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Sophia Roy Choudhury, M.D. LynMarie8 Angela Blaha Lisa Barnett Jean Wallis Anne Brady Ryn Oliver Marianne Soucy Janet Michele Red Feather also this month: A Pleiadian Message with Christine Day January Horoscope with Heather Roan Robbins Poetry, Happenings Events and much more
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JANUARY 2019 NO. 314 EXPLORING THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS READ ADDITIONAL CONTENT EACH MONTH AT WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET 4 Nothing New Under the Year From the Heart, by Alan Cohen 6 A Blessing for the New Year by Pierre Pradervand 16
the Energies of 2019 featuring insight
and wisdom from our community 16 Insights on the Energies of 2019 by Sophia Roy Choudhury, M.D. 17 2019 Predictions for Humanity by LynMarie8
6 Corridor of Light Arrives, Sharing God Light with All, A Pleiadian Message, by Christine Day 10 A Night of Sacred Chants 10 A Collective Gathering of Enlightening Meditation 12 A Year, by Daniela I. Norris 12 Child of the Universe, by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff 12 Affirm: ‘I have the Power to Choose’ A Monthly Affirmation, by Charlotte “Mama” Rose
17 A Spectacular Year to Create by Angela Blaha
14 January Horoscope: Get Organized Mercurial Messages Through the Zodiac, by Heather Roan Robbins
18 The Akashic Masters: Exquisite Self-Care is Vital by Lisa Barnett
15 How Do You Uplift the World? by Christophe Javon
19 To Everything Turn, Turn, Turn… by Jean Wallis 19 2019: A Year of Change by Anne Brady 20 Realizing Freedom in 2019 by Ryn Oliver 21 A Message from Mother Earth for All of Us by Marianne Soucy 22 Old Souls, New Era Spirit Leaves, by Janet Michele Red Feather
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Nothing New Under the Year From the Heart
BY AL AN COHEN AS WE ENTER THE NEW YEAR, we all hope this year will be better than the last one, and new and wonderful things will come to us. We seek to improve our worldly situations and become better people. But what if the most wonderful thing that could happen would be to realize that we live in a universe absolutely and eternally dedicated to our well-being? While listening to a classical music radio station, I heard the show’s host announce a cantata by J.S. Bach entitled, “The Spirit Soothes our Weakness.” I was struck by the title, as appropriate today as it was 300 years ago when Bach composed the piece. Even while Bach’s world was radically different than ours, the issues he dealt with were the same. He, too, was plagued by the insistence of the deluded self, and he, too, recognized the empowerment of a spirit-guided life. In that awakening the apparent chasm of time dissolves and we are joined. King Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” The more I explore what appears to be new and different, the more I realize that, while the world goes through constant change, truth is impeccably reliable. What works always works and what doesn’t work never works. All else is detail. It is not the parade of events that makes evolution, but the upgrade of consciousness. If there is any evolution, it is the awakening to the presence and power of a kindly reality that far transcends worldly events.
JUICY PARADOX Here we come to the juiciest of paradoxes: To become new, we must recognize that we never change. Healing comes in claiming our inherent eternality. The personality seeks to gain newness by manipulating people, things and events. The soul needs no newness because it is eternally whole. The part of you that seeks change is not the part that will be fulfilled. What needs to change is to gain the awareness that you don’t need to change. I told you this paradox is juicy! A Course in Miracles tells us, “Seek not to change the world, but seek instead to change your mind about the world.” If you attempt to change your circumstances without changing your mind, nothing will change. Change your mind, and everything around you will change. The world is not a cause. It is an effect. Edgar Cayce said, “Mind is the builder.” Time is a blank screen upon which we project our consciousness and play out our intentions. Any demarcations we make in time come only from our beliefs about it and what we wish to use it for. Most people in Western culture made a big deal about the advent of the year 2000. Meanwhile that same year was the year 5760 on the THE EDGE MAGAZINE 763.433.9291 P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303 PUBLISHERS TIM MIEJAN & CATHY JACOBSEN EDITOR TIM MIEJAN 651.578.8969
Hebrew calendar, 4697 in China, and 1420 in the Islamic religion. What year was it really? The year lives in our minds more than we live in the year. Buckminster Fuller said, “Human beings are the only creatures who tell time and think they have to earn a living.” Whatever we think time is, is a story we made up. Nothing happens because of time. Everything happens because of the thoughts we apply to it. The only purpose of time is to learn to use it wisely. If we are going to make something of the new year, let’s use it to discover ourselves rather than find new and more complicated ways to forget ourselves. Rather than moving more pieces around the chess board of your activities, rise above the board so you can see it from a higher perspective. Use the year to make up a new story rather than continuing old stories that lead nowhere. A mythology expert identified 11 plot categories into which all stories fit. That’s it. So it is with life. We just keep repeating the same stories over and over again, with minor variations that make them seem different, while they are not.
KINDS OF EVOLUTION There are two kinds of evolution: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal evolution just keeps playing out the ego’s beliefs and reinforcing its fearful world in more complex forms. Cave men stockpiled rocks to throw at invaders. We stockpile nuclear weapons. Just more and bigger expressions of the same mentality. Just because technology advances does not mean we are progressing. Seven billion people thumbing smartphones does not necessarily indicate an advanced society. What people say on their smartphones demonstrates evolution or its absence. Vertical evolution is measured by the level of consciousness with which we use our tools and toys. The only real evolution is self-knowledge, awakening to the you that never needed to evolve because you were created perfect by God. The outer world is a set of props laid out according to the mind we are using. If you are going to make the new year new, recognize that time has no power over your life, but you have power over time by recognizing you live beyond it. Pray not for new things to happen, but for a new consciousness. St. Paul said, “Be renewed by the renewing of the mind.” I wish you the best year of your life because it is the one in which you escape time and claim your eternal self. In this moment you are new because the real you lives beyond time, and you have no age, history or future. You just are. a ALAN COHEN is the author of the soon-released Spirit Means Business, illuminating how to succeed with money and career without selling your soul. Become a certified professional life coach through Alan’s transformational Life Coach Training beginning February 1. For more information about this program, Alan’s books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes, online courses, and weekly radio show, visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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A Blessing for the New Year
Corridor of Light Arrives, Sharing God Light with All
A Pleiadian Message
WE BLESS THIS COMING YEAR for the innumerable opportunities for good that will manifest as we open up to their possibility. We bless You, Divine Love, for the uknown blessings that are already on their way. We bless You also for the needed challenges that are already lined up so as to help us grow spirit-wards. May we open our hearts to all those in need we meet and also those at the other side of the world whom we can assist or support in different ways. May we treasure the simple fact of being alive and of the possibility of “DAWL” (Doing All With Love), moment by moment, day in, day out: thinking only loving thoughts, speaking words of love, seeing all with the eyes of love, undertaking all in a spirit of love and finally feeling only love. May we treasure the intimacy of Your Presence moment by moment, anywhere and everywhere, by day or by night. And may we learn to see absolutely everything that manifests in our lives as You hidden in the thousand and one disguises of form. And finally, may we learn to really love ourselves as the magnificent divine manifestation we are. Only then will we really learn to love our neighbor — human, plant or beast — as ourselves, for they are ourselves. There are many wishes people make for family and friends at the start of a new year: for health and success, for love and prosperity, for success in their studies or any special endeavor, the list is very long. However, there is one wish I want to make for you who are reading this, and that is that you clear your slate of any resentments you may still hold towards people, circumstances, life, “God,” you name it. Because we are all linked by one infinite, loving Mind (Larry Dossey has written a deeply meaningful book on this theme entitled One Mind) any resentment we harbor towards a person or situation weighs down upon the collective consciousness, and vice-versa, of course. When we forgive sincerely, it uplifts world consciousness. So why not clear your slate completely of the slightest residue of resentment you hold? It will be the most extraordinary gift see A BLESSING on p. 8
BY CHRISTINE DAY BELOVED ONES, WE GREET you as the “blessed event” set in motion on Earth at the time of New Year. This profound transformational happening opened up and changed potentials for your life. You have indeed been blessed by the God light, which anchored and is currently flowing across your Earth plane. This light has been emanating outwards from the pure anchored space of the “Corridor of Light.” Through the pure essence of God light, your blessings are now able to naturally flow towards you and are currently being absorbed through your heart cells. This frequency of your unique light will be impacting you strongly within your day-to-day life as you consciously choose to receive what is yours through divine right. These blessings of God light carry many unique divine aspects of your multidimensional Higher Self, opening new vistas for you to consciously utilize within this current timeframe.
embrace a multidimensional realignment within to these aspects of home within your Universal community. For the first time, Earth will hold the complete anchored resonance with the entire resident Universal consciousness. This will set in motion a huge transmutation process within the Earth plane, shifting your planet to the vibration that will transform the dimensional settings to a 4th/5th dimensional presence.
SACRED SITES CORRECT DESTINY TIME Know that you have not done anything specifically “good” to receive these blessings. Now happens to be the correct destiny time for these blessings to be released back to you. What is essential is for you to fully open up to receive that which is yours. Through the powerful action of the “Corridor of Light,” there is a purpose and destiny being fulfilled. There are multidimensional levels of consciousness opening simultaneously to support this incredible transition for all of you who are awake and actively ready to engage and receive. These amazing pure levels of God light are designed for you to first access, and then create, from your own internal rebirthing process within your heart cells. Remember, your heart is a natural multidimensional tool and by engaging with the energy of the “Corridor of Light,” your own unique God light can be self-realized within you. This is your time to be enabled by your light to take giant steps forward into the higher levels of self-realization. There are supportive forces within your resident Universe who have the express role of assisting your realignment to truth and love that have always resonated throughout this Universe. Now within the vastness of your heart, this energetic resonance realigns you to your extended home beyond your Earth plane. Through your conscious interaction with the God light you can begin to
As the “Corridor of Light” filtered its light outwards, there was an interaction to all sacred sites that have been holding a strong presence on Earth. Each individual site has been realigned through this action. They are being energetically adjusted back to their original pristine state. Between each site there is a collective frequency that is building and beginning to create a powerful resonation of light. The sites are forging together as one, transmitting an elemental vibration of light. Between all the sites they are collectively acting as a generator of light within your world. They individually are each to play a new role as initiators of truth and love for humanity. These sites are generating outwards the vibrational synergy of love and collectively they are anchoring the form of an energetic web that contains the sacred forms of light for the entire planet. These specific forms are interweaving to create an energetic womb for you. These vibrations of love open a doorway through your planet, creating an access for those of you who choose realignment beyond this limited 3rd dimensional form. This doorway allows you to anchor beyond the 3rd dimensional illusion in order for you to stabilize within the higher dimensional realms of Self. The doorway holds the multidimensional opening, an energetic space, that is see CORRIDOR OF LIGHT on p. 8
continued from p. 6
you will ever make to yourself — with unconditional love. And the secret of achieving instantaneous forgiveness is understanding that every single person on the planet is at every moment at their highest level of consciousness — even the cruel child murderer or rapist or certain presidents of countries who are not exactly revered and loved by most of their fellow citizens. (No names needed!) Personally, this is so clear to me that I can really say with that great American mystic of the last century, Joel Goldsmith, founder of a remarkable non-dual spiritual teaching called The Infinite Way: “No one can enter my consciousness who needs to be forgiven, because I have already forgiven him seventy times seven.” The freedom this will bring you is one of the most precious gifts you could ever make to yourself. We always have the choice to forgive or to coddle our resentment, knowing we are its first victim. The great American psychiatrist Gerald Jampolsky, M.D., stated that to refuse to forgive is to choose to suffer, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa — who knows quite a lot about forgiveness, including on the national level — has stated that to forgive is not only a way of manifesting altruism, it is the best manner of serving one’s own interest. So, precious friend, love yourself enough to forgive all, unconditionally. A clean slate for 2019 — and ever after! a PIERRE PRADERVAND has labored a great deal of his life for social justice, living in or visiting 40 countries on every continent. From his Geneva home, Pierre is now active as a writer, speaker and workshop facilitator, helping people to live simpler, yet richer, more contented lives. Pierre is the author of international bestseller The Gentle Art of Blessing, and the book, 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
continued from p. 6
formed to play an essential and pivotal role for you to unfold and develop through your Higher Self. This process is immense. Allowing a new landscape of light proportions for you to shift within your consciousness. Allowing you the potential of rebirth of yourself within the vastness of your sacred heart.
