. When this response occurs, one’s breathing becomes

To practice diaphragmatic, belly breathing, lie comfortably on your back, with both hands on your belly, eyes closed and focusing inwards on feeling the physical movement of your breath. Begin first by exhaling while contracting the belly towards the spine. The inhalation will result in a natural extension outwards of the belly. By first allowing, and then gently increasing this expansion the diaphragm presses downwards, aiding in the movements. This area of the body is known as the “hara,” a Japanese word that means “seat of life force.” Besides producing a soothing action, breathing in the hara accesses a source of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual stamina. Everyone can learn to master their breath and make it their best friend in optimizing health and reducing stress. a Experience fun intro breathing techniques at the BreathLogic Benefit Concert at 3 p.m. Sunday April 17. The event, featuring folksinger Sara Thomsen and the Caritas Vocal Ensemble, will take place at Church of the Sacred Heart in Robbinsdale, MN. Donation is $20. For more information, visit www. Laurie Ellis Young, MTC, CYT, is an internationally recognized speaker, yoga teacher, author, peace ambassador and co-founder of BreathLogic®, a non-profit dedicated to providing global breath literacy. Learn more at Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

April 2016 the edge  15

The Harmonic Convergence Revisited …or, Why this Election is going to be One Big F*&#ing Deal

by Lynn Woodland Does anyone remember the Harmonic Convergence? Back in 1987? It was an unusual astrological pile-up that, according to organizer José Arguelles, was supposed to send a “vibrational signal” to our species to change in the direction of unity and peace. Just a flash-in-the-pan, fringe spiritual event with no lasting consequences, right? There isn’t much peace on Earth to show for it. The event, in and of itself, had some historical significance in that it was massive, and only the second time such a large, global event had been organized to direct consciousness toward the goal of unity (the first being the World Peace Meditation sponsored just months earlier by the Global Family, which became an important organizer for the Harmonic Convergence). Many famous people 16

participated, including John Denver, Shirley MacLaine and Timothy Leary. Even Johnny Carson of the Tonight Show got his audience to chant OM for the event. Probably millions were touched in some way and nothing of this magnitude had ever happened before. Remember, this was before we were all connected by social media and the internet. It was a much bigger deal to organize something like that. But still…ushering in peace on Earth? Come on! The planet Saturn

As this event was based on an astrological happening, I decided to explore this question for myself by looking at it astrologically. In particular, I looked at the movement of the planet Saturn because, astrologically, Saturn is said to create time frames, stress points and structure. It takes roughly 29 years to transit 360 degrees, full

circle, around the zodiac. And if you look at the moment in time when something begins, be it a human life, an organization, or the birth of a new impulse toward unity, approximately every 7 years — the time it takes Saturn to move 90 degrees from where it was at the starting point — there will be a testing or eventful marker of some sort. What’s strong will become stronger, what’s weak will be stressed, often to the point of breakdown. So I dug out my ephemeris and tracked the progress of Saturn by precise 90-degree intervals. First I found this date: September 11, 2001, (at the 180 degree mark) the day the Towers fell in New York City — definitely a world-shaking event. I also found a late September date in 2008 (the 270 degree mark) — the time when Lehman Bros. collapsed, starting a serious nose dive of the global economy. The loud and dire nature of these events certainly speaks to

Saturn’s capacity to create stress and breakdown, but do they have anything to do with unity consciousness? And what about the first 90-degree mark in 1995? Nothing as world-changing as the beginning of the war on terror or global economic disaster seemed to happen that year. Or maybe it did, though there were reputable journalists of the era saying it would never amount to much. The years between 1987 and 1995 pretty closely bracketed the incubation phase of a world-changing phenomenon. 1987 marked the first year that the internet had significantly more users than the tiny, elite group it had prior to that time, and 1995 is when the internet was privatized and really took off in a huge way. So 1987-95 is the period of time when the internet as we know it was developed and launched for mass consumption. Since then, the internet has played a huge role in evolving global consciousness. It has created infrastructures for new models of egalitarian power and given access to global interconnectedness to nearly everyone. This quietly growing infrastructure has so quickly become a daily necessity that it’s easy to lose perspective of its magnitude. As old infrastructures based on greed, fear and hierarchical power escalate to extremes with dire consequences that could destroy us, this amazing new infrastructure has been growing into a web of life that just might save us. Full circle

1995, 2001, 2008…This brings us to… now. Saturn has now come precisely (to the exact degree) full circle around the zodiac from where it was on 8/17/87. Symbolically, a Saturn return is said to be a coming-of-age time when what’s weak falls apart, what’s strong solidifies, and there’s an opportunity to see the consequences of our choices coming fully to fruition. How does that translate to in the “growing up” of a vibrational impulse? Where have our choices since then led us? Well, we’re seeing that waging war against terrorism has created more terrorists than ever before. So, the war on terror — maybe not a good choice. And, did you know that only 55 percent of the electorate voted in the 2012 election? And less than 40 percent in the 2014 midterms? Consequently, big money interests have been able to pour enough money into elections, especially in mid-term years, to easily swing them toward their preferred candidates. Heck, they only need to sway as little as 18 percent of low-information, single-issue voters with anti-abortion/gay rights/gun laws/immigration platforms. Then — oh no! — one day we wake up to find the children of an entire Midwestern city have been irreparably poisoned due to cost cutting. So…political apathy, maybe not a good choice either.

This is a pivotal moment. If we don’t wake up and learn to stand together now, the next seven to 29 years are likely to be a lot rougher than the last. I could keep going with all of our notso-good choices coming back to bite us, but we’re also seeing that the internet has profoundly shaped a whole generation who now takes for granted a high level of connectivity and easy access to decentralized, nonhierarchical, global communities. For the first time, a generation of techsavvy young people are growing up to have more in common with their peers in other parts of the world than they do with older generations of their own culture. The people born in the time frame since 1987 are showing an enormous proclivity for embracing principles of sharing, collaboration and egalitarianism, and they are much less concerned about such differences as race, culture or gender orientation. Unlike the 1980s when “young urban professionals” aspired to heights of conspicuous consumption, today’s youth aspire toward collaborative consumption, a sharing economy and sustainability — much of which is internet-enabled. Millennial generation

Might they be the most obvious manifestation of this unity impulse that’s come to change the direction of our species? Interestingly, it’s this millennial generation that is embracing the grumpy granddad of the presidential race. If this leaves you baffled, just take a look at this: http:// It’s a real Harmonic Convergence moment. So this most recent transit of Saturn made its touchdown in January 2016 (coinciding with a dramatic stock market crash) and the effects of the transit will be felt all year due to the slow and retro-

grading motion of the planet. Then in midFebruary, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the most senior and most conservative member of the Court, suddenly and unexpectedly died. Now, for the first time in decades the sharply polarized court is no longer a 5-4 conservative majority and Scalia’s replacement will have unprecedented power to reshape the law of our land in enormously consequential ways — a huge game-changer for years to come. The Saturn return ends with one more exact pass over the precise degree in late October/early November of 2016. I wonder what will be happening then? Oh, yeah, the presidential election. Hang on to your hats. Something tells me that this year and this election are going to be a wild ride. This is a pivotal moment. If we don’t wake up and learn to stand together now, the next seven to 29 years are likely to be a lot rougher than the last. But, on the other hand, if we get it, if we truly get it, without everyone over 29 having to die off first, and if we realize how easy it is to simply show up together — even if it’s just to stay informed and vote every couple of years — maybe even aging baby boomers like me who remember the heady promise of the Harmonic Convergence will live to see promise fulfilled. a Lynn Woodland is an international teacher, author of Making Miracles—Create New Realities for Your Life and Our World, and creator of the online Miracles Course. Her particular expertise is in what gives rise to miracles and in teaching ordinary people to live extraordinary lives so that miracles become, not just possible, but natural. Learn more at Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