YOUR DIVINE BLUEPRINT We are here to support your interactions within these newly formed energetic structures. Within the doorway we are to hold the pure matrix form of light that mirrors your Divine blueprint of your Higher Self. This mirroring will allow you to fully utilize the opened multidimensional frequency held within the space of this womb. This womb is designed to bring you into a state of rebalancing within the higher realm of your own multidimensional frequency, and for you to consciously stabilize within your heart. The true awakener to these higher realms is held within each cell. The transmitter, which exists within every individual heart cell, is your pathway home. Each cell carries the multidimensional potential for your full enlightenment process. The transmitter, which is electrical in nature, has the potential to carry an amazing frequency of pure light. The cells also emit a powerful transmission of your unique God frequency outwards to the Universal realms. Through this process there is an opening of a telepathic exchange that takes place within your brain. This communion activated within your brain reopens an expansion of a communication process naturally within you. These openings within the brain will launch you into fulfilling pre-agreements with other life force groups in the Universe, including a reconnection with family of origin members. This process is liberating you. Allow the redirection and repositioning of your essential alliances that are destined to support you during this phase of your transition.
MULTIDIMENSIONAL REALMS These interactions with the activated transmitters in your heart cells will continue to play the role as a compass for you within the vast multidimensional realms. They naturally are able to adjust and align you to the aspects of your Higher Self. Stabilizing you as you evolve within reconnections. The transmitters create a reflection, by holding the essence of your divine frequency in front of you. This opens the love of your Higher Self to nourish your human element. What is essential at this juncture is to work consciously to align within your heart cells and to claim your heritage within this alignment. You are ready to receive this reconnection. Through this conscious process, the cells of your heart now come into a full self-realization state and are able to support your full divine reconnection. Remember, by nature you are a multidimensional being and this is your moment to relocate your awareness and realign into your natural ability of Being.
Take the time right now to open within your heart with your awareness. Breathe and let go within the space of your heart. Feel how the energy within the cells draws your awareness inwards, like a magnet. Open your awareness within the space of your heart. Through this space you will be engaged by this reflected frequency, which carries a deeper understanding of this time within your Earth plane. Here you can receive the insights of the importance of this next step that you are consciously choosing to take for yourself.
BIRTHING YOURSELF This whole journey has always been about you being the one to birth yourself. “You are who you have been waiting for.” All this time you have been waiting to reconnect to the sacred aspect of yourself. This entire multidimensional mirroring of this process has only been possible through the energetic framework being held between the resonating vibrations within the network created by the sacred sites. The anchoring of this pure space was made manifest during the repositioning of the sun. These doorways will continue to play an essential role for you and there will be a continual upgrading of this frequency, which will open up a series of pivotal roles for your evolution. The “Corridor of Light” has now been fully activated and positioned throughout your Earth plane. The essence of the light has shifted the illusion that has held many of you within a limitation of your potential experiences. Now you can effortlessly move beyond the veils of illusion and anchor into a higher profile moving you rapidly into reconnections to your higher consciousness.
SEEK YOUR BLESSINGS Beyond these veils, the doorway opens for you, and opportunity opens for you to actively seek your blessing, through a conscious choice action, from a Source that is yours to receive now. These blessings belong to you only, and can be utilized only by your heart cells. The active transmitters within your heart cells utilize the energy held within the multidimensional blessings. These individual blessings carry unique light that will propel and realign you into different states of awakening designed to activate innate gifts of your spiritual soul. The new framework held by the collective sites is actively engaged with the transmitters of your heart. This is how your heart was always meant to function and to be fulfilled as a sacred tool. This activation of your heart tool has been designed expressly to support you into being able to relink back into your natural multidimensional factor of your Higher Self. This is the time for you to reconnect to this other aspect of Self, which has been fully intact just beyond the veil. The plan is for you to actively and consciously reengage with your Higher Self, living the sacred aspect of yourself within your day-to-day life while you still have your human experience and expression. This is your mission in this lifetime. see CORRIDOR OF LIGHT on p. 10
continued from p. 8
PROCESS: ACTIVELY OPEN WITHIN YOUR HEART CELLS Consciously open up and engage within your heart cells with the “Corridor of Light” through this process: 1. Align to your heart by placing both your palms on your chest. Bring your awareness where your hand and chest meet. Take a conscious breath, and direct your breath, like a soft wind, into your heart. Breathe and let go. The letting go aligns you into your heart cells. Take a moment to claim your heart as a doorway to home. As you do this, the cells of your heart will begin to respond and open up to you, then the energy from the “Corridor of Light” can begin to flood your heart cells. This conscious action by you allows this new awakening to proceed. This is you birthing you consciously. Continue to bring your conscious breath within your heart until you feel sense or see the doorway begin to open up to you. The opening might feel like heat, vibration, a color or an energetic change, or it may take the form of the space feeling fluid. Just let go with each breath and allow your process to unfold within your heart space. 2. At a certain moment, when the doorway is experienced by you in some way, begin to bring this sound into the opening: ANNN…DEAHNNN (pronounced: annn-dee-annn). Bring the sound three times within your heart. You bring the sound through the doorway, and open your awareness as the frequency of your sound enters the space. Open your awareness within the space and feel, sense or see the energy of your sound open through and interact within the heart cells. Your experience may be of a further opening as the heart cells receive the sound, and you open deeper to the “Corridor of Light” energy. Use your breath within the space you find yourself and let go, which aligns you deeper within the opening space. Use the sound until you feel complete with this opening. 3. Now begin to bring your hands off your chest and as you do this feel how the space within your heart expands and opens up. Bring your awareness within this space and bring your sound, ANNN… DEAHNNN, within the opening. Breathe and let go, aligning deeper within the space. Continue to use the sound until you are fully aligned to this space. (Note: Each time you do this entire process you are actively engaging with the “Corridor of Light.”) Know that all is in hand at this sacred time on your Earth plane. We witness you as you birth. Blessings, The Pleiadians. a CHRISTINE DAY is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author. Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live. Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete self-healing. Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally. Visit www. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
A NIGHT OF SACRED CHANTS A special night of chanting, music, spiritual joy and yogic awareness inspired by the music of Paramahansa Yogananda will be led by the Wild Moon Bhaktas and Rev. Alan Pritz this month in St. Paul. “A Night of Sacred Chants by Yogananda” will take place from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 12, at Weyerhaeuser Chapel at Macalester College, 1604 Grand Ave. A suggested donation at the door is $10-$15 for adults and $5 for students. Yogananda, the famed author of Autobiography of a Yogi, first introduced Indian-inspired chanting to Western audiences in the 1920s. He left a rich legacy of chants in English, both original compositions and translations of traditional Indian chants. Yogananda said, “Music is a divine art, to be used not only for pleasure but as a path to God-Realization. Vibrations resulting from devotional singing lead to attunement with the Cosmic Vibration or the Word.” On this night nothing but Yogananda chants and musical adaptations of his sacred inspirations will played. Join us with two performers who have introduced Yogananda’s music to a new generation of Americans. No experience necessary. a
A COLLECTIVE GATHERING OF ENLIGHTENING MEDITATION A new year is a time for rebirth, renewal, rejuvenation, replenishment and rejoice. There is no better way to embrace this rekindling of the spirit than communal meditation. The public is invited from January 6-12 to follow the lead of Master Chunyi Lin and three Tibetan Monks in a collective gathering of enlightening meditation. This seven-day Chanting and Blessing Meditation will take place on the ocean’s deep and ancient waters, aboard a cruise ship at sea. From such an enchanted location as this, the weeklong sacred ceremony of blessing will be broadcast across the world to the benefit of all beings. All of those who wish to share in the spiritual connection of participating in this chanting and blessing meditation can do so for free, twice daily for a whole week. Complete details are at https://bit. ly/2CcSpbD You don’t have to be familiar with practicing chants or meditation to reap the benefits of this spiritual recharging. Even if you’ve never done any meditation at all before, you are still encouraged to sign up for free and join in this blessed week of celebration. For one hour each day, broken up into morning and evening segments of 30 minutes each, you can join in on the celebration and feel the healing benefits of focused meditation. All you have to do is set aside half an hour each morning for one week, and half an hour each evening. Master Chunyi Lin and the three Tibetan Monks will take care of the rest, and they will guide you through the meditative chants and blessings designed to rejuvenate the soul. Different chanting prayers will be delivered each of the seven days, and live audio streaming will occur daily so that you can tune in and join in from
wherever you want. Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, founder and creator of Spring Forest Qigong, has put this blessed event together for the benefit of all, and he has enlisted the help of the three Tibetan Monks. In a world that can seem so tremendously chaotic at times, this week of blessed meditation and prayer is designed to bring us all together into cohesive unity. A refreshing renewal will be evident to all of those who choose to participate, and our world will be better because of it. If we can all just set aside our differences for one week and rejoice in the beauty of the world and the life with which it flows, we can all achieve a more wholesome and peaceful existence. By looking both inside and out, we can come together in prayer and bless the year, the world, and life itself. This epic week will commence at 7 p.m. (Central Time) Sunday, January 6 with A Prayer for All Living Beings. The next six days through to Saturday January 12 will feature morning and evening meditative prayer sessions of chants and blessings at both 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Central. The next five days will include five different blessed meditative prayer Sutras. The last day will culminate with a chant to transform all negative karmas. Each day will feature a different chanting prayer, and Master Chunyi Lin and the three Tibetan Monks will be there for guidance every step of the way. Healing and protection will be emphasized, along with cultivation of a nurturing environment for peace and love. The positivity and transformative spiritual cleansing obtained through this meditative process will be felt by all those who choose to participate in this wondrous occasion. a
A YEAR BY DANIEL A I. NORRIS A year Is more Than one rotation of earth Around the sun It is also a rotation Of the earth Around itself 365 times And one quarter We, like the earth Rotate From one experience to another Love turns into Loss turns into Pain turns into Understanding turns into Friendship turns into Growth turns into Love And the sun Is there Bearing witness
To our human struggle To accept That the earth Will rotate around the sun Once again This year And we will be different At the end of it As we rotate around ourselves And the suns in our lives 365 times And one quarter Until We stop. a DANIELA I. NORRIS is a former diplomat, turned political writer, and with age and wisdom — inspirational author and speaker. She is the author of five books of fiction and non-fiction, and her second novel, Premonitions, is due out from Roundfire Books in June 2019. Daniela lives with her family near Geneva, Switzerland, and is a founding member and panelist on the International Grief Council ( and Inspired Writing Retreat ( COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE BY DR. STEWART BITKOFF Excerpt from Beyond The River’s Gate Each of us Is an eternal Child of the Universe. Traveling from world to world Living on As Beings of conscious energy; Creating one adventure after another. In our present form We are bound by physical laws. When sickness and death enter We forget for a time Our individual greatness and invincibility. Caught up in the moment Of pain and suffering. Wondering why It has to be this way? O Child of Light Remember this is but one port of call. One stop of endless possibility Along the glorious voyage Home. Here we explore The many aspects of Creation; Learning, partners in the Divine Plan. a DR. STEWART BITKOFF is an avid student of Sufi Mysticism and the perennial philosophy. He holds a doctorate in education and has served as a faculty member for six colleges and universities. He is the author of numerous books, including Beyond The River’s Gate, Light on the Mountain and The World of Pond Stories. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Affirm: ‘I have the Power to Choose’ A Monthly Affirmation
BY CHARLOTTE “MAMA” ROSE WHEN DESIRING THE manifestation of a dream, any dream, we often look as far out as we can in an effort to assemble the pieces, test the water and find the limitations so that we can work within them. This month, I invite you to re-frame the process of manifestation completely by remembering that you have the power to choose. In fact, “choice” is synonymous with both “power” and “intention,” and since we are in power in every moment, we are always choosing and creating a life that reflects our choices. So, it would serve us well to notice what choices we’re making and why! If you feel powerless ask yourself, “What choice do I have in this moment?” Perhaps it’s the power to tell yourself a different story, to re-frame the narrative of the current situation or your past. Perhaps it’s the choice to take action in speech or in movement. Perhaps it’s the choice to feel whatever you are feeling without telling that feeling how to behave within you. It’s important to note that not every moment is an “action” moment, although every moment is a “choosing” moment. For example, when you’re considering what to do later, you are in a “choosing” moment but not in an “action” moment. It isn’t the time to “do” what you are thinking about doing later, therefore, action is not a choice. Your choice is what to give your attention to. In other words, what thoughts are you aware of and what are you doing with them? How do you feel? The focus is turned to your inner experience. In a sense, this is action as well, but for the purposes of this explanation we’ll use “action” to mean “outward expression.” Inner experience is not contained within the body. The “idea” that we are experiencing from within the body is just that, an idea, and it is a choice to accept that idea as truth. I invite you to choose differently. Each time you notice a belief, you have the opportunity to choose what to do with it. One option is to choose to accept it without question, and this is often what we do when a belief serves us. Another option is to question the belief and see if there is a more inclusive belief that you can try on instead. Inclusive means including more parts of yourself, expanding your awareness, allowing the wisdom and knowledge that you carry innately to inform your experience. There is no reason in this life to be
limited, and any belief that you have that says there is deserves to be brought to question. You will not lose anything when you expand to include more of yourself — you keep all of your parts and you can see how they move, how they work together and how you can better utilize them in relationship to one another. The “ego,” then, is not something to be feared, discarded or transcended. It is a lens through which you view yourself and your world. It is the surface of the mirror that is you reflected both outwardly and inwardly. When you come home and rest in your power to choose, you are able to not only change what the lens allows you to see but also to expand your “vision” beyond the lens entirely and see what it sees and more simultaneously. When you let the larger part of you inform the lens as to what it should be looking at, you take the pressure off of the lens to know how to direct itself. If you’ve heard of the Law
of Attraction, you might know this as choosing what you are “aligned” with or what you “magnetically attract” into your experience. So, when you find yourself considering a dream — and asking, “Is it right? Is it possible? How can I make this happen?”— remind your lovely self that if it’s within you, you can choose to experience it and that you have the power to choose. a To work intentionally with this concept in a one-to-one setting, contact Mama Rose at contact@ CHARLOTTE “MAMA” ROSE is an artist, psychic and mother of two based in St. Paul, MN. With a constantly evolving worldview, she is passionate about both listening to and expressing herself to others through music, writing, poetry, visual art and healing arts. Charlotte offers one-to-one creative work, psychic development and healing sessions. Find more on www.mamarose. blog and on Instagram @dearmamarose. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
January Horoscope: Get Organized Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac
BY HE ATHER ROAN ROBBINS AS 2019 DAWNS, THE SUN conjuncts competent Saturn and reminds us that this is a dynamic, serious year. Mars enters brash Aries, giving us the energy to meet it. We need to believe in our competence and work steadily to improve our world. Let’s enjoy ourselves along the way, but keep our eye on the prize. So spend some time thinking about the concept of prize; our critique is important, but look for the positive reframe, the goal, both personally, for the body politic, and for the Earth itself. Mars in feisty Aries (through mid February) cranks up the volume on our personal and cultural revolutions, but doesn’t impart maturity. We need to guide that Aries combustion engine carefully, and put our rebellion into service for those goals. Look for a pivot towards change as retrograde Uranus, the cosmic clutch, turns direct on a Solar eclipse January 5. Venus enters enthusiastic Sagittarius January 7 and the natural world calls out for renewal. January 11-13 gives us clues to our next assignment as the Sun conjuncts Pluto. Creative imagination and affection are fomented as Venus trines Mars mid-month. The Sun enters collaborative Aquarius on January 20. A full Leo Moon, lunar eclipse January 21 demands we balance our personal needs with what the world needs from us. We need to pace ourselves this year, take care of ourselves and our beloved relationships so we can stay in there and do good work.
Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Fresh energy helps you leap out of the gate, just don’t run into a wall; lead with enthusiasm, but choose battles carefully. People see you with fresh eyes, which works to your advantage. Stay steady through some frustration around January 21, momentum returns by January 25. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…You may learn through some tough challenges this month; be thoughtfully assertive rather than passive-aggressive or belligerent. Notice that your sense of self evolves in response. Develop opportunity January 13-18, share your warm heart, comfort and creative approach January 22 as Venus conjuncts Jupiter. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Energize your social circle, live life to the fullest but don’t be distracted by others’ drama. Stay on target with your own direction, even as you share and facilitate the network. Take your work seriously and sidestep unnecessary confrontation January 8–3. Appreciate a creative resurgence mid-month. Relaxation seeps in after January 24. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…If relationships feel challenging as the month begins, it’s not personal; listen to your beloveds and help them shoulder a new responsibility. If your work calls for a firm assertiveness, make it about the work, not about you. January 5-6 and 21, flexibility and balance reward you.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…You may have new confidence and energy, for your mojo returns with Mars and Venus in fire signs. Get organized through January 7, and then reach out. Think through consequences carefully January 11 and 21. Find a new audience for your voice after January 28. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Get organized early January, organize your own life, not others. You may need to make important strategic decisions mid-month; let go of one goal to embrace another. Invest time and energy into your creative process. Options may look like they’re narrowing but may actually deepen. News arrives around January 29. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Tend to serious issues at home, whether they’re real, or just on people’s minds. Don’t try to diffuse angry people; listen to their story, they will relax when they feel heard. Life eases after January 7, and opportunity and romance linger January 17-22. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…While others are starting new projects, you may still need to complete long-term work, and not get distracted by drama around you. Bring it to conclusion; new beginnings are stirring and will need room. Feel appreciated mid-January. Realize you have the competitive edge January 25. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Use a new warmth and buoyancy to expand your world as Venus enters Sagittarius on January 6. Help people find the words for what’s hard to say. You may not think realistically mid-January, so confirm fact and consequences. Let your heart expand after January 22. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…Keep eyes open for the first sparks of new work or direction January 4-7. Choose your direction carefully; life can bring major changes these next two years. Speak up January 13. Don’t take frustrations personally January 20-21, and let imagination roam around January 31. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Although activity picks up January 7, pace yourself; prioritize health and rest when you need until January 20. Speak clearly through any confusion mid-month. Your efforts will be seen and appreciated, your creativity find form as the sun enters Aquarius January 20. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Adjust your material world; take action to fix, procure, start a new house project. Just watch a tendency to overspend. Look for opportunities at work after January 7, open-hearted tactfulness can solve problems. January 22-26 opens doors. a HEATHER ROAN ROBBINS is a heart-centered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years’ experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She’s trained in astro-locality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses them at the core of her spiritual counseling. For a daily view, read Starcodes at COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
How Do You Uplift the World? BY CHRISTOPHE JAVON FIRST, UNDERSTAND THAT IT is not “necessary” to solve the suffering of the world. Solve your own. It’s enough. Because if you can do that, you have already uplifted all out of suffering. Second, it is not “necessary” to bring joy to the world. Mind you, the world can do fine without you. Bring joy to your own life. Because if you can do that, you have already lit up the world. We are one is not a cute concept. There is a direct law of cause and effect between the state of vibration of every molecule in your body and everything that shows up on the stage of your perceptions, no matter how “outer” you think it is. The one thread that unites us all is love. The love from a mother to her child is the same on every continent. If you want to heal the world, first heal your relationship with your mother. The umbilical cord was your first connection to mother and was your anchor between the spirit world and the physical world. In the exact same way (of course, it’s not coincidental as the physical builds on the blueprint of spirit), there is an invisible cord that connects you to the whole universe.
Think about it: before you were born, you passed through the tunnel from spirit to physical, the exact reverse of what people are familiar with in the form of the light in the tunnel in the near-death experience. How you know if you are complete with any relationship (not just your mother), past or present, in the body or on the other side is the same for all. When you picture yourself sitting in front of that person, do you feel warmth in your heart and a tender smile on your face? Is there only love and joy flowing? If not, speak your truth until you can come to a place of letting go of what is holding you back from your joy. You think I am mystical? Not at all. I am very down to earth. I just tell it like it is. We are children of the universe, united in an infinite stream of individual consciousnesses — is there such plural? And I am not asking about grammar. Look at the root. What is the root that gives birth to the play of appearances? I will leave you with this very open-ended question. It is the essence of the spiritual quest. The moment your quest is not openended, it is dead and sterile, for to be open is the essence of life. a CHRISTOPHE JAVON is the author of four books on the spiritual journey (The Inner Journey) where he shares with vulnerability his own journey of realizations and insights. Visit or www. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Insights on the Energies of 2019 BY SOPHIA ROY CHOUDHURY, M.D.