April 2016 the edge  17

Walking through cancer & chemotherapy by Christine Handy I have now lived through breast cancer, chemotherapy and two mastectomies. To maintain my strength and a positive attitude during those ordeals, I decided that walking, which I had begun as a form of exercise during my high school years, would be an effective therapy. As an adult, I had continued long-distance and speed walking with my husband, an activity we enjoyed doing together. I highly recommend walking for anyone who can do so during a serious illness and/or during a period of recovery. Walking can be exhilarating and mentally stimulating. In addition, it puts very little stress on one’s joints, especially if one wears appropriately cushioned shoes, which I strongly recommend. Following are the benefits that can accrue as a result of walking. Walking can take one’s mind off the   sadness that occurs during a period of ill health. As one walks, one can observe the beauties of nature, the flora and fauna that make up our world. If one walks in a city, then there are countless opportunities to observe people, to look at seasonal fashions, and be inspired by the vivacity of life around one. Many people suffering from illness are   nervous and jittery, wondering what the future holds in store for them. In my case, walking had a calming effect. It made me feel as if I was part of nature, part of the stream of life. It made me feel whole. During a period of illness and/or 

recovery, one tends to focus on oneself. It’s as if the outside world ceased to exist. However, when walking, I came to see a bigger world than myself. All of a sudden, my problems were quite small, especially when compared to the size and variety of humanity. I was also able to focus on issues of importance to me and my family. I asked friends to walk with me, and   that helped me develop deeper friendship with people who care about my health and welfare. Though chemo was exhausting, the walking I did with my friends energized me and made me feel as if I were on the road to better health. The presence of friends also eliminated any sense of being alone, of having to face my illness by myself only. If one lives in a suburban community,   rather than in the country or a city, walking with a headset can help one focus on important issues addressed by experts. I have listened to CDs offered by financiers, doctors, political leaders, legal scholars, religious leaders, authors of self-help books, and even romantic novels. In addition, I have listened to Ted talks and popular Podcasts, all of which helped me forget that I was ill. Doctors from surgeons to internists to   psychologists have shown, via experiments, that meditation is an effective therapy in reducing the effects of stress. The stress may be work or family related, or in my case, caused by my battle with cancer. I found that walking permitted me to meditate, to talk to and be in communion with a higher power,

and to feel the stress pour out of my body. Following such a meditative walk, I was pleasantly surprised at how relaxed I felt. Whether one walks slowly or briskly,   walking gets one’s entire body in motion, improving cardiovascular function, increasing flexibility, and toning muscles. It is particularly effective following surgery. In my case, it got me out of bed and off the couch and active once again. It made me feel alive, energetic, and that life is worth living again. In addition, it improves circulation especially after surgery or periods of inactivity. And if one is weight conscious or simply   wants to maintain a desired weight, walking is an effective means of burning calories without breaking a sweat. Walking is a gentle, safe and effective   means of strengthening one’s heart muscle, thus adding years to one’s life. I am pleased that walking has proven to be excellent medicine not only for my heart, but also for my head, and my soul. I highly recommend walking as an exercise that will help to get you through tough periods of ill health. a Christine Handy is the author of Walk Beside Me (Proper Press), an amazing story of a former model’s journey from the world fashion, fame, and money to one of cancer and healing; it is about a life that goes from the glitter of New York’s fashion world and designer labels to one of loneliness, fear, illness, and finally, recovery. It is a story of love, friendship and survival. For further information, please visit www. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Enjoy some fresh pineapple Food First

by Nutrition Julie

One thing I hear often from people is how hard it is to keep fresh produce in the house and use it before it spoils. We’ve all had that moment where we open the crisper drawer in the refrigerator, only to find a less-thandesirable fruit or vegetable that has to be tossed instead of enjoyed. The solution isn’t to buy less produce. Instead, the solution is to find more ways to use that produce when it comes into your house. Here are three fun ways to use a fresh lovely pineapple! 18

and blend until smooth. Additional water can be added to reach desired consistency.



Fresh and wonderful on top of fish or chicken! 1 small red onion thinly sliced 1/2 pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into 1/2” cubes 1 small sweet red pepper, cored, seeded and finely chopped 2 T minced fresh cilantro 1 T lime juice 1/2 tsp honey 1/4 tsp salt Put all ingredients in a bowl together, cover and refrigerate for one hour to let the flavors blend. My family loves this on top of swordfish, tuna steaks, tilapia and chicken.

1 whole pineapple Juice of 1 lime 1-1/2 cups coconut milk

TROPICAL VACATION SMOOTHIE Without ever leaving your kitchen! 2 handfuls of spinach, kale or chard 1-1/2 cups fresh pineapple (about 1/4 of a pineapple) 1 banana 1/2 cup coconut milk 1 tsp coconut oil Place all ingredients in a blender

Blend together and pour into popsicle molds. Freeze and enjoy! I have done this with strawberries and almond milk, as well, and they are fabulous! a Nutrition Julie is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Raw Food Nutrition Educator who is passionate about Nutrition, Health and Wellness. Julie believes that real, whole, nutritious foods are a powerful tool in living a healthy, conscious, disease-free life and works to educate, inspire and empower the people she works with through her step-by-step Food First System. For more information, visit Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.



by Janet Michele Red Feather Mother was an English teacher and Father, a vice principal in the Philly school system. Every summer, they had twoand-a-half months off to enjoy the cool aquamarine waters off the southern Florida Coast. The four of us — Mom, Dad, only brother Jeffy and I — would pile into our beige station wagon, the rear section made into a comfy, quilt-covered bed outfitted with toys, puzzles and stuffed animals, and head for Miami Beach. We’d stay at a villa amid beautifully browned Cuban children and their parents, learning enough Spanish to win smiles and trust. Despite the occasional coruscating glimmers of ’50s charm and stability emanating from the past, I have grown into a single hermitess, content to spend spring break on a “staycation” in the sanctuary of my home. It is natural in our culture to long for the other side of the fence. If we live in a deciduous, winter-laden state, we crave the swaying palms of the tropics. Ram Dass mentions in a recorded lecture that happiness is never quite where we expect it to be. We believe that if only certain conditions were fulfilled, we could be happy. We plan a beautiful island getaway, fly there, rent a car, and the vehicle breaks down. We think our happiness lies somewhere else, yet it is better to allow happiness right here,

wherever we find ourselves. My fourth-floor apartment in Burnsville has a balcony perched above sparkling spruces and rolling hills. This morning, I open its door to moist, fragrant, delicious air that wafts by after a night’s rain. Clouds open on a deepening blue-lace-agate sky, and multiple bird songs herald the first spring day. There’s a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces; everywhere are messages of new beginnings. I have an entire week off from teaching — spring break — in which to recreate my life. Unstructured time is my ideal vacation. I have so many ideas and dreams. Peace and quiet are, for me, paradisiacal. I can hear my own thoughts. I’m working on my second book, so I need to tap into the consciousness that allows access to the Guides. The prose will then flow like a rippling creek. I want to do artwork but lack studio space. I remember that in the bedroom is a large picture window for inspiration. I’ll reconfigure furniture and books. A bookshelf will fit in the closet with the doors kept open. The ideal work space will be a creation itself. I was one of those geeky girls who always had a book in her hand. To this day, I keep a clay pot or two filled with bookmarkers, although usually there is little extra time to read. As a composition and literature instructor, there are stacks of papers, projects and journals   see Soul on p. 20

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April 2016 the edge  19


from p. 19

that compel my attention. Now I’m in possession of the absolute luxury of being able to read or watch movies — free of guilt. This is bliss! When I was young, my dad would take me to the annual teachers’ convention. I loved this event. It was held in a great hall lined with intriguing exhibitors who offered tons of freebees. Among them was a poster my dad let me keep, featuring a contour drawing of a little cartoon man seated on a stool, hunched over a bit, with a plain canary yellow background. It was a Thurber cartoon, and the caption read, “Sometimes I just sits and thinks, and sometimes, I just sits.” That is the essence, folks. Some people value action and adventure; others treasure the imagination. I am happy and fulfilled at times just to sit and think in my leather chair. Cedric used to remind me, “It takes intelligence to live alone.” Indeed, I can spend vast hours by myself, thoroughly happy and without anxiety. I believe if one has any degree of imagination, it is easy to go on retreat without spending a dime or consulting an itinerary. I light Celestial incense, pour a cup of chamomile and lavender tea, and settle in. From my humble nest, I can witness beautiful sunrises and sunsets and travel wherever my mind takes me. a Janet Michele Red Feather, J.D., M.A., has taught literature and composition for 18 years at the university, state, tribal and community college levels. She is currently a tenured English faculty member at Normandale Community College. Janet enjoys her role as Ceremonial Singer for Native American ceremonies, singing traditional songs in Mandan and Lakota. She made a career shift into teaching after serving nearly eight years as a defense litigator in California. Her life changed significantly after she traveled to North Dakota in 1993 to fast and pray for a way of life. She welcomes correspondence at Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.