THE YEAR 2019 WILL SEE A HUGE letting go of stagnant and blocked energies from the Collective Consciousness of the world. New, powerful, rejuvenating energies will pervade the Earth. This will happen with the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine coming together, in an attempt to balance the energies of the Cosmos. Duality consciousness will start shifting into Oneness. The female will arise like the phoenix to lead the male back into the Garden of Eden. The Fruit of Wisdom will be Universe’s Gift for all those who seek to eat of it. Children have taken upon themselves to be teachers of their parents and the world, at a great cost to their own physical, emotional and mental being. Some will even sacrifice themselves to impact the shift of world consciousness to peace and love. It is through their great love that the world will embrace non-violence in many spheres of life. There will be more guardians and Earth Keepers of Mother Earth, who will outnumber those that harm, poison and starve our planet. Though small and insignificant in numbers at present, individuals in various capacities will take ownership of cleaning mountains and water bodies. More trees will be planted and innovative ways of water conservation will emerge. Organic farming and consumers will be on the rise. Artificial disease-causing seeds will be gradually destroyed. Animal hunting tourism and legal killing of wildlife will face great resistance and eradication from awakened individuals worldwide. Wildlife will experience high levels of friendship and security with humans. The youth will awaken to their social responsibility of caring for the old, sick, hungry and the deprived. They will find innovative methods of doing this, modeled on ancient ways of community living and support. Addictions will be rampant and at the beginning of its end. Addictions will burn themselves out to reveal a young consciousness of enlightenment and trust in the Universe. Education systems will offer more holistic and animated methods of learning. Ancient ways of life like shamanism will come into their own. 1 6 WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET
Greatly gifted and talented children have been born over the past decade, and their numbers will increase. Many of them are highly sensitive and different individuals. They will bring great peace, learning and love into the world. Many creations and discoveries by young children and youth in the field of arts, literature, science, math, anthropology, philosophy and architecture are predicted, and many have already made their presence felt. These will be known and broadcast to the world. Spirituality and spiritual sciences will spread across the world very rapidly. Spiritual sexuality will be practiced, and there will be a greater tolerance of sexual orientations. Transgenders will experience great spiritual understanding and acceptance of themselves. Many of these will contribute to New World Wisdom. Scientists are realizing dangers of creating weapons of mass destruction and many will work towards peace. A greater consciousness will arise to bring peace to the womb, home and environment. This will accelerate harmony in the community and world. a SOPHIA ROY CHOUDHURY, M.D. (Alternative Medicine) is a clairvoyant and healing channel. She is a trained and certified therapist/trainer in many modalities of healing, including meditation, past-life regression, breath work, family constellation, inner child work, energy work and shamanism. She is a Tantra and couples workshop facilitator who created Pink Heart Tantra Wisdom, the only one of its kind worldwide. She conducts workshops and healing sessions for individuals, groups and institutions. Sophia has worked for India’s flagship aviation carrier, Air India, for 32 years. She founded the Cosmic Wisdom Sharing Foundation in memory of her son who was martyred in 2006 while on active military duty. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2019 Predictions for Humanity BY LY NMARIE8 ALL OF THIS INFORMATION was received from Source. There are two timelines for humanity: the first, involving those who are ready to transition into 5D, will take place in early spring; the second timeline will have everyone else continue to get ready until they are ready to move forward in 12 different timelines and realities. Humanity will see the old paradigm — systems that enslaved and harmed, representing duality, polarity, have and have nots and limitations — crumble. The new reality that comes in will be from love. It will integrate and transition in with grace and ease. Humanity will need to learn how to co-create with Source and love, as old ways are no longer supported. Humanity will see and hear massive amounts of truth and disclosure, changes that will blow them away so much they will have a hard time comprehending all of it. Humanity will start to understand the truth of who they really are, and why they have been stuck in quarantine on Earth and this sector. Most of humanity is done rejecting Source and Source’s love. a LYNMARIE8 is an intuitive, medical intuitive, medium, ordained minister and founder of Love Consciousness® and Beyond Quantum Consciousness®, acknowledging all complementary methods of healing, including traditional medicine. With the use of Love Consciousness® and Beyond Quantum Consciousness® other modalities become more effective, helping you make a change easily and “shift” to making lasting changes in your life and moving forward on a healing journey. LynMarie connects directly with Source, sending that direct energy to you. You will see, feel, and receive changes, mentally, physically, spiritually, with DNA, cellar changes. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
A Spectacular Year to Create BY ANGEL A BL AHA 2019 IS GOING TO BE A spectacular year! This is the baseline for the next five years and everything you create in 2019 will manifest over the next five to seven years. IF you have always wanted to create an empire — now is the time to do it. It is important to note that if you are hanging on to old patterns and belief systems, you will not manifest as quickly or easily as those who are focused on the New Earth and the New Human. Many of the new human qualities are available and accessible for those who are in authentic alignment with their soul self. The key here is “soul self.” 2019 is calling you to be very focused in all areas of your life. Being completely present and in constant awareness of your beliefs, emotions and thoughts and how you are using this awareness to manifest will help you align. Being hyper aware of where you are lacking in your life is part of the focus, but knowing how to change those areas into alignment is crucial because in the New Earth we work in wholeness, which means all areas of your life must be authentic and equal. All areas of your life are being fully supported with the alignment of the soul. This means that if there are areas of lack, they are not supported as those paradigms have been uncreated. This basically means that there is no longer any energy to support the activities of lack, and pain and suffering will increase. If you try to give those areas energy, there will only be more lack. Transformation is what is needed to bring those areas into alignment with your truth and wisdom. Transformation does not have to be hard, but it does require you being very truthful with yourself. An opportunity to align to this magnitude has not happened in human history before, so there is no blueprint available and we are creating it as we go. We have a huge opportunity to return to our natural abilities to create; the difference now is the way in which we create. What is required to move away from and out of the beliefs of separation is to focus on your transformation and release the old patterns and paradigms. Create 2019 with your intentions. How do you want every day to flow? If you use intentions to create every day, flow and alignment and transformation will happen with grace and ease. You being the creator of your life is not something we have previous programming for, and it is the most exciting and amazing experience in our human history as this leads to you understanding your power. We love you dearly! a ANGELA BLAHA is a Spiritual Yogi, Ascension Master and Healer of the Western Woman. She is a channel of The Mothers. Her focus is to help humanity through the ascension process — ultimately finding peace, truth and wisdom with the help of a group consciousness she calls The Mothers. Visit or COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Akashic Masters: Exquisite Self-Care is Vital BY LISA BARNETT ACCORDING TO THE Akashic Masters, self-care will be the most crucial aspect of 2019, but it goes far beyond bubble baths and a good night’s sleep. With the upcoming year being one of the most important bridges in human evolution, how you spend your time matters now more than ever. 2018 was a challenging time in the 3rd dimension. The chaotic nature of the macrocosm was reflected in the microcosm of our individual lives. It doesn’t matter whether the disturbance came from world events, career, family or relationships, most felt it in an intense way. Whether you are anchored in the 3rd dimension reality of everyday life here on Earth or also experience the 4th dimensional plane where both light and dark still exist, the Akashic Masters call us all to be aware that evolution is pulling us toward the 5th dimension, a place outside time and space where infinite wisdom exists – the place our souls call home. The idea of existing in a space without physical suffering, where ego and fear are but a memory, sounds blissful and the good news is that each of us can access it. The reality, however, is that the energetic resistance from those who don’t want to surrender the idea of worldly possessions as the hallmark of success means we must up our game to enter the 5th dimension and integrate its power into our lives. The Akashic Masters tell us the 5th dimension is coming into being right now. You’ll recognize your energy is in this new higher vibration when you notice instant manifesting and the appearance of soul family members. We have experienced more portals to this world in 2018 than ever before. You get to choose: remain committed to the material world, with all its disorder and discord, or
step into the peace and wisdom that awaits us all in a new world. If you choose the latter, you must be committed to a different kind of self-nurturing. Many of us are used to the self-care of Western culture that involves pedicures, healthy food and work-life balance. While these remain important, there are other ways we need to demonstrate love and nurturing to ourselves if we are to open the door to the 5th dimension and support the evolution of our species: • SPIRITUAL PRACTICE – Do you have one that is consistent? If not, now is the time to develop the habit of spending time focused on your soul. There are many ways to do this — prayer, meditation, yoga (www. or even art (www.edgemagazine. net/2016/06/painting-as-spiritual-practice/) have the power to connect us to that world. Do what you can while remembering that consistency yields the highest return on the investment of your time. • GRATITUDE – In a post-Oprah world, the word may seem a little clichéd, but there is nothing as powerful as the feeling of deep appreciation. Even on the lousiest of days, you can find a handful of things for which to be grateful — a reliable car, hot water, clean sheets, a friend who answers the phone. Recognition of the bounty in your life is a brick in the foundation of the 5th dimension. • AWARENES S –The world appears to moving at such a rapid pace and we have become adept multi-taskers. The downside is that you can’t be present in the moment when you’ve split it into three or four segments. Without presence, there is no awareness. As the energetic frequency of the world moves toward this new dimension, instant manifestations will become more common and we can connect to new members of our soul
group who are here to support us. Notice these things and acknowledge your gratitude. • POSITIVITY – This doesn’t mean acquiring a Pollyanna-ish attitude that denies the existence of things that may frustrate you. What it does require is a conscious commitment to eliminating as much negativity in your life as possible, both internally and externally. What do you say to yourself that is not kind or loving? How often do you watch the news, which mostly rehashes ugliness designed to separate us? Are there people who deplete you with their complaining or perspective? • STEADINESS – On the way to the 5th dimension, we must pass through the astral plane of the 4th dimension. Both light and dark exist in this place and sometimes it’s confusing when we are committed to rising above the material world and find ourselves in a place of anger, disappointment or sadness. Remind yourself that each moment is transient. Nothing lasts forever. • GENEROSITY – To support the connected nature of the 5th dimension, ask yourself what you can offer to the world. At a time of year where most are contemplating what they want to get out of 2019, I encourage you to ask what you can give. Whether it’s volunteering (, providing a way for like-minded people to gather or simply a commitment to do something kind every day, giving back is a powerful way to usher in this new world. 2019 will be an important year in our history and the Akashic Masters implore us to remember that as we make inroads to a new normal, it can be a bumpy journey, or we can make it easier by offering ourselves exquisite self-care in a way that supports our participation in evolution. Either way, we are headed to a chapter in the story of humanity and each of us gets to choose how we walk that path. a LISA BARNETT is an international bestselling author and the founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom, where she teaches students to access personal Soul wisdom and Akashic guidance to support their lives. Lisa empowers us to find greater fulfillment, happiness and abundance. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
To Everything Turn, Turn, Turn… BY JE AN WALLIS …AND A TIME FOR EVERY purpose under Heaven. Just as in this song recorded by the Byrds in 1965 and written in the Bible (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8), we now begin a brand new year, filled with the potential for all possibilities. The first thing to note is 2019 is a number 3 year in numerology (2 + 1 + 9 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3). Three is a powerful number. It is the first number of creation. It is the birth canal for the rest of the numbers! It is the vesica piscis in sacred geometry. It is the gateway to new beginnings! With this in mind, we can expect 2019 to bring about a large number of new experiences, new inventions, new systems replacing old ones that are falling apart, new leaderships, new concepts of creation, new, new, new. Now that means change, change, change, and as humans we are not always happy about that, so prepare yourself in the way you find best to be a flexible human being this year. You can start by taking yourself out of your comfort zone gradually. Take a little different route to work or doing errands; shop at a different location even if the same store name; try a different beverage; start flexing yourself. Stay out of judgment and criticism just because something is new. Also, in 2019, we can expect the appearance of chaos to continue; it may even appear more chaotic. Reorganization always appears as chaos! Think about this: when you blow out a candle, the smoke from the wick goes up in a steady stream for a while, then goes wiggly, then turns to gas and is invisible. Our society is like that smoke stream. We had been in steadiness in the past, giving us the false appearance of stability, and now are in the reorganization stage, which appears as the wiggly
chaos, on our way to collective spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and full embodiment of our Divinity! Spirit recently spoke to me about this. The message was that this chaos is a vital part of our evolutionary experience. It is part of the process. It is up to us to allow, not to resist or try to control, whether on a personal or societal level. It is necessary so the reorganization can complete as intended and not get kinked up with our human desire or attachment. You know, sometimes when we start to change a habit or do some new spiritual practice, all of a sudden we may see things changing in our lives; friends drop away, jobs change, money flow shifts, and things can seem pretty chaotic. Often we will then try to get a grip on things and try to control everything, more driven by fear than by love and acceptance. When we start to mess with the chaotic reorganization process, we are going to affect the outcome of the reorganization, which will affect our manifestation. We are in the cocoon stage of development. To poke that with a stick will not produce a butterfly at the end. So, as we see the chaos that may continue and even exacerbate in our society and our own lives in 2019, know it is just part of the process of growth and allow, just allow. Ride above it. Be in your heart. Know Spirit is with you. Trust. Be kind to yourselves, dear ones, and enjoy the new growth presented in 2019! The last line of the song is, “A time for peace, I swear it’s not too late.” a JEAN WALLIS is a visionary Doctor of Metaphysics, Psychic, Master Healer, Metaphysical Business Advisor, writer and meditation teacher who connects with Spirit to deliver positive, empowering perspectives through all aspects of her Spiritual expression. You can contact her for a reading, healing, or to start a meditation practice at 612.874.1453. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2019: A Year of Change BY ANNE BR ADY WITH ALL THE ANTICIPATION of what the new year will bring, 2019 will be noted for changing perspectives and raising vibrations. I went on a Shamanic journey this year to receive guidance and information for this upcoming year and was somewhat surprised at some of what I was told. 2019 may bring struggle for many. I was told, with incredible love, that we will see struggles and discomfort in this coming year, in people who perhaps have been considered to be untouchable. All is not lost, and this should not be taken negatively. These struggles are intended to bring us all back to a perspective of recognizing our “need” for one another. In our perception of unlimited strength, we have taken an attitude of division and isolation directed by an unhealthy ego mind, and this next year is about redeveloping our unity, our oneness. “Our ego shall be tamed through our discomfort” is what I was told. This “need” for each other is one of integration and well-being, neighboring and creating true caring for and about our neighbors (next door and around the planet). By seeing one another as “needed” or “necessary to our existence,” it encourages us to reach out with support and encouragement, and to raise the consciousness from which we operate. 2019 is a year of raising our individual and collective vibration. While I’m aware this is an ongoing growth process, our very connection to one another, this “need” that we’re developing, will catapult our expansion and evolution. By raising our consciousness in relation to each other, we also will raise our attention to the planet and all of her inhabitants. The wisdom of my teachers filled me with their incredible love. Source holds us in the totality of love, and nothing less. While we may see struggles, they are only for our growth, see CHANGE on p. 21
Realizing Freedom in 2019 BY RY N OLIV ER I LOVE IT WHEN THE old meets the new. A couple of months ago, Mom said during a weekly phone conversation, “Universe, energy, whatever you want to call it, it’s God.” I continued our conversation without pause, even though inside I was taken aback by my prophetess mom whose biblical expertise was surpassed only by her love for God. She had never deviated from her theology and, heaven forbid, discussing anything metaphysical or new thought. Many years passed since we discussed spiritual development, which had led to spats regarding my expansion from fundamentalism versus her zealous faith. Our relationship had softened over the years since we decided to avoid the controversial subject. In my quest for truth, I did not desert my biblical foundation. It was my starting point for awakening, and new thoughts and teachings are often supported by my original scriptural teachings. So, this new communication with Mom was refreshing.
CONSCIOUSNESS Recently, I was surprised again by a devout Catholic friend who announced her idea that God is consciousness. “It’s the only thing that makes sense.” She heard the idea on an episode of the television series, “Alien Encounters.” She thought I’d laugh. “No,” I said, “we can get messages anywhere whenever we are open to receive.” A sense of wonder washed over me, remembering the slight uneasiness I carried for several years should she ever find out how liberal my beliefs were compared to her Catholicism. Hearing the announcement of her progressive concept was inspiring. My friend’s experience reminded me of the Scripture, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people” (Acts 2:17), and I have indeed seen awakening and enlightenment nearly everywhere I turn
for the last several years. That pleasant, yet remarkable, peace each time the Divine is revealed runs deeper and broader with every encounter. Like a fly appearing out of nowhere, though, I became aware of a twinge of fear amid my peace. The words, “last days” had always brought me discomfort. I had not yet reconciled the idea of end times as I had done with so many other seemingly fearful and misunderstood doctrines. “Last-day” warnings did not seem like the Good News that the Gospels professed to be.
TRANSITIONAL TIMES In her blog “What is the Fifth Dimension?” Vidya Frazier writes, “We are currently in what’s been called ‘transitional times’ or the ‘end times,’” and she goes on to discuss encounters with transitioning from one dimension to the next ( what-is-the-fifth-dimension/). Of course! Why didn’t I think of “days” and “times” as being the same as “ages” — periods of time
that come to an end before a new age or time period begins? Because I was still in transition. Now, by the light of this new insight, that dark, nagging fear about the words “end times” no longer has a home in me. My marriage also recently began its own transition. In a short time, my husband and I have begun to realize new levels of personal authenticity. We find our relationship in mysteriously delightful spaces at times, uncanny only because neither of us have experienced reciprocal awakening before. Our marriage is entering a higher dimension through individual and mutual growth. Conversations with my awakening family and friends are no longer driven by the worldly trepidations that appear to be intensifying. We have discovered an age of serenity within our individual selves that has captured our attention and makes the outside turbulence less palpable. As we rest in and experience this new phase, ascertaining all that it means to us, we find that it’s not just for us at all. Sharing and hearing the Good News from others, we recognize a delightful, collective consciousness. In less than a year, I have seen new levels of shared empathy in relationship to my husband, my mom and my good friend. How these were all preceded by a restored relationship with myself is a longer story, still very Good News for a forthcoming piece. These stories reveal that we are being ushered into a dimension where releasing those old, binding energies will be easier than ever before, even instinctive and spontaneous. 2019 will be the year of freedom. a RYN OLIVER is a writer and spiritual mentor whose faith provides insight and strength for everyday living. Recently retired from the business world, she is pursuing healing and teaching education and activities. Ryn is an active member of her local writer’s group, Writers of Kern (WoK) and has been published in The Edge and WoK’s 2018 Anthology titled Reaching for the Sky. You can reach her at COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
A Message from Mother Earth for All of Us BY MARIANNE SOUCY AS WE ENTER 2019, a key message came through for us all in one of my Sacred Spirit Journeys. It was an invitation from Mother Earth that touched me deeply. I will share the message below and let it speak for itself. May the invitation from the Earth inspire you and bring you hope. “We embrace and need those who come in gratitude and share their love with all beings. At this point in time we are calling for our children to come home, to reconnect with their mother — Earth — and to honor the home that is their gift bestowed upon them as they were given birth to and as they entered this earthly life. “We call on all Earth’s beings now, especially humans, to return home with gifts of gratitude and appreciation. Many gifts are available to you at all times, given by us freely and lovingly, in abundance and with infinite beauty and wonder. However, if you destroy your home and lose the connection with your Earth home, you also lose the connection with your soul, and consequently you feel lost. In that state of anger and fear, destruction often follows as we see so clearly now in many places. “There is still time to save yourselves, if you do not wait. “The remedy for your collective soul loss is to return to the Earth, to re-establish a loving relationship with the Earth that you live on, and to embrace all Earth’s beings as your relatives. Earth is your home! If you destroy your home, you destroy yourselves. Let go of your fear, your anger, drop your weapons of destruction, and enter the embrace of forgiveness that we hold for those who come to us from the heart. see MOTHER EARTH on p. 22
continued from p. 19
or spiritual development. They understand beyond what we can in our human condition, that we are exceptional, we will persevere on a human plane and excel in our growth on a spiritual level. They conveyed messages of absolute adoration for us. We are loved beyond measure. Take comfort in their knowing of our grace and that in the eyes of Source, we are a gift to them, and to one another.
Love your neighbor, all of them, wherever they live, whether they have skin, feathers, fur, etc. We are all loved, we need each other to survive, and our attention to each other will be the steps we walk to our evolutionary masterpiece. a ANNE M. BRADY is a Psychic, Intuitive Coach and Energy Healer. She is the owner/operator of ONE Holistic Wellness. To contact her, visit her website at www., email anne@ oneholisticwellness, or call 320.250.9402. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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Learn more about EFT, and about holistic healing. or at and click on Podcasts JANUARY 2019 THE EDGE
Old Souls, New Era Spirit Leaves
BY JANET MICHELE RED FEATHER “THERE IS NO TIME in the Spirit World.” Cedric Red Feather’s wise words echo in my mind as I contemplate the turning of the calendar page to 2019. His teaching carries the potential to liberate us from the burden of linear thinking. We don’t have to wait for the opening of a new year in order to make resolutions. Every moment of every day affords an opportunity to assimilate the new energies sweeping over the planet. We are in a process of rapid soul expansion, about to leave behind boxed-in ways of thinking that no longer serve us. Many of us will remain stubborn and entrenched, reluctant to move out of the snug fit of a familiar grove, apprehensive about lifting and moving the phonograph needle. For those ready to listen to an unfamiliar tune, take heart: you are not alone in this path. Old souls on the planet are here to assist in the process. It’s not a self-proclaimed title; the designation “old soul” pertains to the age of the spirit. Old souls have already shifted: they’ve been around. They have reincarnated many times, and they know the drill. Old souls are
continued from p. 21
“Our mission is always to return to harmony, so release your past and any wrongdoings you may have participated in. Release it all and enter our love and sacred space with peace in your heart. “We see your soul. We see the light that shines within you. It may feel as if it is lost, but in our peace, you can reconnect with your inner light, which is also our light, for 2 2 WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET
not anxiously struggling to connect with God or the Great Spirit: they already know that we are all a part of the Great Spirit, or however you wish to think of First Creator. In the old, dualistic way of thinking, we falsely divided the Universe into opposing realms. We placed a fatherly “God” in a remote “heaven,” unknowable directly and unreachable. Many people think like this: I am here, but the Great Spirit, God, First Creator — whatever name we use for source energy — that source is far away, ignoring me, judging me, or angry with me. It’s not like that. As Cedric so eloquently puts it, “People say they will never be able to see the face of the Great Spirit. If you want to see the face of the Great Spirit, look in the faces of everyone you meet. The face of God is everywhere. It’s not about looking up to the famous ones with name recognition. The face of God is there in the ordinary, everyday people. It’s in the sparkling eyes of babies, since they are still connected and close to the Great Spirit. You sense that energy of pure love.” Old souls retain authority over their own spiritual development. Older souls are already in touch with their paranormal abil-
we are all one. We hold the hope for you. We hold the promise of a peaceful future for all, but we need you to release your burdens and meet us halfway. “Your home is calling you. We await your homecoming. Forgiveness is yours, if you choose. The strength is in your acceptance of your own vulnerability, and in letting go of the need to control. See yourself as part of a bigger whole — as part of this precious Earth we are — and you are too. “You are blessed. Embrace your birth
ities. We are beginning to take on the roles of medium, psychic, channeler and healer. Each of us brought those capabilities with us when we returned here again. We need only acknowledge and develop them, applying them to help all other beings who are journeying. It’s time now for younger souls to step up to the plate and assume their rightful place as sacred beings. They cannot continue to be driven along as cattle over fields of dogma and rules. Each of us is already connected to the creative source. We are beginning to grow beyond the need for a leader, an ambassador, an intermediary, an intercessor, a priest, a rabbi or a guru to help us communicate with the energy that created us in the first instance. Cedric reminded me just today, “We don’t need an intermediary to talk to the Great Spirit. Eliminate the middle man.” Old souls have been on this journey for a long time. They have learned through trials and experiences that the truth is where it has always been, within our own hearts. Cedric frequently reassures people who seek counsel from him, “Trust your own intuitive heart. You already have the answers you are seeking. Each person is the truth, just as he is. What is the truth? We already know the truth; the only truth is love.” You don’t need permission to pray, to perform rituals, or to become involved in ceremonies that seem appropriate to you for fostering love and a deeper connection to Spirit. Each of us has an opportunity, beginning right here and now to embody the truth. This is the “secret” carried by every old soul who has walked the Earth. a JANET MICHELE RED FEATHER, J.D., M.A., is a ceremonial singer who has learned over 60 traditional songs in Mandan and Lakota and sings in nine different languages. Janet was a full-time defense litigator in California for nearly eight years. Her life changed significantly after she traveled to North Dakota in 1993 to fast and pray for a way of life. A regular columnist for The Edge, she has also appeared in Psychic Guidepost, FATE Magazine and Species Link. Her book, Song of the Wind (2014, Galde Press), dealt with her experiences as an empath, and her journey through Mandan spiritual culture. She is currently a full-time, tenured English faculty member at Normandale Community College, having taught Composition and Literature for a span of 20 years. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
gifts and let us guide you back on your soul’s path once again. We hold the love for you. How will you choose to meet us, your relatives?” a MARIANNE SOUCY is the founder of HealingPetLoss. com and and host of the Healing Pet Loss Podcast. A bestselling author, coach and shamanic practitioner since 1997, Marianne connects with spirit guides and pets in the afterlife through her Sacred Spirit Journeys to obtain healing, guidance and empowerment for her clients. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Featured Businesses • Business Network Intuitive Network • Sacred Gatherings • Classifieds Happenings Events • Edge Talk Radio Podcasts
T O B E I N C L U D E D : C A L L 7 6 3 . 4 3 3 . 9 2 9 1 O R E M A I L C AT H Y @ E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T
Animal Services The following offer Animal Services in the Upper Midwest… and beyond: Cat Care Clinic, 1524 Mahtomedi Ave., Mahtomedi, MN 55115, 651.429.4153, — Cat Care Clinic offers a blend of Western and Eastern medicine. It is a holistic practice specializing in herbs, traditional Chinese medicine, chiropractic, nutritional therapy and behavior counseling. House calls are available in the St. Paul area. Earth & Water Wellness, 612.508.9606,, — In addition to being a very talented psychic for humans, Marie is gifted as an animal communicator. She can work with you and your pet to resolve behavioral problems, or to simply understand what is on your pet’s mind. Marie can help your fur babies cross over to Rainbow bridge. Pets and their owners are welcome at our office. A single session can provide insight for both human and pet. Candy Mullen, 320.236.7852, earthwayfarm@, — Animal Communication: Candy has worked with animals for 30 years at Earthway Farm. She has an ability to feel and experience the message from the animal. Her methods of communication are gentle and respectful to the animal. She is very grounded in the Earth energies, which guide her in her intuitive abilities. NonaJolene, LLC, 218.461.8590, nonajolene@, www.talktoanimalswithjolene. com — Want to talk to your animal friends? Need a coaching session or intuitive reading to support your next step in life? Over the years Jolene has developed many gifts to help you and your animal family live your best lives. Make your appointment now!