SIX WAYS TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR RETREAT OR STAYCATION by T. Renee Richardson, D.D. Finally! You’re getting away from it all! Congratulations! Do you remember how to do that? Here are six reminders to bridge the gap between your state of busy-ness into deeper connection with your true core: Shhhh. Stop talking. Allow your tongue to rest   at the roof of your mouth. That’s when your own energy circulates at its most efficient and you’re connected most deeply with your own core. Gaze into nature. Allow the hugeness of Mother   Nature, Mama Gaia or whatever you call our home, the Earth, to override your stresses and tension. Take it in through all of your senses. See into the detail of the vastness of that beauty. Smell it. Feel it on your skin. You get the picture. Literally! Looking into the stars at night, how significant are the stresses you’re taking a break from anyway? Allow nature to support your ability to put it all into perspective. It’ll be there for you if you still want it when you return home or return to work. But more likely you’ll return from your break with a refreshed sense of priorities. Empower yourself to make choices that inform your ability to remain more connected to your own core. Bury your feet in the sand or walk barefoot in   the grass, weather-permitting. If your preference is a ski retreat, skip that part. I won’t pretend to be able to relate to enjoying winter sports or cold weather! Back to the sand, though — sand is comprised of tiny crystal particles that cleanse as well as rejuvenate your energy. Snow? Not so much…. Going barefoot connects your feet to the earth, literally. I’ve noticed a new term circulating: “earthing.” Where I’m from, we simply call it going barefoot. Either way, back to basics. That’s the whole point of getting away from the self-inflicted chaos, is it not? Listen to nature sounds. Even if you’re in a   landlocked location wherein the nature sounds available are those of leaves rustling in the

trees, listen. If the current temperature in your geographic area is equivalent to a shoe size, instead of a comfortable outdoor experience, use one of the many recordings available. Real nature holds more potency, of course, but if you’ve taken the time to take the time, at least invest some time to get out of the monkey mind. Babbling brooks, ocean waves, bird sounds all serve well in washing away the tensions created by adhering to modern day responsibilities. During your retreat or staycation, make sure to listen to something other than a ringing phone. Speaking of which — unplug! For real! No   phone, computer, or any of the assorted forms of tiny technology that allegedly make life so much more convenient. What’s so convenient about being accessible 24/7? Are you an astronaut in flight or a neurosurgeon on call? No? Then there’s nothing that can’t wait for your return. Let it go — you’re worth it. Allow yourself that down time. Leave all that at home, and if you’re staycationing (yes, that’s a new verb now) at home, simply turn the power switches off and even cover those tools up if you need to. They’ll be there when you’ve rejuvenated. On a slightly different physical note, chew   slowly. Enjoy the taste of your food. So often there’s a tendency to just inhale into the body whatever’s closest or easiest to consume. That’s not nurturing your well-being and often isn’t even sustenance for your body, but rather a dissatisfying form of triage that leaves you unsatisfied, not to mention unaware of what you even just ate. Pay attention and savor what’s going on in your mouth. For those who prioritize enjoyment during retreats, take that any way you want to. a T. Renee Richardson, D.D., is “The AmBadassador of Light!” and author of the upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay,” a metaphysical erotica collection, among other publications. She is a well-respected healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers appointments via phone for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Contact her at, and visit www. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

SOUL JOURNEYS: TURN ANY TRIP INTO A SPIRITUAL RETREAT by Melissa Divine Call it wanderlust. Call it a gypsy soul. Call it travel-obsessed. Whatever the name, it is a longing for adventure with a spiritual bent that bubbles from deep within my soul with resounding frequency. It beckons me to step outside my comfort zone and see the bigger picture with a fresh perspective. And I oblige it, because if there is one thing I’ve learned, it is to listen to my soul. If you share the same longing, there is no need to curse your flimsy bank account or your hectic work schedule, because you don’t need to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro or book a Caribbean cruise to reap the benefits of a spiritual retreat. Your spiritual pilgrimages may not seem tweetable on the surface, but with the right approach you can gain just as much insight and healing on your local hiking trail, en route to the grocery store or sitting on a park bench. These simple strategies will help you wring every bit of spiritual bliss out of your next jaunt — near or far: Pack mindfulness — Packing for a trip is   a necessary evil, but in the case of a spiritual journey, it’s more about what you do not haul with you. Just like that pilled cardigan you won’t wear on your trip but bring just in case, limiting beliefs and hurts will only weigh you down and take up valuable space in your luggage. So cast those worries and preconceived notions aside; opt instead for peace, curiosity and open-mindedness. Let intuition be your guide — From this   place of clarity and acceptance, intuition will be your tour guide, your map, your guru and your concierge. If intuition tells you to nap instead of going for a jog on the beach, then, by golly, trust there is spiritual growth in that decision and act accordingly. See the sites — All this preparation sets the   stage for a brilliant display of spirit guidance.

No tickets are necessary, just tune in to every sound, every color and every circumstance in your surroundings. Be inspired. Divine guidance and intervention is present in traffic delays, in a single flower blooming through a crack in the sidewalk, in the unexpected pepperoni slice on your vegetarian pizza and everywhere in between. Jot it all down — It is remarkable — addicting   even — when you start recognizing spirit messages, but don’t stop there. The next step is to find meaning in your observations. For instance, what is the meaning of that lone flower? Does it symbolize standing out above the crowd? Does it illustrate the beauty of loneliness? Do you need to bring more color into your life? Get creative, get metaphoric, get poetic, and then journal your thoughts and observations. The depth you can extrapolate by simply verbalizing your experiences will surprise you. Take it all home with you — Once you’ve used   your super powers of intuition to observe and define the lessons from your retreat experience, your challenge is to incorporate this guidance into your daily life and spiritual practice. Make sticky notes for yourself and place them in prominent locations as reminders, create a mantra to use in your meditation practice, place on your bedside table a souvenir or travel photo as reminder of your spiritual journey. The key is to keep the lessons at the top of your awareness and practice them until it becomes second nature. Is your soul nudging you to go forth and grow? Spiritual growth and evolution are ready and waiting to be your travel companion. Whether it’s a jaunt up the street or a pilgrimage to the other side of the globe, dare to stray from the ordinary, flirt with the unfamiliar and see things from a new vantage point. a Melissa Divine is a psychic medium, spiritual teacher and speaker. She is an honest and ethical channel for spirit guidance, and her jovial and candid approach to a range of spiritual topics vitalizes and inspires her clients and audiences. She trained at the world’s foremost college for psychic mediums in England. Read more about Melissa, schedule a private reading or find local events and workshops at Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Spiritual growth and evolution are ready and waiting to be your travel companion.

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CREATING ‘TIME WELL SPENT’ RETREATS FULL OF MEANING, MAGIC by Nicole DePalma Why do we “retreat?” What is it about a retreat’s theme or title that draws us to it? What is it about a certain retreat that asks us to dedicate our time and resources to become a part of it, physically, mentally and spiritually? I am in the process now of completing agendas for various retreats and workshops that I am offering either by myself or with amazing colleagues, and I find myself asking these questions through the eye of my “target audience.” What can I offer to others that is meaningful, thought-provoking, useful and perhaps even life changing? What kind of experience can I create for folks that will make it worth their while to come spend time with me and the experience I have to give? I look back on lectures, workshops, retreats and classes that I have taken that truly made a difference for me. The ones that stand out in my memory have a few things in common. First of all, the space, the ambience, the amenities, the attention to detail, yes, even the “Wow” factor. I wanted to step into a different world when I went on my retreats, and the setting created the atmosphere within me to be prepared for something very special to happen, and “it” usually did! Then, no matter what the theme, subject or mission of the retreat, I could always be blown away by gifted teachers and how they shared their information. I could always tell when instructors were well prepared and well versed in what they presented. And I always loved those guides who were so enthusiastic about what they taught, and how they made us jump for joy, too. When materials and adjunct teaching tools were used, these complemented and enhanced the retreat’s theme, were “user-friendly,” and great “take-aways.” But the best retreats I participated in were the ones that made profound differences in my everyday life. What I learned from these retreats was not something that I had to leave home for, go somewhere, and never find a practical application once I got back to “normal.” The best retreats made my day-to-day life just that much more wonderful, and opened my eyes to possibilities of joy forever. So I remember these retreats, and how I experienced them, and what about them made me a better person for having attended. As my colleagues and I go about putting final touches on our retreats and other learning opportunities, we will keep going back to this “drawing board” by asking ourselves if we are manifesting a “time well-spent” event that is “share-worthy,” and beautiful to all five senses. May we all “retreat well.” a Nicole DePalma, MS, BS, BA, ACSM, ACE, NETA, LMT is the owner of MindfulMotion Pilates & Wellness in Hastings, MN. Nicole is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, and looks forward to sharing information with clients in the areas of Ayurvedic healing and balance. Her website is www. Contact her at or 651.318.9168. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.


HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR RETREAT EXPERIENCE by Michael Atma In 2003, I decided to go on a twoweek meditation retreat vacation. My thinking was that when I had previously traveled, it almost always ended up being quite exhausting when you factor in all the flights, places to see and things to do. This time I wanted it to be about having both a physical and mental break that would enable me to really relax on the inside and hopefully come back from my holiday a little more enlightened. Leading up to the retreat, I experienced feelings of nervousness and anticipation as I pondered what the experience would be like. While I had been meditating for several years, it had been a while since I had immersed myself into an environment where the entire focus was based on “going within” for the duration of the stay. This included long periods of not talking, eating food that was light, fresh and healthy, and not having any contact with the outside world. The meditation center was nestled high up in the mountains, far beyond the reach of any noise or interruptions of the modern world. The first thing that struck me was the deafening silence. We rose at

5:30 a.m. on the first day, and to get to the meditation hall we had to walk for about two miles up a snowcovered track in the freezing cold for our morning meditation. The air was crisp, the snow crunched lightly under my feet, and the tree tops seemed to merge into the still-dark sky that had not yet felt the touch of the morning sunlight. Already I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders as my mind fell quiet in response to the environment, and my body got into a steady rhythm of walking up the hill. By the time I arrived at the meditation hall, the sun had started to appear on the horizon and the dazzling white of the snow and the crispness of the clear blue sky was breathtaking. From there I went through a day of meditation rounds, which consisted of a series of meditations spread out over the day. In between each session, we went for long nature walks, drank fresh juices, ate organic plant-based food, and met in small groups to talk about our meditation experiences. I have to admit that the first few days were quite challenging for me, as my body was letting me know that it was not too happy about all the changes to my daily routine I was demanding from it. From aches and pains in my legs and back while I was meditating, to going to bed still feeling hungry, I kept wondering what the heck I was doing. By day four, though, everything suddenly

changed. I found myself able to comfortably sit longer in meditation and my mind felt like it could now quickly settle into a space of silence without objecting too much about it. The walks through the mountain trails and snow became spellbinding as everything around me started to look and feel more vibrant and alive than I could ever remember. I no longer felt the urge or even the need to talk to anyone. If I did come across someone, we would just hug for a few minutes in greeting, or somehow end up walking in the same direction in total silence. I noticed that all my senses were becoming heightened through the meditations, and it felt as if every cell of my body was now vibrating with energy and aliveness. Perhaps this had always been the case, but I had just been too busy to notice. My mind was also clearer than I could ever remember it being, and I really started to appreciate moving slower and spending the time to be more mindful of where I was and what was happening in the moment. By the end of the first week I felt happier, healthier and more alive than I could ever remember. All the stress and tension that I had been carrying around in my everyday life seemed to have completely melted away, and in its place was a deep sense of calm and peace. By the end of the second week, I was hooked on meditation for life. I knew now that I could take what I had learned from this experience and apply it to my work and home life with ease.

After returning home from my meditation retreat vacation, I got myself into the routine of taking a mini-vacation from my busy schedule on a daily basis. Just by setting aside 30 minutes every morning to take time-out to reconnect to that silent place within me, I was able to start the day with a deep sense of calm and peace. The best part is that I get to carry that space with me during the day. It not only helps everything I do go smoother, and it also helps me to proceed through the day with a more relaxed rhythm and with much less stress. The best way I know to maximize any retreat experience is to give yourself permission to enjoy the benefits of what a retreat has to offer right in the comfort of your own home. This is as simple as setting aside anything from 10 minutes to an hour every day where you take time-out to disconnect from the world around you and reconnect to your inner silence and peace. This is where you get to replenish depleted energy reserves and take a welldeserved break from the mind and endless tasks. a Michael Atma is a best-selling meditation and personal development author of Master Your Mindspace, a revolutionary fitness book for the mind. His books, seminars and online courses have touched the hearts and changed the lives of thousands of people seeking more happiness, health and fulfilment. Recently, he launched Mindspace.Club, home to his Meditation Made Simple Program, where you can change your life in just 5 minutes a day. Visit or contact him at Copyright Š 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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Featured Business Listings The Edge Business Network Classifieds Sacred Gatherings Edge Talk Radio Schedule Happenings Event Calendar

Retreats & Spas

in the Upper Midwest… and Beyond Nothing reboots our human bodies better than relaxation, away from work, away from home. A soothing spa experience, as well as a retreat in nature, are incredibly restorative. The following businesses and individuals offer retreat and spa services in the Upper Midwest...and beyond: Amanae & Frequencies of Brilliance Center of Minnesota, 612.345.6044, www.amanaefob. com — Rent Space for Your Own Events/Workshops! Large Workshop Space, Full Kitchen and Beautiful Lodging (sleeps 10 people). Use one space or all three! For more information, please call. Visit our website for pictures of all rental spaces. Audubon Center of the North Woods, 320.245.2648, audubon-center-of-the-northwoods/conference-retreatcenter/ — A private, non-profit 501(c)3 environmental education and conference & retreat facility

near Sandstone, MN, 90 miles north of Minneapolis. 535 acres on Grindstone Lake, over 7 miles of trails, lodging capacity for 160+, large lakeside dining hall, wonderful food service and meeting spaces and classrooms to accommodate any size group.

The Christine Center, W8303 Mann Road, Willard, WI 54493, 715.267.7507, toll-free 1.866.333.7507, email, — Retreats with the capacity to awe, transform and heal: Intuitive painting, Jungian dream tending, sacred dance, Hildegarde, Mandala-making, healing with



business listings …highlighting a different holistic business each month. Only $50 for a 50-word description, plus contact info. Next Featured Business: Therapeutic Massage in May — Deadline April 17. For more info: 763.433.9291 or email Featured Business listings are online at in our Edge Business Network. sound, yoga, East and West meditation. Private retreats for peace and renewal. Hermitages in the Wisconsin woodlands, vegetarian meals, sauna, meditation hall, amazing bookstore and library for the spiritual seeker.

The Fields at Wellsprings Farm, 13537 47th St. NW, Annandale, MN 55302, 320.874.1860,, — The Fields at Wellsprings Farm: Fostering Healing, Learning & Connection for Individuals, Community & Earth. The farm offers space for individual and small group retreats on 40 beautiful acres. As the first Community

Supported Retreat (CSR) in the country we invite people to join as annual members or as guests.

Shire in the Woods, 14044 220th St., McGrath, MN 55650, 320.592.0180, — The Shire, open year round, is located in the Heart of the Solana State Forest on the Soo Line Trail. Create your own adventure — in solitude or with a group. We offer many tools to help you with your journey: miles of trails, 7 unique dwellings, animals of the Shire, the Labyrinth, massage therapy, and more importantly, peace, quiet, and seclusion. Nourish and rejuvenate your soul!