To be included: 763.433.9291 or email
Visit: Featured Businesses highlight a different holistic category each month. $50 for a 50-word description + contact info. Major credit cards are accepted. Find Featured Businesses online at on the bottom of the Edge Directory homepage:
Toni Cay Snyder, Ph.D., Animal Intuitive, — Do you ever wish you could talk to your pets or hear what they are thinking? Animal communication is easier than you think. Find out what makes them sad or happy, agitated or calm, frightened or fierce…and what you can do to help! Join us online! Joan Stokes, St. Cloud, MN, 320.203.9630, — Animal communicator Joan Stokes serves as a bridge between people and animals, helping you to: discover what your animal wants to teach you; learn your animal’s reason for being with you; gain clarity about medical/behavioral issues; and connect once your animal has crossed over. Learn more by calling or visiting her website.
Next Month: Yoga & Meditation Deadline: January 17 Place your Listing Today! JANUARY 2019 THE EDGE
The Business Network is arranged by Category. $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category, brief description (25 words or less), name, phone, email, website, photo/logo. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or ASTROLOGY Birth chart, forecasting and karma readings offered. Come in with a friend for a joint reading! Located at 555 7th St. W., 2nd Floor, St. Paul. Meredith McCowan, Earthling Astrology, , call or text 651.325.7361,,
CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), decorator pieces, jewelry. In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017,,
BODYWORK & BREATHWORK Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108,
EDITING & GRAPHIC DESIGN Editing and designing books. Affordable and timely fliers, brochures, posters, banners and PDF docs. Plan ahead for events and expos. Tim Miejan, 651.578.8969,
BOOK PUBLICIST Sara Sgarlat works with authors — established as well as unknown — to create innovative and highly effective campaigns. Sgarlat Publicity, Sara Sgarlat, 434.245.2272,,
EMOTION CODE/ ENERGY HEALING: An energy healing technique that releases trapped emotions, which are harmful energies from negative past events. Clearing trapped emotions helps the body to heal. All sessions are done remotely, meaning you don’t have to leave home or work. Tree of Life Healing, Colleen Picha, ECCP, CMT, 507.649.0580,,
BREATHWORK: Guided Breathing Sessions & Reiki combined to release trauma, decrease pain and transform your life. Private sessions, live workshops and certifications available. Deanna Reiter & Troy Stende, 651.238.7248,
FENG SHUI SERVICES Residential/Business consultations, mentoring, energy clearing, workshops Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437,
BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING: Heal your Body, Clear your Blocks, Enhance your Soul Connection, Transform your Life. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions ongoing. Individual Breath Sessions / Pranic Healing® / NPMDT® / Bemer® by appointment. Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh., 651.442.4623,,
FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. In business 37 years. Contact Martin Bulgerin. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,, at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Mpls
CHRIST HEALING: Mind Body Spirit Listening to help you heal. Children, Adults, Couples. Heal Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Relationships. Get Clarity on Purpose, Release barriers to change. Susan Broadwell, MA, PsyD., 952.220.5225,,
HEALING TOUCH & THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE: Relax with a meditation, intuitive healing touch and chakra balance, then enjoy a 60-minute therapeutic massage, all for $75 for first-time clients (2 hours). Edgar Massage & Chakra Balance, 5215 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.384.4572,
COACHING - SMALL BUSINESS & PERSONAL Illona provides small business administrative organization overview; Wholistic image consulting with unique color model & tools; Tutor student organizational study skills; Organize anything. Call for details/appointment. Illona Iris, Omega Rainbow Enterprise, 612.387.4610
HERBS: 600+ medicinal & cooking herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, new and used books, Natural healing practitioners available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking, ND, Duane Givens. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,, at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Mpls
Receive The Edge in the mail by the 1st of each month! $29 for 12 months • $48 for 24 months Order yours today: 763.433.9291 or
HOMEOPATHY: 2,000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, We buy and sell new and used books. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,, at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Mpls
JOURNEY COACHING: Clear Mental Clutter thru radical self awareness generating energy for empowered living to authentically Step into YOUR Happy Mind, Body & Soul. Complimentary Hour Clarity Conversation. Smiling Wellness, 612.554.9163,,
HYPNOSIS: Karie’s mission is to help people find peace within themselves. Offering Healthy, Happy Healing Options for All. Karie is working on her Master’s Degree in Mental Health Clinical Counseling and has multiple certifications. Inner Healing Hypnosis, 1001 Kingwood Street, #127, Brainerd, MN, 208.55.RELAX,,
METAPHYSICAL SHOP: Palm Reading, Astrology and Psychic Readings Drumming & Meditation, Biomat Sessions available. We carry various products such as Crystals, Rocks, Cards, Jewelry, Dream Catchers & many gift items. Open Thursdays 3-8 Fridays 11-5, Saturdays 10-3 . At 26789 Forest Blvd., Wyoming, MN. Crescent Moon Metaphysical Shop, Nancy, 612.328.0891
HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? Over 15 Years Experience. Located in St. Paul. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 651.649.1952,
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / SOUL READINGS Soul Readings for clarity and guidance. Psychic Development classes to heal, reclaim your gifts, and consciously create with your own unique body/soul partnership. Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861,,
HYPNOTHERAPY Client-centered hypnotherapy. Why not start today? The rest of your life is waiting for you! Located at 311 4th St SW, Suite 211, Willmar MN. Jessica L Hanson, CHt, LLC, Willmar Hypnosis, 320.979.6875,,
PSYCHIC MEDIUM INTUITIVE ENERGY WORK & GUIDANCE: Kimberly is a local Psychic, Spiritual Medium and Energy Intuitive who offers Energy Work and Guidance. HopeHealing By Kimberly,, HopeHealing.Me
HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, habits, 5 Pillars of Balance, Spiritual Direction, Conflict Resolution Skills. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis & Coaching, 651.216.0085,
REIKI HEALING Experience the divine energy of Reiki for balance, relaxation, wellness. Treatment sessions. Studentoriented training for all levels. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Reiki Master-Teachers, 763.420.9017,
HYPNOTHERAPY/PSYCHOTHERAPY: Help with healing overwhelm, trauma, sexual abuse. Build two-way communication with God, angels, guides, dead relatives. Heal across time/ lives. Exorcisms. Channel for Mother Mary. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, 763.546.4133,,
SUFI Four Layers of the Heart. Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259,,
HYPNOTHERAPY & TRAINING Past Life, Between-Lives Regression. Spiritual Coach 20 years experience.
EXPLORE THE EDGE DIRECTORY ONLINE Discover Holistic Resources at the new subscription-based online Directory. Maps, photos, descriptions, rate your experiences and send comments.
Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., LBL, 612.709.5578,
Write on our February Topic
THE HEART What it offers us and how to connect with It Word Count: 700 or less Deadline: January 10 Submit at: submit-articles/ or:
heart intelligence emotions & our heart heart wisdom multidimensionality staying connected spiritual heart heart consciousiness divine heart heart & healing JANUARY 2019 THE EDGE
The Edge Intuitive Network is $45 monthly (1-3 mos.), $35 monthly (4-7 mos.), $30 monthly (8-12 mos.) Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: headline (10 words or less); description (80 words or less); name; phone; email; website; photo(s) or logo (2 inches wide x .75 inches high). To be included: 763.433.9291 or
Get a handle on behavior problems. Discover what makes your pet happy and what irritates them. Animals are sentient beings and can have surprisingly complex thoughts. Our pets are on a divine mission to bring love and companionship into our lives. They are aware of our burdens and difficulties, and can be greatly affected by them. A little guidance and insight can help both you and your pet on your journey together. Marie Savage, 612.508.9606,
612.508.9606 www. earthwaterwellness. com
I have been an intuitive tarot reader for 11 years. I am very honest and up front not only with what I am seeing in the cards, but what I am feeling as well. I do though express this information with complete tact and tender loving care. I have done my readings in a boutique and at expos with great success and my clients have left very happy. I also do private readings by appointments and by phone. 651.492.9917,,
651. 492.9917
Lisa has been psychic medium all her life and has been doing readings for 10 years. With Lisa’s unique style she’ll articulate the messages and evidence that spirit brings through in a way that no one else can. She does private sittings as well as groups, parties and live audience readings. Lisa is also the author of several books, including Gifted – A Guide for Mediums, Psychics & Intuitives. Readings can be scheduled online, as well as by phone or email. Lisa Andres, 952.234.1749,,
Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. And one of the finest professionals and most referred name by those in the know. Five-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career and stays on point with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Alison has a strong affinity with animals of all kinds and is a successful Healer. She is the genuine real deal! Alison James, 612.424.1411,,
Jurema is much more than a psychic or a medium. She is a true soul healer, who is been transforming the lives of countless people in the U.S. and worldwide. Thirty years ago, she brought to the U.S. a rich and diverse spiritual knowledge, resulting in an original approach to healing and counseling. Jurema is one of the most celebrated and popular professional psychics in the Upper Midwest. Her sessions by phone-video-in person are breathtaking and transformative. Appointments:,, 320.260.7305. Visit
612.424.1411 jurema@ 320.260.7305
Deborah is unlike any others, she will give you Names and Descriptions of people alive and or deceased from your past, present and future. Are you feeling lost, like you don’t have a clue which way to go? Be assured that Deborah Lynn11, with over 30 years experience, will Guide you to where YOU need to be. Deborah Lynn 11, 651.439.5337,
JOIN ME FOR A JOURNEY ACROSS THE EMERALD ISLE! Are you ready to transform in a place that feels like home? Imagine a transformational journey to a land where mysteries and magic lie. Land of green lushness, steep cliffs and trees that reach the sky. A place where ancient memories trigger deep remembrances of lifetimes ago. The memories bringing you a sense of completeness, just exactly what you had been hoping for. And even celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in the streets of Ireland! Are you ready? Visit Angela Blaha, MA, Consciousness Mentor,, SOUL READINGS / BEGINNING & ADVANCED PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT CLASSES
I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. I also offer beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. My passion is teaching others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861,, 2 6 WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET
I am a Psychic, Medium, Ghostbuster, Life Coach. I have happily traveled the world doing energy work, readings and ghostbusting. Readings/coaching gives you an opportunity to look within and access your wisdom, receiving knowledge that can assist when dealing with today’s challenges. Energy work and ghostbusting bring healing to you, your space, trapped souls, and the Earth. Kathleen Kalil,
PATRICE CONNELLY, DIRECTOR OF QUESTFIELDS: INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT TEACHER, HEALER, STUDENT For 35 years I have taught and continue to teach Intuitive Development classes,
worked with numerous clients in one-on-one sessions in person or by phone bringing Spirituality, creativity and humor together. I offer practical hands on tools for students and clients to explore and to develop their own unique gifts working with their Spirit through soul, mind and body. It is a never-ending source of delight and pleasure to see students and clients become empowered in their ownership. Patrice Connelly, Questfields,
Akashic Records are the energetic recording of your soul’s journeys, in this lifetime and past lifetimes. You are connected to this energy whether you are in soul form or human form. Akashic Readings allow you to learn your soul’s purpose and desired intents in this lifetime. This includes information regarding career choices, relationships, lifestyle choices and best possibilities for your future. An Akashic Reading can assist you in understanding your purpose and current life circumstances. Don Snyder, 763.300.7521,,
Allie Maurer is an International Psychic Medium, Healer, Animal Communicator, Spiritual Teacher, and Intuitive Life Coach. She is passionate about her life’s purpose: utilizing her natural gifts to provide guidance, clarity, and healing to those looking for support. Her clients love her accuracy, honesty, authenticity, compassion, and that she always treats them as an equal. Whether it is connecting to a pet, deceased loved one, seek deeper knowledge to the events unfolding in your life or healing: she is here to help. Allie Maurer, 952.334.6496,,
HOPE HEALING BY KIMBERLY Kimberly is a Spiritual Medium and Energy Healer who is dedicated to share her Wisdom and Divine Gifts to help with Hope & Healing. She has the Ability to Connect to your loved ones who have crossed over with Compassion & Care. During your reading you will feel feel your loved ones surround you and hear direct evidence, which can also release Trauma, Shame, Guilt, Fear to which you will find the Ability to move forward in life with Joy and comfort knowing your loved ones are safe and at peace. I look forward to meeting young your family. HopeHealing by Kimberly,,
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Sacred Gatherings are $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Name, address, phone, email, website, gathering times & brief description. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis: Anahata Collobrative, 2836 Lyndale Ave. S., Lower Level, Minneapolis, 612.759.0870, — Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis is a spiritual community that honors all paths to God. Using the principles of Science of Mind and the philosophies of our founder Ernest Holmes, the Center provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and make the world a better place. If you are ready to be home and in the flow of Good, come see us every Sunday for Meditation at 10:25 a.m. and our Sacred Service at 11 a.m. Visit our website for upcoming life changing classes, motivating workshops and for details about our inspiring Spiritual Book Club and Discussion Group that meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Eckankar / Temple of ECK: The Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, — Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. ECK Light and Sound Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am. Experience the Sound of Soul: third Sunday of each month, 10-11am. Free Spiritual Exploration Classes: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. Temple hours: Noon-9pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and from noon to 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday. Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.922.4272, — Raise your consciousness by attending our
are moving our location, so please watch for updates on the website and newsletter or call 612-378-3602.
classes, workshops and Sunday Services led by amazing speakers! Raise your vibration in our beautiful, historic building (now on the National Historic Register). Give us a try as part of your spiritual journey and feel the love of our heartbased community. Visit our community for: great meditations, yoga classes, speakers and programs that include mindfulness, developing your intuition, releasing negative beliefs, allowing greater abundance, and breaking the barriers to deep self-healing. Science of Spirituality Meditation Center, 4054 Van Buren St. NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421, 612.216.4444, MinneapolisCenter@, — Science of Spirituality is a global, nonprofit, spiritual organization dedicated to personal transformation through meditation, under the direction of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. Our Meditation Center in Minneapolis / St. Paul is dedicated to offering meditation and related activities, including group meditation sessions, meditation classes, workshops, guest speakers, and meditation retreats both for adults, teens and children. All events are free. First Friday of the Month, 7-9pm, Introductory Meditation Workshop – Independence from worrying through Meditation! Every Wednesday, 6:30pm, Meditation Classes & Spirituality Study Group - A series of regular Meditation sessions every Wednesday. Spirit United Church: 612.378.3602, contact@, — Spirit United is a spiritually diverse community that is undergoing transformation. We
S E E K I N G , S E L L I N G , P R O M OT I N G
Classifieds are $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category & text To be included: 763.433.9291 or
Unity Minneapolis: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Minneapolis. 763.521.4793, — We are an all-inclusive community that offers a positive, practical, everyday spiritual message. No matter which of our Sunday services you attend (9:30/11:30), you will experience a dynamic message and music program. We have an engaging youth program, as well as adult education classes, throughout the year. Our monthly healing service is at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Unity North Spiritual Center, 11499 Martin St. NW, Coon Rapids, MN, 763.754.6489, unity@, — Unity North Spiritual Center is committed to offering a space to support community members and youth in fulfilling their potential. Services and events include healing, prayer, men’s and women’s groups, meditation, sacred text and shamanic studies. UNSC serves the wider community through programs such as Family Promise and Family Table. Unity South Twin Cities: 7950 1st Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.884.6656, — Whatever your religious background — or if participation in a spiritual community is new for you — you are welcome here. We invite you to join us for Sunday Services (9am and 10:3am), classes of self-discovery, social events and charitable team projects we do in our Minneapolis metro. Our youth program builds self-esteem through discovery classes and fun activities. For a 30-minute refresh we invite you to our inspiring and peaceful Prayer Services (M-Th, 11am). At Unity South, we honor the God-created beauty and worth in each person. Our spiritual community is part of Unity Worldwide Ministries and is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as practiced in daily living. Let’s celebrate one another!
BUY SELL OR TRADE: Reach The Edge readership with your item to sell, space to rent, item to trade. The Edge is seen by tens of thousands of people throughout the Upper Midwest. Place your Classified listing today! Contact Cathy at 763.533.9291 or
PROMOTE THE EDGE: The Edge is seeking a volunteer in Mankato to identify new locations where The Edge can be shared with the public. We’d love for you to take The Edge around to these locations each month. Contact Cathy at 763.533.9291 or
ADVERTISING IN THE EDGE MAGAZINE Explore the wide variety of advertising opportunities available in The Edge magazine each and every month. Your display ad will be visible in print – and online it will be featured on our
“Advertisers This Month” page and in our monthly flipbook. Call Today to learn how The Edge can help promote you and your holistic business or service!
CALL TODAY 763.433.9291 Cathy Jacobsen
Happenings Events are $29 for up to 35 words, $45 for 36-70 words. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Date, title and text. Listing must include specific event dates and time, or it will be placed under Ongoing and not be included online. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or January 5 – Meditation With Oneness Blessings | Focused Awareness: This month you will be lead through a special guided meditation with Oneness Blessings to receive a powerful teaching designed to expand your ability to focus your awareness in order to manifest what you want in life. Spiritual technology of the Oneness Blessing quiets the mind and raises consciousness through a neuro-biological shift; allowing for one to be in an open place to connect and receive insights directly from your Higher-Self. 11am-Noon at Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot: Focusedawareness. Info: 612.930.2662, www. January 5 – Phoenix Rising | Shamanic Journeying Monthly Series: From the ashes of that which you used to be arises a new version of you enhanced by all the lessons and learnings that came from this and previous lives. In this transformative journey you will be aligned with the energy of the Phoenix so that you may fully illuminate the shadows of the past and rise like a golden flame into 2019. 12:30-1:30pm at Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662, January 6 – What Have I to Give? Join people from all walks of life for ECK Light and Sound Service at the Temple of ECK. Dynamic speakers, original creative arts, and singing HU, a sacred name for God, celebrate a life lived in harmony with Divine Spirit. 10am, Sunday, Jan. 6, and the first Sunday of every month at Temple of ECK/Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK. org January 11 – Crystal Grid Experience: During this Crystal Healing Class you will experience a customized crystal healing with a crystal grid set up in the room, as well as on and around each individual participant. Your instructors will be guided to which crystals want to work with you at each
it. Join us for this workshop and transform your life! Online, Wednesdays, 7-8:15pm. Register at
event, so each monthly experience will be unique and customized. You will be guided to a deep state of relaxation where healing, release and restoration occur both consciously and unconsciously. 6:30-7:30pm at Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662,
January 18-20 – OnenessNLP™ 101 Certificate Course: Come and be immersed in the transformational energies of healing consciousness through our NLP 101 Certificate Course covering the basic fundamentals of NLP techniques and how to begin applying them immediately to your life. Over the course of this insightful 3-day weekend, we will dive into how to improve and develop communication skills with personal relationships, loved ones, co-workers, clients and peers. 9:30am-6:30pm daily at Clarus Center, 28379 Davis Parkway, Suite 801, Warrenville, Ill. Reserve your spot at Info: 612.930.2662,