Next Month’s Featured Business: Promote Your Therapeutic Massage contact: 763.433.9291 or



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business network …provide category, brief description, name, phone, email, website, photo or logo. $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail 5th DIMENSIONAL ENERGY HEALING Working with the highest available Light on Earth at this time, Susan facilitates healing by working with multiple levels of consciousness. Sessions available for all ages. Susan Broadwell, MA, PsyD., 952.922.1848, ANTI-OXIDANT/HYDROGEN-RICH/HEALING WATER Our bodies are 75% water. What’s the quality of your water? Acidic, Toxic & Dehydrating (sickness) or Alkaline and Hydrating (healthy)? Holistic, Eco-Friendly, Sustainable, Economical Brenda Brazil, 651.334.8742,, Art for the Heart Workshop: Practice meditative watercolor in the style of automatic writing. Open your heart center by channeling your heart energy while space is held for Master Beings to assist you. Benefits include expanded intuition, healing, and spiritual development. Ages 10-Adult. St. Paul, Coon Rapids, Burnsville, or create a location. Erin Lowry, Child Intuitive (11) & Marcia Lowry, SFQ master healer, 651.707.6888, ASCENDING INTO HEALING: Women’s Healing Circle addresses the challenges that arise after initial recovery. Learn new ways of thinking about yourself and the world around you to activate freedom and happiness. Insurance and sliding fee. Paula P. Daine, MA, LICSW, 612.724.6200, Ayurvedic Medicine: Classical Ayurvedic practices using traditional Indian herbal formulas, body therapies, meditation, yoga, pranayama, diet and life style suggestions. Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, Pancha Karma Specialist, 200hr. RYT. Ashley Christianson, 320.444.1429, BODYWORK & BREATHWORK Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow / fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108, Breathwork: Guided Breathing Sessions & Reiki combined to release trauma, decrease pain and transform your life. Private sessions, live workshops and certifications available. Deanna Reiter & Troy Stende, 651.238.7248,, BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING Heal your Body, Clear your Blocks, Deepen your Connection with Spirit, Transform your Life. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions, ongoing. Individual breath sessions, Pranic Healing® / Reiki by appointment. Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh., 651.442.4623,, CAREER COUNSELING Clarifying Conversations – guided by your own heart, inspired by your own knowing. Laurie Mattila, M.S.Ed., Career Counselor, 651.644.7766,,

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Coaching Are you going through a life transition and feeling lost, confused and stuck? I can help you gain the peace, clarity and confident direction you’re looking for. Terese Guettler, RN, Wellness Coach of Wise Woman Wellness Coaching, 612.501.1806,, COACHING BE It Coaching located at Free Spirit Ranch, Maiden Rock, WI, featuring Equine Human Connection.™ Understand how you are creating and manifesting at this exact moment. Lisa Kuchinski, CTC, 612.807.4740 or 715.448.4520,, COUNSELING: Marriage, Family, Teens, Kids. Confidential counseling with effective techniques. Individual, Couples, Family, DBT Skills Groups, Play Therapy. We take insurance. Offices in Circle Pines, Buffalo, Rogers and Wayzata, MN. Bridging Hope Counseling, Various Therapists, 763.291.5505,, CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), decorator pieces, jewelry. In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017,, EDITING & Graphic design Editing and Designing Books. Affordable and timely fliers, brochures, posters, banners and PDF docs for expos. Tim Miejan, 651.578.8969,,

EFT Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life NOW. Dr. Kim Eisen is Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT. Dr. Kim Eisen, 612.802.HEAL (4325),, EFT – EFT With A Guarantee Release your emotional, physical symptoms, guaranteed, on the phone, or no donation on your part. Anxiety, PTSD, hip, knee, back, shoulder, digestive, skin. Pay after success. Tom Masbaum, Founder of EFT With A Guarantee, 708.955.3634,, Energy Clearing / Chakra Balancing / Trauma Release: Experience Transformational Intuitive Energy Work. Using Keen wisdom & strength along with tenderness & compassion, Kimberly masterfully orchestrates a safe & loving space for deep healing & Spiritual Awakening. HOPE Healing, Kimberly, 805.769.4734, HopeHealing.Me ENERGY HEALING Christine, Reiki Master, offers energy healing sessions for pain relief, relaxation, emotional well-being & general health. It’s wonderful work! Healing Arts 101, Christine, call/text 651.338.1216, FENG SHUI CONSULTATION Consultations, one-on-one professional mentoring, and workshops. Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437, FLOWER ESSENCES Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. In business 33 years. Located at 3546 Grand Ave. S. Minneapolis. Contact Martin Bulgerin. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,, April 2016 the edge  25

GRIEF & TRAUMA RECOVERY: Heal grief and trauma with Induced After-Death Communication. This miraculous therapy rapidly heals grief and trauma resulting from the death of loved ones (including beloved pets). In practice since 1990. Gary R. Beaver, M.A., Licensed Psychologist, 612.910.1191,,

INTUITIVE CLASSES & READINGS Intuitive Tarot, Psychic & Palm readers available for in-store private readings or events. Classes in Psychic Development, Tarot & Runes. Schedule online. Eye of Horus Metaphysical 612.872.1292,

HEAL YOUR LIFE TRAINING: Become a licensed Heal Your Life workshop leader in Louise Hay’s philosophy. Receive complete materials to lead up to 14 different workshops. One-week intensive training is approved by Louise. Pre-registration required. See website for details. Patricia J. Crane, 800.969.4584,,

INTUITIVE HEALING Past Life Regression, Reiki, Spiritual Coaching, massage and more. Visit the website for full service offerings and current pricing structure. Tina McGee, 715.456.0677,,

HERBS: 600+ medicinal & cooking herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, new and used books, Natural healing practitioners available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking, ND, Duane Givens. In business 33 years at 3546 Grand Ave. S. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,

Intuitive Readings: Kimberly is a Mulit-Sensory Intuitive, a gifted Medium who delivers Readings with Compassion & Care. Your loved ones in Heaven wish to connect with you to give messages of Hope & Healing. They may offer guidance and messages regarding your life. You may also ask other question you may have. Kimberly, 805.769.4734,, HopeHealing.Me

HOLISTIC HEALTH & WELLNESS COACH Manifest balance in your life — health, nutrition, spiritual, career, energy. Create your healing journey. Customized programs. Kristin Johnson, CHHC, AADP, 952.200.4804,,

Massage, healing & Chakra Balance: Professional Massage 50 percent off: Pay $30 for a 60-minute massage and 20-minute chakra balance healing with first visit. Available in 60, 90, 120 options. Schedule today using code EDGE. Edgar Massage & Chakra Balance, 612.384.4572, at Backlund Chiropractic, 7101 York Ave. S., Suite 250, Edina, MN,

HOMEOPATHY: 2000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, We buy and sell new and used books. At 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,

MEDIUMSHIP, INTUITIVE CARD READINGS, REIKI HEALING, ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: As the Minnesota Nice Medium, I use my unique talents and gifts to bring oneness and healing to everyone’s life I touch. The Empathic Connection, 320.226.3127,,

HYPNOTHERAPY Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Readyto gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 15 Years Experience. Located in St. Paul, MN. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 651.649.1952,

MIND-BODY INTEGRATIVE HEALING Therapies & classes to retrain body & mind. Re-Align to your true self. Life changing and effective processes: hypnotherapy, shiatsu, Tai Chi Chih, Qigong, mindfulness meditation, more. Theresa May, 612.345.1537,

HYPNOTHERAPY 5-PATH® Are you on the right path? Now is the time to strive for better wellness - physically, mentally & emotionally. You owe it to yourself to Change the Path of Your Life. Christa Sack, CH, Restore Your Path Hypnosis & Healing, 612.810.6158,,

Past Life Regression: Quantum Healing Hypnosis / Dolores Cannon Technique: Explore your spirituality and experience past lives. Discover your life purpose and resolve troublesome problems. Offering Private and Group Sessions at our St. Louis Park location. Marie Savage, 612.508.9606,,

HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, habits, 5 Pillars of Balance, Spiritual Direction, Conflict Resolution Skills. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis & Coaching, 651.216.0085,

Psychic Detective Stacey is an experienced psychic detective and psychic medium who gives accurate messages from Spirit, giving law enforcement and clients direction and peace. Connect With Spirit, Stacey L. Scott, 612.250.5500,,

HYPNOTHERAPY/PSYCHOTHERAPY: Help with emotional overwhelm, healing trauma, sexual abuse & other issues. Access past-lives & between lives. Build skills for relationships across the veil, interactive prayer, Synergy Meditation. Channel for Mother Mary. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., psychotherapist, 763.546.4133,,

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / SOUL READINGS Soul Readings for clarity and guidance. Classes to discover how to heal and consciously create with your own unique body/soul partnership. Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861,,

HYPNOTHERAPY & TRAINING Past Life, Life-Between Lives Regression. 20 years experience. Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., LBL, 612.709.5578,

PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Award-winning Psychic and Master Channel. Specialties include Animal communication and Shamanic healing. All office and phone readings are scheduled online. Monthly Psychic Galleries at Healing Elements, 2358 Stinson Blvd, Minneapolis Alison James, 612.424.1411 returned via text,,

INNER CHILD WORK & EFT Author of the best-selling Inner Child Workbook & EFT (Tapping) Practitioner. Cathryn Taylor, 612.710.7720,

PSYCHIC MEDIUM Well-Known Psychic Medium Deborah Lynn11 is gifted with the power to Name, names. She is unlike any other as she is known to go back 2-3 generations or even 10 years into the future. Deborah Lynn11, 651.439.5337,


PSYCHIC READING / INTUITIVE: I will connect with your guides and guardian angels, share any insights they wish to offer, and answer questions regarding your life. Everything is connected and has purpose. Schedule a reading and discover yours! Earth & Water Wellness, Marie Savage, 612.508.9606,

SHAMANIC HEALER, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SIFU Break barriers & shift life situations into your highest good. Shamanic rituals, energy healing & manifestation work reawakens synchronicity into all aspects of your life. Chee Vue (PaLiChi) 763.742.8690,,

Psychic Readings / Spiritual Goods Super affordable, super accurate email readings. Spell kits, oils, altar decor, and more, crafted personally by Pagan priestess/Crone. Free shipping always. The Wild Haunt,,

SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325,,

RECONNECTIVE HEALING It all happens at the quantum level. It all begins with love from an open heart. Experience Reconnective Healing session. Experience the Reconnection. Bogdan Borkowski, Certified Reconnection Practitioner, 715.262.3342,,

SOAP (PREMIUM ARTISAN): Our soap is all-natural, vegan, and handmade locally with organic, sustainable and animal free/ cruelty free oils and butters. Our soaps contain healing oils and butters to produce the highest amount of glycerin for skin health. Good Intentions Soap Company, Cathy Jacobsen, 763.381.1911,,

REIKI HEALING Experience the divine energy of Reiki for balance, relaxation, wellness. Treatment sessions. Student-oriented training for all levels. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Reiki Master-Teachers, 763.420.9017,

SPIRITUAL TUTORING Gain everyday skills for transforming your struggles and suffering into deep peace and joy. Customized approach using techniques appropriate to you and your situation. Mindy Schulke, 651.491.3981,

REIKI HEALING: Feel Empowered on Every Level! Usui Reiki Training and Sessions, schedule a Reiki I or II class, inquire about Reiki Master apprenticeships. Learn Reiki yourself, or bring your friends! Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan, 651.735.2863,,

SUFI Four Layers of the Heart. Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259,,

SET YOURSELF APART! Now is the time to plan your directory marketing!

Deadline MAY 5 Take the opportunity to tell your community what sets you apart from other businesses or services, and explain how your service will benefit them. Reserve your Ad or Listing:

763.433.9291 or April 2016 the edge  27



G AT H E R I N G S …provide name, address, phone, website, service times + brief description. $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Contact: 763.433.9291 or ECKANKAR / TEMPLE OF ECK: Religion of the Light and Sound of God, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK. org — Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Worship Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am Youth programs. Community HU Song: third Sunday of each month, 10-10:30am. Free workshops: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. Temple hours: Noon-9 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and from Noon to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.922.4272, online at www. — Raise your consciousness by attending our classes, workshops and Sunday Services led by amazing speakers!


Raise your vibration in our beautiful, historic building (now on the National Historic Register). Give us a try as part of your spiritual journey and feel the love of our heart-based community. Visit our community for: great meditations, yoga classes, speakers and programs that include mindfulness, developing your intuition, releasing negative beliefs, allowing greater abundance, and breaking the barriers to deep selfhealing. SPIRIT UNITED CHURCH: 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602,, Worshiping the Wonder, birthing the Emerging Spirituality. Welcoming ~ Supportive ~ Healing ~ Transformational. Discover your spiritual home. On Sundays: 10:30 a.m. Main service, 10:30 a.m. Kids With Spirit Class.


UNITY MINNEAPOLIS: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, 763.521.4793, www.unityminneapolis. org — Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Sunday 8:15, 9:45 & 11:30 a.m., nursery & Sunday school at all 3 services. Monthly Healing service 7 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday. Adult education classes throughout the year. Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center: 4011 W. Hwy 13, Savage, MN 55378, 952.895.0745, — Discover Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center, a positive path for spiritual living. Practical teachings to help you live a healthy, meaningful life. As we grow in consciousness, we create a loving, peaceful world. Sunday Service 10 a.m. UNITY NORTH SPIRITUAL CENTER: 11499 Martin St. NW, Coon Rapids, MN, 763.754.6489,, — Committed to offering a space to support community members and youth in fulfilling their potential. Services and events include healing, prayer, men’s and women’s groups, meditation, sacred text and shamanic studies. UNSC serves the wider community through programs such as Family Promise and Family Table.



EXHIBIT AT JUNE EVENT: Vendors Wanted for the 2nd Annual Holistic Wellness Expo at Earthway Farm in South Haven, MN. June 11 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. For more information: call 320.236.7852 or email earthwayfarm@

ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS SOUGHT: LoveSelf is accepting article submissions. Are you a writer with a passion for human-interest stories and healing food? If so, please reach out to inspire@ for detailed information on a special assignment.




ATTENTION WELLNESS PRACTITIONERS: A new wellness center is opening in Virginia, MN, and is looking for practitioners full time, part time, monthly or bi monthly. Please call or email Shelly for details at 218.966.0712 or email

the edge in st. cloud: The Edge magazine is seeking volunteers in St. Cloud, MN, to identify new locations where The Edge can be shared with the public. If possible, we’d love for you to take The Edge around to these locations each month. Call Cathy at 763.533.9291 or email us today at cathy@ for more details!

the edge in mankato: The Edge magazine is seeking volunteers in Mankato, MN, to identify new locations where The Edge can be shared with the public. If possible, we’d love for you to take The Edge around to these locations each month. Call Cathy at 763.533.9291 or email us today at cathy@ for more details!

…provide category and text. $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail Cathy today at


Network with your Community! The Edge Business Network listings appear in Print & Online! Search holistic resources: Edge Business Network at Includes all Edge Directory listings and ads & monthly Featured Businesses!

Call Cathy Today • 763.433.9291 • 28




April 2016 SCHEDULE

Free Podcasts that Enlighten & Educate Listen at or call 714.364.4750. Show archives are found at Host your own monthly program by calling 612.710.7720 or 763.433.9291. “Edge Learning Well” with Elise Marquam Jahns — Tuesday, April 5 at 6 p.m. — Host Elise Marquam Jahns will have a conversation with Penney Peirce, one of the early pioneers in the intuition development movement, having worked since 1977 with organizations like the San Francisco-based Center for Applied Intuition, The Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, and The Intuition Network. Penney specializes in intuition and sensitivity development, “skillful perception,” personal energy and frequency training, dreamwork, and future trends. This show is sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. “The Multi-Perspective Edge” with 2GuysInTheKnow — Wednesday, April 6 at 6 p.m. — Eric Earll and Bert Allen of 2GuysInTheKnow explore a multitude of topics that will deepen and enrich your life’s journey through special guests, interviews and live on the air readings. “On the Edge” with Doug Crandall — Sunday, April 10 from 6-8 p.m. — Each month, join host Doug Crandall as he views life from On the edge, using his unique perspective to delve into such topics as life, death, this, that and the other! The host will be joined by notable guests who will share their knowledge with the listening audience. “The Akashic Vibrational Edge” with Maggie Chula — Monday, April 11 at 8 p.m. — Maggie Chula is a psychic trance channel for the Akashic Master Teachers. On this show she will open up the phone lines to answer questions on how to heal every aspect of your life, your physical body, and your connection to your own Council of Light using the Akashic Vibration. Maggie is a certified Psychic Professional, Medical Intuitive and the author of several books including Open the Doorway to Your Soul: Channeled Messages from the Master Teachers of the Akasha. “Edge Inner View” with Cathryn Taylor — Wednesday, April 13 at 3 p.m. — Join host Cathryn Taylor for a conversation with Julie Buckman, who will debut her new Edge Talk Radio Podcast “The Edge of Divinity” on Saturday, May 7. Julie is an ordained minister who works with God and his Divine guidance to help others embrace who they are, understand what their purpose is and know there is more in reality than what meets the eye. Cathryn also will speak with two authors who are published by Inner Traditions.