January 12 – Relationships: The Means of Our Expansion | Live: The Collective is fond of saying, “You don’t live in a bubble. The primary means of your expansion upon the earth plane is your relationships.” How does relationship happen? Via The Law of Attraction, of course. The question is not whether we would attract relationships, but whether we would enjoy them. Learn not only how to attract the relationships you want but how to transform those you’re already in! Saturday 9am-Noon at DoubleTree by Hilton, Minneapolis – Park Place. Register at Kellythebo. com/01-12-2019-minneapolis/
January 20 – Ester Nicholson & “Keys to Abundant Living”™: A dynamic morning speaker followed by an afternoon workshop presented by Unity Minneapolis, 4000 Golden Valley Road. Guest speaker and singer Ester Nicholson will appear at both morning services, 9:30 and 11:30am, and she will lead the workship “Keys to Abundant Living”™ from 1:30-3:30pm ($30 suggested love offering). Take an inward journey of rediscovering the abundant good awaiting your willingness, acceptance and alignment. Register online at or call 763.521.4793 or email office@
January 14 – April 8 – A Graceful Journey: The Transformation of the Feminine | Online: What would it be like to live in a world where the feminine is celebrated? A world where the little girl and the aged woman alike understand and appreciate the contribution that only they can make. A world that lays down its expectations of a gender in favor of the power of the individual. A world filled with unique and wonderful women bringing balance where it’s needed most. Join us! Online, Monday Nights, 6:30 – 8:30pm Central. Register at
January 20 – Experience the Sound of Soul: Discover your inner guidance, healing for body, mind, and spirit, and a higher form of creativity by chanting the sacred sound of HU. Spiritual discussion and light refreshments. Free. 10am, Sunday, Jan. 20 at Temple of ECK/Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200,
January 16 – February 6 – When Bad Things Happen: The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction | Online: We ask ourselves over and over, “How did I let this happen again?” The cycle of self-recrimination churns on as we struggle to understand how to escape a painful pattern of challenging circumstances. It doesn’t have to be that way. How do we escape the pattern? We learn to work with the Law of Attraction instead of against
January 26 – Energy Medicine Series: Energy Anatomy - Fields: Everything emanates energy fields. There are thousands, including earth and planetary fields; natural and human-made electromagnetic fields; and crystal matrix fields, human bio- and subtle fields. Come and explore the myriad of these fields, how they work, and how to shift energy so as to prosper our world and us. You will learn how to use hands-on healing to assess and clear the field and much more. Saturday 9am-4pm, $145, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, see HAPPENINGS on p. 30 JANUARY 2019 THE EDGE
continued from p. 29
January 26 – Development Intensive for Psychic Mediums with Lisa Andres: This will be an all-day development intensive for Psychic Mediums featuring topics as Clairvoyance, How to translate and trust the information you receive, How to address psychic questions, Evidence – what it is and how to build on it, and How to face it when a client says “No.” Be prepared to both have an experience that is good for your soul while also doing the work you were meant to do. 10am-5pm Saturday, Jan. 26, at Sheraton Bloomington, 5601 W. 78th St., Bloomington. Early Bird Registration $99. Tickets at January 26 – Free Documentary Film, “The Phenomenon Bruno Groening”: This film traces the dramatic events of Bruno Groening’s healing with original film and sound recordings, featuring more than 50 eyewitness interviews and elaborate film re-enactment scenes. 1-7pm (includes two breaks) at SpringHouse Ministry Center, 610 W. 28th St., Mpls. Free, donations appreciated. Info: 952.649.1978, January 26 – March 9 – Tai Chi for Health: This beginner level course follows the Tai Chi from the Arthritis Foundation program. Recommended as a starting point for your Tai Chi journey, this course will introduce Dr. Lams Simplified Sun Style Tai Chi in a safe and supportive environment. Saturdays 11am-Noon, $65, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, February 2 – Reiki Energy Therapy Level 1: This course prepares you to become a Certified Reiki Energy Therapy practitioner with the skills and abilities to fully utilize the healing benefits of Reiki. This course is taught using traditional Usui Reiki form. Saturday 8am-4pm, $150, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, ce/classes February 2 – Meditation With Oneness Blessings | Expanding the Divine Within: Experience how the Oneness Blessing can expand your bond with the divine and lead you into a stronger connection with the sacred space deep within your heart where you have access to your limitless self. 11am-Noon, Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot: Expandingthedivinewithin. Info: 612.930.2662, www. February 2 – Winds of the North | Shamanic Journeying Monthly Series: Upon the wings of the winds of the north rests the energy of our ancestors and all the ancient beings that laid the foundation upon which we now walk. In this special journey you will be connected with the north winds and create a bridge to your ancestors for healing and strengthened communication. 12:30-1:30pm, Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot at Windsofthenorth.eventbrite. com. Info: 612.930.2662, 3 0 WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET
February 2 – Free Documentary Film, “The Phenomenon of Healing”: Healing on the spiritual path – also from incurable ailments – for many people, sounds too good to be true. However, the impressive documentary film, “The Phenomenon of Healing – The Worldwide Activities of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends,” shows that this is possible after all. 1-7pm (includes two breaks) at Carondelet Center, Room 102, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul. Free, donations appreciated. Info: 218.464.4044, February 2-3 – Beginning Psychic Development Class: Do you feel/have you been told you’re Gifted? Now what? This course will help you discover your magic and erase your fears. Let Psychics in the Cities guide you on your continuing journey. Two days with added bonus of evening gallery. More info: or call 612.860.9196. February 8 – Crystal Grid Experience: During this Crystal Healing Class you will experience a customized crystal healing with a crystal grid set up in the room, as well as on and around each individual participant. Your instructors will be guided to which crystals want to work with you at each event, so each monthly experience will be unique and customized. 6:30-7:30pm, Sacred Space Yoga + Meditation, 1955 Johnson St. NE, Mpls. Reserve your spot: Cystalgrid2-8.eventbrite. com. Info: 612.930.2662, February 8 & 9 – Healing Touch Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch: Learn a variety of Healing Touch techniques and self-care through lecture and gentle, heart-centered energy experiential activities. This class is open to anyone who desires to experience energy therapy and help others. Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday 8am-4pm, $335, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes February 9 – The Energy of Food: Join Cyndi Dale as she explores food, our relationship with it, and challenges such as cravings, weight gain, allergies, sensitivities, and addictions. This class will cover the little known contributors to these challenges, which are the subtle energies affecting and creating our relationship with food. You’ll analyze the subtle or invisible energies composing the physiological, psychological, epigenetic (ancestral), and subtle anatomical issues that create— and clear—food issues. Saturday 9am-4pm, $145, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes February 9-10 – Healthy Life Expo™: We expanded this show to be our largest ever! Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity: It’s all here! Explore up to 200+ exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and demonstrations. Product sampling, hourly drawings and free health information. 10am-5pm daily, Saturday and Sunday, at Minneapolis Convention Center Ballroom, 1301 2nd St., Minneapolis. $6 at the door or Free with food shelf donation. See all the attractions at or call 952.238.1700.
February 12 – Awaken Your Power to Self-Heal: Over 75 percent of all primary health care visits are directly related to stress. In this workshop, you will learn the concepts and tools necessary to bring healing and awareness into your own life to reduce unwanted stress and increase your power to self-heal. Tuesday 5:30-9pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes February 15-17 – OnenessNLP™ 101 Certificate Course: Over the course of this insightful 3-day weekend, we will dive into how to improve and develop communication skills with personal relationships, loved ones, co-workers, clients and peers. NLP will empower you to recognize and enhance your personal power and professional value. Learn to become a more effective leader, role-model, and make every outcome an attainable reality. Experience the benefits of NLP, explore its history, develop and apply the fundamental skills of NLP directly to your life. 9:30am-6:30pm daily. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662, February 16 – Festival of Angels & Light: Intuitive readings, animal communication, card readings and more. Three free talks during the day. Products include: gemstone jewelry, oracle cards, singing bowls, rocks, gemstones, charm pendants, energy wands, gem trees, books, and more. $5. Free gift bags to the first 20 guests. 10am-5pm Saturday, Feb. 16, at Earthway Farm, 15832 Co. Rd. 7, South Haven, MN. For more info: www.earthwayfarm. com,, or call 320.236.7852. February 16 – The Sacred Passage Doula Certificate Program: Caregivers from all disciplines and care settings are prepared to befriend death, surrender and trust deeply in each moment, and restore death to its sacred place in the beauty, mystery, and celebration of life. This two-phase, onsite training renews the purpose and art of caregiving as a Spiritual Practice. Training begins February 16 in St. Peter, MN. Call 202.440.8018 or email February 20 - Psychic Development Beginning/ Foundation Class: Learn to consciously access your soul’s guidance, clarity and wisdom. Discover your abilities and purpose working with your body/ soul partnership in this lifetime. Wednesday evenings, February - November. Please see website or contact Cindy Lehman for more information: 612.669.1861,, www. February 21 – Self-Hypnosis: Self-hypnosis is an easy to learn and an extremely powerful tool for self-improvement and healing. Learn to put yourself into deep hypnosis to improve self-esteem, reduce stress, improve concentration, quit smoking, lose weight, sleep better, enhance creativity, and reduce pain and more. Create your own customized sessions to use in everyday life and explore the latest findings on neural plasticity and hypnosis in class. This course is based on OMNI Hypnosis, the only ISO 9001 certified hypnosis training in the world. Thursday 6-9pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 9700 France
Free Edge Podcasts in January January 1 – Free Podcast “Edge Learning Well” with Elise Marquam Jahns: Learning Well — Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! This show is sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. 6pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, visit www. February 23 – Energy Medicine Series: Energy Anatomy - Centers: Across time, cultures have accessed their energy centers to diagnose challenging conditions, heal disease, balance emotions, cleanse the mind, create abundance, and perform everything from manual to supernatural feats. Energy work necessitates a thorough knowledge of these centers, especially the chakras, for the same purpose. Come and explore these systems and the spiritual and scientific explanation for how they work. Bonus: you’ll gain skills in assessing, clearing, and healing through the chakras. Saturday 9am-4pm, $145, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, February 23-24 – Body Mind Spirit’s Psychic & Healing Symposium – Retail exhibitors offer everything from natural and holistic health products to spiritual books, enlightened art and crystals. Healers provide treatments from massage and yoga techniques to intuitive readings. 10am-6pm Saturday, 10am-5pm Sunday, Feb.
Listen anytime for free at edgemagazine or call at show time at 714.364.4750. Show archives: Explore every show at Host your own show: call 612.710.7720 or 763.433.9291 for details January 9 – Free Podcast “Edge Inner View” with Cathryn Taylor: Join host Cathryn Taylor as she speaks noted Twin Cities Psychic Echo Bodine, 23-24, Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Dr., Brooklyn Center, MN. $12/weekend admission includes all lectures, demos and admission to exhibit hall. See ad this issue for $1 off admission. Info: 541.482.3722, Ext 2, Marcella@, March 15-17, April 19-21, May 17-19, June 14-16 – Level 2 HNLP & NLP Practitioner (108Hours): In this HNLP & NLP Practitioner Course, you will explore how Neuro-Linguistic Psychology changes your unconscious inner dialogue to bring about a better life and is the natural progression after receiving the prerequisite OnenessNLP™ 101 Certificate Course. Through a conscious use of spoken and mental language, you can recode your mind to drop behaviors, which limit your full potential. 9:30am-6:30pm daily. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662, March 22-24 – Paganicon Midwest Conference: Celebrating our ninth year, we offer workshops, panels, discussions, social space, music and costume ball. Our art show and vendor room is open to the public. Day and weekend rates avail-
who will share her insights and predictions for the New Year. 3pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at edgemagazine. NEW PROGRAM: January 21 – Free Podcast “Ride the Leading Edge with EFT and TRE®” with Cathryn Taylor: Host Cathryn Taylor inspires and empowers you to ride the leading edge of evolution with the integration of two of the most effective energy therapies, EFT and TRE®. Tune in on the third Monday of each month. Learn how to expand into your personal vibration of success. Hear how you can ride the leading edge of your own transformation and create the life you desire and deserve. 3pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at Blogtalkradio. com/edgemagazine. able. Location is Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West at 3131 Campus Dr. in Plymouth, MN. For more information, visit June 24 – 2019 Sacred Tour of England: Visit Stonehenge, Glastonbury, Avebury, Tintagel and experience much more from June 24 to July 3 with your host, Jaci Loos. Limited to six people. For more information contact Jaci at 651.269.7545 or email July 26-28, August 23-25, September 27-29 – Level 3 Hypnotherapy Training (81-Hours): Hypnosis Is The Doorway to Your Unconscious Mind. Are you ready to open your mind and release the inner potential of yourself and your clients? Become a Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and experience powerful new skills that allow you to permanently connect your conscious mind with your own inner wisdom. During this 3-month course, you will unlock the inner doorways of your unconscious mind and discover how to help others make permanent changes in their lives. 9:30am-6:30pm daily. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662,
from The Edge JANUARY 2019 THE EDGE