“Edge Animal Talk” with Mary Stoffel — Thursday, April 14 at 6 p.m. — Animal communicator Mary Stoffel, in her final Edge Talk Radio podcast, gives insights into the relationships that our animals have with us, and with each other. Join her to explore how animals feel, think, work, heal and react as they share our lives. Learn how to help your animals cope with change, illness and trauma. Get practical information dealing with all types of animal-related issues. “Edge EFT Happy Half Hour: Rap & Tap” with Cathryn Taylor — Monday, April 18 at 3 p.m. — Take the edge off your day! Treat yourself to a half hour of relaxation and relief with the new, innovative stressreducing technique of Energy Tapping. Learn how to use EFT for Body, Mind, Heart & Soul. “Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen — Wednesday, April 20 at 3 p.m. — Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Gather more insight into what to expect at these coming events and why they will be meaningful to you in your everyday life. “Edge of Wellness” with Tina McGee — Monday, April 25 at 7 p.m. — Join host Tina McGee each month and expect to be inspired to think of your health in new and innovative ways that educate, as well as empower! Tina is an LPN currently attending St. Catherine’s Univ ersity earning her masters degree in Holistic Health Studies. “The Multi-Perspective Edge” with 2GuysInTheKnow — Wednesday, April 27 at 6 p.m. — Eric Earll and Bert Allen of 2GuysInTheKnow explore a multitude of topics that will deepen and enrich your life’s journey through special guests, interviews and live on the air readings. “Edge Wise Woman Wellness” with Terese Guettler, R.N. —Thursday, April 28 at 5 p.m. — Join host Terese Guettler, R.N. each month for Edge Wise Woman Wellness — Empowering Women through Life Transitions. Whether you are experiencing a divorce, empty nest syndrome, a health challenge, job loss or searching for your life purpose Terese Guettler offers you assistance and support in that transition.

Benefits OF Advertising in The Edge 

You save money and receive great public exposure in the Twin Cities & Upper Midwest, both in print monthly and online.

You multiply your exposure with ad packages in print and online.

You can become host of an online podcast, audio recordings monthly or more frequently, as part of Edge Talk Radio.

You get special discount pricing on additional advertising, listings, email blasts and sponsorships with The Edge.

Join The Edge Advertise Yo u r G i f t s 763.433.9291 April 2016 the edge  29


march 31


April 7


E VENT listings

James, Award-winning Psychic Medium & Animal Intuitive. April 1 from 7-8pm. First Friday of each month. Relax & rejuvenate. Work with your spiritual team in the safety of your soul sanctuary; receive answers to your questions; surrounded by the frequencies of the master healing crystals & gentle drumming by Alison. Young adults 16+ are welcomed with paid seats for adult & minor. At Amanae & Frequencies of Brilliance Center, 2324 37th St. E., Minneapolis. Details & reservations:,, text: 612.424.1411. April 2 – Posture and Pilates: Learn how Pilates can

help you identify proper muscular and postural alignment. All participants will have a non-invasive postural analysis of the spine and joints performed. This class will give you tools to change your posture for life. 9 a.m. - Noon, $79, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, April 2 – Conscious Living Expo: Admission is free

and will include a variety of exhibitors, workshops, and demonstrations in the areas of holistic health, green products, alternative energy, nutrition, and other healthy activities. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, April 2, Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. For more information, visit April 2 – Psychic Gallery: With Alison James, Award-

winning Psychic Medium & Animal Intuitive. April 2 from 6:30-8 p.m. First Saturday of each month. Interactive experience with intuitive forum including Q & A, and conversations with those in the afterlife, including pets! Young adults 16+ are welcomed with paid seats for adult & minor. At Healing Elements, 2358 Stinson Blvd. NE., Minneapolis. Details & reservations:,, text: 612.424.1411. April 2 & 3 – Activating Our Dormant DNA with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys: This 2-day event includes

shifting our own spiritual growth, which in turn shifts planetary energetics. Learn about Metabolic Energy Medicine and Dr. Todd’s latest research and heal your own health issues. Want to change the world on a quantum level, this is one way to do it. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Holiday Inn Bloomington Airport South, Bloomington, MN. For more info or to register: www.


april 22

april 29

7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, www.facebook. com/Eckankar. Pre-register; gift book, ECK Wisdom on Inner Guidance. April 7, 14, 21, May 5 – Crying for a Dream:

…provide date, title and text. $29: up to 35 words. $45: 36-70 words each month. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Listings must include specific event dates. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail April 1 – Intuitive Meditation Class: With Alison

april 13 or Anita at 952.221.6372. April 3 – ECK Wisdom on Inner Guidance: Join

This powerfully emancipating process assists you in releasing that which no longer serves you. Release assists you in accessing your inner truth. This is a group experience which brings about individual healing. Please join us. 7:30-9:30 p.m. More details, contact Spirit Doula at April 8 & 9 – Aromatherapy Foundations Certificate:

people from all walks of life for the monthly worship service at the Temple of ECK. Dynamic speakers, original creative arts, and singing HU, a sacred name for God, celebrate a life lived in harmony with Divine Spirit. Sunday, April 3 and every first Sunday of the month, 10 a.m., Temple of ECK/Eckankar, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www.

This hands-on, interactive program will help you better understand the benefits of seven essential oils. You will learn how and why these organic oils help to heal the physical body, emotional and energy levels. This is a two-day certificate program. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., $275, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343,

April 4 – Living the 5th Dimensional Light TeleClass: How would you know you were living in

April 9 – Aura Readings & Photos with Bobby Sullivan: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., $35, Enchanted Boutique,

the 5th dimension? How could you get there? Learn to handle your Ascension with ease and grace. Three-part tele-class held Mondays at 7 p.m. via telephone. Receive Mp3 recordings of each class infused with 5D and 6D healing Light. Visit a28e45bc0523ac0f4c325a3e11e3182b. Info: Susan Broadwell, 952.922.1848 or email susan@ April 5, 12, 19, 26 – Psychic Development Classes:

With Alison James, Award-winning Psychic Medium & Animal Intuitive. April 5, 12, 19, 26. 7-9 p.m. weekly Tuesdays classes, focused on practical teaching with hands-on practice. Several topics covered with individualized attention; surrounded by the master healing crystals. Young adults 16+ are welcomed with paid seats for adult & minor. At Amanae & Frequencies of Brilliance Center, 2324 37th St. E., Minneapolis. Details & reservations: www.,, text: 612.424.1411. April 5, 19, 23 & May 3 – Your Personal Numerology Chart: Learn how to match your important personal

numbers, such as birthdates and job changes, with calendar time and other cycles. Take classes individually or in a series. 6-8:30 p.m., $49 class, $129 series, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, April 6, 13, 20, 27 – ECK Wisdom on Inner Guidance:

Learn how to unlock the door to truth, work with nudges, enlist the power of creativity, and open the door to miracles in your life. Free four-week class! Come any or all Wednesdays, April 6-27, 7-8:30 p.m., Eckankar,, 952.380.2200,

4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. Register at April 9 – Tarot Circle — Sharing the knowledge:

Come hang out with fellow tarot enthusiasts and share your love for the cards! Each month we meet to discuss a variety of topics and to get practice reading. Tarot Circle is a great opportunity to read for others and be read for. 4:30-6:30 p.m., $5, Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. Register at April 9-10 – Silva UltraMind ESP Systems 2-day Seminar for Everybody! Learn quick,

simple, powerful, highly adaptable techniques. Find your purpose; create your best life! Bring service to others! Make life matter; make a difference! 100% money-back guarantee! Silva: Changing lives since 1966! It works! Bloomington location. Call or text Silva Instructor LaJeanne Runnels for more info at 763.227.9577 or email April 10 – Introduction to Shamanic Journeying:

In this class, you will be introduced to the concept of “core shamanism” and experience shamanic journeying for yourself, learning how to access “non-ordinary reality” for problem solving and healing. 9:30 a.m. Sunday, April 10, Center for Intuitive Living, 5356 Chicago Ave. S., Minneapolis. For more information, contact Lena Swanson, 651.206.0644,, April 10 – Psychic Sunday at Enchanted Boutique:

Join us for a sampling of services in our Psychic Corner. Each month we have 4 providers offering various services. You get 15 minutes with each provider, a total hour of services for a single fee of

$75. 1-6 p.m., Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. Register at www. April 14 – EFT “Tapping” Free 15-minute “Life Breakthrough” chat: Do you feel stuck? Need

to get over something or move forward? Schedule your private 15-minute phone “Life Breakthrough” chat to see if Kim can help you. Register at www. Kim Eisen, Experienced & Intuitive Master of EFT “Tapping,” Life Breakthrough Coach and Energy Healer,, 612.802.HEAL (4325). April 16 – Reiki Energy Therapy Level 1: Reiki is a

painless, simple method of therapy that uses life force energy. You will be taught using the traditional Usui Reiki form. Bring a sack lunch, pillows, and towels and or mat. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., $150, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, online at www. April 16 – Homeopathic First Aid: A natural first

defense is a strong defense. Learn the basics of homeopathy to keep your family safe. First aid kit included in class fee. 9 a.m. - Noon, $89 Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, online at www. April 16 – Spiritual Wisdom on Life After Death:

Are you struggling with the loss of a loved one? Or searching for answers on what happens when we die? You are warmly invited to join in a spiritual discussion of these topics. Discover how to find your own answers to the eternal questions about life after death. Gain new perspectives on meeting with departed loved ones, seeing heaven before you die, and dealing with grief. From 1-2 p.m. at the Wedge Table, 2412 Nicollet Ave. S., Minneapolis. For information, call Steve: 612.508.7815. Eckankar of Minnesota: April 17 – Find Inner Peace — Chant HU! In our

fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Experience the divine love and inner peace of chanting HU, a sacred name for God. All are welcome to this half-hour HU Song at the Temple of ECK. Free! Sunday, April 17, 10-10:30 a.m., Eckankar,, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. April 17 – BreathLogic® Benefit Concert: Featuring

folk singer Sara Thomsen and a cappella group Caritas Vocal Ensemble. BreathLogic is a non-profit dedicated to teaching optimal breathing techniques that promote improved brain function, reduced stress levels and enhanced health & well-being. Enjoy experiencing simple breathing practices with Laurie Ellis-Young. This inspiring, fun program starts at 3 p.m., plus reception. Church of the Sacred Heart, 4087 W. Broadway Ave., Robbinsdale. $20 donation. Children under 12 free. Info:, April 22 – Intuitive Tarot Reading Class: This Tarot

Class, with Ragabash Halcon, will be on how to use your intuitive senses while reading the deck. 6:30-8:30 p.m., $40 Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. Register online at

April 23 – Business Bootcamp for Holistic Practitioners: Holistic Practitioners can have a

May 4, 11, 18, 25 – Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel: Discover your true identity as Soul

steady income. This business bootcamp will help you discover some of the opportunities related holistic practices and show you a step-by-step process toward starting a business. You will learn about laws, taxes, insurance marketing and other strategies related to becoming a successful business owner. 9 a.m. - Noon, $89 Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343,

— a divine spark of God! This four-week class explores how to awaken past-life memories, how dreams can give you insight and warnings, and how Soul Travel can help in spiritual unfoldment. Learn how to work with an inner guide for more guidance, protection, and love in your life. Free! Come any or all Wednesdays, May 4-25, 7-8:30 p.m., Eckankar,, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, www.facebook. com/Eckankar. Pre-register; gift booklet, Eckankar’s Spiritual Experiences Guidebook.

April 23-24 – EFT Level 1 Certificate: Emotional

Freedom Techniques (EFT) is designed to help you unlock barriers to understanding your inner power. You will learn how to apply EFT to traumatic memories, physical pain and unhealthy cravings. Level 1 will guide you through the full use of tapping and show you how to utilize shortcuts toward reaching your emotional freedom. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., $395 Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, April 23 & 24 – Soul Breathing Breath Mastery Seminar: Experience 2 days of Heart Healing,

Energy Activation & Soul Integration through the power of breath with certified facilitator Terri Peterson. A full, flowing breath expands your consciousness & strengthens your foundation of well-being. Master your Breath, Master your Life! At Aslan Institute, Eagan, MN. More info: or 651.442.4623. April 23-24 – Fargo Holistic Expo: Featuring Psychic

Medium Kelli Miller (Saturday Live Audience Reading & full-day Awaken Your Psychic Abilities Monday Workshop). Also: Jeannie Hamm (Personal Power Field), Frank DiCristina (Healing Power of Sound), Amy Wilinski (Shaman’s Journey) and Dianne Bischoff James (Life Reboot). This 2-day annual event at the Fargo Civic Center is an emporium of gifts, products and information to support holistic life. It features more than 65 exhibitors including intuitives, health and wellness providers and dozens of free workshops. Save by ordering tickets in advance at April 30 – World Tai Chi & Qigong Day: This is an

International Event! At 10 a.m. around the world, people will gather together to practice and create a 24-hour wave of tai chi. At Normandale, we will have group practice, demonstrations and as much fun as one can pack into an international experience. Bring your friends and family of all ages. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Free, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN, Continuing Education Department, 952.358.8343, ce/classes April 30 – Reiki & Intuitive Readings with the Mystic Sisters: Dawnette Cook & Tamara Gleason

will be at Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. 1-6 p.m., $60 for 30 minutes. Register at May 1 – Animal Communication Part I: In this work-

shop, you will learn telepathic or intuitive communication by experiencing it in a fun, supportive atmosphere. We will be working with special animals that attend the workshop and with your animals at home using pictures and descriptions. 9:30 a.m. Sunday, May 1, Center for Intuitive Living, 5356 Chicago Ave. S., Minneapolis. For more information, contact Lena Swanson, 651.206.0644,,

May 7 – Reiki II — Going Further than you ever thought Possible! Building from the fundamentals

taught in Reiki I, new materials include advanced symbols and protocols, use of tools like pendulums and crystals, long distance healing techniques, and concepts of having your own Reiki practice. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., $210, Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. Register at May 7 – Moonlight & Magic Expo: Offering attendees

access to a Free Outdoor Festival with 30+ vendors, live music, food trucks. Attendees have access to psychics, mediums, tarot readers, energy healers, crystals, stones and much more. Free speaker workshops throughout the event. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday, May 7 at Faery House, Buffalo, MN. Followed by a Medium Gallery event at 6:30-8:30 p.m., $25. More info: call Leigh at 763.233.1354 or May 7 – Reiki Circle — An Exchange of Energy:

The Reiki circles are a great way to network with likeminded individuals. Come with an open intention to heal & experience Reiki by joining Reiki practitioners work together in a healing environment. You will have a chance on the healing tables to experience Reiki, and discover your own healing journey. 5:30-7:30 p.m., $5, Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. Register online at www. May 11 – Fairy Workshop: Join us as we explore the

magical realm of Fairies and their Elemental friends. Create a fairy wand and leave with a small gift for your little friends. Safe/fun atmosphere. May 11 from 6:309:30 p.m. Special pricing/details. Psychics in the Cities,, 612.860.9196. June 11 – Holistic Wellness Expo: 20+ Vendors

offering their services. Door prizes, 4 Free workshops, Products for sale. 10 a.m - 5 p.m. Saturday, June 11, $5. Earthway Farm, 15832 County Rd. 7, South Haven, MN. For more information, email Visit or June 15-18 – 3rd Annual Soul Friends Healing Sacred Trip to the Black Hills: This retreat offers

tools to explore nature, reclaim your soul mission and find inner peace through healing. Hiking, horseback riding, metaphysical classes and ceremonial visits to sacred places. $438, includes all meals and lodging. For more information, contact Inga Ulmer, 612.701.7217,,

April 2016 the edge  31

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